Published: 21-Apr-2011
Word Count:
I'm Vladimir. That's not my real name. It's the name I use as a professional "youth photographer." I take art pictures and video - for my sites, and also for other sites that are more, well, explicit, than the photos and videos I post on my own sites. I also have private clients who pay for very special video shoots. My photography business is also a screening method to find the most innocent looking girls for those other, more explicit sites, and private shoots. The ideal model would be shy and easily embarrassed, at least at first, with a mother who needed or wanted easy money. The little girl would be cute, shy, and embarrassed, but follows directions, even while blushing. That was the ideal. I never do anything without the Mother's or Guardian's permission in writing, although some of them don't read all the fine print, especially for some of the 'sub-contracted' photo or video work, especially if that contract which they must sign is in a foreign language they can't understand. Nevertheless, they sign the papers and they know that some nudity will probably be involved.
Alina had just turned ten last week, August 20. Today her Mother (who I later learned was really Alina's step-mother, and not happy about it since Alina's father had disappeared two year earlier, leaving them in debt, after a very short marriage) brought her in for the audition session 15 minutes early. I had seen several pictures of her which her mother had taken before she came to see me two weeks ago and sent to my sham address where a friend screened things for me. I was too busy to talk the first time she visited my main studio, which I only reveal to people once I trust them. I liked the pictures, so I called her back. We talked briefly on the phone and arranged Alina's audition. The mother was very interested, and said that she knew that her daughter would be modeling swimming suits, lingerie, and things like that, and then she asked about the money. "My daughter is very limber and likes to practice gymnastic exercises. She likes to go swimming, too, and has a nice tan."
Of course, I explained that it all depended on how cooperative her daughter was during the photo shoots, and that the bigger amounts she had heard about through the grapevine, was only if a model did many sessions, or sometimes modeled with other girls, or did more "art"-type modeling. Alina's mother didn't ask what I mean by "art-type photos." She knew what I meant.
I've photographed and videotaped well over 300 young girls, mostly ages nine to eleven or twelve, and a few girls as young as six or seven for specific clients, and others up to age thirteen. Usually by the time a model reaches 12 or 13, if she is willing to ... well... do more provocative modeling and acting, I refer them to other photographers - usually after a session in my studio with both me and the other photographers involved. I collect a tidy referral fee after the visiting photographers takes his nude photos and sample videos. By the time our session is over, I can almost guarantee that the mothers would agree to their striptease-dancing videos, etc. when they hear about the new pay rate. Those photographers who need new, young, innocent-looking models who are willing to be in more explicit photographs and videos - sometimes much more than just dancing and undressing for certain private clients, even when those videos often involve 'other actors' - meaning boys, girls, men, or women - but generally not involving anal or vaginal sex until the girl was at least 12 or 13. Anyway, it seemed like mothers lined up to bring their daughters to me. I pay well, and in cash. They like that. As a rule I don't show the mothers any photos of their daughters - except maybe a few photos with the girl fully dressed, or at the least in panties and bra. The mothers liked the money and the girls liked the compliments and the excitement of modeling for me. Those who 'graduate' to work with other photographers or video producers are usually getting too 'mature' for my types of pictures. And by that I mean breasts too large for the average 11 year old, or too much pubic hair so that it shows even if she has been shaved.
I make great money. But more importantly, I love my job. I enjoy taking a shy young girl and awakening her to an understanding of her own charms, and eventually to new pleasures she never knew about before. Although a few girls remain too shy to continue, most of the girls are happy to pose for my "private collection" within two or three visits, even with her mother waiting right outside my studio door. And often, like with Alina, the mothers push their daughters to do "everything I tell them to do" knowing full well that it might mean some nudity.
My secretary will buzz me if a Mother seems agitated or tries to enter the studio during a session. I tell the mothers that the door is always unlocked, but you see, there is a little button on the door knob that I accidentally push in when closing the door, which can't be jiggled loose. Over the last ten years, I've only had two mothers try to enter the studio during the session. I get to the door within a minute of the mother's knocking, and rattling the door, and I apologize for accidentally locking the door. This gives my young star time to put her panties back on, if they happen to be off. Or the girl could step into the little changing room and pretend she is changing outfits. There are always extra outfits waiting in there for the model to put on. On both occasions, I suspected that the mother had badgered her daughter to say that I was touching her, or getting pictures of her between outfits, or that she had been doing nude modeling for me. So, on those two occasions, after I paid the mother a generous fee for "early termination of our modeling contract," I don't use that girl any more.
Many of my youthful stars are now seen on other sites and in newsgroups on the internet, but never the pictures from my "private collections." Those photo and video sets are coded so that if any of those pictures or videos shows up in a newsgroup, that customer will never get another private package from me.
The girls love posing, undressing, strutting, etc., for my cameras. And, as you may have already suspected, occasionally there is more "action" and "special poses" after the official photo session ends, and then the model gets a little monetary treat which we don't tell her mother about. So, if you've seen the youthful stars in the newsgroups, you've probably seen some of my work.
Now, let me tell you more about Arina and her mother.
They arrived fifteen minutes early for their 11:00 AM audition session. I always allow a few hours between models so I can review the pictures or video clips and begin editing; or in case I want to do a special session with the girl. I edit differently for each of my sites or for other, more-explicit websites. I change the sets frequently, especially for those other websites, so that pictures or video clips can't be traced back to me.
Alina was wearing a short, black, pleated skirt and a white, semi-sheer, sleeveless blouse with vertical ruffles across the entire front. I could tell immediately that Alina was not wearing a bra because I could see through the blouse on her back. The ruffles in front made it difficult to see her pink, puffy nipples, but I could make out the small, pointed mounds. And I could see the tan lines from her swimming suit. The skirt looked new, and I could tell immediately that Alina thought it was too short because she kept tugging it down on her thighs. Her entire legs were visible and her skirt barely covered her panties. Her mother said, "She is all clean, like you suggested, after a long, hot, soapy bath this morning. Then I did her hair and put the ribbons in it. I like to sew, so I shortened her skirt for today's session. I would be glad to alter outfits for some of your other girls, too. And Alina is wearing new panties today." When I had briefly talked with Alina's mother a week ago, she made it clear that she needed money.
I noticed that Alina blushed when her mother said that. Blonds usually seem to blush brighter, and Alina was no exception. She tried to tug the skirt lower and closed her legs even tighter. She was cuter in person than in those amateur pictures her mother had shown me.
I introduced them both to my secretary, Sophia, who loved watching the nervous, little girls blush and squirm as much as I did. When necessary, she would gladly assist with changing costumes and even shaving, if a girl was getting too much fuzz in her armpits or on her lower legs or on her pussy lips. Occasionally she would give the model a bath and then shave her bikini area if there was enough fuzz to be distracting in the pictures. I advised the mothers not to do the shaving themselves when it became necessary, because of possible nicks and cuts. I told all of the mothers that Sophia had been trained to shave carefully. Most mothers seemed relieved that Sophia would do this. I almost never mentioned it on the first visit, however. Sophia appeared very straight-laced and professional. I explained that Sophia would handle the paperwork while I was doing the audition with Alina. "And she will take care of your compensation each time you drop off Alina, if she is invited back. She has an envelope ready for you now, after you sign the papers, and possible bonus envelopes depending how things go during Alina's audition this morning."
