Laura and Beth Get To Be Models, Part 1

[ MMMF/gg, ped, exhib, oral, anal, finger, model, les, photo, spank, bond ]

by Corn53

Published: 1-Apr-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Joe Visits our Trailer

My Step-Mom yelled back to my room, "Laura, come on out here to greet Joe. He's here, and he has a really nice car. He's bringing in his camera. Now come on out here, and be nice to him."

I had to get all dressed up for Joe's visit. He had talked with my Step-Mom about me yesterday at the Laundromat after he kept staring at me. I had on real short blue jeans shorts and a tight, cutoff T-shirt. He was looking at the bumps in my shirt. Then they talked about me and I had to go over by the vending machines. She invited him to come today to see me in private and take pictures.

This morning my Step-Mom made me take a bath and she told me to get real clean all over. She said, "Wash real good all over, Laura, even between your legs. Wash yourself real good there. I have new panties for you." Then she came in and washed my hair and put it up in curlers. That was two hours ago. I told her I wanted to go outside and play with the other kids in the trailer park, but she said this was important and I couldn't go out to play. She even bought me new panties and hair ribbons for my shoulder-length, straight, blond hair. She was going to put on fingernail and toenail polish but we ran out of time since she still wanted to brush out my hair and put in the ribbons. She put some of her red lipstick on me and I was wearing my best dress. Actually it was the only dress that still fit me. We got it at the thrift store in May because my fourth grade class was having a spelling bee and I was a finalist. I didn't win, but I think it was because I was too nervous.

Joe arrived in a big car, and he was dressed up, too. He carried in two bags. One was a big cloth bag, like for cameras and things kind of like a big, wide briefcase, with more cameras and some papers in it. My Mom was the only one in jeans. Joe came into our trailer and I had to turn around for him while he took pictures of me. I could feel myself blushing.

Then my friend Beth came over and I had to tell her I couldn't play today. She came in our trailer like she usually does, except she knocked first since she saw the nice car. She was wearing a tight, cut-off T-shirt and the raggedy blue jeans shorts that were her summer favorites. She looked at Joe and Joe looked at her. I could tell he was looking at her T-shirt, because Beth is starting to get bigger titties already. At least they are bigger than mine. Then my step-Mom came in the living room beside me and told Beth we were going to a party later and that we were busy getting ready. My Step-Mom and Beth's Mom were best friends. Usually she was over in our trailer by this time in the afternoon having their first beer together.

Joe said, "I'll show these pictures to my sponsor, but I bet she will do fine. She's a very pretty nine year old, just starting to grow up." Then he motioned for me to do a somersault.

I blushed and shook my head no, because I was wearing a dress and he would see my panties if I did that.

Joe looked cross all of a sudden, like I was being disobedient. My Step-Mom said, "Laura, do what he says and turn a somersault."

"But he'll see my panties!" I said. I could feel myself blushing.

Then my Step-Mom gave me that look that said I'd better do it or she would spank me. She said, "I got you brand new panties, so go ahead and do it."

So I did it, and he kept taking pictures. I stood up and could tell my face was a bright red.

Joe game me the 'this-is-an-order' look and said, "Do another somersault, Laura, and take your time so I can get pictures as you turn over." My step-Mom nodded, too. I knew I had to do it.

So I did another somersault in my short, pink and white dress, with the pink slip sewn into the skirt part so it was like fluffier. Then I had to show him how limber I was and do some stretches and jumps and even stand on my head and I know he could see my panties again. He kept taking pictures. While I was upside down with the dress falling over my head on the floor, I knew he could even see the little tittie bumps on my chest and he took more pictures, standing right beside me and shooting down from above me. Mom told me to show him how far I could spread my legs apart even when I was upside down, so I had to do that, too. I was really blushing when I finally got to stand up again. I knew he took pictures of my panties, and I just hoped that he didn't see my tiny titties. I was glad they were starting to grow, even if they just looked like big olives or 'bird eggs' as my friend Beth, called them. Hers were bigger than mine, but not by too much. We were the same size, but she is seven months older and will be in the sixth grade next fall.

