Published: 29-Apr-2011
Word Count:
My Uncle and I played a trick on his friends. You need to know some things about my uncle. He didn't exactly have a job, as my mother always told her friends Instead, he did lots of different things. A few years ago he bought a couple of pizza franchise outlets, and mom said that made him respectable. But that's not the reason he's my favorite uncle.
He always said I was cute and that I was his favorite niece and used to buy me the coolest stuff. He had a knack for knowing what kids my age liked -not like most other grown-ups. Mom said it was because he never had kids of his own and I was the oldest niece. He still liked to hold me on his lap even after the other grown ups said I was too big.
Uncle Victor had never been married, but he always had a pretty girlfriend. Some of his girlfriends seemed to make my mom nervous when we had family get togethers. I wanted to be like them, with their sexy clothes and stuff.
Mom and her boyfriend had to go out of town last weekend and they said I couldn't stay by myself. "But I'm thirteen!" I protested. "I'm big enough to stay home alone for a couple days. Maybe one of my friends could come over."
By Wednesday, Mom was getting desperate because nothing seemed to be working out. I was glad and hoped she would relent and let me stay home by myself.
Almost as a last resort she called her brother. I tried to listen in and ask questions while she talked to him on the phone, but she just gave me the 'shut up' signal, pretending to 'zip' her lips..
She hung up and said, "OK. It's settled. You can stay with Uncle Victor this weekend. His friend Tammy is staying with him these days. Now, Tammy, just because you have the same name as his girlfriend, don't try to act like her or pick up any of her bad habits."
"What do you mean, Mom. I thought she was pretty cool."
"That's what I'm worried about. I mean don't start smoking or drinking, wearing so much make up and so forth."
I decided to let it drop, since there was no point in arguing with Mom about things like that. And, I was looking forward to staying at Uncle Victor's house. It was big and lots fancier than ours. He had a big screen TV and a pool table - things like that.
Mom let me pack my own things and I put my short dress in my bag in case we got to go out to some fancy place. And, since Uncle Victor always whispered in my ear that I had sexy legs, I wanted to let him see them.
I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt Friday night when Mom dropped me off. Tammy was wearing a real short skirt and a blouse I could see through. You could see her slip and bra right through her blouse. She had fancy, black hose on with thin stripes. Her shoes made her about six inches taller than me, but I knew she would only be a couple inches taller if she didn't have on such high heels. I was pretty tall for my age, and one of the five tallest girls in the seventh grade.
Tammy also had big boobs. I was jealous. My training bra was just for decoration since my own boobs didn't even stick out two inches yet, and needed no support. I had just started shaving my legs last summer. I didn't really need to. Fortunately, I was starting to get some hair on my pussy - like a little shadow above my crack with fine, blond hair.
And another difference: Tammy had red hair - lots of it. I had short, brownish-blond hair, cut almost as short as a boys. It was better for swim practice in the summer, but made it hard for me to dress up like a 'lady.'
Tammy gave me a big hug, crushing me against her ample bosom, and kissed me on the cheek. I could tell she had been drinking. She had a lit cigarette in her right hand.
In a way I was glad mom just dropped me off and drove away when the door opened. I knew she didn't apporve of Uncle Victor's Tammy. She didn't want 'her Tammy' to be around a 'bad influence.' Mom had been giving her comic advice about 'maintaining my virtue' while growing up, without really saying what she meant. I knew what she was talking about from health class and from what me and my grilfriends talked about all the time - BOYS. SEX, DICKS, etc.
Sometimes I would tease Mom and ask her what she meant. It was funny to see her get flustered and hem-haw around. She had explained lots of times that some boys never did grow up and I should avoid them. I should especially avoid them if they ever 'tried anything.'
"Anything like what, Mom?" and I watched her blush.
Maybe that's one of the things I liked about Uncle Victor. He laughed alot and played like a grown up little boy. "A forty year old Peter Pan." Mom said once.
Uncle Victor met us in the foyer with a drink his hand. "Two Tammys! Boy am I in trouble! Stereo!" and he laughed as he sat his drink down. "I can't decide who's prettier." as he held each of us by a shoulder.
With a twinkle in his eye, he kissed Tammy with a hug and said, "Is it 'Big Tammy' or 'Little Tammy?'"
He followed his long kiss on her lips with a peck on her cheek. As he let go of 'Big Tammy' he fondled her breast. I thought he was going to give me a peck on the cheek, but he kissed me right on the lips with his arm around me. It took me by surprise and I probably should have objected, but I didn't. Then he gave me a peck on the cheek, too, and laughed.
Uncle Victor put his hands back on our shoulders and turned us to head into the living room. "I can't decide which of you is sexier. We'll just have to kiss some more, I guess."
We had a fun evening - the three of us. First Tammy took me upstairs and helped me get dressed so we could go out for dinner.
"But I thought we would have pizza." I almost protested.
