Ten Year Old Nadia: Shy New Model

[ photo, video, M/g, mast ]

by Corn53


Published: 27-May-2012

Word Count:

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This is fiction.

Nikoli walked into Vladimir's studio with ten year old Nadia and her twenty seven year old Mother, Katka. Nadia was shy and looked at the floor when Vladimir shook her hand. She seemed embarrassed because her skirt was so short. The white, lacy ankle socks made her slender legs look even longer and thinner. Vladimir told her that she was a very attractive, little girl, "just like Nikoli said. I think you could do fine, and also have a lot of fun. Turn around for me. Nice." Vladimir bent down and patted her bottom as she turned. "I understand you just turned ten."

"Yes. Last week." She looked down. She was still smiling from his compliments.

"Then I should give you your birthday spankings. OK? That was number one." He looked at the girl's frightened face and laughed. "I was kidding. You're a very pretty, little girl." He tilted his head. "Are you ticklish?"

"Yes." Then she giggled as he looked at her, mocking a very serious look; an exaggerated frown.

Katka, who was almost as shy as Nadia, but had the maternal, protective instinct, asked about the modeling. She said she wanted to be sure it wouldn't involve anything 'naughty.'

Vladimir assured her that those kinds of videos were now illegal pretty much all over the world, or at least in the countries where people had enough money to pay for videos. "I assure you that your daughter will only be dancing and modeling various pretty outfits, like swimming suits, high heels and hose, things of that nature."

"You're sure she will always be dressed?"

"Why yes, of course." Vladimir answered. "Except when she is in the dressing room changing into her next outfit." He laughed again, as if he was just teasing. But he knew - and so did Nikoli and Sofia - that the dressing room videos, especially for new girls, were best sellers. Sofia always included some 'instruction with the new girls - how to pinch their own nipples to make them stand up; how to get that pouty look; and how to arch her back in certain poses. Sofia always 'suddenly remembered' to teach these thing right after undressing from the previous outfit. Sofia was also good at winning a girl's trust and getting her to talk about her other sexual experiences - whether with other little girls, themselves, or often-as-not an adult male.

Vladimir continued, "Otherwise, when she is not in the dressing room, she will always have at least some clothes on. What did Nikoli tell you about this?" He waved his hand around the studio.

There were various backdrops and pieces of furniture stacked on one side of the room. Lights and camera were set up on various fixtures around the stage area. When Katka saw the bed that was standing on end, with a box of teddy bears and nighties on the floor next to it, she pointed and asked, "What about that bed? Are you sure she will always be dressed?"

Vladimir suddenly looked annoyed. "For the last time, during our official videos and photo shoots, your daughter will always be wearing something. We change the sets while she is changing clothes. In fact, sometimes we shoot our videos outdoors or at other locations. Didn't Nikoli tell you this? And what do you think of the compensation? And did he explain why we prefer not to have a parent on the set while we're shooting, except for the audition? There are plenty of other models who would love this opportunity."

Vladimir sat down at his small desk and pulled out a small photo album. He motioned for both Nadia and her Mother to stand next to him. He opened the small album and showed them both several pictures of four different little girls - from school uniforms or fancy dresses, to swim suits or lingerie and garter belts wearing high heels. The little girls in the lingerie pictures were wearing lacy, hip-hugger, thong panties. He let them both look at those pictures for almost a minute while he explained again, "and no need to be too shy because nobody in this country will ever see our pictures and videos. Nadia will almost always be dressed in at least this much." He tapped a picture of a little girl in hip-hugger, thong panties, a garter belt and hose, high heels, and a tight, training bra that matched the little panties. If a model is too shy for this type of photography, then I won't be able to use her."

"Well, lots of girls wear thong panties, Nadia." Katka said. "So that wouldn't be too bad."

He looked to his right into Nadia's blushing face. "And yes, Nadia, with the thong panties on, the camera could see part of your bottom. Most of the panties you would be modeling would be more modest than the ones in these pictures, but remember that a girl's bottom and a boy's bottom at this age look the same, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. You'll have cute little tops or bras to wear, too. If a model won't wear things like this and follow my instructions for the poses, then I won't be able to use her. My models have to follow directions and often let me adjust the clothing." He looked at Katka, "I have to touch the models frequently to adjust things for the pictures." Then he looked back at Nadia, "Your Mommy is with you today, Nadia, but she won't be here in the future sessions, if there are any. You'll notice that these girls are about your age and they look like they enjoy modeling. Most pretty girls like you learn to enjoy it. In fact, they love coming to model for me; they look forward to it. I'm sure you'll have fun if you give it a chance. Do you agree to wear things like this for me in the future? Today, while your Mommy is here, there won't be anything this revealing. I need to see how you do right now in regular clothes. And I will touch you to position your clothing. OK? Will you come back to model for me again?"