Joe said I did a good job and maybe I could be a model for him. My step-Mom told me to go get two beers from the refrigerator. When I came back in the living room a minute later they were sitting on the couch looking at papers. Joe was saying, "So you sign this model release form and then you can get paid for the pictures and video clips I'll be taking tomorrow. My assistant, Ms. Rita, will help her change clothes for the different shoots. I'll walk through this contract with you. I have the English version here, but you'll also need to sign this official contract right here, which is in Japanese. As I said, these pictures will only be seen in Japan and maybe some of the countries they do business with. Nobody around here will ever see them. Like they said in the King Kong movie, 'blondes are scarce around here.'" Then Joe laughed. "They were talking about some island in the Pacific back then, but the same thing applies to Japan. Not many blondes there. Now, sign these two papers and I'll go through the boxes to initial with you."

"Will I get any cash today?" My step-Mom asked.

"Yes. I already got a few good pictures to show my sponsors. If we spend another hour or two here today getting pictures and some video clips, then I could give you... "

I couldn't hear what he whispered into her ear, but then my step-Mom nodded and signed the papers that had all this funny, scribbly writing and symbols. I guess it was in Japanese writing since Joe said the sponsor was from there. And there were little boxes to check and Joe explained, "Each box that you check means that you get more money for having Laura pose for that type of picture." Then he took out a little notebook and showed us some of the pictures. I was standing next to the couch. Mom was holding her bottle of beer and Joe sat his on the table next to the couch.

The first page had six pictures on it of girls about my age wearing jeans or dresses or school uniforms. Joe said, "I have to do mostly this kind of photo because the pictures are for various clothing or specialty companies. This kind of photography modeling would pay you fifteen dollars an hour with a minimum of three hours per session in my studio. And here..."

Joe turned the page. I looked at the pictures and said, "Oh, gee." Those pictures were the same girls from page one, but now the girls were getting spankings. And the girl who was wearing the school dress had her dress flipped up in back and she was bent over some kind of school desk. There were more of those funny writing characters on the books and on the chalkboard in the background, like a school room in a different country.

Joe said, "These aren't real spankings, Laura. It's just pretend. For some of the video clips, Ms. Rita or I would have to give you enough of a smack to make a smack noise, but it wouldn't be enough to hurt you. And for this the modeling fee per hour is doubled to thirty dollars per hour, even though only a little bit of the time Laura would be modeling for pretend spankings."

"But..." I started to say, but my Step-Mom told me to be quiet and that I had to do whatever they told me to do, and that it wouldn't be real spankings for the pictures, but that she would give me real spankings, real hard spankings, if I didn't follow directions.

"And this third box is also for thirty dollars per hour for modeling swimming suits, lingerie, special nighties, or costumes. And if there is spanking or tieing up while in those costumes, then it's sixty dollars per hour for that whole session." He showed us a page of girls tied up. Some of them were only wearing panties and their training bras and they were tied in funny positions. Joe said, "The girls think this is fun. Kind of like acting in a scary movie. They are not hurt at all, you can be sure of that, or else the girls wouldn't keep coming back."

My step-Mom had a funny look in her eyes. "Oh, she'll do it, all right. Yes, she will do any of these. And I get paid in cash?"

"Yes. You could wait and get checks, but it would take six weeks before you would get your check and it would be in Japanese Yen and you would have to pay a fee at your bank to get it changed to dollars, and they you would have to pay taxes on the money, too, and that might upset any ...ummm... other government checks you might be getting, or food stamps and so on. But in cash there is no red tape like that. You just have to agree - both of you - to never tell anybody about this."

"And the pictures wouldn't ever be seen around here?" My Step-Mom asked.

