Lisa's Confession... And Penance, Part 4

[ MMMFF/ggg, dog, photo, enema, panties, oral, exhib, spank ]

by Corn53

Published: 14-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Party in the Country

The next week Father asked me to come to the back of the church that same afternoon at 3:00 when he would be done hearing confessions. I said, "But, father. It's Saturday and I'm just wearing blue jeans and my boring, everyday panties."

He laughed, "That's OK, Lisa. I need to talk to you. You're not in trouble, and I don't think that a man will be there so you could help him make a good confession anyway. I just need to talk with you."

After closing the door after I walked into his office at the back of the church, he said, "Lisa, someone wants to give you a full scholarship to our high school. I'm sure your mother will be very happy. However..." He paused longer than usual, "And Lisa, You have been a very bad girl, haven't you?"

"Yes, Father. I have sinned." I said.

"But the Church is worried about you, and that's why you are getting this scholarship. I will be able to use your help, and with the scholarship, we can help you. I will need you to help me with some of the wealthy men in the parish who masturbate so much while thinking of young girls... girls your age who show off their panties!"

"I've been a bad girl, Father. You are right."

"You will have to come here from time to time and let men see your panties."

"Yes, Father."

"And some of their fantasies... and perhaps yours as well... let the men pull down your panties."

"Yes, Father. I will let them do that if you say so."

"And sometimes you can help them here in the rectory, but at other times you may need to go with them to their home or a place where they can examine their conscience... and examine you, too, since you are part of their fantasies."

"What do you mean, Father?"

"At times, for your punishment, for your embarrassment, for your spiritual cleansing - you will go with them and show off for them in private and then let them undress you. I've warned them that they may not have sexual intercourse with you, and under no circumstance will they be allowed to insert their penis into your vagina."

I felt relieved, especially after seeing that man's penis here in the back of the church a few weeks ago. It was so big. That would have really hurt."

Then Father said, "But they may touch you with their hands, and they may even spank you, but not hard, certainly not hard enough to leave a bruise or mark. And I've told them that I will be checking. And for their penance they will have to give large sums of money to the church... that way, both you and the men you see will get full forgiveness. Will you do this?"

"Yes, Father."

"Good. You are a smart girl. You will help the church and we will help you and your family. That's why you will get this scholarship."

"Thank you, Father."

"You and your mother will need to keep this scholarship program a secret because there are a few of these scholarships in the whole diocese. And you musn't tell anyone, including your mother about what you do at the retreats, or during the after school sessions."

I blushed. "Of course not, Father. I won't tell her that part."

"You can tell her about saying your prayers, and reading books, and even taking walks in the country. Today I'd like to come over to your trailer to talk with her. And as part of the scholarship you may be going on a weekend retreat once a month. And I'm positive you would enjoy the experiences, and you would learn a lot. Your mother would even be compensated somewhat since you wouldn't be home to do your chores and help around the house. What is the best time for me to come over?"

Later that afternoon he came to our mobile home. Mom was home, and fortunately she was still sober. Father explained about my high school scholarship but Mom didn't seem too interested. She was planning to enroll me in the public high school, because she knew she couldn't afford to send me to the Catholic High School. "And, she would have a full scholarship - books, tuition, uniforms, and everything. But this needs to be kept to ourselves because there are such a limited number of scholarships in the Archdiocese. You can't tell anyone. And..." He paused again, to wait for her to look at him. Mom was smiling. "As part of the scholarship, she will need to go to a retreat once a month. It's only Saturday afternoon until Sunday evening. And, because Lisa has been chosen, then each time she goes on one of these retreats you will get three hundred dollars cash, to compensate you for the little jobs that Lisa usually does around the house."

Mom had a quizzical look on her face, like she was thinking, "What jobs?" But then Father said, "Three hundred dollars, each month, besides the scholarship. It would start immediately, even though she is only starting the seventh grade. You will get reimbursed for her tuition for this year and next year, too. The first retreat is scheduled for next weekend, and I'll bring you the three hundred dollars along with the two hundred dollars that you've already paid in tuition for the last two months. I'll be driving her myself next weekend, because I need to see the other clerics who are sponsoring the retreat. There will be other young Catholic girls there, too, of course, and she will be supervised at all times."

Mom didn't know what to say. Finally she said, "Five hundred dollars?"

Father said, "Yes. Just this month. Then it will be three hundred, but you won't be paying tuition any longer. The important thing is not to tell anyone - about the money, about the scholarships, or about the retreats. If anyone asks where she is, just say she went to visit her cousin or something."

"Yes." She finally said. "Yes, she can go on the retreats. I'll see that she takes her homework, too."

"Bring her to the church next Saturday morning at 11:00. She will get additional tutoring sessions after school on some days also, to help keep her grades up."

"Yes, Father, we'll be there. Next Saturday."

"Lisa can wear jeans, but she should pack her uniform for the retreat, so she will be ready for the services when we get there."

"Yes, Father." Mom said, with a grin on her face.

After he left, I got Mom a cold beer and went outside to play. She was still smiling as I went out the door. "I'm going to the park, Mom."

"Have fun, Honey." She said.

Mom made sure I took a bath in the morning, and that I brushed my hair. Father met us next to his black Oldsmobile, wearing his Roman Collar and black suit. I had a gym bag and my backpack and put them in the back seat. He handed Mom an envelope and we drove off.

