Published: 20-Jan-2011
Word Count:
"Hi Jeff. This is Margie. Sorry to call so early, but I wanted to catch you before you went to work. I'm glad you're still home. I've got a favor to ask."
"What's up, Margie. Haven't seen you since our community theater project three years ago. How have you been?"
"Just fine. But do you remember my daughter, Lori?"
"Is she OK?"
"That's what I'm calling about. She is fine, but has been acting lately. I don't mean "bad acting" like you used to accuse me of, or "acting bad" like lots of kids her age, but just plain 'acting.' And right now she is upstairs in bed 'acting' like she's sick."
"That sounds normal to me, Margie." Jeff laughed. "Maybe she has 'home-work-itis.'"
"I know. That's probably it, but I get so frustrated sometimes. I had an idea to teach her a lesson. Do you remember when you played the part of a doctor seven years ago?"
Laughing again, Jeff replied, "I remember it bombed. Wasn't that the last play we did for almost two years?"
"Right. It's too bad it bombed. But anyway, I was wondering if you still had those medical props from the play. You used to save all your home-made costumes and props in your souvenir collection, right? Well, do you still have them?"
"Actually, Margie, that was one of several bad habits that led to my divorce." And then he added, "But I'm happier now. Free to do more crazy stuff I guess."
"Well then, back to my crazy request. I was wondering if you could 'play doctor,' and embarass my daughter so she won't try to pretend she is sick just so she can stay home from school. I want to call her bluff but don't want to call a real doctor."
"Hmm, let me think about this. I haven't seen your daughter for several years. Cute little girl. What is she now - about ten?"
"Oh, Jeff. I know we haven't seen each other these last few years, but she was ten last time I saw you. She's still small for her age, but she's almost a teenager!"
"No wonder you're frazzled!" and they both laughed.
Jeff said, "Maybe this will teach her a lesson. What did you have in mind?"
They talked for twenty minutes.
Three hours later "Doctor Jeff" made a house call. . . with his nurse.
Margie led her old friend and his 'nurse' upstairs to the sleeping Lori's room. After a soft knock on the door, the three former thesbians entered the dark room. Margie was softly talking to the 'doctor' and his 'nurse' about Lori's stomach pains which were preventing her from going to school. "She has been sick a lot lately, Doctor, and has missed the last four Friday's at school. This morning I offered to take her to see our family doctor, but she said she felt too sick to go. I said I could call 911, or take her to the hospital, but she said she wasn't feeling that bad yet. That's when I called my friend Lois, to see if she knew of any doctors who still made house calls."
"Mom, is that you? Who else is here?" asked the yawning Lori, sitting up. There were creases in her face from the wrinkled pillow. Her blond hair was stickingup on one side.
"Hush, Dear. The doctor and his nurse are here with me." Then she said to the doctor, "My friend Lois had heard about your program with the University Medical Center Outreach Department, with doctors who still make house calls."
She looked at her daughter who was rubbing her eyes. "Lori, this is Doctor Smith and Nurse Debra."
"Why aren't you turning on the lights, Mom?" She sounded almost wide awake now.
Doctor Smith answered, "I don't want the lights to hurt your eyes, Lori. Let me listen to your heart a moment before I examine you further."
He pulled a stethescope out of his white lab coat. There was some kind of badge clipped near his collar. The coat was unbuttoned revealing his dress shirt and tie.
The well endowed Nurse Debra watched closely. Her white uniform making her bushy, red hair look even redder.
Dr. Smith began moving the cold stethescope around on her nightgown. Even through the nightgown and training bra, he could tell the twelve year old was beginning to develop nicely. He now realized he might enjoy this charade even more than he had first anticipated.
"I'm going to run on downstairs, Doctor Smith. You go ahead and do whatever you think is necessary."
"Before you leave, please sign this paper so we can make a video recording of our diagnosis proceedures and treatment. The tape will help streamline our new out-patient services."
"Of course, Doctor. I really appreciate you coming over to see my daughter. You can video your examination. Anything to help train new doctors and nurses." Margie signed the papers with Jeff's Bic pen and left, leaving the door open to let in more of the mid-day light.
Lori was sitting up straight letting the doctor listen to her heart through her short, cotton nightgown, actually a men's extra large T-shirt. When Margie left the room, Doctor Smith motioned for Lori to lay back and let him listen to her chest. He lifted the nightgown, pushed her training bra up off her breasts, and put the cold stethascope on her bare skin. Her small breasts disappeared when she laid down.
Nurse Debra got the video camera ready and turned on the lights.
Dr. Smith couldn't help but notice Lori's firm, small breasts were getting even firmer, and the nipples were getting erect as he continued to listen in different places - constantly rubbing the cold stethoscope across her breasts. He flicked the edge across her erect nipples each time he moved it to a different location. Her dime-size aeroles were pink, and her nipples were the size and hardness of BBs.
"Lori, if you want, you can put this sleeping mask on so the light doesn't hurt your eyes, and so the young medical assistants in the training classes won't recognize you when they watch the video. You don't need to, but there are lots of para-medical students who will be watching this tape. I think a few of them are in our high school apprentice program. And since you will probably be getting an enema, I thought you might prefer to remain anonymous. You just like back while I examine you. Here. I'll fasten the mask it's kind of like a blindfold, but will protect your identity. It's not too tight, is it?"
"No. It's fine." and she let Dr. Smith fasten the sleeping mask.
"I need to lift your gown. Just lie back down." He stood and went to close the door and clicked on the other bedroom lights. He lifted the girl's gown to her neck. Her training bra was more of a sports bra and did not have a snap, so he left it on and just pulled it higher above her breasts.
"Turn on the camera now, Nurse Debra." even though both adults knew the camera was already on and running. He began talking in his stage voice while feeling around on her breast and tummy. "I'm examining 12 year old Lori, who wasn't able to attend school again this Friday."
He ran the stethescope across her breasts. After listening, he took off the stethescope and massaged her chest area, even pulling outwards on her breasts. "Now I'm checking her skin tone." he said as he pinched each nipple while Nurse Debra zoomed in as they hardened again.
"Now I'm feeling her abdomen to check the fullness of her bowels. Just as I thought, her tummy is slightly distended. Lori's mother told us they always have pizza on Thursday nights and therefore don't have any fruit or vegetables We may have to administer the treatment."
He was pressing gently on her lower abdomen. As his hands and fingers began pressing through her white panties, he thought he could feel the beginnings of pubic hair. He put his hands on her ankles and pulled her feet apart to examine her through her panties a moment longer. "Does this hurt, Lori, when I press here?" and he pressed through her panties between her legs, massaging her clitoris between the barely parted lips.
"Umm, no. that doesn't hurt. What treatment are you talking about?"
Still in stage voice he answered her query, "The patient inquired about our possible treatment, So I will ask her some questions. Remember how important it is to ask questions while you are completeing your diagnosis."
Then, while still feeling her pussy through her panties, he asked the paitent a question, "Did you have a bowel movement this morning, Lori?"
"No. I didn't have to."
"Well, I think that may be what is making your stomach hurt. I'm going to pull down your panties now. Your panties feel damp here." as he pressed against her pussy. "Did you pee recently?"
Then to Nurse Debra, "Go fill the enema with warm, soapy water in the bathroom. Get it very full."
"No. I haven't peed since this morning."
"When did you last change your panties, Lori?"
"Yesterday morning after my shower."
"Did you masturbate in bed this morning, Lori?"
"No. Of course not, Doctor."
"Did you rub yourself here?" as he continued rubbing her through the panties.
"Well, I might have scratched it if it itched. I don't remember. But I didn't rub it very long."
"Let me zoom in while I pull these down. We need to check for any vaginal discharge, and then I'll get her temperature." he said, as if still talking to his medical students.
While the girl remained still, with her feet together, he tugged the panties down almost to her knees. The crotch material was stuck between her closed thighs, since Lori was getting self-conscious. Nurse Debra came back in with the bag-style enema - completely full.
"I need to check for any vaginal discharge in her panties, Nurse Debra. Can you hold the camera closer while I pull these down?"
"Of course, Doctor." She moved the tripod closer to the end of the bed, and zoomed in on Lori's pussy, while Dr. Smith pulled the panties below the knees and grasped her feet to spread them as far apart as possible with the panties stretched between her knees.
"There seems to be some discharge here, Nurse Debra. There are a couple possible causes." He gently pinched her pussy lips with his fingers and pulled them wide apart. "Let me go wash my hands in a moment and you can ask her a couple questions. First we need to check her temperature." And he inserted his Bic pen up her vagina, leaving the writing tip hanging out. "
"Yes, Doctor." Nurse Debra answered respectfully, but with a big smile as she noticed the bulge in the doctor's pants. Dr. Smith moved his 'thermometer' around in Lori's vagina.
"I'm going to wash my hands now. Interview her about possible causes of the dampness in her panties while I'm gone. We'll administer the enema when I return."
"Yes, Doctor. Lori, let me turn off the camera, so it won't pick up our conversation." But she didn't turn off the camera, she just zoomed back out. She pulled the panties off the rest of the way and pulled out the Bic pen and sniffed it. She put it in her apron.
"You can take off the sleeping mask for a minute, Lori. Here. Look at these panties. Why do you think they are so wet in the crotch?" and she held them out for Lori to look at. She pulled off the girl's night shirt and bra. Lori's breasts looked bigger when she was sitting up, hunched over.
They both looked at the damp, discolored white crotch liner of the cotton panties with blue polka dots. Lori seemed embarassed.
"I've got to ask you some questions." said Nurse Debra as she put the panties in a plastic baggie for the Doctor's private collection. "Have you had any severe stomach pains, or have you masturbated since your shower yesterday morning?"
Lori blushed and looked down, not answering. After a moments silence she said, "My tummy really did hurt a little bit this morning." She was trying to muster up some conviction as she talked.
Nurse Drbra was looking at the medical folder as she addressed the girl, "Lori Branson, age 12, spread your legs and lay back down."
Lori complied and Nurse Debra examined her a moment, being careful not to get in the camera's way. "It's not your period. You HAVE started having periods, haven't you, Lori? Spread your legs wider."
Lori spread her legs wider, lifting her knees, and answered. "Yes. Last summer." and she chewed on her tongue, thinking hard, "I think I've had six of them already. Ugh. I don't like them."
"Do you know what I mean by masturbation, Lori Branson?"
"I think so. Like when I touch myself?" she put her hand on her naked pussy while she answered.
"Yes. That's it. I think this discharge in your panties might be from masturbation and not illness or infection. I want you to show me how you touch yourself."
"But I hardly ever do it."
"Should I call the doctor or your mother in to help me interview you about this, Lori? I can tell from your panties that you've been touching yourself. Now show me how you do it."
"No! What are you talking about? I couldn't do that. You mean touch myself with someone watching?"
"Let me put this sleeping mask on you. Lori. It might be easier to answer if you can't see. The camera is off now."
"Well, I never touched myself with anybody watching. Are you sure?"
"Yes. That's exactly what I mean. Of course, I can call Dr. Smith in for a more thorough examination while your mother watches and listens to the questions."
"Umm. I might have rubbed it a little bit this morning. Maybe I did it in my sleep."
"Well then show me how you masturbated this morning and other ways you do it. Tell me what you think about while you're showing me how you touch yourself. I know you do it. Don't try to lie to me. I have your panties."
"But... I didn't mean to."
"Hurry up. You heard me, Young Lady. Get in position and start. Tell me your different fantasys. Doctor Smith will be back here in a minute." The wide grin on Nurse Debra's face did not match the firm tone in her voice.
Lori stayed on her back and lifted her knees with her feet just slightly parted. "Usually I start like this while I still have my panties on. Sometimes I get up and pee first, but usually I start while I'm still half asleep." and she started lightly tickling around the edges of her pussy with both hands.
"Then I usually take my panties off, unless I think Mom might come in with laundry or something. If she's not around I take them off so I can reach better." Her feet were wider apart now, and Nurse Debra was glad she had lowered the tripod near the foot of the bed before beginning her "interview."
As Lori's fingers began stroking up and across her shrouded clitoris again and again. Nurse Debra could tell Lori was an amateur, because she didn't attempt to lift the skin off her swelling clitoris yet, but just continued to 'strum' across it.
"Show me what else you do, Lori. I don't have time to watch you get off. Hurry up. Change positions, and tell me what you think about, what feels good, and in a minute I want to see what objects you use." The way she gave orders told Lori she might as well do it and there was no use pretending she didn't know what Nurse Debra was talking about.
"I like to imagine Mr. Johnson holding me on his lap and touching me like this." as she used one hand to tickle her pussy and the other to massage her breasts, even pinching her nipples the same way Dr. Smith had done a few minutes earlier.
"Who is Mr. Johnson?"
"He's my English teacher."
"Has he ever touched you?"
"No. Of course not."
"Do you ever flirt with him?"
"Not exactly, but sometimes I let him accidently see my panties when I'm handing back papers, or getting up to sharpen my pencil." She had stopped rubbing while she talked.
"Keep demonstrating! Keep talking!"
Lori put her right fingers in her mouth and got them wet before twisting her left nipple with the wet fingers. "I pretend Mr. Johnson is licking my titties while I touch myself down here. I don't know why I like to pretend like that. Sometimes I promise myself to I'm going to let him look at my panties while I'm doing this." Her left finger began going in and out her wet vagina.
She lifted her legs, putting her feet back towards her shoulders as she flipped her pillow around to support her fanny. Her knees were almost on her chest and she spanked herself with her left hand as she put her right finger back into her vagina. "I pretend Mr. Johnson kept me after school and had to pull down my panties and spank me. This is embarassing. Do I have to keep telling you about my daydreams?"
"Yes. Keep demonstrating and tell me your fantasys. These are all very normal feelings for a young girl, Lori." And Nurse Debra caught herself touching her own breasts while watching Lori masturbate.
Lori rolled over on her tummy with both hands between her legs, tickling herself. "I'm still thinking about getting a spanking from Mr. Johnson. Like he just pulled my panties down with me bending over his desk and he is patting my bottom between the hard spankings. Sometimes I even pretend he's tickling me.
"Do you masturbate every morning, Lori?"
"Not usually on school days."
"Do you masturbate when you go to bed at night?"
"Sometimes I might scratch myself a little while I'm getting ready to sleep - sort of to relax."
"Lori Branson! Tell the truth."
"Yes. Almost every night, I guess."
Dr. Smith opened the door and walked in. Lori pulled her hands away. "Any idea about the cause of the wetness in Lroi's panties, Nurse Debra?"
"Yes, Doctor. As you suspected she masturbates every morning and everynight."
"I do not!" Said Lori, taking off the mask and sitting up. "I don't do it on school mornings, and some nights I don't do it either. She's exaggerating."
"OK. OK." Jeff chuckled. "Perfectly normal. I'm glad that's all it is, Lori. But, time for your enema now. Turn the camera back on."
Nurse Debra pretended to turn on the camera and said, "I'll put lubricant on your finger so you can lubricate her anus before we start."
"Before we roll her over to a hands and knees position, would you help me lift and hold her knees apart? There seems to be a bump here which I want to examine." referring to her clitoris.
"Yes, Doctor. Let me get on the other side of the bed. I'll hold her leg over here while you examine her. I hope it isn't anything serious."
"I don't think so, but I might need to check it next month. Just to make sure." and he completed his examination of the young girl's clitoris.
"Lori, you need to roll onto your tummy now so I can lubricate your anus."
"Yes sir."
"Nurse Debra, hand me a couple pillows to put under her hips. Now put some lubricant on my fingers. I'll use one finger first."
As he slid his finger into her anus - feeling her tight sphincter relax and tense, relax and tense, he noticed his hard-on straining against his pants.
"I'd better do two fingers, Nurse, before we insert the enema nozzle."
"Yes Doctor. Should she put her legs apart?"
"Yes. Lori, put your feet apart. That's it. I'm going to use two fingers now. This will make it much easier for the enema nozzle to slide in. Ok. Here come my two fingers," and he slid them into her. She could not restrain a moan as he forced them into her tight bottom. He slid them in and out several times, to make sure she was well lubricated.
Nurse Debra handed him the enema nozzle and moved the camera for a better view between her parted legs. It was her idea to bring the camera. It fit into her 'medical bag' along with the enema supplies.
After adjusting the camera, she held the large enema bag up above the slightly constipated girl. Dr. Smith inserted the nozzle and released the clip, filling Lori's bowels with warm, soapy water.
"That's too much, Doctor."
"No. We need to let all of it drain into you. You'll feel better soon."
Nurse Debra led the girl to the bathroom. Lori walked with her knees pressed together hoping she would make it ten feet to the bathroom.
Jeff opened the plastic bag and examined Lori's panties, with a big grin on his face.
After nurse Debra returned with the naked girl, Dr. Smith asked her to lay down and spread her legs again. Lori meekly complied. Jeff pulled her leg over his lap as he sat down. "Lori, your mother called us because she was worried about you. Now that you're in our program, we could bring you over to the hospital so we could demonstrate giving enemas to the interns and high school apprentices. We'll keep a Friday morning slot open in our training room in case you're absent any other Fridays this quarter. The next semester starts over Christmas break, so I've asked your Mom to call us any time you're sick on a Friday."
"I'm not sure if she's really sick on Friday mornings, Doctor, or if she just wants to stay in bed and masturbate."
"Did Nurse Debra ask you about your masturbation, Lori?" as he continued to massage Lori's clitoris.
"Yes, Doctor. I told her all about it. But sometimes I'm half asleep and don't do it on purpose."
"OK, Lori." and he patted her pussy. "We'll go now, but I thought that maybe a vibrator would speed up your morning routine. Help you concentrate in school. But, if not, we can just go now."
"What do you mean, Doctor?" She sat up, leaning back on her straight arms. One leg was across the doctor's lap and the other leg was still spread to the other side of the bed.
"Nurse Debra, take the papers on down for Mrs. Branson to sign. Fill out the insurance form with her. I'll be down in a minute. You can come back up and get the camera in a minute after I come downstairs. Turn it off before you go downstairs."
"Yes, Doctor." She pretended to turn off the camera and went downstaris.
"Here, Lori. I'll go downstairs, too. You can experiment with this a few minutes. If you promise me not to be sick any more on Friday mornings, I'll let you keep it. Otherwise, I'll see you in the hospital training room. OK?" He turned on the vibrator and was tickling her clitoris with it. Her legs were still spread and she didn't dare tell the doctor to stop. She quietly laid back down. After a minute he handed it to her.
"You don't want to end up getting an enema in front of some high school and college para-medical students."
"No, Doctor. I won't miss any more school. Will you tell my Mom about this?" taking the vibrator from his hand.
"No." he laughed. "Your insurance doesn't cover these." He kissed her on the forehead and left.
"Thank you."
Fifteen minutes later Nurse Debra re-entered the room, got the camera, turned off the lights, and said, "Good-bye, Lori."
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