Jackie's Sep-Sister Comes Home From The Detention Center

[ MMM/fg, ped, exhib, anal, finger, mast, oral, photo, les, inc, video, spank ]

by Corn53


Published: 12-Apr-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

I didn't tell any of my friends that I had an older step-sister. It's embarrassing that she was away in jail. That's what I called it, but my Step-Mom said it was a "training center."

My step-mother said, "Your sister Marcie is getting out next week and she will be coming here to live with us. Now that she turned sixteen, she'll be able to stay with you at nights when I go to work, so you won't have to stay with Mrs. Jackson. I'll get a ride to work with Debbie. And since Marcie has her driver's license, she'll be able to drive you to volleyball practice on Wednesdays."

I wasn't looking forward to having Marcie back with us because she kind of bossed me around and she could be mean. She used to get drunk or high and then did crazy stuff. My Step-Mom is Marcie's real Mom, so she always takes sides with her real daughter. But on the other hand, sometimes she did fun things with me that we never told Mom about. I call my Step-Mom, Mom because she's been taking care of me since I was in 3rd grade, three years ago. The next year my real Dad took off and I don't know where he is. I just turned eleven and don't really need a babysitter. My step-sister kind of looks like me with blond hair and she's kind of skinny and small for her age, too, just like me.

Marcie Comes Home

Marcie treated me nicer when she moved back with us. In fact, she was so nice that I was suspicious of something. She even took pictures of me with a little digital camera her friend from the center had loaned her and she said I was even cuter than she remembered! She took pictures of me in my school uniform when I got home, and then in my play clothes, and that night we were acting silly and goofing around while Mom was gone and we took turns modeling in Mom's nighties. That was funny. She kept telling me how cute and sexy I looked. That really shocked me, but still, I always smiled when she took my picture. The next day after school, right after Mom left to work at the bar, I posed for Marcie in my two piece swimming suit, even though we weren't going swimming. And Marcie put on her swimming suit and I took pictures of her. She even had me take pictures of her in her underwear - just her bra and panties as she turned around. She said she was testing the camera for a friend of hers she met in her school. I knew she meant in the "training center."

The next week she told me her plan.

"Jackie, I know how we can make some good money. I met an older girl when I was in the treatment center and she told me about a guy she knows who sets up little shows for rich, old men. She's almost seventeen and was doing shows for a few years with a guy she met who set things up for her, so she could pay for other things she wanted. Anyway, if we go put on a little show, we could make a couple hundred dollars in just an hour or so. My friend said she could set it up with the man she knows and we could put on a little show every week or so if we do a good job. That's why I took your picture and had you take pictures of me. The old man with the money told the man, I mean the man my friend told me about... she said the old man thought we were both very cute and he would like to schedule a private show with us and if it works out and he trusts us, then he arrange for us to put on other shows, sometimes with some of his other stars."

So that was it. She wanted me to be her accomplice in something that was probably illegal. I was leery of her plan, but also curious, wondering what she meant by "a show." I was also curious about the money. A few of my friends would baby-sit sometimes and they would get 4 or 5 dollars an hour, lots more than the dollar I got for walking the next-door neighbor's dog a few nights a week. Mom said I wasn't allowed to baby-sit until I was twelve. I don't know why she said that, but it was her rule and I knew better than to try to line up a babysitting job. So if I could make a hundred dollars in a couple hours, then that would be like the whole school year of walking the dog. It sounded so good that I knew it must be dangerous in some way.

Marcie said, "All we have to do is meet a guy in the parking lot by the mall and he will drive us to the rich guy's house. We have to be blindfolded, but once we are in the garage they will let us out of the car and take off our blindfolds. Then we just have to like dance and undress and play doctor or things like that while the man watches us. I asked my friend to swear, like for sure, that if you did the show with me that you would still be a virgin. You are still a virgin, aren't you, Jackie?"

"Shit yes! But I wish I wasn't!" I said, smiling and trying to act like a high school girl, even though I just started the sixth grade. "And I'm getting titties, but nobody's felt them." I laughed, "Except me, I mean." I felt my own breasts through my short T-shirt and laughed again.

She laughed, too. "This could lead to good things for us, Jackie. Some real money. We can get new clothes and like save it up and I could get my own car one of these days. I mean there's a chance your Daddy might come back to get his junky car. I kind of doubt it though since we haven't heard from him for a year and he don't send Mom any money. My friend said the old man especially liked you and thinks you're so cute!"

"Tell me about the show, Marcie. What do we have to do? Like let him see us naked?"

"Jeez, what a kid you are sometimes. Yes, we have to let him see us naked. That's why we're getting paid so good. And we might have to do other things, too, like with each other. Things he wants us to do while he watches us after we dance and undress and things like that. But the only thing the old man would do is maybe kiss us or touch us."

"Are you still a virgin, Marcie?"

"Hell, no. Not since I was ten or eleven. Don't remember when exactly. I was drunk or high at some party or other. Didn't remember it, but somebody told me. Then it started happening at all the parties. Once with a guy's Dad even."

She looked at me. "Hey, don't look at me like that. It was fun. I wasn't complaining or nothing. His Dad was kind of cute even. I pretended I was drunker than I was so he would think I wouldn't remember it. He really liked to lick me and it felt good the way he did it - like not in such a rush."

"Where did he lick you?" I asked, even though I thought I knew what she was talking about.

Marcie said, "Between my legs of course. Then when he fucked me I was really excited. It just hurt a little bit, like for a second, and then it felt great. He stopped after a couple minutes and put on a rubber and put some extra slippery stuff in me to keep the rubber slippery and then he came. His buddy was watching us. Another old guy. But he didn't fuck me. None of his goo got out of the rubber, but I could feel him cumming inside me. Glad I was half-way sober. I think a couple other guys did cum inside me at a different party, and thank goodness I never got pregnant before I got sent away. I'm never going to get that drunk again. And I'm not going to smoke pot anymore either."

"Gee." That was all I could think of to say.

Marcie said, "Mom would get suspicious if we had extra money, so I'll tell her I'm going babysitting and will take you with me. That way you won't be left alone, and I can still make some money. Then Mom won't be suspicious if we have a little extra money once in a while." Then she added, "Oh, and my friend said I'll even get more money for bringing you along, because the old man says you are so cute and young and innocent. So try to act innocent, Jackie."

I didn't hear what she just said because I was thinking about a hundred dollars.