"Correct." Joe said. "Only in Japan or Brazil and maybe some of the countries they do business with. These pictures and video clips are for clothing manufacturers and maybe some specialty magazines sold overseas. You know - art magazines that mostly feature children. Probably 8 or 10 different girls and maybe boys per issue in various costumes or, umm... art poses."

My Step-Mom was thinking this over. She said, "I understand."

Joe said, "Put a checkmark in each box that you agree to, and then put your initials next to the words. Do the same on the official contract that's in Japanese. I penciled in the numbers on the Japanese contract. They write upside-down so the numbers start at the bottom on that contract. And this last box is for complete art poses, meaning bare, and so if she was doing full art poses with spankings or being tied up you could get ..." and he whispered in her ear.

I only got a quick glance at the papers they were looking at. Mom checked off the first five boxes and put her initials next to the symbols on the Japanese contract.

One - Play clothes, school uniforms, dresses, etc.

Two - Swimming suits, panties and bra sets, night gowns, special apparel, etc.

Three - Bonus for spankings or being tied up in some way

Four - Art poses, completely bare

Five - All of the above

Six - Role playing and posing with another model

"So the amount I just told you is for all of these things during the sessions. That would be category five. I don't have another model in this area yet, but if I find one, then we could do category six... but that would depend on what both Mothers would allow, which would be anywhere from category one up through category five with both girls. But now, let me show you some of the art poses. These are not dirty pictures, I assure you, but rather art poses, or specialty clothing, so please don't be worried about things. We could do our first session right here for three hours today if you want. I would just get my other camera and a box of clothes and things out of the car. You would be right here with us, but, ummm... usually the girls are more relaxed if her mother is not in the same room. And, paradoxically, the girl is calmer knowing her mother is in the house listening in. At least at first. Usually by the third or fourth photo sessions, the girls can do a better job if her mother doesn't stay in the studio."

"We could start today?" My step-mother asked again.

"Yes. Let's look at some of these art pictures so you will know if your daughter would agree to it."

Before we looked at the first page of art photos, she said, "She'll do what I say. And I'll be right out here in the living room, or I'll wait in my bedroom if you're taking pictures in here. She'll do what we tell her or I'll give her a spanking that's not a pretend spanking!"

I knew she wanted the money because sometimes she wouldn't let me answer the phone because it was probably bill collectors of some kind. Then Joe flipped to the first page of art pictures and it showed some old paintings of naked ladies on a couch or floating in a cloud or stuff like that. The next page showed girls about my age without any clothes on lying on a new couch with her top leg forward and her arm on the couch in front of her so you could only see one of her titties. And there was a picture of a naked girl lying on her tummy with one knee bent so her foot was up in the air, and another picture of a girl standing up with one hand on her neck and one hand on her hip with her arms crossed, but you could see her bare pussy and her right tittie. The next page was a big side-view picture of a naked girl on her tummy on the bed with her arms and legs tied with big ropes to the corners of the bed. Her legs were probably spread open but you couldn't really be sure because the picture was from the side. My tummy was all tingly from looking at the pictures. It had been tingling most of the time since I had to do a somersault and let Joe take pictures of my panties. It was really tingly now. That's when I first knew I would have to be naked and spread my legs open for his camera.

Joe said, "What I could do, Brandy, is let your daughter try on different outfits to model for me, and then later, if you decide to check box number five, is let her get undressed and put a blanket over her while I tie her wrists and ankles to the corners of her bed. You could look in to make sure she is OK, and then I could take the blanket off to take pictures while she wiggles around like she is trying to escape. So if you check box number five, then you will get that amount for each of the next three hours, even though maybe only one hour will be for pictures like that." Joe stopped, and then said, "And if I do get video clips and pictures like that, then I'm sure my sponsors will want me to have more sessions with Laura."

Mom had already signed the papers, but then I watched her check all the boxes and put her initials next to each box. As she checked and initialed the last box, she said, "And this means completely naked and spread open, right?"

