Contest #1: Rich Girl, Cynthia - Reluctant Model

[ M+/g9, reluc, spank, ws, anal, toys, photo, oral ]

by Corn53

Published: 6-Jul-2012

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"That's right, Mrs. Jones," Albert said into the phone, "we do specialty videos for girls your daughter's age and even younger. I liked the pictures you sent me. No nudity in them, but still, I can tell she is very pretty; slim and blond, blue eyes, just getting little bumps on her chest. I'm glad you had her wear a tight T-shirt when you took her pictures. I especially liked the fancy dresses. They give her such a 'classy' look. You say she just turned nine? That's plenty old enough. Do you know if she's getting any fuzzy pubic hair yet?"

"No. I'm not sure. I've gone in the bathroom while she's taking a bath, but I couldn't tell up close. I don't think so. She's shy and covers herself when I walk in. Oh, and call me Sheila."

"That's OK. I'll find out when we interview you both. A state inspector has to sit in with us. And if she is getting a little fuzzy hair, it's OK. I'll put her in some 'fuzzy-wuzzy' videos, and then when it really starts to show, she could be in one of our waxing videos. Some people love watching those, because there are real tears during the waxing while she is strapped down, after a little 'warm-up' pussy spanking, which gets the girls to swell and stiffen up for the close-ups, and even get naturally wet before the process of waxing starts. Lots of close-ups. Customers can be sure from the little bit of brand new fuzz, that the little girl really is only eight or nine or ten. Then the lady who does the waxing oils the little girl's freshly waxed area and masturbates our young star to orgasm; sometimes her first one ever. You can see why those videos are popular. And after that, the little models love to come and model for us and learn new things; new pleasures."

"You were getting to the money."

"Yes, the pay for parents is extremely good, besides the initial signing bonus of five hundred dollars after the initial audition if the child cooperates. If she's as pretty as the pictures you sent - and I loved her first communion pictures - good idea to send those, too. Might start a new series on that theme. Little white dresses, and so on. And after we start selling her videos, you'll get commissions. Could be more than a few thousand dollars every month."

"Does there have to be a state inspector present?"

"Yes. It's the law. Protects us while we make our profits. Protects you, too. Everything is legal, even fingers or little cocks going in her ass for thousands to see and enjoy. We offer the same incentives and pay that the other licensed production companies offer, but like I said, I could increase your signing bonus because your daughter is so cute and classy. The initial modeling rates are set by the state and a state inspector will be present to see your paperwork when you bring your daughter to our studio. He will also sit in on her audition, as I said. You must stay in the studio at all times, but we prefer the parents to wait behind a curtain. We'll show you a wide variety of things that our pre-teen models do on camera, and of course we point out to the child that these things should only be done when they are in the studio, and with your full permission."

"I see. I read your add in the back of your classifieds, in the X-rated section. That's why I called and then sent you some sample pictures."

Albert continued, "The state inspector I work with is ... ummm... extra cooperative with me, so if a little girl balks at things, you, or I, or one of my assistants could undress her even if she is screaming and resisting. I've actually had a few girls screaming and protesting all the while until they were tied, naked and spread open, in front of the assistants and the cameras, and then one of the assistants would masturbate her... and the girls always calm down and start to cooperate and even have orgasms - some for the first time. Then they become good, little models. There is a clause in our standard contract that allows for 'role-playing,' and the state inspector who supposedly supervises me can honestly say that the parent and child both signed the agreement and that the resistance was just one of her 'acts.' So don't let possible resistance on the part of your daughter deter you from bringing her all the way over here. You should encourage her to follow our directions and tell her to let us feel her all over, so she gets used to it and knows that it's OK with you. And trust me on this, after the first video session, all the little girls and boys love coming back to shoot more videos."

"I understand... but, umm, there's something else I need to tell you."

"What's that?"

"We are very wealthy, at least I was until about six months ago when that bastard divorced me. I'm Cynthia's step-mother, but have full, legal guardianship. I don't want her father to know about what I'm having Cynthia do until her videos and pictures have already been in distribution for a while, so he can't stop it. It will serve him right. And then I'm planning to move several states away, and will change Cynthia's legal name, hair color, hair style, and whatever else I can think of so he can't find us, but I'll keep you posted so you can send me the checks."

"A little, rich girl. Excellent! That will also be apparent when she talks, answers questions, and introduces herself. Then bring some of her fancy clothes, jewelry, and so on. We like to do a short biography with each model, even though we never use their real names in the advertising. After her initial studio shoot, if she does OK, then I'll find a fancy house where we can do our next shoot. Do you have any special requests or comments about the list of possible activities, which we call 'acts,' since so many kids like to act. Your step-daughter is very pretty."

"Thank you. I looked over your list of possible activities and role-playing, and found it absolutely disgusting."

Albert started to protest when Mrs. Jones continued.

"I wasn't objecting. 'Disgusting' is just what I want. And if I understood you correctly about what 'bukkake' means, you could line up some boys under fifteen, like your rules say, for anal sex or cumming on her face. That would be perfect. And a bare-bottom spanking, with her fancy dress and petticoat lifted up in back, would be great, too. A hard spanking. And I would want the man to lubricate her ass after the spanking and finger her and use a vibrator on her clitty to bring her to orgasm in your video, like you evidently do with some of your other models. Pictures of a finger going in her ass, her pleasure moans, and the looks on her face as she is abused that way and brought to orgasm - would really teach her father a lesson, especially if you've already sold ten thousand copies of her videos. Spurts of cum on one of her fancy dresses - perfect."

"No problem. I have men and boys who love to be in my videos, especially since the adults faces are never shown. Usually our max for the preteen girls is five boys cumming on them, but maybe for Cynthia, especially if she is wearing one of her fancy dresses - after they take off her panties and finger her front and back and spank her in front and in back, she could suck them, and then kneel while they all cum in her open mouth and down the front of her pretty dress, and in her hair. The law says she doesn't have to swallow, but it's OK if she swallows some if it by accident. Usually my preteen models do swallow some, especially if several boys are cumming at the same time and she holds her mouth open. It's so cute when a little girl gags and swallows and then gets hit in the face with another spurt or two before she can open wide again. Those are best-sellers! I'll put highlights of your daughter in our "previews" section at the end of our other models' video collections. Most of the videos we sell are compilations featuring a specific model, about an hour long. A real value for the money. And we put advertisements for our other models of about one or two minutes each at the end - usually a dozen or so girls - highlights. We'll include your little girl in these advertisement catalogs. Her sales could easily hit 10,000 within the first year. That would be a great financial boost for you."

"Let's set an appointment. I could even keep her out of school and get her hair and nails done ahead of time."