Then she said, "Are you listening?" Marcie laughed. "I need to get a few more pictures for them before we can do a show. I need some of you and some of me. We have to wear these panties and nothing else." She held up a pair of silky, white, sheer panties. They were hip hugger, thongs.

I said, "Gee. Those are pretty but you can kind of see through them!" I took the pair of panties from Marcie and I could see my hand through the material. "Gee."

She said, "OK, shy, little girl. I'll wear them first and you can get pictures of me."

Before I could ask anything else she was completely undressed and handed me the camera. "Well, little girl, give me the panties. I don't want you to take my picture like this!" She laughed.

I looked at her pussy. It was hairless like mine. She saw me looking at it. "I shaved it. My friend said that we look younger and cuter without hair and that's why she shaves hers. Some of the other girls at the center shaved theirs, too. We would talk at night and I think almost all of them were having sex with a grown man by the time she was twelve. Some started at eight or nine like my friend. Neighbors, uncles, a couple teachers, men like that. A couple of the girls said they got more money if they were shaved."

"Gee." I was staring at it, but then she slid the panties up her legs and I started taking pictures. Front, back, hands and knees, and one with her hands on her titties, squeezing them forward. And I took a close-up of her face with her tongue sticking out. She thought that would be funny.

Then it was my turn to put on the panties.

She said, "You're still naturally bald. And you are getting titties, aren't you?"

I smiled at her compliment. She kept taking pictures as I got in the same positions she was in when I took her picture. We were acting pretty silly. I think we took twenty or thirty pictures of each of us.

Then she made a phone call and an hour later, while I was doing the dishes, she went out to a car in the alley next to our apartment and gave somebody the camera.

When she came back in the kitchen, I said, "I'm kind of nervous about this, Marcie."

Instead of calling me a baby she said that she was a little nervous, too, but it was all going like her friend said it would. Then she handed me a twenty dollar bill. "From the guy in the car. He'll be the one to pick us up if the old guy still wants us to do a show after he sees our pictures. I think he's cute."

"The old guy?" I asked.

"No. The driver. The guy who does the errands for the old guy. I think he's kind of cute, but really old, like twenty five or thirty!"

"Gee." I didn't know what to say. "He might be as old as Mom."

The next day, a Tuesday, right after school, Marcie said, "Mom has to work until closing tonight. Two-thirty. Let's go. We're babysitting tonight."

I still had my school uniform jumper on when we got in my Dad's old car. "You mean really babysitting, or to do the show?"


I was hoping we were going out to McDonalds or someplace first, but she kept going right on past it, all the way out to the mall. She wasn't a very good driver but was going slow at least. We got to the mall about twenty minutes later and parked near the Wendy's. I said, "Where are we supposed to meet them? I'm nervous. Are you sure this is OK? Will we be safe?"

"Shut up, little kid." She was trying to sound tough, but then she smiled at me and patted my knee. "It's going to be OK, Jackie. Really. Just play along with me. We've got to act like we're not scared and that it's OK to let the old guy look at us when we undress for him. That's all I know. He liked our pictures and said he can't wait until we take our panties off for him. He said we were good photographers, too. I told my friend what kind of car I would be driving and about what time I would get here. She told me to park out in the main lot a little ways from Wendy's, so that's what we're doing."

"Can I get a frostie?" I was feeling kind of hungry and a frostie would be great.

She laughed. "I want a beer and you want a frostie. That's great. If they give us some food and stuff to drink, just drink it. We'll be in bed before Mom get's home, so it wouldn't hurt you to have some beer or something."

"I don't like beer." I said. "And I've tried it a few times. Besides they told us in school that a grown-up could get in big trouble for giving beer or cigarettes to a kid."

Marcie laughed again. "Well, think about it." She finally said. "He could get in lots bigger trouble for paying us to take off our clothes and maybe putting his finger up my pussy. He'll probably touch you, too, but I don't think he'll finger you. But maybe he will, and if he does then you'll get more money. That's what my friend told me."

My eyes must have gotten bigger, like they do when I'm surprised. Marcie kids me about it. She said, "Well just think about it. If this was all legal we wouldn't get such great money. And my friend said the old guys at these things usually just want to touch her and they almost never fucked her. She said they like to pretend things and sometimes the old guy would have her rub his dick until his stuff squirted out. It wasn't always at the same place or with the same guys, and once she said she was doing her show with another girl and they had to kiss each other while they undressed each other. She told me it never hurt her, but that sometimes she would get fingered during a show, or maybe a pretend spanking. Things like that. The old guy would only fuck her once in a while, but never on the first show. She was fifteen so she was lots older than you and has been doing sex since she was eight or nine with a couple of her neighbor men. Not a virgin like you. But I made her promise me again that no old man would try to fuck you until you want to do it, or until you're a teenager. She promised me that. Said you would still be a virgin after the show."


Marcie tilted her head towards a nice car that drove past us. She said, "I think that's the car. It's gone past us twice. Nice car. Better than the one he was driving when I gave him back his camera"

I had butterflies in my stomach. "I'm kind of scared, Marcie." I said.

"It's OK. I'm with you. And I won't let anybody hurt you."

Then I laughed. "You only weigh a hundred pounds, Marcie. How could you protect me?"

Then she started laughing, too. "OK. You're right. I mean I would scream or something. I don't think they would do anything. Just in case I left a note at home with my friend's name and number and what we were doing."

"You wrote that down?" I asked.

"Don't get so upset. We'll be home before Mom gets home. Don't worry. It's only for our protection in case we get kidnapped or something. I saw it on TV. The cops would look through our stuff. I didn't say what we would be doing, but that we were going to meet a friend of the friend I met in the center."

The Ride To The Rich Man's House

The car pulled up beside us. A man and a woman got out and came over to our old car. The woman said, "I'm Ginny. You must be Marcie and Jackie. Nice to meet you. Lock up your car. Marcie, I want you in the front seat, and Jackie, you get in the back of the car with me." She was dressed really nice, like if she sold houses or worked in a bank or something. She was dressed lots nicer than the teachers at school.

We got in the car and she sat in the back seat with me. As we left the mall she said, "I'm going to blindfold you both now. Just lay down and put your head on my lap. Marcie, you lay down and put your head on Robert's knee. Let him feel you. OK?"

"Yes, Mam." Marcie answered. I never hear her be so polite before.

