Misty Gets Caught, Part 2

[ MMMFF/g, photo, ped, finger, panties, oral, exhib ]

by Corn53


Published: 20-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Detective Thompson

Misty felt herself blush. Detective Thompson looked at her. "So this is Misty. The girl in your pictures. The girl who took off all her clothes in here yesterday. Are these your panties?" She held up the panties that Misty had worn to the park the day before.

Misty couldn't talk. Tears welled up in her eyes. "But...."

"Don't cry, Misty. I'm here to help you. I don't think you did it. You and Jim are both under eighteen so you can't get in too much trouble for what you did in here when he closed up yesterday. It could be very embarrassing though for your Mother when she comes to court and sees those pictures ... along with everybody else in town - people from your new school, the newspapers. You know. Anyway, I think if you can tell me what happened we might be able to keep all of this quiet.

Misty turned white.

"Now, Misty. Don't worry. It's not the pictures, it's the break-in. That's the main reason we're here. We found footprints in the mud back by the dumpster and Eddie is getting fingerprints around the window. I don't think you need to worry."

Misty was ready to start crying, when Detective Thompson said, "Don't cry, Misty. I've already talked with Jim and know about the last two days when you two did some normal things in here. Kids are curious. It's OK. Now don't cry."

Misty calmed herself, but still wasn't able to talk. Detective Thompson said, "Pull your pants and panties down Misty so I can make sure that you are the little girl in the pictures in Jim's camera."

Misty looked around. The counter was even with her shoulders, and just above Jim's waist. Jim said, "It's OK, Misty. Stand next to the counter. If anybody comes up to my service window they won't be able to see you. Besides, nobody is around right now anyway."

Misty pulled her shorts and panties down to her knees with the backs of her shoulders pressed against the counter. Detective Thompson sat on Jim's chair and scooted up close to Misty, next to the counter. She pulled them the rest of the way down and had Misty step out of them. Detective Thompson looked at Misty's pussy. "Yes, this is the girl all right. Same birthmark. Same pale pussy that's in your pictures." She said to Jim.

Then she asked Misty if Jim put his finger in her pussy. She didn't know what to say, but looked at Jim. He nodded. "Go ahead and tell her everything, Misty, then we won't get in trouble. We have to tell her everything. I already told her what we did."

Misty nodded, ready to burst into tears again. Detective Thompson began feeling Misty's pussy. "You did shave it, didn't you, Misty?"

She nodded. Once again Detective Thompson reassured her that if she told her the full story that she wouldn't get into trouble and then nobody would find out about this and she wouldn't need to go to court. She said, "Did he push his finger all the way inside you?"

Misty nodded.

"Like this?" Detective Thompson asked as she pushed her finger very slowly all the way up Misty's vagina. Misty's eyes opened wide, but she didn't say anything.

Jim was watching, too. He said, "No, I pushed it in faster. Slow at first, and then I did it real fast - lots of times."

"Turn around, Misty. Look out at the pool area. Put your right foot up on the badmittion shelf. That's it. Now hold still while I consider the facts." She began fingering Misty's open pussy from behind as all three of them faced out the service window towards the pool and basketball courts. Then a man came around from the side of the building. He was wearing shorts and a Yankee's T-shirt. He looked about thirty with a dark complexion. Handsome.

Misty started to put her foot back down on the floor but Detective Thompson gripped the back of her knee and held it firmly in place, so Misty just left her right leg sticking straight out with her foot on top of the box with the badmitton equipment in it. Detective Thompson continued to finger her as she said, "Hi, Eddie. Find anything?"

Eddie looked at his notebook. "I got fingerprints off the window. And on the ground were some footprints and a few shoe prints in the dirt next to the back driveway. Right by the dumpster. Must have been a kid. Not even a teenager could fit through that window. Had to be a kid. We'll catch him. I'll run the fingerprints when I get back to the precinct. Probably climbed up on the dumpster and crawled in the open window and then broke into the cash drawer. How much did they get?"

Detective continued fingering Misty. She said, "About two hundred dollars. I found some other things in the drawer, too, where it had been broken open."

Eddie looked at Misty. "Who's the kid?"

Jim said, "This is my friend, Misty."

Eddie looked over at Jim. "Well I got to be going. Tell your Uncle I said hello." He walked away.

Detective Thompson kept up the rhythmic fingering. She began flipping her other fingers over Misty's clit each time her forefinger was almost all the way out. Then she thrust in again. She kept doing that in the quiet of the room. They heard Belinda's country music through the wall.

Then Detective Thompson pulled her finger out quickly. "Put these shorts on, Misty. I need to keep your panties for evidence. I want you to come with me to give a testimony - your deposition. I think if what Jim says matches with what you tell us, then you'll be OK. You're very good at following directions. If you can do that, then I'm sure you won't get in trouble and this case won't ever go to court." She turned to Jim. I need to keep your camera, and I also took the surveillance camera we put under the ball gloves after the last break-in. We might just see the culprit on video. I'm going to take Misty over to Detective Morgan's house for the video debriefing. We'll look at the video and your pictures to see if we get any other clues." She stood and put Misty's panties - three pairs, counting the one's she had worn yesterday, the ones Jim had given her, and the ones she had worn today.

Misty left quietly with her backpack and got in Detective Thompson's car.

"Lie down on the seat, Misty, so nobody sees you with me as we leave the park. Stay down until we pull into Detective Morgan's garage. Only a few minutes."

They pulled into a garage after a ten minute ride in air-conditioned silence. "Here we are, Misty. Just be a good girl and tell us everything. You'll have to show us, too, before we watch the video. I won't show Detective Morgan all the pictures yet - just a few of them. You need to show both of us exactly what happened."

It looked like a nice house to Misty, with a big garage. They walked into the living room with the curtains drawn but all the lights on. Misty was relieved to see a woman sitting next to the video camera.

Detective Thompson got a chair from the living room and set it about six feet in front of the video camera which was mounted on a sturdy tripod. Then a man walked in. The three adults went over to a computer as Detective Thompson pushed in a small disc. Misty couldn't see the screen as the three of them kept clicking the mouse. They often looked over at Misty who was standing perfectly still on the verge of tears and wondering about the plaster casts of foot prints in the mud and the fingerprints on the window frame.

Then they came back into the main part of the room. "Misty, these people are Tim and Wanda, my associates."

Wanda sat in a chair next to the video camera. Tim sat on the couch with a notebook in his hand, and Detective Thompson sat on another chair from the dining room. She said, "Misty, I want you to tell us your name and age and then tell us exactly what happened the last few days when you were in the equipment room. Maybe tell us more if you noticed anything suspicious before that. Tell us and then show us what you did."

Misty started to cry but continued to stand in her place. Wanda stood and handed her a box of tissues. Detective Thompson said, "Misty, if you tell us everything then I promise you that you will not get into trouble over this. Be as complete as you can. You're a very cute girl. I can see why Jim wanted to see you and touch you." She turned towards Wanda and Tim both agreed. She said, "And I did a very brief interview with the suspect back at the park and she was very cooperative. If she continues to be so cooperative, we'll probably drop all the charges."

Tim said, "Yes, she's a very pretty little girl. Are you sure she is the little girl with the birthmark on her abdomen?"

"You'll see." Said Detective Thompson.

Misty blew her nose and stood up straight, assured by what they said about not getting into trouble. She also felt a tingle when Tim said he thought she was pretty.

She tried to smile, "My name is Misty and I'm twelve years old."

Tim looked over at Detective Thompson. "Should she say her last name, too?"

Detective Thompson said, "No, we have that in our records. I'm sure that identification will not be a problem, especially with that little birthmark. But maybe you should get her measurements before we start so she can say those too."

Tim stood up and pulled a tape measure out of his back pocket. "Arms out to your sides there, Cutie." He measured her chest and waist. Then he knelt beside her and pulled her shorts down to her knees and measured her hips. Misty had lost her panties to Detective Thompson back at the park. Tim looked closely at her pussy and said, "Yes, same birthmark. It looks like you shaved this morning, Misty. Very cute. Beautiful, in fact." He continued to blatantly feel her up as he took the measurements. He said, "Your measurements are 32 by 22 by 34 and very firm. Nice. I'll write it on a paper for you, Misty." Misty couldn't remember seeing a police interview like this one on TV, but she figured she should be cooperative.

Detective Thompson said, "We'll get her weight after she is undressed. Then you can recheck her measurements while she is naked. Misty, pull up your shorts now. If you have to do the debriefing again, I'll give you a clean pair of panties to wear so you can demonstrate how you had Jim feel you and then how you pulled them down to show him your pussy. And if you do a thorough debriefing here - I mean tell us everything you can remember and show us, then we'll give you the twenty dollar witness fee and we can also promise you - if you do a thorough job - that no charges will be filed against you or Jim. And if you have to repeat your testimony, because sometimes if things do go to court, they want two testimonies so they can look for discrepancies. Do you know what I mean?"

