The Pre-Teen Pussy Wax Spa, Part 4

[ MMMMFFbb/gg, anal, wax, photo, oral, bond, spank, finge, tickle ]

by Corn53

Published: 24-Jan-2011

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Amanda's Pussy Wax Treatment

Ginny shook hands with Amanda, a ten year old, slim, blond, and her step-mother, and then led them back to her conference room. She showed them close-up, before-and-after, pictures of pussies, legs-together and legs-spread-open, of girls about Amanda's age, who had received the full Brazilian wax treatments. She also showed them pictures of older girls who had shaved their bikini area. Those pictures - bare or with bikini bottoms on - showed red bumps surrounded by black hair tips making an unsightly picture. Ginny said, "You don't want to have this by your bikini area, do you, Amanda?"

"No, but, I mean... I heard it really hurts." She looked ready to cry.

Ginny held out the picture of an open, clean, oiled, bare pussy next to a picture of the open pussy with red bumps and black hair follicles. "Which looks better to you?"

Amanda put her finger on the picture of the waxed and oiled pussy, touching the picture on the girl's clitoral sheath. "This one is prettier."

"Of course. That one is so much prettier. It's hairless. One of our wax-treatment girls. Both of these girls are thirteen. You haven't shaved yours yet, have you?"

"Oh, no, of course not."

Ginny looked her right in the face. The three females were sitting in the air conditioned conference room. Ginny said, "Now, honestly, you are correct, Amanda. This procedure does hurt, but only for two seconds at a time, and then it's over in a little while. It's been proven that usually after just five or six treatments, spread out over two or three years, that many girls never get pubic hair for the rest of their lives, with maybe just an occasional touch up." Ginny set the album with the pictures to the side. There were four other picture albums on Ginny's desk, and Ginny could tell that Amanda was curious about them.

"You're a very attractive, young lady, Amanda. I'm sure you don't want to be embarrassed by pubic hair, or worse: the red bumps and ugly stubble from shaving. And I'll bet you've noticed more men and boys looking at you over the last year, haven't you?"

Amanda thought a minute. "Well, yes, but they just look at me. They don't talk to me or try anything. And I wouldn't let them if they did try something." She looked at her step-mother as if to show she was determined to remain a "good girl."

Ginny said, "It's because you are very attractive, and many of the other girls who have gotten the wax treatments say they notice an increase in male attention after their very first treatment. I think it's because the girl knows she is very attractive from head to toe, even though, of course, the men and boys never actually get to see your private area, at least probably not for several years."

"Oh. Hmm." Amanda was thinking about this.

Ginny pulled out a different picture album and opened to the first page. It showed close-ups, standing with legs together, of eight bare pussies with various amounts of hair - from none to a full - but obviously still young - bush. She asked, "Some girls start wax treatments when they are eight. Now, looking at these six pictures, about how much pubic hair do you have right now?"

Amanda scrolled a finger across the photos and studied the pictures. She pointed to the second one. "I'm not sure. I guess about this much. Between number two and number three, but mine is blond."

"That's perfect. This is the best time to start. It won't hurt nearly as much if you start now; compared to if you wait, even a few months. Start now and you will know you're pretty and clean and hairless from head to toe. Do you shave your lower legs?"

Amanda's step-mother interjected, "Yes, she started last summer, after she talked about one of her friends who was shaving and then I told her to do that, too, and gave her a razor and shaving cream before she took a bath. She didn't cut herself, and her legs looked so much better."

Amanda blushed.

Ginny said to Amanda's step-mother, as she pushed a form in front of her. "This is your permission for the treatment and the photos, as part of the scholarship program we talked about."

"Photos!" Amanda blushed brightly and looked ready to stand up and run out. "No. Not pictures. Not my ... Not of mine!"

"It's standard procedure, Amanda." Ginny said. "I can see why you are worried, but nobody will see pictures of your face. On those pictures we just looked at, did you recognize any of your friends or anyone from your school, or the swimming pool? And we never show pictures of local girls anyway. These pictures are of girls clear across the country. So, at most, only a girl about your age who lives on the other side of the country would see a close-up of yours. You didn't recognize anybody, did you?" Ginny smiled.

"No. They were just like, well, you couldn't tell." Amanda giggled. "You could only see their..." She giggled again. "Not their faces!"

Ginny laughed. "No, you couldn't tell. Impossible. There is no way to recognize anyone when just seeing a picture of their pubic area, especially in a clinical setting. We get before and after pictures of everyone, and we video tape the actual treatment, to protect ourselves in case of liability claims..." Ginny smiled at Amanda's mother, who nodded. "... but nobody sees those videos, they are filed away and coded so there are no names on the video file."

"And for the sixty percent off for letting you take pictures." Said Amanda's step-mother. "This will save us sixty dollars, Amanda, and you'll get a free massage, too, and that would be another seventy five dollars, so by letting Ginny take a few pictures, which nobody around here will ever see, it's like getting a hundred and thirty five dollar value. Otherwise we couldn't afford this, and you'll also get 30 percent off a good haircut next time I bring you here."

"But still..."

Amanda's step-mother continued, not listening to her step-daughter's objections, "Amanda, you're almost eleven years old. You're getting a figure. You came home crying after a day at the pool last week because one of the boys teased you about hair coming out of your bikini bottoms. So this will fix that."

Amanda knew she had no choice, and she also liked the idea of getting a "real" haircut in a salon, like some of her friends. She looked at both adults. "Well, OK."

Amanda's step-mother signed the paper and slid it back to Ginny, along with forty dollars. The forty dollars in cash that her step-mother was spending on her really impressed Amanda, so she knew this was serious.

Ten minutes later, in the special room in a smaller building next door to the spa, Ginny said, "Stand in front of that camera and introduce yourself as you take off your clothes. It's OK. Go ahead. We don't show these videos to anybody, and that includes your step-mother. I'll get close-ups, before-and-after with my little camera. And those would be the only pictures that other people might see. None of your face." Ginny pointed out where Amanda should stand - next to a chair in front of a curtain. "Just put your clothes on the back of the chair, and your shoes and socks on the floor." The other camera on a tripod near the side of the room was also aimed at the curtain. Amanda noticed all three cameras - the two on tripods and the little one in Ginny's hand, which she sat on a desk as she turned up the lights.

Amanda looked around. She was blushing and chewing her lower lip, obviously very nervous. She swallowed and began, "I'm Amanda, and I'm ten years old, but I'll be eleven before school starts in about six weeks."

After removing her gym shoes and white, ankle socks, she stopped. "You mean everything, or just my pants. I mean, like, you don't need to see my top, do you?"

"Yes, take off everything, Silly!" Laughed Ginny. "It's for the massage later, and it's so much easier to take off everything now, while you talk to the camera - tell me about school, boys, men, swimming practice, any teasing experiences, anything you want to talk about. Just imagine that I'm your big sister. This is a very private video, like we said, and we record everything for possible liability protection, but nobody will ever see it, and the close-ups, well, like you said, nobody would recognize anybody else. And I saw you looking at the stacks of albums. Would you like to look through them sometime? To see more pictures of the other girls in different positions?"

"Oh, well, I wondered what was in them."

Ginny said, "You're getting so grown up. So, once you're in our secret club. 'The Waxed Girl's Club,' you'll be able to look through a couple of the albums. Maybe some other albums and video clips, too."

"So I should take off my T-shirt? And what do you mean by 'teasing experiences?'"

Ginny could see the 'bird eggs' of Amanda's titties making bumps on the front of her shirt and she knew why boys and men of all ages would be looking at her, especially in a tight T-shirt with the obvious, boiled egg size bumps. "Yes, Silly. Take off your shirt, too, once your pants and panties are off. Dance and have fun. It's OK to act silly. Let me play some music. Might as well act silly, since you are silly. Dance around while you undress. Most of the other girls say it helps them get relaxed, to dance around while they undress. More fun, too. And by 'teasing experiences,' I mean when you let a boy or a man see your panties on purpose or things like that. Or when you know somebody is watching you, but you pretend you don't know it, and you touch yourself like you're just scratching your armpit."

Ginny turned on some teenage music, with a strong, slow beat, but not too loud. She smiled at Amanda, and got busy putting towels on the special massage table, with the articulated legs. "Dance as long as you want. And talk about anything. We won't start until you've been completely undressed and you've talked for a while. Turn around while you dance. It helps us determine your biological development stage. Try to make your breasts bounce while you dance, or else pull on them or slap them so they snap back into place. That's it. Good. Do that after you take your shirt off."

Amanda was glad to have a way to postpone the painful pulling of her pubic hairs, so she took her time, dancing and talking about school and the boys at the pool as she undressed. As she pulled down her soccer shorts, she said, "It was David at the pool who teased me, but I'm not going to tell him about this. At least I don't think so. I'll make sure he can get a good look, though, because he like stares at my bottoms when we're sitting around during the rest period. I sit on one of the picnic tables with some of my friends and the boys like to sit on the seats or lean against one end of the picnic table, depending on where us girls are sitting. Hey, that's it. I'll put my knees apart while I reach backward for something, and let him get a good look at my thighs. I think David is cute, just kind of nasty like all the boys. Once, at the mall I was looking at clothes and I could tell a man was watching me but I pretended I didn't know, and I bent over to get something off a shelf, and I was wearing my school skirt so I knew he could see my panties. He followed me around for a while, but never got too close. I let him see my panties three or four times. You mean like that, Ginny?"

Ginny loved this, and knew her customers would, too. "Yes. Just like that."

As Amanda took off her T-shirt she said, "Like sometimes I lay out in the sun at home, and there is a neighbor man... an older guy, but he's real nice... and when I was in my first two piece he brought me some lemonade and was looking at me. I let him put lotion on me - all over my back at first, and my legs. He really liked putting the lotion on my legs right up by my swimming suit. I had to open my legs more so he could put lotion on them. And then I rolled over and let him do my legs, shoulders, and tummy. It was funny and I felt real nervous, but I think he was nervous, too, because his hand was trembling when he put lotion on my thighs, tummy, and chest - just above my swimming suit tops. That was a year ago. He's real nice to me, and..."

Ginny was listening, but Amanda had stopped talking. "That's a good idea, Amanda. A little teasing. Let David at the pool look closely, but you can pretend you don't know he's looking. If he says anything, just punch his arm and laugh and tell him to mind his own business. And if you do a good job today, you can come back next week to get your haircut and get another, and also free, massage from me. I'll want to hear how your week went, and if you noticed any other men or boys watching you."

"OK. That would be good." She kept dancing as she pulled down her panties, but kept her hands in front of her pussy. "And then maybe I could look at the other albums?"

This also pleased Ginny, knowing she had something that the child wanted. She said, "That depends on how you do today, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Sometimes the girls act real sexy while they undress, and if you promise not to tell anybody, and if you dance and act really sexy today, them maybe I'll let you see some of their video clips. Not of any girls around here, of course. And here's another suggestion for the pool, when you can, when nobody is looking, pinch your titties. You can pretend you are adjusting your swimming suit, and give each of them a good, hard pinch. It makes them swell up a little bigger and it makes them more sensitive. There is some kind of non-verbal signal that gets boys and men excited if they sense that your breasts are more sensitive. Of course, they couldn't explain it, but they will be more attracted to you. Try it now while you're taking off your shirt and turning around and dancing. Pinch and squeeze them. I love your tan lines! It makes your breasts look bigger, and your pussy will almost glow in the dark once we get the hair off!" Ginny laughed, then Amanda did, too.

Amanda took off her shirt, squeezing and pinching her very small breasts. "Like this, Ginny? Can I call you Ginny?"

"Yes, of course you can, Dear. We're like sisters after this and you can tell me anything. And it's safe. I never get anybody else in trouble, even if I hear about a man who is fondling one of 'my girls,' but I tell her how to handle it without getting anyone else involved - no parents, teachers, police, or anybody, and then it stops if the girl wants it to stop, or usually the girls keep letting the men play with them as long as they don't go too far. Fingers are fine, but we want our girls to stay virgins at least until they are thirteen or so."

Amanda stopped dancing to listen to this.

"Keep dancing while we talk. It's just us girls and nobody will ever see this." Amanda didn't notice that Ginny was holding a safety pin in her hand, and she meant, "nobody will ever see this safety pin." Amanda naturally thought she meant that nobody would ever see her video, not knowing that probably hundreds of men would pay dearly to see it within the week. The men loved the whole thing - the dancing and undressing, the little girls' early teasing stories, the struggling act against the straps, the waxing, with real tears, and then the oil massage in the well-lit room with the girl strapped to the table with her legs spread wide open, and then the girl's genuine orgasm - nothing faked like in videos of older girls. These first videos were the favorites - even though the follow up videos were good, too, as the girl learned about other pleasures - spanking, anal fingering, pussy licking, playing with other girls for the first time... the first time for each of those things ... but the first time undressing was still the favorite - her very first full exposure - and the slow, close video scan of her entire body. Ginny knew how to skillfully lead the young girl through a series of erotic situations, under the guise of a "normal treatment."

Amanda was now naked and still dancing. Ginny said, "Hold still now while I get some close-ups. I just love your tan!" She posed the ten year old - standing, turning, face shots, pussy shots, whole-body shots, then came hands and knees, and flat-on-her back poses with her feet wide apart. Amanda was blushing as she obediently got into the various, lewd poses for the close-ups, thinking she had to do this so she could see the pictures of the other girls in the same positions.

"You have a few wispy hairs in your armpits, but lets leave those for a few months. Then we'll shave them off."


"Pinch and pull on your breasts while I'm getting these close-up pictures of your pussy, Amanda. Keep wiggling to the music while I take pictures. Very good. And you can keep talking while I get these other pictures. Then next week you can see more pictures of other girls in some of these same poses. No faces, of course."

"Oh, no, that's right. No faces. I don't want anybody to see my face. What were you saying about men and boys touching some of the other girls?"

"Those are secrets, too, Amanda, and I can't tell you any names, but many of the girls have been touched sexually by a relative or neighbor or teacher or any number of people, and usually the girls like it, but they have to be careful, and they have to be sure it doesn't go too far. We wouldn't want any girls to lose their virginity that way, at least not until she is a teenager."

"You mean like a neighbor man?"

"Yes. Lots of neighbor men do things like that. Usually it's just fun. He didn't go too far, did he?"

"No." Then Amanda did a double take, "I mean, it wasn't me. It was like a friend of mine, and like her neighbor was real nice to her and sometimes he would baby sit her and sometimes they would play games, or he would even give her a bath."

"Oh, that's perfectly normal. He didn't hurt your friend, did he?"

"No, he didn't even put a finger in her yet."

Ginny asked, "But he does wash her between her legs, doesn't he?"

"Oh, yes. Every time he gives her a bath he washes her there a long time. Like to get her real clean before she goes to bed. And he checks it again before she goes to bed, you know, to make sure it's still real clean like between her lips. She has to hold it open with her fingers while he inspects it."