I started to ask him questions, but he said that we would talk on the way back Sunday afternoon. He would be coming to pick me up after my first retreat.

"Will there be other girls there, too?" I asked, remembering what John had said. He must have talked with Father to set this all up.

Father didn't answer any of my questions - about what we would be doing, or who would be there, or where we were going. It was warm in the car and I was getting pretty sleepy after driving about an hour or so through trees and fields. I didn't know where we were. He told me how to lay the seat back, so I laid it back and must have dozed off.

The car stopped and he turned off the engine. He patted my leg. We were pulled over by the side of the road with just miles of empty road in both directions. Big pine trees were over the car so we were in the shade.

Father smiled and told me to relax. "Just do whatever they say, Lisa. Have fun. Whatever you do this weekend is OK and is not a sin. Do whatever they tell you, even if it is embarrassing. OK?" He smiled at me.


A few minutes later another car pulled up, this one driven by a woman. She greeted me with a kiss on my lips, and then moved my things into the back of her car. Father drove away and I got in her car. She seemed real nice, about forty, I guess, but she didn't answer any of my questions, either. The only thing she said was, "You girls will have lots of fun this weekend. There is a party tonight - dancing, games, and lots of fun things."

I asked her so many questions after she said that, but she didn't answer any of them. She said, "You girls will have fun, and remember: if something feels really good to you, then go ahead and make noises. Be loud and let it all come out. Let yourself feel good. Nobody lives anywhere close, so be loud as you want. The louder the better. Then you'll get invited back for sure."

We arrived at a group of cabins in a pine forest, with several smaller cabins and buildings around a much larger log house. I noticed another girl about my age in a school jumper, but hers was red plaid and looked way too short for her. She was walking to one of the other buildings - like a barn or a big garage, out behind the main building.

The lady opened my car door and we retrieved my luggage. She asked me if I wanted to have a good time at the party.


Then I saw that girl come out of the barn holding hands with an older man. Another girl in the same kind of short, red plaid jumper was following them. All three of them were laughing and talking, but I couldn't tell what they were saying. The girl who was following them was leading a short-haired dog on a leash. The dog was wagging his tail and looked so happy and excited. I didn't recognize the breed - like parts of different breeds, I guessed. I noticed that both of their uniforms were very short, offering glimpses of white panties as they walked and jumped. They both had on white knee socks and black pumps. Both girls had ribbons in their hair.

Another woman named Olga greeted us on the front porch. She had a strong accent and looked me over. Then she smiled at the lady who drove me, and thanked her for bringing her another 'angel.' The lady who drove me the last few miles got back in her car and left.

Olga took me upstairs. "I'll need to give you a perfumed bath and an enema, and then do your hair. We'll get you all dressed up in your school uniform. You'll only be wearing your uniform this afternoon. For the party tonight I'll get you girls all dressed up - high heels, hose, garter belt, perfume, and a sexy dress - the works!" She laughed and hugged me again. "You're so cute, Lisa."

While I was undressing beside the bed, she said, "We have a different uniform for you, so yours won't get dirty this weekend." Olga showed me a red plaid jumper and a very sheer, ruffled blouse with half sleeves. A pair of black pumps and white knee socks were on the dresser.

"What's an enema?" I asked her.

She smiled at me. "Your first enema?" She asked.

"Yes. What is it?"

Then one of the other girls came in the bedroom. I covered my pussy with one hand and my titties as best I could with my other hand. Both the girl and Olga smiled at me. "No need to be shy here, Lisa." The other girl said. "I want to watch you get your enema. I saw you drive up."

Olga said, "She doesn't know what an enema is, Caitlyn."

Caitlyn smiled at me. "Silly, put your hands down. We're all girls. Don't be so shy. I think you're pretty. All of us girls get an enema when we get here on Friday or Saturday. It doesn't hurt and it makes you nice and clean."

I smiled back at her, moving the hand that was covering my titties, but I kept a hand over my pussy. Caitlyn giggled, "You're shy, aren't you, Lisa? I'm going to go get Brenda. She'll want to watch, too. Your first enema." She asked Olga if she had time to go get Brenda.

"Ja, sure. Run get her now. Maybe you and Brenda could help me get her lubricated." Olga smiled.

"I want to help. Let me lubricate her. Please?" Caitlyn smiled.

"OK. OK." Laughed Olga. "You can help me lubricate her." Caitlyn left quickly while giggling with excitement. She closed the door behind her.

Olga had me lay on my back on the narrow bed. "Keep your hands at your sides and lie still, no matter who comes in. Some things this weekend might embarrass you, Lisa, but just keep following directions. Nobody will hurt you, and you'll have lots of fun. And if you are good at following directions then you might get invited back here again. Here and to other places, for other parties. Can you do that? Can you lie still?"

"Yes. Yes, I know. I'll keep still."

Olga said, "Good. Now stay on your back and spread you legs. Keep your legs spread wide no matter who comes in. I'll go in the bathroom now to get things ready. Relax, Lisa. We won't be hurting you. The other girls come right in for their enemas as soon as they get here, because then they can get dressed and play. And you want to be all clean for the dancing and games tonight, don't you?"

"Yes." I said, smiling bravely, trying to keep my arms at my sides and my legs spread apart, even though she kept looking at my pussy.

A knock on the door and I covered my pussy and titties with my hands. Olga came out of the bathroom and went to the door. She looked at me and motioned for me to put my hands back at my sides and open my legs. Olga opened the door and let a young man come into the room. "Ah, come in Charles. We're getting Lisa ready for her first enema."

Charles looked like a college student, maybe a little older. He was carrying a large camera in one hand and a tripod and a little camera on a strap in the other. When he saw me he smiled. "You must be Lisa. Don't get up. And don't talk." He laughed. "You really are cute." He was staring at me, looking me over from head to toe. He sat the tripod on the floor at the foot of the bed and aimed his video camera at my pussy. "I'm mainly supposed to get your first enema on tape, but let me get some video and stills of you lying there. Hold still. I'll position you."

I tried to smile as he ran his camera over me. He opened my legs wider and did it again, and then he told me to pull my feet up towards my bottom and let my knees fall apart slowly. He said, "Open yourself for my camera now. Slowly. Let your knees fall open. Nice and wide for the camera. Good girl. Smile." When I was wide open with my knees almost flat on the bed on either side of me, he said, "Very limber. That's great. Nice flat tummy. Just beginning to get a little fuzzy. Big plump lips and a full pubic mound. Mr. Jay will love you."

Then he had me roll over and he put me in different poses on my tummy, after lying flat while he took pictures and video. "Keep your legs together. Perfect. Now put your hands back on your ass and pull your butt cheeks open for the camera. Good girl. So nice. Cute, little, pink anus. Perfect. I'll enjoy watching your enema, Lisa. OK. Up on your hands and knees." He took pictures and video of me from the side. He surprised me by feeling my right breast as it hung down. "Almost two inches. Perfect. Cute and firm. Pink nipples. So nice, Lisa." He kept fondling my breast as he talked.

He went to the foot of the bed and had me put my knees apart and lower my shoulders while he took more pictures. The two girls came into the room. I tried to see what Brenda looked like, but Charles reminded me to hold my position. Both girls were standing with Charles at the foot of the bed while I had to put my shoulders and head on a stack of pillows so I could put my hands on my ass to pull my bottom wide open.

Charles said, "Olga, I think Lisa is beginning to get excited already. Look." I could feel Charles, Olga, Caitlyn, and Brenda staring at my open ass and pussy, and knew I was a little wet. Caitlyn giggled while Charles took pictures. I held still and blushed.

Caitlyn said, "Your pussy is real pretty, Lisa."

Brenda added, "And I like her little, pink asshole. Look how little it is."

"Perfect." Agreed Charles, and clicked another picture.

Olga said, "Hold still now, Lisa, while the girls get you lubricated. Keep your perky, little asshole pulled open. Good girl." Then I felt a finger sliding some slippery stuff around my anus and tightened my ass, closing it.

"Lisa! Relax your anus. Keep it pulled open. This won't hurt." Laughed Olga.

Caitlyn giggled. She said, "Hold it open for me, Lisa. My finger is real slippery, and I'll get you lubricated." The finger pushed into my anus about an inch, I guess, and then back out. Caitlyn said, "She's really tight. I'd better use lots of lubricant." Then she said to me, "Just relax it. It feels good once you're used to it. Brenda and I help lubricate each other."

Brenda said, "And the other girls, too, depending on where we are and who is there. I think all the girls like it once they are used to it. Just keep it relaxed. That's the secret."

"Don't say so much." Olga told them. "She'll learn."

Different fingers kept pushing more and more lubricant into me. One finger felt especially large and I wondered if it was Charles or Olga. When the big finger pushed in me, I said, "Ohh."

Caitlyn and Brenda both giggled. "See? I told you it would feel good once you got used to it." The big finger pushed in again.

Then Olga stood me up and led me into the bathroom, telling me that I was being very cooperative. I noticed a metal stand next to the tub with a red, rubber bag that looked partially inflated hanging on it. Olga told me the bag was full of warm, soapy water and it would wash out my bottom, but I needed to hold the water in me as long as I could.

Olga said, "Very good, Lisa. Just go with the flow and do whatever we tell you. Put your hands on the edge of the bathtub. I'll give you your bath in a few minutes. Put your feet apart. That's it." She turned on the water in the tub and poured in perfumed bubble bath. "You'll be so clean in a little while - inside and out. Then you can play before it's time to dress up for the party."

While the tub was filling she took the hose end of the contraption and put the black, plastic nozzle in my anus, pushing it way in. Then she released a clip and I could feel my insides filling up with the warm, soapy water. Olga shooed the two girls out of the bathroom and closed the door. Charles was still taking pictures as the water filled me up like a water balloon.

"I have to go to the bathroom." I told Olga, breaking my vow of silence. "I mean really bad."

"Just hold it in you. Almost done. Keep your cute little asshole squeezed shut." She pulled out the nozzle and reminded me to squeeze tight and hold in the water. Charles was standing with his back to the door, several feet away, still aiming the camera at me. I smiled at the camera, remembering his earlier instructions. "I really have to go!" I said.

Then Charles left and Olga let me sit on the toilet. The water rushed out. It was embarrassing as my bowels flushed out. Olga smiled at me. "Very good, Lisa. All clean." She washed off my bottom with a warm washcloth and threw it in the clothes hamper.

What a wonderful bath. She washed me all over beginning with my neck and shoulders, all the way to my feet. She washed my breasts and pussy with her bare hands. After she dried me off with two fluffy, yellow towels she took be back out into the bedroom and dressed me - knee socks and black pumps, thin, white, cotton panties, a white blouse with the half sleeves, and the red plaid jumper. The hem barely came down to the tops of my legs. I looked in the big mirror and could see a little bit of my panties, even when I was holding still.

Olga formally introduced me to Caitlyn and Brenda at the bottom of the stairs. Caitlyn's reddish-blond hair was in two pony tails - one on either side, fastened with red ribbons. She was lightly covered with freckles all over - but very pale freckles. It looked like the length of her hair was shoulder length like mine. Caitlyn giggled, "All clean now, Lisa?"

I blushed. "Yes."

Brenda had short, dark hair and brown eyes. She said she was eleven but she was already as tall as me. She had several white bows in her hair.

I wasn't used to ribbons and bows, but felt somehow more feminine with the big white bow and ribbons around my single pony tail in back, with smaller, matching white bows clipped on either side of my head. All three of us had red lipstick and a little bit of eye shadow, with a touch of blush on our cheeks.

They suddenly stood at attention and I turned to see a tall man in a grey suit. Olga introduced me to Mr. Jay and told Caitlyn and Brenda to go on outside to play, but Mr. Jay said, "No, you girls stay inside with me for a little while. Let's go in the great room and you girls can play Twister for a few minutes. Mr. Jay hugged me and gave me a kiss on the lips after looking me over. "Yes, you are so cute, Lisa." He said with a nod.

Olga went back upstairs and Mr. Jay sat on the big couch to watch the three of us play Twister and other games on the floor. We all giggled and rolled around, doing a little more wrestling than I usually do in a dress.

Then, one at a time, we sat on his lap and let him tickle us. We laughed and rolled around on the couch with him while he tickled our armpits or tummies. Sometimes he would say "Freeze!" We had to try to hold absolutely still while he looked at us to make sure we didn't move.

"Caitlyn, you and Brenda go see if you can find Champion and take him over to the barn."

Then Mr. Jay pulled me up to sit across his lap. "You're a very cute girl, Lisa."

"Thank you, Mr. Jay." I said with a smile, feeling kind of nervous.

"I like to watch you play with the other girls. Tonight I've invited a friend over and we can all dance, play games, and maybe watch some videos. Won't that be fun?"

"Yes." I said, but was worried they might include the videos I was in at John's house.

"I have a little present for you, Lisa. Can you keep a secret?"

"Oh sure!" I said, wondering what kind of present.

He had me stand right in front of him with my feet together. "You're so cute, Lisa. You'll have fun tonight, dancing and playing games."

"What kinds of games, Mr. Jay?"

He smiled. "Different kinds. The other girls like to play games, too, and like I said, I'll have some friends over here tonight. Now let me see how well this uniform fits you." He stood up behind me. "Keep your feet together, Lisa and hold still."

Charles started to walk into the room. He saw us and stopped. "Oh, excuse me, Mr. Jay. I'm sorry." He turned and left.

Mr. Jay took off his suit jacket and put it over the back of a chair. He stood behind me. Since he's so tall I didn't even come up to his shoulders. He kissed me on top of my head and then tilted my head towards the right as he kissed the side of my neck from behind. He smelled my neck. "I hear Olga got you all clean and gave you a bath."

"Yes, Sir." I said, blushing. His kisses on my neck were giving me goose bumps.

"You smell nice, Lisa." He put his hands on my hips and began feeling up and down my sides.

I giggled and stepped to the side when he got close to my arm pits. "That tickles."

He laughed. "I'd better keep a firm grip so you won't be so ticklish." Mr. Jay put his hands up under the hem of my jumper and felt the sides of my panties. He scooted them down an inch and twisted them right, then left. "Your new clothes seem to fit you just fine." He twisted the panties all the way around to my right and pulled them down another inch. "Well, maybe these panties are too loose." After twisting them back around so they were centered, he pulled them down over my hips, so they were at the tops of my legs.

He sat on the couch and asked me to put my hands on my head and walk around in front of him. I giggled as I walked, and had to put my feet farther and farther apart to keep the panties from falling down. "Stand here in front of me, Lisa. Keep your hands on top of your head like a good girl."

I knew he could see my pussy as I stood right in front of him as she sat on the edge of the couch. He smiled. "Beautiful full lips, Lisa. They hide all your little girl charms." He was staring at my pussy. "Lift your skirt, Lisa. I'll show you the new panties I bought especially for you."

"White! Oh, and so silky and lacy. Thank you, Sir. Can I try them on now?" I could see his hand through the sheer, silky material - hip huggers - with a full cut all-lace seat.

"In just a minute. Keep holding your jumper up and then walk and hop to see if you can make these fall to your ankles. After you walk over to me, keeping them stretched between your ankles, they you can have these."

I giggled as I jumped and hopped and skipped around the room. It took a minute for them to start falling and then they fell all the way to my ankles. I shuffled over to him with a big grin on my face. "See? You were right. They fell down."

"You're so cute." He said, staring at my pussy again. "Step out of them. I'll help you." He pulled up the new panties. "Turn around; put your feet apart; and bend over to touch your toes. That's a girl." He looked closely at my bottom. I knew he could see through the panties. "Very good, Lisa. All clean and very obedient. You'll have such a good time today, and especially tonight at the party." The panties were pretty but you could see right through them.

"Olga!" He called.

She came into the room a few seconds later. "Yes, Sir?"

"Shorten Lisa's jumper, then take her outside. Send Brenda in to see me. Lisa appears to be very clean all over. Good job."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." She took my hand. I was disappointed to be going outside already, but Olga smiled at me. "Very good, Lisa. He likes you."

She adjusted the straps on my jumper, pulling the skirt up higher so that the bottom half of my panties were exposed even when my hands were at my sides. We walked out towards the barn and found the other two girls who were walking Champion on a leash. It didn't look like they needed a leash, because Champion was following Brenda so close - like sniffing her panties from behind the way dogs do. I giggled. Olga took the leash.

When Olga told Brenda to run in the house for a minute, Brenda smiled and ran to the house. Champion came over to me and seemed excited and happy. Olga told me to hold still and let Champion sniff me. "This way he will remember you, Lisa. Just let him sniff you." Champion had his nose right on the front of my panties and was trying to lick me. I giggled again and tried to hold still. "Champion likes you, Lisa. Let him get used to you. Open your legs a little bit so he can get a better smell." I opened my legs to shoulder width and tried to keep standing up straight, but Champion was pushing me with his nose against my new panties.

Caitlyn giggled again, and then we both started giggling as Champion sniffed me and then Caitlyn. He was making a whining noise because he was so excited to play with us.

A few minutes later Brenda came out of the house with Charles. Her jumper was shortened, too, and I could see most of her yellow panties as they walked towards us. Her new, yellow panties were sheer and lacy, too. Caitlyn ran to the house, "My turn." She called to us.

Charles put Champion in the barn and closed the door. "Don't worry boy, we'll play with you again later." We walked around with Charles and Olga to look at the different buildings - a sauna with a hot tub beside it and an outdoor shower. There were two other smaller cabins - each with a bedroom-living room and a big TV, with a kitchen area in the corner and a bathroom next to the kitchen. This was fun. Like a camp.

Charles put me up on his shoulders and we walked over to a tree with a low hanging branch. A white Cadillac came up the long driveway on the other side of the clearing. I couldn't even see a road - just a long driveway coming out of the trees. A man and Ginny got out of the car. "Ginny!" I called. She smiled and waved as they walked over. The man was about fifty and pretty heavy, but well dressed.

"Hi, Ginny. Look, I can hang for a whole minute." Brenda said, "And hi, Mr. Thomas." Brenda knew both of them, and they both knew our names. Maybe he saw a picture and knew I would be there. The man bent down to kiss me. He smelled like after shave.

"You are a cute, little girl, Lisa. I see you have some new panties already. Do you like them?" He had a strong English accent.

"Yes, Sir. I think they are pretty!" I said. He lifted me up with ease to hang on a branch. He was so much stronger that I expected, even for a big man. Olga, Charles, Ginny, and Brenda went over to a different tree, and I watched as Charles lifted her up. Mr. Thomas said, "Let me get a closer look at your pretty panties, Lisa. So nice." He put my feet apart while I was hanging from the lowest branch. It was smoothed off, like maybe lots of people had climbed around in this tree. Mr. Thomas said, "Try to keep your feet apart while I feel these panties on you." He felt between my legs first and rubbed the panty material against my pussy lips. After feeling all over my panties, he put his big hands on my hips and had me let go of the tree. He carried me over to be with the others.

"I'm going to carry Lisa back to the big house. Charles, place her on my shoulders."

Charles said, "Yes, Sir." He lifted me and placed me up on Mr. Thomas' broad shoulders.

Mr. Thomas walked easily, and even hopped and turned with me on his shoulders. I was giggling and having fun when we got to the porch of the main building. He put me down and took off his suit jacket. "Beautiful day." He said. "Did Olga clean you already?"

"Yes, Sir." I said. "Fresh and clean all over." I turned around for him, enjoying the way he was looking at me.

Caitlyn came out the front door. Her skirt was shortened, too, and she was now wearing what looked like a tan, hip-hugger slip, but they were really panties, but the leg holes were so loose. "Hi, Mr. Thomas." She said and hugged him.

He turned her around and stood up against her back. "Arms out straight." He said. She put her arms out straight while he felt her chest. "Yes, you are starting to grow!" He said.

Brenda and the other grown-ups joined us on the front porch. Ms. Ginny bent down to my ear while the others were talking about getting dressed up for the party. She said, "Olga said you had your first enema today. I'm sorry I missed it, but I'm glad to know you're all clean." She smiled and kissed me on the lips. "I wanted to help lubricate you, but I hear the other girls and Charles did a fine job."

I blushed and she smiled. "Well, now you're all clean. Good girl." She put her mouth against my ear, "I want to kiss you there, later, right on your bottom. OK?" She stood and looked at me.

"Yes." I said, blushing brightly. I felt a tingle, remembering the last time she kissed me there. Ginny put her hand on the front of my panties and squeezed my pussy. "Unn." I said as quietly as I could.

"Let's go in for a late lunch." Suggested Mr. Thomas.

We all went in for some food and sodas. All three of us girls were giggling and talking with the grown-ups around a big table. It was fun. Then Brenda burped, and everybody laughed.

"Can we play the sundae game tonight, Olga? Please?" Brenda asked.

"I want to be the sundae!" Said Caitlyn, with a giggle. "It's my turn!"

"We'll see." Laughed Olga. "Don't go talking about all our games already. Besides we have some new games for later."

"What's the sundae game?" I asked.

Everybody laughed. Olga and Charles each held a finger to their lips to tell Brenda and Caitlyn not to tell a secret.

Olga took us girls in the big living room for a while to rest before we would have to get ready for the party. She closed the shades and adjusted the air conditioning to make it even cooler in the big room. It was just us girls. We saw video clips of each of us girls, but the clips didn't show any of us undressed all the way. I was really curious about the videos of Brenda and Caitlyn, because I didn't recognize anything - the furniture, the voices, or the clothes - only the girl as she danced and pranced, undressing down to panties and bra. Brenda did like a hula dance in her silky panties and sheer training bra. It was funny. It was exciting seeing them dancing and undressing. They liked watching some of my video clips, but none of them showed me naked. I was glad of that. I wondered if we would see more videos of us later. We watched a video of Brenda getting a fake spanking. She wiggled and squirmed as she got patted on her panties with her dress flipped up in back, but we could tell they weren't hard spankings. Then the lady giving her the spankings pulled her panties down to her knees and gave her a few more pats.

After our rest, Olga got me dressed up in one of the other cabins. I don't know who was dressing the other girls, but we all walked in to the great room at the same time. All the lights were on and the grown-ups had drinks. Music was playing. Each of us girls had on fresh lipstick, perfume, and make-up. I got to wear some pretty jewelry. We were wearing black hose, high heels, and you could see our garter belts under our short, silky, black dresses. Brenda had a velvet choker with a little diamond in the front. I was wearing silky, red panties; Brenda was wearing black ones; and Caitlyn had on white panties. It was easy to tell in these short dresses. We girls started dancing and then Charles joined us. He picked us up one at a time by wrapping his arms around us underneath our arms and then he swung us around. It was so funny to watch him swing the other girls. Caitlyn was giggling so hard that it made all of us start to laugh. Next Charles picked me up and swung me around.

The grown-ups watched us dance a while longer and then three of the men sat on the big couch. Olga said, "You girls sit on a lap and watch a few more video clips. She gave us each a little pad of paper and a pencil. This game before dinner is called 'Guess-the-pussy,' only it's not just pussies. These are short clips, actually some video clips and some still shots, of close-ups of each of you girls. Number your papers from one to 18 and then after each clip you have to write down a B for Brenda, or an L, or a C, depending on who you think is in the picture. Each picture or clip will only show for ten seconds. I have a special prize for whoever gets the most right, or in case of a tie, you'll each get a prize."

I sat in the middle on Mr. Jay. Caitlyn was on my right, sitting on Charles, and Brenda was on my left sitting on Mr. Thomas. We were sitting on their laps with our knees straddling their laps, and kind of sitting back on the men so we were facing the TV with our backs to the man who was holding us. Since our knees were on either side of their laps our dresses were way up so you could see our panties. I looked down to see Mr. Jay slide his hand under my panties so his fingers were right under my open pussy against my sheer panties. None of our panties had cotton liners, and I looked over to see that Mr. Thomas had his hand under Brenda and Charles had his hand under Caitlyn's panties. I giggled.

Olga turned on the tape and then went out to the dining room to see how the cook was coming along with dinner. Ms. Ginny stood behind the couch, right behind me.

The first clip showed a close-up of a pulled-open asshole. . The sound was turned off or that would have made it too easy. No fingers were in the picture for clues and you could just see the back part of the pussy, so I couldn't tell if there was any fuzz starting to grow on the front part. The skin was pale and the asshole was pink with a ring of brown wrinkles that were stretched out. I took a guess that it was me.

Mr. Jay started moving his fingers to tickle my pussy through the silky panties. It really tickled and made it hard to concentrate, but I tried to do my best on the test.

By the time I wrote "L" on my paper the next shot showed a pussy from a side view and I knew it wasn't mine. It was still completely bald so I guessed Brenda since she is only eleven.

I was positive that the next video clip was my pussy because I recognized John's bedspread. I must have been on my hands and knees and then slid my knees wide apart. I could see my fingernails reach in towards my anus and pull my ass and pussy open for the camera. My vagina was full of a white creamy liquid and I knew that was the 'excitement' they talked about - that John said he loved so much. Ginny told me she loved to taste me, and maybe she meant she could taste my creamy excitement. I felt a tingle zip through my pussy as all seven of us in the room looked at my asshole and pussy as I moved it. I pulled it wide open; let it close a little bit as I moved my fingers in closer; and pulled it wide open again.

The next clip showed a pussy that was moving in little circles. I guessed it was Brenda again, because it was hairless. She must have been lying on her back because I could see the sides of her heels as she squirmed around. She looked pretty wet, too, as she twisted her hips in little circles. Her wetness was clear with a little glob of white on one side. A man's fingertips reached in almost to her vagina, and pulled her lips wider apart.

The next fanny shot was also moving slowly and showed a spread-open fanny with a light pink asshole - much lighter in color than mine, and the skin had lots of freckles so I knew it had to be Caitlyn. I heard her giggle next to me, and that confirmed that it must be her. The picture zoomed in closer as Caitlyn pulled her pussy and ass open wider. She was really creamy wet - almost a little puddle oozing out of her vagina as she squirmed.

Next was a still shot of a perfectly flat chest with two hard, dark nipples. That had to be Brenda.

A side view of a pale, lightly freckled breast came up next. At first I thought it could be one of mine, but then the video clip zoomed out a little bit and I could tell it was Caitlyn who must have been on her hands and knees. Then her right hand reached under and pulled her breast towards her tummy and let go. The firm breast with the light pink nipple snapped back into place, and the nipple got stiffer as she did that three more times, pulling it and letting it go. I heard Caitlyn giggle again, and wrote a 'C' on my paper.

Then another close up view of my pussy, and I was laying on my back with my knees apart and my feet up close to my bottom. At first I thought it was a still shot, but then all of my fingers reached inside my fat lips and pulled my pussy open wider. As I pulled it all the way open you could see the creamy white liquid inside my vagina. My whole pussy area was wet.

Ginny collected our pads of paper and said she would score them. I had forgotten to put my name on my paper, just like at school, only instead of getting in trouble, Ginny laughed and kissed me. I didn't want to get off Mr. Jay's lap because his fingers were still tickling my pussy through my panties.

Olga said, "Time for dinner. And gentlemen, be sure to wash your hands."

We all stood up and headed for the bathrooms or the dining table. Everyone else went over to the dining room area, but Mr. Jay held me back with him. "We'll join them in a minute, Lisa. Sit on my lap again, only face me this time." I grinned and climbed back on his lap with one knee on either side. He kissed me and began to tickle my pussy with both hands. "You're such a cute girl, Lisa. I would like to see you again next month. Would you like that?"

"Yes!" I said, "That would be fun."

He slipped his forefingers in the leg holes of my panties from either side and began to lightly tickle the outside edges of my pussy lips on my bare skin. It felt good - so gentle but still tickling me. "That kind of tickles, Mr. Jay."

"Do you want me to stop?" He raised his eyebrows and got a big sad look on his face, like he was going to cry.

"No, Silly. It tickles good." Then we both laughed.

Olga walked over to us and Mr. Jay nodded at her. She turned and went back to the dining room end of the great room. Then she and Ginny got out some accordion-type partitions and set them up between the big table and our end of the room, so it was like we were in our own big room.

Mr. Jay said, "Lisa, I want to see how well you are learning to kiss. Let's practice a little bit, OK?"

I giggled. "Sure."

I wanted to show him that I could kiss like a grown-up, but he said, "Let me lead. Just keep your mouth closed at first. And feel my fingers at the same time. I'm glad you're not too shy to play games, Lisa."

"This is fun, Mr. Jay, like going away to camp only better. Like more exciting."

He laughed and kissed me gently. I kept my mouth closed because he had his mouth closed. His fingers were now sliding gently on the inside edge of my pussy lips, sometimes touching the sides of my clit. It felt hypnotic. We stopped kissing and I sat up straighter, leaning back slightly to give him better access. "That tickles." I whispered and smiled at him.

"A good tickle or a giggling kind of tickle?" He asked, almost whispering himself. We could hear the others having dinner and joking on the other side of the screens.

"A good tickle, like the kind that gives me tingles inside. Ohh." I was still talking softly, but he was stroking me a little harder and faster. He squeezed my clit between the fingers of both hands and massaged it. "Ohhh." I said a little louder.

He smiled again. "I want to play more games with you later, Lisa, but now let's go get dinner."

The food was really good but I wasn't sure what some of it was - stuff we never had at home. Everybody was laughing and talking. It was fun. The grown-ups were drinking wine, but we got to drink pop, which I like a lot better. Nobody asked me what Mr. Jay and I were doing that made us late for dinner.

Olga said, "It's time for you girls to tinkle and get ready to play some games!" The other girls giggled and got excited. Caitlyn clapped her hands, so I did, too. Ginny took Caitlyn to one of the upstairs bedrooms, and Mr. Jay took me to the back bedroom. Charles and Mr. Thomas led Brenda outside to go to the other cabin. Our high heels were clip-clopping across the polished wood floor.

"Now I want my desert!" Mr. Jay said when we got into the back bedroom. He closed the door. I was worried for a minute that he meant he wanted to have sex with me. He saw my worried look and smiled, "Nobody will hurt you, Lisa. I just want to taste you. I've been thinking about it all day."

"Oh! OK." I was pretty sure I knew what he meant.

He came over to me and felt my panties again. He picked me up and laid me on my back on the bed. After taking off my high heels, and bending me knees so they were up, and close together, he slid my panties up to my knees and looked at them. Then he pulled them down to my ankles and took them off. A pile of pillows was near the head of the bed and he grabbed one and had me lie back and put my feet way up in the air - almost like if I was starting to do a shoulder stand. He put the pillow under my bottom and lowered me back down on it, spreading my legs as he let me back down. Then he told me to hold my knees up close to my shoulders to hold my pussy open.

