Published: 27-Mar-2011
Word Count:
I was assigned to teach four English classes and two math classes each day. There would be 15 to 20 students in each class and in my homeroom.
At dinner in the cafeteria I sat with Uri, Ludmilla, Oleg, and Demetri while alternating teams of girls delivered the bowls or platters of food so we could all eat family style. All of the girls rotated through the various jobs in the cafeteria and in the school as a whole - cleaning, emptying trash, washing dishes, doing laundry, etc. Uri said it was part of their overall vocational training.
The girls, ages eight to sixteen, all attended my English classes and half of them were also in one of my math classes. It was a nice teaching experience because the girls were motivated to do their best. We played games and had contests. They wore uniforms - short dresses and white blouses with white ankle socks and gym shoes. The blouses were sheer - and loose enough - so that I noticed that none of the girls wore a bra.
Ludmilla was the physical education and dance instructor. Occasionally we collaborated to come up with ways to mix all of the subjects together. I remember when we were learning angles; we measured the angle between each girl's straight legs in various dance positions. Ludmilla stressed that it was necessary for the girls to learn to spread her legs wide. To my surprise she winked at me when she said that. Demetri joined two sawed-off meter sticks at one end with a single bolt and a wing nut so we could hold one against the girl's leg that was on the ground and put the other meter stick against the girl's raised leg. Then, whoever was doing the measuring would tighten the wing nut and we would then measure the angle. I always enjoyed doing measurements with the girls so they could convert from metric to American units of measure. The girls enjoyed this, too. Sometimes in class I would have them take each other's measurements and then I would verify their findings - with inadvertent feels - and then we would convert the measurements. The girls followed directions quickly and none of them seemed overly shy about exposing her panties. I suppose it was because of our swimming excursions.
On Tuesday, Ludmilla came into my classroom after school with a big envelope full of pictures from our swimming party. She gave them to me with a smile and complimented my photography. "Our sponsors got these developed for you. They liked your pictures, too. I put some of the pictures I took that day in with yours. This way you can write the girls' names on the pictures so you will remember all the names." She liked to kid me about how I pronounced some of the names. She also chided me because I couldn't remember some of the girls' names yet.
I looked through the color pictures - all in roughly five by seven format, glossy. The pictures were great, and all most all of them showed the cute naked girls in intimate detail. The pictures that Ludmilla had taken of me in the water playing with the girls caught me looking right at various girls' hairless pussies. Some of her pictures showed me in the process of throwing a girl up in the air, or putting a girl on my shoulders, or in other compromising positions... showing my hand on a young breast or pussy. Ludmilla smiled as I looked through the pictures. "I'm glad you like our girls, Phillip. They are so sweet. They like you, too." She turned and left, leaving all the photos with me.
The next night, over a few bottles of wine with the adults, Uri shared his theory that during periods of ethnic civil wars over the previous five years, it was often only the young girls who were spared. He felt that boys who were old enough to fire a gun, often did, and therefore many of them got killed - while either fighting, or after capture. Girls, babies, or very old people, were often the only ones spared. I was horrified, but then accepted that maybe for that part of the world that was just the way things were.
Oleg said he thought that maybe our sponsors had something to do with who was spared by offering a reward for cute girls turned over to one of their orphanages. Uri gave him a look that he had gone too far, and the subject was changed back to school topics, or weather, politics, food, and favorite wines. It was decided that we would have one more bottle before putting the girls to bed. They had been relatively quiet - all working on homework or finishing up chores - while we sat on the stuffed couches on the far end of the dining room near the only television set. The set was off because there was only one station, and that night there was a Czech dubbed version of Bonanza playing.
They had a videotape player, but it was different than the tape players in the US. Sometimes they would get movies in English and I would help translate while all of us watched the movie. The girls would bring their blankets and pillows and lay on the floor between our stuffed couches and chairs and the big TV. Each of the adults would hold one or more girls on our laps. Positions changed every time we took a little break. I enjoyed holding a girl on my lap. One night I noticed that the girl Oleg was holding on his lap began making noises as if she was very sexually excited. They were sitting on one of the other couches so I wasn't real close. Oleg was sitting up and they had a blanked wrapped around them, like the rest of us. Oleg and Galina only had their heads sticking out from the blanket. I couldn't tell what position they were in, except that both were facing the TV. I only glanced over there a few times and was surprised that none of the other adults or girls acknowledged her pleasure moans.
She wasn't as loud as the adventure movie we were watching, but we could tell when she reached her orgasm, because she was moving and moaning in short, staccato breaths. One of the other girls started giggling. The girls beside the giggling girl scooted away from her and sent her warning glances. Then Ludmilla clicked her finger and pointed to the giggling girl. She looked back at Ludmilla, who also had a girl on her lap. Ludmilla held up five fingers and pointed to the side of the room.
A little while lager we took a break and everybody stood up. During this first break the girls made popcorn and got something to drink. Some of the girls waited on the adults, and I ordered a local beer. There were several brands that I've never seen in the US, but I love their rich beers. A few years ago the brewers in the Czech Republic were able coin the name Czech Beer which can only be used on beers brewed in certain parts of their country. Anyway, two girls giggled and raced off the get me a beer as Ludmilla signaled for me to come with her to spank the girl who giggled when the girl on Oleg's lap was having an orgasm. At least that's what it sounded like to me.
Ludmilla had the girl flip up her skirt, pull down her panties and hold her ankles. I watched as Ludmilla gave the offender five quick smacks with her right hand. Then Ludmilla explained to me, "Girls are taught to ignore those kinds of noises - wherever they are - in the dorm, or here watching a video, or wherever. I want them to feel free to make noises when they need to. We encourage our girls to enjoy pleasure and don't want them to stifle their pleasure noises. Then she looked at Cermaka, "Do you want Mr. Phillip to give you another five spanks?"
Cermaka said, "No. I mean, not unless you think he should."
Ludmilla smiled at me. "We like the girls to have discipline and to accept authority. Why don't you give her three spanks?" She motioned for Cermaka to get back in position.
I gave her rosy bottom another three spanks.
Ludmilla said, "Give Mr. Phillip your panties, Cermaka. He will give them back to you next week. You are not allowed to wear panties again until he gives this pair back to you. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Mam." She stepped out of her panties and handed them to me. I put them in my pocket.
Then we all went back into the TV area. I took a big sip of that delicious, cold brew and sat on the couch. A different girl climbed onto my lap. I put a blanket over us and tucked it in so that my right arm could reach my beer which was on an end table between the two couches. My mind was running wild. This place was bizarre. I loved it, but also had a certain sense of fear.
We settled in to watch the rest of the movie. Lexa was in my afternoon English class and I knew she was eleven years old. She was also very cute and quiet, although she had a good sense of humor. I put my left hand around her so it rested on her left thigh. Without saying anything, she turned slightly and put her foot up on the couch between my knees and opened her legs. My left arm was around her back and my hand was now on the inside of her left thigh. As the movie progressed my hand began moving. After finishing my beer I pulled my right hand under the blanket and rested it on her tummy, reaching under her right arm. She took my hand in both her hands and placed my hand on her left breast. We kept watching the movie while I fondled her breasts under the blanket, sometimes slipping my hand inside her loose-fitting blouse.
I noticed that Uri, Ludmilla, Oleg, and Demetri each had a girl on their laps. Everyone was under a blanket because the night air cooled off quickly after sundown. A few minutes later, Lexa took my right hand down between her legs and placed my hand on her panties. Part of me felt like I shouldn't continue to fondle my student like this, but we were all there watching a movie together and my fingers began moving of their own accord. Soon one of my fingers slid into the leg hole of her panties and I found myself rubbing it through her slit which seemed very wet and slippery. I whispered in her ear, "Lexa, is this OK with you?"
She didn't say anything. She laid her head back on my shoulder; turned her head and kissed my cheek. Then she put her head back up to watch the movie. I continued to rub her slit. I could feel that she was getting wetter as I rubbed. I began flicking my fingernail over her clitty.
It worried me when she started moving more on my lap. She couldn't hold still as I kept flicking her clitty with my left hand and pinching her nipple with my right. She was breathing louder but nobody looked at us. I saw that the girls who were sitting on one of the adults' laps were all squirming around, looking blankly towards the TV. Lexa grabbed my hand and pressed it against her pussy as she came. Fortunately, Lexa was very quiet about her orgasm.
I tried not to look directly at any of the other adults until Lexa finished her soft moans. They weren't nearly as loud as the girl who had an orgasm earlier, but I was self-conscious about this noise. As she stopped I heard the girl on Uri's lap begin to breathe harder. I snuck sideways glances at the other adults and each of them had a girl who seemed about ready to cum. Then I noticed, while pretending to get one last sip of beer, that some of the positions the girls were in were not the normal sitting-on-a-lap position. The girl on Ludmilla's lap looked more like she was on her hands and knees across her lap. The girl on Uri's lap had an ankle and foot up on the arm rest next to Uri's right hand, and her other foot and ankle were sticking out of the blanket on the other side of his blanket. It looked that that girl - a twelve year old - was doing the splits over his lap.
Then I watched the rest of the movie while Lexa rubbed my chest affectionately with her hand. It was almost as if she was purring. She was hot. She was eleven. I felt good and bad at the same time.
After the movie, the girls began straightening up the room and took the pillows and blankets to their dorm rooms. Some of the girls cleaned up the bottles, pop corn bowls, and glasses.
That night in my room I wondered about what was going on in that orphanage-school. I considered leaving, but I knew I shouldn't report them because that would jeopardize the whole orphanage. And I remembered that Ludmilla had been taking pictures of me playing with the girls in the river. So I decided to go along with things. After all, nobody was hurting the girls.
The next day, everybody seemed perfectly normal. The only difference I noticed was that Lexa smiled more in class and tried her best to get every questions right. I asked her to see me after school.
She came back into my classroom after everybody else had left. I said, "Lexa, I'm sorry about last night, if I offended you. I probably shouldn't have touched you that way."
"It felt good. I liked it. Thank you."
"Did you sleep OK?"
"Yes, but then I wished you were holding me." She blushed.
"But do the adults always do that with you girls during the movies?"
She looked around. In almost a whisper, she said, "We're not supposed to talk about it. But it felt good, Mr. Phillip. Thank you. I'm glad you liked me."
We heard Uri's loud shoes coming down the hall. Lexa said, "Pretend you're spanking me if he asks questions." She bent over and pulled down her panties.
I spanked her as Uri walked into my room. He saw what I was doing and smiled. "Very good, Phillip. The girls need to learn discipline." He turned and walked out, closing the door behind him. I gave Lexa a few more audible smacks.
When we heard Uri's shoes go back into the office, I said, "I'm sorry, Lexa, was that too hard?"
"No. It gave me tingles. Thank you, Mr. Phillip. You can spank me anytime."
"Does Ludmilla spank you harder?"
She smiled. "Mr. Phillip, really, we're not supposed to talk about anybody except with Uri, and we have to tell him the truth." Then she smiled at me. "Yes, she spanks harder. Lots harder. But if you take you spankings like a big girl, then she gives us a little buzzer treatment, and that feels good. So it's not so bad. But..."
"But what?" I asked, whispering like her.
"But it's embarrassing, because usually she has two or three of even five or six girls to spank and she spanks us one at a time in different positions and then uses the buzzer while the other girls watch. But I like watching her do that to the other girls, but it's embarrassing like when I get those noisy tingles with the other girls watching me."
"Do they..." she held up her hand because we could hear Uri coming out of his office again.
"I have to go." She whispered. She handed me her panties and opened the door. In a louder voice she said to me, "I'll be good tomorrow. Then I can earn my panties back." She turned and left as Uri approached my room.
"It's good you are using more discipline, Phillip. I see you took her panties. She is not allowed to wear panties until she does a good job in class and they you can spank her again after school and give them back to her. It's one of our little customs here. I don't think the girls mind. The do try to do good work in school, don't they?"
"Yes. They try hard."
"We have other little customs, too, Phillip, which you'll learn over time."
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