Published: 23-Jan-2011
Word Count:
"But your ad said that you would find good modeling jobs for selected girls, ages seven to twelve, and after I brought my daughter to you last week and you selected her for a free photo audition and she called me to bring her back today for bigger, free portfolio and the lady said probably a paid photo shoot. I thought it would pay lots more than what you just gave me. Like three times more per hour!" Alice's mother, Rachel, was close to tears talking with Joe. "You even said you liked girls like Alice who were 'just beginning to bud,' and those were your words, after she posed for you in that... that... those skimpy, tight, little panties and the silky bra you could almost see through. She was so embarrassed while you and Mary took pictures, telling her to stand up straight."
Alice was dressed in her best dress from a year earlier - white, lacy - and Alice thought - way too short. She was sitting a few feet away; pretending not to listen since her Mother specifically told her not to listen. She picked up the small photo album off the end table as Joe had hoped, and began looking through it. It showed 6 to 10 pictures of each of a dozen cute, little girls - ages 8 to 10, in various stages of undress - a few were fully clothed in short, pretty dresses, but most were only wearing panties and bras. There were a couple topless pictures of each girl with her small, budding breasts fully exposed. The girls in the pictures ranged from almost completely flat to small, cupcake-sized breasts with swollen, pink nipples. Alice noticed that each girl's exposed nipples were stiffened up. In some pictures the girl was wearing ultra-sheer, low-rise panties - showing off all of her feminine charms to the camera. Most of the girls had at least one pose lying on her tummy, wearing only thong panties. The girls were posed in a wide variety of other positions, and in some of them, Alice could see a wet spot centered in the crotch of the sexy panties. A few of the girls were wearing high heels and very brief panties and nothing else! They all wore make-up with 'wet-look' lipstick. In one of the pictures - a rear-side view of a topless girl in thong panties on her hands and knees with her head lowered and knees apart - Alice could almost see the girl's entire anus - with the string thong stretched over it. The little girls were smiling in all of the pictures. Alice hoped she would get to model today, especially if she could wear sexy panties like that, but only if her Mother was not in the room with them. She looked quietly through the little album; hearing her Mother beg Joe to let her daughter do some of the high-paying modeling. Alice could not sit still. Just looking at the pictures was giving her tingles and twitches between her legs, especially picturing herself wearing these ultra-sheer panties and opening her legs for the camera the way the girls in the pictures did.
Joe didn't show a smile as he talked with Alice's Mother. He thought about the two days of photo shoots a week ago when so many hopeful mothers and daughters arrived, scheduled 45 minutes apart, so that hopefully Mary could get a series of thirty shots - from fully dressed, down to panties and bras of each hopeful model. After signing a release form - and accepting a small payment in cash - Joe knew he could post some of these auditions on his foreign websites that very night. If the girls and/or their mothers balked at posing in panties, then they were thanked and sent home. Some were much more cooperative, and were scheduled for a second "free portfolio." He knew that most of them would be disqualified during or after this second, somewhat longer, photo shoot. But he knew that Alice's Mother was very qualified - more by her own impoverished dress - than Alice's cute, innocent looks. But then the nine year old, slim, blue-eyed blond was very cute and showed great potential with a little more cleaning up; namely hair and nails, maybe a little make-up. Joe loved her over-sized new "grown-up" teeth that were too big for her mouth.
Joe said, "I scheduled the interviews today at forty-five minute intervals, but you are the last one today, Rachel, since there was a chance I could go ahead and use your daughter in a photo shoot this afternoon. The other applicants today were already sent home for the same reason I'll probably have to send you home: none of them checked off enough of the permission boxes on the modeling application."
Joe had scheduled them far enough apart so that none of the mother-daughter pairs would see or talk with any of the other models who were called back for second interviews. Joe wanted to be polite, but he wanted to at least get official pictures of the little girls wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of panties and a semi-sheer, training bra. With two of the girls he took the Mother out to the waiting room to go over the possible contract, while Mary helped the girl change panties and put on a different bra, in front of the cameras which Mary had pretended to turn off. Neither the mothers nor daughters knew those other cameras were video cameras. Mary also coaxed the girls - when her mother was in the other room - to trust her and to talk about any sexual experiences - which usually amounted to playing doctor with another girl, but sometimes she learned of a brother or neighbor man, or other adult males or females - who had played various "games" with the little girl. She knew that Joe's customers loved hearing these stories! And with a signal from Mary, Joe would schedule a third photo session, if the girl's mother would agree to wait outside the studio and talk with him while Mary did additional talking and photo work at another time. Then Mary would learn lots more about the little girl's sexual adventures with other girls, big brothers, or adults.
Mary knew what Joe wanted for these little interview videos for his websites, even though she was pretty sure that Joe would not select a particular girl because her Mother didn't look or act needy enough. She would help the girl change slowly - sometimes just slipping on a pair of panties and then taking them right back off - in front of the full-length, one-way mirror. Mary knew about the hidden camera of course, and how the other two tripod-mounted cameras were aimed, while she moved the girl around - took a few pictures - front and rear - before helping her change panties again. If she felt the girl was enjoying the attention, she would take a little risk to teach her about 'fluffing up' her breasts for the pictures before putting on the next bra. If the girl went along with pinching and pulling her own breasts in front of Joe's three cameras, she would have the girl do stretching exercises before helping her on with the next pair of panties and then a new bra, before taking a few photos. The girls all acted embarrassed, especially at first, with Mary in the room with them while they changed. But with Mary's compliments, constant chatter, and encouragement, the girls opened up more for the cameras. She kept assuring the girls that they didn't have extra photographers today to work the other cameras so they should just ignore them and follow her instructions.
Occasionally one of the girls who would not be selected was having so much fun that she would get wet enough to show through the panties, and one of the girls had gotten that wet today, making Mary smile. She knew Joe would like the videos later - especially how the 'wet girl' talked about playing games with her big brother. She was only eight years old, but had already sucked off her fourteen year old brother on many occasions - sometimes while their Mother was asleep in the next room. He would give her a dollar from his lawn-mowing money each time she helped him 'squirt out his sticky stuff.' The little girl even bragged that her big brother could put his whole finger in her. She told Mary, "He slides it all the way in, clear up to his hand." Mary complimented the little girl on being so grown-up and so cute, and confided some of her own fictitious, and some real "early memories," in order to keep the girl talking.
Mary knew that the last girl each day was the primary target, but she enjoyed the other girls, too... and so would Joe, and so would all of his website customers. Because the cute, little eight year old had already sucked off a boy and been fingered, and didn't seem to mind opening herself for the camera, she gave Joe a code word when she brought the little girl out of the studio. As she went back into the studio, Mary heard Joe suggest that the mother reconsider checking off at least two of the other boxes so that he would be able to schedule her daughter for another photo shoot for an advertiser in Japan. Sometimes the "clear over in Japan" ploy convinced the mother to check off the "nude art photos" and the "bathing" boxes on the model application. Today it worked and the mother initialed the boxes after several reassurances that the nude and/or bathing photos would never be seen in this country.
Joe gave the mother a small advance, and scheduled her daughter for a three hour session two days later. He said, "Even though she will be undressing and taking a bath in front of the cameras, it would be good if she took a bath at home in the morning and washed real good all over." The mother agreed that she would drop off her sparkly-clean daughter and then come back to pick her up (and the money) three hours later. Before the mother left with her daughter that day, Joe said, "Amy, your mother is going to bring you back to do more modeling in two days. You can't talk about this with anybody, even each other. As part of your modeling, you will have to undress completely in front of the cameras and get in different positions. Will you do that?"
"Yes, Sir. I'll do what you say when I'm modeling. And I promise never to tell anybody." She spoke softly and looked at the floor while she talked.
Mary was standing with them. She said, "I'm sure Amy will do fine. She is a natural model and very compliant."
Joe said, "That's good, Amy." He looked at her mother, but was also saying this to Amy, "These pictures are only seen in Japan or some of the countries Japan does business with. If she does a good job, she may be selected to interview with a few other trusted photographer friend. She may even get to work with other models from time to time if you're interested in letting her do additional, well-paid, modeling work.
"Yes, that would be great. Please consider her. I'm sure she'll do a good job." Amy's mother said. Then they left.
Mary loved being Joe's assistant - photographer, make-up artist, driver, interviewer, and sometime hairdresser. She said, "I think Amy will be great, Joe. Got very wet and enjoyed showing off her pretty little bottom in tight, silky panties to the cameras. I bet she'll love showing it to your friends. And wait till you listen to her interview. She's tasted her big brother's cum lots of times!" She let Joe think about that for a few seconds, then added, "And she likes it when he fingers her. Of course, I told her that I did the same thing at her age. I didn't mention that I'm an only child."
Joe laughed and said, "Nothing like a big brother to help wake up a cute, little girl!"
Occasionally a little girl would let Mary snip off most of her pubic hair - involving lots of touching the girl's pussy to pull out one lip at a time - in front of one of the cameras, which the little girl thought was turned off. Mary had things set up so that only her hands and the girl's torso would be in the 'snipping-off' video clip. And of course, Mary would have to inspect from behind, too, after the girl turned around; bent over; and pulled her bottom open - so Mary could 'inspect' for any other pubic hair. She would pull and kneed the girl's bottom and thighs for the camera. This view also clearly showed the girl's state of wetness. Joe and his customers loved these little video clips. Mary would say, "I need to trim you up a bit - so it won't show through the panties." She was 90% sure that the girls wouldn't say anything about it to her mother, especially if the girl felt wet and said things to indicate that she enjoyed modeling, or if she had already confided sexual adventures with big brothers, playing doctor with her girlfriends, or even with an adult... then Mary would caution the girl not so talk about the session, because then she might have to tell the mother about the girl's other adventures. Mary had lots of ways to entice the little girls to go along with her 'special modeling' requests - even while the girl's mother was in the next room. Mary always pointed out that the studio door was locked so that nobody could walk in during their session and spoil the lighting. With a willing model, age eight to eleven, Mary could almost always get her to pose topless at least.
Anyway, well-off mothers posed a threat to Joe's whole operation. This was not main-stream porn with willing girls over eighteen years old. Many of his models were naïve girls less than twelve years old. The girls who were chosen were usually passed on to other "photographers" in a long-running scam involving a few well-paid women in their late twenties or early thirties who acted as intermediaries for the score of older, wealthy, gentlemen "photographers" who liked working with one model at a time for an evening of fun. These pretend photographers knew they had to at least pretend to take some photos although most of the evening was spent helping her try on outfits - especially exotic lingerie; followed by a personal "examination." These photographers also knew that the little girl had to remain a virgin, although fingering would be OK, once approved. And so was letting the little girl see his thing and playing with it, but they were not supposed to get their stuff on the girl's clothes or make her swallow it. This was only after a girl was "chosen" and "approved" by Joe, once he got the girl's mother to sign the papers. Of course he never gave the girl's mother a copy of the things she signed, but he knew the papers would be enough to keep him from any kind of public entanglement with the law. The mothers couldn't do anything without incriminating themselves after they had granted permission for 'fully nude' and 'taking a bath' photos, and videos, although the idea of videos wasn't completely spelled out, in the fine print it did say 'all types of photography' including video. The contract also spelled out that the little girl would have to assume a wide variety of poses for the cameras.
Joe knew his "trusted intermediaries" also liked young girls and would be happy to assist - just for the pleasure of dressing them up and assisting with the examinations. The mothers never met any of the other photographers, and only knew a first name for the woman who was always dressed nicely, who picked up her daughter to do her hair and make-up, and wardrobe assistance, before she would take her to meet the photographer for the evening. Later, Joe's female assistant would get the little girl and drive her home - hearing all about her experiences, and reminding the young, naïve "model" to never discuss the photo sessions or examinations with anyone - especially her mother. The girls always promised because they definitely did NOT want to talk about it with their mothers, and they did NOT want to stop "modeling." The little girl knew she would get in lots of trouble if they showed the pictures of her with her panties pulled down to her Mom. Joe and his assistants knew that each 'photographer' would help the young model have at least one major orgasm with assistance from his fingers and perhaps a small vibrator. Joe and all of his "trusted, photographer friends" always pointed out that the tingles felt even better if she was embarrassed - like in front of cameras and strangers. This kept the little girls coming back - eager to do everything they were told to do, especially in front of cameras and/or strangers, like at Joe's "little parties." Joe saw many of these sessions live or on tape later. Mary or his other assistants would report that, after a few of these 'private sessions' with a photographer, that the girls were already wet when she picked her up to get the model ready for the session with hair, make-up, and dressing - often beginning with very sexy panties. The little girls loved dressing up knowing they would be getting so many compliments and then undressed in front of the man's camera and for his 'examination,' which was basically a masturbation session for the little girl. After a new model had done at least five or six of these session, the man was allowed to masturbate, too, often with assistance from the curious, little girl. The photographer would have to promise not to get any of his excitement in the little girl's hair or else there would be a twenty dollar 'bathing fee,' when Joe's assistant was taking the girl back to her apartment to get her back in her own clothes.
Joe said to Alice's Mother, "Yes, your daughter was selected to do a free, twenty-picture portfolio shoot with you present last week. On the report, my photographer said you told Alice not to let the photographer see her panties, even though that was the kind of shoot that was mentioned - a clothing company in Japan that sells designer panties, which is what she would be modeling today if she is selected. She can't be a model if she is too shy. These photo shoots would be for contacts overseas. Nobody around here would ever see pictures of Alice's face. She would be in a few ads in Japan where blond, European or American girls are so popular as models. If we can get some pictures today, then we'll be able to check with our sources to see if any of them would like to use your daughter. Some girls are chosen and some are not. There was some interest in your daughter, but not for any of the categories you checked off on our list of modeling opportunities. Just be patient. Maybe something in 'Schoolgirl's Clothing' will come up soon, although that's not what we need just now. Currently we're supplying models for three Japanese specialty clothing manufacturers because that's where the money is for us. Local advertisers don't pay nearly as good, and the shoots don't happen nearly as often."
"But your radio and newspaper ads promised jobs for selected models! And you selected her!" Her voice cracked. "We really need the money. I thought when Alice was one of the few girls picked for the free portfolio that you had something lined up for her already."
Joe rubbed his chin. "You wanted to stay in the studio while we did the initial ten photos, and you also said you wanted to remain in the studio for her one hour of audition photos today. Not a sign of trust. Frankly, when a model's Mother is present it is difficult for my photographer to get the model to really relax when assuming the various poses in the different outfits. Mary has been one of my top photographers of young girls, your daughter's age, for the last ten years. Surely you trust her judgment, and expertise."
"Yes, but... well, I don't want anything naughty to happen."
"It won't. You know how newspapers exaggerate stories. Don't believe everything you read. Do you see pictures of young girls wearing panties and bras in magazines?"
"And those girls are modest. They are well paid and work in clean, safe environments."
"OK, I would check off the box next to lingerie, if that would mean we would be paid more for today's photo shoot." She looked at her nine year old daughter who was trying to sit still while pretending to look through a magazine just ten feet away. "And I could wait out here, I suppose. Would she get triple the rate you offered when we got here - before I signed your form? I know she wants to model for you." She had agreed right away to the stipulation that parents were not allowed to see the photos that were taken during the sessions, if any, and that she would trust the discretion of the photo company that was ready to pay her the modest and very disappointing modeling fee.
Joe handed back the form she had signed. There were several unchecked boxes. Alice's Mother checked the 'Lingerie & Swim Suits' box and read the label of the other unchecked boxes: Art Nudity, Bathing, and Erotica. "Not enough." Said Joe.
"I thought those categories would only apply to older girls; girls who are nine or ten years older than my daughter. I mean, I suppose these other categories are only for older girls?"
"Usually, yes. It depends on the requests we get. Those are the categories that pay the higher amounts that you were expecting. And I could show you examples while your daughter is doing the Schoolgirl, and Underwear modeling portfolio, now that you've consented to let her model underwear. In order to use a model for the higher-paying jobs, her mother would need to check off at least three or four of the categories. And remember: her face is not seen in this country in those kinds of ads." He pulled an envelope from the inside pocket of his business suit, and pushed a button on his desk.
Mary came out of the studio into the front room a few minutes later. She said, "What kind of shoot today, Mr. Joe?" She held out her hand to call Alice to come to her.
Joe sat down so he could look Alice directly in the eyes. She was only four, feet, seven inches tall, compared to Joe's six feet even. He sat the envelope with the money in it on the table next to him, with the mother on the other side of him. The shy girl looked at the floor. He put his hands on her hips, appreciating her slender, nine year old figure. He pulled her to stand between his knees, with her mother sitting right beside him. Mary was standing behind Alice. Joe said, "I want you and your Mother to both listen, Alice. This is very important if you want to continue to model for my company. Mary will take you back in the studio and help you change into several different outfits to model for us. Each time you will start out fully dressed, and as Mary takes pictures you will slowly undress in front of the cameras until you are posing in only your panties and training bra. You must do as she says and get into the positions she tells you, even if you are embarrassed. Sometimes she may have to touch you to position your arms or legs or to arrange your clothing for the photos. That is OK with me and it is OK with your Mother. Before we can even start today, and before I can give your Mother this envelope with the money, you have to agree to do that."
He could feel the girl trembling, still looking at the floor. It was quiet as everyone waited for her to answer. Finally she said, "Yes, if she tells me to." The she asked, "But will you see my panties?"
Joe said, "I won't be in the studio with you today, at least not at first. It will just be you and Mary. Your Mother and I will wait out here. And also... look at me." She looked up at him. Joe's hands were on her hips, with his thumbs two inches below her belly button. He could still feel her trembling. "They won't be your panties. You will be wearing the panties Mary gives you. She will dress you each time. Then you undress and pose as she tells you. Then she will take off your panties and bra and give you a different set to wear. And Mary has to inspect you all over. Our customers need to know about any imperfections, but even if there are some, we may be able to touch up the pictures, but it's better if there aren't any. It's OK. You're a cute little girl. Let her look at you and touch you all over when she inspects you."
Joe looked at Alice's Mother. "Tell her to follow directions. And if she does a good job today, then I'm sure it will lead to additional modeling sessions in the near future."
She said, "Do whatever she tells you, Alice. This is just modeling. And I won't ask you questions about what you do during your modeling sessions. That is part of my agreement with Mr. Joe. I know you've seen ads in magazines that show close-ups of a girl's panties, and there is nothing wrong with that. He said that your face wouldn't be shown in those kinds of pictures, at least not in this country. And you'll always have at least your underwear on while she is taking pictures right now. So go on in and do everything she tells you."
"But..." Alice looked ready to cry. "You said it was a sin to let people see my panties."
"I know." Said the girl's mother. "But this is different. There aren't any boys or men looking at your panties. This is a professional photographer. At church, Father said that we should all use the talents that God gives us to earn our own livings. And you have beauty, and you will still be my good girl, but you'll be using your talents to help us earn money. And nobody around here will see your pictures. This doesn't count as a sin and it's not naughty, so please do whatever Mary or Mr. Joe tell you to do. This is our secret. You won't tell anyone, and that includes the priests. When those old laws were written thousands of years ago, cameras weren't invented yet. OK?" She smiled at Alice.
Alice smiled, too, as a tear ran down her cheek. "Well, OK, if you say so." She sniffled and took Mary's hand. "I'll try my best."
Joe said, "Take her on in now Mary, and try to do at least three outfit changes today. She is a very pretty, little girl, so if she cooperates, then our sponsors will want to use her." He squeezed her hips tighter with both hands, as if making a point. "Follow directions today, Alice. Mary will also do a quick, overall inspection each time you are between outfits, but it will only take a minute. She will also see how flexible you are and check your muscle tone. And no pictures of your face will appear in a magazine in this country. I can promise you that. Also, it will help you relax with Mary if you talk during your sessions. Answer her questions fully and trust each other. That's important if you're going to continue to work together. Also, you must keep these photo sessions a secret from all of your friends and everyone else. That's important. Otherwise we would have too many girls wanting to be models, and we only want the cutest girls. I won't come in today during your photography session. If Mary says you did a good job, and if we schedule another session, then there might even be a bonus for your Mother today, but that's up to Mary. She'll tell me how well you cooperate."
"Another session?" Alice's Mother asked. "That would be great. And maybe a bonus, too? Then please, Alice, do your best to do everything Mary asks of you. Make me proud of you. And remember: in this case it is OK to let the photographer see your panties. It's OK. So be cooperative."
Joe turned Alice half way round so she was aimed towards the studio door. With one hand still on her hip, he patted her firm, springy bottom to move her towards the studio. Mary took Alice's hand in her other hand and led the young, nervous girl into the studio. Joe and the Mother heard the lock click on the studio door. Then soft rock music started which they could hear through the door.
"For security." He said. "We don't want anyone entering the studio during a session, which would spoil the shots and lighting and so on. The music masks any noises. They will come back out in an hour. Meanwhile I'd like to show you photos from the other categories that you didn't check on your application." He pulled a large manila envelope out of his briefcase which had several other envelopes in it. "I want to show you examples of those other types of photos. All are very natural, and by 'natural,' I mean they are ordinary things that your daughter does anyway. She does try on different clothes, and she does take baths, and she is naked every day between her bath and her bedroom or wherever she goes to get dressed. And she is also examined by a doctor, and none of that is 'bad' or 'naughty,' as you say. Let's look at some examples and then maybe you'll change your mind so we would be able to use your daughter as a model more often, and also for the highest rate."
"These are examples of 'Art Photos.'" Joe said as she spread the pictures out on top of the small table. These girls are from other cities and they all love modeling. If you permit Alice to pose for these kinds of photos for my advertisers, then she would get more modeling contracts each year. None of their pictures are seen in this country. They primarily go to Japan or countries that do business with Japan." The pictures showed young girls wearing sexy lingerie or two piece swimming suits in a variety of poses - none too erotic. In some of the photos you could see evidence of a pussy crack showing through, but it was difficult to be sure that's what it was because of the embroidered designs in the panties. The poses were fairly modest. The girls were very cute. In some of the photos, the girls looked older and had larger breasts, but there was no evidence of dark, pubic hair showing through the semi-sheer or sheer fabric of the panties, or around the very narrow crotch of a tiny, bikini swimming suit.
Joe let her look through the photos. He was almost certain that she had noticed the lack of pubic hair or signs of shaving on the older girls, some of them fourteen or even fifteen.
Some of these "Art Photos" showed a model's small, bare breasts as if accidentally. Those photos featured the panties the girl was wearing, but any observer would also notice the bare breasts - which ranged in size from puffy nipples to large marshmallows.
Joe didn't press for any kind of comment, but after a few minutes, she said, "These look OK. I suppose she could pose for these kinds of photos. And you're sure that nobody in this country would see any of her pictures, I mean, not with her face."
"Yes, that's correct. Pretty much only in Japan and countries that do a lot of business with Japan. In some cultures younger girls wear more ... well, 'fancier' underthings."
Then he pulled out another large envelope. "These are examples of 'Nude Modeling,' which are used primarily for art or medical students. You'll see a variety of poses so just remember that some are for use by medical students." He opened the envelope and put a stack of pictures on the table and collected the other photos while she began looking through the glossy, color photos.
"Oh my." She said softly. "I don't think so. Not for Alice. Especially not in those unladylike positions." She pointed to a close-up of a young girl's open pussy. In the picture the girl's fingers were pulling her lips wider apart for the camera to fully expose her clitty.
"I understand. However, again, that type of picture would only be seen by medical students and they need to see a wide variety of ages and developmental stages. Those pictures wouldn't be widely distributed, and I can promise that those types of pictures do not show the girl's face."
The picture beside that one showed the same girl's pulled-open bottom. You could tell it was the same girl from her pink, sparkle nail polish that was partially chipped off. Joe said, "I do have an order for more pictures similar to that with other girls for a medical project. Because of the nature of these pictures, the pay is much higher, and of course, no pictures of the girl's face. Often, during a photo shoot, we have three or four levels of photos and can use the same model for each type. We do her hair, nails, and make-up before the shoot, because most of the pictures - in fact, almost all of the pictures, show the model at least partially dressed and modeling some type of clothing. However, even if only a few photos are of the medical or art student nature, then you would be paid the highest rate for the entire session. For example, out of a hundred pictures, only two or three would be like these."
"Oh." She said quietly. Then she looked through the other pictures, which were mostly artistic poses with side or rear views, and were much more modest.
Joe said, "It would be the same with bathing. That is usually for some kind of soap, shampoo, or other hair-related project, with only brief glimpses of the girl's private area. Sometimes these involve video instead of photos, but it's the same difference to the model." He laid out several pictures of naked, young girls in a bathtub or shower - all in more modest poses. "I don't have many bathing pictures, because these particular advertisers want video instead of photos.
