Published: 8-Mar-2011
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Madison listened to Ms. Vicky and Ms. Milinka talk with her Mom. Madison liked Ms. Milinka's European accent. Ms. Milinka was explaining about the other program which might help her daughter remain in the program which might also lead to beginning modeling training, once she was in the advanced group with the eleven and twelve year old girls. There were eight girls in the "juniors class," and five girls in the "advanced class."
Madison was referred to the program during the third week of school by her fourth grade teacher, who had talked to her Mom on the phone about it. The all-girls, small, charter school was in a poor neighborhood, referred to as a "white trash" area of town. The school furnished the blue, plaid jumpers and semi-sheer blouses for the girls who were accepted. Only eight girls were invited to participate in that particular after-school program, and there were sports classes, or special study groups for the other students who needed after-school child care. There was no expense to the family, and according to Madison's Mom who talked with her about it when she got home, "All your dance costumes and the transportation costs are provided by the program sponsors. And if you get through the initial year of training, you might be invited to join the advanced group which will also do beginning modeling. Wouldn't that be fun?"
Of course Madison wanted to try it. Five days a week after school, and her Mom would get twenty five dollars each week that Madison had perfect attendance. It was even more fun than Madison expected, although it struck her as "strange" - almost "bizarre," at the same time. Madison couldn't help but notice that only cute, white girls were selected. Although two of the girls were flat, the rest of the new girls including her had marshmallow-sized titties.
Ms. Vicky was about thirty, slim, with dark hair and a pretty face. She had a clean-cut look that gave the mothers of the new girls the feeling that their daughters were safe in the dance and gymnastics program. Ms. Milinka, the director, was in her mid fifties and very poised and in great physical condition from years of dancing. Besides her classy dresses and dance costumes, her accent gave her the air of a sophisticated, well-educated, and well-traveled, cosmopolitan woman; someone to listen to. There were several other assistants with various duties. Ms. Ginny helped with hair and make-up, and would drive girls to various appointments once they had successfully completed their three month training program. She also was a licensed esthetician and took the girls for their quarterly Brazilian wax treatments at her private spa once they had enough pubic hair to get their first wax treatment.
To say the least, Madison wanted to stay in the program. She had so many questions that nobody would answer! Each time she asked one of the older girls, or one of the adults about some of the things she noticed, she just got a smile and maybe a "You'll see, Honey," and always a reminder to NOT ask any questions or to talk about their dance program outside of the studio. She was cautioned not to talk with anybody - including her own Mom - except to say they practiced dance routines. She also heard Ms. Vicky or Ms. Milinka, or Ms. Ginny remind a girl not to talk about private auditions or special flexibility training, in front of the younger girls. Usually it would be after one of the older girls made a joke about 'spanking' or 'have fun on your overnight trip,' or some comment like that.
Madison also wondered about the "sponsors" - well-dressed adult males or females who would watch them practice their dance and gymnastics routines. The women sponsors would even go into the mirrored girl's dressing and locker room, where the girls always - before and after every dance session, undressed completely to let Ms. Vicky "inspect" them all over. And she wondered about why the older girls - and really all of the girls and instructors and sponsors always kissed each other on the mouth. She would see some of the older girls kissing each other in the showers, or while they were waiting to be inspected.
Several times she saw Ms. Vicky sitting in a chair with one of the naked ten or eleven year olds standing in front of her after dance class with their feet wider than shoulder width apart, and Ms. Vicky would put her hands between the girl's legs all the way back to her bottom, and then pull her finger forward through the girls slit and then look at her finger. She noticed me watching, and said, "I have to check to see if the dancers were perspiring enough so my finger is wet." She looked back at her finger, which did look very wet, and also had some girl goo on it, and said, "Very good, Nicole. I guess you're looking forward to tomorrow night already."
She wondered why none of the older girls in the eleven and twelve year old class had any pubic hair, but most of the girls in her group - the nine and ten year olds - did have a little bit of pubic hair. They were each told NOT to shave there, and that it would be "taken care of" when the time came.
And she had seen pictures in library books of other young girls dancing, but you couldn't see the outline of their cracks in their leotards, but you could in the class. The girls weren't allowed to wear panties under their thin leotards. No tights and no panties - except on the one day per month when the mothers were invited to watch them practice their dance and gymnastics routines. Besides the slinky leotards, they had various tutus, jazz camisole wrappers, and some outfits that looked like ultra-sheer panties and bras - always tight, and always showing the full outline of the girl's lips. The only night the dancers couldn't see camel toes of the other girls was on the monthly parent's night when each dancer got panties, tights, and a thick leotard to dance in. Sometimes each of the girls was given fancy wrist cuffs or ankle bands. One of the eleven year olds said she liked the leather ones better, but Ms. Vicky reminded her that "little ears" were present, which piqued Madison's curiosity even more.
Each of the girls got fresh leotards for each day of class on their first week. Each leotard was labeled with the girl's name in it, so she would get them back fresh and clean the next week. Ms. Vicky did explain that the leotards and other dance costumes were furnished by their sponsors, and they should always be thankful to their sponsors and let them see and feel how well the costumes fit them. At the end of the first week, Madison felt funny holding still while a woman felt her all over, and then an older man with grey hair and a suit on felt her all over. It was embarrassing, but she had seen the other girls do it. The adult felt them all over, including between their legs. Ms. Vicky was standing right beside Madison that night. She said, "You sponsors need to make sure they got you the right size dancing clothes, so let them feel you all over." Madison was getting used to being kissed on her mouth by adults, and even the older girls, but it still always felt funny to her the first time she kissed a new adult, especially if he or she was feeling around on her leotard. Whenever they were dancing and then some adults would come into the studio to watch, Madison felt herself starting to tingle in her girl place, just knowing they would soon be kissing her on the mouth, while they felt her between her legs with one of their hands. She saw all the girls do that with the sponsors, so she figured it was OK.
Sometimes the women sponsors would be in the locker room helping Ms. Vicky inspect each of the girls. The first time Madison saw that taking place, she asked Ms. Vicky about it, and also asked, "Why don't the older girls have any hair down there?" By then, Madison was used to Ms. Vicky's evasive answers.