"I also have a side business as a photography instructor, so other possible photographers could get licensed to work with me, and I usually set the limit at three to be in the studio during actual filming sessions, but once I had five helpers. Only their hands or cocks would be in Cynthia's video clips. It's especially appealing to customers who want to see different adult hands stimulating or fingering the new models."

"I see. Well, that would be OK. Would I get anything extra for letting them help?"

"Let me think about that. I'm sure they would pay an extra fee on the side to help me with your step-daughter if she is reluctant at first like you suspect - a hard fighter for the first ten minutes. Maybe I'll invite five students to help out if they can pay the extra fee besides the exorbitant state licensing cost."

"Thank you. We understand each other. How long would the first session last, and when would we schedule the next session?"

"If you could keep her out of school for a day or two, then get her hair and nails done this Thursday after school, and bring her here Friday by noon. I know its two hundred and fifty miles, but could you do that?"


"Bring several of her best dresses and other things that might let people know how high class she is. For the first hour, she won't know what's going to happen - but will model her good dresses for us, do some exercises, talk, introduce herself, and so on, and then we'll talk about role-playing and acting and even talk about scary movies when somebody is tied up and gagged, and she knows she is supposed to try to resist and scream and yell. Then it will be too late to stop. You could compliment her later on for being such a good actress. I'll explain more when you're here, but not to her. I think it's best to keep little, rich girls in the dark until things start to happen. You think she would resist pulling down her panties willingly in front of the cameras?"

"I know she would. She would absolutely refuse."

"Good. I know just which state inspector to have here. He won't care if we do some of the official procedures in a different order - namely undressing and fondling her in front of the cameras. We'll do that sometime after her first official video. Bring your paperwork. We'll have to have that all in order before we start. Then we'll see how she does on the following few videos. I'm setting aside five hours for your total interview and video auditions. And, Ms. Jones, I've had other little girls really fight and resist until they get those pleasure sensations in front of the cameras. We teach our little models that it feels better if they are embarrassed. After that first 'acting' scene, they all love it, and gladly pull down their panties and spread themselves to my cameras - just knowing they are going to get more of those good feelings. We try to keep our videos classy, and start out each one slowly - fully dressed - before the action starts. We have music playing or add it on later. I bet she will look forward to the next weekend for her second video-photo shoot. She'll be happily spreading wide open by then. This Friday, we'll even let her change in private with a female assistant who will apply make-up and adjust her clothing before her first full scene while you're behind the curtain."

"We'll be there by noon, Albert."

"Good. She won't guess the nature of what she'll be doing later during that first hour. And then her surprise and shock will add to our videos."

"That's a good idea. Surprise her, after she is set up for an act. Great idea. We can even pretend I don't know what she's doing."

"Like you said, we understand each other. I'll have two checks ready - the audition check and a bonus check if she willingly does another scene after we masturbate her."

Cynthia's First Day

"Cynthia is so excited, Albert." Said Sheila, Cynthia's step-mother. "And she wants to try on these pretty dresses for you. I made sure she took a long, perfumed, bubble bath this morning, like you suggested."

Albert shook hands with Cynthia and told her how pretty she was and that he hoped she would have lots of fun as a model and actress. Albert was certain that the girl had no idea what was in store for her. They had decided to use her real name so as not to give her any indications about doing 'naughty' modeling later. He introduced her to the state inspector, using only his first name, and then to the four other well-dressed men in sport clothes, who were all in their late forties or early fifties who would help with the photography.

Ms. Ginny joined them from the dressing room, and Albert explained that she would be touching up her make-up and hair between shoots and helping her change to the next outfit. Ms. Ginny complimented Sheila on her step-daughter's haircut, toenails and fingernails. "And such pretty sandals. This girl has style."

Cynthia smiled.

Albert explained that the men were in his photography class and they would be practicing their photography, directing, and maybe even acting skills with her. They were very polite and each man complimented her. Cynthia seemed confused when the youngest photography student said, "Very pretty, and I'm sure, very tight."

Sheila, her step-mother, said, "He means your muscles are firm and tight, Cynthia. Probably from your gymnastics, swimming, and stretching exercises."

"Oh." She smiled.

The man was smiling into her face, and asked, "So, you're pretty firm and tight, Cynthia?"

"Yes, I'm very tight. Tight and firm, like you said." She blushed. "Because I do lots of exercises." Then she held up her bent arm to make a fist to show off her biceps the way young boys do. "You can feel me if you want. See? I'm very tight."

The man felt her arm. "So cute, and really tight, too. Wonderful!"

They all sat down around a small table, with Cynthia sitting next to her step-mother who was next to Albert. Albert laid the contract on the table and read a few parts of it as he filled in some of the blanks: names, guardianship, Cynthia's age, etc. "This basically says that we have full publishing rights for today's videos and photos which can never be cancelled once you sign them." He looked at Cynthia, "I've already discussed some of these things with your Mother, but we have to run through them again. You'll have to sign the agreement in a few minutes, but if you want, you could look at a few pictures of some of our other models."

"How many models do you have, Albert?" Sheila asked.

"About eighty, but we don't use some of them anymore because they weren't cooperative enough." He pulled over an album that featured ten preteen girls and two boys about fourteen. These photos showed the models from fully dressed, on down to swimming suits. "You can look through these while I talk with your Mother. You brought your swimming suit, didn't you, Cynthia?"

"Yes." She blushed. "I brought my usual one, and also a new bikini that Mommy just got me. But it's kind of embarrassing to wear."

Albert said, "Oh, I'm sure you'll look great in it. Cute and sexy."

Cynthia blushed, and looked back at the album, turning a page. She saw two pictures of girls her age wearing very tiny bikinis, even smaller than hers, one with just a thong in back. Various poses showed the two little girls standing - front, side and back, or lying on their tummies or backs. Cynthia blushed in vicarious embarrassment for the two girls whose pubic mounds were so obvious in the tiny bikini bottoms. One girl showed a medically clear camel-toe, although Cynthia didn't know that's what it was called, or that the girl was posed that way on purpose. She still had no idea that she would soon be posing that way - that way and much more - naked and spread; getting rubbed and fingered - and then pulling her pussy open for the cameras to accept a little more buzzing from a vibrator. But for now she was blushing about the idea of standing in front of the photographers in her new, red bikini.

As she looked through the album, stopping on every page, she started to feel tingles between her legs. She heard Albert as he went over some things in the contract. He said things out loud which would have upset Cynthia if she had been listening and if she knew what the words meant. "... and then after the role-playing scene, ending with masturbation to completion with fingers and a buzzer, she will do several more acting scenes. " He leaned his head forward, and said to Cynthia, "You want to try some acting today, too, don't you?"

