Published: 6-Jul-2012
Word Count:
"That's right, Gloria," Larry said to the woman and her somewhat chubby, blushing, nine year old daughter with reddish-brown hair, who kept tugging down on her very short skirt. They were standing beside him at the mall watching some of Larry's official models prance and turn in their skimpy, thong bikinis. "Occasionally I give private auditions when we're on a promo tour like this... Or you could enter her in our next amateur contest in two weeks."
Larry watched as his models marched down the runway in bikinis. He said to Gloria, "Or, maybe we could interview you and your daughter separately, and then - if I'm interested and if you and your daughter are both agreeable to her doing nude modeling and role-playing, then I'll give her an audition later today. You and your daughter could even watch us shoot a few of our "hotel scene" video productions tonight. Even if she's not chosen, she could also be in one of our 'Amateur Stripping Contests.' The videos we'll be shooting back at the hotel will star a few of our little girls and all those videos will get to full, wide-open nudity. You can watch these recording sessions only after the interview, an examination, and signing papers. A state inspector is traveling with us, so if you and your daughter sign our contract, we could do video auditions of your daughter tonight and in the morning. If she completes her four sample videos and follows directions, then we might schedule her in additional videos later, and maybe even for tours like this." He looked towards the almost-naked little girls strutting in front of the crowd. Are you a resident of this state?"
"No, but I brought our paperwork. I've been to your website and I've read your ads. We drove all the way over here, almost six hours, so Amanda could see some of your models. I know she would like to model for you."
"Did you watch any of our complete videos on my website that show spread-open pussies, or just previews?"
"Just previews. We can't afford to buy the videos or I would have. She wanted to watch them."
"So you and your daughter both watched some of our previews?" Larry looked down at Amanda, who nodded and looked away. "And Amanda would pull her panties down in front of the cameras? Look at me, Amanda. Will you pull down your panties and show your pussy to me and to the cameras and the photography assistants?"
"Yes, Sir." Then she blushed and looked away again; staring at the girl walking down the short runway in a bikini.
"Yes, Mr. Larry, we watched several clips together and then I went downstairs to make dinner and let her pick the preview clips she wanted to watch. I had registered as a guest over eighteen so we could watch the free previews, and then I let her keep watching." She looked over at her daughter, who had walked over to the rope that was strung a foot away from the runway, as his smiling models walked and turned in front of everyone. They could both tell that her daughter liked watching the other girls walk around in those thong bikinis - each sporting an obvious camel toe. Grown-ups had to pay a twenty dollar cover charge, except for adults who had a young boy or girl with them. They got free entry as long as the child was over seven. Kids under seven were not admitted, but since there was no way to prove age, Larry suspected that some of the kids in the audience were under eight and their mothers were putting the modeling idea in their heads. He looked over Amanda a gain, and figured the slightly chubby girl could be anywhere from nine to eleven.
Gloria lowered her voice and continued, "I could tell Amanda really liked watching the video clips. I let her watch for almost a full hour before I called her down for dinner. I'm positive she enjoyed watching those clips."
"Are you sure she enjoyed watching them? Or maybe she was upset?"
Gloria smiled like a successful conspirator, "I looked at her panties in the laundry that night. Loaded with her creamy excitement. My daughter gets exceptionally wet when she's excited, just like me. Really creamy wet, so that's how I know she liked watching your videos. I could have easily scraped off a heaping tablespoon full of her white, creamy excitement. I've never commented on it to Amanda because I don't want her to feel self-conscious about something so natural. I told Amanda that the mothers have to be in the studio during the audition, but they usually wait behind a screen and listen to music. Then she told me she would love to be one of your models. Amanda will be ten next month. Just starting to get a figure. 'Almost ripe,' as you say in your ads."
Larry wondered if the slightly chubby girl was getting a figure or if it was just extra weight. He said, "I'm very busy right now, Gloria. It's Friday and it will be a long weekend." Larry didn't want her to know how intrigued he was by her daughter's "fountain of youth," but he couldn't keep from imagining the joy of masturbating such a gooey wet, virgin pussy, even though she wasn't the usual slim beauty. He said, "I could set up an appointment for you at ten - either tonight or tomorrow morning, at our motel. It's about twenty miles from here. You could stay there. You could swim between your interviews and Amanda's audition videos. I'll be busy with other appointments. If your daughter would become one of our models, then you two would be invited on tour with us occasionally, or, after she is approved by the state inspector, she could come with us by herself. There are only three other mothers with us on this tour with ten girls and three boys. We'll take the models home on Sunday afternoon. You and your daughter could stay in our motel with us tonight and tomorrow night. The girls have fun together, and play in the pool between shows and video productions. There are lots of helpful photography students, all adults, who stay with us and play with the girls in the pool. Do you think your daughter would play with the other girls and with the men?"
"She would love it, but we can't afford a motel. I had to scrape up money to get gas to drive over here. I've been out of work for a while."
Larry looked at her. "If you sign the contract now, and let us do a quick examination and interview with the state inspector, then you could stay at the motel with us. No charge. The whole motel and pool is reserved by my company for models and their mothers, photography students, and other approved guests. All meals are buffet style and would be free for you and your daughter. You would have your own room. We would take you to other rooms to watch videos being recorded, and we could shoot her audition videos there. If you're really interested in letting your daughter do nude modeling and acting, then bring her to the dressing room in twenty minutes." Larry pointed to the dressing room door, and then walked over to another man who was directing the models on stage. He had other assistants back in the big dressing room getting the other models ready for the next show which would start in five minutes."
Larry scanned the scene again. It looked like a hundred and fifty or so men - ages 14 to seventy, and a dozen young mothers with their preteen daughters on display - short skirts, see-through blouses - some in high heels and thigh-high, lacy hose - all wanting interviews and to arrange auditions. Flashes told him that many of the onlookers were taking pictures. "What a heavenly job." He said to Joe, his key assistant. They both looked over the amateur girls and their mothers in the audience.
