Published: 6-Mar-2011
Word Count:
The lift started squeaking fifteen minutes early. Demetri smiled at me. "Paul, I think Mrs. Stegovitch likes the extra money." Dagmar took the visiting photographers into the horsy-ride - bedroom set to be seated behind the tables. They would be watching today's session. Demetri told me that sometimes he makes as much from the visiting photographers as he does from the "legal photos" and video clips he sells on the web. He also said that most of the girls like having an audience of strangers while they undress and perform. I asked him what he did with most of the photos and video clips which were too spicy to air on websites right now. He didn't answer.
Lera and her mother stepped off the lift and greeted us. Lera blushed as she hugged each of us. Mrs. Stegovitch said, "Lera had her bath this morning. I'm happy that you are able to use her again so soon. The money is such a big help. She is wearing the new panties Ms. Persia gave her." She turned to her daughter and helped her off with the big coat. Lera was wearing the same short skirt she had worn to her first two sessions. I sensed she was more nervous than last time. Mrs. Stegovitch said to her, "Do everything they tell you. Let them take their pictures. It doesn't matter if you are embarrassed. The modeling money is so important for us, Lera. Nobody in this country will see the pictures anyway."
Demetri said, "Four hours today. Two hours of modeling and then another model will be joining us for some group photos. Today they will dress like cowgirls and English school girls. Special assignment. So pick her up at five this afternoon. No need to call first, just arrive back here at five o'clock."
She took an envelope from him and nodded. Without a word, she got on the lift and started down. When only her head was visible above the floor, she said to Lera, "Everything they say!"
As soon as she was out of site, Ms. Persia took Lera's hand. "Come with me for the first costume, Lera. You look so pretty today."
"Another girl is coming?" She asked.
Demetri said, "Wait a minute before changing her." Ms. Persia stopped immediately. Ms. Persia and Lera turned to face Demetri and me. Demetri continued, "Yes, Lera. Several girls chose you. They want to do sessions with you."
"Oh." She smiled and blushed brightly. "Oh."
"And you did such a good job with Galina last week that we called you back again right away. I'm sure your mother was pleased to hear from us again so soon?" Demetri said it as a question.
"Yes. She was glad. Thank you." Lera said, still grinning.
Demetri even smiled. "Will you follow her directions and do whatever Dagmar tells you to do?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Good girl, Lera. And today we'll have several people observing our sessions. They are training to be photographers."
"Oh." She said, a fearful look crossed her face.
Demetri kept smiling. "They have seen pictures from your first two sessions, and the video you made with Galina last week, so don't be shy or embarrassed. They want to learn to be photographers. They think you're a very pretty girl. Will you do that?"
"Oh. Other people?" She asked. The red blush turned white.
"Yes." Demetri said. "Will you undress in front of them; lie back, and open your legs for them? They want to learn to be specialty photographers." Before she could answer, Demetri laughed. "Of course, you won't do that won't be right away. I need more pictures of you riding the horsy, and then walking around as you undress. They won't take pictures of your bare pussy right away! They will just sit at the tables and watch our session. Later on they can take pictures. A good model has to get used to people watching. OK?" He smiled.
"Um." She blushed brightly. "OK. I guess that's part of being a model. But it's embarrassing."
"Yes, it certainly is, Lera. And you're learning to be a good model. Remember what Dagmar told you about being a good model?"
Lera squinted in concentration, trying to remember what Dagmar had told her that might apply to this situation.
Demetri said, "I heard her tell you that being embarrassed helps you be a better model. That when you blush it looks good in the pictures. Some of the things you will do today - by yourself, and also with the other little girl when she gets here ... well, those things might embarrass you, but that's good." He paused. "So I thought a little audience - all watching you carefully, might help you be even more embarrassed. Remember that when you pull your panties down."
"Oh." Lera turned a bright red. Her whole body squirmed as she turned with Ms. Persia to go get the first costume on.
Dagmar came out of the "horsy-room" to join us. The audience is ready. I'm glad you insisted they show up early. The monitor and cameras are set.
A few minutes later Ms. Persia brought Lera, the cowgirl, into the horsy-room. Lera looked at us and the 6 men and 2 women sitting behind tables just behind the photo equipment. She blushed, then turned pale again. I thought she was going to faint.
She was wearing a very short skirt, a fringed vest, and cowboy boots. There was a holster with a toy, silver gun on her hip, and a cowboy hat to complete her outfit. Her silver lipstick and fingernails matched her toy gun.
Dagmar introduced her quickly to the new "photographers" who were sitting behind tables. The tables had white table cloths that reached the floor in front. Bottles of wine, fruit, and various snacks were set up on the tables. I figured the table clothes were so that Lera couldn't see what the new "photographers" were doing with their hands under the tables.
Dagmar said, "Lera, each of our guest photographers has a pair of panties for you. Now I want you to pick out a pair to wear when you ride the horsy in a minute. We'll need lots of pictures of you on the horse today."
The eight visiting photographers each pulled a little zip-lock, plastic baggie out from under the table. They opened the small plastic bags and got out the panties for Lera to look at. The smiling model looked at them closely. "These are all so pretty." She chose a pair that Ms. ________ was holding up; sheer white hip-huggers with pink lace around the top edge and a little pink bow in front. I noticed that none of the panties had a cotton liner. Dagmar said, "Very good choice, Lera. They are all so pretty. You'll get to ride for a little while in each pair. Now hold up your skirt while I take off the panties you were wearing when you arrived with your mother. Did you put these on this morning right after your bath?"
She blushed again - a quick reddish flush. "Yes."
Dagmar explained to the new photographers. "Ms. Persia gives her a new pair of panties each week that she is supposed to wear to the next session. She's been wearing these about four hours." She knelt behind Lera and said to her, "Remember, Lera, it's OK to be embarrassed. Keep your dress up high while I see how well these fit you. While I feel them I want you to look at your new friends ... I want you to think of these photographers as your friends ... and I'll pull your panties down for you. Then I'll help you step into the new pair. You just look at them."
Dagmar massaged the silky, pink panties into Lera's pussy. She said, "Oh, Lera. I think these are wet already. Put your feet apart and let me rub you a minute. Does this embarrass you?"
She put her feet apart. "Yes." She said. We all smiled, knowing she was telling the truth. Her freckles disappeared in her reddish skin tone, confirming the girl's veracity.
"Good." Said Dagmar. "Remember, if you're embarrassed, then you're being a good model for us. Does this feel good when I rub your pussy?"
"We'll have to change your panties often this afternoon, Lera. Could you tell they were getting wet on your way over to our studio?"
"Yes. I was pretty sure."
"That's good. It means you get excited while you model for us. Do you get a tingly feeling in your pussy when you think about undressing for us while we take your picture?"
Dagmar continued to massage Lera's pussy through her panties while she asked questions. "Did you look at the pictures of the other little girls I gave you?"
"Feet a little wider apart, Lera. Good girl." Dagmar said. "And did you pick out another girl you would like to model with?"
"Yes. Unn." Lera squirmed when Dagmar began massaging her clit through the panties. "But they are all ... unn ... cute."
"But you picked one in particular? One you would like to kiss and undress? A girl you will kiss in front of us, and pull down her panties? The girl you want to look at closely and smell between her legs?"
"Unn. Yes. Unn."
"Very good, Lera. Another girl picked you, too. She wants to undress you this afternoon and smell and look closely between your legs. While we all watch you. Stand up straight now. Keep holding your skirt up high while I take these wet panties off. Look at the woman who gave you the fresh panties."
Lera stepped out of the panties and watched as Dagmar handed the wet panties to Ms. ______. Lera blushed brighter as she watched the woman sniff the panties.
The woman said, "It smells to me like you're excited, Lera. Do you like to have people watch while someone pulls down your panties?" She sniffed again and placed them in the plastic baggie in front of her. "If you like being embarrassed in front of strangers like this, then I'm sure Demetri will call on you more often. Do you like to model? Does your mother like the extra money?"
"Yes." Lera said. "It makes me all tingly, and Mama likes the money, too."
Dagmar asked, "Do you feel tingly now, Lera, with these visitors looking at your bare, shaved, little-girl pussy?"
"Good, because they will be watching you today. And when the new girl comes later, these visitors will watch her undress you and play with you. And your clit is starting to swell up and get stiff already. I bet you can feel it, too. We'll check it again in a few minutes, but now we need to get some pictures." Dagmar put the fresh panties on her and led her to the horse. She climbed on and Dagmar and I began taking pictures.
Lera asked us if we were going to turn it on.
"Yes, in a minute." Said Dagmar, "Is it more fun to pose when the horsy is going up and down and rocking?"
"Yes, it's fun."
Dagmar chuckled to herself. "Yes," she said, "I'll turn it on for you." She flipped a switch and the noisy carousel-type horse, with the built in 'saddle-vibrator' started galloping.
Our little model was smiling as she rode the horse with the vibrating saddle. We had her unbutton the leather vest and pinch her nipples so they would stand up for the cameras. We wouldn't have needed to say that because they were already fully erect, but we watched as Lera followed directions.
A minute later, our barefoot model was riding wearing only the new, sheer panties. She seemed on the verge of cumming. When we helped her dismount, the panties were soaking wet. Dagmar had her pick out another fresh pair of panties - this time from one of the gentlemen. She had Lera stand in front of him and massage her own panties into her pussy as she turned around several times. "Now look into his face and pull down your own panties and hand them to the gentleman. Good girl."
She stepped out of the wet panties and handed them to the man. She was blushing brightly as she accepted the fresh pair from him.
Dagmar brought over a tall chair and had her sit in it before she put on the new panties. Lean back and open your legs wide, Lera. This will help you get used to them watching you.
Lera did as directed, leaning back on the stuffed chair and spreading her legs with her knees bent so everyone could see her open pussy.
Dagmar said, "Very good, Lera. I can see that your pussy is nice and wet and slippery. And your clit is getting all swollen up. Tell the photographers what that means."
In a husky voice, Lera said, "It means I get excited when I model these sexy panties. That's why I have to keep changing them. They get wet."
Dagmar explained to the audience, "She gets so wet and slippery, but sometime we have to arrange the pussy folds so we can see how big and stiff her clit is getting. Look how big it gets." She said to Lera, "Put your fingers on your pussy lips and pull them open and up so they can see your clit better. That's it. Good girl. Hold it open wide for them. Keep pulling up so they can see your bump. Doesn't she have a pretty pussy?"
The visitors all agreed. Lera smiled and pulled it open wider for them. Her clit button was sticking out of her sheath - a pink knot of nerve endings.
Dagmar asked, "Good, Lera. Do you like showing your naked pussy to strangers and to our cameras? Does it embarrass you and make you feel tingly?"
"Yes." She looked at the faces watching her pussy, and at the video camera just three feet away, trained on her open pussy. "It makes me tingle."
Dagmar and I helped her do five more quick "rides" to get each of the new pairs of panties wet. We changed her quickly so she could ride in each pair of panties. I had to chuckle when Lera whispered to Dagmar, "Should I show the audience how stiff my clit is now? I'm really wet, too."
Dagmar whispered back, "No, not now, Lera. Katya will be here soon, and we'll need to change you into your school girl outfit so she can undress you."
"Then what is she going to do? I mean like what else will she do to me?"
"You'll see." Laughed Dagmar.
"Will she kiss me?"
"Yes, of course she will kiss you. And we want you to kiss her back." Dagmar whispered - but loud enough for all of us to hear.
"I will." She said. "I will."
Dagmar called in Ms. Persia take her to get dressed. While Lera stood there in the last pair of new panties, we discussed her performance as a model as they were leaving the room. Everyone gave her high marks for following directions, which made our pre-teen model smile. Dagmar said, "Ms. Persia will take you in and dress you up like a school girl. We want you to act more shy at first when you come back. OK?"
"Sure." She smiled. "It will be easy to act more shy!"
Everyone laughed, including Demetri. Then he said, "You're doing great, Lera. One last thing before you go change. Walk up close to the video camera, and tell us your name and age. Then pinch your breasts, and then massage you pussy towards the camera and our audience. Keep your panties on. OK?"
She blushed. "OK."
She followed directions, "Hi. My name is Lera and I'm eleven years old. Almost eleven and a half." Then she pinched and massaged her tiny breasts and began massaging her pussy through the panties - all the while looking at the camera.
"Very good." Said Demetri. "Now pull your panties down to your knees and keep massaging your pussy. Then turn around and pull your fanny open as far as you can and tell us your name and age again. Then we'll let you see video clips of some of the other girls doing the same thing. You can pick out another girl. We'll show your video clip to some of the other girls, too, so they might pick you out. Pull your bottom open as wide as you can if you want them to pick you."
She turned redder than before, but followed directions. She was very wet. We could all see the runny, white wetness in her vagina as she held her bottom wide open to the camera and the audience. She started to stand back up after saying her name and age, but Demetri told her to stay down. He said, "Keep it pulled open a minute. When you pick out another girl when you look at their video clips, we want you to pick a girl with a cute, little bottom that you would like to put your finger in. That's right. We want you to put some lubricant on your finger and push it all the way in the other girl's bottom. In and out. And she might do the same to you. You have to agree to do that if you want any more sessions with other girls. Will you do that?"
"Oh." She was quiet a moment, but held her ass open. Then she said, "Yes, I'll do it. And I'll get to see videos of the other girls doing this?"
"Yes. Will that make it easier for you to pick out your next modeling partner?"
"Good girl. Stand up now and face the audience and the camera." She turned around, red as a beet.
Dagmar said, "Come on now, Lera. I'll show you some videos while we dress you. We have several girls for you to choose from. Will you push your finger in another girl's bottom, and let her push a finger up yours?"
"Oh. Yes. OK. Like you mean all the way in?"
"Why yes, of course!" Laughed Dagmar.
Lera bit her lip and squirmed as Ms. Persia and Dagmar led her to the dressing room across the hall.
I walked in a few minutes later. Lera was standing in the tub getting rinsed off with cool - almost cold - water from the belly button on down. The ladies explained they were trying to get her calmed down. However, on the big screen TV a girl Lera's age was saying her name and age - also eleven - and began undressing from a school girl outfit. The girl was shy and balked at taking off the training bra and white, school-girl panties in front of the camera, but we heard Dagmar's voice remind her that she had to do everything even if it was embarrassing or else she wouldn't be a model anymore and then her mother wouldn't get any money. Then the girl took off the training bra revealing two very small breasts with light pink nipples. She pulled down her panties and we got a glimpse of thin pubic hair before the model quickly covered her pussy with both hands. We watched the screen as Dagmar told her to drop her hands. She turned for the camera, blushing brightly.
Dagmar said to us, "'Ms.A.' was so shy at first. Just like you, Lera. But the next clip shows her three weeks later. Watch."
We watched the same girl wearing only panties as she rode the noisy horse. Then she climbed down on her own and pulled off her panties and turned and bent over - pulling her ass wide open for the camera. "I'm ready for the finger now." She said.
We saw an adult female hand -the finger coated with lubricant - approach the close-up of Ms. A's ass. It slid in slowly... all the way. After it pulled out, Ms. A. said, "Three more times, please, so I can ride the horse again."
We watched the finger push in all the way three times. Then Dagmar explained with a chuckle. "Shy, little Ms. A. started to enjoy modeling for us. She especially liked to ride the horse and would do anything for another minute on the horse. She likes playing with other girls now and is very obedient. That day we were playing a game with her - that if she accepted a finger all the way up her bottom four times, she could ride the horse again. She loves to undress for the cameras now. Isn't she cute?"
Lera said "Yes, she is so pretty. What's her name? Can I see her video again?" Lera started to rub her pussy while watching the video clip, but Ms. Persia moved her hand away and put the cold washcloth between her legs.
We watched similar video clips of Ms. B, Ms. C, and Ms. D. Each of the girls was requested to do different things for the camera in order to earn some reward.
As Ms. Persia dressed Lera, Dagmar handed Lera four photo album pages. Each of the four girls had a page with four pictures - fully dressed and shy, training bra and panties, standing naked, and a close-up of her ass and bald pussy from behind while the girl was bent over, holding herself open for the camera. Dagmar said, "And now we have a page like this for you, Lera. Isn't that exciting? Now people can choose you to be a special model with or, if an older person chooses you, then you can go somewhere and just play games with that person without any cameras."
Lera was looking at the pictures and hardly paying attention to the clothes Ms. Persia was helping her into, or listening to Dagmar. Lera asked if she had to choose a girl today or if she could take the pictures home with her. We all smiled when she asked to take the pictures with her, but Dagmar explained that pictures like that had to stay in the studio. Then Dagmar said, "But if you want me to, I'll start showing your special page and the video clips to other girls and even adults to see if they want to have special sessions with you. Would you like me to show your page to people, Lera?"
She blushed and was quiet a moment. "Yes. You can show it to people."
Then we saw her suddenly catch on to something. She asked, "What do you mean by having special sessions with adults?"
Dagmar smiled and explained, "We'll show your little photo album and a video clip to some of the adults we know who would want to hire you for a special session. Then you would come here to the studio for a photo session, and after your Mother leaves we would either put you in a room here or take you to someone's fancy house where you would model for that person or a small group of people. Like maybe they would want you to act like a shy school girl and they would give you a gentle spanking after you pulled down your panties... like the things we do here at the studio, or they might want you to do things that you do in your videos. Only with the grown-ups there wouldn't be any cameras, because they need to keep their identities secret." Dagmar stopped, letting that sink in.
Lera nodded, "Oh. And Mama wouldn't know about it?"
Dagmar smiled, "No. This would be our secret. Your Mother would get paid just as if you were here for a modeling session, only you would be playing games with a rich grown-up. Things like that."
"What would they do to me?" She looked like she was beginning to get worried.
"They wouldn't have sex with you, if that's what you mean. They would want to kiss you, dress you up and undress you, touch you, maybe even kiss you all over or put a finger in you, but they wouldn't put anything else in you if that's what you're worried about!" Dagmar ended with a laugh.
Ms. Persia said, "And sometimes there would be two girls and they would watch you kiss each other and undress each other and then put your fingers in each other, like you will be doing here in the studio today."
Dagmar asked, "So then, can I start showing some of the other models and other people your photos and a video clip? Then you would get more modeling assignments, just like the girls you're looking at now."
Lera asked, "Oh." She giggled, "You mean other people put their fingers in these girls' bottoms besides just us other girls?"
"Yes. The other models like it. And their mothers like the extra money. The mother's don't know about all the kinds of pictures or the things you do. It's our secret. It's fun. Would you like to have more sessions?"
"Yes. OK. Can I see my pictures? The ones you'll be showing to other people? And to the other girls?"
Dagmar laughed and hugged the little schoolgirl, Lera - all dressed up again. "No, these are the secret pictures. Most of the pictures and video we take are only shown to a few private friends we trust. We don't put most of these pictures in books, magazines, or the internet. But don't worry - pictures of you undressing and opening your legs will go all over the world on the internet or in magazines. Isn't that exciting?"
"Yes." Giggled Lera. "People will be looking at me. Gee. It's exciting, but embarrassing, too!"
"Now which of these girls would you like to model with next time?"
"Gee, they are all so pretty."
"Well then, look at the faces and see which girl you most want to kiss and then look at the asses to see which girl you want to put your finger in. That's a good way to choose."
"Oh." She picked two of the pages and sat the other two on the table. "I would like to kiss all of them." She giggled. "But these two are the prettiest, and this one..." She giggled again. "I'd like this one. Can I watch her video clip again?"
Dagmar laughed and put in that video. We noticed Lera squirming as she watched it again - the three minute metamorphosis from shy school girl to pulling her little, pink asshole open to accept a big finger - all the way. As we watched the finger push in, Lera said, "Ohh."
Ms. Persia and I laughed along with Lera and Dagmar. I said, "You look so cute and innocent now, Lera. Maybe we can use some of the pictures from today on your special pages that we will show the other girls, and to some adults."
"OK." She smiled as we led her to the other room where Katya was waiting for her. Dagmar introduced the girls and let them hug and kiss. Then they played and acted silly for the cameras. Lera wasn't supposed to talk, and Katya began giving her directions and taking the lead, although she was smaller and looked younger than Lera.
Katya liked to kiss and fondle Lera, but kept the fondling to a minimum at first... until after the first spanking.
"You've been a naughty girl, Lera." Said Katya. "I have to spank you. I have to pull down your panties and spank you. Turn around. That's a good girl. Now lean over the bed while I pull down your panties and spank you."
"Don't talk, Young Lady!" said Katya in a stern voice, and slapped Lera's ass through her panties. "I'm pulling your panties down now because you've been a naughty girl. Naughty girls get spankings."
Katya knelt on the carpeted floor behind Lera and pulled the panties to Lera's knees. She said, "Now put your feet apart so you'll keep your panties stretched between your knees. Don't let them fall to the floor. Now bend over and put your head and shoulders on the bed. That's it." She looked at Lera's ass and pussy, and then at the panties. "These panties look wet, Lera. You are such a naughty girl. I'm going to spank you."
Then Katya said to Dagmar. "Maybe get a close up to see how wet she is. And look at her panties. They are wet, too."
Dagmar and I got closer and took more pictures and video. Katya pulled Lera's ass open for the cameras. Yes, Lera was very wet. Katya reminded Lera to hold still and then spanked her eight times - four times on each cheek. Then she pulled Lera's ass open for the cameras again. "Might be even wetter now. Look. I think she likes spankings."
Katya asked Dagmar if she could feel how slippery Lera's clit was. "It's so wet. Look at it. Can I feel it a minute?"
"OK," Dagmar said. She knelt beside the girls with her video camera. It was also hooked to the big monitor that the audience was watching. Katya began stroking her finger up and down Lera's wet pussy on either side of her clit. "You're right, Katya. Lera is very excited. Go ahead and feel her."
Then Dagmar said to Lera, "Reach back and pull your ass open. Hold it open wide so Katya can play with your pussy for the cameras. If people see this video clip and know that you like to pull yourself open, then you'll get more requests for modeling. That's it. Hold it open while she feels you. You are so juicy wet, Lera."
Katya kept moving one finger up and down either side of Lera's swollen clit. She slid her finger up Lera's vagina. "Nice and tight." She said to Dagmar. "Nice and tight. And so wet and slippery. I bet she tastes good, too." She put her wet finger in her mouth. "Umm. She looks, tastes, and smells so clean. Clean and excited." She fingered Lera several times and then tasted her finger.
Then she pushed up on the front of Lera's pussy with the fingers of both hands... pushing upwards and outwards where Lera's lips came together at the top, front of her pussy. This exposed Lera's pink button of nerves to the camera. "Look how swollen her clit is. Such a pretty pink." Katya carefully held Lera's pussy open and upwards with her left hand and began stroking Lera's exposed clit with her right forefinger. Lera moaned.
Katya chuckled, "Lera, you like how I touch you, don't you?"
"Oh. Unn." She said as Katya continued to rub her clit.
Katya stopped and stood up, giving Lera three hard spankings in the process. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Naughty girl. Step out of these panties now and hop up on the bed. Lie on your back. Legs apart. Hold up your dress so the cameras can see your pussy. Legs wider!" Katya had a wicked gleam in her eye as she told Lera what to do.
She climbed onto the bed, too, kneeling between Lera's knees. "Now I'm going to smell you, Lera. Hold still." She laid on her tummy with her face just an inch above Lera's open pussy. "I can't see your clit unless you keep your legs open wide." Then she sniffed deeply. "You're very wet and excited. You like to pull your panties down for the camera, don't you, Lera? I saw your video. You pulled your panties down and opened wide. I could tell you were wet on the video. Wet and juicy. Like now. You smell so fresh and excited. Umm." She sniffed deeply, running her right forefinger up and down the side of Lera's clit as she smelled her. "This is why I chose you, Lera, because you get so wet and juicy. I've been dreaming of smelling you."
Katya was kind of showing off for the cameras, but I could also tell she enjoyed smelling Lera's pussy, especially in front of the cameras. I knew these pictures and videos would not make it to book stores or videos, or even the internet for regular sites. These were 'private client' videos. Clients who would then probably pick these models for private sessions.
Katya stood beside the bed and told Lera to scoot closer to the side and put her legs together. "Keep holding your dress up. High. That's it. I want to see your pussy lips with your legs together. Yes. As I thought. Your pussy lips hide everything. All your secret, female charms. Like a closed mouth. I'm going to kiss you, and if I keep kissing you, then open your legs for me. Slowly." Katya bent down and kissed Lera's bare pussy. She continued kissing, and we could tell she was licking. Lera opened her legs as Katya continued to kiss her. Lera began moaning.
"Naughty girl." Laughed Katya. I think you need a little front spanking. Since your pussy is so naughty. So naughty and tasty. Legs together." She took a small paddle out of a bag that Dagmar sat on the floor next to her. It looked to me like a paint stirring stick for a one gallon container of paint, except it had a round handle. She began tapping Lera's pussy with the flat part of the paddle. She began tapping harder, varying the speed, often stopping for several seconds, followed by a harder smack right on her pussy lips. She suddenly stopped spanking Lera's pussy and kissed it again.
Lera moaned. "Unnnn."
Then Katya helped Lera sit up, and stand. Then the two school girls kissed. "I want you to taste yourself in my kisses, Lera." Katya said softly. "I like kissing you. Do you like the ways I kiss you?"
Then Katya undressed Lera, removing the dress, blouse, shoes, socks, and finally the white training bra. She felt Lera's breasts with both hands and kissed them. "You're a very pretty girl, Lera. Hop back up on the bed and lay on your back again."
Lera did as directed and the still-dressed Katya knelt between Lera's knees again. She had Lera do a shoulder stand and scooted closer to her. She pulled Lera down against her so that her hips were resting against Katya's shoulders. She parted Lera's legs and directed Lera to hold her knees near her chest. She looked into Lera's open pussy again and began playing with her ass and pussy, sometimes reaching up to squeeze one of Lera's breasts, making her moan.
Dagmar handed a small jar to Katya, as Katya told Lera to close her eyes. Katya coated her finger with lubricant and positioned Lera's open ass right in front of her shoulders. She toyed with Lera's anus enjoying the sight of Lera's flinching. Then she pushed a lubricated finger all the way in Lera's ass. On the third push, she licked Lera's clit and pushed her finger in all the way. It looked like she was nibbling on Lera's clit.
Dagmar handed Katya a vibrator. I was holding the video camera now since Dagmar was assisting with Lera. I got a close up of the quizzical look on Lera's face as she watched Katya turn on the vibrator. Lera's mouth opened to say, "Oh." But we couldn't hear her voice as Katya began sliding the vibrator up and down the side of Lera's exposed clit. Lera tried to open her legs wider
Katya said, "Cum for the cameras now, Lera. You're a very naughty girl. Let the world watch you cum while I push my finger up your ass and vibrate your pussy."
"Unnnn! Unnmmm. Oh. Unnnnn" Lera came. A short rest - staying in position - then Katya pressed the vibrator against her once more, and slid her finger back into her ass hole. Lera came for us a second time. A rest. The visiting photographers gathered around the bed. Lera watched us as if in a dream. Three minutes later, the third time was much louder.
Ms. Persia helped her up and took her in for another quick rinse off with cool water. She was dressed and ready when her mother came to pick her up.
Mrs. Stegovitch accepted another envelope, and asked Demetri if he would need her daughter again soon.
"Yes, we'll have more assignments for her soon. We may even do some off-site photo shoots. She is an enthusiastic model. Very photogenic."
He looked at Lera, bent down and kissed her cheek. He handed her an envelope. "Here are the panties to wear to your next session. Would you like to come back for more photo sessions, Lera?"
She smiled, blushed, and said, "Yes."
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