Nine Year Old Wendy Models Swimsuits, Part 2

[ MMM/g, ped, exhib, anal, finger, photo, mast, spank ]

by Corn53

Published: 17-Apr-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

We heard Mr. Davis unlock both locks on the heavy, steel door. He opened it, and let us in. He said, "Hi, Sonja and Little Wendy. Come in."

My Step-Mother said, "There are more cars in the parking lot today. Nice cars."

"Yes, There are two customers here today to watch Wendy try on swimming suits. It's perfectly fine. I've known these men for years, and trust them."

"Where are they?" My Step-Mother was looking around.

"In the back room. You can't meet them. It's a privacy thing. And they won't see you either, and they won't know Wendy's last name or where she lives. She is one of my private models and that's all they need to know. You understand my concern for security?"

"Yes, I see." My Step-Mother said. "I'm glad you're careful, Mr. Davis. Do you have my money? And thank you for the nice bonus last week. Wendy started back to school this week, and I used some of the money to buy her school uniforms."

Mr. Davis smiled and handed her an envelope. "There might be a nice bonus today, too, when I bring her home in a few hours, if she is very cooperative. And don't worry. I remember our promise."

"Good. I don't want anyone to hurt her."

"Goodness no. Nobody is going to hurt her. A finger at the most, like I said. Nothing to worry about. I'll bring her home safe and sound. And clean. There is a big bathroom in our suite here, and I'll give her a bath and wash her hair, if by some chance she gets anything sticky in her hair while she is modeling today."

"Yes, good. It's best to wash that stuff out right away." said my Step-Mother. "Bring her home nice and clean and with another envelope for me. I had her take a bath this morning so she is extra clean for you, and she is wearing pretty, new panties."

"I'm sure she'll have a good time, too, Sonja, and you'll get a very nice bonus." Mr. Davis said. "Also, there is a special presentation scheduled for next Friday, if Wendy would be available. I already have two other models scheduled, but I think she would fit right in."

My Step-Mother said, "That would be fine, Mr. Davis."

He said, "Don't give her a bath after Wednesday. I'll have my assistant, Marissa, here, and she will give Wendy a bath and do her hair and make-up. Wendy will be all dressed up and even wear high heels and a garter belt and hose for the first performance. And I'll have her home between eleven and twelve."

"That would be great. I'll make sure she takes a bath Wednesday night before going to bed. I'll bring her over right after school Friday, about three thirty."

Mr Davis said, "Good, I'll schedule her for Friday, but our actual performance won't start until seven. So we'll have her all cleaned and dressed. We'll provide dinner and soft drinks for her." He closed and locked both locks.

"What sticky stuff?" I asked. "What might get on me?" I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Probably nothing. We'll see. Sometimes it happens. If you get stuff in your hair, then I'll give you a bath and wash your hair later. And if you do get a glob of something in your hair, then you'll also get a nice bonus for that. Just forget about it for now."

I was still wondering about it, but didn't say anything. We went into the little room with the mirror to meet the two customers. They were both about the same age as Mr. Davis, I guess about fifty or thirty or something. One man, Joe, had dark hair and kind of a pot belly, and the other man, Larry, was slim, tall, and kind of nice-looking even though he wore glasses and his hair was pretty thin, but not quite bald. They both smiled at me and said I was real cute and that they liked my video from last week. I blushed when Joe said that.

Then Mr. Davis said, "Today you'll get to model several swimming suits for them. They will take some pictures of you and feel how well they fit you, and then you'll get to try on different outfits and dance and undress for them. We probably won't touch you very much during our first photography hour, but then they will help you try on some other fashions and will be touching you quite a bit to make sure things fit right. OK, Wendy?"

"Yes, OK." I said, still wondering if they saw the video of me when I tried on a swimming suit, or maybe the whole video, like the part where I was naked last week. Gee, or maybe the part where Mr. Davis was rubbing his finger between my legs!

Joe opened a plastic bag that had several swimming suits in it. We laid them out on the little table. Then Mr. Davis opened a folder with loose pictures of me in it. He said, "Here she is wearing a two piece swimming suit, and you can see how perfect her figure is for this style."

The other two men complimented me. Larry said, "There is nothing as cute as a slim, young girl who is just starting to get ripe."

In the next picture I was wearing a regular girl's swim team suit with the real silky material and you could see the little bumps on my chest. They pointed to the bumps and Mr. Davis said, "She is a perfect B, just like you prefer, Joe."

Larry said, "I like the real puffy ones, too."

Then Mr. Davis turned over the next picture and it showed me without my T-shirt - just standing there in my panties. He said, "Hers will be perfect for your pictures. Wendy, take off your T-shirt and squeeze them a little bit to show Joe and Larry how big they are getting. Just like big olives."

I was blushing as I took off the T-shirt and tried to cover my titties with my hands while I squeezed them. Mr. Davis said, "And she is very good about following directions, too. After she pinches them a minute I'll tell her to put her hands down and she is so cooperative that she will move her hands right away." They watched me rub and squeeze them for a little bit, and then Mr. Davis said, "Good, Wendy. Now put your hands at your sides so they can see them."

I felt myself blushing brightly as I put my hands down at my sides.

Joe said, "Holy shit, Tom, her titties are perfect, just like you said. Perfect pink, puffy nipples - a little stiff from her rubbing and pulling them. Perfect."

Larry just nodded and looked at them. I could tell they were getting even stiffer as he looked at my puffy nipples. I smiled, and I blushed, too.

Larry said, "Perfect." To my surprise, he pulled a little make-up brush out of his pocket and said, "Let me brush your nipples a few seconds and then we'll get some pictures. Joe, why don't you unfasten her shorts, but don't take them off yet. Just let them fall part ways down."

Joe said, "Yes, Sir. Part way down." He knelt in front of me and unsnapped my shorts and pulled down the zipper while Larry continued to tickle my nipples with the black brush. It really tickled, and was giving me tingles. Gee, two strange men were looking at my bare breasts. Gee.

Mr. Davis pulled the big roll of paper down, and I stood in front of it with my hands at my sides. They took pictures of me with my jeans half way down and my bare titties all swollen and stiff from my pinching and Larry's brushing on them.

Mr. Davis said, "I like your new panties, Wendy."

"Thank you." I said. "My Step-Mom got them just for modeling. I don't wear these to school, like if my uniform flies up on the playground or something."

Larry said, "So pretty and pink, like your nipples. And I like the thong look in back."

"That would be embarrassing at school." I said, "The boys could see my bottom!"

Joe said, "Did that tickle, Wendy, when Larry brushed your nipples?"

"Yes." I said, while they kept taking pictures, and I turned around.

Larry said, "Will you take off all of your clothes for us today so you can model the other swimming suits and things?"

"Yes. I have to do what you say." I said, feeling nervous again. They were staring at me and I was blushing.

Mr. Davis said, "You're doing great, Wendy." He turned to the two men, "Let's not rush things. Here, Wendy, we'll step out of the room and you can put on this swimming suit. I'll turn on some music. You don't have to get naked in front of them yet. Pull your chair over in front of the mirror and I'll turn on the video camera so you can undress in front of it. Take your time and show me how brave you are. Act silly and sexy to the camera, and I'll watch it later. I won't let Joe and Larry see it today. But really act sexy for the camera and kind of show off a little bit. You can use your fingers to pull it open for the camera. That would be really sexy." Then he turned on the camera and the music and the three of them left the room. I liked the music - kind of a slow rock beat.

I took my time undressing and kept looking at the camera, kind of dancing to the music while I took off my panties and T-shirt and shoes and socks. Then I put one foot up on the chair and looked into the camera. I smiled and reached down with both hands and pulled my pussy lips apart. My left hand slipped off, because my lips were so wet, so I did it again. My lips were really wet. I thought maybe I should wipe off my pussy. I looked at my wet finger. I wondered how wet my pussy was, so I dipped my finger in my pussy and pulled it out and looked closely at it. I smeared it around with my thumb and then I remembered that this was on video, too, even though I was in there by myself. So I put on the two piece swimming suit and opened the door.

Mr. Davis came in. He said, "Larry is fixing you a soft drink and ice cubes. He'll come back in shortly." Then he looked me over. "You look so great, Wendy. So sexy."

The two men came back in, and Larry gave me the soda. They both said I looked so cute and sexy and would be a good model for them. I walked around and did some poses in front of the big roll of paper. Some of the poses were kind of embarrassing, so I was glad I was wearing the swimming suit. I had to get on my hands and knees and arch my back with my bottom towards the camera. Larry said it looked like I was ready for a spanking, and then Joe and Mr. Davis laughed, so I laughed, too. Larry came over and gave me a few pats on my bottom.

