Published: 22-Apr-2011
Word Count:
The next week, Alina and her mother arrived fifteen minutes early again, at quarter till eleven. I unlocked the front door to let them in. I greeted them with, "Good morning. I hope you're both feeling fine today."
Alina's mother said, "Alina was really excited to be coming here today. She got up early this morning before I was up and took a long, soapy bath, and then she put on those lime-green, silky panties you gave her last time."
I had given her the lime green panties because wetness shows up right away if the girl is the least bit excited. And I like to see how wet the girl's panties are by the time she got to the studio. I often give a new girl fresh panties to wear to the shoot, in a color that accentuates the wetness, just to verify that the girl is really excited to come to the photo shoot. Then Alina's mother looked at Sophia's empty desk. "Where is Sophia?" I said, "She's in the back, getting things ready for today's photo and video sessions. I've got the first envelope for you today." Then I turned to Alina and bent down to be on a face-to-face level, "And how are you feeling today, Young Lady? Do you think you would be able to model a few more hours today instead of the scheduled three hours?" "Yes, Sir." She was bashfully looking at the floor.
"And will you let me get pictures of your panties again, even though it's embarrassing to you?" I wanted to keep the mother thinking that Alina's photo sessions so far had been just panty modeling.
"Yes, Sir. I'll do what you say." I think Alina was also trying to fool her mother into thinking she was still an innocent, little girl.
"Very good." I said and stood up to my full height again. I handed Alina's mother the envelope with the cash. "Come back in four hours. I'll have Sophia prepare a bonus envelope for you. And if she continues to do a good job following directions, then there will also be a tip envelope for both of you to share. Was Alina good about not talking about the photo sessions during the last week?"
Alina's Mother took the envelope. "She didn't say anything, and I didn't ask her anything. If she seems too bashful, just remind her that nobody around here will see pictures of her in her panties."
"I will do that." I reassured her. "And... Well, maybe...."
Alina's Mother must have smelled the possibility of more money, because she asked, "What is it, Vladimir? Is there something else?"
"Yes, actually. I have a friend photographer could come over later if I call him. But, well, he needs a model who will accept a spanking. This would be one of those 'specialty videos' I mentioned to you." I was standing behind Alina and put my hands down on her chest again, and began gently massaging her breasts. "Alina is at just the right stage of development - just beginning to bud, which is perfect for his schoolgirl spanking videos. This would just be another audition for Alina today, that is, with your permission. And today's spanking wouldn't be too hard. This is a much more lucrative, one-time opportunity for you. Double pay for an hour or so, if you give your permission for us to spank her for the video."
"If it is double the regular rate, then yes, you have my permission." She smiled, fingering the envelope of cash, thinking of two more possible envelopes. "And she has had hard spankings before, Mr. Vladimir."
I continued, "It might involve having her panties pulled down part way through the spanking. I just need your verbal approval so we could do the audition tape. And of course, nobody in this country would ever see the video clips."
"You have my permission to pull down her panties and spank her, if that's what you're asking, if I'll get more money for it. Besides, if she doesn't do it, I'll have my good friend Hans come over. He comes over when she needs a hard spanking and I'm feeling tired. He pulls down her panties and gives her some very hard spankings. So I know she can do it, or she'll get a bigger spanking the next time Hans comes over." She gave Alina a warning look.
"OK, then. Your bonus for the spanking video will be quite a bit more money for you. Wait at home and I'll call you in about five hours when the sessions are over. And she will do the schoolgirl spanking video, with mostly soft or medium spankings, and a few harder smacks, after her panties are pulled down; or maybe removed completely. She will be positioned in a variety of spanking positions with her panties down or off. Some of the spankings will be with a bare hand and some will be with different paddles."
"Yes, you may do that. And thank you, Vladimir. Tell me if she doesn't cooperate."
I said, "Now I need to lock the front door since Sophia is not out here. Come back after I call you."
"Yes, Sir, and thank you." She hesitated, then added, "And my friend who comes over to spank her thinks she enjoys the spanking and actually looks forward to them, if you know what I mean. I make her wear a dress and clean panties, which she has to pull down for her spankings. And I can tell, when he takes off her panties, that she had gotten excited while standing in the corner with her hands at her sides, waiting for her spankings. So I was pretty sure she would enjoy being a model for you." She turned and left with the envelope. I smiled.
Alina was still looking at the floor, not sure how things would start today. She didn't ask anything, so I said, "Come with me now, Alina, and Sophia will get you ready for your first session today." I took her hand and walked her back towards the dressing room door. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt and gym shoes. I said, "I think she'll fix your hair up a little bit, and put on make up and then for your first shoot today, you'll get to be a schoolgirl and wear a uniform. And the spankings won't be hard. There are two new men photographers here today. Won't that be fun?"
She said, "Yes." Alina seemed shy again today, almost as if she was now embarrassed about all the things she said did last week in front of my cameras. "Will the spankings be hard?"
Sophia greeted her with a hug and kiss. Sophia had heard Alina's question. "I won't let them spank you hard, Alina, at least not at first. But some of the girls learn to like getting some harder spankings, once her bottom is warmed up, because they get a bigger orgasm after the spanking scene. The spankings get them so juicy wet and tingly."
I said, "Your step-mother said you wore the new, green panties today. Pull down your pants so I can see them."
She unbuckled the pants and tugged them down her legs, showing me the lime green panties. "See?" she said with a smile. "I put them on right after my bath this morning."
"Very good. Now put your feet apart so I can feel how well they fit you. That's a good girl. Apart as far as you can with your pants down almost to your knees. Hold still while I feel your panties." I knelt in front of her and looked closely and then felt them between her legs. I rubbed them around into her pussy, feeling them get wet with her excitement. "Very good, Alina. Keep holding still." I slipped a finger up under the leg hole of the panties and ran my finger through her slit. It was very wet. "Wear these under your schoolgirl dress when you come out for your spankings. I'll give you a different pair when were ready to do your first video." I patted her bottom and stood up.
Sophia was dressed up in a black suit, white blouse, and men's style jacket. She was wearing glasses and bright red lipstick. Then she shoed me out into the other studio rooms and said, "Us girls need a little private time to get ready. We'll be out in ten minutes." I heard Alina giggle as Sophia closed the door.
I licked off my finger as I walked over to the "school room" in my studio.
Around the corner, in the biggest room in my studio, Jack and Larry were finishing moving the furniture and props to set up the "school room." My large-screen computer was on the teacher's desk with several chairs in front of it, like a make-shift mini-theater. I had helped them select some video clips to show Alina, if she agreed to let other "models" see her videos. I was pretty sure she would agree, since that's the only way I would let her watch the video clips of some of my other models. The girls and boys loved watching each other. Both Jack and Larry were dressed nicely, although not so formal, like Sophia.
