The Pre-Teen Pussy Wax Spa, Part 3

[ MMMFFbbb/gg, Brazilian Wax, photo, oral, spank, anal fingering, bond ]

by Corn53

Published: 22-Jan-2011

Word Count: 18124

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or "stuff," that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Her First Wax Treatment And Massage

"But Mommy, it will hurt!" Amy whined to her step-mother. She felt self-conscious in the short skirt her mother made her wear from last year. Just to get a haircut!

Muriel said, "It might feel like little tugs, Amy, but then you won't have another treatment for three or four months. And then it's only a few treatments for the rest of your life instead of monthly treatments for years and years. Then no more wax treatments, or shaving, or unsightly stubble and red bumps, or unsightly hair. And then yours will always look so pretty."

Amy's lower lip quivered, "But nobody is going to see it!"

Amy's step-mother said, "Not now. Not for a long time, except maybe family, like if me or Uncle Marcus gives you a bath or helps you try on clothes. Probably nobody else until high school, or at least junior high school. Someday you will be so glad we did this. And, well, you'll be a teenager in just a little over three years, and this will be all over with by then, except for some touch-up treatments from time to time. And Uncle Marcus and I will get you new clothes for school next year, and dainty, sexy panties."

"But..." Any started to complain again. She had learned of these "wax treatments" just moments before when Muriel showed them a series of pictures and explained the procedure, after talking about the many "benefits" of being hairless and so pretty "down there," for the rest of her life.

Muriel showed them close-up pictures shaving rash examples of girls in swimming suits, and more pictures of hairy pussies, and then pictures of clean and bald pussies. Muriel had Amy stand up. She pointed to Amy's crotch, almost touching the girl's short skirt. "You don't want to have shaving rash or unsightly hair down there, do you?"

"No, but I mean like nobody will see it."

Amy's step-mother said, "But you love to go to the swimming pool, and you look so cute in a little two-piece swimming suit. You wouldn't want boys teasing you about hair or red bumps of a rash."

Muriel said, "You don't want to have unsightly pubic hair sticking out the legs of your swimming suit, or razor stubble which can be even more unsightly. You will be one of the lucky girls who won't have any pubic hair. You're an attractive, little girl, Amy, and this will help you to be attractive even in your most private place. We have more pictures to show you, close-ups, of girls who didn't get the treatment, and pictures of the lucky girls who did get the treatments." Muriel looked at Amy's step-mother. "And we'll get pictures of Amy today before and after her treatment, so she will be able to compare the pictures as time goes on."

"Let them take pictures, Amy." Then Amy's step-mother explained another reason for the treatments. "Its part of the total spa treatment, Amy that your Uncle Marcus already paid for and it's very expensive. Then he'll take you on a trip in a few weeks while I'm away. You'll get a manicure, a new hairstyle, and lots of pretty, new clothes, even high heels. Won't that be fun? And you'll get to meet some of his friends and take little trips with them, or go to parties and play games, but only if you get the wax treatments."

Muriel said, "and we have private parties for our little, 'waxed-girls' as we call them, so you can meet other girls about your age who get the treatments. They are fun parties, with lots of snacks, games, arts and crafts, and things."

Amy's resolve softened. She also knew it was hopeless to argue with her step-mother. She had wondered about her bath that morning and why she had been told several times to "wash good all over." Her step mother gave a new pair of very sexy panties, telling her that she was "growing up." She had even promised Amy she would buy her a training bra later that week, which Amy had been wanting even though she only had "bird eggs" according to her girlfriend. Amy had wondered why they were getting so cleaned up just to go get her hair cut. It had never been a big deal before. Usually it was just one of her step-mother's friends who cut her hair right there in their house trailer. Then they would sweep up the mess and send her out to play. This time was different.

Ever since "Uncle Marcus" started coming over, they treated her differently. Uncle Marcus gave Amy lots of compliments. He had looked at her lower legs. "Such cute 'angel fuzz,' and she's beginning to get a figure, too." He said, as he rubbed Amy's lower legs - one at a time, with both hands. Amy remembered that when he said that about her figure, he was staring at the bumps in her tight T-shirt that her friend said looked like "bird eggs." His stare had made her blush and get tingles in her pussy at the same time. He was sitting on the couch next to Amy's step-mother, and pulled Amy to stand between his knees while he looked her over closely. He put his hands on the sides of her hips and turned her around, feeling her waist and tummy and patting Amy's bottom. He had her put one foot up on his knee and felt her leg all the way up to her shorts. She remembered looking at her step-mom to see if she should let him touch her that way, but she just nodded her head and said, "Let Uncle Marcus get to know you, Amy. He won't bite you." They all laughed as Uncle Marcus pretended to bite Amy's knee which was up by Marcus' mouth.

He came over to visit lots of times after that. She had to start calling him 'Uncle Marcus,' and had to sit on his lap. He would tickle her, and sometimes her step-mother made her go try on her prettiest clothes for him, even dresses from a year ago which were way too small on her. The second week that Uncle Marcus started coming to their trailer, Amy's step-mother told her to let Uncle Marcus give her a bath! "And let him get you clean all over, Amy. Let him wash you real good! Then we'll get pizza later." Later that day Uncle Marcus bought pizza, and then gave her step-mother a used car. Amy couldn't ever remember being washed so thoroughly between her legs and on her chest. She remembered the tingles as he washed her. He didn't talk while he was washing her, and then he dried her off and led her to her bedroom and helped her try on several pairs of panties.

"Your uncle is paying for all this extra treatment, so you need to be pretty for him. He got us a car, and is paying to move us to a nicer neighborhood. You'll be going to a new school next year. This is a chance for us to move up in the world, Amy. You're almost ten years old and so cute right now, so you need to do your part to help us out."

Amy knew that her Uncle Marcus was not related to her in any way. He was a friend of her step-mother. They had met just a month before when she was a dancer at some kind of club with live entertainment.

"But it will hurt."

"It won't hurt much, Amy." Muriel said. "We go very slowly with the new girls. Lots of girls your age get these treatments now." Muriel smiled. "And believe me, it's so much easier to start at your age. You will stay so beautiful and smooth down there."

"I don't want to." Amy said in one last, futile attempt to prevent going in to get the treatment with Ms. Ginny, who was sitting nearby, watching and smiling.

Amy's step-mother said, "She had a bath just a few hours ago and I told her several times to wash real good all over."

Amy was standing in front of Muriel who was in the big, office chair. Muriel put her hand on Amy's right hip, then slid her hand down Amy's leg to the bottom of her skirt, and slid her hand up under the skirt feeling Amy's pussy through her panties. Muriel asked, "And did you wash good all over, Amy? Even here between your legs?"


"Front and back, between your legs?"

Amy blushed. She said, "Yes. I washed really good."

"Very good. Then you're all clean." Smiled Muriel. "Miss Ginny will get you ready for your first treatment. And you'll also get a wonderful massage when we're done. All the little girls love getting the massages. I'm sure you will, too."

"And in a few weeks, you'll get your new hairstyle and the manicure and new clothes before you go on a little trip with Uncle Marcus, even panties and training bras. Won't that be fun?" Amy's step-mother said to Muriel and Miss Ginny, "Most of the girls in Amy's class already have training bras."

Muriel said, "Well, Amy, your Uncle Marcus will love it that you will be so pretty from head to toe. Two of his other niece's get treatments here. They all enjoy the special treatments they get."

"And they love going on the little trips with him." Said Miss Ginny. She stood and held out her hand to Amy.

Muriel said, "And I think I told you that our pre-teen, wax clients get to go to special parties, trips, or out for dinner or shopping sometimes, didn't I?"

Amy's step-mother said, "That sounds like so much fun, Amy. I know you'll like the parties and shopping trips and meeting new people, and playing games with the other girls."

Muriel said to Amy's step-mother, knowing that Amy would be listening, "It's important that we get the before and after pictures each time, as part of this service. If she has an especially pretty area where we do the wax treatments, then we'll be able to use some of the close-ups in our advertising, and you'll get money for letting Amy be in these special pictures, like we talked about. And of course an extensive interview, which she has to answer honestly and completely in order to participate in the program. It's important that she trusts us and that she can keep a secret. And you know that even you shouldn't talk to Amy about these interviews. It's important for all of us."

"I understand." Amy's step-mother said. "Amy, let them take pictures of you, and be sure to answer all of their questions. They won't tell anybody including me, so be honest."

Muriel nodded, and then said, "The girls just love getting all dolled up with a manicure, pedicure, hairstyle, sexy clothes and high heels when they take trips and Marcus shows off his beautiful nieces to some of his friends. They have parties and play games. Lots of fun."

"What kinds of games?" Amy asked, trying to stall.

Ginny led her out of the room, to the treatment room. They weren't in the main spa building, but in a suite in a run-down motel near the industrial district, which they had set up for special services.

Amy's First Dance On Camera

Amy walked into the room, looking around curiously. "Gee, what kind of table is that?"

"It's a special table for massages and also for the wax treatments. Look, these two legs slide apart at the end, and there are extensions for your arms, too. These straps will keep you from falling off when we get you ready. See?" Ginny moved the two leg sections of the massage table apart. "This will help us open and lock your legs into place and the straps around your ankles will keep your legs from falling off. We also have straps out to the sides for your wrists, if we need them. We'll insert the cross-bar today for your arms, so it will be easier for you to keep your arms straight out from your shoulders, even though we won't be waxing your armpits. Your Uncle Marcus wants to keep a little angel fuzz on your lower legs and armpits for a few months. And then we won't wax those areas, but we'll shave them for you when the time comes. Maybe in a year or so."

"What are the cameras for?" Amy asked, and pointed to the two cameras on tripods. Miss Ginny was working one of them while they talked.

"Stand in front of the blue curtain, Amy. This will get you used to cameras. Let me play some music. Just undress and I'll ask you a few questions. You can trust me completely. I won't share our girl secrets with anybody. I remember by the time I was your age, I was doing things with one of the neighbor men. Like he wanted to play doctor with me and things like that. It was fun. I liked it, and he never hurt me."

"Gee." Amy said, still looking around the room. "You mean take off my clothes?"

Ginny turned on the music. "Of course, silly. Dance a little to the music. Tell me your name and age, and then I'll ask you other questions. No rush. Your Mom won't be back for two hours."

