Published: 20-Jan-2011
Word Count:
"Yo, Mark. You want go up to Brad's uncle's cabin with us again? We're going swimming and we'll be drinking beer. Maybe look at his magazines."
Mark's new friend Brad already had his driver's license. They just started hanging around together this summer. I don't know where Brad is from, but he's pretty cool. We drank some beer and did a lot of clowning around last weekend. I said, "Wow. Yes, I would really like to." And then I remembered, "Oh shit. I have to baby-sit Tammy. Mom and Joe are gone for the weekend."
Tom said, "Well, bring her along. She might like clowning around and swimming with us, too. She's starting to look old enough. And she's cute. Then we might not need to use magazines. Know what I mean?" He was referring to last weekend when we all looked at magazines and jacked off. It was pretty funny and I'm glad I could cum, even though it was hard to concentrate since Brad kept taking pictures. He bet me I couldn't cum since I'm not fourteen yet. I just started cumming this year and now I do it once or twice a day, even more on some days. Those magazines were pretty neat.
I was glad he was using a digital camera and then showed us how he would erase our faces. I must have been drinking too much, because when Tom started telling Brad that I had a cute little sister, I bragged that she liked to play doctor with me, and that sometimes I would jack off while she let me look at her. They laughed when I told them I had her pull her panties down and lay on the table if she lost at some kind of game. My prize for winning was that she had to lie there while I looked at her and I didn't tell her I was jacking off under the table. When I told them that, they wanted to know how close my face was to her pussy. I told them it was just inches away for a couple minutes and sometimes I told her to pull it open for me so I could look even closer.
Tom's request still surprised me though. It could be dangerous bringing Tammy along because she could tell on us. But Tom said, "Girls are so funny, Mark. I bet if we have a couple beers and we dare each other to do things, we might even get her to pull down her panties so all three of us could look. Come on. It would be fun. We won't make her do anything she doesn't want to do. Just dare her or make bets."
I was surprised, but said, "She just turned twelve. She's not even old enough to drink yet." I knew they were planning to go to the cabin mainly to drink beer and swim in the lake.
Last week, when I told my sister we had a great time at the lake when I got home, she seemed kind of jealous. Tom and his new buddy were about two years older than me. Brad had his driver's license already, so maybe he was three or four years older than me. Tammy thought he was really cool.
Tom laughed and said, "Yo, Mark! We're not old enough to drink yet either! And, you have to baby-sit her since your mom's gone for the weekend, Mark. You can't just leave her there by herself can you? And besides, we're bringing the beer and food for our party so you have to bring something, too. Fair trade."
"I can't leave her by herself. You're right. But I don't think she'll want to go swimming in the lake without a suit on. And what do you mean by trade?"
"Just go ask her if she wants to go with us. See what she says. And let her bring a swimsuit if she wants to. We'll have a couple beers first before we go swimming anyway, and it might be too dark to swim by the time we get there. But if you want to come with us, you have to bring Tammy. She can be our entertainment. It's fun to kid around with girls. Maybe you could tell her she is too young to come along. You know, like you're daring her."
I started to run back to our house, when he called out, "Yo, Mark! Make her think we don't want her to come with us, then she'll really want to go. And tell her that Brad is studying photography and might want to take her picture if she does come along, so she should bring a couple outfits, even her school uniform."
I stopped and turned. "But it's summer. She won't want to wear her uniform."
"It's just for the pictures, Mark. We'll be swimming in the lake, too, so she'll be bringing her swim suit and some other clothes anyway."
"I don't know. She might say no and then tell on me."
Tom said, "If you don't ask her, Mark, maybe I'll tell her we know you used to play doctor and still do sometimes."
"No. You can't tell her that. Besides we haven't done anything like that for a couple months."
"Do you want to come with us or not?" He was still smiling, but I could tell he meant it.
I thought a minute. "Yes. I could tell her she can't come and I bet she would beg to join us." I was thinking it was a perfect plan as I ran back towards our house. I really wanted to go up to the lake with them. And Tammy was getting cuter, not so chubby anymore. Neither of us was skinny by a long shot, but we were growing out of our baby-fat, as Mom said. And Tammy's titties were almost as big as small lemons or tiny cupcakes, with dime-size, pink nipples. Her legs were slimmer now, too.
I ran in the house and right past the couch where she was sitting, playing with her stupid dolls. She asked me where I was going in such a hurry.
"I'm going to the lake with Tom and Brad. You can't go 'cause you're too young and you don't know how to drink beer." I said while running on up to my room. I'm two years older than her. Well, now I'm only one year older, but next month I'll be two years older again.
I was in my room throwing some clothes into a bag when she came bursting in. "You can't leave me here alone. And I've had beer before. If you leave me here I'm going to tell! You have to take me or you'll be in big trouble. If you take me I promise not to tell." Her fists were on her hips.
I was glad our plan was working so far, so the guys would let me go, too, but I couldn't give in this easy. "But we're going swimming in the lake, too, and we don't usually wear swim suits, just our underwear, or maybe nothing."
She looked doubtful, and I was worried I had said too much. But then she said, "I'm going to wear my suit, though, or at least my underwear. I don't care if you guys don't. Is Tom's cousin going to go swimming too? Would he wear a swimsuit?" She thought Brad was Tom's cousin, but they weren't related.
"Yes, Brad's driving. None of us guys wear suits. If you're going, you only have five minutes to pack anything, then we're leaving whether you're ready or not.
"Cool!" She said, and ran out of the room. She came back two minutes later with a plastic grocery bag with some clothes in it, and her toothbrush in her hand. I was in the middle of changing clothes when she burst back into my room. I went ahead and took off my underwear to put on a clean pair. She was looking at me and my thing got stiff while she watched. I took my time picking out some new underwear and let her look longer. She has seen it lots of times while Mom was at work. We had been playing doctor for years, and she seemed jealous of the way it changed shape on its own and got so hard. She always wanted to touch it. We haven't played doctor yet since school was out, but I stretched the way I did when I was letting her look at it, with my hands reaching back behind my head, pretending I was yawning.
