Lisa's Confession... And Penance, Part 3

[ MMF/g, photo, panties, finger, oral, anal, pedo, mast, exhib ]

by Corn53

Published: 14-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Note to readers: This is a work of fiction. It will make more sense if you read Parts One and Two of this story first. I think there will only be four parts to Lisa's story. Please share your suggestions with me. Thank you.

Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Dear Diary,

Nothing happened for the next two weeks. I went to confession twice, but Father didn't need to see me, although he recognized my voice and told me I did a very good job and that I had helped the church a great deal, and that he might need my help with another man, or maybe two other men - men with the same problem. He said that by helping these men discuss their sins, that I would also get full forgiveness, but only if I kept everything they did a secret.

I went to the park every day, except for the two days it rained, but I didn't see the man who took me to his house - the man with the camera.

But today he was there, walking around near the drinking fountain. He seemed glad to see me. Some other kids were playing on the monkey bars today so I walked past him and he walked along beside me. He said, "I have a nice bonus for you, Lisa. That was an excellent video. And I have new panties for you today if you want to try some on for me again."

"Yes, OK." I said, and followed him through the park. "I have some real pretty panties in my back pack to show you, but there are too many people in the park for me to change beside the trees." We walked in silence for a couple minutes. I said, "And I have to be home by about 5:30, so I can change clothes and get some things done before Mom gets home."

"Well, that gives us two good hours. You can get your bonus, some more modeling money, make another video for me. We'll have lots of fun before you have to go home - if you want to." He patted my shoulder.

"Yes. OK."

A little while later we came out of the park by the big houses and then went over to his house. We didn't see anybody else, thank goodness, since I still had my school uniform on, and everybody would know where I went to school.

"I also have some music. The kid at the record store said it was music that today's teenagers like."

"What is a record store? You mean a music store?" I asked.

He laughed. "I mean a store with music and cds and things like that."

"Right, a music store. My Mom used to have records when she was a little girl. Now I remember. You had to have some kind of machine that goes around?"

He laughed and patted me on the head. "I have some music for you. Do you want to take off all your clothes while you're dancing around and changing panties? Will you pull your panties down in front of my camera again, Lisa?"


"And will you take your panties all the way off and spread your legs apart for my cameras again like you did last time?"

"Yes." I said, but blushed. I felt tingles already.

He made a call on his cell phone, but all he said was, "Today. Right now." That was all he said before he put the phone back in his pocket.

We went in through his garage. "You can change here if you want, Lisa, and then bring me the panties you wore in school all day.

I said, "I walked through the park lots of times but I didn't see you."

"I've been out of town. Sorry."

He watched me change panties under my skirt and I handed him my cotton school panties which he put in his pocket. Then I followed him into the kitchen where he fixed me a big soft drink and gave me some snacks. He asked me to lift my jumper so he could see the new panties, so I did and turned around for him. He liked them. He told me to relax a little bit while he got out the panties to show me and set up his cameras in the living room.

He led me into the living room with the blinds pulled down, but he had lights set up - two of them - that looked like photography studio lights, like in the movies on metal stands, that looked like umbrellas. There were magazines on the couch and on the table with the lamp on it. I asked him what kind of magazines those were.

"That's Cyrillic writing." He said, "And there are lots of different magazines. Some of the magazines feature girls about your age... only you can't look at them yet. But here's a hint: they like to show off their pretty panties, too!" Then he put a tape in the same camera he used last time. He also had a new camera set up on a different metal stand king of thing, like with long legs.

I giggled and blushed while he told me what kinds of things to say. He turned on the extra lights. Then I walked out in front of the cameras and stood in front of the big couch. I turned for the cameras and said, "I'm Lisa. I'm twelve, and next month I'll be twelve and a half. I want to learn to be a model and I like getting my picture taken. I like to wear pretty clothes in front of the cameras. Today I want to model panties and bras. Look at theses." And I held up a pair of semi-sheer, lacy white panties with a matching training bra. "I don't really need a bra, as you'll see in a minute, but these are so pretty. I want to try on lots of things today." Then I turned again and lifted the hem of my jumper. "See? Aren't these panties pretty? I like how it's cut real narrow in the front and has lace around my hips to the little triangle in the back where it's attached to the thong." I turned and modeled.