I laughed along with them, and said, "That didn't hurt, Larry."

He spanked me a few more times. The men laughed after each spank, so I laughed, too, even though a couple of them stung my bottom a little bit. Then Larry said, "Give her an extra bonus for being such a good sport about her first, pretend spanking. She did good." He rubbed my bottom, even between my legs while I tried to hold still on my elbows and knees with my knees apart, and tried to keep my back arched. While he kept rubbing between my legs he was saying how cute and sexy I was and that they would like using me for a model and that my Step-Mother would be so happy with the extra tips today since I was doing such a good job. Then he put his left hand under me to massage my breasts. "I'll get these a little fluffed up for you, too. OK, Wendy?"

I didn't know what to say, but it was really making me tingle the way he was rubbing all around between my legs and now on my left breast. I just said, "OK, Unnn." Then he squeezed my pussy in his hand and I squirmed. I said, "Unnn, that tickles. Unnnn." As he squeezed me again. Then he squeezed my pussy again, even harder. I squirmed and said, "Unnnnn! Oh!"

Mr. Davis said, "Let's try one of the other outfits, Larry, before we do any more rubbing or spankings. You did good, Wendy. Stand up now."

Larry helped me stand up. I was blushing.

Mr. Davis said, "She's OK, Larry. Sometimes she squirms like that when she gets tingles in her pussy. You're fine, aren't you, Wendy? Just some tingles in your pussy?"

"Yes. I'm fine. It was just tingles."

Then we stood by the little table in the mirror room, that's what I called it, 'the mirror room.' Mr. Davis opened a binder and we all looked at close-up pictures of pussies. I didn't see these pictures last week. Each girl had four pictures of her pussy. Front view, legs together. Laying down with legs apart. Knees bent with her knees up by her chest and wide apart, and then on elbows and knees from behind, so you could see the girl's pussy from behind, and her anus, too. I said, "Gee," while Mr. Davis turned the pages.

There were two girls on each page, so when his notebook was open we could all see four pussies. They were pretty and they looked different. Mr. Davis said, "I think all of these pussies are pretty, don't you, Wendy?"

I squirmed looking at the pictures. There were tingles in my pussy again. "Yes. Gee, all of them are pretty."

Larry asked, "Did you ever play doctor or something with another girl and look at each other's pussy? It's very normal. Most girls do that."

"Yes." I said and felt myself blush again.

Larry asked, "And, like most girls, did you put your finger in each other?"

I looked down at the floor. "Yes, with a couple of my girlfriends, but that was when I was little, like only eight."

"Was it at a sleepover, or after school?"

I thought for a minute. "Both. A few times after school when nobody was home, and a few times at sleep overs."

"How many different girls put a finger up your pussy, Wendy?"

"This is embarrassing. Gee. Let me think. I guess about five. No, six other girls. I forgot about Mary. But she was a long time ago, like after my 7th birthday party when she stayed overnight. She was the first girl to put her finger all the way up me. She liked to do it. She was ten years old and I just turned seven. She was naughty and used to get in trouble at school, and she even..."

They were listening to me, and I blushed. Mr. Davis asked, "What? What else did Mary do?"

I giggled, "She put her finger up my bottom. It was funny. I had to pull my bottom open and then she got her finger all wet from my pussy and the pushed it up my bottom. She was funny. We started clowning around on our stuffed chair, like pretending the arms were horsies and we were riding the horsies, and she said we should keep our dresses on but take our panties off and slide up and down while we were riding. Nobody was home them. So we did, and then after we were riding for a while she wanted to play doctor with me."

Mr. Davis said, "There will be a ten year old model here on Friday, and you'll get to do pretend things with her. Maybe for one of your scenes you two could pretend it's after your seventh birthday party. Would that be fun?"

"Gee, but, umm... like would there be people watching? That would be embarrassing."

Larry said, "Did you know that you get even bigger tingles when you're embarrassed? Didn't it feel even better when we looked at you and when we tickled your titties?"

"Oh. Gee. Yes, it really tingled."

"That's right." Larry said, "So you'll really get big tingles when the ten year old puts a finger in your pussy with people watching."

"Gee." I felt a big tingle just thinking about it. I felt my hips squirm again. Larry smiled at me, but I don't know if he noticed that my hips squirmed.

Mr. Davis was still turning pages, with three or four different pussies on each set of pages. I wondered how many different girls had been models for him. While we were all looking at the pictures of the other pussies, Mr. Davis said, "I'll set up the stuffed chair after you've modeled the party dresses, and then you and the ten year old can act out the horsie scene on our little stage. That will be fun for you, and a nice bonus, too, since you thought up the scene. Think about some other things you did with your girlfriends, and maybe we could act out some other scenes, too."

Then Joe surprised me. He asked, "Did you ever have a boy's finger or a man's finger all the way up your pussy, Wendy?"

I thought for a minute. Mr. Davis started to put his finger up me, but just a little ways, so it wasn't 'all the say' up my pussy. I said, "No, not yet."

Joe laughed, and then so did Larry and Mr. Davis. And then I laughed, too. Joe said, "'Not yet!' Good answer, Wendy. You're a fun model." We were all laughing.

Mr. Davis said, "So, Wendy, did you recognize your pussy in these pictures?"

"No! Was one of those mine?"

Mr. Davis said, "Yes, Wendy. And all of them were pretty. We need to get back to work to finish up today's modeling session. Or would you like to see some other poses first?"

"Yes, that's fun. I like to see the pictures."

Joe knelt down beside me and started feeling the bottom of my swim suit. Mr. Davis said, "Joe, just pull off the bottoms while we look at the next pictures she has to put on a different swimming suit or some lingerie in a minute anyway, and Wendy knows she will be changing in front of us. And you can rub her gently, but don't put your finger in her. Remember, she said, 'not yet!' so don't go pushing your finger all the way in her. Not yet!" We all laughed again after Mr. Davis said that.

Joe helped me take the bottoms off and I stepped out of them. I got in the same position that I was in from Mr. Davis last week, with my feet apart and my back arched so my bottom would stick out in back. Joe patted my bottom and said it was so pretty.

I was still feeling silly, so I said, "Not all the way in. Don't put it all the way in me. Not yet!" And we all laughed again.

While he patted me, Mr. Davis opened another of his big notebooks.

I said, "Which one of those was mine?"

Mr. Davis said, "I'll show you another time, Wendy. I have lots of sexy pictures of your pussy. I even showed some of your pictures to one of our boy models and he liked looking at it."

"Gee." I felt a big tingle go all the way through my tummy. My hips squirmed.

Mr. Davis opened the binder. The first two page section showed a girl who was completely flat. She was in a variety of poses, but what really caught my attention was the very last picture, which showed a man's hand with one finger pushed all the way up her pussy while she was lying on her back with her legs apart. Mr. Davis said, "This girl is only seven and a half, but see how wet she is?" He pointed to the picture above the finger picture and we could all see some wet, white, creamy stuff coming out of her pussy.

I said, "She is pretty for a little kid. Yes, she's really wet alright." I pointed to the pictures that showed her open pussy with a little cream forming in the opening to her vagina.

Then Mr. Davis said, "She knew I was going to finger her and she would always get wet in anticipation. Her pussy was really tight and I had to push hard, but she was so slippery that my finger went right in. She really liked my big finger. She's ten now, and still loves it when I use her for a model. She especially likes to do acting kinds of modeling like with another girl, or a boy, or even a grown up sometimes."

"Gee." I said.

Then I realized that I was moving my hips around while Joe rubbed my wrinkly thing between my pussy lips. He kept sliding his finger slowly up and back, rubbing right over it. His finger was real wet because he kind of rubbed along my opening each time he went back. "Unnn, Oh." I said, while squirming my hips.

Mr. Davis showed us four other girls under nine who were getting fingered. He closed the book and said, "... and they all loved it." He held out his finger for me to look at.

I put my hand around his big, outstretched finger and looked closely at it. "It's so big." I said. "I think it would hurt."

Joe said, "Can you fit your finger up your pussy, Wendy?"

I blushed. "Well, yes. But my fingers are lots smaller."

Larry said, "I'll give your Step-Mother another nice bonus if you can show us how far you can put your own finger in."

Mr. Davis moved the binders and put some towels on top of the little table. They picked me up and sat me on the table. Mr. Davis put a pillow behind my head as they laid me back with my feet in the air. Joe and Larry each held one of my legs and the let them open up. I put my hand down between my legs, ready to push a finger in, but Mr. Davis said he wanted to take a picture first, and Larry brought over the other camera on the tripod for the video.

I said, "Gee, it's really slippery now. It's embarrassing when it gets so gooey."

The men told me it was so sexy when it got all gooey like that. Mr. Davis kept taking pictures - some close-ups, and some of me while the men stepped back so they wouldn't be in the picture or the video. I kept my legs up in the air. I asked if I should go ahead and put my finger in it to show them, but Mr. Davis wanted to get some pictures of me with the top of the swimming suit off, so they helped me take that off. They all complimented me on being so cooperative and sexy.

Joe, who had been sliding his finger back and forth in my slit just a few minutes earlier said, "Yes, Wendy. You're gooey wet. Creamy. Very excited. Very slippery. I could tell that you liked undressing for us and for the cameras."

I was still embarrassed about being naked and so wet right in front of them. I said, "It got so wet because Joe was rubbing my wrinkly thing, and then not having pants on while you look at me and take pictures. I can't help it, it just gets all wet like this." I was rubbing my wrinkly thing.

Larry said, "This will be a great video, Wendy. Start fingering yourself. Would you like to see videos of the other little girls when they finger themselves?"

"Yes. Unnn." I pushed my finger in. It slid in all the way "I want to see their videos."

They helped me stand up and I put my new panties back on. Mr. Davis told me not to pull them all the way up, but to let them kind of hang on me so that the panties wouldn't wipe off any of my excitement. He told me what to do while Larry and Joe went in the big room to set some things up. Larry carried in the video camera on the tripod. Mr. Davis said that if I wanted to see the other girls then I would have to make a little video of me that they could watch. He said, "That way some of the other girls will pick you to make videos with. You want to see the videos of the other girls, don't you?"


As soon as we walked out into the big room I saw another man standing there in sweat pants and a T-shirt looking at me. He was lots younger than the other men. I covered my breasts with my hands, and stepped behind Mr. Davis. "Who is that?" I whispered to him.

Mr. Davis walked over to him, "Todd, this is Wendy, my newest model."

Todd said, "Nice to meet you, Wendy. You're very cute. I'd guess you're about eleven?"

I was looking at the tent in the front of his sweat pants, so I knew he had a stiffie; a big stiffie. And there was a dark, wet spot right where the tip of his thing was.

Then Todd said, "I asked if you're eleven, Wendy. You're very cute."

"Oh," I said, looking up at his face. I blushed. "Gee, thank you. But I just turned nine last month."

He said, "I like those pretty panties. Are they new?"

Mr. Davis turned me around so he could see the panties from different angles. I said, "Yes, today is the first day I got to wear them. And I can't wear these to school, like if the boys see up my uniform on the playground they could see my bottom!"

Mr. Davis said, "I told her not to pull them up tight because I don't want to wipe off any of her excitement with the panties. But do you like her cute, pale bottom?

"A beautiful bottom it is, Wendy. Nine year old Wendy. You're so cute and sexy." He was talking to me, but I kept looking at the big bulge in his sweatpants.

He said, "I get excited seeing you, Wendy. That's why my penis is so hard."

Mr. Davis said, "She's growing up, Todd. Wendy, put your hands at your sides so he can see how grown up you're getting. Maybe he could rub them for you. We'll be ready to do your video in a couple minutes." Then he walked over to where Larry and Joe were setting up the stuffed chair and the camera.

I put my hands down. He stared at my chest. Then he said, "Beautiful, Wendy. They are so beautiful. See? You're making my penis get even stiffer!"

"Oh." I looked at the bump in his pants again, and it was still sticking straight out, with the wet spot at the tip.

He saw me staring at it, and I blushed and looked down at the floor. He said, "It's OK to look, Wendy. I'll even show it to you later if you want to see it. But first we have to do your little video clip. Let me massage your cute, little titties for a minute. OK?"

"OK." I said.

He started massaging my breasts with both hands. I didn't know what to do so I kept my hands at my sides while he pinched and pulled and twisted or massaged them, but he was gentle, too, and didn't pinch too hard.

I said, "Unn. Oh." My hips started moving around while he kept gently pinching and pulling. "Ohh."

"That's not too hard is it, Wendy?"

"Unn. No, it just kind of... ohh... tickles."

He was looking at my moving hips, and like it was hard to keep them still. He said, "It must tickle pretty good because your motor is running."

Larry was standing next to us. He explained, "When something tickles a little girl and gives her tingles then her hips start moving. It's automatic and it's so cute, Wendy. Just let your hips move if you feel tingles."

"OK. Like it's hard to stop from doing it." I said.

Mr. Davis said, "Ready to start now, Wendy. Just come on up and do what I told you and then we'll let you see some of the other girls in their videos. Just a few today, but I'll bring more next time."

Then I walked up by the chair and faced the camera and the four men who were watching me. They were all smiling. I could tell I was blushing standing there in just my new panties which were pulled part-way down. I said, "I'm Wendy and I just turned nine and I want to be a model. I'm real limber and will show you some of my stretching poses." I turned around for the camera and then pulled down my new panties and stepped out of them "Now I'm going to put a finger up me. Oh, and like before I start, like for modeling or acting I fluff up my breasts so they will be bigger for the cameras or the people watching. I kind of pinch them and pull them out. Oh. That gives me tingles. And it's OK if it's embarrassing in front of the people or the cameras because that makes the tingles feel even stronger." Then I laid back in the big chair and lifted my legs up, bending my knees so they were beside my head. Then I put my finger in me. I said, "I'm real slippery now because I get so wet like this when I'm excited. And that's OK because like for the bigger tingles."

Mr. Davis held up his hand and I stopped. He flipped a switch on the camera and said, "Wendy, you're doing great. Here's another idea for your video clip. Tell the camera that you taste really good, and talk about how wet and gooey you get some more, for the camera. Then the other girls will really want to model with you."

I looked at him funny. So he said, "Really, Wendy. That's why other girls and boys like to lick a pussy so much, because it tastes good. Did you ever taste your pussy goo?"

I blushed again. But didn't say anything.

Larry said, "It's normal, Wendy. I think all girls do that, even women. They taste what it tastes like. Did you ever taste yours?"

I said, "Well, sometimes."

"Of course you do. It's natural. All girls do that, and they will want to taste you, too, when they lick you there. Here, let me show you." He leaned forward and put his finger up to my vagina, not actually in it, but right at the opening, and I felt him scoop out some of my creamy goo, as he called it. Then he showed me that there was some white cream on his finger, and he put his finger in his mouth and then licked his finger. He said, "I can't wait until you'll let us put our fingers in you. Umm, you really taste good, Wendy. Delicious."

He stood back up and turned the camera on again. I was still blushing, but put my finger in my pussy again and pulled it out with some of my cream on it. I rubbed my other finger on it and slowly pulled my fingers apart so like a strand of my gooey stuff was connected between my fingers. I put one finger in my mouth and licked it off and then the other one. "I get really creamy wet, and it tastes good. I like to taste my own slippery stuff. Sometimes I get a little glob of the white stuff and it's really good. Umm." Which is just what Mr. Davis said after he tasted it. "I'm really creamy today, like in front of the camera. I can't help it." My hips were moving, so I said, "And my hips start moving when I get all tingly this way."

I wasn't sure what to do next so I started fingering myself again, and then tasting myself after every 3 or 4 times I put in all the way up me.

Mr. Davis held up his hand again, and turned off the camera. He said, "Don't forget to roll over on your hands and knees and pull your bottom open for the camera. We'll be able to see how wet you look from behind, too. Then stand up and try to do the splits, and then tell us your name and age again, and we'll be about done with your video."

It was really embarrassing holding my bottom open for the cameras while I was on my shoulders and knees with my knees wide apart. My hips were still moving a little bit. Then I stood up and did the splits and a backbend so I was like on my hands and feet, but with my tummy upward. The camera was aimed right at my pussy while I tried to hold my back fully arched.

They all clapped for me and said I was a wonderful model. I blushed and smiled. Then they laid me back on the big, stuffed chair with my head against the back of it. Mr. Davis and Larry held up a bunch of plastic fingers. They were different shapes, but some of them looked exactly like fingers, and felt like partly plastic and partly rubber because they could bend a little bit. The smallest one was the size of my biggest finger and the largest one was really big, like bigger than a piece of sausage.

Larry said, "This is for an extra bonus today, Wendy. I'll put more slippery stuff on the smallest finger and it will slide in your real easily because it's the same size as your finger and you just slid that in you. And if we get up to size five, about the same size as my finger, then you'll get a really big bonus today. And look..." he turned a switch on the rubber finger that had like a bigger part in the back, and it started buzzing. He said, "Look, this one buzzes."

He handed it to me. I said, "Gee, its shaking, like really fast."

Larry said, "It vibrated when I twist the back of it." He showed me how to turn it off and on. "Turn it on about half way and tickle around on your pussy with it. It will really give you tingles. Then we'll start with the smallest finger and finish up your video. First we'll put them in your pussy, and then, if you want to try for another bonus, we can try the little ones in your bottom. Twist the finger vibrator now." He stepped back.

I was still in open position with my knees up by my head, when I turned on the buzzing finger. I touched it to my tummy and it really vibrated and made me giggle. It tickled. Then I rubbed it around on me and eventually got down near my pussy. While I was doing that, Joe was kneeling down near me and stretched out his arm with the smallest plastic finger and pushed it in my pussy. It felt almost like mine, except it wasn't mine. It felt funny, and that also when I had the buzzer next to my wrinkly thing. It really tickled and I pulled it away, but then put it back close to it.

Joe was still pushing the small finger in me, over and over. I put the vibrating finger on my wrinkly things again and it really tingled but felt so good. I just touched it for a second and then pulled it away. Joe held up the next size rubber finger, but it looked almost the same size as the first one, so I nodded my head. He pushed it in slowly while I kept playing with the buzzing finger. It was really tingling, like my whole pussy area.

I looked at the camera and at Mr. Davis, and they all looked like they were enjoying watching me buzz myself. Each of the men was holding his pants, like squeezing himself while I kept buzzing. I nodded for the next bigger rubber finger, but Mr. Davis signaled for me to roll over.

After I got on my knees with my knees against the sides of the big, stuffed chair, and my head down on the seat cushion and my neck pressed against the back of the couch so I could look under me, I felt Joe smearing stuff on my bottom, and then he pushed one of the rubber fingers in me, and after he went in and out a few times he nodded for me to buzz myself with the other finger, so I did. Then I saw him putting the greasy stuff on his own finger. I was so excited it felt like I was ready to burst open, with the men watching and the camera getting video of me doing these naughty things. Then Joe pushed his finger in my bottom and I buzzed myself. My hips were moving and I could hear myself moaning or saying, "Ohh, Unnn." And things like that.

Then I did explode inside with wonderful, strong vibrations going all through me. It happened every few seconds - like a big spasm all over my pussy and tummy. Joe pulled his finger out, and it got quiet in the room as the men watched me. I sort of collapsed onto the chair and my knees went to the floor so I was half lying on the big chair.

After a minute, Mr. Davis said, "Did that feel good, Wendy?" He was talking softly and the other men were quiet, but smiling.

"Gee. What happened?"

Larry said, "You had an orgasm. Did it feel good? You probably had pussy, pleasure spasms and that's called an orgasm."

"Yes, gee, like exploding inside. It felt good. Unnn. Another spasm. Umm, the gasms feel good. Gee."

Mr. Davis said, "Very lucky girl, Wendy. It helps to have new people watching you, and then the little buzzer and a finger in your bottom - all at the same time - helped you have the big gasm. I bet Friday you'll have another one because there will be a few more people watching and helping you."


Joe said, "I think you're going to love getting all dressed up Friday, with another girl at your pretend birthday party, and then you'll meet the other guests. And after a few pretend birthday spankings, maybe with your panties pulled down, then you and your new girlfriend can take off your panties and ride the chair for a little bit."

"Gosh. Gee." I said.

Todd said, "And then maybe model some other things and play some other games, and then everybody will help you have another gasm. I bet you'll like undressing before a few new strangers. Won't you?"

I didn't say anything, so Mr. Davis said, "You'll have fun, Wendy, and we'll pretend it's your birthday party. The spankings won't be hard. And you'll get some presents from the guests, too. And you'll have at least one more big gasm."

"Gee. OK."

Then Todd said there was more cream coming out of me, and he asked if he could lick me off. He promised to lick real slow and said he would be gentle on my sensitive pussy. That felt good, too, like I was melting. Then they got me dressed and Mr. Davis took me home. I didn't need to get my hair washed, but he said that besides the bath when I get there after school, that I would probably need another bath before he takes me home.

I'm kind of nervous about Friday, but it will be fun, and my Step-Mom wants the money, too, so I'll go and be a model again. It sure was fun today and my Step-Mom really liked the extra bonus money today. I got twenty dollars, too.

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Lovely! Very hot, Corn. I too am looking forward to Friday!


Great story, the only thing that could have improved it would have been some pictures, all I can say is


Well Bill you did it again great story will there be a third perhaps with a couple of boys and maybe a les scene thanks again B.


Hi Buddy, I congratulate you on your great work is excellent

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