Alina was blond, small, and slim and could pass for eight or nine years old, even with the little bumps on her chest, which were now hidden by the ruffles on her white blouse. And she was cute in a wholesome, athletic way - like a gymnast or dancer. Her legs and hips were just beginning to fill out. I wondered again about the bumps on her chest. It looked like she was at 'bird-egg,' puffy nipple stage, from the pictures her mother showed me. She was wearing a tight T-shirt and panties in those amateur photos and her budding breasts definitely poked out through the tight, thin material. I could hardly wait to get her to take off that ruffled blouse. I noticed that Alina was checking me out, too, but every time I looked at her, she looked away or looked down at the floor. She was pretty, but very shy.
I was beginning to think she might work out just fine. It was always fun getting the really shy ones to open up. I said, "Alina, you're a very pretty young girl. We'll start with the clothes you're wearing now, so you get used to me taking your picture. I'll say, 'smile' when I'm ready to take your picture. Just relax. This will be fun. Let me show you and your Mom around the studios now." I picked up one of my digital cameras and said, "Look into the camera and smile."
Alina valiantly smiled into the camera as she blushed brightly. Click. I took the first still picture. Alina and her mother were being recorded since coming in the door, although neither of them knew that. Sophia controlled the cameras in the office-waiting room, and turned them on the moment a new girl and her mother walked in.
Then I took Alina and her mother through several rooms of my studio, which at one time had been a large suite, and showed her the little dressing room which was really just an area behind a curtain with a table and chair and lots of hooks and hangars, boxes of panties and frilly things, and a few stacks of clothing. There were high heeled shoes of many colors and sizes on three racks attached to the back wall. I told Alina she could pick out a pair of high heels and try them on in a few minutes. I explained to her mother that I would set up a studio in one city for a few weeks and then move on, coming back again to that same city every few months. "I like to be able to see little differences as the model matures. I'm sure you understand."
Alina's mother said, "I understand. They grow and change so quickly between 9 and 12." She did indeed understand.
When I showed them the large bathroom, Alina's mother asked why I had such a large bathroom complete with a big bathtub for the models. I said, "Sometimes, as the girls get, umm, a little older, they might need to be shaved. Like I told you on the phone, I don't want the mothers to do it at home. Sophia will do any shaving, when it becomes necessary, in private, in here." I waved my hand over the tub. "Then when the model is shaved so that no hair would show through the panties, then Sophia washes her off so she's clean as a little girl, all bald again, like a baby. I'm pretty sure it's not necessary for Alina yet. But I'll know within the next hour, if she needs to be shaved yet. And usually I have Sophia do one or two practice shaving sessions, complete with shaving cream and a bath, even though there are no razor blades in the razor, it's just to help the girl be ready when the time comes. But if I can use her as a model, and if she continues to be one of my models for a long time, then would it be OK with you if I have Sophia shave her? You know, between her..."
"Oh, yes. Of course. I understand. Alina will do anything you say, Sir. You are the boss, and she knows that." Then Alina's mother asked me if that would mean additional money for her, if Alina continued modeling after we started shaving her. I knew what she was hinting about.
I said, "It wouldn't mean any additional money unless Alina was also selected to do additional videos which might, umm... Well, be more... well, specialty videos." It looked like Alina was distracted looking around the big bathroom, so I lowered my voice and said to her mother. "Some girls are selected by other trusted photographer friends for specialty videos, such as dancing and undressing, or taking a bath, or playing games with another girl. Things like that." Then we both became aware that Alina was listening. I said, "Anyway, if she did the other modeling, then it might be double the already generous hourly rate, along with bigger tips, too. And if I think that she would enjoy making those kinds of videos, it would probably start very soon, and most likely before shaving would be necessary. That's when I can get the highest prices for my work - right before shaving becomes necessary. But we'll see."
Alina's mother asked, "Would she still be a v.... um, you know?"
"Yes, she would be. The girls are usually by themselves or with another girl. But they never go all the way, if that's what you mean."
The mother said, "Yes. Good. I don't want her harmed. I understand. And she will do whatever you want. Just no, you know, with boys or men. Not all the way. You already promised us that nobody within hundreds of kilometers will see those kinds of 'specialty' videos." Then I knew for sure that the mother knew what kinds of videos I was hinting about.
I said, "Well, we wouldn't be doing any of that today. We'll just be getting a practice shoot today for the most part. And if she is selected, we would ask you ahead of time, and no boys or men would..." She nodded, so I didn't need to finish the sentence. We walked back to the dressing room so Alina could try on a pair of high heels.
Alina smiled as she looked at all the pretty shoes. Then she flipped off her black flats and picked out a pair of black, medium-height, square heel and toe shoes. The heels were only three inches high. She had picked out a pair that almost fit her, one of the smallest pairs of shoes in my inventory. I preferred to have the girls clomp around in over-size high heels to keep them a little off balance. It was so cute. She clompped along with us as we toured my studio rooms. I took several pictures in each room, touching her before each photo as if to get her into exact positions.
In the bedroom area, there was another box with nightgowns and lingerie I picked up an envelope and took out several frilly things, and a pair of ultra-sheer, white panties to show the items to Alina and her mother. We could plainly see my hand through the skimpy, thong panties - a pink waistband and thong with an ultra-sheer, white triangle in the front. I said, "Normally I don't let a new girl model this kind of fashion lingerie until I get to know them better, but perhaps today, as part of Alina's audition, she would like to do a few poses in these. I just got these from a client overseas, and he specifically asked for a 'new girl' to model them for him. And it would also mean more compensation if she models these for me today. And it would only take an extra thirty or forty minutes. But we'll see. I never make the girls do anything they don't want to do. Any of my models can refuse to model something that embarrasses her too much. But then normally I can't use them for additional sessions." Alina seemed relieved to hear she didn't really have to wear the skimpy panties, but her mother caught the thinly veiled threat immediately.
Her mother, who wanted the money waiting for her in the envelope in Sophia's desk, said, "Of course she will. She will be happy to model these for you. I told her that nobody around here will see any of the pictures. That's right, isn't it, Vladimir?"
"Yes. That's absolutely right."
I kept my video cameras turned on during these initial tours and audition sessions, because it was the very first session which was the most exciting - to me, and to all of my clients. When I turned on the master light switch in each of my adjoining studios, the video cameras also turned on in that room, capturing the looks of both mother and daughter. Neither of them questioned the cameras on tripods sitting all over the place, including in the dressing room. And they didn't ask about the bright lights that also flooded the changing area.
