I Became a Witch on Halloween

[ MMMF/ggg, photo, oral, anal, toys, spank ]

by Corn53


Published: 10-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"But Mom, I'm twelve and a half! I don't need a babysitter! Me and Emily want to go trick-or-treating together. Just us. We don't need a babysitter!" I said, trying not to whine or else she might tell me I couldn't even go.

"No! Halloween can be dangerous, even in this neighborhood. And it's a lot nicer than where we lived before we met Doug. We talked about this. Doug made costumes. You liked the costumes."

"Yes, I know, but I just wanted to run around with Emily tonight. It's Friday night. Beggar's night."

"Doug's friend, Jim, is picking up Emily and Sally in our old neighborhood and bringing them over here. Then he'll stay here to keep an eye on the house and pass out candy while you girls trick-or-treat. Doug and Jim will even help you girls dress up and take lots of pictures of you. We've talked about this. And next weekend Doug said he wants to take you and Emily and Sally to a special party. It will be fun. Emily's Mom has to work late tonight, too, so that means Sally will have to go with you. They'll both stay here tonight."

"But Sally is only ten! We don't want a kid tagging along with us."

"Well then, I guess you two can stay home and do homework by yourself instead! Doug could take Sally out trick-or-treating. Wouldn't that be a fun way to spend your Friday night?" She sounded mad. "Besides, Sally is almost as big as Emily anyway."

"OK then, we'll take her with us."

Mom seemed glad that I stopped arguing so soon. I started to wonder if maybe I should have held out longer.

She said, "Doug said he would be here when you get home from school. He made them from choir robes he got from a church that closed down." She looked at me. "You girls will have a good time. I won't be home until after three, because the bar is staying open longer tonight, and I'll have to help clean up, so don't stay up. I'll see the pictures when they come back next week. Doug likes to take pictures of you. And he gets along with Emily and Sally, too. Emily and Sally are spending the night. It's all arranged. Since its Friday you can stay up extra late. Do everything he says. You might get to meet some of his friends tonight."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing." She smiled at me. "Just be nice to Doug and Jim tonight. We're so lucky we ran into him last spring. Remember when we met?"

"Yes. I was with you, shopping at the thrift store. He said I looked just like his niece. He bought the clothes for me and took us out for dinner. And you were so corny, Mom, when you told me your horoscope said you would meet a tall stranger!" I laughed, remembering the day we met Doug.

Mom kept talking, "And then Doug and I started dating, and he arranged for us to move to a nicer neighborhood; let's me use his extra car, and helps with my bills. So be nice to him! Our luck has really gotten better since I met him. So do what he says, and have a good time tonight."

As it turned out, I did have a lot of fun that night.

Doug was nice to Mom. He even found her this house, and lets us stay in it free. Doug said it's a good investment, but he needs a nice family to live here. He stays here a few nights a week. He's especially nice to me and Emily, letting us do things that Mom would never let us do. I figured it wouldn't be too bad. He liked to tickle me and even Emily and her little sister, Sally, when they came to visit.

Sometimes when Doug was babysitting we played games that were real secret. He said he knew he could trust me to keep secrets and that was why he could keep bringing surprises and clothes for me and Mom. He even helped me play dress-up sometimes in Mom's fancy stuff. Last week he took my measurements and said he was thinking of getting me some fancy things of my own, but it would have to be another one of our secrets. I'm four feet, eleven inches tall, and weigh eighty six pounds. My measurements are 32-24-33. My dark brown hair was down to my shoulders and he even helps me brush it sometimes, or put it in different pony tails. I think he likes to put ribbons in my hair to take my picture.

One night he said I was getting so grown up. He let me wear Mom's panties and spanked my bottom through Mom's red and black, silky panties that were way too big on me. When he spanked me, he was just playing around and would give me like twenty spanks, but they didn't hurt. It was one of our secret games. He put me in funny positions and spanked me all over my legs and panties and tummy. Or like I would wear Mom's fancy panties and bras that were way too big, and then he would put me upside-down to take my picture. That was so silly.

He liked to take my picture while I clowned around in Mom's things, or walked in her high heels. Mom's fancy panties were so big on me that I had to hold them up while walking around in the high heels. That was so funny!

A big TV was one of the presents he brought over for Mom and me. I would lay across his lap once I was ready for bed. He would let me stay up to watch TV while he rubbed my back and my legs or pretended to spank me. Once in a while, another secret was he would come in to help me take my bath.

Halloween Night

Doug and Jim were at the house already when I got home from school. Jim used to let me drink some of his beer and he pretended not to notice. It was funny. Jim always had a little camera with him to take video clips while we clowned around. He said I was so sexy. I never got to see the video clips or most of the pictures. Doug would print out some pictures of me, but just the ones when I was all dressed in regular clothes. Mom had one of the pictures in a frame on the mantel.

Emily wouldn't get her for another hour. Jim and Doug both hugged me and told me what a pretty little witch I would make. They even said they would dress up, too. And boy, you should have seen all the candy and things they brought over. While Doug was setting things up, and taking a box of stuff upstairs, Jim put red fingernail and toenail polish on me. It was sparkly.

Doug came back downstairs and showed me some little presents that were wrapped up like birthday presents. He said I might get to open them later, depending on whether I was a good little witch. Doug and Jim told me that all three of us little witches would get presents if we did a good job and if we joined their secret coven.

Doug took me upstairs and told me to take a quick bath and then he would hand in parts of my costume through the door when I was drying off. He's so funny! I had to call through the door to him when I was all undressed and sitting in the bathtub so he could come in and get my clothes. "You can only wear the costume tonight, Jamie, if you really want to be a witch and learn the magic spells, hold the magic wand, and do special tricks and learn secrets. Then you'll get one of the secret presents. Now close the door and finish your bath. Call me when you're ready for me to come in so I can pick up the dirty clothes. I can't give you your new clothes until I take out all the clothes you were just wearing."

"OK." I giggled and turned on the water after closing the bathroom door. I left my clothes in a pile in front of the sink. This was so exciting. When the bubbles were over my lap, I called, "Ready. I'm ready to be a witch!"

He came in and looked through my pile of clothes. With two fingers he pulled out my panties and put them in a plastic baggie. He liked to tease me about my panties and would bring me new ones, like trading brand new panties for my old ones. "I'll get you some new ones, in fact, maybe I already have some fancy new ones for you!" Doug put the little baggie in his pocket.

I giggled. "You're so funny. Why do you always take my old panties before you give me new ones?"

"It's a secret!" He laughed. "But don't worry; you'll like the new ones I brought for you."

He put the lid down on the toilet and leaned over to whisper in my ear, "You'll be a great witch, Jamie. Wash real good all over." He looked at my chest.

I'm just starting to get titties. He thinks they are so cute because they are still little. That's what he says when he tickles me or gets me ready for bed. Once he told me that since boys have tits, too, it's OK to look at them until they get real big like a grown-up's. That's one of our secrets, like I mean it's OK for him to see me and touch me anywhere except on the front of my panties since the rest of me is still like a boy. But sometimes he touches me there, too.

