Published: 20-Mar-2011
Word Count:
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.
Misty and her mother moved into town the last week of July. Since Misty was twelve, Mrs. Thompson felt fine leaving her at home by herself while she spent extra time at her new job to make ends meet.
"I'm sorry I'll be gone so much, Misty, but at least its summer and our new apartment is close to the recreation complex. I already got you a summer pass so you can go make some new friends your age, or lay out in the sun like you did before we moved; only now you'll have a swimming pool to jump in whenever you want.
Misty's Mom worked six days a week from eleven AM to eight PM, trying to take all the overtime she could get.
Misty usually had trouble making friends and was reluctant to approach the few eleven and twelve year old kids who hung out at the pool. She laid her towel in the grass closer to the basketball courts to lie in the sun. She liked watching the boys play basketball just twenty yards away, and she especially liked to watch Jim, the equipment guy, give them occasional instructions or warnings to watch their language. Jim was usually in the equipment room which was at one end of the concrete block building. There were two small dressing rooms and bathrooms at the opposite end, with a concession stand in the middle. His room and the concession stand had wood awnings which closed up at night to make the place tougher to break into... since this wasn't the best neighborhood.
A few weeks later she noticed that one of the girls about her age, maybe a year or two older, liked to hang around with Jim as he was closing up the equipment room. Misty heard him call her Mia. She watched as he unhooked the heavy awning and let the big door down across the front of his screened window where he would hand out the balls, floats, nets, rackets and so on during the day, signing out equipment and taking the kid's ID card until he brought back the sports equipment. It was a big complex. Then she noticed that Mia and Jim went in through his side door and stayed in there about half hour and then came back out again. Jim looked around outside the door before he motioned for Mia to come out. Then Mia went out to get on her bike.
Misty was curious about this. She had learned that Jim was seventeen and would be a senior in high school. She learned lots of different names when she would stand near the concession stand with her ice cream bar and listen to the kids talk and tease each other. She didn't get involved with any groups because she didn't want them to tease her, and there were enough kids around so that nobody noticed her or the fact that she wasn't with her own friends.
By her fourth week of hanging around in the city-run sports complex she noticed a big dumpster behind the concession stand- equipment room building. Then she noticed a frosted, wire-reinforced, steel case window at the back of the equipment room, and figured that if she could stand on the dumpster she could see into the equipment room or at least listen. As she continued exploring the grounds, she noticed that it was usually pretty deserted behind the building which had an oily puddle of smelly water that extended out ten feet on the pavement in front of the dumpster, and there were large trees on the other side of the high chain link fence that supposedly kept kids out of the complex at night.
One day she watched as Jim went up to a girl about twelve named Tammy and he asked her if he could take her picture because he thought she was cute. Mia was still out of town and Misty wondered if Jim was trying to make friends with Tammy. Tammy seemed happy to let Jim take some pictures of her and assumed several provocative poses for him, and then giggled. She noticed Tammy standing near the equipment room window for the next few days, especially if there were no other kids around.
It was unusually cool and cloudy three days later, so there weren't many kids around. The concession stand even closed early - almost an hour before Jim closed up his booth. It was six o'clock and the place seemed pretty much deserted as she watched Jim and Tammy, slip in the side door. Misty had never seen Jim take Tammy into his booth before. Misty had heard that Mia would be gone on vacation for two weeks.
Misty walked around behind the building and noticed that nobody was in sight back there. She was wearing her swimsuit and gym shoes as she climbed up the side of the dumpster, being careful not to fall into the foul-smelling trash container. She walked across the edge of it to the window and tried to pull it open so she could see inside. It was locked and she couldn't budge it, although she could get her fingers under one of the corners of the slightly bent window. She couldn't see through the frosted glass, but listened intently.
She recognized Tammy's voice, "You mean pull them all the way down?"
"Yes." Said Jim. "Of course. First your shorts and then your panties. First pull your shorts down to your knees. Put your legs apart so your shorts won't fall all the way down. That's it. Pull them down so they are stretched between your knees. Let me pull my chair over next to you."
Misty heard the squeak of chair legs sliding across the linoleum tiled floor. "Now, before you pull your panties down, take my hand and I'll close my eyes. Good. My eyes are closed, Tammy. Press my hand up against you wherever you want me to touch you... like rub my hand against your legs or your tummy or anywhere. Take your time. That's it. Good girl."