"Yes, so creamy. So excited." He said, with his face close to my pussy. He smelled it and kissed around the edges. "So creamy wet. And so fresh and new." Mr. Jay put his thumbs on either side of my vagina and pulled it open. His tongue went all the way in and he started lapping me, like trying to get all my excitement. After licking for a while, he started nibbling on my clit and it felt so good I started moaning. He put his thumbs on near the top of my pussy inside my lips and pushed up and apart, pulling my clit up so the little magic button stuck out. Mr. Jay looked at it and then started licking it. "This makes you creamy all over again." He said, and kept licking me, even starting from my anus - like licking there for a little while and trying to stick his tongue in me and then my vagina and then he flicked around on my clit again. I was moaning more now, and the tingles started building up in my tummy, just above my pussy, like getting ready to explode.

Mr. Jay pushed his finger in my vagina and pulled it out. "Such a creamy, slippery little girl. You are delicious. You smell good and taste good!" He plunged his finger in again, and my tummy exploded and I was moaning really loud, but nobody came in.

"Oh! Oh! Unnnnnn!" I moaned, at first trying to stay quiet, but then I remembered what the lady in the car told me so I moaned louder. He held his finger all the way in me and it felt like my pussy was squeezing his finger. "Ahhhhh, unnn!" I practically screamed.

He moved the pillow and straightened my legs so I could rest for a few minutes. He laid down beside me and kept kissing me the whole time. We didn't talk but we smiled at each other. Then he put me back in the same position so I was opened wide again. "Yes, full of little girl cum - so white and creamy. You are delicious, Lisa." He started licking me again, and in less than a minute I got more tummy spasms - squeezing his finger with my pussy while he licked me. It felt so good. I heard myself screaming - just letting go - really loud, as my tummy squeezed and jerked.

Mr. Jay went out the door and let me rest by myself for a few minutes.

Olga and Mr. Jay came back in the room and took me into the bathroom to tinkle. Mr. Jay sat right beside me on the edge of the bathtub and we all listened to me pee. Olga wiped off my pussy with a warm washcloth. Mr. Jay gave me a pair of fresh, red panties with white lace around the hips and legs. We went back to the big room. I was glad to be holding his hand because I felt a little wobbly in the high heels and my legs felt kind of weak.

The other girls weren't back yet. Olga fixed me a soda with lots of ice. While I was talking with Olga we heard Caitlyn start to moan real loud upstairs, but Olga pretended not to hear anything, so I ignored it, too, even when she started screaming, "Oh, Ginny! That's it. Ohhh! Uunnn." And then a very loud, "Aaaaggggh!" They were in the open bedroom off the loft, so it was really like they were in the same room as us, but upstairs near the railing. The ceiling in the big room is two stories high. Really cool.

Mr. Jay came in while Caitlyn was screaming upstairs and he pretended not to hear it either. "Did you meet Champion today, Lisa, our watch dog?"

"Yes." I giggled.

We heard Caitlyn screaming, "Oh, God! Fuck! Right there! God Damn! Oh, oh, oh!" But we all pretended not to hear her. I wondered what Ginny was doing to her, and felt a little tingle remembering when Ginny licked my bottom.

Mr. Jay asked me if Champion sniffed my panties.

"Yes." I giggled again. "It was funny, like he kept sniffing me there with his nose right on my panties."

"Good. Just let him sniff you so he will always recognize you."

We heard a car drive up, and Champion started barking. At the same time, Charles walked Brenda into the room. She looked a little wobbly, too, and had a weak smile on her face, and was wearing fresh panties. Caitlyn screamed again, only not as loud. Everybody pretended not to hear her, but I noticed a funny grin on Olga's face.

Charles said, "Mr. Bee just pulled up."

Brenda said, "This will be fun tonight, Lisa, with Mr. Bee here, too. We'll play lots of games." She came over to sit down beside me on the big couch. Mr. Bee came in the door as Caitlyn let out one more big scream, "Oh, God! That feels so good, Ginny!" Then it was quiet in the house. We heard Caitlyn breathing hard upstairs.

Mr. Bee hugged me. "Hi, Lisa." He looked me over from head to toe, and I wished my dress was longer, because he could see my sheer panties, the ruffled garter straps, and my bare legs above the hose. "Let me watch you walk around in the high heels."

As I walked around, trying not to clip-klop too loud, Olga said, "Mr. Bee sent the shoes for you, Lisa, and he brought some other interesting fashions for you to try on later. Mr. Bee is in charge of the games tonight."

Brenda said, "I hope we can play the sundae game. We didn't have desert yet. I looked in the refrigerator and we have chocolate syrup and whipped cream!"

He laughed. "Sure, Brenda. I would love a Brenda-sundae tonight!"

"Not just for you. You remember. Everybody has to."

Mr. Bee said, "Everybody would love a little Brenda Sunday tonight! And a Lisa sundae. And a Caitlyn sundae!" And maybe we'll play follow-the-leader; have a chair race; do some panties-on-knees dancing; play the tickle-buzzer, and ...." He stopped talking and laughed. "...lots of games tonight."

The reviewing period for this story has ended.