"Yes, she'll do it." Katka said. "Especially since you said she would always be wearing something and that nobody in this country will ever see the pictures or video anyway. We really need the money, and we'll keep this our secret, like Nikoli told us last week when he dropped in for a visit. Evidently a friend of Nadia's from the neighborhood is one of your models, but I don't know who, and she recommended Nadia as a possible model. Nikoli told us that the lady would get a referral fee if I let Nadia do at least two sessions with you."

That's correct." Vladimir said. "He is my talent scout. Nikoli does the initial interview with the mother, if he thinks the daughter is exceptionally cute, and then, after an interview and if the mother seems discrete and agreeable to the idea, and if he thinks I would be interested, he lines up an appointment and gives the mother the audition bonus. That's what this is today - an audition. I will need to get several series of pictures of your daughter today, and see if she will let me adjust her clothing and follow my instructions. Cooperation is a must in order to continue. These pictures and video clips primarily go to a website clear around the world in Japan. The pay you get will be exceptionally good. And you signed a non-disclosure agreement and took the cash from Nikoli, correct?"

"Yes." Katka said, wishing she hadn't already spent half of it. Nikoli had also explained that the retainer for the first session was only one fourth of what the other photo/video sessions would pay if Nadia was selected, but that if Nadia was uncooperative and had to leave early, then she would have to give back most of the money. She needed the money, and like Nikoli had promised, nobody in this country would see Nadia's pictures or videos anyway.

"Then Nadia must pose how I tell her." Vladimir was not joking around, and everyone knew it.

"Yes, Nadia will do whatever you say."

"Thank you." Vladimir said, "But I was asking Nadia if she would do what I tell her." He looked into Nadia's face. "Will you wear things like this for me and get into the positions I tell you even if you are embarrassed?"

She was blushing brightly; almost shaking. She looked up at her Mother who was nodding her head. "Ye... ye... yes, Sir. Whatever you say." Little Nadia was also surprised by the tingles in her groin as she looked at the other little girls wearing only sexy panties, bras and high heels - obviously having fun while dancing and posing that way. One of the girls who was wearing high heels had on thigh-high, lacy hose.

"And you will let me touch you to adjust your clothing?"

"Yes." Nadia answered quietly; still looking at the pictures of the other little girls.

Vladimir put his arm around the wisp of a girl and hugged her to him. At fifty years of age, he was five times older than Nadia, and at two hundred ten pounds he weighed three times as much as she weighed. Vladimir was sitting in a chair so his head was level with the standing girl's head. "I'm glad, Nadia. You're a very pretty little girl. And you had some formal dance training, so I'm sure you're very limber, too. You'll do fine, and I bet you'll have fun as the months go by." He patted her bottom and left his hand there.

Katka said, "She can put her big toe in her mouth, and can do the splits."

Nadia looked up at her Mother who was looking at Valdimir's hand on her daughter's bottom. Katka said, "She'll do whatever you say, Mr. Vladimir." The "Mr." made things even more formal.

As Nikoli had suggested, Katka had her daughter wear a short skirt for the audition. Then Vladimir said, "Lift your skirt, Nadia. I want to see if we could start your casual audition in the clothes you wore to my studio today. Show me your panties."

Again, Nadia looked up at her Mommy, who nodded.

"She is wearing the new nylon panties like Nikoli suggested. I used some of the modeling money to buy them for her. They are two sizes smaller than what she usually wears, so they are very tight like Nikoli said you liked on your little girls. I had her squeeze into them right after her bath this morning."

Vladimir had her turn around, patting her bottom the whole time. "Nice, firm 'dancer's muscles.' Good. I'm going to feel her legs a moment. Stand close and look at the pictures while I feel your bottom and your legs. It's OK, Nadia. You have panties on."

"But..." She started to protest.

"It's OK, Nadia." Her Mommy said. "You know he's got to touch you to arrange your clothes for the pictures. It's OK for him to touch you. So hold still and let him touch you."

"Put your feet apart. Let your skirt drop back down. Feet farther apart. That's a good, little girl. Keep looking at the pictures while I show you and your Mommy a few other things that will help you relax about modeling. I'm going to feel your legs and your panties." He was sitting between Nadia and her Mother with Ms. Sofia and Nikoli standing close behind them. "The compensation I'll be giving you is substantial compared to most photography fees, partly because of the lingerie, but you need to trust me that I will only share tasteful photos and video clips with that website in Japan I told you about. Are you satisfied with the money arrangement, Katka?"

"Oh, yes, Sir. The compensation will be such a great help. I hope she can start right away. And Nikoli explained to me about the other possible locations and said he would provide all the transportation, which is also a help since there aren't any direct busses from our apartment over to your studio. He told me that you prefer not to have a mother on the set anyway, because of asking too many questions or interfering." Then she smiled at Vladimir. "I guess I am asking too many questions. I'm sorry. I'll be quiet and just watch now."

"We'll look at a few more pictures. I'm still making sure that Nadia will cooperate and get in poses and let me touch her. Keep holding still, Nadia. You're doing fine. This isn't so bad, is it?" He smiled at her. Everyone knew that his hand was up under the back of her short skirt feeling her bottom.

"No, it's OK." She said, then stopped and suddenly stood up straight; closing her legs! "Wait! Not there." She backed away, bumping into Nikoli.

Vladimir said, "Legs apart, I said. A good model follows directions. You know I'm going to feel your legs and your panties. Bend down so your shoulders are over the desk and put your feet apart."

"Do as he says, Honey." Nadia's Mother said. "You have the new panties on. Let him feel them."

"But his hand was between my legs. On my..."

"Do as he says, Honey. Let him feel your legs and your panties. It's OK. He has to feel your panties and your other clothes sometimes. Let him feel you. Show him you will follow his directions. I want him to know that my little girl will do as he says. Put your feet apart for him. Bend down to see the pictures. That's my good girl."

She put her legs apart, and bent down closer to the photos on Vladimir's desk. Then she remembered to arch her back and stick her bottom out. As she did that, she opened her legs a little wider.

"Still wider." He said. "Arch your back more to stick your bottom out as if you want my hand to touch you between your legs. That's better. Now, look at the girl in this picture. This page is from her audition. She's wearing regular play clothes at first. See? No make-up or fancy lingerie yet. Like all the little models, I had her stand still while I felt her legs and panties before we started. I have to make sure the models will follow directions. Today's audition is like a test. And see? Here she is in just panties and a training bra. And here is a picture of her as she's pulling the panties down a few inches in front. The website is what's called a 'tease' site, which means you don't show everything, but you will show a little more than just the panties and bra. See?" With his left hand, he pointed to the girl's right hand which was pulling the side of her panties down over her hip. Can you see most of her hip and a little bit of her pubic mound?" His right hand was massaging Nadia's bottom and thighs, and occasionally brushing the panties between her legs. She kept holding still for him as he stroked between her legs - all the way up and back.

"I see." Nadia's Mother said. "That's not too bad. Just a little of her hip. Nadia will do that for you, Mr. Vladimir."

"Good, because it's only the cooperative, little girls who get called back, and I actually have a waiting list of potential new models and dancers."

"I'm sure she'll do whatever you say."

"On this next page are pictures of four of our little girls who accidentally showed too much, but these pictures didn't go to that particular website producer unless I edited them first. Look at these pictures." Again, he motioned over the page with his left hand, since his right hand was gently stroking Nadia's panties between her thighs - from her mound, over he clitty and lips, pressing in on the cavity in the panties over her vagina, and on back to her ass again. He was pointing at the group of four pictures, three by fives, showing a little girl who had pulled her panties too far down, exposing a full inch of her crack. "These little girls were following directions, but accidentally pulled their panties a little bit too far down, so I edited the pictures." He turned the page. "I think Nadia is getting more cooperative already." He pressed against her pussy, squeezing her lips and clitty. She held still and didn't say anything.

Vladimir said, "You can see that I cropped the pictures so that you can't see too much." His hand was now boldly massaging Nadia's pussy through the thin, nylon panties.

"I told you she would cooperate and do everything you say, especially since these pictures won't be seen in this country. And after you cropped the pictures you can't see their... well, their private areas. So if a little accident happened during the photo sessions, it would be OK. I mean especially since you would fix the pictures before you shared them. Wouldn't it be OK, Nadia?"

"Yes." She was finding it difficult to hold still with Vladimir massaging, tickling, and squeezing that way - right on her pussy lips and clitty. It was tingling down there. She wished her Mommy wasn't right beside them.

Vladimir stood up and led the girl over in front of the cameras. He had her say her name and age to the camera and turn around. They practiced that several time. Then she took off her skirt and did it again, wearing only her T-shirt and tight, white, nylon panties. He also took several sets of still pictures, having her get in some very unladylike positions: hands and knees with her knees wide apart and then lowering her shoulders to the floor as he walked around her getting pictures of her tight panties. Then he had her do a shoulder stand and let her legs slowly part and then bend so her knees were on either side of her head. Vladimir was happy to see the wet spot on her panties between her legs.

Next he set down his camera and stood behind the girl. He reached both hands down over her shoulders and began massaging her breasts. "No." Nadia said, and tried to step away, but he held her in place.

Nadia's Mother said, "Let him touch you, Nadia! You know he has to adjust your clothing."

