Published: 17-Mar-2011
Word Count:
I was anxious to meet the new girl, especially after seeing the digital snapshots Russ took of the girl yesterday. We finished putting our "studio" together this morning after moving over here from Detroit.
Russ arrived with Nicky and her mother at eleven AM, right on schedule. Russ had already told us that Nicky had that innocent look that we loved, but he wasn't sure about her breast development, because he couldn't tell in the blouse she was wearing at the contest yesterday. Russ always picked up the girl and her mother to bring them in for their first photo shoot, so that he could see their apartment and get a feel for their economic status. Russ was a great recruiter, and would stay for the first half of the photo session this morning to keep the mother busy with contracts and reassurances, while I took pictures. Then he would take the mother home and come back to get Nicky a little later. We would be able to tell during the first session if the girl would work out or not. Occasionally the mother would want to stay in the studio during the entire first session, but Russ had ways to talk them out of that idea.
Russ met Nicky and her mother after a "photo contest" sponsored by a group of charlatans who put on local "model searches" so they can recruit girls (really their mothers) to sell expensive portfolios to. It's a sham, but in order to keep up the appearance of being "selective" they have to reject many of the applicants, and then sell their expensive portfolio packages to the cute girls who are selected. The girls are actually selected by how well dressed the mother is - and by what kind of car the mother drove to the appointment - so that it looks like they could afford to go through the portfolio process.
Anyway, Russ wears a suit and hangs around afterwards to find a cute - but not beautiful or glamorous - young girl who is just beginning to blossom. Blonds are best so that our Japanese ploy will work. He then talks to the not-so-affluent mother telling her that he represents a modeling agency who is now looking for someone just like her daughter - for a Japanese agency to model various lines of clothing. He tells her that in Japan young American girls, especially cute blonds like her daughter, are in hot demand as models and that he could arrange a photo screening so that they could send a portfolio to the Japanese company. He explains that since there is such fierce competition between modeling agencies, they must both swear to secrecy, and not tell anyone where they are getting the money. And Russ also tells the mother that it could add up to lots of money, especially over the first few months, if her daughter is cooperative and can follow directions quickly.
Russ reassures the mother that everything with his agency is above board and that the photographer and her assistant are both women. As soon as he tells the mother that her daughter is prettier than many of those selected, and that he is prepared to offer her three hundred dollars for the initial modeling session - if her daughter is cooperative - the mothers usually agree, since they had just been stunned with the possible three to six hundred dollar portfolio fee that any girls selected from the "Talent Search." Russ also acts slightly effeminate so that the mother thinks he is "safe" around little girls. It also helps him appear to be part of the fashion industry.
At first he talks with the mother in private to go over money details and the need for secrecy. Once the mother agrees, he gets the girl's height, weight, waist measurement, and takes a few quick digital pictures. He always keeps a scale in the trunk of his new Cadillac, along with his digital camera and measuring tape. And Russ assures the mother that there would be at least several sessions if her daughter is cooperative. He explains that the earnings per session could continue to go up, if the agency in Japan liked the girl, so that they might even earn a thousand dollars the first month. He cautions the mother not to tell her daughter how much money they are getting, but to buy her treats from time to time.
Nicky is four feet, seven inches tall, weighs eighty six pounds, and has curly blond hair, full lips, light freckles, and blue eyes. She is just beginning to develop hips and has long, slender legs. She also wears glasses, but only wears them if she wants to read something or take a close look. Russ said that when he was writing down the measurements, and said, "Ten years old," that Nicky corrected him, and said proudly, "No, I'm ten and a half."
My assistant was ready in the dressing room and all cameras were focused on where the action would be - just waiting for our new model to arrive. Barbara had been working with Russ and me for almost two years, and she loved the young girls as much as we did. We took our time training each girl, so that she wouldn't get scared. A new girl usually began to enjoy showing us just how "brave and sexy" she was by the third or fourth session if not sooner. If a girl is too shy, or if the mother is too nosey and protective, there are never more than two or three sessions.
Nicky wore glasses and had lots of pale freckles across her face arms and legs. I couldn't wait to see the rest of her. She was perfect - those innocent, blue eyes and clear skin. Nicky was wearing a blouse and short skirt like Russ had suggested. But, since she was wearing a training bra, we could not see how much her slim figure was beginning to bud. Her legs were long and slender, making her knees look knobby. Her new, adult teeth looked too big for her mouth. With her naturally curly blond hair we could make her look anywhere from eight to twelve depending on clothes and make-up.
Russ introduced us. "This is Miriam, our photographer and this is Barbara, her assistant." He looked down at Nicky and smiled. "Barbara will take you into the dressing room right after your practice session to get you ready for the first real modeling session." Nicky seemed almost too shy and I wondered if she would be able to walk around modeling later wearing only her panties and a bra.
I led Nicky to the first set - a Japanese school room - with a big calendar full of Japanese characters. More Japanese symbols were written on the dry-erase board. There were books and magazines with Japanese lettering. I took a dozen modest poses just to get her used to modeling, and told her what a fine job she was doing. We had one of the old video cameras on a tripod and I had Nicky introduce herself to the camera, telling her this was for our records. Her voice cracked because she was so nervous.
She told us today's date, her name, and her age, saying, "I'm Nicky and I'm ten and a half." Her mother was watching, too. Then I whispered some instructions in Nicky's ear. She blushed and stammered. "But, but..."
I called to Nicky's mother to encourage Nicky to follow directions.
She said, "Nicky! Do what they tell you. Now go on! This is only for their records. Do what they say. Only people in Japan will see the pictures."
Nicky swallowed hard, and began, still blushing brightly under the lights in front of the video camera with the four of us adults watching. "I'm Nicky and I'm ten and a half years old and I weigh eighty two pounds and I'm four feet, seven inches tall, and I want to be a model. I promise that I will let you take pictures of me ... um ... um ... in my underwear." Then she held up the front of her dress to show the camera her white, cotton panties. She seemed to freeze in that position, staring into the video camera. I was worried that she would faint.
"Go on." I prompted her gently. Nicky looked over at her mother who was nodding and then got a stern look on her face.
Nicky continued, "I want to model school clothes and swimming suits and panties and training bras and other things ..." She swallowed again. "And um ... I'll let you take pictures of my front and my back." She turned and lifted the back of her dress, showing the back side of the cotton panties.
"Very good." I said, "Keep going."
"I'll take off my clothes in front of the camera to model the panties and training bras for you." I could hardly hear her. "Like this..." Nicky faced the camera and slowly unbuttoned the blouse. She looked at her mother and took off the blouse, crossing her arms in front of the white training bra. Then she reached back and blushed a bright red as she unsnapped the back of the skirt and pulled it off to the side. She laid the skirt on the bed and turned slowly for the camera.
We watched in silence as she turned around again. Then we all applauded. I patted her bottom as we walked back to join the others. She was perspiring and her skin was flushed. "You did fine, Nicky. You're so cute and have such a nice smile. This will be fun, won't it?"
"Yes." She answered softly. "It's just kind of embarrassing."
She crossed her hands in front of her panties as we walked over to the others.
Barbara took Nicky's hand and led her to the dressing room. Barbara would give me clues about Nicky's pussy and breast development when she brought her back out, but the most fun would be watching the candid dressing room videos later. Barbara would help undress the shy girl, getting her used to being 'helped' immediately. Part of her training would be to always let us undress and dress her.
