Published: 26-Mar-2011
Word Count:
Danny arrived on his bike Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. He ran into the garage and knocked on the door to the house as he pushed the button to close the big garage door. Gloria simultaneously felt thrilled and worried.
She was relieved that nobody came to see her from Danny's family, or the police, for the last few days, so she knew he must have kept his promise and didn't tell anybody. She was thrilled to see him, but worried about how he would be during his first training session. She would have to be careful, and go step-by-step, like she had been planning for the last few days. She had talked things over with Alan, who had pretended to be Mr. Thompson. Nobody except Gloria was using their real name.
Gloria opened the door and said, "Hi, Danny. I'm glad you came over today. You can cut the grass later, but before you get dirty, I want to get you all clean and give you a thirty minute training session. OK?"
"OK. I came straight here after school, Gloria. Mom thinks I'm cutting your grass and doing other chores for you." He was smiling.
Gloria smiled and hugged him. She leaned forward to look at him face to face. Their noses almost touched. Gloria raised an eyebrow, like a fellow conspirator, "Danny, Honey, did you have a good time last Saturday?" She was almost whispering.
"Yes! That was so much fun. I want to do it again."
Gloria was relieved beyond words. She was trim and very fit for her thirty five years, and most men found her very attractive. However, she still liked training the young ones. It reminded her of some of the fun times she had years ago with her uncle.
She stood and hugged him again. "Emily will be there again this coming Saturday, and you'll be able to go farther with her. Do you know what I mean?"
"Yes, I think so." He tried to put on a bravado face, but his doubts showed through.
Gloria said, "Well, come on upstairs and I'll explain more while I give you a bath. Then we'll have a little training session. And then I'm sure you will do fine training Emily and even the other girls or boys we might have there in the future. And when we're doing a training session, call me 'Mrs. Robinson.' OK?" She took his hand and led him upstairs, creating a few questions in his mind on purpose as she talked about the other girls and boys he would be working with.
"And after your bath I have some special outfits for you to model. I only need a few pictures today, so it will only take five minutes before you get in bed with me. Then I'll really start your training. And don't be shy about me giving you a bath today..." She laughed... keeping a steady stream of comments, compliments, and laughter. She wanted to put him at ease, plant some seeds for him to think about, and get him turned on. "So, don't be shy with me because I'm your trainer today, and I have seen you naked already, and dressed up like a girl with lipstick and hair ribbons, and I watched you fondle and lick Emily's titties and her pussy, and I saw you cum several times, even when Hans had his big finger in your bottom and you must have liked it because you came. I washed your naked body, and I even put a finger in your bottom, too, so you don't need to be shy around me, do you?" She laughed.
Danny laughed, too, trying to act like everything was normal as she turned on the bathwater, and began to undress him. He started to help but she took his wrists and put his hands to his sides, "I'll do it. Just put yourself in my hands, Danny. I've trained other boys, so just let me help you. And you are so cute, and...." She kept chattering away - talking about seeing other girls' pussies, and acting silly with other boys, and getting to fuck Emily next Saturday... a constant stream of comments to keep him excited and off balance. "OK, Danny, hands and knees in the tub. I'll wash your bottom and cock first to get you really clean before I lick you. You'll enjoy your training session today, Danny, and you will probably like the funny clothes I want you to model after your bath. Just call me 'Mrs. Robinson while I'm training you. If you're doing the yard or doing other chores, then call me 'Gloria.' OK?"
Danny didn't know what to think, but she kept talking so he couldn't ask questions, and when she started washing him. It felt so good that he couldn't think straight anyway. He had started getting an erection on his bike on the way to Gloria's house. Now it was hard as a rock and she was kneeling beside the tub washing his cock with her left hand. Her right hand was washing his ass and balls. She stroked over his anus and said, "I won't put my finger in right now. First we'll let you model the outfits Mr. Thompson picked out for you, and then we'll get in my bed and play some games. You're so good looking, Danny. I can't wait to finally get to suck you myself. I was jealous of Emily last Saturday. And I wasn't the only one jealous as we watched you put your cock in her mouth while it was still dripping cum. Remember?"
Danny blushed, but he said, "Yes, Mrs. Robinson, I remember." He wondered who else would have been jealous, and he wondered if they were jealous of him or of Emily, and did Gloria really want to suck his cock? She was so pretty for an older woman. "Gee." He said out loud, betraying his confusion and excitement again.
Then she dried him off and knelt in front of him. "Let me see your hard cock up close, Danny. It felt so hard when I washed it. It's nice and clean now, and so pretty. Can I suck it, just for a minute? Please."
"OK." He didn't know what else to say.
"Say, 'yes, Mrs. Robinson, you can suck me.' Can you say it like that?"
"Yes, Mrs. Robinson, you can suck me." Danny repeated, wondering why she wanted to use a different name.
She looked at it closely, holding his cock and balls with both of her hands. "I want to look at you first, Danny. Watch me in the mirror."
Danny looked over towards the sink and noticed that he could see himself in the big mirror. She said, "Watch me, Danny, while I lick your cock. Your cock is so pretty and hard. And I just love your tight, little, hairless balls! This doesn't hurt, does it?" She was now lightly tickling his balls with her fingernails and moving his cock from side to side with her other hand - brushing the tip of it across her lips.
She licked the side of his cock. Danny said, "if you...."
She interrupted him, "Don't say anything now, Danny. Just imagine this is Emily licking your cock and putting it in her mouth. You'll get to play with lots of little girls, Danny. You'll get to help us train them. Pay attention to what I'm doing so you can give them hints if anything I'll do today feels good to you. Don't talk." Then she opened her mouth wide as Danny watched her in the mirror. She took most of his penis in her mouth and began a gentle sucking, licking motion - bobbing her head as she sucked him - sliding towards him and then away. She only did it for a minute.
"Well, enough for now, Danny. Let me help you model a couple cute outfits first. No sense you cumming in my mouth right away. Maybe you could cum in a little while, and then maybe again, like after you've finished cutting the grass, you could come inside with me for a few minutes and let me suck you again. Would you like that?"
"Yes, Mrs. Robinson."
Danny's wet cock had a slight upwards curve to it since he was now fully erect - four inches, and just slightly fatter a hot dog, with a full, reddish head on it. Gloria sensed that he was about ready to cum already, so she stood and led her compliant star into her bedroom. He was naked and she was dressed in a short skirt, thigh-high hose, and sheer white blouse. Danny noticed that she smelled great, too.
Danny let her put a training bra and panties on him. The panties looked like a bunch of lace sticking straight out in every direction. His penis stuck out of the crotchless panties and the lace tickled him from every direction at the same time. It tickled to walk. Gloria took pictures of him as he walked around in high heels. He smiled for the camera, even when she knelt in front of him and took a picture of the front half of his erection protruding through the panties. Then Gloria opened a drawer and took out a small video camera and had him walk to the bed and turn and face her. She gave him some lines to practice before he should say his real name and age. "Then tell me how you feel about dressing up."
"My name is Susie and I'm twelve and a half years old. I'm a pretty, little girl and I bet lots of men would like to undress me and kiss me. It's kind of fun to dress up in crazy outfits. I have to do it to like to prove I can follow directions. But my real name is Danny." He held his cock out while he walked around in the high heels for the camera.
Gloria motioned for him to say some more while she held the camera - which was now aimed at his crotch. He said, "And it kind of tickles to wear these silky panties."
She asked, "Does it feel good, Danny?"
Danny answered, "Yes, but like it sort of tickles me when I walk."
