Brandy Gets Her Temperature Taken

[ MF+/g, spank, anal, mast, ped, exhib, med ]

by Corn53

Published: 25-Apr-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Frank sat down his drink and said, "Take her temperature, Marcia, and see if she's sick. If she doesn't have a temperature, or if she keeps talking back to you, then spank her. Not a light spanking either."

His two friends agreed with him and so did my step mother who was taking care of me.

Joe said, "God damn right! She's too mouthy for an eleven year old. Needs a good spanking. I got my ass whipped lots of times when I was growing up. Did me good, too." He went in the kitchen for another beer.

I was starting to get worried. All my step mother needed was some excuse to embarrass me in front of her new friends, friends who owned the bar where she worked. "But Marcia," I started talking, trying to be reasonable, "I was sick this morning. That's why I stayed home from school. I didn't feel good enough to fix dinner. But now I'm feeling better and want to go over to the Johnsons. It's Friday night."

Then Melvin told my step mother to go ahead and take my temperature and they would all watch to make sure it was fair and that I didn't try to hold it under hot water or something. "Kids do that, you know."

Marcia got up and left the room. I decided I'd better be nice to the men so they would take it easy on me and not persuade my step mother to actually take my temperature. "Can I get anybody another beer or some snacks or anything?" I asked.

That's when she came back in the room with the thermometer and a jar of Vaseline. Frank stood up and came over beside me as Marcia sat in the middle of the couch.

"OK, Smarty-pants. Take those smarty-pants off and lay down across my lap."

"No. Not with these men here."

Frank gripped my arm. "See, Marcia. She thinks she's too big for her britches so these britches just better come off."

"Let go of me, Frank!" I raised my voice at him. That was a mistake.

He kept holding my upper arm in his big hand. Marcia looked at me crossly, but her voice was calm. "Young Lady, you are going to learn some manners tonight. First I want you to know that each time you talk back I'm going to add ten more spankings. If it weren't for your good-for-nothing father I wouldn't have to live in this dump without even a housekeeper."

"It would be a lot cleaner if you got up in the morning." I was kind of joking and kind of serious. The last time I said something like that to her in front of Frank, they all started laughing and let me go on upstairs to watch TV without even having to do my homework. But tonight it didn't work.

"That's twenty already." She said calmly. "Take those shoes off first. Now."

Frank said, "Better add those twenty to the ten for skipping school in the first place."

I started taking my shoes and socks off, wondering if they really were going to spank me. I was hoping they would start laughing and have me get them more drinks.

Joe said, "I'll take my belt off and get ready. This ought to do the trick."

Melvin said, "I got something better in my truck." He went out the door and across the porch. I heard the screen door on the porch slam with a bounce. He came back in before I finished taking my second shoe off.

I stood up and said, "Why do I even need to take my shoes off so you can take my temperature?"

Melvin and Frank laughed at that. Then Marcia held up the Vaseline. "It's a rectal thermometer, Brandy. And you'd better hold still. These things are fragile. You wouldn't want broken glass up your butt. Now take off your pants."

I felt myself turn red. They all laughed at my embarrassment. Melvin smacked the big paint stirring stick on his hand. It was one of those big ones for the five gallon buckets of paint which he was using on the barn. He smacked it on his hand again and said, "Your face is red, Brandy, but someplace else is going to be redder pretty soon. Now get them pants off like Marcia said."

"You're all drunk. I shouldn't have to do what you say!" I was getting mad.

Frank held my right arm and Melvin held my other one. They were holding me right in front of Marcia. She said, "That makes it forty smacks, Brandy. Do you want to keep talking back?" She had a wicked smile on her face. "Now. Are you going to take those pants off or do we have to do it?"

I started to say something smart, but she said, "Ah. Ah. Think about what you say, Brandy. You're already up to forty. It could take a long time. But if you do have a temperature, then it will only be twenty. So. I said, 'are you going to do it?' ... or do I have to take them off?"

"I'll take them off." I unsnapped my buckle and the latch on the pants and took off my jeans. They fit pretty tight and it took a minute. My panties started to come down too, so I tried to pull them up.