After they went into the dressing room, Russ and I talked with the mother as we showed her around our make-shift studio in the rented warehouse space. We had two sets ready to go - a bedroom and a school room. There were hangers and shelves behind the cameras and lights - full of props and sexy clothes on hangers. There were more Japanese books and magazines. Some of the props included an over-size rocking horse, jump rope, weight lifting set, a soccer ball, toy gun and holster with leather, fringed vest and leggings, toys, a large ball with a forty inch diameter, even a portable bathtub, and a pile of other items, many with Japanese insignias. There were two racks and several boxes with various clothing items we had collected over the last two years. I made sure that Nicky's mother saw some of the skimpy panties and nighties that Nicky would be modeling, and stopped there to assure her that the pictures would only be seen in Japan. Russ added, "Yes, they will only be seen in Japan, and perhaps some of the countries that Japan does business with."
The mother looked at the semi-sheer panties and nodded. She said, "Well, OK." The pairs of panties had Japanese labels on the waistbands - a nice touch that Russ had first tried a year earlier.
Russ showed Nicky's mother some of the documents written in Japanese as they sat at the table. He explained some of our agency procedures. "We can pay you three hundred dollars cash today, for this first session. It will last about three hours, and you are welcome to stay for the whole session, of course. But better yet, I could run you home in a little while and then bring Nicky home later. If you stay here you must remain absolutely still and quiet during the session if you stay here. We've found that we get lots more pictures, and that the girls aren't so self conscious if the mother's don't stay. Another four hours at the most. The more pictures we take, the bigger your check - or cash." He pointed to a section of the Japanese contract, "If you prefer to get paid by check, that's fine, but it will take an extra six weeks and the check will be in yen so you would have to cash it at your bank and they will withhold the necessary import tariffs, exchange fees, and income taxes, so it would only net out about two hundred and forty dollars. You would have to pay taxes on it and fill out an international tax declaration. Which would you prefer?"
I smiled to myself when the mother said, "Well, it sounds like taking cash would be much better."
Then Russ began to explain that some of the modeling would include panties, underwear, nightgowns, school clothes, or specialty lingerie that is especially popular with Japanese and Chinese teenagers right now. The pictures of your daughter will only be seen in Asia, and perhaps in some of the countries where Japan does garment sales. He showed her pictures of other girls modeling underwear - a little sexier than the Sunday newspaper ads, but still nothing as hot as the pictures we would be taking of Nicky over the next few weekends.
Russ looked at her and said, "We've found that the models are much calmer if her mother is not present during the whole photo shoot, but it is helpful if you encourage her to follow directions and tell her that she will be modeling underwear and that it is ok with you that Miriam takes pictures of her that way. Tell her that these pictures will only be seen in Japan and tell her not to be shy while she is modeling."
Nicky's mother nodded, "I'll tell her. And you're probably right that she would do better if I wasn't right here watching. But she is very shy. I'll try to encourage her not to be shy while she is modeling." She picked up the envelope with the cash in it and signed the paper, even thought the writing was all in Japanese, except for a highlighted "X" next to a blank line. Russ signed right under her name.
Barbara came out with Nicky - what a quick, but stunning change. Nicky's hair was up; held with several bows, and she walked slowly in the medium-high heels. She was wearing bright red lipstick and had on perfume we could smell from three feet away. The short, pink dress was flared like a party dress and barely came below her hips. The patent-leather, black shoes with two inch heels, and the ruffled ankle socks made her slender legs look even longer. She was holding a small, black, patent- leather purse that matched her shoes. We all told her how pretty she was.
"You be sure to do everything they tell you, Nicky. And don't be shy. Nobody around here will see these pictures. They will only be seen by people in Japan or around in there..." She waved her arm to include all of Asia. "Don't be shy. I know you will be modeling panties and swimming suits and underwear, and it's OK, because remember, these pictures won't be seen around here. I will be back in about three hours to pick you up. Russ will call me when you are about finished for the day."
They watched as I took another dozen pictures and then asked her to lift up her dress so I could see her panties. Nicky blushed and looked at her mother again.
Her mother said, "Its fine, Nicky. This is for modeling, and you are modeling panties and things. So don't be so shy. Lift up your dress and do whatever they tell you." She stood up. "Russ will bring you home in a couple hours. Be sure to smile and do everything they say."
As Russ left with Nicky's mother, Barbara said, "I think she will be an excellent model for us, if she's brave enough."
After the door closed, and we heard Russ turn the lock, Barbara said, "Oh, I looked at the windows in the dressing room to make sure the contractor finished changing the broken glass. There is quite a bit of moisture around the frame already with a little bit of dust. I noticed that the light yellow insulation looked full and puffy with nothing showing through. Even the insulation around the top windows was stiff and very puffy. Just perfect. It should help this winter."
I smiled as Barbara told me in code that Nicky was just beginning to get a dusting of blond pubic hair, and that her lips were full and meaty with no inner labia showing through, and that her nipples were also puffy and just ripening. She told me that Nicky's panties were already damp when she helped the girl change into the pair of white, silky, hip-hugger panties. Nicky looked around the studio with a big grin on here face while we seemingly talked about the insulation around the windows.
I bent down to put my face close to hers. "I'm sure you'll do fine, Nicky. Let me show you a few pictures of some of the other models before we get started; before you begin to undress in front of the camera. And I always like to kiss the model before we start each session." I put my fingers under her chin and tilted her head up and gave her a quick kiss on her full, red lips. She started to pull back, but then held still.
I smiled at her. "Good, Nicky. It's part of following directions and getting used to us. We'll have to help you pose as we go through the session. Sometimes we'll kiss you or pat your bottom as a way to tell you that you're doing a good job. OK?"
"Yes." Her voice had a little nervous quaver in it, as she smiled up at me. "OK." She said with a little more resolution.
We looked at two pages of various girls holding up their dresses, or pulling down their shorts to show their panties to the camera. The last page we looked at showed two of the girls wearing only thong panties and sheer bras - front and back. Nicky stared at the pictures. I noticed that her knees slightly squirmed in a scissors motion as she studied the photos.
"You'll do just fine, Nicky. Don't be too nervous. Let me kiss you again." She was more willing this time, so I gave her a slightly longer kiss, then patted her firm bottom with my hand up under her short dress, and said, "Let's get some pictures. You're so cute!"
I led her to the bedroom set, and Barbara and I moved the lights while Nicky looked around. I was continually shooting video and took about forty still pictures with my multi-purpose digital camera, getting Nicky used to moving, turning, smiling, looking where I told her, and assuming various modest poses, as she climbed around on the bed or sat on the floor or on the chair. "Excellent!" I said with a smile and sat down my camera.
"Now introduce yourself again as you undress down to the panties and training bra. You're such a cute girl."
"I'm Nicky, and I'm ten and a half." She said, as she began to undress. She undressed faster this time, down to her panties and bra. She was still blushing brightly and her skin looked flushed. She was perspiring again as she turned for the cameras. I had her pull up the semi-sheer panties in front, giving her a pussy wedgie, and she did it without comment, turning and trying to get into the positions I described to her.
The candid video cameras were still on and I was holding the big, old video camera that had been on the tripod. Nicky looked right into the camera as I had suggested. She assumed various un-ladylike poses, and looked into the camera. I would edit the tapes of our session later, and add in the dressing room videos. Our real clients loved to watch a very shy girl begin to get bolder and bolder as we slowly awakened her libido. She would soon be used to having my camera aimed at her all the time, even though she didn't know I was also getting video. We wouldn't tell her about the candid video cameras in the dressing room until much later in her young career.
Back in the dressing room I had Nicky put on her glasses on to look at pictures of some of the other models. I sat in a chair next to our table that also acted as our desk, and put my arm around Nicky's waist to hold her close to me as I turned several more album pages. We looked at pictures of another model who was wearing a similar dress. After several standing, sitting, and jumping-on-the bed photos, the girl began getting in sexier poses so that the camera could take pictures of the lacy, pink, thong panties she was modeling. At the bottom of page four, where I stopped, were several photos of the model laying on her back with the dress flipped up onto her tummy, and her legs spread with one knee up and then laying outwards. The model was looking directly into the camera. The panties were pulled into the center of her pussy, exposing her right lip and the top of her bald mound.
