Lisa's Confession... And Penance, Part 6

[ M/g, photo, exhib, ped, mast, spank, ws, anal, finger, oral ]

by Corn53

Published: 16-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Getting A Hard Spanking In Front Of The Camera!

"Yes, Father. I understand. You'll take me to his house or else I'll meet the man where you tell me, and then I'll help him in private. And I can see why you might not want to always let me help men with their confessions here in the back of the church, like in case somebody comes in and sees me naked! That would be so embarrassing!"

He smiled at me. "Very good, Lisa. You catch on quick. And I'm so pleased that since your first retreat you haven't been committing your sin of exposing your panties to strange men or boys. You will get lots of grace for helping me help these other frustrated, successful men or women explain their fantasies so they can make a good confession afterwards. You are helping your own soul; helping your mother; and helping the church. Thank you, my child. Sometimes I will drive you, but not tomorrow. After school go towards the public library and you'll see a black BMW parked near the dumpster in the Quick-Stop lot. Get in the car with him. Larry is his name. He'll take you to his house. Your mother works late tomorrow night, right?"

"Yes. She won't get home until about 11:00."

"And you will help Larry act out his fantasies so he can make a good confession?"

"Yes, Father, but he won't try to... I mean..."

"No. He won't try to put his penis in your vagina. He knows he is not allowed to do that. And he won't hurt you, even if he pretends to give you a spanking, it won't be hard." Father smiled again, "Although you do deserve a little spanking, don't you, Lisa?"

I laughed. "Yes, Father, but at least I didn't let anybody ... I mean any 'strangers' see my panties this week."

"Good girl, Lisa." He hugged me. "You're doing so good that I might be able to let you help one or two each week, and only on nights your mother works late. You know you must keep this a secret, don't you, Lisa?"

"Yes, I know."

"And sometimes you may need to help a woman with her sins. You know that some women like to look at young, developing girls as much as men do. And that would be OK with you, too, wouldn't it, Lisa?"

"Yes, Father. However I can help."

"Good girl. Ms. Ginny told me you were very good at helping the men relieve tension. I'm not sure what she meant by "relieve tension," but it's probably a good thing. And maybe if you help each of the men relieve tension then they would be able to concentrate on their work while they are working. Then they would earn even more money and they could donate some to the church ... and maybe even give you a tip, that would be besides the financial help your mother already gets - the scholarship, the money, and so on. Would you like to keep helping men define their sinful fantasies and relieve their tension, Lisa?"

I knew what he meant and blushed even though he didn't know what it meant. "Yes, I'll help them, Father."

I smiled as we stood next to the door. He only wanted me to stop in for a few minutes at a time so people wouldn't notice. Then Father surprised me when he said, "He loved your video, Lisa. He may want you to tell him about the things you did with those other two girls. I forget their names."

"Oh! Oh, gee. He saw those? I'm so embarrassed." Then I said, "The other girls were Caitlyn and Brenda. But you didn't watch that video, did you, Father?" I felt myself blushing.

"I don't have a vcr here, Lisa." He laughed. "So don't worry. Ginny told me that I might be able to line up some, um, sinners, that you could help if I showed a few of the appropriate wealthy sinners your tape. It's a whole tape, over an hour long, that features you. You are the star, even though the other two girls are in some of the scenes. You can't see anyone else in the video - besides you three girls. Well, I guess you can see a couple of the men that you helped, but not their faces. I've let several men borrow the tape so far, and I told them not to make copies for anybody else except they could make a copy of it for themselves. But they are not allowed to give of it to anybody else or it would be another sin."

He looked at me, and then said, "And you can keep any cash tips and you don't have to tell anybody, even your mother. Don't tell her about these extra sessions. We'll just call them tutoring sessions, and maybe some of the grown-ups would be glad to help you with some of your homework. Your mother gets paid well when you go on the retreats and you get your scholarship. She doesn't need to know about your little after school appointments."

I asked. "Like what will they want me to do? How can I help them, Father?"

"They will tell you. They know the rules. The men - and there are several who want to see you now - they know what they are not allowed to do. The women ... well; you'll just have a good time with them. And of course, you can tell the men if you don't want them to do certain things. You are in control, Lisa. Remember that. These men want to see you. You are the star; the actress; the model. They know they have to be nice to you. I know who they are, and I've warned them. They make a nice donation to the church before I'll set up an appointment with you. You tell me if any of them scare you or hurt you, but I don't think they will. I trust them, so you can trust them."

"Yes, Father. Thank you." I opened the door.

"Go straight there after school. You'll be wearing your uniform and wear plain white panties. Don't change them after school. He will give you special things to wear. OK?"

"Yes, Father. OK."

He held up his hand for me to wait a minute. "Come see me in confession every Saturday when you aren't away on one of the special retreats, and I'll give you your after school assignments. You'll have one or two special assignments each week, Lisa, that's if you want to."

"Oh, yes. I would like that." I said.

"And sometimes you might get to help more than one person at a time. You'll get nicer tips that way. Do whatever Larry says tomorrow. He will tell some of his friends about you and soon you'll have a couple appointments every week. But this is all secret!"

"Yes. I know. Thank you." I closed the door and walked home to our trailer park a few blocks away.

After School

It was hard to concentrate in school the next day. By the time I got to the Quick Mart I was already starting to feel tingly inside. My white cotton panties were embarrassingly damp.

As I walked up to the shiny, black BMW, the window rolled down and the man said, "Hi, Lisa. I'm Larry. Hop in. Are you ready for your tutoring lesson?"

"Yes." I got in the car. He was nice - and handsome, too - in a black suit and white shirt with a crazy tie. The car had tan, leather seats and felt so powerful. He looked about my mother's age - a little less than thirty five, I guess. He smelled good, and so did his car. He let me play my favorite radio station while he drove. I remembered to sit like a lady with my legs together.

We didn't drive real far, but I'm not sure how long it took exactly because he kept asking me questions about school, and about things I did three weeks ago at my retreat. He said he just loved my video and that he had watched it lots of times. He said he especially liked the parts where I was the ice cream dish. I giggled when he said that. I said, "That was funny! And it tickled! And the whipped cream was so cold!"

Larry laughed. He said, "Well, I got some whipped cream for today!"

I giggled again. Then he asked me to explain it as we drove into an area of big, fancy houses with big yards and nice flower gardens. The houses were as big as apartment buildings.

"It was pretty funny, Larry, and like I got to eat desert first out of Brenda's bowl. She wanted me to go first, and so did the grown-ups, like, since I was the new girl. I got to eat desert first. You have to lick in a circle, like this." And I tried to show him how I could make my tongue go around in circles.

"I watched you demonstrate on your video, Lisa. You did great. And it looked like Brenda liked being the bowl, too!" He laughed. "And I just happen to have chocolate syrup, too! Maybe I'll need some desert. But first I want to play other games with you - dress-up games. Do you like to dress up in pretty costumes?"

"OK. Sure. I like to try on new clothes and Father said you might have some new clothes for me." I said, but I felt really nervous. "He said I have to do whatever you say and I have to wear whatever you give me." Then I said, "I'm a good girl, but I know I have to do whatever you tell me even if I'm embarrassed." I looked down at my lap and added, "And I even have to let you watch me pull down my panties when I change clothes. I have to let you look at me. And I even have to let you touch me." I felt myself blushing and could feel tingles building up inside me.

"I know you want to be a good, little girl, Lisa. But I also know you've done some naughty sins - so you have to do other naughty things for your penance. Things that embarrass you - for your penance. Isn't that right? So you will learn a lesson?"


"You were letting strange men see you panties on purpose. Strange men you didn't know. Weren't you?"

"Yes. I did. It's wrong. It's so naughty."

He waited a minute, then said, "Yes, it's very naughty - but you like to do it, don't you Lisa?"

"Yes." I looked down at my lap. I felt embarrassment and shame mixed with excitement.

"And it's embarrassing for you, and that's why doing these things will teach you a lesson. So I want you to show your panties to my video camera and then pull down your panties and turn around as you take them off. Then get in funny positions to open yourself for the cameras. I will show the video to some of my friends. People you don't know will watch you pull down your panties - just like your sin. Does that embarrass you?"

"Yes! But I have to do what you say no matter how embarrassing it is. That's my penance and it will teach me a lesson. So if you tell me to pull down my panties in front of your camera, then I have to do it."

"That's right, Lisa. You have to so some very embarrassing things to get forgiveness for your sins. I want you to look into my video camera and confess your sin while you demonstrate ways that you let strange men see your panties. You will be telling my friends that you wanted men to look at your panties. Then you will do some embarrassing things in front of my camera even though you know that other people - strangers you don't even know - that they will hear you confess and watch you demonstrate and then watch you do other things to show the camera. You will do the things I say, won't you?"

"Yes, Sir. I have to or Father said you might give me some spankings on my bare bottom." I blushed and smiled at the same time, squirming on my seat.

"I want to look at your panties, Lisa, and I have lots of panties for you to try on for me. Then I want you to pull them down slowly while I take pictures of you. Will you do that?"

I was squirming in my seat as I said, "Yes. I have to do it. It's embarrassing, but I have to do it."

"And you know that I will show the pictures to other men and women and they might want to meet you. They might want you to pull down your panties so they can see you, too. Do you know that?"

"Oh." I said.

"Oh, yes. Several of my friends. Maybe lots of my friends. I'll let them see my pictures and video. Some of them will see you Sunday at church but you won't know who they are. Several men and at least one lady will have seen your videos and watched you pull down your panties for the cameras. When you walk back from communion, think about that." He patted my knee, and then rubbed his hand up my thigh and under my jumper to the edge of my panties.

"Oh, gee." I said.

"Then later, if I introduce them to Father, he might let them see the video he has, after they make a donation. I'm sure many of them will want to help with your punishment - just like you help us with our sins. They will watch the video Father has and then they may want to meet you; embarrass you; even spank you. And some of them might want to spank you hard!"

"Oh." I said and couldn't sit still. My panties were getting wetter so I was glad he didn't feel them underneath. "Oh. Well, I was bad and I deserve a spanking. I know I need to be punished."

He opened the glove box and pulled out a little wrapped gift box and motioned for me to open it.

"It's a special present made especially for you, Lisa." He said. "You will get spankings and embarrassment treatments to help you, but you will also get presents."

I untied the bow; pulled off the paper; and opened the box. It was a pretty little necklace on a silver chain. It was a silver oval - about three inches from top to bottom and maybe an inch and a half wide at the widest part, or maybe a little smaller. There was a lump of silver that hung down in the center of the oval from the top to about half way down. The dangly part was about as big around as a pencil and at the bottom was almost as big around as the tip of my baby finger, and kind of flattened - and it was narrower at the top. I liked how it dangled. There was a small loop that held the dangly part right where the silver chain went through the ring at the back on the top of the oval. I moved it and watched the center part dangle back and forth. It was so pretty.

Larry said, "Wear this to church - the 9:30 mass - on Sunday. I'll pick you up or one of my friends, since your Mother never goes to early mass. Father will tell her it's OK. Afterwards, meet me outside the church and I'll introduce you to a few friends. We've been watching you for the last two weeks. Wear your pink dress with the short skirt like you wore last week. I have some pink lipstick and nail polish for you, too, so people can be sure who you are. Every few weeks I'll give you a different color of matching nail polish and lipstick so people will know who you are. Always wear the necklace."

His voice got quieter, like he was telling me a secret. "The oval symbolizes your pretty pussy and the piece hanging down in the center symbolizes your clitoris. I know there are several people who have seen your videos who will be at church looking for you. Wear the necklace so they can be sure that you are the girl who will pull her panties down for them.

"Father said that attendance at the 9:30 mass will probably pick up - and that it has a little bit already since he's begun letting you help some of the sinners."

"Gee. Really?" I smiled.

"Look around on your way back from communion and you'll notice people watching you, even though only a few of them know your secret. Your secret is safe with us, Lisa. Only a few of us who Father trusts know about you. And I've only told a few people. So far. But there will be more. They will be watching for you Sunday. Will you wear it?"

"It's so pretty. I'll wear it. Really? People are watching me in church?"

"Yes, Lisa. Maybe a dozen or so now. There will be more in time; even people who don't normally go to our church may stop in, just to see you. You'll get to meet most of us eventually - individually or in small groups. But don't say anything, because you won't know if they know what your necklace stands for. You know this is a secret, don't you?"

"Oh yes. I won't say anything!"

He patted my leg. "Good. Hang around for a little bit outside the church while people are milling around and talking. Maybe you'll get to meet a few of them. But don't say anything, because you won't know for sure who knows your secret. I might introduce you to one or two of them."

"Gee." I was smiling. It made me feel like a star that grown-ups wanted to meet me.

"Yes, lots of people will want to meet you, Lisa. And they will all want to see your panties; watch you pull them down. Isn't that exciting?" He smiled at me as I squirmed in my seat, rubbing my knees together. I got self-conscious and tried to stop squirming.

We were in a nice neighborhood that I didn't recognize when he pulled into a long driveway. He pushed a button on his visor as he drove up the driveway and the double garage door opened. There was red convertible on the other side of the garage. We waited for the garage door to go back down. Larry said, "And I have plenty of lubricant for our games, Lisa, and even a little buzzer to tickle you with. And I think you'll like the special clothes I have for you to model for me. Won't that be fun?"

"I like modeling, Larry. That's fun. Can we do that first?"

"Of course. Modeling. I want to look at you for a while - just walking around in your uniform. Let's go in the house. We'll start your modeling session in a little bit. Let me get your picture wearing your necklace. I want you to be wearing it most of the time today. We had it specially made for you. The dangling part is the same size as your clitty, Lisa. One and three eighths inches when fully erect." He clicked his fingers. "I know! You can show the camera! Maybe after your spanking you can hold it up against your bare pussy. OK?"

"Oh." I felt my self blush and tingle. I said, "If you tell me to do that, then I have to do it."

We walked around his house, and then went back to the living room. I remembered my manners and kissed him and said, "Thank you for the necklace, Larry. It's so pretty."

He kissed me back and said I was being a very good, little girl, so he wouldn't need to spank me hard in front of the camera. "You can tell me how hard is too hard, so when I show your video to other people they will know how hard to spank you for your punishment."

He took several pictures and a video clip while I smiled into his cameras. Then he told me some things to say into his video camera while he aimed it at me. I stood in front of a stuffed chair that was covered in a light blue sheet. He said it was so people couldn't identify his house. "And Lisa, my name isn't really Larry, but you can call me that in the video, even though people won't see my face. Still - just in case - I mean in case somebody shows the video to somebody else who might try to get me in trouble, you have to just call me 'Larry' - like for my code name." He reminded me of the kinds of things I should say before undressing for my first spanking.

I smiled into the camera and said, "I'm Lisa and I'm twelve years old. Almost twelve and a half. I mean next month I'll be twelve and a half." I fingered my new necklace. "This is my new necklace and I'll wear it to church on Sunday or when I dress up or when I have to help people and let them help me, you know, like about my sins." Then I felt myself blush. "Should I really say it?" I asked Larry.

"Yes." He said. "Tell them about your sins. Everybody who sees this video needs to know that you are a sinner and need to be punished."

I looked into his camera. "This is so embarrassing, but I have to tell the truth. I let men see my panties. On purpose. To strangers. I let some of the boys at school see them, too, sometimes, but they are so stupid. They'll tease me or say something dumb. They say mean things to the other girls, too, like if you let a couple boys see them at the same time. If I just let one boy see them, like by accident, he usually won't say anything, especially if I'm not looking at him. But anyway, if I let a man at the mall see them, or somewhere, then he likes to hang around and look some more. About a year ago I started to notice men looking at me, especially if I wasn't sitting in a real lady-like position. So then I started letting them look on purpose. I thought it was funny when I first tried it on purpose, but if I looked right at the man he would pretend he wasn't looking and then walk away. So I started pretending that I didn't know they could see them. I wouldn't look at them, but I could tell they were hanging around and looking. It made me tingle when I knew they were looking. You know, like those tingly feelings inside. Well I let them look and would open my legs farther, like pretending I was doing my homework or reading one of the ads or something like that. Sometimes I would open and close my legs like I was nervous or something."

I turned around for the camera, like as if I was modeling my school uniform. "Do I have to keep telling?" I asked.

"Yes. Keep going. What did you notice?" His voice sounded stern, but he said he wanted to pretend he was being strict with me for the video.

I blushed but tired to smile. I looked at the camera even though my skin felt warm and I could tell I was blushing brightly. "Then I noticed that when I got home from the mall or the park or the shoe store or wherever I was when I was showing off a little bit, that ... well ... this is embarrassing... but my panties were wet when I took them off. Every time I showed off for some men, or even if I just thought about it, my panties would feel wet. But they got really soaking wet between the legs when I actually let men see my panties and look at them. Like once I let three different men take a long look while I sat in different places in the food section in the mall. Then my panties were really wet. They were light green, silky ones and kind of narrow between the legs and I hoped they couldn't tell they were so wet. When I took them off they were wet and looked dark green between the legs almost as if I had peed in them.

"Sometimes I put on sexier panties after school, or even on Saturday if Mom was gone, and then I could wear a shorter skirt that was tighter too, so like it was easier to let people look up the skirt, than like my school uniform. Then I knew the man could see more of my panties." I waited a minute, and turned for the camera again, while I caught my breath.

"So I know I need to be punished, and maybe even get spankings. Larry says that maybe some of the people he shows this video to will want to help with my punishment. Like you might want me to do embarrassing things or you might want to spank me. I have to get ready for a spanking and then Larry will spank me so you will know how hard to spank me."

I reached under my uniform and pulled down my panties and stepped out of them. I sat them on the chair behind me. Larry walked to the side so he could zoom in on my white, but very damp panties, sitting on the light blue sheet that covered the stuffed chair.

Then I turned to face the chair, put my feet apart and bent down to put my elbows on the seat of the chair. Larry flipped my uniform up in back exposing my bare bottom to his camera. He put his camera on a little tripod and adjusted it so the camera level was about as high off the ground as my knees and just a few feet behind me. Then he turned on several lights that were sitting on the floor and aimed them at my bottom. Smack! It was harder than I expected so I stood up as I said, "Ouch!" And the skirt part of my uniform fell down, covering my bottom.

"Take it off, Lisa, if you can't hold still." He picked up the camera, tripod and all, and video taped me as I took off my school uniform, and then my blouse and then my bra. I was only wearing the black pumps and white ankle socks after putting my other clothes on the other arm of the chair. I still had on my special necklace.

I turned around for the camera, holding my hands in front of my bald pussy. "Put your hands at your sides, Lisa." He said. "This is supposed to embarrass you. And you know that probably ten or twenty, maybe more, people will see this video. They will watch you get punished."

"Yes, Sir. I know. I was bad and I deserve to be punished."

I started to turn to get back in spanking position, but he said, "Show then your necklace. See if you can get it to hang on your perky, little titties."

"Yes, Sir." I smiled as I unclasped the chain behind my neck. I took my time because I wasn't anxious to start getting more spankings. I took it off while he continued to aim up and down my body with his camera. I took the chain off - pulling it through the little loop, and set the chain on the seat of the chair. Then I pinched and pulled my nipples, one at a time, making then stand out even more, like we practiced on the retreat a couple weeks ago. After a minute of massaging, pulling and twisting they were stiff and sticking out as far as they would go. That made it easy to hang the necklace on each nipple. I hung it upside down so the dangly part was hanging under each of my small, pale breasts as I moved it from one to the other. "It tickles a little bit." I said.

Then I got back into spanking position and put the necklace on the chair, too. This time I was ready - elbows on the chair, legs straight, feet about 3 feet apart. Larry moved closer to my open pussy with the camera. In a soft voice, he said, "you're really wet, Lisa."

"I can't help it. Maybe it like I know that strangers will watch this video and see me take off my panties and get ready for a spanking. Anyway, I can't help it. It's embarrassing, and I know I'm naughty." I took a deep breath. "I know I deserve a spanking." Then I remembered something else Larry told me to say. "And since I've been so bad - showing strange men my panties and leading them into sinful thoughts - then I deserve a really hard spanking today. I know other people will watch me get this spanking. I know that some of the people who watch it will want to punish me, too, so I'm going to get some hard spankings to show you how hard you can spank me."

He said, "And you know that the people who see this video and the people who help to punish you will see your bare bottom and your bare, open, bald pussy?"

"Yes, I know it. The embarrassment is part of my punishment."

He said, "Pull your bottom open, Lisa, when you're ready to begin your twenty spankings. Count down from twenty to one. Tell me if they are too hard. But remember you want the people to know you are sorry for your sins and that you can accept a hard spanking.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." I reached my hands back to my bottom and pulled it wide open for Larry's camera and counted silently to seven. "I'm ready for my punishment." I said, and put my elbows back on the seat of the chair. I heard Larry set the camera and tripod on the floor.

Smack! There was a little sting to it, but Larry told me to try to stay still. He said to count to three before I said it was too hard, because he said that usually in one or two seconds the sting would go away and it would give me tingles. After three seconds it didn't sting anymore, and I said, "Twenty. Thank you, Sir."

Sometimes he spanked harder and sometimes softer. He would do two at a time close together, hitting each side of my fanny. I counted backwards and thanked him after each spanking. When he would spank me two times, though, I only counted it as one spanking, intending to show him that I was pretty tough. However, when we got down to ten some of the spanks were pretty hard, and after the three seconds, I said, "Nine. Ouch, Sir. That was too hard. But thank you, Sir."

The next few were a little bit softer, but then he did a really hard one. Without counting to three, I said, "Ouch!" And started to stand up. I got back into position and said, "Three! Thank you, Sir. I thought that one was too hard, but I deserve it. It makes my bottom itch."

He said, "You can rub your bottom for a few seconds if you stay in position. Try to pull it open for the camera and I'll let you rub it a little bit longer before we finish."

I pulled it wide open and could feel the cool air all over my wet pussy. It felt like it must be gooey wet, the way it gets when I let strangers see my panties, only even wetter.

After a few more spanks, which didn't feel quite as hard, I stood up and faced the camera. There were tears running down my cheeks, and I was whimpering a little bit. I looked into the camera that Larry was holding and felt another tear run down my right cheek. I took a deep, but shaky breath and said, "Thank you, Sir. It hurt but I needed to..." Another deep quaking breath, "I needed to get the punishment."

"Hold your necklace in front of your pussy, Lisa." Larry said gently.

I held it in front of my pussy and he knelt down with the camera aimed at it. I could feel how wet I was. Even the outside of my pussy lips were slippery.

Larry turned off the camera and picked me up and laid me gently on my back on the floor with my feet two feet apart and my knees bent. "I didn't want you to sit on anything because you're so wet, Lisa. Some people think that is so sexy. I'll tell you what to do next."

He knelt near my feet holding his camera and nodded for me to talk. I said, "I'll show you how this necklace fits up against my pussy, and you can see if the dangly part is the same size as my clitty." It felt all gooey as I held it against my lips so the top part of the oval was at the top of my pussy where my lips and the very top of my clitty meet. I felt the dangly part, which felt cold, between my clitty and my left pussy lip. I moved it around and could feel it getting all gooey.