"Well, that would be normal, too. No harm done. Some people make such a big deal about things like that. Just part of growing up. Is he still doing this with your friend?"

"Yes. I mean, I think so. I'll have to ask her." Said Amanda, blushing.

"You can talk to me about anything, Amanda. Let me get a few more pictures of your pussy before your treatment. I need open and closed pictures, in front and from behind. Get on your hands and knees. Good. Now lower your head to the carpeting and put your hands on your bottom to pull it open so I can check for any possible hair around your anus. Good girl. You're very limber. Pull it open it a little wider for the camera. Pull it open and let it close and then pull it open again. Good. That's it. Don't be embarrassed. Then you'll get to see close-ups of some of the other girls' bottoms. This is just part of the procedure. But..."

"But no faces. Right?"

"You catch on quick, Amanda. Smart girl. Come over here to the table. This won't hurt nearly as much as you're expecting. And you're a good dancer, too. Good rhythm."

The naked ten year old said, "Thank you," as she climbed onto the table, scooting downwards to put her legs on the leg sections of the table.

She didn't say anything as Ginny strapped her into place, with straps around each ankle and wrist, and one around her tummy. Then Ginny acted like she had a sudden idea. "Hey, I know. For fun, pretend your tied up and trying to get away. But don't scream!"

Both of them laughed. Ginny said, "Although really, you could scream or make noises and nobody would hear you. We're in a whole different building from the spa." Then she adjusted the cameras and told her to start struggling.

Amanda didn't balk or laugh, but pretended to struggle against her bonds - bending knees and elbows as much as she could; writhing around on the table. Then Ginny slid the legs of the table apart so that Amanda was spread wide open. Ginny locked the wheels and put the brace between the extensions so Amanda's legs would stay spread wide open.

Amanda struggled like a champion, as if she was trying to get loose. She knew that she could slide her hands out from under the straps and sit up, but she didn't do that. Then Ginny said, "Excellent, Amanda. You're quite the little actress! I'm going to massage your breasts and then your pussy, and you pretend you're trying to get away. I have to massage and tap your pussy to get your muscles relaxed. But you keep pretending you're struggling."

Ginny adjusted both cameras, so that her own face wouldn't be in the videos. Amanda squirmed and struggled as Ginny's hands reached into the video to massage and squeeze Amanda's small breasts. She was almost completely flat with her arms stretched out, but Ginny managed to pinch, pull, and squeeze the tiny, firm breasts and puffy nipples. She then slid her hands down to Amanda's pussy, pulling it open and then pressing the lips closed and snapping it back open again. Ginny went a little farther. "Pretend there are men watching me touch you this way. Imagine them staring at you because they really would be. I'm going to tap on it with this tiny, wood paddle, but I'm not spanking it exactly, just tapping it to help get your muscles to relax." Ginny massaged and opened and closed Amanda's firm, plump pussy again before tapping it repeatedly and quickly with the small paddle.

"Oh, un, oh, un, un. That feels funny." Amanda was wiggling around - trying to open and close her knees. If a little smack hit directly on her exposed clitty, Amanda said, "oh!" and tried to close her legs momentarily, but then opened her knees again right away - as wide as she could to be ready for the next tap on her clitty.

Ginny noticed that Amanda's clitty was swelling and stiffening. "Very responsive." She said. "You have good reflexes and sensitivity, Amanda. This doesn't hurt, does it?"

"No. Oh! It just... Oh! feels funny."

Ginny said, Some girls really like this treatment and want me to include it as part of their massage. Should I do it a little longer to get you more relaxed, or should I stop tapping you now?"

"Oh! Oh! A little longer." Amanda was breathing heavily. "Oh! That one hit right in the center. Oh!" Ginny noticed that Amanda's clitty had swollen and stiffened significantly, and wetness was building up in her vagina.

"This is a very responsive, little girl." Ginny thought to herself.

Five minutes later Ginny stopped. She didn't want Amanda to have an orgasm just yet. "There. That was fun, wasn't it? And it didn't hurt either, did it?"

"It was funny, especially pretending men were watching. Oh jeez. And I couldn't close my legs, and you kept touching me, and pulling it open, and tapping it with the little paddle. Oh, jeez." She was still wiggling.

"It's fun to pretend things." Ginny said, noticing wetness oozing from Amanda's vaginal opening. She had also noticed that Amanda's clitty swelled and stiffened even more as they pretended men were watching. "Anyway, you did great acting! A natural actress." Ginny laughed.

Then they both laughed. Ginny said, "I bet that man who is the neighbor of your friend would like to watch a video of your friend doing this."

"Oh. Hmm." Amanda was thinking, and Ginny didn't interrupt. Then Amanda said, "He did tie her up once, like for a game."

"Was it fun?"

"Yes." Said Amanda. "I mean, umm, my friend said she liked it, and then she got dressed again, and they went out for ice cream... like after he...."

"After he what, Amanda?"

"Well, after he had a little accident on her. But he cleaned it up with some tissues and they got dressed and went out for ice cream."

"Well..." said Ginny, "If your friend got a wax treatment, it would drive him crazy. I bet he would like putting oil on it for her. She might have to tell him about the treatment, but she would have to tell him not to talk about it, because if he looks closely at it, he is bound to notice it."

"Oh, he looks pretty close, while he counts to ten, but he wouldn't tell anybody. It's umm, their secret. All the touching and games and like when he keeps washing her between her legs to get her really, really clean there."

Ginny was now sure that little Amanda was growing up, and would enjoy her treatments and photo sessions. She took more pictures and felt around on Amanda's pubic area - gently tugging the sparse, blond hairs, and noticing that Amanda now showed lots of wetness - a little glob of it. She would be perfect.

Amanda's First Waxing And Massage

A half hour later, the waxing was finished, with only a few tears. Ginny put scented lotion all over Amanda's tummy and thighs. "I'll be able to close you in a few minutes, and then do your first massage, but we'll let your pussy rest for now. I know you'll enjoy the massage. Let's do one more pretend scene. Let me move the camera and turn on the other light. I'll put a gag on you just to pretend like you're really tied up. OK? And it's all over now Amanda. You did great. No more hair pulling for a few months. Let's do some playing and acting silly before your massage."

"OK." Amanda was starting to feel better again, knowing the painful wax applications were all finished.

After moving one of the cameras on a tripod to between Amanda's feet, and lowering it, she said, "Now pretend you're tied up and that a man, and maybe other men, too, are trying to see if you can escape. Struggle against your bonds while they are watching you."

Amanda writhed and squeezed against the leather straps, as if she was trying to get loose. She pretended to talk and beg through the gag. Ginny reached in a hand again and fondled her breasts and now-bald pussy.

After a few minutes of struggling and fondling, with real tears still streaking Amanda's cheeks, Ginny took off the gag and moved the camera and got ready to give her the massage. Amanda said, "I could have pulled my hands out from under the wrist straps, but I didn't want to spoil the video."

"It's fun acting in front of a camera, isn't it, Amanda? You're a good, little actress. I'm sure you'll be able to get David to take a close look at your thighs by your swimming suit, without letting him know that you know he is looking. He'll be staring at your crotch and wondering what happened to your pubic hairs, even though they were blond and very fine. You're pussy is absolutely beautiful and hairless now, Amanda. Yours is especially sexy - so firm, plump, and sensitive; nice, big, attractive pubic mound. Men love that."


She unfastened the wrist straps and put lotion on Amanda's chest, leaving her legs spread open. "Start massaging your own chest now, Amanda to get yourself relaxed, while I adjust the cameras. You did so great during the waxing. I know it hurt you, but not nearly as much as if we would have waited a few months. By the time a girl is twelve it really hurts. You were so brave today! You didn't know about this, but for doing such a good job - both with the wax treatment and with our silly acting, you'll get to go on a little shopping trip with me. Now just massage your breasts while I massage the rest of you. Enjoy."

Within thirty minutes, Amanda reached her first ever, full orgasm - with the help of Ginny's skillful ministrations and a small vibrator. She also was having Amanda pretend that strangers were watching them again, and Ginny could tell that Amanda, like most girls, responded to that theme. Amanda pulled, pinched, and tugged her small breasts, pretending that a man, or men, were standing around watching what Ginny was doing to her. Ginny could tell that Amanda was getting very excited and wet before she asked about putting a finger in her vagina - supposedly to help her "relax her muscles" after the traumatic hair-pulling. While Amanda was right on the edge of climax, Ginny said, "It will help you relax better if I can put my finger in here; in and out - to help your vaginal muscles relax. Is that OK?"

Amanda said it was OK in a hoarse voice. She didn't want Ginny to stop doing whatever it was she was doing.

Ginny knew by the white excitement building up in Amanda's pussy, and the reddish splotches developing on her skin, that she was ready to cum. "I'm going to put my finger in you now. OK?"

Amanda said, "Yes."

Then Ginny used her fingering motions and the deft handling of the vibrator on Amanda's Clitoral sheath - getting her fully stiff and swollen - to help Amanda reach a full-blown, noisy climax. Ginny knew the men would love Amanda's video! And Ginny was glad to know that a finger pushed right in with no pain. She was tight, but not closed up like many 9 and 10 year olds. Ginny supposed it was the neighbor man, or some of Amanda's girl friends, or maybe even Amanda herself, experimenting with various objects.

While Amanda recuperated, Ginny kept softly talking about some of her own experiences when she was Amanda's age - customizing her stories to fit in with Amanda's own experiences. She talked about boys and what they liked and how to stay in control but have fun teasing, too. Then Ginny called Amanda's step-mother on the phone, to come and get her. She said, "Yes, Amanda did a great job. Very brave, little girl, and now she is beautiful and hairless from her neck to her toes."

When Amanda's step-mother got there, they set up the appointment for eight days later, a Tuesday morning, for Amanda's haircut and a free, follow-up massage. Then Amanda's step-mother said, "Oh, wait. You'll be staying at Burt's house Monday night." She turned to Ginny, "Our neighbor, Burt is a real nice man, and sometimes he baby sits for Amanda if I have to work late, and she spends the night there. I'm sure he can bring Amanda over here on Tuesday morning. And there's no swim practice scheduled next Tuesday because of a swim meet that night. So a week from tomorrow will be fine."

Ginny said that would be great, and asked if she could take Amanda to the mall to help her get a few especially-feminine pairs of panties - kind of her reward for doing such a good job, and letting her take all the pictures, so they would qualify for the discounts and the scholarship program. Amanda's step-mother agreed immediately. Ginny looked at Amanda, "You see, a little lace, tickling you there will remind you of how pretty and feminine you are. Wear a summer dress and I'll pick you up Thursday evening for shopping. What time will you get home from the pool?"

"I can come home anytime, but usually about five."

"Good. I'll pick you up Thursday night at seven, after dinner. Take a quick bath when you get home and wash yourself real good between your legs, and also wash your hair. It might be tangled swimming. I'll come in and help you put it up, and maybe add ribbons." Three days later, Thursday evening, Ginny arrived at the modest house in the lower-middle-class neighborhood. Ginny talked briefly with Amanda and her step-mother in the kitchen. She asked Amanda if she took a bath and washed real good between her legs. Amanda blushed and nodded.

Then Ginny went in Amanda's bedroom to brush out Amanda's blond hair, and put a ribbon on each side, making her look very feminine in the short, white dress. Amanda's step-mother remained in the kitchen. Ginny stepped behind Amanda who was standing in front of the mirror. Ginny slid her hands under Amanda's arms and felt her breasts with both hands. "No training bra? That's good. Really turns men on. We'll get you another dress sometime, too. Squeeze these in the car before we get to the mall and see if you notice that more than the usual number of men will be checking you out while we're walking through the stores."

"I don't have a bra yet, but half the girls in my class do."

"You don't really need one, but we'll get you one anyway. It might be nice to have a few before school starts this fall. Show me your swimming suits."

Amanda got her tank suit and the two-piece suit out of the bathroom, that were still wet. Ginny took both suits in her hand and looked them over. "Yes, maybe a new swimming suit, too, but nothing too revealing. You want to always look like a 'good girl.' And we can pick one out and get it slightly altered, if you would like to let David and anyone else of your choosing, see a little more of your beautiful, feminine area... just a little bit more - like the sides of you lips and more of your mound, but only if you want to. After all, you are still a 'good girl!'"

They both laughed.

On the way to the mall, Ginny said, "So, did you have a chance to let David see that your pubic hairs were gone?"

"Yes, but I'm glad you didn't ask me in front of Mom! She would be mad. But I did let him see... and... maybe I shouldn't say anything."

Ginny laughed. "I thought I was your new, big sister. After all I did have my finger all the way inside you, didn't I? And we did talk about boys, men, and other girls. And we can share anything... so don't go keeping secrets from me, and then I'll tell you more of my adventures when I was your age... with two different neighbor men. So, what happened with David?

Amanda cleared her throat as if she was ready to address a large audience. "Well, I sat on the picnic table seat facing him with one leg on each side of the bench. I leaned back like I was looking at something else on top of the table, and opened my knees wider, like for balance. I sat up and caught him looking at my crotch, just like you said he would!" Amanda laughed. "David blushed, knowing I caught him looking. I said, 'no more hairs there, David, so look all you want!" He kept blushing, but he didn't pretend that he hadn't been looking. Then he asked me if I shaved it. I said, 'No, it's something more permanent... like after a few treatments I might never have anymore hair there for the rest of my life!'"

Ginny said, "You really do catch on quick! Learning about your feminine powers. What did he say?"

"Well, David just turned 13, and thinks he's a big shot now that he's a teenager. He said he really wanted to see it so he will know if she's telling the truth, because - and here is his know-it-all personality again - because, he says, 'if you shaved it, I'll be able to see the red bumps where the hairs were.' And then I just laughed. 'No red bumps. I'm sure of that. And you would love to see it, wouldn't you?' And he said he would, so I told him to go get two sodas and bring one to me if he really means it. It was just after rest period so most of the kids were back in the pool again. He didn't say anything, but went over and bought two sodas and came back and gave me one. He sat in the same place again, so he could see between my legs. We didn't talk for a minute, but sipped on our sodas. I felt all shaky and tingly inside, and I could tell he was nervous, too. We were both looking around, like to see if anybody was watching."

"Go on." Said Ginny.

"He started begging me to let him see more. When we knew nobody was watching us I put my left hand down between my legs and slipped a finger inside my suit and pulled it to the side. I counted to five while I kept looking around. It looked kind of like one of the life guards, Larry, was watching us, but even if he was, he couldn't see anything from where he was sitting. It felt so tingly down there that I wondered if David could see it quivering or something. And then I sat up and put both legs under the picnic table like the way you're supposed to sit; like a young lady, you know, with your knees together.

"So he started begging and wanted to see it again. Then he said it was really pretty, and he promised never to tease me again... about anything. Then I said, 'No, David, not here!' And then he said that maybe we could leave in a little bit to go home and take the short cut through the woods, and walk our bikes through the woods around the park on the way back to our neighborhood. He just lives two blocks from me."