"Oh dear!" I said. "I forgot about that picture. There are lots of pictures that I don't send to the agency in Japan. I always look over the picture first in case there are any photography 'accidents.'" Then I laughed. "But accidents happen."
Nicky laughed, too, while staring at the pictures.
While Nicky studied the pictures, I felt her squirm as she stood next to me, with my hand resting on her hip just above the elastic band of her panties. I said, "Russ told us you were very cute and sexy, Nicky. That's why he picked you. I bet there will be lots of young, Japanese girls who will see your pictures and wish that they could be as sexy and cute as you." She squirmed again as I put my finger directly on the thong panties in the picture. "Aren't these cute pictures? Panties just like the big girls wear."
"Yes." She said. I said, "This girl was very good, and we still use her even though she is a teenager now. She lives far away from here, but she still models for her sponsors. That's how our models get the most money - by modeling for their sponsors." I let her look at the pictures, and then said, "Let's get this new skirt on you. I need to get pictures of you now while you hold up your skirt and show off these silky panties for my camera. Then you'll take off your dress and do more sexy poses in. You're a very sexy model, Nicky, and very limber. Show me again how far you can spread your legs!" I laughed. "Out of all the girls we interview, there are only a dozen we still work with. They all have sponsors. Sometimes the girls get to meet each other and do photo sessions together. Wouldn't that be fun - meeting some of the other girls?"
She wanted to turn the page, but I waited, letting her look before I turned one more page. I patted her bottom under the skirt. "Do you want to see a couple more pages before we get started again?" I slid my hand off the back of her panties and back up around her waist, hugging her to stand against me as I sat in the chair.
"Yes." She said.
I turned the page so we could see the next 24 poses on the two big album pages. The girl took off the dress as she went through a series of sexy poses - standing, crawling, sitting, laying on the bed on her tummy, and rolling over, and so on, always looking at the camera. The last poses showed the pre-teen model in just panties and bra as she took off her last shoe and sock. She was leaning against the bed while sitting on the floor with one leg out in front of her and the other knee up by her chest. She had scooted back against the edge of the bed, pushing the panties forward so that a big gap developed between the panties and her crotch. We could see the edge of her pussy. I felt Nicky squirm again. Nicky would be hot. I felt my own panties getting damper, too.
I stood and walked her over to the set. "It's just us girls here now, Nicky, so don't be shy. This will be fun. Russ won't be back for a while yet." Then I kissed her again and scooted her onto the set while Barbara and I turned on the extra photo lights.
Barbara said, "Don't worry about Russ anyway. I think he wishes he was a girl!" Both of us adults laughed, and then Nicky laughed, too.
She went through a series of similar poses. Her nervousness was apparent, making her even sexier, as she began to show the camera her thong panties. At first she giggled each time she showed her panties to the camera, but then she began to give longer, sexier views. About fifteen minutes later she was wearing only the white, low-cut, thong panties and sheer bra. Barbara and I could see a wet spot growing in the narrow crotch of the panties. We had previously cut out the crotch liner so that if any moisture developed it would show through. Nicky's skin was red and mottled as she posed. In her last pose, I had her sit backwards on the wooden chair, with one leg on either side and scoot her panties close to the back of the chair, so her panties were visible between the wood slats, spreading her legs as wide as she could.
Barbara and I both congratulated her on a fine job, as Barbara led her back to the dressing room. I moved my equipment back to the school room set, and then took the dress she had been wearing back to the dressing room. Nicky was wearing only her new pair of lacy, sheer, blue, hip-huggers when I entered. She covered her bare breasts with her hands. I laughed, "It's just us girls in here, Nicky. No need to be shy. Let me help you put on the bra and school uniform."
Nicky blushed again and put her hands down. Barbara was right. Nicky's budding breasts were like acorns on white, pale mounds. Her tan lines accentuated the size 28-A breasts, with the pink, puffy nipples that stuck out like acorns in the center of each breast. Perfect. I could hardly wait to feel them, although actually fondling them would have to wait for two or three weeks. I helped her try on several bras, so that I could get close looks while sitting right in front of her, flicking the bottom of each different bra up across her puffy nipples every time I held up a different bra in front of her. Nicky was standing between my knees as I sat in a chair. She kept her hands at her sides as I held up a series of bras in front of her breasts. She flinched when I flicked the first bra up across her nipples and I reminded her to stand still, and flicked it up over her nipples again - as if touching them by accident.
Barbara and I talked about other things while we dressed Nicky again, pretending not to pay much attention to our little starlet. I noticed that Barbara had put the white panties from Nicky's first sessions in little baggies to retain the moisture.
We led Nicky out to the school room set and began another series of pictures. After she had taken off the blouse, Russ came back in. Nicky covered the two sheer cups of her bra with her hands, and I laughed again. "It's just Russ, Nicky. He'll be reading us the photo instructions from our Japanese agency. Just pretend he's not here." I laughed again, "But then again, he did select you because he thought you were so cute and sexy, so don't be shy around him."
I continued telling her how to sit, stand, bend, turn, and bend over as she took the jumper off and began posing in just the shoes, thigh-high black hose, and blue, lacy hip-huggers, and matching sheer bra. We could see enough through the panties to be certain that she didn't have any noticeable hair.
I talked with Russ and Barbara as I kept taking pictures. Barbara said, "I think Nicky is sexy enough to eventually get sponsors."
"That would be a big help." Said Russ. "Then we could afford to do lots more photo sessions with her."
We kept discussing the advantages of finding sponsors for Nicky, but she didn't seem to be paying attention to what we were talking about.
Russ said, "Gee, she is so sexy! I can't believe she's not eleven yet." We could all see the growing wet spot on the silky, blue panties. Russ pretended to read the Japanese papers and told me to have her pose on her hands and knees. Soon she had her knees apart and elbows on the ground. Russ had me ask her if she could put her knees apart even wider and lower her shoulders to the ground. I strained to see the through the semi-sheer, white panties, and could make out the slightly darker areas of her open vagina and anus. I couldn't wait until we got her into even more sheer panties.
As Nicky posed, the three of us complimented her on being so limber. Russ said that he was sure he could get additional assignments for Nicky if she could keep on following directions. "She is so sexy, I'm sure the Japanese agency will be pleased."
The next three outfits were slightly more modest, but during each set she developed that tell-tale wet spot by the time she undressed to her panties and bra. Russ changed the sets a little bit and added new props after each session. The wet spots were especially visible on the pastel panties after she sat on the rocking horse.
By the end of that first session, Nicky was more at ease being naked in the dressing room with Barbara and me while we helped her try on several pairs of panties between each set.
Russ told us later that she smiled all the way home.
The second Saturday of modeling was more of the same - with mostly mild or sexy poses and slightly sexier outfits and panties. She had a mischievous smile each time she opened her legs for the camera. Barbara and I agreed that Nicky would develop into a very hot, little model. We had several possible sponsors lined up already. They liked her full, rounded fanny.
I showed Nicky the video camera mounted on the tripod again, just like last week. I told Nicky to dance while she undressed down to her panties and bra in front of our video camera, so that we could show several possible sponsors how cute and sexy she is. "I need to show this little video of you undressing to several possible sponsors, Nicky. Dance to the music while you undress down to your panties and bra, and then I'll give you more instructions."
Russ suggested that maybe she could make her fanny cheeks a pretty pink if she would spank herself, so she did, with lots of giggles, spanking even harder at our promptings ... leaving red handprints on her pale bottom. We all laughed, listening to the sounds of her spanks above her giggles.