Misty had been momentarily distracted - by Tim pulling her shorts down and feeling her chest, pussy lips, and ass, and by the promise of twenty dollars - so she missed the question and just said, "Yes."

She pulled up her shorts and introduced herself again. "I'm Misty and I weigh ninety two pounds and I'm twelve years old. I just turned twelve a few weeks ago. I'm going to tell the whole truth now so help me God." (Misty had seen lots of TV shows with courts and detectives, which is why she was worried about the plaster casts of the footprints and the fingerprints, and even the 'panty evidence' found in the broken cash drawer). She also accepted the story that Detective Thompson and Eddie and now Tim and Wanda were all 'plain clothes' detectives.

"I have been watching Jim since we moved here two months ago." She blushed. "Well, um, like I think he's cute. And I noticed that sometimes he would take a girl into the equipment room with him when it was time to close it up. Then they would come out about ten to twenty minutes later. I wondered what was going on in there, so one day when he took Tammy into the room with him, I climbed up on the dumpster and listened. The window was closed but I tried to pull it open so I could hear better and so I could see inside. I heard Jim tell Tammy to pull her shorts and panties down and then he pulled his pants down and wanted her to touch it."

Tim was scribbling notes into his notepad, and interrupted Misty, "What was it he wanted her to touch, Misty?"

"I'm not positive, but I think he meant his thing. Because the next time I climbed up, the window was open and I could see in a little bit. I watched Tammy undress and turn around for him and I saw him put his finger in her thing."

"What thing was that, Misty? Please try to be complete. You're doing very good. Go on."

"He put his finger in her pussy, and he also pulled her, um, her ass wide open and looked at it. And she pulled it open for him while she was bending over and then he put his finger in her pussy from behind. I watched him do it."

Detective Thompson said, "Tim, go over and sit next to Misty. Wanda, zoom the camera in on Misty's ass so that Jim isn't in the picture except for his hand. Misty, show Tim how Tammy bent over and pulled her ass open for Jim. Take your shorts off for a few minutes while you demonstrate what you saw through the window. Tell Tim how fast to finger you. This way, when we watch the surveillance camera tape we can see if you really were up there watching."

Misty blushed and stepped out of her shorts as Tim came over to sit next to her. "She bent over like this and pulled her ass wide open. Like this. And then Jim felt her pussy for a little bit - rubbing it around in her pussy before he pushed his finger in. Yes, like that. Let me put my legs wider apart. Keep rubbing your finger around for a minute. That's right. I was watching and that's how he did it - like sliding around. It looked like she was real wet. Then she pulled herself open even wider. Like this, and bent farther down. Then Jim started pushing his finger in her. Like slow at first. Yes, like that, No, a little slower. That's it. All the way in real slow. Yes, like that. Keep doing it like that. Now start to go faster. And then Tammy moved her ass around while he did it." Misty demonstrated how Tammy had moved her hips around. "I was watching through the window. Yes. Like that, Tim. Keep fingering it. Only sometimes slow down, and then do it faster again. You have to go all the way in, not just half way. Yes. That's right."

Detective Thompson watched as Wanda got close-ups of the action. Then Misty stood up and said, "Then they like, um, got dressed and went out. I climbed down ... wait a minute... I remember this, too: Jim wanted her to lick his thing, I mean his dick, and she did, so like it was their promise to never tell anybody. And then Jim didn't give her back her panties."

Tim moved the chair as Misty pulled up her shorts. He said, "Very good, Misty." Wanda and Detective Thompson smiled because Tim's voice sounded weak. He said, "Now tell us and show us about what you did." He turned to Detective Thompson, "That might explain the fingerprints and footprints if she is telling the truth. If she was just up there watching Jim and Tammy."

"I'm telling the truth, Tim." She said, almost ready to cry again.

"I'm sorry, Misty. Go ahead. You're doing fine." Tim Said.

Detective Thompson nodded. "Tell us about your first day in the equipment room with Jim."

"I wanted to go in there with him, because like, um, I wanted to see what he was doing."

