Published: 11-Mar-2011
Word Count:
"I really need some money, Eric, especially since my step sister took off and left her kid with me?"
"Do you know where she went?" I asked. We had been casual acquaintances since we first met in that same bar three years ago. Usually we talked about not having enough money, or the new drink craze - some kind of sissy drink - that neither of us cared for. We both liked Jack Daniel's. That was how we first met - both ordering Jack at the same time.
"I don't know where she went, but now I've got her eleven year old kid to feed." I haven't told her school that her Mom left, because she might come back. Dry out and come back."
"I wouldn't count on it, Monica." I said. "Do you have a picture?"
"A picture of who?" She asked. "My step-sister?"
"No, your new kid." I said. "Is she cute? Tell me about her."
"Just a skinny, blond kid. Blue eyes like her Mom. Just lost her baby teeth, so her front teeth look too big for her mouth. I'm worried she'll need braces and there's no way I could afford that."
"But does she have a cute face?"
A defensive look suddenly came over her face. She leaned back to look at me. "Yes, she's cute. Just a skinny kid. Why?" She was staring at me.
I knew I had to back off quickly. I laughed, "I'm not suggesting anything, especially anything sexual. I just know that you could let her do some modeling and you could make lots of money. You'll always be with me when I take pictures and she will always be dressed, just like the kids in the clothes ads for the mall! Nothing more than that. Really. You make most of the money because people join a site to see her poses. She would always at least have her underwear on. Pretty underwear, just like models. Just like models in the Sear's catalog. That's all." I tried to look offended that she would think I was suggesting anything else.
I let her think a minute.
I ordered two more Jacks. "That's all it is, Monica - just modeling. But you could make an extra thousand bucks a month, maybe more. Just a few hours each week. Does she like to dress up?"
"Yes. She's not a tom-boy like I was at her age." Then she chuckled. "I tease her about being so prissy." She hesitated, then said, "Well, a cross between prissy and M-TV. Sometimes she's wearing a frilly dress with black socks and what I call 'combat boots' on."
I smiled knowingly. "There, see? I bet she would enjoy it."
"But would I get in trouble if anybody recognized her." She said.
This was suddenly taking a turn in my direction. "Well, for one, nobody around here would probably ever see the pictures, and even if they did, they wouldn't recognize her. And two, how could you get in trouble? She would always be wearing at least underwear - as much as the girls in the Mall ads."
"Why wouldn't they recognize her?"
I had to stay calm, act like everything was simple. "She would have her hair in different styles, be wearing fancy clothes some of the time, and make-up, maybe even fake fingernails, jewelry. And of course we wouldn't use her real name. A friend of mine has a little studio set up and does lots of this kind of photography. She lives about fifty miles from here. I could drive. I'll be taking the pictures and she will set up and run the website. My friend has a set with books and magazines in Russian so anybody would think the girl is Russian. You would be with us the whole time. I could bring you some sets of pictures to show you want I mean. Then you would see that it's nothing illegal or naughty."
That night I collected series of panty pictures for fifteen different girls about Kimmy's age from my large collection of internet models that I had saved off pictureview over the last couple years. Each of the girls in the series I chose started off dressed and stripped down to panties and bra, or to T-shirt and panties. Each of the girls had an innocent look, and I chose mostly innocent pictures, but I had a few pictures of each of the girls in a thong - pictured from the back and in front. I printed these out and put them in plastic photo sheets and then into several albums. Very professional, I thought. Inside the back pocket in each binder I put some of the more provocative poses, or poses in very sheer panties, and some photos of the girls clowning around - pulling their panties part way down - just down to the top of their pussy cracks. In some poses I could see the small, firm tits from the side through the arm hole in the blouse.
I talked with my friend Sheila, who I had never met, about Kimmy and asked if she would like to help me take pictures and set up the site. She was hesitant and admitted that she didn't know much about photography. Shelia said she had just been dreaming about taking pictures of cute, young girls in their panties and helping them change outfits, but that she never thought she would really get the chance. She was worried about being discovered, so I had to talk her into going along with my plan, too. She acquiesced when I said she would get to help her change into each new outfit and then make sure they fit properly by feeling around the waistband and elastic leg holes - as if making sure the panties were snug enough.
"So I will have to put my fingers up the leg holes and slide my fingers around to smooth out the panties?"