"Yes. That would be fun! I like pretending."

The youngest photography student said, "It will be fun, and we can all see how firm and tight you really are."

"OK." Cynthia said. "I do lots of exercises."

Albert gave the young man - if you call early forties young - a 'shut up' look.

Then the state inspector said, "So, Ms. Jones and Ms. Cynthia, you're agreeing to model wearing a variety of outfits today and to do acting and role-playing through a variety of situations." He smiled, "And of course, to show us how tight you are."

Everyone laughed, including Cynthia. Trying to act like one of the grown-ups and joke along with them, she said, "You'll see. I can make my muscles really tight."

"Sign here at the bottom. And rather than checking off individual acts, I prefer models and their mothers to check this "all of the above" box just above the signature lines." He looked at Cynthia. "This means you're willing to do all of the acts listed above in the fine print. I only use models who check the 'all of the above' box."

Cynthia liked to show off how good her eyesight was, and looked at one of the very tiny boxes and the words beside it. She said, "What does 'move genikals' mean?"

Albert said, "'Genikals,' are kind of like gears to make things happen faster, like gears on a bicycle or car, like putting oil on the gears to lubricate them so it's easier to move them around. They work better when they are wet and slippery." He smiled. "But there are lots of acts listed in that fine print, and since you like acting, just check the big box here." He pointed again to the "all of the above" box. After her Mommy checked the box and signed her name, Cynthia checked the box next to "model's signature." She checked the "all of the above" box. "See? I can write in cursive. We learned last year." Her signature, in neat, feminine penmanship, went across the whole page.

"Good." Said Albert. "Now we can begin. You both just agreed for Cynthia to do any of the acts on this list." He tapped the contract. He didn't give Cynthia's Mommy a copy.

"Cynthia likes acting." Her step-mother said. "Sometimes she dances around in her underwear singing as if she is in a TV reality show."

Cynthia blushed and giggled. "Oh, and one of my friends has a 12 speed bike. Her Daddy oils it for her so it goes real fast."

Albert smiled and looked in her face again. "You like doing different acts, don't you, Cynthia?"


The state inspector checked a box on the little clipboard he was holding in his left hand. "Very good." He said. "Mother and daughter both agree that Cynthia is willing to do all of the acts on the list and they both signed the form. You can get started."

Act One - Cynhia Introduces Herself

They went over to the basic set: a table and chair in front of what looked like a living room wall. Cynthia turned and smiled as directed, and introduced herself. "I'm Cynthia and I turned nine last month. I'm in the fourth grade, and school just started two weeks ago. This year I'm in a different school because we moved, so I don't have any new friends yet. Today I'm going to do modeling and acting. It's going to be fun." She turned around, and then remembered the other things they wanted her to say. "And last summer I went to the pool almost every day, except when we were busy moving. I made a few new friends at the pool, but they go to different schools. I'm still getting used to going to a different school. And today, besides just modeling I'm going to do more acting. We're going to make acting videos today and more next week. I'll get to wear different costumes and dresses. Oh, and I'm four feet, ten inches tall and weigh seventy two pounds." Her blue eyes sparkled when she smiled into the cameras. Her white teeth were perfect still big in her mouth.

She went back to the dressing room with Ms. Ginny to put on the next fancy dress and introduced herself again. There was no sense of urgency. So far, Cynthia was always fully dressed for each ten minute modeling introduction, or answering questions asked by one of the men. Several times she talked about how tight she was, still not guessing what they were referring to. After introducing herself for the third time, in her last fancy dress, she said, "They told me in my next video they would check to see how tight I really am. But I know my muscles are tight from swimming and exercising."

Ms. Ginny didn't insist on changing panties with first three different outfits, but did check out the girl as she helped her into the little bikini. She was still hairless, with just a hint of fuzz developing on her plump mound, and small, firm titties that stuck straight out almost two inches - riding high on her chest, with pale, pink nipples.

Cynthia went back out onto the set with her hair up in a ponytail. Ms. Ginny had freshened up the blush on her cheeks and applied a fresh layer of wet-look, light pink lipstick. Ms. Ginny said, "The light pink lipstick will be a perfect match later, Albert. And I don't think she'll need to shave her legs for another six months or so." This told the adults that Cynthia's pussy was still bald, and that the girl's nipples were a pale pink. Then Ms. Ginny asked the group if anybody would like to try some hard boiled eggs or other snacks if they were hungry.

That comment was also missed by Cynthia, but the adults knew Ms. Ginny was saying that Cynthia had egg-sized titties. And yes, they all said they would like something to eat a little later. Cynthia said she wasn't hungry, but was getting thirsty.

The chair and table had been replaced on the set by a couch covered with towels, and the pictures on the wall had been changed. There was a large, fuzzy, white rug in front of the couch. Cynthia was self-conscious in the bikini, which Ms. Ginny said she should start in for her swimming suit photo series. Cynthia was self-conscious about the obvious bumps in the top of her bikini under the thin, silky, clingy material. And she was self-conscious about her very obvious tan lines. Her tummy and chest, and part of her fanny were so pale because her one-piece swimming suit covered much more of her.

Ms. Ginny could tell the girl was uncomfortable and very self-conscious. "You'll have to model like this sooner or later, Honey." Ms. Ginny said, "So let's just jump into it. The men all think you're cute. I know they want to see more of your tight body."

"They do?"

"Yes, they all think you're very cute, and now they want to watch you dance after you introduce yourself again. And they'll have you pose in different positions just like all our other young models have to do. And since you're a swimmer, they might want you to pretend you're swimming on the couch or on the rug on the floor."

Albert looked at Ms. Jones, "You can wait behind the curtain if you want to, Sheila. Listen to the music on the headphones. Most little girls are much less shy if their mothers can't see them. There are magazines back there. We'll call you to come out here before we shoot the next scene."

"Yes, I don't want to be in the way."

"Cynthia will be fine, Ms. Jones." Said the state inspector. "I'm here to watch over everything. I'll make sure she doesn't do anything she didn't already agree to do. You have a very pretty step-daughter."

"Thank you!" Ms. Jones said. She and Cynthia both smiled. Then she looked at Cynthia, "Do you mind if I wait behind the curtain?"

"No, that's fine, Mommy." She said, "And I'll do exercises. Then they will see how tight I am."

Everyone chuckled at that prophetic remark.

Things progressed from there. Cynthia started dancing in her tiny bikini. She didn't know it, but the way she was dancing made her little breasts jiggle. One of the men commented again on how cute and sexy she was. Then another man, still holding his camera said something she couldn't quite catch, about her chest - something about 'bouncing' and 'breasts' and 'sexy.' She wasn't sure what he meant, and she wasn't aware that her tiny nipples had stiffened up, but she tried to show them how well she could dance and only half aware, she made them bounce more. She was beginning to feel pleasure tingles, but wasn't sure why.

Then Albert wanted her to do other exercise.

Cynthia was soon doing stretching exercises; pretending she was swimming. She was embarrassed about lying on her back for the elementary back stroke - spreading her legs to do a frog kick, with the two main cameras aimed right at her. There was a big one on a tripod which one of the photography students usually worked, and a smaller, hand-held camera that Ms. Ginny was working. For a moment, Cynthia was aware that both cameras were aimed at her bikini bottoms as she pretended to swim. They had her stand, facing the couch, and then bending down to put her hands on the couch and bend over as far as she could, and then put her feet as far apart as she could stretch. They gave her lots of compliments on how limber she was, as they had her hold that position to get video and pictures from different directions.

Albert, acting as director, told her, "Move your hips around in kind of a circle. That's it, and hump forward, too. Keep your feet apart and rotate your hips. Good. So sexy."

Cynthia was self-conscious with her legs spread so wide and rotating her hips in the tight, clingy bikini bottoms, but they were saying how sexy she was and that she was doing such a good job following directions, so she kept doing it. She wasn't aware that a small wet spot had developed directly over her vagina. And she wasn't aware of the camel toe either.

Albert had her straddle the arm of the chair and bounce and slide on it to pretend she was riding a horse. "That's it. Bounce to the music." This time she was aware that her breasts were bouncing, too, but she thought she heard one of the men say, "" So she kept bouncing to show them she was growing up.

A minute later, she slowly licked a big lollipop, unaware of how erotic those long, slow licks were with her tongue sticking out as far as it could - even flicking her tongue back and forth on the head of the lollipop - just following directions. She didn't notice that Albert, the state inspector, and the four photography students all had bulges in their trousers. Ms. Ginny noticed.

After ten more minutes in the red bikini, when everyone could see the material between Cynthia's legs had a wide, wet streak, it was time for the next scene. Cynthia became more aware of her tingles as she struck different erotic poses for the camera - 'just like in those naughty magazines I saw that time I was babysitting,' she thought. She was aware of the tingles but not of the line of wetness between her legs. And, she was also enjoying the way the men were watching her. She had their full attention! "I like modeling." She thought to herself.

At the end of her set, Albert brought Cynthia's Mommy back out. They all told her that Cynthia did a great job, and that she was a very cute, sexy, young model.

Act Two - Cynthia's Bondage Scene

"They said I did good, Mommy." Cynthia said - her blushing smile betraying her pride. She was shy and self-conscious on one hand, and proud that the grown men seemed to really enjoy looking at her while she showed them how limber she was. She did get in some very unladylike positions for the cameras while doing her exercises, but her Mommy had told her to follow directions.

"She did great." Albert said, "She can spread her legs so far apart. I prefer models who are limber like that. Yes, she spread them wide open for us and we got some good close-ups." He looked at Cynthia, "You did great, Cynthia. You get excited when you model, don't you?"

Cynthia blushed brighter, but kept smiling. "Yes, it's exciting."

"Yes, my little girl loves to do stretching exercises."

Albert said, "She even earned a bonus point for following directions. I didn't tell you about that, but it's a way to get an extra bonus at the end of the shoot - an incentive for our models to follow directions. We have other rewards, too, but we'll talk more about those later.

"Now, I need to explain the script for the next scene to both of you while the state inspector is here with us today. Once he signs off that Cynthia enjoys this kind of modeling and acting, and that we are sticking to the activities described in our contract, then he doesn't have to be here for every shoot. And neither do you, Ms. Jones, I mean Sheila. You could even bring her and drop her off, and come back four hours later."

"Oh. Then I could shop or go to a 'boring restaurant,' as Cynthia calls any nice restaurant!" She laughed. "Then she wouldn't be as shy and self-conscious as when I'm here."

"That's correct." Said the state inspector. He laughed, "But you wouldn't have time to go back home, because I understand it's a three hour drive on a good day."

"No, I'll stay here in town, but it would be easier to just drop her off."

"I'm sure that after today, it will be legal for you to just drop her off. I'll sign off on it." The state inspector promised. "And sometimes if there are multiple models involved, and more photographers, a shoot could be six or seven hours. Then Albert would take a lunch break with the young models and photographers-in-training and whoever else is here."

Albert said, "I do have a couple of possible models in mind to work with Cynthia next Saturday, if you could get her here by say, eleven or noon. I know it's a long way, but the traffic isn't as bad on Saturdays and you wouldn't need to give her a bath in the morning, because Ms. Ginny will bathe the models. We'll be shooting in a big, fancy house in the country, so she would be glad to give them a bath. Sometimes they wear swimsuits in the bathtub and that would also be their first video. So Cynthia could even sleep a little later. I'll know in an hour if Cynthia is going to work out. She's very pretty and limber and that's important for our models. That, and following directions. Now, as I was about to say, here is synopsis of the role-playing..." He looked at Cynthia, "that means acting, so this is an acting audition for you also."

"Oh, that's great, Honey. Would you like to come back next weekend for more modeling?"

"Yes, Mommy. It's exciting."

"Good. I know you'll do great." She turned to Albert, "On the way over here she said she would like to try acting, too."

Albert smiled. "Do you like scary movies, Cynthia?"

"Sometimes, but like I need a friend with me." She giggled.

"We'll be with you. When you watch a scary movie, you know they are all acting, don't you?"

"Oh. I guess so." But the blank look on her face told everyone she hadn't thought about that before.

"Anyway, in this next scene, you are going to pretend you are a prisoner and you're trying to yell and scream and escape. Could you do that? "

"That sounds like fun, Cynthia." Her step-mother said.

She wondered about the black leather wrist and ankle straps with the metal rings they were fastening to her. "What are these for?" She was still smiling.

"It's part of the prisoner act." Said Albert. He nodded towards the curtain. "I'm going to have Cynthia read a few lines and look into the camera, but why don't you go on back behind the curtain and put on the headphones again?" He laughed, "I'll have her yell and scream as part of her role-playing so it might be noisy out here in the studio. Turn up the music in your headphones."

"Do everything they tell you, Honey." She turned and went to the other side of the big room and around behind a heavy curtain.

"Read these lines and look into the camera." He held the sentences next to the main camera. He had printed them out in a very large font, which Cynthia could easily read from five feet away.

One of the photography assistants held her right wrist and one of the others held her left wrist, stretching her.

"Try to look scared, Cynthia. Pretend to struggle like you're trying to get away already. Introduce yourself and say you're going to do some acting, and then start when I nod to you."