He makes me feel so pretty. I sat in the tub and let him look at them. I asked, "Are they getting too big yet, Doug?"

"No, silly!" He said, and dropped my clothes on the floor again. He knelt down beside the tub, "But they are starting to get a little bigger. Let me wash them for you."

I put the wet, soapy washcloth in front of my chest, like if I was real shy even though he has seen them lots of times over the last few months. He said, "No, they definitely aren't too big. Put your hands down and let me wash them."

I put my hands under the water and he got lots of soap on his hands and started washing my back and my front at the same time. It tickled and I started giggling and splashing around. Then he dared me to hold still and just let me wash them. I tried to hold still, but it still kind of tickled. It felt good, too, and I started to feel tingly inside.

Doug said, "I can still see a little bit of tan where your swimming suit was. Hold still and count to ten while I wash your pretty titties, Jamie." I counted to ten while he washed them. He even squeezed them and his fingers slid off my nipples like he was trying to pull them but they were too slippery. He kept trying but his fingers kept sliding off. It was funny and we both laughed while he tried to pull on them. Then he said, "OK, Smarty Pants, let's see if you can pull them." So I tried it, too, but my hands kept slipping off. We laughed

He left with all my dirty clothes and told me to hurry up and to clean real good.

When I was dry I called out that I was ready to get dressed. He handed in a black, silky bra that I could kind of see through. It was so pretty, but I couldn't get it snapped in back. Then he handed in some tiny panties that were black and silky, with a thong up the back. They were so sexy, and they fit me. He called through the door to see how I was doing. "I can't get the bra to snap right." I said, so he came in to help me. Then Jim came in, too. Doug said it was OK for Jim to help him dress me, like so Jim could make sure the bra wasn't twisted in front while he fastened the snaps for me.

Doug said, "Let's see if we can pull your titties out now that they are dry."

I giggled and let the bra fall off and then showed him and Jim that I could pinch my nipples and pull them out. "See? When they are dry I can pull them." Jim was staring at them and it made me tingle even more.

Jim and Doug wanted to try it, and they could pull them, too. It was funny because they pulled them up and let go so they could see if they were big enough to bounce. I giggled while they kept trying to make them bounce.

Then they helped me with the garter belt and thigh high, black, lacy hose. I wore my dressy, black boots that came up almost to my knees. Emily and Jamie were supposed to bring their boots over, too. I told Emily when I talked to her on the phone. Jim said I looked really sexy and took my picture with his digital camera and then had me walk around in front of his video camera. I felt so sexy in the black bra and panties, and it was the first time I ever wore a garter belt and those snap-on hose. They felt the bra and panties and the garter belt to make sure everything fit OK, before they had me put the dress on. It was funny. The thong panties were a little embarrassing because you could see my bare bottom. They both patted my bottom like pretend spankings and said my bottom was so cute. Jim liked to feel my tummy and said it was so flat and my waist was so narrow.

Then they gave me a red and black silky dress that had vertical slits around the bottom, so it looked like fringe and you could see the top of my hose when I walked. Doug said he made the costumes from old choir robes so they would work better for the coven - like witches and things.

Doug helped me with my Halloween paint on my face and then he even put the black greasepaint around his eyes. Jim had the basket of candy ready by our door so he could hand it out to kids who came to our house. He asked Doug if he was sure I could keep a secret. I think he meant about them feeling my titties and wearing the sexy underwear for them. Jim and Doug talked about anointing me while they dabbed perfumed oil on me. It smelled kind of funny, not like any of Mom's perfume. Jim said magic words while he put the oil on my skin, even on my toes.

Emily and her little sister came over as Doug was finishing my make-up. They both thought I looked so cool, like M-TV. As I showed them my panties, Doug asked them if they wanted matching outfits they both said, "Yes!"

"OK." Doug said. Then he made them swear to secrecy, which both girls did right away. Doug kissed them on the lips while he held each of them on his lap. He said they were 'kisses of secrecy.' He held them the same way he held me sometimes - like he sits in the middle of the couch and then I sit on his lap facing him with one of my knees on either side of his hips, so we can kiss face to face with his arms around me. When he kisses me that way he always pulls my hips up against him - then sometimes he tickles me so I wiggle around, but he keeps me pulled against him. That's how he held Emily and Sally when he kissed them, only he didn't tickle them. I wondered if they could feel his thing through his pants. I can, especially if he's just wearing sweat pants. It's funny because it feels like I'm sitting on a big, hard banana.

Emily and Sally both have blond hair. Sally's hair was longer than Emily's, almost down to her shoulders. Emily's was as short as a boy's haircut. Sally is almost as tall as Emily and Mom said that Emily's Mom thought Sally's dad was taller than Emily's dad, but she wasn't positive. Sally has big, new front teeth, because she just lost her baby teeth last year. Her lips are full, but Emily's lips are thin.

Jim took their pictures before they went up to my bedroom to get dressed. "I want to have pictures before and after you get ready. We'll have to hurry since we'll need to leave in about twenty minutes. Each of you girls are so pretty and slim." I took Emily and Sally into my bedroom and they undressed completely like Doug said. I handed their clothes out through the door to Doug so he would know they were completely undressed. Then Doug handed in the panties and the witch dresses. Their costumes were almost like mine, except Doug didn't have bras for them - not that any of us needed a bra! We didn't.

Sally didn't know how to put on the garter belt, and I wasn't sure either, so Doug and Jim came in to help us. Emily told Sally that it was OK for them to come in because all of us girls had on panties and a dress. I watched as Doug helped Emily and Jim helped Sally. I almost giggled because I could tell they were feeling the girls' bottoms, and even a little bit in front as they helped put the snaps on the hose. Sally's hose was too big, so they folded down the tops. The garter belt held them up.

Doug got real serious after all three of us were dressed and had on our dressy boots. He told us to sit on the bed. Jim took a picture of the three of us all dressed up with our make-up on our faces. Doug knelt on the floor in front of us and asked us if we would really like to be witches tonight and learn some of the secret lore. He said he would show us magic, and even let us taste a magic potion if we could each swear to secrecy.

Sally seemed anxious to get going, but suddenly got quiet, listening to Doug. She nodded first, that she wanted to learn the secrets. Then Emily and I nodded.

"Before we start, to make sure you each will swear to secrecy, you have to let us put a witch symbol on your bodies, in a secret place. Nobody will see the markings, but you will know they are there. We will anoint you before we leave the house. Once you have the secret markings, then we will blind fold you and let each of you feel a magic wand. As soon as you're sworn in, and have the markings, then we'll go act silly and play trick-or-treat, but this part is serious. OK?"

We all nodded.

Doug said, "You have to pull your panties down and lift your dress so that we can put the secret marking on your tummies just above your pussy." Sally dropped the hem of her dress down, and started giggling when he said that, but Emily and I waited. Sally looked at us and then got serious again.

Doug smiled at her and continued, "Seriously, Sally. This is serious. It's a great opportunity for you girls, but only if all three of you cooperate. Then you will become part of our coven. And someday - soon - you will meet other members of our secret coven. And, Sally, maybe you could even be part of one of the big ceremonies - with 20 or thirty people, mostly grown-ups, and you would be the focal point. Everyone would we looking at you."