When standing at the bar in various positions, Madison watched both Ms. Vicky and Ms. Milinka feel the girl's leg - from the ankle on the bar - up her calf and thigh and even across her bottom and pussy - feeling the muscle tone - and down the other leg. After seeing them do that with the older girls, she held her pose while they felt her muscle tone. The adults would make comments while feeling each dancer: "Good. Toes pointed perfectly. Stretch a little farther. Relax these muscles." Always a few comments on each dancer - especially during their stretching exercises. One girl kept laughing and making comments, and she wasn't there the next day. Ms. Vicky said that Susan had transferred to one of the sports programs.
At least one or two nights a week, one of the sponsors would keep taking pictures or even video of the girls while they danced and practiced. During the third week, each of the new girls in the beginning class had to introduce herself, telling her name and age and then show some of her stretches. They did it again after class, and Madison noticed a darker, wet area on the thin, pink leotards between two of the girls' legs. Later she realized that their was a wet streak between her legs too. But, she couldn't help it, the way they were stretching and with the two instructors and a friend of Ms. Vicky's who was helping that night, kept feeling her legs - especially right between her legs - pressing the costumes against her open pussy. It made her all tingly there, and the wetness really showed up on the pink leotard without a liner like in the normal girl's panties.
Later that night, after her quick shower, while Ms. Vicky was inspecting her, Madison said, "It was kind of embarrassing when they were taking pictures and video of us and like you and the others were checking our muscle tone on our legs and then my leotard was wet between my legs." Madison said it as a statement and not as a questions, because she knew her questions wouldn't be answered. But Ms. Vicky said, "It's OK, Madison. In fact, it's a good sign. A sign that you're growing up and might be a good candidate for the advanced program." Then she hugged Madison and gave her a long kiss on her lips while "inspecting" her pubic mound with her right hand. "You're being very cooperative, Madison, and that's a good sign." She kept feeling Madison's pubic mound and kissing her on the mouth while two of the older girls were standing right beside them and watching the kisses. "And you're learning to kiss good, too, Madison, and our sponsors like that. You don't pull away right away like you used to." She kissed her again. "You've got a little fuzz down here, too, and that's another good sign. Just don't shave it. We'll be taking care of it real soon." And she kissed her again, much longer this time.
Madison felt funny - all shaky inside. She stood and watched Ms. Vicky kiss and inspect the two, naked older girls. She noticed that each of the older girls parted her legs - sliding their feet apart while they were getting kissed and inspected. Madison knew that something naughty was going on - every day, in fact - but she wasn't quite sure what it was. She was a keen observer and enjoyed being part of a mystery. And it was fun and felt good, too.
So, needless to say, Madison was intrigued and wanted to stay in the program. Her Mom knew that Madison wanted to stay in the special, free, dance and gymnastics program, even though she had never shared any of her questions with her Mom.
Madison knew her Mom was coming to the studio that night after class, and then figure out why all the girls wore panties and tights under their leotards that afternoon. Some of the girls also had knee-high leg warmers and all of them were wearing dancing slippers. She suspected that her Mom wouldn't go in the girls' dressing room, which was also the locker room with four showers set back in one big tile stall.
Ms. Vicky said to Madison's Mom, "She just can't spread her legs far enough to do the next level of gymnastics and dance. It's like her muscles are too tight. You could consider putting her in a different kind of dance, or maybe one of the sports programs through the school."
Madison's Mom asked, "Isn't there anything you could do? More exercises or something? She really likes your studio and all the people here. She doesn't talk about it much, but I know she likes it. And we can't afford those other dancing schools. That's why we came here in the first place, because of her scholarship for girls whose families can't afford private dance lessons. But, I mean, well, she really likes your program. And she's nine years old - too old to begin in some of the other schools."
Madison was worried that her Mom would either get mad or start crying and begging, and was relieved when Ms. Vicky said, "I have an idea. There is a masseuse and gymnastics trainer that Ms. Milinka worked with in Europe - an elderly gentleman who doesn't speak much English. He was a friend of Ms. Milinka's Aunt back in Belgrade. He learned his skills from Gypsies many years ago, before war and social unrest scattered them all over Eastern Europe. He has techniques to help a young person learn to relax her muscles so they are able to stretch their legs farther."
Ms. Milinka said, "Yes, if you let us include Madison in his training program, then I guarantee you that she could continue in our after school dance and gymnastics program. It's another hour that begins shortly after class."
Ms. Vicky interrupted. "Actually he's booked every day right after class, but if you would let Madison stay here for another hour, then I would drive her over to his studio and then drive her home afterwards. Wednesdays and Fridays. She could do more exercises and work on her school work at the table in our entrance area. Would that work?"
"Yes, that would be great." Madison's Mom said.
Ms. Milinka said, "Besides helping me here in the studio, Ms. Vicky is one of his assistants, and many of our older girls, meaning our ten to twelve years olds, have worked with him, and then they went on to other types of dancing or modeling. They are our success stories. Only some of the girls are invited to participate. Because of the time and money involved, we can't include all of the girls. However, we could ask if he would be willing to train your daughter."
"That would be great, but does it cost extra? And where is his office? Would I have to pay?" Madison's Mom started asking questions, hopeful that her daughter would be able to continue in the program. At first she had considered the free program - one of many for underprivileged youth in their neighborhood - as a free babysitting program for a couple hours each day after school. Madison took to it and really enjoyed the exercise, music, dancing, and camaraderie of the other girls, and dance teachers.
"You have been getting the weekly twenty five dollar stipend since Madison has had perfect attendance, so that's a good sign. I'm sure we can get sponsors to cover the full cost of the extra training. They already cover the cost of her dance outfits, transportation, laundry services, and so on. Our sponsors keep us going, and as the girls get older they do private recitals for them. That would mean that occasionally we would take Madison for a private recital - often with two or three of our dancers - who put on private shows for the sponsors, so that they keep donating money to keep our program going. The girls love being in the private recitals off site. Sometimes it even involves an out of town, overnight trip. Would that be OK? If so, then I could promise you that we can use Madison."
"Yes. That would be fine. I know she would like it."
Ms. Milinka said, "Girls who need braces will also get them when they are ready, thanks again, to our generous sponsors."
Madison was jealous that some of the other girls, the really cute ones, got to stay after class, but nobody talked about it. Whenever she asked Ms. Vicky, she was told that she was never supposed to ask or comment about those things if she wanted to continue in their program. Madison had overheard things and was quick to catch on. She knew that some of the cute girls who stayed after class also got other privileges and new outfits or clothes, or trips or got to do special recitals.