"But now I want to show you something else, while we have a few moments of privacy. Look at these sets of photos." He laid out a dozen pictures. "You may have noticed that even in the photos of the more developed girls, those with larger breasts, didn't have any visible pubic hair. These pictures show the difference between waxed, shaved, or hairy pubic areas."
Joe let her look closely at the photos. Then he said, "If Mary gives me a good report about Alice's cooperation, then I would fund the cost of Alice's wax treatments. You can see which girls have been waxed in these close-ups. They don't show hair through the panties or beside the leg holes in the panties. And even worse than hair is black stubble and red bumps from shaving. The girls who go through the wax treatments can model for several more years and probably once or twice a month with either my company, or one or two trusted photographer friends. They could offer you the same assurances: namely that nobody around here would ever see pictures of Alice's face, and nobody would hurt her in any way. This is not 'naughty' or 'sinful' because it is for legitimate modeling. She gets examined by doctors and that is OK, so it is also OK to be examined or positioned by trusted photographers. Wouldn't you agree?"
She thought for a minute. "Well, I see your point. Those things happen naturally in a person's life. And you say you or one of your photographer friends might be able to use her once or twice every month?"
Joe kept a straight face, although he was smiling inside. "Yes. Instead of once or twice a year for maybe two years, it would be once or twice a month for maybe five years, but only if she gets the wax treatments and only if you allow art nudity, and bathing photos."
He didn't ask her any questions, but was giving her time to do the calculations in her head. A moment later it looked as if she had decided. She asked, "And you're sure that there won't be any such pictures of her shown in this country that show her face?"
Joe felt his cock jump when she asked that question for the third or fourth time. He could hardly wait to do his own 'examination.' He said, "Yes, that's right. In fact, if you check these boxes today, we could do one or two of those shoots when we finish with the first hour. I'll have Mary bring her home later, along with a much nicer envelope for you."
Alice's Mother checked the boxes on her application and put her initials next to each box. Then Joe buzzed in to Mary on the intercom. "Bring her out here when you are ready to begin the next set, after she is dressed in her next outfit. We may be able to do some additional scenes today and arrange for the first wax treatment, if you think she is ready."
Both Joe and Alice's Mother heard Mary say, "Yes, she has a little fuzz, but waxing is not absolutely necessary yet. Maybe in a few months. Very limber. Muscle tone is excellent. We'll come out in about twenty minutes. She is being very cooperative but is still shy."
He talked with Alice's mother about what to say to her when she came out to say good-bye, before the second part of the photo session. He promised to bring her home later with the full feel for all three or four hours... "four hours if things are going well," and said she would get the top fee for all four hours, and the next session would be scheduled in two weeks."
Twenty minutes later Mary came out of the studio leading a very attractive young lady in a very short school uniform. Alice was wearing lacy, white ankle socks, black flats, the short, plaid, school jumper that barely concealed her panties, and a white blouse. There were ribbons in her hair and she was wearing make-up and lipstick... looking both younger and older at the same time - and very cute. She was blushing and very self-conscious, looking down at the floor.
After a moment of silence, Joe cleared his throat. "Your Mother has signed the papers to allow you to do additional modeling today, Alice, and maybe even some acting and pretending. Are you enjoying modeling so far?"
"Yes." She said, still looking at the floor. "It's fun."
Joe heard Alice's Mother breathe a sigh of relief. Then her Mother said, "I'm going on home, Alice. Mr. Joe and Mary will bring you home in three or four hours. Do everything they say. I've signed permission for other types of photography, but everything is natural. It's natural for you to take a bath and to try on different panties and different types of clothes, and it's natural for you to be naked before you get dressed, and it's natural for you to be examined all over by a doctor, or in this case, by a photographer, so let them examine you. It's not a sin, although you mustn't tell anyone about your modeling. Do everything they tell you, and get in the positions they put you in, whether it's part of the modeling or the examinations, or for medical-type photos. If you do a good job, they might be able to do some acting scenes, like little pretending things in front of the cameras. And if you do a good job, you'll get to do more modeling, maybe even for other photographers who are friends of Mr. Joe. It would really help us. Remember to do everything they tell you. They said it should be fun, especially if you get to do some acting. It's OK, and it's not naughty. They will bring you home later. Have fun, and try not to be too shy. Mr. Joe will be helping with the pictures during your last few photo sets, so let him examine you and dress you."
Joe said, "That's correct. If she does a good job today, following all of our instructions without hesitation, then I'm sure that a few other trusted photographer friends of mine will also be able to use her at the higher rate."
"So do everything they tell you, Alice. This is a job and you are just following directions. It's not a sin, and it's not naughty. I won't ask you questions and you can't talk about this with anyone except Mary and Mr. Joe. Will you try to do a good job, Alice?"
"Yes, Mommy. I'll do it." She was still looking at the floor.
Her Mother hugged her; turned, and left.
Joe locked the door. All three locks.
Joe and Mary smiled at Alice, but she was still looking at the floor. Mary said, "Alice would benefit from a wax treatment in a few months, Mr. Joe, but not yet. I think her angel fuzz is so cute. Some of our customers like seeing a little fuzz. We are getting to be friends, so it might be best to leave us alone for the next hour so we can talk girl talk in private. Maybe you could get the bathroom set ready for a bathing scene. Oh, and that might be a good time for you to do your examination. She was very cooperative when I examined her, pulling herself open as directed. Before I get pictures of the exotic lingerie, I'll teach her how to help herself swell and stiffen for the pictures using the wand. I'm sure she'll enjoy that. I'll try to get her close before you examine her. You'll love her flexibility and muscle tone. And she's a good dancer. Natural rhythm. I had her dance around while she undressed. Wiggles her hips."
"Excellent. I'm sure she'll be a great model for us." He put his hands on Alice's shoulders, and bent down so his face was close to hers. "Are you enjoying being a model, Alice?"
Joes asked, "I need to know about how well she fills out panties. My clients always want to know that."
Mary smiled at Alice. "Lift the hem of your school jumper, Alice, and let Joes see how well you fill out the panties." The girl blushed, but lifted her skirt. Mary said, "Hers is plump and full. Absolutely beautiful. Your clients will love how she fills out the panties. Rounded, firm buns, and plump, firm, springy lips in front. Just perfect muscle tone. You'll see when you examine her. And I'm sure her Mother is happy that we can continue to use her daughter as a model. And feel how firm her bottom is. Springy and nice so it would be great for pretend spankings."
"Spankings?" Alice asked.
Mary laughed, "Nothing hard, Alice. We just need a variety of video clips to show off your pretty bottom. Mr. Joe has customers who will want to see how your bottom jiggles after it is spanked so they will know if they can use you in their videos. You'll be doing other things, and pretending - but its all part of the modeling. Nothing is 'naughty,' so just have fun and enjoy following our directions. Let's let Mr. Joe feel how firm you are in front or back. Mr. Joe, you will like her panty area so much."
Mary turned to Alice, "Lift your jumper so he can feel your panties in front and back. I told him how obedient and pretty you are, but I know he will want to see for himself."
Joe knelt beside the nine year old, who was holding up the hem of her jumper. Joe looked her over and began complimenting his newest model. "Yes, very good. Looks firm and plump in front and in back. Perfect for modeling panties ... or getting spankings." He laughed and patted her bottom which made Alice giggle.
He started feeling around on the girl's bottom. "Put your feet apart and try to keep your bottom relaxed so I can jiggle it to see how it bounces. It will be easier to see later when Mary spanks you with your panties off."
"Off? You mean a bare bottom spanking?" Alice sounded worried.
Joe was trying to jiggle Alice's firm bottom through her panties. He said, "Relax your bottom. They won't be hard spankings." He laughed. "Don't worry about that. Put your feet farther apart and let me jiggle your bottom while I feel how plump and firm you are in front. Just hold still." He kept jiggling her bottom with his right hand and then reached his left hand onto her panties and began feeling the girl's pussy. He continued. "You're doing good at following directions, Alice. Very good. If you keep it up, your Mother will be very happy that you'll be doing more modeling for us. Feet farther apart so I can feel between your legs."
The girl balked, and seemed afraid again.
"It's OK, Alice." Mary said. "Joe won't hurt you. You still have your panties on. He things you're so cute and that's why he wants to check your muscle tone. Let him feel how firm you are. If you keep doing good at following directions, I know he'll want to use you more often. Your Mother would like that, wouldn't she?"
"Yes. So it won't be a hard spanking? Ohhh, that tickles."