"Keep walking around for the camera. People will want to see that pretty cock sticking through those panties. It will be a cute video, Danny, and I know the people that Mr. Thompson will show it to will like seeing you walking around in high heels with those fancy panties and the training bra."
"But, well...."
"Stick your cock out as you walk around for the camera. That's it. Now walk towards me. They will like seeing this video. I should put lipstick on you."
Gloria put lipstick on Danny and had him walk around again, telling the camera that he liked being a pretty, little girl. Then Danny turned around when Gloria moved her finger in a little circle as a signal. He said, "I'm Susie and I'm twelve years old and I like being a pretty, little girl. I hope you want to kiss me. And look..." Then Danny turned and pulled his panties down in back, then pulled his ass open for the camera. He said, "From behind I look just like a real girl, because you can't tell the difference like from behind." Then he faced the camera and said, "But you can see that I'm not really a girl!" He wiggled his hips making his stiff penis wave back and forth as it stuck out through the lacy, crotchless panties.
Then Gloria put a different nightie top and panties on him and had him pose and walk for the camera again.
"OK, Danny. You're doing great about following directions. Let me get another picture of your bottom with the panties pulled down part-way. We'll look at some pictures of other boys and girls in just a minute. But now, get on your hands and knees on my bed. That's it. Pull them half way down so I can't tell for sure that you are a boy. Pull your bottom open for the camera. Very good. That's it. Wide open as if Hans or somebody is going to stick his finger in you. Good boy, Danny."
She tugged his panties up just a little bit to hide Danny's balls from the camera. She pulled them up just enough to hide his balls and the fact that he didn't have a vagina. Danny pulled his ass wide open for the camera. She then reached out and pulled the panties down, exposing his balls. She fondled them as they hung between his legs. "Pull your ass open for the camera now, Danny. Use both hands while I tickle your balls. That's a good boy."
She kept tickling his balls. "I won't put my finger in you yet, Danny. But that's one of the things we need to practice so you can teach the other girls and boys over the next few months. That's why I'm teaching you now. You have a very pretty bottom, Danny. Pull it open for my camera. Good boy."
She stood and got the camera for a few more shots of Danny's ass. "Very good, Danny. Hold it open while I get a few still shots. Yes. Very pretty. Thank you, Danny. You have such a cute, tight, pink asshole." She clicked several shots with her digital camera. Danny pulled it open wider for her.
She sat down her camera and led Danny over to her make up table. She opened a file folder that held nine packets of photos. Each packed had two letters on the outside picture that was facing inwards, so you couldn't see the pictures themselves. Gloria said, "You can see some pictures from other boys and girls if you want, but there aren't any pictures that show faces, and we only use initials - not names - just like we'll use your pictures. We won't show pictures of your face to anybody who is not a personal, trusted friend of Mr. Thompson. But I suspect that some people are going to love the pictures or video of you - your pretty face, your stiff cock, and your pink asshole. Just adorable. And you're so good at following directions, Danny. I'm sure more friends of Mr. Thompson will want to meet you. Pick one to start with."
Danny blushed. "Thanks, Mrs. Robinson. It's embarrassing, but I try to follow your directions like when I'm modeling or acting." He picked the top stack, and pulled off the paperclip. He turned all five pictures face up on her make-up table. It was a girl's pussy about Emily's age, except she had wispy, blond hairs around the top of her pussy. And her clitoral ridge was very pronounced between her two lips that weren't as plump as Emily's pussy lips. The other pictures showed her standing full up with her hands in front of her face. She was naked and her breasts were slightly larger than Emily's but still very small - about like ping-pong balls. There were two pictures of the girl from behind and one that showed her on her hands and shoulders pulling her ass open for the camera. "It looks like she was excited posing for these pictures." Said Danny, letting Gloria know that he remembered that a wet pussy meant the girl was excited. "I would like to play with this girl. She's cute, too. Can I really get to undress these other girls, Mrs. Robinson?"
"Some of them. Yes. But some of them have moved or maybe they are older now. But there will be other girls and boys that you will get to play with... especially if you keep following directions even if it is embarrassing. You'll have lots of fun as an actor and model."
There were five girls and four boys featured in these little stacks of photos. Gloria noted that Danny spent the same amount of time looking at the pictures of the boys. One of the boys was not circumcised and Danny asked about it. After Gloria explained the difference, Danny said, "I think circumcised looks prettier."
"So do I, Danny, and your cock is extremely pretty. Stand over by the door and I'll get just a couple more pictures of you. Pictures we can show to other boys and girls. I bet some of them will choose you to play with. You know, like putting on some acts for Mr. Thompson's parties. And you'll get a hundred dollars for each performance. Maybe more if you are really, really good at following directions. Stand up strait and put your cock out like you're nice and proud of it. That's it. You should be proud of it."
Gloria touched his cock often, as if to make sure it was positioned correctly. She said, "I can't wait to suck on your cock again, Danny. It's so absolutely pretty. Mmmm. What a handsome and pretty young man!" She took two more pictures and then had him stand sideways to the door in her bedroom, making sure that none of her distinctive furniture was in the pictures. "You want some of the other boys and girls to choose you, don't you, Danny?"
"Yes, I hope so."
"And sometimes, Mr. Thompson will show some of your pictures to some of his friends who are coming over for a party. You would want them to choose you, I bet."
"Yes. The party was fun."
"You did so great, Danny. It's a nice video of you cumming on Emily's chest. I know a couple of the men that Mr. Thompson is friends with will like watching that video clip. Your cock is pretty and your cum shoots out real far. I'm sure they will choose you. They might want to put a finger in your anus so they can feel you when you cum. Hans said you whole ass tightened and that's why your cum shot out so far. I bet some of those men will choose you. Now stand sideways and stick out your cock for one last picture. Good boy!"
She took a picture, and then led him back to look at the other pictures again. He was studying the pictures of the boys - including the full-body pictures that showed each one dressed in frilly girl's panties and a training bra - but none of the pictures showed the boy's face. Danny was relieved, especially now that he knew they had similar pictures of him. Gloria pulled another drawer open and took out a small envelope with three more pictures. These pictures showed a boy wearing crotchless panties like the ones he had just worn, but the boy's hips were thrust forward and his penis was squirting cum. Danny stared at the pictures. "Gee."
"I think we'll be able to use one of the pictures of you from last weekend. We'll get more pictures of you over the next few weeks, Danny. When a man or woman sees a picture like that they will definitely want to have a session with you. Your cum squirts out real far, especially if it's the first time you cum that day."
Danny looked closer at the pictures, trying to figure out the exact circumstance at the moment the boy came. In one of the pictures he could see a girl's bottom and figured that he must have been rubbing his cock between her legs and then knelt up when he was ready to cum. In another picture he could see that the boy was shooting his cum onto a grown man's trousers who was probably sitting on the couch. The other picture was a close-up, side view, and he couldn't tell the situation.
Gloria said, "They liked the pictures and video clips of you. But since you're new, you get to choose a boy and a girl to play with two Saturdays from now. Emily will be there this week, of course, and you'll get to undress her and lick her and then even fuck her, but you'll have to go slow until she's wet and ready. I'll let you know how far you can go, because we don't want to scare her. It might even take a few more sessions before she is ready to go all the way with you. Now, look at these four boys again, and tell me which one of the boys you would most like to suck if you were a girl."
"This one." Danny said right away. He pointed to boy with the second largest penis - the picture he had been staring at. That boy also had a light complexion, with just a little bit of thin, blond pubic hair - like Danny.
