Published: 19-Jul-2012
Word Count:
"Come in, Sister." Father Ray held the door for her. They were both in their sixties and upset about the pending closure of their girl's elementary school. The school was in a rough neighborhood, and most of the girls lived in single parent homes since the dads were in jail or they had run off. Except for a few elderly school supporters, they received hardly any donations so the arch diocese was planning to close the school unless they could raise 4,000 by the end of the school year, just three months away.
"Father Ray, a few weeks ago in your sermon you said something about making personal sacrifices for a greater good. And..."
Father Ray laughed, "I didn't think anyone was listening."
"And you talked about our limited resources and the many benefits we offer our girls. I thought about that, and realized that our biggest resource is our girls themselves."
"What do you mean?"
"Please hear me out, Father. This is very unorthodox, but our girls have... well, usually by thirteen or fourteen at the most... have lost their virginity. They see things going on. Look at this ad I found on the internet. I know it's almost two hundred miles away, but the distance could be a blessing for us."
Father Ray took the color printout from her as he slipped on his reading glasses. He had asked the staff - all five people besides himself and Sister Lydia, who worked at the school - including their custodian-cook, the gym-health teacher, and the social studies, math, and language arts teachers - not to make color copies, but he decided to let this go. He took the four pages and looked at pictures of four or five young girls on each page - ages 8 - 11 - in various stages of undress. Some poses were innocent, but many were topless and very sultry - erotic even. The caption under each picture said things like, "Laura, 11, does oral with girls," or "Cindy, 10, two very tight holes," or "Alissiya, 9, swallowed on her very first time." The old priest felt a stir he hadn't felt in years, as he scratched his chin in thought. Then he read the text in the ad that Sister Lydia had printed for him:
-----------Wanted: Cute, young girls to model for our completely-legal, preteen, erotic videos and photos - for our DVDs, magazines, and websites. Discrete arrangements made. Must have parent or legal guardian's signature. Average earnings of 500 - 1,000/month during the first two years with 6 hours modeling/month. Girls 8 - 10 needed now. Inspection required. Call Ms. Victoria for more details: 800-xxx-xxxx
"So, Father, we have sixty girls in our school." She sighed. "Half the number as when I started here ten years ago, but, if we could get ten of our cutest girls to participate, we could save our school and even give their parents some money each month for letting their daughters help us with our fundraising. We could say it was part of our tuition scholarship program; a uniform or clothing allowance, or something like that."
Father Ray was on the edge of being angry, but held back to listen. Sister Lydia's observations that the girls would soon lose their virginity anyway was valid, as he knew from listening to confessions - big brothers and their friends, neighbors, mom's boyfriend-of-the-week, and many others - eventually had sex with his students - and he prayed that half would holdout until their teenage years. Even many of his 'little virgins' had been letting men or boys look at and touch their hidden charms, and some had already sucked cocks before turning eight or nine. This he knew. He took off his reading glasses and looked at Sister Lydia. Then he put the glasses back on and looked at the printouts again. "The internet. Hmmmpf, well, since I don't use computers, Sister, I guess it's good that you know how to use them." He was still frowning, but kept looking at the color pages, and the ad.
Sister Lydia gave him time to think - knowing he would get mad and say no if she pushed him. They knew each other well. She knew they were both disillusioned and disappointed - their idealism having worn away years ago - with just momentum keeping them where they were. When Father Ray said, "Well..." she knew he was open to the idea.
"Father, I'm sorry for trying to find out more information before talking things over with you, but I wanted to be able to answer your questions when I shared this idea with you. So, I called Ms. Victoria at the photography company. She seemed like a very nice woman; and a smart business woman. The other similar companies are run by men, and their ads are much cruder. She owns the company and does much of the photography herself. She liked my idea and said that with ten little girls in uniforms - looking all sweet and innocent at first - that we could easily earn five thousand dollars in our first two months, if our little girls went along with things, but that the money would slow down after that unless we kept providing her with new talent. I sent her an email with pictures of some of our students.
"We talked again, and she said they also do what she called 'private shows,' for wealthy clients, and she felt that the girls from our school could keep up a high average for a few years at least. She told me that occasionally she could even use a few of our girls on her promotional tours, on the other side of their state, but they wouldn't wear their school uniforms for those programs, although she might provide uniforms of her own to keep with the spirit of 'innocent schoolgirls.' She promised me our girls would be at least two hundred miles from our city for any public performance. And she promised again that our girls would remain virgins."
"You talked with her before consulting me?"
"I wanted to check the facts, Father, and also verify that our girls would keep their virginity while modeling. She assured me that none of the girls ever have a penis put in their vagina as part of their role-playing videos, or during the private shows or tours."
"Really?" He thought that over. "I still have doubts. What about the girls' mothers? I think they would be upset, and you and I would lose both our frocks and our meager pensions."
"I thought of that, too, Father. For one thing this would be legal, so there wouldn't be any trouble that way. I'm sure the mothers would sign permission for their daughters to model school uniforms and give me power of attorney without asking questions, especially if I promised them fifty dollars or so each week for a few months while their daughters modeled school uniforms for a small company once a month. We could also divert some of the money each month - since it will be much more than we need for the school - into private retirement funds for you and me.... just in case, and it's just an idea. I did a little checking and we could do that without anyone knowing. Anyway, I held off for a week to think things through before contacting Ms. Victoria and then sharing my idea with you." She then told him the other things she had found out - strategies to protect everything - "... I sent her digital pictures of twenty of our cutest students who are between eight and ten.
She told me that the nine and ten year olds seemed to be the most popular sellers but that there is also a market for the eight year olds. Ms. Victoria said that our girls were plenty cute enough and said she had some special customers in mind who would write checks, or donate cash, directly to our school before the private parties or tours, so most of the money would come from individual donors, and then they could write off their donations. She also said some of the donors would pay cash - completely off the record, so they wouldn't even want receipts. The archdiocese never has to know."
Father Ray laughed. "And even if they did know, they would keep it quiet if we cut them in on our little bonanza!" He scratched his chin again. "What about the girls? How could we keep them from sharing the excitement of their modeling experiences with their friends, neighbors, other girls, and especially their mothers? You know how little girls like to talk."
"We would have to talk with them individually; stress the importance of keeping this a secret from the other girls and their families, or else the other girls might be hurt and think they weren't pretty enough. We could call it some kind of boring club, like a church history club, or chess club, or really anything that would sound boring to our other students. And, of course, you would have to give them absolution for the naughty pleasures they will experience. Ms. Victoria assured me that all of her models love modeling, because they have orgasms in front of the cameras - at the hands of the photography students and assistants who help her with her websites, magazines, and DVD productions. She said that after the first video, or maybe a few videos, the excited, little girls cum during almost every video, and they love it."
