Investigating the Russian Pre-Teen Porn Business, Part 2

[ MMMFF/gg, photo, mast, exhib, pedo ]

by Corn53

Published: 5-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

A Writer's Dream

The next two models after Lera made her debut were disappointing to me. One was too old, or at least too hairy, and the other was too young for my taste. Demetri had them each do a series of un-ladylike poses, and he told each of the mothers he would get back to them soon. "I have other types of assignments for the older one." He confided to me. "And we just need to wait a year on the younger one. Then she will do fine. Sexy attitude. The older one might like to do private dances for some of our nightclub customers who like to pretend they are amateur photographers! I bet her mother will agree. The money is good."

It was difficult to sleep that night after our long planning talk about Lera's session planned for the next day. Demetri wanted to impress me, and I was glad. He promised me that Lera would enjoy her first day as a star.

Lera's mother was twenty minutes early. Demetri and I greeted Mrs. Stegovitch and her daughter as they got off the squeaky lift. Mrs. Stegovitch helped Lera off with her coat, and said, "She is all clean and wearing the new panties you gave her. I told her to do everything you tell her to do. She knows that nobody in this country will see your pictures."

Lera was already blushing, looking at the floor. She still seemed embarrassed by her short skirt, the same one she wore yesterday. Her shoulder length, reddish-blond hair was still damp from her mornings scrubbing, so it was even curlier than it was yesterday.

Demetri said, "Oh, I'm sure she will be obedient. Lera knows we can only use obedient models. Lift your skirt, Lera."

As Lera lifted her skirt, the lift started back down. We all turned. Demetri said, "That must be Alex, the other photographer." He looked at his watch. "I'll say today's session started at 12:30, since she is already following directions." He looked at Lera, who was blushing, but still facing us and holding up her skirt. "Hold it up higher. That's it. Very good, Lera."

Dagmar came out of the dressing room to meet us. She smiled at Lera. "Good girl, Lera. Already following directions, aren't you?"

Lera said, "Yes."

"And I see you're wearing the new panties and lacy ankle socks that Ms. Persia gave you. Good girl." She kissed Lera on her cheek and asked Demetri if she could take her in to the dressing room.

"Yes, in just a minute. I think Alex is here, and I want him to meet her." He pulled an envelope out of his suit coat and handed it to Mrs. Stegovitch. "Here are three thousand rubles. I'll give you the rest when you return ..." He paused, then continued, "... if she is obedient. If she is obedient." Then he smiled and looked at Lera, "But I know she'll do a good job today. And ..." He paused again, "And, we might need to keep her even longer. I'll let you know when you return at five."

We listened as the lift started back up. Everyone knew Demetri was in charge and that his word was final. Mrs. Stegovitch said, "Oh, I'm sure she will do everything you ask. If you will need to keep her for another hour or two, just tell me when I return." She held up a finger, indicating she had a bright idea. "Or I could call you."

Demetri smiled and shook her hand. "Yes. We will probably need her an extra two hours, but I won't know for sure until we see how things go. For this first official session we spend extra time on make-up, hair, and costumes. She is a very pretty girl. I think she will enjoy modeling for us. We want her to be happy as well as pretty. Yes, call me about 4:30 and I'll let you know for sure."

Alex stepped off the lift and Demetri introduced him to Mrs. Stegovitch. Alex was about fifty and looked like a body builder - fit and stern with a dusting of gray hair. Even with his jacket on, I could tell he was a powerful man. I would have been afraid to meet him on the street in this neighborhood. But then he smiled and kissed Mrs. Stegovitch's hand. "I have seen pictures of your lovely daughter and I'm looking forward to taking her picture."

I noticed that Lera had put her skirt down. Both mother and daughter smiled, relieved to see him smile.

Demetri held the lift gate open for Mrs. Stegovitch, signaling her dismissal. As she stepped into the lift she said, "Do everything they tell you, Honey. I'll call before 5:00."

As the lift started its descent, Ms. Persia came out into the foyer. She waved to Mrs. Stegovitch, hugged Lera, and then Alex.

Demetri said, "Ms. Persia, before you and Dagmar take her in to do her hair and make-up I want her to lift her skirt again to show Alex the new panties you gave her yesterday." He nodded at Lera who quickly lifted her skirt in front. She blushed and looked down.

We all stepped around in front of her. "Little higher." Said Alex. We looked at the white satin triangle stretched over her full pubic mound. White, satin strings held the triangle in place. The string was suspended over her flat tummy - between her hips - pulled downward to the triangle. It accentuated her full lips and flat tummy, making the lips look even fatter.

"Isn't she beautiful?" asked Dagmar.

Lera tried to stand still as we all stared at her brief panties, but she couldn't suppress a scissors movement with her legs, briefly rubbing her knees together and standing up straight again, blushing.

"Yes. Perfect youthful figure." Said Alex. "She looks delicious!" He hugged the girl and bent down to kiss her on the mouth. Lera accepted his kiss, still holding up her skirt.

After the long kiss, Dagmar had Lera turn around and lift her skirt in back. A thong ascended from between her cheeks to meet the string that wrapped around her narrow hips. She patted Lera's bottom. "So nice and firm, Alex. Relax your bottom, Lera. Keep your skirt up. Feet farther apart. That's it. Let me pat your bottom so they can see how young and firm you are." She patted the girls rounded bottom.

"Just perfect." Declared Alex. Then he said to Lera, "You know, on some days you'll stay dressed during the entire photo session because we might want to get pictures of you undressing down to just your panties and training bra. But on other days, like today, you'll have to completely undress and spread your legs for the camera. Will you do that?"

"Yes." Lera said, still looking at the floor, but grinning and blushing.

Dagmar had her drop the hem of her skirt and turn around. She was blushing, as Dagmar hugged her from behind. "We'll have such fun today, Lera. We want you to have fun being our model. Did you practice positions last night? Open positions."


"Excellent." Said Demetri. "We're all anxious to see how limber you are. But first we'll take lots of glamour pictures. Ms. Persia has several fun outfits for you today. Do you like to play dress up?"

"Yes." She giggled. We could see that she was nervous, excited, and embarrassed at the same time.

"Good." Said Dagmar. "We'll get you all dressed up in a few minutes after we do your hair and apply make-up. We're all anxious to see you get in the funny positions, but first we need to take glamour photos as soon as you're all dressed up. Just pretend this is a party today and you are the star."

Lera was beginning to relax. The three of us men sat down to look at a sketch book, and work on the photo sequence. We pretended not to be listening to Lera, Dagmar, and Ms. Persia. They stood three feet from our table while we looked at the outline.

Ms. Persia said, "They are busy planning today's photos, Lera. Won't this be fun? You'll get to wear some real fancy clothes."

"Like a princess." Added Dagmar.

Ms. Persia asked her if she brought back the three pictures of other little models. "And did you pick one out?"

"Yes." Said Lera, with a giggle. We all sensed her excitement, even though we men were pretending not to eavesdrop. "It was hard to decide. I kept looking at all of them. They are all pretty."

"But did you pick out your favorite? A girl you would like to kiss and undress?"

She clicked open her little purse and removed the three pictures. "Well, they are all so cute."

"But which one would you like the most?" asked Dagmar.

Ms Persia said, "Remember, you'll have to kiss her and undress her."

Lera giggled, "This one." She held up the picture of Galena.

Dagmar said, "Galena! Yes. She's so pretty. I'll show you more pictures of her. Cute, little bird-egg titties - hardly enough to squeeze. I have a whole album of Galena. She undressed from the princess and cowgirl outfits just like you're going to do. And she's real nice. She will let you pull down her panties, but she is kind of shy, so don't undress her too fast. Maybe slow dance together and kiss for a while before you start undressing her."

Ms. Persia said, "Kiss her cheek first before you kiss her mouth. Kiss her mouth and down the side of her neck for a while, so she can get used to you. Kiss her lots of times before you undress her. OK?"

"OK. Gee." Lera said, ending with a nervous giggle. Her knees scissored again.

"The more you kiss her, the more relaxed she will get with you. Won't it be fun?"

Lera giggled and blushed, a big smile on her face.

Dagmar asked her if she would like to play with the other girls some other time.

"Yes. OK." Lera said, grinning.

Dagmar said, "And other girls might choose you, Lera. Then would you let them kiss you and undress you; let them pull down your panties? It would be part of a photo session for you."

"Yes. That would be OK."

"Very good, Lera. It will be lots of fun. Then you'll get to do many more photo sessions with us."

The two women and Lera were still standing just a few feet away from us, while we pretended to be busy looking over the arrangement of scenes and specific shots. Dagmar asked Demetri which outfit they should put on her first.

Then Demetri asked me, "Which scene would you like to shoot first, Paul - princess or cowboy? I bet she is anxious to ride the horse."

Alex interjected, "I need a scene starting with a princess. Let's shoot that one first." He looked at Lera, "Let me see your panties again."

Lera held up her short skirt.

Alex smiled, "Very good - obedient and very pretty. Yes, let's do the princess scene first." He smiled at Lera, "Will you pull your panties down for my camera when the time comes?"

"Yes." She said timidly, looking at the floor again.

"And will you open your legs for my camera after you take off your panties?"

"Yes." She chewed her bottom lip and made a slight scissors move with her right leg.

"Good girl." He smiled. "Dagmar, bright red lipstick for the first scene. It will help me capture her pretty, blue eyes."

As they took Lera into the dressing room, Demetri turned on the speaker on our planning table. "Let's listen a while, then Paul, you can go in and join them."

"OK." I agreed.

We listened to the women as they helped today's model get ready. We knew they wanted to keep her excited. Ms. Persia asked Dagmar if she should try to contact Galena. Dagmar said, "Of course." Then she said to Lera, "Maybe we could get Galena to come over today. That way she could meet you. Maybe you could even do a photo session together later. But I don't know if we can get her for sure."


Dagmar laughed. "Silly. You said you would like to kiss her, so why not today if we can get a hold of her."

Ms. Persia said, "I'll try to call her apartment in a minute, but let's help Lera get out of these clothes first. You look so cute today, Lera."