Joe said, "Yes."

My pussy was so tingly I was afraid I would wet my pants.

After my Step-Mom signed the papers and initialed the boxes she handed all the papers to him and said, "OK."

Joe said, "Good. I'll take these out to the car and get my other camera and the special outfits. Meanwhile, Laura, you go in your room and put these panties on." He pulled a pair of panties out of his pocket and handed them to me.

My step-mother said, "Go ahead, Laura. Go put on the new panties."

Joe talked to my step-mother as if I wasn't there. "She's doing good so far, Brandy. She might be brave enough after all. We can hope so. Then you'll get a nice Friday-afternoon bonus today. And if things work out, we can do another photo session tomorrow. I'm trying to line up another model for her to work with. Sometimes things go easier with two models. My assistant can dress one of them while I'm taking pictures of the other model."

I got back to the living room and Joe was setting up a camera across from the couch by the other chair. He called to my Step-Mom, "I'll get a few more pictures and then see if she can follow some directions. You can be in the kitchen and watch us from there if you want."

My step-mother went out to the kitchen and Joe had me do some poses and exercises still wearing my pink and white dress. I showed him how limber I was again, and did my stretching and cheerleading practice exercises. I was blushing and feeling tingly at the same time. It was really embarrassing because they were thong panties and you could kind of see through them in the front, too. Then Joe said, "Stand up and face me, Laura. Now pull your panties to your knees and lift up your dress."

I knew my step-mother was listening out in the kitchen but she didn't say anything, so I pulled my panties down to my knees and then stood up straight and lifted my dress. I had to keep my feet apart so my panties wouldn't fall all the way to the floor.

Joe said, "Now step out of your panties and face away from me. That's it. Look at the kitchen. Look at your Mom in there looking at the TV magazine. Now lift up your dress in back. Higher. That's it."

I could see my step-Mom in the kitchen watching us. She nodded to me to keep doing everything Joe said. She watched me pull up my dress in back, even though she could see my panties lying on the floor. Joe was holding one camera in his hands and had another camera on a stand that was aimed at me. I could hear it running. Joe kept telling me how pretty I was and that I was doing good at following directions. Then he said, "Now reach back with both hands and pull your bottom open to show the cameras."

I did what he said, still looking over towards the camera where my step-mom was sort of looking at the magazine and sort of watching us. She turned around to face the sink and started washing dishes. Joe kept talking all the time, telling me I was so cute and sexy and that I would be a great model for him. He wasn't talking very loud, and the TV was on in the kitchen, so I knew nobody could hear what he was saying except me. He said, "Men will like looking at these pictures and videos of you, Laura. You are a very pretty, little girl. So sexy. They will pay to watch you pull down your panties like this and to pull your bottom open for the camera. Is this exciting for you?"

It was the first time he asked me a question. I said, "Yes."

"Does it give you tingles in your pretty, hairless pussy, Laura?"


"Do you know lots of men in other countries will look at your pretty, hairless pussy, Laura? They will love watching you undress to show your plump, wet pussy lips to the cameras. Do you like knowing they want to see you?"

"Yes, but it's embarrassing." I knew my pussy was wet because I could feel the cold air on it as I turned around and lifted my dress for the cameras. It was embarrassing that it felt so wet.

Maybe he knew what I was thinking, because he said, "I'm glad you're embarrassed, and I'm glad you're excited, too. I'm glad your pussy is getting wet. Just let it get wet, Laura. Men like to know that the girl is having fun, too. When I give you other outfits, don't wipe it off. I want it to get nice and wet for the pictures and videos. I'm making a video of you right now, while you're turning around and lifting your dress to show your bare, hairless pussy to the cameras. You like the feeling, don't you, Laura?"

"Yes." He was right. It was like he could see what I was thinking. It was so embarrassing. But it was also giving me tingles all over my pussy area, kind of like it was going to explode with good, tingly, feelings inside.