He looked at each of us. "Each of you girls could be part of a ceremony. The center of the ceremony. It would be fun for you, but serious, too. You would each have a very important role. But you must show your trust now by accepting this symbol on your body. And you must swear never to tell anybody."

I started to giggle because I was so nervous. But I stopped because Doug and Jim looked so serious. Emily stood up first and lifted her dress and pulled her panties to her knees. "I want to learn the secrets." She said. I noticed she was starting to get a little hair on her pussy. Doug used an eyebrow pencil to make a pitchfork marking from the top of Emily's pussy up several inches and then it forked into three barbed points. Jim took a picture. Then Jim knelt down beside Emily and took out a little jar. He dabbed some of the smelly ointment from the jar in a circle from one side of her pussy, up around the pitchfork and down to the other side of her pussy.

Then Sally and I stood up beside her, and did the same. Jim took a close-up of our secret marks and then had the three of us stand next to each other, holding our dresses up.

Doug said, "Leave your panties stretched between your knees while we blindfold you and then let you feel the magic wands."

After we were blindfolded, Doug put his magic wand in my hand. I heard him unfastening his pants and knew what it was, but it felt different than I expected. It was big and hard, like a cigar, but soft and smooth, too. Kind of curved like a banana. I felt Jim's wand next. It was fatter and not as curved. Then we felt them with both hands and had to gently rub the magic wands and the "orbs of magic" again. It was pretty funny, but we didn't laugh. I was tingling inside. I knew what we were feeling and it was exciting. I had felt Doug's magic wand lots of time through his sweat pants while he tickled me when he was babysitting. I didn't know if Emily and Sally knew what they were feeling, but I decided to pretend it was just magic wands.

I heard them zip up their pants. They pulled our blindfolds up, but didn't take them off of us yet. Then each of us kissed each of them again, like for our secret. Doug said, "Pull up your panties now to hide your secret markings. You are getting ready to join the Coven of the Sisters. We'll go trick or treating now, but when we get back we will continue with the ceremonies."

Jim said, "Wait! Doug, before we go, maybe we could trust each of them with one secret."

Doug looked at his watch. "We have to leave in ten minutes, but..." He looked at each of us, being serious again, "Do you want to receive one of the secrets before we go out?"

"Does it take very long?" Sally asked. I giggled, knowing she wanted to go out and start getting candy.

I said, "Sally, this is more fun than trick-or-treating."

"Oh." She put her hand up to her mouth and giggled again.

"No, it doesn't take long." Doug said, "And we'll have lots of leftover candy that you three witches can share later, anyway. But you only need to receive one secret now. We'll explain it later. It will be something else to think about while we're outside getting candy."

"OK." I said, quickly. "I want to."

Doug and Jim pulled our blindfolds back in place. We had to bend over and lay our shoulders on the bed, keeping our feet on the floor, with our feet apart and our legs straight. Then they knelt behind us and pulled our panties down again. We had to hold our bottoms wide open. They looked at us for a minute and told us to pull open wider if we wanted to receive the secret ceremony. I pulled my fanny cheeks wider apart, trying not to giggle, and I guess Emily and Sally did, too. I heard Jim picking up his camera again, and I heard Doug unscrewing a jar. Then I felt Doug, or maybe Jim, put something cool on my anus. It felt gooey and slippery. I heard Emily say, "Oooohhh." Right beside me. Then Doug pushed his finger into my bottom, so I figured Emily and Sally were getting the same treatment. It was embarrassing, but felt funny, like it made my pussy tingle inside again.

Doug said, "Very good little witches! Right, Jim?"

"Yes, they are doing very good."

Doug told us to say, "Yesssss" each time they pushed a finger in.

He asked, "Do you pledge to keep the secrets of our coven?" All three of us said, "Yesss." They pushed fingers in our bottoms after he asked each question. One of them was using both hands because all three of us said "Yesss" at the same time.

"And will you accept the fingers of the Magicians in your secret places?"


"Do you want to learn the secret spells?"


He was asking the questions faster, and he pushed a finger in right away. He was pushing it in farther so it was all the way in and still pressing. He pulled it out before he asked the next question. He smeared some more of the gooey stuff on my hole and then asked another question. "Will you pledge to obey the wizard masters?"

"Yessssss. Unnnnn."

Then they changed places and put more lubricant on their fingers and on our bottoms. Doug asked, "Will you kiss the magic wands of the wizards?"

"Yessssss." I said, and so did Emily and Sally. This time I knew it was Doug's finger pushing in me because it was bigger. He pushed in differently, too. Like he pushed his finger in part way, then backed up a little bit and then pushed in the rest of the way, and then tried to push it in even farther. I was really tingling now.

"You little witches are doing good at accepting the secret motion. I think you can each be part of a big coven ceremony, and real soon. Everyone would be looking at you. Will you accept the secret motion in your pussy, too, so you can be part of the coven?"

"Yesssss." We all replied as the finger pushed in me again.

"Keep holding your bottoms open. Very good. Are you ready?"

"Yessss." We said as a finger pushed in my bottom and a finger pushed in my vagina at the same time.

"Hold still while we impart these secrets to you hidden parts." They must have kept on pushing in and out of Sally and Emily, too, because I heard them shuffling around and making little, "uuunnnn." Noises. Sally was the loudest. Doug started using two fingers on one hand it felt like - one in my bottom and one in my pussy. Sometimes he would alternate and put it in my bottom and then his other finger in my pussy, and sometimes he put them both in at once.

Then they wiped off our bottoms and pulled up our panties. We stood up and let them take off our blindfolds. All three of us were quiet. Sally had a dreamy smile on her face and Emily was chewing on her tongue like she was thinking about something. They were squirming around and I noticed that I was, too.

Doug said, "You little witches were fantastic. We will continue with the ceremony when we get back. There are more secrets..."

"And more benefits." Added Jim. "Little presents you will get after each ceremony. Then you will be full-fledged members or our coven." He said to Doug, "Umm, their little asses are so tight!"

Doug said, "Maybe next week you could meet some of the other members of our coven."

"Really?" I asked. Doug and Jim both nodded.

"Cool." Said Emily. "People would be looking at us?"

Doug said, "Yes. You would be the star of the ceremony. It will bring you good luck for years. Each of you will be a star. Each of you could be. You're doing good already at receiving secrets. We'll leave in a minute and then come back for a little more of the ceremony tonight - so you'll be ready for a bigger ceremony next week." He looked at me. "And your Mom will be gone next weekend so I'll take care of you. Emily and Sally can stay here, too. OK?"

"Sure!" I said. That would be so fun.

Before we went trick-or-treating Doug had us take off our panties and trade with each other. Then we had to kiss each other and feel each other's chests. Emily didn't want to kiss and feel Sally, but Doug said she had to so she could show us that she could follow directions and so they would keep a secret. So we all kissed and felt each other. I was surprised that Sally was starting to get titties already, just little ones, and more pointy, like ping-pong balls, but it felt good to touch them. I don't know why I wanted to keep feeling her. She was feeling me at the same time.

Our doorbell rang. "It's time for you guys to get going." Jim said, "I'll get things ready for the rest of our initiation ceremony when you get back."

Ned's House

I was surprised we got in Doug's car. He drove about ten minutes saying he wanted to take us to a different neighborhood for a while. We were gone about an hour or so, and we walked pretty fast. I think Emily and Sally were anxious to get back to my house to see what other things we had to do. I sure was. While we walked around I started holding Sally's hand. Then Emily took Doug's hand.

We only went inside one house. Some man, about fifty I guess. Said his name was Ned. He knew Doug from somewhere. It was a nice area of town, like with town house apartments, like we used to live in, except these were nicer. Ned kept looking at us and Doug asked him if he wanted to invite the little witches inside. We went in with Doug. Some other kids rang the doorbell and the man handed out candy and then came inside and flipped the switch for his porch light. The man was wearing sweat pants and a T-shirt with a motorcycle on the front. Doug suggested that he sit in a chair and let each of the little witches sit on his lap to let him look at their costumes close up. The man wasn't sure what to do, so Doug helped me sit on his lap and then he lifted up my dress to show him my fancy panties. He said they were so pretty that he wanted to give me five dollars.

Doug laughed. He said, "For twenty dollars you can keep her panties and I'll get her new ones later."

Ned pulled out his wallet. It looked like he had lots of money which surprised me. It was funny while I was sitting on his lap because I could tell his magic wand was stiff, too. Like he moved me around on it the same way Doug did.

Doug said, "But first you have to promise not to reveal the secret marking you will see over their pussies. It's our witchcraft coven secret symbol. And if you promise to keep the secret, then you can come to our coven meeting later tonight. He put a twenty dollar bill in my trick-or-treat bag, so I had to let him take off my panties. He looked at the marking while I stood in front of him holding up my dress. Emily and Sally were watching us. They were touching their panties, like rubbing them, while Ned took mine off me. I bet they wondered if they would get twenty dollars for theirs, too.

Ned said he wanted me to sit on the front edge of his couch and lean back against the cushions so he could see the marking better. He was telling Doug that it was a neat symbol. Ned pushed my knees apart. I looked at Doug who nodded that it was OK, so I let me knees go apart. That was funny, too, because they were all looking at me. It made me real tingly there. Even Emily and Sally were looking at it.

I thought for a minute that Ned was going to put his finger in me, but Doug said, "OK, stand up now, Jamie." Then he looked at Emily and Sally and asked them if they wanted to sell their panties, too."

They did, Emily sat on Ned's lap first and he felt her costume and looked at her panties. He rubbed the panties against her pussy lips like almost pushing them a little bit into her pussy. I felt funny without my own panties on, and was watching everything Ned did. He had Emily stand up with the backs of her knees against the couch. He got another twenty out of his wallet and put it in her trick-or-treat bag. Then he pulled Emily's panties down and she stepped out of them. He had to move them around so they would go over her black boots. He sniffed her panties.

Ned said, "I really like the garter belts, Doug. So sexy! Such pretty little devils like you said." He had Emily sit down on the front edge of the couch and lie back. He opened her legs wide and we all looked. Emily had light blond hair around the top edge of her crack. The middle of her pussy was wet. Ned asked Doug if he could wipe off her pussy with the panties and Doug said he could. We watched closely as he wiped her off with the crotch liner in the panties - just little thongs, and not much material. Ned said he liked to smell girl's panties. Sally giggled.

Ned said, "Really, Sally. I like to smell panties. Can I smell yours when I take yours off?"

"Umm, yes. OK." She giggled again and squirmed around.

Ned said we could look at Emily's pussy for a minute because he said it was beautiful Sally and I looked closely while Ned put his fingers around the edges of Emily's pussy and pulled it open or up or to the side - like moving Emily's lips around.

Then Ned had Sally stand against the couch and hold up her dress. "You're so cute, Sally. How old are you?"

"I'm ten and a half. Almost eleven."

"Well, you're tall for your age, and so sexy. Like your sister and Jamie. All three of you are so sexy. Lay back with your panties on so I can sniff them." He got her in the open position, laying her head back against the cushion on the back of the couch.

When he started putting his nose against her panties, Sally said, "It reminds me of Uncle Larry's dog. He likes to sniff my panties, too."

Emily said, "Yes." And nodded her head, verifying what her little sister said. "JoJo likes to smell my panties, too. Uncle Larry says we should always let him smell them so he will know it's us and not a stranger."

Ned backed his head away. "That's right. Dog's all like to sniff each other there. Sally is young and her pussy smell is not real strong yet. Do you want to smell?"

Doug said we should sniff Sally's panties, too. "Go ahead. Ned will take them off her in a minute, but go ahead and smell them. Touch your nose against them."

We knelt down on the floor next to Ned and took turns sniffing Sally's panties. I said, "They kind of smell like mine."

Ned and Doug agreed. They talked about all three of us, and said our panties were just right. Then Ned gave Sally a twenty and pulled her panties off and wiped her pussy with the panties. We were still kneeling on the floor beside Ned right in front of Sally's open pussy, and he let us smell her bare pussy. It smelled the same as her panties.

Emily said, "At Uncle Larry's house, we have to take off our panties at night so JoJo can sleep with them. Uncle Larry says that JoJo will always know us, even when we grow up. So we just sleep with one of Uncle Larry's big T-shirts on, but no panties. It's our secret though, so don't tell anybody. He always checks when we go to bed to make sure we aren't wearing panties."

Sally said, "Emily, sometimes you fall asleep on his couch so he takes off your panties for you, before he caries you in to bed. He lets me watch him take off your panties." Sally was still lying back with her knees wide apart. We were all looking at her pussy.

Doug said, "Don't mention any names when you talk about secrets, Girls. And you can't ever tell anybody about what we are doing tonight, and especially about our secret ceremony you will learn later. You will learn more next weekend. Ned can come over and help us tonight. We'll stay up late and have fun, but everything is a secret. If you can't keep secrets, then we can't take you to the big witch ceremony next weekend."

Ned added, "Then you would have bad luck instead of good luck."

"Right." Said Doug. "You will each get a chance to be the star and lay in front of all the grown-ups and everybody without your panties on, like Sally is doing now, and then everybody will look at your pretty pussy. Everybody who touches you will bring you more good luck. And they will all want to kiss you and feel you..."

"And smell you." Said Ned.

"But you have to keep secrets, and you have to get used to seeing each other." Doug knelt down behind us and put a hand on my shoulder and one on Emily's shoulder. He put his head between our heads and said quietly, "Now I want each of you to put a finger all the way in Sally's pussy. You have to get used to doing that to each other for the ceremonies. Jamie, you go first."

I held out my finger out and then slid it all the way in Sally's slippery pussy. I had to push hard, but it slid all the way in. "It's warm and slippery." I said. "It feels tight on my finger."

Doug asked, "Does it feel different than when you put your finger in your own pussy, Jamie?" He held my wrist and pulled out my finger and pushed it back in while I held my finger out straight.

"Well, I can't slide my finger straight in like this." I kept pushing all the way in, and pulling it all the way out. "But mine is slippery, too, so it's sort of the same." I think I enjoyed putting my finger in Sally's pussy as much as I did when I put it in my own pussy.

Doug asked Sally if it hurt.

"No. It doesn't hurt. And Jamie's finger isn't as big as Larry's. That hurt a little bit the first time Larry put his finger in me." Then she looked over towards Emily. "We only play that game when you're asleep."

"Oh." Said Emily. "I didn't know he played that with you, too. 'Deep tickle.' It's something we play after you go to bed and he let's me see his wand." Then I almost thought the sisters would start arguing. "And he let's me watch him pull your panties off if you fall asleep first. And a couple weeks ago, when you were sound asleep on his couch and he took off your panties, he showed me that he kissed you on your lips, your pussy lips, and he dared me to do it, so I did, and you were still sound asleep."

"Girls." Said Doug. "We're all witches now, and we have to help each other. We have to get along and keep secrets. It's OK. Don't mention any names."

I was still pushing my finger in Sally's pussy and then Doug told Emily to take a turn and to be nice to her little sister. He reminded them that they were witches together and had to be nice to each other. Emily started pushing her finger in and pulling it out and it got quiet again.

"That doesn't hurt, does it, Sally?" Asked Doug.


He encouraged Emily to keep pushing her finger in. I was watching closely and so were Ned and Doug.

Doug talked quietly, like we were in church. "Emily, will you do what I tell you to do?"


"Very good. Because to be in our secret coven you have to follow directions. Will you follow directions?"


"Good. When I tell you to take your finger out, just sit back and watch a minute. Ned and I are going to put our fingers in."

"OK." Emily said. She was talking quietly, too.

Doug put his finger in Sally next, and then Ned did it.

"Does your uncle have a big finger, Sally?" Doug asked. "Does it feel bigger than Ned's?"

"It seems pretty big." Sally said, she sounded kind of hoarse, like trying to whisper, and she was breathing funny, almost as if her asthma was bothering her. Then Sally said, "I guess about the same size."

"Does it feel good when somebody else puts a finger in you like this?"

We watched quietly as Ned kept pushing his finger in Sally's pussy. Finally she said, "umm, yes."

"Sally, we're going to give Emily and Jamie a turn now." Doug squeezed my shoulder. "Do you want a turn, Jamie?"

"Yes." I said softly, like we were all whispering. I heard a horn honk down the street.

Doug said he wanted each of us to sniff and then lick Sally's pussy when Ned pulled his finger out. "I want you to sniff it and lick it three or four times. You have to get used to it. I mean you have to sniff somebody else and lick somebody else when I tell you, and you have to let other people finger you, or sniff you, or lick you. OK. Emily, you sniff and lick her first. Prove to me that you can follow directions."

Emily sniffed her sister's pussy, putting her nose right up against it. It looked wetter to me after all the fingering. Then Emily licked Sally's pussy three times. She didn't seem in a hurry and put her open mouth right on it so she could lick it better. Then it was my turn and I did it. It tasted different than the time I just sniffed. I tried to get more and licked in as deep as I could. I wished that nobody else was watching so I could keep going.

Next I had a turn lying back with my knees open, and then we licked Emily.

We were quiet when we left Ned's apartment. I was glad that Doug drove straight back to my house. I was excited and wondered what else we would do for tonight's ceremony. Emily and Sally were quiet, too.

Lady Angela Comes Over

We sat our bags of candy down without paying much attention to our goodies. Jim put some big size candy bars in each of our bags and said we would be earning bigger presents tonight - "exciting things" - as we went through the stages to join the coven.

Doug told Jim that Ned might come over later to help with the ceremony. "Our little witches lost their panties while we were out trick-or-treating!" Doug told us to hold up our dresses to show Jim that our panties were gone. While we were showing Jim our bare pussies, with the smudged markings, Doug said he should go ahead and call the Witch-mistress to come over. He said that he thought we might be ready for a big ceremony next weekend. "Jamie's mother will be out of town for two days so I'll be babysitting. I think Emily and Sally could stay here, too. It would work out perfectly, but I want the Witch-mistress to meet them before I can make any promises."

I think Jim already knew Ned because he didn't ask any questions. Jim was still answering the door because some kids were still trick-or-treating. He promised Doug that he would call Angela in a minute. "I'll let her talk with Sally on the phone." Sally giggled when he said that.

Doug took Emily and me upstairs to get ready for our practice witch ceremony. We undressed except for our garter belts and hose. He had to check out the designs over our pussies, which had gotten a little smeared during all the sniffing and licking. Emily and I were looking at each other while Doug checked closely and touched up the designs with the eyebrow pencil.

Emily went back downstairs to get a piece of candy. While Doug was helping me get undressed, he asked me if I had already known about their Uncle Larry. I told him that it was the first I had heard of him. He seemed glad to hear that. He asked me if Emily and I had ever played doctor or fingered each other before.

"Well, we never fingered each other, but we used to take baths together. Most of the time when we get together, like if nobody is around, we will compare our titties. Mine are more pointy, and hers are more like oranges cut in half. I didn't know Sally was getting titties already. Hers are the pointiest."

As I said the word "pointiest," Doug playfully pinched my nipples - both at the same time. I giggled and tried to stick my chest out to make them bigger. He did it again, and then he laughed.

Emily came in while Doug was trying to pinch and pull out my nipples. We were both laughing. She watched us and then she wanted to do it, so Doug let her have a turn. She pinched too hard and I said, "Ouch." Doug said the tips of my breasts were now like hard little peas - only smaller and pink. It was funny, and then Doug pulled on my right one while Emily pulled on my left one to see which one would stretch out the farthest. I held my hands on top of my head while they tried to pull them out.

Then Doug undressed Emily except for her garter belt and stockings and let me practice pulling Emily's titties out as far as I could. While we practiced on each other Doug called for Sally to come upstairs. He had us put on choir robes over our garter belts. He adjusted the snaps to tighten up our hose, and he touched up the design over Sally's pussy. The choir robes came down to our ankles, and were made of the same silky material as our witch costumes.

We all had to tinkle. Jim had set up the video camera in the upstairs bathroom so that Doug could video our tinkle coming out with the witch design over our pussy. We each took a turn going in the bathroom with Doug. When he took Emily in for her turn he told me and Sally to feel each other and to practice kissing. Maybe he knew that I liked touching her.

I heard him in the bathroom telling Emily to open her knees wider so he could get a close up. He kidded her because she could only pee a few sprinkles. I heard him tell her to drink lots of pop tonight and he would get pictures of her tinkling again later.

"We will blindfold you again and let you stroke our magic wands for good luck." Said Jim, after we went back downstairs. He turned off the porch light so we wouldn't get any late trick-or-treaters. All the blinds were closed, too.

Doug chuckled. He said, "Jim, they know what our 'magic wands' are, because Emily and Sally have seen one and even touched it."

Jim looked surprised, "You did?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes," Said Emily. She was so proud of herself. "And I even got to lick it, and like pretend it was an ice cream cone."