She said, "It's looks bigger, Tom. Can I flip it before we go? Then we have to hurry."
"OK." I said, feeling proud of how big and hard I was getting. She pushed it to one side and let it flip back into place, watching it go back and forth a couple times before stopping in the straight out position.
She flipped it again and said, "You're getting more hair, Mark. You have some blond curls! I'm starting to get some now, too, and it's blond like yours. You can't hardly see it because it's so blond. But I can feel it. You don't have any hair on your legs yet. Mom says I can shave my legs when I'm able to see hair."
She cupped my balls in her hand and giggled. "These feel fuzzy now, Tom, even though I can't see any hair. It's so funny how your balls shrink when I touch them, but your thing gets bigger and harder."
While she was looking at me, I said, "Oh, I almost forgot. Brad told Tom he thought you were pretty cute and he wanted to take you picture in your school uniform. He even said that if you wanted to come, you should bring a couple of sexy outfits so you could model. Then he could take pictures of you up at the cabin instead of our backyard."
"Really? He said I was cute? He said he wanted to take pictures of me? Cool." She was smiling as she ran back to her room.
"Bring your school dress and some other dress-up clothes, but not too much." I hollered as I put on my clothes. Then I went into her room to help her pack a few things. She stripped and put on some clean underwear, and pulled my baggy, white soccer shorts out from under her bed. While she was getting some other things to put in another plastic grocery bag I went back downstairs.
We heard a horn honk as she came downstairs with her two bags of clothes and we ran out to Brad's car.
They wanted Tammy to sit in the front seat with them. She was in the middle and I was in the back with the inner tube and a few bags of things. Lots of people thought we were the same age since she was almost as tall as me already. We both had short blond hair; her's was kind of short for a girl and mine was long for a boy.
We were all joking and talking while Brad drove. That's when I noticed she was wearing her bra under her tight, knit shirt. Brad and Mark were talking about drinking beer and swimming, and Brad was bragging about some girl who he had been kissing the week before in the back seat. He hinted that they were touching each other, too, and her tits were lots bigger than Tammy's. Then they started kidding Tammy that they bet she had never been kissed and saying she probably didn't even know how to kiss boys.
"I have to kissed boys. I know how to do it." She answered indignantly. "And mine are getting bigger, too."
Brad said, "Well I bet you never drank a whole beer before."
"No, but I have tasted it. It's yukky!"
"That's because you're so young, Tammy. Maybe we shouldn't bring a little kid with us; somebody who can't even drink a whole beer."
"I can to. I bet you." She said, and punched Tom's arm. I saw how easily they were getting her to say that she wanted to do it.
Brad pulled into a gas station with a little store in it and Tom gave me some money to go in and get some more potato chips and things. When I came back out Tom and Tammy were in the back seat so I got in the front.
I looked at Tammy and she looked back at me and said, "I'm going to prove I know how to kiss a boy. Then they'll see." She giggled after she said it.
Tom started tickling her and said he would see if she could kiss in a few minutes, "but right now I'm going to tickle you!"
Brad and I laughed, too, and Brad said, "I bet she doesn't know how. Tom will try to teach her." Then Brad told me to open the potato chips and hand him some as we drove off.
We drove for a while; listening to music and eating potato chips, when I wondered how Tammy and Tom were doing since it was quiet in back now. I turned around to look and Brad said, "Jeez, Mark, don't go spying on your little sister. Let her learn some stuff." He laughed to me like I was in on his private joke. I laughed too, and opened candy bars for us.
It was quiet in the back seat until Tom said, "Well, Brad, she's just a beginner, but I think she wants to learn."
Brad glanced back and said, "Tammy, I told Tom to tell Mark that if you could kiss like a high school girl, then you could go swimming with us, and maybe do some modeling for us after dinner and I'll take your picture. But only if you can really kiss like an older girl." Brad laughed again after he said that.
My sister said, "I'll show you guys!" and we all roared with laughter because she was trying to sound so grown up. Tom started tickling her again.
We got to the cabin near the lake about forty minutes later. I don't know what lake it was. Tammy and Tom got out and said they wanted some of the potato chips, too. We were all laughing when Brad unlocked the cabin and we went in. There were three locks on the door, so it took Brad a while. Then he ran in and called his uncle so the alarm wouldn't go off. He said, "Sure, Uncle Matthew. We're just going to go swimming and fix some hamburgers."
We were quiet while he listened on the phone. "No, it's just me and Tom and Mark. We had to bring his little sister."
A minute later he said, "Yes, the same boy who was here last weekend. OK. We will. Bye." He hung up and opened the refrigerator.
We had to open all the windows because it was pretty hot and stuffy inside. Brad's Uncle kept lots of beer in the refrigerator and we each opened one and drank it as fast as we could, even Tammy. She did drink a whole one like she said, and finished with a loud belch. We all laughed.
Brad surprised us and said, "You're so funny, Tammy. Let me get a picture of you. If you are a good model, we'll have a lot of fun this weekend." As Brad went to get the camera from the kitchen he told her to put on some lipstick.
Tammy said, "But I don't have any."
Brad hollered out to Tom to take her to the upstairs bathroom where there was some lipstick in the drawer.
She did look older when Tom brought her back downstairs. I noticed that I could see her panties through my white soccer shorts. She had on the pink cotton ones with the purple and red bears. I remembered teasing her about those panties a year ago because they looked like little kid panties. Brad took a few quick pictures and told her she was cute.
Tom said we should go swimming before we fixed dinner since it was already four o'clock. All of us headed down to the lake after getting the inner tube out of the car. We ran down to the short, wooden dock. When we got out on the dock, us boys started taking our clothes off but Tammy just stood there. The three of us jumped in with just our underwear on, and I headed out towards the small raft with the diving board on it.
When I got to the raft I looked back, wondering why Brad hadn't passed me since he was the fastest swimmer. Brad and Tom were teasing Tammy for taking so long to get in the water. They were holding the inner tube and laughing; calling her chicken and making chicken noises.
Tammy had her shirt off and did look pretty funny standing there in the baggy soccer shorts and her training bra. It looked like she had candy kisses in her bra, just little bumps on small cupcakes. Then she pulled it off and took off the shorts and jumped in the water in her panties. I could clearly see the tan outline of her one-piece swimsuit because she was already pretty tan except for her chest and tummy. You could hardly see her tiny nipples because they were such a light pink. I could even see white lines from her swimsuit straps.
I called to them, "Hey, are you guys coming out here?"
Brad said, "We'll be out in a minute. I'm going to check if your sister knows how to kiss or not. Tom says she she's not too good, but learning. Just wait out there, Mark. We'll be right out."
"OK." I said, as Tom started kissing Tammy again and giving Brad his comments. Then Brad and Tammy got in the middle of the inner tube and started kissing. Tom swam out to join me. He told me that maybe Tammy would learn to kiss boys, but she had a long way to go. We laughed and started climbing up and jumping off the raft. I noticed Tom's woodie was bigger than mine. He was completely stiff and his white underpants formed a tent.
Brad and Tammy were still hugging and practicing kissing. They were partly under the front of the dock. They swam out to join us, leaving the inner tube on the dock.
We took turns climbing up onto the raft. It was about ten feet square with some big barrels underneath, and a ladder on one side. Both Brad and Tom had hard-ons too, and weren't trying to hide it. As we kept clowning around and climbing up, Brad asked Tammy if she dared us to take off our underwear, and of course she did. Brad was in the water and threw his on the raft. Then he climbed up and stood there. His thing was even bigger than Tom's and he had more hair. Brad was almost six feet tall, just a little taller than Tom. He was wiry and looked like he lifted weights. Tom was skinny and taller than me and Tammy by several inches, but not as tall as Brad.
Tammy was staring at Brad's thing. It was lots bigger than mine and curved upwards like a banana.
For some reason I was kind of embarrassed. Tammy always told me my thing was so big and hard when she flipped it.
Then Tom and Brad asked me to run back to the cabin and bring down four beers. I was glad for the excuse to leave since my thing wasn't stiff now.
When I came back a few minutes later, I think I was relieved that Tammy's panties weren't laying up on the raft next to Tom's and Brad's underwear. She was climbing up onto the raft to jump in. Her panties looked pretty loose since they were all wet. She looked so funny with those different colored bears on her wet, pink panties. They were bunched up between her legs and as she climbed up the ladder, you could see up the leg holes while she stood on the top step with one foot on the raft. I couldn't see up her panties from the dock, but I knew that Brad and Tom could. Tammy's breasts and tummy looked so pale against the rest of her tan, that it almost looked like she had on a white suit. She had been sun bathing more lately and going to the pool a lot more than me. She always wore her one-piece suit.
Tammy and I had always kidded each other that looking doesn't hurt anything. When I noticed Brad and Tom staring up her panties, too, I realized that she was getting cuter, even though she didn't have real titties yet; just little, pale mounds with the swollen, pink nipples. They looked like they were cold now - kind of stiff. Her nipples weren't the only thing stiff as I saw Brad and Tom climb up beside her. They stood on each side of her and held hands to jump in. She looked at Brad's thing and then at Tom's. Before jumping they were counting to three and moving like they were going to jump. That made their dicks swing around before they jumped in. Brad's was bent more than a banana and Tom's was straight like a sausage. Tom's was the fattest and Brad's was the longest. They finally jumped in and started swimming back to the dock to get the beer.
They reached me and we each started on another beer. Brad and Tom were kidding Tammy about being too chicken to swim without her panties on, and she just laughed at them, but then she said she wasn't chicken but embarrassed. They asked her why she was embarrassed and they both said they thought she was cute.
She blurted out, "I don't have hardly any hair yet. You guy's will make fun of me." She almost looked ready to cry. They promised her, and so did I, that we wouldn't tease her and that she probably did have some hair already, but because she was so blond it was probably hard to see. Brad said she was bound to be getting hair, too, since she was getting such a cute figure. We all offered to check to prove to her that she was getting hair. Tammy smiled and sat down her beer. She reached both hands under the muddy water and pulled off her panties, laying them on the dock.
"I'll show you later." she said. "And then you can look all you want." She got a sneaky grin on her face, "But first I'm going to dunk you!" and she jumped up on Brad's shoulders forcing him under water. We could all touch the bottom there, but Brad had been kind of floating on his stomach. We all started splashing around and throwing Tammy clear out of the water.
Then we tried to see how high we could throw her. Brad and Tom cupped their hands under water and she put one foot in each hands-stirrup and they counted to three and she jumped while they lifted and she could get clear out of the water. They carried her around or gave her shoulder rides. She was laughing all the time while they caught her and picked her up again. Her fanny and pussy were pale, too, so it looked like she had on a see-through, white, one-piece suit. We did some different games with her like the kind we used to do in the pool. She enjoyed being the center of attention, laughing her head off. Brad could lift her on his head when she floated on her back and he put a hand under her shoulders and his other hand under her knees. Then he would stand, lifting her out of the water, and then turn around and finally throw her.
