Published: 9-Apr-2011
Word Count:
Larry lived alone out in the country whenever he was between girlfriends. His step-sister whom he hadn't seen in a long time, and whom he never did like, called him, and asked a strange favor. Her step-daughter, who is no relation to Larry at all, and who just turned eleven years old, has been such a smart-aleck lately, running with the fast girls, using make-up, and so on. She said, "Maybe if she spends at week at your farm she would straighten out, Larry. And you have my permission to spank her little ass if she gets out of line. At first Larry doesn't like the idea, but suddenly changes his mind at the thought of having an eleven yr old girl staying with him for a week.
They agree to bring her to the farm for a week, maybe longer if she doesn't straighten out within a week. The step-mother made the ninety minute drive two days later. This gave Larry time to get his hidden cameras in place, one in her bedroom, two in the bathroom, and one in the living room across from the couch where he planned to spank her. That was his first idea - the hidden camera and lots of spankings.
When he met Chelsea, he saw that his ex-step-sister was right - the girl was a spoiled brat, and balked at staying out in the country! "It's so boring. He doesn't even have cable."
Chelsea's Step-Mom said, "You can spank her like we talked about!" She closed her car door and left quickly, leaving the two of them alone in a cloud of dust from his long, gravel driveway.
An hour later, Larry said, "I fixed a great dinner for you, Chelsea."
"Oh, big deal."
"And I do have a TV."
"But you only get two stations and they are all fuzzy. No cable. Great."
"I mostly watch movies." Larry said. "Hey. I don't get many visitors. Let me make a little video of you introducing yourself, you know, like your name and age and where you go to school and the names of your best friends. Things like that. So I can remember you if you come back to visit again next year."
"That's so dumb." She said. "And I hope I never have to come back!"
"Oh, come on. I've never had a visitor as cute as you. Just try it."
Larry set up his old VHS camcorder on his flimsy tripod, and put in a blank tape. Chelsea introduced herself and talked about her Jr. High School and some of her friends and where she lived. Larry could tell she was having fun, although she wouldn't admit it.
"Your Mom said you liked to lie out in the sun and that you brought your suit with you. Want to do some poses in your swimming suit?"
"No! I mean definitely not. Not with you watching."
Larry laughed. "I'll go out to the barn and you can do your modeling in here. I won't see that part of the video. You can erase that part before you go home next week."
Chelsea wanted to try it, so Larry showed her how to work the simple controls to record or zoom and how to aim the camera and then stand on her mark to talk. Then Larry went out to the barn for an hour. Of course he knew his candid camera was capturing the whole scene, too.
She soon tired of the new game, turned off the camcorder and went outside to find her uncle so she could complain about not having any soft drinks. Chelsea complained constantly. That first night, while he was spanking her on her very short blue jeans shorts, she threatened to tell the police about his child abuse if he pulled her pants down to spank her, like he threatened. He smacked her harder. "If you let me spank your bare ass, then I won't have to spank so hard!" He smacked her again. Harder. "You've got fourteen more coming, young lady! Your choice - softer with your pants off, or harder with your pants on."
Chelsea said, "Well, can I at least keep my panties on, then?" She stood and took off her jeans shorts. She was wearing semi-sheer, pink, thong panties and seemed suddenly embarrassed. "Not as hard, Uncle Larry. You promised." She said, as she lay back across his lap with her ass centered across his legs.
Larry could see the tan lines from her skimpy, two piece swimming suit. He spanked softer, enjoying seeing her bare, young, pale buns jiggle for a brief moment after each spank. When he finished spanking her she did have a nice reddish blush to her cheeks.
Chelsea jumped up and picked up her jean shorts and headed upstairs to her room, acting angry.
Larry said, "Breakfast at eight in the morning. And I'll expect you to help with the dishes. Go on up to bed." Larry watched the video she had recorded earlier, acting silly and then glamorous in her little, two-piece, red swimming suit.
As soon as she went upstairs, he went to his basement computer room to watch her in her bedroom. She left the lights on but locked her door from the inside. She threw her shorts on the floor and got the hand mirror to look at her bottom. She pulled her T-shirt and panties off and hopped on her back on the bed. Chelsea looked at her bare pussy with the hand-held mirror as she started masturbating. She sat the mirror to one side and massaged her small breasts with her left hand while she stimulated her pussy with her right, stopping occasionally to look at her pussy again in the mirror. "That's why she left the lights on." Thought Larry. Four minutes later she reached her orgasm. And a minute after she recovered, looked at her pussy with the mirror. She dipped her right forefinger back in her pussy and then smelled and tasted her own excitement. Chelsea dipped her finger back in her pussy three times - each time tasting her excitement. She got up and turned off the light after that.
Larry had an orgasm, too, fifteen minutes later, after repeatedly watching that video clip of his naked step-niece masturbating and tasting her own wet excitement. He wished he had a zoom control on the remote mini-camera he had installed in her bedroom.
The next morning, she was back to being her brat self, with a superior, snotty attitude. Larry developed a more intense plan, which just might teach her a lesson in respect, and be fun for him, too.
Chelsea liked Larry's cooking, although she refused to help wash dishes, even after he threatened to spank her again. She said, "You shouldn't touch me! And I am going to tell my step-mother!" She threatened again.
"She's the one who suggested that I spank you... ten times a day if I thought you needed it."
"Well, you just wanted to pull my pants down, you old pervert!"
"She said that I should pull your pants down, Chelsea. 'Smack her bare ass as hard as you can! She needs to learn a lesson.' That's just what she said."
"Well...." Chelsea couldn't think of what else to say.
Larry said, "If you don't help with the dishes and cleaning up, then I'm not cooking for you. There is cereal in the cupboard, so I won't need to fix pancakes and eggs tomorrow morning. I had some nice meals planned, but you can just eat cereal all day long, after your spankings that is!" He took her hand and led her to the couch. "Ten for not washing the dishes and ten more for being such a smart ass!"
After two spanks, she asked if she could take her shorts off again, and get softer spanks. This time she was wearing semi-sheer, lime green, thong panties, which were too big on her. He rested after every three or four smacks and let his hands rest on her ass. Then he massaged her a little bit, making comments about her skimpy swimming suit. "I see you like to lie out in the sun from the looks of your tan lines. If you help me in the barn today, you can lay out in the grass beside the house."
"I'm not helping in the barn! God, Uncle Larry. This is like a boring, history book!" The next spanks were harder and she wiggled and squirmed, giving Larry views of her bald pussy lips from behind. He already knew she was getting a little, wispy, blond bush in the front, at the top of her pussy, but her lips and ass were still bald. Larry said, "I rub your bottom between spanks to take the sting away. That way you'll feel each one and remember your lesson better!" He scooted her knees apart and Chelsea didn't object. He lifted her bottom with both his big hands. "Arch your back between smacks. Keep your knees apart. That way it's easier to spank softer on each side. If you raise your bottom quickly, then I'll spank softer. Those are my spanking rules, Young Lady!" She arched her back quickly after each smack so he started spanking noticeably softer.
When he had finished the promised number of spanks, he said, "Now, it's your choice: you do the dishes now or get five more."
She thought for a minute, and then arched her back, scooting farther forward and opening her knees wider. "I'm not going to do the dishes!"
"That's your choice." Larry said, and gave her a good one on her right cheek. She arched her back right away and scooted forward more, opening her knees as wide as she could on the couch. As Larry lightly tickled her ass between spanks he tugged the panties down and scooted the thong to one side, exposing her upturned, bare, wet pussy to his eyes. Then Larry knew for sure that Chelsea enjoyed her spankings. It was turning her on. Visibly.
After her breakfast spanking she went up to her room to put on her swimming suit, but used the mirror again to look at her glowing bottom. She masturbated again in the sunlit bedroom with her door locked, giving Larry another video clip to share with his trusted friends. She had a hard cum, giving her lots of her own excitement to taste.
Chelsea wore her skimpy, two-piece and flip-flops practically all day. She seemed to seek Larry out every hour or two to ask him some question or other, but Larry realized it turned her on to tease him, even though he pretended not to be interested. But he knew he couldn't help but look and she seemed to get a thrill out of teasing him.
The next day she offered to help on the farm if he would fix the big breakfast like he said. Later, she started exploring the barns and watching the animals along with him.
