Melody And Rita Have A Car Wash

[ M/gg, F/gg, photo, nudity, finger, fondling, mast, spank, anal ]

by Corn53

Published: 18-Apr-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Our First Two Car Wash Customers Were Women

My cousin Melody came to stay with us for two weeks while my Aunt Dee, Melody's Mon, was going to be out of town. Melody always has some fun ideas. She's nice to me, and we're friends, even though I just turned nine and she is almost twelve and a half. She wears a training bra and has titties you can see, even when she is standing up straight. We compare them when we take our bath together. Melody says hers are like half of a lemon or a small orange, and that I have little bird eggs, but she thinks they are cute. We take baths together and splash around like little kids. Before she arrived, we talked on the phone and she thought of some ways we could earn money while she would be here, so we could go to the movies and things like that. We planned have a car wash in our driveway. She told me, "We are a couple of cute blond teenagers... well, almost teenagers, and my friend says we could make lots of money."

My Mom and I live in a nicer neighborhood than my cousin, Melody. After my Mom left for work on Monday, we made a little sign for our yard that said, "Car Wash - 5 Dollers - Outside of Car Only" She laughed when I told her she spelled "dollars" wrong.

Melody said, "I did it on purpose, so people will stop to tell us we spelled it wrong and then get a car wash."

We put our sign at the end of our driveway. It was a pretty day early in the summer, and my Mom wouldn't be home until about seven that night.

Then we put on our bikini bottoms and cut-off T-shirts. Melody said she wouldn't wear her bra so we would get bigger tips. We got the scissors and cut off even more of our cut-off T-shirts, so they were only a couple inches below or titties. And then we and set up the hose and rounded up the buckets, towels, and rags.

When Melody was bending over I noticed that I could see her titties. I asked her about it, and told her she would have to be careful when she bent over or stretched up to reach the top of a car. She just laughed. Melody explained that a little teasing gets more tips. She even said, "We'll get more tips if we kind of flirt with the customers and ask them questions. Act kind of sexy. But if you know the person, then let me know by saying the words, 'soap suds' so that will be our secret signal so we won't act too sexy if you know them." We left our garage door open so if it got really hot we could wash a car in the garage. It was fun having a secret code! Melody is my favorite cousin.

We set up our two other card tables next to the garage, in the shade, and she put a big jar on our cash table that said "Tips" and then we got our money and put it in our own tips jar. I asked her why we did that and she said a friend of hers had told her about it, that if we put some money in our tips jar, especially five dollar bills, that our other customers would be more likely to put in a five dollar tip, too. Melody was pretty smart. We cut up some loose leaf paper and made little business cards. Our business cards said, "Melody and Rita, Car Worshing, Odd Jobs, Yard Clean-up, and stuff like that. Call __ my cell phone number ______ on weekdys between 9 and 5 during Summr."

On the other card table we had a big pitcher of lemonade and a little sign that said, "Lemonaid - fiftey cents." And she said she spelled fifty wrong on purpose, too. I didn't even notice that it was spelled wrong. We set up the cd player in the garage and turned on our music, and she told me we should dance around while we worked. It was fun working in our bare feet with just our swimming suits on. While we were playing around with the hose, we got our T-shirts all wet so you could kind of see through them.

The first car to pull up was an older woman, who smiled at us, but didn't really talk or buy lemonade. She paid and left, putting three ones in our tips jar. The next customer was an old guy who lived somewhere in the neighborhood, and he only put one dollar in our tips jar. I was beginning to think this was a lot of work for the money, even though it was fun dancing around while we did it.

But the next car to pull up was a woman about forty who smiled when she pointed out that we had spelled 'dollars' wrong. Melody said, "Oh, Thanks. We'll fix it when we get a chance." Then Melody asked the lady if she wanted us to clean the inside for an extra five dollars, and the woman said she would like that.

I pulled out her floor mats and took them in the garage to vacuum them, while Melody started spraying the car with the hose. The lady sat in a chair by our card tables and had two glasses of lemonade while she watched us. I saw her put five dollars in the lemonade money can. Melody thanked her. Melody looked kind of like she was shaking her bottom more while she danced around washing the lady's car and listening to my boom box. She had our six foot step-ladder out so she could reach the top of the lady's car, even though we had like a three foot metal pole with a brush on it attached to the hose. It was just for washing cars, and I had forgotten we had it until we found it in the garage while we made our plans on Sunday. We didn't tell Mom what we were going to do. When I asked Melody why we shouldn't tell her, she just said, "Grown-ups can interfere and get too nosey. We'll just say we forgot. She might hear about our little business from one of the neighbors and we can just say we forgot to tell her and then ask her if she wants us to wash her car."

I noticed that I could see Melody's little titties under her shirt as she stretched to wash the top of the car. Then I noticed that the lady was looking at them, too.

Melody liked working out in the sun and got the car and herself all wet. She stopped for a minute and asked the lady if she would put suntan lotion on her back for her since the sun had come out from behind some clouds. I was kind of surprised when the lady did it, and took her time putting lotion on Melody while they stood over by the bushes, out of sight from the street. She put lotion all over Melody's back and shoulders and even her legs. Melody was thanking her and asking her questions like if she had kids or where she worked and things like that. When the lady was about done putting on the lotion, Melody pulled one side of her swimming suit bottoms half-way down her hip to show her how tan she was getting. Melody lifted the back and the side of her T-shirt so the lady could put lotion on her sides, too, where her skin would be exposed to the sun while she danced. I could see Melody's little, pale, left titty from the side. It was pretty sexy. The lady was staring at it as she massaged Melody's side and armpit - making the titty move around with her fingers pressing into the side of Melody's left breast.

Then, while Melody was drying off the car with our big chamois and a couple towels, I vacuumed out the inside of the lady's car. I used a spray on the inside of the windows. It took about forty five minutes. When she came over to see how I was doing, I leaned all the way across the inside of the car to straighten out the other floor mat, letting her see my titties, too, even though you can hardly see them, unless I was bending down, like I did to vacuum the floor of the lady's car. The lady said she liked how hard we worked and said we were about the same age as her niece who had been living with her, but then moved back to California. The lady paid us really good, and even got another glass of lemonade and left a ten dollar tip. She took several pictures of us with her little, digital camera before she left after she told us again how cute we were and that she liked to take pictures. We made over twenty dollars in less than three hours!

Melody said, "She took one of our cards, Rita. And she doesn't have kids and has never been married. She said she might want us to come over and work in her yard this week." Then Melody really surprised me. She said, "And the lady enjoyed putting suntan lotion on my back and legs. I could tell she liked touching me. And I noticed that you let her see your titties, too. Good job, Rita."

I asked what she meant, and Melody just looked at me. "You have a lot to learn, Kid." Then she hugged me. You're really cute, Rita, and I need to tell you some things so we can get some really good-paying, easy jobs. A friend of mine told me about things, and she makes great money just working a few days a week. My friend is fourteen but has been doing things for a few years already."

I told her that I still wasn't sure what she was talking about. I asked, "What did your friend mean?"

Melody said. "Sometimes women who are interested in young girls will pay even more than men." Then she looked at me. "They pay better and they don't talk and you can't get pregnant. Maybe we should talk about some signals I could give you so you could act certain ways. And if we get you lined up with one, it could help you all next school year. Ten times easier and more money than babysitting!"

I was surprised by what all she started telling me! But I was also excited, because she said it would be fun and we could get money, too.

The Next Man Was Our Best Customer

Our next customer pulled in our driveway about an hour later. He was a man in a business suit about thirty or thirty five years old, but I'm not sure. He had a really neat car that wasn't very big, but it was new. I think he came in because Melody and I were clowning with the hose and dancing around in our bikini bottoms and wet, cut-off T-shirts.

He laughed and told us we spelled dollars wrong. Melody looked at me and pretended to scold herself for spelling it wrong. Then she said, "I did bad, Rita. I'll face the car so you can spank me for spelling it wrong." She turned and put her hands on the side of the man's car like she had talked to me about. I never thought she would really do it, but I asked the man, "How many spanks should I give my cousin?"

He was laughing and pouring himself a glass of lemonade. "Seven." He said. "Because that's how many letters are in 'dollars.'"

I noticed that Melody had pulled the elastic waist band of the bottom of her suit down about an inch on one side, so I could see the real pale top part of her left fanny cheek. I gave her seven spanks while she kept moving her hips around to the music. I was just playing, but gave her hard enough spanks so the man would hear them. Melody and I were both laughing. The man was watching us closely and smiling.

He just wanted the outside of his car washed, but it still took about twenty minutes. He drank several glasses of lemonade, and then when he was ready to pay us, he said, "Hey, you spelled 'lemonade' wrong, too."

We all laughed. I said, "Dang! I made that sign." So I put my hands on the side of the man's car and had my feet apart and my bottom sticking out. I squirmed and wiggled as Melody gave me four hard swats on my bottom.

After those four swats, Melody said, "Oh, look how her bottom wiggles when I smack her. She's lots younger than me but her buns are bigger."

The man said, "You are both very cute."

She smacked my left cheek real hard again to show the man how it jiggled.

I said, "Hey, ouch! Not that hard! That's too hard, Melody. You can't spank me anymore. That's too rough."

I was still in position though, so Melody said, "Let me cool off your bottom a little bit then. But don't move, because we've got his car all cleaned and wiped off." I stayed in position and I didn't know what she was going to do. Melody picked up the hose which was still turned on, but not very fast. She pulled out the back of my bikini and put the hose in.

I said, "Oh, that feels really cold! On my ...."

Melody kept letting the hose run into the back of my bikini bottoms. She said, "On your what?"

"You know." I could tell I was blushing because the back of my suit was pulled out far enough that I knew the man could probably see my fanny cheeks.

Then Melody said to the man. "She just turned nine and didn't know the word for her clitty. She called it her 'wrinkly thing.' Isn't that funny?"

The man said, "And how old are you, Sweetie?"

"I'm twelve. Almost twelve and a half. So I know all about those things."

"Yes, I see." Said the man. "And what is your name?"

Then Melody said, in her business-like voice, "I'm Melody, and that is my cousin, Rita, like on our business card. I live on the other side of town so we used Rita's number while I'm staying here. I could give you my number, too, but then you would have to pick me up to work for you."

The man said, "Well, Melody, I bet your cousin's clitty is really cooled off by now. Say, do you like walking dogs? Sometimes I need somebody to feed and walk my dog."

Melody laid the hose down on the driveway. She said, "I love dogs. What's your dog's name?"

"Johnson." He said.

Melody laughed. Then she said, "That's a cute name. Well, Rita, you have three more spanks coming, and I think you need hard ones."

I said, "I could spank myself." And showed her how I would do it but they weren't very hard, and hardly made a noise. The man was watching closely, sipping on his lemonade.

Melody said, "No, that's not hard enough, Rita. Those don't count. You need three more good ones."

I stood up and looked at Melody. We looked at each other, and then I looked at the man. "Would you do it so she'll shut up about it? Then we'll fix our signs. Otherwise she'll keep nagging at me all day." We laughed, and I was rubbing my bottom as if she had spanked me too hard.

The man seemed more serious, and was looking around. There was nobody in sight in the neighborhood. Finally he said, "When are your parents coming home, Rita?"

I said, "I live here with my Mom and she is gone until seven tonight. Why?"

He said, "I don't want to spank you if your parents are around."

Melody said, "She's gone, but if you spank her, you have to do it hard enough or else it won't count." Melody looked at me. "I mean it, Rita. If they aren't hard enough, they don't count!" She was trying to look like she was mad. I noticed she had pulled the bottoms of her swimming suit down another inch, so you could see almost two inches of her pale, left, fanny cheek above the bottoms of her bikini.

The man laughed and said, "Well, I don't want you two cousins arguing all day. Come over here, Rita. Hold your ankles. Feet apart like before. You have to tell me when I'm swatting you hard enough. OK?"

I got into position while saying "OK." I was practically standing between his knees as he sat in the lawn chair. I put my feet apart and bent way down to grab my ankles, knowing he could see my titties, but I was kind of showing off for Melody, to show her how brave I was.

He started patting my bottom right away, but not hard enough to count as spanks. I said, "Those aren't hard enough."

And Melody said, "You have to spank her hard enough to make a noise."

But the man kept lightly tapping my bottom all around and resting his hand and squeezing my fanny with his fingers. Then he said, "You girls have such cute, firm bottoms. How old are you again?"

Melody said, "I'm twelve, and Rita just turned nine. She was only eight two months ago, but I'm almost twelve and a half, like next month already, I'll be twelve and a half."

"My, not even ten years old, Rita, and you're so cute and sexy already." He was still patting and feeling my bottom. "What other kinds of jobs do you two cute sexy girls do for people? And I really would like you to walk my dog for me sometime, Melody. I don't live real close to here and would be glad to pick you up, if your parents wouldn't mind."

Melody said, "I would love to do it. It's just my Mom and me at my house. I don't have any brothers or sisters or pets. She doesn't get home from work until about nine o' clock. She works in a bar kind of restaurant."

"Does it make you nervous when a dog sniffs you?"

"No. But it's funny, because sometimes they sniff you... you know, like right in front." She pushed her finger in on the front of her bikini, right on her pussy. "They like sniff you right here. It's funny."

The man said, "Yes, they like to sniff your sex area so they can tell if you're a boy or a girl. When they smell you there, it helps them get to know you." He was massaging my bottom and then my thighs while he talked. Melody talked about the dog for a few minutes while he kept feeling my legs and bottom, and looking at my titties.

Then Melody said, "Finish spanking her while we talk. I'm just here for two weeks and then I have to go back to my neighborhood when my parents get home. But we like to help with jobs in the house like folding laundry or things like that, and outside we could like clean up stuff in your yard."

The man gave me a harder spank. I said, "Ouch. Yes, that's about how hard to spank me. Melody was doing it too hard. She likes to do it hard. Like we took turns playing school yesterday and she spanked me on our couch. It hurt a little bit, but it was funny. We laughed each time I said 'ouch.'"

Then he gave me a harder spank and I said, "Ouch!" We all laughed.

The man was rubbing around on my bottom between the spanks, but when he started to feel between my legs I stood up part ways and said, "Not between my legs."

He said, "Oh, sorry."

I said, "It's OK, but I mean like yesterday Melody gave me 'front spankings' and that kind of hurt unless my legs were together. Well, it didn't hurt, but it made me jerk each time it hit me there. And it was after we took or baths, so like I wasn't wearing, well, you know. So the ruler tapped right on my wrinkly thing and I jerked each time. It was funny. And she used the ruler on my desk to pat my front, but we made sure the ruler was clean first before we took turns giving each other spankings. So don't spank my front since I'm standing like this. You know, with my feet apart."

The man said, "Oh, I thought you were mad at me. I wasn't going to spank you there, but I could show you where my dog would probably sniff you." He put his fingers right on my pussy, directly between my legs. He said, "My dog would probably sniff you right around here for a little bit, but then he would recognize you and he would be your friend for life. Would you let him sniff you here?"

"Yes." I didn't know what to do while he rubbed me right along my clitty area, so I just stood still and let him rub me. Then I said, "That really tickles. You'd better just spank me now, I guess."

He kept rubbing my pussy, and asked, "Well, if it tickles, why aren't you giggling?" He laughed softly.

I said, "Not that kind of ... oh.... tickle..." I stayed bent down like I was ready for the spankings. He kept rubbing me there. "It's more like 'tingles' instead 'tickles.' You know."

"But this doesn't hurt, does it?" He kept rubbing me gently right on my clitty. Melody winked at me. She was standing where I could see her but he couldn't see her.

I said, "No... oh... It just tingles so much."

He said, "My girlfriend loves it when I rub it like this for a little while before I spank her. Then she really enjoys getting a spanking, and we play games like this."

Melody said, "Well, maybe you should finish spanking her now."

Then he said, "Of course, but whenever I spank a young girl I like to rub her for a little bit between the spankings to take the sting away. Usually, like with my girlfriend, and she really likes a good spanking with lots of rubbing all over between the spankings. Since I still have three more spanks to go, I thought maybe you would like to get rubbed for a little bit between the spanks. And then I'll leave a really nice tip - about one dollar for each spank."

Then Melody said, "I think you should start over then, to show us what you mean. Let's move your chair into the garage, though, in case anybody drives by. You move the chair and I'll lay the sign down in the yard so nobody pulls in. OK?"

The man said, "Well, OK. That's probably a good idea. I would be glad to teach you some things about spankings since you both seem to be curious."

Melody giggled and ran down the front yard, while the man stood up to bring his chair into our garage.

I waited outside the garage and when Melody got back, before we went in, I whispered, "Are you sure we should be doing this?"

She said, "Trust me. His car is parked in your driveway. He won't hurt us. And he'll leave a really big tip for us." We started walking over to him. He was smiling. Melody said, "I'm not sure what you mean either, like about the rubbing part, so we think you should give each of us ten spanks. And maybe a few more if it doesn't hurt too bad. But not too hard. OK?" She turned off the lights in the garage so it wouldn't be so easy for people to see in, but there was plenty of light.

He said, "Who wants to be first?"

Melody said, "Well, I'm older, so you should spank me first, to show me what you mean." Then she looked at me, but said to him, "And I didn't give her hard front spankings last night. We took a bath together and were acting silly, so I dared her to let me give her some front spankings with the ruler on her desk. It didn't hurt her a bit." Then she giggled and said, "Then Rita gave me front spankings."

I was wondering why Melody made up that story, but I decided to wait and ask her later. We didn't take a bath together yesterday, but we did give each other spankings before we went to bed, like goofing around.

The man seemed to feel more relaxed sitting near the back of my garage with the lights off. He said, "Come here, Melody and bend over." Now he was pretending to be mean, but we knew he was just kidding around.

Melody said, "Yes, Sir. I will take my punishment." She stood with her back to him and put her feet apart and bent over, keeping her legs straight. "Please don't spank me too hard, and rub me between the spankings, Sir. Please." She was pretending she was scared.

The man said, "You seem to be the business manager or your car wash project, Melody. So, for the one dollar tip per spank, then I'll rub you the way I rub my girlfriend between the spankings. Is that right?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm ready." Melody laughed.

I was fascinated just watching and listening to them. He pulled her closer to him, kind of between his knees and turned her slightly sideways so he could spank her easier with his right hand. I went around to stand on his right side to watch. Then he put his hand on her thigh and moved it up to her swimming suit bottoms with his hand between her legs. He slid his hand right over her pussy and massaged it for just a few seconds and then stroked down her right thigh. I felt a shiver in my own pussy even though he wasn't touching me. I guess Melody felt one in hers, too, because she moved her hips and said, "Ohh."

Then he put his left hand on Melody's tummy. He said, "I usually steady my girlfriend with my other hand on her stomach and chest. She likes it and says it makes the spankings lots more fun." He didn't ask a question and Melody didn't say anything. Then he gave her a good smack on her right fanny cheek, and immediately rubbed her pussy again. "That's how I'm going to punish naughty girls like you!" He said, trying to sound gruff. "Was that too hard?" He asked, while he kept rubbing her pussy through the bottoms of her swimming suit. He was rubbing his left hand on Melody's tummy and was getting closer and closer to Melody's titties. I could see them both clearly since she was bending over in the cut-off T-shirt. The edge of his hand was right below her titties and the titties moved as he pulled on the skin under her titties.

Melody said, "Unn, n... n... no."

He said, "No, it's not too hard for naughty girls like you. Do you need it even harder?"

"A little harder." Melody said, "But not too much harder. Ohh."

He was still rubbing Melody's pussy, like massaging it all around. The man looked up at me and said, "Watch closely, Rita. You'll get your spankings next. And I will rub you between the spankings, too. Do you understand? Will you accept your punishment?"

I tried to act like Melody, and said, "Yes, Sir. I deserve spankings, too."

With the next swat I saw his left hand cup Melody's left breast and begin massaging it while his right hand was massaging her pussy through the swimming suit. Melody said, "Ohhh." She put her right foot farther out away from him, opening her legs wider. After the third spank, he slid his left finger under the waistband at the back Melody's swimming suit bottoms. He slid his finger back and forth along the top of her swimming suit, moving it down a little bit more each time so pretty soon the bottoms were down about four inches. Then I could see the tops of her pale fanny cheeks. Then he put his left hand back on Melody's breast that was completely exposed and began massaging it. With his right hand he gave a quick, little tug on Melody's swimming suit right between her legs, pulling them down about another inch, so there was a gap between the material and her pussy. I wasn't at the angle to peek in, but I knew Tyler could see a side view of Melody's pussy.

Tyler kept talking the whole time, telling both of us how cute and sexy we were and telling Melody how grown-up she was, and so hot, and things like that. I saw him slip his fingers inside Melody's swimming suit bottom. He started moving his fingers around - feeling her pussy and her chest at the same time. Melody was moaning, in a feels-good kind of way.

It took five minutes or so for him to finish spanking Melody, and my insides were shaking when I had to stand between his knees - facing to the side - and bend over. His hands went right to my pussy and titties, but I held still as he rubbed me. He said, "I want to get you a little warmed up before I start your spankings, Rita. You girls are doing great. This is how my girlfriend likes her spankings - with lots of massaging and pinching and pulling on her bottom and on her chest. You girls are developing nicely and, like I said, I think you are both so cute and sexy."

He pinched my left nipple and pulled on it, as he squeezed my pussy. I said, "Ohh." And then he swatted me a good one and started rubbing little circles on my clitty between my legs, pressing the thin, swimming suit material into my pussy. I was moaning and moving my hips around before he got finished with me - the same way Melody was moving her hips during her spanking.

Then the man stood up to leave, and put two twenty dollar bills in our tips jar. He took one of our little home-made business cards. My name is Tyler. I'm sure I could use a couple of helpers tomorrow. Or maybe my girlfriend could come over, and I'll show you how I spank her. She would let you watch her get a good, hard, bare-bottomed spanking. She's lots of fun and I know she would like you girls, too. And don't worry, I would still pay you even if we didn't get any work done. And you could both meet my dog. Is this a cell phone number?" He was looking at our home-made business card.

I couldn't talk and was still feeling all shaky inside. Melody said, "Yes, Sir. It's Rita's cell phone. Nobody else answers it. You can call her anytime. What time will you pick us up tomorrow? Should we bring our swimming suits?"

He said, "Actually, there's one more thing I want to do before I leave. And here are two more twenties for today ... if you let me watch you give each other the front spankings. I want to see if you do them the same way that I give my girlfriend her front spankings, which she loves."

Melody said, "Twenty more dollars for each of us just to let you watch us give each other front spankings? Gee. OK."

He said, "Use the ruler the same way you were using it last night when you spanked each other on your pussies."

I giggled, and so did Melody. She said, "OK, but we should go in the house."

The three of us went in through the garage door that went into the laundry room. As we walked through and into the family room, he got out his wallet again and gave each of us a twenty dollar bill. He said, "It might be best not to let your mother see this much money, in case she would ask where you got it."

Melody said, "No, we wouldn't tell anybody about it. She didn't even know we were going to wash cars today!"

I was nervous and kind of giggling, and still feeling shaky from the spankings and the way he was touching me. I said, "You go first, Melody. If you do it, then I'll do it."

Melody looked at the man, "You mean you want me to take off my swimming suit bottoms?"

"Yes, both of you, and your shirts, too. Both of you. Go ahead. First take your shirts off."

We took off our shirts and stood next to each other with our arms at our sides. He studied our chests - Melody's half-lemons, and my pink bird eggs on small, pointy mounds. You could see the outline of our swimming suits because our breasts were so pale next to our tanned skin.

Tyler said, "I'm just watching and won't try to finger you. Well, not today anyway. I already touched your chest, so it's OK for me to do that." He started feeling our chests. While he kept massaging our breasts - with one hand on each of us, he said, "I know that you girls are innocent and have never been touched between your legs by a man or a boy."

Melody said, "I was touched there... I mean... well, never mind."

Tyler asked, "By a man or a boy?"

"A man. Three different men. But not at the same time."

"Did they finger you?" Tyler asked.

"I promised each of them that I wouldn't talk about it."

Tyler knelt in front of us, so our breasts were at his eye-level. He said, "Good. And don't tell me about them either. I don't want to know names or where or what happened, just if any of them put a finger in you. I just need to know if any of the men put a finger in you."

"Yes. Each of them did, but that's all I can say about it. And, well, each of them pushed in real slowly until his finger was all wet and slippery, and then they went faster. But that's all I can tell you, because I promised them I wouldn't talk about it."

Tyler said, "Pull your swimming suit bottoms down to your knees now." Melody pulled her bikini bottoms down to her knees and nodded for me to do the same. We had to put our feet apart, so they wouldn't fall down to our ankles. Then she said, "But Rita never got touched by a man or a boy, not on her bare pussy at least. She never even saw a real dick, just some pictures. She's still young, you know."

The man said, "Yes, I see that, and I'll be especially careful with her. And you and I will go slow with her, too, so we don't scare her. Nobody is going to hurt her. We're just playing, right?" Now he was looking at our pussies and he reached down to feel Melody's. She has a tuft of wispy, blond pubic hairs just above her crack, but her lips are still almost as bald as mine. I'm completely bald except for a few little wispy ones if you look real close.

Melody said, "Yes, and I'm here to protect her. And I could tell she liked letting you look at her and touch her in the garage. She really liked it, and it was a good first experience for her, especially the gentle way you pinched and pulled on her tiny titties. I was watching you." Melody was trying to sound so grown-up! Then she said, "Should I put my feet wider apart? And don't push your finger up me."

Tyler laughed. "Good idea, Melody. You look out for her. Yes, put your feet wider apart. I won't put a finger up you today. And I can tell that Rita is growing up and starting to develop a figure... and well... and I could also tell she liked her spankings and liked how I touched her chest and how I rubbed her through her swimming suit bottoms."

He stopped talking and it got quiet as he kept feeling Melody's pussy, and my titties - one hand on each of us. Then he said, "Let your swimming suits drop down and step one leg out, and put your feet wider apart. I'm not going to put a finger in you, but want to feel for any excitement."

I wanted to show off, too, kind of to surprise Melody. I said, "I know what you mean by 'excitement.' Melody told me. It's like if that wet, slippery, gooey stuff comes out."

"Very good, Rita! You are getting older, too." He put his right hand between my legs and started gently feeling and rubbing my pussy. I was tingling like crazy while he kept touching me.

"Ohhh." I said, as he slid a finger from next to my anus, through my slit and over my clitty, like he was trying to scoop out some of my excitement.

Melody said, "Unnn." at the same time.

Tyler pulled his hands up between us, so we could all look at the fingers he had just rubbed through our pussies. There were little, streaky globs of whitish, gooey stuff that looked greasy on both of his hands. He ran his thumbs over our excitement and then slowly separated his thumb from his fingers - stretching strands of the excitement between his thumb and fingers - kind of like stretching a piece of chewing gum. He said, "I thought so. Both of you sexy, young girls are very excited. That's great. We'll have so much fun tomorrow. You'll like watching me spank my girlfriend."

Then Melody kept talking like a grown-up, and said, "You were very good with her, Tyler. And I could tell she enjoyed how you were spanking and rubbing her. She is getting a cute, little figure for her age. But you have to go slow. Even my finger felt big to her last night, even though she was real slippery and excited about what we were doing. She had lots of goo last night, too, just like she does now." Melody was looking at Tyler's fingers.

"What were you doing last night?" He asked.

"We were taking turns spanking or fingering each other, like taking turns pretending we were the boy or the principal, things like that. It was right after our bath together and we were splashing around in the tub and washing each other. So I know she is beginning to grow up. Like I said, my finger felt real big to her, but then she liked it after it was all the way in. She was real slippery so I could push my finger in her. So like I started going in and out and she really liked how that felt."

"Melody!" I gave her a cross look to let her know I didn't like her telling a stranger about the private things we did. She looked at me, and I said. "Stop. That's embarrassing."

Melody smiled and the man chuckled. He said, "It's natural, Rita. Of course that would feel good to you. I'm going to see if my girlfriend can get off work tomorrow and play with us. Then you can watch me spank her - front and back - and finger her and play with her with one of her toys, and things like that. Just us. It will be fun, and I'll still pay you the ten dollars an hour rate, plus lots of tips for other little games, and it will be fun for all of us."

"What toys?" I asked.

Melody looked at Tyler. "You're talking about vibrators, aren't you?"

He said, "Yes. My, you are very grown up, Melody." She smiled.

I said, "What's a viber-ater?"

Melody acted so mature again. She said, "It's like a little thing that makes a buzzy noise and shakes real fast and somebody rubs it on your pussy and it feels really good." She looked back at Tyler. "That's what you meant, isn't it Tyler. One of those plastic things."

He said, "Yes. That's it. You amaze me, Melody. You are so grown up. Has somebody used one on you?"

Melody said, "I promised him I wouldn't talk about it, but one of those men likes to touch me with it and it feels so good, Rita, you can't believe it. It makes you feel really tingly inside and it's so good."

Tyler asked Melody how he used it on her.

"I guess it's OK to tell you, I mean since we don't have shirts on and you're looking at us and you're touching us between our legs. But you can't put your finger in us. OK?"

"OK. I won't put my finger in you today. So tell me how he stimulated you with the vibrator. Then after you tell me, I'll watch each of you get some front spankings and I'll go try to set things up with my girlfriend for a little party tomorrow afternoon."

"Well, see, the one guy, the man with the vibrator, he likes to play games with me, so like I get in a funny position, but it has to be so I'm open, you know?"

Tyler nodded. "While Rita gets the ruler for the spankings, why don't you show me a couple of your open positions, Melody?"

I headed to my bedroom to get the ruler while Melody got on her hands and knees in front of the couch.

When I got back she was on the couch with her head against the back of it and her feet touching over her head real wide apart so her bottom was lifted up off the cushions, kind of sticking out over the front of the couch. She was holding her ankles with her hands. Tyler said I could spank her in that position. As I got ready to spank her, I could see that Melody was really, gooey wet. I started tapping her front with the ruler

Tyler said, "Excellent. While she's tapping you, Melody, tell me what you did when you were playing last night."

She said, "Rita and I were in the bathroom and the bedroom when we spanked each other. Ohh. It's hard to talk while she's doing that. Ohh. Especially with you watching. Unnn."

The man knelt down next to the couch and looked directly at Melody's breasts and then down to her pussy and he stared at it. In the daylight it didn't look like she had much hair - just wispy, blond, curly ones around the top of her crack. I could see that she was creamy wet and the ruler made a wet noise as I kept tapping her pussy. Tyler took my wrist and moved my hand to one side. He said, "Wow. Look how wet she is, Rita. I would say she enjoys getting her pussy spanked, doesn't she?"

"Gee, yes." I said. I was feeling shaky inside.

He said, "And look how stiff and swollen her clitty is. It means she is really excited."

"Where?" I asked, because I wasn't sure what he meant.

He put his thumbs on either side of her pussy lip and pulled her open wider and pushed up towards her belly button. I could see a pink lump right in the center of Melody's pussy. He said, "See that pink button? See how stiff and swollen it is? That means she is really excited and wants somebody to rub her clitty. Put your finger in her and then rub your wet fingertip around on Melody's clitty while I hold her pussy open for you. Go ahead, Rita. She wants somebody to rub it."

I pushed my finger in my cousin's pussy. She moaned as it went in. And then I rubbed my finger over the stiff, little, pink button that Tyler pointed to. Melody moaned louder. After a little bit, I pushed my finger in her again to get more of her excitement on my finger and then rubbed it on her button again. Melody was moaning funny, like it felt really good.

Tyler stood up. "I'm going to cum in my pants in a minute! You girls are so hot. Let me watch her give you your front spankings, Rita, and then I'll look at your clitty button, and then I have to go."

So I got in the same position on the couch. I was really blushing because he was feeling my titties while Melody tapped on my clitty with the ruler and I heard it making the same wet noises that Melody's pussy made when I tapped her pussy with the ruler. Then Tyler pulled my pussy open and up with his thumbs so he and Melody could look at my clitty button. Tyler said, "Look how hot your little cousin is, Melody. Her button is so swollen and stiff already. In a couple years it will be as big and pretty as yours. I would love to lick her, but I don't want to scare her. I bet she would love having a vibrator touch her stiff, little button, wouldn't she?"

Melody said, "Yes. I know she would love it. She might have a orgasm even."

Tyler said, "Hey, for a little bonus tip, let me watch you finger Rita a few times. Go slow. You can see she is really wet, so I bet she's very slippery inside."

It tingled like crazy - all over my whole pussy and tummy area. Tyler's face was real close to my pussy while he watched Melody finger me. They helped me stand up. Tyler kissed Melody on her mouth and felt her titties at the same time. Then he did the same thing to me! He said, "Good bye for now, Girls. I know we'll have a good time tomorrow. And I know my dog will like you and so will my girlfriend. She loves showing off, so she'll want you to watch everything I do to her."

I was tingling all over when he left.

We're going to walk to the ice cream store two blocks over tomorrow at one in the afternoon, and then he'll take us to his house so we can watch him do things with his girlfriend, and he said he would probably give us little spankings again, and use the vibrator on me. Geez. And he said his dog will want to give us doggie kisses after he sniffs us. It will be fun tomorrow.

We got dressed after he drove away. I sat down and had a glass of lemonade. "I have to go pee." I said. "I still feel all quivering inside."

"That's a good thing." Melody said. "We'll have fun with Tyler tomorrow." She was writing something on the back of our Lemonade sign.

We didn't fix the spelling, and now I knew it was a good conversation starter. I said, "What are you writing, Melody?"

"I just wrote down his license plate number. We need to keep it safe, and I'll tell him tomorrow that I wrote in on a note in your room, in case we get kidnapped or something."

"Kidnapped?" I asked, feeling scared.

"Don't worry." She said, putting her hand on my shoulder, as if she was my teacher. "It's so he won't hurt us. We'll be fine and have some fun and get more money. We can go to the movies and maybe even to the amusement park."

Then Melody really surprised me while we sat up our car wash sign again. She said, "I wouldn't be surprised if that lady calls us, too. I bet she would like to spank us."

"The lady?" I asked.

Melody just looked at me. "You have a lot to learn. Yes, I bet she would like to spank us or give us a bath or watch us play dress-up and try on clothes or things like that. If she calls, try to set something up for us, or let me talk to her."

While I went in the house to use the bathroom, and to put our twenty dollar bills in my secret place in the bedroom, Melody slid our Car Wash sign closer to the end of our driveway. We didn't get any more customers for the next hour, so we fixed something to eat.

While we were eating our peanut butter sandwiches and drinking milk, I asked Melody again why a woman would want to see us dance and act silly.

She said, "I watched how she was looking at you, Rita, and I think she wanted to touch you and kiss you and so on. As much as Tyler, even."

"Gee. Really? But why?"

She laughed. Then she saw I was serious. You know how gay guys want to kiss other guys, well, some ladies are lesbians and they like to kiss girls. And some women are both straight and lesbian and like girls and boys. So she might be a lesbian, or maybe she just thinks you're cute, too. But I bet she would like to touch you the same way Tyler was. He really liked touching you between your legs and I could tell he wanted to touch you and kiss you all over. You're really cute, Rita, but you don't know it yet. Let's just see what happens. We can always leave, especially after I tell Tyler we wrote down his license plate with a little note in case we're not back home before your Mom gets home tomorrow."

The Lady Returns And Takes Us To Her House

While Melody was talking to me, that lady pulled in our driveway again. Melody rolled down the side of her swimming suit bottoms even farther, as if she had pulled them up real fast after going to the bathroom and didn't straighten them out yet. I could see a couple inches of her pale bottom on her right side. So I did it, too, while we were clowning around and Melody squirted me with the hose.

We went over to meet the lady who was getting out of her car. She said, "Getting much business today, Girls?"

I said, "We only had two other cars besides you. Thanks again for letting us wash your car."

"You're welcome." She said. "May I take your picture?" She got a little camera out of her purse.

Melody said, "Sure, that would be fun."

The lady said, "Just turn on the music and dance around and play with the hose. Don't get my car wet, though."

This seemed kind of strange to me, but Melody wanted to do it. She was dancing around real crazy, so I did, too. The lady kept taking pictures, and it looked like Melody was letting the lady see her titties because she was bending over a lot while she was clowning around. Then we started laughing and it was hard to stop all our giggles. The lady was laughing too and said we were so funny.

She thanked us for letting her get some pictures. After putting a ten dollar bill in our tips jar, she said, "My name is Ginny. I was on my way back home and remembered your business cards said you would do other kinds of jobs, too, so I wondered - if you're not too busy now - if you would come back to my house and help me clean out a few closets and things. My niece was staying with me for a while, but went back to California, so I'm just going to pack up most of her things to ship back. I'll pay you to help me, even more than washing my car. Hey, you two are about her size. Maybe you could try on some of her things, and if they fit you OK, then I'll just give those clothes to you, and ship her other things back her."

"OK. Cool." Said Melody. She ran down our little driveway to bring the sign back into the garage while I folded up the card tables. We got all the stuff put away, and Melody asked her if we should get regular clothes on. The lady said we would find clothes to wear from her niece. Then she said, "Run in and grab some shorts and T-shirts. I'll wait here."

We ran in the house. Melody said we should each wear one of her baggy tank tops so that the lady could see our titties from the side! And she said, "And don't talk about us seeing the man tomorrow or even talk about men or boys. OK?" "OK. Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!" I said, as we grabbed two pairs of soccer shorts out of my room.

Melody said, "I know. We'll let her look a little bit. Pretend not to notice anything if you notice her looking in the sides of our tank tops. Just let her look. OK? Show off your cute, little titties for a change, Rita, instead of hiding them."

"Gee, but I feel funny." Then I asked her why we were just carrying the shorts out to the garage instead of putting them on over our swimming suit bottoms.

She said, "Just go along with me. We don't have time to talk about it right now. Just let her look and let me do the talking. It won't hurt you if she sees them, and it won't hurt you if she touches them either." She finished talking as we ran back out into the garage.

We moved a couple more things to put them away so Mom wouldn't even know we had a car wash today. I noticed that Melody would get sideways to the lady and bend over to get things. I could see Melody's breasts as plain as day, then I noticed that the lady was looking at them, too.

Melody asked her if we should put our shorts on over our swimming suits because they were still wet from playing around with the hose.

"Oh." She said. "I don't want to get my car seats wet. Just take them off here in the garage and put the shorts on. I'll have other clothes and panties and things for you at my house."

I didn't know what to do, but Melody just pulled off the bottoms of her swimming suit and hung them on the hooks next to the door that went into the laundry room. She was walking around without her bottoms on, letting the lady see her pussy since the tank tops only went down to just below our belly buttons. Melody said, "Come on, Rita. Get that wet suit off and hang it up. It's OK. It's just us girls in here and there isn't anybody in the driveway. It's OK if girls see each other, like last night when we took our bath together and washed each other. And when we took turns spanking each other or being the doctor. So it's OK."

It felt so funny to take off the bottoms of my swimming suit and walk back over to where Melody was standing with the lady. Melody was sliding the loose-fitting, soccer shorts up her legs while the lady watched. Then the lady started looking right at my pussy. For some reason I stalled a little longer, by moving my bike over to the other side of the garage. As I walked back to them with just the tank-top on, knowing they could both see my bald pussy, I said, "I usually leave my bike on that side of the garage, and this way Mom won't ask me about it." I felt her eyes on me as I faced them and put on the baggy shorts.

We got in her car with me in the backseat. She stopped at a fast food place and got us each a sandwich and a milkshake. Melody was sitting in the front seat with her, wearing just her shoes, the baggy, soccer shorts, and tank top. I could see that the lady kept looking at Melody, so I figured she could probably see Melody's breast from the side.

The lady only lived about a mile from me. I figured I could ride my bike to her house if she needed any more work done, so I told her that. She said she would love to have me come over, and she would pay me to water her flowers and things like that.

She lived in a really nice house, even though it wasn't a great big one. Her garage door opened as we pulled in the driveway. After pulling into the garage, she closed the garage door as we got out.

Then she said, "Let's do my niece's clothes first. We won't spend much time working today. We'll just go up to her room so we can sort out which clothes I should save." Then she said, "Hey, I know. Maybe you two could try on some of the clothes and the ones that are tight on you I'll just give to charity. I think she even has some brand new clothes mixed in; clothes she never even wore. She's fourteen now, and lives in California with her step-mother. Would you like to try on some clothes? You could each keep a few pieces unless you think your mothers would ask you where you got them. Let me get a few pictures of the two of you, each holding an armload of her clothes. Stand over there by the bed."

She gave us each an bunch of clothes from the nice dresser and we stood in front of the bed. Then we put the clothes on the bed and held hands for another picture.

Melody said, "I do my own laundry, so it would be fine for me. I even go shopping by myself sometimes. And Rita does her own laundry, too."

I said, "My Mom got me a training bra a few months ago, and it's the only one I have. I could say that Melody gave me one of her old ones."

The lady smiled. "That's a good idea. Let's try on bras first." We followed her to the back room. "Might as well take your clothes off." I must have looked shocked or scared, because then she said, "Well, I mean just take your tops off."

Melody took hers off. She said, "Mine are getting bigger. See? Almost like ½ of a small orange. Rita's are like bird eggs and still puffy. I showed her how to make them bigger." She started massaging her breasts while the lady watched.

"How do you make them bigger, Melody?" Ms. Ginny asked.

Melody faced her and squeezed her own breasts with her hands and then pinched and pulled out on her nipples. Melody said, "I pinch them and pull them out, like this. And then I squeeze them. And... ummm, well ..."

"And what?" the lady asked.

Melody said, "Well, it feels good, too, like to stretch them."

My top was off and I walked over to stand next to Melody while I held one hand cupped over each breast.

Melody laughed. "It's just us girls here, Silly. Put your hands down."

So I did. The lady was sitting on the bed looking at our breasts as we massaged and pulled on them. She kept staring at them. Then I noticed that Melody was watching me. Melody said, "Should we show her, Rita?"

I was blushing already, and didn't know what Melody was talking about. But I could see the lady was interested. She couldn't take her eyes off our little titties as we squeezed and tugged on them. I said, "show her what?"

Melody said, "You know, how we help each other when we're getting ready for bed. Like if I stretch yours or when you stretch mine." Then she looked at the lady. "A friend of mine showed me how to do it when I stayed overnight at her house. She's older than me and said it helps them get bigger when somebody else does it, so we kept stretching each other's. It was funny. So I showed Rita how to do and now we practice every night, like for breast exercises. It's good exercise and it feels good, too."

Then the lady said she would love to learn about it. So Melody stood right up against me from behind and I held my arms out. She reached around under my outstretched arms and started stretching and squeezing my breasts from behind me. The lady was staring at my titties and then I felt a really big tingle when Melody pinched them both at the same time. I said, "Unnn, ohh, that tickles." My hips moved as Melody kept getting rougher.

Melody said, "Sometimes like it tickles, even though it's a pinch, and causes you know... like tingles, but it's good for them and helps them grow. That's what my friend told me." She kept massaging and squeezing and pinching and pulling on them while the lady watched. "You have to be careful not to pinch too hard, but it's good to pinch hard enough so you can pull them out without letting your fingers slip off. See, like this."

Each time she demonstrated the pinch-and-pull technique, I said, "Unnn, ohh."

Then I said, "It's kind of embarrassing with somebody watching. But don't tell her about in the bathtub."

Melody said, "Don't be embarrassed, Silly, it's just us girls here, so it's OK. And in the bathtub, like when we practice this, and our hands and bodies are all soapy and slippery, it's like hard not to slip off, like clicking your fingers, so when you squeeze and pull, my fingers would slip right off her nipples. She likes that."

"Melody! That's embarrassing."

Then the lady said, "May I try it? Melody, why don't you pick out some of the fancy panties to try on while I do the stretching exercises on Rita's breasts. You girls are fun. This is like a slumber party. I haven't played these games for years. I'll put some baby oil on your breasts, Rita." She got a bottle of baby oil, had me turn around, and back up to her so I was standing with my hips between her knees as she sat on the high bed.

She was real gentle at first and then started getting firmer and pulling out and twisting my nipples. It kept feeling better and better. I was saying "ooooohhh" softly, over and over again, while we watched Melody try on different panties.

Then she said to me, "Honey, why don't you take these way-too-big, boy's soccer pants off so you can try on some of the pretty panties, too. Would you like me to help you try them on? Some have ribbons on the side that you have to tie."

"OK. And thank you for helping with my stretching exercises. I feel tingly."

I stepped back and turned around to face her. She slipped off the edge of the bed; knelt in front of me, and then pulled the soccer shorts down and off me in one smooth, quick motion. Melody brought over a drawer full of panties in a riot of colors and styles. Melody handed me a pair of bright, pink, hip-huggers. Ginny said, "Those are pretty ones, Rita. Let me help you step into them and I'll see if they fit you."

She pulled them up and began feeling all around on the loose-fitting panties. Ginny's voice seemed a little shaky, too, like the way my tummy and pussy were feeling. When she started feeling between my legs, kind of pressing the panties into me, I said, "Sorry, but I might be getting them wet. They feel kind of big on me."

"These panties really do slip around on you, Rita. But they look cute." She kept feeling and her hand was between my legs. She seemed as nervous as me. I opened my legs wider for her.

Melody said, "This is fun with just us girls trying on things, isn't it, Rita? I mean, with all these fancy things, with just us girls." Then Melody looked at me. "Put your feet wider apart, Rita, so she can see if those cute panties fit you ok. I want to try them on, too. Those are really pretty." She was smiling.

I said, "Yes, it's exciting." I put my feet farther apart while Ms. Ginny was rubbing me between the legs. "These are kind of big on me, aren't they? Like they are slipping around. Can we really keep some of them, Ms. Ginny?"

She laughed and kissed my shoulder, which was close to her mouth as I stood between her knees facing away from her. "Yes, you can keep some of them. Just so your Mother won't get suspicious when she sees them in the laundry."

Melody said, "I'm getting too much hair, I think. You can kind of see it through the panties, even though it's blond. Some of the big girls at the swimming pool shave it off, because I've seen them and they talk about it, that they don't want hairs sticking out around their swimming suits, because the boys notice it."

Ms. Ginny said, "It's easy to trim off. Use a scissors first, and then shave it off. I used to shave my niece, and I shave myself around the edges, too, but it's kind of hard to see yourself."

Melody said, "I'd be scared to try to shave it myself. But I do shave my lower legs every month or two. You can hardly tell it, but they feel smoother, and I put lotion on my legs then."

Ms. Ginny said, "Good idea to put lotion on after you shave, Melody. You're such a cute girl. I bet the boys do look you over pretty good. Both of you girls."

Then I said, "I'm getting a few longer hairs now, too, but you can't hardly see them."

Ms. Ginny laughed. "Let's play 'beauty parlor' then. I'll get a comb and scissors and the stuff to shave you two, sexy, young girls. Let me get a picture, just a close up, so you can see the difference before and after."

I blushed. "You wouldn't show the pictures to anybody, would you?"

Ms. Ginny promised she wouldn't show any prints of us to anyone. Then she said, "And did you ever notice in those girlie magazines that the girls are all shaved? Look like little girls about your age, Rita."

Melody said, "Yes, I've wondered about that. Sometimes you can tell the girl is shaved because it looks like a beard shadow, or whatever they call it. But on some girls you can't tell."

Ms. Ginny said, "I'll just have close-ups for the before and after pictures. Nobody would recognize you anyway. Stand over there again." She got a little tripod out of her closet and screwed it to the bottom of her camera. She aimed it at us and said she had to zoom in on where she was going to shave us. "I don't have a macro lens, so I have to be back a ways and then zoom in, otherwise it will be too blurry. I'll show you the pictures the next time you two girls visit. OK? Then you'll know that nobody could recognize you. I want to get before and after pictures."

Melody and I were standing next to the dresser where she took our pictures before we undressed. It felt funny to stand there while she took our picture. Then she said, "Just stand there. Maybe help each other with your breast exercises while I go get towels and the shaving and clipping things. Be right back." And she left.

Melody and I took turns squeezing each other's breasts from behind. While she was behind me, she whispered in my ear. "I bet she is getting us on video right now, but pretend you don't know. We'll let her see us and touch us and I bet she'll give us more money. Don't let on like you know she might be getting us in video."

We took a few more turns, before she came back in with big towels and a little bucket of water and some scissors, combs, and stuff in a box. To my surprise, after she laid the big, lime green towel on the bed, she moved the camera around as she told us she wanted to get a video of her trimming us and then shaving us. She also wanted to be sure that nobody would notice our shave jobs.

Melody said, "We just see each others, like when we take a bath but not with a grown up in there. And like when we play doctor of do spankings. But it's just us, and maybe my one girlfriend. But really nobody else sees our bare pussies anywhere, except maybe at the pool, but at the pool lots of the other big girls shave anyway, so if they noticed, they wouldn't care. But they don't know our names."

"Well, this will be our secret then. OK?"

We both said it was OK and that we wouldn't tell anybody.

"So I'll trim both of you, even though you don't really need it, Rita, and I'll get some close-ups of before and after. After I trim you, I'll shave you smooth as babies. Won't this be fun?"

I giggled, and Melody said, "Yes. Neat. Thanks, Ms. Ginny."

"Now stand in front of me so I can get a close look before we start." She looked closely at each of our pussies. She asked, "Rita, have you noticed any differences when you were playing doctor or looking in the mirror together?"

I said, "Yes, like I mean you can see her wrinkly thing in the middle even when she is standing up straight with her legs together, but you can't see mine unless I spread my legs really wide apart."

Melody said, "She calls it her 'wrinkly thing,' instead of her clitty. But she has one, even though you can't see it. We did front spankings, but not very hard. It was fun. So I know she has a clitty in her pussy, too."

Ms. Ginny laughed again and lightly pinched both our pussies at the same time. She said, "Of course you do! You're both beautiful, young, girls, and I bet you're both curious about things. I had an older friend when I was about your age and she taught me so much! She introduced me to wonderful pleasures that I still enjoy. But let's get you girls shaved now. First, Melody, put one knee on the towel up on the bed. I'll used this cordless razor and a comb to trim you up. Rita, you hold this plastic baggie directly under Melody's pussy to catch the hairs so they don't get all over. I'll be very careful."

It made a buzzing noise when she turned it on. She combed upwards just above Melody's pussy crack so the blond hairs were sticking out through the comb. And then she ran the razor across from one side and then upwards. She moved the comb a few times and ran the razor over it again each time. The hairs that were cut off fell into the plastic bag. Then she used a scissors to snip off a few that there down the sides of Melody's pussy lips. It only took a minute for Ms. Ginny to trim off all of Melody's hairs.

Melody said, "Thanks. That was quick. That buzzing sounds kind of like a vibrator, but it didn't tickle as much. Just a little bit."

Ms. Ginny asked her if she had her own vibrator or how she knew about them.

"A friend of mine has one that she stole from her Mom, and we play with it when I go over to her house. It' really tickles."

"Yes, that's for sure. A girl's best friend. They don't talk. They don't get you pregnant. They are always ready and always hard." She laughed. "And patient. They will buzz as long as you want them to buzz." She looked at me, and motioned for me to get in the same position.

I put one knee up on the bed and Melody held the bag under my pussy to catch the few, little hairs when Ms. Ginny cut them off. She took a close-up picture and said, "We really wouldn't need to snip yours off yet, Rita. It's so cute as is. But since you're both getting to be such big girls, I'll snip yours off and shave you, too. Have you ever used a vibrator?"

"No, but Melody told me about vibrators, and showed me where to touch it to yourself so it feels really good. She showed me after we took our bath and when we were playing around spanking and touching each other. She said I have to open my legs really wide so you can see my wrinkly thing."

She snipped off my hairs and took another close-up. She said, "Well, I didn't know whether to say this or not, but if you touch a vibrator to your clitty for a little while it will make shaving you lots easier for me. The excitement that comes out of a girl is the best shaving cream there is. And I have a little vibrator that would work fine on you, Rita. Would you like to try one, before we do the shaving? It makes it easier to shave you if we use some of your natural lubricant."

"Yes. OK. I was wondering about them."

Melody said, "I told her it feels really good. You know, like pressing around with it, like around on your clitty thing, or up and down your lips."

"Very good, Melody." Ms. Ginny said. "You're right. And another thing is that when it presses on your clitty it makes lots of your natural girl lubricant come out, which I could use instead of, or maybe with, a little shaving cream. Would you help me show Rita how to use one?"

Ms. Ginny took the plastic bag with our hairs in it and set it on her dresser. She had me lay flat on my back on the bed with my feet together. She said, "We'll open your legs until we can see your clitty, Rita. You have such beautiful, plump lips. Let me get a few more pictures." We were used to her taking pictures now, so it didn't shock us anymore. Now I even smiled at the camera when she took pictures of me, even though I was blushing.

As they opened my legs in the quiet room, I heard a "splooch" sound as my pussy lips parted. Ms. Ginny said, "She's getting wet already, Melody. Look. See the whitish cream?"

"Yes, but she gets wetter than that sometimes, almost like oozing out. Like when I was giving her front spankings or fingering her, she got really wet."

"Excellent. Maybe she will get extra creamy when I tickle her clitty with a little vibrator that's just her size."

"Wow. I bet she will. I know she wanted to try it after I told her how good it feels."

"You are such a big help, Melody." Then Ms. Ginny leaned over and cupped her hand to Melody's ear and whispered something to her.

Then Ms. Ginny said, "Later you two can show me how you do the front spankings. I'm curious about that. And I see that you two sexy girls enjoy these kinds of games and experiences. I know I'll be able to hire you to help with things. I have a friend and I know she would like to hire one or both of you also. It will pay lots better than washing cars!"

"Your friend?" Melody asked. "What would we do?"

"Just play games with her and let her ... umm... well, she likes to see how different outfits look on young girls. So she would dress you in various outfits, and I suppose she would also ... well... for you, Melody, she would want to make sure you are shaved smoothly so when you try on various panties, well, you would look so young and fresh. And well, the best way to check the shaving job I'll give you today would be to run her hand and fingers around on your tender skin. OK?"

Melody said, "Sure, that would be OK."

Then Ms. Ginny looked at me. "And she would think you are absolutely perfect, just the way you are, and dress you in a very frilly, short, white dress with ribbons in your hair and maybe a garter belt and hose and high heels, and then take pictures of you. I know she would love both of you - one at a time - and she is a very generous and very discrete woman."

"What does 'disk creete' mean?" I asked.

Ms. Ginny laughed, "It means she won't talk about it or show the pictures she takes of you to anyone she doesn't absolutely trust. She would arrange to pick you up during the day when nobody will wonder what you're up to, and then get you back there a couple hours later, with some nice money in your pocket." Ms. Ginny stopped talking and looked at us. We were naked, and I was lying on my back on her big bed with my legs spread apart. Then Ms. Ginny said, "May I get a few more pictures of you so I can show her how brave and pretty and obedient you both are?"

Melody said, "Yes. That's fine."

I said, "Should I close my legs?"

Ms. Ginny said, "No, sweetie. Just keep them open for the pictures. I'll get more pictures while your cousin stimulates you with the little vibrator. She'll only do it for a few seconds at a time, which will get more of your natural, girl lubricant to ooze out, so it will help me shave you. I'll want to get close-ups of your clitty, too, so I can show her how big and stiff it gets. Did you ever notice that it gets bigger and stiffer when you rub it?"

Melody didn't let me answer. She said, "We talked about it last night when I was rubbing her, and it does get bigger and stiffer and she likes how it feels."

"Very good." Ms. Ginny said. "You are getting so grown up. Both you girls."

She handed Melody a little, pink plastic thing. It was about the size of a cigar-type, black cigarette, that some of the kids call "blacks," when they smoke after school. Melody twisted it and it started making a buzzing noise. Ms. Ginny had me put my hands just on the inside edge of my pussy lips and pull them apart and up so that my "clitty button" would show up better. Ms. Ginny dabbed out some of my excitement juice and rubbed it around on my clitty. I said, "Unnn."

Ms. Ginny said, "That feels good when I rub it, doesn't it honey?"

"Yes. Unnn."

"I'll just dab some more of your excitement onto your clitty and then your cousin can tap it with the vibrator, and rub around a little bit. It will tickle, and you don't have to hold still. Ready?"

"Unnn. Yes." I said, then she took her hand away.

Melody leaned up close to my pussy with the little, pink vibrator in her hand. It was buzzing. Then she touched me just above my pussy and rubbed it slowly up and down beside my lips. Ms. Ginny was taking pictures of us and was zooming in on my pussy when Melody touched the vibrator directly on my exposed clitty. She rubbed it around, slipping across my excitement juice. I said, "Ohhhh, gee whizzzzz, Unnnn. That really... unnnn.... Tickles... Ohhhhh." It felt like I was tingly all over inside my pussy, thighs, and tummy, and the good feelings kept building up.

Then Ms. Ginny said, "Stop now, Melody. Let me get a close up. Lift your knees, Rita, so I can see if any more excitement is oozing out."

Melody said, "I see more coming out." She was pointing at my pussy while Ms. Ginny was close with her camera.

Ms. Ginny said, "Oh, she looks so delicious. Young and fresh. I know my friend will want to hire her to model those things for her. Yes, young, fresh, and delicious. Let me shave her now. I won't even need shaving cream because she has so much natural lubricant." Ms. Ginny sat her camera down and held the razor in one hand and then pushed her finger all the way in me. I was still trying to hold my pussy lips apart like I did for when Melody was buzzing me and when Ms. Ginny was rubbing the excitement on my clitty. When she pushed her finger in, I said, "Ohhhhhhh, unnnnn."

It only took a minute to shave me and they helped me stand up and then we did the same thing with Melody. She loved it while I was touching the vibrator anywhere near her pussy, and she wiggled and moaned when I touched it on her swollen clitty. She was holding her pussy open and up just like I did when it was my turn to get buzzed. Mine was still all tingly, and Ms. Ginny kept taking pictures of us, which made it tingle even more for some reason. Nobody had ever taken pictures of me while I was naked before. I couldn't believe that I would smile at the camera and then put my face back real close to Melody's pussy and buzz her there. I could see that she was oozing out excitement.

Ms. Ginny told me to stop and then she shaved Melody.

We stood next to each other again after we were both shaved. She took a little video clip as we introduced ourselves to Ms. Ginny's camera. She had set it on video instead of still pictures. I didn't know she could do that and then I wondered if she was getting video clips while she fingered us or shaved us.

After I introduced myself to her camera I said, "I'm nine years old and I like playing dress-up and trying on different clothes."

Melody introduced herself and said she liked learning about girl toys. I wondered what she was talking about, and figured that maybe she meant vibrators.

Then Ms. Ginny wanted us to kiss each other and demonstrate how we did the breast stretching exercises on each other. Since Melody is taller than me, I had to tilt my head back and she leaned down. We had to practice a few times and Ms. Ginny was getting close ups and said she wanted more tongue, so then Melody put her tongue in my mouth and kept kissing me. I felt funny and tingly, especially with Ms. Ginny getting pictures and video clips of us. I didn't know what to do, so I started kissing her back the same way. Ms. Ginny was encouraging us and telling us we were doing great. She wanted Melody to start feeling me while we kept kissing, so Melody would feel and squeeze my titties for a little while and then massage my pussy. I was aware of Ms. Ginny walking around us, real close, with her camera, but I was caught up in what Melody was doing with me. I was all tingly inside.

Ms. Ginny was saying something to Melody about vibrator, and 'on the bed' but I didn't follow what she said. Melody kept kissing me and walked me over to the bed and laid me back on it, with her right beside me. I was on my back with one leg over her legs. She was on her side, right up against me and still feeling my chest and then my open pussy with her right hand. She kept kissing me. Melody scooted down while Ms. Ginny put a pillow under my head.

Melody was sucking my titties and massaging my left one and then she moved her right hand down to my pussy again. I heard the buzzing sound and then somehow, Melody was holding the vibrator and touched it against my clitty. I could tell I was really wet, and everything felt so tingly. Ms. Ginny was still close with her camera and I knew my hips were moving and I was moaning. I looked into the camera without really seeing it because I was concentrating on my tummy and pussy and thighs - like the whole area was going to explode inside me.

And then I did. Like waves of spasms washed over me with a second or two between the waves. My whole body throbbed with pleasure as I pushed the vibrator away from my pussy. They held my legs open and I knew Ms. Ginny was getting close-ups as each wave of pleasure hit me. Sometimes she was aiming the camera at my face and sometimes at my pussy.

I rested a little bit, legs open, with Melody hugging me from the side. A minute or so later, Melody whispered, "Did that feel good, Rita?"

"Gee, yes. Gee. Unnn." Another delayed wave hit me. I didn't want anybody to touch my clitty right then because it felt so sensitive - like it was all swollen up and sticking out.

Then Ms. Ginny had Melody hold it open for the camera without touching the actual clitty button. She pulled my pussy lips apart and up so Ms. Ginny could get a close up of it while it was all swollen and stiff.

Then I rested some more while Melody tried on other panties and bra sets for Ms. Ginny.

They got me up. Ms. Ginny asked me if I would like to help Melody have an orgasm. I said, "What's that?"

She said, "That's what you just had. That wonderful feeling in your pussy and tummy. Did that feel good to you?"

"Yes. Jeez."

"Did you ever have a feeling like that before, Rita?" Ms. Ginny asked.

"No. Not like that. Some good feelings, but nothing like that. Gee."

Ms. Ginny smiled. "Will you help your cousin have those good feelings now? Then next time you come over here, Rita, with just my friend and I here, we'll show you some other ways to feel wonderful like that. And you'll earn some good money just for having fun, but you can't ever tell anybody."

"I wouldn't!" I said.

Melody said, "You can trust her, Ms. Ginny. We can keep secrets."

Then Ms. Ginny and I helped Melody get those good feelings, too. Melody had to pull her pussy lips apart and up so Ms. Ginny could get close ups. I could tell Melody was having a 'ori-gasim' too, because she was making noises and wiggling all around while I held the vibrator against her clitty. Ms. Ginny said Melody had lots of white and clear girl excitement come out, just like I did. She said we were both getting so grown up.

Then we got dressed and she took us home. We each had a couple pairs of new, sexy panties, and a few shorts and other things. It was really fun and exciting. Ms. Ginny said she would show her friend our pictures and the video clips that night. I wanted to see them, too, but she said she couldn't get them out of her camera until later.

She called us on my cell phone later to make arrangements. Then Melody called one of her friends from her neighborhood. So next week I'm going back to visit Ms. Ginny and meet her friend, when Melody gets picked up by the man she plays with sometimes. We'll have some fun stories to compare! Ms. Ginny promised me that she and her friend would help me have another wonderful 'ori-gism' thing after we play dress up and things like that for a while. And she said if her friend likes me, she would probably introduce me to some of her other friends later.

And tomorrow Melody and I are going with Tyler to play with him and his girlfriend and to pet his dog after he sniffs us! It's always so exciting when Melody comes to visit me!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


please continue


Fabulous work. Keep it up!


I would very much like to meet the enterprisig girls Melody and Rita again.


One of your best stories IMO. The first person narrative worked very well, making it sound very realistic. I can see this as long serial, tales told us by the ever growing Rita, all about her adventures with men, women and eventually girls younger than herself. I wish you will continue.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue!! And yes, by far one of your best! If ms Ginny's friend invited the two girls to a lingerie party.. id be in heaven! :)


One of my favorites, like to see a second part with more action like the new stories. Also Lori And Her Stepfather's Boss part two in Paris with the dogs... I'll email more

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