Russ and Barbara left to get lunch and said they would be back with our lunches in about 30 minutes.
Nicky blushed brightly as she undressed down to her panties and bra. Then finally she undressed down to a pair of sheer, lacy, hip-hugger, thong panties and the tiny, sheer, white bra. She introduced herself each time - blushing even brighter while she told her name and age as she unbuttoned her blouse in front of the camera. She enjoyed dancing and that seemed to make it easier for her. When she undressed down to the thong panties, she giggled as she kept turning to show her bare cheeks to the camera.
I said, "A sponsor needs to know that you can follow directions, Nicky, besides just being so cute and limber. And you are very cute and limber. Now try your best to do everything I say. OK?"
"Get on your hands and knees and show your bottom and these pretty panties to the camera."
"Oh." She said so quietly that for a moment I was worried she wouldn't do it.
Then she climbed up on the bed and got on her hands and knees. "Like this, Miriam?"
"Yes, that's good, Nicky. Your bottom is still so rosy red. You have a pretty bottom, you know."
She smiled.
I said, "Now lower your shoulders down to the bed and put your knees farther apart. Arch you back more so your bottom is sticking up in the air."
She did as I asked. The wetness on the panties was clearly visible.
"Now put your hands on your bottom and see how wide open you can pull your fanny cheeks for the camera."
She did. "That's it. Now try to look back at the camera and tell me your name and age again, Try to let your bottom relax a minute and then pull it wide open for the camera. Good girl."
"I'm Nicky and I'm ten and a half years old. I want to be a good model and I can get in funny positions so you can see the panties better." She pulled her ass wide open several times, letting it close on the thong, and then pulling outwards again. I could see the radiating light, brown wrinkles of her ass hole on either side of the thong.
"Let me take the camera off the tripod, Nicky. Hold that position. Let me zoom in on your face and tell me again that you can follow directions."
She did, while I zoomed in on her face from beside her hip, then I stood behind her while she opened her bottom. "That's it. Hold it open wide. Good girl!" The size five thong panties were slightly too large for her and hung down an inch in front of her pussy. From this side angle I could see part of the opening to her vagina. I zoomed in as close as possible and could see the creamy white lubricant that was building up in the opening to her vagina.
I walked her back to the dressing room. She was shaking slightly. "It's OK, Nicky. You did great. Let's get you dressed before Barbara and Russ get back. Then we'll have lunch and it will be time to go. I'm sure I can find some sponsors for you."
"Really?" She asked.
When Russ and Barbara returned she said, "I might get a sponsor! I did real good."
They both applauded and hugged her as she blushed and smiled.
On the third Saturday I called her over to my table in the dressing room. She was barefoot; only wearing thong panties and a bra. She came over to me, a little reluctant to get so close to Russ in her current state of undress, but she came nevertheless, and stood beside me. I kissed her again, and said what a great job she was doing. I put my hand on her bare ass cheek and gave her a gentle pat, then kept my hand there. We looked at more pictures - this time a different model in just panties and bra - who kept pulling the waistband of her panties out, or down, letting the panties hang between her hips with only a triangle of cloth directly in front of her pussy. We could see the top of her pubic mound as the model kept playing with the panties but never exposing her crack. I felt Nicky squirm again as she studied the photos.
I patted her bottom and walked her out into the bedroom set again. "If you accidentally pull your panties too far down, it's OK, Nicky, because I won't send any pictures that accidentally show too much. And besides, it might prove to Russ that you're not too shy to be a model. He still thinks you might be too shy. So maybe a few times, pretend to pull them too far down, just for a second. Besides, Barbara and I have both seen you naked while we helped you change." I pinched her bottom. "I just want you to tease Russ a little bit. Let him see a quick glace or two and then pull your panties back up higher. But pull them down low enough so that your you-know-what will show to my camera. Our secret. OK?"
She blushed brightly and giggled. "Um, OK." She giggled again.
Nicky did a great job modeling, blushing all the while. We all got several views of her almost-hairless, pale pussy, as she played with the waistband of her silky panties in different poses. Her skin had a reddish glow. I knelt right in front of her with my camera on full video mode, while she pulled the waistband of the panties out and down, showing me her bare pussy for two or three seconds at a time.
I helped her put on a pair of white, ultra sheer, thong panties, and an ultra sheer training bra, and we casually walked back out to the set. I could see the radiating pink wrinkles of her anus, just slightly wider than the width of the thong, after I posed her on her hands and knees again, and kept having her put her knees wider and wider apart, leaning back slightly, and lowering her shoulders - eventually all the way to the rug.
I called Russ and Barbara over to see just how limber our young model was. We all complimented her and she tried to get even lower till her knees were almost straight out to the sides.
"Good. Hold still Nicky. Barbara, see if you can straighten the panties. They look off to one side."
Nicky held still while Barbara pulled the panties clear over to one side, exposing her bare pussy to us all. Nicky was creamy wet! Barbara waited for me to get several pictures and a little video clip and then centered the panties over Nicky's open pussy.
We helped the brightly blushing girl stand up and walk back to the dressing room, leaving Russ to prepare the next set.
Barbara and I told her that she was doing an excellent job. Barbara said, "I bet Russ doesn't think you're too shy anymore, Nicky!" She was shaking with nervousness and excitement.
"You are such a great model, Nicky." Barbara said, as she helped her step out of the little panties. She put the wet panties in another baggie for us to enjoy later.
I said, "Yes, you're excellent, Nicky. We're going to do some athletic poses next, so maybe before Barbara helps you on with the next outfit, she will show you some stretching exercises.
"You mean without anything on?" She asked.
I laughed. Barbara said, "Of course, Nicky. Sometimes you need to stretch before you put on the next outfit."
When Nicky put one foot up on the stretching bar, we could see her undeveloped, inner labia that were just barely peeking out between her full, wet lips.
Barbara said, "We'll get you into the next outfit in just a minute, Nicky." I knew that little stretching video clip would be hot, as Barbara helped the naked girl stretch her legs in different wide-open stretching exercises. Our candid cameras caught everything in the well-lit dressing room.
The next few sets we considered "cool-down" sessions - athletic, jeans, play clothes, so that she would forget about how excited she was earlier - even though she probably didn't recognize or understand why she had been squirming or why her panties were getting so wet so fast. We didn't comment on it, always acting like this was just fashion modeling.
We knew Russ would get her a treat of some sort - like a sundae - on the way home; as he emphasized the need to keep this modeling career a secret. He would take her in the house and talk with Nicky's mother for a little while; assuring them both that she had done a good job. He arranged to pick her up at ten the following Saturday, and then at noon two weeks later. After Nicky went back to her room in the little apartment, Russ gave the mother an extra hundred and fifty dollar bonus for the overtime and said she might get even more overtime during the next two weekends, if it was OK with her for them to keep Nicky a little longer.
"Of course. I want her to enjoy it, and to learn, and not to feel too rushed. And I won't tell her about the money. And I'll remind her to do everything you say."
The session the next week lasted an extra two hours since we took our time and did more stretching between sessions. She was getting used to being naked in front of Barbara and I, and she accepted all our kisses and pats on her bottom. I also enjoyed holding her on my lap between sessions, showing her pictures in the album while Barbara took her time getting the next outfit ready, or going out into the studio to prepare the set.
Barbara and I took more time with her hair and make-up while she was between sessions to get her even more used to being naked around us. Near the end of the session I asked her if she would like to see some of the pictures that we didn't send to Japan.
"Yes!" She said with excitement.