"OK, I'll see if they can get him to act with you in two weeks. He's real nice, Danny, and I'm sure you two will have fun together and put on a good show."
"It's OK, Danny. We'll give you instructions. Just be obedient and you'll have a great time. There might be a girl there, too, but I'm not sure. If there isn't one, then you two can take turns being the girl. It will be fun. Nobody will tease you about playing with another boy - because nobody will know about it, for one thing, and for another thing, the other boy will have to be playing games with you, too. And now I want you to hop into bed. I'll take off my clothes and get in beside you for your next lesson. Keep your eyes closed. Call me Mrs. Robinson."
Danny wasn't sure what to expect, but he kept trying to follow directions. He knew that he would have to do whatever Mr. Thompson said, and he told Gloria to teach him some things, so he would go along with it. He remembered the hundred dollars that Mr. Thompson gave him last Saturday, besides the sixty dollars that Gloria gave him.
He felt Gloria's naked body slide into the bed next to him. She said, "Keep your eyes closed for a little while, Danny, but otherwise I want you to take control. You can roll around on me, you can tell me what to do, you can feel my pussy or kiss me or suck on my breasts. Take your time and explore me with your eyes closed. I'll be quiet now. Sorry if I've been talking too much. You're the boss now and tell me what to do. Be strong. You can fuck me in a little while so you'll know what to do with Emily. I bet you'll love fucking her, too."
"Oh, gee, Mrs. Robinson. Yes!" Danny felt some pressure, but knew this would all be fun. He had always thought Gloria was pretty, too, but he never imagined that he would be able to feel her, let alone tell her what to do and she said she would do it. "Lay on your back, Mrs. Robinson." He said, but rather tentatively.
Gloria laid flat on her back. She was lying on his left side and he raised himself on his left elbow so he could feel her breasts with his right hand. She enjoyed the awkward, tentative efforts of a young, virgin boy as he felt around. Danny kissed her breasts one at a time, and then licked her nipples. She watched him. His eyelids were closed as he fumbled around on her. When Danny pinched one of her nipples she moaned. He said, "I'm sorry, was that too hard?"
"No, Danny. That felt wonderful. I'm trying not to say too much, but it's OK if you're rougher with me. You can feel me all over. I'll moan if something feels especially good, and I'll tell you if anything hurts. You're doing fine. I'm letting you take the lead so you can decide where you want to touch me or kiss me or whatever. Ummm, yes, that's good." She said, as Danny pinched her nipple again.
Then he sucked each breast, and massaged and pinched, and tried to make her moan again. Gloria moaned louder than she would have under normal lovemaking experiences, in order to encourage him. Danny surprised her by climbing on top of her so she could feel his erection poking against her pubic mound while he continued to fondle her breasts. He scooted down so his head was under the sheet just below her breasts and his penis was now rubbing between her knees. She was worried that this humping between her knees would cause him to ejaculate, so she opened his knees.
"You have me so hot, Danny. Feel my pussy to see if it's wet yet. Is it?"
Danny felt her pussy and said, "Yes, it's really wet, Mrs. Robinson, like gooey."
"That's because you got me so excited, Danny. I like the ways you touch me." She put her hands on the backs of his arm, and pulled him into fucking position. "OK, Danny. There is so much more to practice, but put your cock in me now. I want you to know how it feels." With her right hand she lined up his cock in front of her vagina. He pushed in, beginning to hump again. After two strokes it was all the way in, sliding in and out. "Ohh, that feels so good to me, Danny. You're very good. Yes, change speed so you're going fast and then slow." She tried to keep giving him hints, but he came in less than a minute - inside her - his twelve-year old cock pumping cum into her wet vagina.
"Ohh." Danny sighed.
"'Oh' is right, Danny. You were great. We'll have to practice again, maybe tomorrow after school. I want you to be great Saturday when you fuck Emily. Did it feel good when you practiced in me?"
"Gee. Yes."
"You can open your eyes now, Danny. Just hold me and kiss me for a minute, and then get dressed and cut my grass. Come in when you're done for some cookies and lemonade, and maybe a special treat. OK?"
"Yes, Mam."
Danny got dressed and went outside a few minutes later and cut her lawn and even did a little bit of trimming around the edge of the flower garden against the side of the garage. He knocked with a big smile on his face.
Gloria gave him a glass of lemonade and five chocolate chip cookies. He ate like a starving man, and kept grinning the whole time, although he didn't look her in the face.
Gloria was wearing a short robe and leaned forward as they talked, letting her bare breast show. Gloria had a trim figure and her breasts were small and firm. Danny stared at the one he could see. Gloria said, "You'll have to leave in a few minutes, Danny, but I want you to get used to giving orders to the girl. You can practice with me today and again tomorrow after school if you can come over."
"OK. I can come over." He said.
"Like if you want to spank me tomorrow, or have me bend over and pull my ass open so you can stick your finger in it, or have me suck your cock, or if you want me to lie on my stomach and then slide your cock between my thighs... whatever you want to do. But now we only have time for a quick blow-job if you order me to kneel down and suck you."
"Yes." Said Danny.
"Yes, what? Tell me what to do if you want me to do something."
"Take off your robe, Mrs. Robinson, and kneel down and suck me." He said, trying his best to sound in control.
She immediately dropped her robe and knelt in front of Danny, unsnapping his pants and pulling them down. Danny was still sweaty and dirty from cutting the grass, and he hadn't showered since he came in her pussy just forty five minutes earlier, but she began licking his penis as if it was a lollypop. Then, as it stiffened completely, she began sucking on it, moving her head like a woodpecker. Soon Danny shot into her mouth and she milked the rest of his cum out of his relaxing penis while gently fondling his balls.
Gloria said, "Thank you, Danny. I'm glad we recruited you. You're doing great. And thank you for letting me suck you today, and for fucking me upstairs. It felt wonderful. You're doing an excellent job of following directions and taking control. You'll do great when you're acting with other boys and girls at the parties. Mr. Thompson will be impressed about how well you can follow directions." She stood and put her robe back on. Danny was looking at her pussy. She said, "Yes, I shave my pussy except for this patch right above my crack. Go ahead, you can feel it."
Danny said, "It kind of reminds me of sandpaper."
"When you rub upwards it might feel like that, Danny, but you get me excited so I'm gooey wet inside, just like you got Emily excited. Her young lips are still soft and smooth. Her pussy will be much tighter, too. Tomorrow I'll help you slow down so you won't hurt her or scare her Saturday. You will be great with the other boys and girls you'll be working with at the parties. Emily is a lucky girl and I'm sure she'll love getting fucked for the first time by you!"
Danny left, imagining things he wanted to have Gloria do tomorrow, and things he could do with Emily on Saturday. What a great job! He felt bad that he couldn't tell his cousin about this. They usually shared all their sex fantasies whenever they got together, but he knew he would have to keep this a close secret. Danny wondered again about the other 'boys and girls' that Gloria had mentioned and also about following directions, but he was resolved to do what they told him to do even if it was embarrassing, because he liked the money and he wanted to look at the girls.
He smiled while riding home on his bicycle thinking about spanking Gloria tomorrow. He knew he wanted to do that. And he wanted to get in bed with her again, too. Danny felt like he had the power to please a real woman. And he wondered why she wanted him to call her by a different name when he was doing sex things with her.
"When is Roger getting here, Uncle Jim? And do I really have to do everything he tells me to do?" She was pretending that she didn't want to do this, and Jim knew it. He could tell by her smile... and her series of questions - about Roger, Danny, the men, "that Lady" (meaning Gloria), and she was even asking about the snacks they would be having at the party on Saturday.
"Will he be taking more videos and pictures of me? And like I really have to take off all my clothes and let him touch me on my private parts? And...."
"Yes, yes, yes!" Laughed Jim. "And I think you want to, Emily."
"Well, I have to do it, like you said."
"And he'll have a surprise for you tonight, too, Emily."
"What? What? Come on, Uncle Jim. You have to tell me."
Jim smiled, and said, "You'll see. I mean you won't see."
Emily looked puzzled, but then the doorbell rang and she ran to the door.
Roger came in carrying a bag and a box. He gave Emily a big hug and kiss. "You look cute tonight, Emily. Do you want to be a model again?"
"Yes. What's in the box, Roger?"
"I'm not telling." He said as he lifted the box up over his head so she couldn't reach it. "And tonight you have to follow directions as soon as I tell you something. Then we'll know if we can invite you to another party this weekend. And Danny will be there."
"You want to kiss Danny again, don't you?" Roger asked.
"Yes. And like I have to do what they say anyway, and they told me to kiss him and things like that, so I had to do it."
"That's right." Said Roger. You have to follow directions to be a good actress. "And tonight you have to follow directions, too. And that's a cute skirt you're wearing, just like a school skirt for those kids who have to wear uniforms."
"Yes. Like a red plaid, Uncle Jim says, like the Catholic kids wear."
"Right, except you've got on fancy panties tonight, don't you?"
"Yes. Pretty ones."
"Hold up your skirt and show me."
Emily lifted her skirt. "These are so pretty. Thanks, Roger, for giving me these panties. They are so sexy. Look at the back." She turned around to show him.
"Put your feet apart, Emily. Yes, these really are sexy. Keep facing away from me, and let me feel if they fit you OK." He began feeling her ass and between her legs. "Hmm, how long ago did you put these on? They feel damp between your legs already."
"I'm sorry. It's just exciting knowing you're going to take more pictures and like touch me and things, and like I have to do whatever you say even if it's embarrassing, and that like gets me tingly there."
"I understand. Now, you will have to do everything I say. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I know. Even if it's embarrassing, I have to do it."
"That's right. Your Uncle Jim told you to follow directions and that's good. He knows we won't hurt you, or show any of these pictures to anybody who isn't a friend or associate of Mr. Thompson. And he knows you can keep a secret, too, isn't that right?"
"I won't tell anybody. And I don't want you to show the pictures or videos to anybody you don't trust. That would be bad, and Uncle Jim says we would all get in trouble and then we couldn't have any more parties. So I won't tell anybody."
Roger smiled again. "Good girl." He patted her bottom. "Today we'll play a few training games, too. Stand up and face me." Roger stood up and put the box he carried into the house on the couch. He said, "Turn around now, and I'll put this blindfold on you. Today you aren't allowed to see who is helping me with the training."
"What do you mean?"
"Shh. I have to make a call. Just be quiet now and do what we tell you. Your Uncle Jim is right here watching, so nobody will hurt you." He pulled out his cell phone and punched in the number.
A minute later Emily heard several people come into the house, but she couldn't be sure how many there were. They greeted each other but nobody used names. It sounded like two men and a woman, but she wasn't positive. They sat on the couch and in one of the stuffed chairs. Roger said, "Welcome, and thanks for coming. Emily is one of our new stars, and we have some things to teach her today during this brief session. She is a very pretty and very obedient little girl. I'm sure that each of you will like her."
A woman took Emily's hands and pulled her over to stand right in front of her. "We're not taking pictures or video right now, Emily, I just want to see you and feel you. I loved your videos and the pictures I saw, and you are just as pretty in person. Hold up your skirt for me." The woman felt Emily's legs, ass, breasts, tummy, pussy, and even her knees and calves as she turned the blindfolded girl around and around slowly... like she was savoring the smell of a fine wine before the first sip. Then she began rubbing Emily between her legs and slipped a finger up the leg hole of her silky panties so she could finger Emily's wet pussy. She said, "Oh, it feels like this excites you. Do you like letting strangers see you and feel you?"
"Yes." Emily admitted. Her face blushed, making the dark blindfold look even darker.
The woman said, "And did you like letting Danny undress you and feel you while other people were watching?" Before Emily could answer, she said, "That was a very hot scene. You could be a star and you would get to do more performances like that. Wouldn't that be fun?"
"I liked watching you lick Danny's little cock, and I especially liked it when he came on you and then you sucked out some more of his cum. Girls who like the taste of cum get asked to do more performances and parties. You and your Uncle Jim could make more money. Would you like to attend more parties and learn new things while different strangers watch you?"
"Yes, I guess so." Said Emily. "Unnnn."
"Does this feel good, Emily?" she asked Emily as she kept slowly pushing a finger in and out of her vagina while flicking another finger back and forth across her clit.
"Yes. Ummmm" she said, while holding her skirt up high in front. "But maybe like we should pull down my panties."
"Yes, you are a hot one." The woman said. "I like you very much, and would like to invite you to some of my parties. And don't worry, somebody will always be glad to pull down your panties."
"OK. Unnnnnn." Said Emily. "I mean if it's OK with Uncle Jim. Unnnnn. That tickles." She moved her hips.
Then each of the other three new visitors took a turn with Emily - feeling and fingering her while talking about possible future parties if she can keep following directions like she has been doing. And Emily promised she would do her best.
She was almost ready to cum by the time she got back to the woman. "I think you are about ready to cum, Emily." She turned the girl so her knees were against the back of the couch. She pulled Emily's panties to her ankles and had her step out of them. She sat Emily on the front edge of the couch and leaned her back. Emily opened her legs without anybody telling her to do that. The woman said, "Just lie back and see if this feels good. There are other people watching us, Emily. They are looking at your open, wet pussy. Don't talk now." The woman began kissing the blindfolded girl's thighs and soon worked her way to Emily's pussy. Both Emily and the woman were soon moaning in unison.
A man sat on either side of Emily and lifted one of her knees. The woman stopped licking for a moment and let one of the men put lubricant on her finger. She then pushed the lubricant into Emily's bottom and soon had her anus as slippery as her vagina. Then she started licking Emily's pussy while fingering her bottom - and Emily came with a loud moan.
After a brief rest, they played other blindfolded games with Emily - including some light spanking, anal fingering, and bondage. Emily let them take turns licking her pussy or sucking her titties. Emily enjoyed each cock, but ended up with cum all over her, especially her face, chest, pussy, and bottom. She didn't know whose cock she was sucking. One of the men rubbed his cock between her thighs after he put oil all over them while she laid face down on the towels. When he came he got up on his knees and shot his hot cum all over her ass and back. None of the men shot cum into her vagina, but two of the men did shoot their cum onto her pussy after positioning her on her back with her knees apart. She was able to taste a little bit of cum from each of the men, and thought it all tasted about the same, which wasn't bad. She wished she could have seen each one, because it was so neat when the cum started shooting out in squirts.
She even got to suck on the woman's titties. She did two solo scenes for the camera - undressing or experimenting with a vibrator - which was even more intense because of the blindfold, the camera, and the audience of strangers that she couldn't see. The second time she finished undressing for the camera, she put the vibrator right on her clit, and pinched her right breast with her left hand - and to everyone's delight she came again with lots of moaning. She did all of that without talking. She kept following directions and experimenting on her own.
As the group of visitors was getting ready to leave, the woman asked Emily if she enjoyed her practice session tonight.
"Yes. It's kind of like a game and the spankings weren't too hard so they just made my bottom tingle. And some of the cocks were so big. I like Danny's, but the big ones were nice, too, except it was hard to get them in my mouth, but it was nice to lick them and feel the balls. And that buzzer thing was really neat. It feels like I need a bath with all this cum got all over me."
Each of the visitors kissed her good bye. After they left, Roger took off her blindfold. "Was that fun with the blindfold?"
Emily said, "Yes, but I wanted to see them. I mean they got to see me. And all the cocks felt so big, but different, too, so I wanted to see them."
Roger said, "They will let you see them in the future - once you are more experienced and they know for sure they can trust you. You might recognize some of them, and they don't want people to know they like little girls like you so much! Would you like to have private parties with each of them?"
"Yes. That would be fun. But only if it's OK with Uncle Jim."
Roger laughed, "It's Ok with him. In fact, he will drive you to the parties and stay with you, even if he's not in the same room."
After Roger left with his bag and the box of toys and vibrators, Uncle Jim helped her with her bath and then offered to take her out for pizza to celebrate her becoming such a star.
While riding his bike to Gloria's house, Danny told himself to take charge immediately. He wanted to undress her and give her a good spanking.
After she let him in, he said, "I'm going to spank you today, Mrs. Robinson."
She thought his nervousness was cute, but didn't let on. She said, "Yes, Sir. I will do what you say, but first I need to give you another quick lesson, and then you can spank me. You can spank me as hard as you want. Then I'll let you cum inside me again. You get to choose - my mouth or my pussy."
He tried to maintain his "macho" role as best he could - after watching TV since he was a baby. He continued to act "tough." Danny said, "OK, Mrs. Robinson, I'm planning to give you a hard spanking, but I'm not sure which I want... I mean where I want to cum in you. Maybe I should try them both for a little bit and then see."
"You can even fuck my ass, if you want to, Danny. I think Emily would like that, too. And after all, this is a training session. Let's go right on upstairs."
Gloria was several inches taller than Danny, and probably weighed ten to twenty pounds more than him, and she wanted to bring out his macho side...but not yet.
He followed her upstairs.
"Here." She said. Look at these while I undress for you." She handed him an envelope with more pictures. "Sort these out for me. See if you can put each girl in one pile." She walked into her bathroom and closed the door.
Danny took out the stack of photos and began sorting them out. It was easy to pick out the pictures of the boy, and then he sorted the girls into five piles. Each of the girls had a fully-dressed photo and about ten pictures as she undressed and then assumed naked poses. He was able to differentiate each figure and pussy fairly easily - thin lips - thick lips - a little pubic hair on one of them - and one girl had a mole. One of the girls didn't undress all the way but he liked how she looked. The boy looked like he was twelve, and the five girls each looked about age nine or ten but could have been older. One of the pictures of the boy showed him dressed in girl's clothes, but Danny didn't think it too strange, since he had to dress like a girl, too, to act silly for Mr. Thompson - just to prove that he could follow directions.
He wished he could lay out the pictures and masturbate like he had done several times in the garage before Gloria caught him that day last week. Then he thought, "Gee, I'll get to meet each of these girls and undress them one at a time, and kiss them... and maybe even fuck them. And I'll be getting paid, too. Wow, this is great."
Then Gloria walked out of the bathroom in a strange outfit. Black high heels, black thigh-high stockings with a lace pattern that were strapped to a lacy garter belt. She had on a black leather bra with holes in the front so that the nipple and some of the "white meat" as Danny thought of the front of her breasts, and a leather collar with chrome studs sticking out. She was carrying a leather strap with a handle. She was not wearing panties and Danny looked at her shaved pussy with the small patch of dark pubic hair above her crack.
"Gee." He said. "You look sexy, Mrs. Robinson."
Gloria handed him the leather paddle. "I have been bad, Danny, so you need to give me a good hard spanking. But when you spank Emily this weekend, you'll just use your bare hand, and be gentler with her. The spanking is just to get her ass warmed up for you. She'll be lots more excited then and it will be easier to fuck her. She's still a virgin and her pussy will feel much tighter to you, but it will be wet and slippery. Mine is getting wet just thinking about letting you spank me. Do you like the pictures? Let's see if you got them sorted out correctly."
Danny stepped to the side - noting his own dilemma about where to look. She stood beside him and looked at the six piles of pictures on her dresser. She slid the picture of the boy off to one side, noting that the naked picture of him was on top, with his five erect inches sticking towards the camera. She pointed to the stacks of the girl pictures. "Would you like to kiss and undress each of these girls, Danny?"
"Yes!" He said right away. "Very much. And I would spank them or do anything else you tell me. I think I've seen this girl before." He said, pointing to the girl with the blond patch of pubic hair and the thin pussy lips.
She asked, "And did you notice that there was a picture of this boy dressed up like a girl?"
"Yes." He said. "But I bet he was just following directions, just like I did. Like for a game or to act silly."
"You're right, Danny. And I was so proud of you last weekend when you followed directions and wore funny things. That's why Mr. Thompson wants to hire you to do more parties for him. And you'll get to do some other acts for other people too, since you don't mind wearing different costumes. You'll do great. He liked the pictures I took of you yesterday and showed some of his friends. He told me that he friends would love to watch you walk around in those lacy, crotchless panties with your cock sticking out. He said a few of his friends in particular would like to watch you walk in the high heels with your stiff cock bobbing around while you walk around to meet them and talk to them. Would that be fun?"
"Yes, but kind of embarrassing, like if it was men watching me." He said, then added, "But I would do it though, you know, like to prove I could follow directions."
"Well, they will love to see you, and you would be acting with another girl or boy anyway, and they would have to dress funny, too."
"And everybody would want to feel your cock, too - the other models or actresses or actors and all the men and women at the party. Would you let each of them feel it?"
"Yes." Danny smiled, imagining what it would be like with everybody wanting to feel his cock while he was wearing high heels and those lacy panties and a training bra.
Danny wasn't sure what to do next, but Gloria took charge, "You can take me over to the bed in just a minute, Danny, and then you can put me in any position you want so you can spank me. If you spank my pussy, though, please don't use this paddle, and please don't spank it too hard. OK?"
"OK." He said, while digesting this new possibility.
"I'm going to undress you, and put this butt plug in your bottom. You can spank me for as long as you keep it inside you. And you can spank me as hard as you want while it's inside you." Gloria showed him the small, rubber, butt plug, not much bigger than Han's finger which slid right in his bottom once he was lubricated.
She said, "Now let me undress you. I'll lubricate your bottom and then insert the butt plug. It will help you cum, Danny, but I don't want you to cum right away. You want me to suck you for a little bit, too, don't you, before you fuck me and cum in my pussy, or maybe in my ass?"
Danny let Gloria undress him, which didn't take her very long. "Lean over the dresser and look at the pictures some more. Pick out your favorite five stars you would like to kiss and undress while I lubricate you."
Danny bent over and looked at the pictures, finding it difficult to concentrate while Gloria was putting lubricant up his ass. Then she pushed the plug about half way in. "It probably feels like it's too big while I'm pushing it in, Danny, but then it will feel smaller again, and it will feel good to you. You'll just have to walk funny while we walk over to the bed. It won't fall out unless you really squeeze, so take little steps."
She pushed it the rest of the way in. Danny was about to say it was too big, when it slid home and didn't feel too big anymore, with the largest diameter part of the shaft inside him. He took little steps, over to the bed. Gloria said, "Your penis is so stiff, Danny. You're doing great. I can hardly wait to suck on it. Now, tell me what to do and then spank me."
"Get on your hands and knees, Mrs. Robinson!" He said, trying to take charge again, but aware of the plug in his butt. The plug didn't hurt once it was in. He even noticed that his cock was harder. He wanted to look at the pictures and masturbate, but he also wanted to spank Gloria. He gave her a swat across her ass and the noise startled him. He didn't think he hit her hard enough to make such a loud noise. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Robinson. Was that too hard?"
Gloria sensed his thoughts and said, "It's OK, Danny. That is a double strap so it sounds like your hitting me harder than you actually are. Keep spanking me. You know I've been a naughty lady. You're doing great. If I say, 'ouch!' it means you're hitting me just right. If I don't say anything, then you didn't spank me hard enough, and if I say, 'clam chowder' then you need to hit me softer the next time. Go ahead."
"Ouch." Gloria said.
SMACK! SMACK.... Each one getting an approving "Ouch!" from Gloria.
Then she rolled over onto her back and spread her legs. "Spank my pussy with your hand now, Danny. I'll take your plug out in a little bit. See if I'm getting wet yet. You're doing great. I can't wait to suck you."
"It feels like you're wet enough already, Gloria." Danny said as he felt her pussy with his left hand. Then he threw the paddle over towards the chair by her dressing table and began to pat her pussy with his right hand.
"Oh, harder, Danny. You're doing so good. Slap it so you can hear it. That's it. That's a good boy. Rub it and slap it. Don't stop. Keep going. Oh, Danny! Unnnn." And Gloria came. She pushed Danny's hand to the side. "Just wait a minute, Honey. God, you're good. Oh."
"Did I slap it too hard?" Danny sounded worried again.
"Unnn. No, Honey. I just came. It felt wonderful. I make moaning noises when I cum - just like Emily will. You're a good, strong man. You did it just right. Now I'll help you cum. Hold your ass open with both hands while I kneel in front of you. Good boy." Gloria knelt on the floor and pulled the butt plug half way out. Then she sucked his small cock while she pushed the butt plug back in. She did that several times. On the fourth push Danny came in her mouth. She was disappointed, but gladly took all of his hot fluid in her mouth and swallowed.
She pulled the butt plug out of his bottom. "You did great, Danny. You'll have to come over here for more lessons over the next few weeks, OK?"
"Yes." He said.
They walked over to her dressing table and she moved the pictures of the girls around. And you will kiss each of these kids while some of us watch, Danny?"
"Very good. Ride your bike over here again this Saturday at noon. Then I'll drive you over to Mr. Thompson's house where you'll have a session with Emily again. And you'll get to fuck her. I'm sorry we didn't get to practice fucking again today; Danny, but we will next time. And your bottom is nice and tight and your cock is absolutely beautiful. I love circumcised cocks with a nice big head like yours.
Danny left on his bicycle, wondering about those crazy outfits, and about the other kids in those pictures, especially about the boys. Some of them actually looked cute and sexy wearing those outfits. He smiled, thinking about playing games with the girls and the boys.
Gloria was smiling too, knowing that she had found a replacement for her last lawn boy. She thought, "I wonder if he will really dress up like a girl and let a boy kiss him, after Paul tells him that he wasn't able to get a girl, so he has to pretend to be a girl. Hmm, and no doubt, Paul will offer Danny a nice bonus if he lets the other boy kiss him, and ... Oh, yes, that will be a fun session. Just two more weeks." She laughed, looking at the pictures on her dresser. "And he didn't even know that one of these 'girls' was really a 'boy!'" She opened the top drawer and pulled out her vibrator.
Emily took her bath at seven in the morning! Her Uncle Jim was surprised that she got up so early on a Saturday morning during the school year. She wanted him to help her get all cleaned up for the party. They arrived at eleven thirty. On the way over, Emily said, "Do we really have to go today, Uncle Jim?"
Jim was familiar with Emily's feigned doubts. He said, "Yes, we have to. And you have to do everything they tell you. OK? Can I count on you?"
"Well, OK. I have to do it." She was smiling. "And will they have some pretty clothes for me to wear?"
"Yes, and they might give you another bath, fix your hair, put on make-up, and then a pretty dress so they can take pictures of you as you undress..." He took a glance at her as they drove to the party. She had a big grin on her face. "And you know you have to undress all the way in front of the cameras. Right?"
"Yes. I know."
"And just so you know. I want you to know a little bit of what to expect. You know you'll have to let the men and women kiss you and feel you, Right?"
"Yes. I have to. I want to be a good actress."
"Good, and you'll let them undress you and then you'll spread your legs open for them so they can see your pussy?"
"Yes. I know."
"And you'll let them smell it and lick it?"
"Yes. It's so embarrassing." She squirmed on her seat as they pulled up the driveway of the big, fancy house.
"And I think Danny will be here today, too, and he will kiss you and undress you and you will suck his cock while everybody is watching. OK?"
She was looking around in the garage which was bigger than their house. "Yes. I know. And Danny's cute!" She giggled.
Jim held her elbow to stop her from getting out of the car. "I thought you didn't want to go today." He teased. "Are you ready to go in now, and let those new strangers give you a bath and dress you up?"
"Well, I guess, I mean if I have to."
"And if Danny shoots his cum in your mouth, will you swallow it?"
"That's embarrassing. And like there will be a camera aimed at us, and those people will be watching me when I suck on it and then swallow it? That's so embarrassing, but I have to do it."
He was still holding her elbow and looking at her. "Yes, I'll swallow it." She said, and opened her door.
Danny didn't take a shower that morning, because Gloria warned him not to do anything he didn't ordinarily do before he rode over to work on her yard. They took him upstairs to get in the tub with Emily. Mr. Thompson said, "Go ahead and undress, Danny. Then get in the tub with Emily. You can pretend you're cousins and you have to take a bath together. We want to watch you wash each other. And do lots of kissing, too. Show your cock to the camera. Oh, yes. It's stiff already. Good boy."
There were seven people in the bathroom watching and recording the bath session. Some of Gloria's training had sunk in, and Danny took control, kissing and fondling Emily for the cameras and the audience. He stood and let her suck on his cock to get it really clean. He smiled at Mr. Thompson.
Mr. Thompson nodded back to Danny, acknowledging that he thought Danny was doing a good job.
Danny gave Emily lots of compliments as he continued to fondle and kiss her. "Your face is so pretty, Emily."
"I love feeling your titties. They are getting so nice."
"That's good. Stay on your hands and knees in the tub so I can see your pretty ass. I'm getting it all clean for you - clean enough so I can kiss it when we get out of the tub. Would you like that?"
"Yes. That feels good. Roger and his friends did that and it felt really good, but kind of embarrassing."
"Did they lick you right here?" Danny asked as he ran his finger across her asshole.
"Oh, yes. Right there."
Next they had Emily rinse off Danny's penis while he stood in the tub. They had her lick it and suck on it while he stood in the tub. One of the adults asked Emily if she liked licking Danny's cock. She said, "Ummmumm. Yes." She smiled at the camera and then kissed the side of Danny's cock again. "I like it. It's pretty." She pulled the tip down with one finger and let it spring up. She did that several times to show the camera and then she sucked on it again.
The adults got the two kids dressed up and led them back downstairs. There were a dozen people in the audience sitting in a semi-circle around the youth mattress that was on the floor.
They bowed to the assembled audience and the cameras and then began kissing and undressing each other. Soon both kids were naked and they walked around the semi-circle before starting Act Two to let each of the well-dressed adults feel them. Both Danny and Emily let each adult feel them and turned around, or bent over, depending on the instructions. Most of the adults enjoyed pulling Danny's penis down with one finger and then letting it spring back up into the full-stiff position. It didn't seem to matter to Danny whether it was a man or a woman who was feeling his balls and flicking his penis- he kept his hips thrust forward proudly and let them touch him.
Both Emily and Danny would also turn around and bend over to pull their bottoms wide open when someone asked them to do it. And when questioned, each of them answered that they had practiced letting someone lubricate them. Danny said, "And after Gloria got me all lubricated she would push a 'thing' up it."
"Did it feel good?" the man asked, continuing his questions.
"Yes, and I got to spank her while it was in me, and then she did it some more later and while she, um, you know, sucked on it at the same time she was pushing the thing up me, then I um, you know, like squirted in her mouth."
Emily was standing right next to Danny, listening to the questions. She said, "And like when somebody was licking me and somebody was pushing a thing in my bottom, and well, then I got those shivery feelings in my pussy."
The men smiled. "So both of you can cum when something is pushed in your bottom?"
"Yes." They both said at the same time, and then laughed.
Gloria took them back to the little bed in front of the cameras and had them start kissing again. Soon they were rolling around on the bed, kissing and touching each other all over. Two minutes later Danny had Emily on her back with her legs apart and he was licking her pussy. He looked over at Gloria and raised his eyebrows - asking if it was time to fuck Emily yet. Gloria shook her head "no." She moved her finger in a little circle to indicate to Danny to roll Emily onto her back. Then Danny remembered some of the earlier instruction and pulled Emily's ass cheeks apart and began licking her anus. Emily reached back to assist by pulling her own ass cheeks wider apart.
Then Gloria handed Danny a tube of lubricant and a small rubber penis. Danny didn't think it was "small" because it was the same size as his own. He even knelt up to show Emily and the audience both is penis and the rubber penis. Then he slowly pushed the lubricated rubber penis into Emily's ass.
She said, "It's too big." So Gloria motioned to Danny to go slowly and to put the pillow under Emily's hips. Then Emily moaned as the rubber penis slid all the way in. Danny pulled it out and pushed it in several times.
Gloria motioned to turn off the cameras for a moment while she helped Danny get into position over Emily. Emily kept her ass cheeks pulled open with both hands as Gloria lined up Danny's cock with Emily's asshole. As soon as it was in, Emily began moaning again and Danny started a slow, rhythmic pumping.
Gloria stopped them a minute later before both of them could cum. She then surprised Danny by putting him in the face-down position with his hips on a pillow. She told Emily to do the same for Danny. Danny seemed unsure, but noticed that everybody was watching him and he knew he had to follow directions. Soon Emily had him all lubed up and pushed the dildo in his ass while Danny kept it pulled open for her. Emily pushed it all the way in three times and then Gloria stopped them.
For the next little act, Gloria removed the pillow and had Emily lay face down with her hips together and put lubricant on her thighs. Then Danny straddled her and began humping between her slippery thighs. He was ready to cum so Gloria stopped them again.
Danny's cock was glistening with the lubrication as Gloria got Emily into position on her back with her feet up and apart and her ass resting on a pillow to lift her hips. Gloria explained to the kids that this would be a good starting position so the camera could see when Danny's cock first went in. The audience stood and moved over by the camera so they could see, too.
Danny slowly pushed his cock into Emily's slippery, wet vagina. "Ohhh. It's too big." Emily said. Danny held still and waited for another signal from Gloria. Then he pushed a little bit farther in. "Ohhh!" Said Emily. "Ohh, ohh, ohh." As Danny pushed all the way in. Soon he built up to a slow rhythm.
He smiled at Gloria. "I'm ready." He said, meaning he was ready to cum. Gloria made a flicking motion with her hand and Danny remembered to flick Emily's clitty with his finger as he pushed in.
Gloria was remembering her practice sessions with Danny from earlier in the week and she was glad she showed Danny that technique. She put her hands down inside her own pants and began rubbing herself while she watched Danny fuck Emily. A few of the men also had their hands in their pants. Soon, as Emily came with loud moans, Danny came and so did Gloria.
After a moment of silence the audience began clapping and the two kids stood to take a bow. Danny's penis was still dripping so Gloria motioned for Emily to lick it off. She was smiling as she knelt down to suck the last drops of Danny's cum from his relaxing penis.
The two stars enjoyed the small party that followed and spent a little time talking with each guest. Several of the men and one of the women wanted to see and feel Emily's pussy. She seemed so proud of it, gladly lying back on the couch and lifting her legs up and apart so she could get inspected.
After some refreshments, Danny started to get stiff again and he wanted to inspect Emily, too. Soon they did an encore on the couch. Emily came right away, but Danny wasn't able to cum just yet, so they enjoyed some more refreshments. Several of the adults took Emily upstairs to get her cleaned up.
Hans was the only guest who had returned from the previous week and he asked Danny if he could look at his ass again. Danny showed him, and Hans lubricated him once again, telling him all the while what a good actor and model he was. He got Danny into a hands and knees position in the kitchen. Then he slid his big, rough finger up Danny's ass, and with several people watching he masturbated Danny so that he came in a puddle on the kitchen floor.
That small group of adults applauded Danny as he stood up. As the same time a fully dressed Emily came into the kitchen and they had her suck the rest of Danny's cum out of his flaccid cock.
Both young models got a nice bonus that day and were invited back for more parties. They readily agreed to come back.
Danny only had one "training session" with Gloria the following week. Again he modeled dressed and did anal training with a slightly larger butt plug. He came twice - during the play and modeling session with Gloria, and again, while sweaty and dirty after cutting the grass. As part of the play session he had to practice rubbing his penis between Gloria's well-oiled thighs. She stopped practicing that just before Danny came, and then she had him fuck her again so he could cum in her pussy. She was the boss that day and Danny did a good job of following directions. Her compliments were as big a reward as the money. He liked to please her by following directions.
The following Saturday he arrived at her house on his bike right on schedule. "I took a shower this morning, Gloria, so I'm clean all over."
"That's great, Danny, because there will be some other people there today. I'm so proud of the good job you are doing acting and wearing costumes. You'll probably have a great time today, as usual. You do enjoy these sex games and all the playing around, don't you?"
"Yes. It's fun. And I like the training sessions with you, too, and want to keep getting practicing."
They got in her car and drove over to Mr. Thompson's house. He greeted them in the garage and said, "Welcome, Danny, you look nice today. I'm glad you're letting your hair grow out a little longer. I have some special outfits for you to model today. I want you to wear a dress and make-up and high heels. I want to see how long you can fool somebody into thinking you're a girl. OK?"
"Whatever you say, Mr. Thompson. It sounds like fun, but um... well..."
"Yes, what is it?"
"Well, um, just so nobody that I know sees me."
He laughed. "Don't worry about that, Danny. I'm sure none of your neighbors or relatives or friends from school will be here today! You're so cute. Gloria will take you up to get ready. She'll coach you on wearing the high heels and walking and talking more like a girl. So do your best. The longer you fool people - the bigger your bonus will be today. OK?"
"A bonus? Wow. That would be great too. It's fun anyway, but that would be nice."
"Yes a very nice bonus if you keep following directions."
"OK." He said as Gloria took his hand and led him up the stairs.
Twenty minutes later she led him downstairs. He was dressed in a short, black, ruffled dress with a petticoat. He was wearing a padded training bra and a garter with hose and the black high, heels. Danny's hair had a ribbon on either side, and he was wearing lipstick and eye make-up. He was cute indeed. He was also conscious of the maxi-pad taped inside his silky panties between his legs.
He was introduced to several new visitors - four men and a woman - who all looked him over thoroughly. Danny didn't know if they knew his secret, but he kept his voice higher and much softer than usual, and he tried to walk like a girl. The lacy panties tickled him, but fortunately the petticoats and fully-cut dress hid his excitement completely.
"I'm Angie." He said, as he introduced himself to each of the adults.
Then another couple came in through the front door with a boy about his age. Danny blushed, but kept up his charade. The woman who led the boy into the house said, "Hi, Angie. This is Donald. He's turning fifteen next week." They all shook hands.
The man, who had just entered, turned Danny's hand over and kissed the back of it. "You are just lovely, Angie."
They all milled around in the kitchen, dining room, and living room enjoying refreshments and snacks. Donald kept right with Angie the whole time, making small talk and telling her how cute she looked. Then, when there weren't any grown-ups close to them, he said, "I don't think I've seen any pictures of you, Angie. Usually they show me pictures of the girls I'll be acting with and undressing. You're really cute. Are you new to this?" He asked.
"Yes." He said, keeping his voice higher and softer. "This is just my third week. It's fun."
"Yes, it sure is!" Donald said. "And I'm glad you're so cute."
Then Gloria stepped over and took their hands in hers and led them into the living room. The adults pulled chairs over to form a semi-circle around the youth bed that was on the floor. There was also a stuffed chair in the little stage area. Two cameras were set up on tripods in the semi-circle. One of the men was also holding a camera. Both Donald and Danny (Angie) were used to the set up, but suddenly Danny seemed worried.
Gloria said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, today Donald and Angie are going to act like a young couple in Jr. High School and play around and partially undress each other. Actually, Angie here will undress Donald completely but as things turned out, Angie started her period today so she will stay dressed except for her shoes, hose, and garter belt. After all, we don't want to embarrass her. Angie can play with Donald, but Donald mustn't touch the front of Angie's panties. They can kiss, of course, and Donald can feel her everywhere except on the front of her panties or between the legs. I'll give them more directions later." Then she turned to the two actors, "And you two take your time. Don't be in a rush to ... well ... you know. And it's OK for you, Angie, to suck on Donald. And you, Donald, aren't allowed to touch the front of Angie's panties."
"But..." Danny started to say when Donald kissed him on the mouth. He kept kissing and soon Danny started to warm up to it and began kissing back.
The people in the small audience had to adjust their clothing as they settled in to watch the performance. They applauded softly when Danny unbuckled Donald's belt.
Soon Donald was naked and Danny had his shoes, hose, and garter belt off. Danny realized that they wanted him to keep "fooling" Donald, so he played along. He began playing with Donald's cock and balls as he sat on the edge of the bed and Donald stood right in front of him. At first Danny was self-conscious but was soon wrapped up in the experience, wondering if he had seen pictures of Donald before. He had a tuft of blond hair above his cock and it bent upwards like the boy's in one of the pictures he had seen at Gloria's house. He tickled Donald's balls and watched them shrink up.
Donald said, "Please kiss it and lick it, Angie. You're so cute."
Danny came back to the present and glanced at Gloria. Gloria nodded to tell Danny to keep "acting" as part of the show. Then Danny kissed the side of Donald's cock. He started licking up and down the sides the same way that Gloria and Emily had done to his own cock. Donald's cock was about the same size as Danny's and it fit almost completely in Danny's mouth. Danny began to lick and suck with more gusto. The small audience remained quiet - not wanting to distract either actor, and not wanting Danny to become aware of the audience and cameras that were all focused on his face.
They watched for two minutes, but before Donald could cum, Gloria had Danny lay face down on the bed and she oiled his thighs so Donald could rub his penis between Danny's thighs.
"Oh, she has me so turned on. I wish I could fuck her." Donald said as he kept thrusting his penis against Danny's silky panties with the maxi-pad inside.
"I'm ready to cum." Said Donald.
"Stop!" said, Mr. Thompson. He motioned for Gloria to step in.
Gloria walked to the bed and had Donald stand up. "I want you to wear a blindfold, Donald, while I lube up Angie's bottom for you. Then you can come in her bottom. OK?"
"Yes, that would be great." Agreed Donald who had known of the charade all along. Gloria led Donald over to Mr. Thompson who helped put the blindfold on Donald so that Gloria could get Danny all lubed up. Mr. Thompson and the man seated next to him talked loudly to Donald telling him that they could understand why he was so excited with such a pretty girl like Angie. They kept talking to him as they fastened the blindfold.
"But..." protested Danny as he started to get up.
Gloria knelt and whispered in his hear, "You're doing fine, Danny. You're fooling everybody. You're absolutely fantastic. Mr. Thompson loves it. Keep acting a little longer. Donald's cock is actually the same size as yours, and it's the same size as the rubber cock I slid in your bottom last week. And you thought that felt good, didn't you?"
She had Danny stand up when Donald was blindfolded. Mr. Thompson and the other man kept talking to Donald while Gloria undressed Danny. The others in the audience were glad to see that Danny was completely stiff. They gave him a thumbs up sign to show that he was doing a wonderful acting job. Then Gloria put a blindfold on him, too.
Gloria got him all lubricated as he stood there. She turned him so that all the onlookers could see his stiff cock. Then she got him in the face down position and helped Donald get on from behind. She guided his cock right into Danny's tight asshole. Donald started thrusting slowly but with authority and soon both of them were moaning. Donald came in Danny's ass.
He knelt back and took off his blindfold, smiling, while Danny kept lying in place. One of the men led Donald away, and another man knelt down when Gloria helped Danny stand up. He sucked Danny's cock and pushed a finger up Danny's ass. Danny came in the man's mouth almost immediately.
The man sat back in his seat, wiping off his mouth. Then Gloria removed Danny's blindfold. Danny looked around for Donald and saw him being led up the stairs. Then they turned and came back to the circle. Danny blushed while everyone clapped. Donald said, "You were wonderful, 'Angie,' or should I say, 'Danny?'" They everyone clapped harder.
Mr. Thompson said, "You both did great. Now get dressed again, and we'll have a few refreshments before we have to get these boys home.
A few minutes later Gloria led Danny - still dressed as Angie - back into the room. His make-up, hair, and perfume helped him get back into his Jr. High girl persona as he mingled with the men and women who had just watched him get butt fucked. Nobody mentioned specifically that they enjoyed watching him get butt fucked or watching him suck another boy's cock - but they all told him what a wonderful job he had done fooling Donald. One lady said, "You are such a great actor, or is it 'actress?' You fooled me, too, Danny. I didn't know you were a boy until the very end of your performance! You were great!" All the adults said they hoped he could come back for more performances.
"Sure I will. This is fun. And it's even more fun to try to fool somebody." Danny said, in his higher-pitched, soft, girl's voice.
Later Gloria and several others gave him a bath to remove all the make-up and perfume and helped get him dressed like a boy. Everybody - men and women - kissed him good-bye, and commented on what a fine actor he was. Then Gloria took him home to cut her grass. They agreed to have a little 'practice session' every Wednesday and then go to a 'party' on Saturday afternoons for the next three weeks.
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