Joe was feeling between her legs and all over her ass and pussy with both hands. Mary said, "What do you think, Mr. Joe? Isn't she doing great at following directions? And don't you think she has the perfect shape in front and in back for the photos?"
"Yes. She feels perfect. I look forward to examining her all over a little later. I have some paperwork to do in a few minutes, so I'll let you two go in... legs wider apart, Svetlanna... Good girl. A little wider. Good. Yes, she is obedient and is just the perfect shape, like you said, Mary."
Mary said, "You can squeeze hard and she springs right back. Perfect."
Joe squeezed her buns, and then her pussy - several times - and each time her firm ass and pussy sprang right back into shape.
As this continued - the compliments, followed by Joe doing his own verifications of plumpness, firmness, springiness, etc., Alice began saying, "Ohh," each time he squeezed and released her pussy. Then Alice asked, "Ohhh, gee, are you sure this isn't naughty?"
Mary said, "No, it's just part of the modeling. It's OK when we do it. We have to so we can get things set up for your videos and so on. You're just following directions, so it's not naughty at all."
"And also..." said Joe, "this is our secret, so you can't talk to anyone about the modeling. That's the same thing your Mother told you. Your Mother said to do whatever we tell you and that it's not a sin or naughty. And you heard her agree that she wouldn't ask you about your sessions, and she won't talk about them with you."
"Ohhh, that tickles. Ohhh. I won't tell anybody, and I don't want to talk to my Mother about this."
Mary said, "You can talk to me about anything. I like having a 'little sister.' I like talking with you."
"OK. And it's not naughty? OK, then. Ohhhh, that tickles, Mr. Joe. Ohhh."
"See? This doesn't hurt, being a model, does it?"
"Good girl. Could I keep feeling you here for another minute?"
"Yes." She thought about it. "I mean... ohhh... I'm supposed to do what you say, so, umm, ohhh, gee, umm if you want to, you can... ohhh ... keep doing that. I mean, if you want to."
"Well, I'm glad you like modeling for me, Alice." Joe looked up at Mary while he kept massaging Alice's ass and pussy - now squeezing hard on her pussy lips to squeeze her clitty, then releasing and squeezing her lips together and then releasing. He started doing it faster and harder, and patting her bottom. It was impossible for the girl to stand still. She scooted her feet wider apart without being asked.
As she was squirming and twisting to Joe's stimulation, Mary said, "I think an 'O' might be possible with time and enough examination, Mr. Joe. Do you think we could step up a notch? Perhaps several 'O's."
Joe stood up. The three of them walked towards the studio. "Yes, as rewards for following directions. Such good muscle tone and very responsive. She seems to enjoy modeling and is very obedient." He said to Alice, "You're doing good at following directions."
He paused, and Alice said, "I will do whatever you tell me, Mr. Joe. Mommy says I have to do everything you say, and that you can see my panties, and even...umm, in nothing, like I am after a bath, and that you can touch me and nothing is a sin because you are a photographer and I have to do everything you say."
"That's right, young lady. I'm going to take pictures and videos of you while you undress in front of me and the cameras, and I'll examine you and spank you and touch you all over while you continue to follow directions. When you are naked you will have to spread your legs and let me touch you and take pictures. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Sir. I know that."
"I will examine you all over, similar to a doctor. I'll want you to bend over and pull your bottom open for me so I can examine you there."
"Yes, Sir. I will. Mommy told me to do everything."
"You're an attractive little girl, Alice, and you could make a good model if you continue to follow directions. Your pubic mound is firm and plump - perfect for modeling panties. I have to finish some paperwork, so you go in with Mary for a quick set in this schoolgirl jumper. Mary also has a secret way to make your pubic area swell even larger, which would guarantee you more modeling jobs, so do whatever she says." He turned to Mary, "Call me when she is ready to get dressed for the next scene so I can examine her and perhaps help with the first 'O' for today."
"Yes, Sir. She will be quite ready when you come in. You'll hear me unlock the door when she is ready for her first examination from you."
"Very good." Joe said, and sat in the chair. He got out several file folders, and waved Mary and Alice into the photography studio.
After the lock on the studio door clicked, Joe went around to the observation room, with a full length, see-through mirror. He watched as Mary took a series of pictures after adjusting all of the cameras. Ten minutes later she was naked and getting into the 'open' positions so Mary could get close-ups of her pussy. The girl was wet.
While the naked girl was standing in front of the full-length mirror, Mary asked her more about the friend she played doctor with. "and she put her finger all the way in?"
"Yes. We took turns. My one friend is a year older than me, and she liked to take turns like she would get in a funny position and I had to put my finger in her ten times, and then I had to get in the same position while she put hers in me."
"Did she put it in ten times, too?"
Alice giggled, "Well, umm, I lost count, because like it tickled so much. Then she wanted me to do it twenty times and go real slow and all the way in. It was funny because I had to squeeze her titty at the same time."
"Then did she do that to you?"
"She said she would, but I had to do it some more times to her first, and then she said not to stop, like it was exercise for her because she was breathing hard. So I helped her with her exercises a little longer and then she grabbed my hand had held it tight against her, so my finger stayed in her. She told me to keep wiggling my finger around inside her while she made little noises, but then she said it was time to get to sleep, so I didn't get a turn."
Mary said, "Did she go right to sleep?"
"Yes. I guess she was tired after all that heavy breathing."
Mary grinned, then asked, "Did that feel good while Joe was massaging you here to help you swell up for the pictures?" She felt Alice's bare pussy.
"Yes, gee. It was hard to stand still, and it was tingling like crazy. It was embarrassing since he was a man, but I tried to hold still and let him touch me there. He kept squeezing it. I guess I have to get used to him touching me."
"You did very good, Alice. He liked it that you could follow directions. And he won't hurt you, even with the spankings. It will feel good at the same time. You'll see. And he will love your tan lines. Very nice. Do you like to lie out in the sun?"
"Well, no, not really. I like to play at the swimming pool, like with the other kids." Mary kept the conversation going while she had the girl standing in front of the mirrors.
Joe was watching all this with the earphones on. He turned up the volume while he watched Mary's expert ministrations with the big vibrating wand. He heard her confide in Alice, "I don't tell Mr. Joe about this, but it will tickle you and it helps your pubic mound swell up so it will be even plumper and more sensitive. While he is examining you, remember to wiggle and squirm around. I will fasten this on the arm of the stuffed chair here facing the mirror. You pretend the chair's big arm is a horsie and ride it for a little while each time I move the cameras around. Try it now. I'll turn it on low. Just press your pubic area down on the big round part of this tickler. Let it press into your panties."
Alice straddled the arm of the stuffed chair with one knee on the cushion and her other foot on the floor. She lowered her hips to press against the big, white, vibrating wand. "Oh! It tickles!"
Mary smiled. "Yes, it tickles. Most little girls really like riding on my 'tickle wand.' They say it makes them tingle. That's what makes your pubic area swell up so it's prettier for the pictures and videos. Watch yourself in the mirror as you experiment on it to see what positions feel the best to you. And it's OK to sit on it with all your weight - all eighty some pounds." She laughed. "You can't hurt it. And maybe you can squeeze your titties, too, to help them swell and stiffen up." Mary turned around and went back to the cameras. She put a stack of pillows near the school set so she would have them in easy reach for Alice's examination in about twenty minutes. She didn't look over at Alice for several minutes, giving the girl time to experiment. From ten feet away, she could hear the girl making little noises as she rocked and squirmed around on the large, heavy-duty vibrator. Mary knew that Joe would be enjoying the show from just a few feet away. There were also two cameras capturing the girl's 'experimentation process.'
Mary came over to Alice five minutes later, and was worried at first that she was too late by the way the girl was moaning and moving her hips - grinding onto the vibrator. Then Alice said, "I'm trying ... unnn... different ways so it tickles... unnn... me."
Mary asked her to show her the different positions she tried so far. She smiled as Alice got in different positions - always pressing her clitty against the ball of the large vibrator. Mary said, "Well, it looks like you've discovered several positions so far. You'll learn others with practice. It's also OK to face the back of the chair to ride the horsie." She smiled at the girl. "Try this. While you're still facing the mirror put leg that's on the seat of the chair out over the other arm of the chair. That spreads you open even wider. That's it. Good. Now kind of bounce so your pubic area presses on the round part of the 'tickle wand.' You're doing so good. I'm glad you're limber. Joe will like that. I bet you're getting more puffy down there. If it feels real good to you, then that's a good sign that you're swelling up nicely. Does it feel good to you?"
"Unnn... yes... like so tingly... unn. Gee."
"Well that's good. You'll be a better model if you get it to swell up a little before we take the pictures. I know how we could really impress him. Before I unlock the door, and after you're done undressing from the school girl jumper costume, you can ride the horsie for a minute without any clothes on. That will get it swelled up to the maximum before he comes in to examine you. I think he'll really like your pubic area, and so will the other photographers he works with. But don't tell him about riding my little horsie!"
"Unnn... oh... I won't say anything. Ohhhh. Jeeeez. Unnn."
Mary took Alice's hand and led her over to the school desk to start undressing. She continued the discussion they had started earlier while she moved and adjusted the cameras, "I used to put things in my pussy when I was your age. I had a favorite hairbrush with a small, round handle shaped like a cigar. I would slide it in and out and really get nice tingles that way. What do you use to put in yourself in front?"
"You mean besides my finger?"
"Yes, other things besides just your finger, unless it was somebody else's finger."
"No! Nobody else, except for a couple girls friends I played doctor with. I guess we started doing that when I was like seven or maybe eight and one of my girlfriends stayed over night, and we, umm, took turns."
"Was hers wet and slippery when you put your finger in her?"
"Of course. That's part of the fun. And I bet you were wet and slippery when she put her finger in you. Wasn't it?"
"I used to do that a lot at your age. And... but this has to be our secret. Can you keep secrets, Alice?"
"Yes. I won't tell anybody."
"Well..." Mary started, "Oh, go ahead and slowly take off the shorts and then your blouse. Well do your shoes last. Anyway, when I was nine, or maybe it we eight, there was a neighbor man, and like we would play doctor. It was fun. He used to put his finger in me. It was so exciting."
"Gee, with a grown-up? Gosh. I never did anything like that. Just with my girlfriend."
"Did you ever see a boy's penis?"
"You mean his thing? Gosh. No, never. But I did see pictures a few times, and a couple times I watched a video with my girlfriend when we stayed at her house and her Mom was gone. She had found one near the laundromat and kept it a secret. It showed a man and a woman and they... well, they did it, and she sucked on his thing. It was pretty neat, but then all this white stuff squirted out all over her face and some even got in her mouth!"
Mary laughed. "Well, sounds like your friend found a pretty neat video. But you never saw a real one?"
"No. And that would be a sin. I mean since I wouldn't be married yet. Then you can see it. That's what the priest says."
"I saw the neighbor man's penis lots of times, and I was younger than you. I would rub it for him, or even lick it sometimes. I used to pretend it was an ice cream cone. Then his stuff would squirt out. The first time it happened, some of it got on my clothes, so after that I wouldn't touch it or lick it until he had taken off all of my clothes where they wouldn't get wet when his thing squirted."
"Oh, neat. But I'm not allowed to do things like that. My Mom would get so mad if she found out, and I would have to go to confession in church, and the priest might tell my Mom."
Mary said, "But your Mom said you have to do everything we tell you, and that you have to keep it a secret even from her, and since you're following orders, then it's not a sin at all, but you just have to do it to follow directions. Like it would be naughty to undress with a boy from school watching you, wouldn't it?"
"Yes. That would be really bad!"
"But you will do what the photographers tell you to do, right? And then you can't tell anybody, and it's not a sin because you're following orders. You will take off all of your clothes, somebody might put a finger in you, somebody might feel your breasts and pinch or pull on them - all part of following orders while they examine you. You might get a spanking - but not a hard one - in front of other actors or actresses and cameras. Will you still follow orders?"
"Yes. Mommy said I had to, and that it's a secret, and that it's not a sin if I'm following directions from a photographer."
Mary smiled. "That's right. You would just be following orders, even if you and a young, teenage boy are both told to undress and touch and kiss each other. Or if he has to give you a spanking and then finger you in front of other people and cameras. That would just be following directions, and you would do that, wouldn't you?"
"Oh. Gee. A boy? I mean, yes, I would follow directions. And I could see his thing?"
"When you're a little actress for us or for some of the other photographers, there might be a boy model or another girl model who will be acting with you, and then you both have to follow directions."
"Gee. Well, I have to do it." She squirmed around, scissoring her legs together.
"But if you want to get to do those kinds of acting things, then let Joe keep feeling you when he does his examination in a few minutes. If he puts a finger in you, then that's a good sign that he wants to use you in more videos. And if... Well, just let him spank you. Hey... let's get you back on the horsie for a couple minutes before he comes in to examine you. Then he'll keep on examining you for a longer time, and that would be a very good sign. Do you want to ride the horsie for a few minutes before your examination?"
"Yes. But I don't have panties on. Um, I might get the tickle wand wet."
"That's fine. It's waterproof. Don't wipe yourself off. Just leave it wet down there. Wet and slippery would make it easier for Joe to examine you. Ride hard for a few minutes while I go get him. When you hear me knock, come over and open the door. Don't talk. Just do whatever Joe tells you to do so he can examine you. He won't hurt you. In fact, he knows how to make a little girl feel very, very good. OK?"
"Yes, Mam. Ohhh, this really tickles, like even more without my panties."
"Good. It's supposed to tickle. That's why I call in my 'tickle wand.' Keep riding the horsie until I knock on the door. Then turn off the tickle wand and put it under the chair cushion. We don't want Joe to know my secret for getting a little girl's pubic area to swell up. Pinch your titties at the same time. Watch yourself in the mirror so you'll remember your favorite positions. You're doing good at following directions. Keep it up. Do whatever he says and he'll make you feel so good!" Mary left, carrying Alice's very wet panties in her hand. She heard the girl softly moaning above the sound of the buzzing vibrator - changing pitch as she moved her weight around on top of the device.
Both Mary and Joe enjoyed watching Alice move around on top of the vibrator. They had watched other young girls 'ride the horsie,' and always enjoyed it - almost as much as the little girls. They would go back in the studio before she climaxed. Alice got into a rocking-bouncing rhythm - enjoying the feelings, and watching herself in the mirror - unaware of the cameras and people watching her. The microphones picked up her pleasure moans.
Their videos of young girls masturbating - not knowing the cameras were turned on, really turned on the customers of their website - especially when Joe wrote a few paragraphs about how they "tricked" the young, naïve model into masturbating in front of the cameras that she thought were turned off. His customers also enjoyed reading about how he duped both mothers and daughters into cooperating fully in order for the little girl to be one of his models. He didn't explain the money set-up, but his customers could guess that the mother would get two or three hundred dollars for three or four hours of modeling, after she agreed to let her eight, nine, or ten year old daughter strip and dance in front of the cameras all the way to totally nude. He made over ten thousand dollars selling the videos and pictures through his various clandestine websites. But the mothers liked the three or four hundred dollars, and the little girls loved modeling, especially after one or more of the photographers helped her cum in front of the cameras - telling her again that it felt better if there were strangers and cameras watching while they stimulated her. "The more embarrassing it is, the better it feels" was their motto, and the little girls bought in to that idea after their first public orgasm - often their first orgasm ever. Then they wanted to keep modeling, especially in front of new photographers. Usually within two or three months the youthful model was ready to "act" with other models - boys or girls in front of the photographers.
Joe also had a close network of other "photographers" - often complete amateurs - who would attend his private, small, "audition" parties, after purchasing a new model's special edition video clips "for photographers only." At the private parties, beginning just two weeks after making her initial videos, the new girl, usually eight to twelve years old, would "interview" with different photographers, giving out a small envelope containing pictures of her and a list of things she would be glad to do on camera. The little girl was not allowed to see the pictures or the list, because Joe was afraid that she wouldn't like it if she saw certain things written out - like "loves getting a lubricated finger pushed up her anus," "will have noisy orgasms on camera if she thinks they are turned off and nobody is in the room with her," "would like to see a boy's penis," "is very limber and will pull her pussy lips open for you," "her panties will get wet with just a little stimulation or vibrations," and so on. When Mary, or one of Joe's other female assistants, would pick up one of the little girls, her Mother invariably told her daughter something like, "Be sure to do everything the photographers tell you to do." The little girl would promise that she would do her best.
Mary would take the girl from her house "as is" and then do her hair, make-up, toenails and fingernails, put ribbons in her hair, add a little perfume, help her with the garter belt, and other fancy, feminine things, and dress her in a very short dress, so that she would be "ready" for the party. Mary would talk with her the whole time, about the importance of letting the potential photographers pat her bottom, kiss her on the mouth, and other "things to do first." She would explain how the ultra-sheer, thong panties would let the photographers get a glimpse of her perfect bottom and plump, pubic mound so they would want to use them for a model. "So let them feel your bottom, and even in front, and you just pretend everything is normal, and take a sip of your soft drink while they feel you. And there may be another model or two at the party, so be nice to them, too. It's good for our models to get along because you might be doing modeling or acting with those other boys or girls." Then Mary would stop talking to let the girl think about that. If she asked questions, Mary would pretend to be busy driving and navigating and couldn't talk.
Before getting to the party, Mary would say, "they may do other interview things with you in private, but they won't hurt you. Different photographers have different things they like to do, so don't be surprised if he wants to lick you between your legs, or lick your bottom before he puts his finger in it, and things like that. Just act like everything is OK with you. Just let them touch you and anything else, so they will know that you can follow directions." As they walked in the house, Mary would tell her, "and you don't have to swallow anything, but if they do let you lick their private parts, that's a good sign that they want to use you, and if their stuff squirts out, then that means they will definitely use you again as a model. So let them do that."
Less than five minutes later it was time to interrupt Alice's ride on the vibrator. The girl was breathing hard and her pale skin was flushed with large, mottled reddish areas all over her chest and tummy. Even more than most of the new girls, they knew Alice would be a hit at the photographers' parties.
Alice opened the door and stood beside it with her hands crossed in front of her plump, wet pussy. Mary went in by herself and explained what she should do and say in front of the camera ... "before Mr. Joe comes in for your examination. Will you do everything he says?"
A few minutes later, the naked nine year old, wearing only high heel shoes, was standing up straight with her hands at her sides. She was blushing brightly, and trying to stand still in the 'tip-toe shoes,' as she called them. She looked into the camera and said, "I'm Alice and I'm nine years old. Four months ago I was only eight. I'm going to do some exercises so you can see how limber I am. And um... then I'll get a spanking, but not too hard, except for a few of them, and umm, like so you can see how my bottom jiggles when I get spanked, and then ... well, then I'll get examined in front and back. This will show what size fingers can go in me, and it will prove that I can follow directions and be a good model for you. Today is my very first day as a model. He says with a harder spanking on my bottom, then it will be easier to examine me with his finger back there, so we'll see. I never had anybody put a finger in me back there, but he said he will put slippery stuff in me first." She began her exercises while Joe worked one of the cameras. Mary would prompt her and remind her of the next stretching exercise. Like a champ, Alice got on her hands and knees with her bottom towards camera 3, and pulled her bottom wide open. She held for ten seconds, moving slightly with the embarrassment. Joe got a couple still shots from behind, of her pale, very wet pussy.
Joe let Mary move the cameras while Alice waited on her hands and knees on the pillows. Joe reached under the little girl's chest and fondled her breasts, letting Mary zoom in with one of the cameras to see how her small, firm breasts jiggled. He continued fondling each one for several minutes, letting Mary get plenty of close-up video while he massaged, tugged, and pulled on her tiny breasts which were hanging suspended under her chest.
Then he gave her a very mild spanking first. He turned on a small vibrator and held it in his left hand so he could buzz her clitty briefly after each spank. After each little buzz of a few seconds, Alice moved and said, "unnn, ohh. That tickles."
Joe said, "The photographers need to know how hard you like it. Only a few hard ones would help them decide. The harder I spank you, the harder I'll press the buzzer on your pussy, and for more seconds, too. Also, the harder spankings will make it feel even better when I slide my finger in your anus. So you tell me if you want it harder or softer. OK?"
The next one was slightly harder, followed by a light, three second buzzing. Then Alice said, "Ohhh, harder."
For the next few minutes - with lots of breaks while tickling her bottom all over with his fingertips - Joe was smacking a little harder each time, at her request - until they were much louder, followed by a six second, medium buzzing which made Alice squirm and moan. Joe said, "Very good, Alice. There are two cameras watching you take your spankings. Probably a dozen of my photographer friends will see this video. If you can take them just a little bit harder, then it will feel wonderful when I finger you later. Does the buzzing feel good?" He touched the buzzer against her exposed clitty while she answered.
"Unnn, yes. It makes it tingle. Umm, is it too wet? I can't help it."
"No, it's very pretty. The photographers will like it if you get excited and get wet while you're modeling for them. So do I. Ready for a few more? Only five more. Tell me how hard."
SMACK! Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
"Ouch! Oh, unnnn, ohhhh, maybe just a unnnn... little bit harder."
Joe gave her the "reward" five seconds and then tapped it against her clitty in a slow rhythm. Alice started making slow humping motions with her hips in time with Joe's tapping on her clitty, saying, "unnn" with each tap.
It took several minutes to finish the five spanks - each smack followed by a five second buzzing treatment on her clitty and some light, fingertip, fanny tickling, and a little tapping of the vibrator on Alice's clitty. She was on the edge of cumming when he finished. Alice tried to keep her ass relaxed for the spanks, but couldn't keep from flinching or tightening sometimes. Joe had her slide her knees wider apart and bend her shoulders and head down to the pillow on the floor so the camera could zoom in to see how wet she was.
Mary said, "Keep looking into the camera that is aimed at your face, just like you did during the spankings, and concentrate on the feelings while Mr. Joes examines you now, Alice. You did great. Now look into the camera again. Good girl." Mary knew that the website fans would enjoy her facial expressions as much as seeing the actual treatments on her ass and pussy. He will use lots of lubricant so it won't hurt at all. Each time his finger is all the way in, he will tickle you for a few seconds with the little buzzer."
"Unnn," She said, when Joe started to lubricate her. "Ohh, jeez. This is so embarrassing. Especially with the cameras." She kept looking into the camera, but was concentrating on the feelings in her anus.
Mary said, "Embarrassment helps it feel better. Concentrate on the area between your legs and concentrate on how it feels. The more embarrassing something is, the better it feels. Cameras and strangers help it feel wonderful."
Joe pushed his slippery finger half way in and tapped her clitty with the miniature vibrator..
"Unnnnn, oh, your finger... ohhh... feels too...unnnn, big."
Soon Joe was sliding his finger all the way in and pressing the vibrator against Alice's clitty. She orgasmed in less than three minutes - a noisy, wiggling orgasm. Both Joe and Mary knew it would become a bestselling video! The fans loved the first-time videos of a nine or ten year old girl - especially if she was coaxed all the way to orgasm. And they would love watching her face while she was spanked and then fingered, and finally brought to orgasm.
They let her rest a few minutes - keeping the cameras on her. Then she said, "Ohhh, jeez, what was that?"
Mary had her arm around Alice's shoulders while Joe was on the other side of the room. Mary asked, "Did that feel good, Honey?"
"Oh, gosh, yes. Sometimes I rub it there, but it's never felt that good. Never. Jeez. Like bursting inside, it felt so good."
Mary was still talking softly, but she knew their voices would be on the video. "It was probably the cameras and also being in front of other people. That makes it more embarrassing so it feels better. Did it feel good with his finger sliding in your bottom, and the little buzzer tickling your pussy?"
"Yes! It felt wonderful. What happened? Like my insides were squeezing with electricity and it felt so good."
"That's what happens when you show your pussy to cameras. And it really felt good to you?"
"So you liked showing your pussy to the cameras and having a finger slide in your bottom?"
"Yes. It felt wonderful."
"Well, you'll have lots more wonderful feelings, Alice, if you keep modeling and showing your bare pussy and bottom to the cameras and to Joe's friends. Do you think you would like to do that again? Maybe let a different man finger your bottom while other people watch you?"
"And you'll let other men get their fingers slippery and slide them in your bottom? Will you pull your bottom open for them so they can get you all slippery?"
"Yes. That felt so good when he pushed his finger in. I didn't think it would, but it did!"
"Lie on your back a minute, Alice and open your legs. Pull your pussy lips open for the cameras. We want to see how wet you are. Very good. Just like that." She zoomed one of the video cameras in on Alice's pussy. The little girl was full of a mixture of white and clear excitement, still oozing from her vagina. Then Mary panned up to Alice's flushed face. "Good, Alice. Nice and wet, so I can see that it felt wonderful to you. So did that really feel good, Alice?"
"Yes." She was blushing, but had a soft smile on her face. "Like my insides were squeezing, and it felt wonderful. I didn't know it could feel that good down there. Gee."
Joe left to begin editing while Mary got another video of the girl undressing and then stimulating herself in front of the cameras. Then Joe would meet them in the bathroom for her last video of the day.
Alice walked into the bedroom dressed in play clothes - shorts, gym shoes, a T-shirt with a picture of a monkey on it. Her titty bumps looked like eggs inside her T-shirt. To start the video, Alice said, "I'm Alice and I'm nine years old and want to be a model. I'm going to get undressed and go take my bath now. I hope you photographers will want to use me because I will try my best to follow your directions. I promise to be clean when I get to your place to be a model. I'll take a long, soapy bath and wash real good all over, especially between my legs. And now I'll get ready to take my bath."
Mary said, "This video is just for other photographers and some of Joe's friends, Alice. And again, they will want to see how firm your skin is and how quickly it bounces back into shape. When you are undressed I want you to pinch and pull on your nipples and try to make them bounce. Maybe bounce on the bed. Do some light tickling, and also some rough slapping, squeezing, and pulling. Act silly. Have fun. Maybe see if you can put your finger in yourself. That would be real embarrassing in front of the cameras, like you said, so it would feel really great." Mary kept talking with Alice while she undressed in front of the cameras.
Alice asked, "You mean in front or in back, like Joe did?"
"In front at first. Then I'll put some lubricant on your finger so you can put it in your bottom. Did you ever put your finger in your bottom before?"
"No, never in my bottom, but I did in my front, but only like after I wiggle my finger around on me for a while, you know, so like it's more slippery."
"Show me how you wiggle your finger around in your pussy after you're undressed."
"Oh, gee, you mean in front of the cameras?"
"Yes. And if it's embarrassing then it will feel better. Remember?"
"Gee. Well, OK."
She took her time undressing and stretching before walking into the bathroom where Joe had two cameras set up on tripods. She was naked and turned on the water. Alice put towels on the floor and on the side of the bathtub, where she sat and played with her breasts. She looked into the camera. "I need to do my stretching exercises to help them get bigger like the big girls." She pulled and massaged her miniature breasts, and then lightly tickled them, making her puffy nipples stiffen up. She looked at the camera again, and confided, "It gives me tingles when I exercise them like this." She blushed brightly, almost as if on cue.
"You're doing great, Alice. I think the other photographers will want to use you for sure. That will make your Mom happy, won't it?"
"Yes, and ummm... me, too." She was still massaging her breasts - pinching and pulling her tiny, pink nipples. The lighting in the bathroom made her tan stand out even more - outlining where her swimming suit covered her breasts. She had a white triangle above her pussy, and her buns were milky white showing how brief her bikini bottoms were.
She went through a series of positions and continued to answer Mary's questions before she took her bath.
Mary said, "Are you usually sitting down or lying on your back when you play with your pussy?"
"Usually on my back, like in bed, but sometimes when I tinkle I play with it for a little while first." She giggled. "Sometimes even at school, like I'll just tickle it for a little bit because like nobody can see me."
"Well, show us." Said Mary. "Before you get in the tub, sit on the toilet and tickle your pussy for a little bit and then tinkle for the cameras. That will be really embarrassing since you know some of the other photographers will watch this video. They will like to watch you tickle yourself and then tinkle. Keep your knees apart."
"Gee." She said, as she walked over to the toilet. "This is so embarrassing." She turned around and sat down. Then she opened her knees and reached between her legs with her right hand. "Like this?" She asked.
"Is that how you do it at home and at school?"
"Yes." She was tickling herself. "It is so embarrassing. And people will watch this? Gee. It does tickle more."
"It feels even better when you're embarrassed. Just remember that. It's why you will enjoy working with new photographers so much. Just knowing you're going to have to pull down your panties and take them off in front of the man's camera, and then spread your legs for him will make you get tingly. And knowing he will probably get his finger all slippery and push it up your bottom while you pull yourself open for him... well, that will make you even more tingly! Doesn't it?"
"Yes. Gee." Then, as directed, Alice spent lots of time washing her pussy in front of the cameras. Then she took a bath, washing herself all over while she blushed and looked into the camera.
Meeting The Other Photographers
In the car, Mary explained to Alice that they didn't want her Mother to know all the things she was doing while she was modeling or else her Mother might want her to quit.
"I don't want to quit!" Alice said. "And, umm, Mommy needs the money I'll get for modeling. So it's OK. We won't tell her anything."
An hour later Mary and Alice walked in to Alice's Mom's apartment. Mary handed Rachel, Alice's Mother, an envelope and said that Alice did a good job, although she was still a little bit shy.
Rachel took the envelope and thanked her and hugged Alice. "And we won't talk about your modeling sessions - not to anybody - not even ourselves."
Alice said, "I won't say anything to anybody."
Then Mary said, "As we had hoped, Joe does want to use her for additional modeling, and in two weeks he is meeting with some of his photographer friends and would like me to bring her to their little party so they could all see her. She would even get to do a little modeling that night so they could see if they want to use her. I will pick her up about five o'clock, and then do her nails and hair and dress her up for the party. I'll make sure she is back in her play clothes when I bring her home around eleven.
"Oh, that's wonderful!" Rachel said.
Mary arranged to pick up Alice on a Saturday afternoon two weeks later.
Mary picked up Alice at five O'clock. Her mother said, "She took her bath at two, and I reminded her to wash good all over, especially between her legs and in her armpits."
"Very good." Said Mary, as she hugged Alice, who returned the hug with enthusiasm.
"I'm all clean." Alice said.
"Good and I'll do your hair and nails, and then a little make up, some glossy lipstick, and even a little perfume. You'll be so grown-up tonight!"
Alice was already standing by the door, eager to leave. Mary handed Rachel an envelope. "Standard fee, like last time, but probably a nice bonus when I bring her home, if some of the photographers want to use her. There may be two or three other young models at the party and I think about five, maybe six, other photographers, besides Mr. Joe. Whenever one or more of the photographers finds an especially good model, they arrange a little party to meet each other's models so they can exchange them - kind of like trading. The pay would be the same to you no matter who the photographer is. I'll always be the one to pick her up, get her ready, and then put her back in her regular clothes and bring her home.
"Good." Mary said. She turned to her smiling daughter. "Be sure to do everything they tell you! And remember: don't be too shy. Nobody around here will see your pictures and you're just following directions as a model, so nothing is naughty."
Mary said, "Sometimes when there are several girls at the party, and everyone is acting silly, the interviews start a little later. Hopefully, each of the other photographers will want to spend some time alone with Alice; interviewing her; getting some pictures; and examining her. I've noticed that when a photographer chooses a new girl and does a very thorough and private examination of the new model, he usually uses her for at least one photo shoot. So I don't like to rush them. It might be after eleven when I bring her home. And since we'll have three or more new models tonight, there will probably be more photographers. They might want to examine each of the new models."
Rachel asked what was involved in the examinations.
"Usually he has the model undress so he can look closely all over and then he would touch her to feel her muscle tone, you know, like how springy her skin is. And after the model is undressed he'll want to see how limber she is and like how far she can open her legs, or bend backwards, things like that. A thorough examination. The longer each photographer takes, the better the chances are that he would use Alice again. I think that one of the photographers actually makes videos and is needs a girl actress with two other models to pretend she is the little sister of one of them. If she gets that job it would pay double. Each of the three or four little girls at the party will be auditioning for that part in his videos. Again, it would depend how well she cooperates while he examines her."
"OK." Said Rachel. "Tell the photographers to take their time when examining Alice. She wants to be a good model and I know she would enjoy being in a video. She's even talked about acting someday. I hope they can use her often."
"If it would be much later than eleven O'clock, then Alice could sleep at my house, and I'll bring her home late tomorrow. That way your neighbors would notice anything strange. But I'll call you if it looks like it will be that late. And of course, that would definitely mean a nice bonus, since we would be keeping her for so many extra hours."
"Well, it's fine. Just call and let me know."
Mary already knew that she would be calling later, and she also knew that Alice would be picked to act as a little sister in one or more of Albert's specialty incest videos... which they referred to as "family videos."
Alice was excited when they got in the car and started asking Mary all kinds of questions - mostly about the other young models. "How old are the other little girls? Are they from around here? Will they have to take off all their clothes, too? Are they nice? Oh, and how many grown-ups will be at the party? What was that about 'acting?' It sounds like fun. Do they have snacks at the party?"
Mary laughed as they drove away. "OK, which question should I answer first?"
old perv
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