Muriel walked into the room and smiled. "Getting ready to dance? Your Mom says you're very limber, Amy. That's great. And so cute. Just beginning to get a figure. Perfect. I'll drive you home in two or three hours. We have plenty of time."

"Undress? Like all the way?" Amy was blushing. Her nervousness was so obvious, it was cute. Both Muriel and Ginny knew people loved these 'first time" videos.

Muriel had a camera from one of the tripods in her hands now, aiming it at Amy. "Start dancing and tell us your name and age, Amy, and tell us what you think about undressing in front of cameras."

Amy blushed brightly, but she started dancing, looking at the two cameras as if they were poisonous snakes. "I'm Amy, and I'm eight years old. Well, almost nine, because my birthday is in two months. I like dancing, but I don't want to undress in front of the cameras." Then she looked at Muriel as if something suddenly made sense. "Is this why I had to wear a skirt instead of my shorts today?"

"Yes, it's so you can take off your panties easier. If you want you can take off your skirt first, or you can pull down your panties now. Leave your T-shirt on for now. Once your skirt and panties are off, you can wear these high heels to dance some more and even wear some pretty, sexy panties, since you're getting to be a pretty, young lady. Then I'll signal you to take off your T-shirt and dance a little longer. Keep moving around during the interview. The high heels help to make your legs prettier while you dance."

"High heels? Gee. That sounds like fun."

"Take off your gym shoes and socks first, Amy. Be sure to let the cameras see your panties for a minute while you take them off."

Amy blushed as she sat on the floor and took off her shoes and socks, but she did leave her skirt up, with one raised knees, letting both cameras see her panties in different positions.

Ms. Ginny said, "Now see if you can pull you panties to your knees and keep dancing for a little while without letting them fall all the way down."

Amy blushed brightly as she reached up under her short skirt and pulled her pink, lacy panties to her knees. She kept them stretched between her knees as she danced.

Muriel said, "You're a great dancer, Amy, just like your Uncle Marcus said."

Amy smiled and danced harder.

"Keep dancing, Cutie Pie." Said Ms. Ginny, "And lift up your skirt in front so you can show the cameras where you will get the wax treatments in a little while. You have a nice, natural rhythm."

She was still blushing and dancing, when a sudden coquettish shyness came over her. She chewed on her lower lip and rolled her eyes self-consciously as she lifted the front of her skirt to show her bare pussy to the cameras. Giggles burst out as she dropped her skirt. "There." She said, still moving her hips to the music.

Muriel smiled "She has a good sense of rhythm, and she's so cute. Marcus said she was cute all over."

"Yes, she's very pretty, and especially pretty between her legs once we get the fuzz off." Ginny turned to Amy, "You want to be extra pretty when you go on the trip with your Uncle Marcus to meet his friends, don't you?"

"Yes, but this is kind of embarrassing." Then she added, "But why do I have to dance for you to take pictures?"

Muriel said, "We only need a few pictures, but this is to make it more fun, and to help you to get used to cameras. You're a good dancer. Now go ahead and dance out of your clothes, and then we'll get the close-ups. You'll have fun today, Amy. And to make it even more fun, pretend you're showing off for some strange men and boys who are sitting here watching you undress. They would be staring at you."

Amy blushed, but put her tongue out the corner of her mouth, just pressing through her lips in a self-conscious way, as she undressed. She kept dancing and moving her hips. She undressed to the music.

Muriel said, "Very good, Amy. You're such a cute, little girl. Try on these high heels and dance some more to show that you're getting to be a big girl. Now take off your T-shirt. Pinch and pull your titties a few times so they stick out better. That's it. Pinch harder. Good. Keep massaging and pinching for a minute. Good girl. That will help show that you're growing up."

She did a good job, and both ladies told her so, which made her smile. Amy let them strap her onto the table. Muriel said, "These straps are to keep you from falling off while you have your legs so far apart on these two, swinging extensions on the table. We'll lock them in place once we get you spread open as wide as you can. Your Uncle Marcus said you are very limber and can really spread your legs apart. It makes the waxing much easier. We'll put other safety straps around you, too."

Once she was strapped into place, both Ginny and Muriel put their heads real close to Amy's pussy. "Just beginning to get pubic hair." Said Muriel, "And her plump, full lips will be perfect for the pictures."

"No visible inner labia until she is spread wide open." Said Ginny as she pulled Amy's lips even farther apart with both of her hands. "And her clitty is developing nicely. I'm sure it will swell up and stiffen during the massage."

Both women noticed a little bit of white excitement in her vagina. Muriel said, "Did it give you tingles to undress in front of the cameras, and to know that other people might see close-ups of your bare pussy?"

"It was so embarrassing."

"That makes it feel even better. Bigger tingles." Said Muriel.

Ginny smiled, knowing that so many of the male video customers liked the bondage aspect of the straps - with the little girl spread open and tied into place. Ginny adjusted both video cameras on their tripods - so one would get the action from above off by one knee, and the other one, from just above her between her legs, which she would move around, between tugging off the waxed strips with her little bit of pubic hair. Ginny said, "Try to struggle for a minute, Amy, as if you're trying to get loose. It will make a good close-up between your legs as you move and struggle against the bonds. It shows your good muscle tone. Nobody will see pictures of your face."

Amy's First Wax Treatment And Massage

Then the started the actual waxing process - applying wax and strips of cloth, which they then pulled off quickly.

Amy cried, and said several times that it hurt, but she kept going and didn't demand to stop. And she liked the way it felt when Ginny rubbed her pussy and clitty with the buzzer thing to help get her relaxed again. Amy stopped her tears and admitted that she liked the buzzing part of it, just not the hair pulling part.

Soon the waxing was over, but the ladies left her strapped to the table for the sensual massage. After putting warm, scented oil on Amy's small breasts, they unfastened her hands and arms and had her massage her own breasts while Ginny helped 'get the soreness out' of her pussy by using the vibrator on Amy's clitty. Muriel left the room saying, "I'll leave you girls some privacy while Ginny helps you relieve any built up stress." She put her hand on Amy's plump pussy lips. "You look so extra clean here now, Amy. I'm sure your Uncle Marcus will like it."

"And so will his friends." Added Ginny. "And you'll have so much fun at the parties and you'll get to meet a few other girls who also have such beautiful pussies. You'll get to play games, and win prizes, and you'll get to see and touch the other girls, so you'll know that other girls do this, too, even though we don't talk about it, of course. The other girls will touch you here between your legs, and look closely to see how pretty you are, and you can examine them, too. You won't talk about it, or show other people besides your Uncle Marcus and his friends will you, Amy?"

"No. Ohhh."

Muriel left. Ginny locked the door. "Keep pulling and massaging your perky, little titties, Amy. That will help me get you all relaxed. This doesn't hurt when I press the buzzer here, does it?" She pressed the buzzer against Amy's exposed clitty.

"It tickles and like tingles, but it ohhhh, doesn't hurt. Unnn." Amy didn't realize it, but she was pulling and squeezing her breasts even harder. "Ohhh. Unnnn."

Ginny said, "I need to put my finger in so I can help you relax. OK?"

"Yes. Unnnn."

Within five minutes, Amy had her first full orgasm at the hands of a woman she had just met, and in front of two video cameras, while strapped down, trying to squeeze her legs together against the bonds. Ginny pulled the vibrator away from Amy's swollen, stiff clitty, but kept her finger pressed into her vagina, feeling the girl's spasms on her finger.

"Just relax, now, Amy." Ginny waited about 90 seconds, then pulled her finger out quickly and plunged it back in, while pressing the vibrator against Amy's clitty.

"Agggh, unnnnn!" She jerked and strained against her leg straps as she had her second orgasm in as many minutes.

When the spasms stopped squeezing Ginny's finger, she gently pulled her finger out. She turned away and licked her finger, letting Amy come back down. Ginny zoomed one of the cameras in on Amy's still-open pussy, as little bits of her whitish excitement oozed from her vagina while her spasms subsided and finally stopped.

Ginny left Amy spread open with one camera zoomed in on her pussy and the other camera on her whole body, while Ginny got towels and more lotion to give her a more relaxing massage.

Muriel unlocked the door and came in. "How did things go, Ginny?"

"Just fine. Look. You can tell she's more relaxed now." She pointed to the thick, white goo slowly oozing out of Amy's open vagina, but neither woman mentioned it. "I think she enjoyed the sensations of the buzzer and my finger pushing in at the same time." Ginny smiled, at her understatement. "And she is very tight/"

"Good. I'm glad she enjoyed it. I hope she wants to come again."

"I'm sure she will. I'll put the table extensions back together in just a minute."

"I'm glad she enjoyed it." Muriel said as she left. "Oh, and the party with Uncle Marcus is next weekend. You'll have so much fun showing off your newly waxed area."

A few minutes later Ginny closed the leg supports, making one long, rectangular table. And then, after unstrapping Amy's legs, she rolled the girl over and massaged her back.

In a dreamy voice, Amy asked, "What happened, Miss Ginny? I never got tingles like that before."

"Like an explosion inside? Did it feel wonderful?"

"Yes. Wonderful explosions."

"That was an orgasm, Amy. I'll try to help you have at least one each time you come for a massage. And your Uncle Marcus might be able to help you have them, too, but it's probably more exciting when I have you strapped into position and have cameras on you, so you're more nervous and therefore it feels better. Would you like me to help you have another one next time you come in for a massage?"

"Yes, gee."

"Very good, Amy. Aren't you glad your pussy is so pretty now? I know your Uncle Marcus and his friends will love looking at it when you go to his party next weekend. You'll get to watch the other two or three girls about your age have orgasms. Maybe you'll even be able to help. And remember, when they help you have an orgasm, just like I did, that it feels even better if you're strapped down in front of cameras or new people. Just focus on the good feelings. OK?"

"Well, OK. But I mean... well, like will people see it bare? You know, down there." She pointed to her bald pussy.

"Yes, of course, Silly." Ginny smiled. "But before they get to those types of games, you'll play lots of other games, and you'll watch the other girls having fun, too, and you'll be kind of used to letting people see it. The other little girls will let the people see theirs, too. They just love those parties, and being the center of attention. There will only be about ten grown-ups, and they are used to seeing little girls with bare, bald pussies. It's just part of the games. You'll have so much fun."