Ginny asked, "So did you?"

"Yes. He left first, and then I left ten minutes later. I told him I would leave in five minutes, but I wanted to make him wait."

Ginny laughed, "You really are a natural!"

"Then I rode my bike to the woods and nobody was around so I got off my bike to walk it through the trees because of the big roots and rocks. He was waiting by the big tree where some kids hang out to smoke or drink beer, but nobody was there that day. Neither of us said anything. I stood next to my bike and pulled the bottom of my two-piece swimming suit to one side and let's David look for a couple seconds. I would have let him look longer, but I wanted to hear him begging me again. So he started begging for more and promised to buy me an ice cream cone the next day at the pool if I would let him look at it while he counted to ten. I kept looking around and I told David that if I saw anyone coming, then we would leave right away. Well, so, David agreed, and he knelt in front of me while I pulled my suit to the side again. David was counting real slow, and it was making me start to tingle like crazy with him looking right at it from a few inches away. Then he touched my leg with his hand so I let my swimming suit snap back into place and told him he wasn't allowed to touch me and that was enough looking for today!"

Ginny noticed that Amanda was beginning to squirm around in her seat, scissoring her legs together. Ginny smiled but didn't say anything about it, enjoying the girl's excitement.

"So David kept telling me it was 'so beautiful - so smooth and clean,' like his little sister's pussy, and she is only seven. He confessed that he had to give her a bath sometimes, but he didn't mind doing that, even though he pretended to complain so he Mom wouldn't think he wanted to. He liked to wash her. And he loved to look at it while she was asleep and just wearing a baggy T-shirt. He said he liked to touch hers while she was asleep, to feel how smooth it is or pull her lips apart with his thumbs to look at it. Then I told him he could have another look if he promised not to touch it, and that he had to start counting all over again and he could go to twenty that time. I put my feet farther apart and was holding up both our bicycles while he knelt in front of me. After he finally got to twenty, David said he wanted to feel it to see if it was as smooth as his baby sister's. He kept begging and begging, so I said I would let him, but only if I could see his and feel his thing. He didn't want me to see him so I told him that I wouldn't let him see mine anymore, and that I changed my mind about letting him feel how soft and hairless and smooth it is.

"That's what got him, so he agreed to let me look at his thing and feel it if he could feel mine first. I kept looking around while I held the bikes. He wanted to pull my bottoms down so I said he could do that before he started counting. I had to keep my feet apart so they wouldn't fall all the way down and get dirty. Then I told him, 'And you are not allowed to put your finger in it!" And he said he wanted to do that, too, but I told him that if he tried it I would tell on him and he would really get in trouble. Well, I wouldn't tell on him, because I would get in trouble, too, but he just said, 'OK,' and then he pulled my swimming suit bottoms down to my knees."

Ginny could tell that Amanda was nervous and squirming around more - excited just from talking about it. Ginny said, "That's all normal girl stuff, Amanda. You did good. I'm proud of you. So brave."

"Well, then David promised that we could take turns - 'looking and touching.' He kept feeling me with both hands - like rubbing it, and pulling my lips apart, and reaching between my legs to feel my bottom, and so on. And then it was my turn, so he held the bikes while I knelt in front of him and pulled his swim trunks down. He was wearing like boxer kind of trunks instead of his racing suit. While I was counting and looking at David's thing and balls, I told him how big and stiff it was, like a grown-ups, but then he asked me how I knew that. I said I saw some pictures but really didn't answer him, and kept touching it. It was cute, and it wasn't nearly as big as a man's, but I've heard girls talking and they always say a boy likes to hear that his thing is so big, even if it's just average. David told me it was so big and hard because he was excited from looking at my 'girl parts.' It was funny that he didn't say 'pussy' and just said my 'girl parts.' Anyway he kept telling me how sexy and cute I was and that he liked my girl parts even better than his little sisters and that he liked it that I was awake and gave him permission to touch it. I was only on six but stopped counting, and forgot where I was, but he didn't tell me to start counting again. While I was looking at his thing and touching it. He had some hair around the top of it, but not on his balls. It was so cute, I wanted to keep touching it and tickling his balls, like they even got hard, too, except they got smaller when they got hard, and his thing got bigger when it got hard.

"Then I said, 'well you make my clitty swell up, too... you know... that wrinkly thing between my lips in the front.' He looked like he wasn't sure what I meant, so I kept talking, like about some of the "pussy science" that you told me about while you were waxing and massaging me and afterwards while we talked. Remember?"

"Yes, I remember. Like a big sister talk. We talked about a lot of things, and there are lots more things to still talk about and share."

"Anyway, maybe I was showing off, but I said, 'and if I feel wet right in the very center, it's not from swimming, but because you get me so excited, too, David. It's the natural lubricant that comes out of girls when they get excited. Just natural. Like see, the girl's sex gets wet and slippery and the boy's thing gets stiff and sticks up, so like it could slide in her easier if she lets him stick it in - like after she's a teenager.' David was impressed, and told me that it felt good to him when I touched him lightly like that. But then I heard somebody coming, and so did he, so we both stood up, and he pulled up his swimming trunks. We agreed to do it again the next day, and started pushing our bikes before the other kids came around the corner on the trail. And then yesterday it was kind of rainy so we didn't go to the pool, but I know he'll want to see me and touch me again. He wasn't there today. I don't know where he was."

"Well, well, well. Now, don't you feel pretty with that beautiful, bald pussy of yours?" Ginny laughed and patted Amanda's knee.

The Mall

They pulled into the mall parking lot and parked. Nobody was walking near Ginny's car, so she said, "For fun, let's take off our panties. That will help us remember to stand up straight like proper ladies!"

Amanda laughed, thinking Ginny was kidding again. She really liked Ginny, who, although she was in her late thirties, did seem more like a big sister to her.

Ginny said, "I dare you. Extra twenty dollars spending money tonight if you take them off. Maybe another swimming suit besides the panties." Ginny slid off her panties. After showing Amanda her sexy, thong panties, she dropped them on the floor.

Amanda looked at them. "Those are so pretty. And really, like take mine off?"

"Yes, really. I've only done this with a few of the other girls, but they take off their panties before we go in the mall. It makes them feel extra sexy. You'll have a new pair on soon enough. And I want you to notice how many men are watching you. But pretend you don't notice."

Amanda slipped hers off, too, and let them lay on the floor of the car. "Oh, that feels funny. It does feel funny since getting waxed. Like more sensitive or something."

Ginny laughed. "You're getting so grown up! Of course it's more sensitive. And you really are more sexy! David sure noticed it!"

"David wasn't there today, but Jim, one of the lifeguards was really nice to me today. And he like never seemed to notice me before. During his break he got in the water and let me sit on his shoulders."

"Did he feel you when you fell off into the water?"

Amanda thought a minute. "Oh, I mean, yes, he did. Like we were clowning around and he felt my chest by accident, but I didn't say anything. He did exactly feel me." Amanda said, finally realizing it fully, even though she only had a vague idea about it at the time. "He did feel around on me, now that you mention it. Hmm. Like even feeling me between my legs before he ducked his head through my legs to pick me up on his shoulders."

"I told you. You know that you're pretty and feminine, and so other people will notice it, too, even though they can't see your... well, your feminine area."

Amanda sat in silence for a while, as Ginny looked through her purse for something. "Another boy played with me, too. I don't like him as much, but it was fun."

Ginny pulled a lipstick out of her purse and touched up her lips. She said, "You're the girl. You get to decide who you let play with you. That's in your control. Here. Put on some of this red lipstick. Be careful. Pull the visor down so you can see in the little mirror. That's it."

Amanda had never been in a fancy lingerie store before. She and Ginny had picked out several size-four pairs of panties, the smallest they had. A well-dressed man in his late twenties was shopping nearby. They heard him tell the clerk he was getting something extra sexy for his girlfriend, for when they play bondage games, for a little trip they were planning. When the clerk went to get something, Ginny said, "Excuse me, Sir. We need to decide on these panties for my ten year old niece here." She patted Amanda on her bottom through the short, straight dress. "Which ones do you like better?" She held up two pairs of sheer, very lacy, frilly white, thong panties. One pair had pink lace around the waist and legs with a red thong, and the other had a tiny, bright red bow in the front and a white thong.

He looked Amanda over from head to toe. The man held each pair in front of the brightly blushing Amanda. Amanda could see his fingers clearly through the sheer material. Then he said, "Pink. I like this pair better." He handed Amanda the pair with the pink trim. "There is nothing as beautiful as the pink between a little girl's legs. Mmm, indeed! Let me buy these for you as a birthday present. You're going to be ten or eleven?"

Amanda was blushing. "Thank you but my birthday isn't for two more weeks. I'll be eleven."

The man said, "Do you like them? I bet they would be so sexy on your cute, little bottom."

Amanda didn't know what to say. She was looking at the tiny, sheer panties in her hand - just a small triangle of sheer, white material with pink threads around the edges and a red thong going up to the pink, lacy waistband. "These are so pretty, and so little. Thank you. They are really pretty. You can see right through them!"

The man laughed. "That's the whole point, Sweetie! To let people see your pretty little treasure. Mmm. Indeed. And I bet you have a beautiful treasure!"

Ginny let the man buy both pairs of panties when the clerk came back. Then Ginny asked the clerk for a scissors to cut the tags off. "We need to get several pairs tonight. Her others at home were all dirty, so she isn't wearing panties right now. Amanda can feel the air cooling her off between her legs." Ginny laughed and scooted Amanda into the little dressing room to put them on. Ginny was whispering with the man as they both watched Amanda's feet under the short, louvered door to the little dressing booth. They saw her put one foot, then the other, into the panties and pull them up. When Amanda came out, she saw Ginny give the man a business card. The man nodded and left.

"Why did you say that, Ginny? That was so embarrassing!" She was smiling, but seemed slightly angry.

"He kept telling me how pretty, sexy, and charming you were the whole time you were in the dressing room."

"Really?" Amanda smiled.

"Yes, that's what he said, and he might even meet us for a drink when we're done shopping."

"Oh. But I can't drink. I thought we were getting ice cream."

"You could get a Shirley Temple, or a soft drink, and an ice cream, too. It will be fine. He's a very nice young man. He'll want to know how you like the panties he picked out for you. That's all. Just relax. Let's keep shopping."

An Hour Later

"Thank you, Ginny. I never went to expensive stores like that before. Gosh, at K-Mart you can get a whole dozen pairs of panties for what that man paid for just one pair."

"Do they feel sexy on you, Amanda?"

"Yes, like tickling me when I walk or turn around."

They got in Ginny's car with several little bags of panties and other specialty things that Amanda had never seen before. Ginny said, "Your next video will be so hot with these panties and garter belts and things." She was only a few minutes away from the mall, and it was still light out, at eight-thirty, when she pulled into a small restaurant-bar. "We'll stop in here for a quick drink. Maybe he won't even be here." But Ginny knew he was there because she saw his car. They had planned this right after Ginny arranged the shopping trip.

They went to a table in the back. The restaurant had been a nice house at one time, and was divided into several rooms. Nobody else was in that room except the man who had bought her the panties she was wearing - which could only hold 12 people when full. Amanda was impressed that there were real table cloths and real dishes and silverware on the tables. They joined the man at the table in front of a fireplace. There wasn't a fire in it since it was so hot outside. The man introduced himself as Theodore, "but people call me 'Ted.'" He said. He held a chair out for Amanda next to him, and Ginny sat on the other side of her. The table was round so three, four, or five people could sit there.

A waiter came in and took drink orders and left. The man asked Amanda if the new panties felt good on her.

"Yes, but like there isn't any material in the back. And like they tickle me when I walk."

The man laughed and said how pretty and sexy she was. "Does it give you tingles between your legs when you walk with them on?"

"Yes. Like tingles and tickles."

Then Ginny said, "Yes, she is growing up. She had her fist Brazilian wax treatment a few days ago and is bald as a baby once again. I think that's why the panties tickle her so much. She is so pretty down there, Ted, with stark tan lines that make her look even more plump and firm - like so full and ripe."

Ted seemed very interested. He asked, "Did it hurt when they pulled the hair out?"

"Yes! It really hurt." She said, looking down at her empty plate, not wanting to look at him while she was blushing so brightly.

Ginny said, "but she was very brave and grown-up about it. And now she is absolutely beautiful; hairless from head to toe. And she is so tender and plump and firm, like I said. So pretty. And getting so grown up."

Amanda was still blushing, but smiling now at all the compliments.

"She is brave." Repeated Ginny.

The waiter came in with drinks. He looked directly at Amanda with a polite smile, and asked, "Dessert?"

"Yes." Said Ginny nodding. "Fresh and tasty, I'm sure. And maybe bring my niece here a little chocolate Sunday."

"Yummy." Said Ted as the waiter left. "Just yummy, I bet."

"I'm sure." Ginny agreed, "But not yet." She noticed Amanda's quizzical look, and added, "Your chocolate sundae. I bet it will be yummy. Ted and I are not getting ice cream because it wouldn't go with our drinks, but ice cream will be fine with your soft drink."

Ginny gave Amanda a little bump with her elbow. Then Amanda said, "Thank you for buying me the pretty panties, Ted. Thank you very much. I like them."

Ginny smiled. "They are a little loose on her, Ted. Even the size fours. Smallest they carry at Fredrick's. I got her some other things, garter belt, training bras, thigh-high hose, but I'll keep those until her next session. I'll get some things altered for her."

"What do you mean by next, session?" Ted asked.

"Tell him about our first session, Amanda."

Amanda wasn't sure what to say. "Well, like the waxing treatment, and then, well, a massage to help relax my muscles after the pain."

"She got completely relaxed all around her pretty, oiled, waxed area. Very relaxed when I did a deep, penetrating massage. And before the wax treatment, we played some games to make it more fun getting undressed. And of course, we have cameras to protect us in case of any liability issues, so we pretended things while she took off all of her clothes. Amanda agrees that it's more to pretend things, while dancing and undressing to gets ready for her wax treatment or massage. And next week, after she dances and undresses, she will get another full-body, deep-penetration massage. And it's more fun to pretend things, like if a group of men were watching her, while she gets completely undressed. Isn't that right, Amanda?"

Amanda was blushing, and moving the silverware with one hand. She nodded.

Ted asked, "Did you get completely undressed before the waxing? I suppose you would have to."


"She's a very good dancer, too, Ted. Very sexy."

"I can see that! So cute and sexy!"

Ginny said, "Tell Ted about the pretending we did before the actual wax treatment, Amanda. You were so cute and did such a great job."

Amanda was trying to act grown-up. She said, "While I took off my clothes, - like I danced around and got in the different positions for the pictures, you know, for the before-and-after pictures while I still had hair on it. And then, after she strapped me down on the table, like around my wrists and ankles, and even a strap around my tummy, I tried to pretend like I was really tied up and was trying to get loose. It was kind of funny - trying to struggle and wiggle against the straps. "

Ginny said, "And it was even more fun in front of the cameras while we pretended that a group of men were watching her struggle against her bonds without any clothes on. Like a game. And she is so good in front of cameras. A natural."

"I bet she is." Said Ted. "So, you mean you weren't wearing anything you were strapped down?"

"Nothing. Because see, like I was getting ready for the waxing."

Ted said, "Were you open or closed for the waxing, Amanda. My, you certainly are gown-up!"

"I was open, so like my feet were real far apart and strapped down. Ginny had to put the wax things on each side of it a few times and on the top, in the center, to get all the hair off, even though I didn't have very much."

"And it was more fun pretending with the cameras?" Ted asked.

"Yes." She nodded and repeated, "Yes, like a game."

"Well, young lady, I would like to buy you more clothes for your birthday."

Amanda smiled up at him. "Really? Gee, thanks."

"But I would want to see you model them for me." He said, also smiling.

"What do you say, Amanda?" Ginny prompted her.

"Thank you."

Then Ted asked her to stand up. Ginny nodded her head to prompt her to stand up as requested.

Ted said, "Put your feet apart so your hips will stay below the top of the table in case the waiter comes in, but I want to feel how loose these new panties are, so I'll know what sizes to get you for your birthday."

Amanda was standing with her feet apart on the carpeting, hidden from view below her waist by the table and table cloth. Ginny said softly, "He just wants to feel for a minute, so act calm if the waiter comes in with your sundae. I'm sure he won't say anything. Let Ted feel how loose the panties are, and also how smooth and baby-like you are where you got waxed. Men love to feel bald, little girls there. Letting him feel you there is a way to thank him."

Amanda was getting felt by Ted's right hand when the waiter came in. He pretended to not notice a thing and reached across the table to set the sundae in front of Amanda. "And with a cherry on top." He said. He looked at Ted and said, "I hope you enjoy the cherry."

Ted was feeling all around on Amanda's panties, and even inside them, stroking her clitty and pussy lips, but not putting a finger in her vagina.

Ginny said, "What do you say, Amanda?"

"Thank you."

The waiter left. Ted tugged the loose, silky panties down over her bottom - almost to her knees, and kept rubbing her.

Ginny said, "Go ahead and try your sundae, Amanda. You're getting to be such a sexy, big girl! So poised. Isn't she, Ted?"

"Yes, indeed. And I'm not putting my finger in, just feeling how the panties fit, and how smooth her skin is where you waxed her. Her full lips are so firm. Excellent wax treatment, Ginny."

Amanda kept eating her sundae while the adults talked. Ginny said, "Now that she is in the Waxed Girls Club, Amanda might be able to attend some of the little, private parties with a few of the other selected girls." Ginny emphasized the word, "might." Then she continued, "Parties for the extra sexy girls - for special games and fun things with other girls who are already getting wax treatments. It's a very special group - only the cute and very cooperative girls get invited. And you would get to take turns pulling each other's panties down for a very close look. You could look at another girl's waxed pussy from just inches away and even touch it if you want to. She would let you because it would be part of the game. Perhaps you would like to become one of the sponsors, Ted, and then you could attend the party and help out."

Ted held out his drink with his left hand. His right hand was still tickling Amanda's pussy under her dress. So Ginny, and then Amanda, clinked their glasses against his. "All agreed?" Asked Ginny.

Ted and Amanda both said yes as they clinked the three glasses together again. Amanda was enjoying the evening.

Then Amanda said, "Parties? I like parties. Could I really go to a party ... oh, that tickles ... a party like that?"

"Yes, parties." Said Ginny, "But I'll tell you more about them at our next session, and a little bit while I'm driving you home. We'll have fun next week, making another secret video." Ginny turned towards Ted. "The girls in the club like to play games. You would get to see the other girls, Amanda, and touch them and look closely at each other. And you won't know any of them, but all the girls are nice to each other. Ages nine to about twelve or thirteen. All waxed. And sometimes a few of the men sponsors are there, just to watch the games. It's fun. The girls love the special parties. Are you interested, Amanda? I'll have to check with my supervisor. I don't know if you would be selected, but I could ask. Would you like to go to a party just to see what they are like? And Ted isn't hurting you, is he? I'm just asking because only girls who are cooperative, like you've been tonight, will get selected for the parties."

"No, he's not hurting me. Oh, and like the parties sound like fun. What do we have to ... oh! That really tickles, Ted, when you rub it there. What do we have to do to get selected?"

Ginny asked, "Did he try to put a finger in you?"

"No, he just touched the sensitive spot; the one you taught me about. Right in the middle on the wrinkly thing. Oh. He touched it again." She giggled. "This is so naughty. In a nice restaurant! Gosh." She moved her hips.

Ginny said, "I suppose it would be OK to put a finger in, if he only goes in this far." Ginny held out her hand with an inch and a half gap between her thumb and finger. "That far would be OK, wouldn't it, Amanda? Because he might be one of your sponsors. I'll tell you about sponsors later. And because he bought you some clothes and is going to buy you more things. I put my finger all the way in you, remember? I put it all the way in and pulled it out about twenty times. But his finger is a little bigger, so he should only push it in a little ways. So, is it OK for him to put his finger in you this far?"

Amanda had finished her sundae and set down her spoon. "OK. That far, I guess. But go slow. I'll keep my legs apart."

Ginny asked, "Does she feel wet and slippery enough, Ted."

"Oh, yes. Very. Very. Very. Quite juicy. My whole hand is wet."


"He's not hurting you, is he, Amanda?"

"It feels too big. Ohhh."

Ginny said, "I put my finger all the way in her pussy, Ted. Lots of times. Part of the deep massage to help her relax there. Just hold your finger still, Ted, so Amanda can move her hips around just to feel it slide a little bit; so she'll get used to your finger."

"Amanda, Honey, Ted will hold his finger absolutely still and you can move your hips around so you can feel it better. It should make you feel tingles inside. Does it? Keep moving your hips around. Good girl."

"Unn, well, like, unnn, oh, it's so big, unn, but it ... oh." Amanda was slowly moving her hips every which way.

"Very good, Amanda." Said Ginny. "The girls who get selected can follow directions like that. Good. Keep moving your hips around. Does that feel better?"

"Unn, yes. Oh, it really tingles. Oh."

Ted pulled his finger out and rubbed Amanda's clitty with his very wet finger. "That didn't hurt, did it, Honey?" He asked softly as he pulled her panties back up.

"No." She sat down in her chair and pulled herself back to the table. "It didn't hurt."

A few minutes later Ginny and Amanda left. Ted stood and kissed Ginny on the lips and said it was so nice to meet her. Then he bent down and kissed Amanda full on the mouth before saying the same thing to her.

Amanda didn't talk until they got in the car. Ginny was worried at her silence, and wondered if they had gone too far. Then Amanda said, "What about the girl's club? Like the other girls? The parties? Like what will we do? And what is a sponsor? I want to go!"

Ginny smiled. "You'll love the parties if you're selected to go, Amanda. You're still pretty young. But anyway ... what Ted did felt OK, didn't it?"

"Yes, just embarrassing - being in the restaurant. Like I didn't know when the waiter would come back in, but he didn't seem to notice anything. He would just bring stuff in. Like even when I was standing with my feet so wide apart and Ted was feeling my waxed area, and the waiter didn't seem to notice. Ted kept moving his finger while the waiter was in here! Gosh. I was so nervous and embarrassed."

"He's a good waiter, and I'm sure Ted gave him a big tip. And I'm also sure Ted would like to be one of your sponsors. You did great, Amanda, staying so poised, and going along with things. So there is a chance you could be selected to attend the parties even though you are too young. I'll check for you if you'd like."

Amanda was full of questions about all kinds of things, and every brief answer led to three more questions, which had Ginny laughing by the time they got to Amanda's house at ten.

Ginny especially liked this question: Amanda said, "Like what kinds of games and what would I get to do with another girl? I mean could I really pull down her panties and touch her and she has to stand still and let me do that?"

"Yes, Amanda. And you would have to stand still and let another girl pull your panties down and look at you. And with adults watching you, too."


"And lots of other things with the girls, too, Amanda." Ginny smiled. "Everything would be fun, but maybe in front of a man or even a few men, you and another girl would pretend you are having a slumber party and you try on different nighties and things, and then you kiss and touch each other. And would you mind putting your finger in another girl, as if you're playing doctor, something like that, and then let the men watch you push your finger in and pull it out and push it in again. Would you mind doing that? Men love to watch a little girl put a finger in another little girl. I mean if you wouldn't mind doing that, and if you get selected, which I don't know yet."

"Yes. I already did that, like fingers, with another girl, but it was a year ago when I stayed at my girlfriend's house a lot. We took turns with each other being the doctor. Every night I stayed there. But like what other games?"

"Maybe one of you pretends to be a teacher and the other girl pretends to be a naughty student who got caught cheating or something like that, and the teacher has to give you a spanking - a bare-bottom spanking. Would you mind giving another girl a spanking while a few men watched you?"

"I would do that. Is there anything special I need to do so I can get selected?"

"Let me ask you some more questions. It was great how you let Ted feel you in the restaurant. It would be lots easier to let a man undress you in a private bedroom, without a waiter coming in, wouldn't it?"

"Yes, like without anybody coming in so we would be in private if he did something like that."

"That's right. He would undress you and kiss you and touch you everywhere. Would that be OK with you?"

"This is so exciting. Yes, that would be fun. Like with the neigh... I mean like my friend does with that neighbor man. And he wouldn't know my name?"

"No. Even though we trust these men at the parties, we still don't tell them your last names. And we also trust these men knowing they won't go all the way. They only know your first name and your age. Then later when just the grown-ups are talking, a man might say, 'I really liked fingering Amanda. She is so pretty between her legs.' Would you let other men - gentlemen - undress you and feel you and maybe finger you also, if they wanted to?"

"Yes. OK. I guess. I mean if you trust them."

Ginny smiled, thinking Amanda was ready to go to a party that very night. "And would you let men watch another girl undress you and kiss your breasts and maybe finger you?"

"Oh, gosh. Yes, because like I said, I already did that with a friend, but there weren't any men watching. It was when I was little, like almost two years ago. Oh, and again last year a few times. But it was fun. I hope they pick me. And I even let Ted put a finger in me, remember?"

"Yes, but at a party a man might want to put his finger in all the way. He would go slow and use extra lubricant if he needed to, although I bet you would be naturally wet and slippery anyway. Ted liked it that you were wet and slippery. Would you let men push their fingers all the way in?"

"Yes. I guess, unless it hurt. So please, can you try to get them to let me go to the parties?"

"We'll see. I'll talk to them and tell them you're interested. And you would kiss and touch and finger the other girls and do games and pretending things with them?"

"Yes, I promise." Then Amanda sat still. "Oh, but what about Mom? Would she let me go? You wouldn't tell her what kind of party, would you?"

"No, of course not! I'm sure she would let you go if she thinks its just a slumber party with some of the other waxed girls, but don't say anything about it. Not to her or to anyone, even your neighbor man who baby sits you. First we have to see if you get selected."

"I won't tell anybody."

Since Amanda didn't contradict her about the neighbor man, she knew she had been talking about herself all along - getting washed and inspected, and even tied up naked. Ginny was glad to know that Amanda had some experience with men. Ginny said, "We would tell your step-mother it's a slumber party for some of the girls in our waxing program. And although hundreds of girls are in our Waxed Girls' Club, we only choose one girl per town, at least at first, so there is no possibility you would know each other. You would get to play with different girls at every party. They would kiss, feel, and finger you, and you would get to do the same to them. They would want you to squeeze their breasts and so on. With people watching, and maybe cameras. Would you do that?"

Amanda had to stop and think again. "Cameras? I mean yes, to everything else, but I'm not sure about cameras."

"Nobody in this country would see the pictures or videos of you, Amanda. Just people in Japan or Europe or maybe places some of those foreign countries do business with. But nobody around here. And you would have to agree to the cameras in order to be considered."

Amanda said, "Well, I guess so. I mean I would like doing everything else, and if you're sure nobody around here would see the pictures, then OK. I mean that would be too embarrassing, if people around here saw the pictures, especially with another girl kissing me or putting a finger in me with the cameras going."

"And men watching you, too, besides just the cameras." Ginny laughed. "The men would want to kiss you and feel how smooth you are and kiss you there ... I mean they would want to kiss you between your legs while they finger you."

"Well that would be OK, I guess, and you're sure about the pictures... nobody around here."

Ginny laughed. "Yes, I'm sure. And I don't blame you for not wanting anybody around here to see your pictures and videos, Amanda. After all you'll say your first name and age and smile into the camera before undressing completely and spreading your legs for the camera and pulling your pussy lips open with your fingers so everybody can see your clitty, and then getting on your hands and knees and then pulling your bottom open for the cameras with both hands - stretching it as wide open as you can get it. All the girls who get to go to a party have to do that. You'll get to see their videos if you want to, but not until after you do it. I mean, if you're selected for the parties. So, yes, that would be embarrassing, so it's good that only people in like Europe or Japan or those places will see your videos. So you're sure you'll pull your pussy and your bottom open for the cameras?"

Amanda was quiet for twenty seconds, thinking about things. She suddenly asked, "You mean they will kiss me right between my legs? Right there?" Her finger pointed to her crotch. "And yes, I'll do the cameras. I mean we already did that for the wax treatment, so I kind of know how to undress in front of a camera."

"Yes, of course. Men like to kiss little girls between their legs. They will want to kiss you and lick you there. It's called 'oral sex.' You've probably heard people talk about it, especially 'blow jobs,' where a girl licks and sucks on a boy's thing. Have you heard about that?"

"Yes, but I wasn't sure exactly what they meant. But it makes sense now. I heard older girls saying that boys really like it. The girls who were talking said they liked sucking on a boy's thing, but one girl said she didn't like to swallow. I wasn't sure what she meant, but I think she meant his sticky stuff. You know like the sperm that comes out. We talked about it in health class."

"Yes, boys and men love it. And it's the same thing when a man or woman or a girl, or really anybody, licks you between your legs, right on your pussy, especially you clitty. It feels wonderful. It felt wonderful when I rubbed you there during your massage, didn't it?"

"Yes, gosh, like something else! It never felt that good before. Like explosions inside me. And it felt good when Ted rubbed me there, but like it was embarrassing since I didn't really know him, and we were in the restaurant, but it was giving me big tingles."

Ginny said, "I've probably said way too much already, especially since we don't know if you'll get selected. Some of the girls like knowing that men, women, and even boys, in foreign countries will watch their videos. There will be lots of new experiences for you at the parties, but not all at once. Don't say anything about the parties or the waxing to anybody... and I mean it. You already told David about the waxing, and you might show the neighbor man when you sleep at his house, especially if he looks at it when he gives you a bath and inspects you, but don't tell him or anybody about the parties. And don't tell anybody else about any of this. Understand? You'll get to show your fresh, young, plump, firm, hairless, beautiful pussy to lots and lots of people at the parties if you get selected, so just be patient. There are a few parties each month for our sponsors, but you wouldn't go to all of them anyway... probably just one or two per month, and maybe some private evenings - like shopping or special games - where I would take you out to spend the evening with just one man or woman, and then I would get you and take you home a couple hours later. We don't want your step-mother getting suspicious, and we get different combinations of girls for each party or sometimes for a weekend trip. On the trips there are more girls. Once we had a dozen waxed girls on a trip to the beach. If things work out, then by this time next year you'll have fingered lots of different waxed girls. So just be patient."