Joe said, "Watch how the mothers stay close to their daughters with all the perverts in the audience, and yet they want their daughters to strip and open their legs so those same men can get a close look at their preteen angels." He laughed. The little girls were watching the models on the stage, and the mothers were watching Larry and Joe - the decision makers.
Larry said, "We could interview all of them - and the mothers would even tell their daughters things like, 'Take off your panties for them, Honey. Open your legs as wide as you can. Do everything they tell you. It's OK if they finger you, Honey. Hold still for him. Show him how limber you are. Pull your bottom wide open like he asked you. It's OK.' I've actually heard mothers say that. God, I love this job."
"Pay's good, too." Joe said. He nodded towards the men standing behind the ropes. I bet each of those men will buy at least a few videos today, at a hundred bucks a crack." That was one of their inside jokes: 'a hundred bucks a crack,' which was an apt description of their videos - featuring 10 or so videos of one girl, with another half hour or so of previews of their other models.
"Yes, and I bet a few of them will sign up for my very expensive photography classes just so they can feel and finger those little girls."
Another bold mother approached Larry, pulling her cute daughter by the hand. Before she could say anything, he said, "I'll be back in a few minutes, Joe." Then he looked at the young mother. "Do you want to schedule an audition for your daughter?" He tilted his head towards the cute, little girl with white ribbons in her curly, blond hair. She looked eight, maybe nine, in a ruffled, very short skirt and lacy, ankle socks, wearing black pumps with two inch heels. The skirt barely covered her panties making her slim legs look even longer.
"Yes. She would love to do an audition for you." The mother smiled.
"Go see that woman over there at the guest table. Tell her Larry said to schedule an appointment for... what's your daughter's name?"
"Lauren." The woman said with a smile. She turned her daughter around for Larry with her hand on the girl's shoulder. "She wants to model for you. She's almost nine."
"Go see Ms. Ginny, and she'll schedule an audition in a week or two. She'll have you both sign an agreement, and then give Lauren a pussy toy since she looks so young. She might have a few of our photography students watch and get video clips while she teaches your daughter how to use the tiny vibrator. It will help us determine if she is comfortable pulling her panties down in front of strangers and cameras."
"Thank you, Sir." She smiled and bowed her head - almost as if to royalty. "I know she will do that for you."
"Tell Ms. Ginny to give Lauren a #1 size dildo, which is not much bigger around than a pencil, but she needs to open her vagina; loosen it a little, because she will get fingered as part of the examination. She must be able to accept my finger all the way up her vagina." He extended his forefinger to let both mother and daughter look at it. "If she practices, then it won't hurt." Larry smiled and looked down at Lauren, who was still staring at his outstretched finger. "In fact, Lauren, it will feel very good once you're used to it." He looked back at Lauren's Mommy, "Ms. Ginny will give her the plastic probe and a small tube of lubricant. She'll explain to your daughter how to use it. Or, if she's not too busy, she might take you and Lauren in the dressing room and demonstrate on Lauren in front of a camera and a couple photography students. Then you would get a small check today. Her demonstration would show you both how to use it, so Lauren could practice at home. You could even help her if she's comfortable with that."
Larry looked back down at Lauren, blushing brightly, "Go see Ms. Ginny, Lauren, and sign the papers. She'll give you a little, plastic dildo which you can insert into your vagina on your own. A dildo is like a toy for your pussy; a kind of vibrator, shaped like a long, skinny penis. It will vibrate a little bit if you twist the bottom so it will slide in your pussy easier. Use lots of lubricant so it's real slippery, or you might be slippery enough without adding any lubricant. Ms. Ginny will show you how to test your wetness with your finger. Just imagine undressing and taking off your panties in front of me and another helper or two. Imagine us watching you insert it in your pussy in front of our cameras. Imagination will help it get wet and slippery. If something is embarrassing to you, it makes your pussy tingle even more and get wet and slippery. As a model you would often have to pull down your panties in front of people. Would you like your Mommy to help you- or your Mommy could even do it for you - or would you rather practice on your own?"
"On my own." She blushed even brighter, and looked away from Larry. The discomfited girl was unable to stand still.
"I'll remind her to practice every day." Lauren's Mommy said. "And thank you, Sir." She took Lauren by the hand and walked over to Ms. Ginny. Ms. Ginny looked at Larry. He nodded and winked at Ginny - telling her to do a quick interview and demonstration on the cute, little girl with Mommy nearby. There were several photography students at the desk to sell videos and make arrangements, so it would be easy for Ginny to take Lauren and her eager Mommy into one of the private alcoves in the dressing room. He suspected that Mommy would wait outside in the main dressing room, even as photography students went into the alcove to watch and help with the training session video.
Larry wouldn't have talked like that ordinarily, but the mother seemed so pushy; and her daughter so reluctant, that he felt like rubbing her face in it - that he and others would be fingering her daughter in front of cameras, while she listened a few feet away facing the wall, reminding her daughter to "Pull it open for them." Or "Bend over as far as you can." And things like that. Larry loved doing auditions while the Mommy listened.
He met Gloria and Amanda by the dressing room door. He let them walk in first. The sight of five naked, preteen girls in front of the bright lights - getting their hair and make-up touched up with the help of several adult women, made both mother and daughter stop and stare. Larry said, "You'll get used to it on tour. Saves time to have one big changing room."
Larry noticed that Amanda was staring at Tommy's half-mast erection, and motioned for Tommy to come over to meet them. Tommy was one of his stars, and could cum four or five times a day if there were lots of videos to get through. Sure enough, by the time Tommy got to them it was full hard, and almost four inches long; curving upwards - the stiff, cantilevered penis bounced with each step. Tommy had only a little bit of trimmed pubic hair above his erection. His balls were bald. Larry introduced him to Amanda and Gloria. Both of them were staring at his erection. "Tommy, they can't touch it yet, but maybe later, after an examination and getting our papers signed. Would you like to play with Tommy's cock, Amanda? If you become one of our models, then you could play with it and make a little video back at the hotel. How about you, Tommy? Would you let Amanda play with it?"