Melvin caught my hand and said they would need to come off, too, so I should just go ahead and take them off now.

"Look at that." Said Frank. "Still bald as a baby. She sure needs to learn some manners while she's still young."

I knew better than to struggle as they laid me across her lap. They put a pillow across Marica's knees to keep my butt up higher. Melvin thought it would work better if I had one foot on the floor and one knee against the back of the couch. "Then we can pull her open better." He said.

Frank explained to Marica that they needed to make sure I had plenty of lubrication so the thermometer wouldn't stick. He said he should put some on his finger first to make sure I was well lubricated.

"But it would work in her pussy or her ass." said Marcia. "I don't know which would be easier."

Melvin smacked the paddle on his hand again, and said, "Maybe we should go ahead and give her ten of the spanks now while we decide which hole to use."

Marcia said, "Well, OK, Melvin, but not too hard. We aren't going to hurt her. Just hard enough so she knows not to talk back. I was glad she told him not to do it too hard. Usually Melvin was real nice to me, and I wondered why he wanted to spank me.

So they argued about which hole to put the thermometer in while Melvin gave me some smacks with the paddle. They laughed the way I jumped and fidgeted with each one, squirming around. They said the red marks would look pretty on my skinny little eleven year old butt. They thought that was so funny, but I was ready to start crying.

They couldn't decide which hole to use so the men were each going to lubricate their fingers and see which one felt easier to slide into, since that would be the safest way to check before, as Frank said, "...we go putting a glass tube up her ass."

Frank went first, and I have to admit that he was careful. It was real quiet in the room as I held my fanny cheeks apart for him. He wanted me to pull myself as wide open as I could and then try to relax my butt. It took him six tries before he got his finger all the way in. Then he got more Vaseline and did it a few more times to make sure I was all slicked up. Each time he pressed his finger in I made a little moaning sound as it went farther and farther in me.

Melvin knelt down beside me and looked in my face as Frank pushed his finger in again. He asked me in a tender voice if it hurt me. I was surprised that he was so nice all of a sudden. "No. It doesn't hurt exactly. Muunnnnnnnn. It just feels funny. That's all."

In a serious voice Melvin said it looked like I was perspiring and maybe I did have a touch of fever so he thought they ought to take my shirt off in case I was too hot. They got me up and helped me take my shirt off. They even wanted me to take my training bra off and I didn't argue. I was glad that Melvin was at least being considerate.

He sat down on the couch next to Marcia and said they should lay me on my back before they lubricated up my pussy. So I laid down with my hips on Marcia's lap and my head and shoulders on Melvin's lap. He started feeling around on my chest and shoulders right away and said he wanted to see if I still felt warm without my shirt on.

Then he said right into my face, "Well Frank says you're as bald as a baby, but you are getting a cute figure, Brandy. These here feel like they're getting soft and grown up. Like about lemon size."

Joe had been watching what Frank was doing and then he felt my chest too, like he was feeling around for a fever. "Yep. About like small lemons. Or like when the bartender cuts a lime in half. About half of a big lime." Then he chuckled. "Not as hard, though."

Suddenly Frank put his finger up my vagina. It pushed in all the way the first time. "Didn't hardly use any lubricant." He said. "Finger just slides right in. Tight but slippery. Try it, Joe." Joe tried it. They took turns pushing their fingers in me.

Melvin was massaging my chest now, kind of gently pinching my nipples. Marcia put her hand on my tummy. "I used to have a flat tummy like this." It almost sounded like she was mad at me for having a flat tummy.

Frank said, "You look great, Marcia. It's you that keeps my bar full up. Those short skirts of yours. Great legs. That's what does it. And that's why we're nice to you. Bet we won't do nearly the usual business tonight with you off tonight."

"Thanks, Frank." Marcia said, in her suck-up-to-the-boss voice which I had heard before. "Why don't I go put some food in the over while you help me get little smarty-pants here ready to get her temperature taken?"

They thought that was a good idea and so did I. As soon as she left they laid me face down across Melvin's lap since he seemed to like to hold me. Then Joe, Frank, and Melvin took turns putting their big fingers up my bottom to get me ready to have my temperature.

"Maybe we could alternate for a minute." Joe suggested. He was usually the engineer of the bunch when something needed fixing. "Frank, I'll put my finger in back here and then when I pull it out you push yours in her front. That way both holes will be all lubed up when Marcia decides where to put the thermometer.

Melvin kept my left cheek pulled to the side so Frank could press his finger up my bottom easier. Frank's fingers were the biggest of the three men and each time he pushed it in I moaned. Melvin's left hand was rubbing my back, almost like he was petting a dog.

The continuous fingerings were making me feel funny inside, and I tried to open my legs farther for them and lift up my fanny like to help it open wider.

Melvin kept asking me if it hurt and I said it didn't, but still he wanted Frank to use lots of lubricant. I don't know what was taking Marcia so long, but I was starting to wiggle around a little bit and the men must have thought it was cute. I know Melvin liked it when I moaned as they fingered my bottom.

Then I had an idea. Maybe they would like it even more if I moaned louder while I wiggled around. Then maybe they would forget about spanking me. As Frank forced his big finger in my fanny I moaned louder, "Oooohhhhhhhnnnn," and wiggled my hips more. I didn't really have to try to do it, they seemed to wiggle on their own when he pushed his finger in me. The same as when Joe pushed his finger up my pussy. I moaned and wiggled.

Frank said, "I think you're probably lubricated enough now, Brandy. Should we stop?"

"Maybe do it some more. Because I want to really slippery when Marcia comes back. It doesn't hurt. And thanks for helping. I know you're only trying to help me. I want to be a good girl. I can hold my bottom open for you." I reached both hands back and pulled my fanny open for them.

They started fingering me again, and didn't talk. I think they even liked to look at me, because my fanny sure held their attention. The even stopped drinking while they were putting their fingers in. Melvin kept rubbing my back.

Joe had another idea, "Why don't I keep my finger in here, and then you put your finger in and out back here. That might help slick her up more. Two fingers in her at once. Then we'll just take turns pulling out and pushing back in."

Marvin wanted them to each get some more lubricant so they wouldn't make me sore. "Even her pussy, Joe. Don't let her get dry with all that pushing in and out."

"She ain't dry, Melvin. Not by a long shot." Joe said.

Frank got more lubricant on his finger and pushed it in me. I moaned. While he held his big finger pressed in me, Joe pulled his out and pushed it back in. Then he kept pushing his finger in my pussy while Frank pulled his out and pushed it back in. He was still pushing in slowly and it made me moan.

They kept doing that and I was moaning and wiggling around and didn't hear Marcia come back in. She must have signaled for them to keep going but they slowed down. I didn't even hear her. All I could do was concentrate on what they were doing to me.

Maricia's voice said, "Put your hands down, Brandy." The smack on my fanny caught me by surprise. SMACK! It caught me while both fingers were all the way inside me. "Why you little slut. I'll give you a few more smacks before I take your temperature. Fellas, I think she likes the way you're getting her all slippery!"

SMACK! Again with the paint stirring stick. Right in the same spot so she wouldn't hit Frank's hand. I jumped but tried not to say anything. That's what she wanted. She wanted me to beg her to stop.

"Keep those fingers in her. Can you feel her twitch when I smack her pretty little white ass?" SMACK! SMACK!

Joe and Frank pushed their fingers back in me after each time I jumped. Then they started pushing in and out just part way and then in all the way right after each smack. I kept wiggling around and the men thought it was funny. Marcia was smacking me - one cheek at a time - aiming her shots, and the men kept pushing in and out. They said they could feel me twitch all right.

Marcia finished ten of the smacks and went back out to finish in the kitchen. I kept wiggling around and was feeling funny inside. Like my tummy was getting all mushy. I cried a little bit from the spankings, and Melvin stroked my back to calm me down. The men said they should rub some creme on my ass over the red marks. But they kept pushing their fingers in and out and I felt hypnotized. Then my body started to jerk and my tummy and pussy felt all warm inside like I was exploding with a good feeling. "MMMMmmmmm!" I moaned.

They held their fingers still. When I stopped writhing around moaning, they pulled their fingers out. Frank told me to rest a minute. "Go up and get your nightgown on, Brandy, and rest a while. We'll come up and get you later and finish with taking your temperature. Just go on now."

Melvin said he would explain everything to Marcia and I should just go rest. He would come up and check on me pretty soon. "You won't be going out tonight, Brandy. But maybe she'll forget about your spankings. We'll keep her busy and I'll be up to check on you later."

I went to the bathroom and then on up to bed. After putting on my nightgown - just a man's T-shirt really, I fell asleep. My tummy felt all creamy inside.

I woke up a little while later and heard them laughing downstairs. I was relieved that they had forgotten about me, as I fell back to sleep, remembering those good feelings in my tummy. I dreamed about eating graham crackers and milk and the graham crackers crunched as loud as tires on gravel when I ate each piece. I kept eating more crackers.

Later... I don't know what time it was, Marcia and Frank came in my room and woke me up.

"Time for us to take your temperature now, Honey." Marcia said. The first thing I thought of was wondering if they were going to slick me up again with their fingers. I started to tingle inside just thinking about it.

Then Frank started to wrap something around my head. "What's that?" I asked. It was so dark in my room. It must have been after midnight.

"It's a blindfold, Brandy." Said Frank. "We don't want all those bright lights downstairs to hurt your eyes." He put a blindfold on me and made sure it was tied tight. I could smell whiskey on his breath.

Then he helped me take off the big T-shirt I was sleeping in, while Marcia said she was going to get me a prettier nightgown to wear back downstairs. She said, "I want you to look nice, Honey, when we go downstairs." I wondered why she wanted me to look nice when Frank, Joe, and Melvin had already seen me naked.

The second she left the room Frank asked me to lay back on the bed so he could see if I would need more lubrication between " ... those pretty, little, legs. Would you like that?"

"Thanks for helping me, Frank." I said as I laid back again, but by now I had forgotten all about sleep. I put my legs apart and bent my knees. "Is this wide enough?"

"Sure, Brandy." His voice sounded excited as he started feeling around my thighs and pussy area.

"Here we go." He said softly as he put his finger part way in my pussy. "It is a little too dry. Let me get it wet for you. Just lay still. Don't say anything."

I didn't know what he was going to do, and I was just waking up, when I felt warm drops on my pussy, and then I could tell it was his mouth on me because his hands were on my thighs holding my legs apart. He started licking me on my pussy. He stopped after a few seconds, "This will help get you wet inside, Brandy. It doesn't hurt does it?"

"No. It's OK." I scooted my feet apart more as he continued to lick me there.

Then he stopped and sat me up as we heard Marcia's footsteps outside my door. Frank whispered, "Don't say anything, Brandy. Stand up now."

I stood up as Marcia came in and flicked on the lights. I could see a little light through the blindfold but it didn't make me all squint up like I usually did when she turned on the lights.

They helped me put on the top of one of her fancy nightgown with the ruffles all around the edge and down the front where the two halves open. It fit on like a vest and tied shut in the front. Then she let me use some of her fancy panties, too, the ones that tie on the sides with little ribbons. She said they looked real pretty on me, even though they were too big. "How much do you weigh now, Brandy?" She asked.

"Almost a hundred. I think about ninety six pounds."

"You are getting to be a big girl. Brandy! These panties feel wet already." I didn't say anything. She continued, "Well, you'll have them off soon enough. When we get downstairs I'll have Frank hold your arm and you can show him how you like to practice walking around in my high heel shoes."

"Oh. Marcia. Do I have to? That's silly. The shoes are way too big for me."

"You want them to help you get ready for your temperature, don't you?" She almost sounded cross, and I sure didn't want to get her mad at me after she'd been drinking.


"Good. I'll let you wear a pair of my thigh high hose, too, so you look more grown up and sexy. Then I just want you to walk around a little bit and stand in front of the fireplace. Then ask them to please help you get ready to get your temperature taken. Tell them what you want them to do while you undress. You know, tell them how you want them to get you lubricated. Then stand there and take the nightgown off and then the hose. The last thing I want you to do is step back into the high heels, untie the panties and let them fall off. Tell them you're all ready for their helpful fingers. Then walk over to the couch, Frank will guide you. OK?"

"OK." I knew I'd better cooperate. And I was looking forward to them helping get me ready.

They turned up the radio when I walked in. I should say klip-clopped in, because the high heels were so big. I felt pretty silly in the silky night gown and panties and the thigh-high hose. I had to keep pulling them up with my hands because they were a too big on me.

They stopped talking as Frank led me klip-clopping over to stand in front of the fireplace. He stepped away and I turned around for them and walked a little bit like Marcia wanted me to. I said, "I'm back downstairs and I want you to help me again." It seemed like I could see flashes of light through my blindfold but I wasn't sure. It might just be the way I was turning around, but it seemed like flashes. Then I took off the top part of the nightgown and turned around again. Frank and Melvin said how pretty I looked and that I was getting, "... all growed up."

Then I stepped out of the high heels and took the hose off, which was easy because they were so big on me. I giggled and said, "I think my legs are too skinny to hold these up." Frank laughed, too, and said my legs were real pretty.

It got quiet when I stepped back into the high heels and turned around. I untied one side of the panties and held the string up in my hand, keeping them in place but letting the front sort of flap over. "I'm going to take these panties off now and I hope you will put some of that slippery stuff on your fingers and then, you know..." I giggled again as I turned around.

"I mean, you know... put your fingers in me, like so the thermometer will go in me easier." I was pretty sure it was flashes and I hoped they weren't taking pictures of me. Boy, would that be embarrassing someday.

They were all being so quiet I decided to tease them a little bit when I untied the other side of the panties. After they fell to the floor I turned around in those klip-cloppy high heels and faced the fireplace. Then I bent over and pulled my fanny open and said I wanted them to get me real slippery so the thermometer wouldn't hurt when Marcia pushed it in me.

I stood up and turned around to face the couch again. "I'm getting bigger." I said as I squeezed my breasts with my fingers and pulled them this way and that. "See? These are getting bigger even though I don't have any hair down here yet. You can feel them to see for yourself even though they don't look very big." I was talking pretty loud as I demonstrated squeezing my breasts, because the radio was playing so loud.

Frank took my arm and led me towards the couch. It was quiet in the room except for the klip-clopping of the shoes until I got to the big, oval, rag rug which was in front of the couch.

Melvin told me to lay across his lap on my tummy first and they would lay me on my back in a few minutes. Marcia said she had to go out in the kitchen again and would be back in a few minutes. I don't know why they were playing the radio so loud.

Melvin said he would hold my ass open for me so I could just keep my arms folded under me on his lap. The minute he opened my fanny somebody put a greased up finger in me. I don't know if it was Frank or Joe but whoever it was used lot of lubricant and kept going in and out. Melvin kept talking to me and rubbing my back. He was saying what a good job I did taking off my clothes and that I had the natural talent of a good performer. While he was telling me this, it felt like Joe and Frank kept putting different fingers in me. I asked Melvin if Frank was trying to put his other fingers in me because it felt different sometimes.

Melvin said, "Don't worry about it, Brandy. They are using different fingers all right. It will help get you all slick inside so the thermometer will go right in. The next finger was really big and made me moan again. Frank or Joe must have been using his thumb. It kept going in and out all the way, even faster than usual and it got me moaning and feeling funny inside. And I don't know if it was Frank or Joe but one of them kept playing with my pussy and it was really wet now. They were sliding their fingers over my bump in the front and squeezing it, then flicking it. I wanted them to start lubricating the front hole so it would be slippery, too, in case that's where Marcia wanted to put the thermometer.

"Shouldn't they start lubricating my pussy, too, Melvin? What if she wants to put the thermometer in there?"

"You're right, Brandy. Let's turn you over now and we can get to both holes at the same time again. Let me get you arranged."

He stood me up and put a pillow on the couch next to him so I could lay down with my hips and back across his lap and my head and shoulders on the pillow. Then they helped me lift my legs up with knees apart so Melvin could hold my feet together with my knees almost on my chest now - kind of like a baby getting her diaper changed, I thought. This lifted up my bottom so Frank and Joe could reach it to put plenty of lubricant in me. I couldn't keep track of their hands, but it almost seemed like too many because their started going in and out of my pussy and fanny right away and one of them was also feeling my chest. It seemed like they moved around a lot, trying different ways to put fingers in me or play with the front part of my pussy. That felt good too, and pretty soon I was moaning again. I didn't want them to stop this time, even if Marcia did come back in the room.

Frank said, "Should we try the buzzer, Melvin? When I look close I can see some wispy hairs on the top of her pussy. And she's wetter than a grown woman."

"OK. I think she's ready. Right on the edge now." Then Melvin said to me, "Brandy, we have a little buzzer here which will help you relax deep inside, so it will be easier to take your temperature. It will tickle a little bit at first, but I think you'll like it. Here it comes."

I heard a buzzing noise and then felt something vibrating and tickling around the edge of my pussy. It was hard and cold but felt so good. They flicked it across my button in the front and then somebody held it there - pressing - while fingers slid into my bottom and my pussy at the same time. Somebody else was pinching and massaging my breasts but it wasn't Melvin. I couldn't figure out who was doing what but it felt so good.

Then I got those delicious spasms in my tummy and pussy again and moaned real loud. Oh. It felt so good, like my insides were jumping.

They all stopped and let me rest a minute. I kept getting spasms and squeezed my tummy for a little bit longer. Then Marcia turned off the radio and said, "Stay quiet everybody. I'm going to take her temperature now." They rolled me ver on my tummy and she put the thermometer in my bottom. It slid right in and I didn't even have to pull my cheeks open.

She counted to a hundred and pulled it out. They all looked at it. "Looks like ninety-ninety even. Maybe a hundred." Melvin said. They agreed that maybe I was a little warm and should just go up to bed without any spankings for tonight. Melvin said, "She's hot all right. That's for damn sure." Joe laughed for some reason.

Then Marcia said, "Thanks for helping us boys. Pat Brandy on her bottom and go out in the kitchen now, and wait a minute. I think our tired, little girl will want to go on to beddie bye now." Marcia laughed her mean laugh again. Six other men patted my fanny and said things like I sure was growing up, and then went out to the kitchen.

I turned red all over again, as they sat me up and took off the blindfold. It was so bright in the room that it took a minute to stop squinting. There were lots more beer cans and bottles around the room now, so I knew I was right about too many people with their hands on me at the same time.

Marcia said, "I don't think we even need to give you any spankings tonight, Brandy. Just go on up to bed and wonder who all put their fingers in you and took your picture. A few of the men know you. Maybe you'll remember that the next time you want to give me any sass. One of the men even took some video of you undressing and acting silly in front of the fireplace. So you'd better remember to do what I tell you from now on, Smarty-pants, if you don't want other people seeing that video of you strutting around, pulling your fanny open, and asking men to put their fingers up your ass. Shaking your bald little pussy in front of everybody. Strutting around like a dancer already." She took my pussy lips in her right hand and squeezed them together. "Time enough to shake this when you get older, young lady. As for this little buzzer toy...." She held up a white, cigar shaped thing and twisted the end of it. It started buzzing.

She looked at Frank and Joe. "If you hear anybody knock on your door tonight, then lay on your tummy and put your pillows over your head. Maybe one or two of the men might want to tickle your bald little pussy again later. But you can't know who it is, and you're not allowed to use this yourself. That's part of your punishment for being such a naughty little girl. Now go on upstairs and try to fall asleep. You just might have some visitors later. If not tonight then maybe over the next couple months. Maybe visitors. Maybe not." She slapped my fanny and pushed me over towards the stairs.

I went to bed but had a hard time getting to sleep.

Marcia was right. I did have visitors that night. I still have visitors. Yes, lots of visitors over the last few months. I never get to see who they are, but the buzzing, the licking, and the fingering feel good and give me the shivers every time. I wish I could have a visitor every night.

I can feel myself getting wet, like Melvin said about me, whenever I hear a car come back our gravel lane. Then Marcia comes in my room with the jar of Vaseline and tells me I have a visitor and she says whether I should leave my panties on or take them off. She got me lots of pretty panties just to wear to bed. Then she sets me up so I can't see who she brings into my room when she turns the lights on. Usually I have to lay on my tummy with my fanny up on a pillow. They don't all give me spankings first, but most of them do. I think Marcia likes to watch them give me spankings because she tells them, "... a little harder!" The visitor usually feels me all over and then gives me seven spankings on my panties. Then the visitor takes them off of me and gives me seven more. Sometimes they are pretty hard, but most of the time they aren't hard enough for Marcia. But I really don't mind the spankings anymore because when they are finished I know I'm going to get fingered and buzzed. It drives me crazy when they go real slow and make me wonder when the next spank is coming. Another thing Marcia does so the visitor knows that I don't mind the spankings too much - like if he or she isn't spanking me hard enough at first to suit Marcia, is she tells me to lift and wiggle my bottom if I want them a little harder and faster. Well, I don't especially want them harder but I always want them to hurry up and get to the next part. Marcia leaves after my spankings but I'm supposed to keep the pillows over my face whether I stay on my back or roll over. It's funny what some of the visitors do after Marcia leaves.

A couple of the visitors even like to put the panties back on me and then I pretend I'm asleep while they take them off again and kiss me and lick me all over on my bare skin, even on my bottom. That is so funny, but I don't laugh because I'm pretending to be asleep. Some of the visitors don't talk and I think it's because I might know them. Marcia even teased me one morning and asked me if I had any idea who visited me last night.

One of the ladies who has visited me several times likes to suck on my little boobies and rub hers up against me. She even takes some of her clothes off and rubs around on me or puts my fingers on her. I don't know who it is but I can tell she shaves her pussy lips because they feel kind of like sandpaper. The women visitors can get me to the shivering point real fast, but then they make me wait while they play with me some more before the make them start - like shivering in my tummy. And another lady spanks me harder than the men do, but then makes me shiver right away, so I lift and wiggle after each one for her. She thinks it's funny when I flatten myself into my pillow after each swat and then lift up again so fast even while it's still stinging.

Probably most of the visitors are men and one of them is really fat, and reminds me of one of the school bus drivers, but I can't ask him if it's him, of course, but I sure do wonder.

The fat man doesn't do this but some of the men like me to lay my hand out on the bed like I'm asleep and then they put their thing on my hand and rub around on me. One man really liked my feet and it kind of tickled when he sucked on my toes. Then he started rubbing his thing on my feet and got some sticky, gooey stuff all over my right foot. He told me not to tell Marcia and put a twenty dollar bill under my pillow just like he was the tooth fairy or something.

I tell you, I never know what some of these visitors are going to do. But Marcia warns them of some things they are not allowed to do, even though she doesn't say it in front of me. "She's only eleven, you know." She tells some of the men before she leaves my room. "And you know the rules."

After the visitor leaves, Marcia comes back in my room and checks me over. When she found the little mess on my foot she said that he wouldn't be allowed back to see me for a long time, even for double.

Some nights I don't have any visitors and sometimes I might have three or four in one night. If Marcia has to work at Frank's bar then I don't have any visitors until after she gets home. Boy, one night she brought three of them back home with her. She told each one to hurry up and give me a treatment and then come back downstairs so she could help them finish something. I still don't know what kind of project they were working on.

She says we might go out visiting people one of these days, and even spend the night at some of her new friend's houses. That sounds like fun.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


great story had me hard as a rock


This is one of my favorites, I read it a lot. A lot of your stories are my favorites, lol.


Corn53 is my favorite writer of this genre of stories. He has an absolute wealth of submissions, all top grade. Plot developments are always well conceived and the action hot. I have kept reading his work over the past several years. Cheers, Harley


I have read all your stories on mrdouble, they have to be some of the most erotic,exciting stuff I've ever read. I just love the subtle seduction on the innocent and naive young models, especially when the mothers openly turn a blind eye to the sexual overtones. please continue writing your excellent stories and be as explicit as possible. You should introduce the young models to the full penetrative powers of the adult cock. Please keep up the excellent themes.

old perv

loved this story. love the thought of lots of men fingering a little girl in her ass and pussy, with lots of ky to really open her up. i also like the idea of mom letting all those men abuse her little got me as hard as a rock, and i'm going for another wank.

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