Published: 28-Mar-2011
Word Count:
The next day, Thursday, Uri stopped by my room at the end of the day and asked me how things were going. "Fine." I said. "There is so much to learn. And I do want to see this place keep going."
"Some of you Americans are so self-righteous and proud, but you don't seem that way, Phillip. Do you really want to help us out?" There was a question on his face.
"Yes, and I'm trying to remain non-judgmental, because I'm the visitor here. I'm not in Kansas anymore."
"I don't know where Kansas is." He said.
"I'm not really from there, Uri. It's a saying. It means things here aren't the same as where I came from. I think we all need to make sacrifices to keep this place going."
"In some ways you do seem more open-minded than what we normally think about Americans. After all you like nudist beaches."
I laughed, "I love nude beaches. And rivers!" We both laughed, remembering that trip to the river with the girls. "But it's getting too cold and too dark to go to the river tonight. I'm sorry to see that the weather is cooling off."
"Well, I'm glad that you don't seem upset by nudity. We've talked about it. I needed to know how you really felt about it."
I remembered that we had talked about nudism and culture and the Victorian era on the first night we met. We agreed that too much negative energy that went into the governmental quashing of freedoms like that. I said, "Uri, I know that this orphanage and school is literally saving the lives of these girls. They have to make little sacrifices, too. After all, they are getting room and board and an education." I was referring to the fact that everyone on the staff, and probably those visitors, too, got to see our youthful students au natural.
He seemed kind of in a hurry, "Yes. Exactly. Anyway, if you really want to help, and if you can keep an open mind, I might be able to use your help tomorrow night when we have a ... well; it's a type of screening test. We could use your help with props and measurements and things like that. You might even enjoy it. Ludmilla says you enjoy measuring the girls in your math classes. It would be a big help with our finances if you help us get these other measurements tomorrow night."
I laughed, "Well, I don't have any plans this weekend." It had looked like it would be another boring weekend with reading, working out, and writing letters. "What's going on? What can I do to help?"
We need to get pictures and some measurements for nine of our students. Like a screen test as you might say it, but it's also a way to track their individual growth and development. Like in Hollywood. Ludmila will do the make-up and any shaving if necessary, but you could help with costumes, props, and measurements. The girls love these sessions, but we'll need your help so we can get this all done tomorrow night. The girls will help as much as they can, but still we need a few adults to keep things going."
"Well sure. I'll help however I can." I remembered the batch of pictures I saw in the file drawer, and felt a twitch in my trousers. I also remembered how cute the girls were at the river - so playful and accustomed to being naked.
When I went back to my room, I told myself that the girls seemed to enjoy it, too, and that it did provide the necessary money to keep the orphanage and school open, and that they weren't really harmed. Actually, I was arguing with myself, but finally agreed that the girls weren't being harmed and that they were all pretty, which might have been a factor that saved them in the first place. They always came back smiling after those charm school sessions.
As usual, I worked out right after school, and did some jogging. After my shower, about seven, I went over to the dining room in the girl's cafeteria to meet Uri. There seemed to be more than the usual number of giggles whenever I interacted with any of the students. I commented to the girls who were standing at the high table that they looked especially pretty tonight. These nine girls were dressed in short skirts and high heels, as if they were going to a charm school lesson that night. I was so curious about what kinds of measurements Uri wanted me to help with.
Usually the grown-ups all sat at the same table, but that night Uri invited me to sit with him with him at a table with six of the girls from my class. We made polite conversation, with the girls trying to use some of their English.
Ulia said, "We tastes good tonight, Mr. Phillip."
I laughed, and thought to myself as I nodded to her that she was probably right! "The food tastes good." I corrected her.
As the girls started clearing off the dishes, Uri said, "These are some of the girls I will need help with tonight, Phillip."
