Published: 12-Mar-2011
Word Count:
I arrived at eleven and Kimmy was ready. She ran into the living room and hugged me. I didn't bend down to kiss her, because I was afraid she would want to show me how good she could French kiss even with Monica standing right beside us.
She was wearing the short jean skirt that I gave her last weekend. She lifted her skirt to show me the pink, satin panties I had given her to wear today. "I saved these for this morning, Eric, and I just put them on when I saw you drive up..." I gave her a hard smack on the rump and changed the subject so she wouldn't start talking about not wanting them to look wet before I arrived.
I gave her another softer smack, with a smile on my face. "You look great today, Kimmy. Run on out and hop in the car."
She ran out and I gave Monica four hundred dollars as promised. "I think they might have Kimmy's website up already, even though she doesn't have very many photosets done yet." I gave her several pictures from last weekend - "good" pictures, but she could see that Kimmy loved being a model.
"Is the other model going to be there today, Eric?" She asked as I was starting the car. "Did you see a picture of her? Is she cute? I hope she's nice. Do I still have to kiss her?"
I laughed. "Are you excited about modeling today, Kimmy?"
"Yes." She admitted. "But do you have a picture of her?"
"No, I don't have a picture, but I did see some pictures of her. She's cute, but not as cute as you."
Her grin widened. "Really?"
"Yes, 'really.' You know you're my girlfriend. Don't worry about me looking at other models. It's just part of my part-time job, that's all. But I really enjoy working with you."
She smiled brightly; her grown-up teeth were too big for her mouth, which made her smile look even bigger. "If I'm your girlfriend, then why didn't you kiss me?"
I wasn't sure if she was kidding or serious. "Yes, you're my girlfriend, but I didn't want to kiss you too much with Monica standing right there."
"Oh." She thought a second. "I know that, Eric. I won't do anything a good girl wouldn't do when we're in front of Monica. But I mean, unless you need to check how good my panties fit and you say that first, but I'll still act shy in front of her. Will you kiss me later?
"Yes!" I laughed. "Lot's of times."
"What color is her hair? Does she have blue eyes like me? Could you see her panties in the pictures?"
"She has dark hair and brown eyes. I think she is a little younger than you and kind of shy, so you'll have to help her. She is a little shorter, and weighs seventy five pounds."
"Is she fat?"
"No, Silly. She's cute. Just not as slim and cute as you. Todd said she wears a 32-B, though, same as you." I felt her slim leg, rubbed up her thigh, then rubbed her chest.
She was smiling and thinking. She was so cute! I don't think she was paying much attention to my hand, but she liked my attention.
"You and Skye will..."
"Sky? That's her name?"
"That's her modeling name, not her real name. I don't know her real name. And on her site, they spell it with an 'e' on the end. Skye lives about a hundred miles away and will get to Sheila's after dinner. You'll be doing your photo shoots first, then take a little nap and have dinner and then another photo shoot before Skye arrives."
We left town, heading north again. "And we'll do several short video clips of you today, including some while you're modeling. You might soon have enough pictures and videos so we could sell your cd. A Kimmy cd. Of course, we'll have a stage name for you. There is already a Kimmy model anyway."
"What do you mean?"
"We won't use your real name on your site. And we'll sell things, too, like videos of you dancing and undressing. But you'll have to leave your panties and training bra on, of course." I pinched her knee playfully. "Todd will make sure to get lots of pictures and video of you and Sky playing together - your slumber party, playing in the yard, changing costumes together, things like that." I laughed, as if I just remembered something, "And he wants to get pictures of you two taking turns spanking each other. That would be funny."
"Oh. Will she spank me hard?"
"No. Don't worry about it. Just some hand spankings and only on the back. We might give you another front spanking for some of your pictures, but you and Skye won't give each other front spankings."
"But it didn't hurt. Just kind of tickled a little bit, sort of stinging, but it didn't hurt." She objected, looking at me with pleading eyes.
"Do you want her to give you a front spanking?"
"Yes, OK. And I want to give her one, too, but I won't spank her too hard, and I'll rub it for her." She thought a minute, "But it's OK if she spanks me harder. Like with the ruler. Then maybe when she sees how hard she can spank me there and it doesn't hurt, then maybe I can spank her there harder. Like a game."
"Oh, all right. We'll see what Todd says. Maybe you two could try that, but only with panties on, and not for the websites - just in private."
"I know. Like Sheila's video of me and her playing around in her bedroom. It's private, just for her, but she might let me see it someday. She said she would be too embarrassed about the way we were jumping around, acting silly, and undressing each other. That was funny, Eric. I had to undress her all the way, and her second outfit was kind of funny because I couldn't figure out how to take her bra and girdle off. She undressed me pretty fast though. We jumped on the bed like a pillow fight, except we just jumped, like before we got dressed again."
"I thought I heard a crash!" I laughed.
"That was when I fell off the bed while we were clowning around. I knocked a lamp over, but it didn't break and she didn't get mad. I guess she thought I was worried about it, though, so she gave me a hug and a kiss so like I would know she wasn't mad."
"I think Sheila has a nice figure." I continued probing; a little worried that Sheila might go too far. "Did you get to touch her breasts?"
She giggled. "Well, that's another secret, but she showed me how far she could pull her nipples and then she let me try it. I even got to move them around and pinch them and pull on them. It was funny, but don't tell her you know, OK? Because it's our secret."
"Did she give you a spanking while you were clowning around?"
"Not on my bottom. She said that still looked rosy. But she massaged it for me. I'm not supposed to talk about the front spanking she gave me, but like it didn't hurt because she didn't spank as hard as you, and like she spanked real soft because I didn't have my new panties on yet. She said girls can keep girl secrets...." She stopped. "Well, I mean, if we had any secrets I could keep them, but we don't."
I laughed. "I'm glad you like Sheila. She's a nice lady."
"I might get to stay all night at her house sometime. She said I could. She said we could have our own private slumber party without any boys around. We will take a bath together and I can watch her shave. She said it still feels like sandpaper, but not as much. It's funny because she had a little patch of black, curly hair right above it, but the sides feel like sandpaper. That's why she likes to feel mine - because it's so soft and smooth. So do you think Monica will let me stay with her? I want to. Then Monica wouldn't have to watch me."
"Maybe." I said. "Monica might let you stay a few days, especially since none of us men would be here the whole time. Maybe we could do a photo shoot, and then Todd and I would leave." I would have to talk with Sheila. I don't want her to come on too strong to Kimmy. Changing the subject again, I said, "Sky saw some pictures of you."
"Oh! What did she say?"
"Todd said she thought you were pretty. He said that Sky wants to meet you, but she isn't sure about kissing another girl." I let her think about that.
After puzzling over that, she said, "But I thought we were supposed to kiss each other."
"Maybe if she sees you kiss Sheila, and if you say it's just for fun, or we're just being models and we have to do it... well, then maybe she'll let you kiss her. I bet once she kisses you, she will like kissing you. And then you will get to kiss each other a lot!"
"I hope so. I don't want her to think I'm bad or anything."
I laughed again. "I'm just teasing you, Kimmy. Todd told me that Sky can't wait to kiss you. She wants to play dress-up with you and trade clothes with you and undress you and kiss you and ..." I stopped.
"And what? Come on, Eric. What else does she want to do with me?"
I laughed again. "You'll see. Modeling has to have some surprises for you. But aren't you glad that she wants to kiss you?"
"Yes." She giggled. "Yes."
We rode along in silence, looking at the beautiful day.
"Eric?" She asked.
"Should I put my tongue in her mouth?"
I laughed. "You're so cute!" I put my hand on her thigh. I knew she was too wound up to try to hypnotize her, but I wanted to feel her panties for a few minutes before we got there. "You're wide awake now, so we can just keep talking, but lay back and let me see these new panties. Do they seem to fit you OK?"
She flipped the lever and laid her seat back. "OK, I guess you need to check how good they fit." She pulled her heels up on the car seat and let her knees open so they were against the gear shift console and her door - the same position as last week. God, why can't I get girls my age to do that? She lifted her skirt so I could see. "I'm glad we can keep talking, Eric, because this is so exciting. I like being a model."
I smiled, looking at her panties. A tiny dark spot showed front and center on the pink, satin panties. "I think you're so cute, Kimmy."
"That tickles, Eric." She said, but she tried to open her legs wider so I knew it didn't tickle too much.
"I don't know if we have time for me to hypnotize you today, Kimmy, in the car I mean."
She laughed. "I tricked you, Eric. I was just pretending to be asleep! I tricked you!"
I acted concerned, "Oh dear. Then what about your nap at Sheila's house?"
"I tricked you there, too! I even looked through slits in my eyes, you know, like pretending to be asleep. And I saw Todd and Sheila come in the room, and then you cut my panties. But I pretended to still be asleep!" She was so proud of herself. "Then when I woke up I acted like my panties must have broken while I was asleep."
Of course, we all knew she was pretending, but I didn't want to spoil her trick. I said, "Oh, Kimmy. I thought you were hypnotized. We all did. Oh gee. We wouldn't have touched you that way if we knew you were awake. We can't let the others know. They thought you were sound asleep!"
I hit my fist on the top of the steering wheel. "Damn! I read that book on hypnosis. I told them you were asleep and wouldn't remember anything. Damn! I could get in big trouble, "I looked at her, as if I was really worried. "I would get in trouble and you wouldn't get to model anymore!"
"Oh." She said, "Well just don't you tell anybody. I won't say anything. I really tricked you, didn't I?"
"Yes, you sure did!
"So we can't tell them, Eric. That would be embarrassing. And I like being a model."
"I won't!" I said, still trying to act worried. "They would really be mad at me if they knew you were awake. I told them I could hypnotize you. Oh man. They would be so upset."
"I won't tell."
"And today, we had planned to give you a little nap again."
"Oh. Well, I will pretend to be asleep. You know, like I did last week."
"Maybe we shouldn't give you a nap today. There will be two or three new photographers there today."
"No, it's OK. I better take my nap again or they might get suspicious, so I can go ahead and take a nap today. Will the new men want to come in while I'm sleeping?"
"Yes. They saw the video of the little nap you took last week. They want to watch, and I think they want to touch you while you are asleep. You know, they want to... umm... "
"I know, but I'll pretend to be asleep. It's OK. I just don't want them to think I'm a bad girl. And, like, you know, when you're hypnotizing me, just tell me to move around and to make noises like you said last week."
"Right." I looked at my fellow conspirator with relief, "While I'm pretending to hypnotize you today, I'll keep telling you that it's OK to make noises in your sleep. I mean, then, if something feels really good, you can make noises."
"Was I very noisy last week? It's embarrassing. It just felt so good, whatever you did."
"No, its fine, Kimmy. I want you to make noises. You can be even louder. That would be good. And move your hips around if it feels really good. That way you can get those tickles inside that will feel so good. The new men will want to watch you move around." I smiled at her. "I know they will want to use their fingers and feel you move around on their fingers. Just let yourself go and get those delicious tickles inside."
"Could you tell?" She asked. "Gosh, whatever you did felt so wonderful, like my insides were all squeezy. I'll pretend to be asleep, and I'll make noises. I don't want them to know you didn't really hypnotize me."
"Good. We can't let them find out. Just pretend you're asleep." I hoped my serious voice didn't betray my internal laughter. We all knew she was faking - faking to be asleep, that is. I think her orgasms were very real.
I kept gently massaging her pussy through her panties, occasionally slipping my fingers through the leg hole and stretching the elastic so that I could look at her bare, wet pussy while she watched me. "You're so pretty, Kimmy."
She smiled.
"And pretend not to notice that your panties are wet. If Sheila or one of the men says it's time to put on fresh ones, then it's OK for you to notice they are wet, but that's another thing the men like - when your panties get wet."
"Really? But it is embarrassing. It almost looks like I pee-peed in them. It's embarrassing when they get so wet."
"Yes. Maybe. But just pretend that you don't notice, even when they are real wet."
"Like right now?" She laughed.
"Yes. It excites me when you get wet, Kimmy."
"OK, then. That will be another secret. I'll pretend not to notice that my panties are wet."
"And pretend not to notice that we can see your bare pussy if we are adjusting your panties."
"Really? You mean let them see it?"
"Only if we're fixing your clothes. Something like that. OK?"
I felt her hips move. She said, "Well OK. I'll pretend that I don't know they can see it. Then they can look but they won't think I'm a bad girl."
I looked at her. "I can see it now, Kimmy. It's so pretty. Are you glad I like to look at it?"
"Yes." She squirmed around again.
"Well, the other men, and even Sheila, want to look at your pretty pussy. I bet it's exciting when you know other people are looking at it, isn't it?"
"Yes." She admitted. "You can let them look at it, and I'll pretend I don't know they can see it."
I began massaging her thighs and rubbing her bare pussy. She said, "Well, should I put my tongue in her mouth?"
I laughed, and that's how the whole trip went. She was full of questions and ideas.
Todd and Sheila came out to greet us with two other men, Phil and Scott. Everyone kissed Kimmy and she kissed back. She was definitely getting in the spirit; enjoying her roll as the star.
Phil had an English accent. About thirty and tall, he was well dressed and slender. Scott had long, dark hair and reminded me of a hippie, with his frameless glasses and full beard. He was average build, about twenty five and the youngest of us adults.
I noticed a big motorcycle on the far side of the driveway, under a maple tree. I figured they might be posing Kimmy there in her motorcycle-babe outfit later.