I was on one side of the big back seat. With the blindfold on I couldn't tell how fast we were going and I lost track of the turns, but I could tell if he was turning right or left. Ginny kept telling us we would have fun and that the men were looking forward to watching us, and that she would keep an eye on us and we would be safe and things like that. Then she said, "And you are so cute, too, Jackie. Just starting to bud. Let me feel them before we get there so I can give him a report and tell him how cooperative you are. Let me put my hand up inside your school shirt. That's a cute uniform."

She kept talking as she slid a hand up and felt my training bra. then she slid her fingers under the bra and started feeling my right titty. She wasn't pinching or squeezing, but just moved it around and kind of rolled my nipple back and forth between her thumb and finger. It felt kind of good the way she was doing it. Then she felt the other one the same way. She kept complimenting both of us on how good we were doing and saying we would have lots of fun, especially if we kept putting on little shows.

She said, "This doesn't hurt, does it, Jackie?" She was rubbing my nipples, kind of pulling and massaging my whole breast, but playing with my nipples. The training bra was up off my titties.

"No. It doesn't hurt." I said.

"Good, hold your arm up like that so I can feel them easier. I'll have to check your pussy in just a minute, but let me keep feeling these for now. OK?"

I was holding my right elbow up off my body so she could reach them easier. "OK." I said.

Then Ginny said, "Robert, I think the little one will especially enjoy putting on these shows. She's very responsive. So firm and fresh. The old man will love her." I heard the driver say, "I will, too, Ginny. I'll enjoy watching her, too. And Marcie here is so cute and sexy. She likes how I'm rubbing her titties. Nice ones. Perfect. I'll have her unsnap her pants when we get on the highway."

So I knew he must be feeling her up. Then Ginny had me lie on my back and open my legs. She lifted the skirt part of my uniform up onto my chest. Ginny said, "I'm going to feel your pussy now, Jackie. It's just to make sure you'll be cooperative for the show. I'm not going to pull down your panties or anything like that right now. Maybe before we get to the house. I need to see how cooperative you are now. That's a good girl. Open your legs for me."

Then we came to a stop. Ginny said, "Robert, turn around and look at this beautiful, little, bald pussy!"

I felt myself blushing as Ginny held the leg hole of my panties over to one side so Robert could look at me. I wondered if this was why Marcie was wearing her jeans, so nobody could lift up her dress. Then the car started again and Ginny started rubbing the center of my pussy. It felt so good the way she did it. She kept rubbing it. She said, "This doesn't hurt, does it, Jackie?"


"Good. If you like how it feels, then open your legs a little wider for me. Show me what a big girl you are. Then I will schedule you for more shows."

I opened my legs wider and she kept rubbing me. Then she put her left hand on my chest while she kept rubbing my pussy with her right hand. I opened wider for her and then opened even wider until I was as wide open as I could get in the car. She would say things like, "you're doing so good, Jackie. Very nice. Getting slippery. I can tell your little bump is getting stiff. Can you feel it?" She was flicking across my clitty.

"Unnnn. yes." I said quietly, hoping that Marcie couldn't hear me. Ginny was talking softly now, and Robert had the music playing in the front seat. I wondered if he was rubbing Marcie.

Then I heard Robert say, "Pull them down a little ways, panties, too. That's a good girl. Yes, like that. Pants and panties all the way to your ankles. Now open your knees. Very pretty. Good girl." He turned up the music.

A little while later I could tell we were going slower and doing lots of turns. Then we stopped again and I heard a garage door going down. Robert turned off the car.

Ginny said, "Robert, pull Marcie's pants up and take her in and get her ready. Don't take off her blindfold until you're inside. Then introduce her so she can start getting instructions. I'll bring Jackie in the house in a few minutes."

"Of course, Ginny." Robert said. I heard his door close, and then Marcie's door opened. He said, "Leave them down at your ankles and I'll help you stand up. Good girl. That is so pretty. Thanks for letting me rub it. Now, let me help you get them back up. You and your little sister are both so cute." I heard them walk away.

It was quiet in the car and Ginny was still rubbing me. I wondered if Robert looked back to see what Ginny was doing. It felt really good the way she did it - like flicking and rubbing up and down in my slit, and then sometimes putting the tip of her finger just like starting to go in me, like just a little bit, and then she pulled it back out and kept rubbing. Sometimes she would tickle my lips. I was starting to get a little fuzz at the top of my crack but she still told me it was bald and beautiful. She was still massaging my little titties with her left hand.

After a minute she said, "Wait here. Leave your blindfold on. I'm going to get out and open the door by your feet and take off your panties. Leave your feet apart. I just need to show somebody how pretty and obedient you are before we start today's show. You'll have so much fun today, Jackie. Now lay still. I'm bringing somebody important out to see you and we need to show him how cute and obedient you are."

She opened the door and had me put my knees together again for just a second while she pulled my panties down and off. Then she was gone and I laid there on my back with me knees wide apart with my dress flipped up and no panties on. It was embarrassing, but I wanted her to know I could be obedient. Then I heard Ginny's voice as she walked back to the car. There was kind of an echo in the garage. She was saying, "She is absolutely adorable. And her pussy is very sensitive, just like an older girl, except she is still bald. Well, maybe a little fuzz at the top, but you can't see it because she is blond. Just perfect."

Ginny and somebody else were standing at the open car door. Ginny said, "And see how stiff her little clitty is? And she is juicy wet already. She'll be a great actress for us. And she loves it when I flick her clitty. Watch."

She flicked across my clitty, pulling it to the side with her fingernail and letting it go. She kept doing that. She asked, "Does that feel good, Jackie?"

"Yes." I answered softly. And it did.

I could see flashes through my blindfold and realized they were taking pictures. I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed in position.

Ginny said, "Put your hands on your pussy lips and pull your lips wider apart and pull them up towards your belly button. I want to flick your clitty a few more times to show them how stiff and pretty it is."

I did what she said.

More flashes. Ginny said, "Oh! She is so sexy and hot. See how big and stiff and swollen her clitty is? Big for a girl her age and as stiff as a little one-inch hard-on. It even curves upwards - out to meet my finger. Pretty. Ummm. Get a close-up of that precious, little, pale-pink button." I saw another flash as I held it open for the man and the camera. My pussy felt so tingly with them looking at it and taking pictures. I was worried I would cum right in front of them.

