Emily Reluctantly Enters the Loliwood Amateur Beauty Show Pageant

[ M+/g, reluc, preteen, strip, oral, anal, finger, toys, photo ]

by Corn53


Published: 7-Jul-2012

Word Count:

show Author's Profile

show Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Key Characters:

  • Phil
  • Emily
  • The Announcer
  • Emily's Mommy
  • Ms. Vicky
  • The State Inspector

List of Models:

1. Samantha - blond -11
2. Marci, brunette - 9
3. Lolly, blond - 8
4. Emily, blond - 9 almost 10
5. Amy - light brown hair, 10
6. Sarah - red hair 10
7. Luci - dark hair. 11
8. Cindy, 10, blond
9. Linda, 9 brownish blond, slightly chubby
10. Patrice, 9, tall for her age, slim, blond
11. Elisabeth, 10, brown hair
12. Amanda, 9, dark hair, still flat


After talking briefly with Emily's Mommy who promised me anything if I could get her daughter to participate in the contest, Ms. Vicky walked me over to talk with the reluctant, and very cute, girl.

Talking Emily Into Participating

Ms. Vicky introduced us. "This is Phil. He'll be working with you today through the whole event, Emily. Your Mommy has to stay back here in the dressing room while you're out on stage. She's not allowed out there to watch you. Phil will be walking you to the stage and back and helping to carry your things. Any way that he can help, he'll be ready to help you."

Emily was almost ten, and didn't want to be in the amateur contest, but she and her Mommy had signed the papers and agreed to do everything for the contest, and they had both checked the 'All Of Above' box under the fine print, for the other acts, if she was one of the lucky ones to win a 'full spread' contract, the main prize. Emily would have to complete each of the four acts for today's show in order for her Mommy to get the prize money. Otherwise, if Emily only did one or two acts then her Mommy would only get one hundred dollars, the basic entry prize. Emily knew her Mommy needed the money, which was why she signed the forms before she knew what she would have to do on the stage and in front of cameras. The shy girl was cute - blond, slim, blue eyes, the beginnings of a figure - small, firm, cupcake breasts, narrow waist, rounded buns - cute. She had her curly hair up with ribbons on either side. Her toenails and fingernails were bright, glossy pink. She was wearing a slinky and very short black dress. No bra, which was obvious in the tight, clingy material. Her firm, little cupcakes jiggled with each step - nipples erect, which would have embarrassed her if she had been aware of it.

I said, "Let's walk through the different acts together, just like the other eleven girls are doing." I took her hand and led her out of the big dressing room, and up the two steps onto the runway which extended thirty feet down one wall in the run-down mall. There were props, several kinds of chairs, and even a small bed against the wall, with a five foot width of runway for the preteen contestants to walk down and back. A heavy rope was strung on poles right against the runway. The closest chairs - almost touching the edge of the runway, were already filled with men, watching us and the other girls practicing the walk. Each of today's 12 contestants had a photography student assigned as her 'assistant.' There were reserved spots for the two cameramen who would be working each of the cameras on tripods.

Her hand was sweaty and I felt her shaking, but trying to control it.

"Look. People are already in some of the chairs. They want to watch you, Emily. You're so cute."

"Thank you. Oh gee, big cameras." She was looking at the camera on a tripod in front of the rounded area at the end of the runway, and then at the other one on a tripod about half way down. The girls would be in front of cameras every inch of the way, not to mention the hundreds of small cameras the spectators would have in their hands.

"Yes, of course cameras, Emily. Like I said, people will want to see you. This is for prize money. It will be lots of fun. Don't worry. And the other girls will be doing the same things." I approximated the crowd already there - thirty minutes before it would start. "Looks like there's already a hundred people in the font chairs, Emily. There is seating for a little over two hundred, with standing room in the back. Most of the watchers will be men, but there will be some women and children, too." It was my job to get her prepared.

"Gee. I told Mommy we should just watch this time, but then she said I would be in it since we drove 3 hours to get here, and since she got me some new clothes and panties and like had my hair done and like the fingernails. But that was all fun."

"People in the audience will be taking pictures, too, Emily. Just like a big, Hollywood event, except they changed the name to 'Loliwood,' for this contest. I bet once you get started it will just flow on by, and you'll have lots of fun walking back and forth on here and doing things that the announcer says to do. You'll see. And the other girls will be doing all the same things. Gee, a three hour drive to get here?"

"Yes. And it seemed longer even."

"That must mean you're over two hundred miles away from your home town. Nobody from your home town will be here! Nobody will recognize you, Emily."

"Oh. I guess you're right." That seemed to make her feel better.

"OK, see, we're only two feet above the floor on this stage - just high enough so the people in the chairs will be looking up at you. You'll walk down and back with the other girls, and follow the directions of the announcer. It's fun. Kind of like a game - doing different things. I've helped other little girls who didn't think they wanted to do it at first, but then they started really having fun."

On the edge of tears, she said, "But I don't want to change panties on stage, like with all those people watching me." She fanned her free arm over the whole seating area. "And then turn around in front of everybody before I put on the next pair of panties and then walk a little ways, and then take those panties off and turn around again. Like completely naked except for the training bra and high heels. They'll all see my..."

I was still holding her hand as we walked down and back on the runway. I waited for her to finish her sentence, but she couldn't say the word. So I said it, "pussy." I looked at her. "Say it three times, pussy, pussy, pussy. See? It's no big deal. Go ahead. Say it three times. You're a big girl."

"Pussy, pussy, pussy." Then she giggled.

I squeezed her hand. I couldn't wait to see it myself. "That wasn't so hard to say, was it?"

"No. You're funny."

"Did you ever show it to anybody before? Your pussy. Did you ever show your bare pussy to anybody before?"

"Not a grown-up. Mostly just the girls at the pool, like when we were changing."