She tried to struggle, but the real struggle for her was to not giggle. "I'm Cynthia and I'm nine. I'm going to do some acting now." She tried to look serious. She was blushing because Ms. Ginny was panning up and down on her in just that skimpy bikini. She looked into the camera and read her lines, "I'm Cynthia and they are holding me prisoner, but I'm going to yell and scream and try to escape. I want to get away and go back home." She tried to struggle harder - pulling from side to side. That's when the tallest of the three photographer's helpers, at six, four, went behind her and put a gag over her head and fastened the leather harness over her head. He slipped a hollow, wooden tube between her teeth, so she could still breathe and make noise, but it would be impossible to understand her words.

The tallest man fastened the gag over her head so that his face wouldn't be in the video.

Cynthia was still pretending to struggle and tried to say things like "help," or "let me go," but it all sounded like "unngh eeeegghh, unn, oooo." One of the men moved a curtain to the side. She was surprised to see a funny-looking table there. They strapped her down to what seemed like a massage table, but it had extra extensions on it so the sturdy extensions for her arms and legs could be moved and locked into different positions. She was soon strapped down, trying to wiggle free with her arms stretched out to the sides and above her head. Then they moved the leg rests so that her feet were soon a yard apart. She could move and wiggle around, but there was no way to get free, and it was embarrassing with her legs spread apart in those little bikini bottoms. One of the cameras was aimed right between her legs. She still didn't know there was a wet line down the center of her panties, directly between her legs in the indentation outlining her pussy.

"So, you want to get away?" Albert asked matter-of-factly, pretending to set up the role-playing scene. "Naughty little girls like you, who try to get away, get tickled or spanked or other things. Try to struggle. Go ahead. I dare you." He smiled at her.

Cynthia could see that all the men were still smiling, but looking a little more serious than earlier. The cameras were closer and the men were feeling her arms and legs. The state inspector was watching closely. It was hard for her to lift her head up and hold it to look around, so she laid it back on the table.

Then they all started tickling her at once and she couldn't keep from giggling, although it didn't sound the same as her normal giggles because of the wooden tube that was between her teeth. She could stick her tongue into the opening, but couldn't form words.

Suddenly she jumped to one side, away from the hands that had been tickling her side, but moved to her left breast. At almost the same time, the hands that had been tickling her thighs began tickling directly on her pubic mound. "Unnngghh ooo."

Albert started talking in cadence with the sultry, slow, rock music playing in the studio. His words kept a steady beat in a low, unhurried tone of voice. "Very good acting, Cynthia. You're doing great. Keep struggling. I'm glad you agreed to do so many different acts...." His words rolled on relentlessly.

The men moved continually - keeping all hands on Cynthia - on her arms, sides, chest, breasts, thighs, knees, bikini, belly button, and even squeezing her hard, pale, flat tummy. They murmured compliments too, as they felt the young girl. Their softer words merged with the music and with Albert's continual comments and suggestions.

The man feeling her stretched-flat breasts - moving the flesh around through the silky bikini material kept telling her how he loved her tight, firm breasts.

Another man was now massaging her pubic mound - pushing her lips from one side to the other, or twisting and squeezing - not hard, but continuously moving her. He was almost whispering, so it was hard for Cynthia to make out his words. "Your pussy mound is so firm and tight. I'm sure it's very tight. It feels very firm. Just beautiful."

She was trying to scream out as loud as she could, but no words formed.

Albert kept telling her she was doing great; that she was a natural actress.

Someone opened her legs still wider and locked the table rests into place. She was stretched wide apart. All she could do was wiggle around.

The men moved around her again; changing places. There was a man on either side, and now two men between her legs. She felt them with her knees. Lying on the table, she looked towards the ceiling. She was crying. Then she noticed the camera about five feet above her - aimed straight down at her. Ms. Ginny was moving around with her camera. Albert continued to compliment her on the acting and how well she was pretending to resist. Two men were holding either side of her bikini top. They started pulling it back and forth, like sawing on her. It was soon up and off her pale breasts. She heard the material rip and felt hands on her bare breasts - massaging, pinching, and stroking them; pulling on them.

There were at least four hands on her bikini bottoms pulling them every which way, and even pressing in between her legs. She knew she was completely exposed when her bottoms were pulled way to one side. Albert talked continually, and some of the other men did, too. "Yes, so tight. So firm." She heard her bottoms rip and knew she was exposed completely with the torn pieces of her new swimming suit lying across her but not hiding anything.

"Spanking" - the word finally hit her consciousness, and she tried to listen, but they were all talking at once, "Naughty girls need spankings...."

"So tight."

"Yes, I'm sure she is very tight."

"Such a pretty pussy."

"Plump and firm."

"Firm and tight."

Someone held what looked like a paint-stirring stick above her face and let her look at it. It was glossy black. Was it leather, too, like the straps on her ankles and wrists? Her pussy suddenly felt much wetter and she realized that someone was pouring some kind of oil on it and rubbing it in - all around on her most private part.

"Oil up her genitals"

"Get her nice and slippery."

"Like gears, an oiled clitty will help her cum faster."

Then the spankings started - not spankings really - more like tapings - continuous - right on her pubic mound and sometimes hitting her clitty which made her jump even though it didn't actually hurt.

Something Albert said caught her attention, "...maybe five thousand men will watch your video within the next month. Men all over the world. You're so pretty, Cynthia. They all want to see your pretty pussy all spread open and wet. It looks very tight and firm, just like you said. Tight and firm. Your Mommy signed the contract, but she didn't read everything. Even though the contract said we would be doing this, she didn't notice. You signed it, too. You agreed to this. This, and the other things you will be doing today. Your Mommy will get lots of money and that will help you both. Probably nobody in your state will buy your videos, but if they do, it would probably only be men over fifty years old. They love looking at pretty little girls like you. We put oil on your pussy but it was already wet. You liked spreading your legs for the camera in your swimming suit, didn't you? I could tell it excited you. It excited all of us to watch you. You are so sexy." Albert's voice droned on.

Another man said, "Put my finger in now?"

"In a minute." Albert said. "None of your friends or anyone in your town needs to know about this, Cynthia. It's legal and we can't get in trouble, and there is no way you could stop us from selling your videos since you and your Mommy signed the contracts..." Someone was pinching and pulling on her stretched-out nipples. "We might sell thirty five thousand copies of your video collection, Cynthia. That sounds like a lot, but there are around seven billion people in the world so that's less than one person out of every 200,000 people, so it's very unlikely that anyone you know will ever see a copy - unless you tell them. And most of the customers for our DVDs and magazines are adult men. They are the ones who especially like looking at bald pussies of pretty, young girls. That's why your Mommy will get lots of money, but your friends and neighbors and school mates won't know about your modeling."