Sophia wouldn't be in the school scene with Alina. We planned to shoot the Sophia and Alina video later - the "sleeping babysitter" scene in which Sophia would get home from a late party to find her babysitter asleep on the job, with dirty dishes in the imaginary sink. Sophia would do all kinds of "embarrassment" punishments with the recalcitrant babysitter, after taking pictures of the sleeping babysitter to prove she was asleep on the job. Sophia would position the sleeping babysitter in a variety of embarrassing poses, with her dress up, without waking up the girl. Then she would remove the sleeping girl's panties and take even more pictures while the babysitter kept sleeping. After that, Sophia would wake up the girl and begin the embarrassment treatments. But that would be later. They were all looking forward to making that video almost as much as the spanking video, but first they would get Alina excited about getting spankings.
Fifteen minutes later, Sophia came out of the dressing room with Alina, now a pretty schoolgirl in her complete uniform - a very short, navy blue jumper, white ruffled blouse, white, lacy ankle socks and black, patent leather, Mary Jane shoes. She had white ribbons on either side of her head, and pink lipstick that matched her newly-painted fingernails. Alina was holding her fingernails out to dry. Sophia was whispering in Alina's ear, "Look at their fingers to help you decide for later, or you can always let them each do both your front and back. That's what most of the girls like to do."
Sophia spoke to the three of us men in a louder voice. We were sitting by the computer which was on the teacher desk. "Alina's fingernails are still wet, so we can't start playing the spanking games for another ten or fifteen minutes. Maybe you could show her some pictures and video clips of some of our other little schoolgirls who got spankings." She turned to Alina, "Would you like to see video clips of some of the other girls who got spankings?"
Both Larry and Jack started telling Sophia how pretty Alina looked today. "Even prettier than in her video from last week." Said Larry, with a big smile directed squarely at Alina. Alina blushed and looked down.
I interrupted Sophia and introduced Alina to Jack. Jack is about my age - 50 - but he is much smaller at five feet, eight inches, and also much slimmer. His thinning gray hair matches his neatly-trimmed moustache. Larry is younger, six feet tall, and very stocky, with thick, black hair and bushy eyebrows. He always has a five-o-clock shadow, even right after shaving. Larry wears cologne which you notice when you're within three feet of him, especially if he is excited about something. And he never stops smiling.
Alina seemed bashful again, even though the men greeted her politely. Sophia said, "Alina, don't shake hands in the regular way because it might mess up your nail polish. Just hold their forefinger and slide your thumb and finger up and down his finger a few times instead of shaking hands. Like this." She demonstrated by sliding her thumb and finger up and back on Larry's extended forefinger.
Alina blushed as she studied each hand briefly. She took the man's finger and slid her thumb and finger up and down the outside of his outstretched finger. Both the men and Alina knew what was going to happen later with those fingers, but none of them said anything at first. When she grasped Larry's big finger she slid her fingers up and down it. Alina said, "Gee, your finger is so big."
Larry said, "The other little schoolgirls loved my big fingers, Alina. And I'll push it in you real slow and use lots of lubricant to make it extra slippery for you. It will feel good, Alina, especially after a spanking to get you all tingly and excited." Alina was still holding his finger in her hand, looking at it, keeping her fingernails from touching anything. Larry said, "But for now, you are such a cute little schoolgirl, Alina. While your fingernails are drying, would you like to see pictures and video clips of a few of our other little schoolgirls who got spankings?"
Alina brightened at that idea. "Gee, yes." She looked up at Larry who had sat down in the "teacher chair" next to the desk. Then she looked at the other school props. Close to the teacher desk was a small, chrome school chair-desk combination, with the wooden writing desktop. There was a chalkboard on an easel. There were school books and six different paddles sitting on the teacher desk.
Alina looked at the paddles. "Gee. Are those all paddles?"
"Yes." Said Larry. "But we might not use all of them. Mostly we'll use our hands, but some of these are special paddles for different things. You'll see. I bet you'll like it. Most of our little school girls learn to love getting a spanking. We won't hurt you, Sweetie."
Jack laughed. "Yes, they especially like spankings after they learn how good the orgasms feel afterwards, and also it's necessary to get a spanking before the little schoolgirl gets to act with a boy and look at him and touch him and watch him shoot."
Alina hardly heard him because she was still looking at the paddles. Then she said, "Boy?"
Jack said, "Maybe someday. Just forget I said that for now."
I said, "Maybe someday, Alina. Not today though."
Larry was still taller than Alina even when he was sitting in the teacher chair. His 260 pounds dwarfed Alina's 78 pounds as he maneuvered her to stand immediately in front of him, between his knees, so they could both see the big computer screen on my laptop.
Jack scooted the laptop back away from them, and took five photos out of a big envelope. He laid them on the desk in front of Alina. The five head and shoulder photos of the other schoolgirls seemed to get Alina excited. She said, "Gee, these girls are pretty. They were all wearing the same uniform that she was now wearing, although the settings were different."
"Almost as pretty as you!" said Larry, as he put his hands up under Alina's short jumper. He lightly patted her bottom and then rested his hands on her hips. He began sliding the panties around on the outside of her hips - just a few inches to the right and then to the left, getting her used to being touched. He knew to keep his hands on the outside of her hips at first, so as not to scare her.
Jack took out another handful of prints and set the pile on the desk. "Since your nails are still wet, Alina, I'll flip these pictures over one at a time and then you see if you can match these other pictures to the five girls in front of you. He put a little card labeled one, two, three, four, and five in front of each girl's photo." He flipped over a picture of girl number three. Alina recognized her, even though she was bent over, as if getting ready for a spanking. This little blond was wearing light purple panties which didn't match her navy blue, short jumper. Alina said, "That's number three." Alina giggled, seeing the adult's hand in the picture pulling on the elastic waistband of the light purple panties, pulling the panties out away from the girl's body - ready to pull the panties down.
"Good." Said Jack. "Looks like she is going to get her panties pulled down before she gets her spanking. Tell us how you are deciding which girl is which."
Alina explained how she was deciding which girl was which, even when she couldn't see the girl's face. "Like Number One has kind of reddish hair and lots of freckles, even on her legs, and look... even on her bottom. And this girl, Number Four, is real skinny and has dark hair, and her fingernails have the pink speckles on them. This blond girl has a nice tan, and you can see the tan lines. And see, on this one, with her dress flipped up and the side view, you can see the tan lines, so she is Number Five."
There were some pictures she wasn't sure of, as Jack kept flipping over the pictures one at a time to let Alina tell him to put it in one of the five piles or to set it aside. The pictures continued to get more revealing until soon there were pictures of the girl's bottom from behind with her feet about shoulder width apart and bent way over, with panties stretched between the knees. They were all wearing dark colored panties - purple, navy blue, or red - but not black - under the short, navy blue jumper - the same dress that Alina was now wearing. It was harder to tell the girls apart when you couldn't see the girl's face. The red head and skinny blond were the easiest. Alina noted that the skinny girl's "thingy" looked different, like skinnier on each side. She said, "and you can see the wrinkly thing in the middle." She was pointing to the girl's thin pussy lips and exposed clitty which made it look like she had three pussy lips. Three of the girls had very wet panties which also helped Alina identify the girls at first. When she said that two of the girls still had dry panties, I asked her what that might mean, but she wasn't sure.
Sophia said, "When a little girl gets all tingly down there..." she pointed to her own pussy, "...her pussy gets wet, so the wetter her panties, the more excited she is. Your panties get wet sometimes, don't they, Alina?"
"Yes. It's embarrassing."
Sophia said, "But it's OK, Alina. In fact it makes your pictures even more exciting to look at. So if you feel yourself getting wet, it's just fine."
If she assigned a girl's picture to one of the piles without saying anything, Jack said, "Very good, Alina. How did you figure that one out?"
"Well, like see, her ... you know... like... it looks ... kind of.... well, all gooey wet in the middle like in her other pictures." She finally said.
"Excellent, Alina. And you always get the red headed girl right, too."
Then the last group of pictures showed each girl pulling her bottom open for the camera. Larry said, "Oh, I like it when they pull their bottoms open like that, like they are ready for their spankings See? It looks like they are all wet in there."
"Yes." Said Alina, noticing that Larry was right. "But that girl is still the gooeyest."
Larry said, "Put your feet apart now, Alina, so I can feel your panties easier. That's it. I wonder if I put my finger inside your panties if you would feel wet?"
Then Sophia said, "Now, Larry. Don't embarrass her. Slip your fingers in her panties and feel for yourself, but don't say anything. You know it's natural for a girl to get wet and slippery there when she is excited. And don't put your finger in her yet. That's not until after her spankings. And before we spank her, we have some fun video clips to watch. If she feels wet though, just pull her panties off because we don't want her panties to dry her off."
"OK." Larry said. Then it was quiet for a minute, while Alina continued to look at the photos, moving them around herself now, since her fingernails were dry. Then Larry said, "Well, it feels to me like you are already wet and excited, Alina. Does it feel funny to look at this kind of picture with a man touching you?"
"Yes." We all noticed that she scooted her feet farther apart, while still standing between Larry's knees. Alina said, "But I have to let you adjust my clothes for the pictures. My step-mother says I have to do that, like to let you touch me. And that gets it all tingly down there."
Sophia said, "Of course it does, Alina. That's natural. Little girls get excited when they let men and boys look at their panties. It's just natural. That's why so many bigger girls like to wear short skirts, so they will get tingly down there. You can see that these girls are excited about getting their panties pulled down. Did you get wet when you knew Hans was coming to your house to spank you and you would have to let him take off your panties? Tell Vladimir, Larry, and Jack what you told me."
"Oh, gosh. Well, like my step-mother said, Hans came over to spank me like four times because Mommy said she was too tired to spank me and I needed a hard spanking. So I had to put on a dress and wear clean panties for him. Mommy said home until he took off my panties and had me lay across his lap on the couch. After two or three hard spanks, then Mommy left."
"What did she tell him when she left, Alina?" Sophia asked.
"She told him not to do anything else to me besides spank me and that she would come back in an hour."
"Then what did he do?" Sophia asked. It was obvious that she had already talked with Alina about this.
"After Mommy left he flipped up the back of my dress and told me to put my knees apart as wide as I could but not to fall off the couch. He told me to bend my back to lift up my bottom towards him after each spank and that if I did a good job then he would tickle my bottom between spanks so it would feel better, and then he wouldn't spank me as hard."
"Did it seem exciting to you, especially after the first time, when you knew he was coming over to spank you?" I asked
She seemed puzzled, so I continued. "I mean did you get tingles in your pussy and feel nervous and wet between your legs before he came over?"
"Oh, that. Yes. And like I said, it was embarrassing because my panties were so wet when I pulled them down and handed them to him. After he took them from me he told me to lay across his lap and he told my step-mother that she could go ahead and borrow his car and that he could come over every week to spank me if I needed it. And like he loaned my step-mother some money each time he came over, besides loaning her his car, so she liked him to come over. I think she said I needed spankings more than I really did, but usually he didn't spank me very hard."
Sophia said, "Alina told me that between spankings he would lightly tickle her bottom and then squeeze her thighs, like to pull her open so he could look, and that gave her tingles, too."
"I knew he wanted to look."
"So you let him." I said. "That's natural for a cute, little girl. I bet it made you tingle more each time he came over."
"Yes, because I knew he would look at my panties right after I took them off. I had to stand in a corner before he got there, and I kept thinking about it. And my step-Mom had me wear my old dress that was too short, and the new panties and I had to stand still with my feet apart and my hands at my sides."
"Tell them what happened next, Alina." Said Sophia. "And it's OK to keep looking at the pictures while you tell us what happened when Hans came over." She said that because Alina had the open-pussy close-ups at the top of each pile and was studying them, still uncertain about which pussy was her own.
"Then Hans came in the house while I was standing in the corner. He always tells me to put my feet farther apart. My step-mother would tell me to do what he says because I'm going to get a good, hard spanking while she is gone. Then he would pat my bottom and tell me he was going to give me a spanking in a few minutes. He felt around on my panties and even between my legs, like rubbing my panties into me. It was embarrassing because I could tell they were wet between my legs. Then he would stand up and tell my step-mother that he thought I was excited and ready for today's spanking and then he loaned her some money and his car keys and she would leave. That's when he had me pull down my panties and take them off and hand them to him. It was real embarrassing because they were wet in the middle and you could see it. He took the panties and put them in a little plastic bag. Then he led me over to the couch. And when I got in position over his lap with my knees apart and my bottom raised up, he would flip up my dress in back and massage my bottom. He said he rubbed my bottom so I would be ready for his spankings. He reminded me to lift my bottom after each spank so he could lightly tickle me and so it wouldn't hurt so much. He pulled my bottom open and told me to relax it while he talked to me and that we weren't in any rush to finish my spankings. Sometimes he put his thumbs on my thighs right next to my ... you know... and squeezed my legs, like to pull me open. He would say silly things before he started the spankings - things like: 'you look so young and delicious. I see you've been looking forward to today's spanking, Alina.' When he said things like that it kind of embarrassed me, too. Sometimes he would lightly rub his finger across the center of my bottom and I like flinched it and he told me to just relax it and that it would help the spankings feel lighter each time he traced his finger across it. Then I had to pull my bottom open with both hands while he traced over it. I tried not to flinch it, but sometimes it squeezed up anyway, especially when he had me pull it open even wider."
Then Sophia said, "Very good, Alina. Just like you told me when I was getting you dressed. I hope that since you're modeling now that your mother won't need to borrow money from him. But if he does come over, you aren't allowed to tell him about your modeling or what you do with us."
"Oh, I know that!" She said. "I wouldn't tell anybody."