"That's what my step-mom tells me when I want something, or like if I keep asking her questions."

Ginny laughed as they got out of the car in Amanda's driveway. She whispered, "Save all your questions for me for our session next week. We'll have a lot to talk about. And I'll see if they will select you to start going to the slumber parties. You're getting so grown-up. Now here is a bag of panties for you. Maybe wear a pair when you go to your neighbor's house. And try to get some sleep tonight! Good night."

"Good night, Ginny. And thanks." Amanda went in the house and on up to her room.

Amanda's Initiation To The Waxed Girls' Club

Next Tuesday, Burt, the neighbor man in his fifties, dropped Amanda off at the smaller building behind the spa with her bag with her swimming suit and towel for the pool. Ginny promised to drop her off at the pool when they were done with her massage. Neither of the adults mentioned the wax treatments.

The first thing Amanda said after Ginny closed the door to the massage room, "Did you find out about the parties? Can I go? Please."

"Are you sure you really want to, now that you know some of the things you would have to do at the party?" Ginny's eyebrows were up to help her ask the question.

"Yes, really, I would like to go!"

"Well, you're almost too young. Maybe we should wait until you're twelve, like some of the other girls. Some are even thirteen."

Amanda looked so disappointed. "But I want to go. I'll do those things."

"Even in front of the cameras?" Ginny raised her eyebrows again.

"Yes, I promise. Even in front of the cameras."

"You promise that you'll take off all your clothes and spread your legs wide open in front of the men and the cameras? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I will! I promise. And I can spread my legs really wide open. You said I was very limber. I want to go to the parties." She was practically jumping up and down.

"And you'll let some of the men put a finger all the way in you? They will go slow, and not until later in the party, after you've played games with the other girl, or maybe a couple of girls. But you will get in different positions in private, and you'll let the man undress you and put his finger all the way in and do other things? Because I bet several of the men would like to play some private games with you. Would you let them? All the way in? You have to say it, 'all the way in.' And you'll still be a virgin."

"Yes. Please, Ginny. I want to go. The man can put his finger in me - all the way in. But, you know... like he'll go real slow? Oh, and he can oral sex me, too. That would be OK."

Ginny laughed and hugged her. "Yes, they will oral sex you! And they'll push their fingers in slowly. I might recommend to any man who has very big fingers that he lets you get on your hands and knees on the bed, with lots of pillows under your head, so then you can put your hands on your bottom and pull your bottom open real wide. That also pulls your vagina open wider, too, so he can push in easier. That way you would be helping him. Maybe that would help. Would you pull your bottom real wide for him, so he could slowly push his big finger all the way in your tight vagina?" Ginny noticed Amanda squirm in her seat as she asked her that long question about pulling her ass open for a man.

"Umm, yes, OK. I would pull it open for him."

"Amanda, Honey, like I said, you're probably too young to start these parties this summer, but you seem so smart about things. They said I could make an exception for you if you pass a little test."

"What test? I'll do my best. I hope it's not math or like the state capitals."

Ginny laughed and said, "You'll see, and you already agreed to undress and spread your legs in front of the men and the cameras, and you already said you would let the men - just one at a time, of course, put his finger in you all the way. So, just one more little test and then I'll decide. Go ahead and get undressed after I turn on the cameras, and then put these special clothes on, including the high heels. Pinch and pull your titties while you're undressing and talking to the main camera. Show the camera how far out you can pull each titty, one at a time. I have to make a quick phone call and will be back in about ten minutes. Lock the door after I go out. Show off for the cameras and get in some funny positions before you put the outfit on. I'll knock when I get done. And here's a little buzzer to play with, too, to get your clitty to start swelling up so it will be ready for the massage later. OK? Oh, and just use the buzzer for a few seconds at a time and press on one side, and then on the other side of your clitty the next time. Say your name and age into the camera and talk about your week. I'll watch this video later, but we'll be busy today, so tell me about David or any other boys at the pool and tell me about the neighbor man and if he liked you hairless pussy. Maybe practice pulling your bottom open. Pretend the camera is a man who is going to put his big finger in your vagina, and you tell him why you're pulling you bottom open, and tell him to go slow."

Ginny left. Amanda locked the door with her right hand, holding the vibrator in her left. She twisted the base to turn it on, the way Ginny showed her.

When Ginny got back and knocked on the door, she heard the buzzer stop. Amanda unlocked the door and let her in. She was wearing the white, lacy ankle socks, and black high heels, with the white, lacy, sheer, thong panties that Ted bought her, which Ginny had washed after letting a few friends sniff them, and a black leather, choker necklace, and frilly, sheer, white training bra.

Ginny already knew the answer after hearing the buzzing noise through the door and seeing the little vibrator in Amanda's hand, but still, she asked, "did you get to buzz your clitty a little bit, to help it stiffen up before the massage?"

"Yes, a little bit." Amanda was blushing and still squirming her legs. She had buzzed for about 30 seconds after removing each piece of clothing. As she put on the new things, she buzzed another 30 seconds after each piece.

"You look terrific, Amanda. Let me turn up the lights. This is like an audition before we can officially invite you to a party. I have two friends to help me, so this is like a trial run." Ginny opened the door again, and Ted and another man, who, like Ted, was just under thirty years old and well dressed. The smiling men walked into the room.

Amanda blushed and crossed her hands in front of her panties, still holding the vibrator in her right hand. Ginny said, "Let me hold that for now, Amanda. You turn it off by twisting the base the other direction from how you turned it on. Did you have time to press it against your pussy?"

Amanda nodded, but didn't say anything. She was still acting shy in front of the two men. Ted said, "This is my friend Jim. I told him how pretty and sexy you are. Hey! Aren't those the panties I bought you?"

"Yes." Said Amanda, forcing her hands to her sides after Ginny motioned for her to move her hands.

Ted said, "Look how pretty she is, Jim. Nice, huh?"

"Extremely nice!" Jim laughed.

Ginny wanted to ease back a little bit, while Amanda adjusted to the idea. She said, "Walk around for them, Amanda. Show them how good you are in the high heels."

That relieved the tension. Amanda walked - a little wobbly, but staying on her feet as she turned and walked and even tried to dance to the music that Ginny had just turned on. Ginny locked the door. "We sure don't want any other visitors while we are seeing if Amanda qualifies to go to some of the parties."

"She sure is cute enough." Said Jim.

"And I love to kiss her and rub her." Said Ted. "Especially between her legs. She is very limber you know, and likes to swim and dance.

Amanda was smiling now, as she kept walking around in front of the men; klomping in the high heels.

Ginny said, "She wants to come to the parties alright. She said she would be glad to undress or let a man or girl undress her, and then spread her legs open for the cameras. Didn't you say that, Amanda?"

"Yes. I want to go to the parties."

"This is kind of a little practice session today, Amanda. I'll see how well you dance and undress in front of the men, and then they will take turns doing things with you, so you'll be used to a few of the things you might get to do next Friday night, that is, if you get to go to the party with us."

Amanda brightened. "Really? I might get to go?"

"Yes, if you do OK with these two men today. Come over in front of Ted so he can feel you again."

Jim watched closely as Ted knelt and started gently fondling Amanda on her chest, and then on her bare bottom and pussy through the sheer panties. Jim talked about Amanda's beautiful tan lines and firm, young skin.

Ted said, "Feel these breasts, Jim, I didn't get to feel them the other night. Absolutely wonderful. Almost hard boiled egg size. I'll bet she could even make them giggle a little bit while she is dancing. And nice, puffy nipples. I can see her tan lines through the training bra. You feel the right one, while I feel her left one. This doesn't hurt, does it, Amanda?"

"No. Just like, well, it makes me feel funny, like hard to hold still."

"Do you like how it feels? I mean, with two men feeling you at the same time?"


Ginny said, "You're doing great, Amanda. Now I'm 90 percent sure you'll get invited to the party next weekend. Won't that be fun?"

"Yes! Goody! See, I'm letting them feel me."

"And you're doing great. And you did good walking in the high heels. Walk on over in front of the cameras. I'll turn them on again while you undress. Then they will play some games with you - games that will give you great pleasure and lots of tingles in new ways."

Amanda walked over to stand in front of the curtain again - the very same curtain where she had balked just a few days earlier, not wanting to take her clothes off in front of a camera. She began dancing and stripping slowly to the music. She massaged and pinched her own breasts several times - pulling them out. She smiled at the men, and then blushed and looked down. A few minutes later she was only wearing the high heels and lacy ankle socks.

Ginny turned off the cameras, and the two men clapped. "She is absolutely beautiful!" Said Jim. "A fantastic pussy! So plump, firm, and hairless! I can't wait to touch it and lick it!"

"I told you she was pretty and sexy!" Said Ted, "But with the tan lines and those perky, little tits with the puffy, pink nipples, she is wonderful!"

Ginny led the smiling girl over to the table. Ted and Jim helped get her strapped in. "We're not doing any waxing today, Amanda, but I want them to see what a good actress you are as you try to get loose. You like pretending things, don't you?"

"Yes, it's fun. Am I doing good?"

The three adults laughed and everyone told her she was doing a terrific job and would be the hit at the parties and trips.

Once she was strapped into place, and the two articulated legs were opened and locked into position, Ginny said, "I'd like Jim to tickle your pussy with the buzzer for a minute, Amanda, to get your clitty to swell up and get stiffer so it is more sensitive. And the pictures and video will be better if you're really gooey wet, and ready for fingering and more stimulation, after your video. Don't talk, but you can make pleasure moans. Are you ready?"


Ginny asked, "Are you enjoying this?"

"Yes. And I'll get to go to the parties."

Both men felt her chest and pussy, whispering nice things about how cute and sexy Amanda was. Then Ted pulled her lips apart and up, exposing her clitty bump. Jim worked the vibrator up one side and down the other around Amanda's exposed knot of nerves. Amanda immediately started squirming and moaning. "Oh, uhhh, ohh, unn."

Ted was whispering, "See how stiff and swollen her clitty is already, Jim? She is so sexy and responsive; gets gooey wet like a teenager already. We'll keep her strapped to the table a little longer... to keep her wide open for now. This feels good to you, doesn't it, Amanda?"

"Oh, yes. Unnn, You do that so good. Like it's all full of tingles. Ohhh."

Ginny said, "Keep her pussy pulled open. I want to get a close-up of her stiff, enlarged clitty. It's a beauty, so full for her age. And she's beginning to ooze excitement. Pull the vibrator away for a minute, Jim."

Ted pulled the vibrator away, but Amanda kept squirming and moving her hips; still moaning. Ginny kept getting close-up video clips. Ted moved his hands away, letting Amanda's pussy lips close. Her clitty button hid back in its sheath, but remained swollen and stiff - almost peeking out, wanting to be touched.

Ginny whispered, "You're doing great, Amanda. The men love playing with you. And it feels good, too, doesn't it?"

Amanda was still moving, "Unn, yes. It feels so good. And I'm letting them take pictures, too. Oh, unn."

Then it was time for her video. The men stood back and worked the cameras while Amanda struggled against her bonds.

Ginny said, "Before I give you your massage, I'm going to give you a little front spanking again. After you twitch your knees together, open them back up so you're ready for the next little pat on your pubic mound and clitty." She turned to Ted. "Get a close up of this. She loves a light, front spanking."

Ginny started tapping Amanda's pussy with the little paddle, which had been a one gallon, paint-stirring stick - then sanded and varnished for a new role. Amanda tried to keep her knees as open as she could, even though her ankles were strapped to the legs of the articulated table. Ginny kept patting and moving the little spanks all around on her pussy mound and lips, but sometimes hit her directly on her clitty making her twitch her knees together. Then Ginny stopped tapping until Amanda opened her legs wide again.

Jim was watching closely. "Yes, she really loves it. Very sensitive and responsive. Excellent. I would like a private session with her real soon."

Ginny stopped patting. She said, "I'm going to let each man play with you for a few minutes. They will do some things that you might get to do at the party. I'll step back after we untie you and turn off the cameras."

Amanda did another great performance - writhing and struggling against the bonds while the men fondled and kissed her all over.

Ginny said, "That was a great video clip, Amanda. Now, while you're still strapped down, we're going to tickle you with feathers. Try to hold still and don't giggle."

Amanda was more ticklish than they thought, and try as she might, she couldn't stifle her giggles. All the extra squirming forced more of Amanda's excitement out her vagina. They only did that for a few minutes - tickling, stopping, and tickling again. Then they put the feathers away and rubbed her with oil, getting her sexually charged again. They kissed her all over - on her mouth, breasts, arms and legs, and tummy - and then put oil on her legs and chest.

Ginny said, "Amanda promised me that she would let men put a finger in her pussy, all the way in. So go ahead now, Ted. All the way. But real slow. She if she feels wet enough first." She didn't need to say that, because all three adults could see Amanda's excitement oozing out.

Ted put his face down by Amanda's spread open pussy. She smells so good. Clean and fresh... and excited."

"The neighbor man gave her a bath last night, and he washes her real good between her legs before he puts her to bed."

Nobody, including Amanda, commented on Ginny's disclosure.

Ted put his finger in his mouth to get it extra wet before starting, and then he slowly pressed his finger all the way in Amanda's very slippery, wet vagina. He did it several times, being careful not to bring her to climax.

Amanda's moans and squirming had started again. "Oh, it's too... big... wait... unnn, oh, there. Is it all the way in now?"

"Yes." Ginny whispered in her ear. "His finger is all the way in. He will slowly keep moving it around to stimulate you. Is it starting to feel good?"

"Unn, yes. Wonderful. It feels so big, but it feels good. Oh... Unn... Yes, slow, like that. Unnn." She was moving her hips.

Ted fingered her slowly for almost two minutes, then moved up to her chest and licked and fondled her pale breasts, before moving down to lick her still-open, very juicy pussy. "She tastes so good. I want to keep licking her."

"Save some for me." Said Jim.

"You'll get a turn in a few minutes." Said, Ginny.

Then Jim unfastened the straps around her ankles and he and Ted lifted Amanda's feet up near her head, into a diaper-changing position. Ted licked Amanda's anus and pussy several times. Then Jim stepped in and took over, letting Ginny and Ted hold Amanda's feet up over her head. He kept licking Amanda's anus, trying to press his tongue in the pink center.

Ginny whispered in her ear, "See how excited you got these men? They want to keep licking you, you lucky girl. Just enjoy the sensations."

Amanda didn't say anything, but kept squirming and moaning.