Ms. Milinka said, "So this will be all be free, too. You have to sign a permission slip and agree to never talk about these things with anyone, even each other. She would stay an extra two or three hours after class twice a week two days a week. After her tenth session she will be reevaluated. The other girls who have done this enjoyed it and got better at dancing and gymnastics, and then went on into modeling classes. Would you like for us to see if he would be able to spend time with your daughter?"
"Yes." Said Madison's Mom. "And you're sure it doesn't cost extra?
Madison smiled. She knew that if she didn't try this that she might be dismissed from the program, so she was glad her Mom seemed interested in letting her stay after class twice a week for the ten week 'extra training,' as they called it.
Ms. Milinka said, "Ms. Vicky will help her during the training, and then drive her home afterwards. Sometimes one of our sponsors is here for tutoring with the girls who stay after class, and have to wait before going to our special facility. We want our girls to do well in school and get good grades. We don't do the extra treatments here in our dance and gymnastics studio. You'll have to sign these papers. One of the things you're agreeing to..." Ms. Milinka looked into both Madison's face and Madison's Mother's face, "... is that you can never discuss his training techniques with anyone, not even each other. Then, in ten weeks, if Madison does a good job and cooperates fully, then you..." She looked at Madison's Mother, "will get a cash award of five hundred dollars after her completion, and then another hundred dollars as her modeling fee every time she does a private audition. Usually the girls do a few each month once they've completed the program. And then for the weekend or overnight trips you would get two to five hundred dollars depending on how much modeling or dancing she does. Of course, this must be kept quiet because only the cute girls like your daughter are selected for the private modeling and private auditions."
Madison's Mom was smiling - happy about the money and that Madison would get to stay in the program. "Well, I hope you can use her for a long time. I know she loves dancing and the gymnastics. And we won't talk about any of this to anybody, and not even to each other."
After she signed the papers and left, Ms. Vicky took Madison back in the dressing room and undressed her. She gave her a pair of semi-sheer, pink panties with no liner, and a matching training bra to cover her "cupcakes," as Ms. Vicky called them. Then she helped Madison put on thigh-high black hose, and black high heels. Madison practiced walking around while Ms. Vicky got a camera out of the locked closet. Madison introduced herself to the cameras and practiced walking around, before she took off the shoes and did her stretching exercise for the cameras.
She said, "Hi. I'm Madison and I'm nine years old and in the fourth grade. I like to dance and stretch and do gymnastics. And I want to learn to model. My Mom signed the papers for the special massage treatments to help me learn to spread my legs apart wider and so I can be in other parts of the program here." Madison was aware that the camera could see almost through her panties, and that the sponsors would get to see the video. She could see the camel toe in the mirror, but she was getting used to that now, and many of the sponsors had already watched her and the other girls dancing. She remembered a few times, when no men or parents were present, that the girls danced naked. At first she thought that was funny, but soon she was aware of her tingles watching the other girls, and watching them watch her, especially in some positions on the floor for their jazz routines, or at the bar for their more classical dances.
Ms. Vicky said, "You catch on quick to things, Madison, but you also keep your mouth shut. I've noticed that you've stopped asking questions. Good. And you'll make a good dancer and model. You know that our sponsors like to watch you girls practice, and that they buy the outfits you get to dance in."
"Yes, I know." Said Madison. "This is fun. I think it will be fun to do the recitals, too." She knew the older girls looked forward to their outings and private recitals whether it was just one of the older girls or one time she remembered that three of them went out to do a recital together.
Ms. Vicky continued their private conversation. "This is part of your initiation, Madison. I'm going to give you a few more things to say in just a minute, but nod your head if you understand that our sponsors are very important to all of us. That's why you girls have to let them watch you, and also feel how well your costumes fit."
"I know. It's OK. I really like the classes." Madison wasn't sure what else to say, so Ms. Vicky gave her a few more lines to say, which she said while she blushed.
The day after Madison's Mom had signed the papers, she noticed after class, that the older girls were already undressed and waiting for their inspections, except for Nicole who was sitting in front of the mirrors while Ms. Ginny was putting on make-up. Her hair was up in curlers.
Madison asked Nicole where she was going. Before she could say anything, Ms. Ginny said, "A private recital tonight. But that's all we can say." Then Ms. Ginny smiled. "You're looking forward to it, aren't you, Nicole?"
Nicole smiled, too. "Yes! I love doing private recitals. The dancing and food, and sometimes the games, and..."
Ms. Ginny laughed. "That's enough, Nicole. Madison will find out in a month or two. Don't spoil it. I just want Madison to know that you girls all enjoy doing private recitals for your sponsors. Do you remember your first recital, or the special treatments to help you stretch from Mr. Kruno?"
"Yes, it was so exciting. I still like private recitals and my refresher sessions with Mr. Kruno. Did you start your sessions yet?"
Madison said, "No. I think I'm supposed to start next week."
Ms. Vicky had just walked into the dressing room. She laughed, too with Ms. Ginny. "Yes, the girls all love their private sessions. And, Ginny, be sure to change Nicole's panties before you get to her sponsor's house."
"I will." Ginny laughed. I have a thick, cotton pair for her to wear on the drive over there, before I put these cute, silky ones on her when we get to his house." She held up a pair of white, ultra-sheer, silky thongs with lace around the front.
Nicole took the panties in her hand; looked at them; and said, "Oh, I know he'll like these. They are so pretty. He likes me to wear panties he can see through."
Three days later, Ms. Vicky called Madison into her little office off the main dance and gymnastic floor shortly after class. "Mr. Kruno has agreed to work with you. I showed him pictures of you, and he will be taking more pictures while he works with you. He doesn't speak much English, and he doesn't put up with any nonsense. Also, he is over sixty, but don't let his age fool you. He is very strong. The other girls he's worked with have enjoyed it once they got used to his unorthodox methods, including Pavlovian-spanking-pleasure treatments. That means it's not like what you would consider a normal massage. He does deep tissue work, and will teach you a series of exercises which you can practice on your own. Your Mother already signed the papers committing both of you to keep his treatments a secret. He is still worried that certain European groups are still trying to find him for things that happened not long after World War Two.
"I'll follow directions." Madison said, "and Mom already told me that you would be bringing me home in a few hours. That's why she gave me two of my school books - so I could do homework."
"Good. Here's where you'll work on that after you're dressed." She showed Madison to the school desk out in their lobby. As the older girls left, almost an hour after the younger class ended and those girls had gone in the van with Ms. Ginny, Nicole, the oldest of the three who were leaving, whispered, "Have fun tonight, Madison. I can't say anything, but I bet you'll like it." The other girls smiled at her and left to go out to the van. Then Ms. Vicky came in to get her.
Madison was nervous as they drove off in Ms. Vicky's car. Ms. Vicky talked about other things all the way over, so Madison didn't know what to expect when they walked to the side door of a fancy, old house in a nicer, but changing, neighborhood. Then Ms. Vicky said, "I'll be with you tonight. We do a video of each girl's first time with Mr. Kruno, and another when we do her graduation practice. But you'll see. By the way, you've already got four sponsors. They liked your video clips."
Without talking, Ms Vicky and Mr. Kruno led her into a room off the side of the living room. It was set up as a large massage room with a strange-looking, padded table, with metal legs and wheels and gears. Madison also noticed a pulley on the ceiling with a ropes hanging down. There were maybe a dozen paddles of wood or leather and some small whips that you use on horses; lotions, creams; and what looked like plastic flashlights of various sizes, shapes, and colors, but no lens or bulb that Madison could see. She had never seen a vibrator before.
Ms. Vicky said, "We'll do an introduction video again, Madison, and then I'll blindfold you and I'll get a video of your whole treatment - the spankings, massaging, stretching, and so...."
Madison interrupted her, "Spankings?"
Ms. Vicky smiled, "Not what you think, but yes spankings - front and back - and some might sting a little bit and make noise, but the noise is louder than the spank itself, at least on most of the paddles. I'll be assisting him. In fact, I bet you'll love his spankings before he's finished. But you'll be blindfolded the whole time after you introduce yourself and say what's going to happen."
Madison was looking wide-eyed at the paddles and other things laid out on the small table beside the big, medical-looking, massage table. "Gee. What are those?" She pointed to the vibrators, ball gags, wrist and ankle straps, small butt plugs, and other gear, all lined up for her treatment.
"Why do I have to be blindfolded?"
"It's for your first video, but mainly so you won't know what he is going to do next." She pointed to the row of paddles. "These are various paddles for your bottom and this little one is for front spankings."
"You mean right here?" Madison pointed to her pussy.
"Yes. Directly on your pussy. Legs closed, and legs open. But it won't hurt you." Ms. Vicky pointed to the vibrators and said, "These are vibrators to tickle some of your muscles to help you really relax certain muscles, even though they might tighten up more at first. You'll love these treatments, like the other girls. I'm sure." She pointed to the small, pink, rubber, butt plug. "This is a butt plug which will get pushed in your bottom with lots of lubricant. It won't hurt a bit. Most girls love it, especially after some spankings."
"Gee." Madison didn't know what else to say.
Ms. Vicky pointed to the ankle and wrist cuffs. "These are to keep you from falling off the table during your treatments. And it makes the videos more interesting. It's fine for you to move and jump around and make noises. Noises are good. I want you loud. If something startles you, hurts a little bit, or feels good, we want to know it.
Madison looked up at the rope through the heavy duty pulley on the ceiling. Ms. Vicky said. That's to help stretch your legs - one at a time. Don't worry. It won't hurt. Just a little leverage since Mr. Kruno is getting old.
"Gosh. I mean. It all looks like it will hurt."
Ms. Vicky said, "And the blindfold is also because occasionally some of the sponsors come in to watch your treatments. They will all come for your graduation in five weeks, for your tenth treatment. Then your Mom will get a nice bonus because you have finished the initial program."
"Will any be here today?" Madison sounded worried.
Ms. Vicky laughed, and said something in a different language to Mr. Kruno. Then he laughed, too, and said something back to Ms. Vicky. Ms. Vicky turned to Madison and said, "He thought that was funny, because of course, as cute as you are, there will be several people watching you today. They are in another room, and won't come in here to watch until you are blindfolded."
"Gee, like how many?" She was worried.
"Why do you ask, Honey?" Ms. Vicky asked.
"Well, I mean, I guess it doesn't matter because they are all sponsors, like you said, and most of them are pretty old, like forty or fifty or sixty, I don't know, and some are women, so that wouldn't be so embarrassing, but there have been a few younger men come in to watch us dance, you know, like in their twenties."
"You are very observant, Sweetie, and I know they will all want to schedule private auditions with you once you are initiated and finished with your trial period. Just another month or two and I might take you on a private audition with another of our girls. Would you like that? To see what it's like?" Ms. Vicky was artfully changing the subject, but Madison was persistent.
"Yes. That would be fun. The other girls all like those sessions. But I mean how many people will be watching me today?"
"Fourteen." Ms. Vicky said. "Besides Mr. Krono who will be in charge, and I'll be his helper. So there will be fourteen others watching you. I won't tell you their ages or whether they are men or women, but you have already seen a few of them in the studio during your practices. I think four of five of them have already felt your muscle tone."
"Oh." She felt a big surge through her groin and couldn't suppress a squirming action - moving her knees together and twisting her hips. And she knew that "checking your muscle tone" meant that a sponsor was going to feel you between your legs while the girl tried to stay in position on the bar. Some grown-ups would cup a girl's whole mound and squeeze and move it, while others stroked across the center from back to front and back again - going right over the girl's exposed "wrinkly thing," as Madison referred to her clitty.
"You should be complimented that so many of our trusted sponsors want to watch your first massage treatment. It means you'll probably continue to have lots of sponsors."
"Will they ... ummm... like check my muscle tone today?"
"No." Said Ms. Vicky. "Today they just watch. At least until the very end, and then, if you want, and only if you want, they might help massage you with oil to help you relax again before I get you dressed and take you home." She paused. "It's good manners to invite everybody who is here on your first time to massage you for a little bit, while you're lying on your back still blindfolded. And let them each kiss you. Kiss back. However they kiss you, you kiss them back the same way. After all, they took time out of their busy days."
"Did you...."
Before she could finish her question, Mr. Krono snapped his fingers and then tapped his watch as he took it off. He was wearing a white, lab coat.
Ms. Vicky said, "All your questions will be answered over the next few months, so now just enjoy this. I'll let you introduce yourself to my camera again. Then we'll start. I'll explain what we're doing and then you say that into the camera. But once you are strapped onto the table, then you're not supposed to say anything. Understand?"
"Yes. I think so."
"Look into my camera and introduce yourself. Don't worry about the other camera on the tripod. We'll move that around during your treatment. OK, introduce yourself, and then tell my camera what we are doing after I tell you what you are going to do. And you've been on camera since we walked in. You've been on camera lots of times in the studio, too. Do a good job so you can stay in the program. Remember to say some of the other things I told you in the car."
"Yes, Mam." Madison said. She could see that Ms. Vicky and Mr. Krono were getting inpatient.
"Hello. I'm Madison, and I'm nine years old. I'm in the fourth grade, and today I'm going to get my first special massage and stretching treatment. Then, after some treatments, I will be able to spread my legs lots wider open."
Ms. Vicky said, "Good. Now say, 'I'm going to undress and turn around for the cameras and do some of my stretching exercises before I get blindfolded and put on my wrist and ankle straps."
Madison blushed; was quiet for ten seconds; then said word-for-word what Ms. Vicky told her to say.
She was still blushing two minutes later when she was naked and lying on a pink, rug on the floor, showing how far she could spread her lets. She stood and put her feet apart and easily touched the ground with her palms, keeping her knees perfectly straight.
Ms. Vicky helped her put on the black, leather wrist and ankle straps with the metal "O" rings sewed into the leather. She let Ms. Vicky put a blindfold on her. Ms. Vicky turned Madison's shoulders so she was facing the cameras.
Madison said the things Ms. Vicky whispered in her ear. "I'm blindfolded now, and have on my wrist and ankle straps. I'm ready for my special massage treatment, and I know there will be some spanking. I'm going to stretch my titties for a minute before I start. Then I won't talk anymore until we're done." She took a breath as if she was done, then quickly added, "Oh, and I am going to make noises, like if something surprises me, or stings for a second or feels really good, so I'll make noises, but I won't talk."
As Ms. Vicky and Mr. Krono easily lifted the nine year old onto her tummy on the towels on the table and got her strapped into position, Madison hear a door open and a very quiet murmur as people came into the room. She heard a few comments but didn't recognize any voices.
Although she was blushing, Madison smiled as she heard fragments of compliments about how sexy she looked, how great her muscle tone was, etc.
She was face down and Mr. Krono slid a bolster under her hips and clicked open the articulated table - almost as if he was using a jack. Click, click, click, click... as Madison's feet moved farther and farther apart.
He and Ms. Vicky began rubbing warm scented oil all over her from head to toe. It felt good and smelled good. The first smack took her by surprise.
"Ow!" She found she could wiggle her hips even though her arms were stretched out in front of her, and her feet were pulled apart and back.
The next five smacks varied in intensity and timing. She was pretty sure it was Mr. Krono's hand, but wasn't positive. Actually, the first smack was with his bare hand, but the following ones were with a leather paddle three inches wide. None of them were too hard, although Madison gave a loud yelp after each one.
Mr. Krono scooped a finger full of anal lube from a jar and began greasing up Madison's anus. Ms. Vicky helped by pulling her ass even wider open. While they got her ready for her first anal fingering, Madison heard clearer comments about how pretty her bottom was. Several people were whispering nice things about her at all times - a constant murmur of compliments. As Mr. Krono's big finger began to push in again and again, Madison started saying, "Unnnn" each time it went in.
For a few minutes they kept a rhythm:
Ms. Vicky let go of Madison's ass.
Mr. Krono gave her two good smacks on each butt cheek.
Ms. Vicky pulled Madison's ass wide open again.
Mr. Krono pushed his finger all the way in Madison's tight ass, getting a pleasure moan with each full insertion
Smack! Smack! Ow! (and a wiggle)
Smack! Smack! Ow! (and another wiggle)
Pushhhhh.... Unnnnnnn.
Pushhhhh.... Unnnnnnn.
Pushhhhh.... Unnnnnnn.
Pushhhhh.... Unnnnnnn.
Smack! Smack! Ow! (and a wiggle)
Smack! Smack! Ow! (and another wiggle)
Pushhhhh.... Unnnnnnn.
Pushhhhh.... Unnnnnnn.
Pushhhhh.... Unnnnnnn.
Pushhhhh.... Unnnnnnn.
After almost two minutes of this, Mr. Krono stopped and felt Madison's clitty between his thumb and forefinger - rubbing up and down in her wet slit. Ms. Vicky said, "He likes your clitty, Madison. He's going to have to rub your little button and stimulate it as part of your deep massage to help you spread your legs wider. You'll get stimulated all over. Everybody in the audience today thinks your so cute and sexy! I bet they will all want to have private auditions with you!"
Madison heard people in the crown agreeing with that and talking about her - still saying such nice things about her body and her dancing, her smile and her courage. Then she heard four more clicks as Mr. pressed the lever to spread her feet open wider. Then he massaged her upper thighs, ass, and pussy with lots of oil and several more insertions of his big finger in her ass.
Ms. Vicky said, "I'm going to have two volunteers massage your breasts while Mr. Krono massages you thighs."
She felt oily hands begin to massage each breasts. They started talking about how firm and beautiful her breasts were. The man on her left side was pulling and pinching - so as one hand slipped off, his other hand grasped it against her chest and pulled down until it slipped off. He was pinching, massaging, and pulling on it - moving it this way and that.
On her right was a woman who was very gentle... most of the time... and then a hard pinch on her puffy, pink nipple made her moan. Madison's moans from the two breast massagers and Mr. Krono's pussy, ass, and thigh massage with an occasional full finger insertion into her anus, kept Madison moaning and wiggling - straining against the wrist and ankle straps.
"Ouch!" Madison was taken by surprise, and jerked against the bonds at the two much harder smacks with a leather paddle.
Then Mr. Krono's big, slippery finger pushed all the way in her ass again, while his other hand stroked her clitty. After two full insertions, he stopped and massaged her upper thighs. Another six clicks opened her feet even wider. Madison heard people talking about her constantly, but the comment, "she's like all the other girls - she just loves a big finger up her ass."
Then a woman said, "Most girls love it, as long as they don't think too much about it."
She heard Ms. Vicky say, "Would any of you other gentlemen or ladies like to help out by putting a finger in her anus? We'll flip her over pretty soon."
The sudden increase in volume impressed Madison as most of the people started volunteering to help her. She heard Ms. Vicky pick several people, but she didn't mention their names. She told them to put lots of lubricant on their finger before pushing it in. "And go slowly at first, especially you, since your fingers are so big."
Other slippery hands took over on her breasts, and someone else - or maybe two people - Madison couldn't keep track - pulled her ass wide open as the others took turns pushing a finger in her bottom several times.
Then she was aware as a very large finger pushed slowly all the way in. "Unnnnnnn, ohhhh, oh."
Ms. Vicky said, "Wait a minute. Hold your finger still." It was pressed all the way in, and he kept it there - pressed in to his knuckle - turning his hand which made his finger twist from side to side.
Then she asked Madison if his finger was too big, and before Madison answered, Ms. Vicky added, "He's one of your biggest sponsors, and I know he would like to get his full turn of five insertions. Can he push it in four more times?"
Madison said, "Unn, ohhh, yes. OK. Go slow. Unnn, like that. Yesss. Unnnnn. I like it."
That started the conversation all over again with the adults all agreeing that little girls just love that kind of stimulation. Then it shifted back to talking about wanting her for individual or small group auditions.
As the man's finger pushed in for the fifth time, and Madison was moaning, Mr. Krono clicked the table again, moving her feet even wider apart - stretching Madison. Then he moved the others out of the way and massaged the girl's thighs and buttocks.
People started talking about how much more limber she was already. Two people sharing duties on her right breast were commenting on how much she likes performing in front of new people. "And the cameras!" a woman's voice said.
The man's voice said, "She also likes getting different fingers in her bottom."
Then the woman's voice said, "She likes undressing in front of people and spreading open for them. There are twenty people here now, and everybody wants to help."
The man's voice said, "She'll be an excellent dancer and model. Almost perfectly ripe now. Just a little fuzz above her crack. It's absolutely beautiful now, but will be stunning after her other treatment."
The woman said, "The fuzz will be gone in a month or two." She leaned over, still massaging Madison's right breast, and whispered in her ear, "If you want to do a private audition with me, I'll help you dress, and I'll give you a nice massage, too, only without spankings. Would you like that? Just stick out your tongue if you'd like to come to my house sometime for me and a few of my lady friends. We'll undress you and make you feel wonderful. We'll dress you in different pretty outfits."
Madison turned her head to face the woman. She put her tongue out. She also nodded her head.
Then they unfastened her ankles after closing the legs of the articulated massage table, and unfastening her wrists. They unfastened her ankles; flipped her onto her back, and strapped her down again - fastening her ankles and wrists. Madison offered no resistance, and tried to stretch while they got her into position. Mr. Krono clicked open the articulated table so her feet were wide apart once more.
Ms. Vicky said, "Oh look, everybody. See how big her clitty is getting? It's swelling up and straining forward for more stimulation. And Madison is getting creamy wet. I think she is enjoying her treatment. I'll need a volunteer for each breast, and one to help with each leg while Mr. Krono gives her more of his relaxation treatment. In a little while he will unfasten her ankles so she can bend her knees. Then he will refasten her feet up close to her bottom and I'll need another volunteer for each knee to keep her held open during her treatment."
It was quiet a moment and Madison could hear people moving around and whispering nice things about her. Mr. Krono was putting more warm, scented oil on her thighs, tummy, chest, and pussy. It felt and smelled good. She liked how he was gently massaging it in.
"OK." Ms. Vicky said, "Thanks for volunteering to help everybody. I'm sure Madison will thank each of you with a long kiss when this is concluded. Meanwhile, go softly for this part of her massage - on her legs and breasts - continuous and soft. Begin."
Madison felt lots of hands begin to softly massage her lower legs, thighs, breasts, and even a hand on her tummy and one on her chest above her breasts - all massaging. She was feeling full of tingles and aware of an "itch" between her legs - as if all the other attention made the area between her legs yearn for more stimulation.
While she was enjoying the total sensation, and wondering what was next, she felt a swat on her pubic mound! "Oh! Unn." She jumped against her bonds. Then another swat and another - hard enough to sting, but also stimulating her in a new and exciting way. She tried to open her knees, bending then and pulling against the ankle straps as she tried to open herself more for the unorthodox stimulation.
The next swat hit her clitty, but was much softer... and they continued - varying widely in tempo and strength - some hard and most soft - on her clitty and all around her plump, pubic mound.
Then, as the little paddle continued to strike her pubic mound just above her clitty, she felt a finger at the opening to her vagina. It began to push in. The finger was much larger that Madison's own fingers which she was used to. "Unnnnnn, ohhhhhh." She said as the big finger pushed all the way in her vagina.
"Does that feel good, Madison?" Ms. Vicky asked in her right ear.
"Yesssss. Unnnnn, ohhh. Gee."
"Everybody wants to help. Everyone will take a turn with a few strokes each. Meanwhile Mr. Krono will continue to spank your pubic mound. It will take a while for everyone to finger you, so just enjoy the sensations."
She didn't have to say that, because Madison was enjoying the sensations - and all the attention, and the steady murmur of compliments - how hot and sexy she was - so grown up - such a pretty, young girl - and so on... both men and women saying those things, and they all wanted to finger her!
The swats on her pubic mound - with some hitting the top of her clitty - kept most of her attention there. Madison made a constant stream of, "Unnn, ohhh. Ahhh. Unnnn."
He unfastened her ankles while other people continued to take turns fingering her vagina. After scooting her feet up towards her butt, Mr. Krono refastened them. A helpful person on each side pulled her knee outwards - opening her wide for everyone's pleasure.
Mr. Krono unfastened her feet again and had his plethora of assistants lift her legs - keeping her knees apart and exposing her anus to Mr. Krono's eager finger. He pressed it in her anus while others held her knees up and out. Someone pressed into her vagina and someone else began tapping a vibrator against her clitty.
"Aaaaghhhhh, unnnn, ohhhhh, unnnnn." Madison enjoyed her fist ever full orgasm at the hands of the dance studio patrons, and in front of cameras - while blindfolded. Twenty seconds later, she had a major aftershock as the fingers were suddenly pulled out of her ass and pussy at the same time. Everyone could see the twitches which drew her pussy inwards with visible spasms. Madison was still moaning for another minute while They closed the table and took the straps off her wrists and ankles.
While she rested, someone put a small, fuzzy towel over her tummy and legs.
It was quiet in the room, and Madison became aware that everyone was watching her. Ms. Vicky said, "You did so good, Madison. Just rest now. Everyone wants to kiss you good bye before they leave. Once they are gone I'll take off your blindfold. Let them kiss you now."
Each of the adults kissed her on the mouth. She opened her mouth to receive their kisses and kissed back.
Mr. Krono gave her another full body massage but bypassed her breasts, pussy and ass. He spend extra time on her thighs.
Ms. Vicky said, "You did great, Madison. Just keep resting. I'll take you home in about half an hour. Relax now." Ms. Vicky put on some new age relaxation music. Everyone left except Ms. Vicky and Mr. Krono.
Madison didn't talk as they got her ready to go home. In the car, she asked Ms. Vicky, "What happened? Gee. It was like my insides melted all of a sudden, and like it kept jerking inside me."
Ms. Vicky explained, "That was called an orgasm. It shows you're growing up. It feels especially good if other people are rubbing you, and even more if they are strangers and you're in front of cameras. Did it feel good?"
"Yes, gee. Like wonderful. It kept twitching and felt so good." They were quiet for a minute. "All the people were so nice, Ms. Vicky. Thank you for taking me."
"And I think all of them would like to have you do a private recital. You'll have fun and your Mom will get some money since you're doing an art performance. Like modeling."
"That sounds like fun. The other girls like to do it, too. I can tell."
"Yes, all the girls like giving private recitals."
Madison was waking up. "What do you do for the private recitals? Like dancing?"
"Yes, they will want you to dance for them. I'll help you with some special training. It will be a little bit of the routines you do in the studio, and then other things. But each sponsor likes different things, so you'll find out about that as you go along."
"Will I get to go with Nicole sometimes? I like her. And, well, I like all the girls, I guess."
"That's good, Madison, because if you do go out for a private recital with one or two other girls, you'll have to kiss each other and perform together. It's kind of why we practice dancing in groups - so you all know the same steps. Its fun, isn't it?"
"Yes, I like it."
"It's also why we have you practice kissing all of our sponsors. They will want to spend some time kissing you, especially while they help you change costumes."
"Oh, you mean even the men?"
Ms. Vicky smiled. "Yes, they will help you change. They help you today didn't they - rubbing you and using their fingers in you to help you have the orgasm. Men are very helpful that way, especially if you kiss them enough. They will all want to kiss you."
"Really? But then they will see me... umm... you know... like before I get dressed again."
"Yes, of course, Silly Girl. That's part of the game of it. I'm sure they will want to look at you and maybe even massage you before you get dressed again. Lots of kissing and things. You'll see. I'm going to ask your Mother tonight if you could do your first private recital next week."
"I hope she says, 'yes,' because it's so exciting."
"You can't talk to your mother about your treatment tonight. I guess you could say it helped you stretch your legs apart and it felt good, but don't say anymore than that."
"It did feel good! I mean except for the spankings, but I guess that was OK, too."
Ms. Vicky went in with Madison. They only talked a few minutes. She was glad that Madison enjoyed her afternoon special training, and she was really glad to hear that Madison had already been invited to do a private dancing recital. She started to ask a question and then stopped. "Oh, no questions. That's OK. I'm sure it will be fine. You like to dance, don't you, Madison?"
"Yes, Mom. It will be fun. Sometimes people come to the studio to watch us practice. And sometimes the other girls go out for private recitals. They like it."
Ms. Vicky held up her palm to indicate, "Stop." She said, "We don't talk about it, Madison. You'll have fun, and you'll get to practice dancing, but don't talk anymore about it."
The Following Monday at class, two of the older girls told Madison that they heard she did great at her first special treatment, and that they would be glad to go out for private recitals with her. Later Nicole told her the same thing, and added, "And I like kissing you, Madison. It turns me on. And I'd love to check your muscle tone."
Then dance class started. Everyone was busy with practice for most of the next hour. After class, Ms.Vicky called Madison over. There were several older girls standing beside Madison when Ms. Vicky said, "Madison, you should come to class as usual on Thursday, but you won't be here for dancing practice. You and Nicole are going out for a private dance recital. It will take some time to get you, two ready." She looked at Madison and Nicole and shoed the other girls on back to the dressing room. "Ms. Ginny will be here to do your hair and make-up, and she'll help you with your first costume when you get there. We're starting you with a Sapphic experience."
"What's that mean?" asked Madison.
Nicole smiled, "Oh good. It will be so much fun, Madison. We'll have a good time. The 'Sapphic' thing means it will be all women who are watching us and playing with us. It feels so good - all the things they do. You'll see. And we'll even get to practice some of the things with each other, and..."
"That's enough, Nicole." Ms. Vicky smiled. "She'll see. And I know she'll have a good time, too. You both will. Now run on in and get your showers. If you hurry, you'll have time to practice kissing each other before the van leaves to take you all home."
Madison, age nine, and Nicole, age eleven, ran on into the dressing room in a cloud of giggles.
Later, Ms. Vicky walked Madison into their apartment to talk with Madison's Mother. "Guess what, Madison has already been invited to give a private recital. This Thursday. She'll be home by nine, or nine-thirty at the latest, since it's a school night. Usually the younger girls don't give recitals during the week, but she is just getting started and this is quite an honor since she hasn't even finished her first three months of dance lessons. You'll get a nice modeling fee, too." She nodded to Madison's Mom.
"That's great. StaI like yying up late one night a week isn't so bad." She turned to her daughter, "Do you want to go, Honey?"
"Yes. The other girls go out for recitals and they really like doing that. Sometimes they go on weekend trips! That would really be fun."
"Well, OK. She can go. Have her home by nine thirty."
Ms. Vicky said, "We'll do her hair, nails, and make-up before her performance. Do you want us to get the nail polish off before we bring her back home?"
Madison's Mom looked at her daughter, "Do you want to keep it for a few days, or would it make kids ask you why you had your nails done?"
Ms. Vicky appreciated Madison's Mother's insight. "Oh, good idea."
"I'd like to keep it, but like then the other kids at school would ask me about it."
"Then we'll make sure all her make-up and nail polish is off before we bring her home. You should probably let her go right to bed. And remember, you can't talk to anybody about this, not even to each other. Would you prefer cash or a check?"
"How much is it again?"
