Preteen Catalog Models, Part 4

[ M+/g, mast, spank, finger, oral, pedo, bond, photo ]

by Corn53

Published: 28-Feb-2011

Word Count:

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Story Summary
Dear Reader, Thank you for enjoying a vicarious adventure with me. If you enjoyed the story, please send me a note. Also, please share any fantasies, memories, suggestions, etc. It's how I get material for new stories. And of course, there is no way for me to verify if something actually happened or if it is pure fantasy. I'm not seeking any themes that involve violence, although mild coercion may be OK, as the naive, curious, protagonist progresses through her adventure. I'm not advocating doing any of these things with minors, although role play with consenting adults could be fun. The reason that many of my fantasy stories involve younger characters is that they are so curious about their own, budding sexuality, and they are easily seduced with compliments or 'stuff,' that is promised to them. The character is led through little steps and soon gets into very compromising situations.

Diane Gets Shaved on Camera

"Is it time to get up?" asked Diane, stretching and yawning.

"In a little bit. Just lay back. You can sleep some more. I need to get a couple pictures while you're still almost asleep. Lie back and close your eyes. I'm going to lift up your covers and position your legs. Go on back to sleep, Diane. Relax."

It was only me with her in the dimly lit room, and I talked softly. The girls didn't know what time it was because we made sure there were no clocks in any of their bedrooms. We kept the girls separated except when an adult was present, because we didn't want them learning each others' last names and so on. One of us women had laid down with each of the girls for a little while as we put them to bed, and cuddled with them, rubbing her back, helping her relax and go to sleep. I had taken Diane to the bathroom to tinkle about two hours ago, so I knew she wouldn't have to pee right away.

I had already taken pictures of the other sleepy girls before they got up. They were all downstairs now having breakfast in their shortie nighties with several men helping them. I had to get pictures and video of their sleepy pussies so the girls, and all the rest of us, could see the difference between a "sleepy pussy" and one that has been spanked, vibrated, or somehow stimulated - with a swollen, excited clit. I would enjoy getting those photographs later, with some help from the other photographers. But now Dianne was almost asleep. I slipped off her cotton panties and lifted her legs, putting each of her knees over two pillows - like a doctor's examining table. With legs spread wide I got a video clip and several pictures of her relaxed pussy. Her clit was flaccid and relaxed - almost completely shriveled up and collapsed... tiny and pink with no inner "wings" like grownup girls have.

"Put this little towel over your eyes, Diane, so the flashes won't wake you."

She did as I asked.

When I removed the panties from each girl that morning, I had noticed a telltale streak of excitement in the panty crotch. Diane's pussy was relaxed but still wet with her thick, silvery excitement from the night before. When I spread her legs - opening those full, meaty lips, the thick liquid formed a strand over the opening to her vagina. The white strand pulled and thinned like stretching chewing gum until it reached it's limit and broke, leaving a thick, silver drop on the inside edge of each lip.

After taking a few pictures, I couldn't resist touching her opening. "I have to wipe you off, Dianne. Just relax." Her fine, wispy hair made a dark shadow. There were no more than two dozen long strands scattered around her full mound, mostly in front, just on top of her crack. A few shorter hairs curled near her vagina, but the lips themselves were still bald. Her meaty lips shrouded her clitoral ridge until her legs were spread wide open. I knew from the videos that her clit would swell quickly when given the least bit of attention. "That's it. Just relax." I whispered.

"OK" she said, leaving her knees wide apart over the pillows. It was still dark in the room. She seemed ready to go back to sleep.

"I just have to put my finger in you, Diane. Need to check something. Leave your legs apart. That's a good girl.'

"OK." She said, but sounding more awake.

My finger slowly forced it's way up the slippery, tight vagina.

"Ohh." She said, moving her hips slightly to the right.

"Does that hurt, Diane?"

"No." She said but she was drawing her legs together.

"Keep your legs apart. I need to help you relax before we do the shaving this morning. I'm going to push in you ten times. Slowly, but all the way. OK?"

"Yes. OK."