I handed the sheer panties and a matching, ultra-sheer, little bra to Alina as we walked around. "Carry these for me, Alina, so I don't forget to include them in your audition session today. This is just an audition, so I can see if you follow directions immediately, and if you smile for the cameras, and so on. I won't be sharing today's pictures with any of my usual customers. I might share them with seven other photographers and all of them are in other countries. They like to see my new girls, and it often leads to new contracts for my young models."
I took two or three pictures of her in each room. When I asked her to put one foot up on a chair to pose, she balked, knowing I would be able to see her panties, but her mother squeezed her hand and said, "Go on, Alina. Show Vladimir that you can follow directions. Don't be shy. Nobody else in our country will ever see these pictures. I got you new panties for today. Go ahead."
Then she put a foot up on the chair and tried to smile at the camera. She was blushing brightly and seemed close to tears. A great shot. I told her she was doing great, and then I put my hand on her knee and said, "Put your knee over towards the desk to open yourself towards my camera. I want a better view of your new panties." I kept my hand on her knee to position her. Alina was blushing brightly. I explained, "Sometimes I'll need to position you like this, Alina. It's faster to move you with my hands sometimes than to try to explain things with words." I wanted both mother and daughter to know there would be touching during our photo sessions.
Alina's mother helped by saying, "Let him position you, Alina. It's OK. He has to touch you to get you into the right position."
In the bedroom I put her in several positions on the bed. I had her lay on her back with her elbows behind under her shoulders to prop her up so she could look at the camera. I flipped her skirt up onto her tummy so I could see the panties while she leaned back. "Now show me how far you can spread open your legs, Alina."
She opened her legs obediently, blushing brightly. I was glad to be getting all this on video, too. Her Mother said, "She can open them wider than that." Then she said to me, "You scoot that foot out and I'll scoot this foot. I know she can spread her legs wider apart." Each of us pushed one of Alina's feet farther apart until Alina was practically doing the splits laying flat on her back. Her mother said, "There. See?"
"Very good." I said, and took another picture of the blushing girl. Then we put her in a backbend position on her hands and feet with her pussy pressed towards the ceiling. I took several more pictures, obviously getting close-ups of Alina's full, pubic mound. "Very limber. I'm glad to know you can get in some gymnastic positions and that you can spread your legs so wide open, Alina. Very good." I noticed both Alina and her Mother smile when I said that.
As we went through the bedroom set, the playroom set, the backdrop stage, and back to the bathroom which I sometimes used as a set, I noticed that Alina kept looking at the panties and bra in her hand. I stopped and had her pose several more times, always getting her into positions that showed her panties. When we got back near the door to go back into the waiting room, I had her get on her hands and knees, and then down on her elbows and knees. I took several pictures while I knelt in front of her, and then I said, "Stay in that position. Good girl." Then I walked around behind her and told her to arch her back. She humped her back upwards instead, so I put my hand in the middle of her back and pushed down. "We want your rear end sticking up with your back real low. Knees farther apart. When I say 'arch your back' I mean you should lift your bottom up and push your belly button down." I said as I put my hands on her thighs and opened them. "That's it. Now twist around and look at me." I put my hands on her thighs again and opened them still wider, lightly flicking the backs of my fingers across her panties, touching her pussy through the thin material. She inhaled sharply as if surprised, but she didn't say anything. "Just a second." I said, setting down my camera, and then I "adjusted" her panties again, this time slipping a finger on each hand up inside the leg hole on opposite sides of her body, outside her hips, and running my fingers from the outside of her hips around and down to between her legs, so I could feel the outside edges of her plump, bald, pussy lips. She didn't say anything as I moved my fingers from between her legs to outside her hips again and then back to between her legs. "Very good." I said. "You're getting better at holding still while I adjust your clothing." I pressed my fingers against her pussy lips from either side, giving her pussy a little pinch.
She said, "Ahhnn." She kept her voice quiet as if she didn't want her Mother to hear her.
I took several pictures while she continued to blush brightly, knowing I was taking pictures of her panties with her dress hiked up. Her mother was standing on the opposite side of the room from my camera so that both mother and daughter were in the same shot, with Alina showing me her panties as she twisted around to smile at my camera. She didn't say a word about me putting my fingers inside her panties to adjust them.
I said to the mother. "She might work out after all. If she does good today, I'll schedule another session next week. Then, if it's OK with you, I may have a photographer friend meet us here to get some pictures of your daughter. He has another site, and would also like to use a pretty model like Alina. Do you think that might be possible?"
Alina's mother said, "She'll do a good job today, and yes, we are very interested in letting her do more modeling."
When I finished the tour, I asked if they had any questions. Alina didn't ask anything, but her mother said, "How much is the additional 'compensation'..." She said, repeating the term I had used, "...for modeling the, umm, more revealing clothing and other, well, 'art photos' and those kinds of 'specialty' videos you mentioned?"
I saw that Alina was listening intently, even though she was pretending to look at the shoes again. I said, "First we'll have to see how she does today. I can't promise anything yet, but for the bra and panty set that just arrived from overseas from one of my special customers, it would be... Well, Sophia will tell you, but it depends on whether she poses in the outfit and if she is obedient about assuming the different modeling positions, spreading her legs for my camera, and of course, if she cooperates while I adjust her clothing. But mostly, today's shoot is just a test to see how well Alina can follow directions. And I can see that you raised her to be modest, which is fine. It's even better if the model looks shy, and embarrassed at times. Then, if we do schedule more sessions for her, usually about two months apart, and if some of the fashions are more revealing as you say, or if she was playing with another girl, or getting a spanking, then there would be more compensation for you. However, that's only if she is selected for more shoots. And that is really up to my clients. Then I'll need to know... well.... how flexible and bold and cooperative the model is. You understand."
"Alina will do everything you tell her to do, or she will get a spanking when we get home!" She gave Alina a warning look.
"No need for spankings. Not today, at least." I laughed, and patted Alina's bottom a few times. "No need for spankings. I'm sure she will do fine. If we ever do give her spankings, they wouldn't be hard - just to give her bottom a rosy glow, or maybe for a little, school-girl spanking video clip, but never anything very hard." I laughed again, giving her bottom a little bit harder spank. "And I would also like to remind you both of our secrecy policy, which means that you won't talk about these things with anyone, including each other. Is that clear?"
The mother said, "Yes," but Alina just kept looking around.
I bent down close to her face and asked, "Alina, you won't talk to anybody about our photo sessions, will you? Not even your mother."
"I won't tell anybody." She looked at me, then back down at the floor, still blushing. "I wouldn't say anything."
I stood up straight and took Alina's hand in mine, stretching her hand high above her head. "Hold your arm up. That's it." I bent down and looked closely at her armpit. "Just a hint of fuzz. Don't shave her - not her armpits, or legs, or anything. If and when it becomes necessary, I'll have Sophia do it. She is just fine for now. We probably won't need to do any shaving for at least a few months." I took a close-up picture of Alina's armpit, to capture the sparse, fine, blond hairs that were just beginning to form. "Yes, not for at least a few months."
Then I put her foot up on a chair. She was too wobbly in the high heels, so I had her kick them off. "There, that will be easier for you. Put your foot up on the chair. I knelt down beside her to examine her lower leg. "Just a little, fine fuzz on her lower legs. Your daughter is just ready to ripen. Don't shave her legs or ... well, don't shave her anywhere. Most of my clients like to see a little natural fuzz in the close-ups, knowing the girl is truly just beginning to develop and ripen."
"I understand." Alina's mother said. "You can examine her and I'll let you decide when it's necessary. I hope she can continue to model for you for at least several years." The mother was happy that I even hinted about continuing to use her daughter.
We walked back out to Sophia's desk. Alina was clomping along with us in the over-size high heels. I said, "I believe we'll do a full session today instead of a brief audition set. We may even do an additional hour, and I'll buzz you shortly if it looks like things will work out with Alina. Give her Mother a full compensation envelope after she signs the papers." Then with my hand on Alina's shoulders, I turned to her mother and said, "I think Alina will do fine. She is a very pretty, young girl, and I know she wants to follow directions." Then I leaned down and said to Alina, "Show Sophia the panties and bra you're going to model for me today."
Alina blushed again and held out her hand with the ultra-sheer panties and bra. Both pieces easily fit in her small hand. While Alina held the see-through panties out to show Sophia, I said, "She just has a little armpit fuzz, Sophia, and some fine hair on her lower legs, but you won't need to shave her for probably four to six months. We'll schedule some practice sessions before the actual shaving. I'm sure Alina will do fine. She is so cute and sexy."
I took the panties in both hands and opened them up. I held them in front of Alina's hips, letting the little triangle rest right in front of her pussy. We could all see her skirt plainly through the small whitish triangle of ultra-sheer material, with the pink string thong and pink waistband. I said, "These little panties will look so cute on you, Alina. You're a very pretty, little girl. And, Sophia, I'll buzz you in a few minutes if she agrees to model these for me, for our American client. Then you can give Alina's mother the bonus envelope. It's in my locked drawer." I stood, handing Alina the panties, and said to her mother, "So if I buzz Sophia that we are going to do the other photo sessions, then you can take both envelopes and come back here in three hours. If Alina will model these panties, while topless, today, then you'll get the nice bonus envelope, OK?"
"Yes. That's fine. I'm sure she will model whatever you give her, Vladimir. She is very limber, and likes to do her gymnastic exercises."
I stood behind Alina and put my hands down on her chest, feeling the small bumps of her puffy nipples through the ruffled blouse. I said, "I like this blouse and the skirt she wore here today. Very feminine. I'm sure she will do fine." I moved my hands around on the front of Alina's blouse, feeling the ruffles, and the little, firm bumps beneath. "I like the ruffles. Very feminine and sexy. I'm sure we'll have a good session. Sophia, find out what her mother paid for this blouse and reimburse her." I continued to move my hands on Alina's chest, blatantly fondling Alina's small breasts. I said, "And it feels like she is at the perfect stage of development for our pictures and videos."
The mother was watching. She looked down at Alina. "You're being very good, Alina. You know he will have to adjust your clothing for the pictures sometimes, so let him. Keep doing everything he says. Nobody around here will see your pictures." Then she looked over at me. "And Vladimir, I'm not her blood mother, but her step-mother. I didn't explain it earlier. I was married to her father briefly before he disappeared, leaving me with debts. And now, with a child to take care of, I'm having trouble making ends meet, so we very much appreciate this chance to earn money by modeling."
"Yes, I understand. If Alina cooperates, then I'm sure we'll schedule more sessions over the next two months while I'm in town. There is a chance that some of my trusted, photographer friends would like to use her, too, if that is OK with you." I was still fondling Alina's tiny breasts while we talked.
"Yes, you may schedule her with other photographers. I would prefer that she doesn't... well, you know... all the way. At least not yet."
"I understand." I assured her.
Sophia knew I was pushing things along quickly, which I especially liked to do with the very shy ones. Sophia pulled a folder out of her desk and said, "I'll go through the paperwork and get the signatures. I'll give her the first envelope, and if you buzz me, then I'll give her the second envelope and remind her to come back in three hours."
Before I took Alina's hand and led her back into the studio area, I had her flip off the high heels and stand on the chair that was facing Sophia. Alina's mother was between Alina, now standing on the chair, and the door. I said, "Lift your skirt, Alina and show Sophia the sexy panties that you wore here today."
She did. She was blushing brightly, but she did it.
I knew I was pushing both the Mother and the daughter to the limit, but I said, "Very good, Alina. Now let your skirt fall back into place and pull your panties down to your knees. I need to know if Sophia thinks you'll need shaving yet. Your mother and I can't see you, only Sophia can. And Sophia will be helping you change clothes, and she will also give you baths when it becomes necessary to shave you, so it's OK for her to see you with your panties down."
Alina's Mother said, "That's right. Ms. Sophia will be bathing, dressing, and maybe shaving you, so go ahead, Alina. Pull your panties down like Mr. Vladimir said. You have to follow directions!"
Sophia leaned across her desk towards the girl who was less than one meter from the front of her desk. Alina was still blushing brightly, but she pulled her panties to her knees. They didn't fall the rest of the way down because Alina's feet were apart as she stood on the upholstered chair. I said, "You're doing good, Alina." I was now standing next to Alina's mother. We were both watching Alina from behind. I said, "Now lift your skirt high in front so Sophia can tell if you need to be shaved yet."
She did.
I said, "Good girl. Hold it high so she can see it clearly. Twist a little to your right and hold still, and then twist a little to your left. Let her get a good look at it. That's it. She has to examine you."
Sophia looked for longer than was necessary, until Alina started to squirm with nervousness. Sophia said, "Alina is still bald, maybe just a little angel fuzz. And she has firm, plump lips that are excellent for modeling panties. Big, plump, pubic mound. She will do fine, Vladimir. But perhaps next week I should do a practice shaving session with her so she will be used to it when the time comes. I'll set up a tentative time with her step-mother while you two go in and start your photo session. I'm sure Alina will be brave enough to be a good model for you." Sophia smiled and sat down, opening a drawer with a key.
I said to Alina's Mother, "Would that be OK with you? An extra hour at our next session which Sophia will schedule for next week?"
"Yes, of course." Alina's Mother said.
Alina was still holding up the front of her dress for Sophia.
"Now pull up your panties and hop down off the chair." I said.
Sophia said, "She is very obedient, besides being very pretty."
To our blushing, new model, I said, "Very good, Alina. Now go try on these panties right now. Take off your skirt. I'll be right in. Go ahead and get in position in the bedroom set. Take off your skirt but leave your pretty blouse on for now. Lay on your back on the bed, legs together. Well, legs together at first, then count to ten and open them all the way, spreading your legs as far apart as you can and show me if you are really as limber as your Mother says. You can keep your legs straight or bend your knees, either way. Keep slowly opening and closing your legs, but when you hear me open the door, then freeze in the position you're in. I won't care if your legs are closed or spread wide open for my camera when I first walk in, because you will change positions for me anyway. So you go on in and try on these panties, and take off your skirt and lay on your back in the middle of the bed. Then I'll be in with the cameras in just a few minutes to see how limber you really are. Then, once we know that you will model whatever I give you to model for the cameras, your Mother will be free to leave for a couple hours."