"Yes, I believe that. And the parties? Or the tours? Who would be there, and is she sure the girls would remain virgins?"
"We wouldn't have to do the parties or tours for one thing, since there will be enough income from the modeling to save our school and help the families. But Ms. Victoria says the little girls love the private parties just as much, even though there aren't many cameras there... except for a few token scenes in a special room to keep everything legal. She told me that the wealthy old men love bringing little girls to orgasm, and later in the evening - or afternoon if it's during the day - each of the lonely old men is able to cum on one of the girls - not IN her, but ON her. It would be a win-win-win-win - the school, us, the girls, and those lonely men."
"But wouldn't the men spill their fluid on our girls' clothes?"
"Ms. Victoria said the girls probably wouldn't have clothes on at that point, Father, and the sticky stuff washes easily off bare skin, or a girl would spit it out, if some accidentally got in her mouth, or the girls might be wearing some of Ms. Victoria's specialty costumes. If some got in the girls hair, then she promised to wash it out before sending the girls back home."
"I met with each girl and her mother individually, Father Ray. They all signed the papers, including the girls, without reading the fine print. In private, I told the girls a little more of what we would be doing for our Church History Club. The girls seemed excited and curious about it, especially after I told them that they could have lots of fun and it wouldn't be a sin. It would be secret, and you would give them absolution without asking too many questions. We could even teach them some church history on the drive across the state line and back."
"I read the fine print, Sister Lydia, and it was disgusting. I hope our girls don't have to do all those things! 'Let a dog lick her pussy' sounds sick! And especially Marti, she's afraid of dogs. I don't know if she could hold still long enough, but the other girls might be OK with it. And the anal fingering - do you think our girls would allow that?" He thought a minute. Sister Lydia could tell he had something else to say, so she waited. "I shouldn't share this, but with the ten girls we picked, five of them have already played games like that with a man or much older boy. Three of them have swallowed a man's sperm, and several have already been fingered in the rear - so I guess they are ready for such things."
"The mothers and daughters all signed the forms, and Ms. Victoria says they work up to things, so that the girls really enjoy it. She also told me that she is allergic to dogs, so she doesn't do those kinds of acting scenes with the girls. You don't want to know any more details, Father. Just ask them if they had fun helping our school, and tell them they are forgiven, and then ask them if they want to go back for more photography, or private sessions, or even on promotional tours later. That might relieve your concerns."
"So, you're ready to go?"
"Yes, Father. We're leaving tomorrow morning, Saturday, so you'll be able to see them when we get back around four o'clock. I told them you would give them absolution for whatever they did while they were helping the school. And, I told them that it would be a sin for them to talk about their experiences outside of our little group, except during the photography sessions, parties, or tours. I promised that you would only ask them if they had a good time and if they want to go back for more modeling, or tours, or the private parties, and that all of those things would help with our fundraising so they would be completely forgiven.."
"You're right, Sister. And if they enjoyed the experience then I won't feel so guilty either. Will you be with them the whole time?"
I will be in the studio office, but Ms. Victoria has several rooms in her house set up where other photographers will be working with our girls - like different sets. I'll be there at the beginning when she tells them some of the things they will be doing. She says besides the official inspection they will only be doing milder things like dancing and undressing, or spankings, and then some fingering. She will have the girls introduce themselves and lift the front of their uniforms, before getting started. Ms. Victoria says she likes to show the little girls some of the things they will be modeling and she talks about some of the things they will be doing in their video and pictures sets. I guess her initial plan is to have all five of our girls introduce themselves while they are standing next to each other - no make-up on yet. She says some of her customers like to watch little girls giggling and squirming around, trying to keep a straight face as they lift up the fronts of their dresses and pull down their panties to show the cameras and photographers for the first time."
"I'm glad they will have some idea of what they will be doing. You and I will each spend time with them individually so we can tell them how important this is, but they should have fun, too. And I will give them full forgiveness even before they go, and then again when you all get back here before we take them home. We'll have to stress that they only tell their mothers, and really anyone outside our little group, that they were modeling school uniforms; learning church history, and playing games."
"Good bye, girls, and thanks again for helping us." Said Father Ray, with his head in the window of the van. "This is a very secret project, but you can talk with each other about it. Nobody else. If they ask questions, start talking about church history, then they'll leave you alone. Also, remember that I gave each of you preemptive forgiveness, and must remind you not to do these naughty things with other people outside of these photography projects." He stood and made the sign of the cross in the air.
The girls all agreed not to talk about it. Giggles gave away their excitement and nervousness as Father Ray waved goodbye. Two girls were in the front seat with Sister Lydia, and three were in the back seat. They had all walked to the school in their uniforms. Sister Lydia said, "We'll be fine, Father, and we'll be back late this afternoon so you can give them a little penance and grant each girl full forgiveness."
"Have fun, Girls. I won't ask too much about today's adventures, but I will need to know if you had fun and if you want to do it again."
"I'll explain all that, Father. We'd better get going so we won't be late."
It was almost two hours and one 'potty stop' later when they crossed the state line. Forty minutes after that they arrived at Ms. Victoria's unmarked studio. It was actually a large house with no other houses immediately around it. There were ten nice cars parked in the grass along the side of the long driveway and several others in front of the garage behind the house.
Ms. Victoria came out to meet them. She was wearing a short dress, and all the girls thought she was pretty. She looked about 35 - 40 years old, and was slim, but muscular in a wiry sort of way. She reminded Sister Lydia of their gym teacher at school, who always went in the locker room after gym class, while the girls took showers. She inspected each girl before she would let them get dressed again. Sister Lydia felt vaguely uncomfortable with that, but she had never mentioned it to Father Ray and none of the girls complained, so she let it go.
"You girls are so pretty. I'll have a few of the photographers come in shortly to meet you. I have eleven photography students here today to help me get video and pictures of each of you. You'll go individually wherever I assign you, and later some of you might work in pairs, and I'll want to get more group shots before you leave." She sat all five girls on a big couch in one of her studio sets, in front of a camera on a tripod. None of the girls weighed more than eighty five or ninety pounds. "But now I have some questions for you: Are you girls looking forward to modeling, but feel a little nervous and scared about it, too?"
All the girls said yes. The nervous giggles confirmed that they were both excited and nervous. Their feet didn't touch the floor as they sat back in the big couch. Ms. Victoria knew that her 'wealthy sponsors' would love this video clip -and that they would gladly make cash donations to the school.
"Well, don't be scared! We'll play different games, and you'll be acting out situations - kind of like in the movies - and for some of those movies you are supposed to act scared. But you will never be in danger. In fact, as part of every scene and video, the photographers will help you get those very, very good feelings between your legs." She leaned forward in her chair next to the tripod. "You know what I mean - those big tingles in your pussy."
The girls all giggled and nodded their heads; still squirming.