Then she agreed to let me set up her basement as a photography studio. I would have a video camera in the changing room, and explain to my friend how to stall Kimmy while she was changing outfits, like pretending to change her mind and then have Kimmy try on several different pairs of panties before selecting a matching bra. I would also have several cameras set up in the studio in order to record the whole thing. I would take pictures from the different cameras, but two of the cameras could also do digital video so I planned to set them to video when I wasn't taking still shots.
Before I could go up to Sheila's house, I figured I would have to make at least two visits to get Monica to agree.
The first night I visited Monica and Kimmy's house I took the photo albums and my new, digital camera with a small tripod in a little case with extra memory chips, and a bag of clothes - mostly panties, bras, skirts and blouses, hose, and ruffled ankle socks. I also had a couple pairs of very sheer panties in my pants pockets.
Monica looked through the albums with me, and agreed that they were not pornographic, but more arty - like the sales ads from the mall.
Then Kimmy walked in to meet me and I did a double take. She was so cute, even dressed in jeans and gym shoes. I could discern two bumps in her T-shirt - a pair of developing pre-teen titties. Perfect. I wondered if she was still bald. Monica had told me at the bar that Kimmy hadn't started her periods yet.
Kimmy was very interested in the pictures. I showed her the first album - the most modest poses. She sat between us on the couch. As she looked through the album - her eyes glued to the pictures I explained that although this was perfectly legal and above board that she would still have to keep this a secret... "That is, IF you would like to be a model, too, Kimmy. You would be wearing make-up, jewelry, and the settings would make it seem like you were over in Eastern Europe somewhere. Sometimes you would even be wearing a wig."
She didn't say anything, but kept turning the pages in the album with a dreamy look on her face. I wasn't sure if she was listening to me.
"Only if you want to, Kimmy." Monica said as she stood up. "I'll get beer for me and Eric. You look at the albums and think about it. If you're interested, then Eric will have to get some pictures tonight to make sure you're not too shy and that the agency wants more pictures of you."
"Tonight?" she asked, sitting up straight.
I had put my hand on her back when Monica stood up. I started lightly rubbing the middle of her back. Monica said, "Yes, Silly. Tonight. Let Eric take some pictures. He brought his camera and some outfits to see if you could be one of the models. Eric is a glamour photographer." She paused, and then added, "You don't have to do it, Kimmy, and you might not get chosen anyway." Monica left the room. I kept rubbing Kimmy's back.
I handed her another album. This one had more panty and bra poses. She was staring at the photos on each page when Monica came back in. I took the beer in my hand that wasn't rubbing Kimmy's back. I noticed her waist line was developing making her hips seem fuller. "How much do you weigh, Kimmy?" I asked.
She kept looking at the pictures, turning the pages slowly. "Almost ninety." She answered.
"And how tall are you?"
"I think about four, ten or four eleven. I'm not exactly sure." She turned a page.
All three of us looked at a girl in silky panties and a training bra. The girl was laying flat on her back with her legs wide apart, smiling at the camera. The thong panties didn't have a crotch liner and we could all tell that the girl was bald, although we couldn't see clearly through the panties. There were only four pictures on that page because I printed out those pictures as 5 by 7s. Two of the pictures in front, and two in back. One picture showed her flat on her tummy, legs together, elbows under her chin. The thong came out from between her bare cheeks to the band around the model's hips. Beautiful, full buns. The bottom photo showed the model with her legs wide apart from behind - as if the photographer was kneeling between her feet, a couple feet behind her. The model's hips were raised several inches off the carpeting and we could all see how the thong came out from between those full buns and opened into the white silky triangle covering her pussy.
I was worried as both Monica and Kimmy looked at the picture, that they would change their minds and kick me out. Then Kimmy said, "She has freckles, too. Look." She put her finger on a group of freckles on the models inner thigh. The line of pale freckles extended over the portion of the pussy lip we could see into the panties.
"Lots of the models have freckles, Kimmy. It's fine for young models to have freckles." I said, noticing that Kimmy had freckles, too.
I closed the album and pulled a bag of clothes out of the bigger bag. "Go try these on, Kimmy, and I'll take a few pictures. Monica will be right here with us. I need some sample pictures to see if the agency could use you. And I'll need to get your measurements tonight, so we can outfits for you."
She ran into her bedroom with the bag of clothes, and I turned to Monica. "She's cute enough. She has to be able to keep this a secret, though. I think that would be best."