"I'll be glad to help." And I pledged to myself not to be judgmental, even if it did entail some erotic photography. At that time I was torn, and thinking about what is "right" for these girls. I wondered if this was a type of child abuse. I remembered the compromising photos that Ludmilla had taken, so I knew I couldn't go to any authorities after she had proof that I had already been playing with these girls in a sexual way. And I didn't want to see the place shut down anyway, because after all, these girls were getting a good education besides just room and board. But then I felt a twitch in my trousers while watching two ten year olds with budding breasts work together to carry a tray back towards the kitchen. I imagined them naked and wanted to see them. I confess. I wanted to see them.
The rooms we went in must have been an apartment at one time, because there seemed to be a living room, dining room, kitchen, and bedroom. As is often the case in that part of the world, the bathroom was "community style," and down the hall. This room was about twelve feet by ten feet with a double door on one side. There were two tables and several chairs. The big table had a youth mattress on it, with pillows. I also noticed a camera on the small table on top of a pile of manila file folders.
Uri said, "We have to get at least 20 pictures of each girl and also do some measurements. It's fine if you take more pictures, because we will have to sort them out so we have a representative portfolio on each student. I'll show you how to do something, and then let you do that while I go check on Ludmilla. She will be doing another test, and so will I. You will do some measurements, even though most are very subjective, and you will take pictures just like will I show you, so we can get an adoption folder started for each student. They have all done this already six months ago. We try to do ten or twelve girls each month so we keep our records to within about one half of a year while we try to get them adopted. By the time our girls are fifteen they are usually ready to go work in one of the cities, and some of them continue their studies there."
"OK. Whatever I can do to help." I said.
"Thanks, Phillip." We sat down beside each other in wooden-backed chairs next to a small table that had the file folders on top.
The first girl was Larisa, one of my nine year old students. She was a cute blonde with bright, beautiful, hazel eyes. She was wearing make-up and her hair had just been brushed. The lipstick was bright red. I thought she was very cute, and I was surprised to see that she was wearing the T-shirt I had given her and white, lacy ankle socks with black high heeled shoes. It looked to me like that was all she was wearing.
Uri had Larisa stand between his knees in front of him, with her back facing him. He said, "First you need to check breast development." He showed me the stack of file folders on the table next to me. "You will hand the girl her folder when you are done and she will take it to the next station. It should only take about ten minutes for each girl." He pulled a paper from Larisa's folder. It was a black and white form which showed ten side-view drawings of breast development - from flat to a full, D-cup. "You feel and look... Turn around Larissa... and then decide where she is on this scale with one being perfectly flat, two is puffy nipples with no breast tissue yet, three is almost a mini cupcake, as I heard you say once, and four is about half of a lemon, and so on." He reached around and put his hands up under the T-shirt and began feeling Larisa's breasts. "OK, I know where I would score her breasts. Let me see what you come up with."
I blushed brighter than Larisa as she stepped in front of me and backed up to stand between my knees. I reached up under the T-shirt like Uri had done and felt her two small, firm, braless, budding breasts. They were bigger than I thought, after having her in class for seven weeks. Hers were about stage five - a little bigger than the half-lemon size, so I said that.
Uri smiled. "Very good, Phillip." Then he said to Larisa, "Turn and lift your shirt."
She quickly turned around to face Uri and I, and she lifted her shirt, bunching the baggy T-shirt in both hands. She held it up by her shoulders and seemed to stick her breasts out towards me. "I want you to get a few pictures - front view and side views." Uri said, ignoring the fact that Larisa was not wearing panties.
I picked up the camera and took four pictures - two from the front at different zooms and two from the side. Uri felt Larisa's breasts again. "These are very nice titties, Larisa. Very nice." He gave each of them a little pinch and pulled them outwards, letting the firm breasts snap back into place. "Very nice." He repeated.
"Thank you, Sir." She said to him, but she smiled at me.
"Why isn't she wearing panties, Uri?" I asked.
"There are more tests. We find they get juicier by the end of the tests if they don't wear panties. Panties seem to soak up some of their excitement, and we want to get pictures at the end of their tests. Kind of a way to measure their reactions to certain kinds of stimulation." He nodded at Larisa. "She is pretty, no?"
"Yes, she is very cute." I said. "Beautiful."
Larisa blushed and smiled, but kept holding up the T-shirt, bunched up in her hands, so I could see everything.
"And the other thing I want you to measure while you are scoring the breast development is pubic hair development. Look front and back, because some girls start to get pubic fuzz in back, around the anus." He pulled Larisa over and had her lift one knee so she could put her foot on the edge of his chair. He leaned forward and looked closely at her bald pussy. "She is just starting to get a few fine, blond hairs, but nothing anyone would notice except in an extreme close-up. And when you are examining the girl's pussy lips, it's also a good idea to feel her breasts again and slide your hands down her tummy and lightly touch the outside edges of her pussy lips. Like this." He demonstrated. "Some of the girls are very ticklish, but not Larisa here. And I think the additional touching makes them juicer, too. And I know they like it when you pinch their nipples and then slide your hands around on their tummies down to their pussies. Try to remember to do that with each student." He felt her pussy lips with his big hand and then had Larisa put both feet on the ground and turn around again. "Bend over now, Larisa. All the way. That's a good girl. Feet apart. Pull your ass open wide with both hands so we can see. Good girl. A little wider."
Larisa pulled her ass open wider. "Very good." He said. "Now stand up again and show Mr. Phillip your pussy lips so he can examine you. Good girl." I felt her chest and pussy and looked closely. Then I had her turn and bend over so I could check her ass. "No hair that I can see. And I like her full, meaty lips. Very firm." I said, while I continued to tickle the outside of her fat pussy lips with one finger on either side. "She is a very pretty girl from head to toe."
She turned around and bent over, pulling her ass open so I could inspect her from behind. I looked at Uri. "It looks like she is starting to get wet already."
"Yes." He said, "Now get the pictures. Both positions again, Larisa. That's a good girl." When she was bending over, pulling her ass open for me, Uri continued, "Pull it open wider so he can get a close-up. Hold it. Are you glad we're letting Mr. Phillip help us tonight with the inspections and measurements?"
"Yes." She said while holding her ass open so I could take another picture.
Uri pointed to Larisa's asshole which was pulled open. He said, "See how you can see the pink center?" He touched his finger up against her anus. "A little wider now, Larisa. That's it."
I watched Uri's finger as it circled around Larisa's tiny anus. "Nice and pink in the very center. Always make sure they are pulling it open enough so you can see the pink center for your pictures tonight. You might have to ask each girl a few times to pull it wider open. Larisa is good. She is holding it wide open for you and your camera." He kept tracing circles around those radiating light brown wrinkles that circled around her tiny asshole. "Sometimes it helps to trace your finger around the ring so she will keep it pulled open for you. And I think it also helps them get more juicy. See? Her pussy is getting wetter while we touch it and look at her asshole. You tickle around it for a minute."
I started tracing circles with my fingernail against those light brown wrinkles that were stretched into an oval around the pink center. "Yes, she has a beautiful asshole. She's doing good in class, too, and always gets her homework done."
"Later I will need your opinion on the tightness of her vagina and asshole. You'll have to put your finger in and then decide how tight she is in both holes on a scale of one to ten again."
I noticed that my cock was rock hard as I listened to Uri talk while I kept tracing circles around Larisa's asshole. I said, "Put my finger in?"
"Yes, but not until after we get pictures to show how juicy each girl is. Then you will push your finger in the girl's vagina while she is on her hands and knees. And then, after you give her a score, you will put lubricant on your finger and push it all the way in her asshole." Larisa was still holding her ass open, and it did seem like she was getting wetter as we talked. Uri said to her, "You want him to measure you, don't you, Larisa?"
"Yes, Sir. I want him to."