"Actually I'm massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples so they will look bigger in the pictures. I'll show you pictures of other girls in a minute, so you'll see why I often need to adjust the clothing." After one last, firm pinch on each nipple he picked up his camera and took several more shots. He knew his face wouldn't be in the video clip, but Nadia's look of shock and horror would be in the video as his big hands reached down and squeezed both tiny breasts - making the pictures and video much more appealing to his special audiences.

"Yes." He said. "Much better. Squeeze them yourself, Nadia. Pinch the tips. That's it. It makes them bigger and firmer for the pictures. Very good. Don't pinch them so hard that it hurts, but as hard as you can before it starts to hurt. Try it again. Smile into the camera and introduce yourself again while you are massaging them. Now put your hands down and keep looking into the camera. Good girl. You're doing much better at following directions. Come over and look at this set of pictures with us."

He turned to Katka, "She is already much better at following directions, so maybe she will work out after all."

"She will do everything you say, Mr. Vladimir."

He put his right hand on her bottom again, and turned the page with his left. Two different girls were wearing tight, orange, one-piece swim suits. "See these pictures?"

"Yes." Nadia said.

"Now I'll turn the page and see if you notice anything different." He turned the page to show the same two girls in the same orange swimming suits, but now the fabric was pulled tightly in between their pussy lips, and their nipples were erect - poking into the material. "See how much sexier these girls look after I adjusted their clothing? You can easily see the outlines of their female parts. And look at their tiny breasts; the same size as yours. Do you notice how their nipples have stiffened for the pictures?"

"Yes, gee. That would be embarrassing." Nadia said.

"Embarrassing is OK when you are a model. Remember that. 'Sexy' is what I'm looking for in the pictures. OK? So will you massage yourself and let me adjust your panties?" While he was talking, he slipped his right hand between Nadia's legs again and started rubbing her pussy. "Feet apart."

"She'll let you, Mr. Vladimir." Nadia's Mother said right away.

"Yes, Sir." Nadia said, knowing that's what her Mommy wanted her to say. She slid her feet apart, letting him reach all the way under her panties to massage her pussy mound. Everyone could see his hand massaging Nadia's pusssy. Nadia could tell everybody was watching his hand, but she held still for him.

"She will do whatever you say, Mr. Vladimir."

"Let's see. Come back over here in front of the cameras, Nadia. Massage your breasts while I adjust your panties. Put your feet apart while I pull them forward and up to tuck them into your female part. Good girl." He took his time massaging the girl's pussy while she massaged her own breasts, pinching frequently. After adjusting the panties he took more pictures - knowing all of this was also on the video. He would edit out any shots of his face later.

The blushing girl stood still; letting him massage her pussy and pull her panties up into a camel toe, although she wasn't familiar with that term, she was self-conscious about the look. "This is so embarrassing. Like especially with Mommy and Nikoli watching."

Vladimir turned, "Would you two mind waiting on the other side of the curtain while I do a little more of her audition? Ms. Sofia, go on back to the dressing room and get things ready. It will only be you and me in the studio, Nadia."

"Whatever you say. I trust you." Nadia's Mother headed to the curtain with Nikoli close behind. They were out of sight in less than half a minute. Once out of sight, she called out, "Do everything he says, Homey. We'll wait back here until he tells us to come back out. Have fun modeling and be extra nice to him."

"Sit on the front edge of the big, stuffed chair, Nadia. Now lean back. Spread your knees apart. Massage your breasts and look into the camera and tell the camera your name and age again. Pinch your nipples while you talk."

She did. Her nervousness was apparent. "I'm, umm, Nadia, and well, I turned ten like, um, a week ago."

"Now massage your panties. That's a girl. I know this is embarrassing, but keep massaging and squeezing. Very good. It doesn't hurt, does it?"


"You're doing so good at following directions now, Nadia. You're so sexy and pretty. Keep massaging your panties for the camera. Good." Vladimir said, louder than necessary. Then Vladimir leaned closer and whispered below the background noise of the air conditioner - almost letting her read his lips as he spoke slowly. "It felt good when I rubbed you there, didn't it?" He moved his hand as if he was massaging her pussy.

She nodded, but didn't say anything.

"Want me to massage it again?" He moved his lips without making a sound.

Nadia nodded again.

He reached his hand between her spread legs and massaged the girl's pussy. He noted that the panties were damp in the center, with a narrow, wet line highlighting her crack.

Vladimir stepped back and had her get on her knees in front of the big chair with her head and shoulders on the cushion. "Put your knees apart farther. Good girl. You are getting so much better at following directions. Put you hand under your tummy and reach back to massage your panties between your legs. That's it. Good girl. Keep rubbing your panties. Press hard. Excellent. I thought at first you might be too shy, but you are catching on. You'll be a good model."

Then Vladimir rubbed her for a little bit without either of them saying anything. After a minute, he whispered, "you like how this feels, don't you?"