Larry had a German Shepard which he kept penned up whenever there were visitors on the farm. The dog barked and growled at first, but then started to warm up to Chelsea, once Larry explained that, "Wolf-dog doesn't like being around new people either, just like you, Chelsea."
However, although she kept following Larry around, she kept complaining and making fun of everything. She refused to do any work besides the dishes, almost as if she was begging for another spanking. After an hour of this, she said, "This whole place is stupid."
Larry said, "That's ten, Chelsea. I'm tired of your constant criticism. Ten hard ones and it doesn't look like you have little panties on under your swim suit." He took her hand and led her in to the couch. He though she actually was begging for another spanking. "And any more smart ass comments will get you another ten!"
"This whole place sucks!" She said defiantly.
Larry led her into the house. He noticed that she wasn't resisting, but let him lead her in to the couch.
After she was in position, across his lap on the couch, she said, "But this swimming suit is kind of like panties, Uncle Larry. Can't you do it softer?"
"No! Only if you take something off. You know the rules for your spankings!" Smack! He started with a harder-than-usual smack.
"OK! OK! I'll take them off." As she stood and pulled her swim suit bottoms down, facing away from him, she said, "And rub between the spanks, Uncle Larry. It really does take the sting away."
That's when Larry decided to go ahead with his secondary plan - to really teach the little cock-teaser a lesson. Without saying a word, he began pulling her open while rubbing her ass between spanks. She parted her legs as far as she could, and kept her back arched after each spank so he could see better. And see better he did! She was getting creamy wet as he spanked her! The little cock-teaser was actually getting wet during her spankings! As he lightly tickled and jiggled her ass between spanks, he sometimes pulled her cheeks farther apart, as if massaging her bottom. She didn't protest, but kept her back arched and her bottom sticking up. He could smell her clean, young pussy. A faint, feminine aroma of excitement. It was only ten AM. He felt ready to cum himself looking at her firm, young pussy. The girl was less than eighty pounds and not even five feet tall!
She left her swimming suit bottoms on the floor and ran up the stairs to her bedroom. Larry picked up the swimming suit as he headed for the basement. Again, she got the mirror and looked at her rosy bottom and at her wet pussy, which she pulled open, as if to look farther inside. She took off the top of her swimming suit and massaged her little fried-egg size titties, with the dime-size areoles and bb nipples. Larry was pleased with the placement of the little camera on the bookshelf above the big mirror above the dresser. He could also see right into that creamy wet pussy!
He smelled the crotch of the swimming suit as she came. He could see and taste some of her excitement on the thin material. Later, she asked where her swimming suit was and he said in was on top of the washing machine, and he would appreciate it if she would do a load of towels while she was in the basement.
Three hours later, after her second spanking for the day for refusing to help with the laundry, she agreed to go out to the barn with him.
Larry's plan was scheduled to start the next day at noon. He would be extra nice to her all morning so she wouldn't have any spankings and wouldn't get to masturbate before the plan went into effect.
He asked her during their big breakfast of waffles, bacon, and eggs to help him in the barn. She refused, of course, but offered to walk out with him and at least look at it.
Chelsea was beginning to develop breasts, with pink, puffy nipples on small, pale mounds of breast - pale, almost white, compared to her tan skin. Her breasts stretched out flat if she was lying down, but standing up, they were about the size of mini-muffins, riding high on her chest. She liked to lie out in the sun in her little bikini, almost teasing him. She had asked him to put lotion on her back that first day, but he refused, saying he had work to do. "If you help me with the chores, then I'll put lotion on you, but only if you help me."
She said she would think about it as they went out towards the barn.
His risky plan began before noon.
One of his closest friends, Jack, and Jack's friend, Jim, rode up on their Harleys a little before noon, as planned. Jack smiled to himself to see how scruffy both Jack and Jim looked as they rode up. Also, as planned, Larry and Chelsea were walking across to the big barn. The two guys on motorcycles asked Larry for some water, so Larry told Chelsea to run in and get two glasses of ice water. She made some smart-aleck remark saying they could get their own water and she wasn't a servant. Big talk for an eleven year old, eighty pound girl.
The man who had asked for water pulled out a gun. Chelsea quickly apologized. She was wearing short, cut-off shorts which were embroidered with little flowers, and a short, bare-tummy, tight, yellow T-shirt.
The rider with the gun said, "That's a mighty pretty T-shirt, Little Lady. Take it off and give it to me."
She stepped behind her Uncle Larry, who was a big man. Larry said, "If you try to hurt her, I'll kill both of you." He probably could have killed them in a fair fight, but the two riders had guns.
The man said, "Call me Joe. And you ain't going to hurt nobody, Farmer Dan. Let's all walk in the barn nice and slow. Do what I say and nobody will get shot. We got to teach you both some manners!"
The four of them walked into the barn. They tied Larry to a post where he could watch everything. His arms were tied down at the side of the post, and his ankles were tied up tight, and they had a rope tied loosely around his neck. They took Larry's clean handkerchief out of his pocket, wadded it up, and stuffed it in his mouth. That morning he made sure he had a clean handkerchief in his pocket, since gagging him was part of the plan. There was lots of bailing rope in the barn. The men pulled out two bales of hay and put a piece of plywood over it. The plywood was about 26 inches wide, and four feet long. Then one of the men tied a piece of rope around Chelsea's neck and followed her into the house to get a blanket.
Before they left the barn, the man said, "So Farmer Dan, you got any Vaseline in the house?" He took the handkerchief out of Larry's mouth.
Larry said, "In the bathroom closet."
Then the man with Chelsea on a rope, headed her into the house. On the way to the house he said, "You do what we say and we won't have to shoot your Uncle and we won't have to rape you neither. We just want to teach him some manners. And you, too, Little Blond Bitch. Just do what we say, and we'll be riding away in about an hour or so and then you can untie him. If you don't do what we say, then we'll have to shoot him and we'll rape you first before we shoot you, too. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, sir. Please don't rape me." Chelsea was on the verge of tears again.
The man came back into the barn five minutes later with Chelsea leading the way. He was holding a blanket, a jar of Vaseline, and a small vibrator, and a little bag with some toiletry items. Chelsea was carrying the VHS camera on the flimsy tripod. "Look what all else I found, Joe. We'll see if our little lady likes this little toy. And we'll make a video of her sucking everybody. Will be a hot video, I bet." He held up the small, tan-colored vibrator that held two AA batteries. "What you got this for, Farmer Dan?" Both men were still holding guns. Joe took the handkerchief out of Larry's mouth.
Larry said, "That was my ex-girlfriend's vibrator. I was going to throw it away, but thought she might come back."
The other man said, "I'm glad you didn't throw it away. We'll see if your little girlfriend here likes it."
"Please, no." Said Larry. "Just let her go. I've got some money in the house, if you'll let her go. Don't hurt her."
"We don't need your money, Farmer Dan." Said Joe, as he stuffed the handkerchief back in Larry's mouth. Then he found an extension cord and plugged in the old VHS camera. He started getting video of both of their captives, and kept taking video while holding his gun in one hand. "I want to get pictures of you sucking off your uncle and in a little bit, we'll untie him and tie his hands behind his back and let him eat you, Little Chelsea. That sounds fair, doesn't it? Well, doesn't it?" He repeated, staring at Chelsea.
"Yes." She said.
"Did you ever feel a vibrator on your pussy?" Joe asked.
"Yes." Said Chelsea, trying to sound grown up.
"Tell me about it." Joe demanded. "And look into the camera here."
"I was at my girlfriend's house and she had to go baby-sit, and I went with her, and like the lady who lived there had one in her bathroom, but it was white and bigger than that one, and we took off our shorts and vibrated each other through our panties. We laughed about it, and put it back."
"Did you like it?" Joe continued.
"It was funny. And it tickled. That's all. I've heard of girls playing with them though, but never did it in private."
"Well today, we'll have Farmer Dan demonstrate on you how he used to vibrate his girlfriend. Would you like that?"
Chelsea didn't say anything, until Joe gave her a threatening look. Then she said, "I would like Uncle Larry to show me how he used it on his girlfriend."
"On your bare pussy. Go ahead. Say that."
"I want Uncle Larry to use it on my bare pussy to show me what he did with his girlfriend."
"Good." Said Joe. "You're starting to get some manners."
They laid the blanket over the piece of plywood and had Chelsea stand on it and undress. She was nervously crying but was soon down to her little, silky, thong panties. They teased her about wearing such sexy panties on the farm and about wearing lipstick to work in the barn. Joe's buddy said, "Cute little titties. Try to make them bounce for us."