"Yes, of course. I'll remind her. Do you think the agency could use her? How much would I make?"
"I'm not sure if they will want her. They get lots of applicants." I lied. "But I'll get some pictures tonight, and will try to pose her in different poses and outfits. It will take an hour or two. If she's selected and we do two sessions a month, you would make at least a thousand dollars."
"Oh. That would be great. Take your time. I've got a case of beer." She laughed.
"I'll have a few, but need to concentrate on the pictures, so Kimmy will have a better chance of being selected. Umm..." I hesitated.
"What?" she asked.
"Kimmy might be less shy if you weren't in here with us."
She thought for a minute. "OK. I'll watch her model for a minute and then leave you two alone. Maybe I'll have to run to the store for something. Do you promise not to touch her or do anything that you shouldn't?"
I could tell she was half serious, so I said, "Hey, I'll make some money, too, if this works out. Not as much as you, but still it would help. I won't hurt her ... or touch her private parts." I laughed.
Monica seemed relieved.
Kimmy came out dressed in a play outfit - short jeans skirt, white T-shirt, and white, lacy ankle socks. She smiled at me, looking down, shy.
"You are so cute and sexy, Kimmy. I'll have to take lots of pictures tonight." I positioned her in a standing profile pose, even putting my hands on her hips to twist her trunk away from the camera that I had set up on my collapsible tripod.
I turned to Monica, "Could you get me a few bed sheets that I could lay on the floor or on the couch?" I slid my hands from her waist, down her bare right leg to hold Kimmy's knee in both hands and pulled it slightly forward. I wanted Kimmy to get used to me positioning her and adjusting her clothes between shots.
Monica left to find some clean sheets and I took several shots of Kimmy as she turned and posed. I asked her to lie on her tummy and pretend she was writing in a notebook. "Now put your feet apart, Kimmy. I need to get pictures of your panties."
She scooted her feet a few inches apart. I said, "Wider." But she only moved them a few inches farther apart.
"Kimmy, put your feet farther apart so I can take a picture of your panties. That's part of being a model."
"But this dress is so short. People will see my panties." She sounded scared.
I had her stand up. "Kimmy, nobody your age will ever see these pictures; in fact, I bet nobody in this whole state will see any of these pictures. These pictures today are to see if you can pose for the camera. In the future, after we fix your hair, put on some make-up and different clothes or fancy things, and then put you in a studio with Russian magazines laying around ... well ... then any adults who see your picture will think you're a Russian girl. Your blond hair and pretty face will work perfectly." She seemed calmer.
"Would it help if I showed you a picture first, and then you try to pose like the girl in the picture?"
"Yes. OK." She said.
I flipped the pages to a girl who was wearing a skirt and T-shirt similar to the one she was wearing. She imitated several modest poses and then pointed to the picture as the girl laid down on the floor and put her legs apart - wide apart, while writing in a notepad. "Oh, I see." Kimmy said, and laid on the floor with her legs wide apart.
While I was kneeling between her feet, zooming in on the white, silky panties, stretched between Kimmy's legs, Monica came in with several sheets. Kimmy started to close her legs. She said, "I'm just posing like the girls in Eric's pictures. That's all." She said, seemingly embarrassed that Monica saw her posing with her legs apart.
"I know, Kimmy." Monica said. "It's OK. Just think of your panties as a swimming suit."
I agreed with Monica and we both encouraged her to continue posing. Monica went in the kitchen and called out that she had to run to the store and that she would be back in about forth-five minutes. "Just do whatever Eric says, Kimmy." We heard the door close.
I flipped the page in the album and showed her the pictures of the girl taking off her skirt and T-shirt so she was only wearing panties and bra and then getting in similar poses - some crawling, some flat on her tummy - legs together and wide apart - from different views. Kimmy started posing again and undressed for my camera. I pretended to take pictures, but was really getting video as she took off her skirt and T-shirt. She assumed the poses wearing just her panties and training bra.
I kept telling her how cute and sexy she was and that men and women around the world would enjoy looking at her pretty, young body. Then I handed her another bag with a different set of red, silky, hip-hugger panties and matching bra and a camisole night gown.
Monica came in as Kimmy walked in wearing the red panties and bra with the camisole night gown. "Wow, Kimmy, you look so grown-up." Monica said. "Let me put on a little make up and loan you a pair of my high heels, even though they will be too big on you." She led Kimmy into the downstairs bathroom.
