Investigating the Russian Pre-Teen Porn Business, Part 1

[ MMF/g, photo, exhib, pedo ]

by Corn53

Published: 5-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

My high school German teacher said I had a knack for languages and suggested I study Russian and German in college. That was in 1965, still during the Cold War. I enjoyed my college years, despite being called a Communist for studying Russian and other Eastern European languages. I found work as a translator right away and made two trips to Russia before the Berlin Wall came tumbling down.

I don't think they will ever be able to develop translation programs that can appreciate poetry or the semantic nuances a language. That's my specialty - the double meanings, innuendos, and regional accents that seem natural to a native speaker.

A few years I ago found myself in low demand as a translator. Just too many Polish and Russian immigrants with better English than me! I was desperate for work and finally landed a job writing articles for a right-wing, fundamentalist, quasi-religious association. Although their views on certain issues irked me, I was just a writer and had to reflect their narrow-minded opinions in my articles.

Things began to change six months ago.

The editor of our magazine walked into my cubbyhole at 4:40 on a Friday and said, "Paul, Mr. Clark liked the article you wrote about the economic dangers posed third world countries. Our chairman thinks pornography that is coming into our country on the internet poses a serious threat to the dollar. Americans are sending US money to Russia and eastern countries and it's hurting our economy!" He slapped his hand on the table.

I figured that now wasn't the time to disagree with him or to mention that I had sent some of my own hard-earned greenbacks to Mother Russia.

"I told Mr. Clark that you were fluent in Polish and also knew Russian and Czechoslovakian. He gave me a cd with child pornography samples that he believes come from Eastern Europe. He thinks we should write an expose about the rampant child abuse streaming over here from the former Soviet Union. If you're willing to go, we'll arrange a training session about undercover surveillance. You wouldn't be in a police role. Just observe, collect evidence, and then write an expose. We need to stem this pernicious tide of pornography flooding in from the East, especially the pre-teen pornography that's being pumped out of Eastern Europe. Our goal is to expose the situation and tell the world how these girls are being abused. Our view is that it's part of a larger plot to destabilize the West and lure us into Godlessness."

I jumped at the opportunity for this assignment, but pretended to hesitate - hoping that my face wouldn't give me away. "I'll think about it. I haven't been there for a long time. It would probably take quite a bit of expense money. Let me think about this."

So I took the cd home to review the complaints by one of our esteemed board members. Girls in Eastern Europe are so beautiful. Beautiful and sexy. Just beginning to blossom. We have girls here just as cute and sexy, but as far as I know, not many of our girls get the opportunity to pose, although judging by the was the 12 year olds dress at the mall, I bet they would love to model! Anyway, I watched the video clips over and over, recognizing several of the girls. To me it looked like they were having a great time undressing for the cameras and the video cameras. Their voices sounded happy. Indeed, some of the close-ups revealed that the girls were excited. The whitish slicks of lubrication showed me just how excited they were.

Heinrich, who I called "Q," spent several hours a day with me for a week going over bugging devices, miniature video cameras, and suggestions for getting in touch with the Russian mafia once I got settled in eastern Poland. My employer also knew that I had recently received a modest inheritance about to get some cash from my parent's estate, but they still gave me some cash to use for bribes. Evidently they knew a little bit about how the world worked. They said to keep a log so they could reimburse me for expenses I paid with my own money, even though they knew I wouldn't be able to get receipts for bribes or for meeting pimps, call girls, book store operators, and the like.

I landed in Berlin on the fourth of July, rented a car, and headed east towards Kiev. I had been researching Eastern European pre-teen pornography, which I referred to as "youthful art" since getting the assignment, and decided to head for Kiev, then on up to Moscow. I also had suspicions that some of the girls were in the US, UK, or Western Europe, but I couldn't be sure. Anybody could get magazines or books in Polish, Russian, Chinese, etc at any major bookstore in the US, or order such publications online. It would be easy to set up a studio looking like a fancy hotel suite in Moscow, and then giving the girl some Magazines with Cyrillic writing so the pictures would appear to from Moscow instead of West Virginia. On the video clips, however, I knew which language the girl was speaking - even which dialect. Anyway, I didn't care where the girls were from, but felt hot on the trail of a big adventure. A writer's wet dream.

After two weeks of traveling, visiting whore houses, bars, porno shops in run-down neighborhoods, I met a man who knew another man, etc... who was connected with the websites. My cover was that I had my own website and wanted to find cute, young models and that I was willing to pay top dollar.

Finally, with enough grease, and the promise of more, I was invited to a photo studio to observe and even participate in the entire process - from initial recruitment of models, oral agreements with the girls' mothers, and the preparation, screening, and costumes for the models, and finally the photo sessions themselves. I would be able to choose several models and then dress them as I saw fit - making sure they had different hairstyles on the girls before taking my pictures or videos.

"Then you will see that these girls are not being abused!" Laughed Demetri. We were enjoying dinner when I told him that some people in the west think that any girl under eighteen years old is not interested in sex, therefore the only way they would undress for the cameras was if they were being abused or forced to do it. "You will see how much they enjoy undressing for our cameras! And you will see how badly the mothers want the money!" He laughed again.

"Wonderful, and thanks for your help." I said as I paid for a lavish dinner, complete with free-flowing wine, followed by cognac.

The next day I went to the hotel address Demetri had given me - a classic, old hotel in an area that once was probably very nice.

I decided not to use any of the recording devices or surveillance equipment until I had a feel for the total operation. And I also felt a real danger if my new "friends" found out my motives and wanted me to disappear.

"Today is a screening day." Demetri said. "I think my talent scouts, including word-of-mouth from mothers who like the money, are sending us four girls for initial interviews today. The mothers of the models become talent scouts for me once I trust them. They like the extra money and they realize that their daughter can only model a few years before she loses that pre-teen innocence. Today's girls will be coming in with their mothers for our initial interview." Then he laughed, "Of course they are all eager for the 'interview stipend' of 1000 rubles - about fifty US dollars."

"Do the mothers know the kind of pictures and videos you will be taking?"

"Not exactly. They know they will be 'art photos.' Usually whoever first approaches them shows them pictures that really are 'art photos.' Pretty, young girls with various types and amounts of clothing on and in different art poses - classy settings and costumes. Some of the girls are ballerinas - first with, and later without - their leotards. In the interviews my scouts show pictures of art oil paintings - nudes of famous painters - mostly artistic poses. If the girl is naked, she is lying on her tummy, or has her legs modestly crossed. Of course, nothing as graphic as the art on our websites."

"And the mothers still bring their daughters?" I raised my eyebrows with a knowing smile.

"Of course. There are money codes at the bottom of each page, that implies 'for this kind of photo it's this much per hour, and for that kind of photo it's this much per hour.'"

"Da." I laughed. "And it's lots more for the naughty poses, right?"

"Of course." Demetri had several English phrases he liked to use, and one of them was, "Of course."

He got a smug look on his face. "Four times as much for the same hour once her panties are off. The mothers understand that. But of course, we don't say it that way. And the mothers don't see photos of their daughters laying on their backs with their pretty legs spread wide apart! I give them a copy of a picture of their daughter all dressed up - looking cute and innocent. We tell her that most girls are not accepted; that they aren't pretty enough, obedient enough, and so on. But by then the mothers are already spending the money in their heads. The big money. When we tell her that nobody in this country will see the pictures, she becomes very eager to show off her daughter."

"Hmm." I said.

"I had one mother tell her daughter to undress so I could see her!" He grinned. "But I held up my hand when the girl started to undress, and said we needed to take pictures of her all dressed up first, and if she was cute enough then she could undress for the cameras later."

"Do they want reassurances that their daughters won't be touched, or have sex?"

"Well, of course, we tell them that they will only be working with our photographers, and that they are perfectly safe with us. We explain that one of the gypsy seamstresses will do the girl's hair and make-up, and then help her daughter get dressed. And I assure the mothers that there will always be several adults present, and that the only touching would be to position the costumes, or some bull shit like that. You'll see. We want the mother to be used to dropping off her daughter to get changed or photographed. We make it clear that we don't want the mothers to stay. All the make-up, dressing, and camera work is done by 'our experts.' The mothers don't insist. They know that would be the end of her daughter's career as a model."

"What will you tell them about me? They are bound to notice my accent."

"Your accent is not that bad. Educated Englishman. I wouldn't need to tell them anything, but I might make the girl feel even more self-conscious by saying you represent one of the English speaking websites for artists and that you are looking for exceptionally limber, pretty young girls to be featured on your site - just for artists. And I might say something about getting a bonus if the girl is also accepted for your site." He laughed and winked at me.

I laughed, too.

"I'll tell them you need to find 'a few very limber models who aren't shy! Once the money is on the table for the first shoot the mothers will be glad to have their daughters undress for us. Once they see the cash on the table. You'll see."

"Do the mothers ever try to stay in the studio with the photographers during the photo shoot?"

"No." he said. "Of course not. They may watch the initial interview after their daughters have changed outfits and we take some preliminary pictures. So we can get approval to hire them as models. I usually tell them I will need to get the OK to hire her daughter. Keep them guessing and hoping. They encourage their daughters to be more obedient that way."

"Selected?" I laughed. "I bet you never invite ugly girls, do you?"

"Of course not!" He said. "Or we won't pay anymore referral fees to whoever sent her for the interview."

After a pause, "We even have several teachers who speak to the mothers about their cute daughters. That gives us credibility. And it gives the teacher some extra money!" He added. "Most referrals are from the mothers of the models themselves, trying to help a niece or a cousin."

We heard the lift squeeking up to our floor. Demetri waved his hand around and said, "All four suites on the third floor are set up for these interviews and photo sessions." He winked at me. "This is a very profitable business! The large bathroom in the deluxe suite is set up as a changing room, complete with a seamstress Gypsy woman who will help the girls change into various outfits, apply make-up, and offer 'hints' to the models about how to pose if she really wants to be hired as a model. She lets the girls see pictures of other girls - pictures a little more graphic than the ones in the portfolios we'll show the mothers! The little girls love to look at pictures of other pretty, little, naked girls. And of course, when the potential model goes into the "dressing room" cameras will start rolling, unbeknownst to the girl or her mother. Ms. Persia will make sure the naked girl faces each of the secret cameras and does stretching poses to get limbered up before she gets dressed for modeling.

"Ms. Persia and Dagmar both love helping me." He chuckled, "They both like to see and feel the girls - as much as you or me! And if the girl is already getting wet when Ms. Persia helps her on with the sexy, new panties, she will include the word 'yes' when she brings the girl out from the dressing room."

As the eleven year old and her mother got off the lift, Demetri said to me, loud enough for them to hear, "and the three girls we choose today, out of the six girls we will interview - well, they will probably be invited to do many more photo shoots - but of course only if the mothers and daughters are on time and very cooperative."

We walked over to greet them. Demetri complimented Mrs. Stegovitch on her promptness. The girl's mother helped her daughter off with her long coat - revealing the girl's very short skirt, long skinny legs, and budding figure. The stocky woman smiled as us, as if she had just unveiled a statue for public approval. The girl had a shy, worried half-smile and hunched her shoulders forward, as if embarrassed by the very short skirt and her egg sized breasts pressing outward on the tight, white, silk blouse. No bra. "Stand up straight!" Mrs. Stegovitch whispered loudly to her daughter. "Be proud of your figure!"

As Demetri made the introductions Lera's mother began looking around - appraising the rooms and the quality of the carpeting. She nodded - almost to herself. "Very nice." She said.

We stood in the large hall space, with paintings of nudes on the walls. Lera, the eleven year old, looked nervous and excited - ready to bolt or faint. She was dressed up and scrubbed clean, but without make-up. Demetri's talent scouts told the mothers not to put make-up on the model because Demetri's staff would do that. The cheap perfume and short skirt told us that the girl's mother wanted Lera to be appealing. Everyone hugged everyone. I felt Lera's back and hips while hugging her, and ran my hands over her ass while kissing her cheek. She kissed my check back, but didn't say anything about my bold caress. She blushed and looked at the floor after the introductions and hugs. Lera tried to tug the hem of her skirt down, embarrassed by the length.

Demetri could go from tough and dangerous to charming in the same sentence. Now he was being charming. He led them through the four suites which opened off the elevator hall. Each suite was set up as a studio - with open closet doors revealing props and costumes. He had his arm around Lera the whole time - pointing at this costume or that prop, while explaining how important good lighting was for such a beautiful model. He big hand slid from her shoulder to hip and back - all over her back and bottom, depending on where Lera's mother was looking. I noticed him pointing at a backdrop with his left hand while his right hand was patting Lera's bottom.

He stopped by the fat, wooden horse, about the size of a large dog, on a pole - like a carousel. The gaily-painted horse had an English hunting saddle carved into it's back. The horse was mounted on a red, metal box on the floor that had an electric cord coming out of it. He said, "Sometimes we have the model get all dressed up to ride the horse. We'll change the backdrop depending on the model's clothes. Then she sits on the saddle and pretends to ride the horse while it goes up and down. All the girls love to ride the horse - in fancy outfits at first. They say it's fun - like being on a merry-go-round." Lera studied the horse with a big smile on her face.

I smiled too, just watching her, hoping to watch her ride it later. Demetri had turned the horse on for me earlier, to show how the saddle vibrated as the horse went up and down and rocked forwards and back. The whole device was noisy to cover the sound of the large vibrator laying sideways in the groove of the English saddle - with a thin muslin saddle cloth over the vibrator in the saddle. Demetri told me that the girls loved to ride it, and none complained about the vibrations. "Sometimes they say it 'tickles' when they first ride it, but after that first ride, they all want to ride it again. Of course we never let them ride more than a couple minutes. We'll have them put on fresh panties and get back on. It's funny how they ask to ride it again. And it's funny how wet the panties are after just a minute."

One room was set up like a ballet studio on one side and a bedroom on the other. The ballet side was complete with mirrors and stretching bars. Demetri introduced them to the wardrobe and make-up assistant, 'Mrs. Persia,' and made a comment about what a fine seamstress she was. He introduced them to Dagmar, his female photographer, who kissed Lera squarely on her lips. Lastly, he told them about me. "All the way from England." He said. "He needs to find a few very limber and beautiful, young models for his art books."

We talked several minutes - the mother pretending to be interested in art. Ms. Persia brought us wine, crackers, cheese, and fruit that was already sliced. Lera walked over to a side table covered with photo albums and looked through one of them while the adults talked. I repeated that even if she was selected to pose or do a dance video nobody in this country would see the photos or videos.

Demetri opened an album full of young models close to Lera's age. The poses were similar for each girl - a set of 8 shots from fully dressed to half dressed, then nude laying on her tummy, and finally a standing front pose with one foot on a chair so that the girl's knee was shielding her pussy from the camera. Lera came back over to our table to look in the book with us. Both Lera and her mother were studying the photo sets as he slowly turned the pages in the big album. One girl was featured on each two page spread. In the four photos on the left page the girl was dressed - at least partially, and it the four photos on the right page the girl was nude. Demetri pointed for Lera to go back and look at the other albums by the wall.

When Lera was over at the side of the room again, Demetri explained that for the clothed modeling the pay was 200 rubles per hour. "And for pictures like these you will earn 800 per hour." He said. After a brief pause he added, "And for this type of art photography your daughter would be modeling 8 - 10 hours each month instead of just one or two hours for the fully dressed fashion modeling, depending on the needs of our various clients. The girls enjoy modeling and dancing for the cameras. They tell me that they get excited each time they come here for a session."

I noticed that Lera was staring the pictures in the albums on the side of the room, while her mother was busy calculating rubles in her head.

Demetri leaned forward and said, "I assure you that no one will harm your daughter. And if she is obedient and a good dancer she could be called back twice a month for many months - maybe several years. It depends on her attitude. We'll know today if she is cooperative. Her face is certainly pretty enough. We pay a two hour minimum for a full session. And it's your decision whether you would like to earn 200 or 800 rubles per hour."

I looked over towards the side of the foyer and noticed Lera squirming as she continued to leaf through the album filled with pictures of nude girls her age - although I knew they were mild poses. Lera tried not to show her excitement. She wanted to act grown-up but her body language betrayed her. She was squirming, rotating her foot with her knees crossed, and chewing on her bottom lip. Lera's mother pointed for her to put the album back on the table, as if to say, "Don't pick things up!"

