Lisa's Confession... And Penance, Part 1

[ M/g, panty, photo, ped, exhib, mast ]

by Corn53

Published: 13-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Dear Diary,

Here's what happened in confession today: "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned...." I had to tell the priest about the things I had done during the previous week. I had to tell him everything in order to get God's forgiveness. It was embarrassing, and taught me a lesson. My problem is ... well, that I still commit that sin - the sin of letting men see my panties on purpose. Maybe the penance he gave me didn't work. It makes my panties wet and gets my cunny all tingly when I do it. But I'm not supposed to talk to anybody about it so that's why I'm writing this in my diary. I can't stop thinking about it even when I say a prayer.

I told the priest about my sin ... the sin of teasing boys and men at the mall and at the park and other places. I told him that I had let some men and boys see my panties on purpose, but I pretended I didn't know they were looking; only I could tell they looked. I was sure of it. It was funny at first, because they would walk and sit on a different bench or at a different table at the mall to get a better look. It usually happened while I was wearing my school uniform.

Diary, I need to tell you this, too, that I shortened my jumper by moving the straps and using safety pins so my skirt part was held up higher. I didn't wear it to school that way, because our skirt had to come down to our knees while we were kneeling down. That's how the nun's would check us. We had to kneel down on the prayer stool at the side of the classroom like we were going to say prayers, and they would make sure that our skirts at least covered half of our knees.

Anyway, in confession today, Father said for penance that I had to go to the park or to the eating area in the mall - the places where I said I had committed the sins - and let some men, age 30 and up - see my panties, and say three Hail Marys while they looked. But I had to pretend not to know they were looking. That was the hard part because I wanted to make sure the man was looking at my panties - like near the monkey bars at the park, or in the eating area in the mall, like I would find a man and then somehow try to do something and pretend I didn't know my dress was up and let him look, while I said three Hail Marys with my knees apart most of the time.

It was easier in the park. There I could just play on the monkey bars and let the man look while he walked by. I could tell that the man slowed down so he could look longer, but still, I pretended not to notice.

When I went to the mall I had to find a table across from a man sitting by himself, like he was waiting while his wife was shopping or something, and then I would pretend to do my homework and open my legs so he could see my panties. I would move my knees open and closed like I was nervous, and I really was nervous, I guess, because my panties would get so wet. I got like tingly feelings in my cunny when I opened my knees to let a man look at my panties, and I knew he was looking. As he would keep looking the tingles got bigger inside me, making me squirm around on my seat.

Dear Diary,

I went back to confession again today. Father asked me questions and I had to answer honestly so I could get forgiveness. "So, you teased several men during the last two weeks?" He asked, through the confessional curtain.

"Yes, Father. I think five men, but maybe it was a couple more, but kind of by accident."

"And when you did it on purpose, did you let the man continue to look at your panties while you said your Hail Marys?"

"Yes, Father."

"Tell me about the first one, My Child."

I hesitated.

"You must tell everything if you want forgiveness. Tell me what you did and what you were thinking."

"Yes, Father. Well I shortened the straps on my jumper before going to the mall that day, so like it my skirt part up higher. Then I saw a man sitting at a table with nobody around in that area. He was drinking coffee and looking at the Sears ad. I sat at the next table on the corner seat so like he could see my legs easier, and then I got out one of my school books and looked at my watch like I was in a hurry or something, like impatient like Mom gets with me when she's waiting. Then I crossed and uncrossed my knees a few times without looking directly at him, but sort of over the top of my history book and could tell which way his head was facing. He was looking at my legs so I opened my knees for a few seconds. I was wearing pink, nylon panties with a little yellow bow design."

"I thought you were supposed to wear white or navy blue panties with your uniform."

"Yes, Father, but I changed panties in the bathroom at the mall because I wanted to wear silky looking, I mean sexier panties if I had to tease somebody. I practiced with a chair in front of the big mirror in the bathroom to see which panties to wear. The pink ones are cut thinner in the front so like, ummm" I stopped, embarrassed, but he told me to continue. "Well, because they are more narrow in front, then like when I open and close my legs you can sort of see the edges of ... of ..."

"Tell me what you call it. Use your words, My Child."

"You can see the edges of my cunny, but you can't actually see it, just the edges of it. With my white, school panties you can't see any of it, just my legs and then the panties between them."

"Go on."

"That's all. I let him look a few minutes. I changed positions and would open and close my knees, or put one foot up on the chair next to me as I fidgeted with my history book."

"Are you sure he was looking at you?"

"Yes, Father. I looked over towards the coffee place, like if I was deciding whether to go get a cookie, and he was looking at me. I also got more tingles, so I could tell he was looking."

"What do you mean 'get more tingles?' Is that a feeling you get?"

"Yes, Father. A tingly feeling in my tummy."

"In your tummy? Or is it lower?"

"Well, yes, Father. It's lower, you know, like in my..."

"Go ahead."

"Tingles in my cunny."

"And by getting that tingly feeling you knew a man was looking at you?"

"Yes. That's it. When I let a man look at me there I can tell if he looks because it starts to tingle, and ..."

"And what?"

"And it tingles in my cunny and it gets wetter, like sometimes if I let the man look for a little bit I can feel my panties start to get damp."

"And did they get damp in the mall when you let him look?"

"Yes, Father. Very much."

"OK. Continue my child."

"Well, that's all for that man. When I was done with the three Hail Marys I let him look a little bit longer and then I closed my legs and crossed my ankles so he couldn't see my panties anymore and read another page of history. Only I don't remember what I read, Father. The man kept sitting there, looking at his ad and drinking his coffee. So a little while later I put my books back in my book bag. Since he was still waiting, I let him look a little bit more, like when I picked up my book bag off the floor, and then I stood up and left."

"And did that excite you to let him look again?"

"I let him look because he was waiting, but it did give me more tingles to do it again, since I knew he wanted to look so bad."

"And where exactly did you get these tingles you told me about. Tell me everything."

"When he was looking it made my ... well... my cunny feel shaky inside, like nervous and wet kind of."

"When if feels that way do you want to touch yourself there? Rub yourself?"

"Yes, Father, but I didn't do that. Not with that man watching, looking between my legs. I didn't dare do it. Like since the panties were narrow in front and you know, like he could see the sides of it."

"What did you do next?"

"I went to the bathroom. I wiped myself off, even though I didn't have to umm... pee... but I wiped myself off for a little while."

"And was it wet? Did you keep touching yourself there?"

"Yes it was slippery wet, different than like if I pee, so I wiped it off. It takes a little while because, well, like it's wet all over so I kept wiping it off. I mean like after letting that man look so long it was wet and slippery. Like thicker wet, not watery wet like pee is. And I don't know if this was naughty, but I took off the pink panties because like they were wet, too, and wiped myself off with them."

"What did you do with them?"

"I put them in my sandwich bag, from my lunch bag, and then put my white ones back on and went home."

"Tell me about the next incident."

"Oh, well that was in the park. Gee. It got really embarrassing. I was playing on the monkey bars and a man who was taking a walk in a jogging suit stopped pretty close to get a drink from the drinking fountain. I was just climbing around and he was about ten feet away I guess, and he was watching me, and I knew he was looking at my panties as I climbed around, so I hung upside-down for a minute. But my skirt and blouse fell down over my head and my blouse almost slid up over my... umm..."

"Tell me, My Child. Use your words, just tell me."

"Well, my jumper slid down me and my blouse and almost to my, umm, my titties." I said, feeling myself blush. "But I don't think he could see my titties, Father, because my blouse and jumper were bunched up around my chest. I started to say the Hail Marys like you said, while I knew he was looking, but I got so nervous with him looking that close and since my blouse and jumper was hanging down. I know he was staring at my panties and my bare tummy. Usually I just hang upside-down for a minute and then flip down to the ground and land on my feet, or reach up and grab the bar I'm hanging from, but the man came over and asked if I was stuck. I didn't know what to do, or he would think I was doing it on purpose, so I said, "could you help me get down, my dress is in the way and I can't see!' so I pretended like I was stuck since he was right there."

"Which panties were you wearing?"

"Let's see... in the park I had on the pink ones, but a different pair, not the ones I had on in the mall. These were hip hugger panties and kind of silky, but not so narrow in the front. There was lace, like sort of see-through on each side, but not right down the front, just like on the sides." Then I remembered something else, "And lace in the back too. Just like a band on each hip that connected the lacy back to the lacy front, but it wasn't lacy like right in the center down near my cunny, just on the top half."

"Did the man help you down?"

"Yes, Father. Nobody else was around and he stood almost right up against me. He put his hand on my tummy and said, 'You have such a flat, pretty stomach! You're so slim and cute.' So I said, 'Thank you. Could you help me get down? I can't see.' Then he ran his hand down my tummy to my bunched up blouse and jumper. He told me to put my hands down towards the ground because I could almost reach the ground. But when I did my jumper and blouse slipped a little closer to my neck and I knew he could see my bare titties. It was so embarrassing, but at least when my arms are up over my head or if I'm lying flat then it looks like I'm as flat as a boy, just the little bumps in the middle."

I heard Father move his chair closer to me, and he said through the little curtain, "Go on, My Child. He was trying to help you. Did you get your tingly feelings? What did you do?"

"I told the man that he should maybe hold my hips, and I asked him to make sure nobody was around because I was so embarrassed. I was really tingling because I knew he was looking, and he was standing so close. And he said that nobody was around so I shouldn't worry and he would get me down in just a minute. And he was still rubbing my tummy from my panties down to my chest and kept saying what a tight, flat tummy I had and that he loved the tan lines and that my swimming suit bottoms must be bigger than the panties I was wearing and that he could see the tan lines on top, too. He walked around me with his hands touching around my tummy and then my back, just like next to my panties and then up to my shoulders, and all the way around to the front again. He told me there was still nobody around and that I was so cute and that I would make such a good model. He said he would love to have me for a model and that he liked to take pictures of such cute, young, sexy girls."

"Did that scare you - the way he touched you and talked to you?"

"Yes, Father. I was worried about what he might do, and I was all mushy and tingly inside with him touching me and looking at my sexy panties so close."