Chelsea hopped up and down on the plywood board and was able to make them bounce a little bit. They could see her nipples stiffening up. Then Chelsea took her hands and wiggled them around. "There. See?" She said defiantly. "They bounce a little bit."
Larry acted like he was trying to get loose, and the man they called Joe fired a shot into the hand-hewn support beam just over Larry's head. Then Larry got quiet again. They had Chelsea untie her uncle's boots and then unfasten his pants and pull his pants and underwear down around his ankles.
With Larry watching, just two feet away each of the men took turns fondling Chelsea's tiny breasts. She held still and let them do it. She couldn't help it that her nipples stiffened up and she got some mottled rosy color on her chest as the men took turns feeling and pinching them; jiggling them around.
Joe said, "You got a pretty tan, Little Chelsea. Must me an awful small swimming suit. Little bikini. What a cock-teaser you are!"
Joe Two said, "Now lick on Farmer Dan here until he gets hard."
While she was doing that, the other man asked, "Did you ever suck on a cock before, Little Chelsea?"
"No, but my friend has."
"Did your friend like it?"
"Yes. She said she liked it until he shot in her mouth, and she didn't like the taste of it." Chelsea was trying to sound grown-up.
Joe said, "We want to see if you like it, Little Chelsea. What a cute name. Sounds to me like you would like sucking cock, too, especially if your friend already does and she likes cum, and she told you all about it. And you got them cute, little, sexy panties on. Maybe if you suck us off we won't have to rape you. Which would you like to do? Get raped by me and Joe Two, or suck us both off and swallow our cum?"
"Please don't rape me. I'll do it."
Joe smiled a wicked grin. "What would you do?"
"What you said." Chelsea answered.
"Unngh, Unngh!" Larry tried to protest, straining at his ropes, hoping that Chelsea wouldn't notice his developing hard on. He was tied to the support beam just a few feet away from Joe and Joe Two with his pants down around his ankles.
"Shut up over there!" Joe said, and aimed his gun over Larry's head again.
"Don't shoot him!" Chelsea begged.
"Then tell us what you'll do, and say it the way I said it." Joe demanded.
"I'll suck you until you squirt in my mouth. And then I'll swallow it."
The other man, Joe Two, said, "If you swallow it, then we won't have to shoot Farmer Dan here. But first we want to see the rest of you, little cutie."
Joe said, "Show us how you'll suck us. Practice on your Uncle there." He waved his gun towards Larry. "Lick it for a while first. Slobber all over it to get it nice and wet. Hold it up with your hand and start licking."
Joe said, "Tickle his balls with your other hand. Keep licking. OK, now he's starting to respond to you. See how it's getting bigger, harder, and stiffer?"
"Yes." She said, seeming to temporarily forget the danger. She moved her head back to get a better look at it. "It's too big to fit in my mouth." She said.
"Just get the tip of it in. You'll get used to it. Try to suck him."
Larry's cock was almost fully erect now, a medium fat, six inch dick; circumcised, with a big head - not a giant by any means, but probably the first real one Chelsea had ever seen. Larry knew his penis was average size for a man his age.
"But it's too big. It won't fit in my mouth." She seemed exasperated.
"Just get the tip of it in. You'll see. I bet you can do it."
"I bet she can get her mouth half way down it. Tell you what. If you can get at least half way down Farmer Dan's cock, we might not have to rape you after all. We'll just let you suck us."
Chelsea thought for a few seconds, and then tried again to get the tip of Larry's stiff cock into her mouth. This time she succeeded. The two men kept prompting her to slobber more, to go faster, and to go farther down on Larry's cock. She was definitely getting the hang of it, and the two men encouraged her, telling her that her boyfriends and other men would just love the say she sucked their cocks.
Joe said, "That's it, Honey. Lots of slobber all over his cock. You're doing great." Joe winked at Larry. The two men had been friends for years. They both realized that Larry's hair brained, and somewhat dangerous, scheme was working out like Larry had hoped! The three men would all get sucked off; have a collection of videos and pictures to enjoy, and teach the little brat a lesson all at the same time!