"Well, you can help with that later on, Phillip." He patted Larisa's bottom. "Put your hands down on your knees now, Larisa, so Mr. Phillip can pull your bottom open for himself."
She put her hands on her knees. Uri nodded towards her bottom. "Pull it open for yourself. It will give you an idea of how hard she was pulling it open for you." He smiled at me. "Also, we only compliment the girls. We never compare or criticize, but rather we judge how they are maturing and how nice they look. When they start to get hair then we'll shave them clean before their photography sessions with our sponsors. That way they stay baby smooth for pictures until they get to be about fourteen or fifteen depending on how dark their hair is.
I put my hands on her bottom and pulled her ass open. I massaged and pulled her buns; patted her ass, and ran my fingers up and down her thighs. Then I put my thumbs on her thighs just below her pussy and my fingers up on her ass cheeks and pulled her open. My thumbs opened her pussy and ass at the same time, giving me a glimpse into her pinkness. Her young pussy was very wet, even wetter than when I had first noticed it a few minutes earlier. "She feels very firm, Uri. Nice muscle tone."
Uri said, "Yes, and she's getting wetter, too. She likes your touch, Phillip. That's why we don't want the girls to wear panties or sit down until all the inspections are over and we get pictures of their oozing excitement. I think Larisa is more excited tonight than during her usual inspections, and I think it's because of you, Phillip." He said to Larisa, "OK, Larisa, pull your bottom wide open again so he can touch your anus."
She put her hands back on her ass and pulled it open to show me again. Then Uri said to me. "Put the tip of your finger directly in the center of her anus."
When I had my finger in place, he said, "Larisa, you know that later Phillip is going to lubricate his finger and then push it in your bottom. Will you hold it open wide for him when the time comes?"
"Yes, Sir. I'll pull it wide open."
"Very good." He said. "You may stand up now, Larisa, Dear."
She stood and faced us, blushing. Uri said, "Very good, Larisa. I'll walk you to the next test." He stood and took her hand. He held her folder and they walked out.
A moment later ten year old Ksenia walked in. She was wearing the "Doors" T-shirt and a pair of slippers. I was blushing brighter than she was, but she walked to me and backed in between my knees.
"Are you sure you want me to feel you, Ksenia?"
"Yes. I'm sure, Mr. Phillip. I've been thinking about it for two weeks. It makes me tickle inside."
So I felt her tiny titties and scored them as twos - just swollen nipples, but no discernable mounds yet. She sucked in her breath as I felt and tickled her nipples, as if it felt very good to her. Her pussy lips and ass were both bald, and she posed for all of the pictures with a smile, even though her face was only in a few of my pictures. It felt like my cock might explode as I traced circles around her asshole - moving the radiating wrinkles and watching them snap back into place. I massaged her ass and slender legs with both hands. When I pulled her pussy open with my thumbs on her thighs she was wet inside - not as gooey wet as Larisa was, but definitely getting wet.
The next girl was eleven year old Tonya who was gooey wet before I even started. She had bigger titties, too, about fours - meaning large half lemons that rode high up on her chest.
Next came Galina, my only twelve year old student. She was happy when I said her titties were fives. I enjoyed measuring and remeasuring them, and looking at them, of course. She began stifling little moans as I kept fondling her firm titties with the light pink nipples. She too was wet, but not to the gooey stage yet. She quickly got into position so I could photograph and examine her pussy and ass. I could tell she liked the way I massaged her ass and pulled it open again and again. She was getting wet, but it didn't look like white goo yet. She was also beginning to get wispy, blond fuzz. I said, "Galina, I never guessed that you were getting to be such a big girl. You're very pretty."
"Thanks you berry much." She said in English, with a big smile on her face.
"You are welcome." I replied in English. Then in Russian, I said, "You really are a very pretty girl, Galina. Very pretty."
This was turning into one hell of a Friday night!