Sophia said, "Now would you like to watch the videos of the other girls getting their spankings and getting undressed, or getting fingered and things like that?"
I said, "But if you want to see videos of each of these girls getting a bare-bottomed spanking, then you have to let the other boys and girls see the videos of you. OK? They weren't spanked hard, of course, because we were just playing. But you could watch them get their panties pulled down and see them getting spankings."
"Gee, yes." She said. "Boys?" She asked, as if shaken back to the present. "Did you say pictures of boys, too?"
I continued, "Yes, a few boys. Nobody from around here. I think we have pictures or videos of a few of the boys with us today, but they only do the acting videos with our girls, once the girls have been making videos with us for a while, at least for a few sessions. Then after the boys watch your video clips and see some of your pictures, the boys will know if they want to do acting videos with you - just kissing, and undressing, and playing games and things like that. You would still be a virgin, of course, but you would get to see them cum." Alina looked puzzled when I said that.
Sophia said, "When the boys and men watch your videos they like to rub themselves until their cum squirts out, and it feels good to them, just like your orgasms. But sometimes it gets the pictures all sticky and we have to throw those pictures away." Sophia laughed. "But it makes a cute video clip, especially when he has to put his hands on top of his head as soon as he starts." "Oh, gee." We could tell she still wasn't sure what Sophia meant.
I said, "They aren't allowed to have sex with you. And the boys have to be nice to you if you ever do get to act with them. But, now, the only way we can let you see the videos and the other pictures of the boys and girls - like the girls' bare pussies and titties or the boys' things when they undress - and they have to undress all the way, too - is if you agree that we can show your pictures and videos to them. In some of the videos, the girls are getting ... well.... you know... getting fingered by a boy... so the video clips would show his finger going in the back or in her pussy. But the only way we'll let you see their videos is if you agree that we can show your pictures and video clips to those other girls and boys, when they are playing the picture-sorting game, or when they are going to get pretend spankings, then they will ask to do some acting with you. These girls all gave me permission to share their pictures and videos with some of my other models, so they will get to see your pictures, too. None of the other boys or girls are from around here. If you work together with any of them, then Sophia would drive you to a different city. The girls like playing these pretend spanking or kissing games for the camera, even though most of them are from other nearby countries. And you would never meet each other again. And you know the girls like it because you saw that they got wet, didn't you?"
"Yes. All the girls did." Alina said.
Jack said, "Then maybe you could make videos with one of the other girls, or even someday make a video with one of the boys. Sometimes we have two girls in the same video, like to pretend you are playing dress-up, or playing doctor, things like that. We have some other video clips to show you now, if you're interested in playing with some of our other boys and girls."
Alina had already decided. "Yes. I want to see them and ... well, you can show them my pictures and videos I guess. I mean, I have to do what you say. I know my step-mother wants me to let you take pictures and videos of me, like undressing and things. She gets money when I take off my clothes for your cameras, and I know she needs money."
Larry was feeling all over Alina's panties as she stood between his legs. He said, "Let me slip these panties off, then put your feet apart, Alina, while we watch some of these video clips. It feels like you are already getting wet, and we don't want to wipe it off with your panties. It's better if you're nice and juicy wet when we start doing your videos." Larry slipped Alina's panties down her sides and helped her step out of them. He showed everybody the panties and there was a dark, wet streak down the center of the crotch.
"Very good!" Said Sophia. "Since you're already getting wet, it tells us that you like being a model and that you really would like to meet some of the other boys and girls who model and act for us. Do you want to watch their videos now?"
"Yes." She said, blushing as they all looked closely at her panties.
Jack and I saw her shuffle her feet, trying to get them farther apart for Larry.
Jack laid out six pictures. "You can see the videos in just a minute, Alina, but first, see if you can identify these pretty pussies." Each one showed a close-up, front view of a pussy. Alina picked out the red head right away, who was the only one with freckles. Then she got the skinny, tan girl who had the narrow pussy lips. The others she wasn't sure of. She said, "Gee, I'm not sure of these. And there are 4 pictures." Alina noticed, "but there are only three girls left."
I asked, "All four of these pretty pussies have plump, firm, beautiful lips, don't you think?"
"Yes. They are all pretty ones. Gee." Alina said, bending down closer to the pictures.
"It's fun looking at them, isn't it, Alina?" Larry asked.
"Yes. They are pretty." She said.
Larry said, "I think each one of them is so pretty. I like looking at them. You like looking at them, too, don't you, Alina?"
"Yes. Each one is pretty. This one has a little bit of fuzzy hair."
Jack laughed as Sophia said, "One of those pretty pussies is yours, Alina."
She blushed. "Gee." She studied them harder, then laughed, "Gee, I can't even tell which one is mine. Are you sure one of these is me?"
I said, "Yes, I took the picture last week. They are all pretty, including yours."
Then Sophia, who was standing behind Larry, said, "Maybe we could show her the between-the-legs, pulled-open views. The ones from behind?"
Sophia, Jack, and Larry had already planned this out, and had the pictures ready. It took Jack 20 seconds to lay out the other pictures of each of the four pussies - the front, legs-together view, front with legs wide apart, and rear views - with the girl on her hands and knees with her knees apart, and the fourth picture showing the girl pulling her ass wide open for the camera. Jack put the four pictures of each pussy in square arrangements, making one set for each of the four "mystery pussies."
Larry, who was still feeling around on the outside of Alina's pussy lips, said, "Tell us which one you think is yours, Alina. We'll have a prize for you if you get it right."
Alina said, "Oh. Gee. Are you sure one of these is me? The pussies are all so pretty. And all of these girls look pretty wet, too. Gee, was I that wet and gooey?" She pointed to the two wettest girls. "On two of them it looks kind of white slippery, and on the other two the gooey stuff is more clear but still wet. And two of them have pink bottoms and one is light brown and the other is a darker brown. I still don't know which one is me for sure. I can see the girl's fingernails on the girl with the dark brown bottom, and those aren't my fingernails, so that one isn't me."
"Very good." Larry said, "But all of the pussies are pretty, don't you think?"
"Yes." Said Alina, still studying the pictures looking for more clues. "Well, maybe this one is me because Mr. Vladimir said mine was pink, you know, like in the middle of my bottom, and he said I looked all creamy and excited. But still, I'm not positive, but I'll guess that this one is mine." She was pointing to the pinkest anus, of the three remaining pussies. Jack had moved the red headed girl's picture and the skinny blond girl who had the stark tan lines over to one side, along with the girl with the painted fingernails that showed in the pulled-open from behind picture.
"Good guess, Alina, but that one isn't you."
"Gee, well they are all pretty. Is mine really this pretty, too?"
"Yes." I said. "Your pussy is beautiful, Alina. That's why we want to use you as a model for our videos. You have such a pretty pussy. And your anus is pink but not the pinkest."
"Oh, then this one must be me."
"Very good." I said. "That's you. See how pretty your pussy is?"
Alina looked closely at the pictures of her pussy and ass. "Gee."
Sophia said, "Your pussy is beautiful, isn't it, Alina?"
"Yes." She was still staring at it. "And it really looks all creamy wet, like kind of white goo in the middle."
Sophia said, "That's why so many men and boys will like seeing it. They'll want to watch you dance and undress and pull down your panties and get spanked and fingered and they'll watch you play with another girl and kiss her, and later on maybe we could video you playing games with a boy and you would kiss him and undress him and let him undress you. I know the men and boys who will jack off while they watch your videos will want to watch you pull your bottom and your pretty pussy open for our cameras. Won't that be fun?"
"Gee. Well, I have to do it. Gee. Yes."
"If you had to put your finger in one of those five girl's bottoms, which one would you want to do first?" Larry asked, after Jack removed the stack of Alina's pussy pictures. He laid out the pictures of the five girls with the pulled-open from behind picture on top.
"Oh. You mean even with the blond girl and the red head?"
"Choose any of those five girls, Alina. If you had to help us finger her to help her have an orgasm. If you had to undress her and feel her and then finger her - in her bottom and in her pussy - which bottom would you want to put your finger in first?"
"Gee. Let's see. They are all cute. Would I put that slippery stuff on my finger first, like to do her bottom?" She was studying the five girls.
Sophia said, "Yes. First you put lots of slippery stuff on your finger, and a little glob of it on the girl's anus, and then you slowly push in part ways, and then pull your finger back out to put more slippery stuff on your finger. You remember - the way Vladimir did your bottom last week. You would probably push your finger in her bottom about four or five times before you can easily push your finger in her bottom all the way. Then you take it out and push it back in again. Push your finger up her bottom real slow at first, but then as she gets slippery you can push in and then pull out faster. So which one would you like to finger first?"
"Gee. They are all cute. I don't know. I would help you with any of them."
I said, "Pick which one you would like to finger first. It's just for fun."
"OK, well, then I guess the red headed girl. Her bottom is the pinkest. And like her front part looks real creamy wet, too, like all gooey like mine, so that would be easy to finger in front even without putting more of the slippery stuff on my finger. And she has cute, little titties like mine, only pinker, and her face is pretty."
Sophia asked, "And you would rub your fingers around in her pussy to feel how creamy wet she was? I know she would like to lay back and open her legs so you could feel her. Wouldn't that be fun?"
"Yes." She was looking at the pictures of the red head again. "Gee. What's her name?"
"We can't tell you right now, Alina." I said. "I'll see if I can line it up so you can meet her in a couple weeks. Do you think your step-mother would let you go away on an overnight trip with Sophia?"
"Yes, she would let me go, like especially if she got paid extra for me to make the videos. I would like to go on a trip with you."
Sophia said, "Good. That would be fun. Then after she is undressed you can play with her pussy and then finger her."
"Gee. Like in the back, too?"
"Yes, of course." Sophia said. "It would be lots of fun, and she would undress you, too, and then play with your pussy. I bet it would really be wet by the time it's your turn, don't you think?"
"Gee. Yes, it would be all tingly. That's for sure."
I said, "I know the red headed girl will want to see your videos and pictures when we tell her about you."
Jack said, "Good choice, Alina. She loves getting spankings and likes getting fingered in her pussy and in her bottom. You two would have lots of fun acting and undressing together."
Larry said, "That's right, Alina. And your step-mother gets paid extra when you help us with the special videos and when you're acting with another girl model, you'll have to take turns fingering each other in the back and in the front. Would you want her to finger you first or would you want to finger her first?"
Sophia seemed worried that we were pushing her too fast. She said, "When you do some acting scenes, like playing dress-up or doctor or slumber-party with another girl for the video clips you would do lots of kissing and touching each other and kissing each other on the titties, and then looking and feeling around on her like when you're playing doctor. She would let you do this, so you would get to feel her and look at her all over before you actually finger her. It would be fun. Just go slow and undress her and feel around on her and put her in different positions like she is a big doll. You would do lots of things to get you excited while you're undressing each other in front of the men and the cameras, so that by the time you get around to fingering each other, you would both be real excited and your pussies would both be slippery, gooey wet. So you would work up to it, Alina. You wouldn't just put lubricant on your finger and then push it in her bottom. After all the kissing and undressing in front of the men and the cameras you would both be all tingly and creamy wet in your pussies, and you would want the girl to touch you there, and you would want to touch her, too. See?"
"Oh, gee. OK. Well, I mean I have to do what you say." We could all see that she was ready to undress another girl right then!
Sophia said, "So would you like to watch these girls get undressed and get spanked and things like that? Just some clips."
"Yes! I want to see them." She said.
The first clip showed one of the two blond girls walking into what looked like a living room. She was wearing a short, pink, ruffled party dress with white flats. She was being scolded by an older woman walking next to her. You could see the back of a man who was sitting in the middle of a couch. The girl stood right in front of him and pulled her panties to her knees, putting her feet apart so they wouldn't fall down. Then she got on her hands and knees over his lap and laid down so her bottom was centered across his lip. The man flipped up the back of her dress and pushed her ankles wider apart, stretching the silky, pink panties between her knees.
Alina said, "She's pretty. You can tell she's nervous, but she doesn't look scared. That's what I had to do, like lay across his lap with my panties down or off, and then lift up my hips."
"She was excited for the video, Alina. She wanted to get a spanking for the cameras." I said. "She was having fun doing this. She had been spanked once before on one of our videos, and really liked it. You'll be able to tell she likes it. She wanted to take her panties all the way off, but we told her that it's more sexy with them pulled part-way down. She'll get to take them all the way off before the end of her spanking."
The first few spanks looked too hard to Alina, but then some were soft and some were much harder and the man lightly tickled her bottom between spanks. The camera angle shifted to the end of the couch near the girl's feet, so Alina could see the girl's bare bottom as she lifted it after each spank. The man who was spanking the model put his big hands on her thighs with his thumbs next to her pussy and pulled her open to show the camera how wet the girl was. The camera zoomed in and you could see the girl's pulled-open, wet pussy and stretched-out anus.
Sophia said, "Alina told me that Hans, a friend of her step-mother's, pulls her open like that while he is spanking her. Now you can see why he likes to do that to you, Alina. He gets to see how wet you are and he can look at your pussy and your anus that's stretched out between his hands."
"Gee." Alina was looking closely. "That's the same way he pulls me open."
Sophia said, "Yes, I'm sure he likes to see your pretty pussy. See how she arches her back and lifts her bottom after each spank? That shows she's ready for the next one. And it also lets the camera zoom in on her pussy to see if she is getting more excited. The men and boys, and even the girls, like to see that the model likes the spanking, even if it feels hard and stings a little bit sometimes. See how her bottom is getting a reddish glow? That gives the little girl lots of tingles in her pussy. I want you to arch your back and lift up your bottom after each spank, too, Alina. OK?"