Detective Thompson said, "But you had already seen him undress Tammy and then take his clothes off. You watched as he fingered Tammy's pussy and you saw her lick his penis. And you still wanted to go in there with him?"

Misty blushed, "Well I wasn't sure what he would do, and like he's real cute, and I was curious." Then she held up a finger, "And like I remember that he talked to me once the day before when he took some pictures of me."

Tim said, "Yes, we saw the pictures of you in your cute, little bikini. Did you plan to take your swimming suit off when you were alone with Jim?"

"Objection." Said Detective Thompson - herself trying to sound like a TV drama. "I think she was just curious. We saw the pictures, and I think she did have her suit on that first day in the equipment room."

Misty seemed relieved. "Yes, I had my suit on, well, like, except when he turned around and I changed clothes. See? He turned around so I could change in private and I handed him my clothes. That's when he kept my first pair of panties."

"But you were naked with him, even though he was just a foot away from you?"

"Well, yes, um, but he didn't see me. Not then at least. And then after I let him turn back around, he took more pictures of me."

Tim said, "You're doing great, Misty, but did you take his hand and rub his hand all around on you? Remember that we've seen some of the pictures, and we will be looking at a video tape."

"Yes, but now I forget if that was the first day or the second day."

Detective Thompson said, "Misty, Tim will pull a chair up next to you and I want you to take his hand and rub it around on you - the same way you took Jim's hand and rubbed it around on you. Can you do that? You're doing a good job so far."


While Tim brought another chair out from the dining room, Detective Thompson said, "Wanda, be sure to zoom in so that you don't get Tim in the picture."

"Yes, Captain." She said.

Then Misty said, "But I think I had on my swimming suit when he did that. At least I think so. I'm kind of mixed up and when exactly things happened."

"Good idea, Misty. Go ahead and undress for the camera now. Then put your swimming suit on. That will seem more realistic."

Misty peeled her T-shirt up over her head and dropped her shorts and stepped out. She put her swimming suit on. "That was quick." Said Tim.

She took Tim's hand and rubbed it around on her tummy and legs first and then on her chest. Then she blushed brighter and placed his hand on her pussy and began moving it around. "This is what I did with Jim's hand." She said. She let go of Tim's had but he kept feeling her ass and pussy through her swimming suit.

"Put your legs apart, Misty. You can resume your testimony in just a minute." He kept massaging her pussy.

Detective Thompson said, "Tim, please. Go back to your seat now. She can demonstrate to you soon enough if you need additional testimony on that part of the story. You'll show him again how you rubbed Jim's hand around on your chest and pussy later, won't you, Misty?"

"Yes, Mam." Misty said. Now she was sure she knew who was in charge. She thought Tim was handsome for a grown-up, but Detective Thompson was older and she was the boss.

"Let's skip forward to the next day now Misty. Take your suit off and hand it to Tim, then go back and stand in your place."

She did as directed and stood back in her place wearing only her gym shoes and socks. She heard a knock on the door and started to go pick up her clothes, but Detective Thompson said, "Stand where you are, Misty!" It was an order and Misty obeyed.

Detective Thompson said, "It's probably the judge or one of the other detectives on this case. We knew it would take a while to debrief you, so I think he's bringing some refreshments and some clean panties for you. Now put your feet apart, stand up, keep your hand at your sides, and remember this is serious. Look down at the carpeting and let him examine you. Wanda, turn off the camera now."

"Yes, Mam." Said Wanda. "It's off."

A man came in carrying a 12 pack of beer and a sack of groceries and snacks. Tim said, "Boy I'm glad to see you.... Um... Your Honor." He went over to help the new man with the refreshments.

Detective Thompson said, "Your Honor, this is Misty, the girl we told you about. The girl in the pictures and on the video. She is ready for you to examine her and then she will get dressed again and tell us the story."

"Um. Hmm." Said the man, sounding skeptical. "Is that camera off?" He asked, pointing to the video camera.

Wanda said, "Yes, Sir."

He walked over to stand in front of Misty, and then walked around her. "Good." He said. "Very obedient. Keep your hands at your sides, Young Lady."

"Yes, Sir." She said meekly.

At six-four, he stood a foot and a half taller than Misty. He stopped behind her and felt her firm ass. Then he reached around and massaged her bare breasts. He pinched her nipples and pulled them out, then let them spring back. "Hold still." He said, but in a kinder voice. "Is this how Jim stretched out your cute, little breasts, Misty?" He pulled them out farther and let them snap back.

"Yes, Sir. Like that. But you are pinching harder." Said Misty.

He continued to play with them - pulling and flicking them, massaging them, pulling them to the side, and so on - watching them spring back into shape each time. "Does it hurt or feel good when I pinch them harder, Misty?"

"Well, ohh, I mean it kind of hurts, oww, ohh, but it feels good, too. Ohh."

"You'll find that is true with other things, too, Misty. It kind of hurts but feels real good, too. Just like being embarrassed. When you undress in front of us and pull your panties down. It's embarrassing but it makes you tingle, too, doesn't it?"

"Yes. Ohhh! I mean, yes."

"You have very cute, firm breasts, Young Lady. I can see why Jim was so attracted to you."

Misty wasn't sure if she should talk, but she said, "Thank you, Sir."

"You can call me Don, Misty. I don't want you to know my real name. I normally don't interview suspects myself, but this is a special case. Jim is my ... well, he's an old friend of mine. And I'm glad he met you. I think I can keep you both out of trouble." Don pulled the chair over in front of Misty and sat down. "Now I'm going to examine you. Put your legs farther apart. That's a good girl. You have a nice, plump pussy, Young Lady. Thick, meaty lips. Perfect."

"Thank you." Said Misty, still reluctant to address him as "Don."

"I'm going to put my finger inside you now, Misty. This won't hurt. It didn't hurt when Jim put his finger up inside you, did it?"

"It didn't hurt."

"Yes, nice and plump. A perfect pussy. It's so pretty now that you shaved it. So smooth. You really didn't need to do that yet, but now that you have, you should probably shave it again every month or so. I could have someone do it for you - a nice, clean job. No nicks. And you're being very obedient. Do you promise to continue to be obedient to me..." he looked around at the others. "And to my assistants here - so we can drop these charges and then lose the evidence we have on you?"

"Yes, Sir. I will. Thank you."

"I think for your punishment we will let you give a few more of these embarrassing testimonies, and then a few spankings. Not too hard. And some other things to embarrass and stimulate you. I think you like having an audience. Look at them watching you, Misty. They are also staring at your firm breasts and plump, ripe pussy. I'm going to finger you now and they will all watch. Do you want them to watch?"


"Good girl." Don was sliding his finger around in Misty's slit. "Very wet, too. This is perfect. Do you always get this wet when you're excited?"

"What do you mean?" Misty wasn't sure, and it was hard to concentrate with all these people looking at her while Don moved his fingers around in her pussy - constantly brushing across her clit.

"I mean does it make your pussy wet; do you feel all tingly inside; and do you feel nervous and excited when you pull your panties down in front of somebody?"


Don forced his big finger slowly up her vagina. Misty moaned, "Ohhh. Ohhh. Your finger feels so big. I think it's too big. Ohhh." Then her "oh" changed to an "uuu." And we knew it was starting to feel good to her.

"I'm going to keep doing it. Look at them watching you. Are you glad they are watching as I finger your young, wet pussy?"

"Yes, Sir."

Don said. "I think you'll get used to this pretty quick - giving your testimony and getting felt by strangers for money. Did Detective Thompson tell you about the 'witness fee' that you'll get each time you give your testimony and take all your clothes off?"


And this will make it easier for the others to do it, too. My big finger will stretch out your tight pussy just a little bit so they will be able to do it real easy. We're all going to take turns doing this. And you'll undress again in front of the cameras, too, in a little while when the others get here. You'll do that won't you, Misty?" He pushed his finger up faster.

Misty said, "Ohhhh."

"That's right, Honey." Said Don. "And after we get you all dressed up you can come out in front of the camera and reenact your crime with Jim. He should be here later, too. And then you can suck on his dick like you did in the video from the equipment room. You'll suck him off in front of the cameras while we all watch. Will you do that in front of the camera so we can drop all these charges of theft, breaking and entering, and pulling your panties down in front of Jim? If you do this, then all the charges will be dropped. You'll undress again for the camera and then let each of us finger you and then suck Jim's cock.... Won't you?" He thrust his finger up quickly.

"Ohhh! Yes, Sir. Ohhh. Yes, I'll do it."

"And you'll swallow all of Jim's cum for the camera, too, won't you, Misty?"

"Ohhh, yes, Sir."

"Good girl. Very good. And a very pretty pussy. Plump and wet." He pulled his finger out of her vagina and put it in his mouth. "So sweet." He said. "Now Detective Thompson here will take you in and get you cleaned up, then the others will get here and you'll come out and undress for the cameras. I'll want you to pull them down and bend over and pull your ass wide open for the camera, just like you did for Jim. Here is the bra and panties set I bought especially for you. You'll like getting all dressed up for us, won't you?"

"Yes, Sir." Misty said, looking at the pretty, silky white panties and sheer bra that Don was holding up. "These are pretty."

"Good girl. And remember, if you are embarrassed; just consider this as part of your punishment. And I love your tan lines. Your tan make your pale breasts look even bigger with those tiny, pinkish nipples. They are nice and hard now. I'll pinch them once more for you."

"Thank you, Sir. Ohhh!"

Tim said, "Excuse me, Sir, but I was wondering if we should let Misty demonstrate on me, like how she licked Jim's penis and tickled his balls."

"I'm sure you would be glad to help, Tim." Said Don. "But the others will be here in a little while." He looked at Detective Thompson. "Do you think we have time for a quick demonstration?"

Detective Thompson said, "Actually I think it's a good idea. Then she won't be so nervous when the others are watching her do it again in a little while. It's nice of Tim to volunteer to help out."

So Tim took off his pants and underwear and stood next to Misty. He made sure to stand sideways from the camera so that Wanda could zoom in on the action without getting Tim's face in the picture. His fat penis was almost seven inches long and had a big head on it. Misty studied it and tentatively touched it. "It's so big. Gee. It looks different, like yours is straight out and it's lots fatter and bigger." She reached up to touch it again. "But it's pretty." She said softly and licked the side of it. "I don't know if I can get the whole tip in my mouth!" She then looked at his bigger and hairier balls and touched them. "Can I touch these?" She asked.

"Yes." Said Tim.

Misty began tickling Tim's balls and licking the side of his fat penis. Detective Thompson warned him not to shoot. "We're going to save that treat for Jim." She said.

"I'll try to hold back." Tim promised.

Don said, "Well, maybe she should get used to the taste."

Misty was only half listening because she was now busy licking Tim's penis and tickling his balls. She tried several times to get the tip in her mouth but it was too big. As she heard Don say, "... get used to the taste," she finally got the tip in her mouth. She tried to say, "I heard it tastes yucky." But it sounded more like, "unnn, ung gunnn unnny."

Everyone laughed. Don said, "Very good, Misty. See? You did get the tip in. Just remember that his cum is good for you, but swallow it quickly and keep the tip of it in your mouth this first time. It's good for you and you'll soon learn to like the taste. Do you want to try it?"

"Unnn, unnn, ungg guuunnn gggnng." And she kept bobbing over the tip of the big.

"Won't be long." Said Tim. "But good thing I'll only have a small load."

Misty kept bobbing her head as she tickled Tim's balls. She was proud that she could do it, and the grown-ups were encouraging her and telling her how talented and cute she was. She noticed a new flavor in her mouth, and then felt a gooey, warm liquid start to fill her mouth so she swallowed. She swallowed several times as more of Tim's cum oozed into her mouth.

She felt his cock start to get softer, and sat back on her ankles - looking at Tim's cock as it deflated. "Did I hurt it?" She asked.

"No," Tim said. "You did great. It just naturally starts to get softer again after a man cums. It's OK. You did great!"


"There is a little more still coming out, Misty." Detective Thompson said. "See if you can lick it off and then try to suck out a little more of it."

Misty licked off the little glob of cum that had oozed out of Tim's softening penis and then she sucked it again. Tim squeezed it for her, helping her get a little bit more.

"Here's a glass of soda, Misty." Wanda said and held a glass with ice cubes and orange pop. They knew that orange pop was her favorite, because Jim had told them that she always ordered that from the concession stand.

Misty said, "Thank you." She took a big sip of orange soda. She said, "It didn't taste bad. Just a little salty and it reminded me of when another kid tasted paste in school and she dared me to taste it. Only this was more slippery. It's not bad.

They all told her she was doing a fantastic job. Detective Thompson said, "You're doing great, Misty. I'm sure we'll be able to drop all the charges and you will get the twenty dollar witness fee today, and maybe more." She looked at Tim, "And I think that Tim might give you a little bonus out of his own pocket, and maybe buy you some new panties for your next deposition." She took Misty's hand and led her back to the back bedroom to get her dressed up.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.