Investigating the Russian Pre-Teen Porn Business, Part 5

[ MMMMMFFF/gg, photo, oral, finger, anal, les, spank, ped, exhib ]

by Corn53

Published: 7-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

"Paul, if you really want to stay here another year and help us, we can use you. But you'll have to be a little tougher. Still nice and charming - to the mothers and little girls - but a little tougher with the girls if necessary. They will accompany you on outside photo shoots with some of our English speaking customers who want private sessions."

I smiled. I could stay here until my travel visa ran out! Stay and play with the models. "What will I be doing? Taking pictures? Interpreting?"

"Yes." Demetri smiled at my acceptance of his offer. "By 'tough,' I mean with the customers and models. The customers have to go slow and can't get rough, and the girls have to learn to do new things, to taste new things. Their mothers will be highly compensated for these 'out of town' photo shoots - as if we want her daughter to model school clothes in front of a certain cathedral or university. Sometimes you and Dagmar will take the girls to other cities for their photo shoot appointments, which will be more like small parties with the girls as entertainment. Sometimes you'll just stay here and customers will come to our studio. The mothers will know that their daughters will be gone for two or three days at a time. You'll usually have two girls in your care. Sometimes just one. Sometimes four or five. Dagmar will be with you. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Dagmar will take care of the clothing, fingernails, make-up, things like that, and getting the models ready for the sessions, while you collect the money and go over the instructions with the customer." He smiled again. "At times you may have to help with bathing the girls, maybe even giving enemas, coach them on remaining shy - for a while - but then opening up for the customers. I'm sure demonstrations will help them learn."

I smiled. "Of course. Practice and demonstrations - the best training."

"The models will know that they must please you and Dagmar and comply with the wishes of the 'photographers' even though there may not be any cameras involved. When you are out of town we'll have several sessions lined up for you with a few hours in between so you can clean up the girls again. Get them ready. Don't worry, no fucking until they are ready. Maybe after their fourth or fifth trip, some of the girls could do that extra service, but usually the customers will get themselves off, or let one of the girls lick him ... or her."

"Of course." I said in English.

"The mothers will encourage their daughters to be very cooperative with the foreign photographers, knowing they will get a nice bonus." Then he added in English, "Of course."

We both laughed.

"What should I do first?" I asked, ready to get started.

"Check out of your hotel. Don't use your credit cards anymore. We'll move you here to the studio. Second floor. You can work with the models in your room, and up here, too. They will get used to being around you. Often one of the models will stay with you between out of town shoots." Demetri scratched his chin. "And the mothers will think their daughter is staying with Dagmar, but it won't matter. They will want the extra bonus money. The girls won't say anything."

"And I bathe them in the mornings? Give enemas if necessary? Fix American food for them? Let them listen to my rock music? Teach them ways to act shy while undressing in front of customers?"

"Perfect. Yes." He held up a hand, "But don't play your music too loud, especially if we are working up here. You and the model with you will usually be up here with us during any sessions, but not always."

"OK." I said in English, "No problem."

"Teach them some English works and phrases, too." He smiled, "Like, 'oh, it is so big.' And 'should I pull my panties down?' Things like that."

I smiled. "I love language. It will be my pleasure to teach them phrases, especially while I demonstrate so they can learn in context. 'Lick it like this?' and I'll think of lots more phrases, too!"

I got back with my luggage early in the afternoon, after disposing of my "spy equipment," and settled in. I cleaned up for the late afternoon photo shoot. This would be Sasha's first visit. Twelve years old. Looked more Scandinavian than Russian from the initial photo I saw. Looked timid. Quiet. Slender with shoulder-length, blond hair, freckles across her nose. Thick full lips that almost looked out of place on such a slender girl. I couldn't tell from the photo - an old fashioned Polaroid - if she had breasts yet because she was wearing a loose blouse. Probably flat as a board since she was so thin. I would know in an hour. My job was to charm the mother, briefly, assure her the photos would be "artistic" and would be used in art books in England. Stress that we could only use her if she posed nude. I would show her some of Demetri's "art books" as examples. Some poses would be totally nude, but "modest" nevertheless.

"Paul, I might have a party session lined up for tomorrow. I'll hear more today. Some traveling bigwigs. Before I try to get any other girls lined up, we'll see how Sasha works out today. She is cute enough, and brand new. Customers like that."

They arrived at two. Sasha's mother looked like a heavy smoker and drinker - more weathered than her years, and she was taller than me. But twelve year old Sasha didn't come up to my chin yet. She almost hid behind her mother and didn't say anything. She kept nervously looking around our studio. Her glasses gave her a studious look. Sasha's mother was staring at the stack of rubles on the table.

I thickened my English accent, "These are the types of art photos I need." I opened the large album on the table and began flipping pages. "We will use the photos primarily for art classes, things like that, and only in England or other English speaking countries, or their trading partners in the art world." Sasha was paying attention now, staring at the paintings and photos of the naked girls as I turned pages - pages of naked girls in sitting poses, laying-on-the side poses, and tummy poses, but no "hard" pictures to show Mom or daughter. No bare pussies in any of the paintings or photographs.

I looked as Sasha. "Will you pose nude for the cameras when the time comes? Most of the time you will be wearing clothes, costumes, or perhaps modeling panties, bras, and swim suits, but we have to know now if you will also pose nude, or else there is no point in doing this audition today."

She blushed, but didn't say anything, looking at the floor.

I repeated my question, "I have to know if you are willing to pose nude for the art pictures, Sasha, or else we can't use you as a model."

"You mean naked?"

"Yes, completely naked." I said.

"Not even my panties? I have to pull down my panties?"

"No panties." I said firmly. "No nothing. No glasses, no panties. You'll have to pull down your panties and take them off. In front of the cameras. Just bare skin for the cameras." Then I softened my tone, "So that art students can draw pictures of you. Pictures from different angles, or in different poses. Like these young women here. Famous paintings throughout history. You are a pretty girl, Sasha." I pointed again to the big notebook full of modest nude paintings and photographs we had just looked through together.

Sasha's mother said, "Fine art paintings. It's 'art,' Sasha, not 'naughty pictures.'"

Her mother was nodding her head. Finally Sasha said, "Yes." She blushed and looked at the floor again. "I will."

Sasha's mother said, "Go with them. Do as they say. These are art pictures. Nobody around here will see the pictures anyway. Go with them." She pointed to Ms. Persia who was holding out her hand.

Dagmar and Ms. Persia led the reluctant Sasha into the dressing room, while Demetri explained the money. Sasha's mother paid close attention and agreed to his proposals, sessions, etc. Sessions would be every two or three weeks and last at least two hours, but sometimes overnight if it was necessary to travel to another city. Sasha would earn more in two or three modeling sessions than her mother earned in a month. And nobody would know about it.

Demetri said, "Of course, if she is not cooperative then we cannot continue to use her as a model. And you must be on time."

She signed the document that Demetri had printed out to look like a contract - all in English. I noticed that most of the text was a warranty for a riding lawnmower and could hardly keep from laughing. I pretended to sneeze, and thought about test riding the new, blond lawnmower!

My thoughts returned to the present when Dagmar escorted young Sasha into the room. She was wearing black, high heels, lacy ankle socks - pink and white lace around her narrow ankles - and a silk robe. They had combed her hair differently, applied a modest amount of make-up, perfume, and jewelry. Ms. Persia slid the robe off Sasha's shoulders to reveal hip-hugger, semi-sheer white thongs - just a tiny triangle in front and a thong that went up to the waistband in back. The matching semi-sheer training bra showed that Sasha had conical, egg-sized breasts, riding high on her chest. Both panties and bra were white with pink lace edging like her ankle socks. Sasha blushed brightly as she obediently turned around for us - awkward in the high heels. Taller now. It looked like she was completely bald through the triangle of semi-sheer material.

We all complimented her, and told her mother that she could possibly be a good art model for the next year, maybe longer, "if she can follow directions." Added Demetri. "While you are posing we will take off your glasses."

Sasha's mother looked at her, "She will do everything you say." She tilted her head forward to give her daughter the "or else" look.

Dagmar and Demetri led her into the "audition" room, and I would follow in a minute after introducing Ms. Persia to Sasha's mother.

As I joined Sasha in the audition room, I heard Ms. Persia begin to explain how lucrative modeling can be, but only for a brief period before the girl is too... "umm, 'developed' to do the kind of modeling for the art books." I knew she would go on to explain how there might be many long days for Sasha especially if she followed directions and smiled at the cameras.

Sasha seemed more relaxed in the other room, away from her mother, although she crossed her right arm in front of her with her hand over the tiny panties, and kept her left hand in front of one of her breasts while I turned on the lights. Demetri set up the video camera and got out the digital equipment as well.

Without a word, Dagmar took Sasha's hands and put them at her sides. The young, would-be model blushed but kept her hands at her sides while we took pictures. As we gave her instructions on posing and started taking pictures she began smiling. She seemed especially embarrassed about her bare fanny when she faced away from us. Dagmar played some popular teenage music and we had her dance. The high heels made her awkward but we all laughed along with her, and told her what a fine job she was doing. I thought the blushing made her even prettier. It would make a great video.

Dagmar had her do stretching poses: touching the floor while keeping her feet apart, trying to reach her hands to the sky, putting one foot up on a chair and stretching down her straight leg to put both hands on the shoe that was on the chair...

Demetri asked her again if she was willing to take off her glasses and her panties for the photos. She said, "Right now?" Her voice was fearful.

Demetri chuckled. "Just your glasses right now, Sasha. Don't be scared. Have fun. You're such a pretty young woman. You could be a great model." She smiled a smile of relief and took off her glasses.

Dagmar adjusted Sasha's outfit often, pulling the panties up or slightly down, moving the two bra cups apart or closer together, getting the girl used to being touched by her - like training a nervous colt.

In a quick, deft move, Dagmar tugged the panties forward and up, while telling Sasha to smile at Demetri. The adjustment left Sasha's panty triangle above her crack with the thong coming out between two baby-bald, full lips. It looked to me like a small patch of fine, blond hair at the very top of her crack. Just beginning. A few more poses and Dagmar readjusted the panties back into place. I don't think Sasha knew that we had all seen her pussy lips already. She was a very pretty, young girl.

Next Demetri brought over a large, stuffed pillow, and we had her pose on it. Dagmar positioned her on her back with the pillow under her hips and shoulders. "Keep your legs straight. Good. Now open them slowly." Sasha hesitated to open them. "I told you to open your legs. Put your feet wide apart. That's better. You have such a large, pretty pubic mound, Sasha. So big. It enhances your youthful figure, just like your breasts. Pretty." Dagmar adjusted the panties several times, smoothing them out over her full mound. We took pictures of Sasha's pubic mound through the panties. We could make out the shape of her open, full lips below the big mound.

It was pretty, I thought.

Then Dagmar helped her stand up and kicked the pillow to the side. She pulled out an antique, kitchen chair and draped a large, red, satin sheet over the seat. She posed Sasha on the chair, facing us modestly and then sitting on it backwards facing us with one knee on either side of the back of the chair - opening her to our cameras.

As Dagmar repositioned her, she said, "Let me take this off now, Sasha." And unsnapped the training bra. The girl wasn't sure what to do, but let her take it off, and then put a hand on each breast, covering them. Dagmar moved Sasha's arms to cross under her chin on the top of the chair. We took pictures from the side and head on. Such firm, perky breasts, sticking straight out - small pink nipples. They began to stiffen as we watched.

"Very good." Dagmar said, continuing to give instructions and praise. "Pinch your nipples. Make them stand out for the cameras. Smile. Pinch hard so they stand out."

"What?" she asked, sounding fearful again.

"Squeeze your breasts, Sasha, and pinch your nipples so they will stand out so that artists can draw them easier."

She squeezed her breasts, pinched each nipple, and then looked at us.

"That's it." Dagmar said to the blushing model. "Pinch, pull, and let them snap back into place. Good! Jiggle them around. Squeeze, pinch and pull them again. Five times! Pinch harder and faster! Squeeze them in your hands, massage them. Really wake them up for the cameras. Show us how you massage them at home."

We kept taking pictures. Demetri was getting video. Sasha continued blushing, but was following directions. She looked at the Demetri's camera and smiled, while she continued wake up her breasts with both hands.

Dagmar said, "All growing girls massage their breasts, Sasha. It helps them develop. Gets the circulation going. Show us how you massage them at home when you are alone - in the bathtub or in bed. Look at the video camera, smile, and play with your breasts for the camera. Show us how you do it."

Sasha squeezed them in her hands and moved them around. She flicked her fingers across her nipples, letting her fingernails snap across the tips. Without saying a word, she demonstrated for us. She looked at her breasts and then up to smile at the video camera.

"Good, Sasha. That's perfectly normal. We want you to practice pinching and pulling, even when you are home alone, because that helps them stand up for the pictures better. OK?"

"Yes." She demonstrated again. "I promise. I'll practice like this."

I felt my pants getting tighter while I tried to take digital pictures and brief video clips while she squeezed, pinched, pulled, and flicked those darling, tiny, pink nipples. The breasts were the size of half of an orange, but more conical, and so firm. Sasha tried to jiggle and pull them, but they snapped back into place immediately, firmer than Jello.

Dagmar had her stand and turn around and around for the video camera while stimulating her breasts. "Smile at the video camera each time you're facing it. Dance a little as you turn. Get rougher with those breasts. When you face the camera then let go of them and put your hands out to the side or up over your head and see if you can make your breasts jiggle for the camera. Maybe if you hop up and down. Keep turning, dancing, and squeezing. Good girl! That's it. Now shake them for the camera."

She was getting rougher with her titties, and swaying her hips to the music as she turned - awkwardly in those high heels - and then released her breasts as she smiled at the video camera and danced - shaking her breasts with her arms above her head, hopping up and down as best she could in the high heels. Dagmar and Demetri told her what a great job she was doing. Dagmar explained that some of the photographers who send in modeling assignments need a girl with firm, young breasts, and these video clips would show them how firm her breasts were. He said they were excellent and she would probably get lots of modeling assignments because of it.

She smiled and danced around again, showing just how rough she could get with them, pulling the nipples out one at a time, hopping, even slapping them.

My pants had formed a tent.

I moved the chair over to the side of our photo area, away from the lights. I moved two of the umbrella lights while Dagmar spread the red, satin sheet on the floor while Sasha turned and danced just two feet away.

"Take off your panties now and lay on your tummy." Demetri said, as he knelt in front of her with a camera.

"Pull down my panties now?" she asked, hesitant, one eye on the door, but still squeezing her breasts.

"Yes, now." Said Dagmar. "Turn around if you want to, and then lay on the sheet on the floor."

The instructions were coming fast - mostly from Dagmar, but often from Demetri. We all continued to praise her looks and obedience.

Sasha faced away from us and pulled her panties down. Her left heel caught in the panties and she tripped forward, but dropped the panties and stood up straight. We all laughed and then she laughed too. She turned back around to face us, keeping a hand in front of her pussy, still not showing us.

"Very good recovery, Sasha." Laughed Dagmar. "Very graceful. Now lay on your tummy."

We took pictures as she laid on her tummy and then her side, with top knee forward.

"Back on your tummy now and put your feet as far apart as you can. That's it." Dagmar knelt down a few feet in front of her head, and aimed her camera. She said, "Lift up your hips. Raise your bottom off the floor. Keep your feet apart and chest against the floor. Bend your knees a little bit to lift up your bottom. Cross your hands on the floor in front of your face, and keep your head up. Look at Demetri. Smile. Good girl. Keep looking at Demetri and smile. Lift your hips higher. Legs wide apart."

Demetri stayed in front of her, taking pictures, telling her what a good job she was doing during this audition. Dagmar and I moved around behind her. I positioned one of the umbrella lights on the closest tripod to aim up between her legs from behind.

She suddenly closed her legs, realizing we could see her pussy from behind.

"Sasha!" Dagmar said, "Keep looking at Demetri. Don't worry about us. Open your legs wide and lift your hips."

She did. Sasha was starting to develop a thin, blond bush, but her full lips were still bald. The few, thin, blond hairs didn't hide her full, open lips. With her hips up off the floor Dagmar and I could see that she was wet. Her tiny anus was pink. No dark areas on her anus or her miniature inner labia. Still pink and fresh. And very wet. Her clit and inner labia would be hidden until her legs were far apart, like they were now.

Dagmar challenged her to see if she could lift her hips higher and put her legs even wider apart. "Good girl" she said, as Sasha strained to lift her hips higher. Demetri was getting video of her face as she exposed herself to us. The pink freckles made her skin glow.

Dagmar had her keep her shoulders on the floor and get up on her knees, keeping them wide apart and arching her back. Dagmar and I made comments about her gorgeous full lips and shiny, pink labia. Her little clit was stiff, trying to peek out. Then Dagmar told her to put her hands on her fanny and pull herself wide open so we could get close ups. She told her again how pretty she was, that she would be a perfect model, and so on.

Sasha hesitated. Dagmar said, "We already have pictures of your bare bottom, Sasha. Now pull it open wider for the cameras."

I took pictures as Sasha pulled her ass wide open. Dagmar complimented her tight, pink anus again. The small circle of light pink wrinkles stretched flat and oval as she pulled her anus open. Her anus actually opened - just a millimeter. A tiny black hole directly in the center of the small, pink ring. Dagmar told her that her firm, little ass was absolutely perfect. "Pull it open wider for us. Good girl." Then Dagmar suggested that Demetri bring the video camera to our side and get some footage of Sasha's perfect anus and pussy.

Sasha held her position while Demetri came around to join us. "Wiggle around for the video camera, Sasha. Good, Sasha. Maybe use one hand to show us how you stimulate your pussy. It's perfectly normal. Reach one hand between your legs now. You're a growing girl, and this will help you get ready for pictures. You have such a large, beautiful pubic mound, and your full lips are fantastic, Sasha."

We took pictures and video in silence as she squirmed around and demonstrated for us. Dagmar said it was OK to put her finger in her vagina, but only if she already did that at home. Sasha began slowly fingering herself for our cameras. She inserted the fourth finger on her right hand, next to her baby finger. It slid all the way in. Her slippery, white excitement was creaming all around her vagina.

Dagmar said, "OK. Stand up now, Sasha. No need to be shy anymore."

She stood up and we told her what a great job she did.

"That didn't hurt now, did it?" Dagmar chided.

"No." Sasha admitted with a smile. Her face was red and the skin on her chest was mottled with an excitement of blush. Her nipples were still excited, and we imagined her clit was straining to peek out of the pink sheath wrapping it, hiding it deep between her full lips.

Dagmar began giving her more instructions. "Stand facing us and put one foot on the chair. That's it. Open those legs for the camera. Lift your knee up. Face your feet outwards." I knelt in front of the blushing model and took a close-up of her pussy. The sparse, blond bush was just developing. So cute. It would have to go in a few months, but for now it was fine. The light colored hair was only beginning to sprout around the top of her crack and didn't hide anything. Lips were completely bald.

Dagmar had her lay on her back with her legs together. "Now I want you to look into the video camera, smile, tell us your name and age, and then spread your legs for the camera. Spread them as wide apart as you can and keep looking into the camera. Ready?"

She looked at us. Then she said, "Ready." She put her elbows back, supporting her chest and head so she could look into the camera. "My name is Sasha and I'm twelve years old. Today I'm opening my legs for the camera. She began to open her legs, slowly at first, and then faster, until they wouldn't open any wider. She kept smiling into the video camera. Then she bent her knees and drew her feet up close to her bottom. She let her knees fall to the sides, opening her pussy even wider than before.

Dagmar said, "Great job, Sasha." We took more pictures.

To end the audition, Dagmar put a pillow under Sasha's head and handed her glasses to her. She said, "You can watch while Paul and I take some final pictures of you - especially your hips and pussy. Hold it open for us. That's it. Even if it embarrasses you, keep pulling it open. Move your lips around. Pull it open wider. Don't be shy. Pretend you're home alone. Play with it. Help it grow. You're doing great. Being embarrassed helps it get more excited. Move your lips open and closed, and stretch them up and down and then out. Very good. Look into the camera, and then at your pussy." Dagmar and I were kneeling between her feet as she kept her knees wide apart, lifting her knees off the ground.

"Good girl." Dagmar proclaimed, snapped a few more pictures. "Can you massage your little magic button for us? Do you know what I mean?"

Sasha began rubbing a finger back and forth and then up and down over her hidden clit. She knew just what Dagmar was referring to.

"That's it, Sasha. Don't tell your mother about these pictures. Just the art ones if she asks you. OK?"

"I won't!" She said emphatically. She pulled her hand away from her pussy when Dagmar mentioned her mother, but then she put it back and began stroking herself, smiling at us. Her glasses made her look younger. Demetri moved to one side with the video camera and she opened her knees wider for him, adjusting her hips so he could get a clear shot.

Dagmar said, "Very good, Sasha. A good model opens herself for the camera when the time is right. Very good. Sometimes there might be a small audience instead of cameras. Act shy at first, but later let them all see your little treasure. Very good."

"Audience?" She sounded worried again. Her hand stopped moving, but remained on her pussy.

"Yes." Dagmar laughed. "Sometimes you will be a live model - not for cameras but for an audience. Is that OK?"

She smiled, but didn't say anything. Her hand started rubbing again. Then she looked at the camera and each of us. "Wow. Really cool." She said softly, looking right into the camera and pulling her pussy open wider.

"You will be the star." I said softly.

Then Dagmar looked at her watch and helped Sasha stand up. She quickly helped put her panties and bra back on and assured her that her mother would only see a few of the modest pictures. "She won't see any of the pictures or videos of you holding your bottom and your pussy open for the cameras!"

"That's good." Said, Sasha.

"You did an excellent job." I said, "Do you like being a model?"


"You have such full lips and a big pubic mound. It's so pretty." Dagmar said, "It will be fun taking pictures as you undress from so many different exciting costumes. It's a beautiful pussy. Can I feel it through your panties? Please."

"Really?" Sasha wasn't sure if Dagmar was kidding. "OK." She said, after I nodded to her.

"So firm." Said Dagmar as she massaged Sasha's mound through the silky panties. She felt her ass, pussy, and breasts, kneading, squeezing, and gently tickling.

"And so obedient, too." Said Demetri as he put away one of the cameras. I was turning off the studio lights.

Dagmar said softly, "It's our little custom..."

Sasha looked at her.

Dagmar continued, "It's our custom ... that if a model does a wonderful job, then each of the photographers gives her pussy a little squeeze afterwards, like a way to say, 'Good job!'" She kept massaging Sasha's pussy. "And if you had a good time modeling, then you keep your feet apart while we rub you. OK?"

"OK." Sasha's voice was quiet, too. She moved her right foot over several inches, then her left, opening her pussy for Dagmar. "Like that?"

"Yes. Like that."

"Excellent job, Sasha." Said Demetri. "And it shows. We can tell you enjoy being a model. I think you will be very good, indeed." He said "very good, indeed" in English. He rubbed her pubic mound and felt her breasts while she stood there with her feet shoulder width apart. I noticed that she was smiling, proud of doing such a good job modeling.

I thought this new custom was much better than giving her a pat on the back!

I knelt in front of her when Demetri was finished, and pulled her panties down to her knees. "These are too wet to wear back to the dressing room, Sasha. Your mother might notice. We have another pair just like them, that we'll put on you in a minute. I helped her step out of them. "No need to be embarrassed about your panties getting so wet. It's another way that we can tell you get excited when you model, and that's good."

I helped her step out of the wet panties.

Dagmar took them and put them in a baggie which she slipped into her pocket. She said, "The panties you wore to the studio today were already wet when we helped you take them off. Were you already excited about undressing for the cameras?"


I stood and began massaging her pubic mound with one hand while hugging her against me with my left arm. "Your pussy is beautiful, Sasha." I said, and slipped my fingers between her wet lips. The girl was soaked. Drenched with her own excitement. "This is wonderful." I tried to reassure her. "Because you got so wet today, we know you like undressing for the cameras. You're a very pretty, and very sexy girl. You'll be a great model." As I said the word, 'model,' I slid a finger up into her vagina. It was tight but wet. I continued to finger fuck her. "Could you tell you were getting wet, Sasha, while we took pictures?"