"OK. I'll try to." Alina said. Then we could all see the man put his hands on the blond girl's bottom and pull her ass wide open to the camera as the girl arched her back and tried to open her knees even wider, stretching the panties tighter between her knees. The camera zoomed in. Alina said, "Oh, you can see that she's getting pretty wet. Look."
We could all see the whitish cream building up in the girl's vagina, beginning to ooze out as the man massaged the girl's bottom for the camera. Sophia said, "Yes, she got very excited getting the spanking in front of a few people and the camera. She knew that lots of men and some boys and girls would be seeing her video."
I said, "That's why she wanted some hard spanks mixed in, to get her even more tingly and excited and wet."
Sophia said, "Some of our models, the ones who like to see the videos of the other boys and girls, like to show how hard they can take it, like to show off, and it gets them really excited and wet. This little girl loved getting some hard spankings, and she always has an orgasm right after she gets undressed and lays back down after he spanking. She likes to be naked. She likes to show her wet pussy to the cameras and to let the man who spanked her put his finger in her pussy. Then she has a really big orgasm. You'll see."
Jack said, "I don't think I left that part of her video on this clip. I didn't think Alina would want to see the hard spanks and then see her undress all the way and get fingered."
Sophia said, "Well, let me ask Alina. Would you like to see that part, Alina?"
"Yes, I mean like just to see what she does."
The spankings got noticeably harder, but the girl arched her back again quickly after each smack. The girl said, "Unnnn!" after each smack. We could see her pale bottom was getting much redder on each cheek. Then the video clip showed her standing up, wiping off a few tears as she undressed quickly. She laid back down across the man's lap, arching her back and pulling her bottom open with both hands. She was creamy wet. The man was putting lubricant on his finger and pushed his right forefinger in her anus while flicking her clitty with his left forefinger. The girl started moaning and then had an orgasm while the man's finger was in her anus. She kept moving her hips, moaning, and squeezing her ass, then relaxing it as the spasms hit her. Then she relaxed and the man pulled his finger out of her ass. He opened the girl's pussy wide for the camera with his hands on her thighs. The girl looked totally relaxed, but was still making soft moaning sounds. The camera zoomed in to see more whitish cream start to ooze out of her vagina.
Sophia said, "When a girl has a really good orgasm, sometimes more creamy stuff comes out of her vagina like that. It looked like she enjoyed it, didn't it, Alina?"
"Gee. Yes."
The second video clip showed one of the girls introducing herself to the camera. Alina asked us what she was saying. I explained that we teach the girls to introduce themselves in English and say their age and that in a little while we would teach her what to say to the camera before she got her spankings. But before I finished explaining about the girls learning a few words of English, Alina was distracted because the model turned around for the cameras and bent over the teacher desk. It wasn't the same desk we were using today, because we shot that particular video in a different location in a different country. We saw a man's hands reach under the short school uniform jumper and pull her panties down and flip up the back of her jumper. Alina said, "Ohh."
Sophia said, "Larry, don't rub Alina between her lips yet. We're saving her treat for later."
Larry said, "I'm just rubbing the outside of her mound and her bottom. I won't touch her bare pussy yet. She can wait until later; until after her own spankings in front of the cameras. We have to get some video clips to show the other boys and girls since she is going to look at their video clips."
Alina didn't say anything. She was staring at the large computer screen watching the girl get spankings. After two spanks, the man's hands pulled the girl's panties down and off, and then he had the girl put her feet apart and bend over farther. He squeezed the girl's butt cheeks with both of his hands and pulled her bottom and pussy wide open. The camera zoomed in.
Sophia said, "I wanted you to see this part of her video so you can see she's only a little bit wet at the very beginning of her spankings. You'll be able to see how wet she is after about five minutes of spankings. But I just clipped out the highlights for you so it will only take a minute."
Then the video clip showed the girl getting a spanking with a black, leather spanking that made a loud slapping noise. Jack leaned in and turned up the sound. Some of the spankings were loud. The girl getting spanked jumped and then quickly got back into position. The man's finger lightly traced circles on her bottom. She lifted up her bottom for him. "Smack! Smack!" Two quick smacks with the black, leather paddle made the model start to stand up, but she said, "Unnnn, unnnn." And got back into position, scooting her legs farther apart. The man lightly tickled her bottom again, and then pulled her ass open wide. The camera zoomed in again, and she was noticeably wetter. The man jiggled her bottom for the camera and her pussy made a wet "pllluuuttch, pllluuuttch" sound each time he pulled her lips apart. He let them close and then pulled them open, each time making a "pllluuuttch" sound.
Sophia said, "You can hear how wet she is, can't you, Alina?"
"Yes. Gee." Alina said. "And you can see it."
Jack said, "Yes, and when it's white and creamy like that you can tell she likes showing off for the men and the cameras and getting the spankings. Let me click to her next clip."
Before Alina could object, Jack moved the mouse and clicked. The screen showed the girl on her back with her panties on one knee and her legs up in the air. She had a cushion behind her head and was holding her knees, to keep her legs spread open. There was a little cushion under the girl's bottom, too to keep it lifted. Jack said, "I don't know if you want to try this yet, but most girls really like it. It's a light pussy spanking. See?"
They all were watching the screen as a small, wooden paddle, about the size of a one gallon paint stirring stick, began tapping on the girls plump, bald, pussy lips. The girl was moaning and twitched as each tap that hit directly on her swollen clitty which you could now see between her lips, since her legs were apart. The vagina area of the girl's pussy was still very wet, but you couldn't distinguish the white cream because it must have gotten smeared around when she changed positions. She was still wearing her schoolgirl jumper. Then the man started tapping harder and faster while the girl moaned, "Unnn, ohh, unnn, ahhh, unnn, ohhh, unnn, ohh, ahh, ohh."
"She wanted to get it faster and harder like that, Alina." Sophia said. "Some girls really like it. See how swollen her clitty is getting?"
As Sophia said that, the man's hands set down the little paddle after a few harder taps directly on her clitty. He put both hands on the girl's thighs and pulled her pussy open wider. He said something to the girl and she put her fingers on either side at the top of her pussy and pulled her lips apart and up. We could all see the swollen clitty sticking out of the clitoral sheath. Standing up like it wanted more taps. The girl held her pussy open while the man pulled on her left thigh to keep her open, then he tapped directly on the girl's clitty with the little paddle. The girl started moaning again with each light tap of the paddle.
Sophia said, "You can tell she likes it, can't you, Alina?"
"Yes. She really likes it." Alina's voice was much softer, almost hoarse, as she watched the man tap the girl's exposed clitty button with the little, wooden paddle again. She was leaning closer to the screen. The girl said, "ahhh," and twitched when the little paddle struck her clitty button. She closed her legs and moved her hands away, letting her pussy close up. Then she put her fingers back between her pussy lips and pulled them apart and up as she opened her legs. Alina watched the next four taps closely. Each time the girl exclaimed, "ahhh!" and let herself close, but quickly pulled herself open again.