"Well, my dear Emily, since you're already dressed for the contest, let's go back in the dressing room to one of the private areas. Then you can show me your pussy, pussy, pussy, so you'll be used to it. OK?" I smiled.

She blushed, and then giggled. She looked around, as if she was getting ready for shoplifting. "You're funny, Phil. OK. But don't tell Mommy."

I crossed my heart.

In the dressing room, we walked past her concerned Mother. I winked reassurance at her. "I want to show her something around the other side of our dressing room. Just wait here. We'll be back in a minute. Emily will do fine. She's so cute." I could tell that Emily's Mommy was relieved to hear that, because she did have a good shot at the 600 dollar prize instead of just a hundred, plus the chance for Emily to do a 'full spread,' meaning a formal audition and examination and then photo/video shoots so she could be in her own DVDs, and be in some of our popular 'Lolly' magazines, which were still only available in three states. Her Mommy could make thousands and thousands of dollars if Emily won a 'full spread' prize. I figured that was one of the reasons why Emily and her Mommy drove so far to enter the contest - the money, and so that 'people back home' wouldn't know. Although in truth, people drove from several states around to get those magazines and DVDs, not to mention our internet sales.

I led her to one of the 'examination rooms,' and closed the door.

"There." I said. "We're in private. Stand on the coffee table and pull down your panties. Show me that pussy, pussy, pussy." We both laughed.

She stood on the low table and pulled down her panties and lifted her dress in one motion - almost as if she had practiced. I looked at it, pretending to be a serious judge. Then I smiled, "It's beautiful, Emily. You have a beautiful pussy, pussy, pussy!"

She smiled. "Really?"

"Yes, I'm serious. It's beautiful, Emily." I pulled a little camera out of my pocket.

When she saw my camera, she put her dress back down and bent towards me so her dress would cover more of her legs. I said, "It's OK, Emily. I was assigned to you, remember?"

"Yes." She looked puzzled.

"I'm supposed to help you relax. That's part of my job here today. Lots and lots of people will be taking pictures of it later, besides the two big cameras and our roving cameraman on stage, and the one in the dressing room. So this will help you get used to it."

She was thinking, but staying in 'cover' position.

I said, "If I took a picture of your foot, or your hand, or your pretty face, it wouldn't hurt you, would it?"

"No." She said, but kept her dress pulled lower in front.

I said, "Well then, if it wouldn't hurt if I took a picture of your foot, then it wouldn't hurt if I took a picture of your pussy, pussy, pussy."

She stood up straight again, and lifted the front of her dress higher than before. Her panties had fallen to her ankles. I took several pictures. "Turn around. I want a picture of your bottom, bottom, bottom."

She giggled, and turned around. I took several pictures.

"Legs apart, Emily. That's it. See? This doesn't hurt, does it?"

She slid her feet farther apart for me.

"Bend forward a little. Feet even farther apart. Those are cute panties you were wearing, by the way."

As she bent forward - almost far enough that she could have touched her toes - I took several more pictures.

"Emily, I'm not just saying this, but you are exceptionally pretty - your legs, your pussy, and your bottom, and your face. I bet you'll be selected for a full spread. We still have twenty minutes before the start. Let your straps fall over your shoulders and down your arms." I laughed. "I want to see your titties, titties, titties."

She let her dress fall down - exposing those cute, high-riding cupcakes with pale, pink nipples. They stiffened as I stared at them. The tan lines from her two piece swimming suit accentuated her perky breasts.

"They are beautiful, too, Emily." I took several pictures, stepped back, and took pictures of her whole body. She smiled for me. "They are so pretty. May I feel them? Has a grown man ever felt them before?"

"Nobody ever touched them before. "

"I think you'll be a winner, Emily, and then different people will be touching you. You'll be touched and photographed all over. It goes with winning the big prize."

"Gee... well, you can, Phil."

I gently felt her soft but firm breasts - rubbing my fingertips across her nipples.

"Ohhh." She said, but didn't move away. "That feels funny."

"Does it give you tingles in your pussy, pussy, pussy, to let me take pictures and touch you?"

"Yes. Ohhh. Gee. Like it makes it tingle to let you look at me and touch me."

"I want you to do something for me. OK?"

She said OK before she asked me what.

"If that gave you tingles, then just imagine what it will feel like to let hundreds of people look at it and take pictures - front, back, and your titties. I bet it will really tingle while you let them all look and take pictures. I want you to come back after each act and tell me what it felt like. OK?"

"Ohhhh, gee. It tingles just to think about that. Hundreds of people? Ohhhh."

Then I showed her the sign language way to make a 'T' and explained that it would be her secret signal to me when she is on stage. "If you're feeling tingles, and you see me looking at you, then make a 'T' with your right hand and I'll know you're feeling tingles."

She thought that sounded neat - like our private secret; a code.

"Your Mommy will be so happy, Emily. And so will I. I'm sure you could win one of the big prizes today. Ninety minutes from now, you might get to come back here with the producer, me, and the state inspector. Your Mommy has to come in, too, but she would be facing the wall while we examine you in front of a camera. You just have to lie there with your legs spread apart so they can each put a finger in you. Then we'll schedule your next photo shoots. I bet you'll win a full spread! Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Gee. Ohhh. It tingled again, Phil."

"Good. That means you're growing up. Tingles feel good. And I'll tell you another little secret."

I waited until she asked, "What?"

"Later, we'll get some time alone, and I want to kiss you right here." I touched her pussy, just above her crack.

"Ohhhh. Gee, that made it tingle, too."

"We have to go back out there in a minute, but turn around, open your legs, and bend way over for me one more time - while we're in private. I like you very much, Emily."

She got in position and I took several more pictures - and noticed she was getting wet already - just thinking about showing it to so many people and cameras made her start to get wet.

With her dress and panties back on, we walked out. "Aren't you glad your Mommy has to stay in the dressing room during the pageant?"

"Yes. I'm glad."

I led her back into the main dressing room with her clothes back in place, even the pink, hip-hugger panties with the tiny wet spot exactly between her legs. She would be a hot little girl model for us. I had to tell Larry to bid on her. There would be three production companies in the audience today - sitting in the judges chairs between the two cameras. They would bid on the different contestants later, in private, so that actually all the girls would win a 'full spread' prize from one of the companies. These amateur pageants were very popular in their own right - included in many of our video collections.

I let her stand with the other girls on the end of the runway by the dressing room. Their first few walks were just practice, even though all of the girls had already practiced - a real tease for the spectators, who each paid twenty dollars to get a seat. The standing area was now filling up, too. There were some boys and girls in the audience - young teens or preteens. Two boys, about fourteen, were in the second row, and I figured they probably used their lawn-mowing money to buy their tickets. All the girls were very aware of them. ACT ONE

The girls were standing in the order of their names on the program. Emily was near the middle - a good sign as far as 'winning' was concerned. The judges, who determined the lineup, put their favorites in the center. The girls were introduced one at a time and then walked down the stage to stand in their line again. Their hair and make-up looked great. So cute! Because the skirts and dresses were so short, if you were seated in the audience, you could see each girl's panties as she paraded by.

Announcer: "We have twelve cute, preteen contestants for today's Loliwood Amateur Beauty Contest, folks. I'll call their names so they can walk down and line up for you. Aren't they cute?"


Announcer: "Our first beauty is eleven year old Samantha. She's going to be in the fifth grade this fall and lives less than forty miles from here. She has short blond hair on her head... but no hair anywhere else. She started getting wax treatments a year ago. Samantha told me, 'It kind of hurt. But now it's real pretty.' She has a cute, little figure, as you'll see later. This is her second Loliwood Amateur Beauty Contest appearance, and we're glad to have her back. And for you amateur photographers, she does have all her papers signed, so she is open for private modeling. See her Mommy after the show. Samantha has been in the pre-teen modeling business for two years and is glad to work with other models: boys or girls, and even adults. After modeling for just a few months, she had an orgasm while being spanked. She's between studio contracts right now, which is why she could enter the amateur contest today. All the photographers agree that Samantha has good taste, and not just in clothes. Why not sign up for our preteen photography class and check for yourself?"

Samantha was smiling as she walked down to the end camera and turned around. She stepped back four feet from the rope and waited for the other girls.

Announcer: "Our next contestant is nine year old Marci - a lovely brunette, cute from top to bottom with a plump mound. Looks delicious. I got a close look earlier. Umm. She'll be in fourth grade this fall and lives two hundred miles away. Her Mommy says they will be here all weekend, if you want to schedule a private modeling session at their motel. She hasn't been inspected yet, but the state inspector is here today, and if photographers... or of course, our sponsoring photography agencies are interested, he could do the inspections today and sign off on her papers. For those interested, she has large aureoles for a nine year old, with sensitive, puffy, pink nipples."

Marci was smiling and blushing as she walked down the runway - turning several times - just two feet from the rope. You could tell she was uncomfortable in the very short skirt, but she kept going - showing a glimpse of light purple, thong panties with each turn. The panties were even more visible against the white skirt fastened at her narrow waist. The announcer waited for the applause as Marci stood next to Samantha, then said: "Our next contestant is Lolly. What a perfect name for a contestant today. This eight year old blond will be in the third grade this fall. For those of you who like them extra young, you'll be surprised to know she is already starting to sprout two beautiful, puffy, pink buds. Very sensitive, I'm told. She and her Mommy got here last night, so she has already been inspected and passed her front and rear tests. Extremely tight, but she passed. And a beautiful, plump mound, and full buns. Very firm. I was able to help with her examination last night, so when I say 'very firm,' I mean it. With a cute, little pink... well, you'll all get to see it later, but it's extremely tight. Oh, and since she also has her papers signed, then you official photography students may schedule private sessions."

Applause while the blushing eight year old lined up next to Samantha and Marci.

Announcer: and our next contestant is the cute nine year old - almost ten - Emily. She and her Mommy drove over three hours to get here this morning. She's all cleaned up now. We didn't have time to do the examination, but as you can see, she should pass easily. She seemed reluctant at first, but her assistant today, Phil, assured me that she is beautiful from head to toe, with beautiful, plump lips, and still hairless. Her Mommy told me that since they drove so far to get here, they are going to stay all weekend and Emily will be available for private sessions with approved photography students, beginning right after she is inspected and the papers are signed. She's very limber from gymnastics and swimming, and can to the splits to the side almost to the ground - really spreading her open."

A brightly blushing Emily lined up with the other smiling girls during the applause.

Announcer: Let me hurry up a little since we have 8 more contestants. He went on to introduce each girl individually, talking two minutes about each girl, during her walk - with basic - almost crude - introductions, besides age, grade, and distance from today's show.

Amy - ten - brown hair, very sensitive, puffy nipples, well-developed clitty that shows even with her legs together; a tiny, light brown anus - tiny and very tight. I helped examine her.

Sarah - red hair and freckles, puffy, pink nipples, light pink and tiny anus, not inspected yet, but will probably get officially fingered right after the show

Luci, 11, dark hair, very sensitive anus, has papers signed, was waxed two months ago. Her Mommy says Emily also loves to model or dance at private parties.

Cindy, 10, blond, slim, blue eyes, biggest titties, at 32-B, in our contest today, but freshly waxed and bald; gets extremely wet - creamy wet. Especially likes having her breasts fondled and sucked.

Linda, 9, brownish blond hair, slim, laughs frequently, very curious about boys "And I think our state inspector popped her cherry with his finger, because she said, 'ouch!' and there was a little blood, but it's fine now, isn't it, Linda?" Linda was blushing. "But you're fine, now, aren't you, Linda? Feeling fine and open for business?"

Linda nodded.

Patrice, 9, blond, tall for her age, flat but sensitive, and especially curious about girl-girl acting, which might have special appeal to our female photography students

Elizabeth, 10, brown hair, cute face and figure, shy - but got her papers signed that morning, and she promised to open wide for any photography students. I could tell she enjoyed being inspected - front and rear. She swallowed, too, and seemed to like it.

And Amanda, 9, dark hair, still flat with puffy, sensitive nipples, but a plump mound and buns, was extremely tight in the rear, but you could tell it felt good to her; very good. You photography students might want to check for yourselves.

When he finished the introductions, the twelve girls took a bow. Then he said, "As you know, folks, you will be seeing them in this order over and over again today as they go through the four main acts. This 'peek-a-boo' march is Act One. Our show should last about ninety minutes, two hours at most, and we'll get started right away. Any time I call 'peek-a-boo,' they have to show their bare pussies to the audience. Of course, that's only for the first two acts, because then you'll be seeing plenty of those private, little girl areas. You may take pictures of our contestants on stage at any time. OK, girls, take off those panties. We'll practice some peek-a-boo marching."

A dozen giggling girls took off their panties. A few missteps and trips, added to the gaiety.

Announcer: "Now hold them out to show the audience those pretty dainties. Stretch them out between both hands. Very good. Let's start walking now. Walking and turning as you go up and back on our runway. Stay close to the rope so they can get little peeks as you go by. Hold out those panties to show everybody. Twirl around. Good. Twirl around again. You girls are great!"

A minute later he said, 'Peek-a-boo!' That's it, girls. Lift those dresses high in front. Hold them up until I say, 'down.' Very good, girls! You can put your feet farther apart when you stand still. Now walk. Keep the dresses up high. Let everybody see. Turn around for the audience. Smile while they take pictures. Show them what you want to model for them. Let them get a good look. You girls are doing great! Hold the dresses high in front. Let them see it. Feet apart. Move your hips. We call that 'crack dancing' when you stand still and move your hips so your crack moves around. That's it girls. Make those cracks dance for the audience. Excellent." They were moving their hips with the background, rock music.

Hundreds of flashes told the girls that the audience would indeed be watching closely. The runway was already brightly lit, but the little cameras flashed anyway. The girls were less than two feet away from the audience, still moving their hips to the music.

Announcer: "Down. And walk a little ways. OK, peek-a-boo. Hold the dresses high. Feet apart. Be careful in those high heels, though. Aren't they doing great, folks? And all twelve of them are smooth for you. Plump, juicy mounds. Get close to the rope, girls so they can get a good look. Good. Now down. Go to the next position. Peek-a-boo. Folks, in a little while, especially for those of you sitting close to the rope, we'll be able to smell the excitement. It's so exciting to our little girls to show you their treasures."

The peek-a-boo march went on for another ten minutes, so each girl had a turn to stand in front of each of the big cameras, holding her dress up high and making her crack dance for the camera. The girls took a bow, turned around and took another bow with their backs to the audience and their bottoms actually out over the rope. They all remembered to keep their feet apart while they held the bow until the flashes subsided. Some of the girls were still 'crack dancing' to the music with their pussies out over the rope. The announcer had them stand up and face the audience again.

Announcer: "Aren't they cute, folks? Remember that they are each available for private modeling, although a few still need to get inspected to get their papers signed. And only approved photography students with one of the accredited photography schools can do those private sessions. You'll have to show your photographer ID card to a girl's Mommy before that girl can undress and open up for you and your camera. It's recommende that you schedule appointments through your modeling agency, but once you have an official state license, you may schedule directly with the girl's Mom. Also, once you're accredited, then the Mommy can leave the room while you do the photography. There are tables in the back to sign up for classes or to schedule private sessions. Most of these girls today, will probably be busy for the rest of today with inspections and initial audition sessions. We have catalogs of our DVDs and magazines - and many we have in stock with us, so you could buy some to take home with you. So, before they go back in the dressing room to change for the girl-girl acts, aren't they cute? And aren't you looking forward to seeing more of them during the rest of the show? I bet most of them will have their own DVD in a few weeks, so you can see the highlights of today's pageant and their individual video clips. You can pre-order these back at the registration tables. Check the names on your program to pick the girls you want. Aren't they cute?"

The applause said yes.

Announcer: "Show them your panties again, girls, and then we'll have one more peek-a-boo facing the audience." A minute later, he said, "OK, Girls, put your dresses down and carry your panties back into the dressing room now. You all did great!"

After the girls left, he said, "They don't know who they will be paired with in our next act, but basically they will all be standing on stage in a two-piece nightgown. I'll call names - two pairs of girls at a time, and they will come down to the two sections of the runway in front of a big camera where we'll have a stuffed chair set up. The girls will then make out with lots of kissing and then touching, and then they will take off the top part of each other's nightie, and continue to kiss and feel each other. We've found that it's best to surprise them as to who their partner will be, even though none of the girls know each other yet. One pair will be in front of each camera, and then, after a couple of minutes of feeling, kissing, and sucking on each other, they will switch to the other chair. The point of this act is to get them used to working with different models and following directions in front of people and cameras. We encourage lots of titty play - caressing, kissing, sucking, and even pinching and pulling - to give the audience a sense of their budding sexuality. Did you notice that some of our contestants were beginning to get wet already during our peek-a-boo parade?"

Applause and lots of affirmative answers. One man said he could see it with his zoom lens.

Announcer: "Yes, and I meant it about smelling their excitement. It will get stronger. That sweet, pungent smell of virgin excitement. They will have the bottoms of their pastel nighties on for this act. The helpers and mothers in the dressing room all know not wipe off the girls between acts, even if little girl excitement is running down her legs. It's part of the show. Earlier, while I was helping to examine some of the girls, their whitish, thick excitement was obvious, but none of us commented on it. We don't want the girls to be self-conscious about it, so please continue our no-comment policy about wetness. Notice it; smell it, and later some of you might get to taste it, but don't comment on it. And I guess I slipped up myself earlier talking about Cindy's creamy pussy. All our little girls get very wet, but Cindy... well, she's like a well. Tastes great, too. They all do.

