Fooling My Uncle's Poker Club, Part 2

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by Corn53

Published: 29-Apr-2011

Word Count:

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Story Summary
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Uncle Victor hung up the phone just an hour before the men were supposed to arrive. "That was Louie. He can't make it. So there'll only be four guys coming. This might make it easier for us to fool them, with fewer people."

He checked my clothes again and we reviewed the highlights of our plan. Some of it would depend on what the men said during the first hour of the poker club.

My white, short sleeved blouse looked kind of like a school uniform, except the sleeves were too short and maybe it was a little bit too sheer. The collar was more like a man's shirt and was a tight fit. The navy skirt wasn't pleated, and it was too short. My ankle socks and black shoes finished the uniform look. We came up with the clothes at a thrift store that afternoon. It was fun shopping with Uncle Victor and trying on the different outfits for him. The panties were my boring, white, cotton ones with pink and blue polka dots from home. Uncle Victor said I didn't need to wear my training bra because the bumps in the blouse might add to my sexy but innocent look.

Uncle Victor left the other props in a bag near the poker table.

As the men arrived, they seemed surprised to see me instead of the other Tammy. Uncle Victor introduced me to each one and I either shook their hand or let them kiss me on the cheek. Except for Bob, who kissed me right on the lips. They all said I was real cute and I said I'd be glad to wait on them like 'BigTammy' did. Uncle Victor always made some kind of remark after I said this - like "But you'd better NOT treat her like 'Big Tammy.' She's only twelve. Hands off!"

Uncle Victor said we would lie about my age and see if anyone guessed that I'm really lots older than twelve. He wanted this to be our "practice lie." I remembered him laughing that afternoon when we talked about lying about my age. "But I'll be fourteen in just seven months! Do you think they would really believe I'm only twelve?" I never did figure out why that struck him so funny.

I knew what he was talking about, as he warned them not to touch me, but pretended not to. I got each of the guys a beer as they headed into the living room to get ready for the card game. All of the men were around forty or fifty, and looked about ten years older than Uncle Victor.

They all said I was real pretty. The way some of them looked at me made me conscious of how short my skirt was. But mostly it made me feel pretty that they wanted to look at my skinny legs.

One of Uncle Victor's pizza guys showed up with some pizza, including a whole plain cheese for me. I fixed several plates of mixed pieces and served the group.

They were playing cards and talking while I got them beers, pizza, and snacks. Then I laid on my tummy on the floor, between the poker table and the TV. My feet were up in the air behind me criss-crossing absently. I knew they could see my panties since my knees were about a foot apart and the skirt was so short. I wondered if any of them were looking.

Uncle Victor was telling them about the hypnosis books he had been reading. I picked up one of Uncle Victor's ties off the back of the couch and tried to tie it but couldn't, as I walked over near their table to see if anybody wanted something else.

Tom, the skinny, jumpy guy, offered to show me what to do. He tried to tie it while I was facing him but he couldn't do it that way. He accidently brushed his hands against my boobs several times while fussing with the tie. He was getting frustrated and John said he always was a little clumsy around pretty girls. Someone suggested I sit on his lap so he could try it frontwards while reaching around me.

Tom looked at me to see if I wanted to sit on his lap. I just turned and hopped on his lap. Since I'm five foot three my head was higher than his as he put his arms around my arms and tried to tie the tie with my collar turned up. The poker game stopped while he tried this.

While his right hand tried to pull the tie through the knot, I started to fall off his lap, so I put my knees apart for better balance. As he finished his attempt it seemed like his hands continuiously rubbed against my breasts. I was trying to watch the tieing process but looked up occasionally. Whenever I looked up, the men quickly looked away from my lap. Then I realized my skirt was all the way up and they had been loking at my panties.

Big Tammy was right. It didn't hurt. It made me feel sexy to think these grown men wanted to look at my panties. Maybe Uncle Victor's scheme to trick them would work after all.

"What a lousy knot, Tom. I could do better than that!" teased John, the husky guy with a goatee and moustache. He had thick glasses and thining hair which was about half gray. He laughed the most and had lots of energy. John patted his lap as he sat down in the chair next to Tom. I hopped onto his big lap. I was glad to get away from Tom's 'beer and cigarette' breath. I couldn't get too close to John's head because his stomach was in the way. There was still plenty of room to sit on his knees though because he was so tall.

His huge hands would probably have difficulty with the knot, I thought. When I hopped on his lap I put my knees apart for balance again. My knees were outside of his knees and almost three feet apart. My skirt rode up to my waist again. I didn't know why if felt so naughty to let them see my panties on purpose, but it was fun. I pretended not to notice that my skirt was up as I watched him tie the knot. To my surprise he deftly tied it - perfectly -hardly even touching my boobs.

"Perfect." said Tom, "How did you do that so fast?"

"You call this perfect?" John said after thinking a minute. "Hold your arms up Tammy, and I'll teach you how to do it. You can do it yourself after some practice. Rest your arms on my hands."

He put his hands under my arms and around me to Uncle Victor's tie. With my arms on his forearms, we practiced tieing it several times. The heels of his big hands were constantly pressing agains my tits - pressing into them. We practiced three times and then someone else wanted to try it.

"I think I've got it now. Anybody want another beer?" I asked as I stepped down. My tits were still tingling and it embarassed me that the tips were sticking out against the blouse. You could see that my nipples had gotten hard through that tight blouse. Embarassing - but exciting.

"I need another." said George, who had been staring at my panties each time I looked up. He was the one who wanted to hold me on his lap next and seemed disappointed that I went back to serving before he got a chance. I gave Tom and John each a kiss on the cheek and thanked them for helping me. I promised to practice and ran to get the beers for them.

They played for another hour while I mostly watched TV, drinking lots of pop. Each time I ran out to get somebody a beer I filled up my glass, too. Bob asked me if I drank this much pop at home. "No, we hardly ever drink it at home. Uncle Victor said I could have as much as I wanted." They all agreed I was as good a waitress at 'Big Tammy,' and could drink whatever I wanted.

Uncle Victor went out to the kitchen to put the meatballs in the oven. While we were alone, he gave me one of his half-winks - more like a twitch -to say, 'good job.'

Before the meatballs were ready, I was standing next to John and he put his arm around my waist as a gesture of thanks, since I had just brought him some more pizza. Uncle Victor was answering one of Tom's skeptical questions about hypnosis again. "No, really. It works better with with less complicated minds." And he kept going on about it.

"What do you think, Tammy?" asked Tom, since I appeared to be following the conversation. "I don't believe in it either, Tom. How could you get people to act like a dog or something? It doesn't seem possible." I was squirming around while I stood next to John, his big hand resting on my hip. "Tammy's right, Vic. I'll bet twenty dollars you couldn't hypnotize me." Dared Tom.

The other guys chimed in with similar bets, and then as Uncle Victor and I had hoped, somebody said, "Why don't you see if you can hypnotize Tammy? We all know Tom's head is hard as a rock!" and everybody laughed.

Tom laughed without getting mad, and said, "OK, you guys. My bet still stands, and I don't care if you want to try Tammy's younger and purer mind instead of mine." I was squirming around between John and George as they all reviewed their bets with Uncle Victor. "OK." he said, "So you're each betting me twenty dollars that I couldn't hypnotize either Tom or Tammy. Is that right?"

He looked at me, his poker face completely blank like we had practiced, "Tammy, these guys are betting me I can't hypnotize you. What do you think?"

"I don't have any money, Uncle Victor, but I don't think you can either."

He said to me and the group at the same time. "Well, let me get my grandfather's old pocket watch and a few things, then we can try it."

"Let me go to the bathroom first, OK?" I was still wiggling around.

"You'll forget all about the bathroom, Tammy. When you wake up you won't even have to go anymore."

"Oh, Uncle Victor. No way." and I laughed along with the men.

"She's had enough caffeine tonight! I bet she won't sleep for two days." said George, who had also put his arm around my waist, from the other side while I stood between them. I could tell he was glad to touch me. We were all caught up in the discussion, so I didn't want to break the flow of our scheme by noticing that his hand had slipped back to be more on my fanny than my waist.

John's huge hand held mine as we all walked into the main part of the living room, laughing and betting with Victor.

John sat on the couch and held me sidesaddle on his big lap. I was still wiggling a little bit and really did have to pee.

Uncle Victor came back in the room with a gold pocketwatch on a long chain. It looked very old. After turning off the TV and then the radio in the other part of the room, he put on some background music. He dumped the contents of a paper bag onto the couch beside John and me.

I laughed as if I had never seen a diaper or pacifier before. I even started giggling. "Uncle Victor! What's the baby stuff for? You're so funny." He said seriously, as if he was on stage, "These are tokens to impress on your mind, Tammy. Just things to make you remember infancy. I'm going to talk to you for a few minutes and I want you to stare at my watch. If the experiment is going to be vaid you will ALL have to be quiet and just watch -or else we can't even try it." He gave them a warning look.

Everyone got quiet, indicating they did want to let him try it. But still, they looked kind of smug like they knew it wouldn't work.

"OK. But let's hurry 'cause I really have to go to the ladie's room." Some of the men chuckled at my attempt to sound like a grown up.

Uncle Victor adjusted me on George's lap so I was leaning against his ample stomach with my knees over his. He scooted my bottom forward so I could lean back against him like I was on a soft, reclining chair. While he was adjusting my posture, some of the other guys brought the dining room chairs in from the poker table. Uncle Victor reached forward and unbottened two more buttons below the neck on my blouse so it was open to just above my belly button. It didn't come apart to embarass me or anything. Everyone got quiet as he unbuttoned my blouse half way down.

They were gathered around me when Uncle Victor put my legs apart as he scooted me forward on John's lap. I put my hand on the hem of the skirt and tugged it down. "Uncle Victor. Please!" and I gave a nervous giggle while I gaurded my modesty, vainly attempting to push the edge of the skirt between my thighs.

The little tug on the hem of my skirt did little to hide my panties. It was more of a token gesture in that short skirt. As I sat back on John's lap I knew they could all see my panties but I just kept looking at Uncle Victor. This was so exciting. I had the feeling we could really fool them.

"Just stare at the watch, Tammy," he said in a soft monotone, "and I'll help you relax. If you start to fall, John will hold you up." Uncle Victor's hand positioned my arms at my sides and I was craddled between John's arms. John's right hand was around my right arm with his fingertips touching my tummy to hold me up.

"You're getting sleepy, Tammy. You are warm and safe here. You are relaxing all over. John will hold you as you get younger and younger. You may yawn as you get tired. It's OK. John's big hand will keep you safe."

As his monotone droned on I really did find myself relaxing. I let my legs relax more, which opened my legs. John scoted me down on his lap a little, which lifted my skirt clear up. I pretended not to notice, but let my legs relax and drift apart even wider.

"You will be able to talk, but you won't remember anything. You will hear only my voice."

My mind continued to run, like it always did, even as I tried to relax my body towards limpness. I was aware of the soft, tuneless music and remembered my sixth grade music teacher explaining about background music in movies. I could hear his nasal voice telling my class, "You aren't even aware of most of the music in a movie. It becomes part of the scene, setting the tone for what is happening..." then my mind came back to the present and I wondered what I had missed of Uncle Victor's instructions. My body did feel relaxed - his monotone voice, the soft music, everybody still as a pin watching me.

I yawned for real. When I realized that his voice was soothing me I had a momentary fear that I would fall asleep and ruin our trick. As I yawned, John put his big left hand on my chest as if to hold me up. It was right over my breast when I lowered my arms after yawning. The new position was comfortable, so I didn't say anything. The firm, steady pressure of his fingers on me felt good. It also woke me up, but I pretended to get limper and limper.

My knees were wider apart now. They could see my panties clearly. Uncle Victor's reassuring left hand was on my right knee and his right hand continued to swing the gold watch in a slow arch. I watched it whenever my eyes were open. Between the slits of my eyelids I ckecked out our audience. George and Bob were staring at my panties and Tom was watching John's hand on my blouse.

"...I asked if you feel sleepy, Tammy. Just answer yes or no. There is no rush." Oh my gosh. I had missed some more of his instructions.

"Yes." I answered quietly during the intake of a yawning breath.

"Continue to relax. All stress is leaving your body as you get youngeer and younger. You like being a little girl, don't you, Tammy?" his voice almost as soft and tuneless as the music.


"You will not remember any of this when you wake up, Tammy. Do you understand?"


"I will bring you back to the present later. You will wake up only after I tell you to wake up. You are completely safe. Safe and warm. Are you glad to be so safe and warm, Tammy?"


"You're such a pretty little girl, Tammy. Only four years old now. You will get younger and younger untill we get to a very comfortable age for a pretty little girl like you."

After a moments silence while he moved my limp knee back and forth slowly, he said, "These big girl clothes are not comfortable. Your Uncle George will take off these stiff shoes now. You will feel more cozy with them off."

George was kneeling beside Uncle Victor taking off my shoes and socks. My feet were as relaxed as wet spagetti in the collander.

Geroge fondled my calves after taking off each shoe and might have done more if Uncle Victor wouldn't have given him a look.

While George was taking off my shoes and socks, I became distantly aware that John's nimble fingers had unbuttoned the remaining buttons on my blouse. I didn't notice him moving his hands because he hadn't stopped moving them as he gently held me.

"You don't like having all these tight clothes on, do you, Tammy?"

"No." I was speaking is a quiet whisper.

Everyone was quiet. The music blended into the softness around me. The lights were blurry. Uncle Victor had already set down his watch and had both hand on my thighs. "You are completely relaxed now, Tammy. You can't hear anything except my voice. You understand the words but won't remember them. This skirt feels tight to you. You are only three years old. You don't like to wear tight clothes do you, Tammy?"


"I'm going to loosen this tight skirt and you will feel better." While he unsnapped the two snaps on the skirt, John lifted one arm and then the other out of my unbuttoned blouse. the skirt fell open and George pulled it out from behind me as John slid the blouse off.

"You are comfortable in these training pants, aren't you, Tammy?"


"But you don't like wearing these training pants because you have to remember to go to the potty. You don't like to have to use the potty chair, do you Tammy?"


"You wish you were wearing your diapers again, don't you, Tammy?"


"We're going to lay you on the bath table now, Tammy. It's soft and cozy - safe and warm on on your bath table, isn't it, Tammy?"


"You like the way Mommy and all your uncles kiss your tummy when you get your diapers changed, don't you, Tammy?"


They had lifted me carefully onto the carpeted floor.

"We'll take these training pants off now, Tammy. Won't that feel better?"


They lifted my bottom off the floor and slipped my panties off.

"We're going to put your diaper back on you, Tammy. Then you will be very comfortable, won't you, Tammy?"

"Yes." and I stretched again, bringing my knees up towards my chest. I felt so relaxed and warm. I knew I was naked in front of four strange men and Uncle Victor, but it almost felt like I was in a dream - watching myself from a distance, not caring at all.

They lifted my bottom a little higher as they slid a trash bag with a diaper on it under me. They fastened the diaper and lifted me again to put a folded bath towel between my diaper and the trash bag. It made a crinkling sound when they lowered me back onto it - like a giant Pamper. I knew this was enough to soak up all my pee.

I remembered Uncle Victor's voice from this afternoon, "Details. Details, Tammy" as my first drops of pee dripped into the 3-cup measuring cup which he was holding under my pussy as I half-sat, half-stood over the toilet with the seat up. I was naked and self conscious, but really had to pee since he kept making me wait till we finished our shopping and got home. "Details are the secret to a good con, Tammy. Be prepared. Practice. But be ready for variations because things never work out exactly like you plan." I peed into the measuring cup and it was less than one cup! "You were worried this wasn't big enough, Tammy." he laughed as he stood up from his kneeling position in front of the toilet.

He dumped my pee into the toilet and flushed. After rinsing the measuring cup, he filled it back to just above the one cup line to check how many towels he would need.

"Will you use the burgandy towels or the gray ones, Uncle Victor, forgetting all about my nakednes as I watched him pour the clean water onto the folded gray towel.

"These aren't burgandy. They're scarlet!" he joked.

"I always wondered about your towels, Uncle Victor. I mean everything else in your house looks more, um, 'grown-up.'"

He laughed again as we watched the dark wet spot grow on the gray towel. "I'll never forget my five years at Ohio State, Tammy." and his grin grew bigger with remembered adventures. "Had to change majors three times to make it last that long!" He was still laughing in my dream when I heard his voice - different from the dream voice - so subdued now - droning on.

"Tammy, you are warm, safe. So comfortable." the quiet voice continued to remind me patiently. "Safe in your diapers. You can pee when you want to. Your loving uncles will clean you off. They like to clean you, and put lotion on your pretty baby bottom. They make you feel so clean. Pee whenever you want to, Tammy. You will feel better. Let go of your tension."

Hands were rubbing and massaging me all over. Slowly and gently. My eyes were closed and my knees were up towards my chest. My hands were in loose fists near my ears.

A warm feeling. Warmth. My bottom was getting so warm as I started. It felt good to just let go. Peeing in my diaper. It felt good.

The voice said, "Such a good baby. Let go, baby. It's OK. Such a pretty baby."

I let it all go. So warm. So nice. The hands continuted to massage baby lotion on my chest. I knew my nipples were stiff, but there was no way I could prevent it. They were tingling. Someone was unsnapping my wet diaper and I knew they would wash me off.

"We are washing off the good little baby now, Tammy. Such a pretty baby bottom. We will make it all clean." I felt the warm washcloth wiping me off. The warm cloth tickled over my open pussy and bottom again and again. I hoped they would keep rubbing it on me. The combination of fingers and warm washcloths was turning me on, but I tried to appear asleep and remain limp.

As I felt a tongue begin licking my thigh - making little circles -moving towards my pussy - I wondered if I could continue to feign a trance. The voice helped me.

"You are so comfortable. So safe and warm. But it would be nice to have your pacifier. A pretty, contented baby. You want to suck on something. You want to feel something in your mouth. Something to comfort and nourish you." Someone put the rubber pacifier in my mouth and I began sucking on it. I was trying to stay in my baby role and not picture how silly I looked to all those men. My knees up by my chest, my arms bent and laid back with fists near my head, sucking on a pacifier. But I was comfortable and contented. And the hands and tongue felt so good. Lips tugging on my pubic hair focused all my attention on my open pussy. The lips held my hairs and pulled up. It didn't pull my hair hard enough to hurt, but stimulated me as the lips grasped, lifted, and slid off my sparse bush. There wasn't any hair on the sides of my pussy yet, but just a little, blond bush at the top of my crack.

"The pacifier is comforting, but it seems too small. You wish you had a pacifier that was a little bit bigger." The pacifier was taken out of my mouth and I felt the rubber dick against my left cheek. I turned my head to face it before getting the suggestions from Uncle Victor.

The smaller than life dildo slid into my mouth as the quiet voice said, " want to feel something in your mouth. Something to suck gently on. You don't have teeth yet. It feels good to you - sliding in and out of your mouth." Someone was making short in and out movements with the rubber dick.

I was curious about the real ones I would get to feel and taste pretty soon if Uncle Victor's predictions were correct. He said they would all be a little different - size and shape - the way they moved.

I remembered joking with Uncle Victor that afternoon as he practiced with me... "Is this another detail, Uncle Victor?" I asked as I turned my head while lying on the floor so his dick could go in my mouth.

"Yes. We need to practice so you won't be surprised by things tonight." as he pressed his stiff penis against the side of my cheek.

"Uncle Victor, I might be only thirteen, like you keep reminding me, but I know bullshit when I hear it."

He burst out laughing and sat on the floor next to my head. "Tammy. You kill me. But we really do need to practice. And, OK, I admit it. You turn me on. But if we're going to pull this off tonight, you can't be surprised by your first taste of cum. I can't laugh and keep your 'pacifier' stiff at the same time. You are so precocious. I bet we could have lots of adventures together."

I learned new words - and lots of other things - from my favorite uncle.

The voice said, "You want to feel your pacifier sliding in and out of your mouth, Tammy. A pretty baby. You want to have something in your mouth." His talking was almost continuous, blending with the background music in tuneless harmony.

Someone was licking my asshole as the first real dick slipped into my mouth. My head was turned towards it. There was a taste on the tip already. The top was shaped diifferently and it was bigger than Uncle Victor's. I was pretty sure it was John, who had been holding me on his lap. His slow strokes went all the way to the back of my mouth.

The voice momentarily whispered words of caution and restraint to my other uncles.

The taste which suddently exploded into my mouth took me by surprise, but I managed to swallow fast enough to continue sucking like nothing was wrong. That was fast! I could feel this pacifier start to get smaller and softer as I sucked.

The tongue on my lifted bottom was trying to penetrate my asshole. I would have been embarassed to tears - or laughter - or both - if I had been 'awake.' It felt great, though, and I hoped he would continue as someone else let me use his pacifier.

This pacifier was smaller than Uncle Victor's and it moved in and out faster, not matching the subliminal cadence of Uncle Victor's words. He had some kind of cologne on his thighs. I wished I could open my eyes to look at him. His rapid breathing matched his movements. It must be Bob. I remembered the same cologne when he surpirsed me with a kiss on the lips at the door a couple hours ago. He was on his hands and knees over my head, fucking my mouth. It was fun practicing this afternoon, but this was even more exciting. This was real.

With one 'uncle' licking my pussy and another kissing my breasts, Bob came in my mouth. He didn't have as much cum as John.

Tom didn't want to stop eating me even though I knew somehow it was his turn to be my pacifier.

Well, anyway, each of my four new 'uncles' came in my mouth. Someone put an oiled finger in my bottom. Several of them had sucked and licked my tits, once even biting gently on my erect nipples.

"You are so happy to be a little baby girl, Tammy. So happy. Your tummy is twitching with happiness." Uncle Victor said when he could tell I was cumming.

He continued talking as the men cleaned me up and dressed me while I got older - coming back to the present. We were all sitting in the same position when I opened my eyes.

I looked around as I opened my eyes and suddenly sat up straight. "Oh my gosh! Did I fall asleep or something? Uncle Victor, how did you do that?" and I pulled my skirt down in front again.

I looked around again, embarassed. "Jeez! I hope you didn't make me bark like a dog or something silly like that!"

The men laughed. "I'm thirsty." and I got off John's lap. "Uncle Victor, I think your pizza must be too salty." And I started to head out to the kitchen to get another glass of pop. "I apologize, you guys. I really didn't think he could make me fall asleep."

"It's OK, Tammy." said John as he stood up and started walking behind me. "Your Uncle has a way with words. I think I dozed off, too."

"Change the damn music!" said Tom, "And let's play some more cards."

Before I headed up to bed I kissed each of them goodnight. John was the last person I kissed good night. He was sitting closest to the stairs. "Good night, Uncle John." I said turning. I didn't mean to call him 'uncle,' it just slipped out.

He turned me around to face him with those big hands of his and said, "Good night, 'Little Tammy.' I hope you can wait on our poker club again sometime." He kissed me on the lips, patted my bottom, and scooted me towards the stairs.

That was a night I'll never forget.

Uncle Victor gave me a bath the next morning and I kept begging him to practice the hypnosis game with me again in case we ever got another chance.

"Nothing is ever as exciting as the first time, Tammy." His hands were washing my breasts and I could tell he was thinking. "I suppose we could practice a little while before you get dressed." he finally said.

"OK. Thanks, Uncle Victor."

Later he drove me home and we had a nice talk. I told him I wanted to play more games sometime. He hoped so, too. "But don't say you want to come back when you get home, or try some Uncle Remus story and beg not to be sent back. Just say it was kind of boring even though you did get pizza for lunch and dinner. Mention something oblique like you got all your homework done because you were so bored."

"Maybe in a few years, if you keep getting good grades, you could go to Ohio State and I could come up and visit you." He had been mentioning to my Mom for years that he would pay for any of his nieces or nephews to go there, especially since I made the honor roll in sixth grade. "You almost seem ready to be a 'Buckeye' right now." and he kissed me one last time before we got to my house.

He gave me the eighty dollars he won for fooling the guys in his poker club. "Wow, Uncle Victor. I really hope I get to come over again sometime. It was so neat fooling those grown-ups."

"Yes, our con worked - just like we planned."

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I think the story was awesome. Any girl or boy story involving baying, and/or diapers is great. Thank you....look forward to future stories....thank you for the 10 out of 10 story

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