Demetri held up his hand and said, "Oh, let her look. It's OK." He pointed towards the other wall. "There is another stack of albums over there, Lera, and more in the changing room if you would like to see some of our girls in different poses and costumes." He pointed to the table at the end of the foyer, then said to us, "After all, she might be chosen for several sessions yet this week if she can follow directions. Then she will have her own portfolio like the other models. Our clients look through the portfolios and request specific girls for certain spreads. She is pretty enough. Here is the money for today's audition. We already approved the preliminary snapshots and measurements that Ms. Nastoski sent us last week." He pulled an envelope from his jacket and sat it on the table. It was unsealed and Lera's mother looked closely at the edge of so many bills inside the open envelope.

They discussed money for a while after he signaled for Ms. Persia to take Lera in to get her ready. "And, Ms. Persia, let her look at the other albums while you do her hair." He laughed gently, "That is, if she wants to. We need to talk another fifteen minutes." He winked at Lera, who blushed. He said to both mother and daughter, "We'll start with a leotard so we can see right away if she has the figure and the attitude to be a good model. You're a very pretty girl, Lera." Ms. Persia took Lera's hand and led her into the changing room.

Lera was tall for an eleven year old. I guessed almost five feet. Very slender, maybe eighty pounds. Reddish-blond hair with a dusting of pink freckles all over her perfect, white skin. Her teeth looked large in her mouth when she smiled. Lips full, her pierced ears sporting over-sized, cheap earrings. Just a hint of a figure - narrowing hips and ready-to-bloom breasts, and long legs. Perfect.

Demetri assured Lera's mother again that nobody would harm her; that everything was 'above board.' He said, "There will always be a female photographer present."

She asked again who would see the pictures. Demetri explained that artists needed pictures of beautiful, young girls with budding figures. He said, "These are art photos, not pornography. Everything is legal. All of the girls are happy to be models and want to come back again and again ... if they are invited. But of course we can only invite the girls who are cooperative to come back and model for us ... especially at the top rate." The Russian word for "top rate" sounds similar to the Russian word for "marbles." Then he joked, "And you can get a lot of marbles if Lera is chosen. Because if she is limber, not too shy, and follows directions, she could be called back many times."

I added that she looked like the type of model my publishing company was looking for. I said, "I will be able to tell while she models in the leotard if she has the cute, budding figure, but to use her as a model she must also be limber and obedient."

Lera's mother assured us that her daughter was both limber and obedient, and that she would remind her to do everything we said when we took her in for the photo session.

When Ms. Persia brought Lera back out to us I did a double take and so did Lera's mother. Lera was beautiful - hair, make-up, bright red 'wet-look' lipstick, eye shadow, and a semi-sheer, white leotard. The high heels made her taller than Ms. Persia. Ms. Persia was easily three times as wide.

Ms. Persia smiled and said, "Is lovely, yes?"

We all nodded. Demetri and I smiled, already knowing that Lera was excited about modeling for us.

Ms. Persia said, "I have several costumes that would fit her today if you would like to do a full session today, Demetri. I think she is ready to do poses now. She can show you how limber she is. Call me in if you need any adjustments or different costumes."

Lera blushed as we looked at her. We could all see her tiny, pink, erect nipples through the material and the outline of her crack between her legs. Her nipples stiffened as we looked. Each breast was the size of half of a Florida orange. As Ms. Persia and Lera walked towards us I was able to distinguish a dusting a reddish pubic hair on Lera's large pubic mound. It looked even larger because she was otherwise so slender. Lera had fat, full pussy lips; and a crack that seemed to reach above her pubic bone - the full lips giving no trace of her hidden clitoral ridge. We could see the tight, sheer material pulling between her lips as she walked. It was obvious that Lera was straining to keep from crossing her hands in front of her knowing we could all see through the semi-sheer leotard. Ms. Persia had Lera turn around for us. Lera's mother's jaw dropped seeing her daughter's bare ass with just a thong coming up between her butt cheeks.

Demetri said, "Oh yes, your daughter is lovely, Mrs. Stegovitch. Now we will take a few pictures to see if she is poised and obedient." He stood up. "It's better if you wait out here with Ms. Persia while Ms. Dagmar takes sample photos. We will watch the initial photo session to see how well she follows directions."

Lera's Mother agreed without commenting on the outfit. She said, "Stand up straight, Lera, and to do everything they tell you. Show them how limber you are. This is no time to be shy. Nobody in this country will see these pictures."

We took Lera into the ballet room first. Demetri closed the door. "Ms. Persia will talk with your mother, Lera. Go ahead and limber up. You're a very pretty, little girl."

Demetri winked at me as the girl followed Ms. Dagmar over to the stretching bar in front of the video camera. Dagmar took several pictures and tried to get Lera to relax. She put on lively dance music and we watched Lera stretch and dance. It was difficult for her to dance with the high heels on, but she was lovely. She was limber. Her perfect skin glistened through the costume - her bare ass firm and white. Lera's breasts were just as firm, riding high on her chest.

The shoes made her five inches taller. Dagmar had Lera put her feet apart and touch her toes. Lera surprised us and put her palms on the floor. She was indeed limber. While she held that pose, Demetri and I walked over to stand behind the girl. We could see the wrinkles of her light pink asshole radiating outwards on either side of the thong which was no wider than a shoelace.

"Hold that pose, Lera. Very good. Very limber." We gathered around the young girl while she kept her hands on the floor. Dagmar took a close-up. We could see most of her dime-sized anus.

Dagmar had her stand up and stretch again. "Come over to the bed now and lay on your back. We need to see how far apart you can stretch your legs. Keep them straight. That's it."

Lera started to tug her leotard down, because the thong had slid between her pussy lips. Dagmar gently stopped her hand. "Your leotard is fine. I'll adjust it if we need to. Put your hands as high over your head as you can while we walk over to the bed. That's it."

Lera blushed but didn't attempt to adjust her costume.

As Dagmar gave the girl instructions Demetri and I stood nearby and watched closely - nodding to both of them, approving of Lera's moves. Dagmar had her lay on her back, bend her knees, and put her feet close to her head while looking right into her camera.

We could see her pussy lips - the thong parting them as it stretched from her back, over her anus and vagina, and up between her clitoral ridge and her right lip. The underdeveloped inner labia virtually absent. Beautiful. Her wet, pink vagina was open with the thong stretched over the tiny hole. Almost no pubic hair - angel pink and sparse. Bald lips. The leotard was wet at the opening to her vagina. Lera blushed as she watched Dagmar take a close-up.

"Does that embarrass you?" Dagmar chided with a smile.

"Yes." Lera admitted.

"Does it bother you, Lera, that Demetri and Paul are watching you so closely with your legs apart like this?" Dagmar chuckled.

She didn't answer, but blushed brighter. She held her position - on her back with her feet up near her head - opening her wide.

"It's OK to be embarrassed." She told the model. "It's natural to be embarrassed."

Demetri smiled, too. "You're a very pretty girl, Lera. I think you might make a fine model. Do you want to be a model?"

"Yes. Mama wants me to do what you say." She was blushing - her pale, freckled skin taking on a mottled, reddish glow. "She said I had to do everything you say."

Dagmar took another close-up between Lera's legs. "You know that if we choose you to be a model that you will have to pull your panties down for the cameras?"

Lera swallowed and looked to the side of the room. She said softly, "Yes."

"Did you see pictures of the other girls pulling down their panties for the cameras?"


"Did you see some of the funny positions they got in after they took off their panties?"


"And will you do that, Lera? Will you pull your panties down for my camera?"

She hesitated, then said, "Yes. I will." Her skin was glowing hot.

Demetri said, "Very good, Lera. I think you will do well. You don't need to tell your mother how you pose. She won't ask you. And you must not tell your friends and family. Nobody in Russia will see your pictures. Do you understand?"

Another swallow. "Yes." She said timidly.

"Dagmar smiled, "This is good, Lera. I knew you could do you. You don't need to take your panties off today, Lera. If it's OK with Demetri, I would like to do several sets with you tomorrow. Would you like to come back tomorrow?"

"Yes." Lera said quickly. The relief was clear in her voice.

Dagmar said, "You can go in and Ms. Persia will help get you ready to go home in just a minute. And tomorrow I will help get you dressed. Ms Persia and I will put on your make-up and do your hair after your mother leaves. You're a very pretty girl, and you won't have to pull your panties down right away when you come back tomorrow. We need to take lots of pictures of you all dressed up and while you get undressed again. So in most of the pictures you will still be wearing your panties. OK?"

"Yes. I want to be a model."

Lera started to get up. "Just a few more pictures, Lera, then you can go. Get on your hands and knees on the edge of the bed. That's it. Put your shoulders on the bed and slide your knees as far apart as you can."

She slid her knees apart until she was almost flat on her tummy on the bed.

Demetri said, "Very good, Lera. Usually when you get in these funny positions you will be at least partially dressed, or have panties on, but not always. You're very limber. Tonight, when you're all by yourself, I want you to practice getting in funny positions for the camera. Imagine you have your panties on, and then imagine pulling your panties down for the cameras, and then getting in the funny position again. It's fun. I think you'll like being a model. Are you excited about being a model?"


Dagmar said, "You're so limber, Lera. Good girl. Stay in that position and see if you can put your hands on your fanny."

She did.

"Wow. That's excellent. Now see if you can pull your fanny open wider. Good girl. Wider."

Demetri said, "You're doing great, Lera. I'll tell your Mother that you are good at following directions and that you can come back tomorrow at 1:00 to be a model. Practice your positions tonight. Your Mother will leave you alone tonight so you can practice. Play music while you dance around. Ms. Persia will give you sexy panties to practice with. Practice taking them off for the camera. You'll do great."

Dagmar added. "Yes, you're doing great. I bet you'll think of some funny positions to show us. Surprise us! Get up now, and I'll take you back out so Ms. Persia can help you take off all the make-up and get dressed again. You did so good. Let me give you a kiss." She took Lera in her arms and kissed her cheek, and let Lera kiss her cheek.

"Lera, kiss me again. Kiss me on my mouth this time. Sometimes there will be another girl model with you and you will need to be friendly. You'll need to kiss each other for the cameras. Here, I'll show you. I'll kiss you on your lips and you kiss me back. Just pretend I'm a boy if you want to. Like this." She kissed her. Lera seemed surprised and didn't know what to do. Dagmar kept kissing Lera on her lips while hugging the girl. Because of Lera's high heels, Lera was an inch taller. Finally Lera started kissing back. We knew Dagmar was at least flicking her tongue across the girl's lips.

Dagmar let go. "Very good, Lera. You're catching on. You'll be a good model. It's only once in a while when we use two girls at once. You can watch each other undress - like you're taking turns. We'll want you to encourage each other, and give each other lots of kisses. Think about that, too. You'll be the only model tomorrow, but maybe next weekend. OK?"

Lera was blushing brightly, thinking things over.

Dagmar repeated, "OK?"

"Yes. OK."

We all laughed and told her what a great job she was doing. Demetri said, "Your mother will be so glad you will get to be a model. I'll go tell her."

After he left, Dagmar said, "Did you like looking at the pictures of the other girls as they undressed for the cameras?"

"Yes. They are so pretty."

I said, "And you're so pretty, too, Lera. People will like looking at you. They will enjoy watching you pull down your panties for the cameras and getting in funny positions. When you are pulling down your panties just imagine that hundreds of men and women are watching you. They want to see you."

Dagmar continued my theme. "They will want to see between your legs, Lera, after you pull your panties down. But we will make them wait. We'll take lots of pictures before your panties come off and you open your legs."

Lera seemed dazed, with a half-smile on her face. "Oh."

Dagmar kissed her check and patted her bottom as we got ready to leave the room. "And I think you will like being a model. And next week, when you will be modeling with another little girl, it's lots better than pictures because then you can kiss each other and look so closely at each other while you take turns undressing. You can look at her all over while she poses for the camera. And she will watch you as you open your legs and hold still. She will be watching you closely."

"But tomorrow it's just going to be us, Lera." I said and patted her on the bottom as Dagmar opened the door. We took the young starlet over to the dressing room while Demetri continued talking with Lera's happy mother.

Demetri was explaining, "Bring her here at 1:00. I'll give you the cash for two hours if you prefer the fashion modeling at the lower rate, but if it is ok for the art poses, then we'll keep her for four hours at the higher rate. It's your choice."