"And if you have lots of fun, and play all the games, then I bet your Uncle Marcus will give your Mom some money to help out with your family budget. So, will you help me stimulate the other girls - like fingering them, or massaging their breasts - so we can help them have orgasms? It's fun."

"OK, then. I'll help you."

"Very good, Amy. So you try to be a big help, too, when one of the other girls has a turn, so you can finger her, or use the vibrator on her pussy, after we get her strapped down in front of everybody, just like I did with you. Would you like to help us stimulate the other girls?"

"I like to help. Mommy always says I should help out." She was standing up, and Ginny was helping her get dressed. Suddenly Amy said, "Oh, will they put their fingers in me?"

"Yes, if it's OK with you. After all, they will all want to, after they see how pretty your firm, little, bald pussy is. It will be a fun party with three or four little girls, and you'll be watching each other play games with the grown-ups, and you'll see each other, and you'll get to try on different outfits. You won't be playing some of the games that they will be doing yet, because you're younger, and because you haven't played any spanking games, or fingering in back yet, but you can watch them play the games, and then you could try one of those games if you're curious. The other little girls will want to slide a finger in your tight, pretty vagina. I'm sure of that. Will you let them?"

"Gee. Well, I'm supposed to do what you tell me."

"Good girl, Amy."

Amy's First Party - Playing With The Other Waxed Little Girls

Ginny got to Amy's trailer at noon on Friday. Amy's step-mother was busy getting ready to move to a real apartment of their own, thanks to money and connections from Amy's new "Uncle Marcus." As they went out the door, Amy's step-mother said, "Be sure to do everything they tell you. And let them take pictures of ... you know... where you got the wax treatment. There will be other girls there, and they will get pictures taken of their... well, their private areas. Nobody will see pictures of your face, so it's OK. Just do what they say, and have fun. Muriel told me that you will like the other girls."

"OK." Amy said.

After they left the house, Ginny asked, "Did Uncle Marcus give you a bath this week, Amy?"

"Yes. On Wednesday."

"Did he like your baby-bald, pussy lips?"

"I guess so. He liked washing me there, and he said it was pretty, and that his friends would love it, too."

"I'm sure they will, Amy. But remember, you can't talk to other people, or even your Step-Mother about what you do with Uncle Marcus, or with the other girls at the party today."

"Oh, I won't!" She said, "And he told me that, too. But I figured it was OK to talk with you about it, since you already know that he gives me a bath sometimes, and that he has me lay on my bed with my legs apart so he can look at it or take pictures to show his friends."

"That's what I was going to say. You can't talk to other people, but Marcus knows you talk to me about things. He even asked me to share some ideas with you. But first, did he kiss you or lick you between your legs?"

Amy blushed. "Yes."

"Was your Step-Mother home?"

"No. She left to get some things and said she would be back in two hours and that I should let Uncle Marcus give me a bath and get me ready for bed."

"So then he kissed you there after your bath?"

"Before my bath. He said it looked and smelled so good after he undressed me, that he couldn't wait until after he washed it. He just laid me on my bed and took a few pictures after he had me get in different positions so he could show his friends, and then he licked me and kept licking it. It was funny, and he said he was pretending he was a mommy kitty cat and wanted to lick me clean. Uncle Marcus is funny."

"You lucky girl. Did it feel good?"

"At first I thought it was funny and giggled, but he kept doing it, and it started feeling good."

"Does it give you tingles when he undresses you, or even when you think about him undressing you?"

"Yes, like before he comes over, if I know when he's coming. Like, I know he will probably touch me or look at me there, and it gets all tingly. And, um, it's kind of embarrassing, but like it gets real wet down there when I know he's coming over."

"That's normal. It means you're looking forward to seeing him and playing games with him. Did you take a bath last night, Amy?"

"Yes, I took one last night like you said."

"Good. And do you feel tingly now, knowing that Uncle Marcus, and some of his friends, and some other little girls will all see your bare pussy today at the party, when you're playing games?"

"Yes. Gee. Like even last night it was hard to get to sleep because I kept thinking about what we might be doing, I mean since you said that me and the other girls would be modeling and getting in positions for pictures, of like between our legs, and that we would watch each other model."

"Well, first, we're going to the place where I do your wax treatments and massages, and I'll do your fingernails and toenails, and put your hair up, and then help you put on your first party dress. You girls will get to try on different outfits this afternoon and tonight while you're playing games and things. Won't that be fun?"

"Yes. But I feel kind of nervous."

"I'm glad you're excited about it, Amy. Now aren't you glad you went through with the wax treatment? Your Mom got a car and will get a new apartment, and you'll get to enjoy lots of fun parties with Uncle Marcus."

"Gee, yes, but I didn't know so many people would like to look at me there."

Ginny laughed, "Of course they do! And, you want to see the other girls, too, don't you? Aren't you looking forward to pulling down a pair of panties on another little girl? That's one of the games, taking turns taking off each other's panties."


"And when it's your turn, just let the other girl pull down your panties and look. Let her look at you and touch you. Take your time and enjoy it. There will be other people there, too, watching you, and some cameras, of course. Just have fun and don't be in a rush. You'll get to have several wonderful orgasms tonight because different people will want to help you.

It took close to an hour to do Amy's nails and hair and apply make-up and perfume, and then get her dressed in the frilly, white dress, which Amy thought was way too short. "But if I bend over, people will see my panties!"

"Yes, so you'll be doing some games with bending over, so you can let everybody see your pretty panties. Aren't these pretty?" Ginny help up the white, see-through, hip-hugger panties with a little pink ribbon on the front of the waistband - on the top of the small triangle of ultra-sheer fabric.

"Gee, I can see right through them."

"Well, you want everybody to see your pretty wax treatment, don't you?"

"Oh." Ginny noticed that Amy squirmed her legs together as she looked at the tiny panties. "Should I put them on now?"

"No. Wear these lime green cotton panties in the car on the way to the party. You don't want these new silky panties to be all wet already when we get there, do you?"

"Oh, good idea." She slid on the lime green panties.

It took almost an hour to drive to the party house. Ginny explained that Uncle Marcus used a different 'host' for each of his parties. Amy was impressed with the big, old house as they drove up the short driveway. A man in a suit was standing out in front and pushed a button to open the garage door. Ginny pulled in and the door went back down.

Muriel came out to greet them with a pair of high heels for Amy. Muriel helped Amy step into the four-inch, platform heels, and then kissed Amy on the lips while she got her balance. Amy was as tall as Muriel with the high heels on.

Then Muriel helped Amy take off the lime green panties, with the big wet spot in the center of the crotch. Muriel looked at the panties and showed the wet area to Amy. She said, "I'm glad to see you're excited about coming to the party. This is a good sign that you're going to have fun today!" She kissed Amy again, then slid the wet panties into a little plastic bag and sealed it shut. Muriel would give the little prize to one of the men at the party.

After helping Amy put on the ultra-sheer, white, hip-hugger, thong panties, they went into the house. "I'll introduce you to some of the guests while Ginny moves the car. You look so pretty, Amy. Your Uncle Marcus showed his friends pictures of your waxed area so they are all looking forward to meeting you and playing games with you. Isn't this exciting?"

"I'm kind of nervous. And, like, you mean they saw pictures of my...." She didn't finish the sentence because they walked in through the kitchen and met a well-dressed, older man who was bending down and kissing a little girl who was just slightly older than Amy.

They watched them kissing for a full minute. The man was also feeling the girl's chest through her fancy, and very short, party dress. Muriel bent down and whispered in Amy's ear, "We don't interrupt other people if they are busy doing something or playing a game, but it's OK to watch them until they are finished."

Amy watched intently as the man continued to kiss and feel the other little girl.

The man stood up and pulled the girl against him so her back was against the front of his body. The girl's head didn't quite reach his chin, even with her high heels. He smiled, "You must be Amy. You're so cute. And yes, we all saw pictures of your waxed area, like Muriel was just telling you. It's very pretty. I can't wait to taste you later." His big hands were rubbing around on the girl's chest. He said, "Amy, this is Tammy. Tammy is almost twelve and has been getting wax treatments since she was your age. You'll get to see Tammy's waxed area later when we're playing games. Tammy, this is Amy's very first party."

Tammy smiled at Amy, "These are fun parties, Amy. You'll have fun, too. Mine is all waxed, too, so it looks like a little girl's - really bald and pretty. You'll see it later, and I want to see yours, too. I hear your lips are really plump and that you get very juicy. I just love that. It's always fun to meet a new girl." She looked up at the man. "I get really juicy wet, too, don't I, Tom?"

The man smiled. "Yes, Tammy, you get very juicy and I love that. You get so creamy and tasty! Yum, yum!"

Tammy was grinning. "Tom is so funny."

"But you do taste good. I like to lick you between your legs, don't I?" Tom was smiling, too.

"Yes. You always lick me after you spank me." She looked at Amy, "Do you like to get spanked?"

"No, I don't think so. But Ms. Ginny said some girls do. I guess I could try it, but like not too hard."

"I didn't think I would like getting spankings either, Amy, but now I really like how Tom does it, and some of the other sponsors. They like to spank me before they buzz me. You know. Do you like getting the buzzer on you?"

Amy realized she meant the buzzing thing that Ginny had used on her during the massage that gave her the first big, full-blown orgasm of her life. "Yes! It really tickles." Amy said, and blushed. Tom noticed that Amy's legs scissored together when she said that it tickles. He knew this new girl would be really hot.

A bald man about Tom's age, with a gray moustache, walked over to join them. He said, "Well, well. You must be Amy. Your face is cute, too. You're cute all over, from head to toe!"

"Thank you." Amy said, remembering what Ginny had told her about good manners in the car.

"I really liked the close-ups of your waxed area, Amy. So pretty! Your little pussy is so pretty with the plump, full lips, and your perky, pink anus looks delicious! I like how you pulled it open so the camera could get close-ups."

"Thank you." Amy blushed brighter, and looked down. Both men noticed that Amy's legs squirmed together. Muriel and the two men knew that Amy must have felt a big tingle when they mentioned the close-up pictures of her anus.

Tom said, "That's great, Amy, that you can pull your bottom so wide for the camera. You're a very good model!"

"Thank you." Amy said, still blushing and squirming.

A lady led another little girl over to meet them. She said, "And you're Amy. So pretty. This is Cheryl. Cheryl is twelve, just a few years older than you." Cheryl had black hair and pale skin. Her red lipstick made her full lips even more erotic. Cheryl was older, but only slightly taller than Amy. Of course all three girls looked taller because of the high-heel, platform shoes and short dressed which made their legs seem even longer. The lady said, "Cheryl started her wax treatments at ten and a half, so she had a little more angel fuzz to pull off. At twelve and a half, Cheryl would have had a hairy pussy by now, which would lead to razor stubble if she shaved it, but now, after the wax treatments, her pussy is baby bald!"

"And so pretty! Plump, firm, beautiful lips!" Said the other man. Amy didn't know his name yet.

Tom said, "You girls will have so much fun today. And you two older girls... I want you to remember that Amy is only nine and she is still a virgin, so she won't be able to ... you know... when the boys get here to help with our games. But later on, once the boys are ready, you can let her watch you... you know, watch you do it with the boys. OK?"

"Sure, she can watch. I remember when I was Amy's age, and I got to watch other girls do it." She looked at Amy. "I didn't have a boy inside me until I was almost eleven, but it's really fun."

Tom said, "Cheryl started when she was nine, but it was with her older brother, so she was still basically a virgin until she was ten when she did it with other boys. But there are lots of other games to play with the boys and girls before you can do that. Right girls?"

Both of the other girls giggled and said it was fun to have a new girl so they could teach her things. Then Cheryl said, "The boys love having a new girl, too, like so they can show off to her. It's funny. They will probably get their stuff all over you." Cheryl chuckled.

Tammy said, "You're right, Cheryl. I bet the boys will get their stuff on Amy when we start playing games. But you'll get to look at them and touch them first. Did you ever get to play with a boy's thing or a man's thing?"

"You mean his..." She couldn't say the word.

Tom said, "His 'cock.' Did you ever get to play with a boy's cock or a man's cock?"

"No, but I saw pictures, like in naughty magazines."

"Tell me about the pictures, Amy." Said Cheryl.

Amy surprised them, trying to sound so grown-up. "Mostly the men's things were pretty stiff and almost straight out, but curved up a little bit, and girls were sucking on them or licking them. Pictures like that."

"Oh, that's fun!" Said Tammy. "We like to do that, and the boys like it, too. The boys' things aren't so big or hairy like a man's thing, and sometimes boys have even more stuff to squirt out." Then Tammy looked up at the two men. "But I like a grown-up's thing, too. I mean you both have really nice ones. Just so big!"

Cheryl said, "And like a man's only goes about half way in your mouth, but a boy can almost get the whole thing in, and I like to tickle a boy's balls, too. Did you ever get squirted with boy stuff yet, Amy?"

"No, not yet. I've still never seen a real one."

Tom laughed. "Today will be your lucky day, Amy. You'll get to see at least five or six of them! Different sizes and ages. I'll even show you mine later if you'd like to see it."

"Gee. OK." Amy said, and looked at the bulge in the front of his trousers, then looked down at the floor.

Muriel laughed, "Don't make her choke on it, Tom. Remember it's her first party!" Then she turned to Amy. "If you play with Tom later, just lick the sides of it. One of the new girls couldn't even get the tip of it in her mouth. But you don't have to. We'll just have fun today. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, and that includes playing with Tom's penis, although I'm sure he would like to show it to you."

Cheryl said, "He has a nice one, Amy. I like it."

Tammy said, "I like it, too."

They all walked into the living room. Amy heard a familiar sound, but wasn't sure what it was until they were all the way in the room. There was a man sitting in the middle of a big couch spanking a girl on her bare bottom, which made a loud slap sound. Muriel led the girls over to stand in front of the couch. "We'll just watch while Ed spanks Carol's bottom. Remember, it's fine to watch but we shouldn't interrupt them. Carol is thirteen and likes getting spankings and other things that you might get to watch later. See how she is squirming around on Ed's lap?"

Amy nodded, watching closely. Carol's short skirt was flipped up in back and her panties were pulled down to her knees. Her feet were apart so that the panties were stretched out between Carol's knees.

Muriel continued, as they kept watching the spanking from just a few feet away. "Ed and Carol both like to have people watch them play their different games. It's more exciting to do things with people or cameras watching, isn't it, girls?"

Tammy and Cheryl both said, "Yes." Then Amy said, "Yes, but it's embarrassing, too."

Muriel said, "Embarrassing, yes, but it gives you bigger tingles that way, too, doesn't it, girls?"

Tammy said, "It's like I can feel people staring at my bare pussy when somebody is touching it at one of our parties. So people watching or cameras, well, it makes the tingles bigger."

Cheryl said, "And I like pulling down my panties in front of a camera because I know lots of people will watch my video and look at me. It's even more fun than flashing strange men at the mall." She looked at Amy. "You know, like when you pretend to 'accidentally' let a man see your panties at the mall. Maybe we could go shopping together sometime, Amy, and I'll show you how. It's really exciting. Would you like to?"

"Yes. That does sound exciting, except I don't have any money."

Ms. Ginny walked into the living room and was listening to the girls talk while they all watched Carol getting a spanking. She said, "I can take you shopping sometime, Amy, and I'll make sure you have shopping money. Then I can keep an eye on you two so you don't go too far." She laughed.

Amy's First On-Camera Scene With Another Girl

Muriel said, "We were just explaining to Amy that it feels so much better with people or cameras watching, or when you do something extra embarrassing. Ed, if you've got Carol warmed up, maybe you could do something embarrassing to her while all of us are watching."

Ed pointed to the end table by the couch, down by Carol's feet. "Amy, hand me that jar of Vaseline." Then he opened the jar, keeping Carol in position. He reached down and pulled her panties the rest of the way off. "Open wider, Carol." He said. "Now put lots of Vaseline on your finger, Amy, and smear some on Carol's anus."

Amy looked up at Muriel, not sure if she should do that. Muriel nodded. "Go ahead, Amy. You said you wanted to put your finger up another girl's bottom, and Carol loves it."

Amy smeared some of the Vaseline around Carol's anus while Ed kept her cheeks pulled wide apart. Ed said, "Doesn't she have a cute, little, pink anus?"

Amy said, "Yes." Then Amy slowly pushed her finger in Carol's tight anus.

Carol said, "Unnnn, ohhhh," as Amy's finger forced its way in. "That feels good, Amy. She knows how to finger me." Ed told Amy to take her time and push her finger all the way in ten times. While Carol moaned, Amy kept pushing her finger in. Ed encouraged both girls. He said, "Doesn't her ass feel nice and tight on your finger, Amy?"

Amy was blushing with people watching her push her finger into Carol's bottom. She looked up at the adults and other girls, and then noticed that one of the adults had a little video camera aimed at her. She blushed even brighter but kept pushing her finger in.

Muriel said, "Answer the question, Amy. Don't worry about the video camera. You'll get used to them. It makes these parties more fun and exciting, doesn't it girls?"

Cheryl said, "I like it when cameras are on me."

Tammy added, "It makes me tingle even bigger."

Carol said, "You're doing good, Amy. It feels good. Keep pushing your finger in me."

Ed said, "She really likes it, Amy. Now, does her bottom feel tight around your finger when you push in?"

"Yes, it's really tight, like squeezing on my finger."

"Unnnn, ohhh, yes." Carol said. "Like that."

Muriel said, "Introduce yourself to the camera, Amy, like we talked about, and then tell us what you're doing and why you like it."

Amy was blushing brightly as she said, "I'm Amy and I'm nine, almost ten. This is my first party and I like putting my finger in Carol's bottom. It feels tight, but I got my finger real slippery first so I can push it in."

Tammy said, "I want to do your bottom, Amy. Did you ever get fingered in your bottom before?"

"No." Amy said. "I never did. I mean not yet."

Ms. Muriel smiled at Amy, to let her know she said the right thing.

"Me, too," said Cheryl. "I want to put my finger in your bottom, and in your front, too. I bet your bottom and your pussy are both real tight. And like I want you to put your finger in my bottom too, if you want to. I mean later on in the party, like after the boys are here. They like to watch that..."

"Especially with a new girl." Tammy interrupted. "The boys especially like to watch a new girl while she is learning the games. It gets the boys so excited. You'll see!"

Cheryl said, "I want to finger Amy's bottom first. OK, Amy? Can I be first? I'll go real slow and use lots of slippery stuff."

Amy looked at Muriel who nodded. Amy said, "OK. You can be the first to put your finger in my bottom, Cheryl. I mean, if you want to."

"I want to!" Said Cheryl. 'I want to be the first person to put my finger in your bottom, and I'll go slow and push it all the way in. And I want you to do mine, too, like you're doing with Carol."

"Very good, Amy." Said Ed. "You'll like the games. Carol, do you like how Amy is fingering your bottom?"

"Ummm, yes!" Carol said. "You girls will like how she does it."

Ed said, "Amy, put your other finger in Carol's pussy. She likes it if you do both fingers at the same time. Tell me if her pussy is already wet and slippery, or if I should put more slippery stuff on the first finger on your other hand."

Amy had been looking at Carol's wet pussy, noticing that some of her whitish excitement goo was building up in her vagina. She put the outstretched finger of her left hand to Carol's vaginal opening and slowly pushed in... all the way. When her finger was all the way in Carol's squirming vagina, she said, "It's all the way in, and she was pretty slippery. Like it just slid in, but it still feels tight, but very slippery."

Ed said, "Now push one finger all the way in her bottom, and as you pull that finger out, push your other finger all the way in her pussy, and keep switching like that. She loves that."

Carol was squirming and moaning. Amy said, "She really likes it."

"You will, too." Said Ed. I'll do this to you, after the boys and girls get you warmed up. Then my bigger fingers will feel good in your bottom, Amy, once you're loosened up from the other girls. All the other girls love it when I do double fingers on them, don't you girls?"

Tammy, Cheryl, and Carol all said they really liked how Ed did it.

"I'll wait until later, Amy. First we all want to watch you play games with the other girls and boys at the party. Are you having fun?"

Amy had been feeling nervous, but was excited to be the center of attention and getting so much praise and encouragement from the other girls and the adults. She looked at the camera, and said, "This is fun." She was still doing the double finger treatment on the moaning, squirming Carol. Amy said, "Carol likes this, too."