Sheila told Kimmy that they had changed her house around for today's sessions and that she would notice lots of new things. We walked in and Kimmy looked at a piece of cardboard, three feet high that was folded in a 'V' next to a large sheet that was hung from the curtain rod over the patio double door. The curtain came down to the floor and about ten feet out into the room. A small stool was behind the cardboard changing screen. The couch and matching stuffed chair were on the other side of the room. Three umbrella lights were positioned around the giant sheet with various props stacked at the far side.
"Wow." She said, like a studio. I saw one in the movies, with lights and things. Cool."
Sheila said, "The cardboard privacy divider will save time, Kimmy, so you can change clothes here instead of running into my bedroom all the time."
Phil asked her to sit on the couch for a few quick pictures before she put on her first official costume of the day. They were telling her how cute she was and that they had each brought some special outfits for her. Kimmy was aware that her pink satin panties had a large wet area in the center where I had been rubbing her, but we all pretended not to notice. She posed as usual, opening her legs on request - and no position was too bizarre. She removed her skirt and T-shirt and kept posing in her gym shoes, socks, training bra, and pink, wet panties.
Todd asked her to pretend the arm of the couch was a horsy again, and Sheila said, "Let me make a saddle for her." She ran in her bedroom and came out with a towel and a light brown scarf. After putting the towel on the arm of the couch, she covered the towel with the brown scarf and patted it. "OK, Kimmy. Hop on and have a good ride! Pretend it's a bucking bronco!"
We got video and pictures as she rode the wild horse - bouncing and jiggling her firm body as she did so. I think she wanted to show us how much she could make her titties jiggle.... But she had to bounce really hard to get them to move. She put one foot back on the couch so her knee was out on the cushion beside her and her right knee was bent so her full weight was on the saddle as she tried to slide forward and back with just her momentum moving her hips against the material.
Todd said, "Sheila, get a popsicle."
Sheila ran to her kitchen and came back with a popsicle for Kimmy to lick while still riding her horse. What a hot video clip! Sheila had her lick and then talk about how she likes to lick them and get the flavor. She showed how her tongue turned orange as she kept licking and sucking.
Next, while she was doing a shoulder stand, with her legs straight and wide apart, Sheila noticed that her panties were wet in the center - a dark streak down the center, right over her pussy. She said, "Kimmy, maybe you should try on some fresh panties now."
Todd said, "Let's get you into the special motorcycle outfit and get some pictures on the bike while it's still light outside."
Sheila pulled out a new album from under the couch and showed her some pictures of topless girls Kimmy's age modeling panties in Europe - near a topless beach. She had a page taken directly from a fashion magazine with writing in French. Kimmy stared at the pictures of the two smiling girls with bare breasts. Kimmy observed, "They don't have tan lines."
Then Sheila explained that in France, and lots of other places in the world, that girls don't wear bras or swimming suit tops until their twenties or thirties, and, "even then many girls and women go naked on the beach or at least topless."
"Naked?" asked Kimmy.
Sheila flipped through the next few pages, showing Kimmy other parts of the world - young and old frolicking on beautiful beaches without clothes; men and women together; boys and girls.
"Maybe we could take you to some of those beaches, Kimmy. You are such a good model; it would look nice to take pictures of you in other parts of the world." Said Todd.
"Really?" asked Kimmy. "That would be so neat. Really?"
"Maybe," said Todd, "but not if you are too shy, of course."
They looked at pictures of a girl about Kimmy's age walking nude on a beach. Her stark tan lines outlined the two piece swimming suit she had been wearing most of the summer before going to this particular beach. "Wow." Said Kimmy. "She used to wear a swimming suit, didn't she?"
"Yes." Sheila said, "That looks so sexy - those tan lines. We want to let you use my tanning bed more often, to keep your tan lines all winter. I have a swim suit for you. Then your bottom, and your breasts, and even your front area will glow. You'll look so sexy that way when you model our special designs and panties and things. You still have some tan lines now that show up in some pictures."
"It makes you looks sharp, Kimmy." Phil said, his English accent more pronounced, giving him more credibility about the ways of the world. "Quite sexy, really. Innocent. Hot."
Kimmy was smiling. Sheila took her back to her bedroom to put on make-up, fix her hair, and get her into the first special outfit.
They came out twenty minutes later. Now it was my turn to say, "Wow!"
Kimmy smiled and turned around for us. She was four inches taller in her spiked high heels. She had on black leather from head to toe! She was even wearing chrome studded wrist and ankle straps, and a wide neck strap. The leather wrist, ankle, and neck straps had chrome studs and chrome-plated metal "O" rings securely attached. Her lipstick was bright red with a wet look, and she had on eye make-up, and rouge on her cheeks. Kimmy's hair looked wet and was pulled back tight into one pony tail.
I looked closely at her. What first looked like a pants suit was really leggings, or chaps, covered by a short skirt. The chaps had chrome zippers running all the way down the insides of her legs. She had on a sleeveless jacket with low-cut armpit holes. The whole outfit was sprinkled with chrome studs and zippers. As she turned for us, I noticed a black, leather bra through the armpit holes.
Although she was almost completely covered, she looked so sexy I wanted to jump her! Todd led us out to Scott's big motorcycle. Sheila told us that Scott had ordered the expensive, custom made leather outfit from a friend of his after seeing the videos and pictures of Kimmy and getting all her measurements. I was surprised he could have a costume like that ordered to size and completed in two weeks!
Kimmy was all smiles posing around the big bike with all five of us grown-ups snapping pictures. She hiked up her skirt to sit on the big hog, which was wider than the "horse" she pretended she was riding earlier on the arm of the couch.
Sheila laid a blanket on the ground in front of the motorcycle and Kimmy posed for us - laying, sitting, standing, hands and knees, shoulder stand, and so on. Then Sheila took off the skirt. Kimmy's panties were nothing more than a long, thin triangle of supple, black leather with black, leather thongs. When on her hands and knees, with knees apart I could see the radiating pink wrinkles of her tiny asshole on either side of the thong.
Sheila had her lay back with knees bent and laid open while she adjusted the panties. Sheila's deft fingers pulled Kimmy's lips apart as she tugged upwards on the leather triangle so that we could see both pale, bald lips with the triangle emerging and covering just the front half of her young pussy.
Kimmy enjoyed our attention and posed for us - on the blanket and on the motorcycle - letting us get lots of good pictures of her skimpy panties.
Then, off came the jacket to reveal the bra with two inch diameter holes in the center of each cup. The tight leather forced her pink nipples with a ring of creamy white flesh out through the openings. Sheila feigned disappointment and tried to tug the nipples out farther. She clicked her fingers, "I know." She said, "I'll get my pumps. Be right back. Meanwhile it would help if the four of you..." She pointed to us, "...if you would take turns tugging them gently as far out as possible."
Sheila turned to Kimmy. "Kimmy, let them take turns trying to tug them out a little farther so we can get the full effect of the bra. It will make for better pictures."
"OK." She said, looking at the ground.
I warned the others that Kimmy was ticklish. Then each of us posed her in a different position while standing behind her, or in front of her and tugging purposefully on Kimmy's erect nipples. Todd knelt in front of her and pushed his finger past her nipple under the tight bra and began making circles around each breast, working the bra back away from the nipple, while pulling it out gently with his other hand. He pinched her nipple as he tugged so it wouldn't slip. Then Todd pulled his finger out of the bra opening and began massaging one breast at a time with his whole hand. While he had the breast cupped and squeezed, he began quickly pinching and pulling on the nipple - fast but gentle - his fingers sliding off her dry nipples. Kimmy arched her back. "Oh, that tickles, Todd. Unn." I noticed her skin becoming even more flushed as Todd continued. Kimmy put her elbows back and stuck her chest out farther towards Todd.
Then it was my turn. I stood behind her and had her hold her arms straight out from her sides. My left arm was holding her tightly against me and felt up and down her tummy - from her panties to her bra - while my right hand tugged on each nipple in turn. My erection was between her firm buns and I wished I wasn't wearing jeans.
Sheila came back out all too soon, with a pair of breast pumps. She had Kimmy center the one and a half inch wide and two inch deep suction cups over each nipple. She squeezed the bulbs that were attached to the clear, plastic suction cups. As she increased the vacuum, Kimmy's breasts were sucked into the cavities of the cups.
"We need to wait a minute, Kimmy, before I let the vacuum out of these little pump cups. That way the shape will hold longer after I remove the cups. Why don't you practice kissing each of the men, say, umm, two minutes each. That will help our waiting time go faster and then we'll take the pictures."
We all nodded that it sounded like a good idea.
"OK." She smiled, self-conscious with the pumps and hoses attached to her breasts.
As Phil began kissing her, Sheila suggested that we let Kimmy do most of the tongue exploring, but said Kimmy should take turns with our tongues in her mouth, too.
Two minutes makes for a long kiss! I was about ready to cum when my turn was over.
Sheila removed the cups and we all looked at the distended breasts. Kimmy's nipples were centered on a while mound about the size of a hard boiled egg. They held that shape through a series of poses, which we said was for a motorcycle girls' fashion catalog. Kimmy seemed so proud of her bigger - albeit more narrow and more pointed - titties. At Sheila's suggestion, she let each of us feel them gently for a moment. We each took a turn lightly caressing them. Phil asked if he could kiss them, and Kimmy looked at Sheila.
Sheila looked at Kimmy for a moment, and I'm sure she noticed the flushed skin. She nodded, but said, "They are probably tender and more sensitive, so kiss them gently." She looked at Kimmy, "that's only if Kimmy says it's OK."
"It's OK." Kimmy said, and stood tall so Phil wouldn't have to bend down as far.
Phil kissed and licked them.
"That tickles, Phil." Kimmy said. Phil kept kissing them. She didn't back away. She looked at me and seemed pleased that we were staring.
We could see that Kimmy's skin was flushed and mottled. Sheila unzipped the leggings and we went through the series of poses again. The effect of the high heels, leather thong panties, the wrist and ankle straps, and the leather bra with her distended, tiny breasts poking through, along with the wide, black, leather necklace, made Kimmy look even taller and thinner. So sexy!
Kimmy was aroused - her flushed skin shouted out just how aroused she was. Phil stood up straight, after gently sucking her right breast for a full minute. Kimmy said, "That tickles, Phil." She turned her left breast towards him - offering it to him. She watched us watch her.
Sheila started to take off the leather bra. "But the men will see me." Kimmy said, suddenly shy.
Sheila laughed, "They can see your breasts now, Kimmy."
Kimmy blushed, looking down at her pointy breasts sticking out of the leather bra. "Well, they can't see the whole thing." She said defensively. Then she looked at me and smiled, ashamed of her reluctance. "I guess you're right. We can take it off."
I said, "That's the spirit, Kimmy. Cooperate with the photographers. That's what Monica said. We have so many outfits for you to model..."
"And some of them are topless, Kimmy." Said Phil. "And you have such tender, pretty breasts. It didn't hurt when I kissed them, did it?"
She blushed and looked down. "No."
I felt we needed to get back to a happy modeling session, and fast. "OK, Kimmy, let's get ready for the next set. It will be fun. You'll have to do some acting!"
"Acting?" She brightened up. "Like what?"
"You'll have to pretend you're struggling to get away, like a prisoner. Just struggle and wiggle around for the cameras. You pretend you're a young, teenage girl who gets kidnapped."
"Oh, neat." She said, "I'll get to be an actress." As she said this, Sheila helped her off with the bra.
"Let me touch-up your lipstick and hair. I'll give you some shorts and a T-shirt and new panties. Then you'll act out a scene. You'll be a girl who is getting kidnapped. You'll have to struggle and wiggle around after your captors undress you. You have to let them undress you, because you think they might hurt you if you don't do what they say. They will put the ankle and wrist straps back on you and tie you up in different positions. You'll only be wearing the new panties, and you have to pretend like you're trying to get away." She held up a finger, "So no laughing!" Sheila said, and then she laughed.
"Oh, cool!" She smiled. "Like in a pirate movie or something."
Sheila took her in her bedroom to help Kimmy get ready for her acting role. "We'll be out in a few minutes, Gentlemen. I'll dry off her panty area before doing her hair and make-up and getting her dressed for this role. She'll be fresh and clean and dry. All ready to be an actress in her first video."
Kimmy smiled at us as Sheila closed her bedroom door. Sheila said, "We'll be back out in a little bit."
Todd, Phil, and Scott went down the basement to make sure the props were ready. They had started fixing up the basement last weekend after I left to take Kimmy home.
I knew we wouldn't be able to use most of these pictures or this video on her "model site," but also knew that these pictures would be very popular on other sites a year from now ... sites based in other countries. Todd had promised me he would wait at least a year before selling the pictures that weren't suitable for her "good girl" site.
I thought back to our private conversation before I left with Kimmy after our first photo session. He had said, "We'll make some money off her 'good girl' site, but we can make additional income from eager 'photographers' who will want to take pictures. They might also help her while she is taking her 'nap.' You know, after you hypnotize her. We have to keep that ruse going. Make sure she goes along with it, and keeps pretending to be asleep. That way our visiting photographers won't go too far and scare her." He smiled at me. "And I think your little Kimmy will look forward to taking her naps ... more so with each photo session."
I had to agree with him. And I was glad now that Kimmy had shared her "secret" with me in the car. It was a perfect way to convince her that she had to pretend to be asleep! We all told her that "taking a little nap" was standard behavior for a model - because it was such a stressful job.
I wondered what was taking Sheila so long to get Kimmy ready for the next scene. As they came out of Sheila's bedroom, Sheila scooted Kimmy towards the living room to relax a minute. She whispered to me, "Check out the video. It's in the camera. Don't play it loud, because I told her it was just for us girls."
"OK." I whispered back and went on into the bedroom.
Sheila took Kimmy into the kitchen for a little snack and a soft drink. Kimmy turned around for the other photographers telling them she was excited about getting to be an actress.
I went over to the camera and ejected the tape. I put it in the player and turned the volume way down. Now I appreciated Sheila's suggestion several weeks ago, when she mentioned the possibility of taping everything, even their private "girl sessions." Sheila had said, "I'll want to tape everything - mostly just for my own use. We'll have to start taping everything right from the start so Kimmy will be so used to cameras that she won't mind them, or question them."
I rewound. It started while Sheila was talking with Kimmy who was still off camera"... when Sky is here. Then you can help me get her cleaned between sets while I'm getting the next costumes ready for you two girls. Maybe she can me clean you. It will save time that way." Sheila laughed. "There. Camera is working. I'm taping our private sessions, Kimmy, just for me. I like to keep a record of all of our models. It's how all of us glamour photographers do it. It can help us get more efficient. Just for us girls. Now pull those panties off and lay back on the bed like you did last week. Remember what I do, so you can clean Skye the same way I'm cleaning you. Then after she is clean, she'll clean you. Do you remember how you opened yourself last week so I could clean you?"
"Yes." Kimmy said. "I remember. Like this." She had her knees up and wide apart - like changing a baby's diaper. Kimmy put all of her fingers on the top - insides of her pussy lips and pulled them apart and up. Sheila zoomed in on her little pink clit - a swollen, triangular knot of nerves poked out of her small, inner labia. The inside of her pussy was very wet, with lots of her white excitement at the opening to her vagina. The video shot zoomed in closer.
"Good girl, Kimmy. Hold it open for me. First I'll use the washcloth with warm water and get you washed off, and then a little warm soapy water on a different washcloth."
"I remember." Kimmy said. "So will Skye hold herself open like this while I wash her?"
Sheila didn't say anything. I watched her begin to rub Kimmy's swollen clit with the warm washcloth. She was just 'washing' Kimmy's clit - back and forth, up and down. Kimmy said, "I asked Eric if I should put my tongue in her mouth when I kiss her. You know, like I practiced with you last week, Sheila. Eric said not to rush things too fast with Skye, but I want to kiss her, because, like, it will get more people to visit my website, Eric said, like if I kiss her. Don't you think?"
"Yes. Hold your pussy wide open for me. That's good. Pull your lips apart and up, like you're trying to pull your pussy up towards your belly button. That's it."
Kimmy pulled her pussy open wider. Her stiff, little clit was getting rubbed continuously with Sheila's washcloth. Kimmy's vagina was full of her creamy, white excitement. Sheila put a finger at the opening. "Do you ever put things up here, Kimmy?" Sheila asked.
"Well, um, like my finger sometimes. You know, like just to wash it inside."
"I know." Sheila smiled. "You need to keep it cleaned out." She began to push a finger up Kimmy's vagina. "I need to clean you out a little bit so your panties will stay dry longer. Can I put my finger in all the way?"
"Yes. It's embarrassing that it gets so wet, especially when I'm modeling. It always does that, even at school, depending on what I'm thinking about, but even more when I'm modeling. Eric says it's because I like to model. He says I'm a sexy, little model."
Sheila was slowly fingering Kimmy, now pushing all the way in. "I have to push in so I'll get out as much of your juice as I can, Kimmy. You are a very sexy model! Eric is right. I'll try to get more of your wetness out so your panties will stay dry longer. I'll just push in a few more times. OK?"
"OK. It kind of tickles when you clean me." Kimmy squirmed her pussy in a little circle. I heard Kimmy breathing heavier on the tape.
"I have to push my finger in as far as I can, so I'll get the most wetness out, and then I rub it on this little bump at first to help dry it off, too. Then I wash it off with the washcloth later. So when you clean off Skye, push your finger in all the way and then rub your wet finger right here. Keep yourself pulled up and open. I'll clean you while she watches, and then she will know what to expect when you clean her. That's a girl. Pull up and open."
Kimmy said, "Oh! Will I get to ... I mean, will I have to push my finger in Skye this way and like, keep putting it in and pulling it out and then rubbing her?"
"It would help me, Kimmy, if you girls learned to clean each other off between our modeling sessions. Then we could get more pictures done in a day. But you don't have to if you don't want to."
"Oh, no! I would be glad to help, Sheila." Kimmy said quickly. "I want to help. Oh. That tickles, Sheila."
"Keep it pulled open for me. I'm still getting more of your wetness out. You are especially wet today. Very sexy."
"What do you mean?" Kimmy asked, still squirming her hips in little circles as Sheila pushed in; pulled out; then rubbed the wetness on Kimmy's clit.
"I mean that you get so wet because you are a very sexy girl and you like modeling panties for the men. It excites you to let them see your panties. That's why you get so wet when they look at you ... and you want to know a secret?" Sheila asked, almost whispering.
"Yes, what?" asked Kimmy.
"The men get so excited when they look at you. They all think you are so sexy and grown up. When your panties start to get wet they get even more excited and want to look at you closer. Do you want to play a trick on them?"
"Yes." She said without hesitation. "What?"
"While you're being an actress, I'll want to change your panties for the second scene. Don't look at the men. Just watch me while I help you change your panties. Pretend that you don't know they are looking at you. Wouldn't that be funny?"
"Yes. Neat. OK."
"But don't look at them, and pretend not to notice that they can see your bare pussy. Then I'll put the new panties on you after a minute. It will be our little secret. Just keep talking about being a good actress."
Kimmy giggled. "We'll trick them." Then she gasped, "Oh." As Sheila plunged her finger in all the way, even pressing her knuckle into the opening of Kimmy's vagina.
"After she gets used to your finger going all the way in, then start pushing in even farther. Can you feel my knuckle pressing against you, Kimmy?"
"It doesn't hurt, does it?"
"Well this is what you should do to help me dry off Skye. Push your finger in all the way, and then pull it out and rub the wetness all over her little button." Sheila laughed, "And you can even flick it back and forth like a little boxing bag, to help it dry faster." She demonstrated, flicking Kimmy's clit back and forth quickly; rubbing all around, and then flicking it several more times.
"Oh." Said Kimmy.
"There, now your pussy is drier." Sheila lied. "Turn over so I can wash off your back. Quickly." She clapped her hands twice as if in a hurry.
Kimmy flipped over onto her hands and knees on the edge of the bed.
"Shoulders down on the bed and pull your bottom open like we did last week when we were acting silly. I'll wash it off because the thong panties ... well, I want your bottom to be clean enough to kiss." She gave Kimmy a playful spank as Kimmy lowered her shoulders and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling them open - for Sheila and the camera.
Sheila adjusted the camera, zooming in on Kimmy's pink asshole - surrounded by a narrow ring of light brown, radiating wrinkles.