"So did I." Sally interjected. "It was funny. I just did it when Emily was asleep. Then Uncle Larry lifted up Emily's T-shirt and moved her legs apart. We looked at her pussy and then Uncle Larry let me pull his sweat pants down to see his cock. It was really big and I tried to put the tip of it in my mouth like he said, but it didn't fit, so I just licked the sides of it. He let me keep licking it while he touched Emily with his finger."

Emily said, "Hey. We did the same thing when you were asleep, only I was able to get the tip in my mouth. But just for a minute. Then Uncle Larry would rub it around on me, like between my legs or on my tummy or fanny and then this gooey stuff would come out of it."

Sally looked surprised. "Really? He did that with me, too, and then he wiped it off after he rubbed it around on me." She giggled. "Once he put some of the stuff on his finger and let me taste it. Ugh. It didn't taste very good, but I swallowed a little bit of it."

"I did, too." Said Emily. "While you were asleep and we were looking at your pussy. He rubbed his cock around on me and then it squirted all over my tummy and chest. He used a spoon and scrapped off several spoonfuls of the gooey stuff and dared me to swallow it, so I did. Then he gave me half of his beer." She grinned, like real proud of herself. I was squirming around and wondering what it would taste like.

I asked Doug and Jim if I would get to taste some and they assured me I would. "Tonight, for sure. But we'll wait until everybody is here." Said Doug. "We'll make a little video of you getting your first taste. That way the coven will know you want to be a little witch and take part in our ceremony."

Jim added that the three of us would earn lots of good luck. He said that he had promised Angela that we would wait for her to start tonight's initiation ceremony. "And I have to take pictures of each of you girls so that you might get approved to be in the big ceremony next weekend. And you will each get to swallow some of the magic potion. You have to think of our cocks as magic wands since we are in the coven now. Not just cocks, but 'magic wands.' They contain the power of life. The force."

We all went downstairs to the kitchen for a snack. I noticed that Emily was drinking lots of pop like Doug suggested. I drank more, too, because I wanted to pee again in front of the camera. Ned came over, but now he was all cleaned up since he knew that Angela was coming over.

Then Angela arrived. Doug, Jim, and Ned each said, "Hail Angela," and bowed to her, kissing her hand. She had a small, black, leather suitcase in her hand, bigger than a briefcase.

She was dressed up in a sexy, white dress. I guess she was about thirty or forty - I can't guess too good with old people. She was pretty, but not gorgeous. She seemed like a boss, but I can't explain why. She told Doug and Jim that we were very pretty. She watched us eating our snacks and drinking pop.

Doug said, "Sally and Emily have already tasted magic juice, but not from a witch-master. Jamie hasn't tasted any yet."

Angela nodded and kept studying us. I smiled at her and she smiled back. "You girls are very lucky. Fate has smiled on you. You will learn many secrets, including a few tonight. You will have many secrets to keep. You can't talk to anyone outside of our coven about our activities or you will have bad luck. Because you are virgins and very young, you may be used in our special ceremonies. These ceremonies will bring you good luck. Good luck for many years to come. Will you keep our secrets?"

"Yes." Each of us said. We stopped eating.

Angela had us each stand up and open our robes so she could inspect us one at a time. She told me I was a very pretty young lady, just ready to bloom. "Perfect." She said. Then she looked at Emily and then Sally. She told each of them how cute they were and that they would be perfect for the ceremonies if we could follow directions and keep secrets. She pulled a little book of charms out of her purse and had us stand in a circle, holding hands. She stood in the center while we three girls and the three men held hands and made a circle around her. She began chanting words that sounded like a foreign language. The men then held the shoulders of our robes and pulled them open, like making a curtain around our circle. With the robes pulled open you could see that all three of us were only wearing garter belts and black stockings. Angela told the men to keep their feet together and asked us girls to put our feet apart so that our feet would touch the men's feet. And she said while the men were holding our capes out, that we should hold onto the men's belts.

"Our sacred circle is complete. Tonight we will consecrate the chalice of each of these three virgins. Together we will draw down the moon spirit into them. They shall be ready for full initiation into the craft over time, and I think next that weekend they will be ready for the great rite."

Angela took Sally and me upstairs to my bedroom. She brought her black case upstairs with us, and Doug brought up a box of things, too, including the little, wrapped presents he showed us earlier. This was so exciting! They lit candles all around the room. Like maybe twenty of them! Jim played some kind of soft church music - only different, with like dogs barking or howling in the background. Emily stayed downstairs with Ned so she could demonstrate all the things she did with her Uncle Larry.

She had us stand next to each other and open our choir robes. It was embarrassing standing there holding out our robes without panties on. She told us to squeeze our breasts with our hands so we did.

I want to see how well you two girls play together. Sally, you said on the phone that you liked holding Jamie's hand and you liked it when she kissed you and touched you."

I smiled at Sally and took her hand. Angela sat on the bed and smiled at us. "Very good. Jamie, I want you to show me how you kiss her and touch her. Take your time. You can kiss her pussy when you smell her there. And when you're ready to put your finger in her bottom, I'll give you the lubricant. Take you time. Be affectionate and loving to her."

She stood up and stepped away from the bed. Jim was using his video camera which made me feel funny, kind of excited and nervous at the same time. Doug moved a pile of my school clothes off my chair and scooted it closer to the bed so Angela could sit down and watch us kissing and touching. I was kissing and feeling Sally and she stood still and let me, almost purring like a kitten. Angela told me that I was in charge and could put Sally in different positions. "Go ahead. Have fun, Jamie. She likes it, too. Kiss her and touch her all over. You know you want to. Don't you?"

"Yes." I admitted. I remembered what the men had been saying, so I said, "Yes. I like to touch her and I like to smell her, too. That gets me all tingly inside. I like to smell her."

"Good." Angela said, "Tell me how you feel, and what you're thinking. Go ahead and lean her back so you can smell her pussy up close. That's it. Very good. Doug told me last summer that you might make a hot, little witch, and he was right. I've seen pictures and was glad to hear that you can keep secrets. I've been anxious to meet you for months." She watched me lay Sally back on the edge of the bed, with her feet on the railing.

She watched as I opened Sally's knees and knelt down in front of her. I sniffed her pussy. I could smell the girlness, but it wasn't as strong as my panties get sometime, especially when I've been playing all day. I could see that Sally was wet inside as I opened her. With Angela watching, I said, "look how wet she is," and I pulled her pussy lips apart with my fingers to show Angela.

Angela smiled and looked closely. "Turn off the camera a minute, Jim. I'm going to show the girls something."

The two men stood off to the side of Angela's chair. She took Sally's hands and placed them on either side of her pussy and told her that it would be easier for me to lick her clit if she pulled her pussy open and tugged up towards her belly button. Then she showed me the pink knot that was hidden in the folds of her pussy. "Sally's pussy mound is so full. Nice big mound and delicious, fat lips. Her clit is hidden deep inside and you can't see it until you open her legs and pull her lips wider apart. Buried treasure. Sally's mound is lots fatter than her big sisters. You can see Emily's clit ridge even when she has her legs together. They are both pretty pussies, just different. Anyway, this bump here..." She showed me the ridge down the center of Sally's pussy. "That's called her clit, and it will feel good when someone licks it. I want you to hold yours open for me when I lick your pussy in a little bit, Jamie. Will you do that for me?"

"Yes." I said quickly. "I'll hold it open for you."

"Good girl. I'm anxious to lick your open pussy. Can't wait. But now let me show you how to lick Sally's clit, Jamie. I'm sure she'll love it when you do it this way." I stepped to the side and let her kneel down where I had been - so now her face was just over Sally's open, wet pussy. I wanted to lick it, but I also wanted to watch her lick it. She smelled it. Up one side and then right in the middle, almost putting her nose in Sally's hole. "Umm. She smells so sweet. Just like her panties."

I wondered when she had smelled Sally's panties.

Then Angela said, "I stopped at Ned's on the way over here and smelled all of your panties. Umm. Your panties smelled so sweet, too, Jamie. A deep, rich, little-girl, sweet smell. They were all still damp, and I could hardly wait to meet you. I've seen your pictures, and have heard about you for months as Doug started testing and teaching you. I even smelled your panties that Doug brought me in a baggie. Some of the others have smelled your panties and have looked at your pictures. I knew you would do great, even before we met. Hand me a pillow."

I handed her one of my pillows and she folded it and lifted Sally's bottom, putting her feet up in the air. She tucked the pillow under Sally's hips and showed me that her vagina made a little cup. "See her excitement in the cup, Jamie. It looks milky. Just a little bit, but you can see it. That's because Sally got excited when you smelled her - the same way you got excited while you smelled her pussy. I bet you're wet now, too, aren't you, Jamie?"

"Well, yes, I think so."

"Now I'm going to lick the nectar from Sally's chalice and then I'll put you in this position." She licked Sally's pussy and then began licking her anus and licked up to her clit. She did that several times. Sally started purring again.

"Nnnnnnn." Sally was softly moaning because it felt good. Then I took a turn and she kept moaning. Jim started his camera again when I stepped in behind Sally and put my hands on her ankles. Sally was still holding her pussy lips open with her hands. I licked her anus and up her pussy, trying to get some of her nectar. Angela wanted me to see how far I could push my tongue into her anus and then into her vagina. It slid in her vagina lots easier, as far as I could reach.

Then it was my turn to lie back on the bed. I think Jim and Doug were disappointed that they didn't get a turn to lick Sally. Angela said, "Jim and Doug, you're being very good about waiting. You'll both get to put your fingers in Jamie's tight, little anus in just a minute. Later you can finger Sally and Emily. But now I want to smell Jamie."

I put my hands on either side of my pussy lips and pulled them apart and up towards my belly button so she could lick my clit like she showed me on Sally. Oh, that felt good. It felt great when she licked right over it while I was pulling my lips open so it was uncovered. She kept licking it and said I tasted as good as I smelled. She told me I would be a welcome member of their coven and would get lots of good luck. "Everybody will want to do this with you, Jamie, all the men and the women in our coven. Even the two other young girls. Girls your age. Won't that be fun?"

"Unnn. Yes." I said, but not really sure if I wanted girls my own age watching me. My voice sounded funny to me - husky - like deeper and raspy.

She only licked me a few times, then let Sally do it. She said she needed pictures and video on each of us so we could be approved by the council for next week's ceremony. "I need to show you licking each other, kissing, smelling, putting fingers in - front and back. Things like that. You will be a star with lots of people watching you or fingering you." She had us get on our hands and knees beside each other so she could finger us - front and back. I heard her tell Jim to get a close up as she pushed her finger in my anus. I said, "Unnn," when she pushed it in.

After Jim set his camera down, the men each took a turn smelling, licking and fingering each of us. It was fun being the star. And it felt good. Doug had me lay on my back with my feet up so he could put a finger in my anus while he licked my pussy. That felt really good.

Ned brought Emily in while Doug was fingering and licking me. Ned said to Angela, "So much pleasure here on the mundane plane, My Lady. Emily is very eager to join our craft. She is wet and playful."

"Yes, the old ones were correct." Said Angela. "There will always be willing virgins for our ceremonies. They seek knowledge and good luck, although they might not understand it at the time. I vividly remember my own initiation rites."

She had the three of us stand next to each other and massage our own breasts. Angela kept looking at us and started to get undressed herself. She took off her skirt and stood up. She had on white hose, and a white garter belt, but no panties. Her pussy was bald and she had a symbol just like ours above her pussy. It looked like a tattoo - a pitchfork with the handle going down into the top of her crack. Wow! Her tattoo was just like the marks above our pussies. A tattoo on her right hip showed a circle with a star inside of it, and on her left hip was a crescent moon.

Doug put one of the choir robes over her shoulders. She came over and walked back and forth in front of us while we stood at attention, massaging our breasts. "Very good, Girls. My three lovely virgins. Pinch your nipples when I'm in front of you and pull your titties towards me. I am the moon, and you feel a tidal pull on your breasts. Perhaps I will touch them later if you get them ready. That would bring you good luck."

"Doug met you last spring, during a full moon, so that a prophecy could be fulfilled. Each of you girls will play a part. We will use you in the big Coven gathering next weekend. You will each be a star. Keep massaging your titties for me. Get them ready for me."

She had Emily and Sally smell and lick each other to make sure they could follow directions even with their sister. Angela said, "We have been performing many rituals to find cooperative, virgin sisters." She stood behind me and massaged my breasts while we watched Emily lick her little sister's pussy.

Doug got out two small packages for each of us and Angela told us to open the one in the red paper first. We smiled as we tore off the paper. It seemed like we were opening the little presents slower than we would have, but the moment felt so serious. Angela showed me how to hold it. I didn't know what to make of the wooden carvings inside, like an upside-down "T" with a circle under it. The wood was smooth and polished, like on a bed post or fancy chair, and about six inches long, pointy like my finger at one end and then getting bigger towards the bottom, kind of like a light bulb. The bigger part near the base was about as big around as two of my fingers and then got skinnier again. The long, rounded point was as big as my biggest finger, but longer.

Angela said, "These are your first trainers. Size two. You'll get bigger charms as you get used to each size. When you get to a size six or seven in a few weeks, you may get a very special assignment, that will bring you girls, and your mothers, good fortune. Doug and Jim will help you."

She had Emily get on her hands and knees on the bed and then Jim held her fanny cheeks open so Angela could lubricate her anus again. She put more greasy lubricant on the "lucky plug" as she called it, and pushed it into Emily's bottom. Emily said "ohh." As she pushed the biggest diameter in, like maybe it hurt. But Angela pushed slowly, and then once it was past the roundest part, it slid the rest of the way in easily. The bottom of the upside down "T" was a couple inches on either side of Emily's anus.

Angela put a loop of thin, silky rope through the "O" that was on the underside of the lucky plug and then had Emily stand up with it in her bottom. Angela had Emily hold the ropes - one in front and one in back to help keep it from falling out.