Eight other girls came, one at a time, for me to measure and take pictures. Uri stopped back in my examination room to say we had to examine eleven girls instead of ten that night if I didn't mind continuing to help. I laughed and said I was glad to help out. Victoria was bending over with her feet apart and her hands on her knees while I was massaging her ass - making her anus wink at me. Each time I pulled her ass and pussy open with my thumbs on her thighs and my fingers on her ass cheeks, her pussy made a little wet popping-slurping sound as it opened. I continued to pull her open; let it close; and pull her open again - while Uri came over and sat down beside me. He watched and listened. He smiled at me. "Very hot." He said, and patted Victoria's ass.
I said, "Uri, I've also noticed that some of the girls have plump, meaty lips and other girls have much thinner pussy lips. On some of the girls with thin lips you can see the clitoral ridge even when they are standing up with their feet together. Other girls have to spread their legs wide before you can see her clit. Should I put a note on each girl's file about lip fullness?"
"That's a good idea, Phillip. But our pictures will show that, too. Some of the girls have well-developed inner labia, but most of the girls only show a little hint of the inner labia. You'll be measuring their clittys later on, before and during some of the other things you will please do to help stimulate them for the pictures. We want each girl to be as juicy as possible for the final pictures, and that's when you will measure their clittys - when they are swollen to the maximum size. You may do an anal probe and a little stimulation with a vibrator to help each girl's clitty reach the maximum in stiffness. Anyway, how are you coming with the measurements and hair checks?"
"Fine. I'm glad to help. Should I hurry up to finish the others? I think I have to check four more girls."
"Are you in a hurry?" He asked.
"No. I'm happy to help out." I smiled.
Galina left a minute later and ten year old Sophie came in. She was a little on the chubby side, but still very cute. Not surprisingly her breasts were developing ahead of schedule, but some of her breast tissue was really "baby fat." I gave them a three. Her plump, meaty pussy lips were still bald and she had to spread her legs pretty far before I could see her clitty. It seemed to turn her on when I tickled my finger over her anus. For some reason, I spoke more boldly to her. "Later tonight I'm going to lubricate my finger and push it in your bottom."
"I know. I'll pull it wide open for you, Mr. Phillip." She looked at me as if she wanted to say something else, so I motioned for her to keep talking. She said, "You were nice to me when we went swimming and you held my hand and played with me in the water. Thank you."
"Well thank you, Sophie. I'm sorry we haven't talked more since then. We were always busy in class and there have always been other people around. But maybe we can talk more."
She smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Phillip."
"So, should I push my finger in your bottom once, or should I push it all the way in lots of times? I've never helped out on this project before. Tell me what you'd like, Sophie."
"You can do it lots of times. I mean if you want to. I think that way it gets more slippery inside so you can push your finger in me easier. I only had it done one other time about six months ago."
"Some girls really like it and some don't like it so much. How do you feel about it, Sophie?"
"I will like it from you."
I kept tracing my finger around the circle of pink wrinkles surrounding her anus. "Should I push my finger in slowly or real fast? How do you like it?"
"Push it in real slow at first, and get it real slippery."
"Do you want me to push it in all the way or just part way?"
"All the way in. I think that's what you're supposed to do."
"Yes, but what do you want me to do?" I emphasized the word, you."
"All the way in."
"OK, Sophie. Stand and turn around now. I need to examine your breasts a little longer." She held up her shirt with both hands while I caressed, pinched, pulled, massaged and even lightly slapped them. "This doesn't hurt, does it?"
"No." She wouldn't have had to answer because I could tell by her soft moans and flushed skin that she enjoyed it. I don't know why I kept talking to a ten year old in such a sexual manner, but then I said, "You really excite me, Sophie. I would like to suck on your breasts later if you will let me."
"Yes." She said. Her hips were beginning to move as I kept pinching and pulling on her titties.
"I want to suck on your breasts, Sophie. Look at my face. That's it. Good girl. I like how you look." I kept feeling her breasts. "I will push my finger in your anus all the way. In and out slowly. I'll keep doing that. I'll push it in while everybody is watching. They will see my finger push slowly in your anus all the way. Does that make your pussy tingle when I talk about sucking on your breasts and pushing my finger up your anus?"
He hips were constantly moving now and it was more obvious that she was turned on. The skin on her chest was mottled red with excitement. "Yes." She said.
"You're doing very good, Sophie." I said as she left. She turned and smiled at me.
Uri knocked and came in. "Time to go see the other tests." He looked at Sophie and stopped talking. He said, "Looks like you're getting Sophie nice and stimulated. Keep pinching a minute. That will help get her nice and wet for the pictures in a little while."
"I was just telling her that I would like to suck on her breasts."
"That's OK. It might make her even juicier. Go ahead. Then you two come out in a minute. I'll let you take some group photos in a little while, and then you can get close ups of each pussy after a one minute buzz. That helps them reach maximum juicy. But try not to push them all the way to orgasm. We want to stop them just short of cumming. Better pictures just before they cum. Suck Sophie for a minute - but not too long - and then come on out."
As he closed the door I pulled Sophie closer to me. "Do you want me to suck your breasts for a minute, Sophie?"
She was standing in her high heels between my knees so her breasts were even with my mouth, just inches in front of me. She didn't answer but moved her right breast against my lips. I began sucking, licking, and nibbling. Her soft moans told me she liked it. Since I didn't want her to cum, and it sounded like she was ready, I stood and walked her out to the door. I pressed her hand against my loose-fitting trousers and let her feel my hard cock through my silk boxer shorts and my trousers. I said, "You excite me, Sophie. That's why my cock is so hard. Have you ever seen a stiff cock before?"
"Just when we go swimming." She said.
"Would you like to feel my bare cock, and look at it?"
I could tell that there was nobody by the door, because I heard voices across the room. I unzipped my fly quickly and pulled out my cock. I put her hand on it and she squeezed it. "Gee. Gosh. It's so big and hard. It looks like it's getting wet."
"It's because you excite me, Sophie. I probably shouldn't be talking to you like this. Can you keep this a secret?"
"Yes." I felt her hand trembling, which excited me even more. I was afraid that I would cum all over her hand. "It's so big!" She seemed both mesmerized and afraid of it.
"If you're a good girl and you can keep a secret, I'll let you lick it. And I'll lick you, too."
She looked at me, "But I have to stay a virgin."
"I know." I said, "But if we just lick each other, Sophie, or use our fingers, you will still be a virgin."
She got a big grin on her face. "OK."
"Not here. Not now. We'll work it out." I led her out of the room so we could join the others.
A new man was holding a camera on Ludmilla as she was buzzing Galina's pussy with a slim, white vibrator. She said, "Zoom in, Georg. See how wet she is?"
Two other girls were standing behind Ludmilla, closely watching her use the vibrator on Galina's clitty. The man kept getting video of all four of them; moving around them with his camera. I could tell he was getting video of the two young girls who were watching as well as shots of Ludmilla. He zoomed in on Galina's face and panned down to her pussy as Galina reached a noisy orgasm. I could see her white cream oozing out of her vagina.
Ludmilla didn't introduce me to the man with the camera so I just stood and watched. She turned to the two girls who had been watching. "Who wants to go next?"
Both girls giggled and held up their hands. "Me! Me! Me!" They were both saying.
Ludmilla helped Galina off the table and had me help lay Larissa on her back. She said to me, "We have to try not to let her pussy touch the table because we want to capture the maximum amount of her excitement on the video." We laid Larissa on her back with her feet in make-shift stirrups - pieces of rope that had been tied through holes that were drilled through the table top. A folded blanket served as the bed.
I felt uncomfortable that the man, who looked pretty rough, was now getting me on the camera as I helped get Larissa into position. Then Larissa said, "Maybe Mr. Phillip could do it."
Ludmilla seemed to welcome the suggestion and handed me the vibrator. She said, "Don't push it up her vagina. Just tickle around the top of her clitty to help her reach maximum excitement. When you think her clitty is fully engorged we'll get a close-up of it. Then you can help her cum. OK?" She noticed me looking at the cameraman and said, "Don't worry. You'll be edited out of these videos. He's mostly getting clips of the different girls."
I didn't know what to do. I was very uncomfortable in front of the strange man with the camera, but didn't want to discuss it just then. Not in front of the girls and not in front of the man who was probably armed. I smiled and said, "My pleasure." I took the vibrator in my right hand and stroked it on Larissa's beautiful thighs. "This will tickle a little bit." I told her.
"I know." Her voice sounded a little shaky. She was already wet - even wetter that when I saw her pussy earlier. I began running the vibrator in little circles around her clitty, before pressing it right on her swollen, pink knot of nerves. The man zoomed in as I pushed her pussy lips apart and up, fully exposing the swollen clitty. Copious amounts of white excitement were starting to ooze out of Larissa's vagina. The man backed up and I knew he was getting pictures of me as Larissa reached orgasm. I couldn't take my eyes off the young pussy, though, and enjoyed watching her cum.
I did several other girls that way, and was photographed doing each one, but by then I didn't care. I also couldn't hide the bulge in my pants. I wondered if that would show up in the videos, too.
Then Ludmilla pushed Sophie towards me. "What about her ass? Shouldn't I check that first?" I blurted out without thinking and then regretted that I had exposed my thoughts so plainly.
Ludmilla looked at Sophie, but talked to me. "We'll do the ass probes in a little while. In fact, Uri is doing some of them now. We've found that it doesn't matter if we do the vibrator first or the ass probes first. Either way the girls reach maximum wetness. Some of the girls also have several orgasms during these examinations. Do you want Mr. Phillip to do your ass first or use the vibrator, Sophie?"
"Ass." Said Sophie.
I think she picked up that that's what I wanted to do first.
Ludmilla said, "Take her back in the other room and do her ass probes. Georg will come in shortly to get some video of that, and then he'll get a tape of her vibrator session and hopefully an orgasm. Maybe she'll have one for you."
When she said that, I figured that Ludmilla had worked with the girl before and didn't think she had reached an orgasm. Then it hit me that this was part of what they meant by "Charm School."
By that time I was too horny to object to anything, and besides, I was already on tape using a vibrator on a several pre-teen girls while I stared at those hairless pussies.
I led a smiling Sophie back into the other room and got her up on the table. We put her in the hands and knees position on the table and then she lowered her head to a pillow and put her hands on her ass, pulling herself open for me.
Ludmilla walked in with us and gave me a small tube of lubricant. "Have fun. I think you'll both enjoy this measurement session. You'll have to do finger probes on all the girls tonight, Phillip, so try to do a pressure rating on each asshole, with ten being the loosest so your finger would just slide right in, and one would be the tightest so you can hardly push your greasy finger in. Take your time getting them lubricated and write down your rating after each one."
I lubricated my finger and began lubricating Sophie's bottom. She was tight and I gave her a three. I put more lubricant on my finger and pushed it in slowly. Georg walked in while my finger was all the way in Sophie's butt. He spoke for the first time, interviewing her while I continued fingering her ass.
"How old are you Sophie?"
"And what is Phillip doing to you right now?"
"He's unnnn... putting his finger in my bottom."
"Does that feel good to you? Do you like having Phillip push his finger up your ass?" He was shooting us from a few feet away and I was pretty sure that I was also in this video.
"Yes. Unnnnnn. I like it. He does it real slow."
Then he stood next to me and got a close up of my finger pushing into her ass. My Timex that I bought before the trip was also in the video, along with a little tattoo on my wrist. I wished he would leave, and I hoped he really would edit me out of his pictures and video clips, although something told me that like Ludmilla's pictures of me at the river, they wanted "evidence" that I was participating in their operations.
But that thought was replaced by passion as Sophie moaned louder with each insertion. Then I wiped off her bottom with a tissue and helped her get into vibrator position on her back.
She lifted her legs as if I was going to change her diaper. There were no stirrups on this table but she was able to hold her ankles with her hands while she laid on her back. Her legs were raised above her head and she pulled them wide apart with her hands - almost back down to the table. The black spiked heels of her patent leather shoes were pointed at the back wall. I folded a towel and put it under her bottom. She was very wet already and Georg zoomed in on her open pussy.
He said, "Would you like Mr. Phillip to put a finger in your anus while he vibrates your clitty?"
"Oh, yes. Unnn." She sounded ready to cum. Her skin was flushed. I hadn't even touched the vibrator to her clitty yet.
Georg said, "Do both at the same time, Phillip. That will be a hot video clip."
He was beginning to seem nicer. Maybe it was because I was cooperating. And it could be we both liked looking at the eager ten year old holding her legs apart like that. I lubricated my finger again and turned on the vibrator. I pushed my finger in her ass first and then began doing little circles around her clitty with the vibrator.
Georg said, "Sophie, tell us what Phillip is doing now. When you are ready for an orgasm, go ahead. Show Phillip that it feels good to you."
She had some difficulty talking. The vibrator was buzzing loudly. She said, "Unnn, Mr. Phillip put his finger in my bottom and he is touching me with the vibrator. Oh, Mr. Phillip, that feels so goooooooood. Unnnnnnnn." Then she came. After buzzing her clitty less than a minute.
I pulled the vibrator away, knowing she would be super sensitive there. Georg was zooming in on her pussy. Then he stepped back and got more video of the two of us. I still had my finger all the way up Sophie's tight ass. I kept it there as Sophie calmed down. It took a couple minutes and we were all quiet as she stopped moaning.
"Thank you, Mr. Phillip. That felt so good." She had really creamed herself with white goo oozing from her vagina. Her clitty was still red and swollen - still so stiff as if trying to peek out from under the sheath.
I turned off the vibrator with my right thumb. My right forefinger was still buried up Sophie's ass. After setting down the vibrator I put my left hand above her pussy and pushed the skin on her plump mound upwards. This exposed her little, pink button. Georg got a close-up of the tiny, stiff organ - like a miniature penis trying to peek out.
For some reason, I wanted to lick Sophie's pussy; to taste her. Maybe I wanted to impress Georg; show him that I trusted that he would edit me out of his tape. Or maybe I just wanted to taste her and was so excited that I could almost cum in my pants. But I leaned forward and began licking Sophie's wet pussy. I pulled my finger out of her ass and then rammed it back in all the way. This sent her over the edge again a minute later. She did taste good. She was moaning and calling my name as she came again. I was aware of Georg and his camera a few feet away.
I helped her down. She took off the shoes and hugged me. Georg led her to do the door. I heard him say to Ludmilla that I was ready to help the next girl, and that Sophie was all done. Ludmilla asked him something as she took Sophie's hand. I couldn't tell what she asked, but Georg said, "He will work out fine. We'll use him with other girls."
The way he said it made me think he meant more than just the girls here at the school. It piqued my curiosity. I must have passed some kind of test. I felt good and bad at the same time, but was anxious for the next girl to come in.
I checked all nine assholes and gave them ratings. I also got to use the vibrator on three others, and then licked them clean after their orgasms. They all thanked me and called me by name while they were experiencing their orgasms. Two of the other girls had a second orgasm while I was licking them off. I was in the club now - ready to help with their charm school.
That night I masturbated and cried in succession. Then I got out my lesson plans for the upcoming English and math classes. Maybe it was guilt, but I wanted to help these girls get a good enough education so they could make better decisions once they were truly on their own someday.
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