As I continued pushing my finger all the way into the reclining girl I could see that her clit was "waking up." I said, "You feel tense, Diane. I'll have to do this for a while longer. Just relax, and let your legs stay open. Wider. That's it. Are you sure it doesn't hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." She said as she opened her legs wider for me, her face still under the towel.

As I continued to finger her, she began to squirm as her excitement awakened. I knew I shouldn't be getting her all worked up so soon, but I couldn't help myself. Those thick, juicy lips drove me crazy. She was so trusting, opening her legs to me. I had never worked with her one-on-one before. She had been recruited by Ms. Ginny six weeks ago. I loved the video of her when I first saw it. I knew she was reluctant to undress for the camera, so I figured I would taunt her a bit, maybe help her over the edge.

"You still feel tense, Diane. Keep your legs open. Maybe it would help you relax your pussy if you squirm your hips around." She continued squirming as I changed the pace - slow to fast and back to slow. Now pushing my finger in all the way. My thumb rubbed her clit each time my finger went all the way in.

"You were chosen to be the shaving model for the camera this morning, Diane. I've got to get you nice and relaxed. There will be over a hundred men and women watching you get shaved this morning. People all over the world. Live. It's a chance for you to be a star. You will introduce yourself and tell them you are going to undress so they can watch you get shaved. Tell them you want to be a good, little, bald model for them. For their panty ads. Look into the camera and tell them you will be glad to take off your panties and let them take pictures of you trying on their designer panties."

"They are going to watch me? See my bare ... umm. You know.... See it?" She was trying to close her legs and sit up.

"Yes. Hundreds of men. Maybe boys, too, because we can't be sure who is watching in other countries. It will be live online, and people with computers who know our password will watch you. They are paying money to watch you undress and get shaved for the first time. Even some women photographers. They might save the video clips on their computers so they can watch you take off your panties again and again; watch you get shaved. All over the world. They will watch you walk into the room and undress as you tell them you're going to take off your panties for them. They will watch us lay you back while Tammy lathers up your pussy and shaves it clean. Then she'll wipe it off for all the world to see." I slowed down my fingering as she continued squirming; squirming and listening. "Then you'll get in lots of different positions so they can see your beautiful, naked body. Top to bottom. You'll get on your hands and knees with your bottom to the camera and spread your knees apart, just like you did three weeks ago for the cameras. You were chosen because of your beautiful lips, Diana, and your dark, sweet new bush. Lips so full. Such pretty lips. Pretty soon bald, baby-smooth lips. We'll want you to pull your pussy open for the camera so they can see you beautiful lips up close. You'll get on your hands and knees so they can see you from behind, too." I was fingering faster.

"Ohh." She was trying to sit up, but I kept fingering. She pushed herself back with a jerk and sat up, the towel sliding off her face. My finger was still inside her. Stopped.

"What's the matter?" I started moving my finger again, in slow, short strokes.

"But I don't want boys to see me. And like, it sounds like so many strangers. Do I have to do it?"

I pulled my finger out. It made a quiet slurp noise in the quiet, dim room. "If you don't do it your mother won't get the nice bonus for you being our shaving star." I saw doubt on her face. "That's right. If you are the star of this video, then she will get more money. Money your family needs. And you will get selected for more panty ads, too."

Dianne was still unsure. I said, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You know that. But I've seen the pictures and videos of you undressing for the camera. You took off all your clothes and turned around for the cameras, didn't you?"

"Yes." She said timidly.

"Well, hundreds of men, and maybe some boys already saw those videos and pictures. Mostly in other countries." I tilted my head as if thinking about how many.

Finally she asked, "The men and boys saw those pictures?" Her eyes were wider. "Pictures of me undressing?"

"Yes. Some of them did. They watched you undress completely, taking off your shoes last. They saw you stand and turn around, giggling, and when you almost tripped the time you were turning around with your arms over your head like a ballerina. Remember that?"

"Yes." She smiled. "I almost fell down."

I smiled, too. "Lots of people sent us emails saying they thought you were so cute. They really liked the way your titties jiggled as you tried to get your balance again."

"They did?" She smiled broader. "They liked me? Really?"

"Yes. They liked seeing you. I think it was just a week later that Ms. Ginny had you walk around in again in those high heels. Almost skipping. Your titties kept jiggling then. Remember walking and hopping in the high heels after you perked yourself up?"

"The shiny black shoes. Yes, I remember that." She smiled. "Ms. Ginny wanted me to perk myself up lots of times while I faced the big camera with the wires coming out of it, the one on the tripod thing." Diane giggled as she remembered something. "She wanted me to pinch my nipples and see how far I could stretch them and then make them wiggle as my boobies snapped back into shape. I think she had me try it like five times until I could get them to wiggle the most."

I slid my hand back under the towel and began to gently stroke the outside of her pussy. "I liked that video, too. Open up open up for me again, Diane. We need to get you all relaxed for the shaving. Ready to be a star in front of the camera." I gently pushed her shoulders back with my left hand and she laid back down again, opening her legs to me. I said, "We got lots of nice emails about you walking and clowning in the high heels."

She opened her legs wider as my finger slid back in. After a quick gasp, she asked, "What did they say?"

"One man said... Here, lift your knees over the pillows, bend your knees and farther apart so I can slide in farther... he said that you were so cute he watched it over and over. He said he liked your big pubic mound and your full, tight, young lips." I laughed, "He even said he wanted to kiss your lips! You have the biggest mound of all, you know." She was scooting farther forward, opening her legs wider. I put my hand over her mound and rubbed it. "Such a pretty mound."

She laid back on her pillows as I began stroking her again. "What else did people say?"

I thought a moment, then said, "That same man said he let his twin, twelve year old nephews watch the video and they liked you too. He said he could tell they got stiff watching you. But most of the letters were in other languages, but lots of men said they liked your perky little, brown anus. They said it was so cute and tiny. Do you remember when you were on your hands and knees and then put your shoulders down to the carpeting?"

"Oh, Gee! Yes. I remember that, too. It was kind of embarrassing. Ms. Ginny told me to do it. She took a picture of my fanny. It was so embarrassing. I didn't know she still had the video camera on." Her hips were moving in time with my finger and she was very wet. I kept sliding in and out of her tight, slippery vagina. "So they even saw my bottom? With my knees apart?"

"Yes, hundreds of people watched you. They watched you show Ms. Ginny how far apart you could put your knees while you kept your shoulders and knees on the ground. They could all see your little brown anus. They liked looking at it. And some of the men said how much they enjoyed watching you perk up your titties as you walked around in the high heels."

"I remember that. Ms. Ginny had me perk them towards the camera lots of times, like every time I changed clothes. She said it would make my little titties look sexier."

"Some of the men said they didn't like it that you were starting to get dark pubic hair. You have dark hair, Diane, and we'll have to keep you shaved for the panty ads. Otherwise it makes a dark shadow inside the panties, especially in the ultra sheer panties."

"Unnn!" she moaned, as I pushed quickly in all the way.

"Perk yourself up now, Dianne, while I help you get relaxed for the shaving video. Open wider. Relax your pussy so I can help you get all relaxed. It's just us girls here this morning. Will you do the shaving video? Will you do it so your mother will get more money?"

She opened her legs wider, rotating her hips. "Yes. She told me to do whatever you said. It's so embarrassing, but I'll do it. Yes, I'll do it."

"Good. I'm going to use two fingers now. Tell me if it's too tight."

I laid down on the bed crosswise, supporting my head with my left hand, elbow on the bed. I was just inches away from her wet pussy and watched my two fingers slowly push into her tight hole. "Relax it, Diane. I'll go slow. Tell me if it hurts." I could smell her excitement. She was so wet that the sheet felt damp.

She didn't say anything, but I felt her trying to relax it. "Ooohh, unn." She said as I pushed all the way in the first time.

She was squirming, and didn't raise any more objections about her upcoming assignment. As I pushed in again, I asked, "Are you ready to undress and get shaved in front of the camera, Diane? Will you introduce yourself and pull down your panties for the camera? Get shaved in front of hundreds of viewers?"

"Yes." She answered. "OK." She slid her right leg out farther, opening still wider, slowly grinding her hips.

"Good girl. Now perk yourself up while I relax you a little bit more. Open your legs wider if this doesn't hurt. Does it hurt with two fingers? Open wider so my fingers can help you relax." I fingered with my right hand and moved my head closer, so that my hair was brushing her thigh.

"No, it doesn't hurt. Just go slow. Tell me what else they said." Her legs inched outwards, knees bent.

"They all said how they loved your big mound. A few of the men said they could tell you were starting to get more hair, though. They liked looking inside you, like the time you put one foot up on the arm of a chair, and then turned to face frontwards towards the camera."

I scooted my head closer to her hot pussy and moved my left hand around on her wet clit. "They said your pussy was so mysterious because they couldn't see inside it unless you spread your legs real wide. They want to get more looks inside you. You'll have to spread your legs real wide for the camera today, Diane. Will you do that? Spread your legs for the camera so they can all see inside your pussy?"

"Yes. Ohhh! Unnn." She said, as she came. She bumped against my head while writhing around; I put out my tongue for a taste of her excitement, not letting her know what I was doing. I got several good licks as she squirmed and moaned. My two fingers were pressed all the way in and I could feel her spasms grip my fingers. As I pulled my two fingers out, I licked them off. Her thick, youthful excitement tasted rich. The odor was subtle and clean, but all girl.

She was wet and swollen, squirming to my touch, making purring noises as I pulled out my fingers for the last time. "Let me get another picture, Diane, while you lay back and relax. I think your pussy is all relaxed now. Then I'll let you rest a minute before we start the show." She was creamy wet.

So was I.

After putting the towel back over her face, I snapped three more pictures. The swollen clit and smeared whitish lubricant looked like a different pussy from the one I photographed fifteen minutes earlier.

"Put your fingers on your pussy lips, Diane, and pull them open and up for the camera.

As she did this her erect, swollen, pink clit poked its head out of the tiny sheath for the world to see. Swollen and erect like a miniature penis. "Good, Diane. Lift up your hips more. That's it. Hold it wide open for the camera." I clicked another picture. "Your pussy is so pretty right now. All the men and boys will want to see this picture." My camera flashed.

"You really want the men and boys to see your pussy, don't you, Diane?" I asked as she continued holding her lips open.

"Yes. I like it."

I took her hand. "Come on now, sleepyhead. Let's take you for your bath."

After her bath Tammy and I dressed her in the schoolgirl outfit: short, red plaid jumper, cableknit knee socks, black pumps, sheer blouse, and ultra sheer panties without a liner. Her nails looked fine. We applied lipstick and a bare minimum of make-up. Hair bows made her look nine or ten.

Tammy was dressed up and walked Diane over in front of the video camera with wires running to a large, desktop computer nearby. Extra lights made the room very bright. Several men were assisting with the cameras. I whispered in her ear a moment before we started.

Shaving supplies, towels and a pair of scissors were laid on a daybed in the center of the room.

On cue she walked into the room, smiling, looking right into the camera like I told her. Her face looked red and we could all tell she was blushing. Perfect. Now if she could remember her lines....

She walked to the dot marked on the floor and turned around slowly. "My name is Diane and I'm eleven years old. I want to model panties for you. Look at these panties." She lifted her skirt. The camera zoomed in. As she held up her skirt, she said, "I'm growing up, but when I model panties for you I want to be baby fresh. Baby fresh and smooth. But I'm starting to get some hair down there. Can you see it? Like a dark shadow in my panties?" Diane let the hem of her skirt drop and then lifted it again. "I'll need to be baby smooth, like especially for when I model the real silky panties like these. So this morning I'm going to get shaved. Would you like to watch?" She picked up the scissors and razor. She showed them to the camera and then sat them back on the daybed. "But first I need to get undressed, don't I?"

Diane was blushing as she took off her jumper. It caught in her hair ribbon and one of her pigtails came undone. She blushed brighter but ignored the fact that one side of her hair was up in a ribbon and the other side had come down. She turned around in her panties, training bra, and pumps with knee socks. Then she took off the bra, turned around again. She pulled the panties to her knees and sat on the corner of the purple, plush, upholstered daybed and stepped them off one leg at a time. She leaned back and brushed her sparse bush with her left hand, as if fluffing it up.

"There, see what I mean?" She was leaning back farther so the camera could see the bush easier. We stopped the camera and told her that she would have to hold still so we could zoom in on it.

"You're doing great, Diane." Said Tammy. We then zoomed in for more close ups before she shaved off her sparse bush. Tammy handed her an eight by ten-inch picture frame, which she held in front of her pussy. The flashes would tell the video audience that they would get still pictures later. The "before and after" pictures our subscribers were anxious to get.

Diane said, "Well, I'd better take my shoes and socks off, too, and then we'll shave my panty area." She took her time with this, presenting several open views with one foot on the couch and one foot on the floor. Once she was naked she stood and turned around slowly again.

I stopped the camera a moment for a few more stage directions. Tammy put on some oldies music.

Diane said, "Well, time to get these hairs off, but let's do a few pictures so you can see the difference. I have to get in a few poses for you." She laid on her back and lifted and parted her knees, almost like a baby getting changed. Then she got on her hands and knees on the floor and lowered her shoulders to the white carpeting. She counted to seven as we had suggested and then let her knees part as far as she could, just like she had done for Ms. Ginny a month earlier... only this time she knew there was a live audience. Her new wetness was beginning to show. Wonderful.

Diane stood up again, blushing fiercely after showing her quarter-size, pinkish-brown asshole to the world. She picked up the scissors and a square, pink, plastic wastebasket and sat on the corner of the daybed and sat the wastebasket on the floor and opened her knees. She began snipping off the hairs she could tug out with her fingers. Then she spread three bath towels on the daybed and laid down again. She opened her legs, pulling her feet up to her bottom, soles of her feet against each other, and let her knees fall outwards, almost level with the daybed. We got more pictures and close ups - capturing her wetness for everyone's enjoyment.

With Diane laying in this position, Tammy lathered up Diane's pussy and began shaving. This only took a minute because she hardly needed shaving after using the scissors. Tammy wiped her off and helped her stand up. Then Diane put on a pair of high heels and walked around, smiling to the cameras, perking herself up. "How do you like it?" She asked. "Bald as a baby? I hope you want to have me model your pretty panties."

I motioned for her to get into her positions again, so we could get close ups. After the front and rear close-ups, with Diane holding open her bottom first, and then pulling up on her pussy, she said, "See? As bald as a baby again. I really want to model panties for you."

She held the empty picture frame in front of her pussy again and posed for more close-ups. She blushed brightly again as she perked herself and walked quickly to make her boobies jiggle for the camera. To end her video she kissed the palm of her hand, patted her pussy, and then waved her kisses to the camera. "Bye, bye for now." She said.

We all clapped for her as we turned off the studio lights and turned off the video camera. She smiled at us and blushed again. Everybody wanted to feel how smooth it was, so she laid down on the daybed again and got in position. We could all see how wet she had gotten showing off for the camera. We knew she had been washed and wiped clean and dry when Tammy finished shaving her. She opened her legs and let us look closely and rub lotion on her pussy. One of the men looked at me, asking permission to finger her, but I shook my head. There would be time for that later.

We still had to shave the rest of the girls this morning. We would get some video and pictures of each girl holding the picture frame in front of her pussy. But Diane was the star this morning - live online!

"Diane, we have to shave the other girls now, but you are the first one. And the only one who gets to go live on camera. Now we want you to leave the ankle socks and high heels on, and you can wear this top..." I helped her into the short nightie top with white fake fur along the bottom edge half way between her bellybutton and titties.

As we started to leave the room, she asked, "But what about the bottoms?"

"No. This way everybody can see that you've been shaved. As each girl gets shaved she will come downstairs to let everybody see her baby smooth cunny. I bet the other girls will want to touch it. And this way the lotion will get air and soak into your skin better. Keep that baby soft feel, too."

We went downstairs. I was right. Everybody, including the other girls wanted to look and touch. Diane was smiling. Next I led Brittany upstairs.

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Tristan Klier

Your stories are the absolute best. I can't tell you the pleasure I've had reading every single one.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.