"I do! You're really good, Amy. Will you do me some more later?"

"Yes, OK."

Everyone clapped as they helped Carol stand up and straighten out her dress. Ed handed her the panties. "Here are the panties that Amy took off you."

"OK, and thanks, Amy. You did really good!"

Dancing With Carol

Muriel led the two girls over to the little "stage" area. "Amy, Carol really liked how you fingered her, so now she wants to kiss you while the two of you dance to the music." Ed turned on the CD player to a slow dance song. "And Carol, since you're taller, I want you to lead. Amy, close your eyes and dance with her. This is nothing formal; it's just to get you used to kissing and dancing with the other girls."

Carol surprised Amy by kissing her directly on the lips. Carol was several inches taller so Amy had to tilt her head back. Amy closed her eyes as directed and let Carol lead their slow dance.

"Good, Amy, just keep your eyes closed and follow as best you can. Let Carol kiss you and feel you while you dance. Very good. This will be part of your introductory video. Isn't Amy doing good for her first party, everybody?"

Everyone clapped. Amy smiled but kept her eyes closed while she danced with Carol in front of the cameras and the little audience. She had to concentrate harder because of the high heels. She didn't want to lose her balance. Carol was feeling Amy's chest while they danced.

Muriel said, "For your initiation into our 'waxed-girls' club, keep your eyes closed and dance with each of the girls. They will put a hand up under your dress while you're dancing and kissing to make sure you are waxed. When the girl's hand is inside your panties, feeling between your legs, then you put your hand up under her dress and inside her panties to make sure she is waxed, too. Rub her the same way she is rubbing you. After you dance like that with each of the three other girls, then you will officially be in the club, and can play the games with them and with the grown-ups who pay for our parties and your wax treatments. OK, Amy?"

Amy already felt shaky and excited from getting kissed and felt by Carol. She said, "OK."

"Very good." Said Muriel. "And keep your eyes closed. You're doing great. Uncle Marcus will be so proud of you. We're getting all this on video to show him what a good job you're doing. That's right. Let her slip her hand into your panties so she can be sure you're waxed clean. Keep kissing while she rubs you. Now you can feel her all over and then put your hand in her panties. Very good."

It was quiet in the room except for Muriel's encouragement and instructions, and the soft, dance music.

Muriel said, "Good, Amy. You girls can rub each other between your legs. Very good. Uncle Marcus and his friends will love this video. Time to switch girls. Keep your eyes closed."

Tammy stepped up to the blindfolded girl and took the lead - kissing, slow dancing, and feeling Amy all over her chest, ass, and then between Amy's legs. A minute later, Amy started feeling Tammy and soon had her left hand up under Tammy's dress and inside her panties. She noticed right away that Tammy was as wet and excited as Carol had been.

Then she danced with Cheryl and the girls were soon feeling each other's slits while trying to dance and kiss. Cheryl was wet, too. Amy knew she was. Even with her eyes closed, she could feel everybody watching her while she was getting felt in that most intimate way, and while she was feeling the other girls. She couldn't remember ever feeling this tingly for such a long time, except for last week when Ms. Ginny used the vibrator to help relax her waxed area.

Muriel said, "Keep your eyes closed, Amy, but stop dancing now. You are officially in our 'wax club!' Keep them closed. You four girls line up and face the audience. Just one more thing now before our party gets started. With your eyes closed reach down and pull your panties to your knees and then lift up the fronts of your dresses while I count to ten. Let everybody see your pretty wax treatments." People started applauding while Muriel counted. Amy heard comments like, "Such pretty, bare pussies!" "What darling bald lips!" "You can see how plump and firm they are!"

After Muriel counted slowly to ten, while the girls had their feet apart to keep their panties from falling down and holding their dresses up, Muriel said, "Open your eyes now."

Amy Meets The Boys

When Amy opened her eyes, she was shocked to see five, barefoot boys, wearing soccer shorts and T-shirts! She put her dress down and blushed brightly. Muriel said, "OK, girls, you all did great. A good video and I'm sure your dancing got the boys excited and ready for games, but they will have to wait until everybody is here. Now I want all of you to mix around and meet each other and get something to drink."

Each of the boys had a nametag on his chest. The boys walked over to meet the girls and the oldest boy walked up to Amy. He was smiling. His nametag said, "Joe - 10." He said, "I'm Joe. You did such a good job dancing, and I your waxed area is very pretty." To Amy's surprise, Joe blushed and seemed slightly flustered. He said, "I mean you're pretty all over, like your face and your figure and your cute hair. And I liked looking at your waxed area, too. It's really pretty. So clean and smooth."

Amy didn't know what to say, so she said, "Thank you, Joe." Then she asked, "What is the '10' for?"

"It means I'll be in the tenth grade next year. What grade will you be in next year, Amy?"

"I'll be in the fourth grade."

"Gee, you're only in the fourth grade? You look so cute, and so tall!"

Amy smiled, "It's from these shoes. It's why I'm walking slow."

"You did so good dancing with the other girls, Amy. Very good, especially considering that this is your first time and that you're only.... How old are you?"

"I'm eight, but I'll be nine next month."

"No wonder your pussy was so pretty. All you girls have a pretty pussy, but I'm especially looking forward to feeling yours."

Although Joe was 5'8" tall, Amy was almost as tall as him with the platform high heels on. Joe took her hand and slowly led her over to the drinks table where they each poured a soda. Joe said, "I'm almost fifteen. These parties are fun, aren't they, Amy?"

"Yes, but I'm kind of nervous."

"Me, too." Said Joe, "but they are really fun."

"Yes, it's fun." Amy admitted, enjoying the attention of the cute, fourteen year old boy.

Joe said, "I get kind of embarrassed when one of the girls pulls down my pants in front of everybody."

"I know." Said Amy. "It's really embarrassing. Like everybody is looking at you."

"Yes, like everybody is staring at my thing. It gets big and hard when people look at it, and like when I'm looking at you pretty girls. You are so cute, Amy. I liked looking at you between your legs, and I hope I get to put my finger in you. Would that be OK, like if when I flip the little spinner and it lands on your name, can I put my finger in you?"

"OK, but do you mean in my front or my bottom? I never had a finger in my bottom before."

"You'll like it." Said Joe. "The other girls sure do. One of the games is when like the boy pushed his finger in the girl's bottom while she keeps it pulled open, and then the boy has a vibrator in his other hand and presses it against the girl's clitty. They really like that, and then they cum. If you never did it, I would like to show you. I'll go slow and use lots of slippery stuff in your bottom. OK?"

"Gee. OK." Amy said, blushing. "I mean I guess. Are you sure it doesn't hurt?"

"No, the other girls love it."

"It just sounds so embarrassing." Amy said, "I mean with other people watching, and the cameras."

"Well, it's embarrassing for a boy, too, with his dick so hard and curved up, and then the sperm squirts out all over the place, or on the girl, or in her mouth."

"Oh. In the girl's mouth?"

Joe said, "Yes. I know. It sounds yukky, but the other girls love it once they get used to it."

"Really? Gee."

"I know. But they like it. And the boy gets an extra game point if he squirts it in the girl's mouth, and the girl gets an extra point if she catches most of it in her mouth and then shows the camera. And girls are lucky, because then they even get another game point for swallowing it. So the girl can get two extra game points but the boy only gets one extra point, even though it's his cum that the girl is swallowing."

"What is a game point?"

"Like for prizes later on. Each time you play a game, and we all take turns, then you get a game point, and so does the boy or girl you're playing the game with. Girls usually get twice as many points so they can get more prizes at the end. You'll probably get lots of points since you're a new girl and all the boys and girls will want to play games with you."

"Gee. That will be fun. What kind of prizes?"

Joe leaned close to Amy's ear and whispered, "And pretty soon, when we start the games, each of the girls has to take off her panties and give them to a boy so he can smell them. Please give me yours, OK? Then we'll each get an extra point."

"OK." Amy said, blushing and smiling.

Joe stood up straight again. He said, "And sometimes, after you spin the spinner to see which game you get to do, you get to choose a boy or girl to do it with, so please pick me sometimes. I especially want to put my finger up your bottom. And I want to cum in your mouth. OK?"

"Gee. I guess so."

Ed had walked over to them. "There are five boys and only four girls tonight Amy. Molly couldn't make it tonight because it's her period. Did you start having periods yet?"

"No." Amy blushed. "We learned about it in health class, and I don't want to."

Ed laughed. "I'm glad you've been talking with Joe. You two will have lots of fun today. Anyway, usually each of the boys can cum two or three times, and then men... I think there'll be 5 or 6 of us, only cum once, and I know your Uncle Marcus will want to play a private game with you later. So, there will be plenty of points for you girls today."

Joe said, "And you can get points from the adult women, too, Amy."

"How do you get points for that?" Amy asked.

Joe and Ed laughed. "It will be fun. You'll like it." Said Ed.

Joe said, "And I've heard the grown-up women can always help the girl have an orgasm, but they do it in private."

"Most of the time." Ed said.

"You girls are lucky." Said Joe. "You get more points, more orgasms, and you're always the center of attention. But it's fun for everybody. Usually it's just one girl at a time off in a private session, while the group is still watching one of the girls play one of the party games."

Ed said, "And the boys leave early. Usually by 9:00 o'clock, and then you have the sessions with the grown-ups."

Joe laughed, "Like I said, the girls are really lucky. And you're so cute and sexy, Amy. Look at my soccer shorts!" He was facing her, showing off his erection that made a tent in the front of his soccer shorts.

Amy blushed, but kept staring at it.

Ed said, "The boys are barefoot, so they could come in to watch you dance with the other girls without making any noise. And they are wearing loose-fitting, soccer shorts without any underwear, so the girls can see that the boy has an erection. Look how excited you make Joe. He really wants to touch you, kiss you, lick you, finger you, and..."

Muriel clapped her hands in the center of the stage area, in front of the cameras on tripods. "It's time to start our games in a minute. Girls stand in the middle and boys, you can gather around."

A minute later, the nervous, giggling girls were standing in a circle - so tall in their high heels. The five boys gathered around them. Muriel said, "We're going to do a little warm up exercise, to help get the girls wet and ready for the other games. First, I want each of you girls to take off your panties and give them to one of the boys."