I said to the man, "I want to surprise you again, so can you go in the other room for a minute?"

He stopped the tape and rewound it for a second. After giving me a big grin, he went in the other room to wait. "I love your surprises, Lisa."

After he closed the bedroom door behind him, I looked into the camera and said, "Now I'll take off my panties and show you something." I pulled down my panties and stepped out of them. "Since you were such a gentleman a few weeks ago, and didn't actually see me change panties, well, then today I'll you watch me change. But now I'm going to show you what happens when you look at me and touch me."

My heart was pounding and tingles were starting to zing constantly as I sat on the front edge of the couch, still holding up the hem of my school jumper. Then I laid back on the couch and let my jumper skirt fall on my chest. Then I put one foot up on the edge of the couch and held up the pair of silky panties he had given me first. "I think I'll put these on in just a minute." I moved my foot farther down the couch to kind of spread my legs a little bit for the cameras. Then I let my knee fall open, and started moving it out and back so he could get a good look when he saw the video.

Then, like the man in confession, I started blaming him for what was happening to me. "When you look at my panties, I can't help it, but it starts getting all slippery here." I slid a finger over my vagina. "And this - my clit - swells up and gets stiffer when you look at it and especially when you touch it." I pinched my clit and moved it back and forth. "Ant when you rub it, it gets me all mushy inside, full of tingles." I rubbed it for a minute. "And today, since you have been so nice to me, you can put your finger in me if you want to."

I felt trembly inside after saying all that, and then put the lacy panties over my feet and pulled them up. I stood up. "I like being a model for you."

Then I went over and knocked on the door. "You can come out now. I put on the new panties." Then I started giggling as he came out of the bedroom.

He laughed and hugged me. "You're so damn hot and sexy and cute. It's hard to stop thinking about you." He clicked something on each of the cameras; gave me a big hug; and kissed me on the mouth. I didn't know what to think, but let him keep on kissing me. He took the videotape out of the camera that he had used last time and put in a fresh tape. "For later." He said.

He led me over to a stuffed chair on the other side of the room, on the other side of the room from the cameras. He pulled me up on his lab and looked in my face. "Call me John, Lisa. You are so cute. Do you trust me?"


"If you trust me, then I want to tell you about something. I have a friend, two friends, coming over in a little while. I told them about you but didn't show them the little video you made for me a few weeks ago - the one where I stayed in the bedroom and you changed clothes in front of the cameras. Do you remember that?"

"Gosh, yes! I keep dreaming about it ... John."

"That's right. I want you to call me John. I loved your video, Lisa. You are so cute and sexy. I would like to see you once in a while, and I was wondering if it's OK with you if I show my two friends the video of you. I know I promised not to show it to anybody, and I haven't. I want to get your permission. Just to share it with them. A man and a woman. I did show them a couple of the pictures, but not the tape. They think you are very pretty and had some ideas. But they will tell you shortly, if it's OK with you to let them see your video. They will get here in a little bit, unless I call and tell them not to come. She will fix your hair, put on some make-up, lipstick, do your nails - fingernails AND toenails. But we'll put you back the way you are now, before you go home. And the man is a great photographer. That new camera belongs to him, but I told him I couldn't show him any of the video without your permission. I think you're so cute. I know they would love to see you. And then you and I can play together - just us - once in a while. I'll keep being your friend, Lisa, and will help you with things in the years to come, maybe even college."

"But I'm only twelve. College? Other people? Are you sure they won't tell? I don't want to get into trouble or anything. And make-up and fingernail polish and lipstick? Oh, cool!" Then I thought a minute. "But I don't want her to see the video because then she would see me... umm... like take off my panties and act silly... and, well, I don't care if you show him the video, but I don't want the lady to think I'm a bad girl."

He hugged me and smiled. "You are so damn hot, Lisa. So cute!" He put his hand on my chest and started feeling my titties. "Believe me, Lisa. She will love you as much as I do. Her panties will get wet the moment she just sees you, and if you let her watch that video, she will want to buy you clothes and things just to watch you change. And if you let her kiss you, she will want to kiss you all over. But you have to act shy and gradually let her see more and more, OK? I won't let her see your video right away. We'll let Ginny get you all dolled up first and let her watch you undress and model just the panties and bra. Don't let her see your pretty, bare cunny right away, except maybe while she's helping you get into another outfit. But the longer you make her wait to see your sweet, little cunny, the hotter she will get. It will drive her crazy, because you are so cute and innocent looking - but hot as a firecracker!"

"But she's a girl. Are you sure she would like to see me?"

"I'm positive. Ginny will think you're so cute that she will want to kiss you right away." John unbuttoned my blouse and looked at my bare breast. "Maybe let her brush some make-up on your nipples. She might suggest doing that. Tell her it 'kind of tickles' - something like that. She will love your figure."

"Oh, gee." I said, but couldn't stop grinning. "Ginny wants to see my panties? Gee." I grinned. It would be fun teasing Ginny, too.

"Yes. She will want to see all of you and kiss you all over, too, but go slow and act shy. Don't let her do everything right away. Just give her glimpses. Pretend that you're embarrassed when we all watch your video together in a little while. She could teach you new ways to feel good. She will teach you things, and then you and I could do some of those things in private sometimes." He gave me another kiss.

"OK." Then I remembered what we did at the church. "John. My titties are getting big enough to bounce when I jump up and down. Want to see?"

"Yes!" He said.

I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled my shirt and the jumper straps to the side so my whole chest was bare, and started hopping up and down. John clapped his hands. "That's wonderful! See? I told you that you were growing up. They are already big enough to bounce!"

"I want to do it for your cameras."

He pulled me over to him so I was standing between his knees. "Not time right now. They'll be here shortly." Then he leaned forward and kissed each of my breasts. "Umm. So high and firm. Perfect. Yes, these will drive Ginny crazy. I know she'll want to kiss them before you have to go home today." He stood me up and turned me towards the couch and pushed my shoulders forward. "Let me see your firm, little bottom. Ah, yes. So firm. Such a narrow waist." He put his hands on my waist. "Narrow waist, firm bottom, and long, slender legs. You are so cute, Lisa. Both Ginny and David will love you as much as I do!"

I heard a car pull up in the driveway. The garage door opened and I looked at John. He said, "David has one of my garage door openers. They will love your video, but first we'll let you model and try on some panties for them. Don't let them see everything right away." He patted my bottom and we both walked into the kitchen to meet them as they came in through the door that goes to the garage.

Ginny looked about thirty or so with short, dark hair and a pretty complexion. She was well dressed and had a classy look. And she kept smiling and looking me over from head to toe. David was over fifty, maybe over sixty, I wasn't sure, but he was also well dressed and had on thick glasses. They both greeted me with a hug, followed by a kiss on the cheek. Ginny sat down a large bag, and patted my bottom as she hugged me. I think she was surprised to feel that I was wearing thong panties, because she kept moving her hand around on my mostly-bare bottom as she kissed my cheek. When she finally said something, I heard her neat accent - like from Europe or somewhere.

Then they set up their cameras. Ginny had a hand-held, digital camera and began snapping pictures as I turned, sat, laid, or stood in poses that David and Ginny suggested. Then I took off the jumper and posed some more. Ginny seemed to love looking at my bottom, and David wanted me to face his camera and pose in various "open" positions.

Then Ginny sent me on into the master bathroom where she was going to do my hair, nails, and make-up. I heard her whisper to David, "She's certainly pretty enough, but I think she might be too shy for the other projects."

It took at least fifteen minutes for her to get me all fixed up, after I took off my blouse. I was only wearing panties while she put on fingernail and toenail polish, and then brushed out my hair and put in a fancy ribbon. She helped me step out of my panties, being careful of my wet toenails. She knelt and inspected me for a moment and touched the fuzzy hairs that are just beginning to sprout at the top of my cunny.

"Very cute." She said, as she brushed them back and forth with a hairbrush. Not enough to see unless someone is really close. Very natural and sexy. Way too soon to shave them off." Then she pinched my lips together and moved my whole cunny back and forth. "Well, you are just right. Absolutely the right stage. Just beginning to ripen. We'll see about other opportunities for you. Oh yes."

I didn't know what she meant, but I was curious.

Before she helped me into a new panty and bra set, she examined my nipples and squeezed my breasts as if measuring the 'jiggle-ness' of them. "Let's put a little color on your nipples and surprise the men. You will undress for the cameras, won't you?" She sounded both stern and hopeful, stressing the word, "will."

"Yes. I'll do that." I said, still wondering what she meant by "other opportunities."

Then she put some kind of like pink eye-shadow on my nipples to make them a brighter pink. She pinched each one gently first so it would stand up for her. I wondered if she really did want to kiss them, but she didn't say or try anything.

After the bra and panties, she put a lacy garter belt around my hips and adjusted it too fit. "Goodness, what a beautiful narrow waist. And such a flat tummy!" Then she said, "These are the smallest hose I could find, but we still might need to roll the tops. How tall are you, Lisa?"

"Almost four, eleven." I said proudly.

The black hose were so sexy, and then black high heels, with a little gold buckle that looked like a bow. The short, white dress was silky and had a black, patent leather, narrow belt that fit through little loops. It was sleeveless and the neck was cut low in front. Ginny cinched in the belt which made the dress look even shorter, so that the hem was just at the tops of the hose. She said, "You're so sexy, Lisa. The men might shoot in their pants."

I wasn't sure what she meant, but we walked out to join the men again before I could ask her. I had never worn such tall high heels before, and these were a little big on me but nothing like when I wore Mom's when she wasn't home. "Now I'm over five feet tall."

John and David seemed stunned that I looked so grown-up. They both touched their pants when they looked at me. "Even my toenails are pretty, John! My fingernails and my toenails!"

"And you're taller!" He said and hugged me. I almost lost my balance, but he helped me stand up again. David and John felt my waist and ran their hands up and down me from my ankles to my neck.

Then I walked around in front of the cameras - posing; walking; bending over to pick something up; sitting on the couch; crossing my knees; laying back to look at one of the magazines with the funny writing; facing the couch and twisting around to look at the cameras. When I twisted, I could tell that my dress lifted up enough to expose my legs above the hose and the bottom of my panties.

Then I took the dress off in front of the cameras and posed again in the hose, garter belt, high heels, and sexy panties and bra. John said, "My God, Lisa. You are so sexy. The hose makes your pretty, slim legs look even longer!" I smiled at him.

Again, David wanted to see the front of me, especially in 'open' positions, while Ginny loved seeing me from behind, especially laying flat on my tummy, with my elbows on the carpeting. She said, "It makes your perky, little ass look even more rounded and sexy."

We took a break for a little while so they could decide which outfit for me to wear next. John said, "I don't know if we have time for everything. We might have to schedule another session. You'll have enough pictures to see if the other possibilities might work out."

David said, "Do you think she would be open to the idea?"

Ginny said I would probably love to play games, but John said he would have to talk with me in private, and then asked me if he could show them my videos. I wanted to prove to them that I wasn't too shy, so I said yes.

Ginny sat beside me and we looked through some of the magazines while John and David moved the TV over towards the couch and set up the VCR.

Some of the magazines had paperclips holding sections of pages together - like 4 paper clips holding several pages closed, but we looked at the pictures on the pages in front of the paperclips. There were lots of ads for things and some showed young naked girls, even my age and younger, but most of the ads showed older girls, but for some reason they looked younger. Ginny said, "Those older girls shave so they can look younger - like you. But then having just a little bit of peach fuzz, like you have, shows that the girl really is young and hasn't been shaved yet. You've probably got 6 months to a year before we would need to start shaving - and then just a little bit, so other people couldn't tell."

"What?" I was only half paying attention to her as I looked at the pictures, but at the mention of other people I felt a tingle. "Other people?" I asked her.

Ginny didn't answer, but flipped open another magazine to a section that showed two girls - both about my age... they were all dressed up. Their hair was so pretty and their fingernails, jewelry, and make-up made them look older, but they were still only about 11 or 12, maybe 13. I wasn't sure. The pictures showed them walking hand in hand, and then kissing, and then they started to help each other undress. They had on garter belts, hose, lacy panties and bras underneath and even had on high heels sort of like the ones I was wearing. I could tell the girls didn't have pubic hair because I could see through the panties. It looked like the girls were having a good time. The last picture before the paperclips showed the taller girl kneeling in front of the shorter girl and starting to pull her panties down... but not below her crack yet.

Then Ginny had me take off the bra get on the couch on my hands and knees so she could see how big my breasts looked while they were hanging down. The same pose that one of the girls in the magazine was in. "Very nice." She said, "They stick out almost two inches." She felt them. "And you get excited modeling for us and for the cameras, don't you?"

"It's fun." I admitted, not sure what she was getting at.

"I'm so anxious to see your video from a few weeks ago? John wouldn't let us see it but said you were full of energy and excitement. At first I thought you would be too shy, but I think you are a smart girl and catch on pretty quick. Can we watch your video now?"

"Yes." I said. I wanted to know what she was talking about.

I sat between Ginny and David. David put a little pillow behind my bottom and leaned me back so I was like laying back on the couch with my hips almost on the front. He and Ginny each took a leg on their lap. My knees were bent and I felt tingly all over as they began lightly running their fingers from my knees to the edge of my panties and back to my knees. I could feel when their fingers went off the hose onto my bare legs.

John pushed in the tape and it started with this morning, when I introduced myself and held up the panties that I was wearing right now. Then it showed me taking off my panties and spreading my legs and running a finger through my wet cunny telling John that it gets so wet when he looks at it, and the my clit swelled up and got stiffer. I blushed. They watched it again, and then John put in the tape from a few weeks earlier. I blushed again as I watched what I did a few weeks ago - pulling down my panties and getting in different positions. When I took my panties off on the video, Ginny started lightly scratching the front of my panties with her fingernails. Each of her painted fingernails scratched over my bump - one at a time - over and over. I could feel that I was wet as she rubbed my open pussy through the silky panties. I couldn't help it and started squirming. John backed up the video so we could watch that part of the video again.

Then Ginny stood me up and showed me how to unclip the snaps from the garter to the hose. She told the men to get the cameras ready again so I could take off my panties and walk around in the heels, hose and garter. She patted my fanny. "You're so sexy, Lisa. Just walk around in front of the cameras and get in some of the same positions you got in for your first video a few weeks ago. Introduce yourself again."

"Is this video just for you?" I asked them, and they all nodded.

I smiled and walked out in front of the cameras. Ginny was clicking her camera for still shots. I said, "I'm Lisa and I'm twelve years old." I could tell I was blushing because this was embarrassing, so I thought I would just pretend I was in confession and had to tell everything even if it was embarrassing. "I like to let people accidentally see my panties. It gives me tingles inside. And sometimes I think about what my cousin told me." I started to unclip the garter belt snaps that held up my stockings so I could take off the panties. "She said that she likes to kiss a boy's ... you know... his thing... and that white stuff comes out of it and sometimes she swallows it." I looked at the cameras and blushed, but kept talking. "She says some girls really like it and they swallow it. And she says that a couple of her boyfriends used to like to kiss her between her legs. That's silly. I told her I thought that sounded gross but she said it really felt good and that she let her first boyfriend do it when she was fourteen years old."

The snaps were all unfastened so I pulled the panties down to my knees and stood facing the cameras while I turned and twisted trying to get all the snaps back on the hose. "Well, I don't know about all that, like with boys, but she put her finger in my cunny and that felt good. And then she let me put my finger in hers. It was real slippery and my finger slid all the way in like real easy. I'll take these panties off now, because I have to leave pretty soon, but I like modeling for the cameras and trying on different panties."

Ginny said, "My God! Look how creamy wet she is. It's smeared all over her little cunny."

I remembered not to sit down on John's couch after I took off my panties. I took them off and walked and turned and then got on my hands and knees on the floor and lowered down to my elbows and then even put my shoulders on the floor with my knees apart so the cameras could see my bottom. I heard Ginny going, "Mmmm," as she watched me. I rolled onto my back without actually sitting on the floor and let my knees fall open because I knew Dave wanted to see my open pussy up close. He even took the camera off the three-legged stand and got close to me.

They all clapped and clicked off their cameras.

Ginny got on her hands and knees with her face right over my open cunny and looked real close. She said, "Oh, I know he would love this little girl. So hot and sexy and wet. Look how wet she is. Yes, he would love to meet her."

Dave and John leaned down for a close look, too.

Ginny helped me stand up, taking me by the hand. She led me back towards the bedroom and stopped. She reached under her dress and pulled down her panties and stepped out of them. She handed them to me. "These are wet, too, Ginny. Gee."

"Yes. It turned me on so much to watch you, Lisa. You are one hot little girl." Then she turned to the men. "You can't come in here if you have pants on. I'm going to clean her off for a few minutes, and then help her calm down, before I remove the make-up and nail polish. If you take your pants off, then you can come in here, too, but give me a few minutes alone with her."

In the bedroom, she looked at me and began walking around me, telling me how cute I was in the high heels. "But it's time to teach you a few things now, Lisa. Don't talk. I'll ask you questions in a little while, but right now, just let me take these hose off and touch you and position you. OK?"

"Yes." I was all trembly inside.

She walked around me as she lightly felt me all over. We stood in front of the big mirror and she knelt in front of me; unfastened the straps from the garter belt that attached to the hose. She surprised me by having me step back into the panties I had been wearing on the couch. She slid them up to my knees. I could see that they were wet. "Don't talk. Put your feet apart enough to stretch your panties between your knees. Don't think about things. Just feel what I'm doing." She adjusted my panties between my knees. "Don't judge. Don't talk. Watch me in the mirror."

I watched in the mirror as she put her head between my thighs and licked the inside of my panties. With her right hand, she pushed the center part of my panties into her mouth and sucked and chewed.

"Tasty little girl, Lisa. You are magnificent." She stood and picked me up in her arms and carried me to the bed. After laying me back with my hips close to the edge, she lifted and parted my legs, keeping her hands behind my bent knees. Ginny leaned down and began licking my cunny - long, slow licks. I watched her in the mirror.

"Good. Don't talk. You taste so good." She pushed my knees back even farther and scooted a pillow under my hips. Then she opened my legs wider, pushing my knees to the outside of my shoulders and she kept licking me, even on my bottom. She tried to push her tongue into my anus and I tightened it. "Relax, Lisa. Just enjoy the sensations. Relax your bottom for me." She pushed her tongue into my anus. It felt so strange - embarrassing, but good.

"Hold your knees for me. Keep yourself spread open so I can taste you. Good Girl. Don't talk." She looked at my open cunny from just inches in front of it and sniffed deeply. Then again. With one hand she began to fondle my breasts. "You smell as good as you taste, Lisa. I know several people who would just love to meet you, watch you pose, see your video, and then lick you. They wouldn't hurt you, but they would want to see you, smell you, and taste you after your photo session. That's a good girl. Don't talk." She was almost whispering. She sniffed again and started licking my cunny. It was like she was trying to put her tongue as far in me as she could and then lapped out my excitement. It felt so good, like when the man at the church did it. And Father said another man wanted me to help him with his confession. And then the tingles started to get really big.

John and David walked in while Ginny was licking me there. Neither of the men was wearing pants, but John's shirt hung down over his hips, although I could still see his erection. It wasn't as big as the man at church. Neither was David's. John's was pretty fat and came straight out, but David's skinny one was curved upwards. David was holding his camera aimed at my face. Ginny said, "Don't pay any attention to them, Lisa. Don't try to talk. Just enjoy the feelings. Let yourself go." She licked me and fingered me faster, but she stopped suddenly and backed off, pulling me open with both hands. "Look how hot she is, David. She smells so good and tastes wonderful. She likes being licked." She started licking again real fast going all over my open cunny. I was holding my knees apart for her. She put her finger back in and started pushing it in and out. "You like it, don't you, Lisa?"

David was aiming his camera at my face when that tingly feeling got too big to stop - like a dam ready to break; it just felt so good that I couldn't stop. "Yes! I like it. Don't stop! Don't stop!"

They watched her lick me on my bottom. She pulled her head back to let them see where she was licking me. David aimed his camera at my cunny and ass. He was standing next to the bed and his cock was really stiff and sticking up. David and John started rubbing their cocks, like the man in confession. Ginny put a finger in my hole while she licked my button again. While John and David watched, Ginny started to nibble on my button and put her finger all the way in at the same time.

"OH! Unnnnnn!" I said, as my tummy started to throb again. Ginny held her finger pushed all the way in, and licked me gently, until I stopped squirming and jerking.

"You had a wonderful orgasm, Lisa. Did it feel good?"

I felt all dreamy inside. "Yes." I said.

Ginny let me lay there on the bed as she took off my shoes, hose, and garter belt and put them in her bag. She began removing the fingernail and toenail polish, while I just laid there. I looked at David and John who were both still looking at my cunny even though my legs were together. John said, "I told you she had a beautiful, full mound. So firm and meaty."

"Yes, indeed." Said David. "She's beautiful. I hope we can arrange more photo sessions with her." Then he noticed that I was looking at his cock. "You can touch it, Lisa, if you want to." I reached out of it, but Ginny took my hand to clean the fingernail polish off that hand. David walked around to the other side of me, and I reached out for it. It was smaller than the man at church, but just as hard. I moved it around, then let it go and watched it bob around.

Then Ginny and David had to leave. She took her bag of things with her. John said he would dress me back in my school uniform in just a minute, but he wanted to lick me first. I told him he could if he wanted. I was still in a dreamy mood.

He opened my legs and lifted my knees, kneeling beside the bed. He got me in the same position - the pose Ginny put me in. I asked him who they were talking about and if he was sure they wouldn't show the videos to anybody else.

He licked me. "You do taste great, Lisa, just like Ginny said."

I asked him again about who they were talking about. "About a very rich man, Lisa. I think he would like to meet you, maybe even take you on a trip. I'm not sure how to arrange it. But you do go to the Catholic school, don't you?"

"Yes." I said, enjoying the sensations of his licks.

"Maybe I could talk with Monsignor. He might consider telling your mother that you were going on a special retreat, and that it would help the church. I worked with him a couple years ago when he was at a different parish. That retreat scholarship helped the church coffers so that he got transferred here. Would you like to go on a little weekend retreat, Lisa? It would mean that your church would get lots of money, and even your mother would get a nice cash consideration - since you wouldn't be at home for a couple of days to help out with your chores."

"What would I do?"

"You would leave town with me to a special cabin. I can't tell you where exactly. Then you would meet a new photographer who would like playing with you. After I drop you off, he would give you different outfits to wear and play games with you Saturday afternoon and Saturday night, and even on Sunday. He might have a few friends come over or maybe not. But maybe even Ginny would come over to show you new ways to learn to relax or to please other. You would have a wonderful time, and get some presents."

"Do you really know Father from the church?"

"Yes. We've known each other for quite sometime. I think he may also have another girl who would like to go on the trip, too, but I don't know who it is. We only talked briefly."

I blushed, wondering if it was me or someone else. Then I remembered the magazines in the living room. While John was licking me, I asked him if I could see them.

"I bet Ginny took all the pictures with her. Some of those magazines are illegal in the U.S. But you could see them if you get to go on the retreat. Who knows, you might even meet one or two other models to play with. Wouldn't that be fun?"


"Then is it OK if I show your pictures and videos to that other man I talked about?"


I had to leave a little while later, and those other magazines with the girls were gone anyway. I wanted get home in time to change clothes, put on some boring panties, and start my chores. I couldn't wait to see John again, but he said to wait for a week or so and to walk through the park. He promised to go talk with Monsignor at church.

That would be so exciting - maybe a weekend with some new people and I could play dress up, and there might be another girl there. Gee.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.