Kimmy - Eleven Year Old Model, Part 4

[ MMMFf/g, photo, ana, spank, pedo, exhib ]

by Corn53

Published: 12-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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This chapter is almost a 'stand-alone' chapter, but it might help to read the earlier chapters first, but it's not necessary. Part four is almost complete, too, but I got so busy on this tangent, that was suggested by a member of Mr. Double's site, that I got carried away, and decided to go ahead and post this part. I'll post part four soon.

Skye's Examination

I almost came in my pants as we watched Skye's examination video.

Mitch arrived while Kimmy and Skye were gleefully posing and horsing around. Mitch was a close friend of Todd's. Todd quietly introduced us. He had already explained to us what Mitch was going to do. Mitch looked like a doctor, about fifty, five feet ten, carrying a few extra pounds. His gray hair gave him a distinguished look. He was holding a stethoscope in his right hand, wearing suit trousers with suspenders and a long-sleeved, light blue shirt, paisley tie.

We watched Kimmy and Skye kiss each other and act silly for the cameras. Each of the girls was wearing a short, denim skirt, and an elastic training-bra, and a lacy, three-button blouse. They were wearing high heels and lacy white ankle socks. Kimmy's gold silk panties were hip huggers with ruffled, black lace around her hips and around the legs holes. Skye's were similar but all white and a narrow cut thong in the back.

We watched several minutes before Sheila introduced him to the girls. The girls seemed to like having a new adult to act silly in front of. They undressed down to panties and bras and tried on different pairs of high heels as the assumed various un-ladylike poses for the cameras. Sheila was giving a minimum of posing directions. They stood beside each other in front of the couch and giggled as they pulled their panties down to their knees and turned around, keeping the hems of their short skirts down in front. After standing with the panties stretched between their ankles, they stepped out of the panties and handed them to each other.

Then they trading panties with each other and pulled them up slowly, acting silly all the while - pulling up the sides of their skirts to give the cameras a full side view from their narrow waists on down to the panties stretched between their ankles, then knees. After pulling them all the way up they took off their skirts and turned.

Neither the gold pair nor the white pair of size five, adult, silky panties had a cotton crotch liner. Both pairs were obviously wet before they traded as the girls posed and giggled in front of the cameras.

Skye was enjoying her first audience now - a marked difference from the shy model of just forty minutes earlier. Lastly they showed the new man how good they could ride a horsy on the arms of the couch - with more giggling, bouncing, and sliding around. The fact that both pairs of panties were too big on the girls led to some unexpected exposure, followed by more giggles. Skye was definitely enjoying the audience.

The girls got more serious when Sheila introduced him as "Dr. Mitch" and explained why it was so important for them to pass their physicals. He had a small bag with him, and pulled out a magnifying glass and a tongue depressor. We were all treating Dr. Mitch very respectfully, listening to his every word. I knew that he did have a PhD, but was not a medical doctor.

Sheila explained to the girls that since modeling was strenuous and stressful work, they always had Dr. Mitch examine the girls during one of the first few sessions to make sure the modeling wasn't too stressful, and to ascertain that they would be able to model panties and lingerie for at least another year or so. "We only do this with girls who are especially sexy and pretty, and who seem to enjoy modeling - so by letting him examine you we're saying we want to use you for lots more photo sessions if you're cooperative and healthy." She explained. The girls smiled at the compliment. He bent down and kissed each girl on her cheek as she was introduced to him.

While we talked briefly with Dr. Mitch, Sheila touched up Skye's lipstick and brushed her hair.

Sheila let the girls towards her bedroom. She stopped them about six feet away from us and told the two young models that Dr. Mitch would examine them one at a time and that their mothers would make lots of money if the girls cooperated so Dr. Mitch could approve them for more sessions.

Skye was first to be examined.

Kimmy stayed out to relax with the men for a little while. We took her over to the couch, and gave her another soft drink, since she was still thirsty from her nap earlier.

Even Kimmy was talking quietly as we all tried to pretend not to listen to Skye's exam. Sheila had accidentally left her bedroom door wide open. Dr. Mitch had a loud voice which carried into the living room.

"Don't worry, Skye." Said Dr. Mitch. This examination won't hurt. Some girls think it's a little embarrassing, but it won't hurt. You do want your step mother to earn lots of money from your modeling career, don't you? You will undress and show your panties to the cameras, won't you?"

"Oh, yes, Doctor. I know." She said nervously, as she noted the cameras set up on tripods around Sheila's massage table.

"I'll use this as my examining table, Skye. Undress now." Said Dr. Mitch. Sheila turned on her cd player with soothing music.

I whispered to Kimmy, "We'll all get to watch her videos later. Probably with her permission, and later, if she lets us watch her video, then she will get to watch the video of your examination." She sipped her soft drink in silence as we absently looked through the albums of photos.

A half hour later, after Kimmy went in for her examination, this is what we saw:

Skye was nervous, so Dr. Mitch said, "Leave your panties on for now, but I must examine you. You don't mind the cameras, do you? A good model needs to be relaxed in front of cameras. You got in some very open poses earlier with your panties on, and I'll need to put you in some open poses to examine you. It's OK. I always record these examinations. Here, look into this camera and tell us your name and age while you undress."

She started to take off her high heels first but Sheila suggested that she leave her shoes and socks till last. "You'll be taller as you turn around and talk to the camera. And high heels will make your full, well-rounded bottom, look even sexier." She said. Look right into this camera and pretend it is a stranger looking at you, watching you undress."

"I'm Skye _______," She even used her last name. She took off her blouse. "I guess you already saw my bra, but I'll take it off in a minute." She blushed at the camera, but kept looking at it. She unbuckled the skirt and let it fall to the floor and she stepped out. The buckle made a clink sound when it hit the polished wood floor. She remembered to turn for the camera as she stepped out. Skye lost her balance in the high heels but recovered quickly. Then she pulled the knit, size 32-A, training bra up and over her head, but quickly put her hands over her small - almost the size of miniature cup-cakes - breasts. "And I'm eleven. Well, almost eleven. And I want to be a model." She turned for the camera, wearing only her sheer panties that Kimmy had been wearing earlier.

Sheila said, "Put your hands down, Silly. Dr. Mitch has seen lots of developing, young breasts. That's it. Now turn around again for the cameras. I need to get close-ups from the front and side. Skye's puffy, pink nipples looked relaxed atop her half-tangerine size breasts, but began to stiffen as she showed them to the cameras - the tiny nipples changing shape and standing erect after twenty, self-conscious seconds. It looked like she was straining to keep her hands at her sides.

She seemed relieved to be keeping her panties on. Dr. Mitch listened to her heart and felt her all over, even through her panties that were quite wet underneath, pulling her ass open and closed and feeling around on her pussy through the panties. "Your panties feel very moist, Skye."

"I'm sorry." She said with another bright blush. "It just gets that ways sometimes, but I didn't pee in them. Honest."

He patted her bottom. "I know. It's natural for a young girl to get wet there. No need to apologize." She seemed relieved.

"Yes, breasts are firm and developing nicely," He said, "And her reactions to stimuli seem normal." Dr. Mitch was pinching one nipple and watching as it stiffened and the tiny, bb-size nipple got hard and stood out. Sheila was zooming in on Skye's breasts while he tested the stimulus-response time with additional pinches and pulling. Her pale breast skin was getting flushed. He said, "By the way, Skye, I think your tan is very pretty."

Sheila said, "And it makes your breasts stand out even more because they look so pale against your tan. I think they are perfect, almost-eleven-year old breasts." She gently chided her for trying to overstate her age.

"Skye, I'm going to teach you some exercises that I want you to practice in private at home, perhaps when you take a bath. Will you do that? Only when you take your bath or when you are in bed at night. Just a few minutes each day. No more than that. I'll show you ways to touch your private places that will help you be a better model. Will you do that?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"She is a very obedient model, Sheila. That's very important for a good model, too, isn't it, Sheila?"

"Yes, Doctor. Very important. We already knew she was cute and had a pretty smile, but we didn't know she was so sexy. And so obedient. She will get lots of modeling calls, I'm sure. Her step mother will be very pleased if Skye gets two or even three modeling jobs each month."

"Here is one of the exercises, Skye." He said, interrupting Sheila's gushing comments. Dr. Mitch stood behind her and cupped one of her breasts in each of his hands. "Keep your hands at your side right now, while I demonstrate."

"Yes, Doctor." She said.

Dr. Mitch began massaging her breasts while Sheila pulled the side camera over on its wheeled tripod, so that both cameras were getting pictures from in front. One camera zoomed in on her breasts, and the other camera took in her panties to the top of her head - but not Dr. Mitch's face. He began by pulling them upwards - gently at first, then letting them go and then pulling upwards again. Then he pulled in a circular motion - going down, out, up, and back in. "Now you try it."

She did a gentler imitation of Dr. Mitch's moves.

"Good start." He said, but with a little more vigor. Do you know what I mean?"

"Do it harder?" She asked, while she applied more pressure - demonstrating one technique twice and then doing the other.

"Very good! That's it. And look at the camera while you practice."

Skye smiled. Still blushing, but she smiled as she demonstrated for the cameras. "Like this?"

"Yes. Perfect."

She smiled brightly as she continued demonstrating.

He took her hands and put them at her sides and began demonstrating the nipple pull, and then the nipple roll between thumbs and forefingers.

"Oh." She said, and made a slight scissors movements with her legs.

"Very good, Skye. When you do this it might cause a tingling sensation between your legs. Did you feel something?"

"Yes, Doctor." She blushed.

"Speak up loud and clear for the video, Skye. Tell me if you felt a tingle."

"Yes, Doctor, I felt a tingle when you pinched them."

As she answered, he gave her another pinch on each nipple and pulled outwards, letting go with a little twist.

Again, she said, "Oh." And squirmed, scissoring her knees.

"It's fine to make noises, Skye. When other wealthy photographers see your video they will want to know that you are very responsive. It's important, besides being so cute and sexy and obedient."

He pointed to Sheila. "Zoom one of the cameras in on her panties, Sheila. And, Skye, when I demonstrate a few more times, I want you to show me with your right hand where you feel the tingle inside your ... what do you call it, Skye, the area between your legs?"

"My cunny. Or sometimes my pussy." She blushed. "But I don't say those words out loud. Hardly ever."

"I understand, Skye. Remember to speak loudly and then the bigger the tingle, the harder I want you to show me where it tingles in your cunny. OK?"

"Yes, Doctor." "Keep your hand on the outside of your panties and rub the area that tingles when I pinch you. It's OK to make noises and squirm around, but otherwise try to stand still during the demonstration so the video will show exactly where you get the tingly feelings. Ready?"

"Yes, Doctor." The video showed that she was trying to concentrate.

He gently massaged her breasts, and then suddenly he pinched and pulled her nipples.

"Oh! It tingles here." She grabbed her cunny, reaching between her legs, parting her legs without moving her feet. As Dr. Mitch continued to pull on her nipples, Skye stepped her right foot outwards. "Right here." She said louder. "It tingles right around in here, Doctor."

"That's better, Skye. When the wealthy photographers watch your video and see your special pictures - pictures not at all like the nice, panty pictures on your website, or the nice, fully-dressed pictures we will show your step-mother. She will only see the innocent pictures in dressy clothes, play clothes, school clothes or maybe a swim suit, but we won't show her the panty pictures, and of course, we'll never show her these pictures or even talk about them, will we?"

"No, Doctor." She said, sincerely. "No."

"Anyway," Dr. Mitch continued, "When they see your pictures and these audition and examination videos, they will know that you will speak loudly and make your natural, girl noises loudly, and that you will wiggle when you get tingles. That way, more of them will want pay to have photo sessions. Put your hand down and wait for the next tingle."

He was leading her step by step. He massaged her flushed chest and flat tummy then came back to her breasts. She moved her right foot outwards without being told. When he pinched and pulled, Skye's hand grabbed her cunny. "Ohhh." She said.

"Very good, Skye. Excellent. Look into the camera. I'll whisper some words for you to say the next time I do the pinch and pull exercise." He whispered in her ear as he gently massaged her chest and tummy, even feeling the tops of her panties.

He came back to her breasts, massaged softly for a moment and then pulled hard, pinching her nipples.

"Ohhh!" Skye moaned as she looked directly into the camera. "It tingles right here." As she reached as far between her legs as she could. "It makes my cunny get all tingly. Ohh!" Dr. Mitch let go with a twist.

"Good, Skye. Photographers prefer a model who gets tingly. It makes them more sexy while they model panties." Then he had her demonstrate the breast exercises. She looked into the camera, blushing, as she did her prescribed exercises.

Sheila moved one of the cameras back to the rear of the examination table. Dr. Mitch asked her to hop and turn to show the possible future photographers that her breasts were getting almost big enough to bounce. The didn't really bounce, but they did wiggle as she hopped and turned, trying to make them move for the cameras. It was more difficult for her to hop with the high heels on, but her awkwardness made for a very cute video.

Dr. Mitch and Sheila both told her what a wonderful job she was doing for her examination. "You're almost half way done and you're passing with flying colors, Skye." He congratulated her.

Next he had her hop up and lay face down on the big, fluffy yellow towel on the make-shift examination table, Sheila's wider-than-average massage table. Again he felt her back from head to toe, with emphasis on her rounded bottom. "Bottom is very firm and healthy. Nice and round. Good muscle tone. He gave her several spanks, a little harder each time. "Tell me when it stings, Skye. I'm not spanking you, but this will test your tolerance levels. Maybe for some of the games you and Kimmy will play, and perhaps other models will play with you too, later on, maybe a month from now. Won't that be fun, playing games and acting silly with other girls your age?"

"Yes." She said.

"I'll give you a series of spanks and you tell me when it's starting to sting, and then when it feels too hard. Ready?"

"Yes, Doctor."


No comment.

Louder smack.

Still no comment.

Still louder smack.

"That's starting to sting, Doctor." She was straining to keep her voice calm.

"OK." Said Dr. Mitch. "Very normal. I'll do a few more at this level. It helps the circulation in your buttocks. Will help the pictures, too."



"Oh." She said, but without any other comment.

"Good girl, Skye. Remember: it's OK to make noises and to squirm around during your examination. It's very normal. Go ahead and make noises as I continue to stimulate and examine you today."

Sheila interjected, "I've heard, Doctor, that making noises helps take the sting away faster."

"Why, yes, Sheila. Good point. Make your noises louder, Skye, and also answer louder when I talk to you. OK?"

"Yes, Doctor."

Smack! As she finished the word, 'doctor.'

"Oh! Un!" Skye said loud and clear. She squirmed at the same time.

"Excellent." Said Dr. Mitch. "Loud noises and squirm and wiggle as I examine you. Just let your feelings flow, Skye. Then I can give you a higher recommendation and you will get even more modeling assignments."

"Yes, Doctor."

Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Ohh! Unnn! Ahhh. Ggunnn!" Skye moaned as she wiggled.

"Some girls even get little tingly sensations while getting spanked on their bottoms. It stings a little bit, but might make you feel tingly at the same time."

Smack! His hand hit the center of her right cheek again.

"Oh." She said with a wiggle. "It tingles a little bit as the sting goes away, Doctor. Is that what you mean?" She said in her loud and clear voice.

"You are amazing, Skye. Doing great."

"Almost done with this part of the examination, Skye. You are doing great. Should I stop now? You are already at 'medium-hard' spankings now. If you are strong and brave enough, would you like to try for 'good' or even 'excellent?' Just a little bit harder."

She hesitated, still wiggling. "I guess I could try a couple more." She said, unsure.

"Very good, Skye. Very good, indeed. And if you want to make louder noises, that will take away the sting faster. And wiggling around after a few good smacks helps, too. I'll pull your panties down so the camera can see the color. I'm not going to take them off now, and will pull them back up in a minute. I need to get some color close-ups of your bottom as I finish. These pictures will really help photographers decide to hire you for special sessions if you do well. If I pull them down, then I will wait a minute or so before doing the last few spanks. Should I pull your panties down before finishing the spanking portion of your exam, or would you like harder spankings right now? You're almost done, and doing excellent."

"Yes. Pull them down, Doctor."

"Lift up your hips."

She did. He pulled them down almost to her knees. He moved her knees apart, stretching the panties. Both the panties and her cunny were gooey wet. Sheila zoomed in from behind.

"Most of the other photographers who will be taking pictures of you will only take pictures as you undress down to your panties and bra. We may use some of those pictures on your website. But some photographers will stay here after the other photographers leave and watch a partial examination while you're wearing panties. They may even help you with your breast exercises. But only a very, very few, very wealthy photographers will watch you get a complete examination. They may even help with your examination. But you won't know until after your first photo sets if any of them will stay after your innocent, modeling sessions of dresses and panties. You won't know which photographers have seen these special videos, Skye. Very few will. You have to be nice to all of the photographers for the first two hours of modeling. Kiss each one. Give each photographer a warm, welcoming hug and a kiss. Will you do that? Will you be nice to all of the photographers?"

"Yes, Doctor. I'll be nice."

"I'm ready to finish the spanking portion of your examination now, Skye. But before I finish, I'll wait to hear you talk out loud about what the few, very wealthy, photographers might do to help with your examination. You can make little noises, look into the side camera, lift your hips, squirm around, and so on while you're talking. I won't give you any spankings while you're talking. When you're ready for the last few, harder spankings, just tell me you're ready."

"Umm," she swallowed. "Well, I think after we're done modeling the panties and dresses and some of the men leave, then I would kiss the men who stay here, and..."

"But some of the wealthy photographers might be women, Skye. Remember that. You have to treat all of the photographers the same."

"Oh, well, um, I guess I'll kiss everybody, and like I kissed Kimmy. Oh. I kissed Kimmy, and then, well, like you mean what would I do or let them do before the spankings?"

"Yes. No need to ask questions. Just tell what might happen. But nobody will harm you, you can be sure of that. No sex, if that's what you're worried about. Now, no more questions, Skye, or I'll go ahead with some harder spankings right now. It won't be so bad you know. And they wouldn't be too much harder. We could even stop now, and you'll get a 'C' for this part of the exam, or you could go for a 'B' or even an 'A.' And don't be ashamed of a 'C.' That would still be good." He said, giving her the option to skip the talking and finish the spankings, or even skip the spankings, without disgrace.

"Oh." She said, her voice brighter. "I wondered about that, because like in health class ... but I mean, like for the photographers, the ones who stayed, I would let them undress me to get me ready for the examination and the spankings." Pause, while she thought. "And then they would probably help me with my exercises like you showed me, when we did the squeezing and pinching exercises. Oh, and I guess I could try on different panties for them if they wanted, and they could watch me real close, and they could take my panties off me. And while, like they help me with the exercises, you know, like if he is pulling and pinching my breasts, then I would show them where I get the tingly feelings and let them feel the places where I get the tingly feelings, he could put his hand around on my cunny and feel it, and, except like, that might be embarrassing, because, like, you know, I mean, when the tingly feelings come, then sometimes I get kind of like, well, wet. My cunny gets wet. And after I take off my panties and spread my legs for him or her, and they feel my breasts and rub my wet cunny... and... I would keep kissing him on the mouth while he rubs me between the legs, and my legs would be apart. He would rub my breasts and pull on them, and feel my wet cunny, and his hand would get all wet. And... Oh!"

"It's natural, Skye. Eve if you are embarrassed, it's natural to be embarrassed, just like it's natural to get wet, but it's OK. Now go ahead. We'll be done in a few minutes with the spankings, and I won't spank you any harder that I spanked you already. You're doing very well."

She smiled. "Well," Her voice was brighter again. "Then the man, or I mean the woman, too, whoever it is, will examine me all over like you did, and then like they could kiss me and help me get dressed again."

"Very good, Skye. Since you will be so nice to the wealthy photographers, then I really won't need to spank you anymore today. I was testing your willingness to cooperate and wanted to see if you remembered the first parts of the examination today. But there are a couple more parts now, and then we'll be done. Just remember that the wealthy photographers will see the video we're making today. They'll want to know how cooperative and responsive you are. They will already know you're pretty and sexy." He pulled up her panties. "See? I told you that you would get to keep your panties on for the first part of the examination."

Sheila adjusted the cameras.

Dr. Mitch said, "Lift your hips now, Skye, while I slip this bolster under you."

Skye lifted her hips to make room for the ten-inch diameter stiff, leather bolster to slide under her. He kept examining her ass, even feeling her pussy from behind - pressing a finger against the gooey-wet, silky gold panties. "I'll just clip off these panties now, Skye. Sheila has so many pairs for you to try on." Mitch deftly cut the sides of the panties, sliding the long scissors up the leg hole on either side and cutting them free. He flipped the back of the panties down between Skye's legs, like an unfastened diaper. "Put your legs apart wider now, Skye. Sheila will get close-ups of the examination for our records."

He pulled her cheeks apart. "Part your legs a little wider, Skye. Good girl. You're doing fine." Mitch pulled her ass wide open - against her resistance. "Relax your bottom. There. That's better. Now the camera can get better close-up shots of your bottom. I'll need to check the colors later." Mitch was standing beside her, leaving a clear camera shot from the foot of the table. "Nice muscle tone and good color. Nice tan with pale, but very rosy cheeks now! A healthy, pretty, and very sexy, young girl. Skye, try to close your bottom as hard as you can while I try to hold it open. I want to check your muscle development. Good girl. Now relax and let me pull it open. Good. Now try to squeeze it shut again. Very good. Relax it. Now squeeze again. Relax it again. Very good." He kept her in each position - relaxed or squeezed - for several seconds at a time.

He came around to the other side of the table and got a tube of lubricant. "I'm going to test your anus now, Skye. I'm sure you'll do fine because you're such a healthy, sexy little girl. Try to keep your bottom relaxed while I get it lubricated. This will only take a minute to get you lubricated. We'll check your muscle tone in just a moment, but keep it relaxed now."

After a few partial finger insertions, getting more lubricant each time, he finally got her all slippery. "Very good, Skye. Very slick now. Let me slide in and out a few times, then I'll tell you what to do. Keep it as relaxed as you can now. That's it. You're doing fine." He pushed his slippery finger all the way in. "Lift your bottom up towards me as I push in Skye. That's a good girl." He did it several more times, reminding her to keep it relaxed. She lifted her hips as he pushed in.

"Now try to squeeze it shut so I can't push my finger in. Squeeze tight. He pushed, but only got in part way. "Very good! Excellent." Mitch said, with his finger only half-way in. "Now relax it." She relaxed it and he slid all the way in again.

Skye let out a big breath as his finger went all the way in. "Oh."

"Now try to squeeze on my finger as hard as you can."

On the video, Skye's butt cheeks stiffened. "Nice pressure." Said Dr. Mitch. He patted her bottom in soft, gentle spankings with his left hand as he pushed his right forefinger in. "Very good, Skye. Now I'll tell you to squeeze or relax and you just follow directions. Let me put more lubricant in you first. You're doing so good. This will be an excellent video. Put your hands back to hold your fanny open for me. That's it. Pull it wide open. Good girl." He put in several more dabs of lubricant. "Keep it relaxed for me. Very good. Isn't she doing great, Sheila?"

Sheila said, "Yes." There was an excited hoarseness in her voice. Skye's dime-size, light brown asshole got bigger than a quarter to reveal a pink center, and as Skye pulled wider the pink area grew. He had her pull it wide open and then let it close for the camera several times.

"Very good, Skye. Keep using your hands to hold your bottom open - wide open. Other photographers will see this video and decide if you can follow directions. Keep it pulled wide open for them. Then they'll know you can follow directions. Let them look. Massage your bottom but keep yourself pulled open. Good. That's it. Now follow directions. You'll show those photographers what great muscle tone you have. They will want you to model panties and clothes for them. That's for sure. You want to pass your physical so they will choose you to be a model for them, don't you?"

"Yes, Doctor. I'll do my best." She was still pulling her bottom open wide and massaging her butt cheeks - showing the camera.

He said, "Squeeze shut." Dr. Mitch tried to push his finger in, but it was going in slowly. The effort Skye was making to squeeze her ass shut, even while holding her cheeks open with her hands was plainly visible on the video. Then he said, "Relax it!" And his finger slid the rest of the way in easily. "Good girl. Now squeeze or relax it as fast as you can when I give you directions. I'll keep sliding my finger all the way in and out. Sometimes I'll say, 'squeeze' while I'm pushing in and sometimes while I'm pulling out. Just follow directions. Keep your cheeks spread open with your hands. Good girl. Now ... Squeeze!" He pressed half way in. "Now ... Relax!" Dr. Mitch continued to finger her ass, sliding fast when she relaxed and slowly when she squeezed.

"She has great muscle tone, Sheila. Here, put some of this on your finger. Set the camera on the tripod there. Now I'll get your finger all lubricated. I'll tell her to squeeze or relax and you can feel what great muscle tone she has. She has to get used to having either a male or female photographer help with her examination ... although that will very seldom happen." He added.

Sheila held her finger at the entrance to Skye's anus. Mitch patted Skye's bottom. "You are doing fantastic, Skye. Pull your bottom open when you're ready." He patted her bottom again.

She pulled her ass wide open for Sheila and the camera. "Now keep it relaxed while she pushes in a few times, then when I say, 'squeeze,' I want you to squeeze real hard. Keep it relaxed now." Sheila was sliding her finger all the way in and out - slowly at first, then faster.

Mitch said, "Squeeze!" and I could see Skye's ass muscles tighten. Sheila slid in slower.

She said, "Oh, my. Yes. I can feel the difference, Doctor. She's so tight. I can hardly push it in when she is squeezing shut."

They practiced several more times.

Dr. Mitch talked about muscle control being so important for a good model while Sheila slowly pushed her finger in. "A good model needs good muscle control. It helps them.... Squeeze!" He said quickly and Skye tightened up. "Very good, Skye. You have such great reflexes. Now relax. That's it. That's a good girl."

"Sheila, hold your finger still, and Skye, I want you to lift your hips so that you slide up her finger. Lift your bottom up to slide as far as you can up her finger." Skye moved her hips back and forth as she brought her knees higher. She did it.

"Excellent, Skye!" Mitch said with a pat on her bottom. "Excellent. Smile at the other camera. You can be quite proud of yourself. Very good at following directions." Skye smiled with an embarrassed grin at the camera off to her side.

"Now Girls, here's what I want you to do: Sheila you push all the way in at a steady rhythm, and Skye, you lift your bottom up towards her finger as she pushes in, and then lower it towards the bolster - that's this big, hard cushion - when she pulls out. When I say, "in," Sheila will push in, and you lift your bottom up. And so on. But keep pulling your cheeks open, Skye. Ready?"

It took a few tries, but then as Mitch said, "In .... Out ... in ... out..." and so on, they were both in rhythm with his commands.

"Now, Sheila, hold your finger half-way in. Skye, you move your hips round and round and up and down keeping her finger in your bottom." They did great and Mitch congratulated them both.

The video was fascinating to watch. I'm sure anyone would want to try it. Then he had her put her hands back up under her head and he wiped off her anus with a damp washcloth. He gave each of her buns a playful spank and told her what a great job she did. "Very high compression." He surmised to Sheila. "And great muscle tone, don't you think?"

"Absolutely wonderful." Agreed Sheila, whose voice was hoarser. She sounded like she was ready to cum any second.

He removed the bolster and had Skye lay on her back. He picked up the cut-off panties and put them in his pants pocket. Sheila moved one of the cameras farther to the side to zoom in on Skye's face and chest. The other camera she held down near Skye's feet.

"OK, Skye keep your feet together while I examine you a moment. That's a good girl. He bent down and looked closely at Skye's bald pussy. "Just developing a hint of reddish-blond pubic hair. Very natural. Perfect. A full pubic mound. You are perfect for a panty model. Now, Skye, you hold your hands on your breasts and gently squeeze, pinch, and pull like I showed you earlier. That will help you relax for the last part of your examination. Let me see how you are massaging your breasts. "That's good. Be sure to pinch your nipples every few seconds and pull up on them; let them snap back into place.

"Good Girl." He said. "Now pull your feet up towards your bottom and let your knees fall outwards. That's it. Like a frog kick in the swimming pool, but on your back. Let your knees fall out so they are down as far as they go. Very good. Nice and limber." Sheila zoomed the other camera in on Skye's open pussy. A gooey, whitish excitement had built up in her vagina.

Mitch got a vibrator out of his doctor's bag and turned it on low. "This might tickle at first, but it will help relax your cunny for this last part of your examination. I'll just rub it around here for a minute to get it all relaxed. Does it tickle?"


"Well, it's OK. It will just feel ticklish for a little bit and then it will relax you inside." He was moving it from side to side across her clit, and then up and down the insides of her full, meaty pussy lips.

Then he and Sheila talked about the weather and the trip over to her house, pretending to ignore Skye while he rubbed the vibrator around and around on her clit and open pussy. They talked about how much they enjoyed watching flowers bloom, seeming to completely ignore Skye who began moving her hips and squirming on the table.

One video camera showed her face and chest, and the other showed Skye's cunny. Skye was getting flushed - her pale skin mottled red. Skye continued to pull and massage her small, puffy breasts. The nipples were stiff as she pulled on them and let them snap back. The other monitor showed Sheila's point of view as she zoomed in on Skye's building excitement. Mitch continued to talk about the flowers blooming as if he was unaware of Skye's growing excitement. Then he explained to Sheila, "This little relaxer helps get the girl all relaxed inside so it's easier to examine her. It tickles at first, but then I don't think they feel it after a few seconds." Mitch lied through his teeth on that! He occasionally turned to look at Skye's pussy while he kept the vibrator moving - round and round and then across her clit - sometimes lingering right on her erect button for several seconds. He would put one hand above her open pussy and push the skin upwards, exposing her clit. Skye had a long, firm clit sheath with almost no inner labia. I watched it get stiffer and swollen at the touch of the vibrator. The camera zoomed in on the swollen knot of nerves.

Mitch acted as if he suddenly remembered Skye. "This doesn't hurt, does it, Skye?"

"No, Doctor."

"Good. It's getting you relaxed inside. Some girls think it tickles. Do you want me to stop now, or should I do it for another minute before I examine you?"

"Maybe another minute." She said. Skye was tugging hard on her breasts, getting rougher with them. Her hips were moving constantly in small circles, up and down, as Dr. Mitch moved the vibrator.

Mitch put a finger at the very wet opening of her vagina. He scooped off a dab of white excitement and held it towards the camera. Then he rubbed and rolled his finger around at the opening to her vagina, getting his finger lubricated again - this time with Skye's natural wetness.

He slowly pushed his right forefinger half way in Skye's vagina, while moving the vibrator with his left hand. He pushed the rest of the way in.

Skye gasped. "Ah, Unnn."

Dr. Mitch kept his voice calm and said, "I need to put my finger in about ten times. Maybe more. Some girls think this gives them tingly feelings. You just relax while I examine you. Should I stop buzzing you with the relaxer while I push my finger in, or should I keep it pressed against you to help you relax?"

"Unn ... Ummm ... whatever you think, Dr." she said compliantly.

"But would you rather that I stopped buzzing or should I keep buzzing you while I check your compression?"

"Keep buzzing. Unnn." She said.

Skye was breathing faster and moaning, moving her hips.

Dr. Mitch said, "It's natural for some girls to get spasms in their tummy while I examine them. So if you start to feel any twitches in your tummy, it's OK to make noises and move around. Perfectly natural. Even if it's embarrassing, go ahead, Skye. Like saying 'ah' when the doctor looks at your throat. Say 'ah' however you want, and as loud as you want while I finish examining you. Just let it go. Show some enthusiasm. The examination is almost over. Sheila is getting all this on her video camera for our records and to show a few, wealthy photographers. Let them watch you. If something feels good, make noises. Not too many people will see these videos besides us. I need to check your reflexes and your cunny color while I get you relaxed inside. This doesn't hurt does it?"