"Yes. That would be fun. It got really hard, Larry, when I saw Amanda walk in with you." He was looking her over... not a beauty, but there was some kind of sexual hunger in little Amanda - just like her Mommy. Tommy reached down and pulled his penis to one side with a finger, and let go. It flipped back - aiming straight at Amanda. "It likes you." He laughed. "Maybe you can play with it in the pool." He flipped it to the side again - and it sprang right back - pointing at Amanda.
Ms. Ginny walked past them, leading Lauren, the eight year old, by the hand to one of the alcoves. Ms. Ginny had several papers in one hand, and motioned for the Mother to have a seat right outside one of the alcoves at the end of the dressing room. One of the photography students went in with her, and Ms. Ginny pulled a curtain half way across the alcove entrance. Leaving the curtain half-way open was Ms. Ginny's invitation for photography students to stop in to watch her examine a new girl, while the Mother sat outside the curtain, just a few feet from the low 'exam table' inside, listening as best she could to what was going on inside.
Larry noticed the curtain, but kept on walking through the big room, between two rows of mirrored make-up tables. He led them around past a partition and through a door. The state inspector had a finger pressed all the way in a young girl's pussy. The naked eleven year old girl was lying on her back on a sturdy coffee table that was covered with towels. She had one foot on the floor on either side of the table and her head was on a pillow so she could watch what the state inspector was doing. The girl's mother was sitting in a chair just a few feet away, facing the wall. "Don't turn around, Ms. Thompson." The inspector said. "It's just Larry."
"So how is Tina working out?" Larry asked. He put a finger to his lips to tell Amanda and Gloria to remain quiet and just watch.
The state inspector said, "Tina has a very tight vagina. They signed the papers, Larry, and Ms. Ginny already scheduled an audition. I was just getting ready to test her anus."
"Well, go ahead. I'll put my finger in, too so we can finish her examination. Then you can sign off on Tina."
"Stand up now, Tina, so I can put you in a different position to examine your anus. You're almost done, and you're a very pretty girl. And your Mother is doing a good job of facing the wall."
Tina stood up and faced them. She started to cover herself with her hands as she looked at Amanda and her mother, but then put them down at her sides. She was blushing brightly; her tiny, pink nipples were stiff.
"Very good, Tina. You know you'll have to get used to letting people and cameras see you naked. And you know other people will be fingering you?"
"I know." She put her feet apart.
"You'll be a good model for them, Tina. As state inspector, I just have one more quick examination and then I can sign off on your qualification papers. Then your Mother can leave us alone for a little while, while Larry and I get a few more pictures and masturbate you. OK?"
She smiled. "Really? I'll get to be a model?"
"Yes." Larry said. "I'm glad you'll be working for me. Hold still." He reached out and felt each breast - squeezing and massaging it; showing each small breast to Amanda and her mother.
Her puffy nipples were very sensitive. "Ohhh."
"Does that feel good to you, Tina?"
She was looking in Amanda's face. "Yes, that feels good, Mr. Larry."
Larry motioned for Amanda and her Mother to each feel Tina's small breasts, which they did. Tina smiled at them when they were finished, but didn't say anything to give their presence away to her Mommy. Tina was catching on quickly.
Larry said, "Get her in position and get her lubricated. Then you can sign her papers and her Mother can go back out in the mall for a while and we'll masturbate Tina in front of the cameras so she will be officially one of our models. Would you like that, Tina?"
Tina was smiling and blushing, but looked uncertain. "What is 'massabate?'"
Her mother, still facing the wall, said, "It's OK, Tina. You'll like it. Let them do it."
When Tina was on her hands and knees on the sturdy coffee table, Larry put a milk crate with a slim, firm pillow on it, under Tina's head and shoulders. The state inspector said, "Rest your head and shoulders on the pillow and reach back with both hands and pull your ass open for me so I can lubricate you."
"Wider." Larry said. "That's better. Now I can see pink." He let Amanda and her Mother get a closer look, too. Then he said, "Keep pulling it wide open like that while we get you lubricated. I'll get a close-up video clip for your first full video feature."
Tina was trying to be quiet, but couldn't keep from saying, "Unnnnn," each time a finger pushed in her anus.
Larry and the state inspector were taking turns. Finally the state inspector said, "Very good, Tina, and also very tight, like your pussy. Both of her holes are very tight, Mrs. Thompson. That will make for better videos. Your daughter will be as pretty as you."
"Thank you." Mrs. Thompson said.
"Two very tight holes." Larry said, "Just what we like in our models. She'll be popular at our private parties, too."
"And I get paid when she goes to the private parties, too?" She asked, still facing the wall while Larry and the state inspector kept fingering her daughter.
"Yes, because to keep things legal, we do at least a little bit of nude video recording at every private party, too. There are a variety of customers and models at these parties, so the videos are always fun. The clips would go onto Tina's video collection video so that she will have enough clips to release her own DVDs. The party clips would usually feature her in specialty outfits, playing with other girls and boys, or getting a taste of different adults. Before we release a new DVD we like to have video clips of the model tasting at least five girls and a few boys, and maybe ten different men. Then those DVDs often become best sellers, especially if she at least swallows some of it. She might also get mild spankings - front and back, and play other games. Usually we only let a new girl taste two or three men at the most during a party, so she would need to attend several parties, and have a couple of in-studio video recording sessions, before there is enough vi
deo for her own DVD release. But please don't think it's all sucking or spanking at these parties. The girls have lots of fun acting silly and dancing in crazy outfits. And they like kissing each other, even between the legs. The girls love the parties. So, in order to get enough video to release her own DVD sooneer, is it OK for me to schedule Tina to attend some of our parties?"