I turned to Alina's Mother, "after our initial audition pictures, I'll go ahead and do a full shoot today. That is, if she wears these panties and spreads her legs for me." I patted Alina on the back, "I'm sure she's a little nervous, which is fine. I'll go in and get a few pictures and video clips in a few minutes, if she is modeling those new panties for me. Then I'll buzz Sophia to give you the additional envelope and you can come back in two hours. If she's not wearing the panties as directed, then I'll bring her back out and you can take her home, and you'll still get to keep the basic audition fee."
"She will model whatever you tell her, Vladimir. And she is very limber and will get in any positions you tell her. Won't you, Alina?"
Alina was on the verge of tears again, looking down at the floor, but she nodded. I put my hand on her back and nudged her into the studio. Then I closed the door, knowing the video cameras were on in the studio. I was anxious to watch the clip of her climbing onto the bed and lying back under the bright lights in those ultra sheer panties and changing positions. And I would let her wait on the bed a good ten minutes before I went back into the studio - to let her get good and nervous and excited for the pictures. Sometimes, when I did that with a nervous, new girl, she was already wet when I first went in. Then I would know for sure that I had a hot one. After Alina went into the studio, I said, "She's a very cute girl, and I'll know soon how well she can follow directions. It will probably work out just fine. We made small talk for almost ten minutes, before I excused myself and went into the studio.
Alina's mother was very thankful. She said, "I'll sign these and come back in two hours, but you may keep her longer today if you'd like. And thank you, Sir."
Alina was wearing the panties, high heels, lacy blouse, but the bra was beside her on the bed. She was very nervous, and I have to admit, I was excited, too. Her legs were open about shoulder width apart with her knees straight.
Alina held up the bra. "I didn't know if you wanted me to put this on, too." Her voice was shaking.
"You're fine, Alina. Very good at following directions. I'll help you put on the bra when we take your blouse off. Do you wear a bra very often?"
"No." She answered. "But my swimming costume is in two pieces, like with a top."
I kept taking pictures, getting close ups of the ultra-sheer, thong panties. "You're doing fine, Alina. Are you nervous?"
I could see that she was indeed already getting wet. I said, "Of course you are, but you are following directions. And you held still while I felt your blouse in front of your Mother, so I think you'll do just fine. Bend your shoulders forward and rest on your elbows again so you can see me and the camera. Smile. People are going to see these pictures and we want them to know you like posing to let them see your pretty panties. I want them to know that you like showing them your panties, and in this case, even your pretty, young pussy since these panties are so sheer. Now, open your legs for me now. Good girl. See? This isn't too hard, is it?"
"No." She said as she opened her legs wider.
"Lots wider than that, Alina." I laughed, helping her relax. "Yes, that's better." She opened wider. Then I had her lift her knees and slide her feet closer to her bottom. "Now lay your knees out to your sides." I noticed she was looking right into my camera. She hesitated, and then, still looking into my camera, she let her knees slowly fall open, knowing I could clearly see her bald pussy through the thin material. I said, "Your pussy is beautiful, Alina. Very beautiful."
"Thank you." She said quietly, as her knees spread all the way down to the quilt on the bed. She was very limber, like her mother said.
"I need to buzz out to Sophia so she will give your Mother the extra money and then leave for a few hours. While I buzz her, roll onto your tummy and keep your legs together for me."
I buzzed Sophia on the intercom. "Alina is doing fine, Sophia. She is following directions. Give her mother both envelopes and tell her to return in three hours."
Before clicking off the intercom, we heard Alina's mother say, "Oh, good. I wasn't sure if she would do it."
Alina and I heard Sophia say, "She's a very pretty, little girl. I thought she might be too shy, but it looks like she'll be a good model for us. Here are the envelopes. Come back in three hours."
After we heard the door close through the intercom, I flipped it off. "There, now we're alone. We don't have to worry about your Mother walking in on us while you're modeling. Is it kind of exciting to you so far, Alina?"
"Good. You're already modeling very sexy panties. I know you'll enjoy the other things you'll be modeling or doing for the cameras today. I'm also getting this on video so those other seven photographers I talked to your Mother about will know how pretty and obedient you are. Now reach back and put your hands on your bottom. Keep your legs together. Very good." I kept taking pictures. "Try to look back at me and pull your bottom open slowly with both hands. Good. Slowly, but stretch it wide open so I can get the pictures and video of the thong between your legs and over your little pink anus. Do you know what your anus is?"
"Well, I'm sure it's very pretty, too, like your pussy, and the other men photographers will want to see it. Then they'll be able to pick out the sexiest panties for you to model for them. You're doing good. Do you feel excited and nervous? Do you feel tingles in your pussy?"
"Yes. Unnn."
"You're doing great, Alina. Most of my little girl models love the tingly feelings they get when they show their panties to my cameras, knowing that lots of men will see the pictures. Arch your back a little to lift your bottom towards the camera. Good. Now try to reach down closer to your pussy between your legs and pull your bottom wide open for me. They will love your cute bottom. That's a good girl. Now start to spread your legs apart. Very good. Slowly. Keep your bottom pulled open. Very good. I can see most of your anus because the thong is so narrow. Very pretty and pink. Excellent. Arch your back more. Pull your bottom open for the cameras. Such a pretty anus. You are so sexy, Alina."
"Thank you."
"Open your legs wider, and really arch your back. Pull it open for my cameras. Wider. Good girl. Now they'll be able to see it. I'm sure they will all want you to model for them. I have the video camera going, too. Let me zoom in closer. Mover your bottom around slowly. Be real sexy and let it close a little and then pull it wide open for them. You've got the panties on, after all. That's a girl. Keep moving. They will like seeing it move. Very good. I'm glad your Mother is gone for a few hours, aren't you?"
"Indeed, yes. My other little girl models like modeling and acting much better once their mothers leave the studio. Then they can be so much sexier. They like showing off for the cameras. Is it exciting to know that lots of men will watch you modeling like this?"
"Ohhh. Yes."
"And Ms. Sophia thought you had a beautiful pussy, too. She told me she thought you were too shy at first. She will like helping with these pictures and video clips tonight. And she's anxious to practice shaving with you, too. Then you'll be able to see more pictures of the other little girls, once we get you into the system. You can watch some of their video clips. You can watch the other girls undressing or doing a shaving practice. Won't that be fun?"
"Keep moving your bottom, and arch and lower your back, too. Good. Wiggle it around. Go real slow. Perfect. Keep doing that while I adjust your panties. The men will love this." I reached forward with my right hand and tugged the panties down several inches and pulled the thong to one side - exposing her anus and pussy to my cameras. "Keep moving." I reminded her. "You know that sometimes I have to adjust your outfits or panties, don't you?"