"I know each of you heard this when you paid your cover charge, but we don't allow any criticism of our little models. I wish patrons of strip clubs had such good manners like us. So, we, the management, thank you for only making positive comments about our brave starlets."

"There is a little reception after the pageant with the girls and our photography assistants. New students can also attend for a closer experience; a taste of that excitement! Our official photography students can also stay at our motel tonight, and swim and play with the girls in the pool. Some of you may have seen some of our photography school brochures, so you know about some of the perks while on tour. You can sign up over at the registration table. The little girls will have instructions to let the photography students touch them, so they will be cooperative with showing and touching. Just remember: no finger penetrations during the reception. The girls will kiss everyone who congratulates them, and tongue kisses are OK. You can rub your hand over their different areas, but don't squeeze too hard, and no insertions until their actual inspections and auditions, or during your private sessions. They will be coming back out in about five minutes, so you have time to run to the restrooms or the registration table. Your seats are yours now... so, please, no changing chairs." He knew that nobody would leave before the show was over. These amateur shows and production company tours were growing in popularity, with one every weekend if you were willing to drive a while.

Back In The Dressing Room

I was standing with Emily and her Mommy and Rosa, who would help her change to the next outfit - a pink , two-piece nightie. Emily was between outfits, and a photographer came over to get some pictures. She stood still and smiled for the camera, even putting her feet farther apart and assuming different poses for him, including a shoulder stand and then she let her legs split apart while she was upside down so he could get a good shot of her semi-erect clitty and visible wetness in her vagina. Seeing Emily posing and acting silly for the camera made her mother very happy. "Aren't you glad we came, Emily?"

"Yes, Mommy. It's fun. I was just nervous. Phil helped me calm down. I hope we can stay at the same hotel with him tonight, so we can play in the pool together. He said he would let me ride on his shoulders if I did good in the contest."

Emily's Mommy looked at me. "I don't know how to thank you."

"It's OK. It was my pleasure, and I'm pretty sure we'll be at the same motel tonight. Now, after doing such a great job on act one, I'm 99% sure she'll get an offer from the studio I work with. She was having fun dancing onstage with the other girls?"

"That sounds like fun, Honey. You've always liked dancing."

"It was a special kind of dance, like while we kept our feet in one place." I was relieved that she didn't explain more about the crack dancing skills she was learning, although her Mommy probably wouldn't have minded a bit. Emily looked at me, "So I'll get to be a model?"

"Yes! And I'll help with some of your videos, too!"

Emily smiled and hugged me. Her Mommy said, "That's wonderful, Phil."

"Now, I'll need to talk with Emily, while Rosa is helping her on with the next costume, about important tips for the next act." I nodded over towards the waiting area. She caught on, and went over. I saw her pick up one of our magazines featuring past pageant winners - with the fully spread little girls and pictures of them doing all kinds of things with kids and adults - but no penis penetration of vaginas. There were pictures of little girls getting a shot of cum in the face or in her open mouth. There were close-ups of pulled-open asses showing a small, pink or brown anus, or a stretched-open pussy with the clitty button stretching out towards the cameras. Each girl had a few pictures showing front and rear insertions while smiling at the camera. Our magazines were very popular. There was a brief biography of each girl - but with a fake name. - such as: "Susie, age 9, will be in the fourth grade. Has her own bicycle now and is beginning to like the taste of cum. She especially enjoys being vibrated on her clitty with a finger pushing in her anus. Her first ever orgasm happened in front of three men and two cameras. Susie is taking piano lessons, too. She likes giving oral sex to other little girls, and playing in a creek. She says none of her friends at school know about her modeling."

While talking with Emily about the next act, I was also thinking of how I could work with the little girl to get her ready for more of the advanced photography shoots. I decided to offer my further assistance to Emily's Mommy for more private tutoring later that evening.

Act Two - Kissing And Feeling Each Other

The nervous, excited girls were lined up in order and then marched up and back on the runway in their semi-sheer, two-piece, pastel nighties. I had squeezed Emily's panties, pressing them into her pussy, and then tugging them back out - so they would show an obvious, darker area of wet excitement. I felt her wetness with my hand. I noticed the other assistants doing the same thing - feeling the nightie bottoms and pressing them against the girl's pussy. The cameramen would appreciate that.

Announcer: Welcome back to our little stars. You did so good last time. For this act I will call you up in pairs. You'll keep the nightie top on for a little while. You'll be kissing and feeling your partner all over, and then you will take off each other's tops. Keep kissing and feeling, and then you can start kissing and sucking on each other's titties - showing our audience how your girlfriend's titties move. We'll leave your bottoms on for this act, but I encourage you to feel each other's pussy, too. You can put your hand inside your new girlfriend's panties if you want to. The audience will want to see lots of touching on each other. There will be two girls at each chair in front of the main cameras. After a few minutes, I'll tell you to switch chairs. Carry your tops with you, and then keep kissing and touching each other. If your partner is feeling you between your legs, try to open as wide as you can for her. The audience will like that and so will you. First up are Amy and Cindy, and Samantha and Linda!

Applause and camera flashes welcomed the girls onto the center part of the stage. The other girls stood where they were, nervously squirming and watching.