Sophia said, "Some of the girls actually have an orgasm while getting a pussy spanking, because it's so stimulating. See how fast she opens up for the paddle again?"
"Yes." Said Alina. "You can tell she wants another one."
Larry asked, "So you would you like to try a pussy spanking today, after your bottom spanking, just to see if you like it? It would be a nice, added feature to your video. I know all the men, and the boys and girls would like to watch you get a pussy spanking, too. I'm sure most of them would cum watching you get a spanking like that on your beautiful pussy, especially if you were pulling your lips apart and up to expose your little button to the taps."
"Gee. I guess so. OK. I mean, it looks like she likes it. We can try it. Not so hard though. Gee. Do I have a little pale bump like that?"
Sophia said, "Yes, Alina. All of us girls have a clitty. You can't usually see it unless you pull your lips apart and up which makes it stick out like that. We'll show you. Then later you can see pictures of your own pretty, clitty button. See how big and stiff hers is? It's about the size of a pea when it's swollen and excited."
The next scene showed the same girl completely dressed in a different outfit and in a different room. She started dancing and undressing to the music. It looked like she was having fun. The video skipped from article to article of clothing, and seemed kind of choppy, until she was taking off her bra and then panties. She was at about the same stage of development as Alina and very cute.
"She's pretty." Said Alina, as she watched the girl pull down her panties.
Jack said, "The video skips forward because I shortened these clips for you for today. Normally each clip takes about 8 - 10 minutes. Oh, I forgot about this part. I didn't mean to include this section."
It showed the girl and another girl walking into a bedroom, fully dressed, each carrying a handful of little panties and nighties. The other girl looked a year or two older, and was not in the five groups of photos. Jack leaned towards the mouse to turn it off, but Larry put his hand over the mouse. He said, "Let her watch a little bit of it, Jack. I think Alina might be open to doing some modeling with another girl."
Alina noticed that the girl who had gotten the spankings now had a different haircut and her nails were a different color. She said, "It must be a different day because her haircut is different."
Sophia said, "Very good, Alina. Let's watch this clip, at least the first half where they act silly and try on lots of different panties, training bras, and nighties, but we'll stop it before they start taking turns fingering each other. I guess it's OK for Alina to watch them kissing each other."
"Well, OK." Said Jack, as he stepped back away from the computer.
We all watched the screen as the two girls undressed and began trying on lingerie. They often kissed each other while playing and acting silly, modeling the lingerie for each other. Then they began feeling each other with each new outfit, doing more kissing and feeling. The girl who had gotten the clitty spanking in the previous clip was feeling the other girl's bigger breasts through a sheer nightie. You could tell that both girls were having fun. Then the older girl took off the nightie top while the blond girl kept massaging the older girl's breasts. Then she started kissing and sucking the older girl's breasts, while putting her right hand on the nightie panties between the older girl's legs.
Sophia said, "Those girls are having lots of fun acting together. Let's stop this clip, Jack, before they start fingering each other. But doesn't that look like fun, Alina?"
Sophia said, "They were having so much fun together. Would you like to play like that with the red headed girl, Alina?"
"Gee. Well, I have to do what you say. I mean for the videos. So like yes, I would do it. Gee. Do they really lick on each other's titties like that? Gee. OK."
Sophia said, "They loved making that video. All our girls seem to enjoy touching the other girls." She reached down and started fondling Alina's small breasts. "Does this feel good when I touch you like this, Alina?"
Sophia asked, "Does it give you tingles in your pussy when I squeeze your titties?"
"Yes. I feel tingles. Where you're touching me and between my legs, too. Gee."
Sophia said, "So if I can arrange for you to meet one of the other girls next week, would you like to make a video like this with her?"
"Yes." Alina said. "Next week? Gee. Yes. OK."
Sophia said, "I'll arrange things. I might not be with the red headed girl, and maybe not even with one of the five girls in these pictures." Sophia waved her hands over the piles of photos. "but whoever I get to co-star with you will be cute and will enjoy playing dress-up and doctor and kissing you and you can suck on her like this girl in the video. And she will suck on yours, too. Won't that be fun - undressing another girl and sucking on her little titties in front of the cameras?"
"OK." Said Alina. "Gee. I have to do what you say. Gee. OK."
The next clip showed the red headed girl in her school dress. She walked up to the teacher desk and bent over the desk which exposed her light purple panties. Sophia said, "I remember when we shot this video, there were 3 new men in the room, just watching."
I said, "She was a relatively new model when we shot this clip ... only a few weeks.... But you could tell she liked having the new men watch her get a spanking. She didn't know their names or where they were from, and they didn't talk. They just watched her get the spanking, and then they watched her undress while she danced, and then they helped Sophia finger her later. She had three orgasms that day."
"I remember that." Said Larry. "She got so wet and gooey during her spanking. You could tell she was excited with all of us watching her. She had a really big orgasm right after the spanking. I felt her pleasure spasms on my finger."
Sophia said, "Let's just watch her clips now. We can talk later. But Alina, just share anything you notice while we're watching the video clips."
"She's cute." Alina said. "I hope you can get her for next week, Miss Sophia."
Sophia laughed. "I'll try. She sure does like making videos. She always has orgasms. You'll be able to feel it on your finger. I'm sure you two could help each other. And she would love sucking on your tittie bumps, Alina."
"And licking your...." Jack started to say, but he stopped talking when I held up my hand.
I said, "Let's just watch her get a spanking now."
The spanking started softly, with a variety of paddles and different men taking turns, although you could only see their hands. Then some of them seemed hard, but the red headed girl got right back in position. When one of the men pulled her ass open the camera zoomed in on her creamy wet pussy.
Sophia said, "I think she liked the harder spankings, don't you, Alina?"
"Yes. Look, I mean she's creamy wet from the spankings, so I guess she really likes them."
I said, "Skip ahead to the next clip, Jack."
He leaned in and moved the mouse.
The next scene showed the redheaded girl again, all dressed in a party dress holding hands with a young boy in a suit. I said, "The girl is eleven, and the boy is thirteen. They are pretending to be brother and sister even though he has dark hair."
Alina was glued to the screen as the boy and girl kissed and undressed each other. She said "Oh!" as the redheaded girl pulled down his underwear and watched the boy's penis spring out straight. The boy was circumcised, which made him a prize for these videos. His penis was almost 4 inches long, and slim - about the same diameter as Larry's finger. The boy's penis had a pointy head on it which flared out into the usual "fireman's hat" just a little bigger than the shaft.
The redheaded girl grasped his penis in her hand and leaned forward to kiss it on the very tip. Then she let go and giggled. The boy and girl were talking to each other, but Alina couldn't understand what they were saying.
