Published: 6-Jul-2012
Word Count:
David read the ad again.
----------Hands-on, state-approved, photography licensure course for shooting exotic, preteen models. Learn to shoot still photos and videos of preteen models in a wide, very-wide, variety of positions and situations. Models alone and in groups. Full nudity. Experience their excitement! Yes, our photography studnts can taste the excitement while working with these preteen models.
My company will provide the necessary equipment. You will help with their videos, but no pictures or video of photography students' faces will appear in our published videos. Hands or other body parts may appear, but no adult faces.
Cost for these 4 hours/week, hands-on courses:
- ten model course................2,000 (runs two months)(experience a minimum of 10 different models and two tours)
- twenty five model course........4,000 (runs five months)(experience a minimum of 25 different models and five tours)
- deluxe, sixty model course.....7,000 (runs one year)(experience a minimum of 60 different preteen models and join us on every tour for a full year. Help interview and examine prospective, new models/ second and following years only 3000/year, but must help with tours)
In the advanced course you will learn special techniques for handling eight and nine year olds and learn techniques for handling very reluctant models after all forms are properly signed. Specialty equipment provided. (We don't hurt these reluctant models and they very quickly learn to love modeling.)
For all classes listed above, you will also learn basic make-up, hair, and stimulation techniques, specific to different areas of the model's body.
After two months, and your license, you may schedule private sessions with a certified model's parents for very private two hour sessions for an additional cost. Sites will vary. You must bring your own camera equipment, lubricants, toys, etc. for the private sessions. A parent may accompany her daughter to a studio, motel room, or other location but would probably wait behind a screen or out of the building, during your private sessions. Special rules apply.
All models are guaranteed to open up for you. Fingers only down below. No rough stuff or hard spanking without parental approval and an additional fee. Photographers may team up so that - for example - while one photographer fingers or spanks the model, the other photographer will be filming. Roy's Photography School will edit and publish all selected videos and photos and retain full rights. Call Roy for more information.
David called the number. He talked with Roy for thirty minutes. David said he was interested in the deluxe, year-long course after Roy assured him that he was reading the ad correctly. Ten minutes later David decided to max out one of his credit cards and sign up for the deluxe course. That meant he would get to finger - front and rear - at least fifty different preteens - probably double or triple that number if he volunteered to help with their promotional tours and amateur pageants. Roy assured David all the little girls were cute. He summarized several of the most popular types of videos and told him where to find those video and photo sets on his website. He even invited David to his studio the next day to help with a new model, April, and to meet her mother.
David told Roy he was reluctant to meet a state official. However, Roy assured him it would be OK, and that the state inspector loved fingering young girls as much as any of his photography students.
Roy told him that business had been great, but it was getting more competitive, so parents had to allow their daughters and sons to do even more. And he explained that the money was so good that after a few months the parents were as addicted as their daughters to the whole thing.
"You mean the little girls like it, too?"
"There is often some resistance at first, as I expect there will be tomorrow. Actually, I'm sure there will be resistance at first, but after the first videos, the little girls learn to love undressing and getting masturbated in front of the cameras."
"How much resistance?"
"Probably quite a bit at first tomorrow. You'll see. But I make arrangements ahead of time with both the state inspector and with the mother to make little exceptions in protocol. The little girl still thinks it's 'acting,' and that she will be pretending to be a captive of some sort, like in a scary movie, and that for her 'act' she will try to yell and scream and get away. Before we start filming, both the little girl and her mother must sign the contract. They both check the big box labeled 'All of the Above,' after I make it clear that I only use models who check that box and sign the contract. The "acts" listed above that box in very fine print range from mild to extremely kinky, but neither mother nor daughter can read the list."
"Is that legal?"
Roy laughed. "Well, the state inspector is sitting right there, and he hears me tell the mother I could give her a full list in larger print, but they would have to come back a month later and start over. And, since most of the mothers are counting on that generous audition check, they go ahead and check, 'All of the Above.' And the daughters do what they are told - check the box and sign the contract."
"I will have to rearrange my schedule in order to start tomorrow, but tell me what I would see, and what I would be doing, if I'm able to rearrange things."
"Tomorrow will be exciting. Innocent, little girl. After a few, fully-dressed, introduction video clips wearing her two best dresses, then maybe a couple of milder bondage outfits which she might think are funny. Her Mother will try to talk her in to showing the special panties which are part of the outfit. This is all to get her used to dancing and talking in her videos, and showing some panties to the cameras. It's a good sign if we notice wetness. That would mean she just needs a little push over the edge. Our first real 'act' will probably be a bondage situation. Once she is strapped down and gagged, then we'll start. Mommy will be behind a curtain with headphones, looking at magazines."
"Would some of the magazines be like the ones mentioned on your website?"
"A variety of magazines, but a few of those would be in there, too. Not surprisingly, some women enjoy looking at fully exposed little girls and boys."
"Wow. This sounds better all the time."
"That first full video would include finger penetration unless the hymen is visible. Since tomorrow's model turned ten already, I'm not expecting to find a hymen. Not these days. Most little girls start fingering themselves by eight - or playing doctor with their friends. Watch more of the previews on my site, and buy and download several videos. That will convince you. You'll see other adult hands entering a tied and gagged, preteen model whose struggles look very realistic! You and other viewers might be worried or offended at first, but soon the little model gets into it, and so far, 100% of the time she has a big, noisy orgasm on camera. By then the gag and bonds are off because she loves the feelings, and she knows that no matter what she says or does, the video of what has already happened will be seen by thousands of men.
"So, since it's too late for her to stop production, and since she believes that nobody in her town under fifty will see them, and since she thinks her own Mommy doesn't know what was in the contract she signed, the little girl doesn't want her Mommy to know what she is really doing. She then goes ahead and enjoys it. I've seen it over and over - a very reluctant innocent model - nine or ten - gets tricked into being strapped down... and then she is masturbated... and soon loves it. She doesn't want mommy to find out because then all that special attention would stop - and she doesn't want it to stop. Those little innocent girls get the kinkiest of all within their first two modeling sessions. By kinky, I mean getting a spanking, followed by anal fingering, and then maybe a young boy fucks her in the ass, or she eats out another little girl her age who she's never met before... and she loves it all. And as for men watching - the more the better as far as the shy, little girl is concerned after that first experience. Remember: it might be the little star's first orgasm - at the hands of strange men and in front od cameras, under stage lights - open to the world! Those are the girls who love doing the tours -especially in towns 100 or more miles away from where they live - literally opening their bare, bald pussies to hundreds of spectators - all seated very close - including boys and girls her own age!"
"Doesn't the mother object?"
"First of all, the daughter thinks the mother doesn't know what she does in her videos. The mothers wear headphones and sit behind a large, heavy screen and read magazines. The little girl hopes that her mother won't find out. And the mother goes along with that perception - pretending that her little girl is just modeling for swim suit ads or things of that nature, but it's the mothers who set up the whole charade. She wants the money and knows her little girl will be fine with it once the other photographers and I get her off. The mothers rationalize that the little girl will be doing those things soon enough anyway.
"I like to schedule a new girl's second video session just a few days later, and by then the little girl is really looking forward to it! And the mommy has cashed the check, so there is no turning back anyway. The Mommy usually doesn't stay for that second big session, because it would be more difficult for her to pretend she doesn't know what's going on, especially with other men, boys, and girls in the studio. The little girls especially love going to a mall to put on a "show." Before she leaves on the little tour, everyone pretends she will be modeling dresses or swimming suits or school uniforms."
"Are all the models and their mothers that way?"
"Heaven's no. Some of the mothers have had a male friend, maybe more, do the preliminary nude pictures or video clips of her daughter while she is present. She knows she'll get a bigger check for her daughter's amateur video, if it shows a male's hand masturbating her. Some of the mothers work the camera while their daughters get fingered - front and maybe in back - by a man's big hand - usually a close friend of the mommy. And they say on the paperwork they send back with the video that it was taken in our state, because this is still illegal in 47 states."
"Really? They send you nude videos?"
"Yes. Be sure to check out our amateur section. A little girl usually dances and undresses before she lies back and spreads her pussy and then pulls her ass open for the cameras. It's our standard script that we send to the mothers along with a contract for her and her daughter to sign. I tell them that if she sends back the signed contract and the pictures and videos that she will get a nice bonus, and at least an audition session for another nice bonus. I've had a few mommies let their daughters use a vibrator in their videos. So it's the whole gamut - from an innocent, shy girl who won't let us see her panties to preteen 'already sluts.'"
"Nice. I think the innocent girl start up videos sound hotter."
"I agree. It's much more fun to seduce an innocent little girl, even if it starts out somewhat forcefully, but they are all fun and exciting, as you'll see, since you paid the fee. With those innocent girls, once they are naked and being pleasured, and they know for certain that thousands of grown men will soon be watching the video of her - spread open and being fingered - and that it's completely legal, and that she and her mommy both signed the contract so there is nothing she could do to stop the publication - then they come around and enjoy it... and even yearn to make more videos - cooperating fully and coyly pulling their panties down in front of the strangers and cameras - knowing the strangers will rub her pussy with oil and maybe a buzzer. You won't believe the change in a little girl making her first video - fighting hard at first, compared to the same model again a few days later when she can't wait to take off her panties and spread her pink, bald pussy for the cameras. After that first full video, we teach an innocent, little girl how to pull her pussy lips apart and up to make her hard clitty button stick out - ready to get stimulated - rubbed, vibrated, sucked, and even spanked. They love it"
"Holy shit!" David said, "That sounds so hot the way you're describing it."
Roy said, "Then I explain that her Mommy didn't read the contract so she doesn't know the kinds of videos we make, and she doesn't ever have to know if the little girl cooperates. Her Mommy will get lots of money and the little girl will have lots of fun. We tell her that if she complains, then we will show her video to her Mommy and her neighbors and her school friends. The little girl rationalizes that her Mommy needs money. We ask her if she wants her Mommy and the neighbors to see her videos and she always says no. While that is sinking in, we keep masturbating her. Then I ask her if it feels good, and she admits it does. Then I make her promise that she will do other videos for us and undress all the way while she is dancing and then spread her legs open for the cameras so we won't have to show her mommy and the neighbors her video. By then she is moaning with pleasure and agrees to do anything we say. Also by then we are fingering her vagina and buzzing her clitty. The last little girl who resisted so hard for ten minutes had an orgasm less then ten minutes after she stopped fighting. Then she got dressed for the next video. I brought her mommy out from behind the screen and the little girl told her mommy she liked being a model, which made the mommy very happy. Of course, Mommy was fully aware of what was going on, but the little girl didn't know this."
"Now I'm sure I'll be able to change my appointments tomorrow. See you by noon."
"Oh, and David. One of the things that surprises me about those 'innocent' girls is that they can all take a finger in the vagina. No blood. All the little girls have already been putting things in there - indelible marker pens, handles of make-up brushes, and things like that."
"Oh, wow."
David arrived almost an hour early and looked through some of the preteen magazines. Like most magazines, it was half advertisements, but these ads were different!
----------Schedule a session with my daughter, Sally, 8 1/2, a state approved model & very tight - front & rear - available for private sessions. See her ad at www. ________'s Photography School. She likes to play 'dress up,' and loves getting and giving oral. Enjoys anal fingering after a hard spanking. -- 200/hour
David also enjoyed the picture features in the glossy magazine - showing everything - a dog licking the bald pussy of a grinning 10year old; a 12 - 14 yr. old boy ass fucking an 11 year old girl; girls playing doctor with stethoscopes and vibrators; a naked 12 year old boy suckng an adult cock - or the cock of another preteen boy; girls licking another girl; a girl taking a hard spanking, and so on. One two-page spread featured eight photos of preteen girls taking a cum shot to the mouth or face, with a caption under each picture:
Cindy said, 'It surprised me when a squirt of his stuff went up my nose. I coughed and the next squirt hit my chin, and the next squirt hit the top of my head. Mommy had to wash my hair.'
Lilly said, 'Once I gagged when it shot really hard into the back of my mouth, and while I coughed it got all over me.'
David especially loved reading the 'interviews:' Lexi, 10, "I like riding my bike to the park or to the swimming pool. This cute life guard there likes playing with me, and if nobody is watching, I let him feel the top of my swimming suit underwater. Oh, and I forgot to tell you this one: like one time, with three photographers, and we played a game, like when one of them said, 'open!' I had to pull my bottom open real fast, and if I did, then he put his slippery finger in my bottom and tickled my girlie bump with a buzzer at the same time. That was a really fun game, which gave me those really big tingles after we played if for a while. Oh, and at school last year I came in second place in the 4th grade spelling bee." (Then the article said: Lexi is available for private sessions or parties with less than ten adults. 200/hour; weekend mornings only)
"Roy introduced the Mommy and April to me and the other three photography assistants and the state inspector. We were all shaking hands. As I shook April's hand, Roy said, "David is my newest student."
We all talked for a while - mostly giving April compliments, and talking about acting and some of her favorite movies. Mother and daughter signed the papers after checking "All of the Above," where it said "Acts the model agrees to." The state inspector had looked over April's birth certificate. He said, "She is ten, just like you said. We can start her official examination in a little while. I'll let Roy do some video introduction scenes first, to help get her relaxed on the set, in front of all these lights."
Ms. Ginny, his wardrobe assistant said, "Then I'll help her try on a few specialty outfits."
Roy waved his arm to show all the lights, which one of the photographers was now turning on. "Let's go practice." He took April's hand.
Then Roy talked with April to go over the first video clip, while the state inspector, April's Mommy, and two other photography students and I walked over to the other side of the set. Her Mommy said in a low voice, "I know that in a little while, you are going to get her tied up and gagged, stripped, and then masturbate her and talk her into modeling and just enjoying the sensations. That's OK with me. But I don't want April to know that I know what you're doing. And I want you to skillfully help her orgasm, so she'll want to continue modeling for you."
The state inspector said, "She already agreed to 'all of the above acts.' I've seen Roy do this with several other models who would have absolutely refused to even show their panties if they knew what they were getting into. As long as you know what they will be doing, it's OK with me. The little girls quickly start to love it. Once they stop screaming, crying, and fighting, and once they know that the videos will be sold whether she objects or not; then they always go along with it. And especially if it's her first full orgasm - in front of cameras, after a little spanking, fingering, and buzzing, with strange men watching and touching her - well, Roy's other very reluctant models loved modeling after that. The girls become very obedient so they will get masturbated again. They look forward to learning new pleasures. They even want to go on our tours where they will undress in front of a hundred or more men - with some women and kids in the audience, too. That is, they want to go if their Mommies don't go along -and that will be legal after I sign off on her. Then you wouldn't have to go. It would be at least a hundred miles from her home, and in your case more like three or four hundred miles away from home. When is your next modeling appointment?"
April's Mommy said it was in two days, as long as she did a good job today. She said, "We need the money, so I hope you gentleman can give my ten year old daughter a very good time. I had to get her to miss a day at the community pool to come over here."
David said, "We'll do our best." He was used to making promises to customers.
April's Mommy said, "I've seen some of the videos, and I know a little spanking, pussy spanking, vibrating, fingering in front and back won't hurt anything, especially if you use lots of lubricant. And I know she might have to suck things as time goes by. Most young girls do that eventually anyway, so it's OK. My daughter is slim, blond, and cute, so I'm sure she'll be tempted. This will help pay for her college, if she wants to attend a college in this state. Anyway, I did those things at her age, and didn't get anything for it. Maybe a few candy bars or ice cream cones. Several men shot their loads on me way before I was ten, and it didn't hurt anything. In fact, I was probably only eight when I got my first taste of it."
"Good thinking." The state inspector said. "Very practical and realistic these days."
Her first two, brief modeling sessions were just introductions - less than five minutes in front of the cameras - with ten minutes to change outfits back in the dressing room. She turned and modeled her pretty dresses, and said her name, age, grade, and talked about things she liked to do. She introduced herself again in both dresses - a long dress and a short one. Then Ms. Ginny helped her into two different bondage outfits - both with dog collars and even ball gags, which she modeled but thought it was funny. Even her Mommy said she was doing great before she went back behind the curtain to put on the headphones. They made it clear to April - that her Mommy wouldn't be able to hear what was going on.
She was reluctant to assume any pose where the photographers could see her panties, even after her Mommy told to go ahead, because she couldn't be a model if she was too shy. That's when April's Mommy went back behind the heavy curtain and put on the headphones. After that, April got a little bolder and let them see her pretty, new, pink panties with purple ducks on them. It actually looked sexy against the black, leather, studded, short skirt. Then, she surprised them by pulling up the short, leather skirt so they could see the panties since they kept talking about them. She pointed to the ducks while they took pictures.
Roy decided to prolong the experience, which he knew must be very exciting for little April. A strategy he sometimes used was to show the new model pictures of other girls in similar settings showing off their panties. He said he was showing her the pictures because it was faster to see a pose than to try to describe it in words. As he showed her pictures, she did start assuming more erotic poses, letting them all see her panties. Roy's assistant had cut out the cotton panty liners, so any excitement would show through almost immediately. Keeping the same, short skirt on, they had her try on two other pairs of panties... changing behind a screen in the studio - and she kept getting bolder - with the poses and with the panty views. Then, as she showed off, the men noticed the beginning of wetness on the panties - a very good sign.
April wanted to look at more of the pictures of other girls, and Roy promised her he would show her lots of pictures in the course of her modeling for him. "Lots of pictures of lots of little girls, and lots of different panties." He laughed.
She reached her limit after he showed her a picture of another little blonde in a party dress, leaning back on a big chair with her feet on the edge of the chair and her knees apart, and one hand on the side of her panties - pulling them to one side - not far enough over to expose her pussy crack, but far enough to expose most of one lip. "Oh, I can't do that." She said, and stood up. But the photographers already had pictures of her panties showing a small wet spot that wasn't there earlier. Roy was confidant his plan would work again.
Ms. Ginny, Roy's assistant, took her back to get her ready for the swimsuit photo set, which would lead into her "kidnapped" role-playing video.
She seemed self-conscious in the bikini as Ms. Ginny brought her out to the rearranged set. There was a curtain across half the set and a thick, oriental rug where the couch had been earlier. Roy brought her Mommy back out as April was standing on the stage in the flimsy, peach colored bikini. "You look so cute and sexy, Honey." She said. "Have fun dancing and modeling for them. I'll be back behind the curtain again for this set and then your acting video. That sounds like fun, too - pretending you've been kidnapped and trying to get away. Do everything they tell you." She went back behind the curtain.
Roy showed her pictures of other little girls in similar bikinis and April danced to the slow, rock music for a little while, and then went along with the poses at first, even though some were erotic positions - which she would have thought were comically rude if someone at the pool would have stood or crawled that way - knees apart, back arched, elbows on the ground, moving her hips around to the music. After about five minutes, and having her bounce on the arm of the stuffed chair that was sitting next to the rug, they could all see the beginning of a wet line that indicated her pussy crack between her plump, firm lips. She was getting excited. She even liked the pictures of the little girls who were tied up - feet apart. Roy told her that some of his customers liked to see pictures and videos of little girls pretending to be captives.
Roy had her introduce herself to the camera again, and then read a short introduction to the role-playing. "I'm April and I'm ten years old. We're going to do an acting scene and I'll pretend I just got kidnapped and I'll yell and scream and try to escape." She had to do that four times because she started giggling on her first three takes.
As she read these lines, Ms. Ginny was putting on fancy, but effective, wrist and ankle restraints with metal 'O' rings. Ms. Ginny knew that Roy would edit her out if she happened to get in the video. She had been developing some rapport with the little girl back in the changing room, and was pretty sure that April would go along with things once she saw there was nothing she could do to prevent the sale of her videos anyway. She whispered to April, "Tell the camera that the kidnappers are going to tie you up, so they put wrist and ankle straps on you so the ropes wouldn't hurt you. Say you know they will tie you up, but you're still going to try to get away."
After April said those things to the camera - trying hard not to giggle again, as if she was a real actress. Ms. Ginny opened the curtain to reveal a child's bedroom set. Roy said, "We'll start the action in a minute, April, and then I'll tell you what to do and say. But right now, let's get you tied onto the bed, and then we'll get started. He showed her pictures of four other little girls fastened down to the same bed - pretending to struggle. You're doing great so far. I liked how you read the introduction and how you explained about the ankle and wrist straps. You said your lines even better than those other girls." He smiled at her.
She smiled at the compliment.
They got her into position with no resistance - not that it would have mattered - wrists and ankles stretched towards the four corners of the bed. After she was strapped into place - spread eagled on the bed - Roy said, "This next scene will only last about ten to fifteen, maybe twenty minutes, and then we'll talk about the next scene. We're going to put the funny-looking ball gag in your mouth that you modeled earlier, so you won't be able to talk, but you can still make noise. In fact we want you to try to yell and scream and pretend to be scared and try to get away. Nod if you understand." Roy was still smiling.
April felt funny with the rubber ball in her mouth, and stretched out on a bed in that little swimming suit. One of the cameramen was working the camera on the big tripod, which was now at the foot of the bed and aimed at her bikini bottoms, and Ms. Ginny had a small camera in her hand - moving to different spots around the bed. April was embarrassed about her feet being so far apart with those tiny bikini bottoms on. She didn't realize she had a dark, wet line down the center of her crotch, but both cameras got close-ups of it.
Roy said, "We're going to tickle you and do some buzzing around on you, as if we're trying to hypnotize you." He turned on a vibrator and so did two of the photographers.
One of the photographers stood over her hips on the bed and with both hands he lifted her hips so they could put two large pillows under her back and hips to keep her pussy and chest raised. He put a smaller pillow under her head. The other photographer adjusted the ropes fastened to her ankle straps to open her legs still wider. She had a beautiful, plump mound - quite pronounced in the tight, clingy bikini bottoms, with her hips raised.
Then all three vibrators started sliding up and down on her arms and legs and across her tummy. "Unnggghh, unnnghh." She protested each time a vibrator ran over her pubic mound or across her small breasts.
Two minutes later a vibrator pressed against her clitty and one pressed on each of her breasts. "Unnggghh, unnnghh, unnggghh, unnnghh!"
"Very good." Roy said. "Good acting. Keep trying to get away."
She struggled against her bonds and kept trying to scream out. Two of the men starte feeling her with their hands - on her breasts or pussy; up her tummy and back - and boldly massaging her pussy.
"Unnnnggghh, unn, uunnnn. Unnnngh!" she was trying to yell.
"Very good, April." Roy said. "Pretend you're trying to escape."
She struggled hard for another minute, and then the men, on a signal from Roy, tore the swimming suit away with two quick "rrrrippps!"
Despite her attempted yells, the vibrators continued to buzz her, especially her sex areas. Then one of the men slid a very small vibrator into her vagina - sliding most of the way in with very little resistance since she was already so wet. He didn't do that until the cameras were able to zoom in on the glistening, creamy excitement at the opening to her vagina. After three insertions, he tasted the tip of the vibrator. "Umm, she really tastes good. Taste her pussy."
Everyone, including the stated inspector, tasted her pussy - putting their mouth directly and licking from her vagina up and around on her clitty. Each man took a long turn. They all commented on how sexy, clean, and fresh she tasted. Roy said, "You taste exceptionally good, April, even better than most of the other girls who have been tied here."
Roy lubricated his finger with a little extra sterile lubricant and pressed his finger in - pushing slowly all the way.
"Unnggghh, unnnghh, unnggghh, unnnghh!" she said, still trying to protest, but not as loudly.
The vibrators on her nipples were replaced by caressing hands - gently pinching, pulling, massaging. They added oil to her almost-flat breasts to make them slippery; easier to massage.
Someone else added oil to her clitty and kept massaging it, while tapping it with the paddle and little vibrator. The men took turns fingering her, while Ms. Ginny and one of the photography students kept zooming in on different areas. The state inspector watched closely, frequently adjusting his trousers.
The photography students were whispering compliments about her. "Such a pretty, plump pussy - so firm and juicy. And so tight on my finger."
"Smells good." Said another man. "And she's such a good actress."
"I love her pretty face." David said.
One of the other photographers said, "And I love her tan lines. They really accentuate her pretty titties and I especially love that pale, plump, pussy next to her tan legs and tan tummy. It's almost like she's wearing a white bikini now, but with pink nipples and a pink slit."
That's when Roy said, "Actually, April, you have the prettiest pussy we've videotaped in a long while. Extraordinary - in shape, taste, and tightness, with great tan lines. I think all our photographers will love working with."
One of the photographers started spanking her bare, bald, plump pussy with a ruler - continuous slaps all over her raised and open mound, and even on the barely exposed clitty. He started tapping softly but got harder as it continued - interspersed with occasional buzzes on her clitty.
That's when Roy started talking to her. "April, you and your Mommy both signed our contract and agreed to make this video. Maybe she didn't know that she specifically agreed to this when she signed it, but it is a legal document that you both signed, and it was witnessed by the state inspector here," He nodded to the state inspector. "...who also signed it. No matter what you do or say, this video will be seen by thousands of men around the world within the next month or so. It can't be stopped. We can't get in trouble because this is all legal now. But nobody you know, including your friends and family, will ever know about this unless you tell them. If you keep quiet about it, even your Mommy will never know. There are around seven billion people in the world, and we're hoping to sell 50 - 100,000 of them - which means that only one person out of 750,000 people would see your video. But if you start telling people, then they will all want to buy copies so they
could watch this video themselves. We might even send copies to your neighbors and to all the teachers at your school, and to all the families who have a kid in your grade. Would you like that?"
Roy wasn't sure that April was listening, because she kept moving her hips. Then she shook her head no.
Roy said, "If you don't want your Mommy or anyone else to know about this, then you have to agree to make more videos for us and pull down your panties in front of our cameras. We'll use a fake name and even give you a fake tattoo and a wig or put your hair up differently, and do your fingernails and toenails. Then would you model willingly for us so that nobody you know will find out about this? We can just keep you tied up and put you in different positions for this video, but it would be easier - and more fun for you - if you cooperate. Will you turn over quietly for us if we take the gag off?"
"Unnnnnn." She nodded yes. Her hips were still moving, but not to try to get away.
"This doesn't hurt, does it, April?"
She shook her head no. "Unnnnnn."
"In fact, it feels good, doesn't it?"
"Unnnn, unnnnn." She was nodding yes.
"We still need to stimulate you for another ten minutes for this part of today's videos. OK, we will unfasten you now and take off your gag, so you can roll over and let us fasten just your legs again. If you try to get away - and you can't - we'll tie you again - even more wide-open. We aren't going to hurt you, April. Nobody is going to rape you, so don't worry. Will you let us take off the gag and then roll over quietly for us?"
She nodded yes. "ehhhhh." She tried to say yes. The tapping and buzzing on her pussy had been continuous the whole time that Roy was talking with her.
They unfastened her ankles and wrists and took off the gag. She rolled over after they pulled out the pillows. She got on her elbows and knees as directed. One of the photographers began massaging her small breasts as they hung down - almost two inches under her chest. They looked bigger now that her arms weren't pulled up over her head. He kept fondling them - one to the other. She didn't try to get away. Someone continued to tap the ruler on her pussy and her whole mound. Ms. Ginny was getting video close-up of his hand fondling her breasts. She knew the other camera was getting the pussy shots. April still sounded like she was gagged when she started saying, "Unnnnn, ummmm."
"Do you like how that feels on your titties, April?" Roy asked quietly.
"Unnn, yes."
"You'll get this kind of treatment often as one of my models. You'll like pulling down your panties and spreading your legs for my cameras, won't you, April? All my other models love it. And tell me if you like the buzzer on your pussy."
"Yes. Unnnnn. Buzzer."
Roy said, "David, you take the buzzer for her clitty and finger her pussy slowly at the same time. Go extra slow since she's so tight. Keep moving and tapping the buzzer. He told the other photographer with the ruler to reach under her tummy to keep tapping her pussy mound. That's how you like it, isn't it, April?"
"Unnnn, yes." Her hips were moving.
"There, do you like how David is fingering and buzzing your very tight pussy?"
"Unnnn, yes."
Roy lubricated his own finger and then April's anus. "This will feel wonderful, April. I'll show you video clips of my hand doing this to other little girls. Would you like to see those video clips - other little girls getting fingered and buzzed?"
"Unnnnn, yes, unnn."
He slowly pushed his finger all the way in April's anus. As he held his finger in her, David was buzzing her clitty and rubbing his finger around her pussy - not in her vagina - but all around between her lips. That's when she came - on Roy's very first full anal insertion.
"Unnnn, aggghh, unnnn." She repeated over and over as each spasm shook her.
Roy let her rest after pulling his finger out. "Very tight. Very sexy and pretty little girl. What a great model you are, April - delicious, tight, and sexy hot. Ms. Ginny, take this sexy, hot, little model back to clean her up while we change sets. Did you get close-ups of her pussy spasms?"
"Yes. Perfect. She did great at staying in position."
The state inspector had also fingered both holes, and was signing the paperwork when April's Mother came out into the studio while April was still back in the dressing room with Ms. Ginny. He said, "I signed off on her paperwork. I have another appointment and it's quite a drive, so I'll leave now. Anyway, you don't have to be present during her future modeling sessions, but you're always welcome, of course."
She thanked him. They shook hands, and he left smiling. April's Mother was smiling, too, feeling relieved.
The next set - a school desk in front of a blackboard with a flag in the corner and a couch to one side, with a stack of towels on it. April came out of the dressing room in a school girl uniform and her hair in pig tails.
"How did you like acting, April?" Her Mother asked.
"It was fun, Mommy. I like being a model." She kept a straight face, but was blushing.
"I'm so glad." Her Mommy smiled and hugged her daughter. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. The state inspector says that you did fine, and he signed your papers. He says now that you're a real model, I don't have to always be with you. Would you be more comfortable modeling if I wasn't here?"
"Yes. That's a good idea."
Roy said, "I think she'll work out fine. We have lots of special outfits for her to wear to model for different customers. And let's go ahead with that other photo shoot we tentatively scheduled in two days. You can just drop her off now that the state inspector signed off on her modeling papers. I didn't mention this before, but in three weeks I'm taking some of my models, maybe ten of them, on a publicity tour to two different malls, and maybe a couple of private clubs, but its way over on the other side of the state - probably 400 or 500 miles from your house. But if you could drop her off here early Saturday morning, then she could ride over in one of our vans with some of the other girls, and our equipment - cameras, lights, lubricants, costumes, and so on."
"Oh. That sounds like fun. Would you like to go on a tour with them, April? The show would be 500 miles away from our house." She said that to remind April that she would be anonymous on the tour.
"Gee, that would be fun. Are the other girls... umm, like nice?"
Roy smiled, "They are very nice, April, and I'm sure they'll like you. They like playing with the new girls. They'll all want to make a video with you! We'll be at a motel with a pool, and some of our photography students will be there, too. They like to play in the pool with our models. It's fun."
"Well, OK. I'll go if it's OK with Mommy. Cool."
Her Mommy said that would be fine, and went back behind the curtain, about thirty feet from the set.
She introduced herself again, forgetting about the idea of a fake name. After smiling at the photographers, one of the photography students came over to her, wearing a suit; keeping his back to the camera. "Well, young lady, you were naughty in school today so you're going to get a spanking."
A minute later she was lying across his lap with the back of her school jumper flipped up and her panties stretched between her knees. The spankings were just hard enough to make that pale, firm bottom jiggle. The photographer showed David how to spank with a glancing blow so her ass would jiggle more.
After a little while, she started lifting her bottom without instruction - holding it up for the next one - as he spanked on alternating cheeks. The photographer would stop after every few sets of spankings to massage her bottom - and tickle her clitty - which made her arch her back to lift her clitty closer to him.
It was quiet on the set except for the sound of the slaps, and then her quiet moans when he tickled her clitty. Her hips started moving again during his next clitty-tickling interlude.
Roy held up a hand to stop filming, and spread out towels on the floor and put a pillow on the towels for her to rest her hips on. Still without instruction, except for Roy's pointing, she got into face-down position; hips over the pillow, and spread her feet apart. The panties were now on one knee. Roy said - quietly; not in his 'director's voice - "I'll give you a line to say in a little bit. You're doing fine, April. You will like this." He knelt between her knees and motioned for me to sit beside her, next to her left knee. The cameras were already rolling again.
Ms. Ginny said, "Look into this camera, April. Keep your eyes open."
Roy poured baby oil all over her bottom and thighs, and then lubricated her anus - making April moan in anticipation. April's pussy was glistening with her own excitement, and her pale ass and tan legs were coated with baby oil. Roy started tickling the soft, subtle cavity between thighs and pussy lips. April responded - trying to open wider and lift her bottom.
He massaged her ass - pulling it open and letting her firm, young buns snap back into position. "I'm going to start a rhythm, April - tickling your upper thighs, then squeezing in on your thighs with both thumbs to open your pussy for the cameras, and then I'll slide up on your ass with both hands until my thumbs are next to your anus. Then I'll pull you open so David can insert a finger. Let's practice.
Tickle thighs.
Thumbs squeezing in next to her pussy and then pulling it open. He did that twice.
Then sliding his hands onto her ass - pulling her wide open so David could slowly insert his finger in her ass.
On the next set, when David inserted a finger slowly into that very tight, but slippery anus, he also tapped her clitty with the vibrator.
"Unnnn." April moaned.
Roy said, "Each time he does that, if you want him to do it again the next time I open your ass, then say, 'Ohhhh, thank you. That felt so good.' If you say that, then we'll do it again.
Tickle thighs.
Thumbs squeeze in to open pussy - twice.
Thumbs up next to anus to pull her ass wide open. David inserted a finger and tapped her clitty with the vibrator.
"Unnnn, thank you. That felt so good. Unnn."
Ms. Ginny was capturing her facial expresions - waiting and enjoying - and then bliss as the finger went in, and the vibrator tapped her clitty.
Roy kept a steacy, slow cadence - 1 -2 - 3 - 4, with David's finger pushing in on '4.'
After just ten more repetitions - keeping in a smooth rhythm - she orgasmed as David's finger pushed in.
"Unnnn, ohhhh, agghhhh. Unnn."
Ms. Ginny was getting her face, and the other cameraman was getting her ass and pussy spasms - which forced out more of her excitement. David felt the spasms on his finger.
He waited until she calmed down before pulling his finger out quickly. That caused more spasms - and more nirvana expressions on her face.
Ms. Ginny helped her get back into the very classy-looking short dress that she had worn earlier when she first practiced introducing herself. And she freshened April's make-up and hair so she looked as pretty as the first time she introduced herself, before the bondage video and the tears... and then the orgasm, and then the spanking video and another orgasm. April knew that Ms. Ginny knew what she was really doing while modeling - especially since Ms. Ginny was getting close-ups of the masturbation process, and April's orgasms, even though April didn't know the words for those things.
Ms. Ginny said, "You're such a pretty model, April. I know you'll be very popular. The other models all love getting touched the way you just got touched. That felt really, really good, didn't it?"
"Yes, but it was so embarrassing."
Ms. Ginny smiled, "Well, that's good. Being embarrassed makes the pussy tingles even bigger. Maybe that's why it felt especially wonderful."
"It' does?" April asked. "Well, it did feel really good. But the men..."
"Oh, Honey. The men know what they are doing. They want to help you get those really good feelings. Just trust them." Then Ms. Ginny grinned, "Put yourself in their hands!" She laughed, as she held out her hands, pretending to massage two imaginary breasts!
April started laughing, too. A minute later, when they had stopped laughing, she said, "Well they had me in their hands alright! I even changed positions and didn't resist or complain the way a good girl should. I let them tie up my ankles and do those things to me. And then they spanked me and I got on the floor and opened my legs for them."
"Yes, and you were wonderful! The men really liked you. They told me you are so sexy! Don't feel guilty about accepting pleasure. Not when you're safe here with us. We're not going to tell your Mommy or your teachers on you!" Ms. Ginny laughed. "Forget about that 'good girl' stuff when you're modeling. The men think you're so sexy."
"Yes, you! They said you were very responsive to their stimulations."
April looked blank.
"It means they liked it that they could tell that things felt good to you. Your body responded."
"It was so embarrassing, though." April said, finding it easier to talk about things back in the dressing room with Ms. Ginny.
Ms. Ginny said, "I was there, remember?"
"And I could tell that it felt really good to you when they put fingers in your vagina and in your anus."
"Oh! That was the most embarrassing part!"
"But it did feel good to you, didn't it? I could tell."
"Well, yes, but I mean it's embarrassing that it did feel good. That was so gross. I mean where they put their fingers in me. In my bottom."
"Honey, we'll have some heart-to-heart talks - woman to woman. You and me. You can talk to me about anything. And I know it felt good to you. Why are you so embarrassed about that?"
"It sounds so gross."
"Let's say it together ten times. And, you know what? I like it, too. It feels good to me. And all our other models love it. Why, in some of our videos we let the girls take turns doing that to each other. I hope you would help us get another girl lubricated, and get your own finger all slippery, and then push it in her. Now, repeat after me. We'll say it together ten times."
"It felt good to get a finger in my anus." Ms. Ginny kept saying that. Then April smiled and she said it along with Ms. Ginny - ten times.
"It felt good to get a finger in my anus."
Then she had April say it by herself ten times. They were both laughing when she finished. Ms. Ginny asked, "So... what felt good to you?"
"It felt good to get a finger in my anus."
"There, that's not so hard to say, is it?"
Then April asked about the buzzer things.
"We'll talk about those later. You're all dressed again. Let's do your next photo shoot. And, April..."
"Our photography students know lots of ways to make a little girl feel good. So seriously, let them do things. Keep an open mind."
April got more serious. "And I have to do naughty things anyway, don't I? I mean, since Mommy and I both signed the contract."
"Yes, you have to do things in front of the cameras, but we don't consider them 'naughty.' It's just part of your modeling. You both signed the modeling contract and agreed to do those things, so you have to do them, and your Mommy will get checks because you're modeling."
"Well, and like we need the money. And like nobody at home will know about this, and like, I mean, for that show, it's like a couple hundred miles away, and..." She looked at Ms. Ginny. "Will you be there? I mean at the motel where we are going to say when we do the show?"
"Yes, of course, April. I'll be there with you. Remember - you can talk with me about anything. You could talk to the men, too, but it's probably easier to have a woman to woman talk. And on the tours, you can talk with the other girls about anything. They've all been models for less than a year, and its fun to have somebody your own age to talk with. You can't talk with your friends at school about this."
"Oh, gee! I would never tell any of them about this. We giggle and tease about letting a boy or a man see our panties, or about letting a life guard tickle us in the water and rub our chest. I could never tell them about this."
"And this would all be illegal back in your home state, too. So don't talk about this to other people back there. It's legal here, and you have to do it. OK, we're going back out there. Just follow directions. Your Mommy won't know what you're doing. She thinks you're just modeling clothes. And if the men ask you what you want to do, then go ahead and tell them what felt good to you. And the other girls love getting a finger in their anus, and in different positions. Maybe you could ask the men to put you different positions and then finger you. That would be the truth, right?"
"Yes. You mean it feels different?"
"A little different, but just do whatever the men want to do with you. First you'll introduce yourself again while you're all dressed up in your short, ruffled skirt. Your Mommy will probably watch you do that before she goes back behind the screen and puts on the headphones. Then you'll change clothes on the set a few times, or at least different panties."
The set was arranged just like her original introductions. She was standing on the set, looking so pretty and innocent. Roy brought April's Mother out to wish her well. "This is fun, Mommy."
"Do you want me to stay out here and watch you, April?"
"No, that's OK, Mommy. Like Mr. Roy said, 'I'm more relaxed in private.' So you can go back and listen to music and read magazines."
"OK, April, but I'll be thinking about you. I'll go back and listen to music and look through magazines." She didn't mention that they were some of Roy's own publications - featuring so many, cute, spread-open, bald, visibly-excited preteens - who also started out a set all dressed up.
Roy did a quick review of how they would start.
As she turned around for the cameras, April said, "I'm April and I'm ten years old. Last year I was in the fourth grade. I like to swim and ride my bike at home, but I don't play with dolls anymore. I used to, like when I was little. Let's see, I weigh eighty four pounds and I'm four feet, seven inches tall. Umm, well, I like modeling. It's fun, even though I just started today. I'm going to model this dress, and kind of sway to the music, and then try on some different clothes for you." She turned around for the cameras.
With very little coaching, she swayed and moved her hips to the music - smiling and looking at the camera like Roy had reminded her. Then she pulled down her panties to her knees with her feet apart, but left the dress on. As she swayed to the music, she lifted the front of her dress for brief views of her bare, bald, plump pussy, with her pretty, pink panties stretched between her knees. She lifted the front of her dress real high while smiling at the camera. "I like modeling. This is so exciting, like it gets me all tingly inside my tummy when I do this." She was holding her dress high in front and squirming her hips around to the music - smiling and showing the world her pretty pussy.
She stepped out of her panties and turned around to face away from the camera and lifted the back of her dress. "I'm a bad girl. Maybe I deserve a spanking!" She spanked her plump bottom with one hand, making a loud 'smack!' Then she laughed and spanked herself a few more times and pulled her bottom open for the camera.
Next the dress came off, and she tried on several pairs of panties - taking her time and turning; playing to the main camera when she was between panties.
David was ready for the next part. He said, from off camera, "You did great, April. Would you like a reward now?"
"Yes, that would be fun." She was getting in different positions and kept moving as Ms. Ginny had suggested. When she was lying on the towels on the floor, she asked what her reward would be.
"We want to help you feel good, April - me and the other photography students. What would you like?"
She wasn't sure what to say at this point, so she said what she and Ms. Ginny had practiced, "It felt good to get a finger in my anus." She blushed. "Oh, and I liked the buzzer thing. Maybe you could put me in different positions, like just for fun."
So they did. Roy knew he would have to edit out some photographer's faces later, but that was OK. Ms. Ginny was moving around with her camera.
She laid on her tummy; legs together and flat on the towels. Her pale buns were rounded nicely. One of the cameramen knelt beside her - away from the camera on the tripod which was getting a full side view. He lubricated her anus. Each time he pushed a finger in, she moaned, "Unnnnn."
Then they had her lift her hips to put a pillow under her, and spread her legs. A different photographer, vibrator in hand, knelt beside her, and started slowly fingering her anus. He tapped her clitty with the buzzing vibrator. She loved it.
Then they took away the pillow that was under her hips and had her lean onto her left side and bring her right knee up. A different man fingered and tapped her in that position.
Next it was over the arm of a stuffed chair with her legs apart giving the best view to the big camera. She was slowly fingered and got vibrator taps on her clitty. "Unnnnn, ohhh, I like this position, too. Unnnnnn."
Then on her hands and knees with her knees apart, with David and another photography assistant beside her. David did the fingering again, and worked the vibrator, while the other assistant caressed her titties which were hanging down from her chest. "Ohhh, unnn, I really like this way. Unnnn. I feel like tingles all over inside me. Unnnnnn."
Her last position - after just two minutes on her hands and knees, she was on her back with her legs up over her head and a photography student holding her ankles - keeping her legs apart. David put a small pillow under her hips. Her titties were now almost flat, but still pliable. One assistant stimulated them and worked a vibrator, while David used his right forefinger for her anus and his left forefinger in her vagina - alternating them like a two cycle engine - one finger going in while the other finger was coming out. The assistant massaging her puffy titties started keeping the vibrator against her swollen clitty for longer periods of time.
Suddenly her squirming increased. "Unnnnn, ohhh, ahhhhhh, unnnnn!" She pushed the vibrator away with one hand. Her whole body jerked with each spasm.
David took his finger out of her vagina to let Ms. Ginny zoom in in her spasms. He kept his other finger in her anus - feeling the spasms grip his finger. When she calmed down again, David gave Ms. Ginny a nod so she would keep zoomed in on her pussy as he quickly pulled his finger out - setting off another big spasm and moan, followed by several more small spasms.
They let her rest; lying on her back with her legs spread apart. Both cameras panned up and down her flushed, nine year old body, while the photographers stepped out of view.
Then David said softly, "You really do like a finger in your anus, don't you, April?"
"Yes, unnn."
"Did you like trying it in different positions?"
Roy knew he had another winner. Then he decided to add a little more cream to the recipe. One of the photographers at a time took off his pants and knelt next to April and jerked off - shooting his cum across her chest and tummy. She laid there, enjoying what she was seeing - but still half asleep. The next two assistants squirted on her bare pussy, and she absently rubbed it around with one hand - all over her pussy and tummy. "Ohh, it's kind of warm."
David knelt beside her head, "Would you like to try a taste of it? You don't have to swallow it."
"OK." She was waking up.
David put his stiff cock near her mouth and she licked it as he stroked it himself, then she wanted to look at it, so Roy let her kneel up and David stood in front of her. The puddles and streaks of cum on her chest, tummy, and pussy, started sliding down as she knelt there and played with David's cock and balls. "I never played with one before."
Ms. Ginny had given her a few hints in case she was ever in this position, so she tickled his balls and watched them tighten up. She licked and slobbered all over David's penis and then tried to fit the head in her mouth. It barely fit, and he guided her to slide back and forth over the tip of it... and then he came in her mouth. She kept her mouth closed, accepting all of it, and then she pulled her head back and spit it out of her mouth - on her tummy and the towel and her legs. "I don't think it tastes good. A teenager at the pool said she likes it. Maybe you have to get used to it."
David was still standing in front of her with another drip of white cum forming on the tip of his shrinking cock. "Try another drop, April. Maybe it will taste better since you've already had some."
She did - licking off the glob from the end of David's penis.
Roy said, "Show it to the camera, April, before you swallow it."
She held her tongue out towards the camera, and then swallowed it. Suddenly she made the yukky-face. "Well, I don't like it yet."
Roy normally kept his cool while photographing the unpredictable, little girls, but he was so ready. He dropped his pants and stepped in front of her. "Try one more, April. And if you feel it start to squirt, then keep your mouth open and put your tongue out, and I'll aim it into your mouth. Then you can decide if you want to swallow any more of it."
Less than two minutes later she showed her open mouth full of cum to the camera and then swallowed all of it. She gagged, and made that yukky-face again. Then she smiled, "No, I still don't like it yet. Could I get a glass of pop?"
Ms. Ginny took her back to get her all cleaned up and dressed back in her play clothes. She got the two nice dresses back in the dry cleaning bags.
Fifteen minutes later, April was on the set again in her play clothes, drinking pop, as Roy brought her Mommy back out. "I was just telling your Mommy how relieved we all are; and that you did such a great job modeling the special fashions."
"Did you have fun, April?" He Mommy asked.
"Yes. I like modeling."
Roy said, "Bring her back in two days. I'll confirm the time on the phone. The shoot will take about four hours, but you don't have to stay here. A few other preteen models will be here. It's fun for the kids and we even do some stretching and exercise videos. We'll provide all the costumes and clothes, so she won't need to bring anything."
"Thank you so much, Roy." April's Mommy said.
Roy said, "We all enjoyed getting a taste of her modeling skills. She's very good. And, speaking of her good taste, I hope some of it will rub off on our other models. I'm thinking of letting her help Ms. Ginny with wardrobe ideas."
April's Mommy figured that Roy was alluding to making tribidism videos with some of his other little girls - where they would 'rub their tastes together,' as he said in one of his magazines under pictures of two little girls doing just that in several positions.
Then Ms. Ginny said, "And in three weeks, she can go on the promotional tour with us. It's basically a little show in two different malls, like we talked about, on the other side of the state."
"Thank you so much. I'm sure she'll have a good time." (And April's Mommy also knew she would get a nice check after April stripped and spread a few times for each show - in front of a hundred or more men. She had been reading more of Roy's glossy magazines.)
"Have her take a perfumed bubble bath in the morning so she's fresh and clean all over. And take this little bag. Have her put these panties on right after her bath and wear them to the studio. They will go with her first outfit." What he meant was that the purple panties would let them know how excited she was when she arrived at their studio. He also didn't mention that at least one of the preteen models April would be working with was a boy.
"I'm glad she enjoyed modeling."
Ron said, "Well, I had a lot of built of tension, worrying about April's photo sessions today, but she did great, and she truly relieved our tension. She will be a great model for us. I know she'll love going on tour with us in three weeks! She has class, and the customers and photography will love getting a taste of her modeling skills, and she'll get a taste of show business every day that we're on the road."
David said, "Today was my first day as a photography student, and I have to say that April did great! I want to help with her other photo shoots." He smiled at April.
She smiled back.
The End
Shy Girl
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