The state inspector and seven of the photographers came into the living room to meet the girls. She introduced the girls to the state inspector. "Now, as Sister Lydia may have told you, he needs to inspect each of you to make sure you are able to be a model for us. All of the preteen models for this kind of studio in our state have to get fully inspected - front and back, head to toe. It's no big deal and it doesn't hurt." She paused and smiled, "Actually all the girls told me that getting inspected felt good. They liked getting touched all over by the state inspector, and fingered in front and in back. It will be in front of cameras, and there will be another photography assistant with him. All my other models love coming here to model for me. They know that after they take off their panties in front of the cameras, they will be rubbed in their most private places - until they get those really good feelings I mentioned earlier! And to protect your real identity, we put your stage name on a sticker which is over your school crest, so nobody can tell where your uniforms are from."
Two of the little girls giggled, knowing what 'good feelings' she was referring to. Two other girls were blushing - also knowing what she was referring to. They were all squirming and wiggling as they sat on the couch with their bare knees towards the camera.
Before giggling could take over again, Sister Lydia said, "It's OK, girls. Father gave each of you absolution and he will do it again when we get back. I have to go into the office now. Just do everything they tell you to do, even if it is embarrassing. "
"Sister, before you go, did you tell the girls about using their 'stage names' when they introduce themselves?"
"Yes, we practiced on the way over, just so they could stop giggling." She smiled, because the girls hadn't stopped giggling and nervously squirming since they got there.
"While you're still here, I'd like to get some pictures and video of them in the whole group. The girls will introduce themselves twice - once with panties on, and again with panties off and holding up the front of their uniforms. I'll have them do a few things before you leave. After you leave, we'll split up and the girls will go with different photographers to other rooms which I have set up for different types of videos."
The five girls had difficulty not giggling - nervous giggling; not 'funny' giggling - but they eventually got done introducing themselves. - "I'm Susie, and I'm nine years old and I'm in the fourth grade, and I want to be a model. It sounds like fun." - "My name is Cara and I just turned ten years old, so I'm the oldest student here today. I'm in the fourth grade and really want to model." - "I'm Megan and I'm nine, too, in the fourth grade. I like modeling and at home I even pretend to walk around and change clothes." - "My name is Elaine, and I'm going to be ten in a few weeks. I like to dance. Oh, and I'm in the fourth grade. And we're practicing fractions, so I'm nine and eleven twelfths." - "I'm Diane, in the fourth grade, and I like modeling things. And I'm nine and a half. My Mommy is a dancer and sometimes, like when she's gone, I try on some of her pretty outfits."
Ms. Victoria had the girls smile into the camera and lift the fronts of their uniforms to show their panties to the cameras and the men who were working the cameras or just watching. They were still sitting on the couch.
Then, they stood up and let their dresses drop back down and pulled their panties down and off, leaving them on the floor. Ms. Victoria told them to put their feet apart. It finally got quiet when Ms. Victoria had them lift their skirts again to show their pussies to the cameras and to the men. "That's it, girls. Show it to the camera. Twist your hips so you can show all the men. It's OK to move your hips, but keep holding your uniform up in front. Does that make it tingle - knowing that maybe thousands of men will see your bare pussy? My other models tell me that even showing their pussy to the cameras makes it start to tingle. If yours is starting to tingle from letting the men and the cameras see it, then that means you could be a good model for me!" She smiled at the squirming girls. She looked at each girl and pointed to her pussy and said something like, "Oh, yours is so pretty - plump and bald. Very healthy looking. Is yours tingling yet?" or "I can see your clitty. It almost looks like you have three lips, Elaine. Very nice. Is it tingling already?" and "Your mound is so full and firm. Beautiful. Is your pussy tingling with all the men and cameras looking at it?"
The girls each said yes. There were four girls with fat, full lips. Only Elaine had a clitty that showed with her legs together. Even with their feet at shoulder width apart you couldn't see the other clittys - which were hidden inside the full, plump lips. Those girls would have to spread much wider to show theirs.
She had them introduce themselves again while holding up the front of their uniform so the cameramen could get close-ups - panning down from face to bare, bald pussy and back up. Cara, the oldest, was beginning to get a little fuzz, so the cameramen each got a longer close-up of hers. Ms. Victoria said, "Sister, your girls are doing fine at following directions. If they can keep doing that you might even get a little bonus today for your school."
"Oh, did you hear that, girls? Do your best and try to do everything they tell you. You will be helping the school."
Ms. Victoria added, "So if the cameraman tells you to pull open your bottom for the camera, pull it wide open form him. Can you do that?"
With a minimum amount of nervous giggling, all the girls said they would do that.
Ms. Victoria clapped her hands, "Excellent. I think they will earn a bonus for your school today. And if one of the photographers needs to put a slippery finger in your vagina or in your anus, you'll be sure to hold still as best you can while he gets you lubricated, and then pushes a slippery finger in you. You'll hold still for them, won't you, girls?"
The girls all said yes at the same time.
Sister Lydia was feeling uncomfortable. "Should I go into the office now and listen to music with the headphones and read magazines? I'm sure our students would like some privacy to do those things."
"Yes, Sister, but first, let me show them a few of the things they will be modeling today." She opened a box and began pulling out very sexy lingerie, nighties, panties, high heels, and other things that neither the girls nor Sister Lydia recognized - odd-looking leather bondage gear. She had them put the funny-looking clothes back in the box, and hold up the fronts of their uniforms again.
Ms. Victoria said, "You can go wait in the office in just a minute, Sister." She looked at the girls, one at a time, as they stood in a line holding up the front of their uniforms. You will all still be virgins. I promised Sister Lydia and Father Ray that nobody would put a penis in your vagina. You girls are safe with us. A virgin has never had a penis in her vagina. " Ms. Victoria held out her hand to Cara, the ten year old. "Stand with me, Cara. The cameramen and state inspector will take the rest of you to your first audition in just a moment, but stand still so the cameramen who will be working with you can feel your breasts. That's it. Very good. Hold still for them, and keep those uniforms pulled up while the men feel you. They won't hurt you. In fact... remember? They will help you get those really, really good feelings. The men will want to kiss you all over, starting on your mouth, so let them kiss you, and even kiss back."
The cameramen separated the girls to stand with two of the cameramen. They gently felt their girl - top to bottom - feeling breasts, pussy, ass, and legs. It was quiet in the room as the four girls were felt all over for two full minutes. No sound except the rustling of blouses and school uniforms as the men's hands touched them all over. No giggling. Cara was standing next to Ms. Victoria, watching everything. Ms. Victoria put her arm around Cara's shoulders, then hugged her closer; holding the girl against her tummy, so that Ms. Victoria was standing against Cara's back. She put her hands over Cara's shoulders and began to lovingly caress Cara's small breasts and tummy. "Good, no bra. You girls don't need to wear bras when you come over here for modeling sessions or small parties. We'll have pretty things for you to wear. Now, girls... it doesn't hurt with the men feeling you, does it?"