As I set up my laptop on the little table in our dressing room, I explained that some of the girls - especially the cute, brave, obedient, and sexy models like her, are the girls that get sponsors. "The sponsors are usually wealthy men who want to help a young girl as she develops into full-fledged fashion model. Sometimes these sponsors will financially help the girl and her family for years, with perhaps a few private modeling sessions each year. Nicky didn't seem to be paying attention as she watched me set up the computer.
I pulled out my laptop and sorted through several cds. I pushed in a disc and opened the Nicky file, then scrolled down to "Nicky-NOT sent." And we looked at several pictures I had taken when Nicky had "accidentally" pulled her panties too far down.
"These are some of the pictures that I didn't send to Japan. I want you to know that I screen the pictures so that we don't send any like these. You can have fun modeling, and if an "accident" happens and you pull the panties too far down or something, then I will screen out those pictures."
"Oh." She said softly and I felt her squirm on my lap. Nicky studied the picture of her hips, with her panties pulled out towards the camera - the waistband stretched between her hands with the pink. He nails showed the sparkle nail polish that she had worn two weeks ago. The panties were pulled down far enough to expose her entire pussy with the dusting of blond pubic hairs around the top edge of her pale pussy.
I let her look a moment, with my hand on the back of her bare bottom. "Would you like to see pictures of other girls who had little modeling accidents? These are pictures of the models we use the most because they are so brave and sexy. Maybe you could be one of our top models, too. Would you like to see some of the other girls?"
"Yes." She said, almost bouncing on my lap with excitement.
I scrolled down to a file labeled, "Amanda. If I let you see pictures of Amanda and other girls, then you have to let them see pictures of you. OK. Is it OK if I show them pictures of you?"
"Amanda is a very sexy model," I said, "and we still use her sometimes, especially for some of our wealthy, private clients. Of course, I don't have prints of these 'accidental pictures'" and I pinched Nicky's plump bottom and winked at her. She giggled, meaning she understood that I had taken them on purpose and that I might let some special friends see the pictures. I felt her squirm as she wondered if I might show people some of the pictures I had taken of her when she had accidentally pulled her panties down too far.
The opening picture was a collage of four bald pussies. Each of the four girls had her legs together and was laying on her back for the picture. One girl had stark tan lines, one had a few wispy reddish pubic hairs on the freckled, pale skin, one had her legs slightly parted, and another had a wide clitoral ridge running down the center of her pussy.
I let Nicky look at the four pussies for a moment, and then asked her several questions. "Are they all different?"
"Yes." She said, not taking her eyes off them.
"Which one has the fullest lips?" and she pointed.
"And which one has red hair?" and again she pointed.
"Do you see the pussy with the fattest lips - so thick and meaty?" She pointed without hesitation.
"Is yours on this page, Nicky?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Well, you're right. It's not!" I laughed. "Not yet, at least. You have a nice, large pubic mound and full, meaty lips, which some fashion designers prefer." I let her keep looking and asked, "Did you know that all pussies look different?"
"No. I didn't know that, but I see what you mean. Do you have pictures of other ones?"
I laughed. "Yes, lots of them. But before I can show you very many of the other girls I will need to get pictures of you so I can show them. That's fair, don't you think, that if I let you see pictures of them, then you should let them see pictures of you?"
"Yes." She said, and wiggled on my lap. I knew my tan slacks would have a dark, wet spot where she was sitting across my lap.
"So, are you sure that you want to see pictures of the other girls, Nicky?"
"Yes. I want to see them."
"Good. Let's start with Amanda. She is two years older than you now. You might get to work with some of the other girls as the weeks go by, Nicky. Wouldn't that be fun?"
"Yes! Cool!"
We looked at some of Amanda's pictures as she undressed and got into some very sexy poses in sheer panties. Nicky recognized some of the props in the pictures. Then I showed her a picture of Amanda from behind - only a foot behind her - as she posed on her knees with her shoulders down on the rug. Her sheer, thong panties were pulled to one side revealing a very wet, open vagina with full view of her anus, too. I felt Nicky squirm on my lap as she studied the photo.
I let her look for a full minute, as I enjoyed the sensations of her squirming around on my lap. I knew the wet spot on my slacks was growing. I could feel the warm wetness against my leg.
"I have lots of 'accidental pictures' of Amanda. Her mother got a nice bonus each time Amanda accidentally let the panties slip to the side, or fall down. I wonder if your mother would like to get a nice bonus once in a while, Nicky. But of course, this would have to be an 'accident,' wouldn't it? Amanda's Mother never saw any of the accidental pictures, and we didn't tell her."
"Oh." She said. "I wouldn't want Mom to see those pictures of me when I was acting silly like that."
"She won't." I assured her, and patted her bottom. "Only the other girls and the sponsors get to see pictures like this."
I clicked to a photo of Amanda in garter belt and hose, with panties on one ankle as she posed for the camera on her back. I whispered, "Sometimes I have to send Russ out to get coffee or lunch and he's gone for a while. And Barbara would be busy back here in the dressing room, or maybe I could send her out with Russ. Then maybe you would have an accident." Nicky squirmed. I didn't say anything for another minute, and clicked through a few more pictures: Amanda with her bra pulled up above her breasts laying on her back with the panties pulled to one side and her legs apart; or Amanda with panties that tied on the sides, but had somehow come untied so that they had fallen down to her ankles as she stood looking at the camera - hands on her hips and a sultry smile on her face. Amanda's pussy was starkly bald and pale, next to her tan legs.
I put my mouth to her ear, "I only share this with girls who are very smart and cute and who can keep secrets. You can keep secrets, can't you, Nicky?"
"Yes." She said so softly I could hardly hear her. Barbara looked at me and left the room so I was alone with Nicky.
"And do you think your mother would like a nice bonus today?" I continued whispering even though we were alone.
"Yes." She could hardly hold still she was so excited.
Barbara came back into the dressing room, and Nicky sat up straight. I said, "Barbara, I think Nicky and I are getting hungry. Would you mind running out with Russ to pick something up?"
"Sure. That would be fine. I'll get Russ. We should be back in about 40 minutes, because I want to go get that salad you love. Should I turn out the studio lights first?"
"No. That's OK. We might do another set while you're gone. I'll dress her."
"Are you sure?" Barbara asked.
"Yes, but where is the garter belt and hose?"
"Oh," She said, "I put them in a box." She moved some packages and pulled out a box. "Here they are. But are you sure you're ready to eat already?"
"I won't eat just yet, Barbara. I just want to take a few special pictures."
"We'll be back in about an hour then, and I'll lock the door when we leave."
"Thank you." I said with a quick wink, while Nicky studied the pictures on my laptop.
Barbara said, "I'll call you from the parking lot when we get back so you can unlock the door for us." We heard the door close and lock as Russ and Barbra left.
I looked at my watch. "I'll help you dress and we'll do another quick session, Nicky. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but sometimes accidents happen while you're modeling."
"I know." She said, sounding out of breath.
When she stood up, I looked at the large wet spot on my tan slacks where she had been sitting. I dressed her in the black garter belt and black hose with matching bra that was way too big on Nicky. The bra had a little bow in front. "Be careful with the bow, Nicky, because if you tug on it the bra will unsnap in front. And these panties tie on the sides, so be very careful not to accidentally untie them." I winked at her.
I knew that Barbara and Russ had left the two hidden video cameras in the studio turned on when they left to get lunch. I picked up our new digital video recorder.
"Where should I stand first?" she asked, still sounding nervous.
I talked Nicky through a series of poses in our bedroom set - walking, standing, sitting or laying on the bed or floor. She asked, "When should I have an accident?"
"Oh, Nicky. We wouldn't have an accident on purpose." I laughed and winked at her again. I put the skirt and blouse back on her.
"I want you to undress in front of the video camera again, Nicky, and maybe I'll get a few more pictures, before we go back to the dressing room. Be careful not to accidentally unfasten the bra or untie the panties while you get you're your positions. You can pose however you want after you undress. Talk to the camera. Maybe I could show you some of the video highlights later from some of the other girls. Would you like that?"
"Yes. Neat."
She introduced herself again, but quieter this time. Although she nervous, she continued undressing down to panties and bra. She looked into the camera as she pulled the ribbon on the bow on the right side of the panties, letting them fall to her left ankle. First she got on her knees and shoulders on the bed - opening her bare ass and pussy to my camera. I took video clips and stills. I walked up behind her and took several pictures, taking my time, enjoying her nervousness. She was creamy wet - with a glob of whitish goo in the opening to her vagina. I wanted to get her voice on these video clips, so I tried to talk more during this session, facetiously pretending to talk about her panties as if they were in place.
"Do you enjoy modeling panties this way, Nicky?"
"And you know that maybe someday other girls and sponsors will see the pictures of your accidents, don't you, Nicky? Open a wider for the camera."
"Yes, and I want to see their pictures, too." She said, while trying to force her knees farther apart on the bedspread. "I like being a model."
Her hips kept moving and squirming as she modeled. I zoomed in on her open, wet vagina as a little more of her nervous excitement slowly oozed out. "Nice and wet, Nicky. Very good. 'Wet' is so sexy. Can you tell when you are getting wet?"
"Yes. I think my panties get wet on the way coming over here. I didn't know if you would notice. It's so embarrassing."
"Don't be embarrassed, Nicky. It's how we can tell you are such a hot model. Wet is good. Don't try to wipe it off, just let yourself get wet. Do you feel tingly when it gets wet?
"Yes, it's like kind of shaky inside. Like an itch or a tickle."
Next she stood up and exposed her small breasts that were fully erect to my camera. She blushed so brightly as she tried to smile into my camera that I was worried she might faint. "Adjust your bra for the camera, Nicky. Squeeze and massage them. Pull them around for the camera. Pinch the nipples. That's it. And tell me that you want some other girls and even some men who might become your sponsors to see you."
She squeezed and pulled her size 28-A breasts for the camera, looking at me as I took more pictures. She pinched her nipples, but wasn't sure what to do. I sat my camera on a stool, and moved her hands away. "Pinch gently like this, Nicky, and then pull them out and let them snap back into place. That makes them stand up nicely for the pictures." I demonstrated several times then asked her if it hurt when I pinched them.
"No." She said, as if she was puzzled by the fact that it didn't hurt. "It doesn't hurt." She said, as she began to pinch and pull them. "It kind of makes them tingle."
I had her massage and pinch them for the camera. "I had to show Amanda how to pinch her breasts, too. Talk to me, Nicky. Tell me what it feels like while you model your panties and bra. See how nicely your nipples are standing out now, Nicky?"
She looked at them. "Oh. That makes them tingle!" She said, as she looked at her tiny, erect, pink nipples. "Its fun modeling panties this way, like except I'm nervous - especially when I think about maybe other girls, or even men looking at the pictures. And like it's embarrassing that it gets so wet. You know, like between my legs. This really tingles, when I pull them like this." She kept demonstrating - massaging, squeezing, and pinching faster and harder. "Oh. It tingles on top and even like down in the front of me. Lots of tingles. Should I keep doing it? It even makes tingles down here." She put one hand on her bare pussy. "Why does it do that? Like when I pull on them it gives me tingles down here?"
"Keep modeling, Nicky. You're doing great. Think about maybe modeling like this with one of your sponsors or maybe one of the other girls watching you. Just imagine they are standing her with me watching you. Lie back on the bed and open your legs. Keep massaging. Does it still tingle?"
She kept pulling on them, almost as if she didn't hear me. She had one hand on her pussy - massaging her lips as she squirmed her hips and scissored her legs together, then opened them again. "Oh. Gee. That would be so embarrassing with a man watching me do this. But I would have to I guess, if he was a sponsor, like you said. I would have to let him watch. Oh, this really tingles even when I think about a man watching me. That would be so embarrassing! I don't want him to think I tinkled, and that's why it's so wet there. He would be watching me. It tingles all the way down to here." She kept massing her pussy with her right hand while she pinched and pulled on her breasts with her left. "I would let a girl watch me because then I could watch her do it. But it would feel real funny with a man watching me. Oh. Especially if I had to pinch them and pull them like this. Oh."
This would be a great video - watching her self-discovery - but I didn't want her to cum. Not yet.
I helped Nicky move around on the bed. Then she laid on her back with her legs together and then she opened them wide for my camera, letting me stand between her feet to lean closer to take pictures. She started pulling on her breasts again, moving her hips as she opened and closed her knees. Her legs kept moving. She said, "Oh, if a man was watching... Gee, if a man was watching... I mean, if like I had to keep doing this while he was watching me real close... Like if I had to open my legs like this and let him see... Oh, gee. Like opening my legs right in front of him while he watched and I have to open my legs wide..."
I stopped her again and stood her up on the floor. She walked over to the chair and straddled it - sitting backwards - facing me, leaning back and scooting her hips forward towards the back of the chair so I could see everything. I knelt in front of her and zoomed in on her open pussy. She was still moving her hips. Her pussy was very wet and the tips of her nipples looked hard as b-bs on top of her acorn-sized, pale, soft, pink, puffy areoles.
I took video for a minute, then said, "Oh, dear, Nicky. I think your panties came loose." We both laughed, breaking the tension. I had her stand and do a few more poses with her back to me. I told her how pretty her bottom was.
I picked up the panties and let her take off the high heels. We walked back to the dressing room arm in arm so she wouldn't fall. She was breathing deeply. I sat in my chair and pulled her onto my lap. When I kissed her, she let out a sigh.
"You are so cute, Nicky. Sometimes accidents happen when you're modeling, so please don't be embarrassed. I won't tell anyone. Nobody will ever know that your panties accidentally fell down." I smiled and waited.
She smiled nervously; suddenly self-conscious. And then she giggled. "Yes, it was an accident. I didn't notice that they fell down."
"Of course not. And I didn't notice either."
She asked if she could see her pictures. "Oh, no. We can't let a model see her own accidents. The pictures I showed you of your own pussy when you held your panties stretched out in front of you are the last ones you'll get to see of yourself like that. Just trust me that lots of other people will like to see them."
"But you showed me some of Amanda's accidents." She protested.
"Yes, but she didn't see them herself. Maybe when I see her I will show her some pictures of you. Would you like Amanda to see pictures of you?"
"Oh." I felt another tremor on my lap. "I mean, it's OK, like if she wants to see them. Do you think she would want to see pictures of me?'
"Yes, I know she would! So then, would you like to see another girl?"
"Yes!" Then she said, "All the other girls. Who else sees the pictures? Are you sure other people won't see me doing that, except like maybe sponsors? And like some of the other girls? I mean like to see pictures of my 'accidents?'" She would have kept asking questions, but I held up my hand and then stood her up so I could go get another cd out of my purse.
"What are you talking about, Nicky. What accident? I didn't notice anything. You didn't do anything bad. Maybe your panties slipped and you didn't know it, but you didn't do anything naughty. And I can't tell you who will see your 'accidental pictures' - that's if there are any."
She got serious, "Oh, I know. Maybe there was an accident and maybe there wasn't. I understand, Miriam." She waited.
I sat down and pulled her towards me. She got on my lap again. "Please can I see another picture, I mean, like if there was an accident with another girl?"
I flipped up the top of my laptop and inserted another disc. She stared as I opened a folder entitled, "Daniela." I showed her a few pictures of Daniela - a blond girl, older than Nicky, modeling several different pairs of very sheer panties.