We heard the rustle of clothes with a few klip-klops as Lera stepped out of her clothes but kept her shoes on. Dagmar and Ms. Persia knew we were listening. They were enjoying this as much as we were.

Ms. Persia said, "I'll let you take off her panties, then we'll do her hair and make up. I'll try to call Galena's mother."

"Good idea, Ms. Persia."

We heard a chair being moved over. "There. I'll sit down and check your panties. Did they feel too small when you put them on this morning after your bath?"

"They are little panties. I never had such sexy panties before. It's like little strings."

"They fit you OK. Cute. Stand in front of me and put your feet apart while I check them." I reached between her legs from behind.


"It's OK, Lera. I have to feel them. I'll feel your panties every ten or fifteen minutes today ... if you're wearing any. Our models have to change panties frequently because they get wet so fast. But it's OK - girl's panties get wet when they are nervous. Must be the hot lights and all the attention. Do your panties get wet sometimes when you're excited?


We heard Dagmar laugh. "I'll have to feel them often and if they start to feel damp then I'll change you. It's exciting being a model isn't it?"

"Yes. But it's embarrassing. These panties are so little."

Dagmar said, "And remember about the 'embarrassed is good?' idea. It's OK to feel embarrassed. If your panties start to feel wet to you, just tell me that maybe you should try on some different panties. We have lots of them for you. These are really wet. You must be excited. No, keep your hands up, I need to feel them a minute." Then Dagmar whispered in her ear, "and besides, I think the men photographers will like to watch you change panties, so let them. Just look at them when I pull them down. Don't watch what I'm doing, just step out like a little lady. Look right at the men. Then I'll put a fresh pair on. We'll change them often. Your job is to look at the cameras and at the men... and sometimes at me if I'm taking your picture, too.


"I'll leave these on you while we do your hair. The men will come in to check on us in a minute, I bet. Maybe Paul will have some new panties for you for the first photo shoot. And if one of the men wants to change your panties, just let him. Act like it's perfectly normal. You'll get used to being a model. They know the little girls get excited, so don't worry if your panties feel damp. Besides, these panties don't have a cotton liner in them."

"The men will take them off me?" Lera sounded a little worried.

"Yes, sometimes. But don't worry, the men won't notice if your panties are wet. Just forget it and enjoy the sessions."

"Oh, OK. But will I have to pull down my panties for the cameras?"

Dagmar laughed. "Yes. You will get to pull them down. They will probably have you pull them down a little bit and get in different positions and then pull them down some more. It will take a while, because they want to get lots of pictures before they come all the way off. Later you can show us the funny positions with and then without any panties on. Won't that be fun?"


"These panties are still so wet. I've been rubbing them on you to dry you off a little bit, but I'd better just take them off. I'll use a hanky to dry you off before the first session."

We didn't hear any talking for a minute.

"Why are you putting them in a plastic baggie?" Lera asked.

Dagmar said, "I'll take these home to wash them. I need to put them in my purse."

A minute later we heard her say, "Oh."

"It's OK. I need to put my finger in you when I change your panties. It will get out more of your excitement so you will stay drier longer when I put on another pair of panties."

"Oh. OK."

"At first I'll do it while you're still wearing a skirt, but even later I don't think the men will notice when I'm fussing with your clothes. I'll just slip my finger in you and it will help keep your panties dry a little bit longer."

Then Dagmar called to Ms. Persia, "Bring me some handkerchiefs, Ms. Persia. Little Lera is excited about being a model. I keep putting my finger in her, but she's still just as wet."

"I'm sorry. I just get really wet when I come here. My panties were all wet yesterday when I got home."

Ms. Persia said, "I knew she would be a wet one. That's great, Lera. And guess what."

"What?" asked Lera.

"I got a hold of Galena's mother and she will be here in about two hours. So we'll quick-quick get you ready, and do a couple photo sessions, before you get to meet and kiss Galena. Won't that be fun?"


Dagmar laughed, "You want to kiss her, don't you?"

"Yes." Then a nervous giggle. "Are you sure she will want to kiss me?"

"Yes." Ms. Persia and Dagmar said at the same time. Then all three of them started laughing.

A minute later Dagmar said, "OK. I think you're a little drier now. That didn't hurt did it, when I put my finger in you and wiggled it around. I was being careful. Let me wipe you off with these hankies now."

"No, it didn't hurt. It feels funny with somebody else's finger in me..." She stopped suddenly. "Oh. I mean..."

All three of them laughed again. Dagmar said, "Don't worry about it, Lera, all girls do that. I'll only do it a few times, and only when you're changing panties. All the girls who come here get excited when they are modeling, and so does Galena. It's perfectly natural to put your finger in there. I bet you started doing that a few years ago, didn't you. Let's do your hair."

"What else did Galena say?" asked Lera.

"I didn't talk to Galena, only her mother. But I'm sure she'll want to kiss you, Lera, if that's what you're wondering about."

"And she will want you to undress her, too." Added Ms. Persia.

"Oh, gee."

"Yes." Said Dagmar, "Just like you might get called to do a session with another girl and you will kiss each other and then you'll let her undress you. Won't that be fun?"

"Oh. I mean 'yes.'" And Lera giggled again.

"You girls will have fun. There, two pig tails, now the ribbons."

A moment later, "There. Now your make-up and we'll get you dressed."

Ms. Persia said, "I like making the cute outfits for you girls, but you don't wear them very long!" And she laughed. "Naked again in twenty minutes!"

Dagmar and Ms. Persia laughed.

Dagmar said, "I saw you kiss Alex. Did he put his tongue in your mouth?"

"Oh. Well he started to. I didn't know what to do. Then he moved his tongue back and forth across my lips."

Dagmar said, "You want to keep modeling, don't you?"

"Yes!" She sounded worried.

"Well then..." said Ms. Persia, "if one of the men or women photographers kisses you, just kiss them the same way they kiss you. If he..."

"Or she..." Dagmar interjected

Ms. Persia laughed, and then continued, "If he or she wants to put a tongue in your mouth, just accept it. Then kiss back the same way."

Dagmar said, "And you could kiss Galena that way, too. Not at first though."

Ms. Persia said, "Hold still while I do your lipstick and eye make-up. Such pretty eyes."

For the next minute we only heard Ms. Persia's mumbling, singing in her whisper volume - and annoying habit of hers. We knew they were wrapping up the make-up, and would then get her dressed. In another minute I would walk in to see how they were coming. Demetri said, "I'm going to get that remote camera set up in the dressing room again. I should have set it up this morning. Hangover. But next time, Paul..."

Dagmar said, "I think when Galena gets here you two will be playing in the bedroom, like a slumber party. Then you can kiss and roll around on the bed together as you undress her. Act silly and have fun."

"But other girls might do that with me, like you said? Kiss me and undress me?"

"Yes. Of course." Said Dagmar. "If it's embarrassing, all the better. Remember that today!" She laughed. "It's OK to embarrass Galena. Put her in funny positions as you undress her. Have fun."

"Some other girl will kiss me and undress me? They will pull my panties down?"

"Yes. It will be fun. And have fun during the photo sessions and then play and act silly with Galena. You want to kiss her and undress her, don't you? And you want to let other girls kiss you and undress you, don't you?"

"Yes." She said, followed by another nervous giggle.

"Good!" Said Dagmar.

Ms. Persia said, "You'll have so much fun, Lera. This is lots of fun. The other girls all love to come here. They like to get dressed up with make-up and a fancy hairdo, and such crazy costumes, and then undress for the cameras."

Dagmar continued, "All the other models like to ride the horse for the cameras, and they especially like the sessions when they get to play with another girl. If you don't mind doing that, then you'll get called here to model lots more often. You take turns being the boss. Today you get to be the boss of Galena. But sometimes the other girl will be your boss, and that means she picked you to play with. She wants to kiss you and pull down your panties and you have to let her. That's how we play the game. OK?"

"OK. That sounds like fun. It's so embarrassing to think of somebody else pulling my panties down, but I don't mind if the other girl is the boss." She giggled.

Dagmar said, "Sometimes you'll pretend you're having a slumber party, or dancing, or dressing up, or playing with food..."

"...or taking a bath, or playing doctor, or cleaning house and acting silly... all kinds of situations. It will be fun. She might pull your panties down and put you on your hands and knees and then pull your bottom open to show the camera. That would be funny. You could even do that to Galena if you want to."


Dagmar said, "Let's get these thigh-high hose on you now, Lera. I bet Paul will be coming in soon to check on you. Remember, if he wants to touch you, just let him and act like it's perfectly normal. Don't be surprised, even if he puts a finger in you."

Ms. Persia sounded worried as she said, "And don't tell him we shared these secrets with you! Dagmar and I both like you and we want to see you come back again and again. It didn't hurt when Dagmar put her finger in you, did it?"

"No. That didn't hurt. And I can keep a secret. Like I didn't tell Mom about practicing the positions, or about picking out another girl."

"Good girl. Just don't act surprised at all if someone puts a finger in you. Girl's secret!"

"OK." Said Lera. "Thanks."

Dagmar said, "And..."

"And what?"

"And sometimes one of the photographers might ask you something embarrassing, but being embarrassed makes you even cuter. It's OK to be embarrassed. Go ahead and answer the question and even share something else that's embarrassing."

"What do you mean?"

"Like tell me what you thought about when you looked at the pictures of the other models - trying to pick out one you can kiss and undress."

Lera giggled. "Well, this is embarrassing, but I wondered what it would be like to kiss each of them and to pull down her panties."

"Yes, that's right. Good girl. It's embarrassing, but go ahead and tell us. Tell us more. Think of something you wondered about that is really embarrassing."

Another giggle, then, "I thought about pulling down her panties and having the girl open her legs so I could look at it real close, and even smell it."

"That's it. Very good, Lera. You'll do great today."

Ms. Persia said, "It's embarrassing, but normal for a growing girl. So you can put your nose as close as you want, once you get her in a nice open position. The men won't know you're smelling it. They will think you're just getting a close look."

Dagmar said, "And I bet the other girls who choose you will want to look closely at you, too, and even smell you. Will you let them do that, if somebody chooses you?"

"Yes, I'll let her do that." Then she continued, "And then can I look at her and smell hers?"