"No." they each answered quietly. Two of the girls put their feet farther apart. They watched each other getting felt and fondled.
Ms. Victoria knew that the men were also subtly checking for wetness between each girls' legs without actually fingering them. Three of the men nodded slightly towards Ms. Victoria. A good sign. "Again, girls, today you will each get a spanking; you'll be examined; you'll do some role-playing; and you can each ride our new rocking horse, but it's not a rocking horse for little kids. It's a custom-built sybian-type rocking horse, and we have some specialty saddles you'll enjoy. Do any of you girls need to pee?"
Two of the girls held up their hands. They kept holding up the front of their uniforms with one hand.
"Good." Ms. Victoria pointed, "Take Megan to the bathroom studio, and take Diane to the nursery. Let's try Elaine on the rocking horse first." The men knew their assignments. Megan would do a peeing video in the bathroom under the lights; leaning back with her knees spread apart - to see if she could pee hard enough so it would shoot over the front of the toilet onto the towel on the floor. And Diane would wear a diaper and pee while getting changed in front of the cameras in the nursery.
Ms. Victoria smiled and tilted her head for Sister Lydia to go on into the office.
Sister turned to go into the office. "Have fun, girls, and do everything they tell you. Nothing you do today is a sin." She went in and put the headphones on - listening to the Bach organ cantata CD she had brought with her - trying to block out her own guilt. She wanted to watch the little girls, and realized that she had forgotten to tell Father Ray that they - their school office - would get a free pass to view all of the young boys and girls on Ms. Victoria's website.
Then Sister Lydia spied a stack of the glossy magazines featuring preteen boys and girls doing all sorts of things - in glossy color - magazines from several of the preteen video/photo producers. Sister had her rosary beads in one hand and leafed through a magazine with her other hand. She decided to go to the website sometime soon to watch the videos of all of her little girls in case Father Ray had questions, or if any of the girls wanted to talk with her about things. She would be taking a different group of five girls the following weekend, and Ms. Victoria said something about a private party with all ten girls real soon - with some of the big sponsors for her site. She promised that even after the party the girls would still be virgins and that the small party could generate another thousand dollars or more for the school. She had told Sister Lydia that with ten girls there, then the most any of her girls would have to suck on would be two or three. And she promised that the girls would all get to wear pretty clothes, and they would each have several orgasms so that they would be having fun, too. Several times during their conversations, Ms. Victoria had told her that the girls don't have to swallow, but they get extra bonus points if they do. As she thought about that, she looked at pictures of preteen girls sucking large cocks and getting cum squirted into their open mouths.
Sister Lydia suspected that Ms. Victoria might be a lesbian. She had a somewhat crude sense of humor - but she was also a good businesswoman. Ms. Victoria had explained in their first phone conversation that these were masturbation videos. "The girls will get masturbated in every video - either by themselves, by another little girl or boy, or by one of the men, and that the clients who bought the videos would also be masturbating."
Sister Lydia thought that was very crude, but also probably very accurate.
"I will come around to the different rooms in a little while to make sure you girls are having fun. Follow directions. And you don't have to swallow, but if you do, then you'll get an extra bonus for your school. And remember: the girls who swallow are invited to more of our private parties, which will also earn money for your school. So maybe today you could try to swallow as much as you can, even if it tastes yukky. The other models have gotten used to it and some even like it now. Each of you girls will get spankings today, but they won't be too hard. The men will massage your bottom and pull it open lots of times so the cameras can capture the firmness of your young asses - so firm and pliable. They will put lubricant in your bottoms to make you nice and slippery before they push a finger all the way in your bottom. Just enjoy the feelings - whether in your vagina or bottom - or whatever they are doing. The men will take their time with you - giving you lots of pleasure - so move your hips and make little noises if it feels good."
"Susie, you go with these two men for your first act." Ms. Victoria reminded Susie that one of the men was the state inspector. "You have to do everything he says, and let them put their fingers in you. They will examine each of you girls today." She was holding Cara's hand - claiming her for herself. She had noticed the state inspector eyeing her, but Ms. Victoria wanted to enjoy the innocent-looking little girl first. She knew the state inspector liked to cum in the most innocent-looking girl's mouth, or the youngest girl, first thing when he was there for inspections with a group. That way, a couple hours later, during the last video sessions, he could cum again in a different, little, preteen mouth Whomever got his first load, got the most.
When the others had left the room, Ms. Victoria said, "Cara, since you're the oldest, I need to teach you some things. You can be my group leader. Ok? Will you help me?"
"Yes, Ms. Victoria. What should I do?" Cara asked, still holding up the front of her uniform, holding her white, cotton panties in one hand.
Some of the photographers took their cameras with them with the other girls, so there were only two left in the room -both on tripods. Ms. Victoria talked as she moved the cameras into position. "You have such a pretty pussy, Cara. Did you know that?"
"Thank you. I didn't know that, but like a couple men say they like to look at it and touch it, only I'm not supposed to tell anybody. "
"Well, I don't blame them for telling you that. And you shouldn't tell anybody. You shouldn't ever talk about this modeling experience at home or anywhere else."
"Oh, I won't."
"You can talk about it with the girls who are also models, and with the people who will be at our private parties, but nobody else. You can talk with the women and men and girls and boys at the parties about anything, but nobody else. And you can tell the men or women at the parties anything that those other men have done with you, but again - nobody else. Anyway, Cara, what I was getting to - I want to teach you some things to do with the other girls, maybe even for some of our sessions later today. You will be the leader and they have to let you do these things. And I'm sure they will like what you're doing with them anyway."
"What things?"
"That's what I'm going to teach you - how to make another girl feel very good. Men love watching videos like that, so you will be one of the best sellers, if you pay attention and then do these things with the other girls I assign you to, not just girls from your school, but other little girls, too. I'm going to practice with you. My time is very valuable, Cara, but there are things my friends and I need to teach you so you can become one of my assistants and make more videos to help your school. I'm willing to spend some of my time with you as a private tutor. Do you want to be a big help and earn more money for your school?"
"Yes, Ms. Victoria, and thank you for the extra help. What do I need to do?"
Now, stand here and introduce yourself again, then take all your clothes off. Slowly. Sway to the music; not dancing exactly, but sway to the music. Then try on these different panties in front of the camera while you say things like this..." Ms. Vicky coached her on the kinds of things to say; how to move around; and how to imagine that the camera was a strange man watching her. She turned on a slow, sultry, jazz song.
As Cara undressed out of her uniform, she said, "I'm Cara and I just turned ten years old. I want to change clothes for you and try on different sexy panties. I want to learn how to give pleasure to other girls, so I can show you things they like. I want to help them not be so shy, so they will open up to me and let me help them have gasms. I will touch them and kiss them on their sensitive places."