The girls held hands with their partner and walked to one of the chairs. They bowed to the audience and started awkwardly kissing each other. The audience actually got quiet as the girls continued to hug, kiss, and turn around in front of the chair. They started tentatively feeling each other's breasts and after one couple took off each other's tops, the other couple did, too. The girls would smile and squeeze the other girl's breasts towards the audience and then change places. The flashes were almost continuous. The announcer reminded them to use the chairs if they wanted to. Samantha, the most experienced girl, sat Linda on the front edge of the chair and leaned her back. She put Linda's knees over the arms of the chair and knelt in front of her - off to one side so as not to block the big camera. She started kissing Linda's thigh next to her right knee and continued kissing - including directly on her pussy then over to the other side. She massaged Linda's pussy with her hand. Then Samantha sat in the chair. Linda went right to her pussy - massaging and kissing it through the flimsy nightie bottoms. Both h girls had obvious wet spots on their panties - from the wet kissing and licking and from the girls' own excitement.

The announcer had the two groups trade chairs so they could put on their little shows to other people.

Announcer: Excellent, Girls. Leave your tops off and sit in the small chairs on the runway. Our next two couples are: Emily and Sarah, and Patrice and Lolly.

The nervous girls held hands and walked out onto the main part of the runway. They were soon making out. Emily noticed me watching her at the edge of the crowd - over 200 people. She made a 'T' with her hand while she was feeling Sarah. The girls were doing great and soon had each other's top off, and began more earnest feeling - showing the audience how each other's breasts moved. They both liked sucking on the other - taking turns and getting into it. Sarah sat on the chair and leaned back, putting her legs over the arms of the chair in the same way that Samantha had positioned Linda. Without words spoken, Emily knelt in front of the chair and started kissing Sarah's panties - which already showed a wet area between her legs. The quiet audience, the other girls, and everyone else was watching closely.

The announcer surprised them when he said, "If you want to, you girls can peek-a-boo with each other's panties. What do you think, audience?"

The audience applauded.

Lolly pulled her own panties off and sat back in the other chair, letting Patrice lick her open pussy. Then both Emily and Sarah took their panties off, too. Emily sat back in the chair and Sarah started licking her wet pussy. The number of camera flashes increased.

Soon it was time to trade chairs, so the four naked girls carried their nighties with them to the other chair. One of the girls immediately sat in the chair and leaned back - putting her legs over the arms of the chair. The other girl started licking the seated girl's open pussy - to the delight of the quiet, squirming audience.

Announcer: Thank you girls. You all did great. We got a little carried away, but I could see you were having fun. We'll let our last two groups decide for themselves if they want to remove their bottoms. If they want to, it's OK. Next we have Luci and Marci, and Amanda and Elizabeth. Remember - your Mommies have to stay back in the dressing room, so they can't see you. Have fun with your partner and you can lick and kiss all over, but no fingering yet. You'll get a chance to do that later in the show."

All four girls were soon naked - kissing and feeling each other all over - and of course, getting into the same position on the big chairs so they could take turns licking each other's pussy. The audience loved it - quiet, but lots of camera flashes. A little later, the announcer called all the girls to come back to the front of the runway. He told the first four girls they could take off their bottoms, too, if they wanted. Of course they came off immediately. The twelve naked girls held hands with their partner and walked around the runway. Then he told the girls to fondle their own breasts with their free hand as they continued to move around the stage. Before having them put their nighties back on and sending them to the dressing room, he had them all bow, and then face away from the audience; spread their feet apart, and take another long bow. Their naked bottoms stuck out over the rope, and the men seated in the front row could smell the excitement from a foot away, just like the announcer had predicted! Row two could smell it, too, but not as strong. The man with the zoom lens could see it! And the big cameras captured it for the 'Loliwood Amateur Beauty Show' highlights video.

Announcer: "Didn't they do great, folks?"

More applause followed, and the girls kept walking, enjoying their naked march in front of the nice crowd - with probably a dozen kids - boys and girls ages 8 - 14. The announcer and several other adults had noticed that many of the girls opened wider in front of the boys in the audience.

Announcer: "Wonderful job, girls. Put your nighties back on before you go back in the dressing room. Tell your Mommies you had fun playing games on stage. We'll see you back out here in about ten minutes. Our next act is a collection of things; a mixture to surprise and delight everyone, starting with dancing and undressing."

Back In The Dressing Room Again

While the announcer reminded everyone about pre-ordering today's video, the hands-on photography classes, and upcoming scheduled shows and tours listed on their programs, the little girls went back into the dressing room.

Emily's Mommy looked at me, and I nodded and smiled. "I'm going to take Emily around to the examination room for a minute. We'll be right back. I just need to check something and talk a minute. And she did great. You had fun, too, didn't you, Emily?"

"Yes, it was fun. Sarah was my partner, the girl with the red hair. I hope she's at our motel tonight. She's nice."

As we kept walking on back to the examination room, Emily's Mommy said, "And thanks for all your help and encouragement, Phil."

After closing the door, I said, "Emily. You are such a star! You did great, and I saw your secret message to me. Thank you."

"This is so much fun. I like the other girls, too. I didn't think I would, like if some of them thought they were beauty queens or something, but they are nice, like they are nervous, too. I like watching them."

I took off her nightie while she talked. "Lie back on the table, Emily. I put fluffy towels on it for you. Put one foot on either side. You trust me don't you? Do you like the big tingles you get from marching around in front of strangers and cameras?"

"Yes, like it really tingles out there, and yes, I trust you, Phil." She laid back on the towels.

I kissed her thighs and told her again what a great job she did on stage. I said, "I want to kiss your pussy, and..."

"OK." She said.

"Then I want to put my finger in your pussy, pussy, pussy, because several grown-ups will finger you later as part of your examination, and I don't want them to hurt you. I like you so much. May I kiss you and finger you?"

"Yes, OK."

First I kissed and licked her spread-open pussy, licking from her anus up and over her vagina and clitty. She tasted and smelled great. Hypnotic. I slowly pushed my finger in her wet hole. It was very, very tight, but went in.

"Unnn." She said. "Your finger is so big, but it fits OK, doesn't it? Will I get to be a model? Or is it too tight?"

I laughed and kissed her pussy mound. "It's perfect. I just didn't want anybody to hurt you, Honey. I like you so much. Maybe too much. But I want them to be careful with you. I'll tell them I checked it and that my finger squeezed in and it didn't hurt you."

"Unnnn. No, it doesn't hurt. Unnnn?"

"Well, you just keep doing a good job out there, and tonight at the motel, I bet your Mommy will let me spend some time alone with you. I want to take my time and kiss you here and finger you again and again and again. Would you like that?"

"Yes! I can't wait. I'll do a good job on stage so you'll be proud of me. Did you see me showing it to everybody?"

"Yes. You did great! Let's go out and get ready for your next act. In a few hours we'll be at the motel."

The naked nine year old threw her arms around me and kissed my mouth. "You're fun."

While Rosa got her dressed in a different slinky skirt and top outfit with matching panties, I talked briefly with Emily's Mother about private tutoring that night. She looked at me, and then smiled. "That would be great, Phil. It's thanks to you that she's still in the contest."

"Thank you, and by the way... I know she'll get a 'full spread' offer so your daughter will soon be in our magazines and CDs. I'm guessing thousands for you - for many months to come. She's doing great. I want to teach her a few other things so she won't be scared when different things come up."

She laughed, and then she kissed my cheek. "I bet I know what will come up. But that's fine. Larry said they picked you to work with Emily because you have such a gentle way with the reluctant girls. He also said I could trust you not to hurt her, so I'm trusting you, and I'll trust you tonight, too, back at the motel. Take as much time as you need. And if something does come up, promise me you won't put it in her vagina or ass. OK?"

"OK." I said. We shook hands and it was time to walk Emily back out with the other girls.

Act Three - Opening Each Other; Spanking Games; And Good Vibrations

Announcer: Here they are again, folks. Dressed up and ready to dance and undress. Then we'll be doing a few skits for you. Aren't they pretty?"


All twelve girls were onstage, in slinky, short dresses and medium heels - dancing to sultry, rock music. They changed places so that eventually each of the girls danced in front of everybody. Then the clothes started to come off - first off: skirts, then tops, then they danced in panties only - trying to make their titties jiggle - the girls who had titties, at least. Then the panties came off, and the dancing morphed into stretching exercises - opening wide for the crowd - front and back. Then came 'assisted opening' - with the girls working in pairs to stretch each other's bottoms open to the crowds and holding that position for 10 - 20 seconds, letting all the amateur photographers get a few shots. The boys and girls in the audience were captivated, finding it impossible to sit still.

Next came the spanking games. Girls were paired off again and the big chairs were pulled out sideways to the crowd. One girl would spread her feet apart and lean over the arm of one of the chairs, and her partner would spank her - with her bare hand, or with a ruler. Again - the open asses were only a foot from the front row and everyone could smell the excitement at this point. The spankings weren't hard - just firm enough to make a butt jiggle; the girl jump; and to make that pleasant slap sound. The audience was silent - enjoying the multi-sensory experience.

The announcer motioned for Samantha and Luci, the two eleven year olds, to come over to him. He whispered assignments to them. Then those two girls visited each pair of girls. They whispered something in the ear of the girl with the paddle. Then Samantha or Luci would reach down and pull the bent-over girl's ass wide open - exposing the wet pussy to the crowd, as well as the pink ass hole. Then the spanker started tapping the ruler on the other girl's pussy - sometimes making a wet sound.

The crowd was silent again - enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells. The 'pussy pats,' as the announcer called them, sometimes made the girl jump if the ruler hit right on her clitty. After every girl had been spanked front and back, they turned the chairs to face the audience again. One girl sat on the front edge of the chair and leaned back - pulling her pussy lips apart and upwards to show her swollen clitty bump to the crowd.

Announcer: "Don't applaud, but aren't those pretty pussys? So pink and juicy inside. I think they did such a good job, that they deserve a little buzzing. Keep pulling your pussy wide open and up to expose those little, pleasure buttons. Your partner will tap it with a buzzer as a reward. I want the crowd to stay quiet, but now it's OK for you girls to make little noises. Some of these girls have never experienced a little buzzer before."

It was almost silent in the cavernous mall area -except for the quiet buzzing as six of the girls gently buzzed their partner's clitty. Some of the girls also slid a finger up their partner's vagina. Emily was squirming and moaning softly. "Unnn, ohhh, gee." Her pussy was very wet. The slim vibrator passed over her vagina again and again to pick up some of her excitement to rub on her clitty with the buzzer. Even Lolly, the eight year old was responding - moving and squirming. She was wet, too - as were all the girls who were getting buzzed. Every two minutes the announcer had the girls move to the next chair so others could get a close look.

One of the girls suddenly moaned loudly, and pushed the vibrator away as she closed her legs. "Unnnn, ohhhh. Ummmm."

Announcer: "Open your legs! Let everyone see your spasms. If you cum, just push the vibrator away, but keep your legs open for the audience." That happened two more times as some of the girls experienced a vibrator for the first time. Then the girls traded places - handing the vibrator to their partners.

Announcer: That's it. Legs wide apart. Lean back in the chair. Pull your pussy lips apart and up to expose your clitty button. Excellent, girls."

Twenty minutes later - after three more girls had orgasms on stage, they were sent back to the dressing room again. The announcer said, "For those of you considering the photographer course, if you sign up today you can get a taste of that excitement - up close, right after today's show in a little reception in the dressing room. We've had fourteen people sign up, but there is room for the next ten. As a photography student you would also have some special duties to perform, which will be explained to you, but one requirement is that you have to help finger the girls - front and back. Lots of lubricant in back of course. And only your hand would be in the girl's video. No adult faces in any of our videos. And you would have to practice kissing with our models. They need to learn how to accept kisses anywhere on their bodies for some of their videos, so you would have to practice with them."

Several more men headed over to the registration table, credit card in hand.

Back In The Dressing Room One More Time

"Emily did great again." I said. She and the other girls had put their panties back on, and carried their dressed back with them.

Emily was holding my hand - pulling me back towards the inspection room again. "I think she wants to talk with you, Phil. You two can go on back for a little privacy, but don't take too long. Honey, I told Phil he could spend lots of private time with you tonight back at his motel. That's where we're going. I already know that, so you can play with him in the pool, too."

Emily smiled, but was still pulling me by the hand. When I closed the door, she said, "What was that buzzer thing?"

"It didn't hurt you, did it, Emily?" I acted concerned.

"No, it was ... gee... making me all tingly inside."

"It's partly because of the people watching you and the cameras, but the buzzy things are fun for girls. Would you like me to bring one to the motel tonight? Your Mommy says we can have as much private time as we want."

"I want to play in the pool, too, but yes, please bring one. I would like you to show me more. It sounded like some of the other girls really liked it, but then they stopped. Why did they want to stop all of a sudden?"

"I'll teach you more about that tonight, Emily. Let's go get ready for your last act. You're still doing great. I know you'll get an offer to do a full spread! And I'll come back here with you and the state inspector and your Mommy and my photo studio producer after the show for your official inspection and part one of your audition. You're doing great. Does all this give you tingles?"

"Yes! Gee."

Act Four Trading Panties And Kissing

The girls were in pairs again - this time trading panties with each other, along with lots of kissing and feeling each other. They walked around in the new panties that were still wet from the previous girl. The girls took their time before putting the other girl's panties on - giving the audience plenty of time to get nude shots of them. The girls kept walking, dancing, trading panties, kissing each other, giving playful pats on each other's bottoms, and having almost as much fun as the audience.

Announcer: Fifteen minutes later - "Well, that's all for today's Beauty Pageant. Didn't the girls do a great job? And can't you smell the excitement?" Lots of applause!

Tasting The State Inspector

Emily had on panties again - wet with the excitement from several other girls mixed with her own. Emily, her Mommy, and I went back to the inspection room. Larry, our producer congratulated me on helping Emily do such a great job, as he adjusted the cameras. He introduced the state inspector to Emily's Mommy, then she sat in a chair facing the wall. "Don't turn around." Larry said. "As soon as the state inspector finishes checking your daughter, he'll sign off on her as a model. And I'm offering you a full spread with my company."

"Oh, goodness. Thank you, Larry." She said.

They could hear the happy commotion out in the main dressing room as the fingering of Emily commenced. Emily wanted me to lubricate her bottom, which I did. It was even tighter, if that's possible, than her vagina. Emily tried not to make noises with her Mommy right there beside us, but she couldn't help it. Each time my finger - or Larry's, or the state inspector's - pushed in her anus or vagina, she said, "Unnnn, ohhhh."

Larry told Emily's Mommy that they were almost done and that the state inspector was signing off. "I want to finger her a few more times. She is so tight."

"That's fine, Larry. Whatever you need to do. And thank you for assigning Phil to help us. He did great. I don't think Emily would have done the contest without his help." She was talking in such a businesslike, friendly tone while her daughter kept moaning with each full stroke. "I think she will enjoy modeling."

"I'm sure she'll be very popular. Don't make any private arrangements. All appointments will go through my studio. After her DVDs get out in a few weeks, and in our magazines a month or so after that, your income will jump. Don't jeopardize that by making private arrangements. Everything will have to be done in our state. I'll set up appointments for you. I'll give Phil a toy kit for tonight, to help Emily loosen up a little bit. I'm sure she will enjoy it. Phil is a good tutor."

Emily was still moaning with each stroke up her anus or vagina. Phil and Larry were taking turns, as Larry and Emily's Mommy kept talking.

Then we wiped off her anus and I led Emily's Mommy out to join the reception while the state inspector checked Emily's sucking skills. All the girls, mostly naked, were meeting and kissing new photography students. The parents, cameramen, and everyone else seemed happy about such a good show.

Emily and the state inspector came out of the examination room about ten minutes later. Emily was drinking a soft drink, so I knew the state inspector had cum in her mouth. I noticed a little streak of it in Emily's hair next to her left ear, but didn't comment on it. Neither did anyone else.

Several new photography students wanted to feel Emily all over. She was wearing panties again, but pulled them down to let them. One of the men asked Emily's Mommy if he could finger her daughter.

"Both holes might be kind of sore right now. She just got inspected, and she's never had adult fingers in her until today. Maybe tomorrow at the motel. Talk to Larry about a private session with her, and then it would be OK with me. Just go easy on her."

I went back out in the mall area. There were still people - men, women, and a few kids, milling around. I noticed several people leafing through the magazines, especially the teenage boys. I heard one little girl, about eight or nine, say, "Mommy, I want to be a model. Can I be in a contest like that? Please?"

"We'll see. I just wanted you to see what would be involved, and since you're interested, I'll see if we can line up an inspection and audition for you." The mommy was smiling. I figured that had been her plan all along.

After helping with the props, I checked on Emily again. A different man was feeling her, and I could tell she was enjoying the titty play - arching her back; pushing her arms and shoulders back - to point them up towards him. Her smiling Mommy was standing right beside them, reminding him not to pinch too hard. I picked up the box of toys that Ms. Vicky had gathered for me, and headed back to the motel, looking forward to a fun evening.

The End

As always, please post any comments, or email me.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Great!! I loved it, and I hope there's a second.


I love stories about pageants and exhibitionnism, and this one is very exciting ! I like also the 'fun' atmosphere : the girls seem to enjoy the show (even if there is a spanking).


fabulous , love the pageant stories and the flashing of pussies




Great story. Nice when the little girls enjoy the experience as much as the men

The reviewing period for this story has ended.