Leslie and My Daughter in the Bathtub

[ M/g, bath, photo, finger, panties, games, mast ]

by Corn53


Published: 3-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

My wife and I always took turns bathing the kids, cleaning up the kitchen, shopping, and other household chores. We have for years. No problem. We moved to the edge of town three years ago when our daughter, and only child, Megan, was five. Our daughter became close friends with the girl next door, Leslie, who was two and a half years older than Megan. As time went on I became the designated bath-giver, since my wife had her own way of cleaning up the kitchen, which I was never able to master. In fact, I started making sure that I put things away in the wrong place, or didn't clean things good enough - just so I could keep being the designated "kid-washer."

We always bathed both girls in the big bathtub at the same time. The girls had lots of toy boats, plastic dinosaurs, and many other assorted bath toys. This had the added benefit in that they both wanted to play in the tub together, so we didn't have to argue to get them to take their baths. My daughter was five and Leslie was seven and a half years old the first time I bathed them together. I didn't mind them playing around in the tub with their toys, and ran a soapy washcloth all over each girl as part of our nightly routine while my wife cleaned the kitchen; washed dishes; and put things away, and enjoyed some quiet time with a book.

Leslie's Mom didn't get home until nine, and as a single Mom, she was glad to let us feed and wash her daughter every weeknight. Leslie ran home in her summer play clothes, or her school clothes, at nine o'clock when we saw her Mother pull in their driveway. Leslie was both a playmate and our assistant because she kept Megan amused. Besides occasionally helping my wife with cooking, cleaning, and laundry, she even started helping Megan with her school work. Both girls loved to color and play with dolls.

This has been going on for the last three years and every weeknight - summer and during the school year - it was the same routine: chores, dinner, bath, schoolwork or games and TV. Leslie is a big help with the chores and Megan adores her. My wife fixes popcorn every night at 8:00. We watch our shows, and the two girls go in the family room to watch their children's shows, unless the table game we are playing runs overtime. If we're all wrapped up in a game, we have popcorn together around the dining room table. Earlier this year Megan found a TV show she has to see that comes on at 7:00.

Over the course of the last year, I've started spending more time washing certain parts of Leslie now that she's over nine and approaching puberty. Already she has small breasts and is beginning to get wisps of pubic hair. I can tell she likes me to spend a little more time washing certain areas now, although neither of us talks about it. I compared our "not-talking-about-it" to older kids who knows there isn't a Santa Claus, but don't want to raise a question for fear Santa will stop coming. I think it's why Leslie has never mentioned the extra time and attention I give to washing her breasts, ass, and pussy, and neither have I. Megan is busy with a toy while Leslie holds still in a position that let's me reach the sensitive areas between her legs or on her chest with the washcloth or my fingers. I even press the tip of my finger in her ass with lots of soap, or her vagina - as if I'm doing a thorough job of cleaning. When I playfully pinch her nipples with my soapy fingers, she holds still, or even tries to stick them out farther for me.

Megan is in a hurry to get out of the tub first so she can dry off and put on her jammies to go watch her TV program. Leslie stays in the tub - wanting me to keep washing her in private. And, without another person in the big bathroom, I'm able to wash her very thoroughly - taking my time to get those sensitive areas very clean. She gets on her hands and knees for me, to make it easier to wash her budding titties while they hang down like marshmallows under her chest. After Megan leaves, I've commented to Leslie that she is growing up and is getting so pretty and so sexy, which makes her smile and stick out her chest. She says something like, "See? These are getting bigger. Feel them. They are growing. I've been pinching them like you showed me."

I have even asked her if she thinks she is getting too old to let me wash her and she always says she likes taking a bath with Megan. Three weeks ago, after Megan ran to her room, I asked her again. She said, "I like how you wash me, Mr. Thomas. You get me so clean. So clean all over." I was washing her between her legs - taking my good, old time on her clitty - when she said, "You get me really, really clean all over! I like how you wash me. Please don't make me take a bath by myself."

When she said that, I slipped my soapy hand over her tiny breast and tugged on her nipple so my fingers slid off as I pinched. "Does this help get them really clean?"

"Yes. Unn. Get them extra clean tonight, Mr. Thomas. It tickles and tingles."

"Where does it tingle?" I asked - feigning innocence.

She pointed down between her legs and smiled. "You know."

I helped her out of the tub and dried her off, with some tickling, just like I do with Megan each night, and a quick kiss on her cheek. I patted her on her bottom as she ran naked to Megan's bedroom to put on clean panties and put her shorts back on.

Wednesday, after dinner, as I took the girls upstairs to undress in the bathroom, I noticed that Leslie's panties were wet in the crotch with a whitish streak of heavier goo down the center.

One of Leslie's chores was to help with our laundry, and that included her own under clothes as well. After their baths, all the dirty clothes except jeans went in the laundry hamper. Jeans went in on Friday. Sometimes I would get Leslie's panties back out of the hamper after both girls were downstairs. I would take a closer look at her panties and smell them. I could tell by the thick coating of girl excitement that my "Little Leslie" was beginning to grow up!

I couldn't linger too long with Leslie after Megan ran to her room in case my wife would come upstairs. A few minutes after Megan ran to her bedroom to get ready to go downstairs, I would dry off Leslie. Sometimes I paused after drying her breasts and say something playful, like, "these are getting so pretty, and I'm keeping them very clean for you." Then I would give each nipple a playful pinch and say, "One to grow on." And sometimes I would give her three or four pinches on each nipple.

Yesterday she said, "See? All the pinches are starting to work. See how they are growing? Maybe they need even more pinches."

I pinched her harder and asked her if that was too hard. "

"No, it kind of tickles in a way, like making me wiggle inside my tummy. It's OK, Mr. Thomas. You can pinch harder some of the time, like especially after Megan leaves to see her TV show."

I said, "Well, maybe I could massage them a little bit, to get the blood flowing."

"OK." She said.

Last week she started asking for more pinches. She smiled and looked right in my face as I fondled and pinched each one several extra times. "That tickles." She would say when I finally told her to go get her clean panties on. Leslie would giggle and run into Megan's bedroom to put on her clean panties, and then put her school clothes or shorts back on and run downstairs within five minutes of when Megan ran downstairs.

The girls didn't walk. They would run or hop or do a silly walk. They used to have silly walk competitions if I dried them off about the same time. I was the 'silly walk' judge, but it was always a tie, with lots of little girl giggles.

The next week was the last week of school for the year. And then my wife was going to take Megan with her to visit Megan's Grandma in South Carolina. They were "off to Grandma's house," as Megan said, as if she was Little Red Riding Hood. They flew down to visit three or four times each year, always for a week or more. And I did enjoy the peace and quiet, and also the nice monetary gift my mother-in-law sent home after each visit... ostensibly for clothes for Megan, but it went into our general family budget, almost as if she was paying me to let them fly down to visit her. It was definitely a win-win situation.

Some Privacy At Last

My wife teased me about enjoying a week of peace and quiet with out any girls around, and then she stopped and asked, "Oh, but would you mind if Leslie comes over for dinner and to keep the place clean while I'm gone? She's OK during the day by herself. She would help you with the dishes and laundry. Please? There's no way Leslie's Mom can get home before nine, and it's just for a week. I know you were planning to play golf or poker a couple nights with your buddies, but maybe you could reschedule those things to after we get back."

I tried to look disappointed, but said, "She's not much trouble, and she's actually getting to be a good cook. I guess it's OK." Then I laughed, "It will still be quiet most of the time!"

I took Monday off to drive them to the airport. Leslie came over when I got home. She said, "Anything I can help you with, Mr. Thomas? And Mom says to tell you thank you for watching me and letting me still have dinner here. And, umm, I could take my own bath at home if you want, but I like your big bathtub better."

"No, that's fine, Leslie. It's like our routine. You're always welcome to take your bath over here, or you could go home. You know that. And you're big enough to give yourself a bath now anyway."


She sounded so disappointed, that I had to smile. I asked, "But I could give you a bath here if you want. Besides, you can help me with the laundry Friday. If you promise to help with the laundry, then I'll give you a bath here each night. And I'll get you really, really clean all over!"

Leslie's grin said "Yes!" so loud that she didn't even need to say it with words.

We had lunch and she did some chores while I read the newspaper.

She said, "I'm going to run home to get clean panties and T-shirts, and socks for the week, so I can get dressed here after you give me a bath." She ran out before I could say anything.

I laughed when she came back in with a little plastic bag full of panties, T-shirts, and socks. "You're getting so grown-up, Leslie. Hey, maybe put your bag in our bedroom so we don't mess up Megan's room. Then we won't have to clean it."


She started to run upstairs, but I said, "Let me see what you brought for your clean clothes."

She handed me the bag and I dumped the clothes on the dining room table. I picked up a pair of panties with teddy bears on them. "Aren't you getting a little old for teddy bears, Leslie?"

We both laughed. She said, "Well, yes, but Mommy says they still fit me. They're just a little tight. I want to get some new ones but I have to wait until before school starts."

I said, "Maybe I could get you some in town tomorrow." Then I said, "But well, just for this week, because umm, well, if they are two sexy people might ask you where you got them. I don't want people to think we're being too sexy or naughty because then I could get in trouble and you couldn't come over here anymore. But I guess if you keep them here, and only for this week, it would be OK. Then I could wash them and donate them to a thrift store with some other things before Megan comes back. And you could wear your regular panties when you go home at night."

"Gee. That would be so neat! Thank you."

We did some laundry together and she went to the grocery store with me. We got a few extra snacks that we usually didn't get, so we could have our own little party in front of the TV after dinner and her bath.

She cleared off the table and washed the dishes in record time while I went upstairs. Her bag of clothes was on our bed. I dumped out the panties, T-shirts, and socks on the bed. She didn't have a training bra, but could wear one. I wondered about getting her some sexy lingerie. I would have to be careful that nobody saw me.

Leslie came in the room and started to undress. I said, "I'll do it. I like to wash you and dry you, so I might as well undress you this week. OK?"

"OK." She said, then added, "Mom says you guys spoil me."

I laughed. "You don't mind if I spoil you do you? I mean like getting you extra clean tonight, and buying you some fancy, sexy panties tomorrow."

"No. That sounds cool. Could I go with you?"

"Well, good! I'm glad you don't mind if I spoil you. But I'll need to do the shopping after work, and you can't go to work with me. You'll see me when I drive up." I went to give her the usual kiss on the cheek, but she turned her head and looked up so we kissed mouth-to-mouth.

After the long kiss, we were both quiet as she let me undress her. I pulled her panties down and noticed that her panties had a line of whitish wetness down the center, and then I looked at the wispy, blond, pubic hairs which hardly showed up when she was all wet in the bathtub, although I had noticed them when I dried her off. I gently tugged on them. "Yes, so grown up. You're even getting hair down here." I kept rubbing her pussy lips while she stood still for me. I sat on our bed and felt her pussy. Guilt and passion surged around and around in my head. I decided that this should be the last week that I gave her a bath.

She said, "It's kind of embarrassing. I mean, having hair down there. I'll be going to the pool when it gets hot. The girls with hair get teased if any sticks out of their swimming suits. The big girls shave theirs off."

"Want me to snip them off, and then shave you in the tub?" I was still feeling her full, firm lips. No sign of inner labia as she stood with her feet shoulder width apart. She let me fondle and pinch and stroke her all over. I had her turn around several times as if I was inspecting the upholstery on a new car. I rationalized to myself that I was checking to see just how developed she was getting so that I should stop washing her. She leaned forward and put her hands on the bed beside my right hip while I felt her bottom. I pulled her ass cheeks apart. "Stay in this position, but put your feet farther apart." She did. I knelt behind her - with her ass just inches from my face as I continued the inspection of the nine and a half year old. Neither of us talked while I looked. "No hair in back yet." I said. "So, would you like me to snip them off in front and then shave you in the tub?"

"Gee. OK. And um, like I've been thinking of shaving my lower legs, too. What do you think?" She put her foot on the big bed so I could look at her lower leg. That opened her legs enough so I could see her clitoral ridge. I felt her pussy for another minute, and noticed that her eyes were closed. Then I stroked a finger through her slit and noticed her pussy was as wet as her panties.

She was getting fine, blond hair on her lower legs, even though you couldn't see it from a few feet away. "You better ask your Mom about that. I don't want her to get the wrong idea. Does she know you still take baths over here?"

"Yes, but it used to be sometimes you and sometimes your wife, and I never told her that it's always you washing me now, or that you keep washing me for a few more minutes after Megan goes to her room. I'm glad your wife doesn't wash me. That might, well, feel funny, like embarrassing. And then your wife might not let you wash me anymore, since I'm growing up and getting so grown-up and sexy, like you said. I'm pretty sure that Mommy thinks Megan and I just take a bath together without any grown-ups in the bathroom with us."

I laughed, "But you like how I wash you?"

"Yes." She said softly. "I mean if you want to. I could do it myself, like I do on the weekends when Mommy is home. Oh, and like Mommy leaves her razor on the edge of the bathtub, so I could just say I shaved my legs myself, like the girls at the pool, if she ever asks me, but I don't think she would even notice. She wouldn't notice my... well, the area in front, because she never sees me naked. It's just you, and like the girls at the swimming pool."

"I'd be glad to shave your legs. But, umm, well, I don't want your Mom asking questions, or talking with Megan's Mom about your baths or anything."

"She won't. She is glad I come over to play with Megan and help you guys, and eat here and take my bath with Megan."

She was standing naked in front of me. Her plump, young, firm, pussy lips were pouting at me. I put my fingers on her wispy pubic hairs and tugged again. "Let me get some pictures, so we'll have before and after pictures."

I saw the horrified look on her face and laughed. "Don't worry, Leslie, I could never show them to anybody. It's just for you and me. You're so cute! I would keep them secret in my computer, actually on a separate storage drive that is password protected, just like the business files I use for work. Nobody could ever see them. You have to let me take pictures if you want me to shave you in front and on your legs. Do you want me to shave you?"

"Yes. Thanks. I guess I was just scared about the pictures for a minute. You can take pictures of me if you want." She smiled, "You really think I'm cute?"

I snapped my fingers as if I had just thought of another idea. "I heard you and Megan giggling about a naughty magazine you saw at one of your friend's houses..."

She interrupted me, "You heard that? But we were whispering." Then she laughed. "Those pictures were funny, I mean what the girls in the magazine were doing."

"Hey, if you want I could get some other magazines and maybe some videos we could watch before your Mom gets home tomorrow, and for the rest of the week."

"Oh, that would be neat. I've seen a couple videos like when I helped some friends baby sit. It was fun watching them. I could ask you questions. We just laugh, like when it's just us girls. It's funny what the people do. We laugh, but we have to keep watching, like we can't stop watching them. My friend got all tingly, too. I could tell. She was wiggling around."

I laughed, too. "That's understandable. It means you're growing up. Like what questions? I promise to give you honest answers, Leslie."

She started giggling. "Well, in one part, like a guy was licking a girl... like you know where! He kept licking and licking and she acted like it felt good to her, and then she made noises like it felt really, really good! And hers was bald, so I bet she shaved it. The man put his great big thing in it! Like to make babies. She was making all these noises like it hurt, but her face looked like it felt good. It was funny, but I wondered if people really do that. I mean the licking part."

"Maybe I'll just show you. I mean right after your bath when I know you're all clean there. And I'll make sure to get your 'you-know-what' really clean!"

She laughed. "OK. Gee. Right there?" She pointed between her legs.

"Yes, I always wash you real good there. In fact, I think you like it when I keep washing you there; getting you extra, extra clean. So after your sparkly clean there, and all shaved off, I'll kiss you there and then lick you for a little while. OK?"

She blushed. "Gosh. The big girls in the videos liked it. Gosh. Well, OK. Gee."

Leslie started to run to the bathroom to start the water, but I said, "Wait a minute, little girlfriend. Get dressed again, and I'll set up my video camera so I can get a video of you undressing so we can see before and after."

She stopped. "But... I mean... I thought you were just going to take a couple pictures."

"Yes, I'll get some pictures, too, but my camera can take video clips, too. It will be private - just for us. I could maybe get in trouble if anybody knew I took pictures of you like this."

"I won't tell anybody, Mr. Thomas. I promise." Leslie looked worried that our adventure might end if I thought too much about getting into trouble.

I laughed. "I trust you, too, Leslie, otherwise we wouldn't be playing this way." I hugged the naked nine year old. "Now go get dressed so you can undress for my camera. And of course, I can never show anybody!"

She scampered around the bedroom, picking up her clothes and getting dressed. I had her introduce herself to the camera - telling her name, age, and grade in school. She even said her last name. It surprised me when she undressed - looking so sultry and sexy. I didn't know an innocent, nine-year old could act so erotic. Her hips moved, her tongue flicked around, she looked ready to get laid - probably a year or more before her first period! I was amazed. Stripping and dancing like a nine year old slut - but with a big grin; a little slut who has never seen a real penis! While she undressed in front of my camera, I realized that she probably would see a man's penis - maybe today! As she took off her panties and spread her legs for my camera - looking into my face to verify that I loved looking at her - I noticed my penis was already straining to get out. I was sure she would get to see one!

When she laid back on our bed and opened her legs, I noticed the milky wetness in her vagina. I told her again how cute and sexy she was. I picked her up and laid a towel on the bed so she wouldn't get her excitement on our bedspread. She smiled and blushed at the same time. I said, "You just have a little bit of a bush, but your you-know-what will be extra cute after I shave it. I'll take more pictures and video after I shave it baby smooth!"

"The big girls I saw in the videos and in those magazines didn't have any hair there. I bet they have to shave, don't they?"

"Yes. I'll get more videos and magazines for us to watch. Hey, maybe you could even model for me as if you were one of those models. Would that be fun?"

"Yes! Gee. This will be our secret, Mr. Thomas. It makes me all shaky inside when you take pictures like this."

"Does it feel good? The tingles you're feeling?"

"Yes, gee. It's like my tummy is nervous, and my... you know... like where you're going to trim me and shave me."

"Why don't we call it your 'kitty cat.' Then we could talk about it and if nobody was around it would be our code. I want to pet your kitty cat. OK? And later I'll lick your kitty cat as if I'm a mommy cat."

She giggled. "OK. My kitty cat is all shaky inside."

I laughed. "Good! Now about the pictures - don't worry. I could never show anybody. Use both hands to pull it open so I can get a good close-up. That's it. It's so pretty! Such a nice kitty cat!"

"Like this, Mr. Thomas?" She was pulling her lips to the side with both thumbs.

"Yes, and pull it up towards your bellybutton. Open and up. That's it. Now I can see your little, pink, kitty button! It's so cute. Getting bigger and stiffer for the camera! Does this make you tingle even more - opening it for the camera?"

"Ohhhh, yes. It's tingling." She wiggled her hips, "Like really tingling. Ohh."

"You have such a pretty kitty. Your kitty likes getting her picture taken, doesn't she?"

"Yes. Ohh. It's all tingly, like squeezey or something."

"Do you like thinking about me kissing your kitty?"

"Ohhh, gee." She nodded her head while she pulled her lips farther apart and up.

I could see that she was getting wetter. I said, "Let's go on in the bathroom and I'll snip these wispy, blond hairs off and then shave your little kitty. It will be our secret. You're getting so grown up and sexy, Leslie."

She ran in and started the water while I found a little scissors. Before she got in the tub, I had her put one foot on the edge of the tub while I slid my finger up and back through her wet slit. Then I had her stand over the wastebasket and I snipped off the wispy hair as best I could. I used my face razor on her mound and it would have only taken a few seconds but I did lots of soapy rubbing, even using some of my shaving cream. What little hair there was, was above her crack with a few more on either side of her plump lips. I was masturbating her while shaving her little kitty. It was magical. It was beautiful. I took my time, savoring each stroke of my razor and each stroke of my finger.

She was breathing heavier when I finished shaving her... all ten strokes... and more than fifty finger strokes on her clitty. I said, "I'll have to wash you extra good tonight, Leslie, to make sure it's all clean."

"OK. So then you can kiss me there?"

"Yes, exactly. Get on your hands and knees, Leslie. That's a good girl. Hold still. I'll get you all clean." I did lots of soapy rubbing between her legs, concentrating on her clitty. She was trying to hold perfectly still like I told her but her hips kept moving.

While she was on her hands and knees, I playfully pinched and pulled her tiny nipples that slipped through my soapy fingers while I rubbed one hand on her bottom. Each time my right forefinger stroked over her anus, I noticed a shiver, but she stayed in position. I started stroking over it more often. She said, "Ohhh," and slid her knees apart to the edges of the bathtub, and arched her back more, sticking her ass up for me. It was obvious to me she liked that stimulation, too. I said, "Let me get something. I have to get you extra clean tonight, since I shaved you. Stay in that position."

She didn't say anything and didn't move.

I came back from our bathroom with a jar of greasy lubricant, which my wife and I hadn't used for years. I put a dab of it on my finger and rubbed it around on Leslie's anus. She didn't object, and even lowered her shoulders. I lubricated my finger, feeling nervous, trusting she wouldn't say anything to anyone about this unorthodox cleaning method. I had my right forefinger coated with the viscous lubricant and got my left hand soapy. Then, as I reached under to wash her pussy with my left hand, I slowly pushed my right forefinger all the way in her very tight anus.

She moaned, "Unnnnnn, ahhhh," as my finger went in all the way. Her ass was tight; squeezing my finger.

With my finger pressed all the way in, I asked, "This doesn't hurt, does it, Leslie, Honey?"

"N ... n ... no." She said softly.

"Good. Because I have to get you extra clean tonight. I need to keep washing you for a little while."

She didn't move or object, so I withdrew my finger as slowly as I had pushed it in; paused; and pushed in again, scrubbing her clitty with my left hand as I pushed in.

"Ohhhhhh." Was all she said.

She quietly moaned each time I pushed in. And I always paused both hands between each insertion... waiting a few seconds for her to anticipate the next one. On the twelfth time, she came. Not noisily, but I felt the spasms in her anus and she moved her hips.

I pulled my finger out when the spasms stopped, and noticed several more shivers and aftershocks. I stopped stroking her clitty, but pressed on it while she came. Without a word, I put soap on the washcloth and washed off her anus. "All clean." I said, and helped her out of the tub and dried her off. She was meek and silent as I led her into the bedroom and got her dressed. She was still silent when we got downstairs and I turned on the TV, sticking more or less to our usual schedule as if Megan and my wife were still home.

"Do you want popcorn tonight, Leslie?"

"No, thank you." She said.

I sat on the couch with the remote in my hand. She remained standing near me instead of going into the family room to watch kid shows. I said, "You can stay in here with me tonight, in front of the big TV, if you want."

Still quiet, she sat next to me on the couch and let me put my arm around her. She fell asleep, almost purring. I kept the sound off as I watched the news. It was actually better without the sound on. I liked listening to her breathe. All too soon, it was eight, o'clock, so I got her ready to send home.

Maybe you should run your bath at home, and even get in so your Mom will think you took your bath there. Then you can be getting ready for bed when she pulls in with your hair all wet."

"Good idea." She smiled. "Um, Mr. Thomas. What happened? I mean when you were giving me the bath? Like I melted inside and it kept twitching like that. What was that?"

"Did it feel good?"

"Yes! Gee." She said, and looked up at me. "It was wonderful. Gee."

"That was what big girls called an orgasm. Did you like it?"

"Gosh yes."

"Would you like another one tomorrow night?"

"Really? Yes! I liked it. Really, really liked it. You could do that again?"

"I promise. I'll try to do that each time we play, but not when Megan is in the bathtub with you!" I laughed, and then she laughed, too, and ran over to her house.


The next day she was waiting in the kitchen for me when I got home from work at five. "I already took out the trash and fixed dinner, Mr. Thomas."

"You are such a good girl!" I said. "I really like having you around. It's kind of lonely by myself."

"I know what you mean."

I laughed, and said, "You're a good, little girl, but still... " I waited for her to look at me. "But still ... you deserve a licking! And tonight you'll get it."

An instant of fear flashed across her face, and I remembered that before her parents got divorced, her Dad used to smack her and her mother around - or so I had heard. I said, "I mean, Little Girlfriend, that I'll lick you tonight! I'll lick you and kiss you in lots of places after I get you all clean. And after dinner, before your bath, you can try on some new sexy panties for me!"

"Oh!" She laughed and came over to hug me.

I sat on my usual chair in our kitchen - eating area, and she stood between my knees so we were face to face. I hugged her and we kissed again. We weren't as nervous this time, and it lasted longer. Then I leaned back in my chair and asked what we were having for dinner, even though I already knew. Another vague danger I was aware of, besides undressing and fondling a little, neighbor girl, under ten years old, and taking pictures of her while she was naked - which could get me jail time and a divorce, along with a trip to instant poverty, I was also aware of the danger if she started loving me in a romantic sense - unable to control herself so she might do or say things that could get me in trouble, and hurt her and both of our families, too.

But she just smiled and said, "Macaroni and cheese with meatballs. A new recipe. I just made it up."

We had dinner and I got her to talk about her soccer team for a little while, but then she asked, "Ummm, did you get them?"

"Get what?" I asked, pretending I didn't know what she was talking about.

"You know, um, like for me to wear. Just to wear this week. And so you could take pictures. And um, like some videos and magazines to look at."

"Oh, the panties? Yes. But they might be too big for you. Maybe later you could try them on for me, so I could see if they look too big. And I got two videos and a few magazines to help you with your modeling." "OK! But, um, should I try the panties on before you give me a bath or after? And can I look at them now?"

I laughed. "No. You can't see them until we finish doing the dishes!"

We finished dinner and the dishes that night in record time. While we were cleaning up the kitchen my wife called, and I told her about the delicious dinner that Leslie just made, which made both my wife and Leslie laugh. I think my wife was just checking to make sure I came home like I said I would.

After hanging up, I said, "Stand here beside me. Take off your shorts and panties." She had them off in ten seconds, and stood beside me, looking at the bag on the table. "Put your feet apart and I'll tickle your smooth, little kitty while you decide which panties to wear first."

She slid her feet apart without hesitation. I started feeling her plump, firm, smooth kitty with my left hand, keeping my right arm around her shoulders. I whispered in her ear, "Do you want me to help you get that good feeling later?"

"A gasm? Yes! But I want to try on the panties and model for you first. And you have to take my pictures, and maybe another video. That was so fun. And then a gasm." While she talked she was picking up each pair of silky panties - most from the girl's department, but surprisingly sexy.

She found the hottest ones - which I bought at a specialty story - size four, and I knew it would still be too big on her... but they were sheer, white, thongs. She looked at her hand trough the little white triangle of fabric. "I can see my hand! I want to model these first. Do you have your camera?" She was so excited.

I laughed. "We've got more than three hours until your Mom gets home! But let me get it."

She stripped off the rest of her clothes and modeled the panties for me and my camera. I got a close-up of my hand feeling her - all over her as she turned to present other parts for me to touch while I held the camera in one hand. Then I put her in a few different poses; got pictures and video clips; and let her take them off - smiling into the camera. Then I had her lie back on the couch and open her legs. I slid a finger through her very wet pussy, and then slowly pressed my baby finger into her vagina. Before it got halfway in, she said, "Oww. Oh, that's too big."

I told her it was important for the video clips to put my finger in all the way. "So I'll just hold it here and they you wiggle your sexy hips. It will slowly go in, and then it will feel wonderful! It felt good when I put my finger in your bottom, didn't it?"

"Yes, Jeez. It felt great."

"Well it will feel even better in your kitty once you're used to it. So just wiggle your hips while I hold it in you. Keep wiggling even though it feels too big to go in there. Do you ever put things in it, like a handle of something like the handle end of a toothbrush?"

"Yes, I've done that. There's like a marker in with my school stuff, and that goes in."

"Keep wiggling."

She kept wiggling her sexy bottom and pussy around, keeping her legs open. My finger slowly moved past the remainder of her hymen and slipped all the way in. A few minutes later I switched to my index finger. Soon it was sliding all the way in and out - and as I predicted, she loved it. I kept complimenting her the whole time - "so pretty," "so sexy," "a beautiful kitty that everybody would like to see," "such a big girl," and so on. She was responding nicely, but I wanted her to model other panties, and watch parts of my new video together, and then the bath, and to the big bed where I would get her off again - fingers and maybe little vibrator. Or, seeing how excited she was already, I decided to wait until the next day to play with the vibrator.

Leslie dressed and undressed three times for my little video camera - sporting different panties each time. However, once she was naked, she immediately got in one of the four "fingering positions" - on her back with legs spread, on her hands and knees with shoulders down, on her tummy with her hips over a pillow and legs spread, or on her side with one knee drawn up to her chest. She enjoyed either vaginal or anal fingering, especially if I rubbed her wet clitty at the same time. While she was undressing, she spent time massaging her own breasts - trying to "make them bigger" for the camera, since I told her that was a good exercise.

We only watched a few minutes of the X-rated video before she wanted me to give her a bath... and then she was in a hurry to get dried off so I could "kiss her kitty."

That's how she came that day - me fingering her bottom, while she laid on her back with her feet apart and knees up towards the ceiling. I fingered her anus and licked her pussy, bringing her quickly to another big, "gasm," as she called it.

Another Step

As she got dressed to go home, I told her about my friend, Peter, who lived over a hundred miles away. I said, "Peter is retired and has an eleven year old neighbor girl he takes care of during the days. He has pictures and video clips of her. They do some games just like what we do. I asked him if I could see some of the pictures or video clips and he said that he couldn't do that unless his niece agreed. He told me that she would definitely agree if I would send them pictures and video clips of you. What do you think?"

"Gee. He's a grown-up and he wants to see pictures of me?"