"Oh, yes. Please invite her to your parties."
Larry was happy to hear this because new girls were always a hit, and the parties persuaded new people to sign for his photography school.
Amanda and her mother were watching closely, both finding it difficult to stand still while watching the two men finger Tina. The state inspector said, "She's getting a little fuzzy. You will probably put her in some 'fuzzy-wuzzy' videos, won't you, Larry? And then in a few months put her in a wax-treatment and masturbation video."
Larry said, "Yes, some 'fuzzy-wuzzy videos' and then, after we make the Brazilian wax treatment video, she'll be able to keep modeling and hostessing our photography recruiting parties for several more years, Mrs. Thompson. Otherwise we'll have to stop using her within a year."
"You can wax her, Mr. Larry. We even talked about it. She knows it will hurt a little bit. She's only allowed to shave her lower legs. I told her not to shave her feminine area or her armpits until you tell her it's OK. Didn't you say some men like to see a little fuzz in the girl's armpits?"
Larry said, "Yes, we'll take care of that when the time comes. Don't turn around yet. The state inspector is signing off on your daughter's modeling papers and I'm still fingering her very tight anus. I have to press hard to squeeze my finger in. It's great. I want to give it a few more, slow, full strokes. OK, Ms. Thompson?"
"Yes, sir, as many strokes as you want. And thank you for taking the time to examine her personally, Mr. Larry. I know you're busy, and we'll do whatever you need so Tina can model and help at your photographer recruiting parties."
Tina was still moaning with each stroke. "This doesn't hurt, does it, Tina?"
"Unnn. No. Unnn. Feels so big. Unnn."
"And for the videos or small audiences, you'll let other girls or adults do this and let them suck and feel your breasts; and lick your clitty, won't you, Tina?"
"Yes, she will." Tina's Mother answered for her.
"I was talking with your daughter, Ms. Thompson. Things are going fine. Just be patient. You'll get a nice sign-up check today. So, Tina, you will let other people finger your pussy and your anus, and lick your pussy, and suck on your breasts at the parties and for the cameras, won't you?"
"Unnnn, yes. I will. Unnnn."
"Good girl." Larry said. "You are now one of our official models."
The state inspector wiped his hands on a wet, soapy towel. Larry whispered a few words in the state inspector's ear. He signed a paper, and indicated with his eyes for Amanda and Gloria to leave with him. He led them to the doorway at the front of the big dressing room. The little models who had been wearing the thong swimsuits were now back in the dressing room, removing their swimming suits and laughing and talking with each other about the audience. Two of the girls were joking about an older man with his hand in his pants pocket. "You could tell he was wacking it, couldn't you?"
"He sure was." Chimed in another little model.
One of the models who was pulling down her bottoms, hopped over to meet Amanda and her Mother, as they stood talking with the state inspector. She said, "Hi. Do you want to be a model, too?"
Amanda said, "Yes."
"It's lots of fun. Maybe we can be in a video together sometime. We would get to kiss each other. I'm Gwen."
"I hope they pick me so I can be a model. I would like to make videos with you. My name is Amanda. We might go to the hotel tonight."
While the two girls were talking, Tina's mother came out of the back room and stopped by the state inspector. She looked at Amanda and Gloria, and also Gwen who was now naked. Ms. Thompson smiled as she said, "My daughter just got selected to be one of the models."
The state inspector said, "And you did good, too, Ms. Thompson. I'll walk out with you to see Ms. Ginny at the desk so you can get your first envelope. First of many, I bet. And Larry didn't tell you this, but there are ways she can earn bonus checks for you."
"That would be such a help."
"You have a very cute little girl, Ms. Thompson, and there will be about fifty men at the motel, and only 15 girls, so I'm sure she could earn some bonus checks tonight."
"Thank you. This will help so much. I would like to personally thank you." She said. Gloria knew how Tina's Mother would probably thank him.
"I'll be ready." He said. "Oh, and it's a good sign that Larry wanted to personally masturbate your daughter."
"Thank you again for taking the time to personally examine her. We'll see you back at the motel. Thank you for inviting us to stay there."
Tina's Mother looked at Gloria. "It's OK. Don't be nervous about the interview and the examination. I was in the room the whole time and heard everything despite the commotion out here. They didn't hurt my daughter. In fact, I think she enjoyed being examined. Are you two coming to the motel tonight? I heard the girls talking about how much fun it is to swim and play together, especially with the photography students there to give them shoulder rides and play games." Ms. Thompson laughed, "And maybe other things, too!"
"It is fun," said the Gwen, who was now naked. "I like letting them put lotion on me. It's fun playing in the pool and making videos. And you don't have to swallow it."
The state inspector laughed. "OK. That's enough, Gwen. Better go get ready for the next show. I have to take Tina's Mommy over to the front desk for her first check and then go back to the exam room to help masturbate Tina for her first video, so we're busy, too."
The girl smiled. "This is fun!" She skipped over to a dressing table and sat in front of the big mirror. A woman kissed Gwen on top of her head and started brushing her blond hair.
The state inspector took Mrs. Thompson to the registration and told one of the assistants there to give her a basic check while she watched the other models on stage. "Her daughter will be finished soon, and they will be going to the motel tonight, so give her a map, too."
He headed back to finish up with Tina, but took Amanda and her Mommy into Ms. Ginny's alcove which still had the curtain half-open with the Mother sitting right outside. Ms. Ginny told him that Amanda was already able to accept fingers in her vagina. Several men nodded and commented on how tight but slippery it was. The state inspector let Amanda and her Mommy watch different men fingering Lauren for a couple minutes while he stepped out to give Lauren's Mommy the good news - that they would probably be able to sign off on Lauren's paperwork and hire her as a model and invite them to the motel. She was happy to hear that and told him to go ahead with the examination.
When he went back in Ms. Ginny's little area, he saw Amanda fingering the other girl's vagina. The two girls smiled at each other. Amanda introduced herself and told Lauren that she was going to get inspected in a little bit.
Lauren was lying back on the low, towel-covered table with her dress on, but panties off. She had one leg on either side of the table and was holding her ruffled dress up on her chest so everyone could see and examine her pussy. She said, "The fingers felt so big, especially at first, and it's embarrassing with the different men coming in to watch and take a turn. But Ms. Ginny says I'm doing great and might get to make my own DVD pretty soon. Are you going to be a model, too? Unnnn." A new man slid his finger in Lauren's pussy while she was talking.
"I hope so." Amanda said, as the state inspector led her out of Ms. Ginny's alcove.
The state inspector led Amanda and her Mother back towards the main examination room. "Would you two mind helping us masturbate Tina, to officially welcome her into our club of little models?"
"What will we do?" Amanda asked
"You'll see." Said the state inspector. We like to have strangers involved with a new model's first official pleasure session. If you're selected, and I think you will be, or Larry wouldn't have brought you into the examination room, then, after your own examination, and I sign off on your papers, we'll bring a few photographers in to help us masturbate you, Amanda. It's one of the extra benefits of starting your modeling career while we're on tour. Lots of new people for you to meet and play with. Have you ever been masturbated by four or five experienced adults before?"
"No. Gee."
They walked back to the examination room. The state inspector put his hand on Gloria's elbow to hold her back. "Go on in, Amanda. I need to talk with your Mommy for a minute. Larry will tell you what to do."
Amanda went back into the examination room.
The state inspector said, "You're quite attractive, too, Gloria. You could be a big help at the motel tonight, and you would get extra compensation, besides the fees your daughter earns. Some of the men... well, the photography students... well, they get so worked up, and... well, as you know, they are not allowed to actually have sex with the models. Their cocks are just too big. But maybe you could let them... well..."
"I understand." Gloria smiled. "Yes, I'd be glad to help. I'm sure they will need to relieve their pent-up stress."
He nodded. "Great. There might be five to ten men who need help relieving tension. We often let a little girl watch, especially if she is getting close to thirteen, so she'll know what to expect. And, with the men, some of them like showing off to a little, naked girl. Goes faster for you if he's watching an 'almost ripe' little girl staring at his big cock."
"Fine. Whatever I can do."
"Larry has hired several of the mothers as assistants. They do other things besides helping some of the photography students or state legislators. He has some of the mothers help with sterilizing the vibrators, dildos, and butt plugs; washing the delicate laundry; helping the little girls with their hair or make-up, and if you sew, to help alter some of the costumes. Maybe even help masturbate some of the models - girls or boys. We often masturbate our boys and girls with a finger in the back and either a vibrator or a slippery hand in front. It's safe, supervised, and all legal, and you remain anonymous. Pay would be great. Includes health insurance and examinations for you and your daughter. We even work with an orthodontist who could do Amanda's teeth once her adult teeth are fully in. Sometimes you would have to let a boy or girl practice things on you - like rehearsal for their upcoming videos. With the boys it would be anal sex so they learn how to do it, and it's good for them to practice on an ass that's... well, not so tight. We would make sure you were well lubricated, of course. Think you'd be interested?"
"Yes. Whatever I can do to help." Gloria smiled.
"Good. I'll talk with Larry when you're done. And tonight, maybe you could help me. Go on in now to help masturbate Tina. Then I'll be in shortly so we can examine your daughter. Will you wait in the room as required, but keep facing the wall?"
"Yes. I'll face the wall, and yes, I'll help you tonight. Gladly." She smiled and went into the room to help masturbate, Tina. Tina had a wonderful, noisy orgasm in front of the cameras - with Amanda's mouth on her clitty. Gloria's finger was up Tina's ass.
Twenty minutes later, after signing the contract, Gloria sat facing the wall, after watching her daughter undress completely for the state inspector and Larry. She heard Larry say, "Ah, as I hoped - we won't need to add lubricant."
"No. And I love her full, plump lips. She has to spread really wide before you can even see her clitty and inner labia. I like her titties, too. Soft but firm, with tiny, pink, puffy nipples. Our members will love her juicy pussy. Do you want to go first?"
Larry said, "Yes, I want to go first. Love a really juicy one."
Gloria heard her daughter say, "Unnnnnnn." And she knew that Larry's finger was pushing in.
Larry said, "Press in above her clitty and pull her lips open wider. I want to see that little, pink button. That's it. Thanks. I knew it would be stiffening up. Let me keep fingering her another minute or so, then you can take a turn. Very tight, but so slippery. I know my photography students will love stimulating her."
"Gloria, don't turn around yet, but..." Larry said. "As part of our promotional tours, we might bring both of you along, and I need to know if it would be OK with you for me to let select photography students or other important customers do this with your daughter."
"Yes, Sir. Just don't ... you know... hurt her."
"It would only be fingers. Only fingers and tongues going in her. And lots of kissing and feeling all over. Some sucking on her breasts or clitty."
"That would be OK. I mean just fingers or tongues going in her." Gloria said. "She'll have to get used to that anyway if she's going to keep modeling for you."
"And, Amanda..." Larry said, "I'm expecting you to help me with the other little models - to finger them or kiss them as directed, like you did with Tina. You did great fingering her anus. Will you help me?"
"Unnnn, yes."
She kept making little moans for the state inspector's finger each time it went in her vagina. And then in her anus. Same moans.
They helped Amanda stand up. "We'll give you your treat in just a moment, Amanda." Larry said. "The state inspector has to sign off on your forms, and then he'll take your Mommy back out in the mall. He'll get a few photography students to come in to help me give you your little treat for being one of our new models. Just stand here to greet them when they come in. They will be fingering you in front and in back, and they will all want to feel your titties." Then the state inspector took Gloria out into the mall area.
Out in the mall, just twenty feet from the runway which was still surrounded by adults, mostly men, and mothers and daughters - all watching as three models changed panties and training bras on stage - taking their time to give everyone a good look at them while they were naked, turning around, before putting on the next pair of panties. The girls even traded panties with each other - all trying on the same pair, then modeling it for the audience while the other two naked girls watched. Audiences seemed to enjoy these 'trading parties.'
Gloria heard a cute little girl in the audience telling her mommy that she wanted to be a model. Gloria was almost overcome by the urge to grab her own crotch.
The state inspector had Joe find three men to meet Amanda's Mom and then go in to help finger and masturbate Amanda. Gloria thanked each man for helping with her daughter's modeling career.
Twenty five minutes later, Larry came out of the dressing room, still wiping his hands on a towel. He said, "Your daughter passed with flying colors. Very tight holes. Nice, noisy orgasm. She's resting now, but we'll get her dressed again shortly. Some of the photography students who didn't get a chance to help masturbate her, will want to look at her while she is resting. She certainly does get creamy wet, like you said. I got a spoonfull of her delicious flavor right out of your daughter's vagina with my tongue. I'm glad that modeling excites her like you suspected. We'll do more audition videos at the motel tonight and tomorrow. You might get to go on tour with us in six weeks. See Ms. Ginny for your first check, and directions to the motel. And I heard that you and Amanda got to watch a little of Lauren's examination."
Gloria looked at Larry. "You didn't hurt her, did you"
"No. She loved it. A very hot beginning for her first video series. You saw her do the first part - introducing herself and talking while she undressed in front of the cameras. You could tell she enjoyed taking off those cute panties in front of the cameras."
"Those were her new panties. I got them for this trip."
"They are very pretty panties. Then I had you face the wall and gave her a few more directions on how to position herself and open her pussy for the cameras. The state inspector's hand and my hand were both in that video clip as we felt her all over, even pulling her plump ass or pussy lips open. We both fingered her pussy and her anus while you were sitting just two feet away. She was already gooey wet. Then the inspector signed off and took you back out into the mall while I masturbated her. You met the other three men that Joe sent in to help me. Well, Nick, the tallest one... remember him?"
"Yes. Seemed very polite."
"He is polite. And he loved your daughter's pale ass. I mean compared to her tan lines. Her pale titties and ass really set off her 'almost ripe' figure. So, once you were out of the room, Amanda started to relax and enjoy the attention - first with Nick's finger going all the way in her ass. The four of us men took our pants off so she could play with our cocks. She really liked that, too. We have a winner on our hands with Amanda. Anyway, then I worked the cameras while she sucked on the other three cocks - going from one to another - like a hungry, baby bird with three fat worms in front of her face. I'm sure those clips will be on her first DVD. Nick wiped off his finger and started finger fucking your daughter's tight pussy while she was on her back on the table. The other two men held her ankles so her knees were up by her chest. Nick licked her anus, moved up to lick some of her delicious excitement off his finger which was most of the way in Amanda's vagina, and then licked and sucked on her stiff, little clitty. He said Amanda's clitty was as stiff as a small penis - an inch long, with the little pink head sticking out as he pressed upwards on the top of her clitty sheath to expose it. He sucked and nibbled it. The other two men were holding an ankle and one of her breasts which I had oiled up, along with the men's cocks. Your daughter was playing with a cock in each hand while getting her clitty licked and nibbled on and her titties massaged and squeezed. She was wiggling all around and moaning; squeezing and pulling on the cocks in her hands, and that's when she had a really hard cum - Nick sucking on her clitty with a finger plunging all the way in her tight vagina. She squeezed the cocks as she came which caused both of them to shoot their cum onto her chest, while Nick shot his wad against the end of the table. What a fantastic video. The scene ended with her lying there - eyes still open and staring at the cocks - with cum streaks on her arms, chest, and tummy. She did great. That will be a best seller."
"Oh, is right. Tonight we'll get her taking a bath, and then peeing in the toilet with her knees apart, and getting felt up while playing in the swimming pool... and no telling what after dinner. I'm sure she'll earn you a nice bonus if she gets a few more cocks to squirt on her back at the motel."
"And I'll help, too. Right? I mean to help some of the men relieve tension."
"Yes, we're counting on you."
"Well, whatever we can do."
"I'm sure both you and your daughter will be very popular all weekend. Word will get around about the copious amounts of tasty excitement. Lots of people will want to suck on her stiff, little clitty. Yours, too."
"And remember young Tommy"
"Yes. Cute boy."
"Tonight we'd like to make a video of him mounting you from behind. In your anus. I'll have two men there to get you lubricated. Then they'll work the cameras. One of the women will lubricate Tommy's cock. Then with a little guidance from different hands, he'll slide his cock in your ass. This will be training for him, so tell him to slow down and push all the way in with steady, slow strokes. He's supposed to pull it out and shoot all over you. You'll get a little bonus for being in his video, even though your face won't be in it. Do you shave your pussy, Gloria?"
"Sometimes. Did it all the time when I was a dancer. It's a little fuzzy now."
"When you get to the motel, send Amanda out to the pool and then shave it as clean as you can. Makes for a better video."
"OK. No problem."
Then Larry said, "We have a special video assignment for Tommy in the morning, so he'll have to be able to do this. We'll have you lying face down with two pillows under your hips so he can almost start off doggy fashion. Keep your legs apart so my camera can get his cock pushing in your anus. Then, if he doesn't cum right away, we'll roll you over onto your back and lift your legs; put a pillow under your butt, so he can see your anus - that's his target, and we'll let him put it in you himself. If he cums in that position, then, he'll squirt on your tummy, chest and spread-open pussy. Talk to him and encourage him. You'll have to remind him to slow down and do full strokes. OK?"
"Yes. It sounds like fun."