Emily walked around, and then let the ropes dangle when Angela told her to let go so she could see if the lucky plug would stay in. It did. Emily walked around, but was keeping her pussy sticking forward so she could keep squeezing her bottom closed as tight as she could.

Then Sally and I each got ours put in. Angela said as we slowly learned to get bigger ones, our luck would get better and better.

We all walked around with our lucky plugs in us, and then opened our next present. This time they demonstrated on me. It looked like a little, plastic flashlight but without the light part. When Doug twisted the back of it, it started making a buzzing noise. He held it against my pussy. It tickled. He rubbed it around and tickled my whole pussy area with it. Angela said it would help us get wet faster for the ceremonies. It felt especially good when he pressed it against my clit. I liked it when he tickled me. So did Emily and Sally. We weren't supposed to press our toys against our own pussies, but we could press them against each other, or have one of the grown-ups press it for us.

Angela told the men to undress and put on robes. Sally, and Emily, and I were staring at their cocks - all so stiff. The three robed men stood in front of the three of us with their robes open so we could see their magic wands bobbing up and down. They bobbed around even though the men weren't touching them with their hands. It looked so neat.

Emily said, "Ned's and Doug's are bigger than Uncle Larry's!"

Sally giggled, "And Jim's is so curved, like Uncle Larry's. Like a big banana with a strawberry on the end."

"We have to leave your plugs in another two minutes, girls." Said Angela, looking at her watch. "Meanwhile, you can touch each of the magic wands and even lick them. Let me take your little, buzzing toys."

While she held our toys, we touched and licked the men. They liked it. I felt funny, like I was still walking stiff with the lucky plug in my bottom, but we did touched them. I liked to pull on them or push them down and let go to watch them spring back up. It was funny. Each of us played with one for a minute and then we switched to a different one. They were different from each other, but they were all hard. Jim's curved the most and Doug's had the biggest tip. Ned's was the fattest one and stuck straight out. The shaft was as big as the tip of it. It felt funny to lick them, and I tried to get each one in my mouth, at least the tip of it.

Angela took Emily's plug out first and wiped it off. She showed us that the base of it - the biggest part of the shaft - was only a little bit bigger than Ned's thumb, but not as big around as any of the cocks. We took turns putting our hands around a cock and then around Emily's plug. The cocks were bigger around.

Angela left Sally's in the longest since she is the youngest. We watched as Emily started showing us how she used to lick her Uncle Larry's cock. She was able to get the at least the tip of each cock in her mouth, and could slide halfway down Jim's. I was anxious to try it.

Emily volunteered to kneel down and show me how to swallow it, since she had swallowed some of Uncle Larry's. Angela taught her to back her mouth off the end of it and stick out her tongue and keep her mouth wide open when Ned said he was ready. They practiced a few times. So whenever Ned said, "Ready!" Emily would sit back on her heels and open her mouth real fast, but she kept her hand on it to keep it pointing into her mouth.

Angela got serious again, "Are you ready to accept the fluid of life?"

"Yes." Said Emily, getting serious, too.

Doug was holding the video camera when Ned said, "Ready" for real. It wasn't practice this time and I watched as his wand kept squirting white, gooey stuff into Emily's open mouth. She really tried to hold it close to her tongue, but some still squirted on her face and even in her hair. It squirted out really hard. I was fascinated. Angela told Emily she did great, "You caught most of his cum in your mouth, Emily. Excellent!"

Next was my turn, so they took out my lucky plug. I got to do Jim's. They said I could practice with Doug during the week, to get ready for the big ceremony next weekend when I would do it in front of lots of people. I was able to get the whole tip in, and kept sliding my mouth off and on his cock. It felt so odd. Suddenly it started to taste funny, and Jim said, "Ready!" So I got in position, holding it against my tongue with my mouth wide open. His cum started squirting into my mouth. The force of it surprised me, stronger than shooting a squirt gun into my mouth. It kept squirting, but I kept most of it in my mouth. When I had to swallow, a squirt hit the side of my cheek and some of it went in my ear. Angela said I did fantastic for my first time. She couldn't believe it.

It didn't taste very good, but I swallowed most of it so I wouldn't choke and then went ahead and swallowed the rest. Angela told me not to wipe off my face, but to leave it on my cheek and in my ear and hair. Doug said the video would be great.

After they took Sally's plug out, Angela put more lubricant on her anus and tried a number three plug while Sally was on the bed on her hands and knees. It looked about the same size to me, but Angela said the diameter of the bulb part was slightly bigger. It went in and then Doug took it right out and pushed it back in again. He did that several times to help get her loosened up even more. Angela had us watch. When Doug pulled it out, it took a few seconds for her anus to close all the way. Then Angela put more lubricant on the plug and on Sally's anus and Doug pushed it in again. It was fun watching. "See how relaxed she can make her bottom, Girls. That's great."

Then Sally sucked and licked Doug. She couldn't get the whole tip in her mouth, so Doug rubbed his hand up and down on it, and then he started cumming into Sally's mouth. She caught about half of it. About every other squirt got on her face, hair, chest, and even her forehead. She looked funny, but swallowed the cum that was in her mouth.

We got cleaned up and ready for bed. I was too excited to sleep and so were Sally and Emily, so we went downstairs and had cookies and milk. We had forgotten all about our bags of candy.

Angela took her little case and the video tape. She had our lucky plugs and buzzers with her, and said we could practice with them again next weekend. As she left she said, "I'm sure you girls will do great next weekend. Sally and Emily, since you two share a bedroom at home; I want you to practice every night. Emily, you're in charge there, so I want you to finger and lick your little sister, first, then she will do it to you. And Sally, I want you to think about it a few times every day, even at school. But don't tell anybody. And don't take a bath at night, or change panties all day. Let Emily smell you first and then she can pull your panties off for you. OK? Let Emily take off your panties and lick you, or even finger you, and then you be nice to her. They you can smell her panties and take them off and lick your big sister. Witch sisters can be very powerful!"

Emily and Sally agreed, and seemed excited to think about being part of the ceremony next weekend.

Angela hugged me and said I reminded her of herself when she was my age. She said I would do great and that Doug would teach me things this week whenever he stayed over, or especially when my Mom was at work.

Doug promised Angela that he would get me up another 2 sizes of plugs and then use the buzzer once a plug was in place. He also said he would let me practice getting his fluid of life. Somehow they already knew that Mom would be working late this week, and would be out of town on a trip next weekend so the three of us girls would have Friday night and all day Saturday to get ready for the big ceremony late Saturday.

Jim said, "At the stroke of midnight next Saturday each of you girls will have a new experience. You'll like it, and then you'll be true, initiated witches."

I can hardly wait!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


I realy liked this. you could write a part 2 story. Mabye let them go all the way. how do you feel about getting them pregnant? Yours Jmalling


Just finished the story and enjoyed it. Please continue the story and tell us the story of her training and their special weekend the next weekend. This story has the potential to become a classic erotic novel if you take the time with it. Please don't leave it where it's at, it is too good to let lie there essentially unfinished.


Awesome story. Loved it.
Will love to see her Pregnant next week.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.