"Wow. Look at her nail polish. I used to have some blue sparkle nail polish." Said Nicky. "She's cute."
Then I worked the mouse with my left hand to scroll down to a jpeg picture entitled, "accdnt-1." It opened and showed Daniela with her panties pulled to the side, similar to Amanda's picture earlier. I clicked on the next picture and it showed a close-up of Daniela's pussy with the clit over against one side. I pointed to her clit, leaning against her left lip. "Sometimes I have to straighten the model's clit to get it centered. That's the clit, right there." I pointed. "Sometimes a girl's clit gets stiffer when you're getting tingles down there."
The next picture showed my hand reaching in to touch Daniela's clit, and the next picture showed my own fingers with red nail polish gently pinching her clit between my thumb and forefinger as I straightened it. "I had to get it centered for the next set of pictures." I let her stare for a moment. "Sometimes I have to make sure everything is centered so things show up better in the picture. She has a pretty clit, doesn't she?"
Nicky was staring at the screen. "Yes." She said quietly. We looked at a picture of Daniela pulling her pussy open with all her fingers - fingers with the tell-tale blue, sparkle nail polish. We could see that Daniela was excited - with swollen clit and whitish lubricant smeared to one side from her open, pink vagina. Since Daniela was pulling upwards, her tiny, pink, very-erect clit was fully exposed. Nicky squirmed as she studied the picture. I rubbed her back with my right hand, brought my left over to caress her tummy while she studied the picture.
"Oh." She said.
I said, "I didn't notice that her panties had come undone and neither did she, when I asked her to pull up her panties real high. Remember? I had you pull your panties up real high your first week?"
"Yes. I remember. Sometimes you want me to pull them up real high." She said, not taking her eyes from the picture.
"Well, evidently neither Daniela nor I had noticed that her panties had come undone, so I made sure her mother got a nice bonus that day. It was my fault for not paying closer attention. Her mother got a very nice extra bonus. And I didn't send those pictures to the Japanese agency, of course. I showed them to some possible sponsors and each of them sent money for her scholarship fund."
I let her look another minute, continuing to tickle her back, tummy, and the bottoms of her breasts. Without saying anything or taking her eyes off the screen, she leaned forward so I could lightly tickle her nipples. She began to move her hips again while she stared at the picture of Daniela's open pussy.
I pinched her right nipple then looked at my watch. "They won't be back for another ten minutes, Nicky. And they will call before they come in. Would you let me take a couple more pictures of you?"
She squirmed, but didn't say anything. I said, "I can't let you see any other pictures of the other girls who had little modeling accidents, unless you are a good model, too, Nicky." She moved on my lap but still didn't talk.
I said, "There are several other girls who had little accidents. Front views and back views. It's part of modeling. But I know they were probably embarrassed about the accidents, so I always give the mothers a very nice bonus if an accident happens. Do you understand? Do you want to do a few more poses before Barbara and Russ get back? There's nothing wrong, just a little accident."
She was silently squirming on my lap when I clicked the next picture showing a close up of Daniela's ass and pussy from behind. This time the hands with the blue sparkle nail polish were pulling her ass wide open for the camera - pulling the wrinkled, light brown skin around her anus to the size of a quarter, with a very pink opening in the center.
I said, "Yes, I think we made another mistake. I asked her to pull up her panties real high in back while she was on her hands and knees, and she reached back to pull them up and neither of us noticed that her panties had fallen down." I could feel the wetness from Nicky's vagina as it soaked through my slacks. I patted her bottom with my right hand and lightly tickled her breasts with my left. "Want to take a couple more pictures before they get back, Nicky? I have some pretty panties for you."
"Then will you show me the other girls?" He voice was shaky again.
"Yes, Honey. I'll show you another two or three of the models. Only the bravest, sexiest models get to have these accidents, Nicky, so it's a compliment to the model if I get accidental pictures. And then the model gets called back for more sessions, and then the mother gets more bonuses. Do you want to let me get a few more pictures? Sometimes we take little photo shoot trips with our best models, like to go visit some of our sponsors."
"Yes." She answered quietly, sliding off my lap and taking my hand.
I stood and picked up the panties that tie on the sides, and led the naked, barefoot girl out to the bedroom set again. I helped her on with the panties and said, "I just want to get a few pictures of these panties, Nicky. Be careful not to pull the string at the side because they might come undone."
She got on the bed and untied the side of the panties. First she laid on her back with knees high. She let her knees drop outwards almost to the bedspread. She was spread wide open. She put her fingers on the inside of her pussy lips. I had her turn so she was also facing the candid video camera set up next to the bedroom set. I put a pillow under her head. She reached down with both hands and pulled her pussy wide open for my camera and I took several shots and looked into her face. "You are such a sexy model, Nicky, I'm sure we can use you for more photo sessions. Pull your panties up nice and high for the camera. Wider. That's it. Pull with both hands."
She pulled her lips wider apart and up, exposing the swollen knot of her clitoris. I took several shots as she watched me. Then I said, "May I adjust it, Nicky, and make sure it's wet on the tip?"
"Yes." She said softly.
I took her clit between my thumb and forefinger and moved it around. It was indeed stiff and swollen. I got my finger wet and stroked across her exposed knot. "I have to get the tip of your clit wet for the picture. That's what this little bump is called, Nicky - your 'clit.' Try to hold still and keep pulling your lips apart and up. That's it." I kept stroking a wet fingernail across her clitoris.
"Oh." She squirmed.
"That doesn't hurt, does it Honey? I need to get it wet for the pictures, like the other girls. You can look closely at their pictures when we go back. I should stroke it a few more times to help it swell up. There's another way to help it swell up and get stiff, that I'll show you next week, but now can I get it really wet and stiff with my fingers for the pictures?" I kept flicking it the whole time, bringing her closer to the edge.
"Yes." She tried to open her knees even wider as I kept flicking across her swollen clit. "Oh, gee. Un. That tickles." She wiggled slightly at each flick.
I said, "Well done, Nicky. Very nice pictures. You want me to show these pictures to a few other people don't you? Rich people who I trust. You want them to see what a big girl you are - so cute and wet and excited. Can I show them these pictures?"
"Yes." Her voice cracked and her throat sounded dry. In a baritone, she said, "I want you to show them."
"Now I'll take a few more pictures of these panties, Nicky. Keep them pulled up high and wide open like that, so they can see how wet you are. Then they will know you're growing up and that you like to model like this. I will show these pictures to lots of possible sponsors tonight. I'm sure they will love you. Look into my camera. Good girl." I wanted to keep stroking her clit, but didn't want her to cum yet. That would probably happen next weekend. "OK. Very good. Roll over and I'll take a picture of the back of these pretty panties."
Nicky rolled over and put her knees apart and up towards her chest, lowering her shoulders to the bed and putting both hands on her ass. "Hold your hands still, Nicky. Let me take a picture of these panties, and then I'll tell you to pull them up nice and high." She followed directions and let me take a couple more digital pictures before I had her pull her tender little asshole open for my camera. "Pull the panties wide open for the camera, Nicky. That's it. You want them to see it, don't you?"
"Yes." She said, "I want them to see it." She pulled her cheeks wider, giving her anus an oval shape. There was a tiny, pink, open circle in the very center surrounded by a ring or light brown radiating wrinkles.
"Stay in that position now, Nicky, and reach one hand under your tummy to scratch the front of your panties, as if you have an itch." Her pussy was dripping wet now, as she reached a hand between her legs and began rubbing her pussy. "That's it. Pretend that the panties tickle you and you have to scratch and massage yourself for a minute."
"Very good. See how far back you can reach."
She put a finger in her vagina, then in and out. "I mean see how far it goes behind you, Honey. You are so sweet and sexy. I'll show you more pictures when we get finished."
Her wet finger was clear back on her anus, even going up an inch or two above it in back. I said, "One of the girls put her finger in the back. Do you want to see that picture?"
Her left hand was still pulling her ass open from behind. She put her right forefinger into her vagina again, getting it wet, and then pressed it into her anus. "Very good, Nicky. Keep adjusting your panties that way, so I can get a few more pictures. Put it in the front and then in the back. I'll show you the other pictures." She pushed her finger in again, to the second knuckle this time.
I helped her stand up. "Oh dear, Nicky. I think your panties fell down again. Well, sometimes these little accidents happen." I laughed softly as I put the panties back in place and tied them, but Nicky didn't say anything. I walked the shaking girl back to the dressing room and made small talk about what a cute model she was. I explained that now I knew we could get a few sponsors for her, and that they would send extra money and clothes, so that she could keep being a model.
I was worrying that I had gone way too far too fast, when she said, "I want to see the other pictures now, Miriam."
I got her dressed in her cotton panties, T-shirt, and jeans. We looked through some of the other pictures. There were only two other girls who had gone that far, but I hinted at others. Then I showed her a picture of Daniela kissing another girl. There were several pictures of the two girls playing outdoors on a swing set in short dresses. "Some of our wealthy sponsors like to see two girls play together, Nicky. That would be fun."
"Oh." She said with a tilt of her head. "Really?"
I said, "Sometimes, if a young model seems to especially enjoy sexy poses in very skimpy panties and bras, we might have another girl model pose with her. The girls always have a good time acting silly together; kissing; and helping each other change clothes. Once in a while there might be little accidents. The Japanese agency likes to see the girls take turns acting like a boy and doing little funny skits together before the actual modeling sessions."
She smiled, "Oh. That would be fun."
I said, "Yes, and the girls have to practice kissing each other and one of the girls is dressed like a boy."
"Gee. What kinds of things do they do?"
I was glad she was distracted from her own recent modeling sessions. "Well they usually giggle and have to keep practicing kissing and hugging before they could do the actual modeling. Sometimes, after the pretend-boy session, we have them dressed like school girls and the undress down to just panties and training bras while dancing around. Things like that."
"That would be fun." She said.
Russ and Barbara arrived back at the studio and we had a nice lunch talking about modeling and other things. She seemed to have recovered completely. Nicky surprised us when she asked Russ if he had found any other girls to model from around here.
"Well, yes, I did find a couple other models, but not as cute as you, Nicky!" He said.
She giggled. "Will I get to meet them? I mean like can we do sessions together? Like Miriam said. Like acting silly and stuff? That would be fun. And like do some pretending? Like acting - I think that would be fun."
Barbara said, "I don't think you're ready yet, Nicky, Honey. Besides if we did that, Nicky, you girls would have to kiss each other. The other girl would have to kiss you, and you would kiss lots and lots of times while you helped each other undress in front of the camera. And ..." Barbara heisted; looked at me; then continued. "I mean, well, you need to know how to pinch some things. Other things like that. And you can't be shy at all, not just showing your panties, but other things. Or maybe the other girl would be pretending to be the doctor."
I laughed and said, "Well, I did teach her about pinching already, Barbara." I patted Nicky on her back and said, "Show them, Nicky. Then maybe they will think you're ready for more acting and modeling."
"Show them?" she asked, blushing and looking a little worried.
"Yes. Show them." I said. "It's just us girls and Russ. He's the one who picked you, so you should show him too, that you can pinch them and make them stand up." I lifted her arms. "Do you want to show them, and then we'll see about getting another model to work with you next weekend?"
She put both her hands over her head and I pulled her T-shirt up and off. Then I unsnapped her bra. She started squeezing them and trying to pull them up, down, and out to the sides, like she was loosening them up. "See, like I pinch the tips, and I have to pinch pretty hard and then pull them forward and let them snap back, and then..." She demonstrated several times and then looked at her breasts when she let go. "...and then the tips of them get hard and pointy like that!" She bragged and smiled, blushing all the while.
Russ and Barbara were watching closely. "Amazing." Said Russ. "I knew she was sexy, but I didn't think she was this sexy!"
"I can't believe it!" Said Barbara. "She is so cute and hot. I just love this little girl!" She pulled Nicky against her and gave her a hug and a kiss. Nicky smiled, and demonstrated again.
I said, "And I bet if she's willing to kiss the other girl, she would also be willing to pinch the other girl, too, and then let the other girl pinch her."
"Oh." Said Nicky.
"Would you do that?" Barbara smiled. We all noticed her squirm as she thought about it.
"Well, yes. I would do that. I'm supposed to do everything you tell me." She said, but not quite as loud.
We all clapped for her. She beamed and demonstrated her pinching techniques again.
She looked at each of us as we smiled at her. I said, "Remember - it's just acting, Nicky, you know, like in the movies when actors kiss each other, or pinch each other. So you would kiss her and undress her, and then pinch her?"
"Yes, I would do that. It would be fun to have a friend to play with." She said.
I said, "Barbara, see if you can line up another model for next weekend. I think Nicky is ready." Then I looked at Nicky, but spoke to Russ and Barbara. "Nicky is doing great. She is a brave and sexy model, not afraid of a few little accidents."
Nicky blushed, but kept smiling. Barbara asked her if she would undress another model and let the other model undress her in front of the cameras. "... Just down to your panties and bras, of course. Just take off each other's clothes until each of you is wearing nothing except panties and a bra."
Nicky said, "Yes. It would be fun."
I said, "I think I will be able to get sponsors for Nicky. Maybe we could even do some out-of-town trips with her, if things work out doing some dual-model sessions. I'll share a few of today's pictures with prospective sponsors who would love to meet her eventually."
Nicky looked proud as both Russ and Barbara showed new respect, nodding at her. Russ said, "I thought she would be a cute and sexy model! And she really is!"
"You are so right!" I laughed.
We all laughed.
"Isn't this fun, Nicky? You like being a model, don't you?"
"Yes!" she said.
"Well you certainly are a great model for a ten year old." I said.
She corrected me. "I'm ten and a half!"
We laughed again. I said, "Can you let Barbara pinch you. And tell her what it feels like and if she is doing it too hard."
Barbara had her back up against her, and hold her arms at her side. Barbara put her hands on Nikky's breasts and began moving them around - squeezing and massaging with a little pinching and pulling.
Nicky said, "That makes them get stiff and tingly, and the little bump in the front sticks out."
Barbara asked, "Does it hurt, Nicky? Is this too hard?"
"Ow. Well, sometimes it feels too hard at first, but then it makes them tingle and feels good." She said, quieter again as she squirmed her hips while Barbara continued to fondle her breasts.
I looked at my watch. "You're doing great, Nicky, but it's time to get going. Remember: this is our secret. You can talk about some of our modeling with your mother, but most of this is secret, even from her. OK?"
"Yes, I know. And you won't show her some of those pictures either, will you, Miriam? Like I mean those accidents."
I laughed. "You're right. We have our girl secrets. And next week I'll show you more pictures, too." Then I whispered in her ear. "I'll show you lots of accident pictures, Nicky, and will show you the little thing I use to help a little girl's clit get big and stiff."
She turned quickly and whispered in my ear. "Can you show me more pictures now? Please, please, Miriam"
I patted her bottom and kissed her. "No, not now, Silly. Be patient. I want to show your pictures to other people first."
As Russ left with Nicky, I said to him, "Make sure to give Nicky's Mom the overtime money and a nice bonus for today, Russ. And mention that we might take Nicky on an occasional overnight, out-of-town modeling trip."
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