Joe Two said, "I'm going to put some of this here Vaseline on my finger and stick it up your ass."
"No, no. Please don't."
Joe dropped his pants to expose a stiff cock, bigger than Larry's. "You get this..." He pointed to his big cock. "... rammed in your pussy, and then my buddy's, or else you beg me to put Vaseline in your ass and stick my finger all the way in your tight, little ass. So you have to get my cock all the way up your little, virgin pussy, or my finger all the way up your tight, little asshole. You decide." She says, "Please, please don't rape me. The finger"
"What about the finger. Tell me all of it. Hurry up."
"Please put Vaseline in my ass and then put your finger all the way up my ass. I want your finger in me."
"That's better, Little Lady. OK. Your ass it is, then. Bet your pussy is too tight to take a big cock. You'd be bleeding all over the place. Have you been fucked before?"
"No, sir." She said, as she got on her hands and knees on the piece of plywood like Joe Two had motioned for her to do. Then she moved her knees apart with her ass in the air for him. She lowered her head and shoulders down to the blanket they had put across the plywood.
Joe said, "Now reach back and pull your little ass wide open for me. That's a girl. Tell me again you really want my finger up your ass. Your pussy looks so sweet, and I ain't fucked a virgin in years and years, so I'm kind of hoping you won't beg me to stick my finger up your tight, little ass. Wiggle your ass around while you beg me to stick my finger in it."
"Please stick your finger up my ass. Please." She kept moving her ass around, holding it open with both hands. "Please stick it in me. Please. I want to feel your finger go all the way up my ass. I'm holding it open for you."
They had been running the old VHS video camera since coming back out of the house earlier and were getting all this on tape. It would be a great tape. Too bad they would never be able to share it with anybody.
Joe Two got a big dab of Vaseline on the tip of his right forefinger while Joe worked the camera and kept a gun aimed at Larry. Joe Two said, "Keep begging me to finger you. Make little noises if it feels good. I'll keep doing it for a bit and I want you to keep wiggling your ass and begging me. Got it?"
Chelsea kept moving her ass and pulling it open with both hands. "Please stick your finger in me, and.... Ohhhh!" She let go of her ass and moved forward away from his big finger as he started to push it in.
He smacked her ass with his other hand. "Keep it pulled open. Keep wiggling and don't lean away from me. One more try. If it doesn't go all the way in, then I'm going to rape you. Keep begging me and lean back into my finger so it goes all the way in. Each time I push my finger in, I want you to push back against it. Understand? This is your last chance."
"Please stick it in my ass." She said, pulling it open again and leaning back towards him, moving her hips.
He slowly pushed his big, lubricated finger all the way in her ass. "Uunnnnn. Ohhhh!" Chelsea said, but she held her position and kept it pulled open. Then she started begging him to push it in again.
"That's better, Little Girl. Keep begging while I keep on fingering you. That didn't hurt, did it? I mean after the first time."
"It didn't hurt. Please stick it in me again. Please. That feels so good."
They got into a rocking pattern, and she rocked back into his finger each time he pushed it into her tight anus.
Chelsea said, "That feels so good. Unnnn. Keep doing that. Unnnn. Push it all the way in. Unnnn. I love it. Unnnnn. Keep on fingering me. Unnnn. That's good. Unnnnn. Unnnnn."
When Joe Two finally pulled his finger out and wiped it off on the blanket, Chelsea kept moving and asking him to do it some more. They couldn't tell if she was acting or if she really liked it. Joe Two said, "That didn't hurt none, did it?"
"No. I like it. Please do it some more." Joe Two didn't know if she was acting or not, so he put more Vaseline on his finger and pushed in again.
Chelsea kept begging for more, moaning, "unnnnn" each time his pushed his finger in.
"You're doing good, Little Chelsea. Lots of big girls love getting fucked in the ass. Maybe when you get bigger, you'll like it, too. So did you like having my finger slide all the way in your ass?"
"Yes." She said, and we all believed her. Larry was fully erect again. So was Joe Two, although he had put his tool away.
Next they had Chelsea take off her panties and pose for them on the blanket. Then they untied Larry's hands, but kept his ankles tied together and had him hop over to kneel in front of Chelsea. He had to snip off her little tuft of blond, wispy pubic hair while she laid on her back, and then shave her and then lick her pussy. Both men kept their guns pointed at Larry while his hands were untied. They told him to finger Chelsea's ass and use the vibrator on her pussy and lick her and get her off for the camera.