He said, "Pull your ass open wider for my cameras. Everyone will want to see your tight, little pink asshole. That's it. Pull it wider."

I was pulling it as open as I could. I bent over farther so it would open up more. Joe said, "Very good. Nice and wide. That's it. Wiggle around slowly. Move your hips. It will feel good to you. You'll see."

I started moving my hips while keeping my bottom pulled open towards his cameras. Then he said, "Very good, Laura. Now put your dress down and turn around. I'll turn the sound on. Then look into the camera on the tripod and tell the viewers your name and age and tell them you like dancing for them. We'll call this 'dancing.' OK?"

I nodded and turned around, letting my dress fall back into place. "I'm Laura and I'm nine years old, but almost ten. I'll be ten in a couple months and I'm going to be in the fifth grade next year. I like dancing for the cameras like this." Then Joe motioned for me to lift the front of my dress again. I did. I said, "I like showing this to the cameras. It makes me all tingly here." I pointed to my pussy. I never felt so naughty or excited in my whole life. And I knew my step-Mom was sort of watching from the kitchen, but she couldn't hear what I was saying and she couldn't see my bare pussy, but she would know that Joe could see it.

Then Joe said, "Excellent, Laura. You are a very sexy, almost-ten year old girl. Now we'll go in your bedroom so you can undress, maybe dance a little - you know, turning and bending while you're undressing, and then put this outfit on. Wait until I leave your bedroom to undress and then dress again. I'll be in the kitchen talking with your mother. When you're all dressed again, come on out to the kitchen. We'll do a few more poses in the living room, and then we'll do another act for the cameras in your bedroom."

"She's my Step-Mother. I don't know where my real parents are."

"OK. Well anyway, you're a very sexy girl, and very pretty. I think you will enjoy undressing for my cameras as much as I enjoy taking pictures of you. He took my hand and started to walk me towards the kitchen.

I said, "Shouldn't I put on my panties first?"

"No. I want you to stay nice and wet. Don't put panties on and don't sit down. Try not to dry off your pussy in any way. The wetter it gets, the better. Understand?" He raised an eyebrow like we had a secret.

"Yes, Sir." I said.

"You'll have on a school dress when you come back out so your step-mother won't know that you're not wearing panties. It will be our secret."

We walked to the kitchen and stood in the door frame. There wasn't a door there. It was really just a different part of the living room since this was a pretty small trailer. I did have my own bedroom though. Joe said, "I'm going to take her back to her bedroom now, Brandy, and get the camera set up before she changes outfits. Then I'll come out to talk with you while she is changing. She is good at following directions. This could work out really great for the two of you."

"Good." She said. "We need the money." Then she looked at me and said something so nice it surprised me. "You're doing good, Laura. Keep up the good work."

Then I showed Joe my bedroom and he set up the camera on the tripod so I could stand next to my bed and undress and then get dressed again. He reminded me not to sit down or wear panties. He said, "Take your time and undress. Look at the camera and turn around. Bend over and do some of your exercises for the camera, but don't sit down if your pussy will touch the floor or the bed. Try to stay right here where the camera is aiming. OK?" He laid the school uniform on my bed.

"OK." I said. "Are you going to watch it today?"

"Yes. Of course. And I'll share it with other people to show them how hot and sexy you are. And later, after I tie you up and after your mother sees you tied up, but with a blanket over you... well, when she sees that you're OK and leaves the room, then I'll take the blanket off you and get close-ups and video of you pretending to struggle and wiggle around to show everybody how wet your hairless, excited pussy gets. You are so hot, Laura. I'll show you some other things. But I won't hurt you. You'll still be a virgin. But this will be lots of fun. I'll probably show these videos and pictures of you to lots of people tonight. People I trust. So now, do you want to undress for the video camera so lots of people can see your sexy, hairless pussy tonight?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. While you're undressing in private, you can give me a message in our secret code. I mean, if you like undressing for me and my cameras, then face away from the camera and bend over and pull your bottom open with both hands. Pull it wide open and hold it open for 3 seconds. Do that three times, and then I'll know that you like undressing for the camera to let me and lots of other men look at you. You don't have to tell me, but just do that and then later tonight, when I watch this private video and show it to my sponsors, I'll know you like this kind of modeling. Then we could use you for more modeling sessions."