Then they unfastened the straps holding her wrists and tummy, and flipped her onto her hands and knees with her knees apart. Ted pressed her shoulders down towards the surface of the massage table and Amanda complied, putting her head and shoulders on the table. Ted and Jim placed Amanda's hands on her bottom. Ted said, "Pull it open for us. That's it. Very good. You have such a pretty bottom."

Amanda opened her eyes with a quizzical look at Ginny. Ginny said, "They are teaching you some of the pleasurable things you might get to enjoy Friday night at the party. Just let them lubricate your bottom. Most girls love it. You'll see. Enjoy the sensations."

Then a slippery finger pushed in her anus, and slowly slid all the way in. Amanda moaned steadily as it pushed all the way in. "Unnnnnnnnnnnn."

Ginny continued to whisper encouragement in her ear. "I told you it would feel good. There are lots of games you'll play like this so I wanted you to get used to it, and enjoy it. Doesn't that feel wonderful?"

"Unnnnn. Yes."

As Ted pushed his finger all the way in Amanda's anus, while she held her bottom open, Jim touched the vibrator on her clitty. Each time Ted pushed a finger in, Jim buzzed Amanda's stiff clitty. Amanda soon enjoyed an intense, noisy orgasm with Ted's finger pushed all the way in. He felt her spasms gripping his finger.

When she started to scoot away from the vibrator, Ted slowly pulled his finger out. They laid her on her back and strapped her legs onto the articulated legs of the massage table again. Ginny whispered in her ear, "Just rest a moment, Honey, and Jim will lick you off. You are so wet. Your pussy is just oozing excitement. Men love to see that. Let them look."

Ginny turned on one of the cameras to get a close view of the excitement oozing out of Amanda's pussy, and then, five minutes after her big orgasm Jim licked her pussy, causing another big orgasm in less than a minute.

Ginny closed the table legs and they let her rest.

She drove Amanda to the pool two hours later, after a brief massage and lunch with her and Ted and Jim. They all told her she would have so much fun at the parties, or the private evenings, and on the trips. Jim asked, "Did that feel good today, Amanda? The things we did."

"Yes, oh. Oh, gee. I like those games." She squirmed in her seat.

They all laughed and agreed that Amanda would have fun at the parties.

The Slumber Party

Amanda got home from the pool that day at five. Her step-mother said, "Oh, Amanda, Ginny from the spa called and said they were having a little slumber party for a few of the girls in their wax-treatment program, but it's about an hour away. She said she could pick you up Friday around four, and bring you home sometime Saturday afternoon. I told her I didn't know if you would want to because there is a pool party for the swim team at noon Saturday and you probably wouldn't want to miss it."

"A slumber party? Like with other girls my age? That sounds like fun. Besides, Stacey can't go to the pool party Saturday, so I could just skip it."

"Well, OK, if you're sure. It sounds like fun. Ginny said the girls play lots of games. I asked her how many girls and she said she wasn't sure. At least three, but maybe five or six girls. Are you sure you want to go?"

Amanda was trying not to sound too anxious. "Yes, I guess so. I'll come home from the pool early Friday.

Amanda got home at two o'clock, before her step-mother was home from work. She took a shower and put on jeans and a T-shirt and her gym shoes. She was brushing out her hair when her step-mom walked into her room. "Why don't you wear something nicer, Amanda? Maybe a dress?"

"A dress? Really? I hope it's not a fancy party."

While Amanda changed clothes, her step-mom packed a bag with her pajamas and some of her new, fancy underwear. "Why not wear a pair of these fancy panties that Ginny bought you?"

"Well, OK."

She left with Ginny, still trying not to act overly enthusiastic. When they got around the corner, Amanda said, "This is so exciting! Thanks, Ginny. I'm glad to be going to the party!"

"That's a cute summer dress, Amanda. We'll have lots of clothes for you to try on."

"How many girls will be there? How old are they? Are they cute? Are you sure they will like me? And like how many men, and you're sure they will put their fingers in me real slow? And will all of the men finger me? Oh, gosh. This is so exciting!"

Ginny smiled at Amanda's enthusiasm. "Show me which panties you're wearing."

Amanda lifted up the front of her dress as she slid forward on the front car seat, loosening her seat belt. "It's these real pretty ones. And like my step-mom handed them to me and said she wanted me to look cute with the other girls."

"I think your step-mom knows that we get pictures of the girls' panty areas for part of our wax advertising, so she wanted your waxed area to look especially sexy. She doesn't know about the rest of the slumber party games!"

"Gee, I hope not, or she wouldn't let me go!"

Ginny smiled. She reached her right hand over to feel Amanda's semi-sheer, pink, lacy panties. "Well, today there will only be two other girls and they are both twelve. Tomorrow morning an eleven year old might join us for a few hours. I think there will be about six men, but sometimes other's stop in as some leave. And IF one of them fingers you, he will go real slow. We don't want you to get sore from too many big fingers pushing in your vagina. Open your legs more so I can massage you a little bit."

"Twelve years old! Gee, they are lots older than me."

"They will be very nice to you, Amanda. Don't worry about that. I showed them a few pictures of you, and they each said you were real cute and they wanted to play games with you. One of the girls, Jamie, said you have such a pretty face and that your pussy is the prettiest one she has ever seen."

"She saw it? Gosh, really? She said I was pretty?" Amanda was grinning.

Ginny continued to rub the panties around on Amanda's smooth pussy mound. To interrupt Amanda's stream of questions, she said, "Would you like to see pictures of the three girls you will be playing with at the party? They've all seen your pictures and they each said you were very cute and they would love playing with you? Sometimes when I show a girl a picture of somebody she will be playing with, the girl might say she doesn't want to lick her, but they all want to lick you. They each said you have a very pretty one. Aren't you happy about that?"

"Yes." Amanda said and squirmed at the same time, opening her legs even wide for Ginny's roaming fingers.

Ginny said, "It's about an hour drive to get to the party, so I'll let you look at a little album on each girl. And if there is one who you don't want to lick, you don't have to. It's always your choice. But they each want to lick you, and this is kind of a trial slumber party for you, so it would be good to be extra cooperative and playful - with the girls and the men. I know they will all like you. As you look through each album you'll see the girl's first name. This will help you know who is who. And, as you go through each album, tell me if you would be glad to lick her, too, or if you'd rather not." Ginny noticed that Amanda opened her legs still wider, but she kept her hand on the pubic mound, not reaching between her legs yet. She stopped and reached into the back seat, putting one hand into a paper bag and pulling out a small album - with one 4 x 6 inch picture per page and 24 pages.

Amanda greedily took the album and opened it. The first two pictures showed a fully dressed girl. The caption said, "Cheryl - 11" with a little note at the bottom of the picture - "first wax at 9." The picture on the left, inside the plastic space in the cover, showed a face shot, featuring her bright smile. The picture on the right showed Cheryl from her white, medium heels, to the top of her reddish-blond hair. She was wearing a very short, white dress with a ruffle around her hips.

Amanda said, "Cheryl is cute."

"She just turned twelve years old. She is looking forward to meeting you." Ginny laughed, "She said she wanted to kiss you all over, and lick you, and she said that before she even saw any of your undressed pictures."

Amanda turned the page, to see Cheryl in different outfits, then Amanda flipped to the back page - and there was Cheryl, in a hands and knees, position, but with her shoulders on a box with a pillow on it. She was smiling back at the camera, pulling her bottom wide open with both hands. Amanda stared at the pictures. "Gosh." Then she noticed that Cheryl was wet, with a whitish liquid in her vagina.

Ginny was watching, noticing more squirming in Amanda's hips. "Doesn't she have a pretty one, Amanda?"

"Yes, it's real pretty. And you can tell she likes modeling."

"How can you tell?"

"It's kind of creamy in the center. See?" She showed Ginny the picture.

"Oh yes. Young girls always get so creamy when they are modeling. And even though you skipped most of the pictures, would you like to kiss her and so on?"

"Well, yes, I mean if she wanted me to. She is so cute!"

"And would you kiss her on the mouth?"

"Oh, sure."

"And would you lick her between her legs? She wants to lick you. Men really like to watch little girls licking each other."

"Yes. But are you sure she wants me to?" Amanda was flipping back through the pictures she had skipped over. "Oh, and she has such cute... umm..."

"You can say 'titties' or breasts or 'boobies' whatever you want to call them. Yes, she has cute titties, like little cupcakes with little pink nipples. And she loves your puffy, pink nipples, Amanda. I know she wants to suck on yours. Would you like to feel and suck on hers, too?"

"Oh, umm... well, yes."

"Good." Ginny said, "Because this is still a trial, and if you enthusiastically try new things - and they will all be fun anyway - then you'll get selected to come to more parties and maybe even go on some of our trips. So, will you suck and squeeze Cheryl's titties."

"Yes, I would really like to. I mean it. Really."

Ginny laughed. "I told them you would probably work out fine. And Cheryl likes to have cameras and new men watching her playing with other girls. It's why she gets invited to so many of the parties."

Amanda kept flipping through Cheryl's album and saying how cute she was. She stopped on several of the pussy pages - with close-ups, opened and closed... and commented on her great wax job, and also noticed that when Cheryl's legs were together you could still see her clitty, almost like a third lip down the center. "And it's really pretty, too, and so hairless and plump. That's what you like about mine, isn't it, Ginny?"

"Yes!" Said Ginny. "Yours is absolutely beautiful - plump, firm, hairless, and it gets very juicy and you are very responsive and sensitive while we stimulate you. It's good to make little noises when someone is stimulating you there."

"I can't help it, I guess." Amanda was smiling.

"Well, Ted and Jim were impressed. It was quite a compliment when they said you get as juicy as a teenager."

"But its kind of embarrassing when my panties get wet and nobody even touched me yet. It does it for David at the pool and for the neighbor man." Amanda stopped, "I mean when I think about my friend and her neighbor... oh, heck. You probably know it's me with my neighbor. You said we could talk about things. He always checks me when I get to his house. I have to stand still and he pulls out the elastic waistband on my soccer shorts and puts his hand down in my panties, just to check if I'm wet already. The last time I stayed at his house he told me that he's glad I'm excited to see him. Oh, and he really likes it that I'm getting waxed. He kept looking at it and touching it all night, it seemed like."

"Does he ever let you look at and touch his cock?"

Amanda hesitated. "I promised not to tell anybody."

Ginny smiled, "I know, Dear. Lots of people wanting you to keep secrets, but you can tell me anything, whether it's a secret or not. After all, I watched two men finger you - front and back - and I fingered you, too, for your massages. So did he shoot his sticky stuff on you?"

"Well, a few times. It's like one of our games now. But then after I got it waxed, he squirted two times in the same night. It was funny."

"It won't hurt you. Just so he doesn't squirt it in your vagina. Anywhere else is fine, including the outside of your pussy, on your bottom, in your mouth, or anywhere, just not up inside your vagina."

"No, it never went in there. He just likes to rub it on me."

"Want to see the other girls' albums before we get there?"

"Yes, sure."

Ginny handed her Trisha's album which was thicker than Cheryl's. 'Trisha - 12 yrs old, first wax age 10.' Amanda thought Trisha was cute, too, and made a scientific comparison of the two pussies. "Her pussy is really plump, too, like mine, and like you can't see her clitty until her legs are pretty wide open. Her titties are a little bit smaller than Cheryl's and her nipple part is pinker than Cheryl's. Oh, and she started as the same age as me. And..." Amanda stopped talking, while Ginny looked straight ahead, as if to watch traffic. Amanda turned through several more pages. "Oh, gee."

Ginny looked over to see Amanda studying the pictures of Trisha getting fingered in her anus by a man's hand, and next to that a picture of her sucking on a grown man's cock, the next page showed pictures of the cock shooting into her open mouth, and then a close-up of her face; mouth open wide for the camera, showing a load of cum on her tongue, and a subtle smile on her face. Ginny feigned surprise, "Oh dear, I must have put the wrong album in the car. Pretend you didn't see those last pictures. I hope I didn't do that with the other girls you're meeting this weekend. Remember, you not allowed to see pictures of the other girls and boys doing things like that until we have pictures and video of you doing things like that. It's only fair. If you get to see them doing something, then they get to see you doing something. But it's too late now. You might as well look at the other pictures." There were still five more pages to flip over - meaning ten more pictures. Ginny reached over, as if to take back the album, "Maybe I shouldn't let you see what other things the older girls do."

Amanda didn't exactly pull it away from Ginny's hand, but she turned a page quickly. There was Trisha, fully dressed in a party dress, next to a boy who was cleaned up and wearing nice sport clothes, and the next set of photos showed them both naked and touching each other. The boy's circumcised stiffie was the same size and shape as David's from the swimming pool. The next set showed Trisha sucking him, and then the boy was licking Trisha's pussy. The last two pictures showed Trisha pulling her bottom open, with what must have been the boy's hand putting lubricant in her anus, and the last photo - slightly from the side, showed his cock half-way in her bottom.

Amanda was quiet and kept looking at the different pages. Ginny said, "She's twelve, Amanda, two years older than you. She just loves a man's finger or a boy's cock in her bottom. Makes her orgasm every time. And the nice thing is that she is still a virgin because your bottom doesn't count. She has never had a cock all the way in her vagina, at least not a fully-grown one. But you don't have to do that. In fact, there won't be any boys there tonight. Just men, and the other girls, and a couple of women who also like little girls. Almost everybody likes little girls. You're so lucky!"

"Yes, but he put it in her bottom? All the way in?"

"Yes, and Trisha loves it. I think she's done that with six or seven different boys in front of the cameras, once with two different boys on the same day. The boy is cute, didn't you think?" Ginny could see that Amanda was looking at the boy's fully dressed picture again - the only one that showed his face.

"Yes, he's really cute."

"But doesn't that hurt?"

"Did it feel good when Ted and Jim put their fingers in your bottom?"

"Well, yes, but that was just their fingers."

"And they kept going in and out slowly, and well-lubricated. Most girls love it. And it felt good to you, too, didn't it?" Ginny smiled.

"Yes, but I mean still it was just fingers."

Ginny said, "But a man's big fingers are almost the same size as a boy's cock, Amanda."

"Oh, gee." Amanda squirmed in her seat.

Amanda continued looking through Trisha's album.

Pictures Of Boys

Ginny said, "I have an album of boys if you'd like to see them, and ..." Ginny laughed, "... and it doesn't mean you have to let them put their slippery cocks in your bottom if you look at their pictures. But it would mean you would get to lick them and suck on them. They would have to let you undress them and do those things. It's part of our games. And then you would have to let them lick and finger you. Not this weekend, of course!" Ginny laughed.

Amanda was quiet, then said, "Boys. Gosh. Can I see their pictures? Does it show pictures of... you know..."


"Does it show pictures of their things?"

"Yes. A couple pictures of each boy. You could even pick one out for some future party, maybe. Then we'll show him your pictures, and if he wants to make a video with you, then we would introduce you at a party. The grown-ups love watching those kinds of videos being made." Ginny laughed, "And of course, the kids love it even more. The boys are ages 14 and 15 mostly, so they are old enough to cum on you a few times. We keep their pubic hair trimmed for the videos, but they don't have much hair on their balls yet anyway. Would you really like to see some of the boys you could party with?"

"Yes. Gosh."

Ginny pulled the car over to the side of the road, and got a different album out of a box she had on the floor by the back seat. She handed it to Amanda, and started driving again. "Now, for a game, each boy has six pages, and you have to decide if you might be interested in playing with him at a party, before you go on to the next boy. OK? And it doesn't mean you want him to put his cock in your anus yet, but just to meet him and play with him at a party."

Amanda started on the album and said yes immediately to the first boy, and again on the second and third, and then she said, "Gosh, they are all cute." She took her time looking at their faces and the different views of each boy's stiff cock. She noticed one picture of each boy from behind while he pulled his bottom open, just like the girls did in their picture sets... and like she did for some of Ginny's pictures of her! But then she asked, "Why do the boys show their bottoms?"

"They look different from behind, don't they? You can see their bald balls. And besides, well... some people at the party might... well, the boys have to be more versatile. But do you think the boys are cute?"

"Yes. Gee. They are so cute. Oh, look..." Amanda had put her hand over the back of the boy's balls. "If I cover up his balls, then it could be a girls bottom, like you said so somebody could put a finger in."

Ginny laughed. "Yes. You catch on so quick, Amanda."

Amanda said, "Maybe I could put a finger in."

"You will be so popular - with even more of my adult friends - and the boys would like it, too. There is so much to teach you, but no rush of course, because we want you to have fun. That's the main thing. And yes, some of the boys love a finger in their bottoms."

Five minutes later she had said yes to all twelve boys in that album, and was squirming in her seat. Amanda said, "The boys' things aren't nearly as big as the neighbor man's thing, but they still look too big to go in my bottom. Gee. Wouldn't that hurt?"

"It didn't hurt when Ted and Jim put their fingers in your bottom did it? In fact, I think you really liked it."

"Well, yes, but that was just fingers, and they were real slippery."

Ginny said, "A boy's thing is almost the same size as a grown man's finger. And I would make sure to get you all lubricated, and I would put lots of it on the boy's cock and tell him to go real slow! And I bet then you would like it, just like you did Ted's big finger. The other girls love it when boys come to the parties, and ... well, anyway, all of the other girls who come to the parties, even the few nine year olds and one eight year old girl - they do it?"

"Gosh. They let a boy put his thing in their bottom?"

"Yes. All the way in. Lots of lubricant. Going real slow. The girls love it."

Ginny was smiling, knowing she had a new star on her hands. "When we get to the party we'll spend some time on your hair and make-up and give you clean panties and high heels and so on, and the games and things don't start right away. You can meet the other girls and the adults. Nothing much happens the first hour or so - just mingle and talk with everybody. You'll already know the names of the girls. This is still like a test for you, Amanda, and I said you would probably do great. But each girl you meet, you will probably have to kiss her all over and suck on her breasts, and lick her pussy, and finger her vagina and her anus, and be very loving with her, and she will do that with you, too. There might be cameras some of the time, or one or two adults watching closely and touching you sometimes. All the adults will want some time with you later on, and you know that from the beginning, but don't be too anxious to get started. You won't be allowed to meet any of the boys, until after you've proved yourself with some of the girls - all the licking and so on. And with the men, if they want, you can lick and suck them - that is if his cock fits in your mouth. But he won't put it in you anywhere else, but he might squirt his sticky stuff on you."

"Oh, well that doesn't hurt anything. It wipes off. Like my neighbor. And he really likes my waxed area. He squirted his sticky stuff all over it, and then he washed it off."

"If you do good tonight, I might even be able to get a few of the boys to join us tomorrow morning. Nothing in your bottom yet from the boys, unless you want to try it. Otherwise just their fingers. OK?"

"Yes, gosh."

Ginny said, "I know which boy to call. He has the skinniest cock of all the boys we use. It's longer, but skinnier. If you want I could see if he could come tomorrow. Then it would just be you and me and the boy and a couple of cameras and a few grown-ups, and I would get you and the boy very lubricated. Just think about it."


"And be nice with the women who are there. They will want to spend some private time with you."

"Gee. Why is that?"

Ginny laughed. "Because you are so cute. They will want to lick you and finger you, too, you know. Maybe play with a vibrator on you. I enjoyed fingering you, and want to do it again. And... I might enjoy licking you, too, young lady. So be nice to the women at the party, too."

"Gee, really? You want to lick me? Gee, well OK. I'm going to be extra nice to everybody tonight... and I'll be nice to you all the time, Ginny."

"Good girl. Because I'm you're mentor, that's like a teacher, so if and when you do play with a boy, I will be there, and I'll make sure your bottom is well lubricated before he puts it in. OK? You have to be real slippery and then it doesn't hurt. It will feel good."

"Thanks, Ginny."

The First Party - Friday Night

By the time they pulled up the long driveway, to the big house, out in the country, both Amanda and Ginny were ready to cum. Amanda looked at the little albums of the other girls, and then went through the boys pictures again - studying each face and each cock.

They met the other three girls, and went in to a bedroom with a big dressing area, and all the girls primped and got their make-up and lipstick freshened, and then dressed with very short party dresses, lacy ankle socks, and medium high heels.

Several men came into the dressing room. The first time a man came in Amanda covered her bare pussy with both hands. Ginny and the other girls laughed and told her not to be so shy. It was fun, and Amanda and the other girls hit it off right away.

Amanda was nervous, almost shaky, when they went out into the big room with the men and women. The men weren't dressed as fancy as the girls, but in clean, dressy casual - no suits. Eight men and two other women besides Ginny.

Ginny and Trisha walked Amanda around to meet the new people. Amanda blushed when the first man kissed the back of her hand with a bow and said he just loved her pictures. He said, "And I hear you get exceptionally juicy." Amanda liked his English accent.

Ginny said, "She certainly does... but Chris, we're going to start slowly here tonight. This is her first party. No fingering or licking for the first hour." Then Ginny turned to Amanda, "I'm sure Chris will want to put his finger in your bottom. Do you remember how I said we would do this? You know, in hands and knees position? Tell him how he has to do it the first time, at least."

Chris said, "She's right, Amanda. I certainly will want to put my finger in your bum and I'll push it in slowly if that's what she means."

Amanda was blushing as she said, "Well, like I'll be on my hands and knees with my head and shoulders resting on a bunch of pillows, and then I'll pull it open for you so you can lubricate me and it will go in easier. So I'll pull it open for you."

Chris held out his finger and asked Amanda to wrap her fingers around it. "Now slide your fingers up and down on my finger. It's not so big is it? And I'll push it in slowly after I get it all slippery."

Amanda squirmed her hips as she slid her hand up and down on Chris's finger. "Oh, gee. You have a big finger."

Trisha said, "His finger feels really good, Amanda. I like it. He does it to me and it feels so good. And sometimes he vibrates me at the same time!"

Chris held hands with the two girls and walked them over to a couch. The other grown-ups were getting drinks and talking with the other two girls. Chris sat on the couch and pulled both girls to sit on his lap - one on each knee. He was patting their bottoms. Then Chris said, "Sit beside me, Amanda. I want to show you how ticklish Trisha is." He pushed Trisha down on the couch and began tickling her tummy with both hands. Trisha was giggling and running in the air with her legs up. Chris kept tickling her - and Amanda could tell he was also feeling her chest and panties. Her sheer panties were completely exposed as she kicked her legs. Soon other adults were standing around them - watching and laughing.

Chris stopped tickling and let Trisha lay there with most of her dress up around her chest. She let her knees drop open, letting everyone see her ultra sheer, lacy panties. Chris looked at Amanda. "Trisha knows she has to lie still, because if she moves I'll start tickling her again. My, doesn't she have on pretty panties?"

"Yes." Said Amanda, since Chris was looking at her.

Then Chris put out his hand and slid his outstretched finger in the leg hole of Trisha's panties. He pulled her panties to the side letting everyone see her open, bald pussy. "Doesn't she have a pretty one, Amanda?"

"Yes, it's really pretty." Amanda was looking closely.

Chris pulled Trisha up so she was sitting up straight again. He said, "Say, Amanda, are you ticklish?" He held out his hands like bear claws with a big, mischievous smile on his face.

Amanda started giggling before he touched her. Two seconds later she was giggling her head off , kicking and squirming all over the place as he tickled her tummy and armpits. He suddenly stopped, and Amanda remembered to hold still. She was still giggling, but blushing, knowing that everyone who was standing around the big couch was looking at her panties. Then Chris said, "Oh, it's beautiful, just like her pictures." He scooted a finger inside the leg of the sheer, white panties and pulled them over to one side. Then Chris looked at Trisha, "Doesn't she have a pretty one, Trisha?"

"Yes, its really pretty."

Over the course of the next hour, with lots of snacks and pop for the girls, most of the men and one of the women tickled Amanda on one of the couches in the big room. The other girls were getting the same treatment.

The girls took turns pretending to be a boy and then kissing and feeling her partner. Amanda thought that was fun. She liked feeling the other girls, and then pulling their panties down while they stood still - holding up their dresses for her, so she could examine them. The audience always got quiet while they watched her kiss and feel another little girl. It was so much fun! Better than playing doctor with a friend, because there was an audience.


Amanda and the other girls would leave the party with one of the men for a little while and come back about twenty minutes later. Ginny took Amanda and another man up to a bedroom. She said, "Amanda, this is Tom and he wants to undress you and play with your for a little bit. He won't hurt you. Just have fun. He'll wipe you off and get you dressed again before he brings you back down.

It was almost thirty minutes later when Tom brought her back downstairs. They went up to Ginny and Tom said they had "a wonderful little game."

Amanda said, "And he has a really big one. He let me play with it. It wouldn't fit in my mouth, you know, like the end of it. And he liked it that I got so wet, like you said in the car, and his finger went in me... in front... without using any extra slippery stuff. It was funny when he said I was so gooey! He licked lots of it off me, but I still had enough so he could put his finger in. And he wiped all his sticky stuff off me with a wet washcloth like you told him. And then he helped me get dressed again. It was a fun game, like I laid on my tummy and he rubbed it between my thighs after he put oil on me and I laid on a towel. I had to keep my legs together while he rubbed it and then it squirted all over my bottom and between my legs. Lots of it. And he said I got the prize, only I don't know what it is yet. He said he would talk to you about prizes."

Ginny laughed, "OK, Amanda. That's a fun game, but you don't have to tell me all about it right now. I trust Tom. I'm glad you're back in the party again. I told you that you'd get to play lots of fun games."

Tom said, "And I would like to take her out some evening, just the two of us, so we're not in a rush. There are lots of other games we could play, Amanda."

Amanda said, "But what would I tell my step-mom? It would be fun, but she wouldn't let me go away with some man." She looked at Tom, "Even a nice, fun man like Tom."

Ginny said, "I'll take you out shopping again. Only instead of the mall I'll let Tom take you somewhere, and then I'll get some things for you and Tom will pay for them."

Amanda looked puzzled. "But I want to go shopping with you. That was fun.

Ginny laughed. "I will take you shopping more often now. And we can do some shopping and you can play games with some of my trusted friends, and then maybe you could spend the night at my house. How would that be?"

"Oh, that would be great." She looked up at Tom. "Thank you. It was fun playing games, and I'm glad we'll get to do it some more."


Then Amanda noticed Cheryl leaving, holding hands with one of the men. She whispered to Ginny. "Where are they going? Is he going to get his sticky stuff on Cheryl?"

Cheryl has to tinkle, and you're not allowed to go tinkle unless you take a man with you to watch. If you have to tinkle, just ask a man to take you to the bathroom. Then he will wipe you off with a warm washcloth when you're done."

That put the notion in Amanda's head, and after drinking so much pop, her mind and bladder were working in concert. She said, "I have to go, too."

Ginny said, "Just ask one of the men to take you. After all that soda I'm sure you do, and I'm glad you didn't tinkle while you were getting tickled. By the way, all the men liked looking at your panties. Could you tell they were looking?"

"Yes. They liked looking at my panties, and umm, like even when they were pulled down, they were staring at it. And they liked watching me kiss Trisha when we danced."

Amanda walked over to Chris, still attracted to his English accent. Somehow it made him seem wiser to her, and with his ample size, gray hair, and lively sense of humor, she liked him and wanted him to take her to tinkle.

Of course, Chris was glad to oblige the ten year old, slim, blond girl. He picked up a video camera and took her to one of the upstairs bathrooms since the main one downstairs was occupied. After turning on all the lights, he had Amanda hold up her dress around her chest while he pulled her panties down and off. He put them in his pocket. "These panties are so wet! I'll get you a fresh pair when we get downstairs. Now sit with your knees open and lean back so I can make sure you go." He knelt on one knee close to the toilet, aiming the camera between her legs. "OK. Now you can go."

When she was done, he turned off the camera and wiped her off. They went downstairs and walked over to Ginny who was standing with two of the men. "She did a great job peeing for the camera. Introduced herself before she started. I kept her panties because they were so wet."

Ginny smiled. "Yes, Amanda does get as excited as a teenager. She gets so sexy wet."

Three Fingers In Her Bottom (one at a time)

One of the other men standing with them, said, "I loved that about her pictures. Can't wait to see her videos."

Chris said, "I've been dying to put my fingers in her. Maybe now would be a good time while the other girls are off doing private sessions. I especially want to put a finger in her tight, little bum."

"Me, too." Said one of the other men.

"And me!" Said the third man.

That's when Ginny suggested that the five of them find a bedroom. "No rush. We'll watch her undress and then I'll get her ready. Tomorrow morning, around eleven there are three boys coming. Amanda accidentally saw the pictures of a boy putting his cock in Trisha's ass, and I think Amanda would like to try it. She had an orgasm the first time a man put his finger in her bottom. If each of you takes turns, that would help get her loosened up for tomorrow in case she decides to try it."

"Well, I promise to go slow and get her real lubricated first." Said the tall man who had been talking with Ginny."

Ginny said, "Sounds good. Let's go have fun. Does this sound exciting, Amanda? Do you want them to each press a lubricated finger in your bottom? And we'll put you in different positions so you can decide which position you like the best before you meet the boys tomorrow. OK?" Ginny took Amanda's hand and was leading the group back towards the stairs.

"Gee, really? Gosh. I'm so nervous."

"Of course, Honey. That's part of the excitement. But we won't do it right away. We have to set up the cameras and get the lubricant ready, and the vibrators. It will be fun. Isn't this fun and exciting? You're the little star."

"Gosh, it's fun. Will you stay with me?"

"I wouldn't miss it, Amanda. They won't hurt you. It will feel good. They will set you up to undress and introduce yourself to the cameras and then we'll get the room set for the fingering. Then your bottom will be all loosened up for the boys tomorrow. OK?"