Tom had a fun idea. While she was laying flat on her back, he stood beside her hips in chest deep water and put both arms under her fanny and told her to lay still on her back. He lifted her half way out of the water. Then Tom told each of us to take a foot and we would see how far apart we could spread her legs before she said stop. Tammy thought this was great fun because she was so limber. Then Brad walked between her spread legs. Tom was still holding her hips out of the water. We could all see that she was getting some fine, blond hairs in a wispy clump above the crack and a few fine hairs on the top of each lip. She held still and let us look, as if she was glad to hear our unanimous verdict that she was definitely growing up. Brad even tugged on her only little curl of inch-long hair, as if he was making sure it was real.
When Tammy said, "Ouch!" Brad told her that she had just proved she was a big girl. We kept laughing and throwing her around. We all liked to press our things up against her while we tickled her, and she just giggled but didn't fight it. They liked to tickle her armpits the most.
Brad told her to float on her back. He stood between her legs and held her with his arms under her shoulders, with her legs wrapped around his chest. He turned around making a big circle with her head.
They kept playing like that for awhile. One of them was hugging her whenever she was standing upright, and I knew she would be able to feel their stiff things pressing against her somewhere. She giggled most of the time, and I wondered if it was partly from the beer.
Tammy walked into the shallow water and turned towards the three of us. "OK. I'm going to dry it off and let you take a close look. It was probably hard to see my hair in this dirty water but I really am getting some. You'll see. She walked out on the dock and dried off her pussy and her legs with her knit shirt. Then she sat down on the very edge of the dock and put one foot on Tom's shoulder and one on Brads, with her knees open. They could inspect her dried off pussy from just inches away now. I was standing right behind Tom and Brad but didn't want to get too close, because I was stiff and didn't want to bump my thing into either of them.
Brad put his fingers on her pussy and pointed out some of the parts to us. "This little bump in the front is the 'clit' and that's the part that the guy is supposed to rub to make her feel good, and these little pink flaps on the inside, well, I don't know what those are for, and hers are so tiny anyway. And the hole in the middle is called the 'vaginal,' where the babies come out or the dick goes in when the girl has sex."
It all looked kind of mushed together to me, and I didn't know if I could tell the different parts apart, but Brad kept touching like to make sure he knew the names of the different parts. Tammy was leaning forward, as if she was learning, too.
She said, "Boy's things are too big to go in there now. You guys have such big ones, too. That would hurt way too much. Maybe they would fit in a couple years, but not now. OK?"
Brad asked her what was the biggest thing she ever stuck in there.
"I can put a finger in all the way, and once I did the bottom of a felt-tip marker. A pencil goes in real easy." She said, and seemed kind of embarrassed about admitting it.
I knew she was going to say something funny before she continued, because she got that devilish look again. "If you guys get to look at me, then I get to look at each of you. It's only fair."
Brad laughed and said, "I'm not sitting on the dock for you to look at me, Tammy. I saw you looking at it already. Maybe I'll let you look closer later and maybe I won't."
Tammy answered by closing her legs. "Then I won't let you look at me anymore." She had that grin again.
She hopped back in the water while they were thinking about it. She started to swim out to the raft, but Brad and Tom grabbed her at the same time. They wanted to see if she was kissing any better yet. They wanted me to go get some more snacks and to start the grill for dinner. Brad said, "We'll be up in a little while, Mark. Start the grill and get some stuff out of the refrigerator."
"OK." I said and headed up to the cabin. I was getting hungry. This was turning out to be a fun weekend. I was glad Tammy was being such a good sport. I heard the boys tell her that they would let her look as close as she wanted later, but just one at a time. Then I heard Tom say that he doubted that she could tell them apart underwater even after she got a good look and got to touch each of them. She was betting she could tell them apart with her eyes closed when I went around the bushes towards the cabin. This was going to be a fun night.
A couple times I walked down towards the lake to see what they were doing, and each time they were playing around in the water, giving her shoulder rides while the one who wasn't holding her was trying to spank her fanny. Usually the "horse" turned away from the spanker, but sometimes he turned her so she would get a spank.
It was funny when all three of them managed to squeeze in the inner tube at once. Tammy was in the middle and Brad and Tom had their arms and shoulders on top around the outside edge. Then Tammy had to kiss one of them and then turn around and kiss the other one. They were all laughing while she did that. Tammy was laughing so loud that I could hear her up in the cabin. Sometimes it got quiet and I figured they were practicing kissing again.
They came up a little later and all three of them were wearing their shorts again. I could see through Tammy's white soccer shorts, which were really mine, and knew she wasn't wearing her panties underneath. The white shorts weren't too much whiter than her pale breasts and tummy. Brad turned the TV on, but we weren't watching it.
She started to get self-conscious with all three of us constantly looking at her puffy nipples on her tiny breasts so she said she should probably put a shirt on.
Brad said, "Well here, Tammy, you can wear my T-shirt. In fact, I bet you could use my shirt for your pajamas. It's almost long enough for you to use as a dress."
She took his shirt and put it on. It was way too big on her but she liked it and thanked him for it. She asked where everybody was going to sleep. Brad took her upstairs so she could see the loft in the small A-frame cabin.
Tom and I fixed the hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and laid out some things to go with them. When everything was ready I said I'd better go upstairs and see what's taking them so long.
Tom patted me on the back and winked. "Don't go spying on your little sister again, Mark. I know you two like to play doctor, but you ought to give her some privacy if she's changing clothes or something." Then he laughed at the worried look on my face and added, "Nobody's going to hurt her, Mark. I noticed you liked looking at her, too. She is getting to be pretty cute even if she doesn't hardly have any tits or any hair yet. Her legs are pretty, aren't they?"
"Yes." I said, still not sure about what to do.
Tom laughed again and patted me on the back. "After dinner we ought to play strip poker or something like that. Then we can all get to look at her again and she can look at us. We're just having fun. Don't worry about it."
"OK. You're right." I said.
Tom said, "Strip poker. She would like that, I bet. She can model for us while Brad takes some pictures. Then we can all play cards, drink beer, look at Tammy and the magazines. Maybe we could have her do stunts if she loses again once she's already naked."
"That's a good idea. We should try to make it like a dare. Make her think we don't want her to look at us. Then maybe we can take turns taking her upstairs for closer looks at each other. We'll just look at her. Honest. We're not going to try to fuck her. Maybe just our fingers if she wants us to. The games and stunts could be fun. I know she wants to look at us. You'll get your turn to play with her, too, even though you guys already play with each other."
"Hey, that's our secret. Don't tell her that I told you and Brad. I was going to invite you to play with us sometime anyway, Tom. She thinks you're cute. What kinds of stunts would you want her to do? She likes to do cheers and some gymnastics stretching things. I bet we could dare her to do that kind of stuff."
"Good idea, Mark. I wonder what is taking them so long. I'll go up and check. If I'm not back in a few minutes, holler up the steps." And he headed upstairs.
A few minutes later the three of them came downstairs, grinning and joking around. Tammy got embarrassed when she saw me and said, "Brad was just showing me where everybody is going to sleep tonight, Mark. Thanks for bringing me."
She came over to me and whispered in my ear, "This is fun, Mark. And Brad is so cool." She was blushing, but still grinning. I noticed she wasn't wearing my soccer shorts anymore. She was just wearing Brad's shirt. It did fit her like a nightgown, coming down halfway to her knees.
She went into the bathroom while Brad and Tom fixed their hamburgers, I was changing stations and when I turned around Tom was smelling Brad's finger and they were whispering about something. I went back to join them and Brad told me my sister was pretty cool. "I'm glad we brought you, Mark. You and Tammy. This will be a fun party tonight. We can eat, take pictures, play cards, and drink beer!"
"Cool." I said and fixed another bowl of chips to take in by the TV.
Tammy came out and fixed herself some food. Brad said we might play cards after dinner, but he wanted her to be the model first. Tammy was excited about getting to be a model, but said she wanted to take a quick shower first after being in that muddy water. Brad took her in the bathroom and said he wanted to take a quick shower, too.
About twenty minutes later Tammy came out of the bathroom giggling, with a towel around her waist, and told us that Brad got in with her and kept tickling her while he washed her. She grabbed her plastic grocery bags of clothes and headed upstairs.
Tom called out, "Try on your school uniform first, Tammy."
"OK." and she headed upstairs, still laughing. She took the towel off when she was halfway up the stairs. We all laughed. Brad whispered to us that he wished he would have had his camera ready for that shot. We all said she had such a cute fanny. She must have heard that because she wiggled it for us with a laugh.
She came down in her school uniform with her wrinkled white ruffled blouse. I could tell she had just picked it out of her dirty clothes pile because it was so wrinkled.
"This is my uncle's digital camera." Brad said, as he took some shots without the flash. "We can take some fun pictures tonight and then I'll make one set of paper prints after I blank out our faces, OK? Then I'll erase the discs. Nobody else will ever see the pictures from our party except us."
Tom said, "OK. Like the last time. Those were funny. Where are those ones you took of me and Mark?"
"I gave you the only one of you, Tom. What did you do with it? I have a couple of the two of you wacking off."
Then Tom pulled out his wallet and got a folded piece of paper out of the inside slot. He unfolded it and Tammy and I were looking closely. It showed Tom all right, naked, but you couldn't tell it was his face because it looked like a fuzzy cloud. The black and white printout didn't show his face, but you could tell it was him jacking off. The picture was taken just as he started to squirt. Tammy took the picture and studied it.
"Is that the baby stuff coming out?" She was staring at the picture.
"Yes. I was jacking off and he took a picture right as I started to shoot." Tom said.
Then Brad showed her a couple printouts of the two of us jacking off beside the kitchen table, looking at magazines. Our faces were blurred out. The shots of us cumming were pretty clear, though, and Tammy kept staring at the pictures.
After Tammy looked at the pictures, we dared her to let Brad take some pictures of her without her panties on. At first she refused, but we kept telling her how pretty she was and calling her a chicken. Then she grinned and tried to spin around so her skirt would flare out, but she almost fell down. We could tell she was feeling the beer. She was laughing but did it again slowly. She reached under her skirt and pulled her panties halfway down and then finally took them off.
Before we start the modeling games, let's each have another beer. He and Tom grabbed gold colored cans and gave me and Tammy different colored cans.
I read mine and asked Tom, "What's the difference between beer and malt liquor?"
Brad said, "It's the same thing. Taste it." Tammy and I drank ours pretty fast, cause I guess we were anxious to get on with the games. It did taste the same."
Brad got lots of digital shots of her as she undressed. She could hardly stop laughing, but she did remember to make us show her our things every once in a while, so it would be fair. And if we touched her, then she demanded equal time touching us. It was fun horsing around with her.
Tammy said, "Cool! It's fun being a model." She was putting her panties back on while she looked through the pictures again, then looked up suddenly and said, "Can I watch you guys do that?" She was grinning her devilish grin again.
Tom said quickly, "No. You're a girl. I can't let a girl watch me do that."
Brad thought a minute, and said, "But I saw something in a magazine once, Tammy, where a man was rubbing his thing up and down between a girl's thighs while she laid on her tummy on the floor, then when he was ready to shoot out his stuff he knelt back and let the girl sit right in front of him. She even tasted some of his stuff. I wouldn't let you just watch me, and you're probably not brave enough to let us rub our things between your legs."
"I don't want you to put them in me. Could I leave my panties on?"
Without hesitation, Brad said, "Yes. Leave your panties on while we take turns doing that. Then you can watch us cum. But first I need to get more pictures of you. You are so cute."
Tom and I were still trying to picture what Brad had described, when Brad said, "It also said in the magazine that girl's like the taste of it and that it's good for them, or if it spills out it is good for their facial tone. Something like that."
We all thought a minute. Tammy said, "Show me what you mean. Don't do anything, but we could see what you are trying to say. Should I lay on my tummy?"
Brad said, "Yes, but first take off your panties and let us look at you again. Then we might let you see us. But we get to look at you first. Or are you chicken again?"
"I'm not chicken, but I'm going to put my panties back on before you rub your things between my legs. I guess it's OK to look."
My sister stood up and pulled down the green panties down to her knees. All the lights were on in the cabin. Brad said, "Stand still just like that. I'm going to take pictures for us tonight, then I'll erase the disc." He took a few clicks with the digital camera while Tammy smiled.
I laughed, "You don't have to smile, Tammy. He's going to erase the faces anyway." I was looking closely at her pussy while Brad took the pictures, and it looked like she was mostly bald, just the fine fuzz at the top of her crack.
Brad said, "Wait a minute. I have an idea. Let me show you some of my uncle's magazines." He ran back in the kitchen and got into one of the cupboards again. He came back in with some magazines and we spent about twenty minutes looking through them. Tom got some more beer and malt liquor. We sat around looking at magazines, making comments on the girls in the magazines who were giving blow jobs, undressing, and getting fingered and fucked in many positions. One of the magazines showed the girl tied up in so many ways, and we bet Tammy she couldn't even get in those positions.
Tammy turned, "What to you mean? I'm pretty limber." And she pulled up her panties and showed us some of her cheerleading stretches. She looked so cute in those panties.
Brad said, "I'll see if I can find some rope later. Right now I want you and Mark to get dressed and Tom and I will be the photographers and directors and tell you what to do. We'll call this our Hollywood Game and you guys are the actors. We'll pretend you're going to be is some of these magazines. We're just pretending. Go upstairs and get dressed and come back down holding hands. Then do everything we say. OK?"
We both said OK at the same time.
Modeling Session
This was fun. Now we got to be actors. We ran upstairs together and got dressed. Tammy was laughing again while we got dressed.
She was wearing shorts and a knit halter-top and her gym shoes but no socks, and I was just wearing my cut-off shorts and a T-shirt. We walked down holding hands like they said. I was laughing too, and we were both a little tipsy.
Both Brad and Tom were holding cameras as we got to the bottom of the stairs. Brad reminded us we were actors and that we had to do what the director told us to do. Tom worked the little video camera.
We said we could do that, but it felt funny to be holding my sister's hand in front of the guys.
Then Brad told me to kiss her. We laughed because we thought he was joking, but Brad reminded us again we were just actors, so I kissed her. He wanted us to keep doing it, so we tried to follow his directions and kept on kissing. Then we had to hug and kiss, holding each other as tight as we could.
They had us clown around and undress each other with lots of kissing and tickling. It reminded me of playing at home, except we were a little drunk, and it was exciting showing off for the two older boys. They kept giving us directions and having us get in different positions. Hopping up and down while we held hands and turned around made my dick bounce like a basketball, and her small titties were jiggling around like little mounds of Jell-O. We got the giggles as we did this, then stopped and kissed some more, with my thing sticking right into her belly button. That made her laugh even more.
Brad gave us a tape measure and we played around measuring each other. I was surprised that her titties stuck out almost two inches. I kept squeezing them while I measured. She measured my thing and it was almost four inches long. Then he told me to pretend her titties were water balloons and I should suck on them. Tammy was acting silly and wiggling around on her knees to make them jiggle while I was in front of her on my hands and knees and she kept telling me to try to catch one in her mouth. Whenever I caught one, she held still and let me suck a minute, but she didn't stop giggling.
Then she had to try to catch my thing in her mouth while I stood in front of her. Each time she caught me I let her suck and move up and down on it. Once it bumped her on her nose and we both laughed.
I couldn't believe what Tom told me to do next. Tammy had to lay on her back holding her knees up with her legs apart and I had to kiss her pussy. She got quiet when I kept kissing her, and for a minute all we could hear was the whir of the little video camera. I thought it would be gross, but it was OK.
I was getting excited and asked, "When are we going to try to rub our things between her legs?" Brad said, "Pretty soon, Mark, but first let me get some more pretend shots of you undressing and feeling her. Go get dressed in your school uniform again, Tammy, and Mark, put your clothes back on, too. You have to kiss her when you get to the bottom of the stairs again. Keep pretending she's not your sister. And feel her all over while you undress her. You guys are doing great!"
I didn't know how much longer I could last without cumming.
This was fun though. Then Tammy took my shorts off again, and pretty soon both of us were naked and playing around while Brad took pictures and Tom worked the video camera. I was glad I at least had some hair, even though it wasn't as much as Brad or Tom or the guys in the magazines. My thing wasn't nearly as big as Tom's or Brad's or those guys in the magazine either. We were all laughing. This was so funny, but I was glad my thing was hard. Tammy had never seen me cum and I wondered what she would say. I was about ready to. We were both laughing and rolling around. Brad and Tom kept pretending they were directors, and even told her to pretend she was sucking on it again. And she did. I couldn't believe it; the way she sucked on me, like those girls in the magazines. She was showing off and trying to act so grown up.
"Good job, Tammy." Said Brad. "If you keep following directions, I'll let you look at mine, too."
They told her to get on her hands and knees and said I should kneel beside her and pull her fanny open for the cameras. From this angle I couldn't see any hair. They told her to put her knees farther apart and Brad took another picture. Then they had me play with her titties which did look bigger when she was on her hands and knees.
Next I had to stand still while she knelt on the floor and looked at my thing. She said, "Oh, Mark. It's wet on the end. Did you pee?"
Brad, Tom, and I all laughed at this, but she just said, "What's so funny?"
Brad wanted us to get in some of the positions the people were in, in those magazines. Tammy laid on her back with her legs up, then putting her legs outside of my arms, she rested her fanny on my knees. I slowly put my finger in her pussy all the way. I had never put it in that far before, but she felt so wet and slippery that it slid right in.
After Brad took a picture of my finger in her, he sat down the camera and did it, too. Then Tom sat down the video camera and took a turn. Tammy was holding perfectly still and was strangely quiet. Brad asked her if it hurt and she only said, "No."
We kept taking turns sliding a finger into her. Brad said, "Do you want us to stop now?"
"Not yet. I'll let you each do it five more times." So we did.
Next they had me lay on my back and Tammy sat over me with her pussy lips on my thing which was pressed against my belly. Her knees were on either side of my chest and her feet were by my hips. Brad took some pictures and then told Tammy to slide up and down over me, like I was a hot dog and her lips were a bun.
Tom laughed that it looked like she had a dick when she was sitting right over my balls. They dared her to pretend it was her own dick and showed her how to stroke it. She was giggling while she did that. My thing was all wet from her sitting and rubbing herself along it. She stroked it just like they were demonstrating to her, and I felt like I was going to cum any minute. "Now lift up on your knees right over his thing and hold it so it's pointing straight into you. Good girl." She fiddled with it for awhile and reminded them she didn't want anyone putting their things in her yet.
"Of course not, Tammy." Said Brad, "I just want to get a picture so it looks like it is. If it hurts just stop. Just see if you can put the red part up against you. You know. Like you want to hide it from the camera." He took a couple more shots while she centered it. I could feel her warmth as she lowered herself down just enough to hide the tip. They wanted her to move around with the tip hiding between her legs. As she rotated her hips around for the camera, I felt the tip sliding farther and farther into her. It was so tight, like her hand was squeezing me.
Brad said, "I can still see the tip of it, Tammy. Just try to get a little closer to it. Maybe move your knees apart."
"It's too big." She said. "I don't think I can hide any more of it." She was talking softly, like it hurt.
"Maybe put your hands under your fanny and pull yourself open a little bit. That might make it easier to hide it." Tom suggested. "Just like one of the pictures in the magazine."
She took her hands off my chest and put them under her fanny, then she pulled herself open and I could feel myself slip a little farther in. I looked down and was surprised to see it was about halfway in her. Tom lied and told her my tip was still visible so maybe if she rocked around on it a little bit it would disappear and then they would let her look at their things. As Tammy began to rock she said it was too big and that it hurt, but they told her to keep rocking a little bit longer and to lift up and down as she swiveled around on me. They told her she was following directions real good like a teenage model. That made her smile, but she still said it hurt.
Brad said, "I'll even let you touch mine, if you can slide down it a little bit more."
She did.
Brad came over and kissed her on the lips. "Now, Tammy. Just slide up and down on it as fast as you can for a minute. You don't have to go any farther down on it. You are so cute. If you can slide ten times I'll kiss you again."
She kept doing what they told her to do. While she was lifting up and down on me, she said, "Did the whole tip disappear yet? It feels like it's starting to go in me. You better let me look at your things when were done modeling for you."
"We'll let you look, Tammy. Just go up and down a little bit faster. It's almost far enough so I can't see it in the camera lens."
Tammy bounced up and down faster, still complaining that it was uncomfortable and that I was too big to fit in. She was going more than half way down it now and Brad said she should put her hands on the floor next to my shoulders and rock back and forth. He told her what a big girl she was as he took a picture from behind us, then beside us, and another shot from behind my head, as I laid still on the floor. Her hole was squeezing the end of my thing. It was tight, but slippery.
I was worried about cumming when Brad told us to stop and go get dressed again, only this time Tammy should put on lipstick and her dress-up dress. "But I don't have any other underwear." She said.
"It's OK." Brad laughed. "You're just going to take off your clothes anyway. Wear the green ones again."
Tammy went upstairs and I just dressed in the living room. I was starting to feel a little dizzy. She looked real pretty when she came down. They kept giving her lines to say to me while we modeled for them. Like she would say, "Please undress me, Mark." or "Squeeze my boobies." Kiss me there, Mark, please." "Put your finger in me." Stuff like that. It was fun undressing her, and putting my hand up her dress. I took off her panties before I took off her dress. This was fun but I didn't think I could keep from cumming for much longer, especially since they had her pretend she was sucking me a couple more times while we changed positions. They had me pull her fanny open for the camera again.
When I had her all undressed, they had her ask me to rub my thing between her legs. Then she put her panties back on and laid on her tummy with her thighs just about a half-inch apart.
I started rubbing my thing between her thighs and felt myself cumming right away. I couldn't help but press against her. I shot before they could have us change positions. There was a big glob of cum on her panties and they had me help her stand up and take off the panties again and wipe off her pussy.
Then I went over to lie down on the couch while they dared her to taste some of it. Those guys were pretty funny.
They wanted to have her do some more pretending like she was in the magazines, and they tied her up with rope in different positions. She was still laughing, and I remember her saying their fingers would be OK to stick in. Then I dozed off.
I sort of woke up a few times and they were still playing. Then I thought I heard tires on gravel but was so sleepy that I just laid there. They kept playing, and through my half-closed left eye, I saw that Tammy was tied up and gagged, laying on her back with both her hands over her head tied to one chair and her two ankles fastened to other chairs which kept her feet pulled apart. Brad and Tom were both taking pictures while she pretended to struggle. I could tell she was pretending because of her giggles. They took turns fingering her and that was the only time she held still.
I was startled by the sound of the door opening and footsteps walking in. Brad said, "Uncle Matthew. What are you doing here?"
I decided to keep pretending I was sleeping to see what he was going to say.
His uncle walked into the kitchen and Brad and Tom went out to talk to him. I kept my eyes closed and didn't move. Brad's Uncle said he just stopped by to drop off some beer. I thought he was going to turn around and leave without even coming into the living room where Tammy and I were both naked; me pretending to be asleep, laying on my side against the back of the couch.
But his uncle did walk into the living room. "What is going on here, Brad? I hope you're not raping this girl. She looks like she's only seventeen."
I kept my eyes closed and listened intently. Brad was assuring him that they were only playing games and nobody was hurting her, and that they wouldn't hurt her, but that she liked to take her clothes off in front of other people."
Then his uncle must have seen the little video camera because he asked, "What were you making a tape of, Brad? I'm going to look at it."
Despite Brad's protests, his uncle took the tape and put it in the player. It showed Tammy and me kissing and then me taking her clothes off. She was begging me to undress her and she kept telling me what to do. We undressed each other several times on the tape, and Tammy even said, "This is fun taking off my clothes in front of you guys."
Brad said we were brother and sister and that I was nineteen and Tammy was almost eighteen and that we liked to show off in front of people for money. He said he had to give each of us twenty dollars so we would take our clothes off and play with each other. "They put on shows, Uncle Dave, for other people. Like actors. But we told them we weren't going to have sex with her even though she wanted us to. We're going to give them the money later. Tammy, that's her name, told us that she will be eighteen pretty soon even though she is little for her age, and that she likes to undress or get tied up in front of people, especially strangers. We were just going to watch them and then jack off, Uncle Matthew. Honest."
It was quiet for a while. Brad's uncle watched some more of the video and then turned it off and ejected it. He put it in his pocket. "I'm going to take this for evidence. They are obviously brother and sister and could almost pass for twins. That's disgusting. But I don't want you to get in trouble, Brad. I'm going to keep this tape in case she tries to change her story, since she's not quite eighteen yet. I'll leave you guys here to finish your games, but first I think this little tramp needs a spanking. I don't want to hear any more about it. Keep the gag on her and untie her feet and roll her over on her tummy. If her brother wakes up, I'll spank him, too."
He sounded pretty mad when he spanked her. He kept telling her what a little tramp she was and that she'd better not try to get anybody in trouble. He said, "You'd better be very nice to the boys, including your brother over there, since you're just a tramp and a plaything. Disgusting. Taking off all your clothes in front of people for money."
I kept perfectly still and was relieved that he wasn't spanking her very hard or using a paddle. I was watching through my eye slits. He just used his bare hand and then rubbed her fanny after every couple of spankings. He said, "So you like boys to finger you, do you?" Then he fingered her, too. "Well just let this be a lesson to you, Young Lady. I've got this tape so you'd better be nice to these boys from now on, if your don't want your Mother to see this."
He was kneeling between her legs while she laid on her tummy with her feet apart. He said, "I want you to promise me you aren't going to tell, but since you're gagged...." He stopped spanking and motioned for Brad and Tom let go of her legs. Then he continued, "If you agree with what Brad is saying: that you like to undress, and play with your brother in front of people for money, and that you don't want me to show this tape to your mother, then lift up your fanny so I can put my finger in your bottom. If you agree, then I won't show her the tape."
Tammy scooted up on her knees and shoulders with her knees apart so he could finger her. I peeked through my eye slits and saw him get his finger wet in her pussy and then push it in her fanny. He pulled it out and pushed it in again. I guess he was making sure she meant it. As scared as I was, I felt myself getting stiff and wished I could change positions to hide it, but I didn't dare. I hoped he didn't look over at the couch because I was laying on my side with my back against the couch. He would be able to see my thing sticking out as stiff as a board.
But he was busy talking to her. "I mean it, Young Lady. If you try to get Brad in trouble I'll send a copy of this tape to your mother. If you absolutely promise not to try to get anybody in trouble, then lay flat and lift up again for another finger promise. If you promise me, then wiggle you fanny as I press my finger in."
Tammy quickly laid flat and then lifted her bottom again so she was on her knees. He slowly pressed his finger into her anus while she wiggled her fanny back and forth. He did it two more times to make sure she was telling the truth; going all the way in and out.
He stood up and said, "Well, I guess everything is OK. You boys have fun, but don't hurt her. She sure looks under eighteen to me. But you said she'll be eighteen in just a few weeks. OK. I believe you. I guess I won't have to mail a copy of the tape to her mother."
And with that he left.
With the tape.
After he left, I got up and helped them untie my sister. She was crying and said she was so embarrassed. They said we wouldn't get in trouble, but had to keep this a secret. Tammy was OK after a few minutes, when Brad assured her that his uncle probably wouldn't show the tape to anybody. We ate some food and talked. Then we all went to bed. I was pretty tired and slept on the couch.
Tammy slept all morning and didn't get up until noon. Brad gave her some aspirin and we all ate cereal for breakfast. We were quiet and didn't kid around much on the way back. She was promising them she would never tell anybody what they did, and that it didn't hurt anyway. When I asked her what she was talking about she just said, "Oh nothing." She reminded me I could be in big trouble, too, if Mom ever found out.
When we got out of the car, Tammy said, "Brad, do you really think your uncle thought I was seventeen, and what was that you were saying about us showing off for people for money?" Brad said to forget about it. "Uncle Matthew is the one who told me that sometimes girls take off their clothes and do all kinds of things for money, so I thought I would tell him that's what we were doing. I think my trick worked and he'll just forget about it. I hope so."
As they drove away, I asked Tammy if she saw any of the pictures. She said Brad told her he erased them all as soon as his uncle left. We were glad they didn't keep any of those pictures!
When we got in the house, Tammy wanted me to go upstairs with her; give her a kiss, and then take a long, hot bath with her to get all the dirty lake water off us. Mom and Joe wouldn't be home for six hours.
Charles Dodgson
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