"We'll have some fun tonight, Sis. Let me see what you brought to wear. You can wear some of my things if you want."
She liked my short, black dress and said that would be fine. She let me use a pair of her black pantyhose so we could be dressed somewhat alike.
"What on earth are you doing?" she laughed as I started to put the pantyhose on over my cotton panties. "You don't need panties when you're wearing pantyhose!"
"But you can see through these." still not sure what to do. I've seen pantyhose with built-in white panties, but these were pretty sheer all the way up.
"What's your point?" she asked me bluntly.
I smileded at her, but wasn't sure what she was getting at.
"You want to tease boys, don't you?"
"Yes, but they could see through these if I fell down or something."
When she stopped laughing, she said, "Well I hope you don't have to fall down just to show off your pretty figure. But if somebody wants to look through your pantyhose, so what? At least that means they're looking at you!"
"Hmm." I'd need to think about this.
Almost under her breath she said, "I bet Vic would."
"Would what?'
"Would like to see your pantyhose. That's what." and she hugged me. "You're so cute, Honey. And it's even cuter because you don't know it."
"Want to wear some make up and perfume tonight?" she asked.
"Oh, cool!"
Sit down first and let me see what I can do with your hair. It took about an hour to get my hair, make up and perfume on. She was so silly, she even sprayed some under my skirt.
We heard Uncle Victor click off the video he was watching as we went downstairs. It sounded like a fight or something - like somebody was gagged and getting slapped. I didn't get to see it, but the sounds made Tammy laugh. Tammy wanted to show me off, and had brought down a pair of high heels which were too big for me. I couldn't walk in them more than a few steps. They would fall off if I picked up my feet so I had to shuffle.
My smile got even bigger when he did a wolf whistle. "Aren't you sexy, Tammy!"
"Which Tammy do you mean?" she laughed. "Stand up beside her, Vic. She's almost as tall as me with these heels on, isn't she?"
But he didn't stand up. So Tammy led me over to stand in front of him. "Do you like the pantyhose on her? What do you think?" she asked.
"Too sexy. That's what." he said while he was looking at me from head to toe. I smiled when he said that.
Tammy lifted the hem of my dress up above my waist and said, "We thought these hose would be way too big. But look, they aren't even bunched up on top." She had me shuffle around so he could inspect the hose. It took awhile, since I was having trouble shuffling in a circle with her holding up whichever part of my dress was in front of Uncle Victor.
Uncle Victor scooted to the edge of the couch and put his hands on my hips, pulling me a little closer. "Tammy, these fit you just fine." He was staring at my new pantyhose. I knew he could see through them. It was making me tingle. Then he said, "I should get you some more clothes to keep here. Maybe you could help me find some her size, Tammy."
I was beaming. Uncle Victor really did think I was sexy.
"I have a nightie that would fit her perfectly." she said. "She can try it on for us later."
We had a fun time at dinner and I even got to have a couple drinks. It was a neat restraunt, but I got tired of sitting there so long and started to get restless. And I would have rather had pizza than that fancy food. At least they let me wear my regular dress shoes.
During dinner they started talking about Saturday night. Victor said it was too bad that Tammy had to go to her sister's house Saturday. "Who's going to help me serve drinks at my poker club tomorrow night?"
Then he explained to me how 'Big Tammy' waited on the guys while they played poker and they gave her tips for waiting on them, pretending they were in a fancy bar or something.
After they talked about this for awhile, I had an idea. "Maybe I could do it." They both looked at each other.
"Hmm." said Uncle Victor. "I think I have a better idea. Maybe we could play a trick on my buddies."
I got real interested, but Uncle Victor wouldn't tell us what his idea was.
That night Tammy gave me a short, sexy nightie to sleep in. I was really sleepy, too, after having some grown up drinks. The drinks tasted like chocolate mixed with gasoline to me at first, but after a couple they tasted better.
Anyway, you could see right through my borrowed nightie. Tammy was wearing her nightie, which you could see through, too, so I didn't feel as self conscious when we went downstairs to watch TV before going to bed.
"You can sit on my lap tonight, Tammy, since nobody is around to say you're too big to sit on laps." He gave me another big kiss on the lips and pulled me onto his lap so I was facing him with my knees on either side of his hips.
"Oh, goodie, Uncle Victor. Why do kids have to stop sitting on laps just because they get big? It's not fair. Especially since grown up girls get to sit on laps and it's OK for them." and I hiccuped. We all laughed, it was so loud.
He held me every which way and even tickled me a little bit. At first I felt funny wearing just the nightie without panties, since it was kind of short. But, like I said, Tammy's was the same way. I looked at her a lot. Maybe someday I would be that pretty.
