Published: 21-Mar-2011
Word Count:
Brian changed his name to Jim for his business cards for this new fake sting operation, and he grew a moustache. He used a different identity in each city when he worked his fake sting ploy, and took other precautions to protect himself, like never setting up a new sting operation within 100 miles of any previous sting operation. The other adults involved in his fake sting operation were glad to travel every couple of months just to be involved in Brian's charade. They didn't mind traveling and were happy to pay his premium prices to participate.
The reason Jim was so happy this Wednesday afternoon, as he got out of his van to go in Gloria's trailer, was that Gloria, Julie's Mom, told him she had lined up another girl who they could get involved to help them in their sting operation. Jim had said, "If he, Mr. X, the producer, goes a little crazy, and takes naughty pictures with one girl, he does even more incriminating acts when there are two little girls involved. If you can find another girl we can trust, then our chances of success, and even more money, goes way up."
Gloria had told him, "My best friend, Vanessa, and her nine year old daughter, Sammi. They can be trusted. Like you told me, 'the girl has to be around eight to eleven years old and cute, and have a single Mom who I trust. A woman and little girl who I would trust to keep our secrets.' And I know we can trust Vanessa and Sammi. Sammi is real cute, too. You'll like her. Just starting to sprout, like you said about Julie, only Julie's are a little bit bigger. And Julie is taller and 9 months older and will be in the fifth grade, but Sammi will only be in the fourth grade. Sammi and Julie are good friends, even though Julie is ten already."
Now, just four hours after that conversation, Jim walked into the small house trailer carrying two grocery bags - one full of soft drinks and chips for the girls, with a small plastic bag of silky, extra-small, lacy panties and a small vibrator. The other bag had a 12-pack of cold beer and a bottle or red wine for the Moms. Both women and both girls were glad to see him. He noticed Sammi started blushing the moment he walked in. Jim kissed each woman and each girl - like a greeting of old friends. The two girls sat on the couch close together holding hands. Jim immediately liked the new little girl, with the reddish-blond hair. Only nine years old, but with tell-tale bumps on the front of her tight T-shirt. Sammi was hunching her shoulders so the bumps wouldn't show as much. But Jim could make out the puffy nipple shapes in Sammi's T-shirt. He knew he would love doing this "interview-audition" with Sammi as much as he had enjoyed his first interview with Julie, just a week ago. He watched Sammi squirming on the couch, unable to sit still as she looked at the floor and blushed. And the reddish-blond hair made it look like she was blushing even brighter.
Gloria got Jim a beer while she said, "Vanessa noticed the new bike you got for Julie last week, and she also saw that we got our cable TV turned back on."
Vanessa smiled at Jim. "I wondered what was going on."
Jim said, "I asked Gloria if she really trusted you, and if your daughter was cute. Gloria said Sammi was very cute... and I see she was right!" Sammi blushed brighter and smiled. Jim continued, "I told Gloria she could tell you a little bit more about our plan tonight while I worked with Julie and Sammi to get them ready for their first, joint audition with the producer this weekend. I'll show the pictures and video clips I'll get today to the producer when I meet with him in the morning and, now that I see Sammi, I'm sure he will want to use both girls."
Vanessa said, "I told Sammi to do everything that you told her to do, even if it's embarrassing. I told her that you wouldn't hurt her and neither would the producer. Right?"
Jim said, "That's right. Both girls will still be virgins when our little operation is over. I'll tell you more about the money possibilities when it's just us adults." I looked at Sammi, who looked down at the floor again, with a renewed blush.
Vanessa and Gloria both agreed that it would be best to only talk about money with the adults. Gloria sat down next to Vanessa. Vanessa said, "Well I trust Gloria and she trusts you, so I agree to go along with your plan, and I can promise you that Sammi won't talk to anybody except the people in this room about what we're doing."
Jim tried to act indifferent, as he continued talking with Vanessa and Sammi in Gloria's house trailer. Julie was wearing short, baggy, soccer shorts and standing next to Jim as he sat in the stuffed chair. He leaned forward; patted Julie's bottom, and said, "Julie is experienced now, and I've already given her a little training and she had one audition with the producer already, so she will act as my assistant tonight - to get a few pictures and some video clips that I'll show to the producer tomorrow morning to get him interested in using Sammi as one of his actresses. Mr. X. trusts me because I've had to line up other little stars for him to ... well, to 'train' for some of his off-the-record video projects. And I know the studio doesn't know what he's doing with these innocent, little girls when he goes on some of his talent searches."
He had met Vanessa with Gloria briefly that afternoon to make the arrangements for that night's session. Jim was glad that Gloria's trailer was at the back end of the trailer park, with a dumpster and manufacturing building behind it. Very private. He had given Vanessa an envelope with five hundred in cash, and promised her another envelope with the same amount later that night. "But remember, this is just a down payment." He had told her. "We'll probably each make a hundred thousand dollars, maybe more, when I blackmail the studio. And both of your daughters will still be virgins. I promise you."
That night he got the video camera set up in the bathroom, and gave Julie his little camera and whispered some instructions in her ear while the two Moms sat out in the living room. He said to Sammi, "Do everything Julie tells you to do. I won't tell your Moms what you did." Jim told the girls he would never show their Moms these pictures or videos unless the girls were dressed in the pictures. He was almost whispering to the two girls. Jim and the two girls could hear both Moms watching TV and talking out in the living room through the closed bathroom door. Jim bent down and put his hand directly on Julie's pussy through her shorts. He looked at Sammi and said, "I've only got a few minutes in here alone with you girls right now before you take your bath together. I'm going to touch you here, Sammi, just like I'm touching Julie - between your legs, and you won't have pants or panties on after dinner. This is just a little warm up for you. In order for our plan to work you'll have to trust me and you'll have to let me take pictures and touch you all over, like Julie here does. Julie trusts me." He faced Julie and said, "Pull your shorts and panties to your knees, Julie, so I can show Sammi how I will touch her."
Julie pulled her shorts and panties down to her knees and slid her feet apart as far as she could. Sammi was staring at her friend's bald pussy as Jim put his hand on it and began massaging Julie's plump, bald lips.
Jim slid his fingers between Julie's lips. As his finger slid over Julie's clitty, Julie said, "Ohh." Sammi watched closely.
Jim said, "Julie is doing great. See how she does what I tell her? She follows directions right away without asking questions. And it feels good to her, too, when I touch her like this. Doesn't it, Julie?"
"Ohhh, yes."
"Gee." Sammi said, still staring at Jim's hand on Julie's pussy.
Jim continued, "And I think our plan will work whether you get involved with us or not. But..." He looked into Sammi's face. Sammi had been watching Jim's fingers massaging Julie's pussy, but then she looked up into Jim's face. She blushed. Jim continued, "But... you'll have to let Julie get pictures of you undressing and then you two will take turns kissing and touching each other. This is important. I need to show the producer that you are a sexy, cute, and brave, little girl, just like Julie, so he will let me bring you to the auditions, too. OK?"
Sammi was blushing, and looked at the floor. "Oh, oh, OK." She finally said.
"Good." Jim said, and stood up all the way. "Now let Julie get the video and pictures while you two undress and kiss each other. This is part of your acting training. Later tonight, after you're done in the bedroom, I'll come in and put my finger in you to seal our agreement. OK?"
Julie was holding the little camera. Julie said, "It feels good, Sammi, when Jim fingers me. I like it. I met the producer and was really nervous, but he didn't finger me yet but he did touch me in front and even pulled down my panties to look, but he didn't put his finger in me. He just took pictures and video while I undressed out of different outfits. He has a lady assistant named Laura who helps him, and that's who dressed me before I undressed in front of the producer's cameras. Ms. Laura fixed up my hair and put lipstick and a little bit of make up on me, too. You'll let Mr. X finger you, too, won't you? I mean Jim and also the producer. We have to call the producer Mr. 'X' because his real name is like a secret. It will be a fun adventure for us, and our Moms will get lots of money."
"Oh, oh... OK." Sammi said.
Jim smiled. He knew the shy, nine year old, slim, with reddish-blond hair, and with the tiny buds just beginning to show on her chest would be delicious. He could hardly wait to see her bare, bald pussy but didn't want to scare her. After doing this interview process a number of times he could tread the fine line between getting the potential star excited or scared. Jim could tell she was already excited about the idea, and that she felt safe because her friend Julie was in the bathroom with them. Jim put his left hand down on the front of her soccer shorts. "Right here." He said. "The producer and me and maybe a couple of his assistants will each touch you right here. And I think you'll like it. When this finger goes in you. I'll demonstrate to you tonight, so you won't be scared if Mr. X does it Friday night. And I'll push it in real slow tonight, until you get used to it. Julie loves it. Don't you, Julie?"
Julie nodded her head. "Unn, it feels so good, Sammi."
Jim said, "Feel my finger, Sammi." He was holding out his right index finger, while massaging Sammi's plump, firm pussy through her soccer shorts with his left hand.
Sammi took his finger in her hand.
"Slide your hand up and down on my finger to show me how slow I should go when I put my finger up your pussy, Sammi."
She slowly slid her hand up and down on Jim's big finger.
"Good girl. You're doing good already at following directions. Now I have to go out and talk to your Moms. Before I go let me see you do a couple things. Kiss each other."
Julie enjoyed being the leader and she shuffled over to Sammi. Julie's pants and panties were stretched between her knees. Sammi was two inches shorter and even slimmer than Julie. Julie started kissing Sammi on the lips while Jim watched. Jim put his hands on the girls' bottoms. "Good." He said. "Press your hips together. Good. Julie, put your tongue in and keep kissing. Sammi, just let Julie put her tongue in your mouth and keep kissing. You're both doing great. Keep kissing and move your hips around - just a little bit."
He watched them kiss and squirm for a minute, then said, "Sammi, keep kissing Julie while I slip my hand inside your panties. I won't look at you yet, I just need to feel you. I want to see how well you follow directions before I leave the room."
Sammi tried to keep kissing as Jim slid his hand inside up her left leg and inside her soccer shorts. She put her feet apart the same way that Julie had done.
Jim said, "Very good, Sammi. Keep kissing while I feel you for a minute." Jim knelt beside the nine year old with his left hand up under her soccer shorts. Then he put his hand inside Sammi's panties on her bottom and moved her ass cheeks around. So firm - almost hard, but very round. Then he slid his right hand between Sammi's legs and began feeling her bald pussy. His right hand slid back to Sammi's firm bottom - squeezing and pulling on her firm buns. Then he slid his left hand up under her shirt and felt her nubbins - just puffy nipples on little mounds. So firm. He gently pinched Sammi's left nipple. "Unnn." Sammi said softly, but kept kissing Julie. He slid his left hand back down Sammi's tummy and into her soccer shorts and then her panties, pulling them down a little ways. He felt Sammi's bare pussy and leaned forward to get a close look. Bald as a baby, with just a little bit of reddish-blond angel hair. Jim was now sure that Sammi's plump pussy was still naturally bald.
Jim stood up. "You're both doing great." He looked at Sammi. "You are doing so good at following directions and letting me do things, Sammi. I didn't intend to pull your pants and panties down yet, but you are just so cute. Let me pull them all the way down to get a close look at you. OK?"
Sammi was smiling at the compliments, "OK?" She said and moved her hips back away from Julie. As Jim pulled Sammi's soccer shorts and white, cotton panties down, Julie stepped back to watch. Jim put his head close to Sammi's pussy. He sniffed it without being obvious about it. Fresh and clean. He knew he would get a closer smell after dinner when he was in the bedroom with the girls. And he intended to lick her. He said, "Nice and plump. So pretty and firm. He will love it. And, look at Julie's. She's standing with her feet shoulder width apart and you can see a little bit of her clitty at the top of her crack. See how there is a little of her clitty showing?"
"Yes." Sammi was looking closely.
"She has a beautiful pussy, and yours is pretty too, but I can't see any of your clitty yet. I bet we'll have to open your legs really wide before we can see any of it. I know Mr. X likes nice plump, juicy ones just like yours. And yours, too, Julie. Slightly different but both beautiful. Now let me get a quick look at your bottoms before we go back into the living room. Face the tub. Good. Keep your feet shoulder width apart. Now put your hands on your bottoms and pull you bottoms open as wide as you can. That's it. You're both doing great. Now bend way down, keeping your bottoms pulled open. Excellent." The girls were starting to giggle a little bit, but following directions. Julie's anus was pink in the center with a darker brown ring of radiating wrinkles around it, and Sammi's was pink in the center and the narrow band around it - darker pink in the center with a light pink ring of wrinkles around it. Beautiful.
Jim ran a finger across each anus to watch them flinch. "Relax them. Let me stroke over them again." He stroked them again to watch them flinch. "Very beautiful." He said. "Stand up now and pull up your panties and shorts. Be sure to wash your bottoms really good when you come back in and take a bath with the camera on. Now both of you walk out with me. Then I'll send you in here to take your baths. Very good job, both of you." The girls smiled.
They were still smiling as they walked out into the living room. Sammi was blushing brightly. Jim said, "I think they'll do fine. They are both so cute. I know Mr. X will like Sammi, too, just like he was happy to give Julie an audition."
He turned to the girls, "Go on in and take your bath together. Julie will start the video camera and get some pictures for me with the little camera. You are both very pretty, little girls."
Sammi and Julie started giggling, and went back into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.
Jim said, "The cameras are all set up in the bathroom for the girls. A little footage while they take their baths and then a little more in the bedroom after dinner. I was worried about Sammi being too shy at first, but I think she'll do fine."
The two mothers looked relieved. Gloria said, "How soon will you have enough evidence to contact the studio?"
Jim was relieved that the two Mothers immediately started talking about money. Things would be easy with these two. He handed each of the women a thick envelope. "Another five hundred 'referral fee' for you, Gloria, and the other five hundred for you, Vanessa, so that you'll get a thousand dollars for joining us. All twenties and fifties so as not to arouse suspicion. Don't be flashy with the money. Mr. X might give you each a little 'audition fee,' if he wants to make a little "R" rated video clip with your daughters, but again - this is nothing compared to the hush money the studio will pay is. We'll each have lots more money soon. I mean probably over a hundred grand for me and for each of you."
Vanessa said, "That's great. Thanks for including me."
"I need to record our little agreement, just for the three of us." Jim sat a pocket tape recorder on the table and handed each Mom a piece of paper. "For my own protection, we'll read through this agreement. Nobody besides the three of us will ever know about it. It's just to protect me so that after we settle with the studio you won't try to get me in trouble for undressing and touching your daughters."
Vanessa nodded. Gloria said, "Oh, we understand. We won't try to get you in trouble, Jim."
"I know." Jim said, "This is just a precaution. I'll destroy the tape after a couple years. This might seem repetitive, but it's to protect me, really all of us, so that none of us can reveal anything, or else each of us would get in trouble. I'll read my part and then each of you read where it says 'reply.' OK?"
Both Moms agreed and Jim started reading:
Jim started, "Today is...." He said the date and his fake name and the time of day and gave Gloria's address. Then he read, "My name is Jim, and I am talking with the mothers of two potential, little stars, Sammi and Julie. Please state your names for my records."
Each of the Mom's said her name, social security number and the date. Then Jim said, "And after you say your name, tell me your daughter's name and current age."
Sammi's Mom read first, "I'm Vanessa, Sammi's Mom. Sammi is nine years old. I voluntarily enter into this agreement with Jim. I give Jim my permission to undress my daughter, Sammi, who is now nine years old, and to train her for our undercover operation. I understand that Jim will insert his finger into my daughter's vagina as part of this training to entrap the producer so that we can blackmail him. And I understand that Jim may do or show Sammi other things as part of this training, but whatever he does with Sammi, she will still be a virgin at the end of our operation, and at no time will Jim's penis be inserted into Sammi's vagina, so that she will still be a virgin. I promise to never try to get Jim in trouble with the law."
When she finished reading she said, "Can I ask a question?"
"Sure. Go ahead." Jim answered.
"Like what other things will you show her and what do you mean?"
"I'll have to let her see my cock, so that if Mr. X shows Sammi his cock, she won't be scared. And of course, I'll have to feel her all over. Maybe stimulate her with a vibrator, because I know Mr. X will want to do that. That way she will know what to expect. Is that OK with you?"
Gloria said, "I already told Jim he could do those things with Julie. This is just a precaution to protect himself. To me, it shows that he is being smart and careful."
"I know." Said Vanessa. "Good idea. And yes, you can do those things with Sammi. But will, umm, like..."
Jim smiled, already knowing what she wanted to ask. "What?" He asked, wanting to hear her ask it.
"Like will Sammi touch you?"
"Yes. She will touch it. Probably tonight. Julie has already held my cock, so we'll let Sammi watch Julie lick it, kiss it, and so on. I'm going to level with you as we do what we need to do to trap him, but I don't think you should ask the girls about it. And you shouldn't ask me about things if you don't want to know. Sometimes not knowing is better for everybody. They would be very embarrassed and might stop playing along if they knew you knew about these things. And if they do that with Mr. X and his stuff squirts out, the girls will know what to expect. OK?"
"Well, OK, I guess. I mean I saw that when I was her age." Vanessa blushed and looked at Gloria. "With one of the neighbors. Behind his garage. He used to give me two dollars to rub it for him."
Gloria smiled. "My uncle showed me. And then a couple different neighbor men. I had to be careful so they wouldn't get any on my clothes."
Then it was Gloria's turn. Jim still had the tape recorder running. He was smiling inside as Gloria finished her part of the script. In a serious voice, with the tape still running, he said, "Besides remaining virgins, I'll try to make sure that neither of the girls has to swallow anything she doesn't want to."
"Thank you." Said Vanessa. "We do want to protect their innocence as much as we can. They're bound to taste it sooner or later, especially in this neighborhood. And I remember not liking it at that age."
"Yuk." Agreed Gloria. "I can swallow it now, like if the guy really wants me to, but I don't love it the way some ladies do."
"I don't mind in now." Vanessa said. "Guess I got used to it, and now I even kind of like it."
"Well, I'll try to keep in control of things so that neither of them will have to swallow much. But it wouldn't hurt them. I'm usually with the girls when they are with Mr. X, but sometimes I'm busy with the cameras and so on. Now, Vanessa, I'll have to take you with us to meet him Friday, so you can sign his papers. Just sign everything and say something like, 'I really want you to use my daughter in one of your movies.' He'll think you're talking about his feature films, but he'll also plan to have her undress for him, for his little video clips so he can share them with a few of his trusted friends. Just go along with whatever he says. He won't try anything with you there."
"Tell me what we'll be doing, Jim." Vanessa said.
"I'll pick up you and Sammi and Julie and drive the three of you to the hotel downtown. He's got a suite. You'll meet Laura, his assistant, who is also his wardrobe person who will dress the girls and do their make-up and hair for the little audition tapes. He'll probably suggest that he would like to do some private auditions with the two girls, and then I'll bring you back here, and then go back to the hotel. I'll drive the girls back here when he's done with them. Miss Laura will get the make-up off and generally clean them up before I leave with them to bring them home. He usually doesn't have any full nude scenes with a new girl. I was surprised that he did with Julie already. I think Julie had him really turned on, because she's so cute. And with both cute, little girls there Friday night, I expect he will get turned on and might have them undress completely a couple times by the time I get back. Usually I work with the cameras, so I'll start to get our incriminating evidence. We ought to let him audition the girls several times so I can collect plenty of evidence.
"And another thing - usually he doesn't touch the little girls during the first audition, like he did with Julie - actually patting her bottom and pretending that he had to measure how big her breasts were so he could feel them. But I imagine, after you sign the papers to let him audition your daughter, that he will be touching both of them. Not fingering yet - that would be too much to hope for, because he doesn't want to scare them. I think within a few auditions he will start doing that, and even playing with a vibrator with the girls - alone or together - and then I'll really have him if I can keep copies of his tapes and pictures.
"Sometimes he likes to be an acting coach and teach the girls how to kiss on screen. The girls would be dressed then, but that gets Mr. X really turned on so that would be a good sign if he does that."
"OK." Said Vanessa. I'll clean up, too, and we'll be ready Friday at 6:00. And I'll make sure that Sammi takes a bath in the afternoon. Then I'll bring her over here. I'm kind of nervous about all this, but you're sure he won't actually hurt the girls?"
"The girls will still be virgins, and he won't hurt them and he'll even try not to scare them, so he will go slowly. I can promise you - nothing bigger than my finger will go in their vaginas."
Jim turned off the tape recorder and slipped it into his pocket. "Now I'll go send the girls to the bedroom for the bedroom video. Gloria, why don't you order a couple pizzas? Here's some money. We'll all have pizza and relax together tonight. I want the girls to know you trust me. And of course we won't talk anymore about this. Don't ask the girls questions. I'll do that. You just tell them to do everything I say, OK?"
Vanessa said, "I've already told her that. And I won't talk to the girls about their auditions."
"OK. We already agreed, and Julie didn't say anything and I didn't ask. I just know she had fun. Enjoyed it." Gloria said. "What do you like on your pizza?"
"I like everything." Jim said.
Vanessa said, "Plain cheese for the girls."
"I'll go in the bathroom with the girls for a little while, and after they have their panties and T-shirts on, ready for bed, I'll take them to the bedroom to get them started. We'll come out and even pretend to say good-night. Then I'll probably work with them another hour after dinner. They will be excited but confident Friday when we go meet the producer again."
Five minutes later Jim led the two giggling girls out in their panties and T-shirts to kiss their Mom's good-night.
Gloria said, "I ordered pizza, but now you two giggle bunnies go in and work with Jim. Do everything he says."
"I know." Said Julie.
"Me, too." Said Sammi. "This is like being an actress!"
Jim gave Gloria a hand signal, like twisting a know, "Maybe turn up the TV." He led them back to the bedroom and then went into the bathroom to get the video camera. He closed the bedroom door behind him, and had the girls kiss and undress each other. Sammi was more shy than Julie, but took stage directions from her friend, after a quick demonstration of each pose. She blushed when Jim was taking close-up pictures of her open pussy. Julie demonstrated several other sexy poses Jim had showed her. Jim was still taking pictures when they heard the pizza guy drive up. He said that he needed to do a quick fingering of each of them, while the other one worked the cameras, and this would seal their agreement. Both girls were wet, but Sammi was surprisingly wet - creamy wet with white goo - very excited for a nine year old. She would enjoy her auditions. Jim thought.
"You young girls are so tight." He said. "He will like that."
First he did Julie, after getting her in position on her back with her legs apart. He slowly pressed his finger all the way in her tight vagina on the first attempt. She was so wet that his finger squeezed in. Julie said, "Unnnnnn, ohh." As the finger went all the way in.
Sammi got in position and had her head on two pillows so she could watch. Jim played with her pussy for a little bit, getting his finger wet with her natural lubricant. Then he slowly pushed his finger in. Just an inch and then he stopped, letting the gasping girl catch her breath. "Ohhhhhh. Unnn. It's too big, Jim. Your finger. Unnn. Too big. It kind of hurts. Ohhhh."
"Let me try a different position, Sammi. You're nice and wet, so I know it will work, but I don't want it to hurt you. I'll do my baby finger first."
He got her on her elbows and knees and had her slide her knees farther apart. After getting his baby finger coated in her virgin cream, he slowly pushed it all the way in.
There was a knock on the bedroom door, and Gloria said, "Pizza is here."
"We'll be out in a minute." Julie said. "He's just finishing a few pictures with Sammi."
Jim pushed his big finger in after warming her up with his baby finger. "Unnnn. Ohhhh." Sammi moaned softly.
"We'll be right out." Julie said to the door again.
"OK." Gloria said. They heard her start talking to Vanessa out in the living room of the small trailer. Gloria said, "They'll be out in a minute. Just finishing up."
Jim continued to slowly push his finger all the way in and pull it all the way out slowly. "There. That doesn't hurt now, does it?"
"Unnnnn. Ohhhh. Ah! Ah! Ah!" Sammi moaned. "It doesn't hurt. Unnnnn. Ohhhh. Ah! Ah! Ah!"
"Should I stop now so we can go get some pizza, or should I do it a few more times to help you get used to it?"
"A few more times. Unnnnn. Ohhhh. Ah! Ah! Ah!" " Sammi was much louder than Julie. Mr. X would like that, too. A noisy one.
Jim loved the firm, pale skin on Sammi's bottom and pussy and chest, where she wasn't tan. The thousand, little freckles drove him nuts. He wanted to keep fingering this girl and teach her about oral sex, but they had to finish up for now. He said, "Sammi, I'll need to practice a little more with you after dinner. OK? It will help so much if you let me finger you while you are in different positions. Would you like to practice this with me again later?"
"Yes." She said.
Jim pushed his finger all the way in, holding it there and moving his hand and thumb against her clitty. He said, "So this doesn't hurt now, does it, Sammi?"
"No. Unnnnn. Oh, ah!"
"Lay on your back a minute. Julie, get a close up of this. Remind me after dinner to bring more lights in here, OK?"
Julie said, "Yes, Sir."
Jim said, "Lay on your back, Sammi, and spread your legs apart. I need to check for hair. Good girl. Yes, just like that." Jim bent down for a very close inspection - his face just inches from Sammi's wet, open pussy. He could smell the faint aroma of Sammi's virgin sex - wet from excitement. "Just a few blond angel hairs; so fine, just the beginnings of growing up, like your tender nipples, your pussy is just beginning to ripen. Give me the camera." He took several close-ups.
Sammi was softly moaning and squirming around, unable to hold still.
Jim handed his camera back to Julie, and pushed his finger in slowly. Sammi moaned, "Ohhhhh, unnnnn! Ah! Ah!" Her hips moved.
Jim stopped and stood up, worried that the Moms would hear too much. He said, "You girls get your panties, T-shirts, and shorts on and go on out for pizza and pop. Don't pee yet, but drink lots of soda. That's an order. Lots of pop and don't pee until I take you each in the bathroom later. I'm going to rearrange the lights, and after dinner, when we're done in the bathroom, I'll bring in the other photo lights from the bathroom. You both did great."
The girls went out a minute later wearing their shorts and T-shirts. Jim licked his fingers.
He had the girls drink pop and more pop. Nobody mentioned the sting operation during dinner except Vanessa. She said, "This is all so exciting. You girls and Jim will have quite an adventure tomorrow, and probably every night next week if things work out." Jim agreed but changed the subject back to talking about school.
Jim said, "I know Mr. X and his assistant will ask you questions about school, so we can practice talking about a few things." Then when the pizza was mostly gone, Jim said it was time for him to take the girls back in the bathroom one at a time. Gloria had to use the bathroom first, but otherwise neither of the Moms questioned it. Both girls were wiggling by the time Gloria came out of the bathroom. She had been drinking beer, but Vanessa was just sipping wine.
Jim took the video camera into the bathroom, and the Moms acted like it was perfectly normal for their daughters to go in the bathroom with a man and his video camera and an extra light on a little stand. He said, "I'll take Julie in first, and when she's done she'll go in the bedroom to put on the new nightie I brought her. Then I'll take Sammi in the bathroom, and when we're done she can help me bring the cameras and lights into the bedroom with us. I suppose it will take about 45 minutes in the bedroom to do a few scenes."
"OK." Said Gloria. "And you girls do what he says."
Jim led Julie into the bathroom and closed the door. The two Moms watched TV while Sammi took the paper plates and the rest of the pizza out to the kitchen.
Less than ten minutes later Jim came out with Julie and patted Julie's shorts to send her into the bedroom. He motioned for Sammi to come into the bathroom with him.
Vanessa said, "Do what he says, Sammi. We really need the money."
Jim had showed the nervous girl the video camera. "Talk into the camera when you're ready to pee. Say your name and age and what grade you're in.
"I really have to pee, Jim. Can I do that first?"
"That's part of your act, Sammi. Introduce yourself while you're peeing. Open your legs all the way and lean back first."
"But it might get on the floor!"
"That's why I have the towel on the floor. Julie's pee squirted almost out past the towel. She did really good. So lean back and pull your pussy lips open with your hands. Let me zoom in on it. Don't start talking yet. I'll tell you when to let loose. OK?"
She was in position. "I really have to pee bad, Jim. All that pop."
"I know." Jim said, "Lean back a little farther. Count to ten slowly, and then you can pee. Then really let it loose. See if you can pee clear out past the towel."
"One, two, three, four... I don't know if I can hold it. Five, six, seven... oh!" She couldn't hold it and then just let it loose, with half of her pee squirting out onto the towel. Jim told her to just sit there with her knees apart while he cleaned up. He put the towel in the bathtub and rinsed it out, and then got a soapy washcloth and had Sammi stand with her feet apart and pull her bottom open and bend over. He washed off her pussy and anus. Then looked at her closely for a moment. "You know, Sammi, that you are very cute and sexy. I'm going to show the video clips and pictures to the producer and he might share them with a few of his friends. They are grown businessmen in suits and they will all think you are so sexy. Does that make you tingle between your legs to know that men will be looking at pictures and videos of you? Seeing close-ups of your pussy, your pulled-open ass hole, and your pretty face?"
Her hips moved. She said, "Yes."
"Good." Jim said, "That means you're growing up. Excellent. Is your pussy tingling right now, while I'm looking at your bare ass hole and pussy?"
"You like knowing that I want to touch you. And it feels good when I stroke my finger across your pussy or your anus, doesn't it?"
"Yes." She was still moving her hips; squirming around.
"I'm going to show you something right now, in private, but some of the men who might be helping the producer - you know, like running the cameras or maybe so he can get a close-up of big hands pulling your bottom open - well, they might want to kiss you back here. Back here where I just washed you with a soapy washcloth. Don't laugh or say anything. Just notice how it feels to you while I do lick your bottom. Just relax and enjoy the feelings, Sammi. Keep it pulled open for me."
Jim started licking Sammi's anus and then down over her pussy and back to her anus - again and again. After two minutes of continuous licking, Jim said, "We'll do this in private until you get used to it. Julie likes it, too, but I don't want to do this with the other girl watching. Not yet, at least. Maybe when you two are doing scenes together, but we'll get to that later. Is this making your pussy get all tingly?"
"Yes. Ahhhh." She was breathing heavier. Her hips were moving. Her pale shoulders were mottled reddish with excitement.
Jim was almost whispering. "I'll have to spend more time practicing this with you. Is this enough practice for now, or would like a little more right now?"
"A little more." She pulled her ass open wider, sticking it back towards Jim's face.
"Good girl. Your pussy gets very wet when you're excited. That's good. The producer will like that. Try not to be self-conscious about it. Just let yourself get wet."
"I can't help it. Like it's gooey sometimes."
"That's good. That's very good. It's nature's way of saying that you want to get your pussy rubbed. It's natural lubricant to make you slippery so something can go in you. It's a good thing, Sammi. It means you're growing up. I'm going to lick you a little while longer, for your training, and I'll tickle your clitty with my finger. I'm going to put my finger in you a little ways to get it nice and slippery, but I won't put it all the way in yet. Maybe later in the bedroom. This will help you be relaxed if Mr. X or one of his helpers licks you and tickles your clitty Friday. Won't that be fun?"
"Gee. Yes." She was moving her hips.
Jim was worried she would be too loud and he couldn't hear the TV playing in the living room. He said, "Try to keep absolutely quiet, Sammi. Focus on the feelings while I do this."
She started moaning as Jim tickled her clitty - running his finger through her wet pussy again and again while he licked her anus. Jim tried to press his tongue into her ass, but it was too tight. He tasted her pussy juice and smelled her excitement. This little girl was hot. Jim licked for almost two minutes and noticed that Sammi voice was getting high pitched and louder again.
"Ahh, unnn! Oh! Unnnn! Ah! Ah! Ah!"
He stopped licking her anus and tickling her clitty until she quieted down. He said, "Do you think you will like letting the other men do this - licking and kissing your anus and your pussy?"
Jim asked, "And do you want me to practice this with you later when we are alone in the bedroom?"
"Good. Stand up now, and put your shorts and T-shirt on and go into the bedroom. Carry this light with you. Careful with it."
They walked out of the bathroom. Jim was carrying the tripod and video camera and another light in his other hand. Sammi was carrying the other light on a stand in her hands. Jim said, "Both girls did great. I'm going to get some shots in the bedroom now. Just watch TV, I'll come out in a little while, and then will probably do a couple brief video sessions with each girl privately."
"OK." Said Gloria.
Vanessa smiled.
Inside the bedroom, I locked the door. Julie was wearing the semi-sheer, white nightie. While I set up the tripod with the video camera, and the lights I told Sammi to put on the pink one. "Now both of you, bounce on the bed and act silly."
Ten seconds later the nine and ten year old girls were bouncing and giggling, their short nighties flying this way and that as they bounced - exposing small firm titties, and the semi-sheer, loose-fitting panties that matched the nighties. This was followed by a brief wrestling match on the bed.
Then Jim stacked up the two pillows and had Julie lay across the pillows face down, with her knees apart while Sammi sat on top of her and give her some fun spankings - which led to Sammi feeling around on Julie's bottom, and soon to feeling directly between Julie's legs on the now-wet nightie bottoms. Then he had the girls switch positions, and while Julie was feeling the nightie bottoms that Sammi was wearing - with the growing wet spot between her legs - Jim had Sammi stay in position and put her legs together so Julie could pull off Sammi's bottoms. While Sammi got back in position over the pillows with her knees apart and bottom up higher than her shoulders, Jim had Julie slip off her bottoms, too. Then Julie sat back on top of Sammi's hips so that Jim could see both open pussies at the same time through his viewfinder. Julie began lightly spanking and massaging Sammi's ass. It was fairly quiet in the room with only the sound of the TV from the other room, so Jim's camera could also pick up the 'pslluupt' sound each time Julie pulled Sammi's ass and pussy open for the camera. Jim said, "The producer will love this little video. Two beautiful pussies." Julie was pulling Sammi's pussy and ass open, and then letting go and slapping Sammi's bottom - once on each side - with a sharp "wack!" sound.
"Wack! Wack! ... Pslluupt."
"Wack! Wack! ... Pslluupt."
"Wack! Wack! ... Pslluupt."
"Wack! Wack! ... Pslluupt."
Julie said, "She's pretty wet for a nine year old. I bet Mr. X will like that, like the way you said he would like mine because it gets 'creamy wet.' He liked to look at me real close and kept pulling it open. Remember? You said he loved looking at it."
"Yes, I remember. And he told me again later, after I took you home, that he just loved it that you got so wet and excited. Now, Sammi, you stay in position, and Julie, you sit on the bed and look at Sammi's pussy up close. I want some video of you looking at each other and fingering and opening each other. I'll put you in different positions, and then you can show me how you two play doctor when you sleep over.
Jim put the girls in several positions, taking turns looking and touching each other. "Now, Julie, You get on your back with your knees up and Sammi, get on your hands and knees over her, so that your head is directly over Julie's pussy. Good. You girls are great at following directions. Julie, let your knees fall open so she can see you better. And Sammi, let your knees slide apart so your pussy will be closer to Julie's face. Very good. Keep looking at each other. That's it."
Jim had one stationary camera set up on Julie's face and he had his smaller camera zooming in on Sammi's face as it approached Julie's bald, open, wet pussy. While the girls looked at each other - just inches away from the other girl's pussy, in classic sixty-nine position, Jim folded one of the bed pillows and propped it under Julie's head so that now she could kiss Sammi's pussy. While he worked the cameras, he said, "Julie, I want you to start kissing and licking Sammi."
"You mean on her pussy?"
Jim sounded impatient, "Yes. Remember? I told you that you might have to work with other actresses and that you would look at each other and take turns fingering each other - front and back - and that you would also have to take turns licking each other - front and back - but only after the other girl was washed off real good on her bottom. And I just washed off Sammi's bottom, so it's nice and clean. Do you want to watch me do it first?"
Julie said, "I'll do it, but, well, I'd like to watch you do it first. You said you were going to show me about licking but you didn't show me yet. You were going to show me, but then I was rubbing you and your stuff squirted out all over me, and then after you cleaned me up, it was time to go."
Jim laughed. "You're right. OK, I'll show you on Sammi..."
"I want you to show me on me, too."
"OK. OK. I'll demonstrate on Julie, and later I'll lick you, too. Then you can show Sammi how you lick me. You did really good when you did that, and that's why I squirted. You're very cute and sexy, Julie, and you, too, Sammi. I'll let you show Sammi how you did it, but not until after I lick each of you, because when you lick me I might squirt my stuff."
Jim turned off the video camera and bent his head down near Julie's face and Sammi's open, wet pussy. Jim said, "Just hold still, Sammi, while I lick you. Watch, Julie. See how wet she is?"
"Yes, like you said about me, that I was 'creamy wet,' and you said that was really good."
"It's very good. I know the producer will like it on both of you. But I want to taste some of Sammi's excitement. And then I'll taste yours in a few minutes. Right now, I want you to try to pull Sammi's cute little ass open wider so we can see her little, pink anus."
Julie pulled Sammi open as best she could, reaching up around and between Sammi's legs. Jim leaned forward and began licking Sammi's asshole while Julie watched. Then he said, "You won't be able to reach all the way up to lick her anus, but we'll change positions after I'm done shooting you two cuties doing some sixty nine licking. Now I'm going to taste your friend, Sammi." He licked Sammi's anus and then kept licking as he went down to Sammi's clitty and back up." Jim tried to scoop out as much of Sammi's excitement as he could - sticking his tongue into her vagina.
A minute later he backed away. "I'll turn on the video camera now while you lick her. And your friend tastes really good."
Jim got more video as each girl took a long turn licking the other. Then he took off his clothes and let Julie show Sammi how she had licked his cock the week before.
Sammi said, "Oh, but it's so big!"
Jim smiled, knowing his six inches was only average, but Sammi had never seen a real one before.
Julie licked the sides of it, showing Sammi how to tickle Jim's balls softly to make them shrink up. Julie said, "He likes that, when you tickle his balls and kind of lick down the sides. And see the stuff kind of dripping out the tip of it? Well, that means Jim is getting excited. It's kind of like we get wet when we're excited, but he says some men don't leak out as much of the sticky stuff before they squirt like Jim does. He leaks out for a while before he squirts it.. And it tastes almost the same as his sticky stuff that squirts out, but this is more watery. You can lick some off like this if you want just a little sample of it. He liked licking us. Did it feel good to you, Sammi, when he licked you?"
"Yes. It felt good. OK, let me try it. Maybe just a little taste of it." Sammi was smiling and staring at Jim's cock as she leaned forward to lick it. She took a little of his precum on her tongue and tasted it. She made a funny face. "I don't think I like it."
Julie said, "I didn't either at first. But when I got enough it tasted better." Julie was showing off to the younger girl, so Jim didn't say anything. His hands were at his sides while the two girls talked and licked. Julie said, "I like to put the tip of it in my mouth and really suck and lick on it. That way you get more and then it tastes better."
Jim felt like smiling. He thought it would be nice to have Julie negotiate other adventures for him. Then Sammi took the tip in her mouth and sucked and licked.
Julie said, "Good, now slide your head up and back on it. Jim likes that, too. He said it felt like his thing was inside a girl when I was sucking and sliding real fast over the tip. That's it. You're doing great, Sammi. Keep rocking your head like that."
Jim was watching the two, little, naked girls play with his cock when he felt that surge and knew he would cum in a few seconds. He said, "I'm ready. Oh. Keep doing that, Sammi! Don't stop."
Julie said, "Keep it in your mouth, Sammi. He's ready to squirt it. Hold it in your mouth."
Jim started shooting and kept shooting for several big squirts and then the dribbles. Sammi kept it in her mouth for the first three squirts and then backed off it, holding Jim's cock in her hand, and then letting go when his cock was out of her mouth. The next squirt caught her on the side of her head, getting some in her hair, and the dribbles went onto her chest and legs. Some drooled out of Sammi's mouth onto her chest, but she had swallowed most of it.
"Echh!" She said, "That was too much." She looked down the front of her body and saw the drips and runs all over her chest, tummy, and legs. "I'm sorry. It just kept coming out and I couldn't swallow it fast enough."
"It's OK, Sammi." Said Julie, like an old pro. "You'll get used to it. See? It doesn't taste as bad when there's lot of it."
Sammi seemed unsure, but then went along with her friend. "Yeah, I guess it's not so bad when there's lots of it.
Julie said, "I'll get the rest of it. Just sit still a minute." She took Jim's shrinking cock in her hand and put the tip in her mouth to suck and lick the rest.
Jim said, "Don't wipe it off of yourself yet, Sammi. Let me get a video of Julie licking it off you. Just hold still." When Julie took Jim's cock out of her mouth, Jim got the camera going again and got footage of Julie licking his cum off Sammi. What a hot scene. He began to feel himself swelling again before Julie finished.
He had the girls get back in their panties, shorts, and T-shirts while he dressed. As they got ready to go back out to watch TV and have more soft drinks, Sammi said, "What about my private session, Jim? Do you still want to do that later?"
He promised the girls he would do another quick session with each of them privately later but he had to rest for a half hour or so.
They went out with the two Moms and had more snacks and pop. Jim said, "They did great. But I think now they each want some soft drinks. So we'll have a refreshment break and then I'll take each of them back in the bedroom for one last photo session. Friday I'll pick up the girls and you, too, Vanessa, and we'll go meet with the producer and sign a few more papers. That will also make our case stronger later on. But for now we won't talk about this with anyone, including each other. OK?"
He looked at each of the Moms and girls and everyone nodded, aware of the seriousness of the big plan. The girls were relieved because they didn't want to tell their Moms about the naughty things they did and the Moms were relieved because they didn't want their daughters to think they knew the true nature of Jim's photo sessions. Things were going great and everybody was happy.
Jim noticed that Vanessa was looking at Sammi's hair, and then he noticed some of his cum was matted in a quarter-size dark area on the side of Sammi's head just above her right ear. There was just a little bit of white cum in the center of the dark, matted area in Sammi's reddish-blond hair. Vanessa looked at it for a moment and then took another sip of wine. She asked Gloria a question about some TV show and didn't look back at her daughter's hair. Jim looked back at little glob of his cum in Sammi's hair and breathed a sigh of relief. These Moms would play along with his plan.
While the two Moms kept watching TV and drinking beer or wine, Jim took both girls back in the bedroom an hour later after watching a game show on TV. He said, "You sexy, little girls got me so excited before that I couldn't help myself. So now, I'll return the favor and help each of you feel really good. First, I'll stimulate Julie, while Sammi watches. OK, Julie? I mean, since you are older and more experienced?"
"Sure, that's OK." Julie was already taking off her shorts. "Are you going to use the buzzy thing? That felt really good."
Jim smiled, "Yes, I want to demonstrate it on you first, Julie, so Sammi can see it. Get undressed and get on your hands and knees. A few spankings first to warm up your bottom."
While Julie pulled off her T-shirt, she said, "Watch this, Sammi. He has to give me a few spankings to warm up my bottom. It kind of slaps a little bit, but doesn't hurt too bad, and then, see, your bottom is warmed up so it's easier to stimulate. That's what Jim taught me last week. At first I thought it hurt too much, but then it did feel all warmed up and it felt so good when he.... Well, you'll see." She was naked on her hands and knees on the bed, with her ass right at the back corner of the bed. She dropped to her elbows and knees. "Jim likes it when I'm on my elbows and knees, so he can see me better, you know - like between my legs. And it's like in spanking position for him, and he can feel me from the side easier, too."
As she said that, Jim reached under Julie with his right hand and fondled her tiny titties. He pinched her nipples, getting a moan out of Julie each time.
Julie said, "Like when he pinches them, it..."
"Hush, now, my sexy baby. Just let her watch. I'm going to have Sammi give you a few spankings and then she will lube your bottom for me. I'll teach you both something about a new pleasure besides just the buzzer."
Jim took his pants and underwear off because he was getting hard again. Sammi was staring at his stiffening cock. Jim said, "Sammi, you can play with it in a few minutes if you help me with Julie. I want you to help me give Julie a gasm, and then after she leaves I'll play with you and you can lick me again if you want to. Do you want to play with my cock some more?"
"Gee, yes. I'll help you."
"If you spank Julie hard enough and get her anus lubricated for me, then I'll let you lick me some more in a little while. OK?"
"Yes. I want to."
Julie said, "I want to stay and help, too."
Jim said, "Quiet, Julie. You had me all to yourself last week. I gave you lots of treatments - fingering, spanking, lubricating your bottom, massaging, lots of photography, and... and when I took you to meet the producer, before taking your Mom home, I told him to invite Todd over to help run the camera while I was gone. And Todd knew he could play with you, undress you, and then finger you, and let you lick him. So you've gotten to do a lot already, my sexy, young Julie. And I need a little time alone with Sammi. You'll get plenty of attention Friday from the producer and his assistants. You'll get to play with a couple more cocks, and they will all want to finger you, so just be patient. And if you cooperate now, and stay quiet, then I'll give you another gasm with the vibrator and my finger at the same time. So stay quiet while I teach Sammi how to spank you and lubricate you. You want the vibrator treatment, don't you?"
"Yes, I've been thinking about it all day."
"Good. Now let Sammi spank you and get your anus lubricated for me. Then I'll take over and give you a vibrator treatment. Show Sammi how obedient you are. Put your knees farther apart. That's it. Lower your head even more so we can spank you and lubricate you. That's good. See how obedient she is, Sammi?"
"Yes. She does good. I'll try to do good, too."
"I know. Both of you girls are doing so great. And so sexy. There will be at least a few other men who will watch this video and the videos the producer will take of you. This is good practice to do embarrassing things while I work the video camera. And it's exciting to know that other men will watch you show off your pretty little pussy and anus. Bend down so they can see your tight, pink anus. Perfect. That's it. And that's why I had to take my pants off, because you two are so sexy. Even though you girls got me so excited earlier, and I squirted my cum, I'm excited again already because you are both so sexy.
"Now I want to get video of Sammi spanking you, Julie. Sammi, after each few spanks try to pull her ass open with both of your hands. I'll be holding the video camera in my hands so I can move around. And I'll give you instructions as we go. Don't talk now, Julie. Just enjoy the feelings. If something feels good, make little noises."
Sammi spanked Julie several times and pulled Julie's ass open to show Jim's camera. Jim said, "Julie likes it a little harder than that so it gets her bottom a warm, rosy pink. You need to get her ass really warmed up. Slap her harder and wait a few seconds between spanks. Make her wonder when the next one is coming."
Smack! Smack! Then a long pause.
Smack! Another longer pause.
Sammi and Jim could see that Julie's bottom was getting a reddish glow, and also that some white cream was building up in her vagina as the excitement built up.
"Sammi, I want you to lick her anus a few times for the camera. It's all clean from the bathroom earlier. Remember how I washed you off after you peed for the camera?"
"Yes, I remember. That was kind of embarrassing, but then you washed me off real good, even on my bottom."
"That's right. So Julie's anus is all clean. And I won't ask you to do anything that I wouldn't do. I'll lick yours in a little while, Sammi. That's why I washed it so clean. Lick it and kiss Julie's anus a few times for the video. You're doing good at following directions, Sammi."
Jim got video of the kisses and licks. "Good, now put your head back a little bit and stare at Julie's pink and wet anus. Doesn't she have a pretty asshole?"
"Yes. It's pretty."
"You can lick it some more if you want to. If you lick Julie's anus some more, then I'll lick yours when we're playing alone together later."
Sammi leaned forward and started licking Julie's anus again - taking her time and kissing all around it.
Jim sat the camera down and opened a small jar of thick lubricant. He said, "Get a glob of it on your finger, Sammi, and rub it around on Julie's pink anus, then push some in. That's it. Push lots more in, but let me get the camera on you two. You'll have to press hard because she is so young and tight, like you. Use lots of it and keep pushing more of it in her. That's good. See how tight she feels?"
"I have to push hard."
With each finger insertion, Julie moaned.
Jim said, "She likes it, doesn't she, Sammi?"
Sammi nodded.
"Keep pushing in nice and slow like that. You're using lots of lubricant, and that makes it easier and it feels good to her. Does her anus feel really tight on your finger?"
"Yes, it's really tight. I have to push hard to get all the way in, but she's more slippery now."
"Unnnnhh." Julie moaned again, as Sammi's finger pushed all the way in.
Jim pulled the tripod into position and attached the video camera so he would have both hands free. He said, "Good, Sammi. Keep doing that. Real slow. All the way in. Yes. She likes it, doesn't she?"
"Put your head closer for the video. I want to get a close up. In a minute, I want you to start feeling Julie's pussy with your other hand, and then put a finger up her pussy at the same time you push a finger up her bottom."
Julie's moaning told both of them that it felt wonderful to her.
"You're both doing great." Jim said, over Julie's moaning. "Julie likes knowing that I've got a camera on her, too. It makes it more exciting for her. That's good, Sammi, push a finger in her bottom and as you pull it out, push your other finger in her pussy. Like that. Good. Keep fingering her."
A minute later Julie said, "But I'm...unnn... about to have my gasm, Jim. The buzzer. Use the ... unnnn... buzzer."
Jim said, "Pull your fingers out, now, Sammi. You did good. Just stand back here next to the camera. I'll use the buzzer on her and finger her tight, little asshole at the same time. Then you can watch her have a gasm. That means it feels really great."
Jim set the camera for a close up on Julie's ass and pussy. He would stand to one side so only his hands would be in the video. After lubricating his finger, he twisted the back of the small vibrator which started buzzing. He rubbed it up Sammi's tummy and chest.
Sammi said, "That tickles!"
"Yes, and it feels wonderful when it tickles your pussy. Just watch." He ran the little vibrator up and down Julie's legs. Then he pushed his big finger in Julie's asshole and pressed the vibrator to Julie's clitty at the same time.
Julie almost screamed out, "Ahhhoooooo, unnnnn."
Jim was worried that the Moms would hear her noises. He pulled the vibrator away at the same time he pulled his finger out. "Again?" He asked.
"Unnnnn, yes!"
He teased her by rubbing the vibrator on her thighs. "Did you like my finger up your ass at the same time?"
"Yes. Unnnn. Please. Now." Julie said, moving her ass around. Jim pressed his finger in Julie's very tight anus and pressed the vibrator against her clitty, causing Julie to have a very noisy orgasm. After just a few seconds Julie leaned forward to get her sensitive, swollen clitty away from the vibrator. Jim handed it to Sammi, then slowly pulled his finger out of Julie's ass. Julie collapsed onto the bed.
"We'll let her rest a minute, Sammi, and then it's your turn. Take off your panties now, Sammi."
While Sammi took off her panties and T-shirt, Jim said, "Your pussy has a natural lubricant, but I'll use plenty of lubricant for your bottom. I'll get the camera set up so I can get a little clip of my hand pushing a finger up your bottom. Once I get you nice and slick, then I'll teach you about the vibrator."
Julie looked around at Sammi, who was now on her hands and knees at the end of the bed. Julie was cuddled with a pillow up near the front end of the bed. She said, "Can I stay and watch? Please, Jim. I want to see how Sammi likes the vibrator. And that was the best gasm ever! Jeez. It felt like I was exploding inside."
Jim said, "OK. You can stay and watch ... as long as you just watch and don't say anything. Can you do that?"
"Yes. I'll be quiet. Thanks."
"I'm going to Spank Sammi a few times."
A minute later, Jim put a big glob of lubricant on Sammi's bottom and began pushing some in her. "Oww, your finger is too big. It hurts. Ohhhh. It's in. Unnnn."
Jim said, "I'll switch to my baby finger to get you slippery. Now I'll show you about the buzzer, but won't press it on your clitty yet. Julie, spread your legs and scoot down so Sammi could kiss your pussy if she wants. I want her to smell your excitement. Don't talk now, Sammi. Just listen to the buzzer. I want you to smell Julie's pussy. Don't talk."
While Julie scooted down towards Sammi so her open pussy was just inches from Sammi's mouth. Jim turned on the vibrator and ran it lightly up and down Sammi's thighs. Then he started running it across Sammi's pussy - just glancing across her pussy. Jim could see the whitish excitement building up in Sammi's vagina.
He pressed the vibrator lightly against Sammi's clitty and pressed his first finger up her ass at the same time.
"Unnnn. Ohhhh." Sammi was getting louder than Julie already. Then she started kissing Julie's pussy and licking it the way Jim had talked about earlier.
Jim took his time, not wanting her to cum too quickly. He teased her with the vibrator - going up and down her thighs and around her pussy but not directly on her clitty. He was also teasing with his right hand - tracing circles in the lubricant that was smeared around Sammi's anus and then suddenly pushing it all the way in and touching her clitty with the vibrator at the same time - making her arch her back and moan loudly.
Two minutes later Jim pushed his finger all the way in and held the vibrator against her clitty.
"Aaahahhhhgggghhh. Unnnn." Sammi had a loud orgasm, just slightly muffled because her mouth was against Julie's open pussy. Julie was moaning, too, on the edge of another orgasm.
He had the two girls sit on the floor, leaning against the bed. He stood in front of them and touched his cock until it squirted several white shots of his cum on the girls. Then he cleaned himself and the girls. They got dressed and joined their Moms in the living room.
"I'll see you Friday afternoon. You girls are doing great. Just rest tomorrow and I'll see you Friday." He nodded to the two Moms and took his cameras and bag of clothes - some wet with the girl's excitement and his own cum - out to his van. He was smiling as he got into his van.
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