"Very good, Cara. Now massage your breasts before you put on those fancy panties and then the matching training bra. Turn to the camera so I can zoom in on your pretty pussy. It's so pretty. I can't wait to kiss it and to show you how to make other girls feel good. For you I'll explain the techniques I'm using, but you won't need to talk; just go along with what I do and enjoy the wonderful feelings. Pinch your nipples while you're loking at the camera, and then put on the panties now and model them for the cameras."
Cara pulled on the sheer, pink, lacy, hip-hugger, thong panties and turned for the cameras; keeping with the beat of the music. "Like this?"
"Yes, but also touch yourself as you dance. Feel your breasts, and feel your pussy through the panties. Do they feel sexy to you? Now put on the bra. You're doing so great at following directions, Cara. Keep slow dancing and touching yourself."
"Thank you."
"Cara, do you think you would like to keep modeling for me, and work with other women or girls? Sometimes it would only be you and another woman, one of my close friends. They would dress you up and play with you. They would take you out to lunch and buy you things. They would be very nice to you and give money to your school. Maybe even to your Mommy, only we would have to do it so she wouldn't ask questions. But would you also enjoying going out with a couple of my trusted friends sometimes?"
"Good, then take off the panties now, and keep dancing. I'll have you practice these things with a couple of your classmates later, but at the parties, I'll have other select girls and women for you to work with. OK?"
"Yes, umm, but you need to show me what to do so I can do it right."
"I'm happy to show you. You'll start with kissing. Leave the bra on and get on your hands and knees with your bottom towards the main camera; where I'm standing. Good. Now lower your chest so you're on your elbows. Put your knees farther apart. Good girl. Let me zoom in a minute. Oh yes, it's very pretty. Put your head on the floor and reach back and pull your bottom open for the camera. I know people will want to see your pretty, little, pink asshole. It's very, very pretty, Cara. And your virgin pussy is so creamy wet. Did you know that?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. It just gets that way sometimes. Let me wipe it off." She looked around for a towel or washcloth.
"No, Honey. Don't wipe it off. It's very sexy. I know that men, women, boys, and girls will like knowing that this gives you big tingles. It does give you tingles to undress for the cameras, doesn't it? To know that thousands of men will watch this video of your wide-open pussy?"
"Yes. Oh, gee. Thousands? It was even starting to tingle when we were driving over here. Sister said we would each have to take off our panties in front of men and cameras, and I kept thinking about that. And when the men were looking at it after I pulled down my panties, well it started to really tingle then. Like you said, I could almost feel them looking at it; staring at it."
"Just remember, Cara, that it's a very good sign that this gives you tingles and that you get wet. Getting wet like that is so sexy. I bet all the men and women and girls and boys who see your pictures and videos will want to kiss you and taste you there."
"Oh, gee. But that would be so embarrassing. Like one of the neighbor men likes to do that to me while he rubs himself, you know, like before the white, sticky stuff squirts out on me. He told me I taste good. That was really embarrassing."
"Come over here to me, Cara, out from in front of the cameras. I'll show you how to kiss a woman or another girl. Then you start feeling her, too, while you keep kissing. Let me demonstrate." Ms. Victoria began kissing the ten year old on her mouth, while feeling her tummy, legs, arms, all over - enjoying the firm, young flesh. "Kiss back. If the man or girl or woman puts her tongue in your mouth, then you should take turns and put your tongue in her mouth. Practice with me. I'll keep feeling you at the same time to show you how to do this. You can feel me, too, Cara."
"Really?" Cara kissed back as best she could, but it was hard to concentrate with a woman kissing her and feeling her all over; squeezing or lightly stroking her bare, pubic mound; pinching and caressing her egg-sized breasts inside the training bra. "Unnn."
"This doesn't hurt, does it, Cara?"
"Unn... no." Then she tentatively felt Ms. Victoria's right breast.
"You're soaking wet, Cara. Does it excite you to kiss a grown woman?"
"Yes, gee. I never kissed a girl or a woman before. And like the way you're touching me and feeling me. That feels good. It does get really wet, though. Are you sure that's not bad for the pictures? I didn't want to get the pretty panties wet, but I probably did."
"Its fine, Honey. Let me help you get this little bra off. There, is that better?" Ms. Victoria continued to rub and massage Cara's firm, small breasts - stroking lightly across her nipples. "I'll take off my blouse and bra, too. I like how you touch my breasts. You have such a gentle touch. Do you like how I'm feeling yours?"
"Unnnn. Yes."
"I'll test you later with another girl to see how well you do as the leader. I'm glad this feels good to you, Cara."
"Good. It should feel good to you. Let me lay you back on the couch. I'll show you how you should suck on another girl's breasts while your hands stroke her thighs and pussy mound." She demonstrated, and then Ms. Victoria had Cara suck on her breasts and feel her panties. "We keep feeling each other like this. You're doing very good, Cara. You catch on quickly. Have you ever felt a grown woman before?"
"Unnn, no."
They continued to feel and kiss and suck each other's breasts with Ms. Victoria adding instructional hints - teaching Cara some of the things she should do to help the other little girls feel good. "See? This feels good, doesn't it, Cara? Lightly pinching and then pulling out on the girl's nipple." While she talked, Ms. Victoria took one of Cara's hands and put it on her smoothly shaved pussy.
"Unnnn, yes. I like feeling you. You're so soft. You must have shaved off your hair. And, Ms. Victoria, yours is wet, too!"
"It's because you are doing such a good job of following directions, Cara. I liked how you sucked on my breasts; biting a little bit like I showed you, and flicking your tongue across my nipple. Now, lie back and open your legs for me. Has a woman ever put a finger in your vagina before?"
"No. Just a few men. That's all. Well, one is still a boy, I guess. He's seventeen. But I'm still a virgin. Gee, it feels so slippery wet. Are you sure it's OK? I mean for the pictures? Like when I'm open for the cameras?"
Ms. Victoria smiled and kissed Cara on the mouth again. "Oh, Sweetie, I like it. It shows me that this feels good to you. I'm going to stroke your clitty with my finger while we kiss. There are no cameras right now. I'm just teaching you things. You'll get lots of modeling opportunities with me. Don't you worry, Honey. My girlfriends will love you, too. And they can teach you other things. And it will all help your school."
Cara was soon moving her hips and moaning as the experienced woman continued to stimulate her.
"Sit on the front edge of the couch now and lie back. Open your legs. Give me your hands. Put your fingers inside your pussy lips and pull your lips apart and up. That's a girl. Lift up your knees and put your feet on the front edge of the couch. Watch what I'm doing. Yes, I can see this feels exciting to you. I like seeing your creamy excitement. Hold your pussy open for me while I teach you other pleasures." Ms. Victoria put one hand above Cara's pussy and pulled the clitty sheath upwards even more. Then she bent forward and licked Cara's little button. "I'm stimulating your magic button with my tongue. In a minute I'll tap it with a vibrator, and then I'll suck on it to pull it out even farther, and then I'll flick my tongue across it. Relax and enjoy the sensations my Little Darling."