Amy saw that all ten grown-ups were standing beside Muriel who was behind one of the cameras. A man she didn't know was working the other camera that was on a tripod. She saw the other girls taking off their panties, so she took hers off. She went right to Joe and gave him her panties. Amy blushed when Joe put her panties up to his nose and smelled them. "Ummm, you smell good between your legs, Amy. So fresh and clean with that excited, little girl pussy smell. And they are wet, too. That's a good sign that you're having fun. Are you anxious to see all the boys' things. I bet they will all be stiff when they are looking at you. Do you want to see mine later?"


"Good, because my dick has been stiff since I watched you and Carol dancing and feeling each other!"

After the girls gave away their wet panties, Muriel had them form a circle in the center of the stage area and put their hands on each other's shoulders, keeping their arms straight. Then she had the boys move around behind the girls, feeling each girl all over, including rubbing a finger through her slit. "But don't put your finger inside them yet. We just want to get the girls excited before the games. So you can rub her clitty but don't put your finger in her yet. And I want you girls to look each other in the face no matter how good it feels."

Amy noticed that both photographers were standing across from her. It looked like one of the men was getting close-ups of her face, while the other photographer would move around, but usually aiming his camera at whichever boy was feeling her. It was impossible for her to hold still with different boys feeling her chest and legs and pussy - always with a boy rubbing a finger on her wet clitty. She noticed that the other girls were all squirming and moaning, too, even when they would look at each other and smile.

Muriel had the boys stop and line up. She chose Jimmy to pretend he was an announcer and interview each of the girls who lined up in front of the boys.

Jimmy interviewed Tammy first, "Are you ready to begin the games now, Tammy? And tell us what you liked about today's warm-up exercise."

"I'm ready to play games. It will be fun like it always is, no matter what the spinner lands on when I flick it. I liked today's exercise because you couldn't tell who was feeling you or rubbing you, but it was hard to keep from giggling while looking at the other girls, except it felt so good. I'm still tingling."

Jimmy interviewed Carol and Cheryl before he got to Amy. Carol and Cheryl both enjoyed the warm-up exercise in front of the cameras. Cheryl said she wanted to undress the boys so she could see them, because she missed the party last month.

Amy said, "It was making me so tingly with different boys touching me and rubbing me there between my legs, and like with the cameras aimed at us."

Then all the adults applauded.

Muriel had each of the girls kiss and feel each of the boys. Tammy showed Amy how to kiss a boy while feeling his soccer shorts. Tammy said, "and they aren't wearing underwear, so you can feel if he is stiff."


Amy's First Blow Job

Next, Muriel had Tammy and Amy kneel down in front of Jimmy, who had been the 'announcer,' and pull his soccer shorts off and play with him for a minute. It made a good video clip - the two girls kneeling in their short, party dresses and high heels, and make-up with ribbons in their hair - kneeling in front of a barefoot fourteen year old boy to pull his soccer shorts down. Amy couldn't take her eyes off his stiff, five inch, 'hot-dog' size penis with the red, pointy tip. It bounced in front of her face holding Amy's attention. Tammy demonstrated how to gently feel his balls and stroke his thing, and then Amy tried it. Then Tammy showed her how to lick the sides of it and take the tip in her mouth. After demonstrating, Tammy said, "And it's not real big, like a grown-up's so you can get most of it in your mouth. Then slide your mouth up and down on it. Want to try it?"

"OK." A few seconds later Amy was fondling, licking, and sucking Jimmy.

Then Tammy demonstrated how to hold the boy's cock when he says he's ready to cum. "When a boy says, 'Ready!' then you sit back on your heels and keep your mouth wide open and stick out your tongue so his cum will squirt in your mouth, at least most of it. Then you can show it to the camera and get an extra point when you swallow what's in your mouth." Tammy laughed, "It never all shoots in your mouth because some dribbles down and sometimes a squirt will go clear over your head. That's why you should try to hold the end of his thing on the tip of your tongue. And that way the camera can zoom in on it, too, like when he squirts. They say that's the best part of the video, but I think it's all fun. Now you practice. Suck on it, sliding up and down. Yes, that's it. Very good, Amy. Now pretend he just said 'ready,' and hold it in front of the tip of your tongue. Good. Open your mouth wider. You'll catch on. Its fun and it's an easy way to earn extra points."

The other girls were standing behind them. They wanted to watch, and Muriel wanted them in the video. Cheryl said, "I remember my first party. It was last year, and I got two boys and three men to cum, and I swallowed it, well, some of it, from each of them, so I got lots of points." Cheryl looked over at Muriel, standing beside the camera on the tripod. She said, "And I got double points for swallowing that day because it was my very first party. Will Amy get double points today?"

Muriel said, "Yes. That's a good idea. So if you want to play with Jimmy for a little while, and get him to cum, you'll get double points today, Amy. All day. Even later on with the men."

The other girls were saying how lucky Amy was. Tammy said, "Probably all the men will want to play with you today, too, since you're a new girl."

Jimmy said, "I'm ready. Really."

Amy sat back on her heels and Jimmy stepped closer to her. She was holding his stiff, fourteen year old, small penis on the tip of her tongue. Jimmy's first squirt took her by surprise, making her choke. She let go of the penis and the next shots got in her hair, on her face, and all over the top of her dress. She recovered in time to grab his penis again and catch the last squirt in her mouth. It was quiet in the room except for Jimmy's moans as he finished cumming. Amy opened her mouth for the cameras, then swallowed. Then she made a funny face as if she had just swallowed a mouthful of sour milk.

The other girls, and then the boys and adults clapped for Amy. She smiled at the cameras with streaks and little globs of cum on her face, hair, and dress. Then she said, "I want a glass of pop. That's pretty yukky."

Muriel and Ed laughed. Tammy said, "I didn't used to like it easier, but it tastes better once you get used to it."

Muriel said, "Don't wipe it off yet. We'll get a few pictures, and then you'll get a big glass of ice cold soda. We like to get some 'messy-face' pictures of each of our little stars."

After Amy's 'messy-face' pictures, they all walked over to the buffet and drink table. The other four boys said they hoped they would get a turn with her. Joe said, "We all want to have some turns kissing and feeling you, and I would love it if you would play with mine, and then suck me like that." Amy smiled and her groin was filled with tingles which made her squirm.

The Games

Ten minutes later, Ms. Ginny said, "OK, I'll be the game leader today. Now that you've all had some refreshments, are you boys and girls ready to play some games and make some role-playing videos?"

All the other boys and girls said yes and seemed excited and eager about it, so Amy said she wanted to play, too.

Ginny had a small box full of "spinners" with scenes, situations, names, and activities written on them. She pulled out one with the names of the five boys and let Amy spin the pointer. It pointed to Jimmy. Ginny said, "Spin again, Amy. I think you just drained Jimmy for a while, but he'll be able to play again later." Ginny leaned towards Amy's ear and whispered, "By the way, did you enjoy making your first video with Jimmy?"

"Yes, it was exciting." Amy whispered and nodded.

"Did you like playing with Jimmy's penis and his balls?"

"Yes, it was fun like you said."

"Good. Spin the dial again so we can get a boy for the next series of video clips."

Amy flipped the pointer on the spinner and this time it pointed to Jack. Jack stepped onto the set, which was a section of the living room with sheets over the furniture. Amy noticed a darker place on the wall where a picture had been hanging. Then Amy spun the 'situation' spinner and it said, 'Big brother with his sister and her friend playing school.'

Ginny picked Tammy, 11, to be the "friend," and Carol, 13, to be the "little sister," even though Carol was as tall as Jack. Ginny said, "You three go in with Ms. Muriel and Ed to get dressed for the scene, while we get Amy cleaned off."

The other adults and Cheryl helped undress Amy. A minute later Amy was naked in front of Cheryl, four boys, and ten adults, including two men who had just arrived at the party. Ginny said, "You're getting more relaxed in front of people, aren't you, Amy?"

"It's still embarrassing, especially with the boys." She was covering her pussy with her hands so the two new men couldn't see it.

Ginny said, "We're going to do your first official 'R' video clip now, Amy. You and Cheryl. We've got about fifteen or twenty minutes before the other group comes out to make their video. So we'll get you cleaned up first. Can't have you starting an 'R' video with cum on your face!" She said to the two new men, "You two missed Amy's first taste of cum video. I don't think she likes the taste of it yet, do you, Amy?"


Ginny said, "These men have seen pictures of your beautiful, bald, plump, firm, young pussy, Amy, so move your hands so they can get a better look at it."

Amy put her hands to her sides and faced the men. She couldn't stop squirming as they looked at her.

Ginny said, "She gets excited when new men see her bare pussy, so it's hard for her to hold still. You'll let them touch it later, won't you, Amy?"

"Well, OK, if they want to."

Both men smiled. The older and taller man said, "Of course we want to, Amy. That's why we came to the party tonight. We like to meet all the new girls, and then have private sessions with at least one of the girls every week."

Ginny said, "She doesn't know about private sessions yet. Amy, that's when I take you to meet one person, and then you play some games in private with just that person. It's lots of fun. I'll tell you more about it later."


Amy's First Video With Cheryl

Cheryl said, "I love the private parties. And I've made lots of videos before, too, Amy, so just play along with me. We'll start out as 'R' and that means you can't show your bare pussy to the cameras, but it is OK for us to touch each other and to show our boobies, and even our bottoms if our legs are closed - you know - so the camera can't see our bare pussy from behind."

A minute later both girls were dressed like tomboys in shorts and T-shirts. They walked over to the other side of the living room, in front of the cameras which were already set up. Cheryl took Amy's hand and led her onto the set. Amy didn't notice the face electrical outlets which would make it appear that the scene had been shot in Eastern Europe. The girls were soon kissing and touching each other with lots of giggles. Cheryl took off her T-shirt and pulled up Amy's. Once the T-shirts were off they compared swimming suit tan lines with more giggles, while feeling each other. Next off were the shorts and they rolled around on the couch tickling each other, but suddenly Cheryl spanked Amy. Cheryl said, "You've been a naughty girl, Amy, and I'm the teacher so I have to spank you."

After a dozen playful spanks, Cheryl said, "Your turn to be the teacher, only you have to spank me harder. Sit in the middle of the couch."