She nodded.

"Stand up and face the camera. Introduce yourself again and pull the edge of your panties down a little bit. Maybe have a brief 'accident.' Good girl. That's it. A little farther down. Accidents happen, you know. Excellent. Smile at the camera. Tug them down just a little more. Now stand up straight and look into the camera and introduce yourself again, and then maybe accidentally lift up your T-shirt. Very good. They are so pretty and sexy. Squeeze them a few times. That's a girl. Hands down at your side. Good. Turn around for the camera, and try not to let your panties fall all the way down."

A few minutes later, Nadia's Mother heard Vladimir tell Nadia, "Pull up your panties and pull your shirt back down now. You did a great job modeling and following directions. And see, it wasn't so bad having a couple little accidents, was it?"


"And if you come back tomorrow for an official photo shoot, do you think you could have more accidents for me?"


"Good. I'll ask your Mommy if you can come back tomorrow. It would take us more time to get you ready - like doing your hair, nails, and make-up. While Sofia is doing your nails, maybe you could watch video clips of some of my other little models. And occasionally they have little accidents. But you wouldn't have to watch those video highlights if you don't want to. But do you think you would like to see some of my other models who had accidents? Would you like to come back and model again tomorrow?"

"Yes. Umm, like I mean, it's kind of embarrassing, but it's exciting, too. I would like to watch other girls."

"Good. All my other little models just love modeling for me. We have lots of fun, even if some things might be embarrassing. But you did great with the little accidents when I asked you. Excellent."

He took Nadia's hand and they walked around behind the curtain. "Just one more test, Nadia, and then you can go change clothes with Ms. Sofia. If you catch on - kind of reading between the lines - then you will get a little cash bonus, and your Mommy will get a very nice cash bonus for today, too, and then we'll schedule a session for tomorrow and even your next few sessions. Come around with me and look at these next pictures." He led them all back to his desk and sat down. Nadia stood on his right and put her feet apart even without his instruction. The others gathered around. "This little girl was following directions, and then had... not just a 'little accident,' but a 'big accident,' while she was modeling. I just suggested that she have 'a little accident,' like Nadia had a few minutes ago, but this little girl had a 'big accident,' and accidentally pulled her panties to her knees. Then she turned around several times in front of the cameras. She had to walk funny as she turned, with her feet apart, so her panties wouldn't fall down to her ankles. It was funny and she giggled. Of course I couldn't send those pictures or that video clip to the website I mentioned earlier, but since she was so embarrassed after turning around in front of the cameras - trying to not let her panties fall all the way down - kind of like a game - that, well, I felt bad for her, so I gave her a nice bonus and her Mommy a very nice bonus for that day. And actually for every modeling day that it happens with her or with any of my other girls. I know accidents happen, and I wasn't mad. So I give the girls and their mommies nice bonuses whenever big accidents happen. This little girl's Mommy was just on the other side of the curtain, only three meters away. So she got the nice bonus on the very first time her daughter modeled; her audition. Just like today is your audition."

It got quiet in the studio when the air conditioner kicked off.

Vladimir said, "And, Nadia, you and your Mommy need to know that my models who have accidents get called back to model more often. More often, plus the very nice bonus for those models who have accidents." He let them think about that.

It was still quiet in the studio. Then Nadia's Mommy said, "Well, sometimes accidents happen. And nobody in this country sees the pictures or videos anyway, and you don't send any of the accidents to that website you mentioned. Right?"

"Yes. That's right. Nobody at that website will see any of our modeling accidents. And neither will anyone in this country." He looked back and forth between mother and daughter, "I often send a bonus home after the shoot if the girl either does a very good job, or if she has big accidents. The mother won't ever know what the bonus money is for. And the mother and daughter are not supposed to talk about any of this with anyone, even each other."

Nadia's Mother asked, "Should I wait behind the curtain while you do a few more pictures, Nadia? You don't have to have an accident, but if you do... well, accidents happen. And I won't see. I won't ever know. And I won't ask questions."

"But that would be embarrassing."

"Being embarrassed is part of modeling, Nadia." Vladimir reminded her.

"But Nikoli is here."

Vladimir said, "Nikoli, for today, why don't you wait on the other side of the curtain again with Nadia's Mother... Especially if she might be embarrassed about a possible accident for a few minutes. And since Nadia is doing a good job of following directions now, go ahead and show her Mother the bonus she will get today if Nadia has a big accident."

"Oh, that's a good idea, Vladimir." Said Nikoli. "We'll wait on the other side of the curtain."