"Yes! You're so cute. Like a little model. And his neighbor, Becky, wants to see pictures of you, too, so she will know other little girls like to do private modeling like she does for her uncle and some of his friends. Would you like to see pictures and video clips of her? Lots of older men or women have little girlfriends, kind of like what we're doing, but we have to be so very careful because you can get in big trouble."

"I know. Our Health teacher talked about it, and like we shouldn't let boys or men see our panties or touch our private places, but it feels so good when you touch me there, and like I think our Health teacher isn't nice anyway, and I'm never going to tell anybody about you, Mr. Thomas. It's a promise. Forever and ever."

"So, may I send him some pictures of you, so they will send us pictures and videos of Becky?"

"Yes. I mean, like, umm...." I laughed. "Go on and say it, Leslie. But yes, we could see pictures of her undressing, taking a bath, getting fingered front and back, and so on. Is it OK if I share some of your pictures with them so we could see their pictures and so on?"

"Yes. If you think it's safe. You know, like with a secret password like you told me about for how you keep the pictures of me on your computer."

"Right. It's a password-protected flash drive. Only someone with the password could see the pictures and video clips inside."

"Gee. OK."

Every day for the rest of "our week," as we called it, she modeled, asked questions, and loved playing with my penis. She liked pretending it was an ice cream cone and licking up the sides. And she liked trying to catch it with her mouth when she knelt on the floor with her hands behind her back and I moved my hips back and forth. But, as I knew would happen, it squirted out all over her. She didn't like the taste, but by the end of the week, if I had a glass of pop waiting beside us, she would taste a little bit and then drink the whole glass of pop. She liked watching it squirt out, and even measured how far it went with a ruler on the big towel when we were done and cleaned up. I always made sure she was naked when she played with it, so my cum wouldn't squirt onto her clothes. I washed her off again - usually getting hard again before her second bath was finished.

So... in a few months, when my daughter, Megan, and her Mother, my wife, leave for a week to visit her grandma, Leslie and I will watch those videos from my friend, and perhaps from a couple other friends, since Peter introduced me to a few other "trusted" men who take care of a little girl from time to time, and have videos and pictures to share. I know Leslie will be excited about it, especially when I mention that Peter and Becky could come to my house for a little visit - to play games and make video clips together. And I bet she will want to be examined by them both, and play with Peter's "thing," as she still calls my cock.

It's difficult not to talk about any of this while my wife and daughter are home. I'm hardly ever alone with Leslie, although if there is too much noise upstairs in the bathroom after dinner, my wife sends me up to check on the girls. And then Megan usually runs to her room, leaving me to dry off Leslie and give her titties a couple of "pinches to grow on."

Whenever we have a few minutes alone - in the yard, the garage, the house, or anywhere, Leslie always tells me she can't wait for us to have some time alone. I don't answer her questions about Peter and Becky, but say, "We'll see." When I see her playing games or watching a kids show or practicing school work, I see her as a cute, little kid, and feel ashamed of myself for the things I've done. But other times, like when she said she wants me to put my finger in her again to help her have another 'gasm,' I see her as a horny pre-teen, who yearn for stimulation.

End of Part One


As always, please share your suggestions for part two.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Excellent Corn53 please write the next part and thanks for the intro to Loliwood studios


Please upload Part 2


yet more great tales. were do they come from?
Just keep them cumming & wetter this can be accomplised.
Just let it flow

old perv

i'm just trying to imagine fingering a little nine year old girl in her ass and then her little pussy. mmmmm, i'm going for a wank.


Great story, has all the elements for an erotic and titillating story. It had me wanting more and more after every chapter.
One thing that let me down was that you didn't spend any time narrating the act of 'licking her kitty'...I was expecting you to narrate the beauty of a naked prepubescent girl with her legs spread showing her flowering pussy lips and the rosebud likeness of her anus, not to mention the scent of that hot cunny!
I still enjoyed it though and will probably read more when you post. So, keep writing!


You begin the story with rich detail that alows the reader to experience the narative as if we were with the charactors as it was happening, then inexplicably, the story goes into fast-forward, with almost no detail, as if you were against some sort of deadline that mattered more than actually telling the story. Great begining; terrible blur at the end.


Well I loved it. Bookmarked to read again on bath night! Splash rating : lets wipe it all off you,darling! Her first 'gasm so well handled...sigh. A master stroke. Yum.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.