It didn't take long, and they were all pretty sure it was a real orgasm as Larry fingered her bottom while she held her knees up to her chest in the baby-diaper-changing position. He licked her pussy and tapped her clitty with the vibrator repeatedly, while he fingered her ass until she came.
Then they tied Larry back to the post and had Chelsea suck off Joe Two for the camera. Plain Joe wanted to lick Chelsea's pussy for a minute before he had her give him a blow job. Chelsea got them both to cum in her mouth and swallowed about half of each man's load, even though she was gagging on it.
Then they made Chelsea suck Larry again. Of course, Larry was already hard from licking and fingering Chelsea. They keep prompting Chelse to suck faster and harder. "Remember, little Chelsea, if you can get him to cum in your mouth and if you swallow it, then we won't have to kill him."
They got video of her sucking on Larry, who wasn't able to cum because of all his mixed emotions that were welling up.
Joe thanked them for the drink of water, took the VHS tape out of the camera, and walked out into the barnyard with Chelsea and Joe Two.
"You are a cute, little girl, Chelsea. You should have just gotten us some water when your uncle asked you. Now go in and see if you can untie him. Don't call the police and don't try to follow us, or all your friends back home will get copies of this tape." He held up the tape. "Now go on back in the barn!"
They started their motorcycles and drove off, throwing gravel towards Chelsea who was just reaching the barn door.
Chelsea started crying and hugged her uncle. "Would you really have killed them, Uncle Larry if you got loose?"
"Yes, and I would have let them shoot me before I would let them hurt you."
Chelsea got her uncle untied after a few minutes, because the knots of baling twine were all tangled up. They went into the house and opened a couple beers as they talked about whether to call the sheriff. They decided not to, especially since they have that video tape. Chelsea didn't want anybody to know about what happened, even her step-mother.
Chelsea said, "At least they don't know our names, and they don't know where I live."
Larry said, "They have the videotape, Chelsea, and you say your name and where you live and even where you go to school on that tape, unless you erased that part. Did you erase that part?"
"No. Gee. They know where I go to school." She blushed. "We can't tell the cops or my step-mother about this." She said, full of determination.
Larry said, "And I've read that sometimes, after a traumatic experience like we just had, that the best way to get over it is to re-enact it in a safe way, so that you know you won't get hurt and neither will I. We're safe now."
They took a bath together. He washed her all over. She wanted Larry to stay with her even when she had to pee. That night they slept together with Larry's big arms around her. He didn't fondle her, but he often kissed her shoulders and she kept snuggling closer and closer.
Larry called Chelsea's step-mother and said she wanted to stay a few days longer. Chelsea believed his theory or re-enacting the crime, so for the next five days they concentrated on remembering what happened and then doing it again in a safe, loving way. Larry added pillows to the table in the barn, and then they started re-enacting "the crime" as they now called it, in the house, followed by a cleansing bath together. By the third day, they were only re-enacting her favorite parts of the crime - and she had him re-enact the "fingering part" several times a day. She claimed that that part was the most traumatic part for her, "especially since they made me keep begging for it."
As part of each re-enactment, Larry would masturbate Chelsea after fingering her ass and then licking her and playing with the vibrator at the same time. She wasn't faking her orgasms. During the second - and all of the following - re-enactments, Larry came in her mouth. At first she only swallowed a little bit of his cum, but soon she was swallowing all of it.
Also, after their first "re-enactment" Larry would take longer and longer each time, telling her things like, "if you can let yourself relax, and know that you're safe, then it will help you get over the trauma much faster. So just relax and try to let yourself enjoy the feelings."
Of course at first Larry said he didn't think they do the part where she sucks on him because it's so embarrassing for him when he cums. "But I can't help it because you are so cute and sexy, Chelsea."
Then Chelsea said, "Well, this will help you get over the trauma, too, Uncle Larry. I could tell you were angry when they tied you up and made you watch while they made me take off my clothes. I bet that's why you couldn't cum when they were aiming guns at you. I tried to suck as best I could."