Sophia interpreted, "He is telling her that she has to put the tip of it all the way in her mouth five times because she lost the bet they made at the party, and he wants her to hurry up so he can cum before their mother gets home."
"Really?" asked Alina.
Sophia said, "No, they are just acting. It's to make a more exciting video. They aren't really related. Do you think he has a pretty cock?"
"Yes. It's so big. It sticks out." Alina said, not knowing that the boy's penis was really small, compared to a grown teenager or a man.
Sophia said, "When boys and men watch your videos they will stroke their cocks until the white stuff squirts out the end. You might get to see that later, but in this video he rubs it between her legs and cums on her panties."
As Sophia was saying that, the redheaded took her mouth off the boy's cock and quickly got a big bath towel and spread it out on the carpeting. Then she put her panties back on and laid face down on the towel. The boy took a bottle of baby oil and oiled up her thighs and his own penis. Then he straddled her legs and laid down on top of her, staying on his hands and knees, leaning forward so his hips hit the backs of the girl's thighs. Then he began sliding up and back between the girl's closed legs.
Sophia said, "If he presses his cock all the way against her panties, she will bend her knees to 'catch' him with the backs of her ankles. It's a little game the girls play before they are ready to do it without panties on."
A minute later, after five or six 'catches,' the boy said, "unnnn." And kept pressing against the girl's panties. Then he knelt up and lots of goo was coming from the end of his penis down to the girl's panties and thighs.
"That's his cum, Alina." Sophia said. "He got so excited that he squirted his cum onto her panties. That's why she was wearing panties - so he wouldn't push his penis into her pussy, and so he wouldn't get lots of his cum inside her.
The girl spread open her legs and lifted her bottom. The camera zoomed in to look at lots of white cum smeared on her thighs and panties. There was lots of it. She stayed in that position while the boy wiped off her legs and panties with a small towel. Then the boy put on his underwear, picked up his other clothes and left the room. The girl rolled over on the towel and grabbed a mirror to look at her own pussy.
While she was looking at the little, round mirror, the bedroom door opened again and you could see the legs of a grown man and woman walk in. They started saying things to her and sounded angry. Sophia said, "They are pretending to be her Aunt and Uncle who had come over to visit. Now they will spank her, and then finger her. It's part of the video so she gets to have an orgasm, too. But they won't spank her hard before they both start fingering her."
"Gee." Said Alina.
I said, "OK, let's skip the other video clips for now so we can start making our own video of Alina getting spankings - on her bottom and on her pussy for now." I reached over and shut off the power switch.
Jack said, "You should let it shut down before you turn off the power. But I guess you're right. I'm sure Alina is anxious to get started making her own video." Jack closed the computer and scooted it off. "Hop up on the teacher desk and lay on your back for a minute. We need to decide what color of panties to start with."
They lifted Alina onto the desk, so she was on lying on her back with her legs up. Her bare pussy was dripping wet, with clear excitement all over her lips and even some on her thighs with thicker, white, creamy goo oozing out of her vagina. Jack scooted a cushion under her bottom to hold it up so her legs dropped back towards her head. She pulled her knees apart so they could see better.
Everyone looked closely. Sophia finally said, "My. It looks like watching those video clips got you very tingly and excited, Alina. Keep your legs pulled open for us. I think you're ready to meet other girls and boys over the next few weeks. You'll have so much fun, getting spankings, undressing and dancing, playing with other girls and probably with one of our boys, too." Jack said, "We'll show you what a pussy spanking feels like now Alina. We'll do your bottom spanking later. I won't spank your pussy hard. If you get back into open position right away then I'll tap it again a little harder. If it feels good to you, say, 'unnn,' but if it feels too hard, say, 'ohhh.' I'll tickle your pussy lips and your anus between taps for you. You just look into the camera at the side what Sophia is working. Keep looking right into the camera. If you want it lots harder, say, 'unnnnnn' louder. Then in a little bit, after about ten pussy spanks, you can pull your pussy lips apart and up towards your head to expose your little button. I'll tap is lightly for you, so you can see that it doesn't hurt. Just watch Sophia. She'll say, 'open' when you are supposed to pull your lips apart and up. Ready?"
"Yes." Alina said. "I feel all tingly already." She said in a hoarse whisper.
We set up two cameras so that Alina was in the center of the shot from the side, where Sophia was standing. I worked the camera right behind her ass. I started with a wider shot that showed Jack's forearm and hand as he held the long, small, wood paddle between his thumb and first two fingers. With his baby finger he began lightly tracing up and back beside Alina's pussy lips and across her anus.
The first tap hit her right lip. She flinched, but said, "unnnnn." So Jack continued to spank her pussy - right lip, then left, harder and harder. He traced around her lips between his "taps" as he called them, but they were loud enough to make a smack noise. Then he began smacking her pussy dead center. Still she said, "Unnnnn." Each time, tacitly asking for harder spanks. Her clitoral ridge was exposed between her plump, wet lips. He hit harder. This time she said, "ohhh" then said, "unnnnnn, unnnnn" meaning she wanted it harder. Jack started spanking it harder, dead center each time. Alina was squirming and moving her bottom as she kept saying, "unnn, unnn, unnn, unnn."
Larry was standing beside me, putting lots of lubricant on his big finger. Sophia mouthed the word, "Open," to Alina. She reached up and pulled her lips apart and open. I zoomed in on her clitty. It was swollen and stiff, sticking straight out. She had a rather large clit for a little girl - the size of a full-grown woman's. She was still moving her hips and moaning softly.
Jack tapped softly directly on her swollen knot. Alina flinched, and said, "Unnnn!" meaning she wanted it harder. She immediately stretched her lips apart and up again, making it stick even higher up between her legs. Jack tapped harder and again she said, "Unnnnnn! Unnnnn!" She hardly flinched as she pulled her lips wide apart and up, sticking her swollen clitty up towards Jack's outstretched paddle. She was now looking up at the paddle as it slapped down directly onto her clitty. She flinched, and pulled it open again, reaching her button up towards the small paddle. Jack put his baby finger into her vagina and scooped a dab of her excitement up onto her swollen clitty, making it wet. Then, as he started tapping harder and constantly, Alina held it wide open for him, not even flinching as each tap smacked directly onto her clitty.
Larry reached his big finger towards her anus and began pushing in. Jack continued tapping. "Unnnnn." Alina said, as she enjoyed her biggest orgasm yet.
Read the last sentence of 'Jamie Becomes A Witch'. Do you think that's the end of the story?
Now I know that you're in a sweat to pile on more stories and be the most prolific author on the site, but you do a disservice to readers looking for a complete story.
Fragments don't get it.
I give you a 90% for technical skill and language, but 25% overall, simply because you leave the story hanging while you go off on a new project.
You have a large following, and I'm sure they would all say the same thing.
Finish your stories!
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |