Lisa's Confession... And Penance, Part 2

[ MM/g, panties, spank, oral, pedo, mast ]

by Corn53

Published: 13-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Dear Diary,

I'm back. Mom just wanted me to take the trash out. Anyway, today after school I went to the back of the church. Father let me in and asked me right away if I had let any other men see my panties. I said, "Yes, Father. I was bad. I'm sorry."

I was sure glad he didn't ask me anymore questions! I didn't want to tell him about letting the man feel my panties and take pictures of me, and then undressing in front of his camera, but at least he wasn't in the room ... so I didn't have to tell about that!

Father just said, "You are forgiven, My Child. I am so glad that you are honest with me. You don't need to give me any details today. You are forgiven for everything. Everything you have ever done. Today I want you to listen while a man tells me about what he does after he is teased by a young girl. I want your help. You will hear the man's confession, but you can't see him. He will know you are listening and that you have committed the sin of teasing. Then I will tell you what to do after I put a blind fold on you. Will you do that? Will you hear the man's confession with me and then I will put a blindfold on you and then you can sit in a chair and let the man see your panties while you both pray?"

"Yes, Father." I felt a tingle when he said I would have to let the man see my panties. "What else do I have to do? I want to be a good girl, I just have trouble sometimes."

"You will see. And I know you have trouble being a good girl. Maybe this experience will help you. Now you sit in this chair right here. I will lead the man in who has agreed to share this part of his confession so that you might benefit. Then you will see what your actions have caused in so many men and boys."

He sat me on a padded stool near the side of an open area with thick, red carpet. The red, velvet padding on top of the stool was the same color as the carpeting. There were vestments and cupboards all around the room and some comfortable chairs arranged around the little open area where I was sitting now. Then Father led in a man in a light, gray suit who had a thin, black Halloween mask over his eyes and nose. He led the man to stand a few feet in front of me. "He can see you, Lisa, but you can't tell who he is. Before he starts his confession I want you to close your eyes and open your legs now. Let him see your panties the way you let men see your panties in the mall."

"But I just have on my plain white ones."

Father asked, "Did you bring another pair with you?"

"Yes, Father. In my book bag, inside a gym sock."

"Why do you have the other panties with you?" He asked.

"Well, um, like in case you wanted me to let somebody look up my dress again, like for part of my penance. And then I would want to wear sexy panties instead of these boring ones."

"Why would you prefer to wear sexy panties, and where would you change?"

"Well, see, if I wear sexy panties then I think a man would like to look even more, and I could change anywhere, like in a bathroom, or in the park next to some trees, because I still would have my dress on, and would make sure nobody is around."

"Then show him your white panties now. You can change in a minute. Watch him while you do your teasing."

"Yes, Father." I leaned back on the stool and flipped the skirt part of my navy blue jumper up on my chest. I leaned backwards and put one hand on the floor. Then I opened and closed my legs slowly. "See how boring these panties are? Should I open my legs like this?"

The man started to rub the front of his pants. He said, "I have to adjust myself. She is so cute and so sexy. I can't help it. I get an erection and have to move it in my pants. She is so sexy the way she opens and closes her legs in those cute, little, white panties."

Father asked me I knew what an erection was or if I had ever noticed that some men have to touch their pants when I teased them.

"Oh, yes. I've noticed that. It's funny." I giggled. "Like when I let them look I can see them touch their pants sometimes. But I pretend that I don't even see them and that I don't know they can see my panties."

"And does that 'give you tingles' like you tell me each week, Lisa?"

"Yes, Father. Sometimes."

"You have been a bad girl. I think you may need a spanking, my child." I must have looked shocked and scared as I sat up right away, covering my lap with my jumper. Then Father said, "It won't be a hard spanking, just a soft spanking, but I think the embarrassment would teach you a lesson. Will you accept a soft spanking as part of your penance, to get full forgiveness for all your sins?"

"Yes, Father." I said with an exhale, submitting to my punishment.

"Very good." He said. "You will have to do some embarrassing things this afternoon as your punishment, ending with a bare bottom spanking. This is a very rich man. He is busy with many important things to do. But when he sees a young girl's panties it disturbs his concentration. While he makes his confession, and tells you what seeing the panties makes him think about, I want you to keep showing him your panties, and doing whatever he tells you. He is a very wealthy and important person."

I felt a tingle.

The man said, "Father, this girl has caused me to get an erection. I couldn't help it. I want to masturbate and think about her."

"Not yet." Father told him. "You will have to learn to wait, My Son. I need to finish more of her embarrassing punishments first, and then you can spank her and masturbate, or whatever you need to do to show her what sins her teasing causes men to think about or to commit. Lisa, I'm going to have this sinner masturbate while he spanks you today. Then you will see what you are causing. Do you know what 'masturbate' means?"

"I think so, like when you rub yourself."

"Yes. Do you rub yourself, Lisa?" The man asked me.

I wasn't sure if I should answer him, but Father told me to answer him honestly, that this was part of my embarrassment. So I said, "Yes. Just sometimes. Like at night in bed when nobody is around."

"Show me how you rub yourself, Lisa." The man said.

I knew I had to do it, so I leaned back and put my knees apart. I lifted the hem of my jumper up higher and rubbed myself between the legs with my right hand. "I rub it like right here, between my legs, only usually I take my panties off first."

Father said, "You will show him that later, Lisa, but right now keep your hand on the outside of your panties."

The man asked if my panties were getting damp.

I said, "Yes. Kind of. And besides, I wore these all day at school."

Then he asked, "When you masturbate at night, do you get real wet between your legs?"

"Yes, Sir."

Father said, "Go ahead and explain, Lisa. Tell him everything."

"Yes, it gets real wet and slippery, like almost gooey. Sometimes kind of white looking, like mayonnaise. And it gets that way when I tease a man at the mall sometimes, too. It's embarrassing because my panties get so wet sometimes, like even at school if I'm thinking about letting men or boys see my panties."

The man sat in a big, extra-wide, stuffed chair just a few feet away from me. He asked, "Then does your finger slide in your vagina easier? When you're all wet and slippery?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Very good, Lisa." Father said. "And I'm glad you are calling him, 'Sir' because for part of his penance, he is going to give a large sum of money to the church. So I want you to help him make a good confession. He will show you what seeing a young girl's panties makes him want to do. Answer his questions fully, even if it's very embarrassing, because that embarrassment is part of your punishment. Keep rubbing yourself, Lisa."

The man said, "Push your panties into your ... what do you call it, Lisa, that area between your legs?"

"Usually I call it my cunny, but sometimes my pussy, and my cousin calls hers different things, like her cunt, or her hole, or her vagina."

Then the man told me to, "Keep rubbing your cunny, Lisa." He watched me for a minute and it was embarrassing. Then he told me to put my hand inside my panties and to keep rubbing it and to put my finger in and out.

After I did that of for a little bit, he told me to take my hand out of my panties without letting them touch my panties or my skin and getting wiped off. Then I had to go stand in front of him and let him see and feel my hand. He slid his fingers over my wet finger. "Yes, your finger is wet. I thought so." Then he reached under my skirt and felt my panties. They were thin, cotton panties with a double layer of material right between my legs, but that was pretty damp now. "Quite moist." He said, and I blushed. He kept feeling my panties and I didn't know what to do so I just stood there.

Then Father said, "OK, stop for a minute, Mr. D. Lisa, get out the other pair of panties."

So I went over to my book bag and got out the gym sock. There were two pairs of panties in it, so I showed them both to Mr. D. I asked, "Which pair do you like better? Do you like the tan, silky pair, or the lacy, white ones with the thong in the back?"

He told me to lay them both on my stool and stand on the other side of it.

I spread them out on the stool, like in a store display. I stood on the other side of the stool from the man and smiled, "I like them both! Like the tan ones almost look skin color, so like to fool somebody to think I wasn't even wearing any panties, but the white ones look sexier, I think, because of the thong in the back and around the hips. Which ones do you like better? Or maybe I should try them both on for you? And then you could decide which ones you want me to keep on. I have some pink ones at home that I bet you would like, too."

He touched his pants again, and said he also liked both pairs. "Take off the white ones and bring them to me." He said, but in a soft voice, not bossy.

I started to pull them down, but he said, "Take them off slowly. Then keep them stretched between your knees and walk around the stool."

So I pulled them down to my knees and kept my feet apart so they wouldn't fall down, and walked kind of like a penguin around the stool. He motioned for me to walk to him. I looked at Father and he nodded. I walked over to Mr. D, keeping my knees apart and doing my funny walk. "This is funny." I said. So he asked me to walk around again - over behind my stool and around to him while I shuffled my feet.

When I got back to stand in front of him, he said, "Let me help you out of these. Just step out. I won't look."

He took my panties and looked at them real close. "Still wet." He said. "You're excited, aren't you?"

"I'm pretty nervous." I admitted.

Then he had me walk and skip around the circle again and go stand behind my stool. "Before you put on the tan ones, lift your skirt real fast, then I can tell if you really do look bare when you're wearing the tan ones."

I looked at Father again. He nodded as he stood up. "Do as he says, Lisa." Then Father walked around behind a folding screen. "I won't watch anymore. I'm going to listen to your confessions from back here. Just do everything he says, Lisa, unless I say something else."

"Yes, Father." I said, and smiled at the man, standing just a few feet in front of him. I lifted my skirt to my chest and put it down again quickly. He sat up to try to get a closer look, but I was too fast. I did it again, but a little slower. The man wanted me to do that a few more times, and to walk around and then surprise him, sometimes holding it up for a longer time, while in different positions. I smiled, thinking how fun this was. When I saw that Father was completely behind the screen, I held my jumper all the way up to my chin and put my feet apart a little ways. Then I put it back down and giggled. I started walking around with my hands on the hem of the skirt, holding it just at the tops of my legs. As I walked towards him I lifted it a little bit, and then a little bit more, while still walking. He sat forward on the big chair and put his hands on his pants again, like squeezing himself. I walked over to the stool and picked up the tan panties. I lifted my skirt with one hand, all the way to my chest, and then moved the panties back and forth in front of my cunny with my other hand, so he could see my cunny sometimes but it would be hidden by the panties sometimes, too, like hide-and-seek. He kept rubbing his pants, and I kept teasing him by lifting my skirt.

Then I put the tan panties on and walked around, lifting my skirt often - in front or in back, so he could see. He called me over to him and sat back in the chair, patting his lap for me to sit on him, so I did, sitting across his lap at first. His left hand was on my bottom under my dress and his right hand was on my legs. "You are so cute and sexy, Lisa." He opened my knees and felt my legs and thighs, then my tummy and chest. I wasn't sure if he should do that, but I let him, because like this was all part of my embarrassment punishment for my sins so I had to let him. "You are growing up, Lisa, getting a cute, little, firm figure."

Then he had me stand in front of him and he adjusted his pants, moving something inside his suit trousers so it looked like he had a banana from his belt buckle down to between he legs. I knew what it was but had never seen one in that position. The boys at school would move their pants sometimes, especially after I accidentally let them see my panties. Then he pulled me back up on his lap facing him with one knee on either side of him. His hips were scooted forward and I could feel his stiff thing between my legs. He started moving my hips up and back so I was like sliding on it. He wanted me to keep sliding up and back on it, so I did while he felt my chest and arms and sides. He tickled the sides of my neck with his fingertips, where some of my hair had come out of my pony tail. I kept sliding up and back, thinking maybe I should have worn a bra.

The man unbuttoned my blouse while I kept sliding up and back and he pulled one side of my blouse over to my arm so he could see my bare titty. It was embarrassing, especially with Father sitting so close, over behind the screen a few feet away. He rubbed and felt my bare titty, moving it around, pulling, and squeezing - but not too hard.

Then he stood me up again, leaving the side of my blouse outside of my right jumper strap. He stood up and I could see that his pants looked wet where I had been rubbing on him. "I'm sorry that I got your pants wet." I said, but he just smiled. He knelt down in front of me and pulled my panties down and I stepped out of them. He felt me for a little bit - front and back - then put the panties in his pocket with my white, cotton ones.

He sat down and pulled me back onto his lap again, and I started sliding up and back again right away. He looked at me and felt me. I looked down. The way he played with my titties was sending tingles to my cunny and I knew I was getting his pants wetter.

"I'd better give her a few spankings now." He said, "I won't last much longer."

I didn't know what he was talking about, but he laid me across his lap and flipped up my jumper in back so he could see my bare bottom. He pulled my fanny open and lifted my hips. I knew he could see my cunny, too, from that position. After a few soft spankings, he put me upside down, so like with my head and elbows on the floor and my bottom between his knees and my legs beside him on the big chair with my feet against the back of the chair. He pulled my bottom open again and looked at me for a minute, moving my fanny and my thighs around. Then he started running his finger up and down my crack, flicking across my button. I wiggled, "That tickles!" And I wiggled some more. He kept rubbing across it and squeezing it, but not too hard and moving it around. I kept moving my hips because it tickled

He said, "You are so fucking sexy! Keep moving your hips."

Then Father said from the other side of the curtain, "Please watch your language." The man apologized and moved my thighs and fanny around and then gave me four more soft spanks - two on each side.

After the spankings, he stood me up again. "I have something to show you, Lisa. Then you can see what happens to a man when you show him your panties." He stood up and took off his tie and suit jacket. He unbuttoned the bottom half of his long-sleeved, white shirt. I noticed that the front of his gray, suit trousers had a long, wet streak where I had been rubbing my cunny on him. The man unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall to the floor. He said to Father, "I'm going to show her."

Father said, "Go on, My Son. She needs to know the pain she is causing."

He pulled his white boxer shorts down and stood up straight, holding his half-unbuttoned white shirt to the back. His penis was so big and hard, curved upwards and the end of it was a deep reddish color. I couldn't take my eyes off it. "Gee." I finally said, "It's so big and hard!" I kept staring at it. "Gee." I started to reach out to touch it, but pulled my hand back.

He said, "You can touch it. I want you to feel what you have done to me. Showing me your panties made it swell up and get so hard."

I touched it with one finger. It moved and then came back. I touched it again. "Gee." I touched it, pushing it a little bit farther to the side and then watched it come straight back to the middle again. It was like aiming right at me, with the tip pointing up towards my face. It was wet right in the middle on the tip, like slippery looking. I ran two fingers all the way down the side of it and back up to the edge of the tip, which was like a big ridge around the sides and top, but not underneath. "Gee." I didn't know what else to say.

He asked me if I had ever seen or touched one before and I said, "No. I never saw one or touched one, but I saw some pictures. But this is so big and stiff. Gee." I was moving it back and forth, running my fingers up and down the sides. Then I used both hands.

"Keep touching it, Lisa. Move it around." He said. "It's your fault that it swelled up like this."

"I'm sorry. Why is it wet right here?" I asked, full of curiosity.

"Girls get wet when they get excited or turned on, don't they?" He asked.

"Yes. A lot!" I admitted.

"Do you know what 'having sex' means?" He asked.

"Oh! Gee! Yes, it's like the boy puts his thing inside the girl and it can make babies. But this is too big to fit in there. It's like way too big! Gee!"

"Lisa, I'm not going to try to put it in you. Don't worry. Do you know what comes out of it to make babies?"

"Sperm, but a sperm is real little, like a tadpole, but it's like really tiny."

The man grinned and patted me on the head. "Yes, lots of it comes out. Gooey stuff, just like your cunny gets gooey."


"And some girls like to taste it and swallow it." He said.

I knew what he meant, "Oh, I remember. My cousin, she's almost sixteen now, and she says she does that to her boyfriend, like she kisses it and licks it and puts it in her mouth ... and that way she is still a virgin." I added, so Father wouldn't think bad things about my cousin. "She says it tastes yucky, but she said some girls like it. She said it's kind of like blue cheese on a salad - that some people like it and some people think it's yucky, and she said it's the same with a boy's stuff."

"Did your cousin ever swallow any of it?" The man asked, and he moved my hand, so I would keep rubbing his thing. I had stopped rubbing while I was talking to him.

"Yes, sometimes she swallowed it. She said she just had too much in her mouth and like it kept coming out of her boyfriend and she didn't want to get any on her clothes so she swallowed it."

"Did it make her sick?" the man asked.

"No. She didn't get sick, but she said she didn't especially like the taste of it, but that her boyfriends really liked her to do that, and she said boys like it when she swallows it, so sometimes she does. She said she did it the first time when she was fourteen and a half and that her boyfriend was seventeen that time. She has different boyfriends."

"What else did she tell you, Lisa?"

"This is gross, but she said that one of her boyfriends really liked to lick her between the legs. I thought that was funny and really gross, but she said it felt good and that some of her girlfriends really love it when a boy does that."

The man's thing got even stiffer, which was hard to believe, because it was already so hard. I just kept lightly tickling the sides of it with my fingers. And I still couldn't take my eyes off it. He told me to pull it down and let go. I did that and it sprung back up. I giggled. "Gee!" And did it a few more times.

He took one of my hands and put it on his balls and said to tickle there, too, but real softly. As I tickled and moved my fingers through the hair, his balls got smaller and the bag tightened up. It was pretty neat, so I kept tickling his balls lightly and stroking along

The man said, "Well some girls learn to really love the taste of cum, and almost all girls love it when a boy or a man licks them between the legs. And lots of girls just love the taste of cum once they get used to it. But right now I'm going to sit back again and you can sit on my lap again and rub yourself up and down on it."

I stepped back.

He laughed and patted my head again. "It won't be inside you, you'll just be rubbing yourself up and down on it. It will be laying against my stomach."

"Oh." I said. "OK, then."

He put a towel on the big chair and sat back. I straddled his lap again and began rubbing up and down on it. I was so wet that it was real slippery to slide on. Then he said, "Let's take your blouse off, Lisa, in case my stuff squirts out. I don't want you to get any on your jumper, maybe we should take that off too." I think he could tell I looked worried, because then he said, "Keep your jumper on and your shoes and socks, because you're not supposed to be naked here in the back of the church."

"OK." I said, thinking that was a good idea, and I wondered what it would look like.

He had me hold my jumper up against my tummy, and he laid my blouse over the arm of the big chair. He looked at me, "Yes, you are just starting to get a little fuzz, and your perky, little, firm titties are so beautiful. You are a beautiful girl and so sexy." He said. "And your titties are bigger that I had guessed. Let me see you hop up and down to see if they bounce."

I started hopping and then jumping around, smiling at the man. Then I started doing like the twist, putting my knees to the right and next time to the left. My titties really were bouncing, but not very much, but the wiggled around and the man loved looking at them, I could tell. I tried to see how hard I could make them bounce. He smiled at me. "So high and firm. Like tangerines. Perfect." He said.

I smiled as I climbed back on his lap. He had me just kneel up straight with one knee on either side of his lap. He felt my cunny again and tickled my bump. It gave me more tingles. "Ohh!" I said, but didn't move back. Then he put a finger right at my opening and began to push in. I said, "I think even your finger is too big."

"Do you put your finger in it?" He asked.

I knew I had to tell the truth. "Yes." I answered.

"Has anybody else ever put a finger in it, like a boyfriend or one of your girlfriends?"

I said, "No, nobody else ever put a finger in me." Then I added, "Well, like my cousin, but that was a few years ago when she was spending the night at our house and we looked at each other and put our fingers in each other." I was sliding up and back on his thing, like riding on it and moving.

After a minute he stood me up and he stood up. Then he laid me back in the big chair and he knelt down between my knees. He lifted my knees and pulled my hips out to the edge of the chair, so I was like laying on it with my head against the back of the chair right in the middle. He leaned down and started licking me. "Ohh! That kind of tickles." I said, wiggling my hips as he kept licking.

He stopped and looked at it. "You're getting a little stiffy, too. Aren't you, Lisa?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean this part right here." He took my button between his thumb and finger and moved it back and forth. "I think it's getting stiff and swollen, too."

"Yes, probably. Sometimes it does. Like sometimes it looks kind of like a little, pink raisin and other times, like if I rub it, it does swell up and gets stiffer - like almost like the end of my baby finger. I look at it with the mirror sometimes."

"Well, it's stiff and swollen now, just like my thing." Then he started licking me again.

"Oh. Well, it kind of tickles, what you're doing. Oh."

"I want to do it a little bit longer, then you won't mind licking my thing for a little bit. OK? You taste so good. Can I lick you for a little while and then you lick my thing?"

I thought for a minute. He kept licking, and I forgot what he had just said.

"Can I lick you some more and then you can lick me?" He asked.


Then he put a finger along the side of my cunny and started rubbing around, sometimes licking me, while rubbing with his finger and then he pushed his finger in me. It slid right in. All the way. It felt so big.

"Oh!" I said and wiggled my hips. He kept licking and pushing his finger in all the way and pulling it out. "Oh. Unn. Oh."

Then he stopped and stood up. "Just lick it for a minute and then put the tip of it in your mouth. If anything starts to come out, just swallow as fast as you can so none of it will get on your jumper.

I scooted to the front edge of the chair and kissed the side of the tip of it. "It's so big, I don't think I can get the whole tip of it in my mouth."

"Just try. Lick all around on the front half and get it all wet. Put as much in your mouth as you can. I'm ready." He sounded in a hurry.

I licked the tip of it and part way down each side, licking fast and getting it real wet. Then I tried to get the tip of it in my mouth. It tasted kind of funny. It was half way in my mouth when this warm, salty stuff started squirting into my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could, keeping most of the tip of it in my mouth. At first it squirted in real hard but then it just dribbled out, so I had to suck on it. Only a little bit spilled out of my mouth. Thank goodness it didn't get on my uniform.

The man wiped it off my chest with a little wash cloth and started getting dressed. I put my blouse back on. When Father came back in the room with us he said I could go, and to never tell anybody, "Not for a hundred years." He said that we were both forgiven and that I might have to come back again sometime to help someone with his confession.

"Should I bring more panties with me?" I asked.

The man said, "I'll bring some things you can wear. Don't carry extra clothes around with you. Or if you have to help someone else, then that person will bring you something to try on. All kinds of things. Lisa, these naughty things are what men start to think about when they see a young girl's panties. So be careful."

"Go in peace." Father said, and I left.

On the way home I thought the man in the park would be surprised to see how I can make my titties bounce around. I wondered if all men taste the same. I wondered if I would ever see the man from the park again, or if I would have to help any other men with their confessions. "I hope so." I said out loud as I turned to go into the trailer park.

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