It was still quiet in the studio after Nikoli and Nadia's Mother went behind the curtain so they both heard him say, "Just one more audition shoot, Nadia, and then you can go put on an outfit to model. Why don't you accidentally take off your T-shirt while you're introducing yourself again. Then massage your bare breasts while you're talking. Say your name and age, and the maybe have an accident with your panties. I'll put you in some of the same positions you were in a few minutes ago."

They heard Nadia introduce herself.

Vladimir said, "Very good. Pinch your nipples real hard. Remember to look into the camera. Now your panties. That's it. Below your knees. Maybe to your ankles, but don't let them fall all the way off. Very good."

A minute later, "Sit on the front edge of the big chair again. Lean back. Put your knees wide apart. Very good. Hold it. Maybe massage your thighs. Look into the camera."

"Get on the floor, hands and knees, with your bottom towards the camera. Knees apart. That's it. Lower your head. Move your hips around and arch your back more. Very good, Nadia. Very sexy. Let me move the camera and zoom in."

A minute later Vladimir said, "On your back again. Knees apart. I'm going to dry it off and get a close up. Your Mother is just on the other side of that curtain and could walk around here any second, but try to relax. There. All dry. Open wider again. That's it. I need a close-up."

"Stand up and put your T-shirt back on. Pull up your panties. You did great, Nadia."

Then he called to Nikoli, "Come back into the studio now. Get Sofia and have her bring the make-up kit, thigh highs, high heels, and a hair ribbon. I have an idea."

"Your daughter did just fine and catches on quickly. I think she is still shy, however, so I want Sofia to put on the lipstick and a little blush, and then the thigh-high hose and high heels and lacy white panties and top. I think she might dance easier and follow directions better if nobody else is in the studio. Why don't you and Nikoli go to the little deli restaurant down the street and get coffee, or a drink, and a bite to eat and come back in an hour?"

Sofia came out of the dressing room. She led Nadia behind the curtain where Nadia's Mother and Nikoli had been standing. He had her undress and helped her on with the thigh high hose with lacy tops, high heels, white, lacy, semi-sheer panties and a matching top. She applied a little blush and wet-look lipstick.

Katka said, "What are you doing? Are you sure Nadia will be safe? I mean?"

"Of course she is safe. I think she feels comfortable with me, but is still self-conscious with the rest of you here in the studio. I promise, she will still be a virgin. Not even a finger will go in her. I just want some pictures and video and she wouldn't be comfortable with all of you in the studio. Nikoli will be with you to buy the food and drinks. He'll explain about the double bonus for today. It only happens once in a while. Tomorrow will be a full session and you'll get a nice bonus with that, too, but today will be a double bonus. Nikoli and Sofia will tell you that I've kept other girls for a full session on their first day. I won't hurt your daughter, and she will always be wearing something, even if there might be 'accidents.'"

"Well, OK." Said Katka. She turned to leave. "Do everything he tells you."

Sofia and Nikoli walked to the door. He held it for Katka. They left. Vladimir locked the door and said, "You'll be fine, Nadia. Nothing to worry about. You look so pretty. It felt good when I touched you, didn't it?"


"Well, that's all. I want you to dance to the music and introduce yourself whenever I say, and in a little while, you'll have another accident and I'll rub you and get some close-ups. That's all. Just relax. Let me turn on some music. You're a great dancer, Nadia. I want to watch you dance in the high heels."

After a few minutes of dancing to the slow rock music, Vladimir had her take off the panties and keep dancing. He continued to compliment her as she danced in the high heels. He soon had her climbing around on the big chair getting into a variety of lewd or artistic poses, even some while upside-down.

Vladimir began touching her more frequently - always stroking her pussy, clitty, sliding his fingers between her plump, firm lips. He noticed she wasn't trying to get away from his fingers, but held her positions, even opening more for him; letting him rub her most private parts. As he rubbed between her wet lips, she started slightly moving her hips.

It was time to continue.

"Take off the top, then sit on the front edge of this big, stuffed chair and lie back. Good girl It doesn't hurt when I rub between your legs, does it?"

"No." She said softly; almost hoarse.

"Good, because I have to rub it for a little bit to get it ready for some close-ups as soon as I finish adjusting and moving the cameras."

"Should I rub these?" She was squeezing her own breasts, which were already erect.

"Yes, that's big help. Introduce yourself; name, age, and tell me that you like modeling and dancing and doing things in front of the cameras. You can even say that it's embarrassing but it feels good, like maybe it gives you tingles."

"It does." Then the practically naked ten year old introduced herself to the camera, like she had been practicing.

"Good. Hush and relax now. Don't talk unless I ask you a question. You're so pretty and sexy with the high heels and thigh-high hose. Very sexy. Massage and pinch your breasts while I get you ready for the close-ups. I have to put a few drops of oil on it."

Vladimir put several drops of special lubricant on her clitty and began massaging it. "I want this to get a little stiffer and bigger, so I'm massaging it for you. Yes, sometimes it helps it swell up for the pictures if you move your hips a little bit, just like you're doing. I want you to quietly say things like 'umm,' or 'ohhhhh,' if it feels good. All my other little models love it when I do this to them."

Nadia kept moving her hips, saying, "ummm."

"This feels good, doesn't it, Nadia?"

"Ummm, yes, ummm."

"You like modeling for me now, don't you?"

"Ummm, yes."

"I can feel it starting to get stiffer for the pictures. I'm going to use a little massager to help me make it stiffer. You'll hear a buzzing noise." He turned on the small vibrator and rubbed it around Nadia's slippery pussy lips and across her clittly.

"Ohhh, ummm."

"This feels good, doesn't it, Nadia?"

"Ummm, yes, ummm."

"If my models do a real good job modeling, and have lots of accidents for me, they get this treatment as a reward. The other little models just love it, too, just like you."


Vladimir had positioned one camera off at an angle and had it zoomed in on her pussy so that only his hands and her pussy would be in the shot. The other camera was panned back farther to get her whole body and his arms. He would edit out his face if he got too close. The excited girl was oozing out excitement, including some milky white goo - ever so slowly, but it was building up nicely. She was about ready.

After arranging her clitty and the two tiny, inner labia, he stood and got his still camera. He took several pictures and then got back into position to bring Nadia to orgasm. Her hips were still moving.

A moment later, Nadia, moaned louder. "Ohhhhh! Unnn! Ummmmm." She said that several times as she came.

Vladimir counted five hard spasms and several after shocks as her anus tightened and pulled inwards. "Stay in position while I move the cameras." He took the closest one and moved it around on the girl, panning back a little ways, but also getting close-ups of her last pussy spasms. "You are such a good model, Nadia. This is a reward for all your accidents and letting me touch you. If you'd like, we'll have you have these delicious feelings after each photo shoot. Did that feel good? Stay in position."

"Ummm, yes. What happened? It was like I exploded inside. Gee."

"Hold still while I turn off the cameras. When I get a cooperative, pretty, sexy, new model like you, I like to kiss their little accident area. Since you had a little accident, I'll kiss it. OK?" He got into position on his hands and knees in front of her. "This will mean you want to be one of my models."

"Yes, umm. It still tingles."

He leaned his head in and gently kissed all around her sweet-smelling, wet pussy, before kissing her squarely on her vagina. He ran his tongue from just below her vagina up to her clitty - tasting as much of her excitement as he could. He sat back.

"Unnnn, that tingled, too." She said.

"Good. It means you're one of my trusted, new models. The other little models all love getting kissed afterwards. Would you like me to kiss it one more time?"

"Yes. It makes it tingle again."

He kissed and licked gently for another twenty seconds, almost bringing her to another orgasm.

He stood and helped her stand up. She was wobbly on the high heels, so he had her take them off. He gave her a pair of ultra sheer panties to put on. While she was modeling, he asked her several times if what he did felt good, and each time she said it was great, and she wanted him to do it again. Vladimir often used the word, 'we' when he talked about helping her get that wonderful feeling again.

She was in her second change of clothes when they heard the buzzer on the door. Before unlocking it, he said, "Tomorrow I'll have one of my assistants help you get that wonderful feeling."

"Oh, but that would be embarrassing."

Vladimir smiled, "But 'embarrassing,' helps the feeling get even stronger. Tomorrow I want you to let the assistants see your accidents, and then you can whisper in my ear if it gives you big tingles to let people see you there. And if it does give you tingles, then we can let my assistants help you get that wonderful feeling. OK?"

As he unlocked and opened the door, she said, "OK."

Nadia's Mother came in and looked around. Nadia smiled, "It was fun, Mommy. I like being a model for Mr. Vladimir."

Vladimir said, "I think she'll be a good model for me after all. Sofia, take her back to get ready to go home. We'll need extra time tomorrow, so we can do her hair, nails, and make-up before putting her in the different outfits to model.

Nadia's Mother was smiling, "So you want to come back to model, Nadia?"

"Yes, Mommy. It's fun. I'm starting to get used to it."

Vladimir said, "Katka, she did so much better after everyone left. I assure you: she will always be dressed in something, but occasionally 'accidents' happen."

"I know. A few little accidents would be OK. And you won't send any 'accident pictures' or video to that website you mentioned. Right?"

"That's correct. I won't send anything like that to that website."

Nikoli and Sofia knew that the lion's share of their income was from other sites elsewhere in the world and that consumers would check that particular tease website to see possible new girls they could watch on the very expensive, secret websites. A few very wealthy customers would occasionally act as 'assistants' in Vladimir's various, clandestine studios around the world - on three continents. For a large fee, they would even be allowed to help masturbate the little models. Otherwise, they knew they wouldn't be allowed to actually 'do' anything with the girls. After a few months of modeling, perhaps they could finger her, but not until Vladimir allowed it.