"Gee, OK."

Amanda introduced herself and undressed, leaving her high heels on so she could walk around to show Chris and the two other men what a good job she could do walking in high heels. Then, with the high heels and ankle socks still on, she went through some of her stretching exercises to show off how limber she was. The men really liked it, each one noticing the white goo building up at the opening to her vagina.

Each of the men took a minute to kiss her on the mouth and feel her breasts. Each man complimented her cute, developing figure and smooth, plump pussy. They had her get in hands and knees, flat on her tummy, and on her back with two men lifting up her legs so she was in diaper-changing position with pillows under her hips. She modeled each "anal-fingering" position for the camera.

Ginny whispered something in her ear. Then they did another quick video clip of Amanda on her back with her feet up in the air. "I'm Amanda and I'm ten years old so you have to use lots of lubricant before you put your finger in my bottom. And push it in slow so it won't hurt. Get your finger slippery first, too."

Chris went first since he had been requesting the honor since first seeing Amanda's pictures. Amanda chose the hands and knees position. Her feet were over the side of the bed, and they put a box with a pillow on it under her head and shoulders so she could reach back to pull her bottom open for him. Chris said, "Oh my, it's beautiful, Amanda. So pink in the middle, like a rare steak. Um, um, so tasty looking. I'm going to use lots of lubricant, and it will take several finger fulls to get you slippery enough. We'll let Ginny get some video of you and then I'll start putting in the lubricant right after I lick you again."


"You're doing great, pulling it open for me. Thanks. It's so pretty."

"Thank you." Amanda felt self-conscious with the four adults looking at her and they were all dressed, and Ginny was working a camera.

Compared to Chris' tongue, the lubricant felt cold as he put a big dab on her anus. He slowly pushed a little bit in, and kept repeating that - another dab, and pushing in a little farther. Then he rubbed extra lubricant on his finger. Ginny held the camera off to one side as Chris slowly pushed all the way in.

"Unnnnnnnn." Said Amanda.

Chris pulled out slowly, added a little bit more lubricant and pushed all the way in again - eliciting another long moan from Amanda.

After the fifth or sixth time he went all the way in, Ginny asked Amanda if it felt good to her.

"Unnn... yes... uuunnnnnn. Oh."

Ginny said, "His finger is almost the same size as the boy's cock I was telling you about. I'll let Chris get you loosened up and then the other men will take turns, so tomorrow, if you want to, a boy's cock will slide right in. This feels good, doesn't it, Amanda?"

"Yes... unnnnnn. Yes... so goooooood."

One of the other men said, "I'll help loosen her up, too. My God, she is cute. What time are the boy's coming tomorrow?"

"They should get here about 11:00."

"Then I'll come back about noon. I love watching a new girl have that pleasure for the first time."

"Ginny said, "And it's always one of our best-selling videos, too - the initial playing around with the boy - undressing each other..."

Amanda was partially listening, but still wrapped up in the pleasurable experience.

Chris said, "She is so damn tight, but really slippery. A boy's should slide in OK. You can tell she likes this." The adults were talking softly.

"Unnnnnnn, ohhhhh." Moaned Amanda. She didn't hear Ginny say there would be three boys Saturday and that each of them would probably want to do a few strokes with her.

After each of the helpful men had fingered Amanda, one of them used a vibrator at the same time Chris pushed his big finger in. Amanda had a noisy orgasm.

Ginny shoed the men out and let Amanda rest for a little while before wiping her off and bringing the subdued girl back downstairs. She sat next to Ginny watching the other girls play different games, including one called, "Sixty-nine," in which they undressed each other and then licked each others' pussy at the same time. Amanda said, "The men really like watching that, too, don't they Ginny?"

Amanda was having fun, but getting tired, too, after the long day, and thinking about this so much all week that she could hardly sleep. Ginny introduced Amanda to Laura - with short, dark hair and pushing forty, but very athletic and wiry. She had freckles which Amanda thought looked extra cute on a grown-up. Ginny said, "Go on upstairs with Laura and get comfortable. You can talk about anything, and I know Laura will help you relax so you can get to sleep.

Saturday - The Boys

Ginny came in to get Amanda out of Laura's bed at nine o'clock. The air conditioning was turned way up so it felt cold in the room, even in July. And Laura had her arm around Amanda. Both were naked and snuggled together.

While Ginny drank her coffee and bathed Amanda, Amanda said she liked sleeping with Laura. She said, "We played some games, too, and she helped me have one of those 'gasms' you talked about, you know, that feel so good. And then I went to sleep without even brushing my teeth. But I brushed them this morning." She added.

Laura sipped her tea. She said, "She was wonderful. I love how she feels and tastes. And you'll enjoy her, too, Ginny. So responsive."

"I'm looking forward to taking her to more parties. Maybe we could have a girls-only party sometime. Just the three of us." Said Ginny.

"And maybe another girl, so there would be four of us." Suggested Laura.

Ginny looked at Amanda, who was listening while she bit off a piece of bagel with maple-syrup flavored cream cheese. Amanda didn't say anything, so she asked, "Would you like to meet me and Laura and one other girl for a little girls-only party sometime?"

"Gee, yes. That would be fun, too."

Two of the girls had left on Friday evening after Amanda went upstairs with Laura. Ginny said, "It's just you and Trisha here today, and there are three boys coming, so let's get you dolled up! I know several men are coming to watch you make the videos with Trisha and the three boys. It will be lots of fun. Lots of kissing and touching games first. All the boys are so anxious to meet you. They loved your pictures and can't wait to get to know you."

"Really? How old are the boys?"

"One is thirteen and two are fourteen. I selected them because their cocks are the smallest, but don't tell them that!" Ginny laughed.

Amanda laughed, too. "No, I know better than that!"

Ginny and Laura had both little girls dolled up and ready for the boys... short, summer "play dresses," lacy, semi-sheer panties, a little bit of make-up and red lipstick, ribbons in their hair, white lacy ankle socks, and black flats - almost too dressy to play outside.

The boys, Josh 12 - blond, Freddie 13 - reddish hair and freckles, and Matt - 13 with sandy blond hair and glasses arrived just before noon. Some of the adults knew them, and Trisha knew Josh and Freddie.

Ginny said, "And boys, last night, some of the men fingered Amanda's bottom to help get it loosened up in case she wanted to feel one of your cocks go in her anus. Just remember, that if we do that, you have to go slow at first so she gets used to it. Would any of you boys like to do that with Amanda, if she feels ready?"

All three boys raised their hands.

Ginny turned to the blushing, but smiling, Amanda. "How many people fingered your bottom last night, Amanda? I think it was three."

Amanda said, "Well it was three men, and then you and Laura, too, when we went to bed, while she helped me get relaxed. So it was five people getting my bottom loosened up yesterday."

Amanda didn't notice that Laura - calm and cool Laura - was blushing.

They all shared a big buffet lunch in the house - seven men, the three boys, two girls, and Ginny and Laura, who became the party directors... keeping the girls and boys talking and getting to know each other. They had the boys talk about Junior High school - since both of them would be in the seventh grade, and Josh would be in the sixth. They were all nice to each other - with some gentle teasing, so it wouldn't seem too unreal!

After lunch, they all went outside under a huge oak tree where Ginny had the kids play a kissing game so they could get to know each other. Each of the girls had to kiss each of the boys for a full minute, with Ted, who had just arrived, acting as timekeeper. "And while you are kissing each other, the boy is allowed to feel the girl's chest." The men sat in lawn chairs or stood in a rough semicircle - keeping in the shade, and next to the cameras - to watch the kids get to know each other. Many of the men had to frequently adjust their trousers as they watched all the kissing and feeling that was being recorded.

The timekeeper was a little relaxed with his clock watching, so it took almost fifteen minutes - with lots of commands to 'start-over.' After the first round, the boys were allowed to put a hand up under the girl's dress, if he wanted to.

It was pretty hot outside, and Ginny and Laura didn't want the girls to get undressed in the dust and grass, so they all went back inside. After another round of drinks, they moved to the big living room where most of the furniture had been moved to one side of the room, leaving a few pieces in front of sheets that were tacked to the wall as their "studio."

The boys, who had spent ten minutes with Laura and Ginny, before they were allowed to meet the girls, seemed to know what to do. Another icebreaker was tickling, when the boys, two-against-one would tickle either Amanda or Trisha, to make sure the cameras and men got to see lots of panties while the girls were being tickled - first with feathers - as a game of control - on bare feet, armpits, or tummies. Both girls were giggling and having fun being the center of attention.

The 'no teasing' policy was in full force and they knew it - with never a critical word. Gentle, playful teasing was OK, and even encouraged and the boys - who were quite motivated to continue to work with the new 'models,' behaved themselves... but soon both girls were naked and being continuously fondled by the three boys who shared the two prizes like gentlemen. Of course, Ginny and Laura had both assured them that if there was any hurtful teasing or arguing they wouldn't be invited to more parties.

They played various fingering games, with the boys taking turns being the master of ceremonies. They made sure that each girl was often fully exposed to the cameras in various un-ladylike positions. Fingering was shared equally with the girls spending time doing it to each other... so far "front" fingering only.

Then, Matt, who looked like the oldest with his glasses on, was acting as MC, and had each of the girls begin undressing the other two boys. They were soon naked, and seemed both embarrassed by - and proud of - their erections. The girls were hypnotized by the waving cocks. Matt said. "Girls, hands behind your backs and get on your knees. A boy will wave his cock in front of your face and you try to catch it in your mouth. No biting! And when you catch it, you only get to suck for ten seconds and then the boys will move to the other girl!" This was more difficult for Amanda who got the giggles, and couldn't hold on for ten seconds after she caught Josh's cock in her mouth. As her 'punishment' she had to lick Josh's cock up one side and down the other, for a whole minute. "And get it really wet!" Matt ordered.

Amanda had forgotten about the cameras, and the men were staying relatively quiet. Ginny and Ted were working the cameras. While Amanda was sucking on Josh's relatively small cock, Matt had her practice 'getting in position,' meaning holding her mouth open so Josh could squirt his cum in her mouth. Amanda was still enjoying the games with the cute boys, reveling in the attention and all the fun of looking at and touching the boys' cocks.

She noticed a change in 'flavor' of Josh's cock, as Josh told her once again to get in ready position. Suddenly a stream of warm cum shot into her mouth, making her choke. The following four squirts caught the side of her face and hair, chest, and neck. Then - as practiced - she opened her mouth to show what she had caught in it. Ginny nodded for her to swallow it, which she did - and then made a face as if she had just taken a big swig of sour milk.

Trisha said, "I didn't like it at first either, Amanda. But I like it now."

Amanda said, "but my bottom...."

Ginny said, "Cut!" and everyone clapped for Amanda and the other actors.

After a very brief intermission for soft drinks for the actors and a fresh beer for several of the men, Ginny whispered to Amanda, while wiping her off. "We'll play with your bottom next. And ... well... do you want to try it? Then you would be guaranteed to get invited to more parties."

Amanda whispered back, "Yes. I like the parties."

Ginny said, "Before they do that, I'll make sure you have plenty of lubricant in your bottom. We'll have a 20 second break before turning on the cameras again, and I'll make sure you are lubricated and that Freddie and Matt are all greased up, too."


The action started again, with Freddie getting undressed and letting both girls lick him at the same time. Amanda was fascinated by balls... and spent time tickling and feeling each boy's balls.

Then they got her in hands and knees position and put lubricant in her bottom, with Trisha giving her encouragement and telling her how much she likes getting it in her bottom.

After the very brief pause for Ginny to check the lubricant in Amanda's bottom and on Freddie's stiff, slightly-curved, five-inch, slender cock, the action resumed with first Trisha and then Matt and finally Freddie fingering her bottom - each putting in a little more lubricant.

Freddie was on his knees behind Amanda with Trisha on the far side of them, facing the cameras, and guiding Freddie's anxious cock into Amanda's anus. Freddie was being very patient waiting for the correct alignment so he wouldn't accidentally stick it in her vagina. As it started to go in, Amanda said, "Oh, it's too.... Unnn, ohh, it's in... oh..."

It wasn't on the role-playing outline, but Freddie shot his load after four strokes in Amanda's very tight ass. He pulled it out still squirting, getting it all over Amanda's ass and legs.

Amanda was still moving her hips. "Ohhh, unn..." So Matt scooted up and put his slippery cock in Amanda's tight ass hole - going very slowly at first. "Ohh, unn, it's so ... unn... so big... oh."

Within two minutes, Matt started cumming inside her. He pulled it out and shot most of his cum on her back and legs.

Ginny and Laura called for a break and took Amanda upstairs to clean her up, while Trisha danced for the men.

It was almost time to leave, but one of the men was waiting for a quick, private session with Amanda. Ginny allowed them thirty minutes.

Amanda came out of the bedroom carrying her clothes with a big glob of cum in her hair. She said, "I need some pop. That tastes yukky."

Ginny laughed and got her a soft drink. While Amanda got dressed, Ginny got most of the cum out of her hair, but it was time for her to be home, so they had to leave. Ginny was relieved on the way home when Amanda started talking about how much fun she had at the party and that she wanted to come to more parties.

Amanda's step-mother asked her if she had a good time, and Amanda said it was a really fun party and she wants to go to more of them. Her step-mother laughed and then looked at Amanda's hair.

Ginny noticed her looking at the dried cum, and said, "The girls were acting silly while doing an arts and crafts project and she got paste in her hair."

Her step-mother said, "Well, girls will be girls. They like to act silly. It won't hurt anything. Go on up and take a bath and wash your hair while I talk with Ginny."

Amanda wondered what they would talk about, so she only went up one step and then turned to listen. She heard Ginny say, "She really had a good time at the party. Here is her scholarship envelope. Five hundred. Ginny and the other girls in our Waxed Girls' Club got to look at each other's waxed areas while I took a few pictures. I know Amanda felt better about it after she knew for sure that other girls get waxed, too, and that they didn't mind the cameras. Oh, and I'm going out for dinner and shopping with a friend Wednesday. It would be nice if Amanda could join us. My friend was thinking about letting her niece get the wax treatments, but she wanted to see and touch a girl who had already experienced it. She wants to feel how smooth it is, and then ask Amanda some questions, if that's Ok with you."

Amanda grinned when she heard her step-mother say, "OK. That would be fine. I know she likes hanging around with you." Then she laughed, "Especially when you take her shopping and buy her things!" Both women laughed.

"And there might be another slumber party next Friday night, but with different girls. Four or five of them. All waxed. But again, only if it's OK with you for her to go to the slumber party. A full scholarship party."

"Of course she can go. She likes parties."

With a big grin on her face, Amanda went on up to take her bath and wash her hair. She was already looking forward to Wednesday night and wondering who was going to look at her waxed area and where they would go for dinner. She liked places with real silverware, plates and napkins; fancy places.

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Fucking awesome! Please don't stop now. Would like to see the models abused harder, spanked, humiliated and tied up!

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