Sheila washed off Kimmy's tight, little asshole with the warm, soapy washcloth, and then stroked it with her wet finger. "Keep it pulled open, Kimmy. You'll be so clean."
"That tickles, Sheila."
Sheila stroked a moment, watching Kimmy's anus tighten reflexively each time she brushed her fingernail across it. Sheila dipped her finger in lubricant and dabbed a little on the very center of Kimmy's pink anus. "Good girl. Keep it pulled open while I get you really clean. The men will be surprised, won't they, when they see how clean your bottom is?"
"Are they going to see it?" Kimmy asked, while keeping it pulled open.
"Yes. Sometimes they see it while we adjust your panties. It's OK. Just all part of modeling. But I bet they will notice how sparkling clean it is now."
She pushed the first digit of her forefinger in. "I'll keep my finger wet and slippery with this special cleaner, so it will get you all clean. This is a cleansing lubricant... just for bottoms. Relax your bottom. This will make you so slippery and clean. Let me push my finger in all the way. That's it. It will be time for your nap after your acting session. I'll fix a nice lunch while you're napping. I want you to be spick-and-span clean, front and back for your acting session. Then later when Nick hypnotizes you, you'll fall into a deep sleep. You'll want to be clean all over while you sleep so you can wake up refreshed. You want to be clean while you take your nap, don't you?"
"Yes." Kimmy said softly as Sheila pushed a lubricated finger in her anus - almost to the second finger knuckle.
"Good, Kimmy. Keep it pulled open. You're almost clean back here. Fresh and clean." Sheila pushed in to the second knuckle of her forefinger, and at the same time pushed her left forefinger all the way in Kimmy's vagina.
"Uuuoooo." Kimmy said, as Sheila pushed her lubricated finger slowly into her anus - all the way, pressing her knuckle against the tight ass.
"There. Clean as whistle." Sheila said. "Keep holding it open while I dry you off now." Sheila ran the washcloth around Kimmy's anus again, and then used a dry hand towel. Then she said, "Hold still. Keep it open. I'll show you how clean you are in just a minute. Keep it open. Good girl. So good at following directions. That didn't hurt, did it?"
While Kimmy stretched her ass open, Sheila kissed her asshole - a long kiss. Then Sheila stood up straight and patted Kimmy's fanny. "Good girl. All clean! Don't tell the men about our 'girl sessions.' That's just between you and me ... and maybe Skye if she is a brave enough model, like you. You're doing great, Kimmy. I'll kiss you again so you'll know how clean you are. Keep it pulled open for your kiss."
Sheila gave Kimmy's stretched-open asshole a long kiss. I couldn't see if she pushed her tongue part way in, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Sheila's voice bordered on shakiness, she was so excited after the kiss. She said, "Are you ready to be an actress now, Kimmy?" She said, "All clean. You'll be nice and clean for your nap in a little while. We'll do the acting lesson now, and then you can take your nap so you'll be all refreshed before Skye gets here. Maybe you could even dream about kissing Skye and helping me clean her off. I'm so glad you're going to help me with Skye. Kiss her lots of times, and then she won't mind when you push your finger all the way in her pussy to get her dried off. Will you do that?"
The video ended, and I went out in the living room with a hard on that was bulging my jeans.
Kimmy was dressed like a Catholic elementary school girl - red, plaid jumper, white shirt and tie, bobby socks, and black pumps. Sheila and Todd were explaining the scenario and Kimmy was listening intently. While Todd talked, I winked at Sheila and moved my hand as if I was wacking off. She smiled at me but then looked at Kimmy while Todd said, " at first you will act kind of flirty, but then act like your scared when he asks you to pull your panties down. That's when he will grab you and you act like you're scared. OK?"
Kimmy was smiling. "OK. This is so exciting. I'll pretend to get scared when he asks me to pull down my panties. But should I pull them down?"
We led her out to the swing set where Scott and Phil had the cameras set up. They introduced her to Tony who was wearing black jogging pants and a red sweatshirt. He looked to be about twenty years old and had an Italian accent. I could tell that Kimmy thought he was cute. Sheila had them kiss each other before we started filming so that Kimmy wouldn't be scared of him. Tony began feeling Kimmy's chest and then reached under the short, plaid jumper and began feeling her panties.
Sheila separated them. "Don't scare her, Tony. She's only eleven."
"Oh, I'm sorry, Kimmy." Tony said, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"
"No." she was blushing. "It didn't hurt. Not a bit." She gave Sheila a look to say, "I'm a big girl."
Sheila laughed.
Tony asked Sheila if she was sure that Kimmy could follow directions for these movie scenes. Sheila said, "Yes. Go ahead and give her some directions before we get started. She's very sexy and grown-up. And I think she likes letting men see her panties." Kimmy blushed, but smiled as Sheila said that, and we could see she was eager to show what a good job she could do.
Tony knelt in front of her so he head was level with Kimmy's chest. "Lift your skirt and show me your panties."
Kimmy lifted her skirt, still smiling.
"Now pull down your panties to your knees and lift your skirt high so I can see you."
Kimmy suddenly got more shy. Phil and Todd were each holding cameras. Sheila nodded, "Show him how grown-up and sexy you are, Kimmy. These pictures are just for us. We won't put them on the site where you're modeling panties and things."
Kimmy looked at the cameras. She chewed on her lower lip, as if deciding. Then she pulled her white, cotton panties to her knees and lifted her skirt with both hands. She turned towards Phil and then towards Todd - to show both cameras that she wasn't too shy. She was still blushing, however. As she turned back to face Tony again, her panties fell to her ankles.
Tony told her to pull her panties back up to her knees and to face away from him with her feet apart. "Then flip your skirt up in back so I can see your perky, young ass."
Kimmy followed directions.
"Now pull it open for me with both hands."
Kimmy did.
Tony said, "Such a pretty, clean ass!"
"Excellent." Said Phil.
"Clean as a whistle," I added. "Her little, pink asshole is sparkling clean! Beautiful."
When I said that, she pulled it open even wider. Tony said, "Absolutely beautiful. Open wider. My God, you're so cute and sexy, Kimmy!" Tony had her stand up and pull up her panties. "Very good at following directions, Sheila. Just like you said. Very brave. Sexy and brave. So grown up. And she is so fresh and clean. This will be fun pretending." Then Tony looked into Kimmy's blushing face. "Kimmy, I might sound like I'm mean or angry, but I'll just be pretending. OK?"
"I know." She said. "And I'll just be pretending that I don't want you to pull down my panties." After she said it she blushed brightly, betraying her bravado.
We all smiled. I said, "I told them you could be a good, little actress, Kimmy!"
The scene opened with Kimmy swinging on the swing set and singing a children's rhyme song. Tony walked up and started talking with her. Kimmy's short jumper was flying up in back, exposing her white panties. She smiled at Tony and let him push her from behind.
"What's your name, little girl?"
"That's such a pretty name. A pretty name for a pretty, little girl." He patted her bottom when he pushed her forward. Then he dared her to stand on the swing and let him push her, so she did. They were having fun, and she was showing him her panties each time she leaned back to get momentum.
"Does your Mommy know you let men see your panties?"
Kimmy smiled, "She said it's OK if it's an accident, like because I have to wear this uniform, but I want to play, too."
"So if you were hanging upside-down and I saw your panties, then that would be OK? Hmm. Well I bet you can't hang upside-down anyway."
"Yes I can!" she giggled. "But you'll have to help me."
Tony easily lifted her up to sit on the high bar. He held her while she leaned back against him and then she was hanging upside-down by her knees. Tony stepped back and Kimmy's jumper fell down around her chest. Her training bra and blouse were visible under the jumper. Tony began to push her gently, just pushing on her panties from behind. "You are brave. Such a good gymnast." He reached around and felt her taut, flat tummy and slid his hands down towards her chest.
"No, you shouldn't touch me there. It's OK to push me, but don't touch me there. That's naughty."
Tony pushed her bottom a few more times and then walked around to stand in front of her. He put his hands on her tummy again and then pushed the front of Kimmy's panties. She tried to block his hands with her hands, but he continued to push her by pushing on the front of her panties, right on her pussy.
The video cameras were on either side of the action.
Kimmy said, "You'd better help me down now. What's your name?"
He helped her down, feeling her all over in the process.
Kimmy smiled and blushed brightly. "You really shouldn't touch me there."
"Where?" Tony asked innocently. "I was just helping you swing."
"Don't push me on the front of my panties."
"Then take your panties off!" Tony said, sounding suddenly mean.
"No. I have to go now." Kimmy turned, but Tony grabbed her from behind, with one hand over her mouth. Kimmy squirmed and struggled as if trying to get away, but she didn't try to kick him. He was holding her back against him.
Tony said, "Don't scream or I will have to hurt you, Kimmy, and I don't want to hurt you. Stand still and put your hands on the chains. Reach up high and hold on tight. That's it." She held onto the chains on the swing set. "Don't move. Hold still. I don't want to hurt you."
He released her and she didn't scream. You could see her panties under her jumper as she reached high up on the chains. Tony knelt behind her and reached his hands up under the jumper. Slowly he pulled her panties down. "Step out." He said.
She did.
"Good girl. I won't have to hurt you if you don't scream or try to run away. You don't want to go home without your panties, do you?"
Kimmy shook her head no.
"If you follow directions I'll give these back to you when you go home." Tony lifted up the jumper exposing Kimmy's bare bottom. "Good girl. You're following directions. Now put your chest down on the seat of the swing. I want to look at you and touch you. Put your feet apart."
They weren't following the script, but the two cameramen continued filming as Tony began feeling Kimmy. He felt her bottom and rubbed her pussy. He reached one hand between her legs and up to her chest. As he felt her chest, he said, "No pussy hair. So pretty. I like that, but you're starting to get little titties. Just enough to squeeze. I won't squeeze them too hard."
"You are so pretty, Kimmy, but you are also a naughty girl, aren't you? Do you like to let men and boys see your panties?"
"Yes." Kimmy sounded as if she was ready to cry. "I like to let them see."
"You show off and let men see your panties. And the boys at school, too, don't you?"
"This is your punishment for being a naughty girl. I'm going to put my finger in you. It won't hurt. Keep being quiet and I won't have to hurt you. This doesn't hurt you does, it, when I touch you?"
"No. It doesn't hurt." She whimpered.
"Reach back and pull your sweet, little ass open so I can see you. I'm going to put my finger in your pussy. Consider this your punishment for being a naughty girl. Keep your chest on the swing seat. Good."
Kimmy followed directions, and Tony looked at the open, wet pussy from just inches behind it. "Move your ass around with your hands. Try to make it open for me. Your pussy and your ass, make your skin move with your hands."
Kimmy pulled her ass open, then pulled up on one side and pushed in on the other side, moving her ass this way and that.
"It looks like your pussy is wet. Did it excite you to know I was looking at your panties?"
Tony pushed his finger slowly into her pussy - all the way. He held it in all the way and reached under her with his other hand and massaged her chest again. "I like your titties, Kimmy. They feel so firm. And your pussy is so tight. I'm glad you're so wet or my finger wouldn't go in. Do you ever put your finger in it?"
"Yes." She said slowly as he pushed in again.
"Were you glad I looked at your panties?"
"I want to keep putting my finger in you."
"But people might come. Somebody might see us."
"Come with me. I'll bring you back here in a little while. I want to see your bare titties and suck on them. Would you like that?"
"That's naughty. But I don't want anybody to see you do that."
"Will you promise not to scream? Then I'll take you with me and bring you back in a little while. You can undress for me. I want to take pictures of you. Then I'll bring you back. Do you promise to cooperate?"
"Yes. Umm." She said, as he pushed his finger all the way in again. "Then will you give me back my panties?"
"Yes, I'll give them back to you if you do everything I say."
"OK. I have to have them back. It would be embarrassing to go home without them. People would ask me questions."
"Will you take off all your clothes and let me touch you and take pictures? Then I'll give you back your panties. Will you undress for me?"
"Yes. I need them back."
They both stood up. Tony said, "Take my hand, so if anybody sees us they will think we're friends. I'll keep your panties in my pocket."
They walked off hand-in-hand. Tony talked as if they were just taking a walk in the park. "...and after you take off all your clothes for my camera, will you pull your ass wide open again, so I can put my finger in your young, juicy-wet pussy?"
Phil said, "Cut!" We all congratulated Kimmy on her excellent acting.
"It wasn't like what we talked about." Kimmy pointed out.
"No." Sheila said, "But you did so great at just going along with Tony. What an excellent actress. Are you ready to go undress for him now, you know, for your next act?"
We took her down the basement. She looked at the ropes tied on the corners of the big, four-poster bed.
"What are the ropes for?" Kimmy asked.
Sheila said, "That's just for the part of the scene where you try to get away. Like then he will tie you down. After you strip for Tony, and show off for him, then he will give you wrist and ankle straps. He'll help you put them on, and then as he fastens you down, act like your getting scared again. Like you think he's going to rape you and you think it will hurt so you want to get away...."
Phil continued, "We'll be filming the whole time, so struggle but don't scream. You know - wiggle around, open and close your knees for the camera. He will put you in different positions and he will probably put his finger in your pussy. OK? Pretend to struggle."
Kimmy was looking at the black leather ankle and wrist bands with the chrome plated metal rings. "OK. And I'll be naked?"
"Yes." Sheila said, "You'll undress by yourself so that none of your clothes get ripped or torn, and then let Tony help you put these on you after he feels you and kisses you all over. Act like you're starting to get turned on... until he ties you down. That's when you'll pretend you want to get away.
"And if he wants to use the slippery stuff..." Sheila bent over and whispered, while we men pretended we were busy setting things up, "... it means he is going to put a finger in your bottom, so hold still while he does that. Don't wiggle too much. Just let his finger go all the way in your bottom."
We came back to stand next to Sheila and Kimmy. Phil and Todd were holding cameras, and Tony was smiling. Sheila stood up, "The cameras will still be rolling while he fingers you, so pretend it feels good. Are you ready for the next scene?"
Kimmy looked around, blushing. "Yes."
"He's going to put a finger in your pussy, and then he'll put slippery stuff on his finger and..."
"I know." Kimmy said, blushing. "I'm ready."
The scene opened with Kimmy and Tony walking into the special dungeon -bedroom. Kimmy looked around as if she was getting a little scared. "Undress now?" She asked.
"No. Put your panties back on first. Then I want you to say those things we talked about into my video camera while you undress."
Kimmy looked puzzled and so were we. We did a brief time out, while Tony told Kimmy what to say into the camera.
We started shooting again, with Tony holding one of the video cameras aimed at Kimmy. "Now undress for me. You know I'll be taking pictures of you as you undress."
"I know, but why do you want to take pictures? You won't show anybody the pictures will you?"
"I want to take your picture because you're so cute. You have been a naughty girl, showing people your panties. I'm going to show this video to some of my friends. Now tell them your name and tell me that you've been a naughty girl." Tony said, as he motioned for her to take off her shoes and socks.
Kimmy sat on the bed and pulled up one foot. She untied the laces. "But you promise to only show the video to your friends, and not anybody else?"
"Maybe I will. Maybe I'll show all my friends. Maybe I'll show some of the boys in your class at school, or your teachers, or neighbors."
"But that would be so embarrassing." Kimmy said, with a very sincere blush.
"You have been a naughty girl. Teasing men. Teasing me. I won't show the video to anybody who knows you, Kimmy. Now say your name and tell me how you've been a naughty girl while you undress for the camera. Tell me how you have teased some of the men and boys over the last year, Kimmy. Tell me while you bounce and roll around on the bed. Take off your shirt and then your bra. I want you to take off the jumper last."
"Yes, Sir." Kimmy said, as she took off her other shoe and sock. She climbed up on the bed and lifted her skirt. She pulled down her panties and stepped out of them, turning for the camera with her skirt up. Kimmy started bouncing, lifting her skirt as she did so, posing while she jumped. "Lots of times I let men or boy see my panties while I play after school. I think its funny how they try to look but they pretend they aren't looking. I don't look right at them. I let them see my panties and pretend that I don't know they can see them. Then I look at them and catch them looking. But still I pretend that I don't know they can see my panties. I even do it with my teacher sometimes. He likes to look. I even see him looking at other girls, too. But we don't talk about it. I move my knees back and forth like I'm nervous. That always makes him look. And sometimes I do that at the mall if I'm wearing my uniform. I even shorten the straps on my jumper to make my skirt higher. I like to let men see my panties, but I pretend I don't know they can see them."
Tony signaled for her to take off her blouse and training bra.
"Now that I'm getting titties, it's even easier to tease my teacher, like I won't wear my bra sometimes and I'll leave the top two buttons undone and then lean down like I'm concentrating on my work. He comes around to help us, but he stops at my desk and leans down to see what I'm writing and pats me on the back. He can see my whole right titty, and I let him look. When he's looking, like at my titty or up my dress, it gives me a tingle and I can feel that I'm getting wetter, like when you pushed me on the swing."
Tony had her take off the dress and pose. His camera flashed often while Kimmy assumed different positions. This would be a great video.
"What are these for?" Kimmy asked, as Tony buckled the first wrist strap.
"I want to hold you down for a little while."
"But I promise to do what you say. You promised not to hurt me." She looked at him with pleading eyes.
"And I won't hurt you. I'm only going to put my fingers in you today. Then I'll keep my eyes out in the park to see if you come back to the same swing set by yourself. Then I'll know you want to play again. Then I especially won't hurt you. I might even get presents for you, Kimmy. Then we can play more pretending games. Would you like that? Would you like to dress up for me in special clothes and then undress and let me take pictures? Maybe I'll have some friends over to watch you, too."
"Oh. But you won't hurt me, will you?"
"No. Not if you cooperate and do what we say. Would you like to undress in front of more people?"
"Good. Then let me put the pillows in the middle of the bed and you lay on them and I'll strap you down and take more pictures. I'm going to put my finger in you again. Is that OK?" Tony was fastening the ropes to her ankles straps.
Tony tightened all four straps so that she was stretched out, spread-eagled, face-up, on top of the pillows. We were getting great video while massaged her now flat breasts. He gently pinched and pulled her nipples. Then he began fingering her wet pussy. Kimmy wiggled around, opening and closing her knees with what little slack there was in the ankle straps. "Did you like undressing for me, Kimmy?"
"Do you like how I touch your breasts and pussy?"
"Will you come back to the park again so I can capture you and show you to my friends?"
"And will you undress and let them finger you?"
"You're a very wet little girl, Kimmy. I'm going to turn you over now."
Kimmy cooperated while he unfastened the straps, flipped her onto her tummy and refastened them. He propped both pillows under her hips, lifting her bottom.
Tony put lubricant in his finger and then on Kimmy's bottom. He pushed his finger in all the way.
"That's so embarrassing." Kimmy said.
"But it doesn't hurt, does it?"
"Good. Because I want to do it. You have such a pretty, clean, tight, little asshole. It's absolutely beautiful."
He pushed his finger in several more times. "If I unfasten your hands will you hold your ass open for me? I want to take a picture to show my friends, and I want to finger it some more. Will you hold it open for me?"
"This is what happens to naughty girls. They have to do embarrassing things. This is part of your punishment for teasing men and letting them see your panties. Pull your ass wide open for the camera."
"Yes, Sir." She said, and pulled her ass wide open.
Tony took a picture with his flash camera, and slid his finger all the way into her wide open ass.
"Uhhhhh." Kimmy moaned as it went in.
That is how scene two ended. We all clapped. Tony unfastened the ankle straps. Kimmy stood up, embarrassed to be naked. Sheila gave her a robe. "I'm going upstairs to fix lunch now. Eric, why don't you hypnotize her downstairs on this bed. She's all ready for a nap."
She looked at Kimmy. "Why not lay down here on this bed for your nap. I'm sure you're tired after all that acting." Without waiting for an answer, she said, "I'll go on upstairs and fix lunch. You men stay down here while Kimmy takes her nap. Work quietly on your cameras. Get them ready for Skye's visit. She'll be here in about an hour or so. Go ahead and hypnotize her, Eric."
She went upstairs.
"Should I sleep on my back or my tummy first, Eric?" Kimmy asked, climbing onto the big bed with a smile; ready for her nap.
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