"I think she'll be OK with my assistants tomorrow. She'll work out just fine." He patted her on the head.

Then Sofia led her back to the dressing room to change back into her own clothes.

"Katka, tomorrow's total fee, including the bonus, will be more than the total compensation you got today. We'll be back in town in five weeks, and I'll call you to schedule another photography session. Meanwhile, keep this to yourselves, and don't be flashy with the money. Pay off some bills, and stash the rest somewhere safe. Don't bring attention to yourself."

"No, Sir. I'll be careful. Would you like me to give Nikoli the name of another girl he might be interested in? She doesn't know Nadia and is a year younger. Oh, and I know of another girl about a year older than Nadia who might work out for you, too. Her Mother is my friend, and they really need money, too."

"Don't say anything yet, but observe them if you can. Tell Nikoli where they live when he picks up Nadia tomorrow. Then he can try to observe them. We prefer single mothers, and no brothers or sisters, who might get too nosey. And cute, of course. It's best if the mothers are not too well off, so they could use the money. Don't say anything to them."

"I understand. Both little girls are pretty, even though the younger one is pretty skinny, and both of them have a single Mom who needs money really bad. No brothers or sisters. So, what time tomorrow?"

Nikoli will pick her up at noon. Give her a perfumed, bubble bath around ten and let her soak so she is clean and fresh all over."

Katka smiled, "Yes, clean and fresh all over. I'm glad she likes modeling and that she doesn't get upset about a few little accidents. Like you say, 'accidents happen.'"

"Yes, I'm glad she doesn't get upset any more so I can keep using her as a model. Perhaps in a few months, I could have her model with another little model."

"Yes, I'm sure she would enjoy that. However you want to use her would be fine with us, especially since she will always have some clothes on, and if there are any accidents you won't send those pictures to that place in Japan, right?"

"Yes, that's correct."

A few minutes later Nadia and Sofia came out of the dressing room. Vladimir sat in his chair and called Nadia to him. He put his arms around her in a big hug, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm so glad you're one of my models now, Nadia. Maybe tomorrow I can finish your birthday spankings." He laughed. "And I promise not to spank hard." He kissed her cheek and stood up, leading the group towards the door. "Drive carefully," he said to Nikoli. He hugged Nadia once more, "See you tomorrow, Nadia." Vladimir patted her bottom as she left the studio.

End Of Part One


Part Two is about half finished, but I would like your suggestions and comments.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s

Shy Girl

Another nice story from Corn. Author never disappointed us.

What made Corn's story stand out is that he has a way to write a reluctant mother been 'convinced' to go along with the plot. That makes it fun to read.

Hope second part will have some 'real' accident, like finger or penis slip into both hole, come on the girl or even inside the girl. I like it when the man insisted that the girl still a virgin even she got penetrated.


Wow, reading Cor's stories is like getting high. I always enjoy how you have little girls molested right before their mothers. I only wish yo would take it further and have them masturbated by the man until they have an orgasm and then he explains to the mother how orgasms are important for her daughter to relax before her modeling session begins. I'm also looking forward to new chapters of your other stories. You're my fave author.


Yay this is classic Corn story. I hope birthday spanking will be coming soon. And some anal fingering too!


This is a wonderfully arousing story about the step-by-step seduction of this shy little girl's innocence. You so sensuously build erotic atmosphere.
For me, as a mother, the most erotic aspect is Katka's initially protective and then half-willing compliance as she watches her girl being masturbated. You do this very realistically and it is utterly compelling.
I soooooooohope that in Part 2 the mother very slowly finds herself helplessly aroused as she watches her daughter's corruption and you slowly build their helpless, reluctant slide into an addictive, public need for perversion.
I would truly love that and I feel so would many other female Loliwood readers who identify with your work.


A fantatically arousing story - the slow build-up, the manipulation of Nadia, and reluctant willingness of her mother. I agree with Holly's comment - the reluctant arousal of the mother would be so very exciting, as would the intimate involvement of Sofia. Can't wait for part 2. Thank you.


perfect story, hopefully the birhday spankings will more and more develop into severe sexual punishments and degradations....


Very nice introduction. As always, like most of your stories.

What about a bukkake or a gangbang? Or a mother with a strapon fucking her daughter?


Great story; I like the photography/modeling story lines. You build the story very well rather than the slam, bam stories. Thanks!

Pedolf Hittler

Thumbs up to Corn! Goooooood story.


I like how Nadia is so put off by this photographer's advances. I think he should just whip it out and shove it down her throat. Seriously, this fits the theme of the website but isn't hardcore. Force that little bitch to suck the old man off and I will read the whole story.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.