The night before her step-mother was scheduled to pick her up they talked about having "real sex." Larry said, "Not this year. That's for sure. Then I would be as bad as those motorcycle thugs."
"Then maybe next year, Uncle Larry? I trust you. I know you wouldn't hurt me."
"We'll see. Meanwhile it's only my fingers."
Chelsea laughed, "I love your fingers! And like when you lick me or vibrate me. Don't forget that."
They laughed more those last few days, and talked about getting together once in a while over long weekends or holidays. Both of them knew that Chelsea's step-mother would be glad for her to spend some time on the farm. Larry took her to an outlet mall 40 miles away, and bought her some more modest school clothes - more modest, but still cute. He bought her some very sexy lingerie which they would keep at his house and she would get to wear a new, sexy outfit each time she visited.
Over dinner he smiled and said, "I hate to admit it, Chelsea, but I did like spanking you. Maybe next time you come to visit you could refuse to do the dishes!" They both laughed.
Chelsea said, "Well..." She blushed. "Well, I kind of liked it, too, Uncle Larry. I would have helped you do the dishes that first day, but I wanted to get a spanking. I wore my sexiest panties and wanted you to pull my shorts down."
"I wondered about that!" He said, and then he kissed her on the mouth. They were both kissing more lately, and it worried Larry that she would talk about it. He said, "I like kissing you, Chelsea. I wish I didn't, because it feels so wrong, but I do like kissing you."
"I like it, too." Chelsea said. "Next time I come to visit I want to sleep with you and we can kiss as long as we want to."
"And, after I spank you, we'll have to re-enact the crime everyday, too!" We both laughed.
"I want you to spank me everyday! And you can take all my clothes off first, too!" She smiled, but looked ready to cry. "I'm going to miss you."
Larry said, "And next time I spank your bare bottom, I'll spank it harder. But later, I'll also so you some other toys for naughty girls, and teach you something new - some new pleasure - each time you come to visit me."
"I can't wait, Uncle Larry. Even with harder spankings!" She laughed.
On the last morning, Larry explained that "sex is everywhere" in nature. He said, "Even the trees and flowers release their cum into the air. We call it pollen, but it's their sex. That's what your allergies are about in the spring! All the insects keep making noises to find each other so they can have sex. Eat and sex. That's what keeps nature going!"
"Gee, I never thought of it like that. Maybe I'll get into biology in school when I go to high school." She also promised she would have some fun, but would try to stay a virgin until she was old enough to drive. "Except for you, of course, Uncle Larry. You don't count. You're my teacher."
Larry smiled.
"And seriously, Chelsea, when it comes time, and we can practice, the safest way is for me to be naked and lying on my bed and you are on your hands and knees over me, and I will have lots of Vaseline on my cock and you'll be really wet because I will have to finger your pussy first, so you are nice and creamy wet and slippery, too. Then I'll hold it up with my fingers and you kind of sit back on it, but don't go on so far that it hurts. Then you can stop and wait a minute and see if you can slide down it a little farther, but if not, we'll just stop there and then I'll lick you until you cum."
"And I want to suck you, too, Uncle Larry. You said that would be fair, and I want to get to taste you, too." She thought for a minute, and said, "Maybe when I come back to visit next time, we could practice on your bed, but just until it hurts. I think that once the tip of your thing is in me, then I'll be able to slide down farther, but the tip is so big."
Chelsea's Step-Mom was surprised by the polite, polite, little girl waiting for her when she arrived to pick her up. Chelsea promised Larry she would try to do her best in school, and would meet some nice kids to hang around with. She asked her step-mother if she could come out to stay on the farm and help Uncle Larry whenever she has a long weekend, or a week off from fifth grade. I said, "I had to give her a dozen, hard, bare-ass spankings, but then she came around and started helping me with the chores around here. She likes my cooking, but I said next time she has to earn the right to come back. She should get good grades in school and help you around the house, and then she could come back sometime. She could help with the cooking, cleaning, dishes, and even the laundry. I showed her the south end of a vacuum cleaner, too!" We all laughed, and Chelsea hugged me and got in the car.
The step-mother was amazed, and agreed to bring her back whenever they had a long weekend from school. She also said she would take Chelsea shopping to get some more modest - but stylish - clothes for school.
old perv
Uncle Spanky
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