"The higher rate." We heard her mother say quickly. "Yes. Four hours. I'll pick her up at 5:00."

I went into the dressing room-bathroom with Dagmar and Lera. Lera was too excited to talk. Dagmar said, "So, you'll get to do the art poses. Won't that be fun, Lera?"

"Yes." She said with a big grin.

I said, "You'll get to pull your panties down for my camera. You'll be embarrassed at first, but that's natural, Lera." We helped her off with the leotard and she didn't object.

"Those other girls did it. They pulled down their panties." She was grinning.

I laughed. "Yes they did. They think it's fun. They love to come back and model for us."

Dagmar kept going, "Here are three pictures of other models who might be available next weekend. Aren't they pretty?"

She studied the three photos as Dagmar handed them to her. Each girl was smiling into the camera, wearing only panties and high heels. The model was standing with her hands at her sides, facing the camera, with her feet together. Each girl was about Lera's age with small, high-riding breasts.

Dagmar said, "Look at these pictures tonight and think about which one of these girls you would like to kiss. And you can watch her pull down her panties."

I said, "And you will pull down your panties and let her look at you."

"They are so pretty." Said Lera, smiling.

"Well, you decide, Lera." Said Dagmar. "Tomorrow we will take pictures of you, so we can show your picture to other girls and women, and they will want to choose you."

"Oh." Lera said. She was squirming as she looked at the three photos, scissoring her legs.

I said, "You're very pretty, Lera. Lots of girls and women will want to kiss you and watch you pull down your panties. I think you'll make a great model."

Dagmar said, "You can choose which girl you want to model with next weekend. Bring back all three pictures with you tomorrow. Don't let your mother see them. Maybe we could get the girl you pick, but it might be somebody else."

"Oh." She said, lost in her imagination. Then she noticed me looking at her. "Oh!" She said again - suddenly conscious that she was naked; standing there in just her high heels right in front of me. She crossed her hands in front of her pussy and blushed.

Dagmar laughed. "Lera. Paul is going to be taking pictures of you between your legs tomorrow. Let him look!"

Lera kept blushing, but dropped her hands and giggled nervously.

I looked at her and squatted down right in front of her. Dagmar had her put one foot up on a chair. "Let him look closely, Lera. That's it. Open yourself to him. He's going to take pictures of you with your panties off, and then maybe a thousand people will see between your legs. You're very pretty. Let them all see you. OK? Do you want them to see you?"

"Oh." She said softly.

Dagmar said, "Are you embarrassed again?"


"Well, that's good, Lera." She said. "Being embarrassed is part of being a good model. In fact, the more it embarrasses you, the better. Let him look."

"Yes. OK." She moved her knee farther to the side so I could see it better. Lera was looking at the door, as if worried her mother would come in.

"Nobody will come in, Lera." Said Dagmar. "The door is locked. Let him stare at you between your legs. Keep it open for him. Does it make you feel tingly in your tummy?"


"Good, Lera. Now watch Paul as he looks at you. Let it embarrass you. Open yourself to him. Tomorrow, after we take lots of pictures while you're dressed, you will pull down your panties and let everybody look at you. We'll take pictures of you. We want to show your picture to people. People all over the world. They will want to see between your legs, too. Isn't that exciting?"


I could see and smell her white excitement. I looked a full minute while she kept her knee to the side. My face was just inches from her bare pussy. It looked like she was getting wetter as I looked. None of us talked.

Finally Dagmar said to the smiling, blushing girl, "Yes, Lera, you will be an excellent model for us. Practice some positions tonight. Any fun positions you come up with, you can show the other girl next week and then she will try to get in that position and let you look at her."

"Oh." She said, daydreaming again.

I could hardly wait until tomorrow.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


oh gawd so naughty and exciting...really well writen


YES !!! YES !!! I too can hardly wait ... Until part #2 , of this exciting story ...


oh my god.i,m going nuts here ,,,can,t wait to read more.What an imagination and great story telling.


Oh,those russians! Nicely plausable and subtly sinister. But Im off to read part 2. Ra ra rasputin! Splash rating : anticipation of heavy rainfall

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