Published: 27-Mar-2011
Word Count:
It was a 30 minute walk to the riverbank. Demetri left in the van while we were getting all the girls ready to go. We followed slowly, with some groups of girls breaking into song. Different girls would walk beside me, taking my hand. I tried to switch often so as not to play favorites. The students ranged in age from around eight to about sixteen.
Each girl tried to introduce herself in English, and I could tell they had been practicing, "Hallo. My name Gulnara. I eleven. Nice meet you." Their introductions were usually followed by a giggle. During the walk to the river I got to meet most of the girls. Almost half of the girls were blond, and the rest most of the other girls had various shades of brown. I counted two red heads, although several of the blonds looked like they could either be a blond or red head, depending on the light. Two of the girls were light skinned blacks. Two girls had more olive complexions with beautiful green eyes. There were no Asians that I could see. All of them were cute and there were lots of giggles and horseplay along the trail. Two of the older girls were about five feet four, just up to my nose. I felt funny when I held hands with the older girls, but actually, as was custom in many places in Europe, most of the girls were holding hands with another girl if they weren't holding hands with one of us adults.
I did lots of mental undressing as we walked - noticing which girls were already beginning to develop figures; who had the cutest bottoms, and so on. I also noticed that none of the girls wore bras, even the older girls who had noticeable breasts. A few of the girls knew some English words and phrases and wanted to show me. I could tell that M-TV had already influenced these teen and pre-teen girls. They even named some of their favorite rock stars.
One of the girls looked like she had a few extra pounds and seemed shier than the others. I stepped up to walk beside her and took her hand. She gave me the biggest smile, like she couldn't believe that I chose to hold her hand. Her name was Sophie and when I finally got her to talk, said she was ten years old. We walked together for a while and I asked her if she would like to play with me in the water.
"Yes!" Her smile would have answered even if she wouldn't have said it.
We arrived at the riverbank which was a relatively sandy area. Uri and Ludmilla directed the set up of the backpacks, blankets for the sand, and so on, and soon some of the girls were undressing in the grassy area, leaving their clothes and shoes in little piles, or on hooks on their permanent clothes rack on the grassy area next to the sandy-rocky beach. I sat on a big log to untie my shoes. I also thought that some of them seemed disappointed that I already had on my boxer-style swimming suit under my jeans.
Some of the girls seemed shy and tried to cover themselves with their hands as they dashed to the water. Other girls took their good old time, trying to give me a good look on their way to the river. Uri and Ludmilla stayed dressed and supervised the girls who were out of the water. Demetri threw out a Frisbee and some balls, and then worked on fastening some ropes to trees in case we needed a quick shelter. All sixty four girls came to the beach party, but only sixty went swimming. Four of the older girls undressed down to their panties to sunbathe. Uri whispered to me that it was their 'time,' but they would get in the water the next time we went swimming. I just nodded.
I became honorary life guard, and was soon giving lessons to groups of giggling girls. Demetri joined us in the water after he had set up a table on the shore where the grown-ups would have lunch after our first swim. He said we would be ready for the quick thunderstorms which could pop up at anytime in that part of the country.
Some of the girls were playing with a Frisbee with Demetri in the shallow water, while I started throwing girls out into chest deep water as they tried to climb onto my shoulders. A few of the girls did get brief shoulder rides before I flipped them into the water. We made a game of it. I knew that my back and shoulders would have lots of scratches, but it was worth it. This was fun!
Then one of the girls showed me something that Oleg would do with them in the water. She laid on her back while I stood with my forearms under her hips and shoulders. The water was just above my waist, so I had to squat down a little bit. Then the girl spread out her arms and legs and a girl held on to each of her feet or hands and tried to lay on her tummy while I turned around - pulling all four girls in a small circle. I couldn't go very fast, even with the four girls kicking their feet. Each girl wanted a turn to be in the middle. I looked down at each girl's pussy which was just 10 - 14 inches from my face. Her legs were apart giving me a close-up view of her open pussy. That's the first time I realized that there was such a difference in clits and mounds. Some full mounds with meaty lips completely hid the clitoral ridge, while other girls had thinner lips and a very visible clitoral ridge. One of the girls had an exceptionally large clit even though her pussy was still almost completely bald. All of the breasts were different, too - with variations in size, shape, firmness, nipple color, how high on the chest, the diameter of areolas. Some of the girls had puffy nipples and some of the nipples were even inverted - like a bellybutton that goes in. I was mesmerized, and didn't know where to look.
While I was playing with the groups of girls I looked up on the shore and noticed that Ludmilla was laughing and taking pictures - including some of me. I was glad to see her laugh because at first she struck me as too serious all the time - almost grim.
Then I had the girls let go of the hands and feet of the girl I was turning, so I was able to turn around much faster. I also lifted the girl's hips farther out of the water. All of the giggling girls wanted a turn, and I was happy to oblige them - watching how their firm, little breasts jiggled and how tiny or large their lips and clits looked. Such a wonderful variety.
I noticed that Sophia was watching my group so I called to her to come over. She hopped right to me and seemed thrilled to get a turn. She had chubby titties that looked as much baby-fat as breast tissue. Her nipples were pale, and her bald pussy lips were full and meaty, but when she spread her legs I could see that her clitoral ridge was also large with the tiniest of pink, inner labia. My penis had been semi hard since arriving at the river - or indeed since I had first heard about the swimming party. But it suddenly became fully hard as I looked at Sophia's bald pussy.
We all played in the water as I started throwing the girls up in the air to land a few feet away. I accidentally managed to fondle almost everybody's breasts and ass in the course of their games. I could no longer hide the fact that I had a raging erection, so I stayed in deeper water. Although while wrestling around I hugged many of the girls against me or they hit my penis with either a hand or foot or are while trying to climb up on me, nobody said anything about it, so I hoped that the girls didn't notice.
When I meandered out to chest-deep water, some of the girls came out too. I figured these were the good swimmers, so I had them do some little races. I held my arms out and two girls would lie on their tummies with their ankles over the wrists of my outstretched arms. Then I said, "Go!" in English, and off they went - giving me a moment's rest while two more got into position.
I moved back in to waist deep water and began giving the girls a push while they floated on their back. After a few trials from different starting positions I would stand and the girl would float on her back and I took a foot in either hand. I pulled the girl towards me, spreading her legs wide so that my arms were back behind me a little ways and her open pussy was almost against my tummy, and I was standing between her spread legs. Then I would push with both arms sending her on her way. All the girls wanted to try that. With some of them I would squat a little lower in the water to get a closer look at their bald pussies - again noticing the variety of pussy lips and clittys. What wonderful views - from just inches away!
Then some of the girls wanted me to hold them as they floated on their tummies and then give them a gliding push so they could float out towards the middle. One girl explained that this was a game that Oleg played with them. They said sometimes he put the girl on her tummy and sometimes on her back. I could see why he would like to do that - with those firm, young breasts and bald pussy lips so close to my hungry eyes - or - when face down I could feel those firm young breasts. I tried not to let on that I was staring, or that I enjoyed sliding my hands along their backs as they floated in the water - trying not to linger on those full, youthful bums. Some of the girls were still completely flat, but many had breasts from acorn-size puffy nipples to full oranges. Nipple color ranged from light pink to brown to reddish pink. Some of the older girls had noticeably erect nipples where as the younger ones were just playing in the water. I held each girl for several seconds before pushing them forwards while they floated on their backs to see who could go the farthest on one push. Some of the pubic mounds were large with full, meaty lips and some were thin with the clitoral ridge showing even when the girl had her legs together.
The older girls also had pubic hair - from a dusting of fine blond hairs, to a fuller dark bush. On the two older girls with a full bush, it looked to me like they had trimmed them. A few of the older girls puzzled me at first when I noticed they had wispy hairs in their armpits, but not on their pussies. On closer, circumspect inspection I decided it looked like they had been shaved. I couldn't figure that out at the time, and didn't ask Uri or Demetri until much later, and by then I already knew the answer.
I was enjoying holding these girls - one hand on their back between her shoulders and the other hand sliding down her back sliding over her bottom - no hurry - and down to behind her knees to get them ready to push off. The girls came right back for another turn and it looked like a line was forming so I just picked up one of the girls by putting my arms under her back and knees and then throwing her out to deeper water. Soon they all wanted to do that. I was glad to see some of the younger girls start a game of tag in more shallow water. Then one of the eleven year olds with cute little cupcakes and a meaty, bald mound, suggested that I let her ride on my shoulders. We kept playing and horsing around with a constant stream of nubile pre-teens wanting me to pick them up or throw them in the water.
Natasha said, "Oleg likes me to lie on my tummy and then he pushes me like a little boat." She was standing next to my right hip and was suddenly lying on her tummy, floating right in front of me. I put one hand under her tummy and my right hand under her knees but she said, "No, like one hand on my chest and one hand on my hips and then he pushes me."
I knew right then that Oleg had been feeling this girl up, because when I put my hands where she said, I was holding one of her cupcakes in my left hand with my right hand on her left knee. It took me a minute to get my hands in position as she floated in front of me, but I was in no hurry. Natasha was in no hurry either and seemed to enjoy having me get a good grip on her breast and knee. "Like this?" I asked, since she still had her head up out of the water.
"Yes. That's it, Mr. Phillip. Squeeze tighter and then push me on my knee." She put her face down in the water with her hands together in front of her head, so I gave her breast a little squeeze and then pushed her away with my right hand on her left knee. She floated out about ten feet and then the other girls wanted a turn.
I was worried that I had been too obvious about squeezing Natasha's breasts so instead of having another girl float on her tummy, I picked up two girls - one in each arm - with my forearm under their bottoms and began bouncing and turning with them - pretending I was an old-fashioned washing machine shaking them back and forth. They hugged me and giggled as I bounced them around. They liked to rub their hands through the dark hair on my chest.
Some of the girls were doing handstands in the river trying to outdo each other with splits, backward somersaults, and so on. Then they wanted me to hold their hips while they did handstands with their hips clear out of the water. They did the splits as far as they could while I held them up. My God! What a view that was. Other girls wanted me to hold them, but after just a few, Uri said it was time for lunch. Some of the girls headed to the shore, just twenty feet away and a little upstream. The bottom was covered with rounded pebbles and gritty sand, just like their beach. One of the girls said, "Mr. Phillip, I have to pee. Can you hold me?"
"What?" I answered softly. Most of the other girls were heading back so there were only the three twelve year olds near me.
Valentina said, "Um, when we have to pee we're supposed to be downstream from our swimming area, but it gets deeper. Oleg would hold me so I didn't drift too far downstream where it's over my head because I can't swim."
The other two girls nodded. Zoya said, "That's right, Mr. Phillip. Oleg holds us while we pee."
I wasn't sure if they were telling the truth, but I knew that I couldn't get out of the water just then anyway, because of the big tent in my swimming shorts. So I held Valentina and stepped a few feet downstream. That's when she said, "Oleg thinks I'm kidding him and that I don't really have to pee, so he puts his hand right under me so he can feel if the warm water comes out."
She had me stand with my knees apart and bent, and she kept her hands around my neck as she stood with her feet on my knees so she could squat. Only our heads were out of the water. "Put your hand against me and then you'll feel the warm water so you'll know I'm telling the truth. Put it right against me, like where I pee from."
I still didn't know if she was telling me the truth, but I went along with her instructions and put my hand against her bare pussy. "Like this?"
"Yes. Hold it there. And then you'll know that I really do have to pee." I could feel her clitty against the palm of my hand and then I felt the warm pee begin coming out between my fingers. I held my hand there until she was done. She kept wiggling while she was peeing, which effectively rubbed her clitty against my hand. I wasn't sure what to do, but kept looking into her face. She just looked back and smiled as she kept peeing and rubbing herself gently against my hand. Soon the warm water stopped. I let her wiggle a moment longer and the let her step down off my knees.
"Thank you, Mr. Phillip. I'm afraid of the deep water. Thanks for holding me."
Then the other two girls wanted me to help them, too. Zoya was the girl with the noticeable bush, even though it was wispy and blond. I felt the hair flowing in the little bit of water between my hand and her bare pussy as she, too, peed so I could feel the warmth. She rubbed herself against my hand, too. Then Olya also had to pee.
After the three of them went up to the shore I tried to think about my grandmother, or a dead puppy, or anything to help my cock relax, and then I went up to join everybody for lunch.
Uri said he was glad that it didn't rain on our party. Ludmilla asked me if I wanted to get pictures of the girls. I think she was hoping that some of the naked girls would balk, giving her an excuse to spank them.
Before I was finished eating, Ludmilla told some of the younger girls that they should all pose in front of the tree that was a few feet in front of me. She picked a shy girl to come first. She said she was too embarrassed, so Ludmilla took her hand and led her over to a big log next to the adults. She had the girl bend over with her feet apart and grasp her ankles. "You don't want your picture taken, but is this embarrassing, Raisa? Mr. Phillip can see you plainly now." She gave the girl five quick swats, but none of them were very hard.
I was glad she didn't spank the girl hard, because I suspected that she had been through plenty of trauma already in her first nine years of life. Then she stood and I reluctantly took her picture. "You're very pretty, Raisa. I hope you'll like this picture. I'll show it to you when the pictures come back."
I felt a glare from Ludmilla for my politeness, but I didn't turn to face her. Within twenty minutes I had shot three rolls of film on my 35mm Nikon. Ludmilla called the girls over in alphabetical order. I also took pictures of groups of five girls - front and back - as they held hands. Ludmilla said she would write their names on the pictures for me so that I could learn their names faster. She said, "The pictures will be back in about two weeks, and you'll probably remember many of the names by then, but we'll review them together.
After I took these group pictures, the groups ran back to the river. Each group giggled and invited me to come into the water to play with them some more. I wasn't sure if "play with me" had the same double meaning in Czech as in English, but suspected it might.
I was much bolder in the water with the girls - feeling every breast while pretending to help them swim, or throw them up in the air, or float on their backs. I even felt up the flat girls. I also noticed girls going downstream to stand still for a few minutes before coming back to join the group. We could only play in the water for about an hour after lunch and pictures, when Uri said it looked like a storm coming up.
We broke came and each of us carried a backpack back to the school, beating a storm that came up just before we reached the shelter of the girl's dorm.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |