Published: 20-Jan-2011
Word Count:
"Uncle Joe wants to take some pictures of you tomorrow, Tiffany, for a photography project he's working on. I'm not sure what it is, but I told him you'd be glad to help him."
"But Mom, I was going to the Junior High cheerleader practice tomorrow. Half the other sixth grade girls are going." I protested.
"He needs your help, and he said we'll get a hundred dollars modelling fee. So you go spend the day with him Saturday and let him take pictures. He said to bring some different outfits with you. I already picked some out - from gym clothes to the party dress you wore to Jackie's party last year."
"But that's too small now, Mommy. Her party was a year ago and you even said it was too short back then."
"But you looked so cute in it. I also found the two piece swim suit you wore summer before last. I told him about the tear you got in this year's swimsuit two weeks ago, just before school started. He said the old one would be OK."
"Now don't argue. I already took the money and signed the release forms. He said you would get some modeling experience and that you might get to model more often depending how these pictures turn out."
"You took the money?"
"It's for both of us, Honey. You know we need it. He said you would get a tip for modelling, too. And like I said, you might get to do lots more modeling if the pictures turn out."
"It does sound kind of fun. And Uncle Joe is always nice to me. He hasn't been around much the last few years."
Mom started smiling. She looked relieved. "He's out of the country a lot, Tiffany. You might get to model every Saturday morning for a few months while he's taking those classes." She stopped talking and looked at me. "You are getting so grown up, Tiffany. You're starting to get a figure."
I blushed when she said that.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Honey. I got you your first bra today; a 28A. And I got you some cute panties, too."
"But Mom... Uncle Joe and those other photographers... Well, I mean... They aren't going to see my underwear, are they?"
"I doubt it, but you will have to change outfits. He gave me an extra twenty dollars so I could get you some new panties and things. This week it's only Uncle Joe and he'll tell you all about it. If you don't want to model anymore after tomorrow, he said he would understand. He said it's mostly older girls who model anyway and that you were probably too young.
Anyway, it won't matter if Joe sees your underwear. First you'll be going to the park for some pictures of you in your soccer uniform. Then you'll go back to his place where he has some different backgrounds set up for the pictures. It sounds like fun, Honey."
"OK. I'll go this week. I've been wanting to get a bra like some of the other girls in the sixth grade."
"And you really are cute, Tiffany. I like your natural blond hair. You have full lips like a movie star. Uncle Joe said the same thing. Just think if you model every Saturday for two months. We could get our cable TV turned back on. I could get you lots of new clothes. If you keep doing it, I'll get a phone extension in your room like you've always wanted. Just make sure you do whatever he tells you. He had me sign a secrecy agreement and wants you to sign one, too."
"OK, but I wonder why he wants to keep this a secret? Can I tell my friends about it? What time is he coming to pick me up?"
Mom was laughing. "He said the secrecy thing was because of the money we'll be getting and because it is so competitive in the children's fashion world. I already said we could both keep this a secret. Promised him. He's coming at noon, so I'll get you up for a bath at 10:00. You should be home from baby-sitting early tonight."
"This is kind of exciting."
That night I couldn't think of anything else once the two kids went to sleep. I got home about eleven but still couldn't get to sleep. This would be so exciting. Mom woke me up about ten and said she had already started the bath for me.
While I was taking my bath she walked in to check on me. "Mom, please! I'm not dressed."
She laughed. "I figured that, Honey! I heard you splashing around in here. Hop out now and I'll dry you off. I just wanted to make sure this was the right size bra."
She watched me get out, almost staring at me. "You are so pretty. Put your hands down and turn around, Honey. You're getting so grown up! With your tan lines it looks like you are wearing a white suit! I think this bra is the right size. I wasn't sure if you would need an A or a B, so I got the A." She helped me put it on.
It fit fine. My buds fit inside easily, making small mounds in the stretchy material. Mom said they were almost golf ball size, but not quite. I smiled when she kept telling me how cute I was getting. She put powder all over me, fixed my hair into two pigtails with ribbons and then helped me put on my new panties. "Nothing yet." She said, noting my lack of pubic hair, and she tickled me as I stepped into the panties. She had me turn around and sprinkled some baby powder in the front and back of the panties, then patted my bottom. Next she helped me with make-up; like she was trying to make me look older.
I did look a little older when she finally got me dressed, even though I was wearing my soccer outfit.
Uncle Joe is four years older than Mom. Mom was a dancer after high school and Uncle Joe was in the Army. Then he tried lots of different jobs and was pretty successful, I guess. He spent lots of time out of the country and would send Mom money once in a while.
He picked me up in his new van a little before noon. He gave each of us a hug and kissed our cheeks. "First I'm taking her to the park, Sis. Did you tell her she might have to change clothes in the van for different poses?"
Mom laughed, "She knows she'll have to change her clothes and I said you would make sure nobody else could see her." I blushed and looked down. "Don't be too shy." She said to me.
He carried my bags of clothes out to his van and we left for the park.
We drove to a park outside the edge of town and he took lots of pictures of me kicking the soccer ball, doing my stretching exercises, and even playing on the monkey bars. I showed him how I could hang upside down. He used his camcorder for some of the pictures and said it would help him pose me as the weeks went by. He kissed me between rolls of film and said I looked so cute. I changed shirts in his van after each roll of film, while he stood beside the open door, keeping an eye on me. Mom said it was OK, so I just changed in front of him. I had on my new bra anyway. Then he started helping me change shirts and helped me put on a different pair of shorts. Sometimes he accidently touched me and once he even tickled me while I was just in my panties and bra. He was so funny.
When I was wearing the short, baggy shorts and the cut-off t-shirt, he had me sit in different poses while he took my picture. I knew he could see my panties up the legs of my shorts when I was doing my exercises, but I let him - concentrating on being a good model. He must have noticed that I was self-conscious about it so he said it was OK and not to worry about it. Sometimes he even arranged my shorts so I knew he could see my panties. It was making me feel funny, knowing he could see them. I started to open my knees a little bit farther sometimes while I was posing. I wanted to show Uncle Joe that I wasn't too shy. He didn't say anything, but he got closer for the pictures. I was tingling in my tummy while he took the pictures.
He let me pose however I wanted for the next few shots. I climbed part way up the steps of the slide and stood with one foot on the top step and the other foot two steps down. I knew he could see right up my shorts.
He said I was so cute and that he wasn't going to show most of the pictures to anyone else anyway. "But I wish you weren't wearing the pink panties. Let's see if you have any white or yellow ones in here." He said that as I was changing again in the van. We found the white ones and he said I should put them on.
"You mean over these?" I asked while I was sitting in the door to his van in just my panties and bra again. "No, Silly." He laughed. "Take off the pink ones and put on these white ones. I'll make sure nobody is around." He turned to look around the empty park and I quickly pulled off my pink panties, feeling so naughty. He turned towards me before I put the other ones on. They weren't even on my feet yet. I held still - sitting, with the bunched-up panties in my lap - so he couldn't see between my legs. He just looked at me, waiting for me to move. Finally he said, "You are so cute, Tiffany. Your tan lines make it look like you're wearing white panties. You can change in front of me. I won't hurt you. Here. Let me help you change. It will be faster if you let me help you, won't it? And if we get more pictures, you'll get a bigger tip when we're done." "What do you mean? Am I going to get paid, too?" Mom said something about me getting some money too, but I wasn't sure what she meant.
He took the white panties from my hand and said I would get paid a lot for getting my pictures taken. He said pictures wouldn't hurt me. "If I took a picture of you hand it wouldn't hurt you, would it?"
"No." I answered. He took my hand and helped me sit up on the edge of the captain's chair facing him. I knew he could see the top of my pussy crack, so I put my hands back in my lap.
"Right. It wouldn't hurt your hand if I took a picture of it, and it won't hurt anything else on you if I take a picture of that.
I sat there thinking about what all he had said, when he backed up a few feet and said, "Let me take some practice shots of you putting on the new panties, Tiffany. Nobody else will see them. Just pretend that you don't know I'm here taking your picture. Like acting. This will be like acting practice for you. Go ahead and put on the white panties."
He had placed the white panties on the arm of the front seat, so I would have to stand up and reach over to get them.
He started taking pictures. I thought for a minute, getting all tingly inside. Then I stood and got the panties. I stood still for a minute while he took more pictures of me in just my bra and shoes, and then sat on the edge of the chair and put them on. After I pulled them up, he handed me the baggy shorts again and we took some more pictures in the park. We were laughing and talking as if nothing had happened.
"You are a natural model, Tiffany, and a good actress. I know you can be real good at this." He had me hang from the bars and he pulled the baggy shorts down to my hips so the panties were sticking out above the pants.
He tickled me as he got me down off the bars. "I'm going to set up the camcorder here, Tiffany, and I want you to get in the van and change into this outfit. First look around as if you're making sure nobody is around and then get undressed and put on the other outfit. Don't look at the cameras. Take your time. Like in the movies, you have to act like you don't know there are any cameras. But if I tell you to hold still, just hold still for a minute. OK?"
I thought for a minute and said, "I'm not sure."
"Well then, just change as much as you feel comfortable, Tiffany. It would be cute even if you only undress to your underwear. Decide as you go. I'll say "Action!" when I'm ready for you to start. Just undress as far as you dare, Honey. And I promise not to show any of these special pictures or the video to your mom."
He put the bag of clothes on the other back captain seat and I stood near the van. When he said, "Action!," I walked up and looked around; opened the van door, and climbed in, sitting on the captain's chair in full sunlight. I undressed slowly, stopping whenever he said to so he could get some close ups.
When I was standing in just my panties and bra I stretched and looked around inside the van, bending over and turning, or standing on one leg and leaning into the back while I lifted the other one for balance. Uncle Joe liked these poses and it was making me feel so funny; pretending I was alone but knowing he was taking pictures and a video of me in my underwear.
While I was looking in the bag of clothes, I pulled out some silky, yellow panties and a pair of white cotton ones with black polka dots. I pretended I couldn't decide which ones I liked better and then pulled off the white ones and held each pair in front of me, one at a time. It was making me tingle inside each time I knew the camera could see my pale, bare pussy. I tried on the cotton ones and felt them with my hands like I was smoothing them out - rubbing - and then took them back off. My insides were jittery with excitement as I moved around in front of the camera before putting on the silky ones. Uncle Joe had me hold still a couple times. Whenever he told me to hold still a minute, he told me how pretty I was and that I was a natural model and actress. He promised me that my mom would never see the pictures or videos, except for maybe some of the pictures in the park, or in some of the outfits.
While I was standing in the door of the van in just my bra I decided to take that off, too. I held some other clothes up in front of me. Then I put on the silky panties; got dressed without my bra; and climbed out of the van; closed the door and walked away.
"Cut." said Uncle Joe. "You were great, Tiffany. So cute. I didn't realize how your tan lines would accentuate your most beautiful parts. Wonderful." And he kissed me.
He gave me another outfit next with some sexy purple panties that were so sheer and silky. He asked me to think of some real sexy poses while I changed again. Uncle Joe put in a new videotape and changed rolls of film and I did the same thing, acting like I was changing clothes in private.
I stayed naked longer this time, as if I was looking around in the van for something. He asked me to hold still while I was on my hands and knees looking under the seats. "Put your knees farther apart and lower your shoulders to look under the seats, Tiffany." He stepped back to adjust the camcorder and take some more pictures while I looked around on the floor. It made me feel so funny just knowing he was taking a picture of my bare fanny while I pretended to look around for the clothes. Being naughty was so exciting. After I was dressed again, he said it was time to head over to his place for some more pictures. He gave me a soda while we drove.
While we were driving along, I felt so grown up and naughty and still had that tingly feeling in my tummy.
"... so a good model does what she is told quickly, without thinking about it. Want to try it?"
I must have been daydreaming and only heard the last thing he said. I looked at him and he was looking at me. My hand was on my lap, pressing on my soccer shorts.
He chuckled. "That's just what I was going to ask you to do. Put your hand up your shorts and rub yourself on your panties. We'll be there in a minute. Are you having fun, Tiffany?"
"Yes, Uncle Joe. I like being a model for you." "I think the other two guys in my class will like you as much as I do, Tiffany." I sat up all the way. "But they won't take these kind of pictures, will they?"
He laughed at the panicked look on my face. "No, Sweetheart. That will be our secret. But maybe we could trick them a little bit next weekend." He told me about his plan as we drove to his house.
We went up to the room he had set up like a kids bedroom and he took some pictures and video while I was bouncing on the bed while I undressed and changed clothes again. "Go ahead and giggle, Tiffany. It's OK."
I was giggling and bouncing while I undressed. When I was down to just the purple panties he stopped and had me lay on the bed and feel the panties. "They're wet, Uncle Joe. I didn't pee in them. Honest."
He laughed and said it was OK. While he took some more pictures of me rubbing the panties between my legs where they were wet, he explained that it just meant I was getting to be such a big girl now. The purple panties were dark where they were wet. He was glad I was so wet because he said it meant that I liked getting my picture taken. I wasn't sure what he meant.
He got some close ups again and then had me take them off and touch myself. "See how slippery it is, Tiffany? That means it's not pee. It means you're getting to be a big girl now." He put his finger on my pussy and slid it around, but he didn't push it in. "It's shiny, too. When you get wet with excitement it is slippery and shiny. Let me get a couple close ups. These will be our secret pictures."
He took a video of me pulling off my panties and rubbing myself, sometimes holding it open for the camera. It was exciting taking pictures in all those different outfits the first day, and talking with Uncle Joe about those things.
He took pictures of me riding a bicycle in a short skirt; posing in my old two piece swim suit; taking a bath; and even when I had to tinkle. That was embarrassing when he watched me tinkle.
It took a couple hours to take all those pictures, but I never stopped thinking about next weekend and how we were going to fool those guys.
Mom seemed so happy when I skipped into the house about four O'clock and said I would be glad to do it next week. I told her about the soccer pictures and jumping on the bed and some of the other things I did while modeling, but never told her about the undressing. She didn't ask me any questions, but smiled and reminded me not to talk about the photo sessions.
Next Saturday I got up early for my bath. I was dressed up in a short skirt, lacy ankle socks, black one inch heels, and a white, knit shirt which didn't cover my belly button. Mom even gave me some new silky panties and a bra which you could almost see through.
It took longer to do my make-up and hair since she even used some eye shadow. She put red lipstick on me and some jewelry. She sprayed perfume on me as I left with Uncle Joe.
"Do whatever they tell you, Honey." She reminded me as we left.
"Does Mommy know there will be some other guys there today, Uncle Joe?"
"I told her there might be another man from my class, and that you would probably get paid double today." "How many people will be taking my picture today, Uncle Joe. And are you sure I can trick them?"
He laughed because I was so serious, and said, "Only a couple guys, and I'm sure you can trick them so they will pay me extra for letting them spy on you."
"I just have to let them see up my dress sometimes while I pose for them? Is that it?"
"Yes, that's part of it. And then they will be watching you change through the slits in the changing curtain. Just don't look at them. We'll have music on. I think they are each bringing their camcorders, too. We'll say they aren't turned on and just set them aside, behind the curtain. But you and I know they will be on so just take your time changing clothes; maybe scratch yourself a little bit, look for your ring on the floor; stuff like that. You know - acting."
I was already tingling when we got to Uncle Joe's house.
"Why are you squirming around, Tiffany?" He chuckled. "You are getting so grown up. I know they will like you. Just don't let on that you know they are watching you when you change clothes. Act like you did when you changed clothes in my van."
There were three cars in his driveway. "Looks like Tom made if after all, Tiffany. They will all love you. And they'll tip pretty good too, especially if you take your time changing."
"Are you sure they'll think I'm cute, Uncle Joe. I mean I hardly have any boobs at all."
He laughed as we got out of the van. As he helped me out of the van with my things, he gave my right boob a little squeeze between his thumb and finger. "These are big enough to squeeze, Tiffany, so they are big enough. When you change outfits, maybe you should squeeze them yourself - you know, like you're trying to make them get bigger."