As I held it up and open, Ginny flicked across it again and I thought I might cum. She put her finger part way in me and rubbed some of my excitement around on my button. "Unnn." I said each time she flicked it. She flicked it a few more times and then started flicking it faster while she pushed a finger in me. I said, "Unnnn. Unnnnn." as I came. I couldn't help it. It was so embarrassing but it felt so good Ginny pulled her hand back when I was done. I saw more flashes. It was about six spasms, and I hoped they didn't notice. I was trying to keep quiet, but I think I said, "unnnn" with each spasm, and my legs moved, too, but I tried to keep them open so they wouldn't notice anything. Ginny kept her finger pressed all the way in me while I came, and then she pulled it out slowly. I felt some of my excitement squeeze out of my pussy, and wondered if they could see it because it was oozing down to my bottom. There were flashes the whole time.

A man's voice said, "Excellent, Ginny. Very hot, like you said. Now I want a preview of her titties and then her tight, little ass."

Ginny said, "You're doing so good at following directions, Jackie. Your clitty is wonderful, so big and stiff and sensitive. I'm going to show them your firm breasts." She pushed my shirt all the way up to my shoulders. My training bra was already up over them near my shoulders. Ginny reached up and tickled them and pulled them and let them snap back. She said, "See how firm her pink buds are? I know he'll love them."

After a couple flashes, Ginny said, "Now turn over on your shoulders and knees and pull you bottom wide open with both hands for a minute. Then we'll go inside for the show. You'll make great money and have so much fun today, Jackie. You'll love being one of our girls. You'll have fun and meet new people every week, even a few girls about your age."

While I held my bottom open it was quiet as they looked at me. Then a different man's voice said, "Beautiful. Little, firm, tight, and pink. It's beautiful. He will love it. And I'm glad I switched my camera to full video when you were flicking her clitty." More flashes.

Ginny said, "I knew you two would love her. Go on back in and I'll bring her in when you're both out of the garage. I felt her spasms squeezing my finger. She is so hot!"

The second man said, "Let your bottom close and then pull it open for me a few times. That's a girl. Excellent. Very nice. So pink and tight. Firm, young ass. Umm, looks delicious."

"Almost too tight for my finger, even it I put lots of lubricant on it. Oh, so tight. She'll love it, too."

Ginny said, "Go in the house, you two. You got your little preview like I promised. We can line up one or two shows a week for this little star. And she will love it." Then she helped me out of the car with my blindfold still on. She must not have noticed that I came because she didn't say anything about it and I was glad. That was really embarrassing, with Ginny and two men who I didn't know watching me and taking pictures while I had all those tingles. She started leading me towards the door but I was walking kind of slow since I couldn't see in front of me. I reached under my shirt and pulled my training bra back into place and buttoned the bottom button on my blouse. As I was tucking it in, I asked, "What about my panties? I'd better put them back on."

Ginny said, "We'll give you a different pair of panties before we take you and your sister back to your car. He will want to keep your panties in his collection. And I'm sure he and his friends will want to invite you over for more shows. Whenever you have a show scheduled, be sure to wear the same panties all day long before you come with me. When was your last bath or shower?"

I tried to remember. "It wasn't today." I said, "It was Sunday night. Two days ago. And I'll take a shower tomorrow night after volleyball practice. We take showers in the locker room after the game."

"Did you put on clean panties this morning?"

I blushed. "Well, I was going to, but it was late and I was in a hurry, so I just wore the same ones I had on yesterday that I slept in. And I didn't know we were coming here until I got home from school."

"That's fine, Jackie. After we schedule your next show, try to take a bath the night before and then wear panties to bed, and then he likes it if you rub yourself a little bit before you go to sleep and then wear the panties in school all day. Can you remember that?"

"Yes. OK." Then I asked, "You mean like rub all the way?"

"Yes, Jackie. Very good. Rub it until you get tingles. Rub it through your panties, and maybe again in the morning. Rub until you get tingles." Ginny took off my blindfold. "You look great. They will love you. Just be yourself and have fun. I'll introduce you to Mr. Thompson, who is gives us the money for our little parties. And you're a guest of honor. You'll have fun on stage in front of him and the cameras and a few of his trusted friends. If you do a good job today, and are especially nice to him, you might get to be in more little shows."


Getting Ready For Our First Show

We went in a big, fancy room with carpeting on the floor, and curtains on the windows. It was bigger than our whole apartment all put together. There were chairs like set up around a little stage, like in a real play, but the chairs were stuffed and not the folding-up kind like at school. The stage had a couch on it, and a little rug on the wood floor and it was about a foot above the floor where Mr. Thompson and his friends were sitting. Ginny introduced me to him. He stood up and bent down and shook my hand and kissed my cheek. He was staring at me.

He said, "You are so cute, Jackie. Are you happy to be here? Would you like a soda?"

Before I answered he held up his hand, like waving somebody to come over to us, and a well-dressed lady brought over a glass with pop and ice cubes. Then Mr. Thompson sat in a big, stuffed chair with brown stripes on it, and pulled me towards him. He said, "Put your knees on either side of my lap and sit back on my knees. We'll talk while they finish setting up the set for you and your sister. She's in the other room getting coached on today's play. You just play along with her, and let her undress you. OK?" He was smiling at me.

"OK." I said.

Then he put his hand under my dress while I was sitting on his lap facing him. He put his hand right on my pussy and kept talking, telling me about the play and that there would be seven people in the audience today counting him. He was acting like we were just sitting in the park talking, but he was rubbing my bare pussy under my school uniform. I didn't know what to do, so I just talked to him when he asked me a question. I was looking around at the other people and at the stage. He kept rubbing my pussy and pushed his finger a little ways in me.

I said, "Oh."

He said, "That doesn't hurt, does it?"

"No." I said. "It just kind of surprised me."

Then he asked me if I ever put my finger in it.

"Yes, sometimes. Like if I take a bath or when I'm getting ready for bed."

"Is it always this slippery?"

"Gee. No, but like sometimes, if I keep rubbing it."

"That's when it gets tingly and slippery?" He asked, while he kept rubbing me. The other people were busy moving the chairs and things or going out to the kitchen. There were people all around but they weren't looking at us.

He asked me again, "Is that when it gets tingly and slippery, when you rub it?"

"Yes." I said.

Then Mr. Thompson said, "I told Ginny to rub it for you on your trip over here. Did she rub it for you?"


"Good. I'm glad she did. Did it feel good when she rubbed it for you?"

"Yes. Like really good."

"Sometimes a woman knows the best ways to make a little girl feel good. How did she rub you?"

"I held it open with both hands, like my fingers around the edges, and then she flicked it right on the button part, and she kept flicking. Then it got all slippery and tingly. It felt good." I said.

Then he leaned towards me, like he was going to whisper a secret. "And I hope she had a couple friends watch her rub you here. Did she have her friends come out for a few minutes to watch you get rubbed?"

"Yes. It was kind of embarrassing, but it felt good, too."

"It's more exciting, Jackie, when people are watching you. I want you to remember that it feels even better with cameras and strangers watching. So you get extra big tingles. OK?"

"Yes, Sir. It was extra big tingles even though it was embarrassing with them watching Ginny rub me there. And she kept my panties."

"Good. Now in a little while you and your sister will be playing on stage. Just let her rub you when you get around to that part. Keep yourself open for the cameras and the audience but don't look at us or directly at the cameras. Just pretend we are a wall in the room. It will probably feel wonderful again when your step-sister rubs you there. And remember, if you do a good job today, then you'll get to act in little plays with other actresses from time to time. Won't that be fun?"

"You mean like touching me there?"

"Yes, of course. And you will get to touch them, too. You would pull down their panties and touch them there. It would be fun. Do you ever play doctor with other little girls?"

"Well, a couple times, like with my friend, like when we sleep over. We kind of touch each other and look at each other, but not rubbing like Ginny did, or like you're doing. That tickles."

"Does it give you tingles, Jackie?"

"Yes, it's all tingly."

"Well, you'll learn how to be an actress with other girls, too. I bet you'll have fun when you get to finger other girls while we watch, or when you let them finger you in front of a little audience and a camera. Ginny will teach you how to do it."

That's when Ginny walked over to us. "It's almost show time." She said, and held out her hand to me.

Mr. Thompson said, "Let me hold her a few minutes longer, until the other guests are settled."

"Yes, Sir." Ginny said. "Jackie was very obedient and responsive in the car. Very responsive. I hope you will be able to use her often, because I enjoy her so much."

"Of course you do, Ginny. And I can tell you helped get her relaxed and ready for the show." As he said that, he pushed a finger up my pussy, all the way up me.

I said, "Unnnhh." My mouth dropped open, but I didn't say anything and wasn't sure what to do.

Mr. Thompson said, "She's so young and tight, but nice and slippery, too. Very tight. I bet my finger felt big, didn't it, Jackie?"

"Yes, Sir. Ohhhh, it feels so big."

Mr. Thompson said, "I'll introduce her to my friends, Ginny." He kept his finger in me and like slid it part way out and then pushed it back up me. He kept talking, "She is so cute and I can see she will be very cooperative so she will get to come back and earn more money doing our little shows. You're having fun so far, aren't you, Jackie?" He pushed his finger all the way up as he asked me that.

"Unnnnhhhhh, yes. This is a nice house and the people are all... unnnnnhhhh.... Nice to me." Then I remembered my manners. "And thank you for the pop."

Each time he introduced me to one of his friends, when I was supposed to shake the man's hand or the woman's hand, he pushed his finger up me real fast, so I said, "Nice to unnnnhhh... meet you." And everybody smiled at me and said I was real cute and sexy. Things like that.

When there were three people standing next to us, with me still on Mr. Thompson's lap facing him, a lady asked me how old I was. I said, "I just turned... unnnnhhh ...eleven three weeks ago."

The lady smiled at me. "You're so cute. And you just had a birthday. Maybe I'll get you a birthday present, and I could give you some soft birthday spankings. It would be like a little game for us. Would you like that?"

"Gee. Spankings? Unnnhh." Mr. Thompson pushed his finger up me again while I was answering.

She smiled again. "They wouldn't be hard spankings, Jackie. I would just have you lay across my lap and I would pull your panties down and give you some soft spankings. I heard you have a beautiful bottom. Maybe I would give you some extra soft front spankings, too! And I heard that you're very responsive to stimulation."

I wasn't sure what she meant, but I said, "OK."

Then Mr. Thompson took his finger out of me and helped me stand up between his knees. He said, "Helen, I was just starting to tell Jackie about our little show. Jackie, you pretend that none of us are here, but play to the camera so it can see all the action. Just follow your sister's lead. She knows what to do. You will be the star, but don't look at the audience or the camera. Just pretend we are a wall."

Ginny said, "I think everybody is ready."

Mr. Thompson said, "Well, Ginny, Jackie said she liked how you flicked her in the car, and I could tell she was still slippery from it. Good work, Ginny. Now, Jackie, you go with Ginny and Helen. They will wash you off and coach you on kissing. Then have fun putting on a little play for us with your big step-sister. You're a cute, little girl." He patted my bottom and I left with Ginny and Helen.

Ginny and Helen took me into a side room where Marcie was naked and kneeling in front of Robert, the driver, and sucking on him. Robert's pants were down. Marcie stood up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. I giggled.

Ginny said, "It's OK, Jackie. Marcie was just following directions and getting ready for the play. Let Helen rinse off your bottom with this warm, soapy washcloth so you'll be all clean and ready for the show."

Then Helen had me bend over and hold my bottom open for her while she wiped me off with the washcloth. I kept staring at Robert's cock which he didn't try to hide from me.

Ginny said, "You'll get to suck on him later if you do a good job in the show. But now it's about time to start the show for today. The audience is ready. Marcie, you go ahead and get dressed in the school uniform. Robert told you about the first act, didn't he?"

"Yes, Mam. He told me what to pretend and how to play with my little sister on the stage." Marcie walked over to me and held up two one hundred dollar bills. She said, "These are for us and we'll get another twenty or thirty after our show from each adult who wants to have a private session with either of us. See? I told you we could have some fun and make good money, too."

Robert said, "I explained the first two acts to her, and she's ready to start. Marcie catches on quick and will do great."

"Good." Said Ginny. "Marcie, you get dressed while Helen and I work with Jackie - teaching her how to kiss and so on. Robert, come over here and let her touch you. She hasn't been able to take her eyes off your cock since we walked in here. I don't know if she'll be able to get the tip of your cock in her mouth during act two, but she should try it before the show starts, so when we're doing act two, she'll know she can get her mouth on it."

"Yes, Mam. My pleasure." Said Robert.

I said, "Gee." Robert stood in front of me and I touched it. It looked so big. I didn't think the red tip of it would fit in my mouth.

Ginny said, "Just lick it a little bit first, Jackie, to get it all slippery, so it might fit in your mouth easier."

I did what she said.

Helen said, "We'll practice kissing you before we go on stage, but for now just lick it a little bit now. We'll practice kissing with you in just a minute."

After a minute or so of licking and feeling around on him and tickling his balls and things he told me to do, I tried to get the big head of it in my mouth. Finally I got it in and Robert and Ginny and Helen all said I did great. It was kind of fun and I liked feeling him. I knew there was no way I wanted him to put it in my pussy because it was so big it would hurt. I said, "It's so big. It's lots bigger than Mr. Thompson's finger!"

Robert said, "Who is Mr. Thompson?"

Ginny said, "That's the name he's using tonight, Robert, so be sure you use that name, too."

"Yes, Mam. Sorry." He said.

I was practicing kissing with Helen when Marcie finished getting dressed. Her school uniform was red plaid and didn't look too much like mine. Ginny helped her put on a pair of panties, but it looked to me like Ginny just wanted to feel her, because she kept touching Marcie while she helped her on with the white, lacy panties.

Helen was putting her tongue in my mouth and I wasn't sure what to do, so I just let her and then I tried it too. It was kind of sexy, and real wet. I could tell that Helen liked kissing me. She started feeling around on me too - like on my chest and my bottom and my pussy, but she didn't put her finger in me. Then Ginny helped me put on a pair of white, lacy panties, too.

Helen said, "But we were just getting into it. And you're right, she is responsive."

Ginny smiled at Helen and said, "Later, Helen. You'll get to have a little private session with her later if you want."

Helen smiled at me. "Yes, I want. And I want a session before any of the men get their cum all over her. We can practice kissing again later, Jackie. I want to give you some soft birthday spankings and then I'll want to kiss you all over."

"Gee." I said. Then I remembered my manners. "OK, you can spank me and kiss me wherever you want. And thank you, Ms. Helen."

She kissed me again and I kissed her back. I like Ms. Helen.

Our First Show

Then Ginny walked Marcie and me through the door and out onto the stage which was like part of a living room with a couch, and with carpeting on the floor. There were lots of lights on, and some of them had white umbrellas attached to a pole behind the light bulbs. It was really bright. There was a camera on a tripod right in front of the stage, aiming at the couch, and another man was holding a camera and sitting next to the camera on the tripod. There were seven men in the audience and chairs for Helen and Ginny to join them. Mr. Lawrence was on the other side of the camera, right up by the stage.

Ginny said, "Gentlemen, here are the two stars for today's show. This is Marcie, who is sixteen, even though she looks younger, and will look even younger with her panties off in a little bit, as you'll see. A beautiful, bald pussy. And this little star is Jackie who just turned eleven. During our private shows later you are not... I repeat NOT ... allowed to put anything in her pussy or anus besides a finger. Jackie is still a virgin and she will still be a virgin tonight after the show and the private sessions are over. Is that clear?"

I was blushing and looking at the men. They all agreed by saying yes or nodding their head.

Ginny turned to me, "Jackie, has anybody ever put a finger up your bottom before?"

I felt myself blush and turn red, but told the truth. "Well I did, I mean I put my own finger up it. And once my friend Amy and me were staying at her house all night, and we had a jar of something, I forget what it was, and she put it on her finger and pushed her finger in me. Three times. And then I did it to her. Like for our secret club."

Ginny said, "Talk into the camera now, Jackie. The show didn't start yet. But when your friend Amy put her finger up your bottom, it didn't hurt did it?"


"How old were you when you started your secret club?"

"I was nine, or maybe even nine and a half. It was almost Amy's birthday and she was going to turn ten and she is older than me. But then they moved somewhere."

"Very good, Jackie." Said Ginny. "And this show is another secret club and you know you can't tell anybody about it, don't you?"

"I know!" I said, "I wouldn't tell anybody. Just me and Marcie. She made me swear that we would keep this a secret unless one of us got hurt or something."

Ginny smiled at me. "Nobody is going to hurt you, Dear. We are all very fond of you already. You'll have lots of fun and earn some great money, and we'll never tell anybody about you and you'll never tell anybody about us. OK?"

"OK. I won't tell anybody!"

Ginny said, "And Marcie, you are sixteen and look much younger, but you're not a virgin anymore. How old were you the first time you had a cock in your pussy?"

"I was nine or ten. I forget. I used to get drunk or high, but I don't do that anymore. I even did it with grown-ups a few times, like I told you."

"Very good, Marcie. This video is for our own records and of course we won't share it with anybody else. But are you willing to have sex during our private sessions after the show? You can always say you don't want to do something, and we will respect that. If one of the men looks too big, like it would hurt, then you don't have to do that. You could just touch it and lick it instead. We want our models to have fun and feel safe."

"Yes, I like to do it, unless like it's too big. But it feels good to me."

"OK. Well, audience you know what you may and may not do with tonight's stars after the show. Our show tonight will be two acts. In the first act, the two girls will come home and undress each other and practice kissing and do a little fingering. And for Act Two our very own chauffer, Robert, will knock on the door and then Marcie, who is pretending to be Robert's girlfriend, will blindfold Robert and bring him into the room. Then Marcie and Jackie will play tricks on Robert so he thinks Jackie is really Marcie when he puts his finger in her bottom and things like that. I think you'll enjoy the show. And I'm sure our two actresses will have fun, too."

Then Ginny walked us back off the stage and told Marcie to count to fifty to give them time to get in their seats, and then come back through the door to begin our show. Ginny told us to have fun and to pretend the audience and cameras weren't there. I felt so nervous and looked at Marcie. She must have read my mind, because she said, "We'll have fun and I already got our money. We'll probably get more money after the show, too, so just go along with whatever I do. You'll do fine, Jackie. We could make lots of money this way, and you'll still be a virgin for as long as you want."

It was time for the show. We walked through a door and we were on the stage with a camera and people all watching us. Marcie was holding my hand. She led me over to the couch and said, "Let's play school. I'll be the principal and you are a bad girl and I have to spank you. I'll sit down and you lay across my lap."

"Yes, Mam." I said, trying to be a polite, little school girl.

She laid me across her lap and flipped up the back of my dress and gave me some spankings, but they weren't very hard. Then she had me stand up and take off my school uniform, so I was just standing there in my black shoes and lacy, white ankle socks, and my white training bra and the silky panties. I was trying not to look at the audience, but I couldn't help it. I noticed that Ginny and Helen were smiling and looking at me. Everybody was looking at me standing there in just my underwear and shoes.

Then Marcie said, "Listen up, Little Sister." And I realized that I wasn't paying attention, just like in school sometimes. Then Marcie kept talking. "I have an idea on how to trick my boyfriend in a little bit. I'll blindfold him before he comes in and tell him I want to be the boss today. See, like sometimes he is the boss and tells me what to do and I have to do it, and sometimes I'm the boss and tell him what to do. He likes to play sex games like that. Once he's blindfolded...." She was feeling around on me while she was talking, even on my panties and on my bra. "Then I'll tell him what to do. I'll keep my head next to your head so he hears my voice and will think it's me telling him what to do. I'll tell him that you're not home and we have the place to ourselves. But I need to show you the positions and tell you a little bit of what we'll do. Don't worry, I won't have him put anything besides fingers in your anus or pussy, but I might have him put his cock in your mouth for a minute, and then you lick and suck on him. I'm not too much bigger than you, Jackie, because I only weigh a hundred and three pounds and you weigh about eighty five pounds."

"But I only weigh seventy nine pounds. Remember, you weighed me last week?"

"Well, Robert won't know the difference. Now, when he comes in you should have these panties down." She knelt down behind me and pulled them down to my ankles. Marcie said, "Put your feet apart for a minute, but keep the panties stretched between your ankles." While I was standing like that, facing the cameras and the audience, I crossed my hands in front of my pussy. Marcie said, "Keep your hands at your sides, I have to decide the best ways to trick him. Your pussy is bald like mine, so he could touch you there and not know that it isn't me. But I think your titties are too much smaller than mine and he would notice that. Let me see yours. Keep your hands at your sides. This will be fun - tricking him like this, and it will feel good to you, too."

I tried to get more into our act. I said, "Gee, this will be fun to trick him." Marcie was looking at my pussy and told me it was real pretty. Then she stood up and felt all around on my bra. "Yes, these are smaller than mine. Let me take this off and I'll compare them, and you can look at mine, too, and feel the difference."

She got undressed while I stood there with my panties stretched between my ankles, still facing the camera. My training bra didn't have a snap in the back like a real bra, but Marcie had pulled it up over my titties in front so my small mounds were bare. Then she had me pull her panties down and then unfasten her bra in the back so we could see and feel each other. We did that for a little while and she said, "Now I'd better show you how he kisses me in case he kisses you." And we started kissing while we kept feeling each other. I knew the audience was staring at us and we were on camera, too. It made me feel all nervous and tingly at the same time.

Marcie told me more of her plan to trick her boyfriend, Robert, when he was blindfolded. She put in on my hands and knees on the couch with my head up against the back of the couch so my bottom was sticking out. She said, "I'll tell him he has to lick me first before he can put his finger in me, so he will be licking your pussy and even your bottom."

"Gee. Really?"

"Yes. Like this." And then she knelt down behind me and startedlicking my pussy with her nose pressing into my bottom so she could reach under and between my legs to lick my pussy. It kind of tickled. The audience was real quiet but I heard them moving around in their chairs. And then Marcie started licking my bottom. She said, "I'm glad I told you to wash off your pussy and your bottom before we put on the new panties." And then she licked me some more.

I heard a knock on the door to our stage, and we both stood up. She told me to hide beside the couch so Robert wouldn't see me when he came in.

Then she let Robert into our room, which was really the stage. It was hard to hide beside the couch, but I squeezed down as far as I could. I heard Marcie saying, "I want to be the boss today, Robert. Let me put this blindfold on you."

Robert said, "Where is your little sister this afternoon?"

"She had a volleyball game, and I have to go pick her up in a couple hours, so we've got lots of private time today." She must have finished tying the blindfold, because she said, "There. You can't see, can you?"

"No. Not a bit. What are you going to do?

Marcie said, "First I'm going to undress you, Honey." I heard his zipper being pulled down, and he must have flipped off his shoes because one landed in front of me. I looked out and Marcie was pulling down Robert's pants and motioning for me to come closer. I crawled over next to her. She said, "I'm going to lick your pretty cock for a minute, Honey."

Marcie motioned for me to start licking the side of Robert's dick. After I started licking, Robert said, "Oh, that feels good, Marcie. Put it in your mouth for me and then I'll lick you."

So I was licking and sucking Robert with the people watching me and the camera getting it all, and I felt myself tingling between my legs even though nobody was touching me there.

Then Marcie motioned for me to stop and to get on my hands and knees on the couch. Then she put her head next to my head and said, "I want you to kneel down next to the couch and lick my pussy and bottom for a little bit. You can touch me with your hands, too, but only on my thighs, pussy, and bottom. Then I want you to finger me in a minute, but get me excited first!"

"Yes, Boss." Robert said, as he knelt down behind me. He started feeling my feet and legs to get himself into position behind me. He pulled my bottom open with both hands and licked me right on the anus! He kept licking me there. At first I thought he was just joking around, but then it started feeling good. And then he pressed his tongue into me!

Marcie said, Sit back a minute, Robert, Honey, so I can lie on my back and lift my legs for you so you can finger my bottom and lick my clitty at the same time."

"Yes, Mam." Robert said.

Darcy handed him a jar of something greasy and slippery and got me into position on my back on the couch. The man with the hand-held camera stepped up onto the side of the stage so he could get video of my pussy.

Robert was still blindfolded, but found my anus right away. He pushed lots of the slippery stuff into my bottom. Each time he pushed his finger in me I said, "Unnnnn."

Darcy had me pull my pussy lips apart and up towards my belly button. Robert leaned back on his ankles to let everybody see how I was pulled open. I heard somebody in the audience say, "Beautiful!" which made me smile.

Then, while my pussy was pulled wide open, Robert pushed his finger up my bottom. It was so exciting with everybody looking at me between the legs, I said, "Ohhhh, aaahhhh, unnnnn!"

The other cameraman stepped up right behind Robert. Marcie said, "Pull it open for him, Jackie. Wide as you can, and pull up. That's it. Let him get a good picture of it." Then Robert pushed his finger up me again, and I said, "Unnnnnn, ohhhh, ahhhh, unnnn."

As Robert kept slowly pushing his finger all the way in me, he leaned forward and started licking my pussy again, like right on my button. Everybody was watching closely. The man holding the little camera was aiming it at my face, and I remembered Ginny telling me to look in the little camera if the man got close with it, so I looked into the camera as best I could. It was hard to concentrate with Robert pushing his finger in me. I was getting really tingly, like in front of the cameras and people and with a grown man pushing his big finger slowly in my bottom while he was licking and nibbling on my clitty. I could tell I was making noises and squirming around each time he pushed into me, but I couldn't help it. My knees were up by my shoulders - kind of like a baby getting her diaper changed. I looked out at the audience and they were staring at me. That's when I came. I couldn't help it, and started moaning and moving my hips around. Robert held his finger all the way in while I came with lots of the spasms and squeezes. It felt so good. Then I felt myself blushing.

I rested on the couch while everybody looked at me. I was still pulling my pussy open and up. Robert pulled his finger out and stepped to the side. He and Marcie bowed to the audience and everybody applauded. I stood up - blushing, but smiling. Then Ginny led me back to the dressing room. I was still naked except for my shoes and socks. Marcie and Robert stayed out on the stage. Three men came into the side room with Ginny and me and told me what a wonderful job I did as a new actress.

Helen came in, too, and asked me if I wanted to come back sometime to do more little shows.

I said, "Yes, that was fun, like everybody was watching me."

Helen said, "And it looked like what Robert was doing to you must have felt good, too. I liked how you made little noises to pretend you liked what he was doing. That's the sign of a natural actress - when you make noises. We'll practice with you, so you'll learn to be even louder to pretend something feels good."

"Well, it did feel good. It was embarrassing when I heard myself and everybody was looking at me, but I couldn't help it."

Ginny smiled, "What Helen was saying is that you should let yourself make noises and even be louder about it, especially with an audience. But Helen and I will work with you to help you get louder. OK? So you can be a better actress and get bigger tips and more private sessions after the show."

"Gee. OK. I want to do a good job."

Ginny hugged me.

Helen said, "let me help you up on this table so your fans can get a good look, and then I'll wash you off. I can't wait to take you out shopping sometime and we'll have a little, private birthday party for you."

She lifted me up and laid me on my back on the high table that was covered with towels. She opened my legs and lifted my knees, putting me back into the baby diaper-changing position. One of the men put a folded-up towel under my hips. They all looked at my pussy and were saying how pretty it was. One of the men said, "She really gets creamy! Look at that. Oozing a little bit."

I said, "I can't help it, like it just does that sometimes."

Helen says, "It's natural, Jackie. Be glad you get so wet. That really gets men excited when you are so slippery, just like Mr. Thompson got all excited after Ginny rubbed your clitty for a few minutes in the car. Could you tell you were wet?"

"Yes. Real wet. It was embarrassing when he touched me there."

"But he loved it because you were so wet. You'll get more money that way, too, when you get the men all excited. So be glad you get wet."

I said, "I'll need dry panties when I go home."

Helen told the other to go on out to watch the rest of the show while she cuddled with me. After they left, Helen had me pull my pussy open and up again so she could look at my button. She pulled out a little camera and took pictures of it, and of all of me. She said, "We have about fifteen minutes together. I can't wait to spend an evening with you sometime when your sister brings you over here. I'll get you all dressed up with pretty under things and a black, short dress just for you, and we'll go out for dinner and you could meet a few of my lady friends. We'll have so much fun. They will love you, too. Now I want to kiss you all over like we talked about earlier. Roll over now, Honey."

While I was laying on my tummy she wiped off my bottom with a warm, soapy washcloth and the she started licking me there while I held it open for her. She asked me if it hurt when she licked me and I said, "No. It kind of tickles, but it doesn't hurt. Like it's giving me tingles again."

She sucked and nibbled on my little titties while she kept telling me how cute and firm I was and that she liked me so much. She licked my pussy and kissed me on the mouth, too. It was fun and I was getting big tingles again when Ginny knocked on the door and said, "Five more minutes."

Then Helen had me stand between her knees and she felt me and kissed me and had me feel her breasts up under her blouse. They were lots bigger and softer than mine, even though she was kind of skinny. I guess she was about thirty or forty. It's hard to tell about old people, but she seemed older than my step-Mom, and prettier and so well dressed. Then she took my hand and put it up under her dress. She showed me that she had on a garter belt and those clip-on kind of hose instead of pantyhose. It looked like her lips were shaved bald, and felt a little bit like sandpaper, but there was a little blond bush above her crack. She had me put my finger in her pussy. I moved it in and out while she kept kissing me the whole time. She was real wet and slippery, too.

Then I washed my hands and she got me dressed, and said to keep our little secret just for us girls, and that we would have more time to play on my next visit.

Next a man had a private session with me and he wanted to kiss me and lick me all over, too, and like feel around on me. He dropped his pants and had me touch him and lick the side of his cock. It wasn't at big as Robert's and fit in my mouth, but it started to taste yukky, so I backed off of it, and then it started squirting and he got globs of warm, white stuff on my chest and shoulders. It's a good thing I was naked so he could wash me off. He wanted me to taste it, so I took a little taste, but it was yukky so I spit it back out.

Then it was time to go. Marcie had all our money, even from the private sessions. She said it was almost five hundred dollars when we got back in our own car.

Ginny said they scheduled another session for Thursday night if we could make it, and she gave Marcie a piece of paper with a phone number on it to call if our Mom was going to be home. Then we would have to postpone it. She promised that we would have our sessions and then get back home within three hours. Marcie said we would like to have another session and that Thursday should work fine.

Ginny said, "And you take good care of that cute little sister of yours, Marcie. Give her a bath and be nice to her. Make sure you don't talk to anybody about this. I'll see you Thursday. Meanwhile, when you two are alone, practice kissing." Ginny kissed each of us good bye as we got out of their car.

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Shy Girl

I know what I will get into with Mr. Corn's story: some fingers, some nude shows and maybe an oral sex. But when you read his story, it still feels so erotic. The reason is that he can write such a delicate atmosphere and dialogue that make it so hot. I know some people complain that Mr. Corn’s story is very similar, well loliwood is a narrow stage for author to write on anyway. Please write more Mr. Corn, your story really make reader “tingling”. Of cause if your story can expand little bit, like having some real reluctant sex and other sexual activities, that will be great. Regardless, Mr. Corn writes fine story.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.