"Of course you can. You're doing great at talking now. Good girl." Said Dagmar.

"That makes me feel tingly, just thinking of looking at a girl that close, or having somebody looking at me, especially knowing she is smelling me."

Then I walked in without knocking. "Hi. You're so tall again, Lera." I laughed. So pretty in those black, net thigh highs. Your legs are so sexy with the high heels, too. Hold your arms straight out." I stood behind her and put my hands around under her armpits and felt her breasts. She started to bring her arms down in defense but put them back up quickly.

"Nice and firm." I said honestly. She was naked except for the hose and high heels. "Great job on her hair, Ms. Persia. And the make-up is exquisite."

"Thank you, Sir." Said Ms. Persia.

I said, "Dagmar, did you tell Lera about pinching her nipples every so often to keep them nice and stiff?" I was still fondling Lera's breasts - one in each hand.

"No, Sir, not yet. I was just getting to that. Maybe you could show her while I get the bodice ready."

I gently pinched and twisted each nipple, back and forth - a series of light pinches, some pulling, and some twisting. My mouth was just above Lera's right ear. "Can you feel how this makes them stiffen up, Lera?"

"Yes, Sir. I can tell." She said, picking up on the "sir" without being told.

"Very good. Do that often so they will stay nice and stiff for the photos. OK?"

"Yes, Sir. I'll try to remember."

"Show me how you'll pinch them." I said.

"Like this?" she asked, and began gently pinching, twisting, and pulling just like I had done to her. My hands were on her chest, just below her small breasts. I looked down over her shoulder and watched her massage them.

"Show us how you touch them when you're home in private, Lera." Suggested Dagmar.

"Oh. Well... I only do it sometimes. Like this." She spread her fingers out and began moving her finger tips over the tips as if she was playing a guitar.

I stepped back and sat in a chair. "Turn around and stand close, Lera."

She did. I smiled up at her. "You're very pretty, Lera. We can use you as a model. We might need to shave you in a few months, but you're fine for now. Feet apart."

She moved her feet apart.

"Excellent." I said. "Such pretty, slim legs." I slid my hands up and down each leg, looking closely at the stockings. Then I slid my hand up her left leg again and felt her pussy with my right hand. Creamy wet. "You're going to be a great model." My fingers were gently slipping forwards and back through her slit on either side of her clit, between her full lips. "Thanks for letting me look at you yesterday, Lera. Does it make you feel tingly here knowing you're going to pull down your panties for our cameras and then open your legs?"


"And you're ready to do that?"


"Good." I smiled up at here again. "This will be fun. I think you'll like being a model and getting so pretty for the cameras and then undressing. Won't that be fun?"

"Yes! I'm excited, but do I have to pull my panties down, really?

"Of course you do, Lera," I chided. "You want other girls and boys, and even men and women to watch you pull them down don't you? And you want to watch other girls undress for the cameras, too, don't you?"

"Yes. Oh. OK. I'll pull them down, then maybe some other girls will pick me."

I laughed, "Yes, I'm sure other girls and women will pick you, Lera. You're very cute. And you'll let them won't you?"


I asked, "Did you practice some funny positions for us last night, Lera?"

As she said, "yes" I pushed my right forefinger all the way up her vagina. She was very tight, but it slid in easily because she was so wet.

"Ahh." She inhaled the word. "I mean, yes, I practiced some positions. We some of the positions in gym class."

I pushed it in three more times and stood up and kissed her cheek. "You're so pretty, Lera. This will be lots of fun. I can't wait to see you in the princess costume." I turned and went back out to join the men, closing the door behind me.

Demetri and Alex smiled at me, as Demetri turned up the little speaker again. We listened as the two women told Lera what a great job she did. We knew they would be hugging and feeling her, too. They got her dressed and brought her out a few minutes later. She was lovely, although no real princess ever wore such a short gown.

Her small breasts looked like they were on a lacy platter - the stiff bodice pushing her already high-riding, small breasts up even higher. We could see the top half of each nipple. The sleeveless, full-skirted gown with crinoline petticoats was barely below her sheer, lacy panties. Three inches of thigh showed between the tops of her thigh high hose and the bottom of her petticoats. The hose, high heels, and short skirt made her long legs look even longer. She was wearing a fake diamond solitaire necklace and tiara.

Alex whistled when she walked out. "Magnificent!" He exclaimed.

We walked her in to the "princess room" which had a castle-in-the-distance muslin cloth suspended from a rod near the ceiling to the floor. A few props were set up in front of this backdrop. We took pictures as she turned, posed, sat on the mini-throne, etc. Alex asked her to hold up her dress, first in front and then in back. He had her pinch her nipples again and tug them up over the top of her dress. "Pull your dress down just a bit. That's it. Pinch them and I'll take a picture."

The video cameras were manned by Ms. Persia

"Pull your panties half way to your knees. That's it.

"Turn now and lift your dress in back. Good girl."

A constant flow of instructions and compliments kept her busy and smiling. Soon her panties were pulled down to her knees, and our little princess was on her hands and knees, looking back over her shoulder at the camera, her bare ass peeking out from the ring of petticoats. She slid her knees apart as directed and we could all tell that the smiling, blushing princess was indeed excited.

Then off came the panties and she showed us several open poses, still wearing her dress and petticoats.

Alex said, "Hold that position. Let me adjust your labia. Hold still, I need to arrange these inner folds for a perfect shot. Nice and wet. That makes it easier to slide your clit sheath open and get it centered. Let me make your whole groove wet with your natural excitement." His fingers deftly slid up one side and down the other - centering her clitoris and spreading the undeveloped pink labia apart. "Good. Keep your shoulders on the carpeting and put your hands on your ass. Pull your cheeks apart. That's it. Wider. You're good at following directions, Lera. I want to get some pictures of your little 'stiffy.' Can you feel how stiff your clit is?" He slid finger and thumb up and down the sides of her 'stiffy.'

"Oh." She said.

"Hold still. I want to help it get just a little bigger. Everybody will want to see your little stiffy, Lera, now that you're in an open position. Keep pulling your ass open while I put my finger in. That will make your stiffy swell up even bigger. Here." He pushed his finger all the way in her vagina and pulled it out. "Can you tell your clit is swollen and stiff?"

"Yes." She said softly.

"You might not call it a clit, but I bet you can tell that it swells up when you rub it, can't you?"

"Yes, like it gets harder and bigger." She blushed.

"What do you call it?"

"My pussy bump." She said.

"Does it feel good when you rub your pussy bump, Lera?"

"Yes. I like to rub it. It makes me feel tingly." She blushed even brighter as she said that, and looked at Dagmar who smiled and winked. The rest of us pretended not to notice the exchange.

"Good girl." He said, and kept rubbing his thumb and finger up and down the sides of her swollen clit. "You're getting to be an excellent model."

"Do you feel tingly in your pussy when you rub your pussy bump, Lera?"


"And does it make you feel tingly down there when you pull down your panties for the cameras?"

"Yes. Oh."

"Good girl. I bet it makes you feel tingly when I rub it, too. Doesn't it?"

"Oh. Oh. Yes."

Soon the dress was off and she continued to pose in high heels and thigh-high hose - showing us several of her poses with a look-at-this, proud smile, followed by her self-conscious giggle. She was also very wet.

After posing - sitting backwards on her throne, which looked remarkably like a kitchen chair, Ms. Persia and Dagmar took the energetic model back to her dressing room to get ready to ride the horse.

She came back out in a short, leather skirt with fringe around the bottom, cowboy boots, a holster and plastic gun, leather vest, and a cowboy hat. No shirt or bra under the loose-fitting vest. Before we helped her onto the horse, Dagmar put on some dry, tan, sheer panties.

We got her set on the wide saddle. It was wide be very short from the high back to the saddle horn in front. The thin cloth saddle blanket hid the vibrator that was connected to the controls underneath the horse that would make it rock and go up and down while she rode it. We adjusted the stirrups so her legs were fully extended so she wouldn't be able to lift herself off the saddle with her legs. I adjusted her skirt so that it was pulled out from under her. I felt her panties under the skirt to make sure she was pressed against the vibrator.

Demetri said, "We'll turn this on in just a minute, Lera. It will be fun to ride the horse."

He made sure the western backdrop was free of wrinkles. Mountains in the distance and cactus on the muslin cloth made it look like the American west. Alex adjusted the cameras and checked the two video cameras. One was trained on her face.

"OK, I'll turn on the horse now, Lera. You can ride for a few minutes. We'll tell you how to pose. It's kind of noisy and it shakes. I don't know what's the matter with it." He scratched his head. "The whole horse will shake a little bit, but just keep riding and smiling and look at the cameras. Ready?"

"Yes." She said, followed by another giggle.

Demetri flipped the switch. The noisy horse began going up and down and rocking front wards and backwards. Lera held onto the reins with one hand on the saddle horn. Her eyes and mouth opened wide. Then she partially recovered and smiled for the cameras as Demetri and Alex used flash to get some of her attention back to the cameras.

Demetri and Alex paused, while Alex reminded Lera to pinch her titties. She did, but had a faraway look in her eyes.

We had her pose holding up her skirt. We took several pictures as she removed the vest, and pinched herself again. I reminded her to look right into the camera as she took off each piece of clothing, "so the other girls will know that you like taking your clothes off, and that you want them to pick you. I know they will want to undress you, Lera."

"Oh." She said, then, "Oh, unnn, yes, I want them to undress me."

Demetri turned off the horse and we helped her down. We didn't want her to cum yet. I knelt beside her and pulled down her creamy wet panties. Dagmar put them in a little plastic baggie.

We got more pictures of her in various wide-open poses, looking at the cameras. Alex said, "Now lie on your back and masturbate for the video camera."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Rub your pussy bump and play with your titties while you look at the camera. Like pretend you're alone and you want to make your pussy tingle. Do you do that? We might show the video clip to other girls so they will know you will want to play games with them."

"Oh" She said, and thought a minute, before lying on her back, with her knees up and apart. One hand rubbed her bump and her other hand squeezed and pinched her breasts - alternating between them. She blushed brightly but kept on going, looking right into the camera. "Usually I just rub my bump, but it feels good to pinch my titties at the same time, like Paul did." She rubbed another twenty seconds, then asked, "You might show this to other girls?"

"Yes." Said Alex. "We get videos of all the models. Would you like to see some? You could watch them pull down their panties."


Demetri said, "In time, Lera. Not today though. You'll learn lots more fun things, but we don't want to show you too much today."

We heard the lift squeaking out in the foyer. The doors of the different photo suits were open. Demetri said, "That must be Galena and her mother. Lie on your tummy, Lera, and look at the camera on the tripod. Put your legs together. That's it. Put your elbows under your shoulders and hold your head up high. Elbows forward a little bit more. I bet Galena will want to see your titties."

Galena and her mother were escorted into the studio by Ms. Persia. Demetri greeted them with kisses on both cheeks on the mother and daughter. They looked at Lera. Galena smiled. Galena's mother helped her daughter off with her coat, revealing blue jeans and a T-shirt. The small bumps in the tight Mickey Mouse shirt revealed the beginnings of a figure.

Demetri told the mother that he was just wrapping up with the other model which would give Ms. Persia time to get Galena ready for her session. He told her they would be finished with Galena's session in two hours. He held the lift gate for her and she got in without comment.

As Galena's mother descended in the noisy lift, Dagmar stood behind Galena and put her arms around the petite model from behind. She said, "Lera picked you, Galena. She wants to play with you."

Galena kept smiling at Lera but didn't talk. Ms. Persia said, "Lera, you need to know that we don't want you girls to talk to each other yet. Just do whatever we say. OK"

"Yes." Said Lera.

Ms. Persia handed Dagmar a handful of clothes, then led Galena back to the dressing room. The girls kept looking at each other until Galena was out of the room.

Lera said, "She's cute, Ms. Dagmar."

Dagmar laughed gently, "Yes. And I can tell she thinks you're cute, too. We'll get you both dressed in play clothes, and then you can play."

Soon the girls were in the bedroom - wearing short English schoolgirl jumpers, lacy ankle socks and navy pumps, sheer, white ruffled blouses, training bras, hair ribbons, modest amount of make-up and jewelry.

Alex asked them if they wanted to ride the horse for just a minute before playing slumber party together. Both girls smiled and nodded. They looked at each other and started giggling. Alex led them to the horse room and gave each of them a sixty second turn. They wanted to ride a little longer but Dagmar led them back to the bedroom.

Everyone was smiling, especially the two nervous girls. Dagmar said, "It's OK to giggle, just don't talk yet." As she finished saying that, Lera and Galena looked at each other and started giggling.

Lera was several inches taller. Both girls were slender, bordering on skinny. Lera's breasts were about the size of half oranges, while Galena's were more like eggs - puffy nipples jutting straight out. Alex got the video camera set up and Dagmar signaled for Lera to begin kissing. The nervous giggles stopped once they started kissing. As suggested earlier, Lera also kissed Galena's neck. They kissed and then climbed onto the bed and rolled around together, still kissing.

Dagmar went over to the bed and whispered suggestions into Lera's ear. Alex started the video camera again as soon as Dagmar was away from the bed. Lera put her hand up inside Galena's blouse. They continued to kiss and roll around, showing their pretty panties to the cameras, while Lera felt up Galena - sometimes putting her hand up under Galena's shirt, or rubbing across her panties.

Next Lera sat on the edge of the bed while Galena stood between her knees with her back to Lera. Lera unbuttoned the back of Galena's school jumper and helped her out of the jumper, then the blouse, and finally the training bra.

Dagmar whispered more suggestions in Lera's ear while Galena climbed back onto the bed and pulled out all the pillows to make a big pile in the center of the bed. The girls took their shoes off and jumped up and down on the bed - Lera still wearing her short, school jumper and Galena only in socks and panties. Galena helped Lera take off her jumper, blouse, and training bra, then continued to jump on the bed - making their titties bounce for the cameras. The girls took turns jumping so they could watch each other's titties bounce. Then they collapsed in a fit of giggles.

After rolling around all over the bed, Lera ended up lying on top of Galena. Galena was on her back with her feet apart with Lera's legs between hers.

Dagmar said, "Lera, start kissing again. Then when you calm down, I want you to slowly pull Galena's panties off. Roll around and kiss with the panties down around her knees."

Lera started kissing again, then after another prompt from Dagmar, she began pulling down Galena's panties. The kissing had stopped the giggles, but now we could see that Lera was concentrating on Galena's pussy. She couldn't take her eyes off it, while pulling down the navy blue, satin, hip-hugger panties. Galena laid on her back and moved her legs together to make it easier for Lera to pull them down. She lifted her bottom off the bed as Lera pulled.

Since Lera's head was now down near Galena's belly button as they laid on the bed, Dagmar suggested that Lera kiss Galena's tummy and bellybutton. Galena got the giggles again as Lera kissed all around her bellybutton. Lera kept on kissing, and looking at the wiggling girl as best she could.

Soon Galena had wiggled out of her panties and opened her legs. Alex said, "Just lie there a minute, Girls, I need to go get another tape." He left the room.

Dagmar put a pillow on Galena's chest and had Lera scoot down. She told Demetri and me to go with Alex and to take our time. We all went in the other room and listened on the speaker, knowing the two video cameras were trained on the girls on the bed, and still running. Dagmar said, "Galena, lie still. Alex will and the other men will be back in a minute to take close-ups of you between your legs. Lie still and let Lera rub your clit for a minute to help it get all swollen up and stiff for the pictures. Keen the pillow on your chest so Lera won't be so self conscious as she rubs you."

"Oh." Said Lera.

Dagmar continued giving instructions. "I need to go check on the men, and see the plans for the rest of this photo session. Lera, go ahead and rub Galena's clit. Move it around with your fingers as you rub it. I want you to help get it swollen and stiff. Galena can't see you. Just explore and keep stimulating her. If it feels dry, then drop a little spit onto it. It might help if you kissed her thighs, too, because that might help it swell up. I'll be back in a few minutes. No talking. Keep your legs open, Galena. Let her kiss you there."

"Oh. 'Kiss' her there?" asked Lera.

"Only if you want to, but you need to keep it wet while you rub. You could put your finger in her or you could kiss her there - the way you kissed Alex. But you don't have to. We'll be back in a few minutes, but I'll knock as we come in."

She left and closed the door. She smiled as she joined us, and Demetri said she did a great job.

"It might be too fast for Lera. It's only her second day." Dagmar said, as she sat down beside Alex. She accepted a cognac from Demetri and took an unfashionably large sip.

Alex laughed, "I don't think so. She could hardly take her eyes off Galena's pussy, and she loved feeling her. I could see the doubt in her first touches - afraid she would be rejected or teased. But when Galena didn't complain, Lera got more aggressive and was soon feeling her all over. I think we'll have a nice surprise when we watch the videos later. A great little black market video for our private clients."

I said, "And I bet our little Lera will also be stiff and wet when we have Galena take her panties off!"

They laughed and nodded.

Dagmar said, "Before they leave, I'll show Lera four video clips of other girls undressing and let her pick out another one for next week. I think she'll be quite a performer for us."

We gave the girls five minutes alone, before Dagmar knocked on the door and entered. We were close behind, with a list of other photos and video clips to shoot before the two mothers showed up in an hour.

Then we would watch the candid video.

Dagmar brought Lera over near me, while Alex and Demetri got pictures of Galena's open pussy. She was very stiff and swollen. Dagmar whispered to Lera, "Looks like you did a good job, Lera. You'll be up next. Did you get to smell her?"

"Yes." She whispered, aware that I wasn't very far away.

"Did you get to taste her and kiss her, too?" Asked Dagmar, also in a whisper.


"And I bet she didn't complain, did she?"


"Very good, Lera. I'm glad you got to look close, and smell her and even kiss and taste her. Was it exciting?"

"Yes." Lera wasn't whispering anymore, just talking softly. "I think she liked it so I kept kissing it."

"Good girl, Lera. Maybe I'll let you pick out another girl for next week, and maybe I'll let another girl pick you. Do you like being a model?"


"Good. Now aren't you glad you pulled down your panties for the cameras?"

"Yes. Oh. This is fun."

Dagmar laughed, "Well good. It should be fun. In a minute it's your turn to let Galena pull down your panties, and then you will open for the cameras. Are you ready to show everybody your pussy again?"

She giggled, "Yes."

"Well, put your hand in your panties, and make sure you're stiff and wet ... or ... would you like me to check you and rub you?"

"Oh. Well, you can do it if you want to."

"Back up against me. Paul, watch us."

I turned to watch them. Dagmar put her hands on Lera's breasts and began massaging them. She reached one hand down Lera's belly and into her panties. Lera parted her legs without being told. She looked at me while Dagmar felt her breasts with one hand and fingered her pussy inside her panties with the other. "Oh. Un." Said Lera.

"You're already nice and wet, Lera, and getting stiff. Does this feel good? Do you like letting Paul watch me touch you?"

"Yes, it feels good. Unnn. And he can watch. Oh. Yes. It feels good."

"Do you want to let other girls do this to you? Undress you for the cameras and touch you and kiss you?"

"Yes." She opened her legs wider and pushed her hips forward and up, lifting her pussy towards Dagmar's hand. "Oh yes."

"Good, because someday you might have several men and women watching you undress another girl, or maybe watching as another girl undresses you ... kissing all over ... touching everywhere ... in front of people and cameras. You'll let her kiss you, smell you, taste you, and lick you? Do you really want to be a model?"

"Yes." She said, "Oh yes, I do."

This was turning out to be my most exciting writing assignment ever. A writer's wet dream!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


This is the hottest of Corn53's many hot stories. I'd love to see what else our crusading report finds out about the abuse of little girls in Eastern Europe. Oddly enough the girls don't seem to feel at all abused. Great Story!.... write some more chapters.


Top stuff. Yes the girls are not too freaked are they? Because,in reality,this kind of 'fashion' photography is accepted in eastern europe. Just as in japan. As a glance at any imouto or candydoll shows,the preteen models are raised to aspire to be like the girls they see in magazines and dvds. They are stars and really happy to have made it as a model. This is how it should be. Now wheres part 3 and can I be in it!

The reviewing period for this story has ended.