Preteen Catalog Models, Part 6

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, bond, photo ]

by Corn53

Published: 1-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Getting Ready For The Saturday Night Games

"Girls, we have four games to play tonight and we might have some special panty photogrpahy sessions. We have so much to do tonight, so pay attention." The girls were wearing high heels, sexy hip-hugger panties and sheer training bras as we walked into the largest bedroom. All the men were waiting downstairs.

Ginny lit candles around the room and then turned off the ceiling light.

Brandi said, "I love games! What do we have to do, Andrea? What will we get if we win?"

I held out my arms for her to come to me. "Now listen closely, each of you." And I turned Brandi around and hugged her against me, so that my chin was beside her ear and her back was against me. I told Ellen to give Brandi a point for enthusiasm.

"Girls, if you get enough points tonight, then you will get invited back here for more photography weekends. We have special sessions every few weeks, but you will only come to some of them. Meanwhile you will have a session at one of our studios every couple of weeks. Sometimes there will be a guest photographer there. But the games tonight could qualify you to come here for more weekends."

Ellen smiled and opened her red, spiral notebook, ostensibly making an entry on Brandi's page. She said, "Brandi - first point of the evening." All the girls were figiting again. Tammy, Ellen, Ginny, and I had the girls in the biggest upstairs bedroom. Each of us adults had a red spiral notebook, which the girls eyed curiously.

While I hugged Brandi against me, I said, "You will each get to play at least four different games, and do some private posing tonight. You will get points during the games and extra points for following directions. Sometimes two of you will be playing together, following directions and playing a game, or modeling, or acting. It's a game, but you are not trying to beat each other. You need to help each other. Just play along and have a good time. If you get enough points tonight then you will be invited back for more weekend sessions and your mothers will get lots more money. They will be so proud of you. You are each so pretty and doing a good job already."

"Brandi, hold your arms out straight so I can hug you." At ten years old, Brandi was already over five feet tall in her high heels. I reached under her arms and began fondling her acorn size nubbins. She giggled but kept her hands outstretched to her sides. As I fondled her tiny breasts I said, "Very good, Brandi. You're following directions. This doesn't hurt, does it?"

She giggled again, "No."

I continued. "No, I didn't think it hurt you, Brandi, even if I pinch a little bit. Like when we have you girls perk yourselves up for the cameras." I pinched her nipples, tugging outwards firmly but gently - both at the same time. "Keep your arms up. Good girl. Give her another point, Ellen."

The other four girls were smiling and squirming as they watched me fondle Brandi. I noticed Sally scissoring her legs back and forth. "Perk yourselves up, young ladies, while I let you in on some of our secrets." I slid my right hand down Brandi's tight tummy to the top of her panties. "Each of you has tasted squirty when we played the Dickie Dolls game, right?"

They didn't say anything, but just giggled.

"Well, didn't you taste it?" I asked again, eyebrows raised.

"Yes." They all said and giggled again.

"And each of you swallowed some of it, too, didn't you?"

They looked at each other sheepishly. "Yes." They admitted.

"Very good. Well, you might get to taste more squirty while we are playing games tonight. You will get points for it, and double points for swallowing the squirty. Sometimes you will be blindfolded during the games and you won't know whose Dickie Doll you are touching or who is playing the game with you. One of us judges will usually be in the room during your game and you will lose points if you peek while you're blindfolded. But most of the time you will see who you are playing with though."

Ellen said, "Even if one of us is not in the room with you, we'll watch the videos later so you will get all your points. And if the squirty gets on your clothes, it's OK. We have special clothes for all of you. For some of the games you will have on very exciting outfits."

The girls were listening closely, and watched as my hand slid inside the elastic band into Brandi's panties. I said, "Put your hands on your hips, Brandi. That's a good girl. Another point for Brandi, Ellen." I looked at the girls who were watching my hand go farther into Brandi's panties. "I'm going to call a name in just a minute, for one of you to come up and start kissing Brandi on her mouth. Sometimes you will be kissing another one of the girls as part of a game. You will all do it. It won't hurt. If you want, you can pretend you're kissing a boy, but in any case you need to pretend that you like kissing the other girl. And it's even better if you pretend you enjoy kissing each other so much that you use your tongues like we practiced with you. We are all in the Shiva Sisterhood together now. We have our secrets. Put your feet apart, Brandi. A little wider. That's it. Good girl. Now I can slide my finger in easier."

The girls were silent as they watched my hand reach farther down and between Brandi's legs. "Another point for Brandi, Ellen, and I'll pick someone else to get a point in just a moment." My left hand was still massaging Brandi's left breast and my right hand was between her legs inside her sheer panties.

"Brandi, welcome to our secret sisterhood." I slid a finger up Brandi's wet pussy.

She kept her hands on her hips. "Oooo." She said softly.

"This doesn't hurt, does it, Brandi, when I put my finger inside you?"

"No." she said softly.

"And it's OK for the other girls to watch us, isn't it?"


"We are sisters now. All of us in this room. We will keep secrets from other people, but not from each other." I was now fingerfucking Brandi. The girls were watching. "Stacey, come over and pull Brandi's panties down to her knees. I want you all to watch."

Stacy took two steps and knelt. She pulled Brandi's panties down to her knees and watched my finger go in and out.

Brandi made little noises. "That kind of tickles, Andrea. Ohh."

"Stand up and kiss Brandi now, Stacey. Kiss her passionately. We have no secrets in this room. We are sisters." I said solemnly. As Stacey started to kiss Brandi I fondled Stacey's breast.

As the girls kissed I pinched Stacey's nipple. Her hips moved. "Stacey, I want you to feel Brandi's firm, little breasts while I finger her." I told the other girls to get closer in a circle. The other three adults each stood behind one of our models and began fondling the young girl's breasts through the sheer training bras. Nobody objected. Brandi still had her back against me while I fingered her and Stacey kissed and felt her. The other three girls were standing close around us, being felt by one of the other three women.

I was enjoying my role as headmistress, so I extended our little bonding ceremony. Within ten minutes, each of the five girls had been kissed, fondled, and fingered by each of us four older women, including nineteen year old Tammy as one of us adults. We made certain that the girls all kissed each other.

"Very good, young women of the Shiva Sisterhood." The adults dropped their hands. I had the models all sit on the big bed in their panties, bras, and high heels, as I shared hints about tonight's games and activities.

"Each of you girls will have your own modeling website! Featuring you! That's right. You will model different clothes, panties, and training bras for your own website. Your mothers will get money from these sites, although they won't know about them. These are your 'innocent' pictures. No nudity or naughty, I mean 'fun' pictures!" I laughed, breaking the tension. "People all over the world might see you in just your panties and bras. Maybe a few peeks down your shirt or in your panties, but nothing much. You are models so you are used to modeling all kinds of things. Right?"

"Yes." They said quietly, smiling, lost in thought.

"The sessions you did this afternoon, and some of the sessions from our studios will be on your sites."

Ellen said, "My boyfriend loves to go to pictureview dot com and check out the little girls in panties in the youth and beauty section. Gets him so horny that he makes wild, passionate love to me. You can each be models for a few more years."

I said, "Some of the naughty pictures and videos, where you are naked or getting bare-bottom spankings, are only shared with our league of photographers. Some of them will want to have private sessions with you, but they won't show those pictures or videos to others." I clicked my fingers and looked at the women who were holding their notebooks again. "Five points for each of our models." The ladies opened their notebooks to make notations. "Up off the bed a minute girls. Stand up. We're about to get started. Take off your panties. We're going to look at each other."

The smiling girls hopped off the bed and took off their panties, handing them to Ginny who was holding out her hand. I looked at the other women, as if deciding whether to share a secret. Ginny nodded at me. "Girls, you are all bald as babies again. You're so pretty and sexy. Ginny, Tammy, Ellen and I enjoy looking at you and touching you. Yes. We're not lesbians, but we think you're each so cute that we like to look at you and touch you." All of us women nodded.

"So, now we will give you a chance to look closely at each other." They looked at us, seeming uncertain. I laughed. "We've seen you checking each other out!" Ellen and Tammy laughed, too. I looked over the girls, deciding whom to pick first. "Eeny, meeny, miney, mo!" saying "mo" as I pointed to Sally. "hop up on the bed, Sally and put your knees apart." I helped the blushing red head lay on the edge of the bed with her knees up, facing us. Her feet and hips were on the edge of the bed.

"Now, Tammy, show the girls how we're going to look at each other."

"Oh, thank you, Andrea." Tammy said, as she knelt quickly on the carpeting next to the bed, her face just inches from Sally's open pussy. The girls watched intently as Tammy looked at it from different angles. She put her hands on Sally's thighs and pulled her pussy open wider. She sniffed closely almost touching her nose to Sally's clit. "Ummm. Smells good. I can smell that Sally is excited." Tammy put her thumbs on Sally's thick, meaty lips and pushed outwards and upwards, opening her wide, exposing the pink clitoral ridge. With her right thumb she pushed up on the top of the ridge, exposing the swollen knot of Sally's clitoris. "Ohh. Nice and wet. You can tell Sally is excited. Her little clit is swollen already. Ready for pictures!" Tammy laughed.

The girl's laughed, too, because each of them had been stimulated to help them "swell up" for the pictures in some of our photography sessions. Stimulated so that their little clitoral bumps would show up through the panty material that was stretched tightly between their open lips. Each of the girls had posed that way. They were told that the photographer had to "tickle her little bump to make it stand up for the pictures. The girls especially liked the vibrator tickles that they had experienced earlier today during their panty photo sessions." By now the girls were used to being touched there as if it was a natural part of the photography shoots.

Tammy used her left thumb and forefinger to hold open Sally's meaty, newly-bald, lips. Tammy then slid her right forefinger into Sally's tight, but wet, vagina, pushing all the way in. The other girls were guiet, staring at Tammy's finger sliding in and out of Sally's milky wet pussy.

Ellen said, "I bet each of you girls are as wet as Sally, aren't you?" Ellen, Ginny, and I were each standing behind a girl, unfastening her bra. "Each of you will get to examine Sally's pussy in just a minute. Then we will all examine your pussy, too. We are in the Shiva Sisterhood. No secrets." The bras were off. We older women massaged their breasts while they watched Tammy smelling and fingering Sally.

Tammy lightly kissed Sally's clitoris and leaned back. She smelled Sally's pussy again, and then put her finger in her mouth. "She smells good and tastes good. Umm. I just love Sally's full lips and her little bump. It gets me excited to finger her. She is so tight and juicy. So sexy!"

Tammy stood up and picked Diane to examine Sally next. Diane was hesitant, so I encouraged her to do everything Tammy did. I reminded the girls that for the rest of the evening they would be getting points for following directions. Diane knelt and looked at it. She pulled Sally's pussy open and smiled as she smelled Sally's pussy up close. Then slid her finger all the way in Sally's vagina."

"Give Diane an extra point." I said and nodded to Ellen. Everyone watched as Diane proceeded to finger Sally. A minute later she smelled again and tasted her wet finger just as Tammy had done.

I said, "Excellent, Dianne. Next you can hop up on the bed and open your legs after I get Sally off the bed. Remember, girls, knees up. We'll all get to examine Sally, but now we're going to taste Diane. But first, go ahead and kiss her, Diane, then it's your turn to be examined."

Diane kissed the top of Sally's pussy and then looked at me. "Like that, Andrea?"

"Yes. But not so fast!" I laughed. "Kiss it again, only slower this time. The longer you kiss, the more points you get." We all watched her lean forward to kiss Sally's open pussy. Instead of kissing Sally's clit though, she kissed the opening to her vagina. Dead center.

"Keep kissing." I said quickly. "Good. She's doing it right, girls. Watch her. I want you to kiss each other the way Diane is doing it. That's good. A little longer. Very good, Diane. Extra points for Diane." I kept encouraging her, feeling almost ready to cum myself. "Keep kissing her, Diane, while I ask Sally something." The girls were watching closely. It was quiet in the room.

"That doesn't hurt, does it, Sally? It doesn't hurt when she kisses you there, does it?"

"No." She said in a whisper. "It doesn't hurt. It kind of tickles." Sally let her knees fall open a little farther.

"Very good, Diane. You can stop now." I patted her on the head as she backed away. I smiled. "That's fine for now. Maybe more later. We all want a turn examining Sally. Then each of you will get examined by everyone else. It's part of getting to know each other. But now it's Diane's turn to get examined. We'll use both sides of this big bed. One of us will get you in position. Close your eyes when you get ready to be examined. We'll keep shuffling you around so everybody will examine everybody else. When somebody is examining you, be sure to keep your eyes closed so you won't know who is fingering you or kissing you."

Ginny helped Sally over to the stuffed chair in the corner of the room. She seemed a little wobbly on her high heels.

We positioned Diane on the bed and Ellen gave the next demonstration, kissing, smelling, fingering, tasting, and of course, massaging with her fingers - pulling Diane's pussy wide open for everyone to see. Diane's pussy lips were much thinner than Sally's and I pointed that out to the girls. "I want you to recognize each other just from seeing a picture of one of your pussies. Diane, close your eyes. I don't want you to know who is examining you next. Ellen kissed Diane several times before she reluctantly stood and picked one of the other girls to examine Diane.

Ellen said, "We'll be using both sides of bed, taking turns. You will each get a turn to examine each other. Remember to keep your eyes closed so you don't know who is examining you. I'll be taking pictures and getting some video. This is our own private video, though... just us girls... just us Shiva Sisters."

Ellen turned on the ceiling light while Ginny led Brittany over to kneel in front of Diane. Brittany didn't seem as interested as the other girls about looking at pussies. We weren't surprised, because of the way she loved to tease the men, but as soon as she knelt down in front of Diane and began looking closely something seemed to change. She took a tentative sniff. Ginny offered encouragement as she began fingering Diane's open, wet pussy. She smelled it again and again, almost surprised at how clean it smelled. She was staring at the intricacies and folds; exploring. I was glad that we made the girls take a quick bubble bath before our secret meeting. Ellen was holding the video camera a few feet away as Brittany gave four light kisses on different parts of it. She sat back to look again. Diane was very wet. Ginny bent close to Brittany's ear and suggested she kiss right in the center and then go around and up and down, always coming back to the opening. Ginny said, "I'll count to ten while you kiss it. That way you'll get the maximum number of points... and bonus points if you put your tongue in." Brittany looked around to make sure none of the other girls was watching her, then she began kissing again. Diane started squirming and making little kitten sounds while Brittany kissed her. Ginny counted slowly.

I was so turned on watching, but still I almost chuckled the way Brittany licked with her tongue way out so that Ginny could see that she was using her tongue all over Diane's pussy.

"Keep going. You're kissing her just great!" whispered Ginny. "Let me count to ten again. Pull her open wider with your thumbs, so you can get more of a taste. Good girl. Extra points." Brittany was licking and probing with her tongue as far as she could.

Ginny told Brittany she did great without using her name because she didn't want Diane to know who had been kissing her. Then Ginny had Sally kneel down in front of Diane while Tammy led Brittany to the other side of the bed to be examined.

I whispered to Brittany, who seemed uncharacteristically quiet, that she had done an excellent job and would surely earn plenty of points tonight. She was licking her lips as she smiled.

Ellen turned on soft music while we continued bonding this way. She videotaped Sally fingering and kissing Diane. I watched for a while and then Brittany and I watched Stacey kissing Brandi. All the girls were getting into it. I stood behind Brittany and massaged her firm, bare breasts while we watched Stacey. "You are so beautiful, Brittany." I said in her ear. "I can hardly keep my hands off you."

About twenty minutes later I said, "Excellent, girls!" calling the aroused models to order again. "And now we're ready to play some really fun games tonight. You'll get points for each game, and one of us will be with you all evening keeping track of your points. Now who wants to come back here for another weekend?"

Each of the girls held up her hand. "Excellent. Just remember that we can't talk about our games with anyone except our Shiva Sisters. I mean anybody. You can tell your mothers about some of the modeling sessions, of course, but not about the games, or about our Shiva Sisterhood."

The nine of us formed a circle, facing clockwise, and held the breasts of the girl or woman in front of us. It took some prompting to get the girls to fondle us adults. They were awkward, but if felt great. They repeated the words after me as we promised to be true to our sisters. The four of us adults were between the five girls so that we were fondling one of the girls and one of the girls was behind us fondling an adult, except Stacey who was behind Brittany. Then we faced the other direction, held the breasts to the person who had been behind us and pledged again.

"We'll get some snacks and soft drinks in a minute, after we get dressed and put on some lipstick and make-up." The girls still seemed subdued after our bonding ceremonies, and I didn't want them to think too much, so I started explaining about the games as Ellen and Ginny helped them put their bras back on. We didn't give them their panties.

"So..." I waited for their attention. "We'll be playing several different games. Sometimes two of you will be in the same game, and it might include modeling, or dancing, or kissing, or spanking - but not hard, and things like that. Maybe you'll have to pretend that you're shy school girls and the photographer will pretend he is the teacher who has to spank you. Most games are like that. One of us will tell you about the points and how many you get for playing or for doing certain things.

"There are six new photographers here tonight including a woman, so try to act shy at first. Keep your dresses down while we're in the big room unless one of us tells you it's OK to lift your dress." I held up my finger for them to listen closely. "You should keep your dresses down. They are very short. And you won't be wearing panties at first. You might get panties during some of the games, at least for a little while, but we don't want you to wear panties at first, because.... " I waited again, "And we don't want you to sit on a chair because...." I waited, then continued, "We don't want you to sit on anybody's lab because..." They were all waiting for me to finish, "Because we wouldn't want your panties to soak up your excitement juices! So you won't be wearing any panties. We don't want your natural excitement juices to get soaked up on somebody's pants, or on a chair seat... so don't sit down. We want you all to be juicy and tasty by the time somebody takes you off to play a game." I let that sink in.

"Some of your sessions are already arranged. For the most part we know who is going to take each of you to play games and what games you're going to be playing. You'll each be able to earn enough points tonight so you'll get invited back. You'll each get to play lots of different games tonight."

"Well, what are the games, Andrea?" Brittany couldn't contain herself.

"One of the games is 'Slipee-Slidee.'" I explained. "Tammy, take off your clothes and we'll demonstrate. Brittany, lay on your tummy on the carpeting here." I pointed to the floor in front of me. She laid down on her tummy, looking up at me.

"Put your legs together and cross your arms under your head." Tammy straddled her and knelt down with her knees outside of Brittany's. "Then it depends on whether the man wants you dry, like with baby powder between your thighs, or oily, like with baby oil all over your thighs. Then he almost lays on top of you but doesn't put his weight down on you. He slides his dickie up and down between your thighs. If you feel his dickie press against you, then bend your knees real quick to 'catch' him while he presses against you."

Tammy was straddling Brittany, pretending she had a penis that she was sliding up and down between Brittany's thighs. "Bend your knees now Brittany and 'catch' Tammy. That's right, press your ankles against her butt to hold her up against you."

Ellen said, "One of us will be keeping score. If you 'catch' him and hold him tightly against you, then you'll get a point. The man will tell us if he had touched you when you caught him. But if you try to catch him before his dickie touches the outside of your pussy then you'll lose a point. You can play this game with your panties on, but then it's harder to clean you off if his squirty comes out. You get ten extra points if his squirty comes out while you're playing the game."

I added, "Besides, you get double points if you play the game without your panties on."

Ginny said, "Yes, double the points. Then we will wipe you off and it's lots easier to clean you off you aren't wearing a pair of panties with squirty all over them!" Ginny and I laughed.

I said, "That game is pretty easy. So is the Dickie Doll game, when you try to make the squirty come out into your mouth. But you already know how to play that one. And another game, which each of you will play is the 'ding-dong' game. Tammy left her clothes off and retrieved a shoe box from under the bed. The girls watched her open it and looked at the vibrators, dildoes, and polished wood dowels of various shapes and sizes. Some looked exactly like a small dickie.

Ginny told them about it. "These are calibrated by diameter and length. We put them in order from one to twelve. The average dickie here tonight is about a size six or seven. Size one is just a little bigger than your finger." She looked at the girls who were still studying the dildoes that Tammy was laying out on the bed in ascending order. Some had batteries, but most were either a rubbery plastic or wood. Tammy held up a finger-shaped rubber dildo about three inches long. "That's a size one. And you've each already proved that you can handle a one!" Ginny laughed and so did the girls.

"Some have batteries in them." Ginny continued, "But we might just tickle you with the battery ones. Anyway you get one point for a number one, two points for the number two, and so on, for as long as it doesn't hurt you."

"What do you mean?" Asked Brandi, as she picked up a medium sized dildo.

Ginny said, "When we put it in your vagina. We'll get the 'ding-dong' all oiled up..."

"And we'll push them in real slowly." Ellen added. "We'll slide them in and out several times so you get used to that size."

"Do we get more points each time?" asked Brandi hopefully.

We laughed. I said, "No. Just points for taking that size all the way in. We'll slide it in and out several times so you get used to it, that's all. I bet each of you could go up to a size four or five easy enough. Don't force it. We don't want it to hurt. If you get invited back we'll play the game again you'll be getting to the bigger sizes eventually. No rush."

Ginny asked me, "Andrea, do you think maybe we could tell them about the hair brushes."

"Well, OK." I said, "We have some clothes and presents for each of you to take home. One of the presents is a hairbrush with a 'size four' handle. It's just shaped like a hairbrush handle, only a little rounder and longer, that's all - but remember that it's a size four. You can practice with it at home, and even bring it to the photo studio with you if you get called for a session before the next big weekend session." The girls were smiling. I added, in a hushed voice, like sharing another Shiva Sisterhood secret, "A couple of the men here this weekend have a size four dickie doll."

Tammy said, "But don't ever tease a man if he has a little dickie doll. Any size feels almost as good. There's more important things to make a girl feel good."

We let her comments hang in the air a moment, then I said, "While we play the 'ding-dong' game, there might be several people in the room. They will want to slide the ding-dong it in and out of you. It will help get you ready for the next size. If it feels good then you can squirm around a little bit while someone slides it in and out. They will be gentle."

Ginny said, "And they might want to kiss you there first. Like to make sure you're nice and juicy."

"Oh, and don't forget," I said, "Sometimes you'll be blindfolded so you won't know which photographer is kissing you or touching you or sliding his dickie between your legs, or inserting a ding-dong, depending on what game you are playing. It makes the games more exciting if you don't know who it is.

I looked at my watch. "I hoped we would have time for you to practice right now with a one or a two, but we need to get going. Don't sit down. We'll get you dressed and put on fresh lipstick and make-up. Stand up straight, and be nice to everybody."

Ginny reminded them that we had a schedule for each of them, but they will get to choose what game they want to play later after they have already played each of our three standard games. "And we'll be taking each of your for a special cleaning session before one of the games tonight. It won't take long, and you'll get points for that, too." I knew Ginny was looking forward to taking one girl at a time for an enema cleansing. We had agreed to give every girl and enema before she played the anal 'catch-the-finger' game. Joan, the new women photographer, would help with the enemas. The enema video would be an optional part in each girl's video library, although the girls themselves would never see it. They were now used to being on camera almost all the time.

Ellen said, "And act shy tonight, at least at first. You'll be having fun soon enough!" And we headed over to the big bathroom and other bedrooms to dress the girls.

"This will be a fun night!" I said to Ginny as we left the room behind the girls.

We quickly fixed up the girls' hair and did some make-up and jewelry additions. Bright red lipstick completed the look. The short, black or navy, velvet jumpers were hemmed just below each girl's hips - even with the tops of her legs. They were so short that bending over or reaching up would expose her bald pussy. So I had to remind the girls to stand up straight. Each girl had on an ultra-sheer, white, lacy blouse over her sheer training bra. Each girl was wearing lacy ankle socks and black high heels.

Ginny and I got the beautiful girls ready to take downstairs. We didn't let them tinkle while getting ready. They would be escorted to various bathrooms on their way to play the games. I reminded them of our special bathroom protocol tonight. "you must get one or two of the new men to escort you to the bathroom if you need to tinkle. Remember to keep your knees apart so he can watch you. Let him wipe you off and be sure to thank him with a kiss. OK?"

"OK." They said. We had talked about it before an earlier party session.

Brandi said, "But I need to tinkle now."

I smiled, "Then let's head on downstairs. I'll choose one of the men for you right away."

"Ready, girls?"


We entered the room and the photographers clapped. They had been waiting for us. Many of the men and the two new women told the girls how pretty they were. We began mixing with the adults and the girls seemed surprised that even the new people knew their names. I took Brandi over to Robert and Gene who happily escorted her down the hall. Gene had his digital video camera in his hand.

Three large TVs were set up in the main party room. Early videos of our models were playing. The girls liked watching videos of each other. They talked and milled around with sodas in hand, looking at each other's videos.

Sally's spanking video was playing in the corner near the bar and several people were watching. Sally and Diane joined them. Sally blushed, but accepted their compliments. She heard the smack and watched herself twitch, then quickly assume the ready position again - bare bottom towards the camera, with her panties stretched between her knees and her plaid, schoolgirl skirt flipped up in back. Sally was mesmerized by her video.

Brian, one of the new photographers was studying Sally as she watched the tape of herself. Brian looked to be about forty, well-dressed and fit. A jogger. A ring of black hair surrounded his shiny, bald dome.

"You did great, Sally." He said.

"Thank you." She replied quietly, watching herself accept another spank with the paddle. The girl on the screen got quickly back into position again, and said, "I'm ready."

Diane asked her if it hurt.

"No, not too much. Just maybe a little sting. That's all."

Everyone watched her take her panties the rest of the way off and get ready for a front spanking. As she hiked up her skirt and sat on the edge of the big, overstuffed chair, Brian said, "Such a cute, little, red bush, Sally. And such pretty, full lips. I would like you to model some of my panty designs. Would you like that?"

"Yes." Sally said, blushing again, as she watched a female hand begin tapping her pussy on the TV with a miniature paddle. She saw herself looking into the camera and twitching slightly with each gentle pat on her clitoris.

Another man said, "I guess you don't have your little, red bush anymore though, right? Didn't all of you girls get shaved for the next sets of pictures and videos?"

Before she could answer one of the new ladies said, "It will make it more fun for the games tonight. I hear you already have some points, Sally. Do you girls think you'll get enough points tonight so you can get invited back?"

Sally and Diane were holding hands, and they both said, "Yes." At the same time and giggled.

Everyone watched Sally readjust herself on the edge of the big chair - opening her legs wider for the spankings. She leaned back and opened her knees wide, ready for the front spankings.

A female hand came back on the screen in front of Sally's chest, this time with a wooden ruler, and began tapping Sally's pussy. The voice on the video tape said. "Look into the camera while I tap you, Sally. I'm getting you ready for some harder spankings. Remember to open your legs wide again after each spank." After a few more light spankings, the voice said. "Here, Sally. Tap yourself while I adjust the video camera. Tap a little harder." Sally watched herself tap her pussy as the video zoomed in on her pussy. Then the voice said, "Good work, Sally. You're all ready now. Close your eyes now so you won't know when the spank is coming."

The small audience laughed as Sally twitched and closed her legs part way after each tap on her open pussy. The spanks were very irregular so she couldn't tell when the next one was coming. Several times the voice reminded her to open wider.

Joan said, "Sally, it looks like the spankings excite you. I see drops of moisture on some of your red pubic hairs." As she said that the front spankings stopped.

"Hold your knees open, Sally, while I adjust the video again." It zoomed in even closer and everyone could see the whitish liquid building up in Sally's open pussy.

That was the end of that clip. Everyone clapped and told Sally what an excellent job she did. She blushed, looking down.

The next clip on the video collection was Brittany undressing for the very first time in front of the video camera. She asked, "Are you sure it's not turned on?" Everyone laughed. They watched as Brittany pulled down her panties and stepped out. She had a sparse, dirty-blond bush which she covered with both hands, one hand still holding her panties.

"I don't think it's on, Brittany." Said a different woman's voice, "But I like to record our modeling sessions so I'll know if a girl can be obedient. Take off your shirt and bra. Quickly, I have another bra and panty set for you to model!" Brittany hurriedly flipped off the blouse and pulled her stretch bra up over her head.

The voice on the video said, "Wait, this isn't the right set. Practice modeling while I get the other bra and panty set I had laid out. Look into the camera. Turn around and smile. Do whatever I say. Isn't that what your mother told you?"

"OK." They watched Brittany assume various modeling poses while completely naked.

The woman standing next to Sally and Diane said, "That was taken just five months ago. She's not so shy now, is she, girls?"

Diane and Sally both laughed. "No. Not Brittany."

Brian said, "Her little bush is gone, too, isn't it, Sally?"

"Yes." Diane answered before Sally could reply. "All of us got shaved this morning. Now we're all 'bald as babies again.' That's what Ms. Ginny said."

"Can you show us?" Asked Brian.

"I don't think we're supposed to yet." answered Sally.

"Well, you don't have to take off your panties, just pull them down so we can see." Said Joan, the new lady photographer, standing beside Diane.

Sally and Diane giggled, but didn't answer. I stepped around from the other side of the group of new photographers. "It's OK, girls. Come out here and stand in front of the TV for just a minute. But they can't pull down their panties because they aren't wearing any!" I said with a laugh. "And you'll all get to see them soon enough. They all want to earn lots of points tonight, and the best way is by following directions."

I told Sally and Diane to lift their skirts but not too high. Both girls lifted their skirts. Sally was blushing again. I said, "Hold your skirts up and let them see how pretty you look without any hair."

"Why aren't you wearing panties, Sally?" asked Brian.

"We're not supposed to, like except if we're playing games," Sally said.

"Go on." I prompted.

"But like later on, like you wanted me to be a school girl and then give me an outfit to wear so you could pull down my panties and spank me, then I could wear panties." She explained, turning redder than her hair.

"I would certainly like to do that, Sally." Laughed Brian.

Diane added, "We're not supposed to wear panties yet so we'll get juicy. That's what they told us."

"Turn around, Girls." Said Joan, the new lady photographer. "I want to see which bottom I would rather spank first."

The girls followed her instructions. When she told them to bend over as if they were getting ready for a spanking, they looked at me to see if they should. "Yes. This is how the photographers decide who they want to play games with. So go ahead, Diane and Sally. Bend over as far as you can. Feet apart. Be careful in the high heels. Maybe one of them will be ready to play a game with you."

They all told the girls how pretty and limber they were. One of the men said, "It looks like they are already juicy enough, Andrea."

I laughed. "Yes, I think they have been juicy enough all weekend!" I had the girls stand up again. Both of them were blushing.

Brian said, "I would love to spank Sally! Would you like a spanking tonight, Sally? Back and front?"

"Umm, OK, if it's OK with Andrea."

"Will you be a good girl, Sally, and follow directions?" I asked.


Brian said, "Will you hold your knees wide apart so I can give you a gentle pussy spanking?"

"Yes." She brightened.

"Good girl, Sally." Then I said to Brian, "She's going to be an excellent model. Very cooperative. I want to take some close ups of your baby-bald pussy. Is that OK?"

"Yes." Sally said, and looked at the floor, which made us all smile

"Brian, later she will have to play the Ding-Dong game."

"What's that?" he asked. The other adults waited.

I didn't answer. Then I said, "Tell him, Sally. Maybe he would help you get ready."

She blushed again. "See, like they are going to put things up inside us that get like bigger and bigger and we get points when they put something bigger in us. Ginny says they will put it in and out a few times on each size to get us ready for the next size. Size one is like a grown-up's finger."

"Oh." He said. "Well sure, if it will help you get ready I would be glad to put my finger in you. Do you want me to do it before your spanking, or after your spankings? Or both?" He said cheerfully.

"Whatever you want, Brian." She said, looking at the floor again.

"Take her downstairs to the schoolroom set, Brian. I'll come down in a few minutes with some fresh panties and a schoolgirl outfit. Just play together until I get there."

We all looked around the room. Two of the girls were being led out. Brandi was watching the video of her very first session with a small group of photographers, and Brittany was laying across a man's lap face down on the couch. Her dress was up and several people were pulling her bottom open for a close inspection.

I left with Brian and Sally. Several others would join our party later, once she was dressed up in her costume and blindfolded, but she wouldn't know who they were. Meanwhile Brian would help her undress and finger her.

They were talking about spanking as I led them to the schoolroom set. I showed them in, turning on the lights and the video camera, and left to get the schoolgirl clothing. "Brian, you can finger her and kiss her to help get her ready for the spankings."

"And, Sally, do whatever he says. Let him touch you or kiss you anywhere he wants. This is a game and you're already getting points."

I stood in the next room and watched them on the monitor for a few minutes. He asked her which she liked better - the front spanking or the rear spankings.

"Well, I kind of like them both. The front ones are softer but I twitch more. The back one's kind of sting sometimes and I don't like that too much, like if they sting."

"I'll spank you softly, Sally. This will be a fun way to get points, don't you think?"

"Yes." She giggled.

Then Brian asked her other ways she knew of to get points. Sally just giggled so he asked her again. "Well, one way is to swallow the squirty." And she laughed.

I watched my little star blush again and look at the floor.

Brian laughed too. "OK then. I won't waste it. When it's ready to come out I'll make sure it squirts in your mouth. OK, Sally?"

"Yes. Thanks."

"Do you like squirty?" He asked.

"It's OK. I mean I don't mind it. It's kind of warm and gooey. A little yukky, like some of the food at school."

"Have you tasted very much squirty?"

"No, just yesterday and this morning. I'm getting used to it. Brittany likes it. She likes it a lot."

"Well, I'm going to like kissing you as much as you will like tasting me. You were plenty juicy enough before you came into the room tonight. Bend over the desk and hold up your skirt. Put your legs apart while I look at you up close. I want to see what I'm going to be spanking."

Brian studied her ass up close. He said, "Put your hands on your fanny, Sally, and pull your ass open for me. OK?"

"Yes." She did as she was directed, bending over the desk with both hands pulling her fanny open.

Ellen came in to watch the monitor with me. "I'll let them play about ten minutes before bringing in Sally's school girl outfit. What a fun evening this will be!"

"Yes, indeed." She said.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.