Amy was reluctant to spank hard, but with more coaxing from Cheryl the smacks got louder and louder. "Yes, hard like that! Harder!"

Amy spanked harder. "Now feel between my legs and rub me."

Amy felt between Cheryl's legs. She kept rubbing as Cheryl squirmed around. Amy didn't say anything, so Cheryl said, "Do I feel wet?"

"Yes, your panties are all wet."

"That's because you did a good job spanking me. It gets me wet. I play this game with a friend of my aunt's sometimes. Like she takes me out to lunch and we go shopping and then go back to her apartment. Then she gives me a bath before I wear the new clothes. And then... well, she does things with me. It's fun. It feels so good, even when she spanks me. And she likes to kiss me. Everywhere. Would you like to go shopping with us sometime?"

"Gee, OK." Amy wasn't sure if this was part of the role playing, but it did sound like fun to go out to lunch and go shopping.

Everyone clapped. Ginny said, "We would just go on into scene two, an X-scene, and maybe on to scene three, a double-X scene if we had boys in the video. Like in an X-scene, Cheryl would show you what that friend of her aunt does with her after she gives her a bath, but today we have to stop now because the next group of actors needs to use this set. Would you like to be in more videos, Amy?"

"I think so, but like who gets to see the videos. I don't want to get in trouble."

Ginny said, "Smart, little girl, Amy. Very good. But we don't show the videos to anybody in this country. The videos only go to Japan or maybe some of the countries that do business with Japan. So you're safe. The video we did of Jimmy cumming in your face would be a double-X video, for example. Or if Cheryl was licking your bare pussy and fingering you, that would be an X-video." She helped Amy put her shorts and T-shirt back on.


Ginny pulled Amy to the side while they set up for the "Big Brother, Little Sister and her Friend" video. Ginny talked softly. They were a few feet from the people watching them set-up for the video production. She leaned close to Amy's ear, "We make three kinds of videos, Amy. It's why your Uncle Marcus could buy your Mom a nice car and move you to your new apartment. Like I said, these videos are sold to a company in Japan, so only clients who do internet business in Japan or one of those other countries would be able to see them. We have to be careful and edit out any adult voices and faces from our videos so that nobody can see or hear any of the adults. These videos are expensive and the customers like to see pretty girls like you with bald pussies as our stars. You're one of our stars now, Amy. The adults could get in a lot of trouble, but the kids can't get in trouble, so it's OK to show pictures of you and the other boys and girls. It's important that you keep all this to yourself, for at least the next ten years. And, although your Mother knows that other people will see pictures of you between your legs, she doesn't know about your pretty face being in our videos. She thinks we're just taking close-ups of your pussy, like for the pictures we showed you before your wax treatment. So she thinks it so we could show pictures of your beautiful, bald, young, plump pussy to perspective clients, so don't tell your Step-mother about these videos. You seem like a smart girl and you catch on quick. I could make sure that you get a little money, too, besides what your Mom will get from Marcus, if you'd like that. The other girls get money for being in our productions and their Mothers don't know about the extra money or about the videos we make. She thinks you'll just be going to little parties with the other girls you met here today. Just pretend you're going to a party, OK? And can you keep all of this a secret?"

Amy liked being talked to like a grown-up, so she said, "Yes, I won't tell anybody."

"Good." Ginny said, "And the other girls like you, and they have so much fun making videos. Every one of the boys told me that he thought you were very cute. Every one of them would like to be in videos with you! It's usually just two girls or maybe two girls and a boy in our videos. Like we said, we make R-videos, X-videos, and Triple-X videos, and you can be in all three types if you'd like. Of course the more X something is, the more secret money you'll get. Like you'll get fifteen dollars today for the X-video you made with Jimmy and another ten dollars for the R-video you did with Cheryl." Ginny laughed, they looked over at the group since the action was about to start. "The other girls would do it just for the fun of it, but the extra money helps them, too. Would you like to get some pocket money for being one of our little stars?"

"I get to keep the money and you won't tell my Step-mother about it?"

"Yes. That's right. It's all yours. And you enjoy playing with the girls and boys, too, don't you?"

"Yes, it's fun. And the money would be nice."

"Very good, Amy. Your Uncle Marcus was pretty sure you would like to join the group, which is why he bought your Step-mother a car, but now we're positive. You're so cute and sexy, and it will be so much fun directing you in some of our party videos. Now, aren't you glad you let me give your beautiful pussy a wax treatment?"

"Yes, gee."

"Is it fun watching the other boys and girls?"


"Sometimes it will just be you, like making a solo video in front of some other grown-ups, and then they might play some other games with you, so you would get paid for doing the video and a nice bonus for swallowing, even if you only swallow some of it."

"Oh." Amy didn't sound enthusiastic. "But then would I get some pop, too, like after swallowing it?"

"Of course, Dear." Ginny hugged her. "And you wouldn't have to swallow too much of it anyway. You could practice with some of the men tonight. You would go in one of the other rooms with just that one man, or maybe with another girl, too. The man would close the door so you could play games with him. And I'll make sure you have a big glass of pop to take in with you!"

"Gee, OK."

"And if the private party is with a woman, then you wouldn't have to swallow anything. Would you like that?"

"Well, OK, but like why would a woman want to do things with me? What would she do?"

"You're so cute, Amy. Do you remember the massage I gave you after your first wax treatment? And did that feel good?"

"Yes, gee. That felt really good!"

"Well, a woman would do those kinds of things, like touching and kissing you all over and undressing you and kissing you in your private places, and maybe playing with a vibrator on your clitty like I did. Would that be OK, for one of your private parties?"

"Yes. Gee. OK. And I would still get money even though I don't have to swallow anything? Gee."

"Yes. Say..." Ginny said, as if she just remembered something. "I'm going to see a few of my lady friends Wednesday night. Would you like to go with me? I'll get you dressed up, with make-up and a party dress, and we'll go out for dinner and you could meet some of the women who might want to have private sessions with you. Would you like to go to a little party with me Wednesday night?"

"Yes. Gosh. That would be fun. Going out for dinner, too?"

"It is fun. The other girl stars love it when we do little private parties, whether it's with a man or a woman. And they always go out for lunch or dinner, and maybe do some shopping, or visiting the zoo or an amusement park. They will want to look at you and get to know you. And although you both know that later on they will take your clothes off, you don't talk about it. And by then the little girl is already very wet just from knowing it's going to happen. Doesn't that sound exciting?"

"Yes, Jeez. OK. Will you ask my Step-mother about Wednesday?"

"Of course, Honey. Then you can take a bath Tuesday night, so you can think about it even longer to be really juicy wet by Wednesday night. Your Step-mother already knows that you'll be going to play with some other kids with us. She'll think I'm taking you to play with one or more of the other girls, or for parties, or to go to an amusement park or the zoo. Just don't tell her about the other private games."

"Oh, I won't!"

"Now let's watch them make their videos. They'll start with R, and then get to X and maybe on to triple-X."

Amy and Cheryl were standing next to Ginny as Carol led Tammy onto the set in front of the cameras. They were dressed as schoolgirls in red, plaid jumpers, white blouses, lacy, white ankle socks and black, patent leather flats. It was fairly quiet on the set, even with music playing. The girls talked louder than normal while 'on stage.' They started kissing and feeling each other, then tickling and giggling, and were soon feeling each other's chests. Then they began feeling each other's panties up under the school jumpers. That's when Jack came in from behind the couch. He 'caught' them feeling each other's panties, and shook his finger at Carol, supposedly his little sister. Carol looked worried and begged him not to tell.

Jack came around in front of the couch and sat in the middle and told the girls they each needed a good spanking.

Amy And Cheryl Have Private Party With A Man

As this was going on, one of the new men went up to whisper something in Ginny's ear. Ginny nodded and motioned for Amy and Cheryl to come with them. They went to a different part of the house and into a bedroom. They didn't talk as they went past the little stage area where Jack was spanking his little sister. Amy noticed a camera on a tripod.

Ginny closed the door. She said, "You two can do a little performance for this man, and then play games with him." She looked at Amy, "And I'll bring you a big glass of pop in just a minute, after I explain an acting scenario for you two girls. You girls will bounce on the bed and tickle each other and eventually undress each other all the way and start kissing and even fingering each other in front. Then this man will tell you what to do next." She looked at Amy again, "He wants to finger you, Amy. Front and back. He will use lots of lubricant when he fingers your bottom."

Amy said, "But I promised Cheryl she could be the first person to finger me there." She looked at Cheryl who smiled and nodded.

Cheryl said, "That's right, Miss Ginny. And if I do it first then she will be more loosened up when he does it later."

Ginny and the older man both smiled and nodded. Ginny and Amy left the room for a few minutes while the man talked with Cheryl. Amy waited by the bedroom until Ginny returned with a big glass of ice cubes and soda, then let Amy into the room.

After Ginny left the older man locked the door and took the camera off the tripod. He had the girls get started. Ten minutes later the two girls were naked and rolling around kissing and feeling each other. Amy noticed that the man was often rubbing his trousers with one hand. Next he had Cheryl lick Amy between her legs, which both girls seemed to enjoy. That's when the man put the camera back on the tripod and started undressing.

While Amy was licking Cheryl between her legs, the man finished undressing and stood there naked with an erection that was much longer and fatter than Jimmy's. He had snipped most of his pubic hair away so that it looked even bigger and was easier to see. He handed Cheryl a little jar of lubricant. Amy was on her hands and knees on the bed, finding it difficult to take her eyes off the man's large penis until she felt Cheryl smearing something greasy around her anus. Then Cheryl pushed her finger part way in, and Amy concentrated on the feelings like Muriel and Ginny had told her to do whenever she was learning something new.

The man moved around in front of Amy after he finished getting close-up action of Cheryl's finger pushing in Amy's anus. He said, "Look into the camera and moan as if it feels good when she pushes her finger in your bottom, Amy. That's it. Keep looking into the camera. Tell me your name and age and tell me how it feels."

"Unnnh, I'm Amy, and I'm... unnnh, nine and a half, and it... unnnh feels so funny, gee, like all... unnnnh, tingly." She was squirming around as Cheryl continued her slow in and out finger motions - pushing all the way in.