And then she couldn't concentrate because of a little buzzing noise and a strong tickle feeling on her clitty. At almost the same time a finger went farther in her vagina. It didn't hurt, but it felt too big to go in. She had used her finger lots of times, and other things, too, but nothing as big as a man's finger. The buzzer touched her clitty again and she jumped. That's when she noticed she had stopped trying to scream or cry out. She wasn't crying anymore, but heard herself moaning. The constant taps on her pubic mound with the little, black paddle, and the intermittent buzzing, and now the fingering, and the hands on her small breasts - constantly massaging, tickling, pinching, or stroking. Albert kept talking. Constantly.

She noticed that now her hips were moving, but she was not struggling to get away. Her hips were just moving as all the hands massaged her. Everyone else had already noticed the change. The men changed places - one at a time, like musical chairs - they went to the next position to continue stimulating their newest model.

Albert was saying, "...other little girls, some of them were scared at first, but then they started enjoying the feelings. We never hurt our models. They learned to love pulling down their panties in front of the cameras. If you don't pull down your panties on your own, that's OK, because then we'll hold you or tie you up, and then pull them down for you. We need to show your beautiful pussy to the world. Thousands and thousands of men will pay to look at you - naked and spread open. I think you will enjoy pulling down your panties for the cameras. You have to do it. You signed the contract. None of your friends will know about it. Even your Mommy doesn't know about the kinds of modeling you will be doing, and we don't need to tell her, do we? Do we, Cynthia?"

Cynthia realized she was moving her head 'no,' before she consciously thought about it, but she knew she didn't want her Mommy to see this video.

"Unnnnnn." A finger pushed all the way in her vagina - sliding slowly all the way in and out, while a buzzer tickled the tip of her clitty. The little paddle was tapping the sides of her pubic mound. That's what the men had called it. The buzzer glanced across her clitty again - pressing for a few seconds. She had heard the older girls at the pool talking about their clitties, and was pretty sure they meant the wrinkly thing in the middle. It was so sensitive with all the men touching it and looking at it, and in front of cameras, and Albert said that thousands of men would watch this video of her. She couldn't hold her hips still. Her tingles were getting bigger and bigger.

Then she heard Albert's voice a little louder. "You don't want your Mommy to know about this kind of video, do you, Cynthia? You don't want her to know that thousands of men will watch videos of your bare, spread open pussy, do you?"

She shook her head 'no.'

"And you're not going to tell her are you?"

She shook her head 'no' again.

"We won't tell her if you don't. She signed the papers without reading them. She wants you to continue with your modeling and acting career. You want that, too, don't you, my firm, tight, little Cynthia? You want to pull down your panties for the videos, don't you? If you do a good job, then we'll rub you and finger you and buzz your clitty for you. You like how this feels, don't you, Cynthia?"

She shook her head yes.

"We want to turn you over now. We can take the gag off if you promise not to yell out. Shake your head 'yes' if you want us to take off the gag and turn you over and that you promise not to yell out."

She shook her head 'yes.' The wooden piece between her teeth was starting to hurt.

They removed the gag. She was still tied in the wide-open position. Each man took a turn licking her pussy, and every one of them said she tasted great. Albert said, "You taste exceptionally good, Cynthia. Did you know that your pussy tastes exceptionally good?"

She shook her head no.

One of the other photography students was licking and fingering her. Albert asked, "That doesn't hurt you when he fingers you and tastes you, does it?"

Again, she shook her head no. "Unnnnnnnn." She was trying to open her knees wider for him.

"Well, it does taste excellent, Cynthia." Albert said. "We'll put that in your biography in the ads for your videos or private modeling sessions or private parties. We'll use your stage name, not your real name. 'Excellent flavor and smell.' Then lots of people will want to find out for themselves. You'll be invited to special parties - maybe two or three little girls and a dozen adults, and they will watch you play games with the other little girls; taking turns kissing and fingering each other, and then they will want to taste and smell you - each one of them will want to play with you and lick you and finger you and taste you. But you will still be a virgin. We won't let anybody hurt you. You will be safe and delicious. Would you like going to special parties?"

She shook her head yes, still moving her hips as the man kept licking her.

Then they easily flipped her over, fastening her knees and ankles so her legs wouldn't fall off the supports. They spread her legs open again. They didn't fasten her arms. Someone put a bolster under her hips to raise them, but not as high as if she was up on her knees with her shoulders down. Her feet were still far apart with her ass up over the bolster.

Someone reached under her chest and began to massage her breasts, which were now hanging down and about the size of the average, hard-boiled egg, just like Ms. Ginny had hinted to the men. Her nipples were erect. "Unnnn," she said, much clearer now.

"This is better now, isn't it, Cynthia?"

"Unnnnn, yes."

"It feels good to get stimulated. All the other little girl models love it. You like it, too, don't you, Cynthia?"

The buzzer tapped her exposed clitty again. "Unnnn, yes."

"You're glad lots of men are going to watch your videos and see you pull your panties down and watch you get fingered. It turns you on to know they will watch you. You're glad, aren't you, Cynthia?"

"Unnnnn, yes." She felt two people massaging her thighs, ass and pussy and a man was working on each breast. Her hips were moving. "Do you like letting men massage your titties, Cynthia? Does it feel good?"

"Unn, yes."

"Put both hands on your ass, Cynthia. When I say 'open,' I want you to pull your ass open. If you pull it open wide, the buzzer will tickle your clitty. That's your reward for pulling your ass wide open. We're also going to put some extra thick oil on your bottom."

She felt someone rubbing something slippery on her anus. It sent more tingles through her pussy.

Albert was still talking continuously - about the men who would jerk off as they watched her videos, about the other girls she would get to undress, about the pleasures she would learn about... then she hear the word, 'Open!" so she pulled her ass open. The buzzer touched her clitty at the same time a finger pushed about an inch into her anus.

"Unnnn" The buzzer stayed on her clitty for three seconds.

"Close." Albert said.

The finger pulled out; the buzzer pulled away, and she let her ass close. Albert continued talking about how much the other little girls loved to pull down their panties for the camera, and about how much they liked letting a new girl pull down their panties and finger them... "Open!"

She pulled her ass wide open, and felt the buzzer touch her clitty and a finger push slowly all the way in her ass. The buzzer pressed against her clitty the whole time the finger kept pushing all the way in.

"Unnnnnn, ohhhh, unnnn."

The three photographers, Albert, and the state inspector all took turns pushing a lubricated finger in Cynthia's tight ass.

Ms. Ginny had the camera near her face. Albert said, "Tell the camera that this feels good."

"Unnnnn, feels good. Ohh, unnnnn."