"But you wanted him to look at you, didn't you?"

"Yes, Father."

"And did you wear your sexy panties on purpose? To tease him?"

"Yes, Father. But I sort of did it for my penance assignment, like you said."

"But I didn't tell you to wear such sexy panties, did I?"


"So you wore sexy panties to tease him, and you knew he was going to look, didn't you?"

"Yes, Father."

"You are being very honest with me, so you will get forgiveness. Always be honest when you tell me your sins. Then what happened with this man, My Child?"

"He held me tight and let me down so my hands touched the ground. And then I stood up, feeling real embarrassed, because like I think he knew I was doing it on purpose. But then he didn't say anything to me about it, he just said I was a very pretty, sexy, young girl and he asked me if my mother knew I was wearing such sexy panties in the park with my uniform on."

"What did you say to him?"

"I said that I should get going, and head on home, but he asked me again if my mother knew about the panties ... and then I kind of lied to him and said that she bought them for me. But he laughed a little bit and said, 'Maybe I should check with Marilyn and ask her for myself if she knows you wore these to the park.' And I got nervous and looked at him. He was kind of familiar looking but I didn't know his name, so I asked him if he knew my mother and he said he did. So then I told him the truth. I said, 'Please don't tell her. I bought these myself and wash them myself, but she would be really mad if she knew I wore these to the park.' Then the man asked me if I had worn them to school, and I told him the truth, and said that I had my school panties in my book bag and would change them back before I went home, and I asked him to please not tell her, and he said I should change back and give him these sexy, pink ones and then he would never tell her if I gave them to him."

"Then what did you do?"

"I went over to my book bag and got out the white, cotton school panties. He wanted to see them so I showed them to him. He told me to turn around and face the other way and count to ten and see if anybody was coming. So I handed him my white panties and turned around and counted to ten and when I turned back he said to take off the pink ones and he would give me the white ones. We walked over past the drinking fountain, near the three big trees and I pulled them down and stepped out of them, looking around, but nobody was near us, and then I gave him the pink ones and he took them. I held out my hand for the white ones and he said he wanted to keep both pairs but he would give me the white ones back in a second. Then he said he would bring me some really sexy ones to try on for him, if I wanted to be his model. He said he would bring some in his pocket when he walked around in the park and he would give me the panties and tell me where to meet him so he could take my picture after I tried them on. I asked him if like, if models get paid if he would pay me to model them for him and if I would get to keep them. He said he would pay me twenty dollars just to model them for him for a few minutes and take some pictures. Then he said if he had several pairs he would give me twenty dollars to model each pair, but he would keep the panties after I modeled them so I wouldn't get in trouble at home. Then he gave me my white ones back and then I put them on and went home. I felt all shaky inside, and he called out to me that he wouldn't tell and that he hoped to see me in the park again. Later I felt kind of scared and decided not to go back to the park for a while. But I'm glad he was nice."

"It's time for you to go now, My Child. You have been very honest with me. Did you feel excited inside again after your adventure in the park?"

"Yes, Father, if you mean was I all tingly inside and nervous. And like my panties felt real wet when I got home and I kept thinking about it and wondering what kinds of pretty panties he would give me to model for him."

"Don't go to the park this week. Come back to confession again next Saturday. You don't realize how what you are doing is creating a 'near occasion of sin' for the men you tease. Perhaps we should talk, but I don't want to keep you too long. Think of a time you could come to the sacristy after school when nobody would notice you missing for about an hour. I will explain how what you have been doing causes men to commit sins when they just think about you after you tease them."

"Wednesdays. I could come after school on any Wednesday because that's when Mom works late and she wouldn't know I didn't go straight home. I have a key to the house."

"Good, My Child. Then come this Wednesday and I will talk with you. Then you will understand. Say five Our Fathers and five Hail Marys and go in peace." Then Father said his words in Latin and slid the little door closed behind his curtain. I went out into the church and said my prayers and then went home.

Dear Diary,

Today is Monday. Right after school, I told my girlfriends I had to go home headed for home, but then went to the park instead. I walked around near the swing sets and looked over across the soccer area at the monkey bars, but didn't see anybody, so I went over. I was getting a drink when the man in the jogging suit, but it was different a different color this time, came down the path. I got another drink and looked around. There was a lady with two little kids over at the swing set so I knew I could yell if I had to. Then I stood up and looked at the man as he approached me. He was about forty I guess, but maybe he was thirty five or fifty, I'm not sure, and he was the same height as Mom's boyfriend.

He came over to me and said he had some panties in his pocket and asked me if I wanted to model them for him. I asked him where and he said back at his house which wasn't too far from the park, but I told him I was too scared to do that. Then he asked me why I came to the park again so soon, and I told him I didn't know why. So he asked me if I was wearing white panties today, and I said, "Yes. Just the white, school panties." He didn't say anything and we stood there looking around.

"Have you been wearing them all day?"


"Would you like to see the panties I brought for you to model? I only brought two pair with me, but have lots of other ones at home. I could pay you to model five pair, and you could pick out which ones."

I told him I was too scared to go to his house, and that people might see me go in anyway.

"Well, would you like to see them?" He asked again.

I looked around, and then said, "Yes."

He pulled a pair of panties out of his right pants pocket. They were so pretty - kind of like purple and gray and yellow, but real sheer. Hip huggers with a full back and front, but no cotton liner in the center. I could see my hand through the material as I looked at them. "These are so pretty." I said, almost whispering. I felt so nervous just looking at them.

"Maybe we could trade. You give me your cotton panties and I'll give you these. Then wear these under your cotton panties at school tomorrow and bring them back here and I'll give you a different pair tomorrow. Then one of these days you might want to model them for me."

"Oh." I didn't know what to say. I kept looking around and then back at the panties in my hand.

"Want to trade?" He asked me again.

I don't know what made me say this, but I said, "Yes."

So I took the panties over to the trees where I had changed a few days earlier, and took off my white, cotton panties and put on the silk, hip huggers. They fit fine, just a little loose. Then I came out to the drinking fountain and handed him my white, cotton panties all wadded up in a ball. I was glad he didn't open them out to look at them, because they were pretty wet underneath, but he just put them in his pocket and said, "Till tomorrow, then." And he walked over near the monkey bars. "At least show me how they fit. Maybe put one foot up on the lowest bar?"

He was several feet away, sitting on the bench, so I felt safe, especially with the woman and her kids just a hundred yards away, so I showed him the panties, kind of lifting the hem of my jumper when I put one foot on the bottom part of the big monkey bars cage.

"They look nice on you. Maybe a little too big? Stand near me and let me feel them. Just for a second."

"No," I said, still whispering. "I can't let you feel them."

"But I felt you the other day, when I helped you get down off the monkey bars. I didn't hurt you then did I?"

I didn't say anything. Then he said, "Maybe just in the back. I want to get the right size for you. Just let me feel the back of your panties. Then tomorrow you can trade again, and I'll give you ten dollars for just trying them on for me even though I won't take pictures, and then you could trade me the next pair tomorrow."

"Just in the back." I said, as I walked over to him, trying to feel in charge and thinking about getting pretty panties and ten dollars, too.

I stood so I was between him and the lady way over on the swing set so that she couldn't see what he was doing if she did look over this way. But she was busy with her kids and wasn't looking. He felt the panties on my bottom and slid them around. "Yes, a little too loose. Will you wear these tonight while you sleep, and all day at school tomorrow under your white cotton panties?"

"Yes." I said in a whisper, even though nobody was around.

"Put your feet apart. Just a little bit. I won't reach all the way in front; I just need to feel how loose they are."

"OK, but don't feel in the front. That would be naughty." Then I put my feet apart a little bit and let him keep feeling. He felt underneath, but didn't reach all the way in front. Mostly he just felt in back, sliding the panties around on my bottom, but sometimes he felt part way between my legs. He liked to rub a thumb and baby finger along my legs right underneath on either side - up and back, feeling how loose the panties were against my legs. It kind of tickled. "That tickles." I said.

"Maybe put your feet farther apart. I promise not to touch you in front, and not on your crack."

I put my feet just a little bit farther apart.

"Tonight when you're in bed, I want you to imagine modeling these for me. OK?"


"Imagine some positions to site and stand. Maybe on your hands and knees or even shoulders and knees, and different positions to surprise me. Show me how limber you are. Positions to show off the panties. Positions to show how far apart you can spread your legs and stretch the panties. Can you do the splits?"

"Yes. I'm pretty limber."

"I'm sure you are." He said. "Limber and sexy." He kept rubbing on the insides of my thighs and around on my bottom. It was so exciting. He rubbed the edges of the panties from back to underneath to around the front part of my leg, but he didn't touch me right in the middle, so I let him keep feeling the panties. Tingles were shooting all around in me and I could feel myself starting to get wet. That would be embarrassing. So I walked away and went home. The air felt cool, and the panties felt so sexy.

So, Diary, I'm going to bed in a minute and I'll think about modeling these for him. Maybe I should get in some different positions in my T-shirt and these panties, like to practice modeling, before I go to sleep.

Dear Diary,

It was hard to think about school work today. I kept thinking about having to go to the back of the church after school tomorrow and then about whether I should go back to the park today. But I kept wearing the panties he gave me, except when I took my shower this morning, but I put them back on even though they felt a little bit gooey since there was no cotton liner between the legs, but I put my cotton panties on over them and went to school.

My stomach was churning because I was so nervous. I went home from school first. But then I couldn't stand it anymore and walked over to the park. When I got to the drinking fountain the man was sitting on the bench. I got a drink and sat on the other side of the bench. We didn't say anything but looked around, not even looking at each other. Nobody was around. He pulled a pair of red, silky panties out of his pocket. He had a twenty dollar bill in the panties. I slid over closer to him on the bench and took the money and the panties. I laid out the panties on my lap, and put the twenty in my jumper pocket. They were like a red net in the front with a little bit of lace. Hip hugger thongs, with just a thong in the back and a little silky patch in front, like barely enough to cover my cunny, with another little red triangle in the back where the thong joined the waistband. They were so pretty and so sexy.

Still neither of us said anything. Then I got up and went back to the trees and took off my two pairs of panties and put on the little red pair. My whole bottom was bare with just a silky thong between my buns. I felt tingles zooming around in my tummy as I went back and sat down beside him and handed him the two pairs of panties in a little ball. He put them in his pocket.

We still didn't talk. Then I stood in front of him with my back to him and with my feet apart. He felt my bare bottom and then ran a finger inside the thong all the way to where the thong joined the front part. He slid his finger up and down the thong while I stood there. With both hands he pushed outwards on my thighs and said, "Wider." So I put my feet farther apart. He kept feeling and then reached all the way between my legs and felt in front. Then he started feeling along the center and rubbing them softly against me, right in the middle. Tingles were all over my cunny and in my tummy. I put my hips back towards him and put my right foot a few inches over to the right. He kept feeling the panties all over, in back, and in front and between my legs - kind of sliding them around, pushing them into me.

"Who would see the pictures?" I asked and my voice cracked like I was real thirsty.

"Just me." He said, still feeling me, pressing three fingers on the panties, moving them around in the front of my cunny.

"What about at the camera store?" I asked. My voice cracked again.

"I have a digital camera. Nobody besides me will see the pictures."

I saw two ladies with about five little kids coming into the park on the far side of the swings. He stood up and said, "Come with me."

I was nervous and stood still. He smiled, "I won't hurt you, Lisa. Come with me."

As we walked towards his house I asked him how he knew my name, but he didn't answer me exactly except to say that he has known me a long time, but not directly. "I know you're twelve years old and very sexy. You like to swim and ride your bike."

I asked him again if anybody else would see the pictures, and he said the pictures were just for his private collection, and he asked me if I had practiced some different poses.

"Yes," I said, "I can to some real stretching poses, like doing exercises." And he said that would be great.

His house was just a block from the park, but on the other side from my house. He was on the "rich side" as we called it. Then we went inside. He asked me if I wanted something to drink so I had a pop. He set up a big camera on a steel thing and aimed it at the couch. Then he got out a little silver colored camera and told me that I should just move around and show my panties to the camera on the tripod, as he called the metal thing, and that sometimes he would tell me to hold still. He said to start, before I lifted up my dress, that I should look in the camera and say my name and age.

At first I acted silly for the camera after I said, "I'm Lisa and I'm twelve years old. I just started the seventh grade at school." Then I giggle and opened and closed my legs real fast. Then I stood and held up the front of my jumper. "Today I'm going to model some different panties." Then I turned around and lifted the back. I wiggled my bottom and giggled. "I can touch the floor with my legs straight," and demonstrated. Then, with my feet wide apart and my school jumper flipped up in back, I bent way down and put my elbows on the ground. The man told me to hold still while he went over to the video camera to adjust it.

Then I got in some stretching poses, like the splits and putting my feet real far apart and leaning forwards. Sometimes I had to hold still while he adjusted the big camera again. And sometimes I had to rub my panties like I really liked them, just rub my hands around on the panties and pull them down a little bit, or up real high like a wedgie - except the thongs felt like a wedgie all the time anyway. It was so exciting.

Then he took me over to the table in the dining room section, even though it was all one big room. On the table were five pairs of sexy panties, each one with two ten dollar bills in it, and three different bras, but one of them was just a sleeveless, pink T-shirt that had been cut off. Each of the three bras had two five dollar bills with it. There was a pair of lacy, ankle socks next to the panties and bras. He said, "You get the money for each pair of panties and or bras you model for me. Wear your uniform at first, but so I can really see you model the underwear you can't wear anything else for the last few pictures except the socks and the bra and panties. Then you get all the money, but if you want to keep your uniform on while you model, it's OK, but then you only get half the money. OK?"

"Oh." I said, but kept looking at the pretty panties and the two silky bras and the sleeveless T-shirt. I was feeling the silky material. "These are so sexy. I'm not sure what to do, but I can at least model with my uniform on, and then I don't know."

"That's fine." He said. You can at least get fifteen dollars for modeling each set with your school clothes on, but you'll have to unbutton your blouse so I can get a picture of the top. Are you wearing a bra now?"

"No. I didn't wear one today." I was feeling the bright green panties with the lacey front. It was cut real loose in front, and there was a sheer, green matching bra. I could kid of see through it.

"Go try that outfit on first, Lisa, but let me feel the red ones once more."

I hesitated.

He said, "I already felt them in the park. I won't put my fingers inside your panties."

"Well, OK. But just for a minute."

He put me on my hands and knees on the couch with my knees apart and moved the big camera over to the end of the couch and then pushed my shoulders down onto the couch so my bottom was sticking up in the air. Then he started feeling my panties and stretching them around. He put his hands on my fanny and pulled my cheeks apart and then moved one side up and the other side down. He felt me right between my legs in front and moved the panties around inside my cunny, which felt really wet. I wondered if he could tell, but he didn't say anything. Then he kissed my right fanny cheek and stood up.

"That's embarrassing with the camera right there." I said and I stood up. The camera was just a few feet away.

He said, "I'll move it back when I feel your next pair of panties."

"OK." I said, and walked over to the bedroom to change, where he pointed.

I came out a few minutes later wearing the new panties and bra under my school uniform. I left the other panties and my shoes and socks in the bedroom and just wore the new white, lacy, ankle socks on my feet.

He asked me where the panties were that I had just modeled. "In the bedroom." I said.

"I'll go get them, and then I have to go in the kitchen for a minute. Just go ahead and talk to the camera while you model. Undress as far as you want. I'll be back out in a few minutes." He went to the bedroom, got my panties, and went to the kitchen.

I started talking to the camera and modeling. I said how much I liked stretching exercise and that these were such pretty panties and with the loose fitting front, almost more like a short slip, that I could really open my legs. I got in different positions to show the camera. I unbuttoned my blouse and showed the sheer bra to the camera, and then I felt my panties and bra with my hands because he had asked me to do that earlier. He still didn't come out of the kitchen, so I pulled the jumper straps off my shoulders and let them fall. I kept turning and modeling with my blouse open, and let my jumper fall off so I would get all the money. Then I took off my blouse and turned for the camera. I was turning when he came back out.

He smiled real big. "Excellent, Lisa." He said. Then he let me pose and he took more pictures with his little camera as I turned, stretched, got in funny positions, pulled the panties part way down and then up high, and felt myself. I could tell he liked watching me do that. I was sitting on the front edge of the couch and laid back and put my knees apart and felt the bra and the panties. The panties were loose at the bottom because of the lacy front by the tops of my thighs so I accidentally pulled them too far to the side so he could see me. He said, "Such an excellent model, Lisa. Maybe a nice bonus today, besides the money for each outfit. Hold the front of the panties a little higher. That's it." And he took a picture. "Excellent. Hold them higher and see if you can show me how far apart you can put your knees. Good girl!" I was holding them to one side and lifting up, putting my knees even farther apart. Tingles were shooting all through me, even from my titties to my cunny. The air felt so cool on my cunny, that I knew it must be pretty wet, but he didn't say anything. That was good. He took another picture.

He stood up and said, "Well done. I won't move the big camera over here so it won't make you uncomfortable. On your hands and knees now and I'll feel how well these fit. They look a little big."

I got on my hands and knees again and he started feeling me. He slipped his right hand inside my panties up the leg hole and began rubbing my fanny, and his left hand began feeling the bra.

"Oohh!" I said in an inhale.

"I won't put my finger inside you, Lisa. I'm just feeling your underwear."

It was like he could read my mind, because I didn't want him to put his finger in me. He was feeling and pulling on my titties. "These seem so much bigger when they are hanging downwards." He pulled them this way and that through the silky, loose-fitting bra. He pinched my nipple and pulled it down, and the silky material made his fingers slip off.

"Oh!" I said, again, and giggled. "That tickles."

He kept feeling my titties and moved his right hand around on my tummy and went up and down. He was kneeling against the front of the couch and he shuffled on his knees down towards my feet. He put his right hand inside my panties again, in through the big leg hole. Then his hands both went inside my panties on my bottom, which pushed the panties over to the side so I knew he could see my whole, bare bottom. With a hand on each cheek he pulled my bottom open and said, "Oh my. These panties are awfully big, but I'll give you a nice bonus today, Lisa, for being so cooperative. And don't worry; I won't put my finger inside you. I'll just rub your bottom for a minute and in front on the outside, OK?"

I didn't say anything. I felt so confused and was tingling all over.

He said, "If it's OK for me to rub the outside of your front, you know, so you'll get the nice bonus, then you don't have to say anything, just move your knees farther apart while I check the fit of these panties."

I moved my knees farther apart and he started feeling my bare cunny, but just around the edges. He moved my skin to the side and even pulled it open with one hand on either side. He was kneeling right beside my hips and his face was only a few inches from me as he pulled me open and looked. I was so shaky inside that I worried that I might faint.

Then he rubbed my bump. I said, "Oh!" and laid down on my tummy, closing my legs. "You said not inside."

He said, "I said I wouldn't push my finger inside you. I was just rubbing between your legs a little bit. It won't hurt. I won't push my finger inside you, Lisa. Besides, I already rubbed you there through your panties, didn't I?"

"Yes." I was looking down into the couch, not sure what to do.

"It doesn't hurt when I touch you there, does it?"


"Then get back up in position, just for another minute while I rub you. Then you can go change into the next outfit."

I still wasn't sure what to do, so I just stayed still. His left hand was still inside my panties, resting on my fanny. He said, "I can either rub you another minute, and you'll get a nice bonus, or you can go change into the next outfit right now. Either way is fine with me, Lisa. I don't want to scare you. I just like to touch you." I was still thinking. He said, "Well, do you want to go change right now, or can I rub you for a minute and then you'll go try on the next outfit."

I got back up in position. "Just for a minute." I said, putting my knees apart and then lowering down onto my elbows again.

He kissed my bottom again. "You're so cute, Lisa." With both hands he pulled my bottom open again, scooting the panties way over to the side. Then he rubbed me between the legs with his right hand, just going up and down and around and around my bump.

"Just for a minute." I said again, and moved my knees farther apart. He kept on rubbing my bump going around and around it and then squeezing it, but not too hard. He moved it back and forth and I could tell it was all stiff.

While he was rubbing it, he put his left hand back on my bra and scooted it up and off my titties. "I thought this was too big on you, Lisa. Let me rub just another minute." He was rubbing my bare titties and tickling them and pinching them kind of while he pulled down on the nipple and let his fingers snap off. It sent shivers through me.

"Oh." I said.

He kept rubbing. "Just another minute." He said.

"Ju... ju... just another minute. Oh."

He opened my cunny with the fingers of his right hand and pushed it open and up and then started rubbing his thumb over my bump, from right over my hole and then up and over it. I said, "Oh!" Then he did it again, and I started feeling squishy inside. I didn't want to stop, but I laid back down on my tummy.

He stood up and went over to the camera. He moved it to in front of the couch and then closed the curtains behind me, even though nobody was outside in the street. And he turned on all the lights, even though it was still light in the room because it was still early afternoon.

"I'm going into the bedroom now, Lisa, and I'll close the door. You pick out the next pair of panties to wear and then after you put them on, put your school uniform back on, too. But while you're changing clothes, talk to the camera and tell me how it feels to change clothes in front of the camera. Tell the camera if any way that I touched you felt really good, and get in some funny positions for the camera." He paused a minute. "Pick out your next pair of panties and a bra or the T-shirt and show the camera what you are going to put on after you take off this bra and panties. Then undress and touch yourself and get in the funny positions. Do you ever put your finger inside yourself?"

I didn't know what to say. Then I nodded and said, "Yes, but I don't know if I want to do this in front of your camera. That would be too embarrassing."

"I will be in the other room, and I won't watch it until tomorrow."

"And you won't show this to anybody else?" I asked, because I wanted to be sure.

"No, I won't show this to anybody else. It's just for me. And if you do some funny, really sexy things, then I'll give you another bonus the next time I see you, but I can't tell you how much, because it depends on whether you pull yourself open for the camera - front and back, and what positions you get in, and if you put your finger inside yourself. And then when you are all dressed again, come and knock on the bedroom door and I'll come back out."

I didn't say anything, so he said, "stay in front of the camera and you can sit or stand in front of the couch if you want. Just show everything to the camera." He pointed into the lens.

"Umm." I said, not sure if I could do this or not.

"I already saw you, didn't I, Lisa?" Before I could answer, he said, "I saw your bare bottom and pulled your fanny open. I could see your bare pussy, too, and noticed that you are just starting to get a little fuzz in front. It's so pretty. Be sure to show the camera. Nobody else will see the video, Lisa. I could get in big trouble if anybody else saw it. This is our secret. So talk to the camera. Tell it that you wanted me to see your panties the other day, and that you like modeling panties. Touch yourself. I want to see your tan lines without anything on. Turn for the camera and talk to it. I'll stay in the bedroom. Tell the camera what felt good and what gets you all excited inside. Show me where it felt good and touch yourself there. Take your time. There is no rush. Don't get dressed again right away. You're so pretty. Talk loud enough for the camera to hear you, but you don't need to talk too loud. Just pretend it's a person. Don't be in a rush." Then he turned and went into the bedroom and closed the door.

I still wasn't sure what to do so I looked at the camera, "I'm kind of nervous, like with the camera turned on." I could see the little red light on the front that meant it was turned on. Then I thought I could at least do a little bit of what he said. I tried to smile at the camera. "I'm all shaky inside. It's like I got lightening all over in my tummy and my thingy and from my..." I pulled on my titties through the bra and rubbed them. "From here, all the way down to here... just like lightening sparking inside of me. Like especially when he touched me. Gee. It still feels sparkly there. Now I'll go pick out the next panties."

I went back over to the table and grabbed the white pair. They were so sheer and brief - just thongs and a little patch that would be right in front of my pussy, as he called it. And the white bra was sheer, too. "OK, Mr. Camera. Don't tell anybody. Look, aren't these pretty? Except you can kind of see through them." I looked at the camera and held them up. "These are so sexy looking. Well, I never took off my panties in front of a camera before. I feel all nervous and jittery inside. I'll take off the bra first." So I took of the bra and turned around. Then I pulled on my nipples. "This is what he did, Mr. Camera, and it felt so funny. He pulled on them like this." I stretched them out and let my fingers snap off the ends. "Only it felt better when he did it. Lots better. Gave me twitches all the way down in my panties."

I pulled my panties half way down and turned around for the camera, then I sat down and pulled them off and held them out to show the camera. "These are really pretty panties, so silky. The front is like baggy and feels like I'm just wearing a slip." I stood up, "But now I'm only wearing socks. See?" I held up one of my feet towards the camera. "He said he wanted to see my tan lines. Well here I am." I turned around again for the camera. "And he said he wanted me to get in funny positions, but to take my time. I'm sure glad nobody is here in the room with me, because I would be so embarrassed. My bottom and my titties look so pale. You can see the lines from my swimming suit." I turned and traced the tan line across under my titties and then up my shoulders on each side. "And you can see where the bottoms were, too, because my cunny triangle and my buns are so pale, too." I turned around again.

"And he noticed I'm starting to get some hair on top of my cunny, or he said 'pussy' but I call it my cunny, even though I don't really talk about it with people. I'm glad to be getting some fuzz, even though you can hardly see it." I pulled on my cunny where the hair was, like trying to show it to the camera. "I don't know if you can see it, but it's starting. And my titties are getting a little bit bigger, too." I pulled them out again. "I liked the way he pulled on them. It was lots more tingly when he did it."

I sat on the edge of the couch and leaned back and lifted my knees up by my shoulders with them wide apart. "And he rubbed me here, too, and it was so tingly the way he did it. But he was good about not putting his finger in me. I do it sometimes at night, like when I'm by myself in bed, I'll put my finger in it. Like this." And then I showed how I put my finger in my vagina all the way. It was so wet that my finger slid right in. "He promised not to put his finger in me and I'm glad because that would be a sin, like really naughty. I wonder if it would be bigger tingles if he did it. His fingers are lots bigger than mine." I kept putting my finger in it. "I can't believe I'm doing this, but nobody is in the room with me, and I have to change panties anyway, like so I can model the other panties."

Then I stood on the couch and put my feet real far apart and leaned back - almost doing the sideways splits, keeping my legs straight. I leaned against the back of the couch so my arms were on the back cushions. I lowered myself down so my bottom was against the back of the couch and my legs were straight out with my feet on the front edge of the couch. Then I put my hands on my titties and began moving them around. "This felt so great when he pulled on them like this." I moved my right hand down and started playing with my cunny, feeling it the way he said to. "I'm sure glad nobody can see me right now, because this is so naughty. He touched me here, like to make sure the panties fit OK, and then he rubbed me and it felt so good." I kept rubbing. "I feel so shaky inside with the camera aimed at me and I'm not wearing anything. Well, the socks, but ... Oh... this tickles so much when I rub here." I was moving my hips a little bit, even though they were pressed against the back of the couch and I had to squeeze my hand between the cushion and my cunny to reach in. I felt so wet.

"Oh." I stood up and looked at the couch. There was a big wet area on the beige cushions. It looked like a smear from my cunny juice. I apologized to the camera. "Oh, I'm sorry, but there is a wet spot..." I looked around on the couch. "A few wet spots on the couch from when I wasn't wearing panties. I'm sorry." So I put the other pair of panties on, and then the bra and then my blouse and jumper.

I knocked on the bedroom door and said I was ready, and when he came out I apologized for leaving wet spots on his couch. He said it was OK.

He took lots more pictures and even put in a new blank tape. I tried on all the sets of panties and things and then went home with the money in my pocket. I was wearing another pair of plain white, cotton panties. I hoped I didn't have to explain all this in confession. My tummy was all churning. I felt like crying and like rubbing myself because it was so much to think about. I felt naughty and sexy at the same time, but it was fun modeling and he wants me to come back soon for more modeling. He said he'll give me another bonus when he sees me in the park sometime, if he likes the video.

As I left his house he asked me what time I go to bed, then he said, "I'll watch your tape at ten o'clock tonight, right when you're going to bed, and I want to think about me watching it.

It was so embarrassing. Now I just hope that I can keep all this money secret, and I really, really, really hope that Father doesn't ask me if I showed any other men my panties.

Dear Diary,

Today after school I went to the back of the church. Father let me in and asked me right away if I had let any other men see my panties. I said, "Yes, Father. I was bad. I'm sorry."

Much to my relief, he said, "You are forgiven, My Child. I am so glad that you are honest with me. You don't need to give me any details today. You are forgiven for everything. Today I want you to listen while a man tells me about what he does after he is teased by a young girl. You will hear the man's confession, but you can't see him. He will know you are listening and that you have committed the sin of teasing." And then..."

Diary, I have to go. Mom is calling me. I'll finish this later.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


I truly do think Lisa's Confession must be the most arousing story I have read. It did seem especially written just for me and I read it with a dry mouth and pounding heart and weak thighs. I grew up as a Catholic girl and we were all conditioned to be very aware of the power of panties - especially white panties. That we must NEVER let boys or men see them because, if they did, they would be hugely affected and so might we be as they looked. Other preteens found this a bit of a giggle. But the idea of letting men see my panties and how that might affect them and how it all might make me feel.........I did find that irresistible. Like the 12 year old in the story I couldn't resist letting this happen. Like her I took changes of panties to arouse myself. Like her I confessed all this to priests and i aroused myself in the confessional as relived the detail. But I was at least a year younger and I felt a sick, delicious guilt that doesn't feature in the story. And I didn't pose for cameras. Though i was molested and reacted hugely. I do love these stories because they are about little girls innocence being exploited/corrupted by eyes and cameras.I so understand how wonderful that can be. My only regret is that women - as photographer or complicit mother - are so seldom the protagonist.Instead, it is all about the pleasure of men. Surely, there must be plenty of other ladies who, like me, feel almost sick with excitement about the photographic seduction and exploitation of the innocent ? If you are too shy to post here then email me please !


My goodness, just when I think I heard it all, you come along and top it with your story!, this is as prohibited and illicit and it is tantalizing and hot...good job!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.