Misty listened intently but couldn't hear anything for a full minute. Then she heard Jim say, "You are so cute and sexy, Tammy. Now step out of your shorts and you're your panties down to your ankles. If you let me see you, then I'll let you see me. Stand over here under the light so I can see you better. That's it. Stay on the green tile. You're so cute, Tammy. Turn around for me and stay on the green tile. Good girl."
It was quiet for another minute, before she heard Jim say, "These are developing nicely. Very nice. Soft and firm."
Misty heard the chair legs squeaking on the floor again.
Jim said, "Now step out of your panties and turn around. Bend down and put your elbows on the chair. Legs wider apart, Tammy. That's it. See if you can put your head on the chair. Good girl. Reach back with both hands and pull your bottom open for me. You are so cute. Pull open wider. Let me adjust the light. Legs wider apart. Open your cute ass a little wider so I can see. There. Good girl. Now I can get a good look."
Misty felt herself trembling as she listened. She tried to pull on the window again, hoping for a peek inside. Then she heard Tammy say, "Did you hear something?"
Misty held perfectly still, hearing her pulse in her ears; not moving at all. Then she breathed a soft sigh of relief as she heard Jim say, "It's nothing. Probably just a bird on the roof or maybe a squirrel. We should get going. Can you come back tomorrow?"
"No." Said Tammy. "We're going to be gone this weekend, but you have to show me yours, too! Come on, pull them down, Jim. You promised."
It was quiet again. Then Misty heard Tammy say, "It's so big. Is it supposed to curve like that?"
"Yes. Touch it. Feel how hard it gets when I look at you."
"I'm not going to touch it. Did you make Crystal touch it? Or Mia"
"I can't tell anybody what I do with anybody else. That wouldn't be right. You wouldn't want me to tell anybody that you pulled your panties down for me would you?"
"No! Don't ever tell anybody. I won't tell anybody either. Ever. I promise."
"Good. Then touch it."
"But..." Said Tammy.
Jim said, "It felt good when I touched you, didn't it?"
"And I rubbed your titties and your pussy and it felt good, didn't it?
Jim said, "Then you can rub me. Like to make our promise to never tell. Just rub it a little bit."
"Well..." Then it got quiet again.
"If you touch me, then next time you come in to help me I'll put my finger in you. That will really feel good. Now touch me, please."
A few minutes later she heard Jim say, "Kiss it."
"No, I'm not going to kiss it! I have to get going. I should be home already."
"Just a few more minutes, Tammy. Please."
"No. I have to get going or I'll be in trouble."
Misty heard some rustling around inside. Then Tammy asked, "Where are my panties?"
"Oh, I must have accidentally put them in the cash drawer, and it's locked already. Sorry. I won't be able to get them out until tomorrow. But you have your shorts on."
"But what if Mom asks me where my panties are?" Tammy sounded worried.
"She won't. Just put on another pair when you get home."
"Please give them back, Jim. I mean it."
"But the drawer is locked. It won't unlock again until I open everything in the morning."
"But don't ever show them to anybody, Jim. Those are my favorite ones, like for dressing up. I just wore them today, because, like, um...." She didn't finish her sentence.
Misty heard the door open and close. She listened as Jim walked Tammy out to the bike rack next to the parking lot. She climbed down and went back to her towel and picked it up as Jim was walking back in through the front gate.
Jim looked over at Misty on the way back to the equipment room. Misty was one of the last kids in the park since it was cloudy and cool. He waved and went back in the side door to the equipment room.
The following Monday Misty went back to her usual spot and laid out her towel. When she went to the concession stand she looked around behind the building and noticed the window was open a few inches. She could hardly wait until six when Jim would close up the equipment room. The concession stand stayed open until nine unless it was cold or raining, and then they would close early, but the equipment room usually closed at six. The whole park closed up at nine, but Misty had to be home by seven or eight so she could finish her chores before he Mom got home.
She saw Tammy look around as she approached the equipment room. There were a few little kids and one mother at the concession stand window, but nobody else was looking as she greeted Jim. "Thanks for helping me help count the shuffleboard discs tonight, Tammy." Misty wondered if he said that so it wouldn't seem suspicious if anybody was watching or listening, but it looked like nobody was noticing anything except her. As they went around to the side of the building to go in Jim's door, Misty walked around the other side and went behind the building. It was a little muddy from last night's rain. The puddle in the center of the driveway was bigger so she couldn't walk on the paved area. She got mud on her shoes before getting to the dumpster. She climbed up quietly. She was surprised that the window was pulled out about six inches. She assumed that it was because it was hotter today and it would let a little breeze flow through the equipment room. Misty could see between the edge of the window and the frame. Although she could only see a little bit of the room she didn't dare try to pull it open any farther for fear of making noise.
Jim had the ceiling lights on and had Tammy stand in front of a chair and face him as she stood there. He walked around her and told her that she looked especially cute. Tammy was smiling. She said, "Can I have my other panties back today, Jim? And why do I always have to stand on the green tile?"
He began feeling her as he walked around her. "Maybe." He said, "Did you wear pretty ones today? I'll take my choice and keep my favorite ones. And if you stand on the green tile, then the light is better. I like to look at you."
Tammy giggled.
"Shhh. Don't talk so loud, Tammy. Belinda might be able to hear what were saying." Belinda was the tall, stoop-shouldered girl who worked in the concession stand on the other side of the concrete block wall.
Jim asked, "Did you wear pretty panties today?"
Tammy giggled and whispered, "You'll see."
Misty could just see Tammy's shoulders but not her face. She could see the rest of Tammy's body down to her shoes. She could see Jim's back when he walked between Tammy and the high window. Tammy started to turn towards the front counter, which was now boarded up as he walked around again, but he put his hands on her shoulders' positioned her so she was facing the back of the room again. He said, "The light is better if you face this way. You're so cute I want to see all of you. And it looks like you're wearing a training bra today. I just love it when a cute young girl is wearing a training bra!" He whispered loudly.
"I just got it and wanted to show you. You can't keep it though!" She said.
"I won't. I promise." He whispered loudly. "Take your T-shirt off first so I can see your bra, and then take off your shorts, and when I kiss your tummy, take off your bra, and finally your panties."
Misty watched as Tammy followed directions. She watched Tammy take Jim's hand and rub his hand around on her chest, tummy, and panties - even pushing his hand between her legs under her panties.
She could see Jim's hands continue to feel her as he kept walking circles around her as she got completely undressed. When she had finally undressed completely except for her gym shoes, he picked up her panties and studied them. Misty noticed that Tammy was beginning to get blond pubic hair above her crack.
Jim had her turn around and bend over. "Put your head on the chair again and reach back and pull your bottom open so I can see it. Good girl."
Misty could see Tammy's bottom, too. She watched as Jim also put his hands on Tammy's spread bottom and pulled her ass wider open. He began playing with Tammy's pussy. Tammy said, "No, don't put your finger in me. I'm still a virgin."
"But fingers don't count, Tammy." Said Jim. "You put your finger in it, don't you?" He kept massaging her pussy and ass.
"Yes." She admitted.
Misty watched as Jim slid his finger around in Tammy's pussy and then slowly pushed it in. He pushed it all the way in several times. "You're nice and tight, Tammy." He whispered. "Tight and wet and slippery. You're hot." He kept playing with Tammy's pussy for several minutes - changing the cadence of his thrusts from slow to fast to slow again. Misty could see that Jim was pushing his finger all the way in.
"Oh." Tammy moaned softly as Jim pushed his finger all the way in quickly.
Jim kept pushing his finger in Tammy as Misty stared through the little window. Misty felt a shiver in her tummy each time she saw Jim push his finger in. She had a perfect view of the action from her angle.
"Is it my turn to look at you yet?" Tammy asked.
Then Misty heard a big truck pull up at the gate and knew it was the truck to get the dumpster. Under the cover of the truck noise, she hopped down. Misty fell forward getting her hands and knees in the mud before she scrambled around the edge of the building to go into the restrooms. She washed the mud off her knees as best she could and then went outside; took off her muddy gym shoes and hopped in the pool. She watched from the pool as ten minutes later Jim and Tammy came out of the equipment room and walked around to the bike rack. Tammy hopped on her bike and rode away. Misty wondered if she ever got her panties back.
The next day she was lying in her usual spot in her white, two-piece swimming suit, with her light brown hair in her usual pony tail on each side of her head. She wore her hair with half of it pulled to each side so that she could lie on her back in the sun without having a big ball of hair on the back of her head. She watched Jim walk over to the basketball court to yell at the boys to watch their language. With bold courage, she waved at him.
Jim waved back; looked at her a moment, and went on into the equipment room. He came out a few minutes later and sat down beside her. She started to sit up and he said, "No, that's OK, Misty. Just lay there a minute. Mind if I take your picture?" Jim had a small, silver camera in his hand that he hadn't even noticed before.
"Why?" Misty asked, as her big grin already told him yes.
"I think you're kind of cute." He clicked off a few pictures. "Just my type, actually." He said. "I like your curly hair."
"How did you know my name?" Misty asked.
"I checked at the desk one day after you had signed into the park. You have a cute face, and your figure is a ... um... budding beauty."
Misty grinned but didn't say anything - she still wasn't used to having breasts, even though they weren't very big at all. Jim left as quickly as he had arrived when he noticed a man near the equipment room.
She went to the concession stand more than usual for the rest of the day. Around five thirty, as she was licking her ice cream in front of the equipment room and nobody was around, Jim came up to the window. "Hi, Misty."
"Oh, hi, Jim." She replied, as if she hadn't noticed that she was standing in front of the equipment room for the sixth time since he had taken her picture.
They talked about the weather for a minute. Then Jim said, "I was wondering if you could help me straighten up in here tonight."
Misty looked around and got closer to the screen. "Sure, I'd be glad to help you."
"Then go ahead and get dressed, Misty, and bring your stuff with you. I'll be closing up in about twenty minutes."
"OK." Misty had butterflies in her tummy as she got dressed in the girls' bathroom-dressing room. She wished she had worn prettier panties that day.
At quarter till six Misty walked over near the equipment room, but that same man was there talking with Jim again, so she kept on walking over near the basketball court and got a drink out of the drinking fountain. She looked back at the building and it looked like Jim and the man were looking over towards her so she got another drink. When she stood up the man in shorts and T-shirt, about forty years old, was walking towards the parking lot so she walked over towards the equipment room again.
Jim said, "That was my boss. He comes over to check on me sometimes. Come back in a minute after I let the front down."
There were several people at the concession stand so Misty walked with her small back pack in her hand over to the drinking fountain again.
She strolled back a few minutes later, noticing the hatch door was down and locked and Jim was standing at the side door holding it open for her and looking around. She walked in without saying anything. Her tummy was tingling inside and she was too jittery to talk. Jim said, "Don't be so nervous, Misty. You're a cute girl. I'm glad you could help me today. First I need to count the shuffleboard poles. Can you stand on this step stool and count them while I hold you?"
"OK," She said, and stepped up. As she started to count the eight poles, Jim put his hands on her tummy and hips to hold her as she turned to finish counting.
"I don't want you to fall, Misty. Really nobody else is supposed to be in here with me, but sometimes I'll let a friend come in to help me." He was feeling her hips and tummy as she turned again to count the poles once more.
"I'm glad to help you, Jim." She said, as she stepped down.
Now Jim seemed nervous. He said, "Misty, you're so cute, would you mind if I took a few more pictures of you? I like to look at pictures when I think about my friends."
"Well, OK." Said Misty, feeling flattered.
He posed her in several positions as he took pictures. His hands touched her back, then her sides, and then her tummy, as he positioned her. Then neither one of them was sure what to do next, so Jim said, "I wish you were in your swimming suit so I could get a few 'bathing beauty' pictures."
Misty didn't say anything. Then she offered to go over to the dressing room and change and come back. He said that would look funny and Belinda might notice something, even though she is busy closing up the concession stand. They could hear Belinda's country station through the wall so they didn't need to whisper.
"Maybe you could change in here, Misty, like if I turn around."
Misty didn't say anything, so Jim thought he had gone too far. Then Misty said, "Well, if you promise to keep looking at the front counter."
Jim agreed and took Misty's bag. He sat it on the chair and said she should stand on the green tile. That sent shivers through her whole body. She looked down at the tiled floor. Most of the linoleum tiles were gray or blue, but there were a few green ones mixed in, as if somebody was using the tiles left over from other jobs.
She kept looking at Jim while she took off her clothes. He was doing what he said and wasn't turning around to peek at her. Although she felt a little disappointed that he wasn't trying to peek, she was excited to be in the equipment room with him. "OK, you can turn around now." She was wearing her gold, spandex, two-piece swimming suit. The top was just two triangles that covered each of her breasts.
Jim had her turn around as he positioned her and took more pictures. He kept complimenting her tan and her budding figure. "I've been noticing you for a long time, Misty. Can I pull your top up just a little bit so I can see some of the pale skin on your little treasures?"
Misty giggled and nodded, letting Jim feel her small breasts again and he tugged the bottom of her bikini top up. They both pretended it was just to position her although he was feeling them as he tugged the bottom of her suit up. Jim said, "Your perky little breasts are so sexy, Misty. About the size of half of a tennis ball!" They both laughed softly. "Your skin is so pale under you suit. Pull your bottoms down just an inch so I can see your pretty pale skin next to your beautiful tan."
Misty pulled the bottom part down so it was just above her pubic mound and turned around for him. He reminded her several times keep on the green tile. Jim sat on his chair and put his hands on the pale skin of her hips. "You have such a cute, tight figure, Misty. I love your tan lines." He said. "We need to get going in a minute, Misty. Stand on the green tile. I'll turn around. Take off your swimming suit and put your clothes back on, T-shirt first."
While Misty was getting her clothes back on, standing dutifully on the green tile, she noticed a camera lens under a pile of baseball gloves. She could only see the front of the lens and realized immediately why Jim wanted the girls - including her - to stand on the green tile! Misty regained her composure immediately, not letting on that she had noticed anything, and took her time getting her panties and shorts back on. She had never been so excited in her life.
Then they left.
The next day it rained but two days later Misty was back at the park. Jim casually waved to her several times. About five he walked past her carrying a net from the basketball court. He didn't bend down to talk to her, but he slowed and looked around. He said, "Can you help me again tonight, Misty?"
"Yes, sure." She said.
"Belinda is closing early today, because it looks like rain again, so wait until she leaves and then come over. Go ahead and change clothes now, Cutie. OK?"
Jim was still pretending that he was just standing there looking around, so Misty pretended she was just sitting there looking through her Jr. Miss magazine. Misty felt excited, like she was in a spy story. "OK." She whispered, looking at her magazine.
"See you then." Jim said.
Misty could hardly wait for Belinda to leave. She headed over to the equipment room as soon as Belinda left. Both of the front hatch covers were down - the concession stand and the equipment room. She knocked on the door with butterflies in her tummy.
Jim opened the door; looked around; and waved her in. "I've been thinking about you all day, Misty." He said. "Thanks for letting me take your picture. I brought you something. Something to wear. Will you wear it and let me take your picture again?"
"OK. What is it?"
"Undress first, and then I'll give it to you." He said.
"Well, turn around then, Silly!" Misty giggled.
"As you take off your clothes, hand them to me. I won't look at you. I'll just hold my hand out behind me. Then I'll stack your clothes for you."
Misty had confirmed that there was a camera under the ball gloves when she walked into the equipment room, but she didn't say anything, and pretended not to notice it as Jim turned around. Misty stood on the green tile and undressed - facing the camera, standing in the full light of the overhead, fluorescent lights. She handed him her T-shirt and then her shorts.
"Aren't you wearing a bra, Misty?"
Misty blushed. "Well, I don't really need one, Mom says. So like I have one, but I only wear it for dress up. I might get another one when school starts in a few weeks."
She had worn her nicest panties that day - pale peach color with lace around the top. Then she noted with alarm that there was a wet spot in the crotch - a rather large wet spot - as she put her panties in Jim's hand.
He took the panties and looked at them. She watched, blushing, as he examined them in his hands. When she noticed Jim looking at the dark wet spot on her peach colored panties, she said, "I, umm, must not have dried off real good after swimming."
"Oh." Said Jim, who knew the truth about Misty's wet panties and smiled.
Misty waited. Then she asked him where the thing was for her to try on for him.
"The fancy panties are in my money drawer. Let me get them." He carried Misty's clothes over and set them on the counter and reached into the open drawer. He pulled out a pair of silky panties and handed them back behind his back Misty took them. Jim dropped Misty's panties in his money drawer and closed it, clicking the lock. Then he said, "Oh, Jeez, Misty. I'm sorry. I accidentally dropped your panties in my cash drawer before I closed it. I can't open it again until tomorrow!"
Misty wasn't listening. "These are so pretty, Jim, but you can see right through them."
"Well, put them on and let me take your picture." He said, still not turning around.
"Oh, I don't think you should take my picture while I'm only wearing these sheer panties!" But Misty stepped into them. They felt so silky and sexy that she got a tingle in her pussy as she pulled them up. She had shaved her legs that morning, even though she hardly needed to shave them. She looked down at the very brief, hip hugger, thong panties - much smaller than the bottoms of her swimming suit. "I don't know if you should take my picture in these, Jim, you can kind of see through them."
"Can I turn around now?"
"I don't know. I can hold my hands in front of my tops, but not in front of these panties at the same time." She sounded worried.
"Then turn around, Misty, so I can only see your back." He turned around as she turned around. Misty stepped to the side as she did so, but he put his hands on her waist and pulled her back to stand on the green tile. Now Misty was facing away from the hidden video camera. Jim said, "Boys' bottoms and girls' bottoms look the same, Misty, so it's OK if I see your bottom from behind, isn't it?"
"Well, I guess so." She said. She could feel the narrow, pink thong up her ass crack. Flashes told her he was taking her picture. He walked around her positioning her different ways. She kept her back to him, but noticed that he often positioned her so that her front was towards the video camera.
"Now stand still a minute, Misty. You're so cute. Put your arms down. Let me see how pretty you are." He held her hips firmly so she was facing the video camera which was under the ball gloves on the second shelf - just a few feet in front of her and about two feet above the floor. Jim walked around in front of her, but didn't block the video camera, she noticed. "Beautiful." He said softly, looking at her. She was still holding her hands in front of her breasts. Jim said, "Put you hands down, Misty. Let me see you."
"Are you sure this is OK?" Misty smiled and blushed as she put her hands down to her sides. Jim knelt on one knee off to her right and took a picture as she smiled into his camera. She said, "Do you promise that you won't show these pictures to anybody?"
He said, "I promise, Misty. I promise I won't show prints of you to anybody. Now turn around for me. Very good. You are so pretty. Put your feet apart. That's it. Stay in the light. Put your feet farther apart. Put your hands on top of your head."
Misty did what he said as she posed for him. Then Jim said, "Pinch your nipples for me. Pinch and pull them. Make them really stand up for the pictures."
She pinched herself and let out a little moan. "Pinch them harder, Misty. Show me how far you can pull them out. They are growing so nicely."
Misty pinched and pulled - now for both cameras - Jim's little one with the flash and the hidden video camera.
"I love the tan lines on your titties, Misty. You are so hot. Bounce up and down to see if you can make them jiggle. He kept taking pictures as she hopped.
"See? I can make them bounce." She said, hopping in rhythm to get the maximum bounce of her lemon-size breasts.
Jim reminded her to stay on the green tile while she modeled for him. Then he said, "Pull your panties down to your knees now, Misty. You are so cute. I love your pale skin that you keep hidden under your swimming suit." Jim kept taking pictures as Misty blushed and smiled.
"I don't think I should pull them down. Then you'll see my, umm... my..."
"Then don't face me when you first pull them down. Pull them down to your knees. You can turn back around to face me when you're ready."
Misty trembled as she pulled her panties to her knees. With her legs apart the panties were stretched and held at knee level. Jim took pictures of her bare ass. Misty didn't turn back around to face him, unsure of what to do.
Jim said, "OK, you don't have to face me now, Misty, just bend over and pull your bottom open. Remember - boys' bottoms and girls' bottoms look the same."
Then Misty bent way over. She was limber and could easily put her hands on the ground while keeping her knees straight. She bent way down and reached back and pulled her ass wide open for Jim. He took a picture. He got closer and held his camera low; shooting up at her pussy from between her knees and flashed another picture. Jim hoped that the whitish excitement that was filling Misty's vagina and most of her pussy crack showed up in the picture. Later Jim (and the others) would see just how excited Misty was to be posing like that. He could see the creamy coating on the crotch of the panties that were stretched out between her knees. Jim stepped back and took another picture. He also hoped that the video camera was catching all of this.
"Stand up now, Misty, and let me turn you around to face me." He felt her as he turned her. Getting surer of himself, he began to position her in very erotic poses.
Jim slid his chair over to the green tile and had her sit on the edge of it facing the video camera, although he didn't know she knew it was there. He said, "Now lean back against the back of my chair. Now slowly open your legs to me. Leave the panties on your ankles like that. Good girl." He clicked another digital picture.
"Spread your legs open wider, Misty. That's it." He took another flash picture then sat his camera down. "Let me push your knees wider apart. Good. Lean back and open your pussy to me. You are so cute." He took another picture.
Misty was embarrassed by the little birthmark an inch above her pussy and off to the right side. She had it since birth, but Misty figured that nobody would ever see it.
Jim said, "You're starting to get some pubic hairs, Misty. I couldn't even see them through the panties. Your new hairs are so fine. And there aren't very many of them. Let me get a close-up and then I'll snip them off. OK?" He took a picture, kneeling a foot in front of her pussy. He captured her puddle of silvery excitement that was building up in her open pussy. She was very, very wet and excited.
"OK." She said.
Jim snipped them off. "Maybe you could shave your pussy for me when you take your bath tonight. Will you do that?"
"OK." Misty said. She had noticed over the last few years that most of the older girls shaved around their pussies, and some of them even shaved completely. She remembered hearing two girls talking about another girl who had pubic hair sticking out of the crotch of her swimming suit and that they thought it looked gross.
Jim took more pictures and then he took off his shorts and briefs. Misty sat on Jim's chair and studied the stiff, five and one-half inch penis bobbing in front of her face. It was thicker than a hot dog and just as long, but it curved upwards with the reddish tip much bigger than the shaft. She reached out to touch it. "That's it," said Jim, "touch it. If you stand up and turn around and pull your perky, sexy, little, pale ass open for me, then I'll even let you kiss it. If you let me finger your pussy, then I'll let you lick my dick."
Misty stood and turned quickly, putting her head on the seat of the chair. She arched her back and put one hand as far back on either butt cheek as she could reach. Then she pulled her bottom wide open.
Jim looked and then took several pictures. He could see how creamy wet she was and smiled. "I'm going to push my finger in you, OK?"
Misty didn't say anything, so Jim slowly pushed his finger up her tight, wet vagina.
He said, "Misty, if you shave your pussy for me, then tomorrow I'll put my finger in you lots of times. That will feel good to you, won't it?"
She still didn't say anything.
He pulled his finger out and flicked across her swollen clit several times. Misty moaned softly. Then Jim said, "I'll rub this and finger you until you have an orgasm."
Misty wasn't sure what an orgasm was, but didn't say anything. She stood up; turned around, and sat back on the chair. Jim stood close to her face again, letting her kiss the end of his penis. He said, "Would you like to suck on it?"
She continued to look at it, and kissed it several times. Finally she said, "I don't know. It's so big. I don't think it would fit in my mouth."
Then she looked at his balls. Jim didn't have much pubic hair. When he noticed that she was looking at his balls while she touched his penis, he said, "You can tickle my balls. Do it real lightly and watch how tight they get. Good girl That's it. Now see if you can get the tip in your mouth."
Misty opened as wide as she could and the tip easily fit into her mouth. She was nervous and excited as she began sucking - bobbing her head forwards and back - now sideways to the video camera. She had forgotten the cameras for the moment and thought about the stories she had heard from other girls about how boys loved blow jobs. She realized that was what she was doing, and stopped, suddenly afraid of what might happen. She had heard that lots of yucky stuff comes squirting into your mouth when the boy 'shoots his load.' She stood up and said that she needed to get going.
Jim was suddenly worried that he had gone too far. "Will you come back and help me tomorrow?"
"Yes." She answered to Jim's relief.
She felt complimented that Jim had kept her panties when she unlocked her bike a few minutes later.
The next day she arrived at one in the afternoon, later than usual. She noticed that there was a woman in the equipment with Jim. She walked over to the concession to get a soda before changing into her swimming suit. She looked in at Jim and he motioned for her to come around to the side door.
The he motioned for her to come inside with them. Jim was talking softly as he introduced the older woman. Misty figured she was around forty, maybe five foot, eight inches tall, and kind of pretty in an athletic sort of way. She was wearing a skirt and white blouse, but also had on running shoes which didn't fit with the rest of her outfit. The lady looked too dressed up to be wearing running shoes. She wondered if it was Jim's Mom. Then Misty's world flipped upside down as Jim said, "Misty, this is Detective Thompson. There was a robbery here last night." He pointed to his cash drawer which had one corner of it broken off. "Somebody broke in through the back window last night. The window is so little that I didn't think anybody could get in that way and I must have left it open."
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