Then, less then fifteen minutes after flipping her over, she had her first-ever, full blown orgasm - squeezing down on the state inspector's finger. Albert pulled the buzzer away to let Ms. Ginny zoom in on her contractions. Cynthia was still holding her ass pulled wide open.

After he pulled his finger out, they let her rest while they unfastened her knees and ankles. A few minutes later they helped her stand and face the camera. Albert told her a few things to say to end this particular video.

Her skin was flushed - mottled reddish blotches of excitement on her pale chest. The naked girl looked into the camera. "I'm Cynthia and that felt so good. Gee. Like really, really good. I don't know what happened. Like giant tingles in my... my pussy. Like explosions. I hope you liked my first video. I want to make more of them for you. I hope you buy this one. Please send me your comments and requests or questions. I'm only going to be here sometimes to answer them, but I'll try to catch up when I'm here. Tell me what you'd like to see. And tell me what you want to do with me at the private parties. Its fun making videos." She blew a kiss to the camera. Her voice was weak and shaky, but sincere.

Ms. Ginny led her back to the dressing room. Albert put the ripped up bikini in his pocket. All the men looked at each other and grinned sheepishly. They all had visible erections.

One of the photography students said, "My God, she really is tight! She wasn't kidding. I bet we were the first men to finger her ass and even her vagina - both so tight. Probably just her own fingers before today in that cute little cunt."

Albert said to them, "I bet she'll want more of that. Her first orgasm. Ms. Ginny is probably questioning her now, pretending it's just 'girl talk.' But her first orgasm - in front of cameras, strangers, tied down, fingers going in her ass and pussy, a vibrator, and with her Mommy just thirty feet away. I'll get her Mommy in a minute, after we put this table and our toys and lubricants out of sight.

They changed the set around and ten minutes later, Albert got Ms. Jones and led her back out to the set. He whispered, "It went better than I could have imagined. And she thinks you don't know she has to pull down her panties, so let's keep it that way. Act like you think she is modeling for a big department store. Treat her like a cute, innocent, little model. She'll go along. She doesn't want you to know."

"Good. I don't want her to know I know what she's doing. But next week, I would like it if you get video of boys cumming in her mouth."

"No problem. I think all of us men could cum in her mouth in less than a minute. It was so exciting bringing her to orgasm like that, especially with her strapped down and fighting at first and then loving it."

"And don't tell the state inspector I know what she's doing."

"He already knows that you know, otherwise he wouldn't have gone along with today's ruse." They hadn't joined the other photographers yet. Albert leaned closer, "We can trust him. He enjoyed fingering your step-daughter as much as I did. He bends the rules a little for me, because I bend the rules for him. Maybe later, we could let him cum on your daughter. Nobody would see his face, and it would help get her ready for next weekend. Then next week she would see that young boy cocks aren't as scary as man cocks. Would that be OK with you? We still have another hour or so to shoot today. I want to get at least two scenes of her dancing, undressing, and spreading for the cameras. I could send the other photographers home and then let him cum on Cynthia. He is bending the rules for us."

"And she doesn't have to swallow it?"

"She might get some in her mouth, but she doesn't have to swallow. If some gets in her hair, we could say we were doing a little arts and crafts project and she got some paste in her hair. Then you would have to wash her hair when you get home."

"I suppose. I don't want to scare her. But maybe it would help her get ready for next weekend. I had cum in my mouth at her age."

"And it makes a cute video. Her first taste. The little girls always make such funny faces!" He smiled.


They walked over to the other men. Albert said, "We'll shoot two more scenes, starting with her all dressed up in the dresses she wore earlier. Then our photography lesson is over for today." He looked at the state inspector, "And I'll need you to stay after for a little while to ask you some things." That was Albert's code telling the inspector he could cum on their new model today. Little Cynthia might even suck on it for him.

The state inspector smiled. "I'd be glad to stay and answer your questions."

Act Three - Cynthia Takes Her Own Panties Off

The living room set looked back to normal with all the towels gone, and different pictures on the wall. There was a different coffee table in front of the couch which now had a loose, blue slipcover over it.

Ms. Ginny brought a smiling, blushing little girl out of the dressing room when they were all standing there talking. Cynthia's hair was different and she had fresh make-up and lipstick. She was wearing one of her own fancy dresses, and thigh-high, lacy, white hose and black high heels.

One of the men whistled and said, "So pretty! I was just telling your Mommy that during our last video I felt your tummy and you really are firm and tight."

Albert said, "She did great, Ms. Jones, so there will be a nice bonus for you. And I agree with each of them, and the inspector here..." He nodded towards the state inspector. "We all think she's very tight and will do a great job in our videos."

"Did you have fun, Honey? Did you like acting?"

"Yes, it was fun." She blushed brightly for no apparent reason.

Her Mommy smiled. "Good. I think you'll have so much fun."

Albert said, "Her last two official videos today will be mostly dancing and a few exercises and things. It will only take about twenty minutes for each of them. I'll come and get you before her next video, after she goes back to the dressing room with Ms. Ginny to change.

"Have you decided about next weekend?" Ms. Jones asked.

"Yes, I would love to use your daughter. And now that the state inspector said he will sign off on Cynthia, you wouldn't have to stay. And one other thing: I wasn't going to mention it until I knew if Cynthia would continue with us, but there is a promotional tour through three cities four weeks from now. Where we'll be is a good four or five hours from your house, so nobody there would recognize her. She would have to miss school on another Friday. Since her videos will be published and selling by then, I'd like her to join us. The state legislature wants our models to help promote our video sales. You would get a handsome bonus. The state inspector will be on the tour with us, so you wouldn't have to come along. And each night, we'll have a little party. Probably a dozen girls on the trip."

"I don't know. What's involved? You say there would there be other kids?" Ms. Jones was being the actress now, pretending she had doubts.

"Yes, we like to take at least ten models, including two of our boys. All preteens. Basically it would be a way for her to meet some of her fans. We are scheduled at specialty book stores, private clubs geared towards gentlemen, and even two malls. In the malls they would usually be well dressed with maybe one or two swimming-suite type outfits. She would sign CDs that people buy. She would thank them for buying her videos, and ask them what other kinds of acts they would like to see her do in her future videos. All good PR. And in the clubs, those who purchase her CD could watch her reenact some of their favorite scenes with a few of the customers or other models. It would be supervised every minute. She would kiss them to thank them for buying her CD, or she could let them kiss her somewhere, like on the back of her hand, or somewhere. And trust me - you would get a very nice bonus for each tour, besides the additional sales. We try to do a tour every two

months somewhere, but it might be just to one city. We are also recruiting new models, so there will be moms and other young girls at the mall displays. I wouldn't want her to miss any more school than necessary, especially now that she's in the fourth grade, but this would help her modeling career."

She looked at her daughter, "Does that sound like something you would like to do, Honey? You might have to walk around in front of strangers in a little bikini while they look at you."

Albert said, "She would only have the bikini on some of the time. She would also wear pretty dresses and other things to model, but she wouldn't have the bikini on all the time."

"Would you like to do that, Cynthia?"

"Yes. Neat. I like modeling now." She was aware of her tingles as she contemplated walking around almost nude in front of strangers. "Would we stay in a motel with a pool, Albert?"

"We would do that for you."

"Oh, goodie!"

Albert said, "We'll talk more about it later

Acts Four And Five- Fancy Dresses

For her next scenes Cynthia started out fully dressed and all dolled up. She danced and undressed and then did erotic moves as suggested by the attentive cameramen. She seemed almost disappointed that they weren't touching her. She laid on her back and pulled her pussy open for the cameras - showing them her little, pink button - which - although small - was fully erect.

Her Mother came out between sets and said she was glad to hear she was doing such a good job. The photography students left and Ms. Ginny had Cynthia's dresses packed back in her bag. Albert said, "Before you leave, I need to get another envelope for you, and I'd like to talk with Cynthia and the state inspector for a while. Would you mind waiting behind the curtain again, Ms. Jones?"

"No, that's fine. Take your time. There are lots of magazines back there, and I like the music choices through the headphones." She went back behind the curtain, and Ms. Ginny went back to the dressing room.

Albert and the state inspector walked Cynthia over to the living room set which was much darker now without all the stage lights on. Albert said, "We'd like to talk with you about what a wonderful job you did today, Cynthia. And we'd like to give you more of those wonderful feelings in your pussy as a way to thank you for being such a good model. Would you like that?"

"Yes. Gee."

"Do you know what an erection is, Cynthia? When a man's cock is hard because he is so turned on?"

"Like a boner? I've heard boys talking about their boners, or their stiffies, or stiff johnsons, and I can tell that's what they mean."

Albert laughed, "That's right. Have you ever seen one?"

Cynthia blushed. "Well, in videos. Like at my girlfriend's house."

"When men watch your videos, Cynthia..." The state inspector said, "well, you are so cute and sexy that I know they will get erections. They like to rub their erections, just like you enjoy getting your clitty rubbed. You do like getting your clitty rubbed and buzzed, don't you?"


"Next weekend you might get to make some videos with young boys. A little older than you, but still young. Almost hairless. But I thought it would be a good idea to let you see one so you aren't so surprised. Their little cocks would be much smaller than mine. Would you like to see my erection? You got me so excited when you pulled your pussy open for me; when you let me rub your clitty and put my finger in you - in your pussy, and in your ass. It got me so excited. Would you like to see mine?"

"Yes." Her voice cracked. "Yes, really I would. Thank you, Sir."

Ms. Ginny came out with a camera.

Albert said, "He'll tell you what to do. Ms. Ginny will get a video clip of you undressing one last time. The state inspector wants to kiss and lick your pussy. Then you can kiss and lick his cock. You can look at it and play with it. OK?"


She undressed again and loved how the state inspector pulled her pussy open and licked and sucked on her magic button in her clitty. It felt wonderful. He fingered her, too, but stopped short of making her cum.

"Ms. Ginny will buzz you after you play with me for a little bit." He stood and took off his clothes.

His six inch, average-size erection looked huge to Cynthia. "It's so big!" She said, and looked at it from different angles. Ms. Ginny was getting close-ups. Cynthia started playing with it, then licking it. They had her tickle his balls which both of them enjoyed. She could barely get the tip of it in her mouth, but she did. They had her slide her mouth back and forth over the edge of his glans and down the shaft a half inch or so. She kept doing that, and then suddenly backed off as squirts of warm cum shot into her mouth and then onto her face and chest. She gagged and swallowed some of it, but spit the rest of it out. After some coughing, Albert came out and handed her soft drink. When she could talk again, all she said was, "Gee."

The state inspector said, "I'm sorry, Cynthia. You had me so excited after kissing your pussy, that I came practically right away. I didn't mean to shoot it into your mouth at first."

"That's OK." She tried to smile, and coughed again. After a sip of pop, she said, "That's OK. Thanks for letting me play with it. That was the baby stuff that came out?"

"Yes, my sperm. And you're welcome, Cynthia. You did great. I loved how you slid your mouth up and back over the tip so fast. That felt wonderful."

"Thank you. I saw that in a video." She took another sip. Her mouth and throat were still sore - from the gag and from gagging and coughing.

The state inspector said, "Albert and I will both tell your Mommy what a great model you are. You should go on the tour with us in a few weeks. I would love it if you could play with my cock again. Would you like that?"

"Yes, gee. At a motel with a pool?"

Albert laughed, "Yes, Cynthia. At a motel with a pool. For all our young models on the tour and all the photography students who will b helping us."

Ms. Ginny took her back to the dressing room to clean her up. "Well, now you'll know what to expect next week, Cynthia." They got her wiped off. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"I don't like the taste, but it was fun. I saw girls doing that in those videos. One of the girls swallowed it, but the other girls spit it out when they got some."

"Did you like playing with his cock and balls?"

"Yes. It was really neat, like the balls got smaller and harder when I tickled them, but his thing got bigger. It got harder, too."

"You're all cleaned off. Lie back and I'll finger you and buzz you for a minute. Think about sucking on boys and men, after you show them your pretty pussy. Thinking about that, and feeling the buzzer was all it took. Cynthia came again."

Before leaving, Albert asked, "So Cynthia, do you like modeling for me?"

"Yes. Really."

Albert handed Cynthia's Mother another envelope. See you again soon. I'll let you know about the tour.

"Thank you, Sir. We'll see you next weekend."

Albert, Ms. Jones, the state inspector, and especially Cynthia were each happy. Three weeks later, when her video collection hit the market, it was a big hit.

The End


Dear Readers: As always, please post comments or send them to me.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Boring! Repetitive! How can you maange to write the same story over and over again? Pointless reading anything else you produce.


I wish this story was longer and had more detail in it.


Corn53 stories are to a considerable extent minor variations on a common theme, but I've enjoyed the few dozen that I've read so far, and expect to read them all as time permits. The theme is masterfully developed, and endlessly entertaining to me. I like the ages and early stage sexual awakening, I like the atmosphere in its little-girl-friendliness, I like not having to deal with the turnoffs so common in pedoerotica--crude story lines, gratuitous vulgarity, not to mention content too barbaric to even name, but so prevalent with many other authors. Normal, pretty girls, positive motivations on everyone's part, happy little darlings well-launched on their careers of healthy and satisfying sex. I'll take all I can get of that.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.