"Ummm, ohh, unnn." Cara's hips were moving.
Ms. Victoria twisted on the vibrator and interspersed her sucking and tongue-flicking with brief presses of the vibrator. Then with her left forefinger, she pressed in slowly - all the way up Cara's slippery, tight vagina. The girl tasted wonderful. Within five minutes, Cara had a full orgasm - lots of noise and wiggling. Ms. Victoria kept her mouth on Cara's pussy as if it was a bronco in a rodeo - sucking out more girl cum.
She let Cara rest a few minutes while she worked the cameras over the nude, little girl - still oozing her delicious excitement. Ms. Victoria knew that Cara's oozing pussy would be a little gold mine for her - not to mention the thrills she would give to some of her own adult friends when they gave Cara additional "practice sessions."
"Did that feel good, Honey?"
"Unn, ohh, yes. Gee. What was that buzzy thing? And like what else were you doing?"
"So you liked that?"
"Yes. Gee. It felt wonderful."
"Good. I've got friends who would like to teach you more pleasure techniques. If that felt good, then I'll tell them about you. Would you like to do more things like that? Don't close your legs yet. I'm getting close-ups. And you are such a good dancer. I liked watching you dance and undress."
"Thank you. And yes, I would like to do more. I mean, this is to help the school, right?"
Ms. Victoria laughed. "You're so cute and hot. My friends will love you, too. And yes, the money will really help your school. Isn't this a fun way to help your school?"
"Yes, gee. Lots more fun than selling raffle tickets!"
"So then, if Father Ray and Sister Lydia tell you it's OK, and if your school will get money, then you'll let some of my women friends take off your panties and touch you like I did?"
"Yes. Gee, that felt so good."
"When I licked and sucked on your clitty, that's called 'cunnilingus,' and most girls love it, as you'll see when you do that with them. I want to do it again with you, too, of course. We'll have lots of fun over the next few years. My friends will love you, too! But now, put this nightie on, so we can go see what the other girls are up to before we do your next video clips. I'll let the state inspector examine you now. I bet he's drained himself already, so now is a good time for him to examine you before he's recharged."
Cara wondered what Ms. Victoria meant, but then forgot about it while they watched Meagan getting her red bottom lubricated after her spankings. They watched a full five minutes, and Cara could tell that Meagan liked the feeling of a finger pushing in her bottom while she faced away from the bigger camera on her hands and knees. The other camera was getting a side view as a man kept pushing his finger in again and again. Each time he pushed his finger in, Meagan said, "Unnnnn." Sometimes he would tap her pussy with the tip of a buzzing vibrator. She really liked that, too.
Ms. Victoria was holding Cara's hand and led her out of that room over to the room with the state inspector. Susie was naked and drinking a glass of pop. When she saw Cara, she said, "I passed, Cara. He said I did really good and that I'm super tight in font and in back. And I swallowed some of it, too, even though I choked a couple times, so that's extra points for the school."
"Good for you, Susie." Ms. Victoria smiled. "You can go to the next room now. Burt will take you. Carry your uniform and other clothes with you. They'll have a new outfit for you when you get there" She nodded to one of the cameramen, who led Susie out of the room.
Then she said, "Let's do a quick examination of my pet, Cara. Be gentle with her, Mr. State Inspector. I'm teaching her to become a little lady. She'll be my little girlfriend, so no more than one taste. Understood?"
The state inspector knew what she meant, and he also knew that Ms. Victoria would stay in the room to watch the examination - but that was OK with him, because he had just shot his wad down little Susie's open mouth. He finished buckling his belt. As he washed his hands, he said, "Great. You're so cute, Cara. I'm sure you'll pass with flying colors."
"I'm sure, too." Ms. Victoria smiled her order. "And two loads max. Two of the new photography students."
Cara passed with flying colors - pronounced 'very tight' in front and rear - by the photographers and the state inspector - after only 20 insertions by each man in each hole - with lots of lubricant in back. She was so wet in front - especially in front of the cameras - that she didn't need any additional pussy lubrication. Another cameraman joined them, a man Cara hadn't seen before, and the three men finished masturbating her - fingers stimulating her breasts, fingers for her vagina and anus, and a vibrator - to lead her another noisy orgasm. A few minutes later, the state inspector had the new photographer offer his erection for Cara to chew on. "One last examination, Cara. Suck on his cock and play with it in front of the camera. I need to know you can fit the tip of it in your mouth. And if you swallow, it's an extra bonus for your school." The state inspector smiled.
After lots of licking and slobbering to get it wet all over, she did a great job. As brief as her experiences had been with two neighbor men and the high school boy, she still knew basically what to do - and soon after she started sucking and working it - one hand on his balls and one hand stroking the shaft along with her mouth movements, in front of the cameras, the new photography student gave her a mouthful. Six full squirts into her open mouth, in the receiving position they had practiced with her - head tilted back, tongue out, wide-open mouth. She swallowed all of it, and then made a very expressive 'yukky' face.
The other photography student took much less work after watching Cara get masturbated and suck off his friend. Cara swallowed it all before making another 'yukky' face.
Without cleaning her off, Ms. Victoria took her to the bathroom - not the bathroom with lights and cameras, but her own private bathroom-bedroom. She cleaned the girl off and gave her a glass of ice with a soft drink. "One nice thing about having fun with just women or girls is that you don't get all that yukky stuff in your mouth or in your hair. And I love how your excitement tastes, Cara."
"Gee. Well, I like the feelings you gave me, Ms. Victoria, like explosions in my tummy and ... ummm, in my pussy, and it feels so good. The men helped me get those feelings, too - like you did, but they get that sticky, gooey stuff all over, and not just in my mouth - especially since I had to open my mouth so the camera could see it squirting in me. But some of it missed. When I suck on the neighbor man, I keep the tip in my mouth until he's done squirting and then spit it out so it doesn't get on my uniform."
She was thinking while Ms. Victoria started wiping her off again with another clean washcloth. "Maybe it's partly that buzzer thing, and then all the excitement in front of the cameras, like picturing people watching me in a video. But like with you, when it was just me and you, well, it felt so wonderful. I felt more relaxed with just you. And I didn't get that yukky stuff in my mouth." She was thinking again, as Ms. Victoria started brushing her hair. "I like the idea of playing with women and girls, but, well, does that mean I'll be a lesbian when I grow up?"
Ms. Victoria laughed and hugged her. "No, Sweetie. Just enjoy the moment. Accept pleasure. Don't worry about the future, and don't use labels. It will take care of itself. Now, let me put a little make-up on you for a glamour session. High heels, garter belt, pretty panties, the whole works. Then after the glamour session, you can ride the rocking horse!"
"But that's like for little kids."
"Not this one. You'll see. Let's go do a photo session." She helped Cara into a black nightie top and led her to their 'glamour set.'
Cara walked, danced and undressed and then laid back and opened herself for the cameras which two photography students were handling. Then they wanted to handle Cara, but Ms. Victoria told them to come with them to the Rocking Horse room. "Bring the cameras and tripods."
Cara was wearing a kid's cowboy hat, a black, lacy holster set that was more like a garter belt with a black, lacy pocket on one side that held a small, pistol-shaped vibrator. She wore it on her hips. Her black, see-through, lacy vest with a cactus motif, was open down the front. Rhinestone-studded cowboy boots completed her outfit. No panties or bra. Ms. Victoria had freshened up the wet-look lipstick and put brushed her short hair down so it would stick out from under the cowboy hat.
Three cameramen came in the room to help Ms. Victoria work the technology and cameras. Cara introduced herself and said she wanted to ride the horsie. She playfully introduced herself as 'Cowgirl Cara,' and pulled out the little vibrator-pistol; aimed it at the camera. "Let's go for a ride." Then she licked the tip of the little vibrator with her tongue before pressing the 'muzzle' of the little pistol to her own, bare pussy. "Ohhh, that tickles."
The rocking horse was a custom-built wooden horse - about the size of a carousel horse at a carnival, with a wide, banana-shaped saddle with a grove down the front to hold a 'magic-wand' vibrator. Cara watched as they inserted the big vibrator into the groove so that the ball at the end of it would be right under her pussy. They put a small, pink, stiff, rubber, saddle over it and arranged it so the ball was under a long, double ridge - longer than Cara's pussy - which she would be sitting on. The double ridge was almost an inch high and covered with quarter inch rubber prongs. The center of the ridge was indented into a "V" so that her clitty would fit right in the middle of it - stimulating her clitty from both sides and underneath, as well as the insides of her pussy lips. Ms. Victoria explained the special saddle to Cara. "This bumpy ridge fits between your pussy lips since you will be straddling the horsie with your legs wide apart. Your clitty will be centered, kind of pressed between the two sides of the ridge - right in the middle. This will stimulate you to varying degrees depending on whether the horsie is on his hind legs or font legs as the photographers make the horsie rock for you. That photography student will be holding the tail of your horsie so he can rock you. When he rocks you forward your clitty will bear down on the vibrating bumps in the front of the saddle. The men will put lots of oil on your clitty in a minute to get you ready for a ride. Go ahead and climb on so we can adjust the stirrups for you."
They adjusted the stirrups so she could lift her weight about an inch off the saddle, if the ride got too intense or after she had an orgasm. "I won't turn on the vibrator until we get you all adjusted." She handed the rope reins to Cara. "Keep one hand on your reins at all times. Your other hand can massage your breasts. Go ahead and start pinching, massaging, pulling and rubbing them while we get you all set up." One of the men practiced rocking her up and back as she sat on the horsie with her feet in the stirrups. She practiced standing in the stirrups and lifted herself almost three inches above the saddle - which was too high - so they readjusted the stirrups.
The man standing to the rear of the horse said, "I'll rock you slowly at first, but you can also increase the intensity yourself by grinding your hips into the saddle. Try it." Cara's knees were barely bent when her legs pressed down in the stirrups. She noticed that trying to stand actually spread her legs out farther. She practiced rotating her hips different ways, and it felt good - rubbing her pussy against the little, pink, rubber bumps on the saddle. He clitty was in the center of the groove on the little ridge that ran the length of the saddle.
Ms. Victoria said, "Try to keep your eyes open while you're riding, Cara, and look at this camera up here in front of the horsie's head." Ms. Victoria was next to the camera on the closet tripod - about three feet away and to the left of the horsie's head. "The camera at the side will catch the rocking action, and this other camera near me will be zoomed in on your pussy as you rock on the saddle. Try to keep grinding your hips into the saddle as you ride to make the tingles feel even better. And remember that thousands of men will be watching this video clip. We just got this specialty toy - based on the Sybian horses from southern Sybia." One of the men laughed at that, but Cara didn't know why. She didn't even know where Sybia was on the world map, but she figured they had wide horses there.
They let her practice for a few minutes without the vibrator turned on - watching how well the saddle conformed to her body. Ms. Victoria had them all stop a minute and put a dry, folded washcloth under the saddle, under the back end of Cara's bottom, to force a closer contact with the front of the saddle against her pussy and pubic mound. She said, "Stand up after your orgasm, Cara, but don't get off the horsie. We'll lift you off and lay you on your back so we can get close-ups of the excitement oozing out of your pussy after the ride. I'm sure you'll enjoy riding this special, little horsie." She told Cara a few more things to say while sitting on the saddle before she started riding.
"I'm Cara and I'm nine years old. This will be my first rocking horse ride since I was little. The saddle feels really funny with lots of rubber bumps on it, and I'm kind of squeezed in here." She smiled at the camera. "They are going to put some oil on my little girl parts before I start riding so I'll slip around on the saddle. I hope you like watching this. Oh, and email me or send a letter if you have other modeling ideas for me. Thanks for buying my video. I want to make more videos, especially with other girls. I haven't done one yet, but I'm real curious about it. OK, they are going to oil my little girl parts now so I can ride the horsie."
She rocked on the horsie while holding the reins in one hand, and her breasts - one at a time - in her other hand. She practiced looking at the cameras, after letting four hands lift her off the saddle to rub oil on her pussy. One of the photographers poured some on the front of the saddle where the long ridge with the groove in it would be between her lips. They sat her back on the rocking horse, and she started grinding her hips into the saddle.
"Oh, this feels funny, like in front of the cameras with no panties on, and the little pink, rubber bumps on the saddle are tickling me, in like my private place. It's giving me tingles already. I'm supposed to grind my hips into the saddle to make it feel even better." Her expression changed when Ms. Victoria switch the controller on the magic wand from off to low. Her mouth formed an 'O' and her eyes lost focus for a moment. The man controlling the rocking tilted the horse forward, pressing her pussy into the rubber bumps. "Oh, gee. That... unnnnn."
She was immensely enjoying the rocking horse. The man holding the horse's tail would sometimes keep it held up longer so Cara's pussy would press against the rubber bumps - making her squirm and twist in the tight-fitting saddle. Squeezing her breasts with her right hand, she would sometimes lift herself up off the saddle and then plop back down - smashing her pussy into the rubber bumps.
After riding for less than eight minutes, she had a noisy orgasm - pressing her pussy against the vibrating saddle bumps, while the man in the rear of the horse kept holding the tail up to force her pussy tight against the vibrating saddle. "Oh, oh, ohhh, ohhhh, uhnnnnnn."
Ms. Victoria turned off the vibrator. They let her calm down for two minutes... her dreamy face so cute on camera. Then, Ms. Victoria surprised her by turning it on again - sending her immediately into another noisy orgasm. This time, instead of lifting off the saddle, she tried to open her knees wider and press against it - grinding her hips into it.
They let her rest again. Her chest was flushed - mottled, reddish blotches all over. "Would you like one more buzz, Cara?" Ms. Victoria asked softly.
"Unnn, no. Not now. Gee. Unnn, that felt so good."
Two men carefully lifted her - one hand under each arm, and one hand under each thigh - lifting her in sitting position - just a few inches above the saddle and holding her there for close-ups. Her whitish cream was connected to the seat of the sadly by long, viscous strings - almost like stretched chewing gum. The girl had really creamed in the saddle. They laid her on her back on a youth bed for more close-ups of her pussy, while one of the photographers was getting close-ups of the wet, cream-covered saddle. "Lie still, Honey." Ms Victoria said. "We're getting close-ups. I'm going to let one of the photographers pull your pussy wide open for a few more close-ups before we get you dressed."
The man pulled her lips apart and up with both hands to expose her fully-erect clitty. "He's going to flick your clitty with one finger, Cara. Just keep your knees open. I want to see if...." The man flicked a finger across Cara's Clitty, and she had another big spasm. The men were ready for it and captured it on the close-up camera. Then held her knees apart so she couldn't close them; then let her rest again - focusing on the still-swollen clitty button, and the cream oozing from her 9 year old vagina.
Ms. Victoria waved two of the men out of the room. She kept the cameras turned on. "Oh, Honey. I know my friends will love you. Did that feel good?"
She didn't answer at first because she was still recovering. "Oh, gee, yes! Ummm, that felt so good. What happened?"
"Did you like riding the rocking horse?" Ms. Victoria smiled and kissed Cara on the mouth.
Cara kissed back, leaving her knees lying fully open as only a limber child can. "Yes. I want to ride it again, but not today. OK?"
"Sure you can, Honey, but only if you promise to let some of my friends play games with you. They will kiss you here..." She put her hand on Cara's pussy. "If you promise me you'll let some of my friends kiss you between your legs, then I'll bring you over here to ride the horsie again."
"I promise." She said.
Cara did her peeing video next, and then a tribidism and kissing video with Megan, who Ms. Victoria judged as most open to girl-girl fun. Both girls were already worn out from their series of orgasms during the preceding three hours of modeling, so it wasn't as hot as Ms. Victoria had hoped -but still very hot. Both girls kissed and danced and undressed together in front of the cameras, before kissing and feeling each other all over. As Ms. Victoria hoped, Cara took charge and guided Megan through a series of position while Cara gave the slightly younger girl lots of pleasure feelings. Ms. Victoria was glad to see that it looked like Cara was sincerely enjoying feeling and licking the other girl - much more than mere role playing.
The girls were all cleaned up, and wearing their uniforms and original panties. Ms. Victoria had Sister Lydia come back into the studio. "The girls did great, Sister, and here is a little envelope for your school since they all did so great. Each girl swallowed at least a little bit from two or three different cocks. Aren't you proud of them?"
Sister Lydia wasn't sure what to say, but she was glad that after bringing just one more group of girls over to Ms. Victoria's studio the following Saturday, that the school would be saved for another year - maybe several more years, if the video royalties continued as Ms. Victoria predicted.
Then, while the cameramen kissed the girls goodbye and led them out to the school van, Sister Lydia and Ms. Victoria had a quick talk. Sister found herself agreeing to let some of Ms. Victoria's female friends take Cara out of school for an afternoon of modeling occasionally at a nice motel several miles from the school. "They will dress her up and take pictures and let her undress in front of the cameras and then play a few games. They won't hurt her, of course, and will take her out for a nice lunch before taking her back to the motel for the games. The photography will keep everything legal, and she'll be back at school before the end of your school day."
"I'll have to discuss this with Father Ray, but I'm sure it will be OK. He's even said that girl-girl things are much safer for our girls than anything they might do with men or boys."
"Father Ray is certainly right about that. And when your girls are here in my studio, or at one of my private parties, I'm there to keep an eye on things and make sure the girls go back home still virgins. So, I'll see you next Saturday with five new girls?"
"Yes. Same time. Five different cute girls."
"Very good. Stress to the girls who came today that they shouldn't talk with anybody about what they did today. Although it's legal, we were kind of bending the law by letting you serve as proxy for the parents, even though you did have the signed power-of-attorney forms that I had sent you."
"I understand." Sister Lydia started to go out to the school van.
"And Sister, I could schedule a small private party for all ten girls in two weeks. On a Saturday afternoon, so you would all be back home by 5:00. Besides a little photography - again - to keep it all legal - your school would get another thousand dollars in cash for bringing the girls to our party. And We'll have new uniforms for them with the name of a fake school on them. Fun for the party. I know the girls would all have a god time, and they would be safe with me. Still virgins for the return trip."
"I'll ask Father Ray, but I'm pretty sure he would like that idea. I'll call you this week."
It was surprisingly quiet on the way back to the school, with some whispering and giggles. Sister Lydia wondered what was so special about riding a rocking horse, but all the girls said they liked doing that. With the enveloped stuffed with cash from Ms. Victoria, she stopped at a fast food place and got milkshakes and dinner for the girls - normally an extravagant splurge for the school's tight budget - but Sister wanted to celebrate.
Father Ray smiled as he asked about the big, cash bonus.
"The extra cash is because the girls did such a great job, and each one of them swallowed two times for their videos. Ms. Victoria predicted that we would get another bonus next weekend for our other five girls, and she said that she will start setting up a private party just for our girls. We'll keep the school open!"
The following Saturday, five different girls were waiting in the van. After Father Ray gave them their preemptive forgiveness, he pulled Sister Lydia out of earshot. He laughed, "In confessions Thursday after school, one of your girls who went with you last weekend confessed that she had let her cousin do 'cunt-he-licked-us' on her. I'm surprised that I didn't choke when she said that, but I figured it was a term that she learned on your little excursion. And you know what? I think 'cunt-he-licked-us' is so much more expressive that cunnilingus! I don't know of any other friends who read Latin I could share this story with. Now, take them over there and remind the girls to have fun. It's so natural. I noticed the girls who went with you all seemed both relaxed and excited in school this week. Our little girls are growing up!"
Sister Lydia smiled; relieved that Father Ray still had his sense of humor.
Father Ray added, "And you were right about the girls. They each told me they had a good time and want to go back. Cara told me she would like to help the school as often as possible."
The End
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Shy Girl
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