Published: 1-Mar-2011
Word Count:
I said, "Sally, come with me to a special room for a very special modeling assignment. You'll get to try on those special designer leather outfits that Henry talked about. And maybe, if you're lucky, you'll even get another spanking." I laughed and she laughed along with me, unsure if I was joking.
"Andrea, it won't be a hard spanking, will it?" She took my hand as I led her to the Beginning Bondage Room. "I mean not like a really hard spanking."
"The other girls are getting shaved now, Sally, but we want to get these photos and videos before your pretty red bush is shaved off. We can hardly see it because it's such a baby bush, but still, in the close ups...." I let my voice trail off.
She smiled, "Come an, Andrea. Are they going to spank me hard?"
"No." I hugged her. "Of course not. This is for pictures. You'll have on different panties. We got you all cleaned up and back in your schoolgirl outfit just so the viewers can see your transformation. The spanking is just a little part of it. And it won't hurt! But like you said, 'maybe sting a little bit.' Remember saying that?"
"Yes, I remember saying that." Then she added, slowing her pace. "But I'm nervous about strangers seeing my bare bottom while I get spanked. And you said, 'close ups.' Maybe they could spank me with my panties on. Like especially if you're going to take close ups."
I laughed, stopping to hug her again. "Sally, you're so cute. OK, I'll tell them to spank you with your panties on at first. Maybe even get your first spanking while you're still wearing your schoolgirl outfit. Would that make you feel better?"
She smiled. "Yes. OK."
I said, "And even though some of the spanks did sting your bottom for a second or two, it didn't really hurt, did it?"
She shook her head no.
I told her what to say as we approached the unmarked 'Beginning Bondage' room in the lower level of the country mansion.
Henry greeted us. "Good morning, Sally. I think you remember Ellen. You sat on her lap last night, too, and she gave you your first new pair of panties."
"Yes, I remember." She smiled and offered her hand like I had suggested. She shook hands with the four adults already in the room when we entered, then said, "Henry, I hope you'll let me keep my panties on when you spank me this morning."
He laughed, "Maybe we could trade, Sally."
"What do you mean?"
"I was in the Dickie Dolls room last night, and saw you do a great job. Did it taste OK?"
Sally turned a bright red. "Brittany likes it." She finally said.
Henry laughed, "Yes, she did seem to like it. Lots of girls do ... as they get older. But you swallowed some didn't you, Sally?"
"Yes." She said, still blushing brightly.
"And it wasn't too bad was it?"
"Well then. If you promise to do that to me - kiss my cock, then you can leave your panties for most of your first spanking. You want to leave your panties on longer, don't you?"
"I thought you would, especially if you knew how many men and women will be watching you get your spankings this morning."
"What do you mean?"
I stepped in, not wanting Henry to say too much. "Sally, you know your mother gets paid because you're a model."
"Yes, I know." She was looking at me, and then to Henry, and then back at me. "She gets paid because I'm a model. It's fun being a model, too." She giggled.
I continued, "and you know we're keeping track of what a good job each of you girls does here this weekend - on following directions, playing the games, being nice to the photographers, and so on. Remember?"
"Yes." Sally still looked puzzled.
"Well, if Henry wants you to lick his Dickie Doll and swallow his squirty then if you do that your Mom will get a nice cash bonus. But you don't have to do it. It's the same for some of your modeling, especially when we take your panties off so hundreds of men and women around the world can see your beautiful, full pussy lips. You don't have to pull your panties down with so many people watching, but if you do, then your Mom gets a nice bonus."
Sally was blushing, but smiling.
I said, "The men and women who want you to model for them just love your pretty figure. You're growing up, and getting so pretty."
Ellen chimed in, "Yes, Sally. Even we women photographers love looking at your pretty pussy. It's so pretty. So fresh. That's why people want to see it. I liked looking at it last night before I gave you the new panties. It didn't hurt you when I looked at you, did it?"
"No." she smiled bigger. "Of course it didn't hurt."
"Well then, it wouldn't hurt whether it was just me looking at it or whether it was five hundred photographers looking at it, would it?"
"No, I guess not." Sally was thinking, still blushing. "It's just embarrassing. Makes me feel nervous inside."
We all laughed, helping her feel at ease. Sally looked around at the very strange furniture. Alan, one of the new photographers just joining us, was busy turning on the lights around the stage area - a carpeted six foot square platform a foot off the tile floor. The cloth backdrop hid the wall for now. The cloth looked like a normal school room except for the Japanese writing on the chalkboard. He moved a sturdy wood table and chair up onto the carpeting.
Henry helped her step up onto the stage and told her to stand beside the sturdy, antique table. Alan put several textbooks on the table. These books had Japanese writing on the covers. "Just talk to us, Sally, while we adjust the cameras."
"This is pretty neat. I mean with the stage and all. Like a movie set in the movies. And when you spank me leave my panties on, OK? Because this is like pretty embarrassing with so many people watching and I can't see who it is. Like it makes me feel really nervous inside."
Two large video cameras were on tripods. Two of the adults, who Sally vaguely remembered from the night before - a man and a woman, each held smaller cameras.
I said, "Sally, we talked about this. You're a star. Lots of people want you to model for them. They want to watch you get a spanking. We won't pull your panties down right away." And I laughed. "Just remember that most of the people watching and who will see these videos from today have already seen pictures of your bare bottom. It's why we chose you for today's shoot - because so many people just loved your pictures."
"Really?" She smiled.
"Yes. And they liked it that I made some of your spankings sting a little bit so you squirmed around."
"They did?"
"Yes. So, Ellen won't spank you real hard today, but it might sting a little bit and then you can squirm around. Will you remember to squirm around if it stings a little bit?"
Sally had a worried half-smile on her face, thinking things over. She said, "Yes. I'll squirm, but like I wasn't thinking about it, I guess I just did it. Like when it would sting my bottom I wiggled because of the tingly feelings on my bottom. So like it's OK to squirm around? Because I thought you wanted me to hold still and I was trying to hold still but I guess I couldn't help it."
I knew one of the cameras was zoomed in on her face as we talked. "Yes, Sally, you did great! You tried to hold still as best you could, but you squirmed around because it made your bottom tingle."
"Un, hun. And you told me not to rub my bottom, so I was trying not to rub it, but it tingled, and so I couldn't help but wiggle, even though I was trying to hold still. I tried to hold still, Ms. Andrea."
"Very good. I want you to try to hold still today, too, unless it stings. Then you can squirm around as much as you want. Whether we spank your bottom or your front, if it stings, then you can squirm around."
"My front?" She was genuinely worried.
"It won't hurt, Sally. Here." I handed her a ruler. "Lift your skirt and spank the front of your pussy while we finish adjusting the cameras and getting ready. I have to get my notebook. Spank yourself in different places on your pussy. You'll see that it doesn't hurt. Those full, beautiful lips of yours will start to tingle, that's all. It's another reason you were chosen as the star model for this video... those full lips of yours!"
She was tapping her pussy mound with the ruler when two well-dressed men entered, each carrying a box of clothing and accessories. "Here, Henry, your special outfits, custom made for your petite, little redhead." He looked at Sally, who was now holding the ruler suspended over her mound watching the two men. He said, "Is this Sally?" The tall man asked. "Wow. So beautiful."
"She is absolutely beautiful. I love redheads." Said the shorter, older man.
Sally smiled, blushing, and stopped tapping her pussy with the ruler. She let go of the hem of her dress so that it covered her panties and the top three inches of her thighs.
Henry introduced his two associates and explained to Sally that they both loved her pictures and videos. He invited them to stay and watch Sally get a spanking. "Ellen is going to spank her - back and front. I'm not going to pull down her panties right away, though, because she agreed to lick my Dickie Doll, I mean my cock, after our photo shoots this morning, and then she's going to swallow my squirty."
Sally seemed stunned and didn't talk. She was bright red. The room went dead quiet. I said, "It's OK, Sally. Nobody will see you lick Henry's Dickie Doll, at least it won't be on camera for anyone else to see except us. And you don't have to swallow all of it. It didn't taste too bad did it? I mean last night when you swallowed some."
"No. Not too bad." She thought a minute. "I guess. Brittany likes it. Will I get a Coke after I swallow it?"
Everybody laughed, the tension dissipated.
One of the men holding a box said, "Sally. I remember seeing pictures of you - different angles - front, back, side - and I always loved your beautiful, full lips."
"Me, too." Said the other man with the two smaller boxes. "Full lips, big mound, and you have such a pretty face, too. I loved your whole body."
Sally smiled. "Really?"
"Yes, really. We just loved looking at your pussy." Said the taller man, about thirty years old, with a neatly trimmed moustache, and French accent. "I love the pale freckles on your light skin. You can hardly see your little, red bush except in the close ups. Can we see it now? I'm not sure if we can stay."
I said, "She needs to practice spanking herself on her pussy. Just so she'll know that it won't hurt any more than the spankings she will get on her bottom. Go ahead, Sally. Spank it." She dutifully lifted her plaid jumper and began spanking her mound again, keeping the hem of her jumper lifted high. I turned to address our two newcomers. "And you can see her bare bottom soon enough. I don't know if Sally is comfortable with such a big audience."
I thought a moment, then looked at Sally, "Of course there will be probably over a hundred people watching around the world as we spank you in a few minutes." I looked at my watch. "You're spanking session is scheduled to start in ten minutes. We'll spank you for a few minutes before we pull your panties down. We will spank you some more on your bare bottom and bare pussy with hundreds of people watching, seeing close-ups. So you decide, Sally. Is it ok if these men stay here and watch your spankings in the studio, or should they go upstairs and watch on the monitors? They both liked your pictures. They have seen close-ups of your bare pussy already - some pictures with your legs spread open. Remember? And Pierre brought you a specially made costume - just for you. He brought it all the way from France. So can they stay and watch?"
She was beginning to squirm as she stood on the stage, eye level with the adults. "Yes. I guess it wouldn't hurt. They can stay."
"Good Girl, Sally." I said.
The men all went over to fiddle with something on one of the cameras. I whispered to Sally, "You get more bonus points every time you follow directions or when you are especially cooperative with our photographers." Sally smiled.
"They think you're very cute, Sally. So does Ellen. I know she wants to kiss you. And remember while she's spanking you, she isn't mad at all. They are just pretending. You're an actress. She might sound stern, but really she likes you and wants to kiss you."
Sally lifted the hem of her red plaid jumper again with her left hand, exposing her sheer, red, brief panties with the white band around her hips. There was no cotton liner in the crotch, so that her wetness would show through quickly on the dark material. There were already signs of wetness on her panties. I prompted her to keep practicing spanking her pussy, just so she could see how hard she could spank her pubic mound.
I turned and talked with Alan while the other adults were busy consulting their clipboards, apparently ignoring Sally for the moment. The two large, tripod mounted video cameras were unmanned, giving Sally the impression that she was not "on camera" yet. She began spanking her mound with the ruler -soft at first and then much harder. We could all hear the smacks while we talked amongst ourselves, ignoring her. We all knew that this would be a favorite part of the video for many viewers.
I said, "Sally, pull your panties down and practice, too. It might be a good idea. Then you'll know that it won't sting too much on your bare pussy. Well do a quick rehearsal in a minute. Allen is running up to the kitchen. Can he bring you anything?"
"I'll need some Coke." She said, "I mean after my spanking." She pulled her panties down to her knees and moved her feet apart so they wouldn't fall down, and leaned against the edge of the table.
As she began spanking her pussy again, Pierre walked over and asked if it hurt. "No." She said. "I can even hear it smack, but it doesn't hurt. Watch." She demonstrated.
"Very good, Sally. You are an excellent model. You come to France someday to model, no?" He said.
I walked over. "Sally, wouldn't that be great? A trip to France to be a model?"
"Wow." She said.
I winked at her, "And your Mom would get lots of money for letting you go. I would go with you." She didn't say anything, but her expression said "Wow!" .
"Sally, try to open your legs wider and spank yourself upwards between your legs." She tried to spank upwards, making a wet-sounding smack. "That's it. A little harder." I encouraged her.
Henry and Pierre came over and said she was doing an excellent job of following directions. I had her show them how hard she could spank. "Excellent, Sally!" Said Henry. "Pierre, why don't you fluff up her bush a bit before we start the show. Get her pubic hairs all relaxed."
I told Sally to keep her legs apart so her panties wouldn't fall. "And put your hips forward so he can fluff up your bush before we start. That's it. Hold your dress up high and stand still. Keep your hips forward. Good girl." Pierre's deft fingers were massaging her pubic mound - pushing her lips side to side, knowing that he was stimulating Sally's hidden clitoris. He moved her mound back and forth, then one lip up and the other down, as he kept stimulating her clit. Sally was having trouble standing still as Pierre stepped to one side so the big camera could zoom in on her pussy. The smaller camera was trained on her face. I watched Sally's face, too. Her mouth was open and she was looking down and to the side, all her concentration between her legs as Pierre massaged her pussy mound.
I said, "That's good, Pierre. Thank you. I think she's ready for her spankings now. Pull up your panties, Sally, and we'll run through your program so you'll know some of the things to expect. First you'll introduce yourself and tell the cameras your real age." I held her by the shoulders and walked her around the stage. "Then tell the cameras that you've been naughty and that you need a spanking. Then turn around and bend over the table for your first spanking from Ellen. Ellen will have you stand up..."
I felt her panties between her legs. "Oh, Sally. Your panties are all wet. What's the matter?"
She blushed brightly. I said, "I'd better give you a clean pair. Are you nervous?"
"Well, no need to be nervous. Ms. Ginny said you used to get nervous modeling and she had to give you dry panties."
"Yes. Ms. Ginny said it was natural to get nervous, and like I get nervous in my tummy when she had me pull down my panties in front of her cameras, and like ..." She seemed almost ready to cry she was so embarrassed. I hoped the camera was getting all this.
I said, "It's OK, Sally. Ms. Ginny is right. Girls get nervous when they have to pull down their panties in front of people. It's OK. I've got extra ones." I hugged her. "You're doing fine. Did you get nervous in your tummy when you had to pull down your panties a minute ago?"
"Yes. Pierre was standing right there when I pulled them down. It's embarrassing, but I have to do it, don't I? I want to be a good model."
"You are a good model, Sally. Didn't Ms. Ginny and I tell you that?"
"Yes. Ms. Ginny used to check my panties all the time to see if they were still dry. She would rub them around. On the way out here, she kept talking about pulling down my panties in front of lots of new people. She said I would have to let them look at me and touch me and it made my tummy get all nervous inside."
"Well, of course, Honey. It's natural for your tummy to get nervous. Here, step out of these. I'll put these dry ones on you. OK?"
"Yes. Thank you. It's just embarrassing when they get so wet, that's all." She stepped out of the very wet, red panties. I handed the wet pair to Ellen, who smiled her thanks.
As I helped Sally step into pair of blue, silk hip-huggers, I said, "You're going to pull this new pair of panties down if front of these men and women, and hundreds of other people will see the pictures of you. It's natural to be nervous. You're going to be undressed and spanked in front of the camera. Front and back. No wonder your tummy feels tingly inside. People will see your pussy up close as Pierre spanks it. They will see you twitch and squirm after your spankings. Lot's of people will watch you get spanked - on your bottom and on your pussy. And then later you'll lick Henry's Dickie Doll in front of the people in this room and try to make the squirty come out. These people will watch you swallow it. But that part won't be on camera at least. Are you glad of that?"
"And what do you want to drink later, after you swallow his squirty?"
"A coke." She said, still blushing brightly, unable to hold still. I was leading her through the motions as I talked. "Lean back against the table just like you were doing and hold your dress up high while she starts to spank your pussy. OK? Got it so far?"
I looked at my watch again. "We need to start in two minutes so our broadcast will be on time around the world." I motioned for Alan to move the main camera left a few inches. I said to Sally, "Then Ellen will tell you to pull your panties down. Pull them down slowly, but all the way to below your knees. People want to see your pretty pussy lips. Your world-famous, eleven-year old pussy lips! Keep your legs apart just like they are now so your panties won't fall to the floor. Ellen will give you a few more pussy spankings before helping you step out of your panties. She'll put you in different positions as she continues to spank you and undress you. We want to audience to see your pussy, fanny, face, titties - your whole, beautiful girlness. She will probably pull your fanny wide open for the cameras. You'll end up wearing only your shoes and socks for your final spankings. We need to get ready. Some viewers are tuned in already. OK, Sally? Ready to be our star?"
"Yes." She was excited, blushing already, chewing her lip.
I said, "Once you're undressed Pierre will help spank you. On your bottom and on your pussy. He will position you. Be absolutely obedient. Do whatever he tells you. OK?" I was talking quickly. People in the room were moving the cameras, bustling with activity, getting ready for the show.
"We want you to squirm and even say 'Oww!' if it stings. If you want him to spank you harder, say, 'Oww. Hot!' and if you want him to spank you softer, say, 'Oww, ouch!' But no matter how hard the spank, say something and wiggle... but not until Pierre starts spanking you. With Ellen, just wiggle a little bit. Ready?"
I looked at my watch and stepped down. "Everybody ready?" It suddenly went quiet when I held up my hand. "Ready, Sally?"
"Yes." She swallowed.
"Sally," I said quickly, "Pretend Ellen is your teacher and that Pierre is the principal and they are spanking you at school because you did something bad. When I point to you wait three or four seconds, looking at the camera, and then introduce yourself. Ready?" I motioned unnecessarily for 'Quiet on the set.'
Sally nodded to me.
Allen said, "Just got word, two hundred sixty viewers live, online with us. Watching."
"You're the star, Sally." I pointed to her. The set was quiet.
She looked into the camera, "I'm Sally and I'm eleven and I've been a bad girl at school so I'm going to um ... get a spanking."
She was blushing brightly, holding the hem of her skirt bunched in her hand. She sucked in her lower lip again. Perfect!
Ellen stepped onto the stage and bent her over the table. We couldn't see Ellen's face as her hands bent the young girl over the table and pushed her legs apart. She patted Sally's bottom with her bare hand and then pressed the panties against her pussy. "Feet apart, Young Lady!" Her voice stern.
Sally quickly spread her feet wider apart.
"Lift this bottom up!" Sally arched her back as Ellen tugged her jumper and blouse up above her hip hugger panties. We could all tell the excited girl's fresh panties were getting wet already - a telltale darker spot exactly over her vagina.
Ellen massaged the panties between spanks. The dark spot grew bigger. "You know you've been a naughty girl, don't you, Sally?"
"Yes, Mam." She said.
"Louder, Sally. Say, 'Yes, Mam, I've been a bad girl and deserve to have my fanny spanked.'"
The next three spanks were with the ruler. "Stand up, Young Lady. Turn around. You deserve a spanking on your pussy, don't you?"
"Yes, Mam."
"Hold up your dress! Say it! Tell me your name again and that you've been bad and deserve a spanking on your pussy! Hold your dress up higher!" Ellen was in charge, not angry, but her soft voice carried authority.
Sally was crimson red as she looked at the camera, "I'm Sally and I've been a bad girl and deserve a spanking on my pussy." She was holding her dress up high, to her chest, exposing her belly button and tummy.
Ellen spanked Sally's pussy through her panties. The ruler made a noise and Sally twitched. Ellen had Sally pull her panties to her knees and open her legs to keep the wet panties stretched between her legs. After just two more spanks on Sally's pussy, she said, "Here comes the principal now. He will teach you a lesson, Young Lady!"
The cameraman would be careful not to get Ellen's face in the video. And Pierre's face wasn't on camera either as he said, "Step out of those panties and hand them to me!"
"Yes, Sir." She said as she stepped out of them.
"Turn around and bend over. Feet apart."
Sally followed directions quickly. Pierre gave her two swift spanks - one in the center of each cheek. Sally twitched and squirmed, "Oww." She said. White marks on her bottom turned to red as the camera zoomed in. There was plenty of lighting to show Sally's creamy excitement building between her full lips. After a few more spankings her bottom was glowing red. Some of her longer reddish, pubic hairs were wet and matted around her vaginal opening.
"Feet farther apart! Ms. Thomas, please pull her bottom open."
Sally scooted her feet wider apart as Ellen - "Ms. Thomas" - stepped to the other side of the table. Sally was lying on her tummy on the table with her feet on the floor - wide apart. Ellen said, "Lift your hips. Stick out your fanny!"
Sally arched her back to raise her hips towards the cameras. Ellen's hands were on the sides of Sally's fanny - one on either side - with thumbs close to her anus. "Open her slowly. All the way." Said Pierre.
"Yes, Sir."
She said to Sally, "I'm going to open you up now, Sally. Keep your back arched and relax your bottom. Tell us that you've been naughty and that you need a spanking on your pussy." Her voice was neither urgent nor loud, but it was clearly a voice of one in command.
"I have been..." Sally began softly.
"Louder!" Said Pierre.
"I have been a bad girl and deserve to get a spanking on my pussy." She said, much louder this time. Her fanny was red from the spankings.
The cameras were zoomed in as Ellen opened Sally's ass. Her creamy wetness oozed down from her vagina to pool on her swollen clitoris - now visible between her firm, fat, pale, young lips.
"Smack!" Went the paddle on her pussy, also hitting Sally's clitoral ridge. The girl jumped and squirmed, lowering her hips and closing her legs part way.
"Open up!" Said Pierre, as Sally continued to squirm.
Ellen loosened her grip and helped Sally stand up. They removed her clothes without protest. They had Sally look into the cameras as she perked herself up - pinching her nipples in turn - and say her name and age again. Sally blushed as she massaged her breasts and gave her name and age again. Pierre laid a folded, blue tablecloth on the table and helped Sally use the chair for a stepstool and climb onto the table. "Get on your hands and knees." He said.
"Yes, Sir."
"Put your shoulders down on the table and spread your knees apart. That's it."
Sally did as she was told. Her ass was wide open towards the cameras as he spanked her again. She twitched and squirmed, saying "Ow!" after each smack.
Pierre alternated spankings between her ass and her pussy. Making her squirm with each one. He waited between spanks so she wouldn't know when the next one was coming. Sally's wetness had built to the point that it almost looked like a man's creamy, white cum between her open lips. When the paddle hit squarely on Sally's clit, Pierre deftly pulled the paddle out of the way so the audience could see her squeeze and release, squeeze and release - as her pussy twitched and squirmed. Each time she squirmed, more of her whitish lubricant oozed out. Her whole pussy was wet with it.
The two adults helped her climb onto the table and roll onto her back with her knees bent up and feet about two feet apart. "Let your knees drop apart, Sally, while he spanks your naughty pussy. Try not to close your knees, but if you do close them, be sure to let them open again right away."
"Yes, Mam."
She couldn't help but close her legs with each swat on her open pussy, but she followed directions and let her knees open again as she stopped twitching. Finally Pierre said, "Have you learned your lesson, Young Lady?"
She said, "Yes, Sir. I will try not to be naughty anymore." Her breath was raspy.
They helped her stand up and face the cameras. "Tell us your name again." Directed Ellen, after she and Pierre had stepped off the stage.
"I'm Sally and I'm eleven and I just got a spanking because I was bad." She blushed as she looked into the camera.
Ellen said, "Now turn around and open your legs. Arch your back and pull your ass open for the cameras, Sally."
After she did as directed, she had her stand and face the cameras again and blow a kiss. Her face glowed red.
After I said, "Clear!" the people in our audience cheered and clapped for Sally, telling her what an excellent job she did. They all kissed her after helping her down from the stage. Pierre hugged her tightly and said, "Sally, you were fantastic. What a great actress you are! Magnifique!"
Ellen said, "Sally, I'm going up to change clothes now, for our next little session. You stay here with Andrea and the men. I'll be back shortly with more soda. I'm sure you'll be thirsty. All the Dickies are standing up to salute you." She kissed her on the cheek and squeezed her breast.
I laughed as Ellen and the other woman left. "Sally, your performance had quite an effect on all of us. Would you like to see what the men thought of your show?"
"What do you mean?" She looked puzzled.
I said, "Sally, you get the men all excited because you're so sexy! If you want, I'll tell them to take off their pants so you can see just how excited they are! It wouldn't hurt to look."
She nervously chewed on her lip again, putting her tongue out the corner of her mouth as she looked at the six well-dressed men, trying to decide what to say. I repeated, "It wouldn't hurt to look, would it?"
"No. I guess it would be OK to look." She watched the men take off their shoes, socks, trousers and boxers. Each of the six men was fully erect, just like during the Dickie Dolls session the night before.
Pierre said, "My squirty is almost ready to come out. You get me so excited. I want to take you to Paris."
"Wow. Paris? Really?" She said, looking around at all six erections.
I said, "Gentlemen, please. Give her some room. Bring her a chair." I looked at Sally. "Sally just sit on the chair and you can look at them. I noticed that you liked looking at them last night in the Dickie Doll room. If you want to touch them you can do that. It wouldn't hurt to touch them, would it?"
She sat down on the padded stool, not taking her eyes off the erect penises. "It wouldn't hurt to touch them, I guess." She began feeling them, one man at a time, with both hands. She caressed the balls and moved the penis back and forth up and down, sometimes letting go while holding one down. She laughed as it sprang back up. "That's funny." She said, and did it again.
I reminded her of the nice bonus her Mother would get for each one she played with, but she didn't comment on my suggestion. "This is funny." She said, as she let two of them spring back up at the same time.
"OK, Sally, just relax and play with them for a little while. Your next session isn't for another half hour or so."
"My next session?" She looked momentarily worried. She looked at me, pulling her attention away from the bobbing penises.
I said, "Just keep touching them, Sally. In your next session you'll wear some of Henry's special outfits and get fingered. That won't hurt, will it?"
"Oh. I just didn't want another spanking. My bottom kind of hurts!" She let go of a penis, watched it bounce, then reached down and rubbed her bottom. "My bottom still stings a little bit. Don't want another spanking now!" She laughed and so did the men.
I motioned for three of the men to step back so she would only be confronted by two or three cocks at a time. I said, "You can lick them, Sally, if you want to."
"Oh. I forgot." She said. "They look so funny." She giggled and flipped them one at a time.
"It doesn't hurt when somebody puts a finger in your vagina, does it?" I asked, while she stared at the stiff cocks, comparing.
"No. That doesn't hurt, Andrea."
"When you want to lick one, just pull it closer to you. We'll start the fingering session in about thirty minutes. You get a couple points for each one you play with, and more points for licking, and even more points for sucking and licking until the squirty comes out..."
"I know. And I get the most points of all if I swallow it." She said mater-of-factly.
"Right!" I laughed. "Swallow all of it. I'll help Alan set up the stage for your next show. You go ahead and play." I said, as she pulled one closer to her. It was Pierre. She licked it. "You have a cute one, Pierre. It's cool how it curves up like a banana, and I can get my whole hand around it pretty easy.
"You got me so excited when I spanked you, Sally. I hope the spanking wasn't too hard for you." He let her lick it a minute. "It feels good when you lick it, Sally."
"Like this?" She was licking up the side of it.
"Yes, that feels good, but it's best when you put it in your mouth and slide up and down on it. You know. Like you did on that guy last night."
She continued licking and trying to get the big tip in her mouth. Pierre's tip was much bigger than the shaft - like a banana with a strawberry on the end.
"Good job, Sally. That's it. Get it all wet and keep licking and sucking. Very good. Are you sure it didn't hurt when I spanked you?"
"Unnn." She shook her head "no" with the tip of Pierre's penis in her mouth. Sally could hardly get the whole tip in her mouth, but once she did, she kept sliding back and forth over it the way Brittany showed her.
I watched as Pierre held Sally's head between his hands and moved her head back and forth faster as he moved his hips.
"Don't choke her." I cautioned as he came. He must have been ready to cum from spanking her because she only sucked it a minute. He pulled her head against him as he came so that she had to keep swallowing.
He let go and she pulled her head back. She took her mouth off and swallowed again. "That was a lot." She said, with a half smile on her face. She ran her tongue around her teeth and swallowed again. "Mom will get a bonus for that, right, Andrea, because I swallowed it?"
"Yes, a nice bonus, Sally. Good girl!" I said. "She'll get a nice bonus for each one. And a nice bonus for your spanking, and a nice bonus when we finger you."
Her hand was still on his shaft as it got softer. She could see more cum oozing out as his penis relaxed, so she put it back in her mouth and sucked another few seconds, while massaging Pierre's penis. Then she let go, swallowed, and explained to Pierre and me, "Brittany said that sometimes more comes out so you need to keep sucking even after it stops squirting. She said if you squeeze it again you'll get some more." She smiled like she had just won a prize. "Brittany likes it."
"Did you like it, Sally? Did mine taste OK?"
"Yes. It's OK. I mean it doesn't taste bad, just different. Brittany says you learn to like it if you get more of it. She said she really likes it. A lot."
"Did you like licking it?"
"Yes, that's the fun part, like to kiss it and lick it all over, and then look at it and lick some more. I tried to get it all wet like you said."
"You did great, Sally." Pierre said softly, leaning close to her head. "Would you like to do it again tonight?"
She smiled, "OK. Cool."
I said, "I need to run upstairs a minute, Sally. Looks like you could get more bonus points, if you want to." I waved my hand towards the three men who had watched her get Pierre off.
"OK." She said and turned in her chair towards the next man. "I guess I can at least lick one for a little bit. Do I get points if I just lick it?"
"Yes." I answered, standing in the doorway. "Of course you do. Lick each one for a little bit, and try to put it your mouth. That will be some nice extra bonus points for you even if the squirty doesn't come out. If you want, you could let them help you relax your pussy and get it ready to be fingered when you're on the stage again."
"OK." She reached out for Alan's penis as he stepped towards her.
"I'll bring you another Coke, Sally."
"OK." She kissed his penis and licked it like an ice cream cone. "Thank you, Andrea." She said as she started licking and kissing it again, cupping his balls in her left hand.
I winked at Henry on my way out. Sally would be a real star for us.
When I returned, Henry said, "She gets points for two more squirtys. Swallowed it all."
Sally finished drinking her soft drink with the melted ice cubes, and was glad to get another glass of ice and a can of soda.
Ellen came back in, wearing her knee-high, black leather high-heeled boots, a corset which supported and pushed her B-size breasts straight forward. The open ends of the bra exposed her erect nipples and another inch of compressed, pointy breast. Her crotchless girdle exposed her shaved pussy and wrapped the top six inches of her thighs. She was carrying a riding crop. Sally stared at her. "I have a similar outfit specially made for my little, red-headed princess!"
"Gee." She kept staring at Ellen.
Then she looked at the stage with the round, leather pillow thing on a stand. The curtains were raised so she could see the various, strange fastening devices against the wall, and the raised, padded bolster - as high and wide as a pony. She said, "Gee" again and began squirming her legs.
Ellen and two of the men helped her into the costume. "I've been dreaming of training you in these arts, Sally. Even while I was spanking you I dreamed of fingering you while you're strapped in your harness. It makes me get nervous in my tummy. I can't wait! I think you'll enjoy being tied up and fingered in front of the cameras, don't you?"
"Ohh." She said quietly, mesmerized by the strange devices.
The special gear was tight on the young girl, but made her breasts appear even higher and longer. The tight girdle squeezed her tummy and thighs making her pussy look even fuller. She didn't know what to make of the studded leather ankle and wrist bracelets. "This reminds me of a dog collar." She said as Alan fastened the leather necklace. There were metal rings on her necklace, ankle and wrist bracelets, and along the girdle around her hips.
"Gosh. This makes my boobies stick out straight, doesn't it, Henry?" She said as Henry tightened the corset-brassiere, squeezing her small breasts through the supple, black leather. He pulled each nipple through the conical, open-ended brassiere as far as he could. Her breasts conformed to the tight, cone-shaped cups. Sally's dime-sized, pink nipples and about one inch of white flesh protruded through the bra. Her breasts rode high on her preteen chest - even with her armpits, and sticking straight out.
"Yes, your boobies are squeezed frontward all right. It looks like you want us to feel them or suck them." He felt her nipples - erect yet soft and pink with a pale ring of breast protruding through the tips of the black, leather bra. "When we have you all tied into place, we'll tickle your nipples with feathers."
"Yes." Henry laughed. "Then we'll slide a finger up your pussy. But that won't hurt, will it?"
"No." She was looking at herself in the mirror. "No, that won't hurt. Not like a spanking."
"We've got a little time, Sally, while you get used to these fancy underwear! Maybe you should go show Pierre how far your boobies stick out now."
She went over to Pierre who made a big fuss over her, even sucking on her eager nipples. Pierre sat on the stool and sucked her nipples while his fingers massaged her wet pussy. "What are they going to do to me, Pierre?"
He sat back and pulled her onto his lap. "Lots of things. Surprises. You'll like it."
"Come on, Pierre. You're teasing me. Like what are they going to do?" She was grinning and blushing at the same time.
"I don't want to spoil your surprises, Sally. It won't hurt, although ... like you said about your spankings, 'maybe sting a little bit.' But I think you'll like the ways we tie you up. And so will all the viewers, so they can look at you - up close. I know I like to look at you. You'll start off as an actress again, with your school blouse and dress on over these fancy underthings." He felt her breasts and squeezed the leather bra-harness. "Then you will undress in front of the cameras so that everybody can see your pretty body and sexy smile. Before we tie you up with the soft ropes through the metal rings on your bracelets, we want you to pinch your nipples and perk yourself up. Next you have to turn around and bend over, and pull your cute little bottom wide open for the cameras. That's why your girdle is cut out - so we can see your pussy and ass. Hold your bottom open for the cameras. They will zoom in on your asshole. Everybody wants to see your tight, little, pink anus, Sally, so pull your bottom wide open! I want to see it, too. I'll be watching."
Sally squirmed on his lap, unable to sit still. She chewed on her bottom lip as she thought things over. "That's embarrassing. I don't want to pull my fanny open in front of the camera. Do I have to?"
I walked up beside them. "You don't have to ... but Sally, you should show Pierre how well you can follow directions. Pierre wants to be sure you can be a good model if he's going to take you to France. Maybe you'll even get to go to Paris with him. You could be all dressed up and go out for dinner with him. Then maybe his friends will want you to model for them. You can be the star! So, will you pull your ass open for the cameras?"
"Yes." She said softly, squirming around on his lap.
I said, "Show him how wide open you can pull your cheeks. Stand up right now and show him. Let him touch it."
"Touch it?" She asked, blushing as she stood up.
I said, "Yes. Touch it. It won't hurt. Now bend over and show him that you are a good model. Legs apart. That's it. Hold it open." We looked at her stretched anus... so pink and tight. A very tiny hole. This would be great. He flicked a finger across her anus and it puckered and flexed... the tight muscles tightening while she tried to hold it open. Each time he touched it, it contracted - fast as an eye blink.
I said, "Relax it, Sally. He's going to put his finger in your pussy now." I patted her fanny. "Keep holding your ass open, Sally. That's it. It doesn't hurt when someone sticks a finger in your pussy, does it?"
"No. It doesn't hurt." Sally said quietly as Pierre's long finger slid in - coated with her natural lubricant. "Good girl, Sally. I told Pierre that you were good at following directions. Isn't that nice of Pierre to get your pussy ready to be fingered in front of the camera? Only a few minutes to show time. Can he finger you a little bit longer? Get you ready for the cameras?"
"OK. Unnn." She held her ass wide open for him.
"Two minutes!" I announced, looking at my watch again. Henry helped Sally get onto the stage and put her schoolgirl blouse and jumper on over her leather underthings. I stepped up beside her as the men moved the padded leather furniture into place. I whispered her lines into her hear. Her eyes grew wide. "It won't hurt, Sally. It might even feel good. After you say your lines, take your school clothes off and tell us you're ready for the rest of your punishment. Be sure to pull your bottom open for the cameras like Pierre told you. Wide open."
She watched Ellen and Pierre put on masks that covered their eyes and nose. Pierre was dressed in a black business suit.
She blushed brightly as she turned around on the stage. She stopped and said her opening lines, "I'm Sally and I'm eleven years old and I have to get punished some more. They are going to tie me up so you can look at me, and then do embarrassing stuff to me." She undressed, turned around again, perked herself up, and then turned away from the cameras to bend over with her feet wider than her shoulders. She put her hands on her fanny and pulled herself open as she bent down.
Ellen said, "Wider, Sally. The camera is zooming in. Open it wider."
She stretched her fanny as wide open as it could go and held still for the cameras. When she stood up and turned around she was blushing bright red.
"We're going to tie you up now, Sally. But we need to put on this gag first. You won't be able to talk, but we want you to pretend you don't want us to do some of the things we have to do now. OK?"
"Yes, Mam."
Ellen strapped the ball gag in her mouth with halter-type straps. She fastened the small buckles behind Sally's head and fluffed up her two pigtails between the side straps. Sally's reddish hair was so curly it stuck way out to the sides.
"Now Sally, I want you to show our viewers how you will try to say 'no.' Go ahead, try to tell us you don't want us to do something."
Sally shook her head side to side and tried to say "no," but it came out like "nnnn, gnnn."
Pierre stimulated her protruding breasts to make the nipples stand up. He said, "Let's get you mounted, Sally. Are you ready for me to stick my finger up your pussy?"
She nodded.
They fastened additional bracelets on her elbows and thighs, just above her knees, matching her other "dog collar" style wrist and ankle bracelets. Sally's entire face was visible, with just a slight distortion where the ball gag strap tugged on her cheeks. The black leather of the gag harness matched the black leather of Sally's outfit.
Pierre and Ellen helped her mount the "horse" on the stage. Her ass was almost camera level sticking out over the back edge of the leather bolster which was shaped like a horse's body Sally was strapped into riding position with her ankles, wrists, elbows, and knees fastened to straps on the sides of the horse, hands held in place in front of her head so that her breasts hung down either side. Her chest was against the big leather bolster, as if she was hugging the horse, leaning forward with her knees high and tight against the sides of the tan, hand-sewn animal. The "horse" was narrower under her chest, so that she had one breast on either side of the specially -made, stiff, leather pillow. Her feet were near her ass, like a young jockey hugging her pony. It took several minutes to get her fastened into position. We could smell her creamy, wet excitement. See it.
One camera was moved to focus on her face and the main camera was about five feet from her ass. Later they would be able to mix the two videos into a split screen version, but for now they were alternating shots for the viewers elsewhere in the world. A third camera was held by a man who would move around the stage to get other shots.
"We are going to finger your pussy now, Sally. Are you ready?"
She wasn't sure whether to say yes or no, and her uncertainty was clear in her face. She nodded 'yes' after she noticed Ellen nodding. Her eyes opened wide, unfocused, as Pierre began fingering her pussy, pushing in slowly ... all the way in. She was very tight, but also very wet.
A minute later, Ellen surprised her with a slap on her fanny. "Lift up, Little One, I've got some clips for your beautiful titties. Sally looked puzzled as Ellen held the plastic tipped alligator clips in front of her face. Three inches of dog chain dangled from each clip. Sally studied the clips as best she could with Pierre still fingering her pussy and rubbing her swollen clit. "This might pinch at first." She squeezed the back end of the clip and the alligator's jaw opened wide. With her other hand she played with her left titty to make the nipple stand up. "Does this hurt, Sally?"
"Nnnn,unn" she shook her head 'no' while Ellen played with her breast. It felt good, just like when Ellen had caressed them earlier. The side camera was zoomed in on her face as Ellen slowly released the little alligator on her nipple. Her face showed pain and fear. "Nnnn,oooonnn,unnnnnnn!" She said with the ballgag stopping her words. She was trying to move away but was tied into position.
"Calm down, Dear." Said Ellen, in her most calming voice. "When you try to jump around you shake the chains which tug on your tender, young nipples. Calm down. These are on the softest settings. If you try to shake them off, I may have to set them for a tighter pinch. Is that what you want?"
"Nnnn,oooonnnn,unnnn." She said again, but her writhing slowed as Ellen played with her right breast on the other side of the bolster.
As Ellen fondled and lightly tickled her right breast with a feather the nipple stood up nicely. Slightly larger than a pink BB, just big enough for the alligator clip to hold onto. "Very good, Sally. Hold still for me. Don't shake the little chains or the clips might fall off and I might have to tighten them. But go ahead and see if you can shake them off now. If you shake them off, I promise to leave them off for five minutes.
Sally's face showed pain and excitement at the same time as she tried to shake the chains. They clinked against the side of the brown, leather bolster. When Sally slowed down Ellen caressed them and tugged on the chains. "Well now, these seem to be on pretty good." She held up a white, plastic vibrator. "Here is your reward for being such a good, little girl, Sally. I'll tickle your clit with this whenever you do something good." She turned it on.
Sally stared at the buzzing object. Her face clearly asked what her voice could not: "What is it?"
Ellen touched it against her cheek and the girl jumped, making her titty chains clink. Hold still, Dear, while I dance this all the way back to your clit."
Sally's face tried to turn to see the back of her, but she couldn't move. Her eyes showed a mix of curiosity and fear as the vibrator traced its way back to her ass. When it tickled across her dry anus, Sally flinched again. Ellen laughed and did it again. Her ass tried to close, but it was impossible. Sally was strapped so that her ass end was suspended from just below her bellybutton. Ellen traced it all around her ass, and Sally's face turned this way and that trying to figure out what was happening. She jumped again when it glided across her clit. "This is your reward, Sally." She brushed it across her clit again. "When you're a good girl we will vibrate your clit for you. Try to move your butt around to tell me this doesn't hurt."
Sally discovered she could move her ass around in a small circle or up and down by rotating or pivoting her hips. She couldn't move the rest of her body, but she could move her ass around.
Pierre continued to finger her vagina and occasionally swipe the vibrator across her clit while Ellen went up to show Sally her next treat. "Sally, Dear. This is a butt plug." Again Sally looked puzzled and stared at the flesh colored plastic device which looked vaguely like the vibrator. But it was narrower and had a bulbous section near the base - longer than a man's finger and as round as a hotdog - the bulb bigger than a marshmallow.
Sally shook her head, "no" again, but this only made her titty chains jiggle and bounce - tugging on her tender nipples. "Nnnnn,onnn,nnnn." Her eyes were wide.
"Oh yes. Pierre is going to lubricate your anus with his finger. His finger is all wet from you pussy, but he's going to put some special lubricant up your ass. This will slip right in."
The same fear and curiosity showed on Sally's face as Ellen walked towards her ass again.
Pierre seemed amused by Sally's attempts to keep her ass closed tight. It took several tries, and lots of lubricant, before he was sliding in all the way. Sally's ass was moving and the chains were clinking as Ellen said, "Here comes your ass toy, Sally. Take it all and you'll get a nice long buzz treatment."
Her ass got still as she struggled in vain to keep her ass closed. Her face looked into the nearby camera, but she wasn't looking at the camera, she was concentrating on the feelings surging through her body as the buttplug went all the way in. Pierre's fingers were still working her vagina and clit. He buzzed her clit. Sally began moving again. Slowly. Ellen pulled out the plug and pushed it home again. Ellen and Pierre were standing to either side of Sally's ass so the camera could see everything clearly.
The third time she pushed it in, Sally's expression changed. Each time she pushed it in, Pierre buzzed her clit, making sure she would associate the two pleasures.
"Sally, we have to push this in a few more times before we're finished with you. When you're ready for me to push it in again, rattle your chains."
Sally writhed and made her chains slap against the sides of the bolster she was riding. She was making the chains clink and moving her ass as Ellen pushed the buttplug in. Pierre held the vibrator against her engorged clit and wiggled his finger up her vagina at the same time.
"Unnnnn." Sally peed as she came. Her intense, first orgasm cut all restraints inside the young girl. Her face and skin were a mottled red, her feelings of pleasure clear to everyone. "Unnnnn, Unnnnnn," she moaned as the camera, and Pierre's fingers, noted her rhythmic pleasure spasms.
The stage lights went dark when I gave the signal several seconds after her spasms subsided. We unfastened Sally and helped her step down, wiping her off. Nobody commented on the damp area of her urine on the carpeting. It was quiet after this performance.
Pierre kissed her. She walked in a daze, legs weak, accepting compliments with a half-smile. Ellen unclipped the chains from her nipples. She said, "You did great, Sally." Sally smiled at her. Pierre kissed her sore nipples. We removed her leather clothing and bracelets. I helped her into the white, satin robe; led her to the bathroom, then took her upstairs for a nap.
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