Ms. Vicky leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "probably two or three hundred dollars, since she'll be gone for four hours." Then Ms. Vicky stood up and talked louder, "Another little dancer will be there performing with Madison. It will be safe, of course. This time it's for a group of my women friends. Usually her performances would be for a shorter time period, and usually for an older gentleman. It's only for people we know and approve of. Often a man will add a nice tip if she does a good job dancing. We want our girls to be able to dance for men or women. Madison will start in one of our studio dance costumes, but the sponsor often has different dance costumes which they will help her put on. She could probably do one or two private dances per month, or maybe more often if she does a good job. Once she's experienced, she could do one weekend trip each month, and that would pay double what I just whispered in your ear. So would you prefer cash or a check? And if you want a check, then we have to do taxes and turn in those amounts to the government, but otherwise it's off-the-record."
"Oh, well cash would be better. And we won't talk to anybody. Thank you so much."
"Any other questions?" Ms. Vicky asked.
"No, I think I understand more now. Thanks so much for letting Madison be one of your dancers. You can take her with you anytime. Good night."
After Ms. Vicky left, she said, "I'm so glad you like dancing, Madison, and we'll be able to get our cable TV turned on again. One or two nights a week wouldn't cut into your school work too much, would it, Honey?"
"No, and they have tutoring sometimes, after dance class, like before I go for the special relaxation treatment, while the older girls are still dancing."
"That's good. And would you really like to try those weekend trips?"
"Oh, yes. I really would. The other girls love it. They say it's lots of fun."
"Good. Because I want you to have lots of fun, Madison. Let's get a pizza tonight. We might be able to afford to go out once in a while."
Both Madison and her Mother were happy that Madison would be able to start doing private dance shows.
On Wednesday, Madison had her second session with Mr. Krono. She wasn't blindfolded this time. She asked about the cameras, "Why do we have cameras today? I thought you got videos and pictures of my treatment last week."
Ms. Vicky said, "There aren't any other grown-ups here to help today, so we have them set up so you will be the only one in the video with maybe our arms and fingers, but you are the star again today. We'll share this video with other possible sponsors, and maybe they will want you to do a private audition for them. So, before you undress, introduce yourself again and then get in the hands and knees position up on the table. I want to show them how your cute, little titties hand down like marshmallows under your chest. Then they will all want to massage them for you."
"Oh. You mean you'll be showing this video to lots of people?"
Ms. Vicky got a close-up of Madison's face as she digested this new information. Then Madison started, "Hi. I'm Madison and I'm nine years old and in the fourth grade. I'm getting special massage treatments to help me be able to spread my legs open wider. Part of it is a spanking, which kind of hurts, but in a way, it also gives me tingles. OK. Now I have to undress." She took her time undressing - turning as she stripped. When she was naked, she stood facing the camera. Her chest was flushed and her nipples were hard. She turned around for the cameras once again and climbed onto the table.
Ms. Vicky started with a side view. Madison smiled at the camera, even though she was blushing. When Ms. Vicky walked around behind her, Madison opened her legs and lowered her chest opening her bottom for the camera. Her pussy was glistening, already showing the beginning signs of excitement. Ms. Vicky stood behind her for two minutes, until Madison started to squirm and lower her hips even more.
"OK. We'll start now." Ms. Vicky said, and signaled to Mr. Krono.
Madison loved his big, strong fingers. She felt herself tingling before they even got there, and when she was strapped in and naked, she knew she was visibly wet. Ms. Vicky stayed to help and the two of them expertly massaged and stimulated Madison... keeping her from cumming until after the deep massage around her hips, ass, and thighs, and a nice, crisp spanking, which soon got her ass and thighs to a glowing red. Both Mr. Krono and Ms. Vicky loved the way Madison's firm ass cheeks jiggled after each spank. They were glad they had set up the video camera for close-ups of her spanking and the following masturbation treatment.
Madison moaned with anticipation when he finally lubricated her anus. He turned on a vibrator and teased her with the noise - occasionally touching her thigh or the back of her knee with it.
After he lubricated his finger and her anus, and before he pushed his finger in, he lightly tapped and traced the vibrator all around her pussy lips. After each time he touched it on her clitty - just for two seconds - he clicked the table open wider until Madison was almost in "splits" position. Then he pushed his finger in her anus while Ms. Vicky kept her ass cheeks pulled apart. On the seventh slow insertion, with the vibrator pressed to her clitty, Madison had a noisy orgasm.
While they let her rest, Mr. Krono kept his big finger in her ass. He enjoyed feeling her spasms on his finger. When her pulse slower - back towards normal, he pulled his finger out quickly and plunged it back in again as Ms. Vicky slapped both ass cheeks hard - making a loud, double-smack noise - and at the same time, she pulled her ass cheeks wide open. He pressed the vibrator against her clitty at the same time. The surprised Madison had a second, full orgasm, just three minutes after her first.
That night on the way home, she asked Ms. Vicky about it. Ms. Vicky said, "Yes, a girl is lucky. She can have more than one orgasm in a short period of time. I bet tomorrow night, after your private dance recital, Nicole and the women sponsors might help you have several orgasms! Won't that be fun?"
"Gee, that would be... but um, like how could women do it? I mean their fingers are smaller."
"Oh, a variety of ways I suppose. Kissing, fingering, and some spanking, of course - front and back - lots of spanking to get your bottom warmed up so you can get those big, tingly feelings! And then, once you're warmed up - some fingering and licking... maybe playing with buzzing toys, but not until after you and Nicole put on a nice dance show for them, with lots of kissing and rubbing each other. I bet the women will have some fun costumes for you, too."
"Are you looking forward to it?"
"Yes. Gee." Ms. Vicky noticed that her young protégé' was squirming in her seat.
End Of Part One
Part Two - Private Recitals - preview
Will include: Madison and Nicole on their first session - for all women.
And Madison's next private recitals - with older gentlemen, couples, or small groups.
Madison's Mom agrees to the wax treatment for Madison, so she can continue in the program and have at least a few private sessions each month, plus occasional "weekend trips" with a few other dancers.
Her Mom also promises Ms. Vicky that she will wash out Madison's hair when she gets home from her private recitals if there is any sticky stuff in her hair. And she adds, "It's no trouble, really. I'm just glad she enjoys dancing and doing private recitals. And the money helps us so much."
Please share YOUR suggestions for scenes in part two. I wrote this "spanking-massage" story with suggestions from a reader's comments two weeks ago.
Thanks, Corn53
P.S. As always, please share any early memories or fantasies YOU remember from when you were a pre-teen, and just learning about things.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |