Published: 20-Mar-2011
Word Count:
It was almost thirty minutes later when Detective Thompson walked Misty out of the bedroom all dressed up. She was wearing a short, black silky skirt that tied in the back, a sheer blouse which was so shear that everybody could see her new bra, lacy white ankle socks, and high-heeled shoes. Misty was walking slowly because she had never worn such high heels before.
She saw that there were now ten adults in the room including two women - all staring at her. Then she saw Jim and smiled. Jim came right over to her and kissed her on the cheek so as not to mess up her lipstick. Misty was startled and just stood there. She was wearing bright red lipstick and eye make-up, and her curly, shoulder-length hair was let down with a ribbon clipped on each side. She suddenly was aware of how short her skirt was and tried to tug it down as she blushed brightly.
She only recognized the four people she had met earlier. Everyone got quiet. Misty felt as if she was going on stage in a fancy play and she wasn't sure of her lines. She noticed another camera that was held by a man over on one side of the room.
Detective Thompson said to the group, "This pretty, young girl is Misty. She is going to reenact the crime that took place in the equipment room at the public park. Some of you have seen pictures and some of you have seen parts of the surveillance video tape. She will reenact the crime she committed over the last two days with Jim, only now she is dressed up. Now face the main camera and begin. Just tell your story and undress as you go, Misty. I'm sure you'll do fine. When you're ready, walk to your spot and begin."
She cleared her throat and smiled. She had never been so excited, nervous, or self-conscious in her life. She walked to her spot. "I'm Misty and I'm twelve years old. I just turned twelve a few weeks ago, not long after we moved here. Oh, and I weigh 89 pounds and I'm four feet, ten inches tall. We just weighed me in the bathroom a minute ago."
"Well, um, I wasn't this dressed up in the park of course. I liked to watch Jim because I thought he was cute. Sometimes he would take a girl in the equipment room with him when he was closing up. Last week I climbed up on the dumpster behind the building after he went in the equipment room with Tammy. I couldn't open the window but listened as he had her pull down her panties. Then he pulled down his pants, too, and tried to get her to touch it - his thing - I mean his penis." She said, trying to be correct for the cameras.
The fact that everyone was quiet and watching her closely made her even more nervous, but she was glad that she wasn't going to get arrested. She bit her lower lip as she squirmed - getting ready to start. After another nervous smile, she said, "The next day the window was open a little bit and I climbed up again and watch as Tammy undressed for Jim and she even bent over and pulled her bottom open so he could see her. Then he undressed and finally talked her into touching his penis. Then she kissed it. I was watching through the window, but then the trash truck pulled up to the gate on the other side of the building so I hopped down and went back to my towel near the pool."
Jim took my picture the next day, or maybe it was a few days later, and we talked a little bit and he asked me if I would like to help him in the equipment room. When I went in he took more pictures and had me change clothes and ...." Misty stopped and looked at Detective Thompson. "Should I undress now and put on my swimming suit?"
She answered, "No, not yet. Skip to the part where you took Jim's hand and rubbed it around on your tummy, legs, chest, and then on your pussy. We'll turn off the cameras for a minute and you can go stand in front of the people you haven't met yet and demonstrate with their hand what you did."
"Yes, Mam." Misty said, and walked as best she could to a man sitting on the far end of the couch - away from the camera that was on the tripod. She took his hand and rubbed it around on her tummy and chest and then put his hand up under her skirt and rubbed it around on her pussy through her new silky panties. She proceeded around the room getting all the new people, including the women. Misty was blushing the whole time, and was still wobbly on her feet, but got to everybody in less than ten minutes. Her panties were quite wet before she finished holding everybody's hand. She went back to her spot and continued her tale, eventually undressing completely. She took off her panties last and pulled them down slowly, blushing and looking around the room. Then she turned and bent over and pulled her ass open.
She turned her ass towards each guest and paused for a few seconds before her next slight turn. Some members of the audience continued to murmur compliments about her cute ass, tits, plump pussy lips, cute smile, pretty face and so on.
Then she stood up and sat on the chair motioning Jim to come over to her. Jim stood beside her and she pulled his shorts and underwear down. He stepped out of them and put his feet apart. The man with the small video camera came over beside them - staying out of the way of the main camera on the tripod. He got a close-up of Misty tickling Jim's balls. She said, "Jim told me to tickle his balls while I kissed the end of his penis. Like this." She demonstrated as the man with the small camera zoomed in.
Detective Thompson said, "Misty, when he says, 'ready' it means he's ready to cum, so kneel down and open your mouth so he can squirt all his cum in your mouth. You'll get twenty dollars for each of your first two performances today, and you'll get another twenty dollars if you swallow all of his cum. You told you that you heard other girls say it tasted yucky, but lots of girls really like the flavor. Try to swallow it today. I think you'll get used to it. And you'll get another twenty dollars each time you swallow."
Jim said, "Ready!" several times for practice. The adults watched as she tickled his balls and licked his penis, often taking the head and the front inch in her mouth.
Don asked her if she enjoyed undressing and pulling her panties down in front of their group. "Does it excite you and embarrass you that we are all watching?"
"Oh Yes.
Misty did a great job and in two minutes the audience watched when Jim said, "Ready." Misty got in position with her head tilted back and her mouth wide open - holding her tongue out to catch it.
Jim had quite a load and Misty tried to swallow after the first big squirt and consequently got the next squirt on her face and in her hair. She opened quickly and caught most of the rest of his big, teenage load of cum. She swallowed, and then smiled as the audience clapped.
Detective Thompson said, "Misty, I'll take you back to the pool pretty soon, but I have a couple more questions for you: Have you had an orgasm yet?"
Misty thought a minute, still aware that she was in front of the camera and an audience that was focused on her. She said, "I'm not sure. What is an orgasm?"
Detective Thompson said, "Do you ever put your finger in your pussy or rub your clit?"
"I think so. Is a 'clit' that little bump in the front?"
"Yes, that's right. Do you ever touch yourself there or put your finger up your pussy?"
Misty blushed, "Well, yes, sometimes, like at night, or if I'm taking a bath." She wanted to be completely honest in front of the police camera.
Detective Thompson said, "And do you get tingles in your pussy and then your whole pussy area gets spasms of pleasure - like a series of squeezes... like when a man cums and it squirts and squirts and squirts? That feels real good to a man. Do you ever get those spasms?"
"Um, well, I don't think so. It feels good when I rub it, but I don't know exactly."
"Misty, I want you to lie back on this coffee table now, while some of us touch you. Just relax and enjoy the feelings. Your official deposition is over, but I want to show you something. OK?"
Tim and Don slid a sturdy coffee table out into the middle of the room. There were towels and a quilt on top of the coffee table and Tim put another layer of thick towels on it. They had Misty sit at one end and then lay back. Tim put a small pillow under her head. He placed her hands under her hips so her arms would stay down at her sides.
Detective Thompson said, "Just relax, let me open your legs. People will take turns touching your breasts, you know - like some massaging and gentle pinching and pulling, and I'll see if I can stimulate you just a little down here. Just relax and look at all the people watching you. It helps if you make noises if something feels good. It's fine to make little noises. Be as loud as you feel like. It's OK."
Misty was lying back on her makeshift cot as Detective Thompson opened Misty's legs and knelt down between her knees. Two of the people who had been watching knelt on either side of Misty. They each began massaging one of Misty's firm breasts. Detective Thompson licked Misty's pussy and kept on lapping. She started putting her tongue as deep into Misty's tight pussy as she could - enjoying Misty's virgin excitement.
Misty soon began moaning and some of the audience softly encouraged her. They made comments about Misty's cute figure and that she was becoming a beautiful woman. They encouraged her soft noises and Misty got louder as she responded to Detective Thompson's expert ministrations. Two patrons took places beside Misty for their turns at her breasts. Others were stroking her legs and thighs - holding her open. Detective Thompson began sliding a finger up Misty's vagina while she gave expert cunnilingus - pulling Misty's plump pussy lips apart and up with her free hand, exposing more of Misty's clit to her tongue.
Misty's moaning suddenly started to get much louder, "Ohhhhhhnnnnnnnnn!" She pulled one of her hands out from under her hip as Detective Thompson suddenly thrust two of her long, slim fingers up Misty's vagina. Misty's whole body - which was now flushed - began to writhe. Misty pushed Detective Thompson's head away from her clit and tried to close her legs, and then opened them again as Detective Thompson sat up and thrust her two fingers into Misty's clenching vagina one more time.
Nobody talked for a full minute. They stopped tugging at her breasts and sat back - watching. They watched Misty as she finished her first ever orgasm and began to come down.
Now Misty knew what an orgasm was, and she liked it. Her first orgasm happened in front of a group of knowing adults. She liked it. It took several minutes for her to calm down again, but she let them look - leaving her legs apart. Finally she said, "That felt good." Everyone clapped softly and gave her another wave of compliments.
A little later she rode back to the park with Detective Thompson. Misty was wearing her old clothes again. She was excited when Detective Thompson said she could probably arrange for her to give more depositions for other people. "I think they would like to hear your story first hand, Misty. So you could tell your story lots of times - if you want to. And if you're telling your story to a man, and he cums in your mouth...."
"I know." Said Misty. "If he cums in my mouth and I swallow it, then I'll get another twenty dollars! Wow. That would be forty dollars in about an hour or so. But I hope you don't show that video to very many people."
"We won't. But we will show it to some people, and then they will want to have a session with you. Is that OK with you? I'll tell Jim whenever we have something lined up - I mean when we arrange for you do give another performance. OK"
"Good girl. Sometimes you might get spankings but they won't be hard ones. You'll get fancy new clothes to wear at some of the little parties, too. We'll have to arrange our schedules around yours once school starts."
"Will you come back to get me tomorrow?"
"Yes, we have several sessions lined of for you over the next few afternoons."
"And when we're done, I mean like um, when like I'm done with my testimony and the man cums, then will you like, um, help me have a... well, you know?"
"Yes I will. If you do a good job."
"I promise I'll try my best."
"Good. Now go splash around in the pool and wash off all that make up. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon around two. Check in with Jim."
Misty could hardly stop smiling as she rushed into the dressing room and changed into her swimming suit.
Misty went on to give lots of performances - sometimes by herself in front of one client and sometimes with several people watching. Two weeks later she met Tammy at one of the large group sessions. The two girls did lots of showing off with each other before they did their private sessions. School started the week after Misty and Tammy had their first joint session. It turned out that Misty and Tammy lived fairly close to one another. Tammy was one grade higher in school but they became close friends - very close. Twice a week, Tammy would go to Misty's house after school and sometimes they would head for the public library and then take a little ride with Detective Thompson to someone's house - always getting back home before Misty's Mother got home. Usually they performed together, but sometimes she dropped Tammy off at one place and took Misty to a different address for her appointment. Detective Thompson noticed that both Tammy and Misty had soaking wet panties by the time they got to their appointment. Detective Thompson had the girls start calling her Brenda after their initial "confession" depositions. After all, she never was a police woman.
Although lots of other patrons gave Misty her special treat - cunnilingus - after she did a particularly good reenactment of her "crime" - or acting out some other story, Misty still thought that Detective Thompson did it the best.
Misty loved it when Tammy would act out the part of Detective Thompson during one of their performances. The girls took turns and the helpful adults taught them many things in the ways of getting and giving pleasure.
The two girls enjoyed studying each other's pussy, too, since Misty had thick, meaty lips and a big, plump pubic mound, whereas Tammy's lips were thin and her clit sheath was visible even when her legs were together. They liked to take turns pretending to be the boy while giving a wild deposition for each little audience - changing the story in subtle ways each time. Sometimes they giggled and made up an entirely new story to act out.
And Misty was still a virgin when she became a teenager - ten months after that fateful day with Jim in the equipment room.
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