"Yes." She said softly.

"Did you like taking off your panties for the cameras?" I asked, still fingering her slowly.


"Did you like pinching your nipples and playing with them, and pulling your pussy open for our cameras?"


Demetri said, "These pictures and video clips are excellent. Hundreds, maybe thousands of men and women and boys will want to see your pictures."

Dagmar added, "They will want to see your pussy as you pull down your panties. Isn't that exciting?"

"Oh. Yes. Hundreds? Even women and boys?" Asked Sasha.

I laughed, "Yes, especially boys. Boys about your age, on up to seventy years old. They will pay to see pictures and videos of you while you undress and touch yourself like you did a few minutes ago. The boys and men will play with their cocks while they look at pictures of you, and the video clips. They will play with their cocks until the white cum squirts out. You'll be in magazines and on internet sites all over the world. Not all of these pictures or video clips, of course." Added Demetri. "Just the milder ones. But those are still hot!"

I said, "You're a very sexy girl!"

Demetri added, "Except not here in Russia. It's too expensive here. Nobody around here will see your pictures. But others around the world will see you. Maybe even tonight."

"I'll have to undress and touch myself like that?" She asked softly, blushing, her skin a mottled red. "I'll have to pull down my panties after undressing, and open my legs for the cameras, and then put my finger in?"

"Yes." Dagmar said, "You catch on quick. Smart girl. Smart and sexy. And you will have other adventures, too. Maybe starting tomorrow."

"Like what?" Sasha was so curious.

"Like playing with another girl your age. Maybe dressed up like school girls. Then kissing each other. Then undressing and feeling each other. Kissing some more. Maybe even putting your fingers in each other."

"Well, um, but..." She seemed flustered. I was still massaging her pubic mound but had withdrawn my finger from her vagina. Her right hand was "practicing" stimulating her breasts - pinching and pulling. "But who?" she asked. "What other girl?"

"That's a surprise. Lots of different games, with lots of other girls. You'll see. Sometimes games with grown-ups in private and no other girls. But we can't tell you now."

"And the other girl will kiss me, then undress me and push my legs apart, and then put her finger in me? While you are taking video pictures to show people? Or like in front of an audience?"

"Yes." All three of us adults answered at the same time.

We all laughed. Then Sasha laughed, too.

"Won't that be fun, Sasha? You'll be a star." I said

She didn't answer, but asked, "Is it somebody I know? The other girl. That would be too embarrassing. And is she cute?"

Dagmar assured her that it wouldn't be anybody she knew, and that the other models were cute, too. "Then someday you can do that with another new model. You'll get to kiss her, undress her, and touch her all over."

"Gee. And she will let me?" She was squirming her hips as I massaged her, and she kept squeezing her breasts.

"Yes, she will let you. It's part of being a model. Isn't it fun?" Asked Dagmar.


I led her to the stuffed chair. Dagmar laid her back on a towel. She dried off Sasha's pussy, then helped her put on the fresh, dry panties. She said, "Did it make you feel tingly inside, knowing you would have to undress for the cameras today, Sasha?"

"Yes. Mother said it would be for art pictures and I would have to undress."

"Did you start getting excited thinking about it?"

"Yes, I've been excited all day, even before I took my bath this morning."

"Will you practice massaging your breasts and your pussy tonight, Sasha?" Dagmar asked her, sounding like a teacher asking about homework assignments.

"Yes, I'll practice."

We walked her out into the other room and Ms. Persia slipped the robe over her shoulders and took her to the dressing room. Demetri said, "She did an excellent job and is very pretty. I'm sure we'll be able to use her. Here is a small bonus for today's audition along will one hour's fee. We have an opening tomorrow at two if you could bring her then. Full rate. Three hours minimum. We'll bring her home afterwards."

"Yes. We will be here. She did good? I told her to do everything you say."

Demetri nodded, "She did fine."

Sasha's mother asked about the pictures and if her daughter was too shy. Demetri said she was shy, but that it was also cute, but she cooperated anyway and would do a good job as a model. Sasha's mother mentioned one of her favorite painters from the middle ages. Then Demetri showed her a copy on canvas of a Boticelli that featured several young girls.

Ms. Persia and Dagmar brought Sasha out of the dressing room. They were all laughing about something.

Demetri turned to Sasha. "Did you enjoy being a model today?"

"Yes. It was fun."

"She's very pretty." I added. "An excellent art model." I kept my professional smile.

"Tomorrow. I'll have her here before two. And thank you." Mother and daughter were both smiling as they headed down on the squeaky lift.

After they left I smelled my finger - the tangy girl odor was also clean and fresh. Virginal. I asked Dagmar when the custom of feeling the model's pussy started.

"About ten minutes ago, Paul. So it's an old custom. Do you like it?"

"Yes." I said, with a smile. I asked Demetri if Lera was still scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

"Yes, Lera well be here before one. She'll be all ready for our new model."

He called Ms Persia over and asked her about other visitors. "Five so far, Demetri." She said, in her thick Gypsy accent.

"Paul, tomorrow our little stars, Sasha and Lera, will get to model in front of a live audience. It will give you a chance to talk to customers first, and be the stage director for our models. Are you ready?"

"Yes. I'm ready to get started."

Then he picked up the album containing photos and copies of paintings. He handed it to me. "I want you to learn more about famous painters of nudes, so we can show copies of famous paintings to some of the anxious mothers. Your accent makes you sound like an educated art professor. A good thing for our credibility." Then he chuckled to himself, "Of course, they like the money! And as long as they think nobody around here will see the pictures, they are very cooperative. They encourage their daughters to pull down their panties for us."

Mrs. Stegovitch and Lera arrived at 12:30. Lera could hardly contain her excitement. Mrs. Stegovitch took the envelope and got back on the elevator, knowing that a quick exit on her part added to her bonus later. "Lera enjoys modeling so much. Be a good girl, Lera. Do whatever they say." The lift started down again.

Demetri said we would bring her home later, probably well after dark, but he would send the bonus and additional hourly fees home with Lera.

"Fine. Keep her as long as necessary."

When the lift was down far enough so that her mother could not see her, Lera ran to me and threw her arms around my waist. I've been thinking about you all week, Paul. I want to model for you again. Will we have time to play games later? Like, you know."

I bent down to kiss her, but stopped short. Her head was tilted back and ready for my kisses. "Yes," I said. "We'll play our private games later before we drive you home, but we have a modeling assignment for you first, then you have to help us with a new girl. You will be her boss this time, and tell her what to do. If you do that, then you and I can play private games, and I'll let you taste me."

"Goodie!" she said. It tickled me, because the Russian word for "goodie" - zladda - is also the common name of a small, spicy wiener, an hor'dourve served at fancy Eastern European parties. Dagmar, Ms. Persia, and Demetri laughed. Lera didn't know she said something funny and wasn't paying attention to the other adults. She reached up behind my neck and pulled me down to kiss her.

As I kissed her I reached under her skirt with my right hand and felt her pussy. Her silky panties were already beginning to feel moist. She kept kissing and scooted her feet apart.

I stood up, breaking our embrace. "Time to go get ready, Lera. We'll play later. I'll tell you more when you come out. We have work to do now." I nodded towards Dagmar and Demetri. She reluctantly went with Ms. Persia to get ready for today's sessions.

Demetri said, "Check her shave, Ms. Persia. Might need a touch up."

"Yes, Sir." She said, leading the girl into the dressing room. "I'll check real close. Get her nice and clean."

I looked at Demetri, "I'm going to be tougher with her." I promised. "At least for now."

He laughed. "You must remain the boss. I hope you have the girls put on a good show. Might be a bonus for you. I'm not sure how many will be in our audience, but we will also get some good pictures and video."

"I'll spank them if they don't obey!" I said.

He said, "Yes, but if it's for punishment, then spank hard. Real hard. However, I think it would be better for the girls to learn to enjoy mild spankings. I think you, an Englishman, could teach our young models what to expect. There are other ways to punish if necessary - the most obvious is to not call them back for more sessions.... But spanking should become pleasurable for them."

He laughed, "I actually had one mother, some years ago when I was just starting in the business, in the middle of winter, tell me to spank her daughter if she misbehaved. Her words were, 'Take her panties off, tie her up, and spank her hard! That should teach her to obey.' And the mother winked at me when the girl was looking at the floor. I believe she wasn't actually the girl's mother, but an aunt or cousin who got stuck with her. The girl was already fourteen or fifteen. Looked younger."

"What ever happened to her?" I asked.

He laughed again. "Not sure. I believe she is still getting tied up and spanked at private parties. She was hired by a competitor of mine. Arranges private parties. She must be around eighteen by now. Who knows what happens to people?" He mused.

Ms. Persia brought out a little school girl. She was smaller than Sasha, but "experienced" now. I took her into the studio for a talk. A few of the guests had arrived and were setting up the chairs at the side of the studio with Dagmar's help. I took Lera to the other end of the studio to talk in private and began giving her instructions. She was excited and eager to help.

Two more visitors arrived while we were talking. I heard Sasha and her mother arrive in our lobby, outside the door, and slipped out, closing the door behind me. The audience would be very quiet now.

Demetri handed Sasha's mother an envelope filled with cash. "This is for three hours, but if it takes longer, or if Sasha does a good job and gets a bonus, I'll give you that money when we bring her home later." He turned and led Sasha into the dressing room as Ms. Persia came out to get her. Ms. Persia nodded at Sasha's mother and then took the girl into the dressing room.

I thanked Sasha's mother for being prompt and held the lift door for her. She already knew that she was expected to make a quick exit, and stepped into the lift.

Ten minutes later, our last three visitors arrived. I escorted them into the other room. Demetri was collecting money, while Lera let the members of the audience feel her new panties under her English schoolgirl, red plaid skirt. Lera winked at me, reaffirming that she would follow my instructions so that I would play with her in private later. She had to "earn my private tutoring." Demetri had explained that to her, too.

We got the guests settled and quiet behind the tripod with the digital video camera. It was hooked up to the computer station and Alex, our technician, was monitoring things, making adjustments. He could remotely zoom. He nodded that he had more customers online, ready to watch today's audition.

I went back over to get Sasha. Ms. Persia had her all dressed and ready for the show. I came into the dressing room and helped Ms. Persia put on the blindfold. She told Sasha that she had to wear the blindfold today until she had followed the instructions of the new photographer. She said, "Our director today is a young woman. She saw your pictures and thought you were beautiful. But she wants you to remain blindfolded so you can concentrate on what she's telling you."

"Who is it?" asked Sasha. "I thought you might have another girl for me to play with." Her tone was disappointed.

"She's a very young director, Sasha. I'm sure you'll have fun. Don't try to take your blindfold off until she tells you. Her name is Lera and she is small for her age, but she can be very strict; might even give you spankings if you don't do what she says. But she also believes in giving rewards to models who follow directions. Besides, I think you'll like being blindfolded for this part of your audition."

"This is still an audition?" Sasha felt more comfortable around me. I could tell from her questions.

"Yes. There is a camera set up. There will be people watching you today - live - as you follow directions, so do whatever Lera tells you. I think she will want to kiss you at first. Remember, she is very small for her age, but don't be fooled. She will spank you if you don't follow directions quickly!"

Ms. Persia and I didn't dare look at each other. It was so cute how Sasha was worried about the petite, new "director" who might spank her.

Sasha asked her, "Like spank me on my bare bottom?" She rubbed her bottom as if she had already been spanked.

"Yes." I said. "She will tell you to pull down your panties towards the camera and count off the spankings. So be good! Do whatever she says - even if it sounds silly. Then you will get rewards."

I slowly led her into the foyer, holding her upper arm. She kept both hands outstretched in front of her. I opened the door to our studio and we both heard the dance music playing. Lera said, "Come in, Sasha. Are you ready to be a model today?"

Sasha tilted her head. I wonder if Lera's voice gave away her youth. Lera was in fact a year younger than Sasha, and weighed about ten pounds less.

"Come in here, Young Lady, or I will have to pull down your panties and spank you first thing! Come here."

I smiled as I led Sasha to our new young director. She definitely had 'taken charge.'

Dagmar stepped in and introduced them, then she led Sasha to the tripod with the camera mounted on it. She let Sasha feel the camera and step back from it. Dagmar told her to play to the camera, because there would be people watching around the world who might want her to model things for them - "If ... if you can follow directions. So do whatever Lera tells you. Or you will get spankings. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Dagmar, I'll do what she says."

Then Dagmar nodded to Alex to turn on the camera and let Lera take Sasha to 'center stage.'

"Introduce yourself to the camera, Sasha. Tell them you name, age, height, and weight. Then I will give you instructions. Say, 'Yes, Mam.' And then do whatever I tell you. Then you'll get rewards instead of spankings."

"OK" Then she quickly corrected herself, "I mean, 'yes, Mam!' I will do whatever you say. She was looking in the general direction of the camera and told her name, age, height and weight.

"Now lift up your skirt and pull your panties to your knees. Put your feet apart so your panties don't touch the floor."

"Yes, Mam." Sasha did as directed.

Lera was grinning, despite the tough voice she was using. "Now I'm going to kiss you. Kiss me back. Let me feel you while we kiss. Leave your hands at your sides.

Sasha started to say, "Yes, Mam." But all she got out was, "Yehh.." because Lera began kissing her on the mouth. Sasha stood still with her feet apart and her panties stretched between her knees, holding her skirt up with one hand. Lera felt Sasha's breasts and then slid her right hand down between her legs.

Sasha let out a gasp, so we knew that Lera must have pushed a finger into her vagina.

Lera stood up straight, only slightly taller than Sasha because of the high heels. "I'm going to finger you whenever I want. I want to teach you two positions now. When I say, 'spanking position,' I want you on your hands and knees with your bottom towards the camera. Keep your feet apart and then lower you shoulders to the floor. Do you understand?

"Yes. Mam."

"Good. Then pull up your panties and get in spanking position."

I noticed that the audience was beginning to squirm already. Two of the men adjusted their trousers.

She gave Sasha several playful spanks. She was grinning still, but when she spoke, her voice sounded older, almost mean. Definitely in command.

"Now I'll show you what you get when you follow directions. Will you follow my commands?"

"Yes, Mam." Answered Sasha.

"Then roll over on your back and keep your knees up. Put your feet apart." Lera began feeling her once she was in position. "For your reward I will feel you. Feel you all over. Wherever I want. Maybe put my finger in you." Then she reached over and took the vibrator off the coffee table. She switched it on. "And if you're really good then I will 'tickle' you for a few seconds. That will be your reward. Let me show you."

Lera pressed the vibrator against the side of Sasha's pussy through her sheer panties, the fresh pair she had worn briefly yesterday. Lera moved it around and then pressed it on her clit, holding it there while she counted to five. "So, if you're a really good, little girl, then you'll earn a 'tickle.' Does it feel good?" She pressed the vibrator against Sasha's panties - forcing the panties between her lips to press on her clit.

"Yes, it feels good." Then Sasha squirmed her hips around.

"It feels even better on your bare pussy, Sasha. Pull your panties off. Show the audience watching through the camera how you play with your pussy. Then I'll tickle it for you if you do a good job."

"Yes, Mam!" Sasha said, and quickly removed her panties, lying on the blanket on her back, knees bent, feet up close to her ass. Lera put a pillow under Sasha's head so it would be more comfortable and also so Sasha could reach her pussy easier. She began playing with her pussy.

"Now tell the audience how you play with your pussy, how and where you do it, and so on. Share some embarrassing information with our audience!"

"I first started in the bathtub while I was washing myself. I would rub it like this with the wash cloth." She demonstrated how she washed between her legs. "Then I started when I went to the bathroom and wiped myself, like I would keep wiping for a while, and then drop the tissue and flick myself while I sat there. Nobody could see me." She demonstrated how she flicked it with her finger. "Then last year I would start rubbing myself more in the bathtub and when I went to bed. Sometimes out playing, or even in school, if nobody was watching, I would squeeze it through my pants. Usually just squeezing through my shirt, but sometimes through my pants, or up under my dress." She showed the camera how she did it. "Now I mostly rub it when I go to bed, and I lie in this same position. With my left hand I try to hold my lips apart, but they get too slippery. Sometimes I have to wipe myself off a few times so I can hold my lips open, and then I rub with my right hand since I'm right handed." She kept demonstrating all the while she talked.

"Very good, Sasha. You earned another five seconds of tickle. Let me show you how to open your pussy better for your tickles. Put your fingers - fingers only, no thumbs - inside your lips on either side and pull yourself open wide and lift your pussy up towards your belly button at the same time. Yes, that's it. Now I can see your magic button. Does it make you tingle inside knowing that lots of men are looking at it right now? That you're holding your pussy open so they can see?"

"Yes." She replied, her soft voice sounding a little husky.

"Well, they can see it, but I get to smell it, too. I can smell your pussy, Sasha. It smells good. Do you ever smell your panties?"

"Yes. Sometimes."

"Are your panties wet between your legs when you take them off?"

"Yes, sometimes, especially if I was rubbing it for a while before taking them off."

"The panties you wore in to your audition are a little damp." Lera picked them up and sniffed them. "Umm. I can tell you're getting excited. I am, too. Would you like to smell my panties, Sasha?"

"Yes. I mean Yes, Mam. I would like to smell your panties."

"Good. But now you've earned a five second tickle, then I'll let you pull my panties down and smell them in a little bit. Now count to five while I tickle your button. Keep pulling your pussy lips apart and up so I can see your little button!"

"Yes, Mam." Lera licked the tip of the pink vibrator and pressed it gently against Sasha's exposed clit. It was just a little button, paler than the pink sheath wrapped over it. It was out in the air now. Stiff and stretching out into the world. After two seconds, Sasha said, "One ...." Three seconds later she said, "Two ..." she started wiggling her hips. Lera was moving the vibrator in little circles around Sasha's swollen clit. "Three ... unn, usssssssss" Sasha sucked in her breath.

Lera pulled the vibrator away. "You were counting too slow. Now let me help you stand up."

They left Sasha's panties on the floor with the vibrator, which was now turned off. Lera took Sasha's blouse off and told her to squeeze and massage her breasts through her training bra. Then Lera helped her off with her bra. They left Sasha's short, pleated, red plaid skirt on for now.

"Pull and pinch your titties, Sasha. Get rough like in your video from yesterday. Show the audience how you play with them. Make them shake for the cameras!"

Sasha did her best, but it was a little more difficult while blindfolded to turn and shake.

"Assume spanking position!" Lera said without explanation.

"Yes, Mam." Sasha said, a question in her voice. She assumed the position on the floor, knees apart, ass in the air.

Lera gave her several spanks - soft and playful. "Good girl." She said. "You were following directions, but I wanted to smell your pussy again. Put your knees wider apart."

Sasha complied. Lera smelled her pussy, actually touching her nose to it. Then she licked her. "I want to lick your pussy for a minute, Sasha. Did you ever finger your pussy and then smell your finger and lick it off?"

"Yes, I do that sometimes." Sasha admitted.

"How often do you do that? Tell me the truth or I'll have to spank you real hard!"

"Every night! Almost every night." Sasha answered quickly. "I do that while I rub myself before going to sleep. And like when it gets real wet and slippery, then I taste it to get myself more excited."

"Do you smell it, too?"

"Yes. I smell my finger and then lick it off and then put it in again while I get ready."

"Get ready for what, Sasha? What are you getting ready for when you dip your fingers in so fast?"

"My special feelings." She said. When Lera didn't respond, Sasha continued, "Like when my tummy quivers and gets all tight, then mushy inside, and it tingles all over from my pussy to my belly button. It feels so good."

"Hold still now." Lera said, and she licked Sasha's pussy several times. "Oh I can taste your excitement." Then Lera 'tickled' Sasha's button for a few seconds with the vibrator.

Sasha said, "Ohhhh." and began moving her hips.

"Do you still want to smell my panties, Sasha?"

"Yes, Mam."

Lera stood and helped Sasha stand up and face the cameras. Lera took her skirt off, but had Sasha keep hers on. "Kneel in front of me and rub my panties, Sasha. You can smell them, too, but they might not be very wet yet. I just put these on about an hour before I met you."

Sasha rubbed and massaged Lera's pussy through the silky, black, sheer panties.

"Now press your nose into my panties and smell me." Lera put her hands on the back of Sasha's head and pulled her forward. But Sasha resisted.

"What's the matter, Sasha? I thought you wanted to smell my panties?"

"Yes, but the cameras ..." she halted and continued. "This is embarrassing. Like people can see what I'm doing."

"Assume the spanking position!"

Sasha got in position. Lera unbuttoned Sasha's skirt and took it off. Smack! The noise surprised Sasha and the audience.

The audience was also squirming more, and I was glad for the music to drown out their noises as they adjusted their trousers or changed positions in their chairs.

Four more smacks. We could see Lera's handprints on Sasha's pale bottom. "Sasha, the audience has already seen your video from yesterday. Do you remember dancing around and squeezing your titties, making them bounce, and then putting your finger in your pussy for the cameras? You smiled at the cameras and played with yourself. Well, they all watched your video and saw pictures of you holding your pussy wide open. You already did that again today. You said you liked to pull down your panties in front of cameras. So I don't think you need to be any more embarrassed about smelling my panties." She stopped spanking and told Sasha to open her knees wider. She pressed the vibrator against her clit and asked, "Do you want to earn some more tickles today?"

"Yes, Mam." Said Sasha, after a short pause. I think the vibrator was making it difficult for her to process the information and sensationgs.

Lera pulled the vibrator away, "And do you know that people are watching you earn your tickles?"

"Yes, Mam."

Lera pressed the vibrator against Sasha's clit again, "Good girl."

Five seconds later she pulled the vibrator away. "Do you want to smell my panties now?"

"Yes. Yes, Mam, I do."

"Good girl." Lera pressed the vibrator home again.

Sasha kept squirming, even when the five seconds were up.

"Keep in position, Sasha. Get up on your elbows and knees. Turn this way so the camera, and our audience, can see your face." Lera sat down by Sasha's head. She bent her knees and put one foot on either side or Sasha's elbows. "Lera scooted forward, and leaned back on her hands. Lift your head. Can you smell my panties?"

Sasha moved her head to the right, homing in on Lera's pussy. Now her nose was just two inches from Lera's panties. "Yes. I smell them."

"Do they smell good?"

"Yes. They smell like mine at night. When I take them off. Like just before I go to bed."

"Push your nose into my panties now, and smell. Then start licking my panties in front of the audience."

Sasha sniffed deeply and began sniffing and licking the panties, pressing them into Lera's open pussy.

"Good girl, Sasha. That's good. And do you know that maybe a hundred men, maybe even some women and boys, just watched you lick my panties?"


"Does it excite you to know they are watching you do that?"


"I'm going to take my panties off now. Will you lick my bare pussy? Then you will get a ..."

"Yes!" Sasha answered quickly.

Lera stood and removed her panties, smiling at the camera, and kicking off her shoes. She dropped her panties onto Sasha's back and walked around behind her. Sasha was still on her elbows and knees on the blanket. She sat down and slid her feet, then legs under Sasha's hips, with her feet outside of Sasha's elbows. Lera scooted forward, sliding underneath Sasha. "Lift your elbows and scoot back behind my thighs so you are over me, Sasha. That's it."

Now the girls were in '69' position. "I'll tell you when to start licking me, but now just smell my pussy. Does it still smell good to you?"


Lera twisted the vibrator to 'high' position and touched it against Sasha's leg. "Keep sniffing me now. I'm going to tickle your button a few seconds. When I stop, then I want you to lick me. Lick me even though a camera is aimed at your face and maybe hundreds of people are watching."

"Yes, Mam." Sasha said.

"Are you glad they are watching you do this? Watching you smell and lick my pussy?"

"Yes." She kept sniffing.

"Does it excite you knowing people are watching?"


Demetri put a pillow under Lera's head. Dagmar was coating Lera's right forefinger with a thick, greasy lubricant while Lera continued to give orders to Sasha.

Lera pressed the vibrator against Sasha's clit. Sasha kept sniffing, putting her nose between Lera's wet lips and sliding it back and forth. Her hands held Lera's thighs and pulled her pussy open wider. Lera kept her knees bent and lifted her hips to meet Sasha's mouth as she sat the vibrator aside.

"Do I taste good, Sasha?"

"Ummm. Yes. Yes.

As Sasha began licking Lera's wet pussy, Lera pushed her lubricated finger into Sasha's open asshole, and began licking Sasha's pussy earnestly. She pulled out her finger and plunged it in again.

Sasha collapsed, moaning, on top of Lera as she came.

It was quiet in the studio for a minute as Dagmar turned off the music, and some of the lights. Alex turned off the computer, but kept the camera on the girls. Demetri and I had our cameras on the lovers, too, standing between them and the audience.

After another respectful minute, Dagmar nodded and the studio audience began to clap. The applause woke Sasha from her reveries.

We helped the girls stand up and I removed Sasha's blindfold. She looked at everyone and blushed brightly. "Oh." She said.

Then I reintroduced her to Lera and said, "You girls did great. Sasha, did you suspect that Lera was really younger than you are? A whole year younger."

Sasha kept looking around and blushing as the audience came up to meet her. I had her kiss Lera again, and thank her for being such a good teacher. The two naked girls kissed and then mixed with the audience - six men and two women. Dagmar brought out snacks, wine, and soft drinks for the girls.

I heard one of the men ask Sasha if Lera's juices really smelled good and tasted good. Sasha blushed and looked at the floor. "Yes, it was good." Then he asked her if it felt good when Lera put her finger in her bottom. Before I could intervene, Sasha said, "Yes, I guess so. Anyway, I got the tingles all over inside me when she did it."

I stepped close to them and handed Sasha a soft drink. The three of us walked over to the side of the room to talk, on the other side of the cameras and computer, at the end of the row of chairs. I asked Viktor if he would be interested in a private modeling session with Sasha. "Then maybe you could undress her. You could lick her and then put your own finger in her bottom." Sasha listened but didn't comment. Viktor said he was very interested in private modeling sessions. Then I asked Sasha if she would like to arrange a private session, and her mother would get paid, just as if she was doing a modeling session. I told her it would be safe and that I would be right there with them. I told her he would bring her presents and some new panties but Viktor wouldn't have a camera. "Otherwise, it would be just like a modeling session, kind of like today's session, where he would play games with you. Would that be OK, Sasha?"

She thought a second and said she would be glad to do it, and that her mother would like the money. "What kind of presents?" she asked.

I laughed. "We'll work out the arrangements, later, Sasha. I just want to make sure that it would be OK with you if Viktor undresses you, feels you, licks your pussy, and then puts his finger in your bottom while he presses a tickler against your pussy. Would that be OK?"

She giggled and nodded. She looked at the floor, "Yes. It would be fun. But don't tell Mother what I'm doing. I want her to think it's a regular modeling session." She looked at Viktor and said, "And push your finger in my bottom real slow, OK?"

"Yes, I'll push it in real slow." He answered. The bulge in his trousers told me he was ready for a private session right now.

She giggled. "That will be fun, Viktor." She looked at me, "And you'll tell my mother it's just a regular modeling session, like with pictures?"

"Sure." I said. I Shook hands with Viktor and then he shook hands with Sasha and kissed the naked girl on the cheek.

We heard laughter and looked over at the others just six feet away. Lera was on her back on the coffee table, with her feet against her butt, knees apart. A woman from the audience was sitting on the floor with her head close to Lera's pussy, telling her it did smell good. "Can I taste it, Lera?"

"Yes." She said smiling. "Any of you can taste it. If you want to. But I want to look at all the men's fingers." She held out her hand to take the hand of one of the men. She began comparing hands as the men circled around the table, sipping wine, looking at the woman licking her. Lera let her continue licking, glad to be the center of attention, accepting their congratulations on being such a great "director." Then Lera held onto one of the fingers. "This one!"

She got up off her back, holding on to his finger. She led the smiling man over to Dagmar. "Dagmar, could you put some of the lubricant on his finger. I think it is the biggest finger in the room."

Dagmar laughed as Lera almost ran back to the coffee table. She apologized to the woman for getting up, but said she could taste her some more in a little while. Then she looked at the adults looking at her. "Any of you can taste me if you want to, but now I want to feel the finger go in me. Wait! See if Sasha wants to do it first."

Lera got on her hands and knees on the coffee table. We came over beside the group. Lera looked up at Sasha. "I'm sorry I spanked you, Sasha. It was part of the game. It didn't hurt did it? You did great!"

Everyone applauded again. Sasha blushed. The audience told both girls that they did fantastic. Many said they wanted to schedule individual modeling sessions with them. Lera interrupted, "So Sasha. You can spank me now. Then you can put your finger in my bottom. I deserve it. I was mean to you." Lera tried to sound apologetic, but the big smile gave her away.

The crowd encouraged Sasha to spank her. Finally Sasha grinned and stepped up behind Lera. She felt her bottom and pussy and thighs. "You're still wet, Lera. Such a naughty girl. You really do deserve a spanking!" Sasha knelt behind Lera's raised ass and squinted to take a close look. "Can I put my finger in your pussy first?"

"Yes, Mam!" said Lera, and the crowd laughed again, encouraging Sasha to finger and then spank Lera. One man suggested she smell her and taste her first. That's what Sasha decided to do first, smelling, then licking Lera's open pussy.

The crowd got quiet as they watched the girls play again. Dagmar brought Sasha her glasses and put them on her so she could see better. One of the women suggested that Sasha see how far she could put her tongue in Lera's pussy. Lera moved her head away though. She said, "I couldn't really see it before. It's pretty. Is this what mine looks like?"

One of the women said, "Yes. Almost the same. Both lovely. Lovely pussies. Now see how far you can put your tongue in. Pull her ass open with both hands."

Sasha pulled Lera's ass open and looked. "It's so wet and creamy. It looks milky down in the center. And it is pretty. Pretty and pink and soft."

I noticed the men adjusting their pants while I did the same thing. Sasha didn't notice. She was still staring at Lera's pussy. Then she began licking and moved her head up to push her tongue into Lera's vagina. As she pressed her tongue in, her nose pressed into Lera's anus. Nobody commented, though. We all knew that Ms. Persia had undoubtedly scrubbed it clean.

Sasha pulled her head back. "It does taste good. I can't get this much juice on just my finger." She looked and then licked again, pressing her tongue in as far as she could. Once again her nose pressed into Lera's anus.

Then Sasha stood up. Can I put my finger in her bottom now? That felt so funny when Lera did it to me."

Dagmar coated her finger with the thick lubricant and put a little dab on Lera's asshole. Sasha pushed her finger in slowly. All the way the first time. Then out slowly and all the way back in, but faster. She did it again. "It feels so tight on my finger. Does that feel good to you, Lera?"

"Yes. Unn." She said as Sasha pushed her finger all the way in while she was answering.

Then they all watched the man with the biggest finger push his lubricated finger all the way in. Lera said, "Unnnnnnn" each time he pushed it in. Sasha was squirming as she watched.

One of the women wanted to compare the two girls, so they moved the table and had the girls get on their hands and knees next to each other. The two girls were still naked, and Dagmar suggested that it would be more polite if everyone who wanted, would take their clothes off, too, "...while we take turns putting our fingers in the girls' bottoms. Would you like that girls?" She asked, while the girls positioned themselves on the table sturdy, wood coffee table.

"Yes!" giggled Lera. Then both girls giggled as the men and women began to undress. A few seconds later though, it got quiet again as fingers began slipping into each of the upturned assholes.

I watched the girls closely. Lera and Sasha noticed the big, stiff penises, but couldn't look up to see who's was who's. Sasha had told me yesterday that she had never seen a real one before and she was fascinated. She said she had only seen line drawings in health class.

The girls could only see the adults from the waist on down. Besides the big penises, they noticed that Dagmar and one of the women were shaved except for a tiny patch just above the crack, and the other woman had a big, hairy patch of dark hair.

Sasha said later, she could smell a woman's pussy if she stood right in front of her. "The hairy one didn't smell very good, but the other two did."

Dagmar helped Sasha stand up and told Lera to stay on the table. She said, "I know another fun game, since you girls got the men so excited. One of the men will stand in front of your face and you see if you can catch his cock in your mouth. It's OK to lick the side of it and nuzzle it with your head to try to catch the tip of it. Then if you do catch one of them, rub your mouth up and down on it. Watch Sasha. One of you men let Lera catch your cock."

The closest man stepped up by her face. Lera was all the way up on her hands and knees now. She caught the cock quickly and slid up and down on it. "Good girl, Lera." Said Dagmar. "Then you keep sliding your mouth up and down on it, kind of like a lollipop. You'll get a special prize if the cock shoots off in your mouth. You can swallow it if you want, it won't hurt anything. Lera has already tasted some last weekend, so she won't be surprised by the taste. But Sasha, just remember that it might not taste good to you at first, but it won't hurt you. If you swallow some of it, you'll get used to it faster. It will help you be a better model in the future if you get used to it."

We watched as Lera continued to bob up and down on the cock. Then the man said, "Ooohhh!" We saw his cum start dripping out of her mouth. He put his hands on Lera's head and held it still, keeping his cock in her mouth for a little longer. Then he backed up, his stiff cock getting limp quickly. "Couldn't help it." He said.

Dagmar said, "It's OK. Lera, did you swallow some?"

"Yes, I swallowed a lot."

Sasha asked her if it tasted good.

"Not good, exactly. Different. Not bad when you're used to it. Then it's fun. Like a game."

Dagmar asked Sasha if she wanted to try it too. "Lera caught one right away, but sometimes it's hard to catch them. So move your head around. Keep your knees apart, because some of the people still want to finger you or lick you. Some people might feel your breasts, too. It's part of the game to distract you. You just try to catch it and slide up and down. Ready?"

The girls giggled and said, "Yes, Mam!"

Everyone laughed, and the game began. One of the men made Sasha really work to catch it. "Keep your eye on the ball." He said, waving it back and forth in front of her. She managed to lick both sides, and kiss it. Finally she caught it as someone pushed a finger in her anus, timing the push with her catch. Her head lurched forward, deep-throating the medium sized penis. She gagged but recovered and then began bobbing earnestly - trying for some un-named prize.

A moment later, with a finger in her anus, and another in her vagina, a hand pulling on her right nipple, tugging at her breast, the man came in her mouth. At least it looked like it to me. Then I noticed Sasha swallowing quickly, holding the cock in her mouth. Maybe she didn't want to let any spill on the floor. Finally he pulled his limp penis out of her mouth and she swallowed again. Dagmar asked her if it tasted OK. She motioned for the people at Sasha's ass to back away a minute.

"Not good." Was all she said, and swallowed again. "But not real bad. Kind of warm, gooey, and a little salty."

"Well you get a point! Good job, Sasha. You and Lera each have a point now. Want to try for another point or two?"

"Yes. It's fun to try to catch them without using my hands." Sasha looked over at Lera who was bobbing up and down on another one.

A man stepped up and began waving his large erection in front of her face. "It's so big!" She said, "I don't think it will fit in my mouth! Oh!" Dagmar told him to let her lick it, and kiss it. She said, "Let Sasha get it wet first and then see if the tip will fit in."

The man let her lick it and kiss it while he held it still with his hand.

Dagmar said, "Now see if you can get the tip of it in your mouth, Sasha. I think you can."

"Boy, I don't think so. It's so big."

The man held it still and she put her mouth over the end and tried to fit the whole tip in her mouth. She got it in and slid up and down, barely getting the head in her mouth. She tried to say something, but all we could hear was, "Gmmmph mmmm rrnnhhhh!"

The man, Dagmar, and I laughed. But Sasha didn't back of and tell us what she was trying to say. She kept sliding up and down over the tip of his big cock. Dagmar looked at the man who indicated to let her do that for a minute longer. Sasha was sliding down farther on it as she got it wetter and got used to putting her head straight down on it. She was sliding almost an inch down past the tip onto his shaft and then back up to the tip - back and forth over the ridge of his cock.

Then Dagmar lifted Sasha's head, "OK, try to catch it now. Now you know you can fit it in."

Sasha didn't say anything, but tried to catch it right away. He began waving it back and forth, striking her cheeks. She kept her mouth wide open trying to catch it.

I noticed a man tapping his penis against Sasha's open pussy - not trying to put it in, but tapping against it. I stepped around behind her and asked in a friendly way what he was doing. He said he just wanted to get it wet with her juice, and that he was going to plunge his finger in her ass the second she caught the penis. I smiled. This game was getting more interesting as all the players wanted to help develop new rules or techniques. He was getting his penis wet with Sasha's excitement, sliding the tip of his penis up and down her slit.

Dagmar had her camera close, getting a close-range video, like she had on Sasha's last catch. He let her catch it and tilted his hips in a way to make it easier for Sasha to slide up and down on it. She slid as fast as she could. It must have filled her whole mouth.

The man I was standing next to pushed his big lubricated finger all the way in her asshole, pushing her body forward. Then he added more lubricant and kept sliding a finger in and all the way out of her bottom, waiting for it to close tightly, then plunging in again. I motioned for Dagmar to get a video of this. As she began getting a close up we both noticed that if the man pulled his finger out quickly, the asshole took another 2 - 5 seconds to close, but if he pulled it out slowly, it was already closed as he backed his finger away.

I whispered, "It might be because she is so distracted with her mouth, that she's not paying attention to her ass." It was fascinating and Dagmar filmed that phenomenon as he demonstrated several more times. He pushed in all the way, moved his finger around, and pulled it completely out quickly from deep inside. Sasha's asshole took several seconds to close after he pulled out. Then he would plunge in just before it closed all the way. He was enjoying it, and I liked watching, eager to try it on Lera later on in private.

Then Dagmar went back up front. Her timing was good, because the man came as she started filming again. Sasha kept it in her mouth and swallowed quickly. The man moaned with pleasure. Sasha moaned, too, and kept swallowing.

The men who had cum already got dressed and went out to the lobby with Demetri. He had his appointment book with him.

The girls each had two points and stood up. Both wanted a soft drink. Sasha giggled, and told Lera it wasn't so bad after all. "It's funny how they get soft so fast. Like they shrink or something. I sucked more when it got soft and got some more juice out."

"Yes. I do that, too. Like to get all of it." Lera replied.

The party broke up after that.

Viktor wanted to lick Sasha and let her lay back so he could squirt his juice in her mouth after he licked her. I stayed in the room with them. One of the women wanted to take Lera into the dressing room to watch her tinkle, then feel her in private. Dagmar went with them. I wasn't sure if she would stay with them or not. I didn't recognize the woman, but Dagmar knew her.

A little while later, after Viktor licked Sasha while she laid on her back on the coffee table, he stood and stroked his penis standing over her head. He told her to keep her mouth open, as he stroked himself a few times. He shot into her mouth. She waited until he was done and swallowed. Some got in her hair and on the side of her face. A small gob even got on her glasses.

The man thanked her and left, giving me a handful of cash and a request to schedule him in again soon. I told Sasha how wonderful she had been today as a model. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"Wow. That was fun, Paul. Let me get a soda. I was a little worried at first with the camera on me. You guys tricked me with Lera. I thought she was lots older! Did people really watch me on the internet while I licked Lera?"

"Oh, yes. Lots of people. I don't know how many. It's how we can afford to pay you so much."

"Like how much?" She asked.

I laughed. "Don't worry. Your mother gets the money. They don't know about the extra videos or the modeling in front of an audience, or these games. The mothers just think you're modeling. They won't ask too many questions as long as they get the money and you aren't harmed. If your mother ever asks, what will you tell her?"

She grinned, "It's just 'art pictures,' Mother. Nothing naughty."

Wow. I think I'm going to enjoy this job.

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mas por favor

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