"Unnnnn." She said as she squirmed. "No. Doesn't hurt. Tingles."

"If it feels like you're going to get spasms in your tummy, just tell me to push faster."

"Faster. Unnn. Ahhhhh." She slapped her right breast; squeezed it hard, and pulled it way out. She let go and pinched both breasts. "Unnnnnnn. Ahhh. Ohhh."

Skye got much louder with encouragement from Dr. Mitch and Sheila. Soon she was saying "Aaahhh!" louder and faster and Dr. Mitch pushed home again and again. It looked like he was trying to press his finger all the way up to her belly button.

Dr. Mitch was pushing in much faster as he masturbated the pre-teen girl to a noisy orgasm. Both cameras caught the action as Skye came - twice - followed by after shocks. Her tummy and legs twitched violently. Mitch pulled the vibrator away as she came and held his finger pushed all the way in.

"Good spasms." He said quietly when she had finished. "Perfectly normal. Very good, Skye. I could feel the spasms in your cunny almost like you were squeezing my finger. It didn't hurt, did it?"

Skye was flushed and perspiring. "No, Doctor." She said in a deep breath.

Sheila straightened Skye's legs, capturing Mitch's finger in Skye's vagina. Several more shudders indicated additional after shocks and the girl slowly returned to the present.

"Your tingles may have gotten suddenly strong and then the spasms came because strangers and cameras were watching you. It helps to be loud and embarrassed. I bet that is why your spasms were so strong, Skye."

They helped her off the table and Sheila led her into the bathroom to pee. She was too wobbly to walk in the high heels so Sheila helped her step out of them and just walk in her white, lacy, ankle socks.

While she cleaned her up, Mitch came out to join us. He said, "Un," with a nod of his head. "You'll like those videos, Eric." He said.

About ten minutes later, Sheila led a very subdued Skye out of her room. She was wearing a short dress and her make-up and lipstick made her look older - like she could pass for 12 going on 16. She was still a little wobbly, even wearing just the ankle socks without the high heels.

I said, "Skye, Mitch said you passed your examination with flying colors! He said you did great! I'm so glad that you will able to continue being one of our panty models!" She blushed but smiled brightly as we all congratulated her.

Sheila said, "She was absolutely fantastic, Eric. But it's too bad you men won't be able to see her entire videos today. Parts of them are too private."

"Oh shoot!" I said, and the others agreed. "Can't we please see at least a little bit of your examination video? Please."

Skye didn't say anything but kept smiling and blushing. Sheila said, "Well, Skye, maybe you could let them see the first part. The parts of the videos where you still had on your panties maybe. You know, before the rest of the exam. Would that be OK, if I showed them the first half of each video?"

"Please." I pleaded.

"We would like to watch it later, but only with your permission, of course." Said Todd.

We all seemed so eager to see it, that she finally relented. "Well, OK. I guess you can watch the first half, like when I'm still wearing my panties."

Sheila brought the tapes out and we put the first one in the VCR and began watching. "Remind them to turn it off when Dr. Mitch cuts off your panties, Skye. On the other hand, you know that some other photographers will watch it, so you can let them watch more if you want." She handed Phil three pairs of silky panties. "And Phil will let you model some of these pairs of panties, Skye, because we'll be busy with Kimmy's examination for a while.

"OK." Said Skye, wide awake now.

She looked at us and said, "It was so embarrassing, but I had to let him examine me."

Mitch and Sheila took Kimmy back to the bedroom for her examination, and we all sat on the big couch with Skye in the middle to watch the first half of both videos. Sheila closed the door all the way for Kimmy's examination.

Skye was telling us, "... and Liz, my step-Mom, will only see some of the nice pictures of me, like when I'm wearing dresses or play clothes, even though maybe in a few of the pictures she will see pictures, like will be on my website, she could see my panties, but not the real pretty panties, like those." She was looking at the three pairs of pretty, colorful panties that Phil was holding in his hand. "Those panties are pretty and sexy. Not like my school panties. But I think they are going to show the examination video to rich photographers who might want to take my picture and then examine me themselves later." Skye's knees scissored and her hips twisted as she said that.

I said, "Well if other men and women will get to see your video, we would sure like to see it, too.

I clicked the remote control and her first video began. We would edit the two tapes into one later. All of us now watched as Skye undressed in front of Sheila, Dr. Mitch, and the cameras. We watched as he felt her all over, and then massaged her breasts. "You are developing so nicely, Skye." I said.

"Yes!" Todd added. "Such perky and cute breasts."

"And they look so firm!" Said Phil. "I knew it when I first saw you. I enjoyed watching you undress and wanted to see you take off your bra, too." Then he sounded disappointed. "But I didn't get to see them. I would really like to see your breasts. I mean seeing your real breasts, not just on the video here." Phil flipped his hand towards the TV.

She giggled and blushed, as we watched Dr. Mitch continue to fondle her.

"They look so firm." I said. "Why don't you let us see them now? We've all wanted to see them since you first arrived."

"No, Silly." She giggled. "That's naughty."

"But we're seeing them on the video. We're watching Dr. Mitch feel them. So what's the difference if we see them now?"

"I don't think I'm supposed to." She said, but was unsure of what to do. "But then, some people will see them, but I won't know who until after I model for two hours."

"I have an idea." I said, "Why don't you just pretend you're modeling for us again, and we'll turn off the video while you undress and model the panties you're wearing?"

She thought a minute, and then smiled. "Well, OK. I'll pretend I'm modeling, but I should leave my panties on. That's all we're supposed to watch today, I think."

I pushed the remote and stopped the camera. She stood and modeled for us, enjoying our attention. We clapped and took pictures as she undressed down to her panties and bra, even taking off her shoes and socks.

"You said some of the rich photographers would get to see them." I pointed out.

"In the video you took your bra off." Phil argued. "So we already saw your bare breasts on the video. So you can take your bra off now, don't you think? I mean we already saw them."

We all agreed with Phil, so she took her bra off. Each of us told her how pretty and perky her cute little titties were. She put her shoulders back as she turned for us, trying to make them jut out farther. Her nipples stiffened as we watched. Blushing and smiling. "I'll put it back on in a minute, before Sheila comes out." She handed her bra to Phil. "Give it back in a few minutes, OK?"

"Sure," Said Phil. "Are they big enough to jiggle when you hop up and down?"

Skye giggled as she demonstrated and turned.

Todd said, "Please get closer so I can see better. They really are big enough to jiggle when you hop!"

She stood between Todd's knees as he sat up on the couch and hopped and twisted her trunk so that each breast was close to his face as it moved. Then she stood between my knees, and then Phil's. We applauded.

Then she covered her breasts with her hands as she sat on his lap. We watched a little more of her video. She giggled and wiggled around as we tickled her and began feeling her all over, just as Dr. Mitch did in the video. Soon we were passing her around and each taking turns feeling her panties or playing with her breasts. "That kind of tickles." She said as Todd was licking his fingers and the sliding them off her nipples, one at a time.

I started to pull her panties down, but she pulled them back up. "No, Silly. I have to keep my panties on. Sheila said so."

"Yes, but then I think she said you could model these other panties for us, too, and her bedroom is busy right now, so you'll have to change panties out here with us."

"Oh." She looked around. Then she smiled. "I'll change them later ... and I guess I'll have to change them right here."

I started the video again. We all started feeling her as we handed the giggling model from one photographer to the next. I slipped my hand inside her panties. "I'm not pulling them down, Skye; I'm just trying to feel you better."

"Oh." She said. Again she seemed unsure of what to do, while I continued to massage her pussy area in my hand. I didn't slide my fingers between her lips, but squeezed her entire, bald, meaty mound in my hand. She let me continue to feel her wet pussy and ass. She held still, facing the back of the couch, almost as if she didn't want to see what was on the TV screen. I had my hand down the front of her panties and felt all around.

"This doesn't hurt, does it" I asked, finally sliding a finger up and down the groove of her pussy - going round her wet clit, but not pushing my finger in.

She was facing away from the TV, but said, "Oh, turn off the video now, Eric. This is the place. Like he's starting the spankings. Then he pulls my panties down for a little bit."

We had heard the whole examination already, but didn't let on. Phil said, "But Sheila said we could watch the part when you had your panties on. And you still had them 'on' even though they were pulled down."

"Oh." She said, not sure what to say.

We watched as Dr. Mitch pulled them down and continue with the spankings. On the video he explained that other people would see her after her panties were pulled down, and then we listened while she ventured what a wealthy photographer might do while helping with possible future examinations after her official modeling sessions are finished. Skye turned to watch with us.

I turned up the volume. We watched a close view of her ass and pussy from the rear, with her hips lifted off the table. Her whole vagina area looked almost glazed over with a whitish, high viscosity wetness. On screen, Skye's hips moved and another drop of liquid oozed out as she began talking.

Skye watched intently now and seemed simultaneously excited and embarrassed as she heard herself say, "And then they would probably help me with my exercises like you showed me, when we did the squeezing and pinching exercises. Oh, and I guess I could try on different panties for them if they wanted, and they could watch me real close, and they could take my panties off me. And while, like they help me with the exercises, you know, like if he is pulling and pinching my breasts, then I would show them where I get the tingly feelings and let them feel the places where I get the tingly feelings, he could put his hand around on my cunny and feel it, and, except like, that might be embarrassing, because, like, you know, I mean, when the tingly feelings come, then sometimes I get kind of like, well, wet. My cunny gets wet. And after I take off my panties and spread my legs for him or her, and they feel my breasts and rub my wet cunny... and... I would keep kissing him on the mouth while he rubs me between the legs, and my legs would be apart. He would rub my breasts and pull on them, and feel my wet cunny, and his hand would get all wet. And... Oh!"

I backed up the tape and we watched that part again. Skye was as interested as we were.

After the spanking session we all watched as Dr. Mitch clipped each side of the panties and flipped the back of the panties down between her legs - exposing her wet, pink pussy. I pushed 'pause' by accident and we all looked at the picture a moment. Mitch was pulling Skye's ass wide open for the camera. He bottom was raised up and her back was arched with her hips over the bolster.

Skye was watching intently as I played that part several times. We heard Dr. Mitch say that he was going to lubricate her bottom now for the next part of the examination.

Here in the living room, Skye didn't tell us to stop so I let it continue to play. She was sitting on Phil's lap, next to me. I was holding her left leg and Todd was holding her right leg, keeping her spread open while she laid back against Phil's chest. Phil had his right hand on the outside front of Skye's wet panties, massaging her cunny. She didn't say anything so we watched the next section in this arrangement. Skye was softly doing her breast exercises with both hands while we rubbed her thighs and Phil rubbed the front of her panties.

We would watch a minute and back up the tape to repeat a section, complimenting her again on what a terrific model she was.

Next we all watched as Dr. Mitch put a dab of lubricant on his finger and then pushed his finger in her anus. We heard her say, "Oh," as he pushed his finger in her bottom.

Skye told us, "That was so embarrassing. Like he kept putting more slippery stuff in my bottom so even when I squeezed tight he could still push his finger in me. Look! See how easy his finger went in."

We watched as Mitch pressed his finger all the way in after telling her to relax her bottom. I said, "He used lots of lubricant so his finger would slide in easily. It doesn't hurt that way. It didn't hurt, did it, Skye?"

"No." She admitted, staring at the TV. "It's just so embarrassing. He kept doing it. I had to relax my bottom or else try to squeeze his finger."

"He told us you were excellent and had great muscle control, Skye. Way to go." Said Phil.

I paused the tape again and we suggested she try on a new pair of panties for us. She smiled and stood up, a little weak in the knees. She walked back and forth in front of us and then pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. "Uuuu." She said as she picked them up. "Where should I put them? They are a little wet."

"I know." I said, standing up, and also feeling a little weak in the knees. I went over to the table where we had place a box of plastic sandwich baggies. I took the panties and put them in a baggie, sealed it, and set them on the table.

She walked in front of us looking at the three pairs of sexy panties, seeming unable to make up her mind. Finally she said, "They are all so pretty, but maybe I should dry off before I put on the next pair to model for you. Like especially 'cause these don't have the cotton liners like my school panties."

"That's why they have the cotton liners, Skye, because school girls get wet there. Life is so exciting." I handed her the folded handkerchief from my pocket.

She wiped off her baby bald cunny several times, as if she had just tinkled, and my handkerchief was toilet paper. Skye gave us an apologetic smile. "Sorry." She said, "It just seems extra wet today." She wasn't sure what to do with my handkerchief, so I held out my hand. I put it back in my pocket when she handed it to me.

"So which pair should I put on first?" She asked.

"Turn around for us first." Suggested Todd. "Didn't you say you would let some of the photographers look at you real close?"

"Oh." She blushed. "Well, OK, I guess." She stood in front of each of us, with her feet shoulder width apart. She turned on request so we could study her firm, rounded, pale buns.

Phil leaned close and put one hand around behind her, feeling her ass. With his other hand he squeezed her pubic mound from above, making her crack extend higher. He moved her ass and pussy around. "You said you would show the photographers where you got the tingly feelings, Skye. Is this where you feel the tingles?" He then slid his hand between her legs.

"Yes. All over around in there. But I never had tingles like happened today. That, well, I don't know what happened, but it was more than tingles."

I asked, "Did it feel like pressure building up inside of you and then exploding inside, and it felt wonderful?"

"Yes! That's it! How did you guess? It was embarrassing, but it was lots bigger than just tingles." She said. I think she was glad that we seemed to understand what she was talking about.

She put on another pair of panties after we had all looked and felt. And I think each of us smelled deeply but tried not to be obvious about it. I noticed she had a sweet, excited smell - a definite girl aroma, only faint and clean.

We watched the video for a while, each taking turns holding the nubile model on our laps for a few minutes. I was rubbing her back and chest softly when she pointed to the TV screen. See? When he told me to relax, then he pushed his finger all the way in. You can see how much easier it goes in when I relaxed it." We watched as Dr. Mitch continued his "squeeze," followed by a "relax," command.

"Yes." I said. "Such great muscle control!" We all complimented her. Skye was proud of herself.

She was mesmerized by the TV screen now and watched her anus getting fingered, first by Dr. Mitch and then by Sheila. Skye said, "See? I might have to let lady photographers do that, too."

As Dr. Mitch began using the vibrator to help her "relax" inside, for the next part of the examination, Skye told us that "it like tingles at first, but then it helped me get all relaxed inside, you know, like for the examination of my front part."

"Yes. Very important." Phil said. "To be relaxed inside. It would make the examination so much easier."

Todd and I agree with Phil.

"Yes." Said Skye.

We continued watching as she began to make louder and louder noises and squirm around. We watched Dr. Mitch pushing his finger all the way in her wet vagina.

I said, "I think next weekend you will be scheduled for another photo session. I'm not sure, but there might be a new, wealthy photographer here. Then you'll have to let him examine you after you've been undressing over and over again for your modeling sessions."

"Then you might have to let one of the new photographers examine you, Skye. Would you want him to use the relaxer so it will be easier for him to examine your cunny?" queried Phil.

"Well, yes, I guess." She said, trying to sound neutral. "I mean it would..." (She emphasized the word, 'would,' and then repeated herself.) "It really would make it more relaxed so like he could examine me easier."

I rewound the last little bit of video, and replayed her noisy orgasm that we had all been listening to out here earlier. Skye said, "It's so embarrassing, that, I mean, you know, with the cameras and people watching. Standing right there while all those, like, you know... and I was so noisy!"

I rewound again. We watched and listened. I asked, "Was that the first time you got those explosions inside, like you told us?"

"Yes." She said. "Oh."

I noticed that she was squirming on Todd's lap. Todd was not even touching her with his hands, but he just let her squirm on his lap.

I said, "Maybe then, it helps you get that feeling when people and cameras are watching you?"

"Hmmm?" She said.

I continued, "Especially after kissing Kimmy in front of us and undressing over and over again. Spread your legs while you only had on a bra and some sexy panties."

"And then getting examined in front of the cameras." Phil said.

"Or getting fingered, and having the 'relaxer' buzzing on you cunny, and you knew that strangers would be watching the video, because they will love watching it, Skye." I said, "And I bet they will want to examine you. Lots of people over the months to come."

"Really?" she asked. "Oh."

"So..." I surmised, "I bet having cameras and strangers watch while you get buzzed and examined will make those explosions happen inside again."

Phil cautioned, "Of course, while you're undressing during your photo shoots, you won't know if you're going to be examined later or not."

"I would like to examine you, Skye." I said.

The other men agreed with me.

"Gee. Well." Skye said, as Dr. Mitch came out of the bedroom and we flicked off the video, and we all stood up.

He was drying his hands on a towel. "Examinations complete, Todd." He nodded at us. "Gentlemen. I must leave now. I'll leave my examination kit here, because I may be back. Maybe next weekend. Maybe next month. I'm not sure."

Dr. Mitch bent forward to address Skye. "You passed with superior scores, young lady. I'm sure you will be a wonderful model. Very good."

"Thank you, Doctor."

"My pleasure." He said. "Before you get dressed now, Skye, show me how you will do your exercises on your breasts."

She demonstrated, blushing again with all of watching her so closely.

"Very good," said Dr. Mitch. "just practice a few minutes each day. No more than that. And be quiet when you do these exercises at home. We wouldn't want anyone asking you too many questions."

"Oh. Yes. I'll be quiet. And only a few minutes. Everyday."

"While you're doing your exercises think about the men and women who might be watching your video at the very moment you are pinching your breasts, but..." He paused.

Skye put her hands at her sides and waited to hear what he had to say.

"... but don't rub your cunny at home, Skye. You must stay quiet at home." Then he turned to go, and stopped. "Occasionally a photographer might stay here after your official photo session is over and he, or she, might examine you. Then you should be noisy. You should open yourself to the camera and the strangers. You should feel embarrassed, be noisy, and wiggle and squirm. Then maybe you will get the spasms again. But only once in a while."

He turned to go, but stopped once more. "Sheila said you might be scheduled for another photo shoot next weekend, Skye. I don't know if you will also be examined or not, but at least you will enjoy a photo shoot." He shook our hands and left.

Skye was fully dressed when Sheila led a cleaned-up, dressed-up ... but slightly wobbly Kimmy out of her bedroom. About fifteen minutes after Dr. Mitch, everyone except Todd, Skye, and of course, Sheila left. We said our good-byes in the hallway and departed.

"I hope to see you girls together again soon. I would like to watch you girls examine each other!" Said Phil.

Kimmy and Skye looked at each other. Todd asked, "Would you girls be willing to examine each other? Or even help the new photographers as they examine one of you. Maybe while you were getting examined you could be blindfolded so you wouldn't know who was helping you or watching. And would you massage each other's titties; put a finger in each other's bottom; rub the little relaxer on each other's cunny - rubbing it round and round to help get the cunny all relaxed inside; and then putting a finger all the way in each other's wet cunny?"

Kimmy and Skye both giggled. Then Kimmy said, "Yes." She looked at Skye. Skye nodded. They kept looking at each other and nodding.

As the girls kissed each other good-bye, Phil said, "Well, I would love to watch you examine each other."

"Me, too." I thought, as Kimmy and I drove away.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.