I spread a sheet on the couch and one on the floor right in front of it.
Kimmy did look older with the make-up, but the oversize high heels gave her that little-girl-playing-dress-up look. I posed her, touching her often - straightening her shoulders, tugging the panties up higher, and Monica didn't say anything. She commented several times about being a good model before she left for the store.
"Let me get your measurements, Kimmy." I had the tape measure in my right hand. She held her arms straight out from her sides, shoulder height - imitating my pose. I flipped the tape measure around her back and pulled the tape tight around her bust, with my fingers holding the tape and pressing against her breast. She pulled back when my fingers touched her nipple. "Hold still, Kimmy." I said, matter-of-factly. "This will only take a minute if you hold still." I put my fingers against her breast and measured - taking my time to read the numbers and adjust the tape measure around her back and measuring again.
Her nipples began to stiffen as I continued to pull the tape tighter and then loosen up. "Thirty one." I said, "just in between size thirty and thirty two. "If I loosen up it's thirty two." I demonstrated, moving my knuckles across her nipples. "Keep your arms out. That's it. But I think thirty might be too tight." I tightened the tape measure - pressing gently into her breasts and adjusting my fingers.
Then I said, "I think I have one of each size in my clothes bag. We'll see which fits better and you can keep it."
She smiled.
Then I measured her waist - twenty four, and her hips - thirty four, with those firm, full buns. I had to feel a while getting her bottom measurement, too. When I measured her inseam from her anklebone to her crotch she backed away again. I thought a minute and suggested she sit back on the couch and then she could hold the tape measure against her panties while I measured down to her ankle. But of course, I had to show her where to hold the end of the tape measure and the back of my fingers pressed momentarily against her soft, full pussy lips. Then she held it in place while I got the measurements. I wrote them down in my notebook next to her height and weight.
I had Kimmy lay down again and got several shots before I had her spread her legs and lift her hips. I put my hand between her legs and up towards her tummy, lifting her hips higher. I accidentally brushed my hand over her panties across her pussy and then tugged the back of the panties higher as if adjusting them. She didn't say anything. I told her how cute and sexy she looked with the high heels.
Then I noticed a wet spot developing on the panties. I pretended not to notice and kept posing her - standing, sitting - with legs apart, and leaning back on the couch, then one foot up on the couch. Lots of legs apart poses, and the wet spot continued to darken on the red panties. It grew from the size of a pea to the size of a quarter after a few poses. Then I set up the tripod again in front of the couch and put a sheet over the arm of the stuffed couch. "Pretend this is a horsy and ride it like you're riding towards the camera." I showed her pictures in one of the albums of a girl doing the same thing wearing just panties and bra. I set the camera to video and had her ride the arm of the couch. "Good. Now ride faster and scoot your hips up and back on the couch. Do you ever pretend you're riding a horse, Kimmy?"
She was riding harder - rocking forward and back. She laughed. "Well, when I was a kid I used to do it."
I laughed along with her, and encouraged her to act silly and pretend she was riding a bucking bronco. "Hold one arm up in the air and really bounce, Kimmy. You're such a sexy cowgirl!" This was making a great video. Her firm, little titties were jiggling with each buck of the horse.
Then I posed her on her hands and knees - putting her knees wider apart and her shoulders lower with each pose. The wet spot on the dark red panties had grown to the size of a banana from the front of her pussy to her ass, with the most soaked area in the center of her vagina.
"OK. Great, Kimmy." I picked up the camisole top from the floor and put it in the clothing bag, pulling out another small plastic bag. "Take this bag in the bathroom and change. Hurry up. Put the bra and panties you're wearing in this bag and bring it back out with you, so I can keep track of your outfits tonight." She grabbed the bag with a big grin and started to run to the bathroom. I tossed her a big T-shirt. "Here, wear this over the bra and panties."
I put a new memory card in my camera - ready for more video.
She came out a minute later and handed me the plastic bag with the wet panties. I could hardly wait to sniff them, but wouldn't do it in front of her. I took the bag and rolled it up, sealing in the wetness.
She seemed self conscious - knowing the white bra and panties she was wearing were practically transparent. I showed her pictures of other girls wearing almost transparent panties and she relaxed a bit. "It's kind of embarrassing, Eric." She said. "Are you sure nobody around here will see these pictures?"
"Yes. I'm sure nobody will see these." I emphasized the word, "these." And I helped her off with the T-shirt right away, before she could get too self-conscious. "If you want, I won't take pictures of your face while you're wearing this outfit. Once we're in the studio and you're wearing make-up and costumes, then I'm positive nobody will recognize you. The lady who runs the studio needs to see a variety of pictures to know you're not too shy, and so she can see how pretty you are." I patted her bottom. "And you're very pretty, Kimmy."
She smiled and we began with the standing up poses. I could see immediately that she was bald. Great! We went through the various poses - hands and knees, laying on her back with legs together and then apart, laying on her tummy with legs together and then apart, followed by legs as wide apart as she could go, then lifting up her hips. These panties were beginning to get wet also, but the wetness didn't show up as much on the white, silky-sheer material. I ended this set by letting her ride the horsy again.
I was telling her how sexy and cute she was and that I really hoped she would be selected. Knowing that Monica wouldn't be back for another fifteen minutes, I decided to try a few even sexier poses. I showed her pictures of five different girls who were pulling their panties part way down - just to the top of their cracks, but you could see the top of their mound or the edges of a girl's pussy without actually seeing the crack.
Kimmy stared at the pictures, "Oh." She said softly. I was worried for a moment that I had gone too far when I noticed her squirm. She had subtly scissored her legs and moved her hips.
"You don't have to do any poses like this, Kimmy, but it would prove to Sheila that you are brave enough to be one of her models." I put one foot on the couch and held the album across my knee with my left hand. I put my right hand around her shoulders as she stood next to me, still staring at these pictures. The top of her head was about two inches below my shoulder. "I really hope she chooses you, Kimmy. Monica really needs the money you would earn by being a model, especially since your Mother left for a while. It would really help Monica if you got selected." I waited a few seconds while she continued staring at each girl. "You're cute enough and sexy enough, you just need to show that you are brave enough. Nobody will see these pictures I'm taking tonight, not even Monica, except for some of the modest, shy pictures. Will you pose like this for me?"
"OK." She said.
"Good girl!" I said cheerfully, "I knew you were sexy enough." I patted her bottom in a playful spank. "Now, look happy, like you're just clowning around. If any of the pictures show too much, then I'll delete them before sending the pictures to Sheila at her studio.
We began having fun. I was posing her quickly, laughing, "This is fun, isn't it, Kimmy?" She was getting into some of the same poses with the panties pulled part-way down.
"It's silly." She said, holding the waistband way out in front of her. Her panties were down on her hips and I could see her entire pussy standing above her.
I had her face me and pull them down to her hips, slightly out in front so that the crotch fell away and was hanging between her thighs. Then I told her to put one leg on the couch and I shot up the leg hole for another full pussy shot.
I glanced at my watch, and didn't want Monica to come in on us now. I flipped her another panty and bra set - the color of coffee. "Go change into these, but take the camera with you." I put in another memory card. "I'll set this up to take a picture every five seconds. When you bring the camera back out I'll seal the card in a plastic packet to send to Sheila so she can see the shape of you. That way she will know for sure that your body is developing nicely and that you'll be a good model. When you're in the bathroom, hold the camera at yourself, your breasts and ... ummm, well, between your legs..." I assumed several positions while holding the camera aimed at myself.
"It will take a picture every five seconds, so count to six between poses, but keep aiming the camera at yourself with one hand before you put on the new panties and bra. That's right. Aim it at your bare skin. Maybe even squeeze your lips together with your other hand, or pull them open. Just clown around. Squeeze your breasts towards the camera so she can see that you're developing a nice figure. But have fun modeling and clown around. Pinch one of your breasts and pull it out like you're trying to make it get bigger. Act silly. Have fun. Pretend you're a centerfold!" I laughed." "I bet you've seen magazines like that, haven't you"
"Yes." She blushed, but kept smiling.
"Well she needs to see you, Kimmy. She needs to see your full lips, and buns, and breasts." I explained. "So count out loud to six, and then move the camera. You can also set the camera on the edge of the tub or beside the sink and stand back to pose and turn around. This will be our secret, Kimmy, even from Monica. She'll be so happy when you are chosen to be a model. We'll have to go model a couple times a month, like on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Won't that be fun?"
"Gee." She was smiling.
I gave her the camera, set on video, including sound, and a new panty and bra set. She looked at the camera. "Hurry, it's taking a picture every five seconds. Undress and start posing!"
She ran in the bathroom. I couldn't wait to see my pictures later. I would send Sheila a few mild poses to her email address, but will have to hand deliver the discs to her when I visit her next weekend.
While she was in the bathroom, I took the pair of wet panties out of the bag; felt them, and noticed they were still wet and slick; then sealed them in a plastic sandwich bag to hold in all the moisture so I could enjoy them later. The feminine scent was so mild. This was a much hotter modeling session that I expected!
She came out about ten minutes later, blushing. She shyly handed me the camera. I noticed that the memory was all used up, as I took the chip out and put it in a paper envelope and sealed it. "You pictures are safe now, Kimmy. You look so pretty. Was it exciting?"
"Yes." She admitted, still talking softly, seeming subdued.
I snapped in another memory card and began posing her again, trying to lighten things up before Monica got home. I told Kimmy that Monica would be so proud of her for getting a job as a model. After a quick ride on the horsy again, I could see the wet spot developing. This little girl was hot! I had her pull her panties out, and then down a little bit, as she rolled on the floor or posed on the couch.
"Pull them down in back, Kimmy, and lay flat on your back. Let me position them and pull them up in front. Put your legs wide apart. That's it." I positioned the front of the panties to one side, revealing a full lip, but not her crack. As I moved the panties from side to side I got many good views of her bald pussy, and the back of my finger was getting wet from sliding over her lips between her legs as I adjusted them again and again.
"Remember, if any of these pictures show too much, then I won't show them to anyone except Shelia. We would never post them anywhere. Now close your eyes; bend your knees, while I adjust these." I pulled the panties clear to one side, completely exposing her pussy. "Now let your knees fall slowly outwards while I take a few close-ups." I knew she knew that her pussy was fully exposed, but she did as I said, keeping her eyes closed. I told her again how pretty and sexy she was. She was also very wet as she let me look and take pictures.
"Great modeling, Kimmy. You're good at following directions. I'll tell Sheila that you will do whatever she says. OK, hands and knees." I pulled her panties to the side revealing her pink anus and wet, hairless pussy. "Good, now put your shoulders down towards the floor. Great. Hold it." I took several pictures; set my camera down, and then patted her bottom. "You're so pretty, Kimmy." I looked at her ass for a moment.
"Is it OK if I adjust your panties like this, Kimmy?" I had both hands on her bottom as I pulled her buns slightly apart and then let them close again, moving her panties only a little bit.
"Good girl, Kimmy. You always had your panties on while I've been taking pictures, haven't you?"
"That's right. I won't take pictures of you unless you're wearing at least panties. Do you like it when I look at you; that I think you're so sexy?"
"I'm just adjusting your panties for a picture now, Kimmy. That's all. I'll take the picture in just a second. Put your knees apart a little more. Lower your shoulders" She did. I pulled the panties further to the side. I placed my hands on her ass and pulled her wider open and looked. Her clitoris was barely visible between her two full lips, and the underdeveloped inner labia were pink, hardly noticeable. I opened her three more times - wider each time, and let her close. Then I took a picture, moved the panties back to center and rubbed them into place, pulling up the waistband in back. The coffee colored panties now showed a large wet spot as I rubbed them between her lips. I took a picture and helped her stand up.
She was quiet and looked at the floor. I checked my watch and handed her some white cotton panties with little flowers and bumblebees all over them, and a plain, white training bra. "I want you wearing something more modest when Monica gets home, Kimmy. Our secrets, right?" I laughed. "You're a great model! Now run in and change!"
"Please don't tell Monica or show her like those pictures."
I spanked her bottom playfully again. "Our little secret. Don't worry, Kimmy." She ran in to change as we heard Monica's car pull up. We both laughed - like two naughty kids who almost got caught.
I told Monica that Kimmy was doing a great job and would probably be selected as a model. Monica smiled and hugged Kimmy. "That's great, Kimmy!"
That night I came three times watching Kimmy's little bathroom video, as she posed and held the camera at different angles, counting to seven continuously. I sniffed and watched. She cupped a breast and squeezed it towards the camera, or she put one foot on the edge of the bathtub and bent forward to get some good shots looking up at her bald lips. I could tell she was wet in many of her poses. I knew Shelia would cum, too, just looking at these pictures and video clips. We would set up a model site and only show the modest poses, keeping the really good shots and video clips for ourselves. We wouldn't want to get in trouble.
Tony Gozinya
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