Larry handed me the chair part of the necklace and I rubbed it around in my pussy getting it covered with my gooey excitement. Then I rubbed the whole necklace around on my pussy, coating it with my excitement. I pushed most of the delicate, silver chain into my vagina and pulled it out.

Larry set the camera and tripod down on the floor in front of my feet and had me let my knees fall open as I rubbed the necklace all around my gooey pussy. Then he had me hold the oval design part at the top of my clitty and pull my lips up and apart with all the fingers on both hands. I knew from seeing pictures at the retreat that this exposed my little button at the tip of my clitty. It was stiff and stretching out, as big as it gets, when Larry turned on a vibrator and rubbed it around on my pussy, finally putting it through the oval and against my button.

"Ohhhh! Unnnnn!" I cried as I came. He pulled it back as I squirmed and twitched with each spasm. My whole body tightened and then relaxed, only to be racked with another spasm. I could feel even more gooey excitement oozing out.

He stood over me with the camera and I looked at it as if in a trance. I became aware that I was still moaning. Then he motioned for me to rub the gooey necklace pendant and chain on my titties. I rubbed it around and tried to squeeze my breasts towards the camera. It was slippery and wet for a minute and then I rubbed it in my pussy again and then back on my titties.

He fixed me a soda in the kitchen and we washed off my necklace. He laid it out on a white, fluffy hand towel to dry.

There were big abstract paintings on the wall and some of his furniture was like real modern, too, but some of his furniture was old, like antiques and I wouldn't dare jump on it because it might break. Larry took off his tie and flipped it over a chair in the dining room. There were lots of liquor bottles on the shelves against the wall, and glasses were hanging upside down underneath a cabinet thing over his bar. I bet my Mom would love this place.

Then he showed me through the basement. The ceiling was real high, not like most basements I've been in. It was higher than the ceiling in the living room in our trailer. Larry's basement was fixed up really neat, and part of it had a pool table and a great big TV. There was a big leather couch that wouldn't even fit in our living room. There was another bar in his basement with a little refrigerator. When he showed me the bathroom I asked him if I could tinkle. I started to feel funny since I was naked except for my necklace and shoes and socks. He was still wearing his suit pants and a long-sleeved, white shirt.

Larry said, "Yes, you can tinkle, but let me kneel down in front of you with the camera. Keep your knees apart."

"Is this more embarrassment punishment for me?" I asked, but really had to go now that I saw the toilet. I put my hand on my pussy and pressed, trying to hold it.

He laughed. "Yes. You can pee, but keep your knees wide apart. Let me adjust the lights."

"Hurry up." I said, because I didn't want to pee on his floor.

He flipped on the lights in the whole basement and knelt down on the floor with his camera on his shoulder. I sat down quickly and opened my knees. I tried to lean back a little bit so he could see better. He saw what I was trying to do and he said, "Lean way back, Lisa. It's OK if it squirts out on the floor." He backed up three feet. Keep your knees wide apart and go ahead and pee."

I started peeing hard and most of it did go on the floor at first, squirting clear out over the front of the toilet. It's a good thing he backed up before I started!

He laughed and then I laughed, too. He washed off my pussy with a warm washcloth and then dried me with a clean towel and threw it on the floor.

We went in the next basement room and it looked sort of like a dungeon like in the old castles or monster movies. I couldn't tell what some of the things were for. There were some rings hanging from the high ceiling and some sets of rings hanging down on ropes. There was a workout area with a bench and lots of weights over on one side. He watched me show him how I could jump rope.

He was funny, too - like when he lifted me up to hold onto the metal rings that came down from the high ceiling on ropes, and while I was hanging there with my feet a foot off the ground, he tied ropes on my ankles and pulled my feet apart. Then he felt around on me while I was hanging there, but he didn't tickle me because I would have let go of the rings. He mostly felt around on my pussy, titties and bottom. He kissed me on the lips again, and we kept kissing while I held onto the ropes with my legs pulled apart. Larry's finger went up my vagina. It was big but it slid in pretty easily because I was still kind of wet.

"Try to hold still, Lisa, while I kneel down a minute." He licked my pussy, then stood up quickly and helped me down. As he took off his shoes and then his pants and shirt, he said, "I'm about to explode, Lisa. I've been dreaming of pushing my finger in your bottom, and then I'll let you kiss my penis, OK?"

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded. After what Father told me, I kind of expected to do this, and I wanted to see it. I got in spanking position on my hands and knees and then leaned my head and shoulders on the floor next to a strange looking table. I reached back and pulled my fanny cheeks apart so he could put lubricant on my bottom. He had a tube of something slippery in his pocket and only did it for a minute when he wanted me to kneel up and kiss his cock.

The tip of it was already wet with a little bit of his cum coming out. I could taste it. His cock was real thick and the shaft was bigger around than the head of it, which seemed pretty long. I could easily get the whole head of it in my mouth. As he pumped his cock into my mouth he started to cum. He kept cumming and cumming and I tried to swallow as much of it as I could, but some spilled out on my chest and down the side of my face to my ear. Some actually got in my ear while I tried to swallow and before I could put the tip of it back in my mouth again.

When he was done, he wiped some of his cum off my chest and face and had me stand up so he could rub some on the front of my pussy.

He got dressed a minute later and led me back upstairs and helped me get dressed. "I have lots of other clothes for you, Lisa, but you got me so excited that I couldn't wait any longer. You are so fucking sexy!"

"It was fun, Larry."

"I'll show this video to some of my friends and I'm sure they'll want to meet you. Some of them might even start going to church just to see you. Be sure to wear the necklace!"

As we got back into his car, he said, "Next time, since I'll have some friends over, you'll get to model first. We'll take our time and play games and dress you up. Then maybe a few of them will want to spank you, but I'll tell them not to spank you as hard as I did today."

"Gee. Other people?" I asked, smiling.

"Yes, Lisa. Probably lots of other people over the next year or so. And always try to act shy at first, even though some of them will see your videos before they meet you. I'll clip it down and only show part of the video to a few friends, and some of them won't see anything before they meet you. I'll tell them you're my niece and we have to baby-sit you for a few hours until your Mom gets home from work. Then you and I can surprise them when we let you model for us. You can change panties right in the room under your short skirt and get them all excited, before we undress you and play games. You won't know ahead of time if they have seen your videos or not. Won't that be fun?"


He kept my white, school panties, and put them in a little zip-lock baggie. "I want to smell your panties later when I watch your video. A few friends are coming over tonight and I'll let them smell your panties while we all watch you. I'll give you a pair of real pretty ones or you could just not wear any while you walk home from the store after I drop you off. Would you like the panties?"

"Well, I don't want Mom to see them. I already have some new clothes for the retreats, but don't want to start getting too many dressy things. So I can walk home without any panties." I giggled. "I'll just have to remember not to bend over!"

Larry laughed.

He took me home and gave me thirty dollars as a tip. Wow. "I hope the spankings weren't too hard, Lisa."

"Only a few of them hurt, Larry. Most of them were OK. And it did make me tingle like you said."

He let me off back at the Quick Mart where I met him so that nobody in my neighborhood would wonder why I was coming home in a fancy car. I put the money and my new necklace in the shoebox under my bed. I like Larry. And I like my new necklace! I wonder how many people will see my video and smell my panties tonight? "That's embarrassing!" I said out loud. Then I wondered who would be watching me at church Sunday.

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baaaad boy

enjoyed series emincely! thank-u. please keep them coming.


I never realized what a great resource the Catholic Church could be for helping people with their sins.


Man that was great reading.I,m a pervy in my mind and want to say i,ll be leaking for a month.Please write more.

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