Published: 6-Mar-2011
Word Count:
The next weekend Lera's mother showed up thirty minutes early, as expected. Demetri looked at his watch and smiled at me. "Early. Of course." He said.
We accepted kisses on our cheeks from Lera while Mrs. Stegovitch shook hands with Dagmar. After Mrs. Stegovitch proudly helped Lera off with her coat, we could all see that Lera was wearing a short skirt and tight, semi-sheer blouse. I also noted that today Lera was wearing the sheer training bra that Ms. Persia had given her last week. Her erect nipples made bb-size bumps through the two layers of sheer material. Lera became self-conscious as we all looked at her. She hunched her shoulders. Mrs. Stegovitch said, "She just couldn't sit still on the way over here. I think she gets excited about being a model. Stand up straight, Lera. You're a pretty girl." Lera stood up straight and we all agreed with Mrs. Stegovitch. The tight blouse made Lera's cupcake size titties look even bigger and the training bra helped them ride higher on her chest. She blushed for a few seconds as we all looked her over.
Demetri said, "She's a very pretty girl. As we discussed on the phone yesterday, Dagmar will bring Lera home tonight. We have three off-site photo shoots scheduled, and two of them are with other girls, so sometimes it's hard to tell exactly how long each photo shoot will last. Of course you will be paid the standard modeling rate for each hour. I'm sure we'll have her home by ten tonight, but it could be much earlier."
Mrs. Stegovitch smiled. I could see her calculating the sum in her head. "Keep her as long as necessary. You say she'll get lunch... and dinner, too?"
Demetri smiled, "Yes, of course. We'll take good care of your daughter."
"Then keep her as long as necessary." She took the envelope and got back in the lift. "Lera, do everything they say."
When her mother was out of site, Lera smiled and asked, "Is Galina coming again?"
"Not today, Lera." Said Demetri, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Come here and let me take a picture before we get started. Stand up here on this chair. I'll be taking some pictures of you and Paul today. Let him ... um ... let him help you and touch you, today. OK?"
Lera looked at me. She smiled. "OK." She said in English.
I was committed now. Demetri explained that his boss was worried about me learning so much about their operation so he wanted to have pictures of me doing things with the girls - pictures and video clips they wouldn't show to anyone unless I tried to make trouble for them. I needed to maintain Demetri's trust so I agreed. I also wanted to kiss and touch Lera more than I had already.
Demetri took a video of clip of me kissing Lera. Then I helped her stand on the chair. I said, "Now hold up your skirt and let Demetri get a few pictures." I pulled her panties down and helped her step out of them. He took a quick picture of her pussy with her legs together as she stood on the chair, then he took more video of me kissing and touching her bare pussy. He was only two feet away getting close ups of me kissing Lera's pussy, so I looked towards the camera.
He told Lera to turn around and pull her bottom open for the camera. "Quickly!" He said. She did as directed and we could see that she was already getting wet.
"OK. Good girl. You're following directions. Stand up and turn back around so Paul can kiss your pussy for the camera again."
This time I kissed and licked upwards between her lips.
Lera giggled, "That tickles, Paul."
I laughed, "Do you want me to stop? Or should I do it one more time?"
"Do it again." She giggled as she opened her legs a few inches. "It's so embarrassing. And it tickles."
I licked her again, smelling the perfumed soap from her morning bath. So clean and fresh. Just a hint of girl flavor. Licking her pussy in front of the cameras committed me to immerse myself into Demetri's operation. I wouldn't be able to turn witness against him with any future articles.
I said to Lera, "Now turn around, put one foot up on the table, and bend over. Good girl." She bent way down.
Demetri snapped two more quick photos, and then he picked up the digital video camera for another short clip. He said, "Good, Lera. Now reach around your ass with both hands, put your fingers on your pussy lips and pull it open for me. That's it. Wide open for the cameras. You want lots of men and boys to see your pussy, don't you?" He took two more quick pictures and another twenty second video clip. "Try to pull it wider. Good girl." We could see a trace of creamy, white excitement beginning to build up.
"It's so embarrassing." Lera said, while she pulled her lips apart with both hands reaching around behind her fanny.
Demetri said, "OK. Good girl. Stand up and hop down now. Dagmar, take her in to ride the horsy for a minute. Tell her about today's adventures while you let her watch the video clips of the girls she will be working with today."
Lera hopped down off the chair. She asked if she should put her panties back on. "Not right now, Lera." He hugged her. "Now that your Mother is gone, give me a good kiss, and then kiss Paul. On his lips this time. Kiss him like you mean it."
Lera kissed each of us again. I hugged her tightly and felt her breasts, and then massaged the outside of her bare pussy as we kissed. Demetri was shooting video of us again. She didn't protest at all and accepted my whole tongue, as she had for Demetri, too, from what I could see. She began putting her tongue into my mouth. I massaged her pussy and kept kissing her. Then I stood up and asked her if she liked it when I squeezed her pussy lips together and moved her pussy around with my hand.
"Yes." She blushed. "It feels good. Makes it feel tingly."
"Still smooth as a baby, isn't she, Paul?" Asked Demetri.
"Yes. Smooth as a baby and so pretty." I said, and then boldly felt her small, firm breasts. "But her titties are getting bigger. Does it feel good when I massage your titties, Lera?"
"Yes." She smiled as she blushed - but not nearly as brightly as that first day when she walked out for the first time in front of us.
I gently pinched her nipples through her dress. Demetri was taking our picture.
Dagmar laughed. "OK, you two. Enough kissing for now. Lera, I bet Paul wants to lick you between your legs again later. I bet that would feel good. Maybe even better than the way he massages those perky, little titties of yours!"
Lera said, "Oh." She looked at the floor, suddenly shy, and straightening her dress.
Dagmar smiled and continued, "Come with me now, Lera. You can ride the horse while I show you some pictures and even a few video clips." Dagmar took her in for a quick horsy ride. The video clips were already keyed up. She would ride for a thirty seconds, then watch a video clip while Dagmar told her more about the girl in the video, then ride another thirty seconds ... until she had seen video clips of each of the girls she would be modeling with today.
Demetri and I watched them on the big monitor in our room. We could hear clearly as they had a private girl talk. Lera was getting so used to cameras aimed at her that she didn't seem to notice the large video camera on a tripod aimed at her on the horse. Wires carried the signal to our monitor.
After her first half-minute on the horse, Dagmar clicked on a video clip and said, "This shy, little girl is Jasmine. She's twelve. See how shy she was that first session? I like her full lips. Now here is a close up of her pussy with her legs together. Even with her legs together you can still see her clit, can't you?"
"She was so shy that first week. But now watch her turn around and bend over for the camera. She's pulling her fanny wide open because we told her other girls will watch her video and look at her bottom." Dagmar laughed, "I told her to pull it wide open if she wanted other girls to put a finger in her bottom. All the way in. It looks like she wants another model to put a finger in her bottom, doesn't it?"
"Yes!" Lera said with a big grin, "You can tell. Will other girls see the video of me? The one when I pulled my bottom open?"
"Yes. Lots of people really. They will watch your video and look at pictures of you, and then pick you out for special sessions. Men, women, or other little girl models. I bet they will all want to put their fingers in you, kiss you, undress you, lick you, and feel you all over! You're such a pretty girl. And today you'll get to be a model with three other girls. One girl in your first session, in front of a man, and then with two the other girls you saw. You'll do your sessions today in front of grown-ups. And you'll get to play some fun games with the other girls. The other girls and the grown-ups have already seen some of your pictures and videos. They all want to kiss you and play with you. Won't that be fun?"
Dagmar asked her again, "You do want to kiss other girls, don't you?"
"Good. And then you can take turns undressing each other. You remember, like you did last week. And then the grown-ups or the other girls will put a finger in your pussy or up your bottom. And you can do that to the other little girls, too. And sometimes you'll be playing with a grown-up. I'm sure the grown-ups will want to lick you. I'm sure of that. It didn't hurt you when Nastia put her finger in your bottom and licked your clit, did it?"
"Oh, well, no." she blushed and looked at the floor.
"And it didn't hurt a few minutes ago when Paul licked you, did it?"
"No. But it's like kind of embarrassing."
Dagmar laughed. "We all watched you cum during your session last week, Lera. It's on your video. It must have felt wonderful to you while she was licking you. She put her finger in your bottom and licked your clit. Your clit was all swollen and beautiful, too. You can see how swollen it is in your video. Very pretty. Your clit is very sexy, Lera, because it swells up so big and looks stiff. I bet it feels good to you when it's stiff, doesn't it?"
"Yes." She admitted with a smile, then added, "Like it's getting stiffer now from riding the horse. But it's embarrassing when people are looking at it when it swells up and sticks out like that, and you know, like gets so wet. Does it really show in the pictures?"
"Yes, we can tell in the pictures. And I think being embarrassed makes it get even stiffer, doesn't it?"
She thought for a moment as she continued squirming around on the now silent horse. She rocked as if she was trying to get the motor started again. Lera said, "Yes. I guess it does. Everybody looking at me and I don't have panties on. And I have to hold my legs apart so they can all see. Everybody is looking right at it, the cameras, too. It's so embarrassing. It's all tingly with everybody looking at it."
"Lots of people will want to see you and lick you. It's OK, Lera. Just let them look at you. Let them lick your clit and put a finger in your pussy, or up your bottom. OK? These other girls do it. They like people to watch them, too, even while somebody slides a finger in, even in their bottoms."
"They do?"
"Yes. They like to play in front of the cameras, or with some of our special, rich customers. It's fun and it feels so good. Do you remember how good it felt when you came while we were watching you?"
"Came?" She looked puzzled.
"That means when you got the good feelings in your pussy. Like squeezes inside. Those wonderful, creamy squeezes."
"Oh!" She blushed. "You could tell that?"
"Yes." Dagmar laughed gently and put her hand under Lera's skirt. "We could see your squeezes. It made a wonderful video clip. Your face and your pussy. Two cameras. The little moaning sounds of pleasure you made."
"Oh, that's so embarrassing."
"And embarrassing makes it feel better, Lera. Remember that. If people are looking at you with your panties off, it makes it feel even better! I bet it tingles when you open your legs to let people and cameras see your pussy. Am I right?"
"Oh. Well, you mean it feels better with people looking?"
"Yes. Does it make your pussy tingle when you pull your panties down and people are watching?"
"Yes. Like a twitch or something. Little tingles all around there."
"So, even though nobody is touching it, it starts to tingle just because you know somebody sees it?"
Lera smiled. "Oh. I get it. Yes. It starts to feel good just letting them look."
"Right! The more embarrassing it is, the more it tingles. Maybe that's one reason it feels so good when somebody puts a finger up your bottom. That's really embarrassing, isn't it?"
"Yes. It sure is."
"I think that's why you came last week when she pushed her slippery finger all the way in your bottom, with so many people watching. Even strangers."
"And cameras. I don't know who will see the pictures. It's really embarrassing."
Dagmar said, "Lots of men, women, and other girls will help you come again. I bet you will cum at least once during most of your modeling sessions, including today. So when you feel ready to cum, just go ahead. It's OK to make noises and wiggle around. It looks sexy. It's embarrassing, so go ahead and do it. You can squirm around and moan or make any noises you want. Make noises and it will embarrass you and then feel even better!"
Dagmar chuckled again, and said, "The more embarrassing, the better!" She took her hand out from under Lera's skirt. "You're starting to get stiff and wet already, aren't you, Lera." Dagmar licked her fingers. "Umm. You're excited. I can taste it. You know you'll get to kiss and touch other girls and that other girls and some grown ups are going to touch you. Other girls and strangers. That's getting you excited already, isn't it?"
"Yes." Giggled Lera. "I like being a model."
"Good girl. Time for another ride, and then we'll watch one of the other girls you'll meet today. Ready?" Dagmar put her hand on the control switch for the horse.
"Yes." Lera sat up straighter, leaning forward so she would have more weight bearing down on her clit - pressing it against the vibrator that was built into the saddle.
Demetri and I were watching all this on the remote monitor. We went in after she watched the third video clip. Demetri took pictures of her wet and swollen clit as she posed - showing us all how wet she was. Demetri whispered something in her ear for her to say on the camera when she changed positions for the camera.
Even I was surprised when she rolled onto her back, spread her legs, and said, "I'm Lera and I'm eleven, almost eleven and a half. I like to pull down my panties for the camera. Look how excited I get." She blushed as brightly as she had on that first day when she posed while her mother waited in the other room. We could clearly see the white liquid building up in her pussy. Lera was indeed excited.
Lera kept looking into the camera as she squirmed around. She pulled her lips open with her fingers. "This is so embarrassing with a camera, but I guess that makes me even more excited."
We all clapped our hands and told the smiling, blushing model she did an excellent job. Ms. Persia took her into the dressing room to do her hair and make up, and to put on the short, frilly party dress for today's first session
After a thirty minute ride in the car we pulled into a circular drive in front of an English Tudor home on the East side of town. Dagmar nodded at the other cars in the parking pad at the side of the house. "Jasmine is already here. I bet she is anxious to meet you. Do you like the pretty party dress Ms. Persia gave you?"
"Yes, it's so pretty, but the skirts are so fluffy. I feel like a doll." Lera said, as she squirmed around in the middle of the back seat.
"You are a little doll, Lera." Said Dagmar. "You and Jasmine will pretend you're at a birthday party and play games."
"And party food." Added Demetri, as he opened the front door to the house. He looked around.
Always checking, I thought to myself.
There were party decorations in the large living room - with balloons and flowers. Paper streamers hung from the doorway to the dining room. Music was playing. An older gentleman, in a double breasted suit, stood to greet us. The young girl, who had been sitting on his lap, curtsied. She was holding a pair of silky, pink panties and smiled at Lera.
We introduced the girls and they kissed. With a prompt from Georg they kissed again. Then he handed Lera a pair of sheer, pink, lacy panties, too. The girls held up their short, frilly skirts and let Georg pull their panties down. After they both stepped out of their panties, he had them put on the new pair and then show everybody how pretty the new panties were - ultra sheer white hip huggers, with lace around the top.
To my disappointment, Dagmar led the two girls to another room. Georg sniffed the panties the girls had worn to his party and put them in baggies. "Such pretty, little girls." He said, and followed Dagmar into the other room.
Demetri and I sat in the big living room and talked. I asked about Georg and he didn't say anything, so I let it drop. Half an hour later Lera came out wearing a robe and high heels. She was smiling.
"I have a surprise for you, Paul." She stood in front of me, and flipped open her robe. She was naked underneath except for a strap-on, four-inch rubber penis. Lera said, "Look, I'm a boy!" She thought it was so funny.
The anatomically correct erect penis and tight balls struck me funny, too. I smiled.
"This is what boys do." She said, and began stroking up and down on it as if she was masturbating. "Nastia showed me how to do it."
Demetri walked over to look out the front window, and Lera said in a low voice, "It fits in me."
"What do you mean?" I asked, also keeping my voice down.
"Nastia was wearing it and we laid down and she got on top of me and put it in me, and then she moved her hips so it would slide in and out of me. Dagmar helped get it in position. It's my turn to slide in and out of Nastia now, but Dagmar said maybe you would be surprised to see me as a boy!"
I hardly knew what to say. "Wow. That's so exciting. Did it feel good?"
"I guess so, but we were busy trying to do it right. And I was giggling. It started to feel good, but then it was my turn to be the boy. It's a little one, Georg said, but it looked big to me." She looked over at Demetri who was still looking out the front window. "Georg's is lots bigger. He showed it to us. I bet a really big one like that would hurt. Nastia is so funny. She licked it! She is still licking it now, so it will be slippery. They said I could come out and show you that I'm a boy!" She stepped back, closing her robe, but the head of the rubber penis was still sticking up and out through the robe. I pinched it and she giggled.
"Have fun." I said.
"Nastia said even the big ones don't hurt once you get used to it, but she is thirteen."
We heard Demetri open the door and looked over as he let in a man and woman. Late thirties. Nice looking. They came over to meet us although no names were exchanged. We were all much taller than Lera who was keeping her robe closed around her, the erection poking against the front of her robe. Demetri said, "Excuse us, Paul." He took Lera's hand and led all of them into the other room. A few minutes later he came back out to join me. I knew better than to ask about them.
"They will be playing games, and might take a few digital pictures, but nothing to identify any of the adults or even this house. The girls are having fun." He gave me several albums to look through - showing several other girls in various states of undress and a wide array of poses - from fully dressed and shy to wet and wide open. He explained that usually within a few weeks the girls all love modeling and of course the mothers like the money - especially since they think nobody in our country will see the pictures. They only see the mild pictures, of course.
About forty five minutes later, Nastia came out fully dressed. Demetri led us to a bedroom and had us each introduce ourselves for his video camera. Then I undressed Nastia and felt and licked her all over - even her perky, pink asshole. Then she sucked me and I fucked her for a minute. I wasn't wearing a condom, because Demetri said he wanted the pictures all natural. Nastia was tight and slippery. Tight, slippery, lively, and very noisy! I struggled to keep from cumming inside her and she seemed disappointed. She liked to change positions frequently and enjoyed having me slide inside her. I think she enjoyed having me position her - maybe to show off how limber she was. The only way I could keep from cumming was to think about saving myself for Lera later, and I tried to count to ten full strokes in each position and then pull out. In two of the positions though, Nastia wrapped her legs around me and kept grinding onto me even as I tried to pull out.
To satisfy her, I laid her back and began licking her pussy and flipping a finger over her clit - again and again, until she came.
I was fully dressed when Lera came out of the other room. She came right to me and sat on my lap in her party dress. "That was fun, Paul, but I'm not supposed to talk about it with anybody. But you and I can play some games later, Dagmar said." Then she whispered in my ear, "I'll show you, but I just can't tell anybody. It's fun."
After a brief bout of the giggles, she tried to whisper, "It tastes funny." But she said it louder than intended and Dagmar came over to sit beside us.
Dagmar said, "Paul, our little model is growing up quickly. So virgin Lera here might taste you later. And ..." She smiled and looked at both of us. "And... if you both want to slowly try something else later, then ... well ... perhaps Lera could slide onto something bigger than the rubber dickie."
Lera was grinning while looking at her lap. Then she giggled again and looked at me. "Only if you want to, Paul." She said. "Dagmar said it only hurts for a second and then it feels wonderful, but she said I might be too tight for you. I don't know. Maybe we could try a little bit, if you want to."
Dagmar smiled at us. "Tell him about the rubber one, Lera."
"Oh. Yes. Dagmar and Nastia, and the other lady each took turns wearing the boy thing that I showed you. They put it in me and then slid up and down in me, like pretending they were boys. It didn't hurt. They said it would help relax me inside for later."
"Tell him what Nastia told us, Lera."
Lera looked at me, "Nastia said yours isn't as big as Gerog's so maybe it would fit in me. Nastia said I get real wet and slippery like a big girl, but that we could use some extra slippery stuff if I'm still too tight for you to fit in. Would you like to try it, Paul? I mean we'll go real slow. Then it doesn't even hurt the first time. That's what Nastia and the other lady told me."
Dagmar told her to tell me how Nastia and the other lady helped her get real wet before pushing the rubber one in. Lera said, "Oh, well, first Nastia, and then the other lady licked me for a while. The lady licked me a long time, even in the back because she said that helps me get slippery inside so it won't hurt when she puts the boy thing in me. They said that licking my pussy ... and even my bottom ... that it helps me get slipperier, and ... well... I thought you liked to lick me, so maybe if you lick me first, then we might not even need the extra slippery stuff." She looked at me hopefully. "If you want to do it, and if like it does go in all the way, even though I'm still really young and like the lady said, 'so tight' but that if you get me slippery enough and then put yours all the way in me then I'll be a real model. All grown up, and ready for lots of assignments. Will you try it with me?"
I smiled at her eagerness. "Yes." I said. "I would love to help, Lera. And I promise to lick you first so you get extra slippery. Front and back."
She hugged me. "Thanks, Paul!" She kissed me. "Then I can be a real model and lots of people will ask for me. We'll get to try it after my next modeling session."
We left in the car. A few minutes later we entered another large house and Dagmar introduced Lera to the other two models. Lera already knew their names because she had seen their pictures and videos. Lera blushed when Dagmar made the introductions and added, "And you've each seen pictures of each other, and even video. No need to be shy now."
The girls were dressed as English school girls and played a variety of undressing and spanking games for the small, well-dressed audience. The girls did lots of kissing and touching each other in both of the scenes they acted out for their audience. Each scene ended with some fingering - all taking turns on each other - front and back. It was hot, but I kept thinking about the game I would be playing later with Lera.
Two hours later I left with Dagmar, Demetri, and Lera, to go back to the first house we had been in earlier.
Dagmar led Lera and me into the other bedroom for this scene - the same bedroom I was just in with Nastia. I was to take Lera's virginity and she was eager for me to help. All the lights were turned on, besides the two flood lights aimed at the bed. Lera looked and seemed so much younger than Nastia. I bet Lera didn't even weigh ninety pounds. She seemed hesitant and somewhat scared as we entered the bedroom with the two cameras set up. I whispered in her ear, "Don't be scared, Lera, I'll go real slow and I'll lick you first. I won't hurt you." She squeezed my hand.
Lera was accustomed to the cameras, but I wasn't. We introduced ourselves, stated our ages, and undressed each other. She looked at my penis as if it was a large snake, even though it wasn't completely stiff. I was still self-conscious in front of the cameras even though I trusted Demetri that these videos would only be seen by anyone outside his business if I tried to make trouble.
I forgot about the cameras and Dagmar's presence as Lera began playing with my penis. It stiffened up. "It get's bigger! Nastia told me that I should always play with it for a little bit to make it get bigger."
She licked it for a while. "This will help you be slippery, too, Paul." She seemed absolutely unconcerned about the cameras. After feeling her all over, I had her lay on her back and hold her knees up by her shoulders while I licked her.
Dagmar told her to pull her pussy open so I could lick the secret spot. Lera kept her knees up but put her fingers on either side of her clit ridge and pulled outwards and upwards on her pussy lips. This exposed the tight little pink knot of swollen nerves - her bare clit. I licked it and she moaned. I kept doing long licks for a minute - starting on her asshole and then licking up over her open vagina before swirling my tongue around on her exposed, hard clit. She moaned each time.
I laid on my back and she straddled me on her hands and knees. I massaged her breasts and told her to enjoy the feelings. I told her she was such a pretty girl and that she would be a great mode. She sat slowly down onto me, while I held my stiff cock in ready position. She put the tip in and held still before she began a rocking motion. Each time she rocked back on it, my cock slid farther in until the whole head was in. "Ow. It's too big. It hurts me." She said.
Dagmar said, "The big part is in now, Lera. Just keep rocking back like we taught you. In a few seconds it won't hurt at all. Just keep rocking. You're doing great."
Still, each time she rocked back onto the head of my cock, she said, "Ow. Ohhh."
She began rocking a little faster while I tried to hold still. Then her "Ow" became "Ow-ohh-unn."
Lera was sliding farther down on it and moaning loudly each time. "Ow, ohhhh, unnnn, ahhh." She started sliding faster and going farther down. In two minutes my cock was completely inside her and I began rhythmically pushing up as she slid down.
She must have sensed me swelling up even bigger because she began grinding as she slid down. She was so tight - but so slippery. I came inside her as she moaned louder. She came, too.
Lera held her position, not knowing what to do, but I'm sure she was aware that I was shrinking inside her. She sat on me and smiled, moaning gently for another minute.
Finally Dagmar said, "My God, that was hot! Did it feel good, Lera?"
"Yes." She said. "Ummm, yes."
That's when I decided not to go back and write a story. I'll stay here and see if I can help Demetri with his business.
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