"I remember."
"Maybe sometimes I adjust them more than I need to, Alina. You're so cute and sexy, that I want to see you and touch you, too. But it's just part of the modeling. It's OK, isn't it, if I touch you to adjust your panties or bra sometimes?"
"It's OK. I know you have to."
I brushed my fingertip across her bare anus. It flexed up tight. I said, "Just relax it for the pictures, Alina. You're doing great. You're such a sexy girl. And Sophia thought you might be too shy to model for us."
She said, "Ohhh." As I brushed a fingertip across her anus. It flexed tight and then she pulled it open again.
"Let's play a little trick on Sophia. You keep your face in the pillow and keep wiggling your bottom and arching your back - you know - opening and closing - and I'll bring her in to help me and I'll tell her to be real quiet so that you won't know she's watching, but actually you do know. She thinks you're so pretty, Alina, and this way she can see your pussy lots closer. Don't let on that you know she's watching. I want her to know that you really are brave enough to model for us. OK?"
"Unn. OK."
"Good girl. Just keep acting sexy for me and for all the men who will see these video clips and these pictures of you. Keep moving. Pretend you don't hear us talking. I'll turn up the music." I noticed a little bit of white cream forming in her vagina as she wiggled in slow motion, while pulling her bottom open with both hands. I turned on the music in the studio and then opened the door to the waiting area and motioned for Sophia to quietly come in.
Sophia's jaw dropped as she watched Alina writhe slowly to the beat of the music, with her panties pulled down and to the side, exposing her entire pussy and ass to me and my cameras. I said, as if whispering to Sophia, "Alina is so sexy. And her pussy is absolutely beautiful like you said."
Sophia was aware of this ploy that I often used with new models. She whispered back to me - but loud enough so that Alina could hear, "She is just gorgeous, Vladdy. What a magnificent pussy, and firm, full ass. I thought she would be too shy at first, but she is fine. So innocent and cute and sexy. Our little girl is growing up. Oh, she's hot."
Then I said in a louder voice, "I'm going to pull your panties down a little farther now, Alina. Move your hands so I can pull them down. You're doing great, Alina. This will be a real hot video to share with those seven men photographers."
I switched back to a "whisper" and said, "OK, keep getting close-up video of her hot, little pussy as I pull her panties down. In fact, I'll take them off just to show you how sexy she really is." We both knew that Alina could hear every word that I was whispering to Sophia.
Alina moved her hands, one at a time, so I could pull the waist band past her hands. Then she reached between her legs and pulled her little, pale ass cheeks wide open for me, Sophia, and the cameras. I left the panties stretched between her thighs as Sophia and I kept getting video and pictures. She would pull her ass open, letting her bottom relax towards the bed, and then pull it open again, arching her back - opening herself to the cameras. She was showing off for Sophia. Sophia winked at me, and smiled. Then she pointed to the thick, white, goo that was beginning to ooze out Alina's vagina. This ten year old was truly hot.
I whispered loudly to Sophia, "And she knows that my seven or eight friends will be watching this video and see her pictures later tonight. She likes showing off for them. She will be a wonderful model."
Sophia whispered back, "I can tell. She is very sexy. It's natural and normal for little girls to enjoy showing off their charms. But it's not seven photographers anymore, Vladdy. Remember? It's more like seventy. Seventy men in other parts of the world. And some of them told you they let their sons and friends see your pictures and video clips, too."
I said, in my whispering voice said, "Oh, that's right. Probably about twenty or so teenage boys, mostly between 13 and 16 years old will see these, too. I remember that the men said they can tell how hot a new model is by how their sons react when seeing the new girl's videos for the first time. If they want to watch the videos over and over again while they are alone, or if the boys want to bring in their best friends to see the pictures and videos of a new model, too, then the men said it's a good sign that the boys think the model is very cute and sexy. I'm sure all the boys and men will love our sexy, little Alina, with her tiny, pink anus. Now step back out of the studio, Sophia. I might call you back in when we do the next parts for tonight's video. Maybe you could help get her dressed for the scenes."
A minute later the door closed, so that Alina could hear it. Then I said in my louder 'director's voice,' "Very good, Alina. Get up on your hands and knees now and you can put the panties back on in a minute. They fit you really good. I'm sure the man who sent the things will enjoy watching you model them."
Alina looked over at the closed door. "Did she come in?"
"Yes. And she whispered to me that she thought you were very cute and sexy."
"We fooled her, didn't we?" She asked, still blushing
"Yes. Very good. I like how you play along with my ideas." And I meant that, because I was sure she heard everything that Sophia and I said. "Now I want to get some other pictures and video clips to send to those seven friends of mine. Is it still exciting for you, knowing that those seven or so men will enjoy watching you undress?"
"Yes." She said, without questioning my arithmetic.
I realized that she was a quick study. It would be fun working with her. I posed her in various hands and knees, shoulders and knees, knees together and knees apart positions. She kept getting wetter.
I helped her stand up so her pussy wouldn't touch the bedspread. I wanted to keep her pussy wet for the next sets of pictures. I had her stand in the high heels and set down my camera, leaving the ones on tripods turned on. I stepped behind her and reached around and began feeling her breasts through the ruffled, silky shirt. She stood still. I said, "This doesn't hurt, does it?"
"No." She moved slightly to the side as I kept massaging, gently squeezing and lightly pinching or stroking her puffy nipples and moving the tiny mounds of flesh. "Un. That feels funny. Unn, un."
"I need to tickle these for another minute so they will be stiffer for the video when you take your blouse off for the cameras. OK?"
"Yes. Un."
"Then you'll take your blouse off to show your perky little titties to the cameras?"
"Yes. I have to do what you say." She said. "Unn. My mother said I have to do everything you tell me."
"And I bet it's exciting to show your titties and your pussy and your pretty anus to the cameras, so those seven men will see all of you... isn't it?" I squeezed a little harder as I asked her.
"Unnn, ohh, yes."
"And it was fun fooling Sophia, too, wasn't it?"
"Yes. We... unn... fooled her, didn't we?"
"Yes. We tricked her. Now I'll put your panties back on you, but won't pull them all the way up. I want you to walk towards my cameras and smile and turn around, and then unbutton your blouse and hold it open to the cameras. Don't go too fast. Make those men wait to see your pretty titties. Then take your panties the rest of the way off again. Are you walking OK in those high heels?" I had stopped stimulating her chest.
"Yes. I can walk. It's fun." Then she followed directions and walked toward me, smiling, but not grinning, at the cameras. She turned around on cue and then unbuttoned the blouse and turned around again before taking it off. It was more awkward to turn with the panties stretched out between her thighs and wearing the high heels, but she kept her poise, still blushing, but not nearly as brightly as those early shots of her panties. I knew she would do fine even before I had her show Sophia her bare pussy in the waiting room.
Soon she was wearing only the high heels. Then I said, "I'm going to call Sophia in to help her get into the next outfit, but I want her to watch you walk towards my camera with the panties stretched between your knees and your blouse on, but not buttoned, so she can watch you take it off. OK?"
"Yes." She said, as I handed her the blouse and then helped her step back into the panties, pulling the up to her knees and letting her put her feet apart. Sophia walked in. "Oh my! Yes. I see she is doing fine. You will be a great model for us, Alina."
Alina was blushing brighter again, and smile her 'thank you' to Sophia. I had her turn around to show Sophia how well she could walk in the high heels, even with panties stretched between her knees. Then Alina opened the blouse to show her pink buds to Sophia. Alina was blushing so brightly that I thought she might faint.
"Isn't she doing great, Sophia?" I asked.
"She's so hot and sexy."
I said, "Stand behind her and stimulate her breasts so I can get close-ups."
"Yes, Sir." Said Sophia. I knew she would thank be later for inviting her to "help."
Sophia was actually in many of my "audition" videos for special clients. She loved to stimulate the little girls. I kept getting close ups, and the whole scene was on video.
"Unnn. Ohhh." Alina began making soft noises while Sophia's expert fingers continued to stimulate her breasts - between thumbs and fingers or with her long, painted fingernails.
"Does that feel good, Alina?" I asked.
"Unnn, yesss." She said softly, moving more now to the slow ministrations of Sophia's deft fingers.
"Right hand and stimulate her between her legs for a moment." I knelt down to get more close-ups of Alina's wet pussy as she stood in the high heels. Sophia's right hand found Alina's swollen clitty between the wet lips of her plump, bald pussy.
"Ahhh, unnn." Alina moaned. She moved her feet farther apart.
"It's OK, Alina." I said, "Just enjoy the feelings. Let her help you relax. Just enjoy the feelings. Look into this camera." I pointed to my video camera on the tripod. "You massage and pinch your cute, little titties for the camera and let Sophia tickle your pussy. Keep looking into the camera. Good girl. Little girls love getting tingles in front of my cameras."
Alina looked into the camera, but she wasn't seeing anything. She was in a fog of pleasure. She began squirming and moaning and then it happened. I knew Sophia was stroking Alina's swollen clitty. "Ahh, ohh, ohh, ohh, ahh." Alina was softly moaning, picking up volume and tempo. Within a minute, she was much louder, and pinching herself harder. "Ohhhh, ahhhhh. Ohhaaaahhhhhhhh!" Alina had her very first orgasm - on camera, at the hands of an older woman, in front of a man she had just met 40 minutes earlier. An experience none of us would forget.
We helped her lie on the bed after flipping the quilt to one side. She was as compliant as warm putty. I got a few more close-ups of her pussy while Sophia held Alina's lips open so that I could see the swollen clitty. Alina's vagina was oozing cream, dramatized by a few delayed spasms, which squeezed out another drop with each spasm.
We let her rest for half an hour. She laid on the bed naked, just absently watching us get her next outfits together. I could have brought in a dozen total strangers and she would probably just lay there.
As we got ready for our next set, Alina asked, "What happened?"
Sophia said, "Honey, you had an orgasm. It helped you relax. If it's OK with you, I'll try to help you have one each time you come to model for us. Just let me do it for you. Usually I won't do it until we are almost finished, but on a girl's first visit, I like to help her have one right away. Sometimes I can help a girl have two or three orgasms in one visit, if you'd like another one later. Did it feel good?"
"Yes. Gee." She had that dreamy look for the next hour as we got her dressed in different outfits and had her strip as she danced for the cameras. Sophia had told her to pinch her titties for the camera, so she did that each time she got undressed.
With just thirty minutes to go, she was fully awake, and Sophia said, "It helps get you ready when you undress for the cameras. Isn't it exciting knowing that lots of men and boys want to watch you undress?"
"Gee. Really?"
"Yes they do." Sophia said. "Lots of men and boys will see these videos and your pictures over the next week. We'll tell you what they said about you when you come back. I'm sure they will all think you're sexy and they will want to watch you in more videos. Will you come back again?"
"Yes." She said, seemingly unaware that Sophia had specifically mentioned 'boys,' which proved to us that Alina had known about boys seeing her videos ever since Sophia had come it to watch us when Alina and I "fooled her" and Sophia whispered about all those boys who would be watching Alina's videos.
Sophia said, "When you show your pussy to the cameras, and think about boys watching you, it gets you ready for the next orgasm. Then I just need to flick you for a little while. Do you want to have another one today?"
"Well, good." Said Sophia. "I like to teach the girls several different positions for their orgasms. This will take lots more sessions. And it helps, too, if other photographers are here so we can put you into different positions and then we'll help you have one."
"You mean with people watching?" Alina seemed suddenly shy again. "Gee."
Sophia laughed. "Yes, silly. It's not just me and Vladdy you'll be working with. There are several other men photographers who come here to get pictures and videos of our models. And the men just love to watch our little models have orgasms, don't they, Vladdy?"
"Yes, they do." I agreed. "It's sort of like undressing for the cameras, so when you undress for the other men it gets you more excited so it's easier to have one or two orgasms. It's like a bonus for the model."
Sophia said, "And sometimes, when I think you're about excited enough, we let one of the men photographers help you. That way you get used to other people helping you get that wonderful, good feeling. You'll let them adjust your clothing, and you'll undress for them, and let them feel your chest, won't you, Alina?"
"Gee, well, yes. But I mean, like I'm not supposed to let boys or men see my panties. That's what my Mother, I mean my step-mother tells me. Well, except for her friend who comes over. Like he loans her money and he lets her use her car and then he helps her by spanking me. It started a year ago, about a year after my real Father left us. Mommy says it's OK for her friend to pull down my panties as part of my punishments while she goes shopping, because he has to spank me. But otherwise I'm not supposed to let anybody see my panties, and ..."
I said, "Just see how you like it next week, Alina. I've scheduled two other photographers to help us. Your Mother will get more money, too. She probably knows that other people will be putting fingers in you after you undress and take off your panties for them. It's natural when a little girl grows up, that different people put fingers in her."
"And I want you to know..." Sophia continued, "to know that you can have orgasms in different positions, not just while you're standing up like you did earlier, but on your hands and knees, or lying down, or sitting on somebody's lap, or if you're tied up, or pretending to get a spanking from a man teacher, all kinds of ways and then you'll get that good feelings. It will be fun. And sometime I want to hear more about the man who helps your Mother by spanking you. But I think you'll like being a model for us, don't you, Alina?"
"Yes. Gee."
"And next week, when you meet the two other photographers, don't let on that you know they will help you have an orgasm and finger you when we're almost done with our photo session, OK? They will spank you and then finger you for the first videos."
"I won't say anything." She promised. "Should I dance and undress again now?" she was ready to get started.
"In just a second." Sophia said, "but look at Vladdy. He's going to finger you this time and help you have an orgasm. Do you want his finger in your pussy or in your bottom? Every time we have a new photographer here, you'll know he is going to finger you when we get done with the photo session, but you get to decide if you want him to put his finger in your pussy or in your bottom."
Alina stopped and think a minute. She looked uncertain. "Gee."
Sophia said, "I think today, we'll have Vladdy do a little of each, so you'll know how to decide next week. Usually the girls like the man with the biggest fingers to push his finger in her bottom after he gets his finger all slippery wet with a special lubricant just for bottoms. When Vladdy puts his finger in your bottom, he will use lots of greasy, slippery lubricant so his finger can slide all the way in real easy. He'll go slowly in the back, too. And then he'll use his other finger in your pussy, so you'll know which you like better next week when you have to decide. Vladdy can't be on camera, because he can't be seen in his videos, but I'll get video of your face and your bottom - just close-ups while you have another orgasm."
"Gee, will the men and boys watch these videos?"
"Yes, Alina. They will want to watch you have another orgasm. They will love it almost as much as you do. I'll be getting video of your face with this camera on the tripod here, and I'll get close-ups of Vladdy's finger going in your bottom and also when his other finger goes in your pussy and flicks your clitty to give you the 'gasm. So all the men and boys will be able to watch it all, they just won't see Vladdy's face in any of the pictures or videos. OK?"
She said, "OK. Gee. In my bottom?"
I held out my hand to her with my forefinger extended. She took my finger in her hand and looked closely. "Gee, you mean all the way in?"
I said, "Yes, all the way in, Alina. But first I'll get you nice and slippery and will keep my finger slippery at first, too. Then I'll push it all the way in real slow. Once your nice and slippery I'll go in and out of your bottom faster. Most of the little girls just love that. I bet you will, too."
She was still holding my finger in her hand. "Your finger is so big." She said. Sophia and I both noticed that she squirmed her hips as she held my finger and looked at it. "Gee, all the way in." We could both tell she was very curious about getting my finger up her bottom.
Alina danced and stripped to the slow, rock music and hopped up on the bed again, getting on her elbows and knees and backing up towards me. I let Sophia handle the cameras so I could lubricate my right forefinger. Her pussy was plenty wet and gooey enough so I wouldn't have to lubricate my left forefinger. I slicked up my finger and then put a dab of Vaseline on her anus and slowly pressed my finger all the way in. She got completely quiet as she felt my finger start to press in. It was quiet in my studio so the cameras would pick up all her words and noises. When it was about half-way in and still pressing, she started saying, "Ohhhhhhnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnn, nnnnnn." She kept moaning like that until it was all the way in. Then I pulled out and put more lubricant on my finger.
Sophia said, "It's OK to move your hips while he presses in, Alina. It helps it slide in easier and feels good to move your hips around."
I pressed it in again. She was very tight, so it took some pressure to force it in. This time she moaned louder as it pressed all the way in, faster this time. She moved her hips as I pressed in.
Alina's mouth was wide open as she looked into Sophia's hand-held camera. Sophia said, "Most little girls really like getting a big finger pressed in their bottom. Have you ever experienced that before?"
"No. Ohhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnn, nnnnn, oh."
"Do you like how it feels as it goes in your bottom, Alina?"
"Yesss, sssss, unnnnn, unnnnnn, unnnnnn." I pushed in a little a paused, pushed farther, and paused and so on, taking four or five little pauses before getting it all the way in.
"Do you want Vladdy to push it in your bottom a few more times so you'll get used to it for next week?"
"It's all tingly. Yes. Unnnn, but I might....unnnnn. Push it in some more so I'll get used to it."
I pushed part way in real slowly, and then plunged in the rest of the way; pulled out, and plunged all the way in again.
I went ahead and pushed my other finger in her slippery, wet vagina at the same time, pushing her over the edge. I didn't want her mother to arrive while Alina was in the middle of an orgasm. Her spasms were gripping my fingers which were all the way in both holes at the same time.
As we cleaned her up, Sophia asked her if she enjoyed getting fingered and if she wanted to come back to do more modeling the next week, even knowing she would be getting fingered again.
"Yes. Gee. I mean like Mommy wants me to model for you."
"Very good, Alina. I'll try to schedule an extra hour for you so that you can get at least two fingering treats. Would you like that?" Sophia asked, as she wiped off Alina's bottom with a warm, wet washcloth.
"I hope Mommy will let me stay longer."
I said, "I'm sure she will, Alina. You just come and be a good model for us and for the new men. Your Mother won't see them. They will be waiting inside when you get here, but she won't see them. Don't say anything about the other men who are coming next week or about getting fingered by me today. OK?"
"Gee, I won't!"
Then I asked, "Did it feel good with two of my fingers in you at the same time?"
She blushed. "Gee."
I wasn't sure if she meant yes or no, so I asked, "It's important that you don't rub yourself here during the week. We'll know it if you do, so don't rub yourself here. We'll rub you next week when you come back. OK?"
"I won't rub it." She promised.
"Very good. Sophia will examine you when you arrive next week, while she helps you get into the first outfit for your video. She will make sure that you haven't rubbed it, and if you haven't, then we'll rub it for you while we finger you after the modeling and the videos. Then you'll have another great big orgasm! Just let us give you the orgasms in front of the cameras. It feels so much better that way."
"I won't rub it." She promised again.
I asked, "So, would you like me to do that again sometime - two fingers in you at the same time?"
She looked at the floor, embarrassed again. She said, "Yes."
Sophia said, "Most girls love it, Alina. It's OK. It probably made your pussy feel real tingly, didn't it?"
"Gosh, yes. I mean like it was electric inside me."
Sophia said, "I'll talk to the other photographers next week. And I'll be sure to have them go slow at first, and to use lots of the lubricant in your bottom and on the fingers they push in your bottom. OK?"
"Gee. Yes. OK."
By the time Alina's mother returned, Alina was all cleaned and dressed up again after her second orgasm. Alina was sitting quietly in the entrance room when her mother walked in after I unlocked the door. Sophia confirmed the arrangements for the following week. I reminded both Alina and her mother not to talk about these modeling sessions, and that we would see them next week at the same time. I handed Alina a little bag with a new pair of panties in it. "Put these on next week right after your bath. OK?"
"Yes, Sir." She said, fully awake again.
I said, "And you can't talk about our sessions, Alina, even with your step-mother, but did you enjoy being a model today, Alina?"
"Yes. It was fun." She said, as she looked bashfully at the floor.
Alina's mother smiled a big smile of relief, and the two of them left. Sophia handed Alina's mother another envelop, with a tip inside. I said, "She did very good. If my friend, the other photographer can make it here next weekend, then the session would last much longer, and the pay would be more that double your total for today."
"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir. This helps so much. We won't talk about it with anyone."
After they left, it only took Sophia and I a few minutes to find our own relief as we watched the first scene of Alina on the bed in the sheer panties. Then we got dressed and began editing, happy we had found another child star.
Uncle Spanky
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