I wanted to stay awake and talk with them like a grown up, but I was getting so sleepy. Uncle Victor was rubbing my back and then had me lay across his lap and some big, soft pillows. He was sitting in the middle of the couch with a soft pillow on either side of his lap. His right hand was on the backs of my knees and his left hand was massaging my shoulders. They put a cover over me right there so I wouldn't have to go up to bed yet.
Tammy kept getting them drinks and changed the video as I dozed off. They were both smoking cigarettes which smelled funny. I was trying to remember if I had ever seen him smoking before, but could have sworn he didn't smoke. All I remember is getting my back rubbed and getting rolled over a few times while Uncle Victor got up to get something, and I think I saw flashes through my closed eyes, but I don't really remember.
I woke up in the guest bed and had a funny taste in my mouth. It must have been the chocolate-gasoline drinks, I guess.
In the bright light, the nightie looked even more sheer than I remembered. I went to the bathroom which was right off my bedroom. Tammy came in wearing jeans and a sleeveless T-shirt. "It's about time you were getting up, sleepyhead." she teased me. "I have to leave pretty soon and wanted to kiss you goodbye. Do you remember us carrying you up last night?" She seemed to be staring right into my eyes.
After yawning again and stretching, I said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to carry me upstairs. I fell asleep getting my back rubbed and don't remember anything. This nightie isembarassing, Tammy. Look. You can see right through it!"
She smiled as we looked through the sheer white material as I held it out away from me. "Oops." I said, "It looks like I spilled something on it." There was an area on the front that looked like dried milk. "Gee, I'm sorry about slobbering on your nightie." I said, "It must have been those drinks, 'cause I don't ever drool that much at home."
"It's OK, Honey. I was going to wash it anyway. No problem. Here. Let me help you get a bath and then I have to leave. Sorry I can't stay and help with the party tonight."
She led me back into the bathroom by the hand and put some bubblebath in the tub after starting the hot water.
"Tammy," she asked, "Would it hurt you if I slapped your hand?"
"Yes, I guess so." Not sure why she was asking this.
"But would it hurt your hand if I looked at it?"
"No, Silly. Of course that wouldn't hurt." and I laughed, thinking she was making a joke.
"Well, it's the same with the rest of your body. it won't hurt if somebody looks at it."
She lifted the nightie over my head, held my hand as i stepped into the big tub, and knelt down beside it while I bathed.
Uncle Victor walked right in. "How are my two favorite Tammys this morning?"
I put my hands over my budding breasts, embarassed. They just acted like everything was fine and started talking about the poker party tonight. "I can't get him to tell me the trick he's thinking about, Tammy." Big Tammy said to me in a sisterly voice.
"Right. I have to talk it over with my co-conspirator here first. Maybe we'll try it and maybe we won't." and he winked at me. My hands were back in the water now, on the bottom of the tub.
"In fact, You'd better head on over to your sister's house. I can finish helpingTammy with her bath." He knelt down beside Tammy and began washing my back with his bare, soapy hand.
"OK." She laughed. "I can tell when I'm not needed. You two conspirators have a good time." And she left us.
Victor started washing me all over. I didn't know what to do. It felt naughty, but so good. He made me feel pretty and sexy and grown up all at the same time. I let him wash me, even between the legs. We were talking the whole time as if nothing was the matter.
"I'm glad it's still so warm out for this time of year." while his hand was washing up and down my pussy.
It felt so good that I couldn't help but put my knees farther apart and lean back. "Yes, I'm glad it's still warm out."
Curiousity got the best of me as I kept asking him what the trick was. He lifted me out of the tub and began drying me off. Next he had me hold out my arms and turn around while he sprinkled baby powder on me and patted it in.
Sometimes he tickled me on the tummy or armpits, but pretty soon I was covered with powder from head to toe. All the while he kept promising he would tell me pretty soon, but he had to know if I trusted him and if I could keep a secret.
I don't know how many times I promised him I could keep a secret. He asked me if it bothered me for him to see me and touch me all over.
"Oh, gosh, Uncle Victor. It tickles in a good way and makes me feel funy inside. But I like it when you touch me. I know it's naughty, but, I don't know, it's exciting or something."
"Good!" and he hugged me towards him. He kissed me again and then looked me in the eyes seriously. "This trick involves some touching like this." and his hands squeezed my breasts gently. Then he pinched my nipples one at a time while I stood with arms at my sides.
"Did that hurt you?"
Then he put his right hand around me on my fanny and pulled me closer while I stood there naked, coated white with powder. His left hand felt my pussy, squeezing the lips together. He wiggled my mound back and forth and then ran his finger finger along my powder-dry slit. He didn't put his finger in but ran it back and forth between my lips on the outside. "Does this hurt?" He asked, still looking directly into my eyes.
Then maybe my trick will work. You have to trust me that nobody will hurt you or put anything in your pussy. Do you trust me?"
"Yes, Uncle Victor."
Then he explained his plan. We spent part of the day practicing and getting some props together. We even went shopping. This would be so exciting.
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