Then he left the room and I undressed in front of the camera. . I did the stretching exercises after I took off my dress and kicked off my shoes and socks. It was embarrassing bending over to touch my toes with my bottom towards the camera. The cool air on my pussy told me it must be pretty wet.

My insides felt all shakey and tingly. More than ever. I knew my pussy was wet as I undressed and I kept looking at the camera, feeling all nervous. I turned around for the camera, imagining that it was lots of men who would be watching me. Joe made me feel so sexy and grown-up. I hoped he would like the video. I turned around three times when I was undressed and I did some of the stretching, and that's when I decided to show him the secret code thing. It was so exciting and I knew my step-Mom would like the money, and maybe she would be nicer to me. So I did what he said for the secret code - and pulled my bottom open for his camera three times. Wide open. Then I got dressed in the school uniform and went out to the kitchen.

Joe was on his cell phone inviting somebody named Rita to come over to our house to help with the videos and pictures. This was so exciting, but also embarrassing. Then Joe and I went to the bedroom to get the camera and went back to the living room for more poses.

My step-Mom said, "I'm going to the store with Beth's Mom to pick up some beer and I'll be back in about half an hour. Just do everything he says, Laura."

As soon as she was out the door, Joe said, "I'll take a few more pictures and then I want to get some close ups of your pussy again, Laura. Some pictures to show the men I work for. I'm sure they will like you. OK?"

"Yes." I was still tingling, knowing he was going to show these pictures and videos to other people. My voice felt squeaky, but I said, "I did the secret code for you, Joe."

He nodded and smiled at me. He said, "I thought you might. You're so hot. And you're so cute, too. This will be fun for all of us. Did you sit down while you got dressed?"

"No. I remembered what you said so I stayed standing. I can feel the cool air there, so it probably is, umm..."

"Kind of wet? Your pussy feels wet, Laura?"

"Yes. And it feels tingly, so I know it's wet, too, and like... ummm..." I didn't know how to say it.

"It feels good, doesn't it?"


"Your clitty is probably swelling up and getting stiffer, too, I bet. We'll look in a minute. Can you tell that your clitty feels stiffer when you rub it?"

I wasn't sure what he meant, and just looked at him.

"It's the little bump in the front of your pussy. The little bump that feels good when you rub it."

"Oh that. Yes, that feels bigger now. Like when me and Beth... well..."

"When you and Beth touch each other there? It's OK, Laura. That's perfectly natural. It's fun to look at her, I bet."

"Yes. And it does get bigger when we like play doctor."

As soon as I was all the way undressed in the living room he looked at his watch. "Your stepmother won't be back for another twenty minutes. Stand in front of me while I turn off the cameras. I want to feel your titties and get a close look at your wet, hairless pussy."

I didn't know what to do so I stood there and let him touch my bare titties. He said, "These are just starting to sprout, Laura. Little bird eggs. Like big, puffy, pink nipples on these tiny mounds. They will be so pretty someday. And they look absolutely beautiful now, too. I think they are very sexy right now. Does this feel good when I lightly touch them like this?" He was tickling one of my breasts with each hand.

"Yes. Gee."

"Now, before Brandy gets back from the store, I want you to tell me how you and your friend Beth play doctor together or things like that when she sleeps over here."

I blushed again. "Well, like sometimes we do, like after we take a bath together."

"Is she getting hair on her pussy?"

"Yes, she already has some, but you have to look real close to see it. You can't see it from across the room. We counted them a couple weeks ago and its about twenty. I had to try to count them, but they are kind of thin and curly so when I move them its easy to lose track of which ones I already counted."

"Do you put things or fingers in each other's pussies?"

I blushed brighter. "Well, like we have a colored pencil. It doesn't have an eraser but a metal tip, and we pretend that's a thermometer and put it in each other's pussy, like to take our temperatures. But usually it's just our fingers."

"OK, and I'm glad you're being honest with me. Are you having fun now?"

"Yes, but it's pretty embarrassing. And like, when you're looking at me or touching me, it makes me feel funny inside."

"But it doesn't hurt, does it?"

"No. It doesn't hurt."

He stood up. "Let's go in your bedroom and I'll get you tied up and then we'll put a blanket over you so your Mom can see that you are OK. Then when she leaves us alone in your bedroom, I'll take off the blanket and make a video of you pretending that you're trying to get loose."

"OK." I said, following him back to my bedroom. He was carrying the clothes.

He put ropes around my wrists, knees, and ankles, but it wasn't too tight. I knew I could get loose if I really tried. Then he picked me up and laid me on my back on the bed. He said, "I still don't want to dry off your pussy, so I'll make sure you don't sit on the bed yet." He tied the ropes to the corners of my bed while I laid on my back with my knees apart. He tied my knee ropes to the side of my bed to keep them wide apart, and then he put a pillow under my hips.

After he put the blanket over me, we heard my step-Mom and Beth's Mom pull up in front of the trailer. I heard them both come inside. Joe said, "Just lie still, Laura. I'll go out to talk to them a minute. Then after Beth's Mom leaves I'll bring your Step-Mom back so she can see that you are OK. Then when she leaves us alone, I'll uncover you and you can be an actress and pretend that you're trying to get loose. Men like to watch movies like that, and you can wiggle your sexy, little, hairless pussy around for the camera. They will love your act. Just think about that a minute." Then he went out into the living room and I heard them talking, but I couldn't tell what they were saying.

It seemed like a long time before I heard Beth's Mom leave and then Joe and my Step-Mom came back to my room. She asked me if I was OK, and if I liked being a model.

I said, "Yes. It's kind of fun." My feet and arms and knees were out from under the pillow, but she didn't say anything about that.

She said, "Are the ropes too tight, Laura?"

"No. It's fine." I said.

Then she said, "Joe's assistant will get here in a little while and you can be an actress and pretend to be a schoolgirl and get a spanking. Won't that be fun?"


"And Beth is coming over later. She might audition, too. But you can't go getting the giggles and laughing too much. You'll be in different rooms today, so you won't see each other modeling or acting, but maybe tomorrow the two of you could be models together. And you know you can't tell anybody else about this. Ever."

"I know. I wouldn't tell anybody."

"And you can't talk to Beth until after her audition session today, because we don't know if she will take off all her clothes, and..."

"Yes she will." I said. "I know she would do it."

My step-Mom and Joe both smiled. Joe said, "Your daughter is a very sexy girl, Brandy. Sooner or later she will have these kinds of experiences, but it's so valuable to get this on video and pictures now. That's what those specialty magazines want."

"I know." My step-Mom said, "But we have to make sure she wants to model like this, and that she can keep a secret. Do you think Beth could keep a secret like this?"

"Gee, yes. She wouldn't tell anybody."

"Then we'll see how she does in a little while during her audition. Joe says you're doing great. Keep doing everything he says. This will help us get some money, and you know we need that." She smiled at me again, and then went out into the living room.

Joe took off the blanket and I wiggled around for the camera. He took the camera off the stand and moved around with it, so he could see me from different angles. He told me not to smile, but to be an actress and pretend I was scared and really trying to get loose. He even got real close to my pussy with the camera while I was wiggling around.

He stopped and set the camera down on my dresser. He said, "Let me move your clitty so it's directly in the center of your pussy."

As he moved it with his finger and thumb, I said, "Ohhh. That feels funny."

"There. Now it's centered." But he kept moving it. "I bet it feels like it's getting bigger and a little bit stiff, doesn't it, Laura."

"Unnnn." I said, "Yes."

He kept moving it back and forth, like squeezing it a little bit between his finger and thumb. "I bet this is giving you tingles to have a man touch it, isn't it, Laura?"

"Unnn. Yes."

"You're only nine years old, but your pussy is getting sensitive like an older girl. I know you're going to enjoy modeling for me and doing role playing with Beth or some of the other models."

"Other models? Unnnn."

"Yes. Girls or models about your age. I'd better stop touching you now, so you don't have an orgasm."

"What is a 'gasm?'"

He smiled and stood up. "A 'gasm' is a wonderful feeling in your pussy after you get tingles and it builds up and builds up and then you get a wonderful feeling. I'm sure you'll know later today or maybe tomorrow what I mean. You're getting close to one now, it looks like."

Then he took more pictures and then untied me. He said I was doing just great and looked so wet and excited. He said the men would love looking at me and that he liked looking at me, too. "You're so pretty, Laura."

I smiled.

Then he tied me in a different position, like on my back with my feet apart and stretched up behind my head, so both my arms and legs were stretched and tied to the head of my bed. It was kind of funny, because I could have just scooted back towards the top of my bed to like get away, but he said just to pretend I couldn't and to struggle and try to open my legs wider or bring them together. He said, "And you are so sexy wet, Laura. I can see that your clitty bump is really swollen now. I bet it's very sensitive right. I'll touch it in a little bit to see if it's stiffer than it was a few minutes ago. OK?"

"OK." I said. "I have to do what you say."

He said, "Do you and Beth rub each other's pussy right there?" He touched my clitty with the tip of his fingers, and I felt tingles shoot all over my tummy again.

"Yes." I said. "But just like when we play doctor, and then we take turns touching each other." It felt funny to be talking to a grown-up while I was naked and tied with my hands and feet stretched up over my head on the bed. He was looking right into my pussy. I could tell it was wet from the cold air.

Then he motioned for me to start struggling around, trying to open and close my legs.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


UuuEeee! It is me again! And I jilled off this whole story & came when he played with her clit. God, I'm still gushing! Oh, I hope there are some more of this story left. YOU are a gooood writer. Talk with you later. ly, joeie


Oh no, Corn53. Same story again! Man pretends to be a photographer. Preteen girls want to be models. Moms get the money, tell girls to do everything the photographer says, pictures won't be seen in their country, only in other countries, girls strip and dance around in their panties, spread their butt cheeks and get fingered in their pussies and asses and then licked. And this same theme is repeated over and over and over and over and over again in several story segments over several days. Corn53, you've written the same basic story 30 to 40 times already. The primary thing that changes from story to story are the names. You are very prolific, but quantity doesn't equal quality. Slow down, and polish the literary product. Go back and pick any five of your previous stories entirely at random, and reread your own work. You will quickly see the repitition of the same theme that I'm talking about. Go for the gusto, man. Choose a completely different plot outline and try for some new ideas. You have talent, man, but you are stuck in neutral. ~~ DaemonHawk


Hi Bill, Nice to see you pumping out stories once again. Haven't seen anything of yours for quite a while as I can't afford Mr. D anymore. Spending LOTS of time in hospital, however I'm still above ground which makes me happy anyway. I have a story line to send you way when I flesh it out some. It will be 5-6 chapters. Like I said, good to see your stuff. By the way, did you ever intend to do a sequel to Mary makes a video? That is one of my very favourite stories by you or anyone. I thought that maybe the cable guys could come back and see the girls and tell them they had to bring two more girls or they would show the movies of them. They get Mary and Sarah worked up and the girls help to break in two younger ones. Just a thought. Cheers my friend and stay healthy. Harley


Would be more interesting if you had momma get more involved as condition of the contract . Your premise is hot but repetitive at present. Make my pussy tingle again.

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