He carried my bags of clothes for me. He whispered, "I know they'll love you, Tiffany. You are so cute. And so young. I'm glad you don't have any hair yet. And your tan lines! It will make you easier to see in their videos later."
"I'm kind of nervous, Uncle Joe." "You'll do fine." He opened the door.
The three men were all older than Uncle Joe. Tom was almost bald and about six feet tall. Kind of thin.
James was just the opposite; lots of black, curly hair and a moustache and as fat as Tom was thin.
Otis was a light skinned, black man who looked like he worked out all the time. He was as tall as Tom and Uncle Joe.
All of the men were dressed in slacks and sport shirts, just like Uncle Joe.
I kissed each of the men when Uncle Joe introduced us. They asked me how old I was. I looked up and said, "Eleven and a half."
The men thought that was pretty funny, but I don't know why. Uncle Joe said they wanted to get my measurements before they started. I was surprised at that but let them take my measurements. When I stood on the scale it said I weighed ninety pounds. "Must be all these clothes." I said, "because I'm only eighty seven pounds at home."
"I bet it is all these clothes, Tiffany." Tom said. "Maybe you can weigh yourself when you go to the bathroom later."
"OK. Sure." I said.
They had me lift my skirt while they each measured my hips. Uncle Joe said it would be OK if they touched me while getting me ready for a pose, so I guess this was OK. They each measured my chest, too. I was 29-20-30.
"Twenty-nine?" I asked. "The new bra Mommy got me is only a twenty-eight. It doesn't feel too tight."
Otis said, "Sometimes they stretch, but we brought you some other underwear to put on for some of the other photo shoots, Tiffany."
It was fun doing that first set, but I was really looking forward to changing behind the screen. Like Uncle Joe suggested, I let them see my panties in a lot of the poses as played around with some toys on the couch and the floor as if I was a little kid. There was an old swing set in the back yard. I was glad there weren't any neighbors. It was giving me that tingly feeling again - showing off for them. They all said I was so pretty.
As we were wrapping up the first set, Uncle Joe turned off his camcorder and asked the other guys if they remembered to bring their camcorders.
"Oh sure, Joe, but we thought one would be enough so when we saw yours all set up, we set ours over there behind the screen. You know. So they wouldn't show up in the background of our pictures."
James said he forgot about it and must have left his in the bathroom when he went in there earlier. Joe told them they should remember to get them before leaving but he wouldn't need them today anyway. "Just leave them where they are for now, I guess. We're mainly taking still shots today anyway. Isn't Tiffany cute?"
I was tingling again thinking about pretending not to know they were turned on while I was changing clothes. They each told me how cute I was again. Before I changed for the next set I told Uncle Joe that I had to tinkle and he said to go on in the bathroom and tinkle before I changed. You don't have to get completely dressed before coming back her to change clothes, Tiffany."
"Weigh yourself." Tom reminded me.
I didn't really have to go very bad, but I was kind of nervous. When I went in the bathroom, I saw James's camcorder sitting on the footstool, aimed at the toilet. Uncle Joe and I hadn't talked about this, but I felt he wanted me to show off for their camcorders as if I didn't know they were turned on. After taking my skirt off, I pulled my panties completely off and faced the toilet and bent over to take off my shoes - one at a time. Then I pretended to drop an earring and got on my hands and knees to look for it. I thought I heard the camera make a whirring noise, but wasn't sure. Maybe it was remote controlled. After I found the earring I pretended to lose, I stood and turned to face the camera and adjust my earring. Then I sat on the toilet with my knees apart and peed. I stood up to wipe myself off, putting one foot on the toilet seat, tickled with my own cleverness and wondering if James would enjoy watching it later. I didn't look at the camcorder. I undressed and got on the scale. It said eighty eight.
Uncle Joe had assured me that he wouldn't let them take copies of their videos home with them. He said they would only watch them after I left and then they would give him some money for tricking me, because he said I would still be innocent then, since I wouldn't know they were taking those pictures and videos.
I put on the shirt, snapped my skirt into place, leaving my shoes, socks, and panties on the floor. I heard the living room TV turn off as I came out of the bathroom. They had turned on the stereo so we could listen to music while I posed.
"They want to get a few more pictures of you in the skirt, Tiffany and then you can put on your next outfit - probably the two piece swim suit. Here are some black, thigh-high hose to wear. I'll go get your shoes."
"But Uncle Joe, I mean..." and he put his ear down next to my mouth so I could whisper. I whispered loud enough for the men to hear, "I didn't put my panties back on, because I thought you were in a hurry."
He stood and laughed, and whispered loudly to me; "It's OK, Tiffany. Just remember to stand and sit like a lady." As they took more pictures and I tried to remember, but it was hard to concentrate because I kept changing positions, standing, sitting, and crawling in that short skirt and the black hose. The men said the hose made me look ‘real sexy; like a big girl' and that made me smile. Next they wanted me to wear my old two piece swim suit, even though the seat was practically worn through. It was too tight, and you could see a line of pale skin around the edges of both pieces to my swim suit. The outline of my pussy lips was clearly visible through the thin, stretchy material. It was way too tight, but I squeezed into it. I took my time changing - knowing the two cameras were turned on - and struggled even longer that was necessary. I moved around in front of the camcorders as I changed clothes. I put the bottoms on backwards at first and then took them off and put them on correctly. The worn out area on the seat was beginning to tear. While they were posing me, the bottom of my suit started to rip. They helped me adjust it, but it ripped a little more while they tried to scoot it to the side so the tear would be tucked in.
But as I changed positions it continued to rip until it split in half between my legs - becoming two triangular flaps instead of swim suit bottoms. Uncle Joe kept telling me they couldn't see anything and to just pose so they could get some pictures of my face and shoulders. "Just pictures above your waist, Tiffany, don't worry about the tear in your suit. It's OK. Just lay back while we get some pictures of your face. Better close your eyes because of the flashes."
I knew they were getting other pictures and I felt so naughty - and grown up.
"Let me make you more comfortable, Tiffany. Keep your eyes closed while we get flash close ups of your face." He put my feet up on the couch while I laid back. Uncle Joe pulled up one knee and laid it back against the back of the couch, accidently flipping the front of my suit up onto my tummy. I kept my eyes closed, but I knew they could all see my open, hairless pussy from just a foot away. I still pretended I didn't know they were looking at my bare pussy so closely and I hoped I wasn't obviously wet, the way Uncle Joe thought was so cute.
The flashes were going off and I felt Uncle Joe pull my other leg forward so my right foot was over the front edge of the couch and my foot could touch the floor while my left knee was bent and leaning against the back of the couch. He told me to relax while they took a few more pictures of my face. He finally told me to sit up, flipping the front of my suit back in place. He held my hand as I stood up so the flaps would stay in place so I could still pretend I didn't know they saw me. All the guys were saying what a natural model I was.
I felt nervous changing, but took my time and stretched, fluffing up my boobies, even pinching my pink nipples, and didn't get dressed right away. Next I was going to wear shortie pajamas with some sheer panties. They took me up to the kid bedroom and took pictures of me jumping on the bed.
I changed again and we went outside in the driveway in my short Sunday school dress. They got pictures of me trying to climb a tree and getting in and out of the car.
On the way home, Uncle Joe said I did great and I would get a nice tip next weekend. He said he would go ahead and give my mom another hundred dollars today since I was such a champ at fooling them.
He came in the house with me and talked to mom while I took my stuff upstairs. Mom came up later and kissed me saying that Uncle Joe wanted me to keep modeling and that we would start getting about two hundred dollars almost every weekend.
"He might even take you away next weekend to do some photo shooting at a cabin in the woods. Wouldn't that be fun? Just Uncle Joe and a few of his photographer friends?"
"Oh, cool. That would be fun. Like staying overnight?"
"Yes. That's what he said.
The next weekend Uncle Joe and Otis picked me up in Otis' small motor home. After picking up the other two men and all their camera gear we headed for the country.
Shy Girl
old perv
Anne Admirer
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