As Gloria walked over to Ms. Ginny's table, she hoped there wasn't a big wet spot on the back of her dress from sitting so close; listening to her daughter get fingered. She was close enough to smell her daughter's excitement. Gloria could have cum in her panties if she had the privacy to touch herself. She was thinking about helping with the girls and boys, and also servicing some of the photography students. Ms. Ginny smiled and held out an envelope towards her. Ms. Ginny bent down to get the map to the motel. Gloria pressed her pussy against the corner of the small table.
Ms. Gloria, an old hand at these tours, felt the table move, so she kept shuffling through the file box to let Amanda's Mommy finish masturbating herself on the corner of her table. Ginny knew it would only take a little pressure for Gloria to get off. Besides the check, she also gave Gloria two hundred dollars in cash. "Get swimsuits and clothes for tonight. Or, I could see if one of the photography students would want to shop with you here in the mall. Pretend he's your boyfriend so he can go in the dressing rooms with you to feel how well the new clothes fit you and Amanda. Then you could keep the cash. The photography students are especially generous with our new girls."
Both Amanda and her Mother were wearing their new outfits, compliments of several different photography students. She was surprised that the sales clerks in the women's clothing stores cheerfully let the men go in the dressing rooms with a little girl and her mother. The prices seemed extremely high for average quality clothes. Gloria was looking forward to 'thanking them' later for their generosity. The afternoon snacks were great when they arrived at the motel after the pageant at the mall.
Gloria and Amanda each did a private interview with Ms. Ginny. They were not supposed to talk about the interviews with anyone, even each other. Ms. Ginny loved doing these because she got such wildly different answers from Mother and Daughter.
Ms. Ginny asked Gloria and Amanda many of the same questions and compared their answers later.
Gloria - No, my daughter has never seen a real penis before this trip when we met that boy in the dressing room.
Amanda - Yes, but I promised them I wouldn't tell anybody. Neighbor men.
G. - No, of course she's never tasted cum. How could she, if she's never even seen a live penis?
A. -Yes, a few times, but I don't like how it tastes. Both men tasted the same - Ukky.
G. - Yes, she's a virgin.
A. - Yes, I'm a virgin. Fingers don't count, right? That's what they said.
They all had fun in the pool. Three of the photography students were getting lots of video clips of little girls being tickled or felt up by a grown man's hand. She watched her own daughter laughing as three men threw her up in the air or moved her around in the water. Amanda was constantly being felt up by the men and she loved it. In shallow water, two men would squeeze a little girl between them, saying she was a 'split-tail sandwich.'
All the girls were giggling and splashing. Since the two-piece suits were always being pulled out of place, Larry finally decided the girls could take their swimming suits off - a decision applauded by everyone. Gloria then saw a man holding Amanda flat on her back with both of his arms under her bottom. Another man held her wrists and a different man held each ankle - spreading her open. The men bounced around in a big circle, calling the different giggling girls around them to bounce in between Amanda's legs and kiss her pussy three times. Everyone was laughing. The cameramen were catching it all. Then the other girls wanted a turn, so they switched. A minute later, Gloria watched as Amanda moved in and kissed a little girl's pussy that was being held several inches above the surface of the water.
Then it was back to shoulder rides, or being thrown up in the air. All fifteen giggling girls and three boys were having fun with the grown-up photography students and a few other men.
She noticed a girl with her hand down inside a man's trunks and a photographer looked like he was getting a close-up of her hand. The girl was eight, or nine at the most, and the heavyset student in the water who was holding the front of his trunks out, had to be over fifty. "It's never too late to take classes." She said to herself, remembering an ad from their community college back home.
Even the little boy models, who had removed their suits, too, were getting attention from the men. Gloria noticed that most of the men spent at least a few minutes fondling the boys who were still mostly hairless and always erect. Gloria wondered if each of the boy models also had to get his anus examined by the state inspector. She felt an electrical surge through her genitals just imagining sucking on such a small penis.
"Your daughter and her new, little girlfriend, Gwen, will be in a video tonight. She will probably sleep better." Larry laughed, "And you probably will, too, Gloria. I see you're scheduled to help several photographers and the state inspector tonight. Whenever you finish with one, just go back to the bar. The little girls will be in bed already."
"Sure. No problem."
Larry asked. "Could you and Amanda stay with us until Sunday afternoon?"
"Good. I'll have a few photography students stay here with you while we're at a different mall for a show tomorrow. There are two other new girls here besides Amanda. They will be making videos, including the girls taking baths, playing in the pool, bouncing on the beds in panties, a panty party where they keep trading, and then of course loving each other. Amanda will do a spanking scene with one of the photographers pretending to be an uncle and she will be in a school uniform at first. I might have her do a scene with one of the boys tomorrow."
Gloria nodded.
Larry continued, "After the videos she will be in tonight and tomorrow, I'll be able to get Amanda's video clips on our site and start sending them to bookstores. Sales will pick up as we start to include her highlights at the end of our other videos. And if you really want to come on more of our tours, then more photography students will want to join us and spend a little time with her - especially after seeing her suck cocks and tickle balls in her videos. The men will love how she pulls her pussy open to make her little button stick out so they could suck on her down there. And her copious excitement will also be nectar to some of the photography bees!" He laughed.
"She takes after me that way." She said. "I'll have to change panties several times each day when we're on tour with you."
"I hear you'll be letting men slide into your creamy excitement tonight. Thanks for helping that way. There might be some of our little girls watching. Are you looking forward to it?"
"Yes. Very much."
"Then come back to my room with me after dinner. I want to be the first to slide in."
"Yes, Sir! My pleasure."
At eight o'clock, while Amanda was making a panty-trading and jumping-on-the-bed video with Gwen, two friendly photography students took Gloria to a large room that was set up like a studio - lights, tripods - the whole deal. Joe talked with Gloria about how their video was sketched out. "But of course, play it by ear, too. It kind of depends on how long Tommy lasts. Your voice and most of your body will be in the video, but not your pretty face." He smiled. Glorida did look nice - still slim and only twenty-seven, and dressed up in her new outfit.
They brought Tommy in, also fully dressed. Gloria took charge and led the boy over to the bed. "Tommy, I want to teach you some things tonight. OK?"
"Yes, Gloria. They told me. We'll have fun."
She soon had him undressed and started playing with his cock and balls. It was very exciting to her, and she knew she was soaking wet already. The men moved the cameras around, which also excited her for some reason - knowing that thousands of men would see close-ups of her ass, and pussy. She led him through undressing her, and playing with her ass, tits, and pussy. Then she sucked on him for just a minute - enjoying the feel of something so small and cute in her mouth.
The men put her in position and got her lubricated while Tommy watched, with a woman putting more lubricant on his stiff cock. He knew that he was the star and that thousands of people would watch this video of his cock in action. Hands guided Tommy into position. He slid his finger in Gloria's ass several times. Then he pressed his stiff, almost-four inch cock all the way in.
"Oh, Tommy, that feels so good. Go slow. That's it. All the way in. Good boy! Ummm."
Two minutes later they flipped Gloria onto her back with one pillow under her hips and her legs up towards her head and wider apart than her shoulders. Tommy put his finger in Gloria's wet pussy. "You're really wet, Gloria."
"You get me so excited, young man. Ummm, put it in. Remember: slow at first."
He pressed his cock in her ass again and started long, slow strokes just like she was asking for.
Gloria tried not to overdo it with her moans. "Oh, Tommy. Ummmmm."
Two minutes later he pulled out and show five streams of cum up Gloria's belly - leaving a big trail from her tits down to her open pussy.
It went much faster than Gloria had expected, but she was looking forward to a long, pleasurable evening. They took Tommy back to his room and told him how great he did. They said the same things to Gloria - and explained it was part of a series for Tommy, and that she did a great job.
She went back to her room. Amanda was sound asleep.
After a buffet breakfast, Larry and most of the girls got ready to go to a different mall to put on another show. Gloria went out by the pool, while one of the photography students took Amanda to do a morning video shoot.
Tina, the other new girl at the motel, and several other girls who stayed behind, were playing in the pool already. Gloria asked Tina if she was having a good time.
"Yes. It's fun. Last night I got to make two more videos. It was fun. I learned how to do something called 'tribbing,' like when two of us girls would rub our pussies together. That was fun, and I could tell the men liked watching us do that."
"That sounds like fun, Tina."
"It was. I got to practice with three different girls. And then I got to play with some men things. They cheered for me and asked how I liked my first taste. I told them it was yukky, and that I accidentally swallowed some of it. They told me I did great and let me suck on two more of them for the video. All three of them squirted on me, and got some in my mouth each time. It was funny. I coughed on the last one, because it like squirted in the back of my mouth. They said that people would like my video of doing that with three men, and it would help me get more private photography sessions! This is fun, but I'm getting cold so I'll jump back in the pool. I'm allowed to talk about things here at the motel, but Mommy says I can't talk about these things at home."
"Good idea, Tina. Go ahead and jump in the pool, but where are Tommy and the other two boys? They didn't go with the girls to the show at the mall today."
"It's at a different mall today, Larry said. So they weren't going to take the boys to this show. They are all making a video now with the other new girl, but the boys will come out to the pool when they are done."
Joe had stayed back to direct the video and would be driving over to the other mall later. He had Amanda and the three boys introduce themselves while dressed - name, age, grade. Then he had Amanda undress the boys and play with their cocks. It was obvious that she enjoyed it - three at once. They undressed her and kissed and licked her all over. She loved that, too, getting visibly wet quickly.
Then Joe got her in position with her ass up over two pillows. The boys lubricated her ass and played with her tities. Then Tommy slid his small erection into Amanda's tight ass. He said, "Gee, hers is so much tighter than her Mommy's. He started pumping faster while the two cameramen moved their cameras around - to get close-ups from different angles as Tommy's cock kept going in and out of Amanda's ass. Amanda was moaning with pleasure, while the other two boys played with her titties, waiting their turn.
"Oops. It went in the front. It was an accident, Joe. It feels good though. Should I take it out and put it back in the back?"
"In a minute," Joe said. "Let us get some close-ups first. I mean, since it was an accident."
A minute later, Tommy had it back in the rear entrance again - going faster. They stopped to put Amanda on her back. Joe asked her if it felt good what Tommy was doing to her.
"Yes, gee. It feels good in the back and in the front." Joe knew that would be a quote to put in her biography.
Tommy came and squirted his cum clear up to her chin. Her ankles were held up near her chest by the other two boys. They left Tommy cum on Amanda's tummy, and each of the other two boys took a turn. Since Tommy did it, they both did it, too... after fucking her ass for a minute they accidentaly put their cocks in her vagina. The 12 year od said, "Both holes are pretty tight. She is so wet and slippery in front - so it feels like she was lubricated." He was talking while fucking her.
Joe asked Amanda if it hurt. "Oh, no. Ummmm, it doesn't ummmm... hurt."
The second boy shot his cum on Amanda's tummy, and then the third did the same thing - spending a little time in each hole.
They had Amanda like there with three loads of cum sprayed up on her tummy and chest. The boys dressed and left while she remained on her back. They carefully straightened out her legs but with the pillow still under her bottom to raise her pussy higher for more video. Joe asked her if she felt OK.
"Yes, I feel fine. That was really good, Joe. Front and back. I wanted to suck on them some more, but they seemed like they were done."
Joe laughed. "Yes, you're right, Amanda. The boys are done. I think they're going to the pool in a little while. You can rest a little bit and then go to the pool with them. There are a few other girls still here, too, and some photographers. Would you like to take a little nap?"
"Umm, yes, do you have one of those buzzer things?"
Joe said, "I'm glad that you and your Mommy will be coming on tours with us!"
The End
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Shy Girl
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