Cheryl said, "I love it when somebody does this to me. Do you like it, Amy?"


They put Amy on her back with her feet up and a little pillow under her bottom - almost in diaper-changing position. Cheryl began fingering Amy's ass again, while the man kept getting video. He zoomed in on Amy's very wet vagina, with whitish cream building up inside.

They stopped and Amy thought they were going to trade positions, but instead Cheryl pulled her to the floor to kneel in front of the man. Cheryl said, "You got him so excited, Amy. See how the clear stuff is oozing out of the end of his thing? It's because you got him so excited."

"Yes. Like it is clear and not white looking, but still kind of sticky." Amy was awestruck by the size of the man's penis which was bobbing inches from her face. He had put the camera down and turned it off so they could continue their private games. Ginny had been right when she said that Amy could probably not fit the whole tip of it in her mouth.

Cheryl kissed the side of it and started tickling the man's balls. "Feel his balls, Amy. He has big ones, but they get tighter when you tickle them. See?"

"Oh. Neat." Then Amy tried it. "Gee." She kept tickling the man's balls and more clear liquid oozed out of his cock. It looked to Amy like his big cock was drooling like a neighbor's old hound dog.

Cheryl put her head up near the man's cock and licked off the pre-cum. She said, "I like the taste now, but I didn't at first. You'll get used to it if you keep coming to our fun parties or like if you have some private sessions, but I like the parties the best. Oh, he has some more oozing out. Want to try it?"

Amy put her head closer and licked off the little bit that was oozing out. As she licked it off the man told her that she was doing a very good job and to keep licking it for him. He encouraged her to lick the sides and all over the head, which she did. "Oh, that feels so good, Amy. Keep tickling my balls and get the head of my cock all wet. Spit on it. That's a girl. See if you can get the whole tip in your mouth. Keep trying. Good girl. Hold onto my cock and try to force your mouth over the tip. That's it! Good! I knew you could do it. Just keep moving your mouth back and forth over the base of my cock head. Excellent. I feel your tongue. Good girl. Keep moving your tongue around and slide back and forth. Yes. Just like that."

Then he stopped and had Amy slide her mouth back off the end of his penis. He had Cheryl hold the camera while he got Amy on her back on the bed, with the pillow under her bottom and holding her ankles. He said, "Cheryl got your bottom all slippery for me, but I'll put more of this on my finger. Cheryl, I want you to keep the camera zoomed in on her face, after you get a close up of her open pussy and bottom. Keep holding your ankles apart and up by your head. You're very limber, Amy. I'll compliment Muriel on finding such a limber, gorgeous, young, sexy girl! And I'll give her a nice tip for you since you got my hole tip in your mouth on your very first day. You're doing great, Amy." He continued to give Amy compliments while he lubricated his finger. Cheryl was aiming the camera at Amy's face when the man pushed his big finger slowly - all the way in.

"Uuuunnnnnnn, oh, unnn."

"You like that, don't you, Amy?"

"Yes. Unnnnnnn, oh, unnn."

He pulled his finger all the way out. "Do you want me to stick it in part way or all the way?"

"All the way in."

"And, do you want me to finger your bottom three more times or ten more?"

"Ten more."

He did two quick plunges all the way in, and then another very slow one. "Do you like the fast ones or slow ones or both?"

Amy, who could hardly concentrate on talking said, "unnnn, ohh, both!"

"After the eighth plunge, he said, "You are so creamy wet, Amy. It looks like you enjoy this treatment. May I lick the cream out of your pussy? Please. You look so yummy!"


The man had already started licking when Amy answered. After thirty seconds, while looking into the camera Cheryl was holding, the man plunged his finger in Amy's ass while licking her pussy. Amy had a noisy orgasm in front of the camera and the man enjoyed feeling Amy's spasms on his finger.

They let her calm down and wiped off her bottom. He had Cheryl get a close-up of Amy's girl-cum oozing out. Then he had both naked girls kneel in front of him again and after just a few strokes he came in both open mouths. Both girls swallowed about half of what landed in their mouths, and then he helped get them dressed, leaving some cum on each face for a picture before they left the room.

Ginny greeted the girls as they left the room. Amy was drinking her pop. Ginny said, "I see you girls had a fun, private session."

Cheryl said, "I got to work the camera, too."

"Very good, Cheryl." Said Ginny. "Amy, we train all the girls to work the cameras so that you can help out during the private parties if there is another girl there. Would you like to learn? I'm sure you'll be in some private or small group sessions as other friends see your pictures and video clips."

"Gee. OK." Amy had never used a camera before.

The three of them went back to watch the other video that was being recorded in the living room set. The man closed the door; dressed; and left, eager for another session with the new girl. The girls didn't know the man's name which was how he wanted it.

Ginny said, "I'll wipe off your faces before we go watch their last act. They are just getting ready for Act Three, the XXX part." She wiped off their faces and walked into the back of the living room.

Watching The Other Kid Do Act Three For Their Video

Jack was wearing his briefs and both girls were wearing only their panties. Jack and Tammy started making out on the couch, while Carol, supposedly Jack's sister, started feeling Jack's underpants, grasping his stiff penis in her hand. "We want to see your thing, Jack. Come on. Let us look at it. Tammy has never seen a real one before."

A minute later both girls were kneeling in front of Jack who agreed to show his thing to his little sister's friend if they promised they would take turns licking it. He let them pull down his briefs. Jack's cock sprung up and bobbled between the faces of Carol and Tammy. They licked it as promised. Amy thought they would suck on it to make it squirt, but Carol said, "Let's show Tammy how you can stick it in me. OK, Jack?"

He pretended to balk, but then said, "OK, but only if she tries to sit on it, too."

Jack sat on the edge of the couch and leaned back, and Carol straddled him with her knees on the couch next to his hips. Carol said, "Watch closely, Tammy. Here's how you do it so it won't hurt. Just sit down on it, but go slow so it gets in the right spot. Oh, I missed it off to the side. Hold it with your hands so it goes right in me."

Tammy held it, keeping it pointed into Carol's vagina as she sat down on it, sliding all the way on. Both Jack and Carol let out a big sigh of pleasure as she slid down on his cock. Tammy asked, "Doesn't that hurt?"

Carol said, "un, oh, it feels so good. Really good. But it hurt a little bit... unn, oh.. the first time, but then... unnn, oh... it feels so good."

"She gets real wet and gooey when we play around for a while and when she lets me look at her. Then it goes in easier. Is yours wet, Tammy?"

Tammy was watching Jack and Carol fucking, but staying out of the way of the cameras. She felt between her legs and then looked at her fingers. "Yes, gee, like it's really wet."

Carol said, "You can try it in a minute, but it feels too good to stop right now. Unn." She was lifting up and sitting down on it, picking ups speed. Just sit down like an inch or unnn... two at first, so it won't hurt. But then it will feel wonderful." Carol got off and Jack stood up, showing his stiff, slightly-curved penis to Tammy - and to the cameras and the people. He turned so that everybody could see it.

Tammy said, "But it's so big. It would hurt." And that was the same thing Amy was thinking, even though it wasn't nearly as big as the man's from a few minutes earlier!

Amy watched closely as Jack sat back on the couch and got in position. Tammy straddled him and was soon hovering over the tip of Jack's penis. With Carol's guidance, Tammy began sitting down on it. Carol said, "You're very wet and slippery, Tammy, so it should slide right in, even though it will be tight."

Tammy had the penis inside her vagina about one inch and started moving her hips. "Oh, it feels too big. It's too... ohhhhh." She slid all the way down Jack's penis and began moaning in pleasure, while moving her hips in little circles. She lifted up and sat back down again and again, never coming completely off of the stiff, medium-sized penis. She moaned and wiggled as she went up and down on Jack's penis.

Ginny stood behind Amy and put her hands down on her chest, gently massaging her breasts through the tight T-shirt. She whispered in Amy's ear, "Don't worry, Amy, it's not hurting her. She was just pretending that she never did it before. She's been doing it with grown men since she turned nine. Oh, that's your age. Anyway, you won't do your first time in public. Probably several different first times in private. And this week you'll do your first private woman session, after we go shopping and have lunch together Wednesday. Won't that be fun?"

"Yes, gee. Are you sure my step-mom won't know?"

"We're going to tell her we're just going shopping with some girlfriends. She knows not to ask questions, and you know not to tell her anything, don't you?"

"I won't tell anybody!" A minute later Amy said, "It looks like Tammy and Carol really like doing that."

"Most girls do. Just like a finger in the bottom. Did you enjoy that?"

Amy blushed. "Yes." Amy had sessions with other boys and girls, and got several prizes for swallowing. On the way home, Ginny gave her four twenty dollar bills to hide in her new bedroom. They got to Amy's new apartment at 9:30. Amy loved the new place, which already had a big TV in the living room and a smaller one in her bedroom. "Wow, this is great." She hugged her step-mom.

Ginny walked her back to her bedroom. She said, "Amy, I'm so happy that you got the wax treatment and that you enjoyed the party tonight. Things will keep improving for you and your step-mother. Just don't tell anyone about our little parties."

"I won't." She promised again.

They went back out to the living room when Uncle Marcus arrived to see how they were all doing. Amy's step-mother hugged him and he patted her bottom as he handed her an envelope. Next he hugged Amy and patted her bottom, too. He said, "Did you have fun with the other girls at the party tonight, Amy?"

"Yes. It was fun. And they had lots of snacks and pop and games, and the other girls are real nice to me."

"Of course they are, Amy." Then Uncle Marcus said he had to leave and he was sorry that he wasn't able to stop by the party earlier. "But it was just all you little girls there, and I was worried you would talk my ears off!" He laughed and left.

Ginny said, "Wednesday I'm taking another girl shopping and out for lunch and we would love it if Amy could join us."

"Oh, sure. That would be fine, but she doesn't have any money for shopping."

"That's OK." Said Ginny. "I'll get her a few things, like I do for the other girls. I'll pick her up about noon. Have her take a bath the night before." Ginny hugged Amy and said she was glad that she had enjoyed the party and that she liked the other girls. Then Ginny left and Amy watched TV in her own bedroom.

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Glad you let me know this was coming. I have a few questions to ask tomorrow and a request or two. LOL Can't help it Bill. Awesome series.


Thanks for sharing your imagination with us, great story!

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